THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , fllfT 18 , 1800.-SIXTEEN PAGES , tllE CONDITION OF TRADE , vr local Money Market Continues Very Easy and Funds Accumulate. &FAIR DEMAND EXISTS FOE LOANS. Miiuli CliaiiRo Keportott In Gen eral ' 1'rnilo Collections Aliout the Hume na for Two Weeks I'nnt. Tilr. Hughr * reports tlio clearings for the Vcck ai footing M. 178,051.415 * , nn Increase of VI 3-10 percent. Ilalancos footed M10.741.10. The local money market continue * very easy and funds ticcuiiiiiiulalu. HUH tlioro l.s u fair iloinnnil for nionoy nnd bunkers are better Content with the situation tlinn they expected to lie. Tliero lius been sonictlilnKof n strin gency at Now York during the week , In fnct m/mey bus been tight , nnil on call rules runted ftfj l " > to 15 per cent. This wus duo to fcpecti- Intlvo activity , a poor showing In the lust batik statement itml u fulling off In the surplus reserve. Kxchungo Is In fair request and firm nt the usual rutc , Jl pur thousand , Btoclt speculation continues brisk und with fulr crop prospects , Increased earnings re ported by the trunk lines und the Inllntlon of the currency by the passage of the silver bill the bulls noon to luivo the host of It. And wore It not for the four that the tariff tnon- troalty , known us the " .MoKlnlcy bill , " may pass , the IcitlllnmUxbiiiilncss Intercuts of the country would make a much better showing tlimi they do. In general trade there It not niuchchangi ; to report. 'J'horo fair movement of staples , but the markets lack llfo and urn depressed throughout the country by Uio squabble over the tiirltT , nnd In this stuto additionally , by the prohibition Inonljiis. CollectloiiN are about thosnmo as for the last two weeks , fair to middling , but credit men report few outright failures occurring and say tliut the losses of the year are comparatively light , ut the.sumo tlmo they Intlmuto that un til after the returns from tlicvNorumbur oloe- tlons are canvassed und dec-lured eredlt will to mudo very cautiously In Nebraska. Prices for staples nro nbout steady , with r > no * declines to bo noted In the line of rocnrh'S. Coffees uro dull , the market tumo n"d buyers li.dllTcrent , the shorts hnVocov- oiMjmd the bulls uro carrying the loud lu the secondary markets , assisted by holders ut IJioducllon points who elultu that an uetlvo market must cinno Hooh with higher prices. The Shipping List nuys of Jlru/.ll colVees ; The eubles received from Klo do tint show utiy Importunt change In the position of supplies. The receipts at both ports huvo been moderute , eleurunuos Huhler than usual , and stocks huvo Increased n little , but an ; still comparatively small. Kxchiingo ) iuseasedolf " -toUlid , but mil rels quota tions uio uneliunged. Uno liouso has sent for- wurd a reduced estimates for the next crop , out-tho market paid scarcely any heed to this effort to nrouso fresh Inleiosl. The market In lioth Klo nnd Hantos Is reported < | Ulet , lnt values are mulnlalned much i.'uovo otupanlty. . The local Jobbing demand lias boon niillo moderate , and dealers both hero and In the largo western distribut ing centers complain of the narrow volume of trade and general Indifference of buyers. C'ld- ' < ; ugn und .St. Louis uro said to bo carrying Jurjto slocks , und the nccumulutlon of supplies there shows that auluul consumption Is not so lurgo us snppoM'd. The wurehouso deliveries Jam. week rioiu three ports aggiugntud 14,711 bugs , of which 4I.4S7 bans wore from this port , X4HO bags from Baltimore und 1,711 hags from Jnew OrleuiiH , agiilnst ti totul tlio week previ ous of ; s5i5 : ! bags. The arrivals since our last Issue haveeoiiiprlhc-d the direct steamer Lelf J rlcksoii and aliout r > , riOO bags from Kuropc , und livilulllnidie the A. J. Homier , 0,0' . ' " bags , And Ailce.4 , ) bajrH. Option trading has continued of narrow pro- jitf nous und values huvu lluctu.tted within iitiout the same compass us last week , but B'IIOO Friday the tendency lias been ou.slor und ( . losing prices yesterday were 15 points lower , Imt not , below the lowest point lust week. The jnarkot oloMid xtuady. { Total stock lu ( 'lilted Statespor's 3I7.GCO Ulourod ut Klo < nnil Santos 2yOUO ) for tno United States from April 10 to .May 8..131,053 Total visible ftitpply . , . 4'0K,9 Total visible supply May 14 , lt > CO . (120,477 ( Total visible supply Slay 14 , 1SSH . 320,307 And of mild coffees , very Illtlo fresh busl- ijinesshua transpired slneo our last i.smiu und rXho market for ajl kind rules dull , but prices 'piuwf ' undorgonu no riiotulilo | ehunge , I'adung en/Mho spot bt'IiiK held ut 2l < it24i ! cents , and i > 5od Onenluut 1'Jii , The slow illstrlhutlvo distributive movement und unsettled feeling k > * Illo guides restrict business. The only , rnnHnoUo s reported bus been Il'JO bags I'orto Jo lit IS3 ! cents. IIU Is stronger und higher with a further * ipwuid tendfiiey perceptihlo under udvlces { that the now CIDII w 111 bo lute und thut stoeku tin bund are smaller than calculated. Messrs. ilJan Tulniuge'i. Hens & I'o. , Now Oileuns , telo- cruph houlslunu crop inoveiiient to date : ISo- .icipts , rough , 72si5.sucl.s ! ' : ; last yeur. 727b23 ipuuks. .Salon , cleaned , ( ot. ) 2uoliOo bids ; lust wear. 213,000 , KU-udy movement. Htock cen- Veicd In hands of few holders , who uro con fidently cxpeellni ; higher urivcH. AtiiKM'S , Dun Tiilnmiro'M Sons < Sc Co. , Chiirlcs- HDII , lelegruph Carolina 01011 niovcnients to fljf'e ; Itecclpls , .cleaned , Oloi3 : bbls. Hales , Lyi83 bbls. I iiderlnoiousliigdeniund tone of iuurket Is strong und tendency iipwunl. The .snirar murlvct continues dull and unect- ( led , aiuf the decltne of ! .ie predicted lusl.week fcnnui Jloiiiluy and Krunulutcd la iiuolcil ut 7'i n7Jio , with a bandy tinner murket In vlow. L'hoijnolutloii ! ) for rollncd sugurs when ox- lorti'd lesa druwliueUii uro ; Jut loaf t 4 31 ® - jtus led 431 U wduri'd 3&A ITS 8 01 nrs iluti'd U 43 Ot 3 49 In ijMiiiH theiols u nrotly oed trade ut nn- ihuuged prices except for camphor , which Is ilow ut r > u per pound decline. Onfum Is llrmer with an Impi-oved demand mm udvlces uro lint the prevailing drouth la Smyrna will mu- erlally