THE OMAHA DAILY BjEHtff TUESDAY , MAY 20 , 1890. SPECIRL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ndvCrtlsrincntrt will bo Inkcn for HICHO columns nfrcr ISittO p. in. STorms Cnsli In ndvnnce. AdrorllKomrnts under thin hrnd 10 cents ppr Ilnn for the Drst Insertion. 7rcntforcaeh sub- rcmirnt Insertion. nndI. ) pcrlliin permonth , Nondvortlsomrnts tnken for Irs * than 25 cents tor flrnt Insertion. They must run cotisoPii- tlvoly ntul must bo paid In ADVANCK. All nilvcrt fionicntR muni lie handed In before K-M o'cBick p , in. , and under noelrcumstances will llipy bo tukrn or discontinued by telephone , 1'iirtles advertising In thcsn columns and having llit-lr unsworn addressed In care of THE JlEK will plonso nsk for ti check too nnbln then ; to eel their Idlers. n noun will delivered except on presentation of check. All answers lo advertisements should bo enclosed In onvo- ' advertisements In tliooo columns are published In both morning and oven ng edl- lloim of Tun Hur , tlio circulation of which ag gregates morn thnn 20,000 papers dally , and BlTcs iltu advertiser * thn benefit , not only of the city rlrt'iilntlonof TUB HKK , but also of fjonncll lllnlTii , Mneqln and other cities and towns IhroiiKhout this section of tlio country. B RANCH OFFICEST Adyprtlslnt : for these columns win bo taken on the above conditions , nt the following bin- ness 1 oiises who uro authorl ed to tnko special notices , nt tlio same rates as can bo had at the main ofllce. iTi 1 A 1 iu AN i iVfOFP i i M ornTr fjof Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska Savings bunk hulldlnsr. JOHN W. IlKMi , Phurmnclst.fc.'OBouth Tenth Rttcot. OIIASRA ntDV ) , Htatloners und Printers , III ) , Month ICtli gtreut. . rAHNSWOitTII. Pliurnnelst , 2115 , SII. Ciimlng street , W.J. . HUGHES , Pharmacist , < 3l North . ICtli street. GEO. W. PAKIt , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven- worth Street. irUOIICS'l'HAKMAUy. Slth. and Farnam SITUATIONS WAXTHI * . WANTED lly a young lady , a position as copvlst or for general olllco work. Ad dress m Vine street , Council IllulTs. 15U-2.1 WANTKD-Posltlon by lady expert stenog rapher. MIstM. , KM ) N 81st st. 117 111 * J \\rANTKD-Slluntlon Ijyyoiinicnnsllslinittn. 4 yi'ars In wholesale provision SIOIPH : i years clerkship on railways , shorthand writer Addievi K : care Itco. 170 L'O * EXPEHIENGED book-keeper and olllco man wants a position about .Juno 1. A 1 refer ences. Addiess nil , care Ileo. IK ! 31 * " \\7"ANTED Iy ( gentleman of oxpotlonco poT - T > sltlon as bookkeeper or other otilco work. Good elty lefcicncc. Addioss E 'M lice. "OOSITION as housekeeper ; rcferr-nces. Oal , J. in-address Housekeeper. ICM Howard. H 5 2d Hour. . 9-r.- : ! ! * \ rANTnn-Sltuatlon by a reliable , steady > T young man ; eolorcd. us porter or janitor ; Eood'ujty leferenees. AddiessOas , Hei > ofllec. WANTKIJ . C Jlljljl * . \A7ANTr.O A first class cook , either man or woiniin. Addioss , stating wages. Cam eron linuse , .Scbuylor , Neb. IQU'-lit * " > < ) SIT1ON by first clubs stenographer. R2. , Hoi- . IWJ 10 * i"ANTED Ono more good coat , vest and ' pants innker ; vrry good pay to a good and fcobcr man. It. H. Pctcison , rrlend , Neb. 191 M * \\rANTKI ) Immediately , a man who can work In wood and lion to build wagons Apnly ut W ! ) South 17th st. 17S ' . ' 1 * \\/ANTEI ) A llrst class cook for country TT residence , good wuges paid. Inquire S. E. cor. .Mill and Howard. Kill "IXrANTED An active man for ouch section milary * 7."i to $100 , to locally icprcscnt a Hiieei'Msfiif N. y. company , Incorporated , to supply dry goods , clothing , nhoe.s , jewelry , utc. . to consumers at cost. Also a lady of tact , salary HO , to enroll members ( bO.IKJO now enrolled , JIOO.OOO paid In. ) Hefcrenci'S o\- uhaliucdi Empire Co-Operatlvo association cicillt well rated ) lock box 010. N. Y. \ \ r ANTED 3 traveling salesmen Salary and expenses , no experience necessary , Address , wit h stamp , L. H. Linn & Co. . La Crossc , WIs. 10.1-Sl * W ANTED-First class waltorV--W Cumlng 078 19 WANTED-Salesmen to sell the greatest specialty on the market. Salary and ex- pcn i > 8 paid. A splendid ldo lino. Addicss with stamp , Globe Inhaler Co. , La Crossc , wis. ia.-ao * WANTED- Salesmen on nnlary oreoinmls- ylou to bundle new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. The Kientrst.selllng novelty over producoil. Erases Ink thoroughly In two Heeonds ; noabiaslonof paper ; "W to r > tx ) per c-enl prollt. Ono agont'n "uln amounted to to ) In sliluyH : anotherJ-In two hours. Wo want one oiiergctln agent for each state nnd terrl- loiv hamplo by mnll. ir > cents. The Monroe JCi iisu r M f'B Co. . JU Ci osse , _ Wlb. 145-20 * WANTED Energetic men i nnd women fora genteel business paying JK ! ( ) . weekly profit easier than f < "iO monthly otbcrwlso ; exnorlcnco unnecessary ; peimnnont position und e.\olu- Blvn tetrltory assured ; * .ls.imples frcot Inves tigate our money-making business. Address ylth Htunin.Merrill MunufuctuilugCo. , It Ul , S.Vlcago , II l : 'EICAL Agents maUo from t.,000 to $3.000 per year ; canvasseis fmm fl to J10 per day Rolling t no Taylor adjustable shoo. Every Indy Is a possible oustomor ; permanent business ; oxcluslvo territory assigned. Addie&s wlUi Kt simpConsolidated ndjiibtable Shoo Co..Salem. Mass. Gi3-2l ! * D 500 men for newrrllroad work in T ? Dakota and Wyoming. Good wages , ntoady work nnd free fare. Allbrlght's labor agency 1120 Fnrnam st. 809 " \\TANTK'I ) Coat and vest mnkor. good pay YV htondy work. Jumcb Papcz , AlbionItoone county , Noli. 18i ! 21 * WANTED MX ) 111(111 ( for I'lah and Nevada ; wagesW.OOtor..5l ! per day , Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Fariiani. 471 WANTED- Salesmen at * 75 per month snl- ary and e.xpcnses to sell a line of sllvor- iilatod win IN watches , etc. , by snmpie only ; lior-onnd team furnished free ; write at once for full paitlculars nnd sample case of goods free. Standard blherwaio Co. , Iloiton , Mas's , _ \ _ ! 15i _ WANTED Live men us salesmen und col lectors In Western Nebraska. Experi ence not necessary. The Hlnger Sewing Ma- olilne Co , Grand Island. Neb. to.mID * " \\/"ANTEI--A , ) second mok and a ehiuubor- T t main at City Hotel , cor. 10th aud llurney. Uir ! > li ) " \ \r A NT E D Thii'o.ludlesand twoyoung men T ? lo receive Instiucllons aud Keep books. J. II Smith , room 1X0 N. Y. Life building. \yANTED IsstawUMKlilslu private faml- > ly : best of wages paid. 7-'l S null St. . corner ! nor ut Leuvcn\Nimh \ su .Mrs. J. Ii , UraiuleU , 177 3AT A NTED 1'lrst class girl for general house- i ' vvoru , no wiinhlni ; or Ironing , 1,1)7 ) Cuss st. _ ; ico- ! ' ] ADY iigfiitavvanted tosell u bustdovelopor J guuruutred to Iuciea e thu bust any u > - nuliedsUo. Thirty days free trial allowed , Enclose htumiis for lllustialed circulars , Ad- dres , Kmplie Medical Co.x'b ! West4''d St.New Yoik City. . no"o * XXrANT. housework , VV Irl8h. Herman Amctlcau , 2020 tft. M a ry'tt avenue. 