THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , , - * Everything Goes Against the Wheat Oercal at the Opening. DEPRESSION OF SHORT DURATION , Corn nnd OntH IMirfliio n Similar Course Not Much JOMK ! ' " I'rovlslons Cnttlo nnd Ho ; ; IJiislncsH Slow. CniCAno , Mny M. [ Ppcclnl to THE flr.i : . ] At the oiipiilng todny ovcrythlnR wn- > ngnlnithcnt. . During the first hour the now4 ri'cclvi (1 win on tha bcnr side. Hut wheat will not down In price. Tlicro wns cnrly depression In pi ICG ntul scllcis fern tlmo wcroqulto bold , tint u reliction soon came , nnd when It did theru wns u nmrklnx up of prices thnt utntizcd the croaUt'is. Tlio bcnr news wii" In the slinpo of warmer wrntlicr reports from Kuiisn1) , [ owa and Dakota , enormous Increase In wheat on Dvrnn pnssnRC 2.5W.OOO bushels larger ro- celptB hero nnd no strength In the cables. On this wheat started VSo lower for July at W c , touched Vo nnd went on" to 03'ic. ' There wns good buy Ing ngnlnst puts around the bottom nnd the market soon hardened Ic nnd rrco\orcd to icio. Dining tin- early hour bt. Louis out n big llKitru hole , not only with bull nons about Missouri nnd Kniisasf-lly ciops , but with big buying oidcrs nnd an nihanco In prices thorn- Later In tlio day New York a No became a bull factor. Dispatches from the city quoted May vthi'iil from Hi'ic early to $1.00 at noon , with thofthmlH trying to buy and no wheat for all. During On * caily tr.ullng llntchliison made a show of selling , whllo the best Informed wald hiwns plcUIng up wheat at ovt-ry cluingo tlirnugh otluiis. Later In the day ho made ; a htroilg btijlng IIIOMI by openly blddlnc for wheat In large ijuiin titles. The ail vance In bet-ami ) brisk and sluing and prices went ill ) Hhiuply. 1'roni the early icco\ cry to ItJWu for July tncri- was a stcond dip tolCUe , and from this point prices ellmbccf to Ul'iu before 11 o'clock. .May and Juno v > cro each quoted tin- derWc- rally , and before 1 o'clock tlieso months wi-ro itfimlnally OI tMOc. ( ! August was up to IrJ'H'Wheat g.ilnul xtrongth to the close , when the call prlci" IH'jc win lenelird for July. May and Jitnowi-rn at 0 j bid , August at Ul'tO and fceplcmber , KJ'tC. The corn matkct was depressed with uhoat early by lingo iccclpts I.triTeai-s moro fuvor- nbli ) weather and loworeabli-s. The receipts contained a largo per cent of No. corn til ! ) t-nrs. A rcac-tlon ciiinu later In the day , when pi Ices were lifted to the best points of the day and about Uoovei the eloio la-it night , bales ranged : .May , 'Cl'go opening , .i.Pu closing ;'K1 ' : July sold at.CI'.e , to.lPic , to S-IUfCM' o to the close ; heptember closed at 'AVM.a o 'J ho outs iniirkct went with wheat and corn early and laic. The Ion prices of the day wiuo reaclied the Hist hour , when May was at "To and July " > 1ie , with Juno at the same figure. J'lom that tlmo to the close there was a brisk demand and the best prices weio touched nt tliu M'ry last , when Hess was u bujei In de- fi'rrt'd futures , lay closed atT'jC , Juno ut 2l > 7c and July at % 'ic. I'lovlslons were not pressed In any way to day. I'rodiicts were \\c.iKcr nt best , but hte.idy , except mess poil > , which was "Hiftltia hlghei early , ublle little wns doing late Klbs went bought early by Uudaliy and lard by the Anglo company. Thoinngoof pilous for the day was \eiy nuirow. CHIC. I O f 1 1 "E S TO VIC. GiliCAno , May 20 [ Spocinl Telegram to Tun 111 R.1UATIM : lluslnessvasslow and pi Ices a strong lOo lower on about all steer stock. 1'ilcis In Hiltlsb maiKets ate about the lowest on iccoid and many of our local oxporteis nro hedging In nil dliectlon to get out of trade , hence the demand for good cattle wns not netlvo and limited to the small wnnts of our domestic shippers. The run of Texas eattlo was the hem lest this season and among the arrivals were many pool gr.issers that sold lOo lowi-i. One bu > er bought Iho loads of cows altl.T.'iaml ten cars nt $ . ' .10 and a few Htecrsns low ast.MO. wblleou the other hand ho paid ? . ! . ' - ' " for a load of corn- fed cows and * . ! . ! ) ® 'K ) for steels. Nail vo butcheis' slock was slow and weak. The stocUorand feeder quiet. with llttlo or no chaiigo In values. Choice to extra hooves. if.'iOO CM ! . " > ; medium to good steers , 1 ISO to l.'XX ) Ib- ) . JI..WOI W ) ; ILW ) to I BO Ibs , JI.'VfJ4.75 ; RV ) to 120) ) Ibs , IM W4.40. btocKers and feeders , ® 4.IU ; COWH , bulls ami mixed. tl.7Xi&.75 ( ! ; bulk , tU.4CKiW.fcO ; slop-fed steers , $4 ! iO4.73. Toxus grass steeis. iMfiH S3 ; hiillr , & ] ( X ft.'UO. ilOd.s Tlio market opened brisk nnd about fie hlgher.but closed weak with all the advance Jest and quite n number left unsold. At the close JI.KXBI.15 was the range for good to choice mixed , with common selling utMOtXTo 4.07'4. Milp.ifi-s whoboughl enilyat tl,17 ! > © 4. ! ! 4 could at tlio close get equally ns good quality for u nickel less. Mght soils were Hcarco and wanted and did not share In the de cline on heavy , and mixed sold largely at ' FJX.lXCI.lli. NKW YmiK , Jlay SO. fBpcolal TolpRratn to TIIK IlKK.l STOCKS London qttoto lower prices on Aniorlcan stooUs early and this mai- kutorysoon shoucd tlmttho usual morn lug ndvance was not on. Tlio ilcullitu on bcatlsli buiitlineiit which was noticed yesterday ro.ip- pciircd iiKaln thH nioriiliiK , iiotwithstandliiK the rally of the last hour lust oeiiliis , and our markets followed London with declines of from Js to U tier cent BL'neiallv , wlillo Louls\lllo ft NahliNlllo was down U per cent. The sumo hlooks , InoIiidliiK Atchlson , Onvmi Transcon- tliiuntal , Iteadliu ; , Liickawaiiini , Texas 1'aulllc und Itfchiiiund > V West 1'olnt , led In the dotil- IIIKS In the Keneial list , thoiiKh the only \ei-y " * \ . nctho \MisSiiKurHollnurles , The to.ic- Htlon went but llttlo farther , howoior. After a 'fcllKht ' fnithur deellno In moil stocks a NtioiiKtono \ > as developed which oMunded to nil portions of the market , and In HitKur ro- Hiii-rU-s and O. U. O. & . St. Louis especially Kiout stieiiKth Mas shown. Iho foriimr rose to UI14 , u Kaln of l4. and thu latter to Tli'i , a tilM : of lpercent. . .Moxpinents In the lest of the list were niilmpoitant , and except In the Ntockn inentluned hiislneMsdono was binall. Lout ? hcfoio noon , howo\er , theio Mere hl ns of liiipro\eihent. The action wasdls.ippolnt- liiK , fortho u-coNCiy was hllnht at the best. At mid-day the list was Irregular and nearly all stocks riillni ; below the closltiK pilces of yesterday. The general stock mat Ket barely rscaped u break today. Ml tone support In KIIKIII- and Atehlson helped hold thoentlro list. StiKar went up M'j points to IM' and ulosi'il atlKI , whllolehlson was lifted to Mi's ' , voiy largely on Huston bnj IIIK. Vlllaid stocks did not itcoxer early losses and Uianjjers closed about tite.idy , while C'oal stocks showed declines. The total sales woto JIH.OOO .sli.ircs. The follow hit ; weio tliuclosinifiiiiotiitlons : II S.4n rc-Kuliir. . Itl Norllicrn 1'iiclllc . . JTM U H 4 roiiK > in . .IM ito iiroforrcil . . 