re < lui' " pievlouserope.itlmntes. Qul- ilno Is steady utiiuolutlons , with u moderuto jfimaiid. On IK loot Is strong. The American pig Iron mnrkot Is thus ehnr- qterlxod In the Shipping 1,1st : The easier endency of the market Is becoming more pro- kiounced , the anxiety to make sales und Hud nn outlet for uccumiilutlng supplies huvlugln- Uuced Millerto make further eoncev.fous , ) ind transuutlons uro reported In boutheiu us vell as northern brands at lower Jirlcos than huvo been before reported , In Mime Instances u cut of M cents Itor bin having been made , liny urn continue < 0 hold back and cover their wants In the fcamo eonservutho way that haschuraeterl/.ed uuslness for omo weeks past , the evidences of Ajce.sslvo production , us well as the prosuro lo Sell overshadowing still lower prices , yon- Jldenco In the futuie has been un.seltled , und KO long as the iirv Qiit weakness prevails , con- i utuKi-M of biitli erudo und ttnlnhed lion are ' to continue the hund-to-mouth policy ta replenishing thtdr Blocks , standard north ern brand * are quoted at $ IKH ) for No. 1 foun dry und H7H17.W for No. S. but the outside tlg- u es aie only obtained for u few favorite { brands , whllo southern brands are nominally /footed tli.iOil7forNo. ( 1 foundry and flow BtJift for No. S , but lower prices uro reported to Imvu been made on actual sales. In Scotch pig Vrado continue * quit , the demand being of the UlukgoW huvu beuu Irrognlur , but llrmer , the uloalng limitations by-eiiblo yesterday being 44alOd , nlillu M.lddlosuortmgh , lifter dropping nt 42.s M. MIIIIII- lion has bei'ii ( julot with pricesrul- _ „ -ji buyers' favor but not iiuotubly lower. < ulls uro Homuwhut Uiuor und the market ( fairly uetlvo ut the decline. L'lax sccdhbcurco JuuLxiyn'l""d for needing wus bold this week TJiK.toTiioi1 biiblml. Tlioi'hliwaoTrlbnno ' Buys of the growing uat uiop. ' 1 hn principal news of the duy pn VhiiiiKo wuIn ihuhliiipuofeiillnmluiiuboiit Lhe whuut crop , 1 ho 1'rlco Uiirrcnt wus ro- l orted us Intimating ui'imvtellon ihut ulHiiit uOUO. ( > > W would bo thq vurruut tiling to allow 'or abandoned iiereugo of winter whuut , leuv- n u growing urea of 2l.UOO.ouo ueres , unit a irospeellvo crop uf not nioru limn 273u.M,000 mahuls for ) ( nter wlient. Another pnbllea- 40n > usijuotid ! us cuyliig thu htos In uicu will 10 ubout i',5"0'HW ' ueies. During the woukvim- llljiiiirt lmv 'BIOWII ruiliiir WOI-MJ in Illinois , Indlanii ami Kansas , while Oliloshous u slight mpioienicnl. 'j'hol'urnien. Kevlo wasiiioted | tl uibklnii out a diwouboof 20 iu > r cent In win- or uud 10 per ecnl In spring wheat from the kveruito condition for former years ut thU iate. Acfi'ptlng the wholu of tiilsupproxlni- intelv correctsonic of the folks on 'chungo tlg- itirod out thul wo huvo no right lo e\puot a lo- Hal crop of more than 4- . ' : > , OOO.tiOO bushels , which be no larger than that of Ibtil , after muk- Jnff nllovvunco for an ( nereabu In the needs of u 3iono ! population , which U perhaps 11,1100,000 , tiead larger now than then. It is said tliat the foreign commercial prew Is JI.-.uoM'd l.o doubt the uccuraey of the re- Dorts of crop damage In the United States as Imbllbhcd by the ngrlonlturul paper * of this Lountrv , li Is hlntol thut reports will hoof Kome vuluovhen furnished by parties who are iiot Inloiesteil In speculatlvo ventnK's. It U In order to Mate no onu hero has acuiihcd the DtllolaUtutl.ttlclait Mth | liavlng u xpcoulatlvo Intoix-st lu Hie courbo of prices , ami Uieso uro thejnen \ > ho furnloh the " holoonl produce mnrkot has been modor- rutoly iictitr und closed with ivctdpu pretty ' well i'lrini'l : up. Itouolpis of btruwberrltt Tcrt fin. but iho gioat bulk \vus In lioor Vmler und mil tuie-tcnlh of the uidui * mini thoi' ' u.try . weriMUK'd , In fuet most of the ntot'k was Mid und unlit lo hlp ut ull. So thut wldliMln clly Irudogot thulrkUUPW ut Jlo W per us' ' , cli'il'-y ' slock Ut for idilppInK was jreudlb Iuta-n for ni ur by iHilntsat J-i.TTi to U.25 E > trcu i < und dUtant point * \Yyoinlngand | ) akoia ift noitu , The proaiiocts uro ( itlr for larKcr xbcolytn uoxt wcuu uud M bur- rlot at farther north llior will probably arrive In bolter ron- dltloa and sell somewhat lower. Uthcrfrult * nro unchanged , oranges , lemons , pineapples cherries nnd bntmnn- being In fair supply at iiuotntlons. Vegetable' ' ) nro plentiful nnd lower. In the dairy market butter U dull nnd noRlretrd. Country roll li soiling In n retail way at OftSc , packers paying only 4o for best Rolcctlon * . Eggs arc rather flrm nt lie per dozen. I'liec o U unchanged , I'otalocs are fairly active at2.Vft.Vio. Spring chickens are In Rood demand , cxtrnlnrgo selling today ( Satur day ) at I5.UO per dozen , and medium nt t-'f.oo to H.UO. Old chickens nro Fcnrco and In active demand. Vrnl l.s In light receipt and demand brisk nt OSWHo per pound for choice medium weights. ship all grades of butter In tubs during tlio warm mouths und better prices will bo obtained. ojiAIIA : STOCK. Cuttlu. Saturday , May 16. Estimated receipts of cattle. 1.100. compared with BO yesterduy nnd 2.HII Saturday of lust wcnk. The recelpls during the week Imvohci'ii H.3I2. compared with I7,7 < ( ) the week previous , a fulling oir of 3,3 % . ' . The market opened slow \vlthsulcsofbecfcuttlo Bteiidy , Afowsales wore reported ut u shade's udvnnce. Jsourly ovorythlng ut nil drslrublo changed hands be fore midday. The cow receipts all changed hands early nt llrm prices , many thinking the murket u shade higher. The mnrkot muy bo quoted llrm nnd fairly nctlvo. There wus con- Mdoruhlc lniiilry | for stoekors und feeders. The demand und light receipts mndo the mar ket worn active. Kvcrythlnginthosollncssotd readily nt firm prices. Hulls remain steady und calves unchunged. Estimated receipts of hog * 2fiOO , compared with 3,427 yesterduy und 4.114 Saturday of lust week. The receipts during the week huvo been 23,277 , compared with 22.0.VJ the previous week , a deellnoof 1.227. The market opened nctlvo find u shade higher , the pens being cleared early. The rnngo of jirlees wnsfi.SV(4 : ( 4.00. The nvorago of the prices paid was K.U4i ! ! , compared with Kl.'Jl'i yesterday nnd J3.U2 Sat urday of last week , lleuvy , J3.lCUffll.00 ; mixed , I3.D033.87V : lights. 