18d " \ 7IAN'TED MAN As agent for our patent TT snfes ; size ib.xIBxlS Inches , M-lri'tull , All jiesuslow. Now styles ; new pattertiK ; new lock ; new factory. Not govemrd by bate pool , Every safe wai united. Rare i-hnnce , " Potmummt uiihliu'ss , Our terms und cata logue will convince you ngents clour $ .100 to 1 , )0 ) per month. Wtltii for exclusive territory h2l-2 * Alpine Safe Co. . Clnolnnatl. O. _ GIRL to take cure of cbildti'iii not ton A ' young ) German prefertcd , Enqulro 4ixl North fflitl bt. lui it ) G IRL for general housework. Inquire of J. J. Wilkinson. Clb PuMon blk. 128 \ \ * ANTED Immediately , a nurse for 3 chll TT droii , must bo neat and good natured references requited : wages W.W per vri'rk , Ap ply ut M. T , Put ilek's , 24th and Lake sts. _ _ _ mi IP * _ \s rANTED-GlrI for uvneral housuwork. SOW VV St , Mary's uvo. _ 142-20 * " \'OUNd TaHlci . 8 , 220 N. Itltb , f mm aT 8U719 * WANTED-GIrl for general housework with Btnall family , ftllt-Wtlifct , ( ICO \ \ 7"ANTEIaood kitchen and nuwo girl J,1001 } , , waKt > sMr * W. It. Vuuglmu " 3017 Popplolon uve. "VVT"ANTKD-OIrl forucnerul housework.M3 ! V T Furnuui nt , goo \\7ANTni ) A Rotid cook and laundress In T family where second girl It kept ! extra largo wnsrs paid. Apply 721 1) ) . 10th st. , corner of r.cavciiwortli. 811 _ _ IWIMi pay Indies n salary of ilO per week to work for nii > In their locality at homo : Iliht work , peed pay for part time.Vrlto with itatnp. Mrs. II. r. rnrrliijtton , l > ox 702 Chicago. VVANTKD A first class cook for country ' residence , good wngcs paid. Inquire ! * , E , cor. LMth nnd Howard. * ? ! _ _ _ : _ "AA/ANTKD- A Rlrl for encral housework , "T German preferred , Ml Park ave , Mrs. D. W. Van Coll. W7 MYItA McOinnlV lrosstnakln * : pallors iH2 : Cnpltol avo. I use and tench the I rencb tailor system. loojlli FOR HKNT lIUL'HIiS. O'l room liouso In Roe < l condition. Kent 17,1. " - I'urnltiiro Invoices * li . Will sell for 7lH ) . $ SiO easlij balance J."i pet1 month. I'Ull of hoatdctsand roomers , sickness cause of mdllnr. Co-opcr.itlvo land and lot company. .U1N. inth street. l.)7-lt > ON nceointt of louvlns town , will rent to family without r.hlldicu , furnished house of .six rooms and bath , for BUinnier , North Klfthtcrnth st. . within ono block of motor ; modern conveniences : references. Address K , 37 , lire. IM-'O' _ TTlOIt Kl'NT 1'lno residence , modern 1m- JU provoincnH. . No. ! > ' 40ii M Mary's avenue , from .lunu 1st , at (05 per month , lumiliu at premises oral A. Heller , No. 1114 , Varnani otreet. 1.V1 _ 1 - | UOOSt house In thohoartof thnclfy : rout J. 1 III ) : full of roomers and bouidots ; fiirnl- tiiroiV.0 ; illxiciish , Co-Operative Land and lot Co. , S05 N I0th. JSM'J ' 8 HOOM house , city water , bath , utc. . near to motor ; fr.'i ) , 11. K. Cole. l.V.-i.lJ OHOO.M house on motor ; city water , bath nnd Kan ; $ . ' 3. H. K. Cole. JKt-a ) 17 HOOM Hut.near U. P.depot ; one month fieo loKOod , permanent tenant. I ! . E.Colo , Cou- llncntal block. l.V.-'U A HOOM cottairi Unit tH. . ! ' . Williams , T"corner IMth und Atbor streets. 1.7T-11) ) TTlOIt HKNT itcasonable to a peed party , the JL1 apartments over KiOl-a- . * > Ilowaid St. ; IE ) pleasant looms ; just the thin * ; for European hotel. C. P. Shaw. 1G01 Howard. HI PUHNIHHKD collage , 1700 N 10th at. 031-19 * TT OU KENT House of 5 rooms , newly pain ted J ? und. p ipered , well and cistern , tin per month , "lllj Hurt st. Uflfl 10 * TT1OK KENT 10-room house , 'JI07 Douglas st. -1 ? all modurn Improvcmcnls. Inquire 2111 _ ! I87 _ _ _ "T K YOU wish to rent a liouso or store see 11. J E. Cole. Continental block. _ 1U7 FOR KENT Dwelling on Capltoi avenue , ! ) rooms , and all modern conveniences. In- cludlng laundry and largo stable. U. J. O'lonaboi ) > . JtWl Kurnarn st. 1'JO 8UOOM flat , with steam heat , 16th St. , near 'Jones. ' ; Thos. V. Hall , ailI'uxtou block. 193 JjlOH IS EM' House ; ten rooms , all modern I ? linpiovinncnth ; lurgo yard , t40 per month. Doxlcr IThomas. . 710 B O US HP. stoics and flats ; all new , K. A. BTOoiriFKNT , room Jl , Marker blk. ' TOoiriFKNT 10 room flat. 1C15 Dodge bt. , al JL1 inoOcrn Improvements Ml. 7 loom house , IH1S Hurt St. , splendid location and coiiMMiiciicrs. fi loom lioiiM1. Dnpont place , city water , $12. Gco. .1. I'ov. room f > . ' 3 I'axton blk. 4 W "I71OK 1JKNT II houses 3 looms eieh , ? IO , pls- Jtcin , clly water , to small families. Kefer- i-ncu requited cor. loth and 1'aclllc , I > . K. Cop- 18.-I-2I * _ _ _ rilEN rucm house , all convonlenecs.iaiiBe.lIl'W J bherman avo. , WO. Hutehlnson & Weud , 15'4 Douglas ; tel. IS.U _ -40 EAbThalf of 23II Davenport st. , II rooms , to small family. Inquire SMIS Capitol a\o.t "TJIOH HENT 2 lints In IInton blk , cor. Mason J- and 1'llh sis. , ( i rooms each , rent f-'T per month" , Inquire 917ln block. John Hamlln. - tilll 71OH KENT Elegant 0rooninoilftn all modern - W - ern coin eiiitnccs , south and east front. 2U4 ( t..Mary's avenue. ' S.V ) 11 > * OR RENT ; ) nine-room brick houses. All modem conveniences , ' > .a to2.VI7St. Mary's ve. Imjulruat Collateral bank , U12S Kith st. FOR ItENT-My residence. 2.'il3 Farnam. all modem liiiiirovcmenls nnd very desirable. Richard C. Patterson. 907 X. V. Life. 840-11) ) ij\OH \ KENT Ono ID-room modern house , all J } conveniences. Paved streets , cable cars. Five minutes' walk of postofllco. Heferences required. Nathan Shclton. II ! 11 Farnam st. 107 FOR KENT Nice 6-room cottage , 22nd and California , MO per month. A C. WaPeloy , W N. Y. Life building. OJS "fjlOK KENT Two now 5 and 8 room houses. -U city water , full corner lot , nice neighbor hood , close to motor ; $15 and $20. Stringer & Penny , loom 20 Douglas blook , Cor. ICtli and Dodge. ( J49 T7IOR RENT 3 room house , good repair , nice Jyaid. . cistern , water , rent- Apply to 1100 Ho u til 7th avo. or tq Jno. W. Dell , drugglbt , lOtli 515 POR RENT Residences In all parts of city. List too large too publish , ulobo J.o.m & Trust company. .107 S. liith st. Tji1. MODERN house , nlno rooms , bath , hot and cold water , ftuniu'o and gas , on Dodge st. , $40 per mouth. KieU J.llorthwlck,213Southl4th OT 1J1OR RENT A Hat of six rooms. Enquire of J-1 Mrs. C. Dugsau , 1102 S UtU.ltuoiu 0. SS3 FOR RENT -About Juno J , those elegant stone residences on Georgia avenue , H 2 ! > th St. , between Mason nnd I'nelllo sts. Sec owner for long time lease. 11 , H. Henderson , room 400 , Piixlon hlk. ; 4Vi TT1OK RENT 10-room brlok bouse , with inixl- JJ crn convonlenccj. No. 811 S 20tb st. Apyly at No. 627 S gOth st. 324 FOll ItliNT UOOM8 ROOMS , board it desired. ' oy S. 17th. 737-10 * PLEASANT furnished looms , with boaid. X lii : S. 20th. . 183-20 * FOR UENT-Nlcely ftirnlshnd rooms with lltst-cliiss board , 1S14 Dodge st. I'M a * " \7EKY pleasant room , all convenience * . In- > qulro at silk counter Thompson , Holden & Co , * 100.-22 "VncELY furnished rooms , 2017 Lea vc > n worth. EOOMS fiunlihed , with boaid , 19-K1 rarnain 895 20 * Y furnished rooms Uth and .laokson , Cunningham block. HUMS * ROOMS elegantly furnished , single or on Milte. wleh or without Initrd ; no children. The Blieltoa , 10L So. 23th bl. Ucft > ronces. ba. ' 20 * LAHGE fitjutroom ; references ; 1312 Dodge. . Ktl "TT1OH KENT Nicely fuinUlieil 0 room eot- Jtago , good location , ne - motor lino. Ref erences renuliod. Wollnaus. ' & McOulloch , Exposition bldg. . H2JCapitol aye. Kill T71QK KENT A lurao front" room , furuKhrd. JL } | n one of the finest residencein ; the city , 721 S. IDlh st. , comer Loavenworth. bH T710K 11DNT FitrnHliL'd rooms , 1COU Douglas. -U ' . - .tlQ "T71OU KENT Pleasant furnished rooius with J-1 allconveiilfnces.SiuS''UthBU ' 201 TfiOH ItEM' NIcely fumtshea r ( > on > , all JJ modem convenlouces , 2 blooka from P. O. , C18Sl7tltbt. 