8Jk U S Oil * rounlnr .Iffih C. ANV . . .115U V h 4J..1 cuiipon .IO-iLj ilu preft'rruil . 141 I'm Illw i. or 'Hi. . . .ll'l N V Central . . Centrnl I'aclllc . . .KI l'l > \ H . . . ChlciiKu A Alton .1 0 Hook Inland . . . MM Clik-aKi ) , HurlliiKlun U. . JI A W. I' . . 7(34 ( A yulncy. . . 10Sl < Uo iiruforrvd . ii , ii. A.v . . . .imi bt I'tiul A Diniilin IlllnuUCi-ntrul . . .111 ! iloprxfi-rruil . KIIII-IM A Tt-Jix . IiIUV , hi I. . A I' 14 ] jiko-huro IIPto prof ei rod SOU MIclilKHii ( Vnlrnl . . VHoWeilorn | Union . . . bt ) Ml ( iiir lji c-lllc- . jh'jj Alo.NKV Closeil at MMO per cent. I'IIIMK MimiAM'iiR : I'u-Kii T > H7 pur cent. hTKiti.i.Mi i\rii\MiK-Qiiltil : , weak ; bl\ty- day bills , } | Kii4 j demand , i I'itOttVCK JUitKKTS. NKW VOIIK , May 20.- Wheat Hecplpts , ( M.200 bushels ; e\porlsO.V)01iUHhelsipt ) ; ( unsettled ; clohlim llrineriNo , 2 red , mnilllMH In eio- vatorfl.01i | < iilO | ialliat , . . o. b. ; otitlons eln-i-d III in and higher ; No. 2 red , Muy , clo > eil at 11.00. Corn IteeelptH , fMfiV ) busholsi exports , iaVKX > biihheU ; Npot lowur ; No. 2 , 4Ui lhiu ! In elnviuiir. 40'aiOo ( ! , uniir.idcd mixed , lbiriilO ! > , c ; options , Utghur ; May closed ut 40'iC. Oats-Iseeelnts , 20S.OOO bushels ; exports , 70- O.V ) IniKheN ; bpot closed llrtner ; No. 2 white , .17 ® laMl iiiUoil western , iCNMAa : whlto iul\ed \fcitcin , iXVUllc ; oiitlons higher ; Muy elo ? > cd ut KISo. Colteo Options closed steady , MMO iiolnls up. SaleIll.'JW b.tKs ; May , IKl.'JJiO 10.40 ; June , ttU.10ulO.Ui spot , KIoMtuudy ; fair caiuoes , H0.73. Sugar Itixw , steadyi centilfiignls , 00 test , 6\e ! ri'llned.iiulet. Vetroleiiiii United closed for Juno at OIJUC. KBISSrirni ; western. UJtU'io. PurU-Uulitt mess. JU2.vniH.2J. Lunl WuaUi dull ; weslern steam , f-043 ; June. H40. lluilorLower ; western dairy , CV311ocreaia- ; ery. ixitlSi.oi KlKln. luttlrtijo. Ohcuau About bluady ; purt hlilnis , 430' ' 10. CiilCAao. Muy20-llS ! p. ni.i' ' > i 1Vhuut 1 II mi ; eushniul June , ICe ; July , 04Vc. Coru-htcudy ; cash , Xtjiai June , UJiU33'iC. } Onu-FIrm : cash. 27'jo ; .Tune , W.'ic ; July , ttyo Steady nt Me. Ilarloy Quiet. I'rlmo Timothy -Eisy nt 11.30. rinx rirmnt 11.45. Whlikv 11.02. rork-rirmcashm.lS' ; ' { ; June , JI2M' ' { ; July , t2.40. ! Lard Slow ) cash , M.20 ; June , M.23' ' { ; July , riour-I'lrni and iinclmnged ; winter wheat , 2 01X81.110 ! sprltn ? . li , : xa.-.2.V 1'rnvlslans-Hlioulilprs.t.t I0fy > 20 ; short clear , .7VfW 85 ; short ribs , tt 2V5M.i : : > . Iluilcr-I-owor ; creamery , dairy , S ® 14c. 14c.Clice o-Qulntniid railor ; full cream died- dar < , ( yasUci lints , EffiWej Young Americas , I KITS Steadyj fresh , . _ „ Hides .Steadyj heavy preen salted. fiMcj sailed bull , 4oi reen salted calf , O'c ; dry flint , ( Vft'c ; dry united hides , Oo ; dry calf , > ! , ' du.icons , 20o each , Tallow-Steady ; No. 1 solid packed , 3Uc ; No. 2aUo ! cake. 4c. . Receipts. Shlptn'ts. riour liooo 10.000 Wheat 4-.0' ' ) ) 10.0IH Corn Sis oort 2rAooo Oats IW2.030 279.000 20. Wheat Hecolpts. in cars : shipments , : > cars ; No. 1 northern rather actives No. 1 lianl % cry dull and dllllcult to sell at much , If any. premium ; low crudes not moving well. Closing : No. 1 hard. May , Uc { ; June. li25c ! ; on track , lite ; No. 1 northern , Mav , Olc ; June , Ill'ic ; on track , U2'c : No. 2 north ern , .Mayo ; June , k'Ja ' ; on track , 8&30c. ST. Louts , May 20. Wheat Higher ; cash , Oltfe ; Jiily,01'/ie. ' Corn Lower ; cash. IH' ' c ; July Oats I'lrm ; push , 20'ic ; July , I'orkDull at * I2.10. Lard-Dull at WOO. Whlsky-tl.02. , , nutter-Steady ; creamery , 123l > c ; dairy , 8Mc. KANSAS CITV , Mav 20. Who-ik-Lower ; No. 2 redhaul , cash , B.ias.'ic ) ; May , SJ'.c bid ; No. 2 red , M'CBbOo. Corn -Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 2S'4C. Oals No. 2 , cash and May , 2 c. ST. Loins. May -Caltlo-Kccelpts. . HIO ; shipments , fiOO : market lower ; fair to faney nalhu steers , * J.70ft"iOD ; stookcis and feeders , } -MKVai.7. > . HoKs Hccclpts , 2-l03 ; shipments , r,90 ; market stronjt ; heavy , W WitLOT'l ' ; paukliiK , JIDOttl.tX ) ; llnht , $ .1 ! W4.00. Mir.WADKKU May 20 Wheat Unsettled ; No. 2sprlnc. cash , SDtl-T.'c ; July , Ol'ac. Oals rnchaiiKed ; No.2 white , 2U&9iC. ! Kyu-hti'.ulv ; No. I , MMc. Hailoy I'lrmj No. 2.4ciJ. ) . " > 0'Ic. ! Provisions Steady ; pork , JI-MO. OisciNSATi , Jlay 2d. Wheat Nominal ; No. 2 red , inc. Coin-Weaker ; No. 2 mixed. : i7"1'8'Bc. O.its Knslur ; No. 2 mixed. U03.I1U. Whisky tl.02. I.ivhiti'oor. , May 20. Wheat Quiet ; holders ofTer moderately i ; led weslui n oprlnK. 7s : id per Cental. ; red westoiu wlnlul , 7J7'iS pel Coin Dull and lo > vur ; nuw western mixed , Si ( J'/id ' pel : STOVK. . Mav 20. C.ittlo Uceclpts. OV)0 ) ; inarknt , ( lull ; 10rioowei ) ; beeves , if"iOOi"i ( I" > ; stockurs and feeders , jJ.fcOAI.10 : uteersMMtrH 40J ; cows , bulls and mixed , JI.7oaJ-7 , " ) ; Texas gr.iss steels , f J.40l.2.'i. lIoKS-Heeclpts. 20.0 M ; market stroiiK and r o hlKher ; mixed , * l 0-S4.2.'i ; heavy. JlOiaiUO ; lislit , Ji on < at.2.skips. ; . * j noiW.oo. faheep Keeelpts , , fOJO ; m.irkct steady ; natUes , * 4 OOSH.10 ; western. $4..WiJO 30 ; Tc\ans , W.7j ® : > 40 ; lambs , f > . " > 037 3) . KANSAS CITV. M.iy 20 Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments. .lOoO : maiket lowei ; titeurs , SiriOJWOO ; eows , KvO ftZ ; stockers and fecd- eis , * .l 2 , > B'I "I. llo s Itccelpts. 