83.8.V33.U3. Hliccp. Estimated receipts of sheep 235 , eoniparcd with 2u : yesterday und fvS2 Saturday of last week. Tlio receipts during the week huvo been 8SC , , compared with 2.K50 the week pre vious , fulllngoir 1,0(51. ( The receipts uro Insuf ficient to supply the demands , ono packing house wuntlng iiuO each day. Good muttons uro uetlvo und In demand , with prices ubout up to the Chicago market. I'revnilinj * Prices. The following Is a tublo of prloo ? paid In this murket for the grade of stock mentioned : I'rlme steers. 1300 to Ifioo tts W.)3 ! ) < ? M.7 ( ) Uood steers , 12.V ) to ll.'fl Bis 3.73 f < M.I5 ( Jood steers , 1050 lo 1300 tts 3.i3 ( dtl.30 Common , l ( Klo 11.V ) Ibs 3.00 CW.73 Uomniun cunners 1.00 Ordinary lo fulreoxvs , 1.00 Kulr to good cows l.lio Uood to choice cows -.73 Oholee to fancy cows 2.1)3 ) Kulrto good bulls 1.73 Cholco to fancy bulls 2.W ) tvixi Light stockers and feeders 2.50 ( Keeders , OJOtoltOOms 2.W ! fifi.G3 Kulr to choleo light hogs 3.S3 @ 3.I2' ! < Kulr loeholco heavy hogs 3..iO I'ulr to choice mixed hogs 3.S71 : Cost of 1 The following table gives the average oo t of hogs ou the dates mentioned , Including thu cost today , as bused upon sales reported : Date. 1'rleo. Date. 1'rlco. May 1 J3WJ ! ! May 2. W OIU May 3 3 OTJi May r 3 trj May 0 May 7. Slay 8 May ! ) May lo. . ; . . . ; . " ; ; ; 3 IB May 12 May l a 00 May 11 May 13 383 Muy 10 J Ol'i May 17 3 l ) | Average Priuo of Showing the average prleo puld forlo.ids of hogs on thoduysludlcutod In ISiT , IMS , IsSj and IHlW : Highest and Ijinvost Sales of Ho .s. Today , Yesterday. Highest ? l 00 Highest ifl 00 Lowest , 3 83 Lowest 383 Stock Itcuclpts. Oniolal Yesterday Intimated Today. Cattle..Tears , .V.9 Cattle. . . . Kl ears. 1,100 Jlogs. . . Wears , 3.427 Hogs 40 ears , 2.IWO b'lieep. . . . lear , ZU Sheep 1 car , 232 Coinpiirativo Tables. The following table shows the range In prices on hos during this und lust week : Kanje ol'l'rlocs. uons. The following table shows the ritngo of prices piila for hog * today : Pair to oliolcu ll-lil | lions $ . ' 1 S" . ® 'i 02(5 ( I'ulr lo choice heavy bojj.s : i M G.l i l l''ulr to choice ml.xed luign a biiidM 1)3 ) KIIIUI : * . 1'rlnio fnt sheep fi 30 tfi. > 75 Good fut sheep 4 BO < ; , " > ; ) Common to medium sheep a UO ( 100 Disposition of Stock. Showing the nuiabur of outtlo bought by the leading buyers on today's mar hot. ' I TIITI TIinirPTO SPECULATIVE MARIuuS , Wheat Exporience3 a Flop and Opens About Two Cents Higher. THE OURB PARTLY AOOOUNTABLE. Corn Ifns a Very Active nnd Strong Stnrt Provisions Much Kuslcr Hog lliifllncHS Itrlsk Qiiotiillons. CitrCAao , May 17. [ Special Telegram lo TUB IlKr..l The wheat market Hopped over today. It opened on a sort of cruzy bulge about "o over last night , with May Iti'iO ' nominal , June ( M'fe. July tXic nnd SeptcmborlW'Jc. There was lltllo reason for so radical u stnrt beyond the fact that dry , cold and poor growing weather continues In the west nnd northwest. The curbwnslnrgelynccouutnblefor the stiff open ing In the pit Whllo everybody apparently was buying , n few who weio llrst to see the toppy condition of the market sold nthlgh prices. Among these wcro llloom , Mitchell nnd Adams , and It was claimed that W. T. Haker also sold on the bulgo. Ilutchlnsoti sold some openly , but the gossip of the lloor was that ho was under the market nnd gathering wheat on every soft snot. lIs- palnhes wcro both bullish and bearish. New York cleared 100,000 bushels of wheat nnd Rome Hour. Tennes-seo sent dispatches con tinuing Iho worst dnmugo yet reported. Mil lers , who liiivo been In convention , say thut their Information Is of n wMisntlormllv bullish character. Dun uud Logan both had dis patches tolling of snow In different counties In Dakota. On Iho whole Die market had n settling down tendency from the start. July from rtlJio went olT by degrees t iU'je before 1 o'clock. Mny nnd Juno \\ctit oir likewise from IHiy Wiic at the opening to OlVie before noon. There wus llttlo no\V feature to the mnrkot. It promised to close nulet nnd nt bottom prices. The wheat market wus slumpy to the end und Just before the close went oil to HUio for July , but cloied on u recovery nt Ol'iic. May nnd Juno wereOI'io nttho close. All curb privileges sold on July pills XHQ , ' . < 3c , to ICJ.'jc ; culls , 05 li ® Wi'ic , toOi ? c. Corn hnd u very active and very strong start this morning. This was In part duo to the great bulge In wheat. It was helped by news that I'rlmo and others found the weathertoo cold and wet In Illinois and too cold and dry In Iowa und elsewhere. Seed wus represented as rotting und planting delayed , llntchlnson wus u bidder early , probably to get prices up to soil on. Tlio market opened with July at aVafi-TiSc. Selling became very free on the udvauco nnd the market gradually declined totheclosoat34'ic. Mny and Juno each sold at4 : ! ° ioriirly andolT to3lc. August sold at : i5'5e and IKc. oloslntr at 3.V W.T.ViiSeptember sold at .VV&Mtte , closing at.Ti'i'Un'ic. There Is evidence tliat the climax has boon . The cxtremo ler the top yes terday , wlillo July sold up to27'/ie. or jjo over the highest prlco yesterday. This simply means that parties holding oats will run a llt tlosqiiee/o along Into July. Air. who has been credited with the deal In May , and even charged by morning papers with having cer tain elevator iiwjn and brewers behind him , said today : " 1 have no syndicate of any kind back of my business. I am also out of Mny and Juno oats entirely , and If anyone wishes to run prices In thnso months up t hey must not use my 11:11110. : " This statement virtually Im plies that Mr. Hess Is In July , as he Is far fiom being out of the market. ' 1 ho closing priced were about the bottom for tin- day at 2So for May , 2iltu for June , 20Ue for July und 2lc for Augusl. The provision market was much easier to day all around. As for some tlmo past the principal business was In short ribs. Pork was without support early and offerings by the 1'mvlers put the price of .Inly oil' from StS.iK ) to 812.13 In the llrst. half Uonr. Later the same month sold to SI2.37" ; and at J12.30 shortly before - fore the close. Lard wus about 2'jO lower , with light business. Short ribs wore oil'at 1 o'clock'to $3.3 : ! for Juno fiom $5.50 early to $3.r > for July , and from $3C2s ! < 2-3.G5 to $3.00 for September. 