Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY KEE : TUESDAY , MAY 20 , 1800.
The firm of Uoseho A ; Co. , 012 Howard
Btrcot , Htorngo nntl tiroduco commission ,
him sold out to Diivld Cole , formerly in
tlio biuno line us 11 member of the llrin of
D. Cole fc Co.
The tlirco soldiers wlio Imvo not yet
been apprehended and who arc tillered
to have been concerned in Iho Lorn , Zcl-
gler rune CUBO at Fort Omaha , will bo
nrrcstcu in n few days and brought be
fore tlio United States district court.
The Omaha Btrcot railway company
commenced tranforrlngtho Harnoy street
rails to the Sprnguo line nt Sixteenth"
etrcot. The poles on. the now Farnam
Btrect motor line nro nearly all creeled
and tlio now line will bo in operation in
about thirty days.
The Mechanics' and Traders' bank has
commenced suit in foreclosure In tlio
district court against William II. Latcy
ot til , to recover $1,000 an a note secured
by mortgage on lot 7 , block 9 , in Pat
rick's ' second addition.
Conductor Walsh , of the motor line ,
charged with ombc//.loment by the use
of duplicate registers , was yesterday
morning discharged , thcro being no case
against him. Walsh had a number of
witnesses , but none of thoin were ex
Newman Krb of Memphis , Tcnn. , the
newly appointed receiver of the Kansas
& Beatrice railroad , filed his bond in the
United States district court this morn
ing in the sum of SoO.OOO with Samuel
Talc , jr. . O. II. P. Piper and Martin
Kelly , all of Memphis , Tcnn. , as sureties.
Miles' Ncrvo uncl Mver Pills.
An Important discovery. They act on the
liver , Btoinnch nml bowels through tlio
nerves. A now principle. They .speedily
euro bllliousnoss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
pile ? and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. ! (0 ( doses for ! J. cents. Samples free
ut Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
No Social Session.
The social session , which was announced to
take plnco in the Kilts room this even
ing has been indefinitely postponed on no-
count of the death Sunilny night of W.B. Alex
ander , who was a member of the local lodge
of Elks.
Boats tlic CoiiMilcnca
A largo number of dead letters were re
ceived by the postmaster yesterday , nil of
which had enclosed money In sums ranging
from II to ? 'JOvlth instructions to find the
senders If possible.
They are what Is Icnown in postofilco par
lance as "nixies. " Many of the addresses
were ludicrously Incorrect or incomplete.
Assistant Postmaster Woodward stated
lhat the government derived a revenue of
$1,000,000 a year from this source.
1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam streols is
the now Rock Island ticket olllce. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rales.
AV. n. Alexander Dead.
\V. n. Alexander died last night from soft
ening of the brain at his residence , -51-
Pierce street.
Last September ho became -deranged , sud
denly imagining himself to he very wealthy.
Ho went about the stores making purchases
of goods to the amount of $ ( i,000 or $3,000. Ho
also let contracts for the remodelling of his
residence and tlio building of a high tower on
one comer of it.
The commissioners on insanity finally sent
him to the asylum at Lincoln , where ho re
mained until January. Having apparently
recovered , ho was brought homo. His im
provement , however , was only temporary.
For two months ho has been confined to the
house , steadily growing worse , until death
relieved his sufferings.
The deceased was a member of Omaha
lodge of Elks , also the Knynl Arcanum , and
under their auspices will lie buried in Forest
Lawn cemetery todayv The funeral will beheld
held from the icsidcnco at 2 o'clock.
Pierre , South Dakota.
There is probably no people more Jubilant
thaa the people of Picric , the capital of
South Dakota. Tlio Midland Pacific railroad
will build its line thcro this summer , and
now the Manitoba is about to close a deal by
which its line will bo extended southwest
to that city from Aberdeen. With these two
lines Picrio will have 10,000 people in the
no.\t year.
Iltirlal of MtUc Frank Jackson.
Tlio funeral of Frank , the infant son of C.