2i,000 ) ; shipments , none ; market louoi ; all grades ut i. ) bOii.l.iXI ; bulk , Sioux CITV. M.iy 20. Cattle Receipts , KW ; shipment110 ; market sttoiig ; biilehers' stiill In Kieatdein.ind : biitehuts' cattle , t.'O ® II'JO ; stoeUeis and feeders. $ J 59 ® . ! u'i ; eows. $ I.402K ! ) ; eaiinen and bulls , 1.00tt2'IJ ; cahes , r-.wxai 10. llo s Keeelpts.Il.noO ; mat ket opened &teadj ; closed lower at tl.8JS.IIB4. ( t 31. 1 it. I I.IVi : S10VK. Cattle- . Tnesd.iv , M.iv 20. Hstlm ited receipts of rattle. 2.SJO. compircd with I,4"iJ S.ituidiiv .ind 2 IJ7 Tuesd.iy of la t wiek The l.ugn it-eelpts and bad we.ithci h.ul a depressing Inllueiieo. The 111,11 Let opened veiy slow nnd loner. Pleers opened I0c- lower anifastho day oto away and bujers had filled their oiifets , bids lowei still weio occa sion. illy made. About twunty-llxo c.u- lOiiiN of cows weto recened. The cow market opened about steady , owing to the light leeelpts early , bfit after later trains swelled thu lecolpts and hujers had Illled piesslnu orduis , eows declined r > o anil In seine cases loc. Only a few stot-keis and feedorb nero iuuel\ed and the demand was as light as the lecolpts. I'rlces ruled steady. Hulls \tuiu sagging and slow , while cil\c.s ; ro- intiln unuhangud. Esllmated leeolpts of boss. 7,400. compared with 5,4 fi yesterday and 400) ) Tuesday of last \veok. Tliomaiket opemd lower , with $4.80 ® W.H taklnio\eij thln . Tow.ud thoelosolho nnuKot stiffened up and elosed with all sold , with thu deellno from yesterday entirely ro- eo\ured. The i.iu o of the prices paid was $ .l.7VffM.Oi'S. ' Llchts. * .l.7.-l > ; mixed , $ .1 82'i ' ® .l.H7'j ; heavy , $1 S.Vftl.'l.'ii. The uvenico of the pih-es paid was i 181. eomp null with $ .1.87 jestoiilay and & ! 10 Tuesday of last wtuk. Sheep. rstlmnted iccclpN of sheep , 041. The do- m.ind fin jjood muttons contlnueb stiun0' and prices Him. Prevailing I'rlccs. The following Is a table of prlees paid In this inatkct for the jtr.ulo of stock mentioned : I'rlmo sleets , 110) to II , ) ) tbs f I 10 ( TM' ' ) ; ) ( oed steers , 12V ) to lllJIbs l.7" > ( l.)0 Good steels , 10M ) to IIJJ Ibs : i Ki fftl IU Common , 10)0 ) to ll.'O Ibs : i.2."i < T I7" > Common catinur- , 1.00 ffi-MX ) Ordinary to falreoAS I.lU fe..L" > I'alr to good cows If * ) ( TtM"i Good to uholco eows 2.7 * > fttir , Oholco to fancy eows 2 "i 0U ( ( a I'alr to wood bulls 1.7"i { WIB Cholco to fanoy bulls 2.5) ) fiil.Vi Iilulit stockei-s and feeders. . . . . . . . . . 2. " > J < < 4TJ. > 1'eedurs.llWlo IIDOlbs 2'KI 561111 ralrlouholc-o Ilshthoxs : i.7" > © IRS ralrtocholco hu.i\y lie s II S , " > ifflOi'S I'alr to choice ml\cd ho s a.b.'iaSJ 871J Coinpuratlvo Tables. The following t.iblo shows the range lu pi Ices on hogs dm Ing this and last week : Avoraitis Pi-loo of IIo . Showing the avet.igo pilco p ltd forloilsof hogs on thod.iysluillu.ilud In Ml , ISjj , IsSJ und Cost ol' Ho s. The ( ollowliu t ihh ) Kl\'oi the avori- coit ofhn son thodatosiuuntloiio I , liuluillii , ' the cost to lay , as bisud up jn s Uoi repurtud : Dale. 1'ileo. l > ito. 1'rlco. May I May 2 tl i May .1 , .1 May 5 : i iij .May II May 7 : i 1MU .May B. . May 0 J 07d May 10. IU May 12 II UliJ May 11 May 14 a SSU Miiyl.1 . May ni : ioi ; May 17 . Mtiy 10 Ub7 Jlay 20. 3 ST ) Highest and lowest S.ilos of Tml.iy , Yesteiday. HUhPst tlW lllshcst f.rI02j ! Lowest , II 73 Lowest J bO Stoulc Itouclpts. Oniulal Voatoulay nstlm.ited Today. Cattle 71 cars , I.4.VJ Cattle Ii-Seais. ' . ' .HOO llo s. . hi can , 5HI llok-s . . .11:1 : cars , 7 100 lloiscs. . . Icar. 15 fahcep . . . .bears , till UIIIIKO of Prices , lions. The follow Ins table shows the r.uijjo of jirloes paid foi IIORS : rulr toeholut ) lltsht boss $ .1 75 CJ.'I M Tali toeholeo heitx.v hox-4 'I b7it .l W1J I air lotholeo ml\ed hok'a 3 KJii'&J ' b7H blltEf. I'rlino fat sheep (130 ( d.1 7S liood fat sheep . 4 SO < 5s IW Cumnion to iiadlum sheep U 00 ttl 50 DlNposltlon ol * Slouk. Showing the uunibor of eattlo bought by tlio loading buyuMon toiluy's market. CiTTl.E. SwIftACo 788 Oeo II llanimimd A. Co ; wi Armour-Oiidahv l > Uo "il Umaliu 1'uukliiK Co 5-j llunton A Underwood 7s Decker A Do oii u I.obinan A. Tratiermun W Urono A Vunbant 1 Other buj ew , 7 nonn. Arinour-Ouduhy I'auklngOo 2,721 Omaha I'uoklni ? CO 1,7M HwlftAC\ > tC5 U. U.UuuimouaiCo 481 Klngan&Co EIIEKP. . . . . 41i Armour Uudnhy Tucking Co < i Itcproscntntlvo Sales. nr.r.r STKr.its. Mil. & . Wyo. Inv. Co. hi stecis , shipping 1310 4 : Hi ! S1IKIU1. Market Mention. Cattle lower. Ilous closed linn at Mondaj 's prices. Thomas rowel's sunt up near of hogs fiom Sutton. J. I ) . Itoylesc.inio In from Cicto with a car of cattle. O. K. Welch was up from I'.ipllllon with a car Of iHUb. 11. llowaith came In fium Cook with three cart of cattle. , Couhrnn < .lT.i\lur ae.u-of luys on the mat Ket fiom Wllber. Henry PehlnstooU had thieo cars of cattle on the market fiom West I'olnt. W. A. Tliilay was on the maiKetwIth two caisof e.ittle from ( iieenwood. J. T Ilon > IIKUI , of Itcn vinaii & Littler , Cor- do\.i , up with a eai of I' . Mori' scut over a car each of ho s ami e.ittlo ftoni Dinilap , la , Michael Lamb , a piumlnciit dealer of Cedar Kaphls. c.imu In wllh two cats of cattlo. A. T. Nichols sent In a car of hois from Lltchlleld T i : . Jones calm ) In with them. H Anderson , of Utah , was In with a lo.ul of heavy hos .i\ iniliij Jll iioinuls ami topped thomaiKet at Jt.WJ. OJl.tllA Jf.tltKETS. I'rotlitcp. TISII rrcshwhlto ttout , pIKe ami plOUerol , uerlb , 8e ; still KUOII , 7c. UiDi.4 , Phi/it ) AM ) T r.i.ow Green salted hhles , , V35itc : diy salted hides , 51J7c ; ihy Hint hides fiSo ; calf hides , 4'//if'io. ( nsi'il hides 2o le-s. Sheep pelts , Kreen , each , 5 < ) ctl.25 ; sheep polls , dry. per It ) , ixijlllc ; tal- II , , , , * ! , . 