1,11'R STOCK. CHICAGO. Mny 17. [ Special Telegram to THE IlKK.l C'ATTt.K ' The demand wus fair for Sat urday and about everything useful sold ut an early hour , the market closing at yesterday's prices. During the week values advanced and declined lie lo 20e , making prices about Iho sumo as at the close on Saturday last. Cholco to extra beeves , W.WXtk'i.l.'i ; medium to good steers. ii5U : to 1500 llM , t4.70l..W : 1200 to 1350 Ibs. $4.ilX5M.NJ : ; U50 to 1200 Ibs , 3.70iH. : . Stockers and feeders , $3.SOT 4.K ( ) ; cows , bulls ami mixed , tl.7ixft3.40 ; bulk , iS..aoStf.UO ; Texas grass sloers , . . . Hoes Ituslncsswas brisk , with prices steady lostroirJT. lu some cases a nickel higher , elos- FJXAXVt.lfj.- NEW YOIIK , 5Iuy 17. [ Spoclal Telegram to Tun Itr.E. ] STOCKS There wus u fear thut the bank statement today might show u further decrease In reserves and other bearish features. Itefore the market elo.sed the slate- ment was out , showing an increase In reserves of over f.VW.OOO , and u fulling off lu loans of .fl,500noo. This caused much apprehension nnd caused Iho stock market tocloso on a strong bulge at about the top llgures of the day. London was a moderate seller nttho very.stnrt und the market opened comparatively quiet , most stocks showing slight advances over last evening's prices , the only marked exception being Delaware & Hudson , which was up 1 P * cent ut 173s. ! Trading wasconllned oven more than usual of lalo lo u few slocks , and Iteadlng , Oregon , Trans continental , Atchlson , Chicago Uas , Hlchmend A West 1'olnt and trusts did about Mivon-clghtlis of the bubbles- * . The general list showed scarcely any movement whatever , lemalnlng within .slight fractions of thu openIng - Ing prices throughout. Iteadlng was the strongest feature and at 47's It showed u gain of 1 percent over Its Hist price. Among the trusts Sugar lost'4 per cent , but later recov- cted. Cotton receipts \\ere stiong , rising n percent. 1'rlces wenhtlll'cr In the general llbt later In the hour and al 11 o'clock Ihc market was active and llrm at Mlghl fraellonal gains over llrst urleo.s , Thocloalng hours , asstuled , brought fresh htiength. Oregon Transconti nental climbed Io47' . over 2pilnt.s up , while Noilhern L'aclllo common went to M und pre ferred U > H.V.J. Urungvr slocks were about stead v at the close , l.ackawannu was up 3i und Heading 1'i percent to43 , . Chleugo ( las wus up to ( viand Sugar tril&t tosS'i. The total sales of stocks for the half day were 253.WO share ; . . Money elo.sod ut 3U4 per cenl. The following were Iho closing quotations : I ) , s. n ii'xulur INortlu-rn I'aclllc. . . . . . 8I ) ( L'.S. 4i ruupuiiM do iirufurroil . b'M i ; . 8. Hit rvk'ulur lir.'W C. AN.V . 115J4 II. S. 4V $ couiMtn IWM < Ui preferred . , .H7 J'acltlo ( i of 'yi IIH N , V. Central . 10s ( Vntral t'aclllc iU I1. , ) ) . A K . W I'lilraxo 4 Altim.S'J ! Itoi-k laluiKl . . . . ' .Hi Clilcniio , llurlluicton 0. , M. A St. 1 * 7T A gulnry luttj do prufurrud . I I ) . . I . * W Ui'n ' St. Paul A Oiiulm. . . . . Illlnuls ( 'untrul Ill ) dupruferrud . I. . II. & W Union I'nclito . Knnsns i To.vns IT \V. . St. I , . A ! . 14 Ill's do iireforreil . illii ) .Mk'lilKiu Cuntrnl. . . . WS , Wotttoru Ualou . illmuurl l-uclllt' ICJi MONKV Kasy , with no loans. I'HIHK MKUCANTIM ! 1'AI'Kll WL per Cent. STKIII.INO KXCIIAMU-Quiet : und steady ; sixty-day bills.H.84 ; mining StoolCH. NK\V YOIIK , May 17. [ Spoulal Tologrum to TnulliiK.l Tliu following are thu mining stock iiuotutlons : Alice . ru > lluntbllrer , . : 'M liost A livelier . ' 'JO Iron Silver . .110 llruaswlvk I'on . VJU'llolalo . Hi Con. C'al. & Va . 4i ) > Onlnrlo . MM 'lymoiitli . ir.5 'hu-nU , Arlf . I'M Kl Crl d > . H J llnlo A Norcrox . 2-V > Butlur Crvvk . 160 lluinuktuke . 8.V ) 'tJIAHKKTJi. ' CHICAGO. Muy 17. 1:15 : p.m. close Wheat Steady ; cash und Jnno.lM o , Julyl)4' e. C'orn Kusy ; cash und June , Ulc ; July , 34J } Outs Kusy : cush , 23oj Juno , WJjCi July , 2i Hurley Steudy. Ifye Hteudy ut f < 2o. 1'rlmu Timothy-Firm at 11.3031.31. ux-Jl.45. . Whlsky-il.O1. . I'lirk-llulli cash. SU'.OO : June , Jl2.03j July , - . . Inrd Dull ; cash , $4.SO ; June , (4. J ; July , $4. : ) . Flour rinn ; winter wheat , t3.0031.90 ; uprint ; , ( U'ii fi.V . rrovMons-SluiuIderM5.IMW.00 ; short clear , | 5.7.a.-.b ' . ; short rlhi , fiJi > ao.W. lluttor Qulut ; creamery , lltMGo ; dairy , 6 ® . Uhopso Kasyt full cream cheddurs , und fliiU. faVJei Young Aimirlcas , WJu > iu , K Bl'lr H fresh , laoiuc. llldos-Hleudy ; heavy grren suited. 5U © ,3)oi ) cuke , 4a. . „ Uecolptu , Shlpni'ts. J'.uur uooo \Vhcat .10,000 50,000 corn , . . . , IHI.OOO afiooo : Oats , . . . . , ! 49.00'J 4 ! > J.OOO NJCYTYOUK , May IT.-Wheut-IloottluU. M.1W clovntor , 4l'iftH iO nlloivtrf uimraded mixed aO'iStlUJjpoptions.steady.May ' ; cluied at41Me Outs-ltocelpts , 110,000 buMicIs ; exports , lu- 450 bushels ; sXt | easy > o. 'J white. 33.W 'fOo ; mixed western , iCIWKo : whlto mixed wciloni , avtlic ; options ttlvchaiigcd to Uo higher ) May closed at 31'ic.I Coiroo Opllon. elo ed steady amilid points down , Pales , 35.WO bags ; f May. Jlo.IMUG.30 June. fin.OJaiO.'Oj ( spot nqitluuli ( fair car goes , $10,75. Kggs Ouleti v. - , - . _ . 1'ork-r.aslor ; new mcs tll li.ird I iwer nnd dull ; weslein steam. K.IS lliillor Knsy ; western dairy , OSllCj oroam- cry. G@l7o : Kfgln , 17175c. Cheese Kusy ; western , nontlunl. ST. I.ouiw. May 17. Wheat Hlghor ; cash Ol'ie ; July , TO'ic. Corn-Steady ; cash , TO.Vc ; July.rB o. ( ) uts-rirm ; cash. : o ; July , tti'.e. I'ork-Duli at * l'.nn. I.nrd-Nomlnal at I5.9iva6.00. Whisky fl.O'J. lluttor-nuslor ; creamery , 123i5c ; dairy , J3c. .MII.WAWKKB May 17.Vlieat Unsettled ; No , B spring , cn'h. iKUJfWIc ; July , Die. , . . o. forii-KIrm ; No 3. Iivse-T. Outs-Neglected ; No.S white , 30o , Kye-rirm ; No. I.KI'jc. ' Itarloy-rirm ; No. ' . ' . fioc. Provisions Lower ; pork , 312.00. Mi.vsKAi'Ot.ts , Mny 17. Wlicnt Hornlpts , 153 cars ; shipments , W curs ; market slow ; nn unsatisfactory market toell ( on owing tolls being governed entirely by futures. Closing : No. 1 hard , May , Wcc ; Juno , tr.V : on track , lUc ; No. 1 northern. May. W.