1(11 ( JJ1UUN1S11ED rooms to lot , pOSJ gt..Marv' * . * | J1OK KlLNT Kurnlihra roonis ; 113 , 1mUi J-1 and ste.inii 1519 Howunl. l' ' J PUHNISllEn and uiifurnUhcd rooms with Iionrd , uUo day board. Mrs. M. J.Shrlncr , ' 1 jj. i.lith ht , 7I11-1S * FURNISHED rooms. 101'J I'urmun. . ftllma * ST. CLA1K Eunipoan hotel , corner 13th and Dodge. Spccla rates by vveok , or uionth. 202 7 10 , 12 , 1J-C07 N. 18tb t. you UKXT. . 4UNI' < UKN1SHED rooms'for rent ; ail c ° u * veiilencea. CJC1 So. 1'thuve. ISO 23 * _ " 17IOR KENT--3 nice rooms , well and cistern JL1 water. 1312 Cumins st. _ 13l-U > * FOR KENT 2 unfurnished rooms , 1022 Oiim Ing. 133-21 * _ T710K KENT Two unfurnUhed rooms , llCi JL' ( Jumtng , 133-10 * TTIOK KENT I unfurnished rooms to family. JU without cblldrun ; uioduru ImprovomenU. 1704 Webster su Prlcoin. ox ,1 UNTURNIS11ED rooms , 23IJ Capitol are. FOU niSNT STOItHS AND OFFICKS LiailT.alrjr , Rood kited rooms at low rent ; 110 und 115u month. In SUueloy'u block. . 011-21 FOU RENT-Centrnl located building wltti one too II. P. . three CO H , P. 2d hund liollera and thirty feet of line almft , or will sell boilers nnd sliaftliiR. Enqulro 1SI2 Cnpltol ave 831-10 " TO KE. sultabfefor btftpitcr sTiop. on 8. lltTI street ; one month free to reliable , perma nent tenant. H , E. Cole , Continental block. SMALL store for rent on llth st near I ar- nam xt , { CD month. Inqulro at 917 Llnton blk. John HiiinUn , Kll _ STORE 7 blockFfroin postoHlcc , 10th st , , 110 per month. 11. E. Cole , Continental blk. 0q ! lit 1/IOK KENT A store room , 22x100 foot. In tlTn JL ? best location In Omaha for line notions and fancy dry goods. Address ED , Hoe. 840 ID * STORE In South Omaha , good locution , only MS. 11. E. Cole. 152-20 QTORES nt 707,700.711 H IGth. 22.x ) nnch , larg Vjohow windows , steam bent furnished , Thos V , Hall. : ill I'nxton block. gici OFFICES In Wlthnell block , 15th und llarney streetH , ii per month and upward ; all mod : orn Improvements. Cftll and see them. JjlOK KENT-Storo OW S..10th st. CNV ) DESK room , attorney preferred , llutolilinon & Wend. 1M4 Douglas ; tel. IfO. 24(1 ( EOR RENT The 4-story brick building with or without power , formerly occupied by the Ileo Publishing Co. , 1)10 ) Karnnm St. . The building has a llni proof cement basement , complete steam heating fixtures , wuteron all the floors , gas'etc. Apply at the ottlco of The llco. 013 FOK JKKXT SIISOHMiAXKOUtr. CORNER lot , ( V ) by 150 , cornor2iith nnd O sts. , South Umaha , Is a llrst > class.location for bccrgarden. InqiilroMrs. A. Kallsh , 813 S. 19th. 4lit J2 "VTOTICE For any Information regarding .Oi Ogden elty , I'tah. as to vnltio of nioiieillos nnd good Investments correspond with Humor llros. , Ogden , Utah , box till. Daniel llarner , county clerk ; .lohn llamor , manager of nb- sl raet coi npany. 1072:1 : 171OR RENT--Wo have 01 acres adjoining lien- JL' son and 63 acres adjoining our Highland Park addition that wo will runt fer Benson of IS'.w at a reabonablo price. Omuha.Kcnl Estate and Trust Co. 1504 Farnam Bt. 107 FOII JIKNT I ASrunic. PASTHRIv-ThoPlatto Yalley ranch Is open for stock. 1.000 acres In tame grass. Tor particulars address Platte Valley Ranch , Valley - loy , Neb. , or E. Uonton , Fremont , Neb. \ATANTED-Hoi-ses to pasture nt $2.50 a VT month on farm near Irvington ; horses called for and delivered. W. U. Homau , RXiu 0 , Frenrer blk. 470 1VANTKD TO KNT. UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing , central location , man and wlfo. Ad dress K2".IJejiolll < Mt. 111-20 ItKNTAIj ACKNCY. LIST your property with Lurmon P. Pruyn , 2410CumlngBtrcct , for quick results. OR RENT--Hoiiso4. In all parts of city. The O. I * . Davis company. 1.VJ3 Fanmm st. 2X1 MORTON'S icntal agency , 517 Pa.xton block. 205 HK. COLE , rental agent , Continental blk 197 AVAXTS. To borrow 7.0X ( ) on 4 bonoes worth J15.000 in sums of { 1.500 and $ . ' , (100. ( for Horn years , nt 8 percent. No loan coin- panics or agents. Room 20 Douglas block. Kith and Dodgu street.s. 049 AIISCISLiIjAXKOUS. PARASOLS and umbrellas covered and 10- palied. It. lialor , 1515 Douglas ; basement. t90 rpTNVORK , roofing , gutlerinS. spoutln ? , JL good work low prices. Savage , 1918 Cnming 07JS * B1EDICA1J. M ASSAGE and magnetic treatment , 11K1 Pa- olflc , half block from motor line. 51G-23 * DR. I.ONSDALE , magnetic and electric healer , successfully ticals all complaints of women without medicine. Consultation looms 010 S. lllthst. 12(1 ( 24 * _ DKXTTSTS. DENTISTS E. R. Trlppe , graduate Indiana dental college , llest of work only. Crown and brldgo work a specialty. Room in Conti nental blk. Elevator TOth st , north of Douglas. . > CI m 23 LOST On Satin day a momoranduin book bound In red leather. The llndnr vvrll bo rewarded by leaving It at the Continental Clothing lions.- . 137-19 LOST Sunday , red leather covered Indexed memorandum book , in North Omaha. Ke- tiirn 1707 Pinning nnd receive re ward. 1'li ' . ' 0 * LOST Diamond and Emerald ring , two stones sot diagonally. Leave at C. S. Ray inoiid's and receive liberal reward. 141"-IO STRAYED Team horses , ! h on gray and 1 bay. Return to-'OlO rranklln. Howard. TM Si * FOUXIK dwi ) 1 1 o JU years old , fi miles west on military and 1 mile north on Martin Tlbka's fnrm. Christ Muetgonborg. in 192rj 211 IK * PJ3XSIOX AGKXOV. EN. CL1NGMAN , exclusive pension nttor- noy , teems 19 and 21 , Fren/er block , Omaha ; also Olnclnnatlaud Washington. Send stamp for clicular. 14t ! LUpeeiilvuir ; would like to see you ut Pa.xton hotel , same place. Tuesday afternoon. Ralph. 191-20 * "PEK&ON Air If von want your photo on JL glass call at 220 K. iflth. 8.W 19 * STOllAOU. 8TOUAGE liraiich i Co. , 1211 Howard.ias mHAC'KAGE storage at lowest rates. W. M. JItushman , Kill Lcavcnworth. 207 \VANTIOD-TO IIU57 ! WANTED rurnltuio. carpnts , liousohold goods for cash , WolU1 Auction k Storage CO..J1I7 S lllthst. _ 2Uii " \\rANTED-5orlOaerosof cheap land ( not bottom ) , within 10 or 12 miles of Omaha. State price aud louatlon , and addrobs.l. Koblu- so'liM.H.Jthj.t. ' [ . lii.1-20 * " \\rANTED-Second-hand In Vulture of all > T kinds at thu highest price , 710 S. lllth st. U.MJ14' \\7"ANTED Good commercial paper. NeT - T > bruska Mortgage Loan Co. , 51 ! ) Paxton blk. " \\7VANTED-To liny llcsldcncc , 0 to 8 T T looms , good slo lot , east or south front ; house must bo nicely tluUhml , have all mod ern conveniences , O. II. Jelfrles , Itoom 200 , Hue building. 1)18 ) CASH paid for second hand books at the Antlquailau book store , 1113 I'aruam st. atd-fll * " \\7 ANTED- Good short tlmo paper in small -L "mounts. P. 1M4 r'nrnum Bt. 474 \\rA N T ED To buy tor'spot cash , city or IT country parts or whole stocks of dry nnd fancy good * , clothing , boots and shoes , millin ery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc. Callonor address J. L. llrandels &Sons , cor- nerl.'llli and Howard. Omaha. 