8 THE OMAHA DAILY 3B3SK FJUDAY , MAY 10 , 1890. THE CITY. Veslit f'linptcr No. 0 , Odor of Eastern Slut1 oclcly , will meet Sulvirdity for HI O- chil work. A brcttk in the Ilnrnoy street rope do- Inyctl all trains on the cubic lined for Eox'ornl hout'H last evening. S. IJ. Ifo\vo wits brought In from Ilnrt- well by Deputy United SlatcH Alar.slml Hill. JIowo IH rlmrfrcd with selling liquor without a government license. A crico of imported summer goods for muntncr outing passed through the col lector's olllco consigned to itobinaon & Uiirmon. Special Master P. C. Shafer goes to Lincoln today , where ho will poll a tract of property near Heatrico to satisfy a judgment in the United States court In n case where John A. llalden seeks to recover 40,000 from Fred A. Parker. Yesterday afternoon the coroner hold n post-mortem upon the remains of .Kd. Hanson , the briefdayor who was found dead In his bed at Eleventh and Jones streets Wednesday morning , but as yet ho has been uiniblo to determine the CIIUMO of the man's death. Building Inspector Whitlock ycstor- dny received Information from the super intendent of buildings of Minneapolis that the national ashociatlon of builders had completed its organization and that the lirnt meeting will bo hold during the latter part of Juno at the Now York builders' exchange. The ilrst conven tion will bo hold In Chicago seine time In August. ITenryChristolTcrsoniHin jail. Charles SoiTonson came in from the country and in looking about for a furnished room metllenry. Tills latter man told Clmi les ho had something that would suit him. A Sixteenth street Hat was visited and a month's rent paid in advance. Yester day the roomer learned to his sorrow that he had been swindled , as the festive Henry had no authority as a landlord. Tliosccrctartof beauty lies not In cosmetics , but Is only in pure blooif , and a liculthy ] > er- fornmncu of the vltnl fiiiirUons.to bo obtained by using liurdovk Hlood JJittcrs. Mrs. Vim Colt Coming. Mrs. Muifgio Van Colt , the celebrated evangelist , will foesln a series of mcethiKS at the Newman Methodist church next Sunday morning und continue four weeks. Hound Over. James C. Knag wns tried before Justice Anderson yesterday afternoon on the charge of incest and was bound over to the district court in tlic sum of S',000 , with John Thomp son und .lohn Johnson , both of Omaha , as sureties. _ Templars Oo to the RlufTH. Mt. Calvary commandery , Knights Templar , Installed their newly elected ofllcors last night and then went to Council Hluffs in a body , In full regalia , to attend divine service at the invitation of the Council Bluffs com mandery. They wcio met by the latter body and escorted to St. Paul's Episcopal church , where Kov. Dr. Macltey delivered an elo quent und appropriate sermon. Investigating I''H ' ' House. Henry IJrunny has advised the chief of police that ho is insulted , outraged and other wise injured by the action of the chief in Bending the patrol wagon with ofllecrs to in vestigate a house which the complainant owns at Eighteenth and Hickory , which wns reported disorderly. Ho wauls to know what is going to bo done about It. The police claim that the wagon was not sent and that the investigation was made on the complaint of a tax-payer. _ Henry Scliocnlmls , foreman Henry Krngs Packing Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. , nscs Dr. Thomas' F.lectrluOil with his men forsprains _ , cuts , bruises , chapped hands , etc. It is the best. _ limited the Footpads. Dr. ncchct met the footpads Thursday night. Early in the evening ho was called to Twenty-eighth and Corby streets , and in vc- turning , as ho was passing through a vacant lot , two men jumped from the shade ofn \ tree and leaping 11(1011 ( his back bora him to the ground. The doctor , who is a very strong man , rolled them olT , kicking ono man In the stomach and planting a straight right-hander between the eyes of the other. All throe men then arose to their feet and lied