-.c : Jnne.nmo ; on Hack , ir.4evr'nc ; No. i norlhein , May , SSc ; June. S9c ; on irack. basiic. OISCIN.VATI , May 17. Wheat 1'lrni ; No. 2 red , U5o. Corn-Dull ; No. 2 mixed. WUo. Onu Kusler : No. 'J mixed , 31 o. Whisky HM. LtvEid-oou May IT. Wheat I'lrra ; do- mund poor ; holders oll'er sparingly ; Cal ifornia No. 1 , 7s ! id per cental ; red western winter , 7s Id. Corn rinn ; demand fair ; now western mixed , 3s 6J d per cental. AIM STOCK. ST. Louts. May 17. Cattle Itoonlpti. 700 ; shipment , 700 ; market steady ; fair to fancy native steers , * 3.7ift5.00 ; stockers uud feeders. . . . Hogs Kecolpts , 1.500 ; shipments. 3.700 ; market steadv ; heavy. St.OOitl.Ut ; packing , SI.iOit4.071 ! ; llgln. * Jt.K ! ) ( il.05. Sioux CITV. Jlay 17. Cattle Itecelpts , ROO ; shlpmenls. HH ) ; market steady ; butehers' steers. jt.7iv4.0l ! ! ( ; stockers and feeders , ! .25iJ B.I15 ; cows , Jl-'iVZl'-MS ; veal calves , K.MIO&4.50. Hogs Kecelpts. ' . ' . .riOO ; market opoued 2)jO ) higher on light at J3.S.i ! W. 7i. ! KANSAS CITV , > luy 17. Catllo - Receipts , 2,100 ; shljimentM , 2,000 ; mnrkot steady tostrou ? ; steers , .l..r > ( KiJ5.K ( ) ; cows , i-.jO ; stockers and feeders , SI.2.V3.'I.S5. Hogs Hecolpts , 7,700 ; shipments , 1,300 ; market higher on all grades at : | CHICAGO , May 17. Catlle Receipts , nWO ; market steady ; beuvos , i5.OOft. U. > ; steers , J3.70iJt.K ! ) ; stockers and feeders , J2.SO ® 4.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , J1.70U3.40 ; Texas grass steers , If3.00.r ; ! > 0. Hogs liecolpts , I'Jj.OOO ; market steady ; mixed , I.OOC > 4.20lioavy. ; $ t.WX34.27Vi ; light , ll.Olxai.2. ' ; sklp-J. J3.WVS3.90. Sheep liecelpts , 3,000 ; market steady ; nullves. J4.OOffiO.25 ; western. $ t.80U0.30 ; Texuns , ? 4.00 < a5.liO ! lamlH , $5.50 < ii,7CO. AVcckly IJnnk Stiitcniont. New Yonic , May 17. [ Special Telegram to Tun llr.R.l The weekly buukbtatcmt-ut shows the following changes : Iteserve , Increase . J .ri25,0X ! ) Loans , decrease . . l.Wl.HOO Specie , decrease . 319.2iH ) Legal tenders , Increase . Kf4,000 Deposits , decrease . . . . . . . 44,401) ) Circulation , Increase . -.i.MW The banks now hold $2UI2. i'5 In execs' ' ) of the 2. ) per cent rule. The exports of specie from the port of New York last week amounted to $ ; tti50 ) : , of which 17,000 was lu gold and * : il3.i50 : In silver. The Imports of specie during the week amounted to * ! Hs.731 , of which 40157,231 was In gold uud fcHl.'JUO silver. TUB IIM IM tO V B3t )3Xa.ItKCOHD. ) . Tlio AVcck'H Huslncss in Iti-al Kstntc and HulliIiiiK Circles. There wcro no Htnrtlinj' fiaturos ? to the im provement market during the past week , al though business has been very active. A number ot largo transfur5wa-a recorded and business wus brisk in all brunches. In real estate transactions , building permits and bank clearings the business of the week was far in excess of that of the corresponding period of last year , as attest tuo following figures : HEAL ESTATE TllAXSPEItS. Day. JM'J. ' 1690. Monday . J ( y.itM $107,75 ! ) Tuesday . , . l.'U.fioa (10,277 ( Wednesday . : r.NW 10la Thin-Mltiy . 3" > ,171 42,273 Krlday . 40.073 1KI.450 Saturduy . 23,013 2llS01 Totals . W-M.320 $123,707 1HJ1I.U1XO . Day. 1S.S9. 1SDO. Monday . $ ,140 J r.4,800 Tuesday . J4W ) J0.975 Wednesday . ! tr.i)0 ) 5.075 Thursday . 0,100 f > ,4.V ) Friday . ; . 4eo : yKV ) Saturday . 8,950 200 Totuls . $ 01,870 $ "si,950 ( THU HANK CLKAJIIXUS. Monday . ? 1,178,911.21 Tuesday . , . t)10iWJ,13 ) Wednesday . H13.42U.07 Thursday . , , . . 9t7KW.os : ( Friday . , 111,1)1 ) 1.0) ) Suturduy . 700,1)55.05 ) Total . V.,478,0fll.4 The clearings for the corrosimndiiig week of last year aggregated $1,1 ,0(1. ( ' ' . A ISiilIdln IiiHuctorN' ] Convention. liulldlng Inspector George C. Whitlock is very enthusiastic over the prospects of the organization of a national association of build ing inspectors , anil with this object in view , early lust spring ho placed himself in corre spondence with Uiillding Inspector Hazen of Minneapolis , and plans have ut last been ma tured by which a call for u meeting to bo held in Chicago will soon be issued , at which time and place the organization of the association will be completed und committees appointed. The idea now is to hold the llrst convention in New York City some time during next January , probably nt the sumo time the na tional association of builders will bo in ses- Suporintcndent Whitlock , who has done much to bring about the movement , suys : "I huvo given the subject considerable study and am fully convinced thut it would bo very beneficial to the people of the country if wo would organise , meet in convention and ex change views upon tins subject of building. When you think of the building inspectors of all the larger cities assembling anil deliberat ing for three or four days , you must know that some benefit will grow out of such u meeting , as wo will compare views upon all the regulations common to the cities of the country , besides gathering a great many now ideas upon the subject of building , all of which will bo for tuo public -interest. " NolrnnUn Corn Hupply. J. M. Gulp of Falls City tl/inks / that nine , tenths of last year's corn.crpp in Uichardson county bus been marketed , Homo of the balance will bo shipped. The range of prices Jnst year was 23@t5 ! cents , -while this year the range 1ms been l.Vit'j : ) twits. Shippers had only n litilo trouble at timiM about getting cars to ship their corn. ' H. U. Clnypriol of Orleans Iliirluu county , on the IJ. & M. , states th\t ; \ three-fourths of last year's corn crop raised In Huriun county has been marketed , and all 'the ' bulnnco will bo lielJ for homo consumptiou. The range of prices for last year's fro ) ) 'has been lli'H ( * cents , with an uverago of' ' about la cents , whllo tlio miigo for the yeur previous was IS ( ii'cents. . W. I. Jones of Falls City , on the n. & M. and Missouri I'acillo railroads , thinks that about nine-tenths of the corn''crop raised In lUclinrdson county lust year has been marketed and ijulto all of the balance will bo used for feed and local consumption. There was moro or less trouble U > got cars for ship ments on both the railroads nt times. The range of .prices lust year was 25Tt.r ( > c. with the average ubout 2sc. The range thu year lias been 13f.