2IU FOIC HAIjK llblt'HJjS _ VV AfiOXS ETC. Oli S\ii \ Kn'oyouiMns' oN9"W JLJ d. liynn. 12031'urnain st UUU-23 T710H SALE Ono Imrso und top buggy for X' push , tlmo or trade. Ulmobuugh i Taylor , 1105 Douglas st. 1 * > MU 1TIOH SALE I'our horsos. onooxpres.1 wagon , J3 Push or tlmo , Itoom 2.1117 Farnam. KiT--Q' 771OH SALE Seumuu'a bUKglua beat and JL' ehoapcst. Beaiuuu'H phaetons best and cheapest. Seaman's wugon4 best und ohoupeat. Heaman'H currlases best and cheapest. Omaha's largest variety. 850-m-23 TTOHSES-Snan nlco mares ; weigh about J X2.200 poiimJs. J-ti5j nice workers or drivers , single or double ; span horses , iliiO ; span mules , 1150 ; nlco ludy'g horsu. 1123 ; some Blnglo und double hurnosd. Co-Oporatlvu Land and Lot Co. . 205 N. lUth St. ISU-li ) "yJlbirBAlTE An elegant busgy or oarriago -I-1 horse , very stylish , line driver , and afraid of nothing ; uny lady can drive him ; together with a full platform spring , leather top car riage , almost new , and ono Columbus make buggy. Alsoonobot double harness for&13. Apply at 2215 Webster st. KM PAUTI11S looking tor line drlvlnj or saddle horses , would do well to call on. or correspond - pond with T. J. Flerulug , mauneer W. U. illl- lunl s fanu , Calhoun , Keb. lie baa for Bale erne Urht-olns-s nliixlo drivers , oan-lage tnamj , and laddie horses , at reosoaablo prices. U TTIOR SALE- \ good SKMIo liorso for 130. Ad- JU dress O 14 , Ileo. .TO and hiuso- .klids , ( ovorv Tuesday , Thursday and ? atilrdaimornlngiu ; 1114 Doug las st. Cash paid forgMls. Omaha Auction and Storage Co. Henry XVelgliton. auctioneer. ; V 1 _ _ "I7IUHNITUHE auctmil , Very Wedncsuay and JL1 Saturday. 317 ri l.ltltf , j Veils. 'M FOll --MIHt'lOIiIjAXKOUS. ' . IJ1OU HALE. cheapiMiorso power steel X1 boiler , good as new.nvith fittings complete : boater , mud-drum , plunge pumps , nnd No. i ! Knowlcs ; will sell foroue-lmlf original cos Jeff W. llcdford. ix'4 OO.OOO btislipls ear corn and use of cribs and money until October. \ , llradshaw , Nob. S ALEof Sllvorwnro-Huttcr dl.shcs. cnslors. ten sots , eako baskets. sw | > on holders und cups , combination sets , etc.tine goods nnd low prices. 0. L. Erloksoil .A. Co. , the SlMi-eutli St. Jewelers , Masonic blk. ini'l 22 TTIOR SALE Cheap , a beautiful fawn colored -U grey hound. Enquire 721 S. loth St. , corner of Leavonwortli. 814 TOVE wood forsalo T. Murray. 033 TTIOR SALE Some good watches nnd dla- X1 mends cheap. II. K. Masters , room 4 , Wlth- nell block. 211 MUSIC AIM ? AM ) IANOUAGK. AWEI1EH , piano makei. tunornndrep lrer. Pianos aud oiguns for sale. fK > North 10th at. 101-2a BETOHK buying a piano examine the new scale Klmball piano at A. Hospe. 1313 Douglas Mt , 212 EoTr.GELLENIIEClv.teaehcr of the banjo , ICO ! ) Howard st. : id lloor. 211) MONijvlTo LoTvy T71IKST mortgage loans at low rates and no X1 delay. I ) . V. Slioles Co. , 210 First Natl bank. 030 FIHST mortgage loans. Very lowest rates. O.J. Caswcll. 16 N.Y. Life. 421-J2 LOANS wanted on produetlvo Omaha real estate.i : undo yours'time , optional pay ments , favorable terms und rates. Klmball , Champ & Ityan , 1000J10 1203 Kuriinm st. MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , plunos.organs , diamonds , ut lowest rates. The flrxtotganl/od loan olllco In the city. Makes loans from : n to : 3 days , which can bo paid In part or whole at any tlmo , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Call and see us when you want monoy. Wo can assist you promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In maklni ; loans. C. K Heed & Co. , aiU S. 13th St. ; over lilngham & Sons. 2Jtl . _ _ _ r isaiuldollnrsof private money - . . . loan onOmaha ical estate at alow rate of Interest and on unusually favorable terms. The terms will recommend It to boriowers. Good unquestionable socuilty In vacant prop erty will be considered. Address , fore days by leltcrathlsrcsldcnce. C. V. Harrison. 114'b. i"itli st. lit ! 21 /11IATTEL loans , H. 19 Continental blk. . 13 & V Douglus ; business confidential. M.J. Hallj COLI/ATEKA1. bank , S12 So. 10th st , loom r , Chamber cof Coiiiinuiee , loans money on commurelal paper and'ill ai tides of value. Also on horses , cattle.jlnriiltiiro and other chattel piopcrty without lemo al. at lowest lates'ot Interest. All'huslness btrlctlv conll- dontlal. "H ft' > < Jl. . HAND Investment Co. , ioom,48 { , Ileo build ing , loan on chattjOl In amounts from $10 toJIO.UOO ; lowest rates. ' Loans on household goods , horses , personal property of all kinds and other urtlclusof value \\lthout removal. Payments arranged tu toji Inteiest. UJOiti * "jl rONEY to loan , . " > yeais on easy terms on 00 1'J per cent on good cftfjs'erviitlvo ' valuations , nnywhcro In the city llinlts of Omaha , at 410 bhueluy bldg.,15th andlv ) > aid sts. Sam'lTato. mi | 10 PER CENT losldence loans , 1,000 to $10.000. Hullding loans at spe > lifl Kites. The Mead Investment Co. . Heo building ZKi MONEY ; wGOorOOdUysoiifurnItnr ' , pianos. horses , houses , eto ' 1 : J. J. Wilkinson , 018 Paxton bile. , , i 2.M HATTEL loans at'litwest rates ; removed to OHA'I r.i : a J. M..Cinlii8er. S19 MONEY to loari'OM city property ; money on hand and no delayu. Itatus , bmlth & Co. , 10th and FuriiamsU. D15-J14 LIIIEUAIj real estate loans madif by W. 31 Harris , room 20 , Freiizer block , opp. 1 * . O. T OANS City nnd farm loans , mortgage pa- JLJper bought. McCaguo Investment Co. 221 ' EYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of III ) to $1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on liooos , furnlturo or any approved hecurlty without publicity ; notes bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low est lates. Call , H 208 , tfhoely blic , 15th and Howard .sts. 22U time loans on vacant lots. Sclby & SHOUT Heed. 13 boaid of trade. 5b5 "OUILDING loans. 0 lo 7 ppr cent ; no add ! t loual charges for coinin ishlon or attorney's fees.t . \V. B. Melkle , t'lr-ht Nat'l bank bldg.2.O 2.O MONEY loaned at lowest rates long tliuu on Improved Omaha real estate , no " < ' < wis , " no delay. Qlobo Loan & Trust Cor , 307 B. 10th. 7K1 / 1OMMEKOIAL and general short time paper V- bought ; also regular llvo year loans mndu on Irnprcvcd property. Oco. F. Ulust & Co. , 20:1 : Itmiig 3ldL- . 072 QECONU mortgage lonns. fcecond mortga'ges Obought. Loans on vacant lots. Keed & jjolby. room 111. Hoard Trade. 227 MONEY to Ionii by It. V. Masters In any amount from $10 to $10,003 for any time , from onn to bl v months 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , nation , houses , leases , etc. . In any amount at the lowest possible rate , with out publicity or removal of property. My loans are so arranged that you can make u paymentntanv tlmo and reduce your In terest jio ) rata. You pay Interest only for the tlmo yon use the money. If you ewe a balance on your property I will take It up and carry It for you , at the lowest rate consistent with the risk. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. 1 > . K Masters , Hoom 4 , Wlthnell blk. . 13th and Harnoy sts. MONEY to loan on any security for short time at low rates. Lowest rates on persona ) properly. Tlio Henderson Mortgage Investment Com pany , Kooii400. ! I'axlon block. 