M. Jackson , formerly n newspaper man of
this city , now an nttneho oC the Salt Lake
Tribune , took place yesterday afternoon from
the family residence , 12 North Twenty-fifth
avenue. Tlio services wcro attended by
numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson
and representatives from the various news
paper offices of tlio city. Kcv. W. .1. HurMia
read the funeral service and made a few
touching remarks upon the death of the child ,
and added a few tender words of comfort for
the bereaved parents.
The mother has hccn prostrated bv the
fleath of her child , and Mr. Jackson will not
return to his newspaper work at Salt Lnko
until she is bettor.
For NcrvoiiH Dihonsc.s
Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. F. O. Kelly , Aldcrton , W. T. , says : "I
have prescribed it in a number of cases of
restlessness at night , and nervous diso.iscs
generally , and also in cases of Indigestion
caused by lack of sulliciont gastric Juice of
the stomach , with marked success , and con-
elder It one of the best remedies known to
the professional world. "
Tlio Street S\veopftij.
The cost of street sweeping will bo moro
than f > 0 per cent less this year thaa last. The
rate paid last year averaged S'O.Ol per mile ,
wltllo this year the work will bo done for f 15
per mile. Omaha has 1)1S,000 ! ) square yards ,
which includes fifty-two miles of slrcots and
alloys. The contractors have guaranteed to
swoop 1,000 miles of streets during tlio year.
Charles 15. Squires of the Harbor asphalt
paving company , who has the street sweepIng -
Ing contract- said this morning : "Woaio
going to put In a first-class plant , Including
two or thrco four-horso sweepers of the
latest style , four or live two-horso sweep
ers , also two two-horsa sprinklers. Wo will
also have twelve line horses , wagons and
everything first class , The cost of the plant
will bo between $7,000 and $3,000. Wo pro
pose to keep the streets clean this season-
not merely draw pay. Although the pave
ments of Omaha are among the host In i'ko
country , they have been kept in the worst
uliapo. When It Is necessary to clean the
streets oftener tlum once a week to keep
thorn in good condition , wo will do so with
out any additional cost to the city. "
Isaacs' Concert.
This evening a grand concert by the friends
and pupils of Miss Ll//o [ Isaacs will bo ten
dered to that lady at Washington hall. The
talent comprises some of the most distin
guished vocalists and instrumentalists in the
city , while the selections are in keeping with
the reputation of these selected to render
them. It is as follows :
artetto "Invitation to the Parn'o" Oesten
Ml l es Isaacs , Hwlft , Koonoy uiul IConnetly.
Ilarltoiio i-olo " 1)1 I'rmuiuu II mar" . . . .
( Tmvlutu ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vurdl
Mr. II. II. Young.
Soprano Solo "A Dream of l.ovo" .Gramnmnn
Miss Ailcllo Ntmimui.
Violin Solo "VurlntUws I'olobioi" . Itodo
Mr. Churlus ltiit < tons.
Eoprano Solo Ki'Kimvu nol Sllonzlo ( l.iiela
ill l.immt'iiiK ) r > . DonUcttl
Miss I.lzzlo Isaacs. -
Contralto Solo "f.Iutu SJlKitor" ( micuo-
nets ) . Mcyeibcor
Mib , Moclk'f.
front rn1toSolo-0 , llcst In the T.oid" . .
( KlIJuli ) . MumleUboha
MUV.Mattlo Kennedy.
IarlonoSolo-"Tlm ) ! liUtant bhoru"SulHvnn
Mr. II. II. Young.
Eoprnuo Solo "MariwerUu's Tlirco llou-
o.uets0\lth Violin OlillKuto ) . . Uragu
MUpUzilo Isaacs. .
Contralto Solo "Tlio SlurnberSliorn1. , Gilbert
Mrs. Moollor.
Qum lotto "Tho Gypsies" , . " . , . . .Pclmnmnii
Mlwcs HutiM , SwIlV itoonoy unit Kennedy.
To disinfect cellars , wusto pipes , water
closets , ctv. , ahvays uao Plutt's Chlorides.