1. , , vw , IV , * ! W. , I , 11V > IU , H WSU , white , 3'iaie ' ; yellow , 2',0lo. Itm.NS Hand plcUcd imvv , 1 1 C0l.75i hand picked navy , medium , tl.5fl.oO ) : hand plcUed country , $1 401. < X ) ; Rood clean , $ I.25Q1.4U. Ai-i'i.h llurihii I'ei tt. Oi"lse. WOOL Kino unnashed , l.tttlfic ; medium un washed , 18Ji2lo ; 1'oiirt.u unwashed , I Kuns llouer , per II ) . * . ' .5 ( > 34 ( Kj ) each. 7.Xj ( ) otter , each. WUS7.00i wolf , each , 500cj coon , each , 40 ® ' - ; inliiU , each , 'tOitAOui muskrat - rat , fall. siilJc : musUrat , winter , 10Q15u ; skunk , 25.1SIOC ; ludKer , 40el.OO ; deer shins , per Ib , 20ffl.Kc ) ; deer skins , winter , per lb , 124 22e. 22e.HONEV HONEV 12'il ' Ho per lb : strained , Oc , Oil \NOKsl' el .Medltorranoan sweoth , $4.50 ; California fancy naxils , t5.V ) < 35,75t Los AtiKulfs , WsO ; fancy Duarlo hCLdllngs , $ IJ.5j In ll\o box lots , 15o per box less. l'l > K\l'l'i.hS-l'ord07 , t..5oa'l 00. hTinwiiKiuiiis 1'er ca-o. choice shipping block , t-ISOiQI HO ; eooil.t..ooiii.'l oo. Uiiihii-1'ur bbl , rellned , W.10 ; liulf bbl , J.I50 ; haid elder , pin e , per bhl , J500 ; orantiu cldei , half bbls , 17 00 ; peareldui. half bbls , i'.W. OU.UOIIM V HllKHIIIUS Pur lbVliWO. . Ml.NCK MK\T-&ai > o tier lb. Lt.MO.NH1'or box , Jlesdlna , fancy , H.505.00 : strictly cholcol.2ia4.5J. II AN ANAS Pur bunch. $ I..M > TJ'IOO. liUTTr.H Creamery , fancy jolls. nrliitB. 21 ® 2'c ; creamery , fancy , hollil packed , 2i > ® 2lu ; cre.unury , eholoe , IsfSlOo ; dairy , fmicy rolln tu.d nrlnis , li/iiltc ; dairy , fancy , bollil jaoked ) , I5lCo ; daliy , choice , 14 15o ; country roll , fancy , lllif.Ho ; cholto , 8rtUo ; country roll , Kootl , dirt8ccountiy roll , fair , S&Qc ; poor stock , IMfc to. iisUo : ! ( pur iloz fotstiletly fresh ; stale block not saleable , Ito.NLS-iQiiotatloiis are for delivery In Chi cago. ) Dry Hurrah ) , per ton , | l&ai8,00 ; dry country , bleached. tlooo@H.lX ) ; dry country , damp and mealy , JSOJSIO.OO. Vnu.TUii.hS Old bwcut potatoes , fancy , Muscat I lie , pur bbl. il 00 ; onions , extra fancy , tl.30 ; onions , fair. 12.5)1 rutabagas. t..OO ; car rots , * , ' , uO ; parsnips , $1.59 ! beets , $ , ' ,00 ; horbo- rndUh loots , per bbl , fJM : perlb7u ; celery rootH , per bbl WUO ; pur doCOu ; hoiaeradlsh , per doz pints , $1.25 , l'iiktiiiiVLh3se : ( ; < per lb. . ) Ki.ns-i'(3lu ; ' ( perlb. IIII.SSLI ) : ) VBAI/-- Choice medium , &SSic ! ; heavy. 4O5e. 1'cr tibl , Uenltonf , M.OO ; Willow , 1.100' Hun Din U , tl.7Sj Uumuultv , 11.50. I.l.VHKKt ) Ollr01ttJ3c. ( . uocuANUTri Per hundred. H.OO. PiCKLKS-Mc-dlum. per bbl , KM ; small , tc.50 ; ghurklns , 7.Wi 0.4.11. chow cUow.ijts , > 3.b3j POTATor.s-Por bushel , f JJicl" , i .V o ; fair to ROOd , 20ft2JC. , IK \ 1'out.Tiir Per tlo/cn , choice hrn , M.2Vill.OO ; choice , mixed. K1001M33 ; roosters. fJ.lOitJ.75 ; fiprliiK Chlekeno , I-.M for small , M notf-l no for medium , JI.002I..V ) forlnrsc ; ll\o turkojH , per lb , I > 310C. * * j Groceries. St'OAiH-Ciit loaf.7Jc $ ; out Ion f cubes , 7'ie ' ; standard , powdered , i'ioXX ; , powdered , 7ttc ; uraniilntcd , standard , , fl'4ifW c ! confec tioners , A , 0'itf ! white etthi , r ' , c ; oxtrn C , Nob.,5Sio ; amber. flUe. COMI.H Koasjed Arlmekle's Arlosn , 2SSo : McLnuitlilln's X.\\\ . -V o ; Oerm-in. 251e ; ten mill coiinnoii I'lo , I''TMIgj iMoolm , ; wo ; Jnvn , genuine O. a , , 2i > c ; Jnv , good interior , 23cj African , 22'ie. . . r.\iilNACKUS Ooons llnrlov. IVHJo : farina , Bui pom. 'ioi oatmeal. P.tlo : macaroni , iocs vermicelli , lOc : rice , 4QO'j ' s.ijw ntid tnploca. 06170 ! Hum boan" , 00. Oil.s-Keroseiic-1' . W. , lO'ic ' ; W. W. , : hcmlllRht , l.i'jc ; irasollno , 12ei salad oil , $2.003 0.00 pur doz. Linseed Haw ole ; boiled , ( Ho. MK\TS Hums No. 1. 10 Ibau-raRo , toe1 10 to 22 Ibs. O'JC ! 12 to 14 Ibs , 10'i" ' ! shoulders. Co ; breakfast bacon , No. I. K'Ji1. luini saiisaxe.H'ic ; dried beef hams. UWiyi'i liocf tongues. $9.00 perdorjdrv suit meats , ii'ifffiiUo per Ibj lintii roulette. 7ioj ! bonulcsn barn , 7'iCj picnic ham , LAUD Tierces , fi'jo ! M 11) cant , fi' c ! 10 Ib cans , lie ; Mb cans , il'jcjlllh cans OUc ; kettle rendered , Ic per Ib tidmice. . OANNKII MKATS 1 Ib lunch tniigup , $2.75 ; 211) lunch tongue. ! l.7. " > ; 1 11) ) corned beef. J1..V1 ; 2 Ib eoi ned beef. J..M ! 0 Ib corned beef , M.iV ) j 14 Ib corned bcifl4.00 ) ; 2ll > boneless plxs' feel , $ . ' .20 : lib ntiKllshbr.iwn , J1..H ) ; 2 IblJiiilhh brawn. J..l.'i ; ft II ) in : lNli In aw n , } ( ! : > ; lib chipped beef. $ . ' .00 ; 1 Ibeoinpree-iul ham. $ | .IB. Uoi-n-lliisls Manilla rope. IV ; sl al rope , 13' c ! eottiin lope , KM- ; new pioeess , S'Jc. rorrovTwisK.lllhberj flnc..lur4plo,22c ; flue , 20c : I ) ilsy. lo : candle \\lek. 22o. Ot.ivhs quarts. per doK7.V , pints per dor , W.a ; bulk , pei jinl. lfii ! . Vi.\MUii-n : r. elder. lOoj Rood , 12o ; white , wine , l.'io : fancy fruit , 8c. i-rovi I'OMSII.OWi5s7 > : - - p ( r pross. ; 1UU4Am. . , per cwt. , 41 , uo ; Luwlston , per cut. , f 17.00. Monssns Hbls. N.O. fancy , per ( ml , .V > S r > Ti : choice. 1VSI70 ! stood. MtM.V-j Cuba baking , 2 < tf. Wo ; bluett stiap. WJ-'c \\iui'i'iMi I'Ai'i.u-Miau. jier Ib , l > tG2ic } ; rii2'jej ' Manilla II. , Vi < 5c : No. 1. 7c. lt\s ] Union NIII.IIV. HOiMS per eenl olT list 8M liliMNMIw ) In bbl liiilli. fMO ; best Ki . .ukiii ) , its J. IW : best KI , uli . l j. .is t40 ; best ist.uli' , IN Ifls , $ : . ' ! > ; lock salt , ctitshod , Jl.bJ ; eoMiinon , bbl , } l 2. > . Mp > Castile , mottled , per 11) ) , ' > aIOc ; do , white , pi-r Ib. Me. Ilitoous I'.ulor , " > tle , fioi. I lie..7.'i ; 2 tie , $ VJ. " > ; stalles. f..K > ; iMiiimmi , tl.SUigl.T.'i. COCOA " { Ib tin. 4Uc pei Ib Cnocoirn ± Ki-i. > c per Ib ; German chleorj , red , MIO. Svi.sDllbls ( ) l'io ; gMiiulated. So ; kegs , l' e. e.MIDV I'KRO. cn lh < i to box. VififcVJc. NliTAlnioniN , Tie ; III i/lls. Ue ; lllbprts Ilkjiucans , lie ; walnuts , , " , , peanut vocks , be : 10 isted. lie ; reniiessc c peanuts , 7c. Dutlds ( ( iiot-eis ) 1'er II ) Umax. Ke ; rop-'ie ; 11 ly le ixes , 14 ; cliu > . UPC ; ep om silts. 4u : R ! uibei s-iltsllc , sulphur. ' "jc ; blue \ltilol , Ikalum,4c ; ; taitaiie.icld.4ie ; lesln..V. Cm hsK 1'ull en-am twins , U'JL-J full Ohio swlssloe ; full ere \\Hcon-ln s-wKs , ; full ei-eani In lek Hi , full eieam llm- buiserSwIss , I ic ; fanoi MH \ bojR.inb. e. , lll'ii- . CAN.SKII ( Joons I'lults ( .ilifonil.i standaid bi.tnds. " ' Ib. pel do/ Apricots , tl ( . .Vifl 75 ; apt loots , nfo : cilldiis Jl V ) : blaek- iH'llles. .jai ; t-hvilles , WaKfft'Sij ehui- iles. while. .2 ii' . ' "ill : Ri.ipcs * l.kTjsO ( ; | ; pe.irs , " pi'iiehi's. lemon elliip. - ' 40 ; pltms , t y.f. $1 OSft 180 ; plums , golden diop , * l " 0 ; plums , uiccn R.iKi's , fI.UVI VI ; pe.iclus with pits In. JI.M ) ; euil.illts , t'.j ) ; nooscben li-s , $ . ' 15 ; quliiies. ir..IO : laspbeiiks. . ' * ( ) ; stii\ibeiiles. J..V ) ; peaches , .t-lb oastei u stand.inls , $ l.s,1 ; .1-11) ) pie , fl.lll ; ( i-lbple , 05 ; gallons pic. * .IW ; npples 2-11) ) stiawhVirii's , ! HKij.r ! > i j I'-Ib inspbet lies , ? I.X ( ) ; 1-lb bluebeliles.Wii'HIi .2-11) ) hlacUlx iilos. dViJ''ie ; 2-Ibstia beiiUs , pn-soi\ed , il.W ; 2-lb i.Hpln-i lies , pi evened , fl0. . 