224 W ANTED-Flrst-olass Inside loans , lowest rates. Call and sue us. Alutual Invest ment Co. . 1MI j'arnain. 2n : ) BEKOHE negotiating a loan to Impiovu your real estate pot terms from The Odoll Investment Co. , Ml N.Y. Lifo bldg , Thos. B. Hoyd. reiirofccnlatlyc. 220 flHEAI' EASTERN MONlfY \J Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly : 1st mortgages wanted. Ocorgo W. P.Coates.ropre- bcntativo , 7 Hoard Trade. 225 EASTERN money tq'M"1 on nlty property ; mortgage paper boiisrjt. ll.H.Iroyonji. P.O. LOANS made on any nvallablo security. Central Investment "Co. . Room 23 , Cham ber of Commerce. * " 220 SIlUltTIlAXJ ) ANU q'Yl'liWltl'JIXO. X l callgraph ifOO. i\ \ 1 cullgruph WO. , . , / 1 cnligraph Ktt. ' 1 Hammond J.V. tw 1 Itomlngton MS. , , b John H. Comes Co. , Itiungo building. ' t bilQ.'iU WANTED-EdiioatcttVoung ladles and gen tlemen to learn shnrthund and typewrit ing ; good salaries ; stuibmtb assisted to posi tions. Standard Shorthand Business College , KrunU E. Hull , InstruoUjr. 'if ! ALL oballungors iiccoptud Mrs. Dr. Hill of Now York City can bo consulted at her purloin at ; ci North 15th ht. , on all ulfalrH of life , being u celebrated business clairvoyant , a-strologlst and piilmlst , who has a reputation throughout the world for accurate and truth ful readings of the past , present and future through her wonderful hgyptlan inaglo mir ror ; removes all gvll influences und family es trangements : un It < > s the separated ; causes speedy inurrlagcH ; brings aucuoss to the un successful and toll when to make profitable in vestments ; consultation from fl to t2 ; also tolls full name und iiliowa picture of the onn you will marry ; Mrs. Hill lias been consulted by the mostaucco Hful business men and ladles of Now York , llostou and Chicago. Hours strictly from U a. m. to 8 ) . ra m5 | PROP. Loroo , the ronowiiod phrenologist , medium and palmistwho bus been publloly tested and cnallenges the world In revealing mjsturles , dlaperses jealousy , evil lullu- eucos , gives full names of present or future husband or wlfo , also tolls your faults und qualities , trade business or profession to uiuko a success. Residence 111) ) N. llth sU Con- Biiltutlou il , Batbfaotlon ulvcnor no pay. ' * 7W-iu'3l MADAME DoUlor , the massngo and magnet- Ist , | w no old consumptive chromo , but young , liealty and vigorous. Parlors over 010 _ _ _ DR. N'ANSTE VT medical nnd bulness medium , I'eninlodls oases a Mpcclalty. 110 N , 10th St. , rooms 2 and I ) . ItUSIXKSS OKAXUKS. T71OR SALE Stock of hanlwnro Invoicing JU 110,000 ; good location ; ostabllohcd trade ; good reasons for Rolling : terms llbornt. In qulro Coburn fi Franklin , 610 N , Y. Llfc.Omnlm. _ p5l-ni23 * TjlOK HA LE or trado- -'SO-room hotel and bar , X' good trade , fora farm or cash ; easy terms. Add ress , EJ Jlee. _ 1)10 ) 17 * VV/h havotiartles who want a stock of groT - T T ccrles < rom JI.OCO lo W.OOO ; will glvo trade nnd xomocash ; has to bo done iiilok | , fall at KHX N 21th street. 11KJ-20 * _ _ " 1.7 AKDWARE business forsalo-A first cllisa XJLstock of hardware , stoves , tinware , eto.for sale at cost , located In ono of the best county seats in the state ; a good business : store buildings for sule or lease ; stock und llxtutes about $7.000 ; corner lot nnd Morn building $5,500. Address J. II , Evans , : tOj N.Y. Life bldg. 113 19 _ A GOOD furnlturo business for sulo. Write -C.Vtno ut Htromsburg , Neb. N. F , Peterson. 10422 * _ _ _ CLEAN stock dry goods , clotning'for > enl estuto and money , llox 203 Frankfort , liul. 820-20 * FOR SALE I will sell cheap for cash a good. llrst-cluss stock of groceries with good ImMnow , stocK Invoicing about i-'t,500. Ad dress E. G.Vanattii , HoxUJ7 , Pliittsmonth.Neb. 819-2I _ FOR SALE or For Kent Onoof the best ll.xed up boarding houses in South Omaha , In mostdcslrublo location. Apply lo H. H , Raven , 27th st. , near Exchange crossing , South Omuhu. J 112 JIU * _ _ _ _ _ _ "I71OR SALE Ohenp , 10 shares stock Nebraska X1 Savings Hunk. Address Oscar Groshell , cure Richardson Drug Co. . OSS 2J T71OR SALE A Ilrst-class stock of groceries X1 In Lincoln , on thobestbuslness street , nnd n lU'st-elass trade. Address lo M. S. Hopson , . 17th st. , Omaha. iM : 19 * WANTED At one of the best points In cen tral Nebraska a good general store , ding store , harness shop , and dealer in agricultural implements. Address E < ' B , care Omaha Itec. 140-24 * OR RENT A good hotel. Apply to Hank of Campbell , Campbell , Neb. 030-20 * /1HEAP for cnsh. stock of groceries doing VA'ash business. Cheap rent. 2719 KunU'tto. : ui-u : * _ TTIORSALE A chop house , doing good hnsl- X1 ness , for sale cheap for cash good reasons for selling. Apply to owner at 810 S. 10th St. 835. CHEAP for cash ; store building , small stock groceries , lunch cotintes ; close to depot Enqulto of O.W. lleymor , Norfolk. Neb. _ 7i7-miO : * T710RSAI > E Half Inteiest In first class rest- X1 uurnnt In Lincoln. Address 11. A. , Omaha Bee , Lincoln. Neb. 017 T71OR SALE On account of the death of my X' partner , Mr. Terry , I have decided to re tire from the livery business , nnd t therefore offer forsalo all our llnollverystock.lncludlng horses , earl lages , hear cs , buggies and har ness. Parties wishing fine driving horses or anything in our line will do well tot-all and o.xumlne the bargains offered. This stock must be closed out by May 15th. Henry A. Homun. of Homun & . Tcny. 023 FOH KXCJIANGK. FI YE flno lots , clear , Kllby Place , northwest corner Daven.ort ) and Smith stieets , for Impiovrd icsldenco property. Add less owner , Gco. H. Lane , Lincoln i , Neb. OiS-20 * I "JT AYE a nil'vcil hlOck of haidwaro und gio- L cerles und Mime cash for young heavy team weighing 1.2'H ) . harness and wagon. Call' ut once at 1001 N''Ith stjeet. lc.Ci-20 * FOirEXCIIANGE-40 clear lots In ono of the best county scat sites In this slate for trade for Incumneied or clear Omuha prop erly. Room 408 Blown block. 173-19 * NEBRASKA land for city properly Co operative Land and Lot Co. , 203 N. 10th. 15'J-ll ) TTIOR TRADE Sl\toen quarter sections of In- X1 dividual Improved farms In the best wheat nnd corn .section In the state , for trade for Omaha real estate. Ounor wishes to icnrovo to Omaha : a great snap ; party willing to as sume some incumbrnncc. Room 408 J..1. Itiown blk. 17JI-19 * \\7ANTED To exchange cash for 40 or 80 acres land near good town In Nob. or Iowa. V. O. K. , lock box 0 , Craig , Hurt Co. , Neb. 101-20 * TX7 HAT have you to exchange for equity on , TT the furniture of a 15-room boarding house ? Furniture cost II.CiOO and Is mortgaged for $500 Co-opcrutlve L. & L. Co. , 205 N. Kith st. 157-10 TJ10R EXCHANGE Lincoln and Frontier X' Co. Improved lands for Stock , merchandise or desirable Omaha property. Addres.EIW.IIcc. 188 21 * _ _ _ _ OR EXOII ANGK-f.'I.OOO stock general mer- chandlse and building , all clear , for HOIK ! Improved fnrm In Iowa or eastern Neluaska ; also a line farm of lUi acres. 