in three dif ferent directions as fast as their legs could curry them. MUCH' N < TVO ami Jjiver I'llln. An important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bo\v < 'ls through the nerves. A now principle. They speedily euro billiousncss , b.ul taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. ! ti ) doses for ! K cents. Samples free at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas. The now ofliccs of the great Rock Is land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Furmun street , Omaha , are the Ilnest in the city. Call and see them. Tickets to all points cast at lowest rates. A New Motor Shaft. Motor line service was somewhat demoral ized yesterday. None of the trains carried trailers and but ten trains loft the car house on Ames avenue on the South Omaha lino. The trains ran far apart and the single car of each train was crowded to Us utmost. Great delay to clerks who loft their homes at the usual time was occasioned , and many of thorn got to their desks half an hour lato. The cause of this was the placing of a now shaft in the Twenty-second street newer house , re sulting in reduced power. The old shaft has Riven indlnYrent service and an opportunity to pluco the now shaft has been long looked for and was accomplished only at 11 o'clock yesterday. The only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Onmlm , Council lUuffs , Dus Moiiies and Chicago business is the Hock Island vestibule limited , leaving Omaha atI : ! / } p. m. dully. Ticket olllco 1G02 , Sixteenth and Farnam st. , Omaha. Stranded Amoii ) * .Mormons. John MiAVude , the famous baritone s-Iiurcr , with his wife , Fred Lconlx and wife , Stanley Fclshand W. II. Frillman , nil of Crclling's California opera company , are in town en route oast. They discontinued singing Sat urday night at Salt Uiko , where the organisa tion disbanded hec.iuso Civlllng lofused to continuo putting up money to keep it on the road. They had been telegraphing him over slneo leaving Huttc , Montana , for assistance. Ho paid no attention to their appeals. MuU'ado ad vanced the money to transport the company from Uutto to Jk'leim and Salt Lake. A't that point ho gave It up and the principals followed him. They left the chorus behind them. Ask for Van Houtcn's Cocoa , Take no other , Licenses wore Issued to the following parties by Judge Shields yesterday : Name and residence. Age. i James L. Krone , Omaha -10 1 Jcnnlo Warner , Omaha : . ' 3 Alexander Lawson , ( colored ) Omaha , . , , ' , ' 9 Cluni ( Jrahiun , ( colored ) Omaha ' 'ij Lewis Harris , ( colored ) Omaha ' i Jolco Taylor , ( .colorctl ) Omahu IS .ToHOph lile/ek , Oinnlui S.5 U w IVokon , Omaha -M Ivan SIncik , Qinulm 23 Cecilia I'uelmvle , Omaha ' , ' 0 Eugea SIncik , Omaha , M Mary Marotli , Omaha ' , ' 3 An AllAolutn Cure. TU6 O1UO1NAL A1HKTINB OINTMENT Is onlvput' up in largo two-ounco tin boxes , uml Is an absolute euro for all sores , buvns. wounds. ehup'i > o.d liands and All skin eruptions i AVill ixwltivclri'iiro all kinds of iillw.Ask for the OHlOlNAb A1IIKT1NK O1N'J > MEXT. Sold by Cloodman Drag company at W ct-'Uts I'd1 ' Iwx by mall 00 eeuU ON ' .rop or TIIH HKAi * . Tnininany Has t'nlioi-scd AVnrrloi JJIrUlianicr- Chunjto oP llnsc. A reporter who happened to bo in the Frcn/cr \Vcdnosi1ayaftcnioon ) \ accident ally ( and under protest ) overheard n conver sation which was not blocked out for Unn cars. "I wonder why It Is that every time us fel lers meet In secret consultation , " said one of the men , "a linn man Is sure to rise up us if out of the floor to haunt us. " "Darnfino , " replied the othcra gray-haired pioneer who Just now happens to bo In the ring. "We must lind another pluco to meet , Con's onico Is teopubllc.you know.nnd I heard him say that our meetings in his private ofllco would queer him with the department in Washington , and I reckon he's right. Of course wo have done nothing wrong ( a groan ) , but that blunkcty blank Kosewatci1 is liable