How Tlicy Have Itccn Ilnn Out of
Prospcot Hill ConiPtcry.
Since the lot owners of Prospect Hill cem
etery organized and took steps for Its protec
tion a wonderful change has become appar
ent. The general aspect of desolation has
given place lo good order , well kept drive
ways and competent supervision. A sub- picket fence has been built , enclosing
the entire twelve acres. The old entrance
gate has been closed up and changed to the
south side , upon the crest of the hill , thus
avoiding the constant dangers Incident to the
sharp decline hi the roadway at the old en
trance ,
The rank grass , tumble-down fences , dead
trees and decayed accumulation of fallen leaves
and other refuse have neon carried off under
thosupervlslon of Officer Callalianwho keeps
a quick eye upon every person entering the
The wonderful change In the appearance of
Prospect hill Is not the only one. Vandalism
and impoituro have been checked. Not a
day posses that the olllcer docs not have to
threaten arrest and drive off men , women
and children In Iho act of stealing flowers ( or1 ,
anything else In sight ) from the graves.
Kvcry night scarlet women with male com
panions are driven from the grounds and
warned that u second visit will result in their
Parties whoso names could not bo learned
are canvassing the city for owners of grave
stones or monuments , contracting to clean
them and make them "appear white as when
now , " for $ lf > to ? 2. > . Manv such contracts
have boon made. These Impostors buy 'J5
cents worth of ammonia and acids and nib
the gravestones with the mixture , greatly
Improving their appearance. Hut within a
month they will loolt worse than ever. It re
quires less than half a day to rub. up an or
dinary stone , and $3 would bo a big price.
Ofliccr Callahan fell upon one of these Impostors
pesters last wcelc , who had boasted to him
that upon that day he had earned $14 under
Ids fraudulent contracts. Callahan told htm
to got 'out of tlio cemetery nt once ,
and served notice upon him that if
ho or his accomplices returned the officers
would run them all In. Callahan expressed
the hope that the victims who had signed
contracts with these confidence men would
refuse to pay them.
Another good rule adopted is that where
lot owners want any work done they must
npplv to the olllcer in charge. The associa
tion employs men for the purpose , and
charges only enough to coyer the
actual cost of the labor. The olllcer in charge
gets no fees from lot owners individually for
any service ho may render.
The managers of the association appeal to
the delinquent lot owners to pay their as
sessments without delay , and promise that
still greater improvements will bo the result.
Wlint it Costs
must bo carefully considered by the great ma
jority of people in buying even necessities of
life. Hood's Snrsnp.u-illu commends itself
with special force to the great middle classes ;
because it combines positive economy with
great medicinal power. It is Iho only medi
cine of which can truly bo said " 10J doses
one dollar , " and a bottle taken according to
directions will average to lastn month.
Tlioy Step Up to the Judge's Oflloc ami
Pay tlio Penalties.
W. lir Day of Wood Lake , Neb. , was
brought to Omaha yesterday morning by
Deputy Hepllngcr , charged with selling liquor
without a license ,
Mrs.PcnclopoThompson and Miss Mills.both
members of the Hastings demi-monde , were
fned & . ' 5 and costs each by Judge Dundy for
selling liquor without a license. Tlioy both
[ ilcudcd guilty. They had government
licenses , but when the deputy internal reve
nue ofliccr demanded to see them he was re
fused and so arrested them.
The motion to take the Hclfcnstein vs
Prugh ct al case from Judge Dundy was to
have been argued in the United States dis-
Irict court yesterday , but Mr. Covell for
the plaintiff urged that ho had not hail time
to file answer uutt it was continued until
this morning.
Henry MtCaithy was tried by Judge
Dundy for sending obscene matter through
the mails. McCnithy lives at Unndllla and
seat a letter to a man named Bishop at Bird
City , consigning him to hades and threaten
ing to thrush him when he should next sco
him. The letter abounded in threats and
the use of Iho word hell. McCarthy pleaded
guilty , but Prosecuting Attorney Baker
stated that thcic were extenuating circum
stances. Bishop tried to soil MeCaithy some
mortgaged property which made him very
angry , and befoio ho tealizcd what ho hud
done ho mailed the letter in question. The
court imposed the lowest line in the statutes ,
$100 and costs.