2-lb black bet i Ii s , piesened. $1.2 , ) ; pineappleih.iin.i chopped. k''H ) ; 2-lb It.ih.ima Kialul. * . ' .75 ; 2-lb llahani i sliced. f.'KI : 2 Ib landiud slleid. Tl 2 > 'tl.iVi ; elici lies , 2-lb icd , lialtlmuio , 8VJi'i5e ; peais , 2- Ib fl/W. Vhoir\ni.i ; : > > Toiniiloes J-llie\lit , } l 00 , 3- 11) ) stamlaidesleiii luanils , ( iy > ' 'lV ; gallons , stili-lh slandaid. WK ) lorn I'lnt-t tonn , fl.K ) ; fillleilfjed sujj.n eoin.eiy line , $1 VI ; choice 2-1 b MifMi coin , f I Ji. 2-lb e\ti.i HCslern bt.iiKls , flSTifl.H ( ) ; 2-lb ititudaiilMslein lit amis , .mf,70u. ) Jlusluoonis1lb I'leiu-h. e\- ti.i HIM22 < k21e ; 1-lb 1'ieiich , line. M 22c ; I-lb I'lt'iieh. oidtnai ; . Ili'itlSf I'e.iv Ties , can , - ' " > < ; dc'iiil line , per ran. Ide ; 2 lb sifted , $1.00 ; 2-11) ) eaily.Mine. tliVi/riS ; 2-11) Million , staudaid InaiiiU , 11.1(1 ( ; 2-lbsoaUed , 57e. MiliiK be.ilis , 2-lb hljih ( Made , Iti fume. Mi2lb ; ( iol- deii abeans. . 752 ; 1b stilus ; hi.ins. 70c : Lima Iteaiis 2lboikvd , , V , lloston Itaked lloiins 3-lb Imils $1 ( A ; Cioun 1.50. hueet Potnloi's il-ll ) Ne tlei-.ey , JI.MI. I'liinp- klus--3-Ib , ) . Uki.i and tomatoes , } i.Ml ; okia , tl.OU ; siii-cotash , 11.20. I'lsn Codllsh , cxtin Oeoises. now. fi'iCj Kr.ind bank , new , 5o ; * ill > vr , 2-lb blocks , ii' e ; snow while. 2-lb hrick . new , b9ic ; Tin key ted , laiKe middles , bricks , ! > c ; snow nhlto eiales , 1J-51I ) boxes. 73ie : li eland halibut. He ; IIIL- diiim scaled hei 111 it- " > < - ; No. 1 sealed heriln . 22i- ; domestic Holland licrilnj ; , 35cj Ilniabiirf , ' spiced heriln . $1 V ) ; Husshui saidlnes , 7- ) - ; Russian saidlnes , plnlii , ASc ; Impoi It'll Holland heiihiK. crown bi.iml , Klc ; do fancy milkers , 'We ' ; maekeiul. No. I shore , half bbls , jnno ; bloateis , half bbls. $18 10 ; \ \ bite llsli. half bbls , $ r.0l ; trout , half hills. iSflO ; fnmllv while 1Kb. MO ) ; salmon * .S)0 ( ) ; 1-lb m.iekeiellheiiln ) fiil.Kl ; 1-lb haddli-s , fi.75 ; I-lb lobsters , .f..iva.2 > ; I-lb Alaska vilmoii , 2-lb oysteis , 10 oJI.U5 ; 1-lb oystcis. fl o/ , $1,1,1 : L'-lb selects , 12 < ) / . . 1.1 ; 1-11) ) clams , little necks , frl.25 ; 2-lb clams , llttlo necks JJIIOjIb ; sni dines , Imported , pei ease , 1IHK JlloO aHX ) ; - ! ! Im ported boneless saidlnes. ' 'do ; Ji-lb saidlnes , Ameilean , pet case , lKs ( ) , rreneh st Ic , ifl.KXS 500-lb ; saidlnes. American , per case. 103s , I'leiieh style , J730ri'8X ( ) ; ' 4lbasdines mus tard , pel ease , 30s , W.7.V i4.K ( ) ; Impoited key saidlncMIIO ) . DuiKi ) I'liru Ciiuants , new , C' ' . < 37'se ; pi lines , casks , 1,110 Ibs , 7'a < 3fiiie : prunes , bbl or b IKS , ( iJ4i.7'ie ( ; eltion pei'l , iltiims , 20 Ibs. 2Jc ; lemon ptel , ( Hums,20c : f.ud dates , IIONLS , 12 Ibs , l.'e ; apiK-ots , eholcu cMipoiated , 15e ; apilcots , lullj-cuied 25 Jb boxes , It-e ; apileots , fancy,21 lb boxes , KH- ; apples eholco e\apoi- aled , ll'ie ; apples , ] ulino new , lOo ; lies , lajer , 111 per cent tine. I I'je ' ; lit sacks. 7e ; I'eislaii dates , 7c ; Salt Lake apples , 5i4e ; blackberries , u > apoiateil , .Ml lb boxes , 5J4c ; cheirles , pilled , diy cuied , : peaches pated , fancy. 1s4i2io ! ; choice. Klo ; hilt Lake , Uo ; pitted plumbs , Cal. , 1 lb boxes , 8'sS'J'ji' : laspbeiiles. eMipoiaUd , N. V. , now.ille ; piiines , 11. C. . CO-70 , Iix3.1.c ; OI.UIKO peul. Ho ; i.ilstns , Callfouila , London eiop ls'M ' , f..4l ( ; Cal loosa muscatels , eiop Ib'JO ' , J..IO ; Valunelas , Isss , 7o ; Vsilenulas , new , lie ; Cal. seedless , M < s , w ; Ondiiia , layei , nuw , lie ; dilud giapes , .Ic ; piunulles. nuw , flu. MCtHlH. Itr.ooic TIN Small pig , 2'c pel lb ; bar , 30c per lb. Coi'i'i.u Planished holler sl/es , 3o ! pel lb ; cold rolled. 2su per lb ; slieiilliliig , 27o perlb ; pills and Halts , 2c peril ) . (1\I.VAM/l.l > MlhhT IllON Plso'l 50-10 pel- cent , pat. plan , lion , Nos.'I"ft.7 ' , A , 10'c ; 1 > , U'o. ItoOKl.Ml-Chareoal , I.O. , 14x23,11. , 1.75 ; I.X. , 17.21. t.r IKON No. 20 , W.05 ; No. 27 , $ .1.75. TIN 1'i.ATU-l.C. , 10x14 , 211 ! , $7.25 ; I. X. , 10x14 , S2V $1).00. TIN 1'i.ATK-Coke , 10x11 , 22"i , J3.23. hrfcv [ < NAH.S llii-ic , M.2"i. Hnihl , WIIIB NAII.S H.isc , W.CS. WiitK Jap. burl ) , $ . ! ( ; Kalv , , $1.15. Qiilnlno. per ni. . , V A. W , 40o ; German , 40c : In- dUo , pel lb , Tile ; Insect ponder , -IJo ( ; opium , $ > ; morphine , per of l.K ) ; hops , per lb , .me ; Blyeerlne , 2le ; dextrine , U'c ; cuttlebone , : i5c ; cream taitar , pine , .He ; commeiclal , 18c ; cam phor , .Vie ; am. cull ) . 14c ; blue vltilol , 7'ic. ' Acids Carbolic,40I loiltrlo,4V3l7c ; ! ; tartailc , . ! 7iii.fJo ( ; sulphiiilc , per lb , , lo. Oils bperm. $1.10 ; whale , We ; castor. $ l.2"i ; noats foot , 54Si dOc ; turpentine. Me ; Ttijika beans , $ | .7. > ® I.IH ) ; balsam toln , : QIOo ; calomel , ( C/ti'tTo ' ; canthar- udles , $ l.mril..i5 : ; ; casslfi bud- , , 20ti2o ; ohloto- form , tl"ilo ; orRot , ! 75Vu ; RIIIII arable. .Yi0 U5e ; Klyeerlne , 22&'oo ; lycopodlum , 4JiilCu ( ; ineicury , 8le. Tlio Wool Market. HOSTON , May 20. [ Sp clul Telegram to Tin : HiiK.1 Tbuio ha4 been a fair nm\omcnt of wool and prices have beau steady , .Supplies of now mo notiirrUInu ipry fieely asyct and thcreforo stocks In dealers' hands aru small. Ohio mid I'oimsyIvntilu llccces hao been Hell- IiiRatii7ji2u : | ; forX.