(22c , with l c ubout the average. Oeorgel. Storm of Peru , Ncnmlia county , on the H. .t M. and Missouri Pacific roada. says : "Fully 40 per cent of the corn raised in Nenmlm county lust year hus IKVII mar keted , and ff the balance not mow than one- tenth will 'jo for s/le. The rungo of prices lust yeur was . ' 0 ( < . 'i reuU. while the range this year Ims been Uk'i''l ieni , with an average - ago of about 18 cents. " Joseph McL'uol of Doflunce. Shelby county , la. , on the Milwaukeerond. . siy s taut at leust IK ) per cent of lust ycur'n i-uru crM * raised in Hlli'lbj county hus bctn iti.irhru-1. mul ( ill i > f tlio balunco will be jviU | rl < l t n i'M-u ' , use The range of prices l.iit cu while this year the range uw Uet-j Simplest , Safest , Most Du rable and Economical Vapor Stove Made. The Tropic is not a freak , is not a doubtful experiment , is not "As Wonderful as the Telephone , " but it does not require an engineer to op erate it , and it does not endanger the life of the user. Hundreds in use in Omaha , call and see testimonials from those who have used this steve for years. Special Features Found Only in the Tropic : Patent removable cartridge , packing in stand pipe , patent folding oven shelf , patent hot blast burner cone and perfection asbestos lined Clued oven , the only oven on the market that docs not allow the fumes and im purities of the gasoline to pass into the baking. Do not buy until you have seen the Tropic. John HUSSIE , Our 1'atonU'il itcmnvnblo Cnrtrlil o forSlnnd I'ljit- . 24O7 St. Hf rcmnvliiKtlio . . hrnns nut nt bottom Cuming. . tom of Rt.inil plpo. tlie . looped end of curtrlilKO It expOMMt. nnd ( t can bo easily roniiTc ( > il , rlcaniicit anil iic-t . _ _ _ . - _ _ miwofaln ; .c lbrai1m1V1.u ! { : Siberia Hardwood Refrigerators , Pennsylvania Lawn torn of Klanil pipe , ll-lonti-r wasbor _ . _ _ . , , / - , , TT - . , uMowers , Lawn Sprinklers , Garden Hose , Etc. T inn i r'iiixi TIII onnvr'n LIFE BEHIND THE SCENES , Mile. Rhea Tells of Unpleasant Things in tbo Actor's Profession. HOT A LUXURIOUS EXISTENCE. Theaters , Poor Meals and Hail Hotels A'crsatilo Performers Itnrc uud Bccomin ; ; Scarce .Musical iiml Dramatic. ' When Mile. Hhca was here last week , fill ing u most notable cngngameut at the Boyd , shawis requested to contribute something for the dniihutic column of Tin : SCXDAY I5ii : : . She graciously responded , and penned the following very interesting "Glimpse of the Dark Side of Stage Life" : Muny have shown the bright side of our profession and have piveu the most glowing account of it. They huvo spoken of the en thusiasm , the excitement , etc. Now , like Xola. I ma going to try und give a glimpse of the dark side. One day when T v.-ns sitting in a miserable and in first-class theater little dressing room u - ter , too a reporter caino to uie between the nets uud asked me "now DO vnu uii : TOUK i'iiorKSio.vt" I looked around mo in disgust and an swered : " .Lookxit these walls , look ntthis lloor , notice this smell of gas aud tell mo if any traveling actress , unless she be eighteen , can any Unit she likps this profession. I huvu art , but to be artistic 0110 needs some inspir ation. "iVhow run you Und it here ! Then tomorrow will begin a rim of six one-night stands. AVe will get up nt 5 or 0 o'clock , wo will leave without breakfast , of course , the cars will be so cold that wo will freeze or so hot that wo will roast , because every traveler iu America knows t lint there is uovera happy mod turn. After live hours of north polo or tropical temperature arrive in town. The hotel is generally bad , old und dirty. You dlno and do your best to forget the dinners of New York , Washington and Chicago , nnd like a good , sensible woman you say : 'Well , wo are traveling ; wo can't expect to fltul u Dclmontco in every town,1 You try to cat your soup. Jt is horrid. The meat is so tough thut I liuve often thought there would bo ft fortune for some one who could invent a meat cutter. The vegetables are invariably cooked in milk , a thing I abhor. The bread is dump. the butter bad , mid tlio coffee well , with all deference to the landlord , it never came from .lava in spite of what the bill of fare says. You are tired and wish to go to sleep. You uro hardly ready to do so , when there is a knock at the door. It is u rejwrter. You feel worn out , your dress is soiled by traveling , vou look and feel ill ; still you must receive htm. You put on your sweetest smile and you are doubly polite in order to detract Ills attention from your attire , but his lynx eye takes in everything. You feel it. Ho leaves. 'Ah , now,1 you say , 'I um going to rest. ' Another knock ! A ludy wishes to see you Miss IJ. She muy bo u laity you have mot and whoso niinio you have foivottcn. You fuel obliged to receive her. Kho is a stage struck girl and wishes to recite something. 1 um n Christian find think of these beautiful words : 'Inasmuch us ye have done n,1 etc. , mid what do vou think she recites ? 'Juliotr M'ur theniar No ! 