M. Uandall of Grand Island was admitted
to practice in the United Slates district court.
John , James and Florence McAuliffc , AVill-
nimOlcason and Ben O'Neill were arrested on
a capias and brought to Omaha on the
charge ot obstructing justice. They were all
Indicted anil convicted last November by the
grand jury , the first four for altering the eat-
tlo brands In the celebrated Kit Carsou cattle
company case. Ben O'Neill was indicted
for perjury. Ho was the secretary of the
Holland cattle company and swore that ho
knew nothing of the alteration of the brands.
They will probably receive their sentences
during thls.tcrm of court.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two-omico tin boxes ,
and Is nn absolute euro for nil sores , bums ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin eruptions ,
Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
125 cents per box bv mail UO cents
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run oxprot-sly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council BlulTs , DCS Moines and
Chicago business is the Rock Island
vestibule limited , leaving Oinahn at 4:15 :
p. nu daily. Ticket ollleo 1002 , Sixteenth
and Farnam St. , Omaha.
He will Take a Part In tlie Convention
The committee on arrangements report
that 'the business men's convention
promises lo bo much larger lhan has been an
Neailv every town in Nebraska will bo rep
resented by at oao delegate and a great
many letters are being received saying that
merchants , not delegates , tire coming.
The committee is anxious that the homo
people , retailers as well as wholesalers ,
should help to entertain those visitors. It
has been decided to transact business first.
then take a drlvo Thursday afternoon and
hold a banquet Thursday night ,
The hitler will bo held either at
the Elks club or Millard hotel :
A meeting of the commlttco was held
yesterday afternoon to receive proposl-
lions from both places. As- Euclid
Murtiu president of Iho board
of trade , has been compelled to leave tlio city ,
D. H. Wheeler , vlco president , will deliver
the address of welcome.
A Ictlor was received from Governor
Tliaycr yesterday saying that ho will bo
hero ono day of the convention ,
Itsuperior cxroilcnfo proren In roiilloniof tinmei
formorMliaii aquurtcrot nrvnturr , It li u o4 br
tlio Uulioil titnlM llnTerntnent. Kndorfe > \ br tnu
licadi uf the Uruat I'nlTeraltle * lu the Htroniruil ,
rurcttaidmCitllcnUliful. Ir l > rlc 'i Cream ! )
IniC 1'omtcr line * not contain Ammonia , L > ln > "J
Just so ! hoi hoi [ why yes , indeed !
I sec 1 I sec 1 tis this I need
To cleanse my blooTlus ( ! S. S. S.
This Swift's Specific , I confess
The fauxpas made was rather huge.
Why 1 I've been taking vermifuge I
Tills dude will , no doubt , take S. S. S. and make a man of himself. Render ,
If you arc sick , it will be well for you to remember that seventy-five per
cent , of the ills of the flesh are due directly or indirectly to poison in the Blood.
Would it not then be well to examine closely into the cause of your troubles ?
Thousands have done so , and have taken S.S.S. to be cured by it sound and well.
Cured by S , S. S , after the Potash and Sarsaparilla Mixtures had failed.
"I contracted si severe case of blood poison in 18S3and my physicians put mo under a mercu
rial treatment ( or thrco months without doing mo any good ; In tact 1vas irradually growing worse.
I then consulted another ph > siclan. who tried mo with potash and sar aparllh , but with no better
result. I then became disgusted with doctor ; and their remedies , and commenced taking Swift's
Specific ( S. S. S. ) After taking seven bottles I was entirely cured , and I have not had any symp
toms of a return since. Ilia\c recommended S.S.S. to others , who have used it with the sama
eood results. " O J. C. N ACE , Hobbyville , Green County , Ind.