to rome out and charge that the government olllrlals nro trying to run local and state politics , and that the base of operations is In Gallagher's ortlclul quarters. " "No , " spoke up the third man , who knows moro about mitre-wheels than ho docs about city gas bills , "it won't do ; wo must move. It seems as if ISosewatcr's reporters nro float ing In the air. He'll make a public scandal out of this yet. You know no got Vnmlcr- voort fired out of the postal service years ago for monkeying with politics , and Van is too valuable just now for us where ho is. I move that wo meet hereafter In the New York Life building and keep watch of all intruders. "Hut after nil Tun Hnn man didn't getonto what wo were doing , " said Van exultantly , us ho stepped up to join his fellows. "No : Kosowatcr thinks ho has it down line and that iJIrkhauser will bo chairman of the board ! Ha ! ha ! Wq'11 fool him. When ho discovers that Morrissey Is our man he'll begin to think that that big fat reporter of his is lying to him. Now , boys , bo careful and keep mum until wo have pulled Frank through. Hois pretty smooth. If our fellows scatter he can got enough support in the council to make himself n dead winner any how. " Just at this juncture the reporter opened n hull door near the men and quietly lloutcd down the stairway into Fifteenth street. Since then other advices have reached Tin ; I5in : that leave no doubt that Birkhuuscr has been dropped and Morrissoy's name is to bo scat in. This was the object of the meeting in Postmaster Gallagher's office , already re ported , at which gathering G. M. Hitchcojk was brought over to the supportof Morrissoy. Although the entire combine has not yet ratified the now arrangement Morrissey feels confident of getting Ford , Lowroy and ICas- par to make his calling and election sure. Knows That at this season the blood is filled with im purities , the accumulation of months of close confinement in poorly ventilated stores , work shops and tenements. All these impurities and every trace of scrofula , salt rheum , or other disease , may bo expelled by taking Hood's Sarsanarilla. the best blood purifier over produced. It Is the only medicine of which " 100 doses one dollar" is true. NO MOKI3 JJAI ) MILiIC. All Dealers in the Fluid Must Now Take Out Ijlcciiscg. The council has passed an ordinance regulating the graduation und sale of milk. It repeals section 5 of chapter 41 of the re vised otdinances. In substance this new ordinance provides that no person shall have in his possession or offer for sale any unwholesome or adulterated milk. The removal of cream , the addition of water , foreign fats or coloring matter are considered as adulteration , and any milk which shall be shown nnon analysis to con tain less than I'i per cent of milk solids and loss than ! I pur cent of fats will be declared adulterated. The ordinance also says that any person who sells milk must have a license , lor which SI will bo charged for each wagon. All dairies , farms , barns , etc. , will bo subject to inspection by the board of health. Any violation of the provisions of the ordi nance will ho n misdemeanor subject to a line of not less than $5 nor more than $100 , and the license of such person shall bo subject to revocation by the board of health. The ordinance is now in effect. Dr. Gapcn , the city physician , is out of town , and his opinion as regards the number of licenses which this ordinance will require could not bo obtained. . The enforcement of this ordinance will of course require officers mid tl so will bo pro vided for in other ordinances which are soon to bo framed. The effect of these enactments will have a discouraging effect upon the unscrupulous people who have been unloading watered , skimmed , sour , adulterated and unwholesome milk upon the community for years past. Wlien OH the lli1i Seas , . On iho rail , on a steamboat , aboard a fishing smack , or yachting on the coast , Hosteller's Stomach Bitters will