'Hlchurd III ! ' Aflorthorcci- tiitlon I whisper to her because the nolso has been so greut that 1 fear the guests of the hotel will complain , so 1 lower as much as possible my own diapason uud su.v : 'Why do you study 'Klchurd 111 i' The beauty of a woman Is her womanliness ! ' "Oh ! but she does not care for tender , emotional parts ; she wants to play tragedy mid of the heaviest kind. I try to dissuade tier from going on the stage , hut in vain ; she Is bound to go. Well , lot her try. Slio is perhaps a Huchel mid ono day she will , per haps , laugh at me , remembering that 1 was going to crush a genius iu the bud. "It is 7 o'clock. I go to the theater. The front is lighted up , stained gloss everywhere a blaze of light. Next to it U a little dark alley with u little rickety sidewalk. Uy keeping the wall and walking with the pendenco of u cat you arrive without acci dent ut a little door with n dusty lau- terii over it. It is the entrance through which the priestesses of art enter their temple. Some eight or ten rough men , smoking , chewing , spitting , obstruct the wings. The dressing room is u trTitiigulur pluco , with u green looking glass. Ono gas Jot falling from the ceiling throws u gloomy light over everything. After a givut struggle you get dressied. The iiluy begins. What was yesterday the gambling house in which Ar- nand curves Uamillo iu today the puluco of .lie Tullerios. An old arm chair and u three- egged Bom constitute the furniture. While acting the woman gcta the best of the actress mil thinks : 'O heavens : What a carpet und 1 must kneel tlioiv on thut dirty bint with my white butln dross I' Vou kneel with u feuliug of horror , hut the bacnlice must bo mudo. I'horo is the scii.vitluuul scene. You huvu in spite of the luck of Inspiration gone through . our bceuoIu a manner to bo satistled with your own little hdf. The public lire still willing thi'ireyos. All utoiiro too &ob change u to a kind of sui > i > rct > > Ultw-u cat In rosslug the stage. You try to ovommie that little iti'-hU'iit b > ome nwro Ur.imatu- acting You full in thunii . ha r , u Imukt under jou. you iun > a > in > i > t i > i > g < . > > ' truant ho btago manager wtu lias lutluuff eUso oft but lu i'lu ; Jowu the curtain. You go homo disgusted , nnil the next morning after a bad breakfast you go down witli a frown on your brow. Uiiou en tering the carriage u man with n good , jovial face , smiling all over , extends his hand to you and asksyou if you were satisfied witli the hotel. It is the proprietor himself. In the face of that picture of happiness and self- satisfaction vou can but answer that you were delighted. In his turn ho says : "Well , I tell you , there is no use talkini" , that show last night was just the grandest thing lover saw. " And thut simple compliment so roughly expressed has touched the right spot. You drive toward the depot with a smile on your face , you forgot that the steak was tough , you come to tin ? conclusion thut I ho ho tel was- not so bud after all , the eggs wcro fresh , even the coffee was good , then you laugh at yourself und say : "I thought I did not like my profession. I must have been mistaken. " Ah ! actress ! actress ! Applaud her and she forgets every discomfort. No mutter whence the apphmso. The lowest or the highest , she needs it , it is her food. It is what maintains the sacred lire within her. It dries the tears the critics bring to her eyes. It is the stimulant that keeps up her strength. Take uwuy the applause aud there will bo no actors. Special ! leu in A < : lln > - . The belief that u jaek-of-ull-trudcs Is mas ter of none is probably us old us the pyra mids. It has been making u deeper and deeper impression on thu mind of man iu each century since , as the footsteps of many gen erations have been making a deeper and deeper hollow iu the paving stones of old European towns , Tlio master of any craft , any art , any sci ence or any accomplishment knows no di vided duty and no diffusive ambition in this day and generation , says tlio Hun Francisco Examiner. If ho happens to huvo two or threeor even half a du/.cu kinds of ability , and hus also the dominating impulse , the power and the perseverance thut make a ruler , ho drowns the .secondary talents , like so many superfluous kittens , after ho bus selected'the strongest and most promising of them ull for Hfo and education. The world is largo enough to shelter so many mnbltions , and small enough to give room for so few grout achievements , that fighters for the prize In any kind of competi tion must disencumber themselves of ull un necessary baggage and clothing before they cuter tlio ring for a light to a finish. Once or twice in u century an especially prolific century a Victor Jingo , a Michael Angelo , a Wagner or a Shukesjieni's comes to mutuntv and those exceptional geniuses show the world that it is barely possible for u greut poet to be a greut novelist , for a grout painter to be a sculptor , for n grout composer to l > o u great poet , lor a great romanclst to be u greut dramatist. These exceptions are brilliant , but they are not worth more than a cundlu-beam on the weurv way that must be trodden by those who come after , with a single talent for guidance. The little people as well as the great ones have given up trying to imitate them In their versatility. Amateurs aud artists , cobblers aud artisans , concentrate themselves on ono ambition if they really mean to succeed. If they tire diffuse they inevitably full behind , and they Hud very soon thut the race is not for them. A straw that shows which way this wind blows came to light when the women's ex changes were organized In every important city in tlio country. The woman who could muko perfect biscuits found that she could make a modest fortuuo by diligent cultiva tion of this specialty , whllo ono who could embroider u little , paint a llttlo cook a little mid write n little , but who could do no single thing more than passably , suffered that bit terest of material experiences , genteel starva tion. tion.On On the stage the versatile actor is becoming rarer every day. The combination system has made it possible for nn actor who can play only ono part well to muUo n fortune out of it mid txrpin his name on fume's bulletin board of the day. Tlinro nro no more Uoiucos who pretend to lw equal to low comedy , and no moro clowns who are ready und able to take a serious part in u tragedy. It is no longer cxiH'cted thut a good actorshall Iwablo to play leading roles in anything , from "Ham let" to a pantomime. To excel in a specialty is now the ambition of so many devotees of bdcnco , art and litera ture that the specialists of the stage huvo found themselves .supported by u sentiment und u competition thut would huvo been inex plicable twenty years ago. Any ono who can do anything entertaining n little better than any ono else , oven if it IK nothing moro than cutting u caper , b a specialist of the first , and cmi always gel an engagement. Dlxcy and ( lie Handcuff * . Adonis Dixoy , Colonel Miles , and Hlchard Carroll visited the police headquarters to test on a wager of wine Mr. Dlxoy's roputwllon for being able to release himself in a trlco from any handcuffs known to mcchunlfvl skill , suys Iho Clncincinnuti Commcrciul- ( Juzette. Colonel I'hll DotUch , the famous captain of Cincinnati's Uncut , wus not In his oflico , but Chief of Detectives f.arry Hazcn , the ' -JJIack Duke " and grayhairedJJIack , was , politely undertook to itvuro the comedian in handcuffs that he'd huvo trouble In changing. ' t'rimo and MKer > , " reporter * , detectives and others gathered around , und Intcn .c iu tci-"jt was felt in 'tit > result I'Vimo'is > thc.