Treatlseon Hlood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Gajft
S. S. .V f a )
.re I i ke5 &po.Tib.-They washe
? N Hi em-selves to m&ke fheworld *
er.vS A PO LJ O is Hie1A&
\c \ lijghb oj-hous.e-qlj5d.ninfr'
nnd old methods are not tlio easiest by far. Many people travel them
because they have not tried the better way. It is n relief from n sort
of slavery to break away from old-fashioned methods nnd adopt the
labor-saving and strength-sparing inventions of modern times. Get out
of old ruts and into now -ways by using a cake of SAPOLIO in your
Kings are but men , but all men are not kings. Therefore ,
< ! when the King of Holland says , as he did by deed of August
| 12 , 1889 , that he is greatly pleased with
and , entirely unsolicited , grants the .manufacturers the sole
right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory , a significance -
| nificance attaches to the act which would not were he
not "every inch a king. "
-TASTEr- :
O R nvjn F
Santa : Abie : and : Cat : R : Cure
Tor sale by Goodman Drug Co
- -
PAUhTtuAuo. 10 , 1887. IMPROVED JULY 30.1889.
. v.i.J. . . . . DR. OWEN'S KI.ECTnO-
A > M71 > Mii4aiSaMS * AWU bOBFENBORY lll
&Ww8wnWftih ' ' " " AU Rheumatic Coin-
WTlP ? V'V > V -
ai-plaintf. umb goOweral
ijand Ne.voui Debility ,
Oottlveneif , Kidney
Dlieaiti , Nervouinen.
Trtmtllng , Bexual Kr-
hauition. Waiting of
_ . , . - , cauiea by IndUcrctioni In
AM O SHarrlid or BInrU life.
TO UE81'0 > SI1U K rA TlkN Oil til I11TB TnUL ,
. . " " ELEGTBIG INSOLES ,1.1KK. { ,
Alsonn Elfotrlo Truss nnd Belt Combined.
B U' ' for ranllluit'il bookni r > iu , l > lch Killb
itolyou ( n pUm ictte. ! cnnlort Mcatloo Ibli rapr. Addrtn
3OO Horth Broadway. BT. I.OUIS , MO.
BSD IJrondw.v. vwor vnvtr oiTV.
Brclna for IlT terl , Dliilno , FtiKwirals ! ! .Wall' > '
( ulneM , Menttl lVir nlon.rloll nlnif ot the liraln.ra *
ultlnK In lrvnlly anil leading to mUcry decov ami
deilh. rr mjtun > Old Aat , llairennew , Louol Pq * r
Incltlmr MI , Involuntary lx > w fan > l Hr > crmatoiili < iia
caui 'l by oTir-citrllo\ I ho brain , < lraliuie or
oTcr-lnJulifrnco. Kich l x contulm ono montli'i treat
ment. Jlulxj , or U ( r $ ) , unt t > r niall prrpald ,
Wltli rath iir.U-r for U tie r , lll Mn.l | iuriliti r
K'4ar l. ' to i.fuml n. nuy U Ilia Iruauueut fall ! lo
cur HI * i t < " II I > IIUB rur
1110 Fiirnnm Stivot , Oinaliu , Nob.
" "
t * K'iL'
FR. J. E , McGEEW ,
The Doctor Is unsurpassed
lu tlio treatment of nil
fornij of Prhalo Diseases.
No treatment liasiner been
moro Bucci'8fill ami none
has hail nffpn cr cnilomc-
mcnt. A euro U ( unranlciil In i ho \ ery ornt cnecs
in from .3 to 5 dii \ s without the loss of an hom'e time.
! * 185lfi niBBH'at" Tlioto who ha\o been
V B tiaiaJJ B H.8ff&tC.under stricture his or treatment tllfllculty for In
relieving llio bladder , pronounce it n moet uondor *
fill fucce n. A compute cure In n few day without
pnln. liu'riimcnla ' or IOBH of time.
And nil \\cnlf-
ncm of the
timidity or nmoiifness , In their worst forms nnd
innst dreadful re.sulls nro absolutely tilled.