bo found a reliable means o averting and relieving ailments to which travelers , mariners and emigrants arp peculiarly subject. Sea captains , ship doc tors , voyagers or sojourncrs in the tropics , and all about to encounter unacclimated , an unaccustomed or dangerous climate , should not neglect to avail themselves of this safe guard of well ascertained and long-tried merit. Constipation , billiouMicss , malarial fever , indigestion , rheumatism and affections of the bladder and kidneys are among the ailments which it eradicates , and it may bo resorted to ndt only with confidence In Its remedial eflleacy , but also In its perfect free dom from every objectionable ingredient , since it is derived from the purest and most salutary source. It counteracts the effects of unwholesome food and water. .1XXO UXVEMKXTS. Mr. Frank McGco , manager of "The Gen doliers" opera company , says that although business in the northwest lias been bad for olheroperatiealtractions the business of "Tho Gondoliers" exceeded expectations. The company is very largo , ami the opera will bo presented hero with a great amount of special scenery. It will bo held forth at Floyd's opera house on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday of next week , presenting Gilbert & Sullivan's latest opera ut all three performances. Tlio company was specially organized for the pro duction at the Chicago opera house , and in cludes many names that are well known to the operatic stago. It will present the beau tiful and taking opera in a manner such as has never been excelled In this city. As usual With all of Gilbert & Sullivan's works , largo ami fashionable audiences will witness "Tlio Gondoliers. " JhBirnoy jrnetU'O limited to c-aturi-h- ul discuses of uosu and throat. Boo bldy. Permits. The following pir.nils WOIM IssuoJ by the building inspector yesterday : M. llelsley , ono and nno-half-story fraiaodnrlllng , Archer I'liii'ti . . .I 2,000 M. It , MfKln/.lo , two-Moiy framn rosl- ilnnt'i ) . Twonty-nlnth and I'rult ' streets 5,000 S. ( i. ( lordon , oiH'-Moi j frumu cottage , Eighth anil lluncroft stieuts . COO ? . U. Uoi'iliin , tiitini' . WO Two minor permits . Total . $5 450 IU superior excellence proron in millionof hnmrs formoro limn a quarter of cuntiiry. U l > used I'T ' [ lie I'nllen ritfttfi ( iorprnnienl Undorwt l > r " ' * liendt of Ihti ( Ir at 1'nlreriltln in the r > lronvuit , I'urvttn-iUmcst JU-altUful , llr I'rlfe'i Cr aru UaV- Inn I'owOvr ilooi not contain Ammonia , l.liuo O4 Alum. Scl'lnnly In cam. ' I'JIICK UAKt.Sa I'OWHKIl CO. cuiciuy. ti.Njiu.Nvucy , er.iouu. As the elements that give color to the rose arc conveyed in the sap that circulates through the capillaries of the shrub on which it grows , so does the blood convey the elements that paint the cheek of beauty -with the ruddy glow of health "The bloom of opening flowers. " But in order that this beautifying process of nature may be in the highest degree successful , it is important that the san guinary fluid bo. kept in that pure and wholesome condition so surely and so easily attainable through the use of S. S. S. I take pleasure In submitting the following statement of facts that you may know the great benefit that has resulted from the use of your tsnec tic In the case of my little daughter , now ten years of age. The child , when two years of adc.had a severe attack of scarlet fever , which left her with ashattercd constitution , Arnons other evidences of impaired nutrition.was what the doctors called softening of the bones. In her lifth year she happened to a slight accident which resuHra n the dislocation of the hip joint , and. from the iritation thus set up , terrible abscesses of the hip ensued. The abccssc < > , despite the best medical treatment that could bo obtained , remained for three years , discharging continuously. At this time , through the influence of friends , I put her When'th'ls treatment was commenced the abccss was very large , having six