55 miles from New York , for Nebraska land , llallou Itros , , bnsu- nrent N. Y. Life. 181-21 _ FOR EXCHANGE Good farms , city proper ty and wild lands In Neb. anil Iowa forgood gon'I m'd'.so ; property clear , title perfect. Ad- drcss Lock llox IU , Fremont. Nob. _ 908 TTIOR EXCHANGE 2,000 aero stock ranch X1 with line Improvements. 10 room house , 4 miles of fence , 2 mlles of rlvor front. In cen tral Nebraska. to exchange for Omuha prop erty , Improved or unimproved. This Is a great bargain. Itcoiu40 , J. J. llrown block. 174-10 * OR EXCIIANGE-Feed mill In Inrgp.grow- Ing town , jlolng good business ; $10,000 stock of mdso. one-third cash , balance good mil estate ; splendldrontal | > topi < ity , will pay 10 percent ; some choice blooded horses and cat tle. Doane & Parrotto , room 17 , Hoard Trade , _ KM-JO rPO TRADE I have some nice lots laSouth X Omaha nearly clear , and some Inside Omaha property. To trade for cattle. Steers prefered. 810 IsY. . Life. 80J-22 * _ " \\7ANTED Unlncnmbored land or vacant TT lots In exchange for 1 or 4 nice houses In good neighborhood , close to motor , or will soil same at low prices und easy terms. Take this .opportunity . of owning your homo and saving rent. Strlngor& Penny , Douglas block , cor. llith and Dodge. _ ( HO T WILL trade a good clear lot In So. Omaha 1. for piano or hoi so and buggy. Addicss C 1 llco olllce. ; H3 ' FOU SArjE-llKAIj ESTAT1S. _ _ _ _ B ARGAIN Thr o 8-room houses with all modern Improvements , just south of Koiinl/.o Place. Grout bnrgan. Ou easy terms. Apply to D. R. Archer. 1708 Webster st. Ull 31 * "T\RUi ( store , Invoice W.OOO , l > cst natural gas .l clty In state ; established trade ; will ex change for uiilnoumbeied real estate and some cash. Lock box 41 , Frankfort , Ind. 192 21 * $ r > ,000. l-.Mh cash , buys an aero near 24th und Ames uvo , on motor line. Addicss J. It. Evnns , N. Y. Life building. HO 21 _ IjlDRBALi : 8OOJacics best farming land 111 X' Nebraska at a grout sacrifice. Inqulie (118 ( South llith st. Gco. 11. Peterson , owner. 171 J 18 _ T71OR SALE The following special bargains , J no trade : $ 'l5 per acro.only 10 miles from P. O.lmprovod farm of S ) acres , easy terms. $2,100 takes good li-room liouso In Shlnn's add. . 1 > 4 miles from P. O. , with half lot. $400 pur acre only , 10 acres in the finest portion tion of Benson add. _ , , Inquire II. A , Sturges , Room 8S ! , Cielghton block. 1)90 ) 19 * _ AUGII&WcstcrfioldroalestuteS.Omaha. 2111 OR SALE Thn following choice buruglns : F.lcgunt bulldlni ; lot , G3\132 , cor. 23th and Farnam , $17.500. 8-room bouse , lot MX 155 , 20th st. , near St. Mary's avo. , cheap , $ tir uo , 5-room cottuge , lot &xll5 , Davenport , near Sflth St. , $ .1,500. U. L. Green. Room 39. Barker block. K3 " \nCE4-roomcottugaoii level lot , 2 blocks i- > from motor , $1,400 , on easy terms , Address E , 33 , Hen. .152-20 _ ASMALlVpayniontdownund 115 per month will buy a 4-room house and lot on 10th , 2 blocks from motor ; first-class chance to ac quire a homo on easy terms , Apply to II E. Colo. Continental block. 197 5-ROOM cottages , $1,500 each , 1100 cash down. balaneu13 per month. Tnos. F , Hull , Ull Puxton block. 2UI TTIOR SALE Very cheap , no trade , farm of JU wt.TO : acroti , seo. 5 , 12 , N , H W. , Hamilton county , Nob. , S mlloH from Murquotto ; Ninull liouso , stable , 3W acres of pusturu fenced , liv ing watert price only $10 per aero , U.437.00 , Terms { 2.20D cash , balance II pur cent Interest. F. 1C. Atkins owner , railroad building , Denver , Col. 24 < IXTY-F1VB ucros s. w. of p. o. , suitable for platting or gardening , for sale ut u bargain , F. 1C. Darling. 4J Barker blk. 314 INCOLN Place and Carthage lots , prlco 11,000. $30 down , balance tr monthly , W. L. Bolby. Roouria , board of truUu , 819 FOR SALE or TradeMy residence on So. nith st. , Pnrk wheel , house of seven rooms with bath nioni , water eioiet. hot and cold water , nil In uood repair ; will Holt foronsh very cheap or will taKu vacant lot on West I'ariiam M. as part payment. For particular1 ! address E 20 Ueo ofllce. l > ll "T71OH BALE A flnoninv S-rtxnn cottngo near X1 electric car line on N , 27th si. Will take as part of cash payment a gtKHl horse or her o mid phncton , P. 1301 Knrnam st , 877 ATilv yTTlfTcT busTiTevTlot , linpr < > v'eii only ft blocks from court liouso , per foot.J. _ Michnl , IBMS. ; _ lath t. wyu IX > U SAlJ ; All tilognut reshhMico In llnest part of the city ; splendid building lots ; houses und lot on monthly payments , easy terms ; 10tx)0 ) ncio.s line wi\sterrr Innds , all uure- fillly selected , Komo of It Imiiroveil , Donni ) & Parrotlc. room 17 , Hoard Trade.iMl1) ) ITIOU SAl.E Ilrlek warehouse , 2 stories aud J3 basement , JOiKlW ft. with lot HXi\l.Vft.i ! to double track on smith-Mill and Plen-o .st.s. Address - dross Oskamp t Halites , Oninlia , Neb. XT' ' ' ' h-nwin honxonioar riiotor line ; vvili J- > sell cheap und on small monthly pavments. Cull quick If you want a bargain , J. J. Wilkin son , HIS I'axlon blk. 120 /1OTTAUE homes in most any addition fly V/salo at from $1,000 up , on easy monthor payment * . F. 1C. Darling. 4.1 Barker block.214 TT1OK bAliE One-third cash and balance on J- time , Now four-room cottngo on Center street , between 4lb and 5th Mioots. Will take $1,230 for house , lot 40x100 feet , nil the furnl turo nnd a good cow. ns on nor bus arranged to leave Omaha right away. A beautiful little homo on high ground , looking over the rlvor , Vi mile from U. P , depot. Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. Kith and Dodge. 7M ) MUST bo sold \vitbin 10 days , owner moving out of city , now modern , well built 11- room house , near motor line , nt less than cost. Small paymentdown. balance long time , easy payments. Nntban bhclton , 1014 Turnum SL , 872-20 TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT- EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- JOS.P.MEGEATH , ? & FARNAM ST ; 4 OMAHA.- Notloc. ' STATE of NEBRASKA I , . Douglas County 1s p In the matter of the application of the Omaha Union Dopotcompnny toeondcmn cer tain lots , InndS and premises for Its use for right of wtiy , tracks , sidetrack ! : ! , turnouts , switches , ofllces and structures : To Samuel G. Dnmon und Ella Gcrtrudo Damon : You are hereby notified that the Omaha Depot - pot company , a corporation orgnnl/ed and ox- Istlntr under und by vlrtuoof the laws of the state of Nebraska , has located Its union pas- ( .engerstation , und Its railway tracks turn outs , switches , olllces , btrtiotuies and appur- tences , hereafter to be constructed , In the construction , malntalnanco und operation of Its passenger depot in tho.oily of Omaha , Douglas County. Nebraska. In and upon the following described tract of land : Apaitof lots one , two , three and four In bloelc number two hundred and twenty. In tlio city of Omuha , described as follows , to-wlt : D Beginning at the north-west corner Of said block number two hundred nnd twenty ; run ning thence south on the east line of Eleventh stieet twenty-eight and eight tenth C.'H.H ) feet ; thcnco soutn sixty-seven degrees und fifty- six minutes , east two hundred und thlitern fund sixty-six hnndiedth feet to the west line to lot one In said block ; theneo south in the west line ofsuld lot one , live und four tents (5,4) ( ) feet ; thcnco south sixty-seven