" And nil KIIMALR
nt liomn without
Instrument A wonderful remedy. HOUltS for
Indies fipm 2 to 4 ONLY.
and nil Diseases of the Skin ,
Jllood , llnnt , Uur , Kid-
ncyH nnd Illiuhler rmcd.
Cured In 30 to CO dais. Tlio
mutt rapid , cafe turn effect.
l\o treatment Kuoun to the
tncdlcal profession Every linco of the disease re-
nioxi-d f loin the blood : n complete cure guaranteed.
( T&ff lt/(9 ( l''or "limn" oroman" \ , caili lOc
( lami > 3) ) . Treatment by corre-
Bpondeiico Stamp for reply.
N..H. Con. lira AND FIIISAU ST.
Opca horn 8 A. .M to 0 1 > . .M.
liutrancn on Tarnain or lltli bt. ,
Do You Know
That Dr. Simons Is ono of the most sclentlllo
anil fiucccs.riii tihyblolans lu the United
Htiitus , ami that ho H located at comer of
nnd liiih sis. and t routs all oases of
NliRVOUS DHH1LITY SffillcwllfflJ !
llfully and successfully. l > r. Pinions Is a spoc-
lullst In all feiiiulo complaints. No potbon
MllfcrliiK from any of these clNtiosaliig tioub-
IPS caifs to lot ovoi-ybody It , s > to Dr.
blnions w ho Is a rosulatly iMlucatcd iiliyslcliui
without the scnililtinco of nuacKory about
him. Ho will dhiRonoso your case and toll
you imilnly uhclluir you can ho uniud or not.
Pall on him as thouvaiidsof olhois hatodouu.
Coino and ho hupny. tJucct'Saful treatment by
1)H. SIMONS 501 B. 10th St. . Omaha. Neb.
lUfBaifta H
1 * * Si9 " " "I" * "i"
UKlt * \f = v ' " * *
* P < ' ' < : SjWft f * lalotJXJLMb
lo.f. f.r. l Gta.r.lli. n il M. lUlnl rtlr. Nd ,
Inf. ( Brrvat * or Kl elrlrllr Ibroutb .11
PiltTS. r..lorU lllf Lrll. ' < l tlt-'IKIiriiKrilE
* l lel lurr.M K.ll I..U.II ; , or e forfcll II OO ID Cllh
PKLT ftn4 ttuip * . . * ri C l > ll * li , < ! up.f r l ctiti ftr.
nut.llr i > r l la tLrc * tuoalh. . H Ie < ] riiucbld Y r .
from olTccts
- - of Lost .Manhood ,
Youthful I > iors.Iinotcnuy | )
uiul Hlbcasesof Mm can ba
eiireO rcrmancntly mill prlv teljr bf our Sexual HP -
clllc Bent bx mull for II. lluok tonl inealed ) for
: Harup. Deacon MUlcat Coujpanjr , 1V7 Uaatiiuk'tOo
itrtel , Uuituu , Ma i.
"Which our advertisements command was never more strikingly illustrated -
trated than in the rush for the Spring Suits , which we placed on special
sale last week , They are going fast. We have opened the past few clays
several more large shipments , of these we have selectdd about SOOsaclc
suits of different styles which we offer this week at a "sale" price of
$7.OO. They are made of all wool cassimeres and cheviots , neat patterns - *
terns , of good workmanship and well fitting , and they will make good ,
honest business suits nice enoungh for anybody to wear. They are oi'
different grades and qualities , but none of them is worth less than $ tlO.OO
and a great many among them which you would think reasonable at
$12.OO at $1B.OO
Boys' Suits-
We have also received during the past week several big lines of
Boys' suitSj short and long pant , in which you "will find equally big bar- *
BOO Knee Pant Suits of a splendid pattern , and durable goods , sizes
4 to 13 , at $1.OO.
38O good all wool Cheviot and Cassimere Suits , in handsome checks ,
coat pleated and "well made up , at $2.28.