-'tlOJIulfor XX and above and UMJ for No. 1 Jllulilnan. I'leeccs are linn at 'JUa. In eombliiR weeK ihcro bave been hales of No. 1 at ii'nrr40e. ' Ohio ( Inu delalnu soils at 'iv tue and Michigan liny delaine at MWCxi. Unwashed combltiR wogjs mo uuiet ati'lftJUa. . Territory wool has beiin la steady demand , with sales of Mno at SH/RlUo ; ( lau medium at 55 © o ! o and medium at flO-iti-'o suoured , Tovas Callforniu und Oregon wools are btoady and ( inlet , 1'ulled wools uru In coed demand , with bales of choice Niiper at 4Uiiltc , common to Rood super at ItHi.Wo and extra ut25 < .ku. ) I'ur- ulgu wools arc. IInil and In steady demand. A IIOIISK'H S13XH13 OF H It IH infill } ' Dovclopctl and Capable of "Wonderful Dlstliiutlontj. Tlio horse will lenvo musty liny un touched in his bin , however hungry , Buys Hoi'bO nnd Stable , Ho will not drink of wntor objectionable to his questioning snilT , or ( ronuv bucket which bomo odor makes ollonulvo , however thirsty. Ills Intelligent nostril \\ill widen , qulvor nnd query over the dnlnti- eat bit ottered by the falrent of hundu , with coaxings unit would make u mortal shut liia eyes nnd swallow a nnuseouB mouthful ut n gulp. A muro Is novel * satisfied by either sight or whinny Mint her colt is really her own , until alio hits n cortillcd mtsnl ccrtlllcnto to the fnct. A blind horse , now living , will not allow the npnronch of n stranger without showing signs of nnger not wifely to bo disregarded. Tlio distinction la evidently nuulo by his sense of smell , nnd nt n considerable dis tance. Blind horses , ns irrulo , will gnl- lop wildly about u past tire without strik ing the surrounding fence. The sense of smell informs them of its proximity. Others will , when loosened from the stable , go directly to the gnto or bars opened to their accustomed feeding groundst and when desiring to return , after hours of careless wandering , will distinguish ono outlet and patiently await its opening. The odor of that par ticular part of the fence Is their pilot to It. The horse In browsing , or whllo gath ering herbage with his lips , is guided in its choice of proper food entirely by Us nostrils. Illind norses do not make mis takes in their diet. In the temple of Olympus a bron/o horse was exhibited , at the sight of which six real horses ex perienced the most violent emotions. Aelian judiciously observes that the most perfect art could not Imitate na ture sutllelontly well to produce so strong an Illusion. Like Pliny and Pausanlus , ho consequently alllrms that "In casting the statue a magician had thrown Illp- pommies upon it , "which by the odor of the plant deceived the hor.sos , and there in wo have the secret of the miracle. The scent alone of a buffalo robe will caiibo many horses to evince lively ter ror , and the floating scent of a railroad train will frighten some long after the locomotive is out of sight and hearing A ST11ANGH GKMUr ; . Some Facts in tin1 KviMitful Career ! ' an Indiana Kni-mcr. On a farm some ten miles from Madi son , Ind. , there lives a man , "a youth to fortune and to fame unknown , " but nevertheless possossx-d of extraordinary powers , says the New York Star. James Norvillo , for that Is his name , was born in lb7 : ! at Sydney , Now South Wales. His mother was born in Jerusa lem and his father at Tangier , Africa. At an early ago ho boarded a .training ship the Aspinwall at Greenwich , where he remained for three years , dur ing which time ho was taught to read and write English and German. This was all the bchooling ho over had , ex cept a short comv-o in a night bchool at Alexandria , Africa. L-iter on in his oM'iitful career ho spent seventeen years on the Peninsular and Oriental line as midshipman , bailing from Liverpool via Queenstown to Calcutta. When on the Indian ocean during the darkest night ho could calculate the distance which a btorm had driven his bhip and the lati tude in which ho was Mining within live second's of the e.xact position. Ilib traveling has been extensive and his experience most varied. Uo was with the Twenty-second Highlanders at the rescue of Lueknow and was on the ship Crocodile at the siege of topol. Ho passed through our civil war , serving in the Tenth Misbourl cavalry. lie carries two ininnlo balls in his body , and part of his skull was shot away , par alysis resulting therefrom , and causing th'o lid of one eye to bo useless. .Mr. Norvillo is also an able linguist , being acquainted with Arab , Turkish , Persian , Sanscrit and Hebrew , and speaks German , Italian , French and bpanish. At ono time ho taught the children of the English soldiers at Alla habad , and while there learned Sanscrit from the priests. The most wonderful tiling relative to this man is his retentive memory. Ho can recite the Koran and Talmud verba tim , and also Ci ecu's History of England and Frost's History of the United States. Ho recently recited an article from a , newspaper of April 10 , 188(5 ( , never hav ing read it since that time. Ho is a very ordinary looking nuin , of whom hib neighbors know but little , nor are they able to become familiar. with him. Unreasonable Prejudice. Some very intelligent people are prr > ] n- duieed atrainstany and all patent or propi ie- tuiy medicines , and especially so against icmedies they have never tiled personally. Those who hao had the opportunity nnd given Chamberlain's Pain Balm a fair tiiul pronounce it invahiablu. It pioinptly relieves the oxcru elating pains of rheumatism and its continued application insuies an effectual euio. Many persons who had been almost cnpplcd with chronlo ihcunutism for years have- been cuiod by tising _ Chamberlain's I'aia Balm. The prompt relief it affords is alone woith ten times the cost of the medi cine. 50 cents per bottle for sulo by all drug gists. _ niacoiiKu STATUK CAST. A Ton nnd a Hall' ol' Molten Itronze Forced Into the Mold. A ton and a half of bron/o was poured into the mold of the Henry Ward Bcccher statue at the Henry Ilonnard Bron/o company's works on the after noon of May 4. Tlio bron/.o made u great sputter stew about it , and ended up in a rebellious outbuibt of flame and smoke , but exports worn sure it was a good job and that the casting will bo found perfect. A hundred or more per sons witnessed the work. J. L. A. Ward , the sculptor , who modeled the statue was one of them. Colonel William C. Becehor represented the Beecher fam ily , says a Now York dispatch to the Chicago Herald. Rev. Dr. Lyninn Ab bott and a number of other Plymouth church people , with most of the mem bers of the statue fund