degrees and llftv-slxt minutes , east forty-six and seventy two hundredth (40.72) ( ) feet to the south line of said lot ono ; thence cast In the .south line of lot one , twenty-two and seven tenth (22.7) ( ) feet to the south east corner of lot ono : thence north In the west line of tenth stieet seventy-two feet t hence north six ty-so von de grees and forty-eight minutes , west ono hun dred and IIfly-eight and eight tenth ( I5S.S ) feet to the south line of Matey street ; thence west nthosouth line of Maroy sircotono bundled and seventeen feet to the place of beginning , containing In all an urea of seventeen thous and five hundred and seventy-four and seventy-five hundioth (17,571.75) ( ) feet , more 01 less , ( lot one. five thousand two hundred and sixty-two and fifteen hundredth square feet lot two , five thousand and twenty-four and Iwentv-flve hiindiedth.square feet : lot three four thousand five bundled und four and foi I j .seven hundredth square feet ; lot four , twi ; thousand seven bund red and eighty-1 hi eo and eighty-eight hiindicdth square feel. ) You are f Hither notified that on tlio 141 Ii day of June , 18DO. unless sooner called for by you , the commissioners heretofore appointed iu the above proceeding , will proceed to assess the damages If necessary , accruing to you by reason of the appiopilation of wild lands by huld Omaha Union Depot company for such puinoses , In the manner presetIbeu by law. Tin : OMAHA UNION DEPOT CIWANV by ( O. J. OUKKXB. . a-14-2t-28m5-12-19-2 ; JII-10 Ally. Not ice. State of Nebraska ss. In the matter of the application of the Omaha Union Depot Company to condemn certain lots , landsand promises for its use for right of way , tiacks , sldo tracks , tuinonts , wwltchcs , olllces and structures : ToPhoebuR. E. Llnton : You uio hereby notified that the Omaha Union Depot Company , u corporation organ- l/ed und existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Htuto of Nebraska , has located Its union passenger station and Its railway tracks , turnouts , switches , olllces , structures and appurtenances , hoieuftor to bo con structed , in the construction , maintenance and operation of its passenger depot in the city of Omaha , Douglas coniiiy. Nebraska , In nnd upon the following described tract of Ap'artof lot number slfl ( ) , in bloolc num ber two hundred and twenty (220) ( ) , In the city of Omuha , described as follows , to-wlt : Beginning In the east line of said lot six at a point fifty-two nnd nlnoly-hiindredtlis (52 ( 90-100) ) feet south of the northeast coiner of said lot ; thoneo north In the east line of mild lot sl.v. fifty-two und nlnuty-hundiedths (52 ( 00-100) ) feet ; thence west In thonorth llncot Mild lot six , sixty-six OVi ) feet ; theneo south In the west line of said lot six , sitecn und forty- llve-hundrcdths (1(1 ( ( 45-100) ) feet ; theneo In a southeasterly coin-so sovonty-flvo and four- tenths (75.4) ( ) feet to the pineo of beginning , containing an urea of twety-two hundred nnd eighty eight und fifty-fivo-hundiodths (2,283 ( 55-100) ) square foot. Also , a part of lot number seven (7) ( ) In blook number two hundred und twenty (22(1) ( ( ) In the cltyofOmnhu , und cescrlbcd as follows , to- It Beginning at a point In the east line of said lot. olglity-nlnu and thlrtv-fivo hundredths ( t > U.i5. : ) feet south of the noith-oiist coiner nf said lot seven ; thence running ninth In said cast line elghly-nlno and thlrly-IIvo linn- dicdth.sS9.3. ( : ! ) feel to the north-east eornorof the lot ; theneo west In the north line of said lot sixty-six ( fifi ) feet ; thence south on the west jlno of Hiild lot , fifty-two and nine-tenths (5'.0. ( ) feet ; theneo In a south-easterly eouisnseven- tv-llvoand four-tenths (73.4. ( ) feet to the point of beginning , containing an aiea of forty-six hundred and iilnely-rour unu one-nun in ( lOTDwjuare feet. You are further notified that on the llth day of June , Ih'H ' ) , unless sooner called for by yon , the commissioners horefofoto appointed In the above pioccedlng. will proceed lo assess tlio damages If necessary , accruing. to 3011 by reason of the uppioprlntlon of said lands by said Omaha Union IJopot Company for Mich purposes , In the manner preseilbed by law. Tin : OMAHA UNION DBI-OT COMI-ANV. 0. J. GIIII.VE : : , Attorney. ai4-2i-saiii5-i2- Notice to Coittrnctora. Pealed proposals will bo iccelved until the 28th of May , 18K ! ) , for the furnishing of mater ials and labor rciiuliod In the election and completion of u tlirco story stone ntul piosscd brick bank nnd olllcu building , for the First National bank of Lexington , Nebraska. Hnld plans and Bpeelllcatlons can bo seen at the First National bank of Lexington , or at tlio ofilce of the architects , Mendelssohn , 1'Uliur & Luvvrlc. Paxton block , Omaha. The light Is reserved torejcotunyorullblds , m 15 d 12 t rn&o. _ . _ Notluo. The annual meeting of thn stockholders of the Fremont. Mlkhorn & Missouri Ynlloy rail road company will bo hold nt the olllco of the company In Omaha , Nebraska , on Friday , May Si , 1890 , ul 2 o'clock p , in. , for the election of directors und for thotrunmiollonof such other business ax may hit picseutod , Dated May 10 , Win. , , . , ii'9dl5tm J. B. RED ! 1ELD Secretary. Notloo to Contractor * . Rids will be received for building a school house In District No. Fifty-two (5'J ( ) , Jefiei-son PicGinct , Douglas County , Nebraska , on May twenty-first (21st ( ) , 1890 , up to four ( I ) o'clock p. m. Plans and specifications can bo seen at Kumucl FCU'H house , In said dlslilut. Right re served to rojent any or nil bids , rontinctiiis required to slvo bonds. By eider of commit tee , SAMUEL FEE , Chiiliimni _ ! _ ImUdlUt * Notice to liullilei'B. Messrs. Fuller , Buko and Citizens' bniiK of Fullcrton , Neb. , will iceeivn sealed bids until U o'clock p. ID. . Muylll , IbOi ) . for the election of u brlok block 75.XMJ. two stories and busumeitt. The right to reject any and nil bids Is re served , Plans und spoelQcatlom can bo neon at Citi zens' bank , May 1 1. d lot * License ? > were issued to the following parties by Jud o Shields yesterday ; Nutno and residence. Ann. t Kobe it Maiming , Omaha. , . ' , ! tl i Mrs , Ella McMillan , Omutm . SO ( Charles Levin , Omaha . 