We also offer as a special , about 2OO all wool Knee Pants Suits of
very strong material , regular knockabouts , the regular price of which is
$3. The colbr does not take "well and we have marked them down to
SHOES Gentlemen -who are looking for the best shoe for spring and
summer wear , are requested to look over our line of genuine Kangaroo
Shoes , as they are decidedly the best ever made for tender feet. We
have them in lace , congress and Southern ties , Goodyear welts , guaranteed - /
teed , at $3.9O.
We offer today JO cases of fine Patent leather shoes , Lace and Con
gress , of good quality and fine finish at $2.5O , shoe stores charge you
$5.0O and $6.00 for no better quality.
We also offer a full line of low cut Shoes for summer wear at about
one half the prices shoe stores get for them.
We will Mail orders for Shoes , Hats and Furni shing Goods , same as
forclbthing. We send goods C. O. D. with privilege of examing and if
goods are not satisfactory you need not take them.
Nebraska Clothin
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
For a Few Days
At the remarkable low pri
ces of
It being an established
fact that our goods are all
strictly first-class , each pur
chaser of one of these suits
may well feel he has got
ten the best value for his
money. ,
Sore Throat ,
The highest mi-dlral authorities of the
World iiicsorlhn nnd locomniuiid Iho SODKN
MINEHAL , PASTILLES , for dlbuubos of the
Tluoat , CJheht uiid liungs , and uUo for cou-
"innd thorniiiltsof thoSODKN M
WATlIltS AND I'AhTII.l.KH are vety s.itlh-
faototy In Siibacuto I'haryngltK ' us well as lit
I'liionlo I'atanhal ' roiidltroii ofMm iilmr ) | air
imssauos. " MOUKAU It I ItOWN. M. I ,
1'rof. of Laij ngolosy at ChlutKo 1'ollc-lliiio.
At all druggists ut M and W cents a box.
Fliamplets Gratis on Application.
Oineral and HEUVOUS
. . . , . . . . . .
* .li.l .t.l.f | IIOBK TUKATXKllT-U.Mll. ! a .r
, ' . . . . . . . . . . . ,
> 1'lllj fr. 10 UUU..d t.r.l * C.aalrl.i. Writ.
tl nlll < H.ok. .cl . ll o 4 treo' . > ll > 4li.4li < in.
itlitu ERIE MBDIOAL CO. , BUrmOi N. Y.
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionarlas.
Will tnko place In publlo at the OITY OP JUAUE7 , ( fonnorly I'.ISD tlul Norto ) .
WEDNESDAY , MAY 21st , 189O.
Under the personal supcrvlsfonol GEN. JOHN S. MOSBY , nntl iMR.OA.MILO AKGl'nUjES ,
the former a Kcntlcman of such iironiliionco In the United States that his presence alone li
siillloluntiiiiaraiitco to the public that the drawliitts will bo hold with Htrlet honesty anil f.ur-
nt-ss to nil , and the latter ( the Supervisor of the Moxloau Government ) Is of equal st.iuilioa
anil lutogtlty.
Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO , Tickets !
LIST fi-iiiiiss.
1 Prize of Approximation Prize ? .
$60,000 $
. , , 100 Prlzoi of S B ) cucli
zoof 10000 100 1'ilzcs of M each .KiiiO
/o of 6,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; . . . ; . . . ; . ! 10U I'rlies ofS I'.WX )
r ici of i.oou ci.eii Tonntnal Prizos.
IKS of am cncii 2,000 699TcrniInnN to fifl.OHO I'lUo of til ) e.ich. .
zcs of 100 each 5 , JO KM TormlunU to 110,000 1'rUo of S1U uucli
zcs uf K each 6,001)
2W 1'rlzca of BO each 7ttX ) 1014 , Prizes amounting to $125
Wo tlio undersigned horohjr certify that tlio ll.inco If any ticket drawing n prlzo Is ont to Iho under
Nnclonnl of Mexico In Chlliunlum lias on ilcpnitlt pinned , Its face value will ho collected "n I romlttua
from tlio Mcxlcnn International llanUng Company , to the owner thereof free of charge.
the necessary fund : ) to Kiiarantco the payment of alt IJmnii II , linos-jot ,
tlio prizes Ornwn In tlioiinncl ] .ottcry of .liinro/ . President in 1'aso National Hank. Kl I'a" > , Tor.