-e . bad been , ai wni ing to Colons Ha/.en , whose bund : , wenM > otiuUuod the bynos Uicreof o plmbk - < iut they could slip out of almost any handcuffs , hut that Dixoy , with his largo , welUslmpoa hands , could get out of the "standard" pair the veteran detective proceeded to lock closely upon him "as close us we ever put them1 , he said-Colonel llu/.cn did not. believe. When ho wus pronounced secure. Dixov stopped into n telephone box , and while hfs back could bo srcu through the glass door took off the handcuffs , and within u iniuuto ami a half came out dangling them trium phantly on his forefinger. Ked marks on his wrists showed how closely the steel hud clasped the white "It is only a trick , " said Di.sey ; but "still the wonder grew" umoiig the detectives. "Come to the Liraad , " said Manager Miles ; and those who had thirsted tliii-stcd no more. During the afternoon Mr. Mixoy and his party visited a number of hardware establish ments , astonishing and shocking salesmen and proprietors by the ouso with which bo demonstrated that the "cuffs" they offered for sale would not hold fust worth u cunt. In one establishment he removed three pairs of the very latest and improved "bracelets" In four minutes and u half. JH'HU'ATi AXJ > MHtAJl.lTIV. Itich and Harris are getting u great number of English specialties. Jessop & Townsciid hus'C written a new play for W. .1. Sjcanlon. It is called "Muvoutv neon. " Mr. and Mrs. ICcndal , before coming back from England , intend producing UCIMSS the pond , "A Drop of 1'obon. " Mine. Modjesku will spend three months tills summer at Los Angeles , Cul. Later she will go to Europe for u further rest. Mr. Wcnmiin will rejoin Air. I wing's com puny next season , and will have a conjoin , il part iu "The Bride of Lammermoor. " Henry E. Dixey will occupy tin1 Columbia theater , Chicago , this summer , producing "The Seven Ages" nnd a now bnrlcsijm * . Duncan H. Harrison bus engaged , Iohn L. Sullivan to spar with Joe Liinnun of Ho lnn in the of his "Tho performance play , Pay master. " Minnie Gale's salary in the Hooth Hurn'lt company next .season will bo $ .VXI a week , probably the largest paid to such a young actress. Mine. Ktelka Oerstcr has been heard from. She sang lately in u concert given by u local churity in llologna , with what biicce s IL not mentioned. The company of tlio Paris ( "yiiiiin-- . ) will visit London in.luno and plav"Lu LotU'f'.iiu' la Vie" mid "Paris Fin do Slecle" with Uio original cast , scenery and properties. Mchul's opera , " .lost-ph , " hus bcvu.rPv'nM nt Munich under the direction of Hcrr Lev I with striking success. Herr MIIV Alvary is said lo have made a very strong impn'.ssion in the principal part. Fruncts Wilson , who sailed for Knnipe re- ccnlly bus the refusal of n new opera just completed by Mr. Wilson will go to Purls to see 'tlio composer , and if In- like * lUo work to purchase the American rights. New Yorkers have hud seventy-one opo- rutic performances during the past , season , and about us many concerts , while , by adding the piano , choral ami mlsccllani > ouf : concerts , the list is increased to about two hundred and fifty. Mr. Clyde Fitch , who is announced by Mr , Mansfield as the author of hl ijow play , "lioau ISriimmcll , " hus just Hold to Miss Ito- simi Voices , a now one-act piece called "llot- ty's Finish , " tln > scene ot which l.s laid in u New England culk-go town. There l.s some talk of annulling the right * of tlio boxholdcrs of Lu .Seal a , Milan , doing away with the annual nulMidy and letting out the theater to imprcssarlos , after the English nnd American fashion. The season now in progress hus been unpreccdontedly bad. The burlo.sqno In which Fuv Tciiiploton IH to open her season ut the Now York Four teenth street theater , on August IH , is to bo called "Hcndrick Hudson , or the Discovery of Christopher Columbus. " It will b < i writ ten by William Ciill. and the ttccncs will ningo from Niagara Fulls to the Everglades of Florida. L. H. Showcll , author of "Shadows of a , Great City , " hus written a now play for Miss Annie Ward Tiffany , which Joseph .li'nViwm has christened "Tlio Stepdaughter. " Miss Tiflany will shortly produce It for week pre paratory to booking It lor an extended lour next season. Dr. Hans von Uuc-low has written the fol lowing in the vibilors' book at tin- New York Casino : "Thero are hut two places m Ihn world where I have found reull/.cd the 'liiMiu ' of theatrical model ] KrfoniwnconHuyrciitli for Wagner's musical dramas and iho Cusiuo for Oll'enbuch's burlesque operas. " Wilson HuiTPtt , who is now mulling hli llrst trip to California , accompanied by .Mi.ii Eusthikouad company , bus received u cable from Al Haymun iu regard to another t ur in America under that manager's direction Huymun is still in Paris. His representative * In Now York have secured > 1A Country Fair1 fcr a tour westward. A trunsl.itlon madn of "A Drop of Poison'1 for Miss Murv Shaw by a ( iormiin m-tor named Alfred limning turned out to bo im practicable. After purchasing and piylng for it her manager was obliged to have an other trunnlutloii mudo from thu urUmat ; ( icrmuii book , from which Minn Shaw nnul * the adaptation that Him U now playing Among the nuvrltloH promUi'd b > Maiui'er Hunts In the roiuito of ill * Loii'lim ' > < * > a m - < f ' 'Ti'lst.i ' I Italian opera uro Wagner's i i'i ' li und , " ( 'I ' " " T' ; -K n . ' 'Mi lu' ' U' > " ritii"i [ > f"H' Mim f ' rtlinol' w r > ' - < -l witli tail WtUlC ! lu lUlj uud t > ialn.