committee , wore also there , accompanied by thirty or forty ladies. The head for the statno had' already been cast and was on exhi bition. Every ono except Colonel Beechor declared that it was a nmrvolously excellent and accu- ratn nieca of work. Colonel Becehor scorned disappointed be cause it could not talk. After the casting began today the steady How of the metal had lasted only half a minute when there was a frightful glare , flame and smoke enveloped the mold , and great splashes of vivid color flashed through the air and fell upon the ground. The workmen sprang away and tumbled to the ground with their clothing apparently all in a bla/o. The Bcalloldings caught 11 ro and bla/ed fiercely. The women were terror- stricken and the men among the specta tors tried to run. All that had happened was that the mold had tilled n little quicker than was expected. There had been an overflow , but the blazing scaf folds were quickly extinguished , and the workmen were found to have es caped with any more serious injury than burns on the face and hands. Tlio statue cannot bo uncovered for several days yet. The hand holding the well- known slouch hat of the preacher has still to ho east. When it and the head are put upon the part cast today the whole statue will weigh about 0,500 pounds and will bo nine feet high. The pedestal will bo a group of slaves and ono of children. The whole bron/o work of the monument will weigh 7,600 pounds. TtioiimuidH ol' Dollnrfl Are spent every year by the people of this state for worthless mediclnen for the cure of throat und lung discuses , when wo know that if they would only Invest * 1 In SANTA AIJI10. the new California discovery con sumption nnd Itlndicd complaints they would la this pleasant remedy llml relief It is recommended by ministers , physicians und publicspeakersof the Golden btato. Bold and guimmtccd by Goodman Drug Co ut 11 u bottle. Three for f J CO. The most stubborn cases of catarrh will speedily succumb to CAUFOUNIA CAT ( JUKI ; . Six mouths' treatment far fl. By mail , U 10. BOSTON , MASS , CAPITAL . $400,000 SURPLUS . 000,000 Accounts of llnnki , Hankers ami Corporations (0- Itcltctl. Our fnclllllc * for COU.KCf 10Nf > nro excellent , nnd we roll comit for l > anln when bnlincos trttrrnnt It. lloston Is n lleiervo Cltr , unit balances with us from banks ( not located In oilier Itcicna Cities ) count M a reserve. Wo draw our oirn ctrhinstn on Iiomlon anil the Continent , ami make cable trnn fer * niul place money br IcU-itraih throughout the Unltcil Slates anil Gin- nda , Wolmo a market for prlmo flrst-cla InYetmcnl Securities , nnit Invlto proposals from Stnte ) , Coun ties nml Cities when IsMtluit bomts , \Vu ilo a Kcncral banking bulue s , nml Invlto cor respondence. respondence.ASA P. POTTER , PitusiniiNT. Jos. _ _ RfflLWHY TIME GSRD. l.fn\o , TTMIICAtJO. il'HI.I.VdTO.V A < ArrUcs Omnhn. I Depot IQlli ami Mnvin > lri't't. Omaha. 430pm ] . . riilriRn "Kxpr < " < 8VS n in IU3 a in . Cblcnk-o ii : | > ro s . . . . II50 p m | ) | .1pm | Chicago K < pri"s V .V ) n m UW p nil.jjoirn l.ocil pxtcpt Similar II .U n m Leaves Jlfl'ttl.lN'lllO.V A MO HIVKIt Arrhos Omaha | IH-pot loiji nml Mn oii streets. Ojiiaha. 10 OS a ml . .Denver IMy Tliprcss" . . 4 m p iii lOU'i a m . Denver Kiprt'ss b \ \ p m 040 p nil DiMirvr Miiht * < tpress tt.U u m 1.1-im-s I If t' , h 1' J7 A li II I Arrlvuj Omnhn I Depot IQUi itiul Mmoii streets [ Qiinha P.Vi a m' ' Kansas Cltr Day Kxpn-ss ulO p m IH ) p lnK | ( ' Mcht Kip vlnl ) I * Tr.ins li 4S u m ll.N'ION I'ACit'lO i Arrlvos Oninlin Depot 1011) nml Miri-y streets Omaha 2 45 p m Ovi-rlnml Hyur I > JO p m 7 HI p in I'ncltlo Kxpre 7 I ' > u m 10 10 n in Denver IJxpro" 4 10 p in 4 ( S p in ( iramt Inland Kxp icnopt Sun I U n p m AK ( ) n m Kiui'in City i\irc : | I ' U' < n m ( Miip.ujo" u i A I'At'ivnr Arrives Om-ihn U I' depot , lOlli unit Mnrv ) Sl Omiiha I ! 15 p m / Miiht llxprcii . . in P 15 a in Allnntlc llxpri- " li JO p m 4 IS p m ViMtlbulc Limited ID 4'i in Leaves i ciiu'AOu & .sou rihvi'tI'liu.v Arrlvos" Omajin I ITJ' dt-pot , JOtli nnd Mnrcy HJa Onmha I ) 15 n m . . CldenifO llxpn1" . , li,2i ) p in 4. Up m . . \Villliiilo I.lmltui ! 1' ' (0 n in U 15 p m < lv ev Sit ) Mnll ( Ar ex Mon ) 7 VI n in liJO ji m | Ka ( i > rn rijror 2 l ji in 1 IlK'AdO Mil. , A SI I'A | : | , . Arrixcs JJinnlm t' ' I' depot , IDlli nml Marey ' I" | i IS n in ChlcnKK Mnll ( oxri-pt Minilii ) ) < ' ( ) ' > p m dlio p nil . < lilc.iKo Uxpross H41 n in 1) ) R ) ji ml ClilftiKO Kxprn 210 p in Ix-nves OMTkllAThl' T.Ot'IS I Arrives Omnhn ilf I' de-pot , 10th jimlMnrrjr < _ Qniiilm 4 III p in ! st IxinlH I nminti Hull li.4) p in Loini-s I MOifA'Om'X 1'ACIKfi1 i Arrlroi Oninlin | U 1 * ilcpol. lOlli nml Miircy lt I Oninlin 7 1.1 ifrnT" . .bloiix Oily T'n-s.'iiKor . .110IB p in jllljMiil _ St I'niil Kxprim | l001nm I.on\es lRlOlTXTirVA I'Al'lFll' ] Snlvt-i Omnlm | Ik-pot lllll nnilJVi'liitur Sti I Onmlin 1,41 p iij l Ml J 'niil l.linlteil I ! > Ci n in li-n\ui [ I- ' . I ! "AMD VAl.I.-iV lArrlvoi Oninlin | Di-put 1Mb nml Wotntnr S'i I Oimlm ( MX ) n m . Illntk llllli Hxpres < i j ft vju | ) in ! > l < > H ni HnillngH Kip ( Hx Sniuliy ) I ,1-JO p in .110 p inVnhuo .V Lincoln I'mot-iiKO 10 M n in It 10 p in Vnrk.l .Surfiilk ( Kx Snniin > ) III Til n in U-n > cf I T' . . ST 1 > . M ft O Arrives Jnmliii. | l ) | ) tJ5llinnlW'ulntor Sli _ Oninlin 8Un ) in Sioux City Adinniuixliitlun ' 41 p in I ( IU p m blonx City Kjprt'i'MHx Sun ) i ra p in U41 p m ft 1'nul Minltoil ' . ) 1.1 n in bl5nnii Morenio 1'n neiiKt-r ( Kx Him ) R 41 n in 5 11 pin ! lori-nto I'n c-n or ( Hx Sim ) II JO p in Lcnvcs I MIHSOIJIII PACII'IO Arrival Oinnhn I Iopi > tIStli _ ntnl\VoUitcr _ _ Sis Onuilin 10 t ) n m ] St. Ixiuls \ K t' llxpri-H 4 .VI p in Ii lip ml St < \ K. C Kipre s l , ) n in " UNION I'ACll-'IC-bUUUUllAN TIIA NS Ihc o trains nlso plop nt llth , 17th'JUth ami 2IIh ftreeti , Summit am ) Suldco Crosslni ; 'W'orklns- UIIMI'I Irnlm On not run Siimlay. r.cnve7 rcilIOA < i < 5 ; It I. A l'AOII < ' ( ir Arrives Tranalur | Union Depot. C < iiincll lIlulTa Transfer ' ( < p inl , ' . .NI lit Kxprcii8 tl 1.1 n Tu ' . ) < J n in Allnntlc Kxprcss A 5.1 p in SOU | , inL . . . . .Vt'ntllinlu MmllL-d UKN ) a m : ltN A rrH os Trnjni cr [ JJnlonJcHtCouiiUl | IllnlTa Trnmfcr .T. rT < jTilcnKO Tlxprcis it IK ) p in 500 p in ! . . . Veilltiulu I.lnilled 11. JI a in 10 U ) p ,11' ' Knslorn My or. 200 p in 8 (10 ( p m I . .Atlantic Mnll 7 10 it m Lenvcs I iiipAfra ni , TTBTTAUI , Arrrvct Trmiiftrl Union Ih-ol | , Council lllutra .Transfer 'll.K ) n ml 3l ill ( i-xccpt fcimrtny ) .1.10 p m I , p in H11 n in 10 00 p ni ] 200 p in HonvuHT 1C C. , Rlr.JK ) & < T. II. TArrln-s Tninnfpr | Union Depot , Cumuli lllnlTs jlnin-ifer 1007 it nil .KnimnH City Dny Impress 5 41 p m 102.1 p ml Kani-u ntjr NlKlit llxpruai I 1,20 a in I.unvo5 | DMAliAihT fXUlS I Arrives Transfer Union Depot , Council lUugs Trnnifcr 1 ( ( Tplii . . .M. LoiilH Cniinn Hull 1 j.