Wo further certify tluit wo will siipervlio nil thoar- -A.QI3NTS W-ANTliii : ) .
ranomi > iitn , uiul In person innnaKO and control all Tor club rates , or any other Information , wrllo t < J
the ( Innings of this IiOttcry , nnd Hint the same are the underalgned , Htatlng your address uUurly wltli
conducted with honesty , falrneaa itud In good faith State , County , Htreet and Number. Mori ! rapid null
towards all parties. delivery will bo assured hr > oiir enclosing un envel
JOHN S. MOSITiT , Commissioner. ope ht-arhiK your full addruss.
Supervisor for the Government. City of Juaici , Motluo.
T\Tf ) 'TlT"Fr Fend remittances for tloKots by ordinary letter , containing Money Onlor.
' v-/ - * A V-'J ' Issued by nil Impress Companies , Now York Kxcluuigo , llanlc Uraftor 1'osUl
Note. Address nil ruRlstoicd lottois to
GiLy -Juarez. . Moxloo. via El Paso. Tex.
Diamond Merchants , Imperial's and Manit-
IhoturlrigJovolors. .
„ Read our "Special Bill of Faro" for this weolc. Wo will oflbr both "Hir "
and "Well Done'1 novelties in every dopartraont nt lowest prices.
Diamond Finger KIiiL's from # L'.50 uj ) ( o $501) ) .
* IHiimoiitl l.aio Plus from $5.01) ) up to $1000.01) ) .
Diamond Kitr UiiiKS from $10.00 up lo $ -,500.00.
Diiimonil Stuils ; Diamond Scarf I'ins ; Dlunioml Co 11 it f Hiitlons ; Dla-
moml Cull' Iliiltons : Diamond Half Tins ; Dlumonil Lockets ; Diamond
Dracelvls. I.onse Diamonds nioiinlcilto orilor nt short notice.
WATCHES IMVKQ assortiiioni Finn SoliiKJoMSlpiii Wimllni ? Walclics
from $15.00 up to $50.00. ! ) ( 'old Filled Watches , $15.00 anil upnnnl.
All hliidH Sliver nnil Nlekol Wntclics , from the Cheapest to the Host. Keo
our NOH $ . " > .OI ) Watch.
Solid ( Jold Wnlch Chains from $7. " > 0 up.
Finest Kolled I'lalo t'halns , only $2.50 , worth $ fi.OO.
500 iictnt : ( Walch Charms anil Lockets fiOc up.
12 tloxen Solid Slerllnt , ' Silver Bracelets from 50c up.
One lot of ( tolled I'lalo Bracelets , assorted patterns , sold formerly at
$2.00 ami $11.00 , now )0e encli lo close them out.
1,001) ) Fine Solid .Gold riiifjcr Illn s nt $1.00 , $1.50 , $2.00 , $ ! ) .0 ( ) ,
$1.00 , $5.00 and tipto $10.01) ) , worth $2.00 to $20.00.
A beautiful line of ( ho celuhrated "i'ailslan Dlamiinds , " ( imltiitlon
fll.imond * ) In ( < old SetlliiKS , Studs , Scarf I'lns , Lace IMus. Unr KIu ,
etc. , from $1.00 upward.
SI'KClAlj We oiler for n few days only , until all nro sold about 11)0 )
Fine Steel dining Sets , 11 pieces , ut only $2.00 , worth $5,01) ) . ( . 'all
early , as they \\I1I not last long.
Jlnrgulns hi Clocks. Lamps , Silverware , Umbrella ? , eta.
Wlemlriiitf ! | In all its \arious liranclies.
Store for rent nnd fixtures for salo.
% m < > ftp OMAHA
f ' - * . tfttv.- ,