21 | Sophia Youucquctit , Omaha . ill Pears' Is tlio bast und purest * oap over itiudo. t'H CASH. A Tj.irn Hum Avnllnlilo flir I-'orinor Oxvnt'ps of tlni Postnlllro Hlto. Unllcd Stntoa Attonicy Baker rcoclvod n check ftvm the secretary ot the treasury yes terday morning for ( yw,1 ; } ! upon the sub. tronsuryatChleajro , In payment of the condemnation - nation \viu\ls of thopo lonirostlo , ThoohLVk Ispiytiblo to thoonlorof Klmor S. Dumly , jwlRp , ami K. S. Dumly , Jr. , clerk of the Unit oil States circuit court. To thorn the check was delivered , uccompanlwl by tlio fol- lowln * * loiter : "I have the honor to Inform you that I linvo recctvctl from the secretary of the treasury n chock for KniO,2SI , to penult the payment nt the twcnty-llvo nwtnls of ilnmuijea to thu thirties In Interest In sulit ptxH-oodliigs of thu I'ondoimicil twstoiilco site. 1J. S , Uaki-r , United Stutc-s attorney for the district of Ne braska , " The awards will bo paid nt Dm olllco of the clerk of the district court urnm the pro | > or bonds belup signed by the p.inles to whom the awards uro due. Instructions wuro nlst ) forwarded to Mr. Bakur in ix-pinl to the use of the fo OiM re cently deposited by Uio pnrtlos who furnished n bond to Biiunmteo the | M.vmctit bv them of any amount iu uxcessi of the limit fixed by the nppraprlatlou us to the cost of the lto. viz. MUO.IXK ) , which may accrue from said Whether the $0,000 received , plus the small bnlnnco roiiiiiiiilnu' nvallablo or said uppiM- prlntlon , nfter iledui'tlni ; the iiKj-iVKato of the oxiH.'iiditures huivtoforo miulo for Incidental Items , viz : ndvcrtlshiK , trnvoliiifr oxpensea , nnd the nifffivgato of thn twonty-llvo nwimls of damiiKo.s will Iwsunl- clcjit to defray the costs of said proceedluKM lit condemnation against the property , or whether said parties will have to deposit In court a sum additional to said ffl,000 , ( the do- partmcnt havliiR heretofore estlmatod J10.000 lor said purpose ) , cannot now bo dcllnltoly ascortuliied , the sumo belli1 ? dependent In some particulars upon laws , court practice , fuels , etc. , In regard to which other informa tion must necessarily bo hereafter developed. At a o'clock K. S. Pumiy , dork of the United States court , satasa disbursing agent for the government to pay over the awards. In the condemnation proceeding. The Hrat rann to roi-eivo his monov was Get Lee , tlio Chinaman , who took $ IW ) In pay- incut for the Inconveniences ho had been put to by the removal of his laumlrv. Lee was followed by M. I. und A. S , Patrick , who signed vouchers and left the room with a cer- tllicd check for $ -1,000. Putting the claim of G. M. Hitchcock In shnK3 | to turn over the money took an hour or more. When ho loft the room ho went nway with $ l)50.07 ( ! , ! ) as the proceeds of his sale. Today the halunco of the monov will bo dis bursed , after which ( Jtork Dundy mid Attor ney Baker will report to the United Suites tre.isurcr. A CAHI ) t rom tire Slrifjor Scvvirifj IMaclilun Company. To Uio Editor of Tin : Bui : : Dour Slr- Since tlio fire which recently occurred at our works in Eliv.sibethport , N. . litivo rc'coived numerous oll'or.s of now siloa for a fnctory. and inttny nooplo whoso time i of great value nro doiiiR' to trouble anil ox ] > oiiHO in frottlii { ; up olTors of .special imUiceinentH and con cessions , Will you permit us to Uho your columns in milking such a state ment as will fciive our friends nnd ropro- bontativos from any further anxiety or trouble on this bcoro. Ko o&sontitil part of the inaclilnei'.y uecossary to jiroduce complcto machines was destroyed.Vo are today turning out a full quota of all our regular anil special machines and illliiig nil orders iu rctrular cottrric. \Vo arc already rebuilding1 the com paratively binull bection of the building wliicli was danuifrod ( all buildinjrs wivo that ono boiiiff untouched ) , and wo tire rapidly replacing the machinery for ncedlos and accessories which wns do- stroyed. . Even of wo thall have a , sufficient supply to fill all orders. AVe therefore oxiect to carry on our workb without material interruption jtwt whcro tlioy tire , and any present attoint ] ) to remove would cauao more inconvon- icnce than the lire. THU SlXGKR MAXt'FAC'l't'RINO C'O. A Boy'H Itrnvo Act. While Mr. and Mrs. .1. .T. Worthy wcro driving on Fiftuenth street yesterday their horse became unruly and ran away. Durlii Doty , a young mnii employed by Heard .t Otis , stopped the animal at thB Iniinlncnt risk of brciikhig his own neck. Mr. Worthy bestowed - stowed $10 on the boy , Mr. Dick McCormlck another $10 , while other Kcntlemon who wit nessed tlio exhibition of bravery chipped in with smaller amounts , Po zonl's ' Complexion Powder pmducfts a soft and beautiful skin ; it combines every clement of beauty und purity. Tito Bhliop Clarkson memorial hos pital , Omuha , lifiSj bcsido.s a few free beds for children , a pay ward for ivomnu nnd private rooms for cither &ex. Patients whose moans will only allow of the pay- monj of the hospital bill can receive the services of tlio attending surgeon free. For iitirticultirs address tlio mtttraii. County Court. Edgar Xabrlskie has brought suit against C. E. Itoth and T. II. Taylor to recover f500 on a promissory note. William H. Uriilco has commenced suit against Stephen J. and T. S. Hroderlck to recover $ ' 'fll.Tl ' on account of goods sold Und delivered. As a delicate flavor , delicious nnd refresh ing , Cookl ! Extra Dry Uliampiignc tukes tlio lead. Millions of bottles uro sold annually. The now offices of the great Rock In land route , KIO- , Sixteenth und Farnam btrcot , Omaha , , arc the iincst in tlio citj. Call and boo thorn. Ticketb to all pointn east at lowest rates. THK IlKAl/r TNST UUMlJNTsi plaL'uit on. record durln L yostordav T C and Thomas .TcfTrlcs to M P Dal- linger , wD5 ft lots 7 and S , blk : i , , Iuf- frles , Koplat , wd . 700 J W Cooper and wife to O J D-ilUu cr , lot 0. blk 1. Wise & Parmuliio'h add , w d 3,309 Charles Coibelt and wlfo < o H is und Henry Heath , lot 4 , blk S , Matthews' i iv hub , wd . 150 H 1) f Kelton mid wlfo to Charles Nv- B ( in hi , lots Kami 7 , bib',1 , llrsludd to Ml IJouirlns , wd . 1,100 G Jl Hltuhcoek und wife to V I Moss , lot H , blk 19 , WIIcox's 1st add , w d . . . 3 C Ii Hurt und wlfu to 1' A Urove , lot 'Si , llart'HBiib , w d . 1,500 A P Tu hey rt al to II I1 1'oters , lot t , blk O.CIlfton lllll.wd . 1'V ) ! ) K r Klnwer and wlfo to SI M Conine , lot 1 , blk 4. I'oillnml Pluco , w d. . . 3,004 Stuto of Nebraska to Charlotte Kevins , no noM-10-l2. ( ; deed . 3CO fitatoot Nebraska to Charlotte Novlns , nw no in-lfl-l ! . ' , deed . VA GUOIRO Hotel and wlfo lo Henry Hauler , lots ! ) to 14 , blk 21. Mlllnrd. w d. . . . 1,8'XJ ' Herinan K'oeli to Catherine Haider , lots Ilo8 , blkai , Mlllaid , wd . 1,1W G \V Cnvull , sjirelnl inahter. to James Glllan , lolU , blk i , Hopped llonati/a hub. deed . , . In J P Dillon and wife to S C Dulrymplo , lot U.loi'sten'sub , ii ( Ml . 1 009 N A Kuliii ol ul to N A Knlin , tiustee , n ( > s wHlrcllle. ) ! . deed . 1 P.I Hinlth totiimPetoixin , w Si n > i lot ' . 'I , blk 4 , Cainphell'sadd.wd . W P.I WlUinan to tins Pnlernon , w I , n , lot -'I , blk I. Camphcll'ii add , w d. . COO H I ) Heed to I , H Heed , lot 1W , Glue's add , Il'l ) Keed io 1 , H IteuiV , lot * 1'tt. ! l' 0'ti nnd 10 , blk I. lots 0 und K ) , blk I , Alumo I'n7i.i\d | ! . 10,000 A P TiAny et nl to M ,1 Oloon. lot ' . ' ! , bill I'U'lTltim " "I. w 'I . Ba W II I1 h 'lio ' tcdl and wlfo toW Tfoa- man , lotai , bllv II , Oiniiha View , w d. . 1.S03 I ) II .lohnson and wife to A A smith , lul 0. blU.'l. .lohnson'Hsub , wd . . SviO G A Joplln to II S Hitchcock , lot IK , blk in , llanscoiii Place , wd . 0,00 < J A.I I'oppleton and wife to Pnpplcton Park lliilldliiKiiHsoclatlon , lot 11 , blk s , Pop- iili-lon I'urk.wd . , . MO W A rryerund wlfn la II K O troin , lot It ! . hlU 8 , orchard Hill , w d . 3,009 LNIeulinsienil toA.M llurdette , lot a , blk y. Ili'lvldt-rc. wd J.OO ) Al Cuiiiiidt clii ! tool , lliudli-y , lot IL , _ blU V , \ \ aSldngton Hill , w d g.XH ( > Twenty-six tr.insfors . llJ.lli