-n ui 01IICAUO. llUHf.'N A Ot1lKiV ! j Arrive- ) Irnntfcrl Uiiljin Dupot , Council llliiHi | Trnnsfpr 9 40 n ml . . . ChlcaKo Kxprc s . . . , till ) p m 10UO p in . . . . Chlcnco 1'iprp-n. ! )4II ) a in 7 to p m | < rcHtnn l * > cn\ \ . . | ATilvL-s Union Depot , Council Ulnlls , jTrniisfer 7 41 n rii Sioux Cltr Accommodation. I 1)35 ) a ni 650 p in Ht I'nul llxprcsi | DM p m MISSOUUI 1'ACIHO bUllUIUIAN TllAINS. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH A.T 13O2 Parnam Stroot. HARRY P. DEUEL Oity Passenger and Tlolcot Agent , WANTED ISSUED DY CITIC8 , I COUNTIESBCHOOl . , , - - . PIBTRICT8 , WATCH Corrcfpoodtnccwllclted. COMPANE8 , , CTC. N.W , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 103-105 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO TO StQto Street. BOSTON * GILBERT BROTHBUsT Taxidermists Specimens can lie nt i i f ly by mall or oxurou fceod lor yrlcoi. blJ iV. mu Street. OtOAlia. YPHM K fan bncurt(1 ( In io to CO days U11111U1J ijy ube Of ju | , inurveloiis MitKle Kcmedy 1400 U ) for lute It "III nut euro ( AU- T10N to Kill HIM utiiiulnu rttiuiidyrllu or call un V C Jujlyu , .W lUriigy btiect , OiuaLu , .Ntlrmku SIIROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks Ilascmcnt First National Bank , 000 South 18th Street , Omnhcfi NEBRASKA National Bank XI. 8. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , NED. Capital , - $ . 00OOQ Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - 137.0OO . , . „ , . _ . _ . . . . . " \V , . . " 'I.-.IUV X wliB. i-ed"Vif d"-n < ld"eni's"ji moi W "HVTitii r T'Mortc , JolinB Oolllnsi II. O. Cuthhuj J , " TI-IEl IRON BANK. Corner llh anil r rn m Street * . A Qcncrnl llnnklne OOMMISKOIALx National Bant Capital , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 4OOOO , Omfprs nnit Dlrcftnri-K M MorxMimn , 0 Ml Illtchrock , loxipli diriiein , Jr. , A llrnrr. K > f > AiulcrioiiYllllain 0 Mnnllrnproililont. . I > II ; WllllsnH , A I' llnpklni , | ire Mont A .Mllltnr4j cmlilur , K 11 llrynnt ' nMlntnnt rnslilcr _ Omaha IlootN nnd SltocH. K1HKENDALL , JONKS & cM Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Shoes ' ARents for Ilo-ton HiihlHT lm To 110 ? 1101 anil 11 llurni' ) Hlii't't , Oninlin Null BTOKZ fe ILKR , Laijcr lecr ! Brewers , 1M1 Ntrlh 16th Street , Oninlia Vpb Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornlcd Window en pi nml niL-lnllrnkfllulil" Jnlin I'licuctor , proprietor llMnn.l llOHoiitli IQlli i-lrcfl Artlstn' Materials. - A. H03PE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douulns Stri-i-t , Omnhn , Neb ConI , Cok > , Kto. OMAHA COAL , COKE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. fl E Cor Kith iinrt Douulni Stiects , Omnhn , Neb. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , JU South I3lh Street , Onnhn , Neb DEAN , ARMSTRONG & : CO. , Wholesale Cigars. < 02N lolliStreet "llollol" KIT Dry Gooilw nml Notions. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner llth unil MoMiinl Strocli. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRV GOODS CO./ , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Gooity Gents' KuxnlslilnKfioods Corner llth and Hurnoy Htreots , Onmlin , Neb i Furniture. DEWEV & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , larntim Street , Onmlin , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture. Omahn , Nubrn&kn. GroccricH , McCORD , BRADY & CO , Wholesale Grocers , 13lh nnfl Lcnvenworth Slrccla , Omnlm , Ijiiinbcr , Kto. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc. Imporlod nnd Amorlcnn I'ortlnml Comont. Bucntfor Mllwnukea Urilruiillo Cemunt , uuil ( julncr Whlto Lime. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Wood carpets nnd parquet Mooring. 9th nnd Iougl4 Ktroots , Oniulm , Nubrankri. FRED W. GREY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner Dili unit Douulni Streets , Omnlm. Millinery and Notions. I. O13ERFELDER & CO. , / Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 4 208 , JlOtindZIZ South llth utreet. _ Notions : : Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , _ 1184 llnrncy atrecl. Onmha. OllH. " | _ _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , \ Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , AiloKrcnBO , etc , Omnlm A II lllsliop , Mnnaier CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carrj nice utock of prlntlnu , wrnpplnir and wrlllnrf paper. Hpeclnl nlt ntloii l7eu lo curd pupcr. BafuH , Ktu. A. L. DEANE &e CO. , Ucnernl Aitonts for Halls' ' Safes , 1 Mid 323 South 10th 8t , Onmtit. ToyH , Kto. II. HAHDY & CO. , Jobbers of Dolls Albums Goods Toys , , , Fancy , Houto fcurnlitlilnudoodi , Children's Carriages. 12CJ tarnnui slrccl , Omnlm , Nob. Water Supplies. U. B. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Ilallldftj wind mllli 918 and DM Jonun it , Omal ) % _ U 1' lion , Acting Mnniu r. _ . ' . . y Iron WorlcH. _ ' "pAXTON sTviEULINO IHON WORKS/ Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worfc Englnvt , lirnis nork , genurtl foundry , in.icliluo inUli work Office and work * , U t' Itjr and 17th itroel , Omaha OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS J Manl'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safe ? , CnulU , jail work , Iron iliutlert and tire oceu U Andrten .prop'r Cor lull nod JatUun Mil. Hiiull , DOOI-H , 12to. M. A. DISUHOW tc CO. , H Wbolcitla manufacturcri of Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Ilrtncb ofllco , 12th and liard atreeti , Omnba , II ii Om nli a. ' TINION BTO01C YAHOS CO. , 01 South Oiaaba , Limited.