perforations , puss discharging through them all. During this treatment several spiculae of bone came out , and by the time she had finished her fifth bottle the abscess had entirely healed , her appetite and general health had been restored , in short , she was well.andhappy . , and so continues. MRS. J. A. W1EONhli , Lower Main St. , Slatington. Pa. . S. S. Co. ) Has achieved its success blood purifier and blood by its actual merits. Be- maker in every sense of ing composed of all the the word , as thousands best and most expensive who have used it are blood purifying ingred daily testifying. It clears ients known to medical the complexion , and science ; it is truly just makes a dried , wrinkled what the name implies , face look full and clear If your druggist does not keep it accept no substitute , but order direct from Eeggs Mfg. Co. , 195-197 Michigan St. , Chicago , 111. and they will forward , express prepaid , one bottle for $1 or air for-S5. f-ttie ol.d proverb be rue , SAPOLIO is rea er hhs.n : Try it in your nexb- : Grocers keep ih DO YOU LIVE IN GREASE ? As a true patriot and citizen you should naturalize yourself by using the best inventions of the day for removing such a charge. To live in Grease is utterly unnecessary when SAPOLIO is sold in. all the stores , " and abolishes grease and dirt. The Kabo corset , besides being tough , so tough in its "bones" that they can't be broken or kinked or rolled up or slipped or shifted , has flexible loop eyelets , instead of metal ones which cut the corset laces. In no respect will the Kabo corset fail in a year , unless the steels break. No way has yet been discovered to make unbreakable corset steels. If the Kabo "bones" give out in a year , go to the store where you bought your corset and get your money back. If , after wearing the Kabo two or three weeks , you don't like it , take it back and get your money. There's a primer on Cor sets for you at the store. Ciucioo CORSET Co. , Culcafjo ana Now Yorlc. Arrests dluchnrgua from the urinary organ * In either bci m 40 bourn. It Ja superior to Cojialba , Cubeb , cr Inloo- tlor.8 , ami free from all bad imcll or otbor Inconvenience ! , SANTAL-MIDY'ttr1 ' ! Capsulci , which tear the name In tlitk itfr * wUhout ulitch none nre ptnulq t.\ BABYgt v IgFREE my fUt in iti * Uiiitni bitr . AUt > , Hbj uiff r * . iic : > ifi , Sjf tiei iu4 ( liri' ) Ttlcyc * 0. 1 > dirffi Irvm l < (1 hpf rf ' I * * ry Wl W. KudinHi bt. Cln. S'i. f3 U 'Oitictl ' Stint < c. irimp f i new c t - 'iffMl ; . * , ( > ij , a tbt wfirlJ. A I'oelitt I'tn ( 'ii < /i / ( ii l-'icc to Kmiiliein of CHlCilESTCR'S ' ENALISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. HnTt * iur * tal lw i § rlUU I. Jtr * * * k OruciUt for IMamor J Urwntl.Kt red turutUu Uiiv * , * a ! 4 ullUttu * rlbbtia. Tnkn HU otht > r htiiJ * ir.tp > ) r r ttrUculm i.J "Hollrf.fup ' * rrturnciul ' FR. J. E , McGEEW , THE SPECIALIST. Tlio Doctor Is nnsiirpnssdl in tlio treatment of all forms of I'flvato Diseases. No trealment Ims ever been I liioioHiicci't fiil ami none lias liail stronger cmlorce- ment. A enrols ipniraiitecil In the > cry \\orst caeca In fi om 1 to fi ilavs without tlio lo s of nn hour's time. TliOfOUio liiuo liocn under Inn treatment for Stricture or ilinicnlly In relieving the Madder , pronounce it n most wonder ful Miccc.3.i. A eumpletc cure In n few ilaja without pain. li riimcnti or los of time. I Ar.ilnlhvesV- I HOES of the sexual organs timidity or nervousness , In their worst forma ami mo-t ilrcMilruI rennlH ate iiliKoluli'ly cureil. Ami all 1'KMAI.T ? , DISIIASKS cnrcil at homo without instrunii'iits , A .wonderful remedy. 110UKS for Indies from 2 ta 4 ONLY. nud ( ill Dlso.ws of the Skin , lllood , llenrt , I.lver , Kid- iii-j'rt and llladder cuicd. C'nml In 80 to 60 days. The , movtruiiid , Fafo nnu cITect- t o treatment kuoun to the medical profession , Every Iraro of tlio illeeafo re- inn' cd from the Wood : ncumpli 11'euro guaranteed , niTftflyrCI'or ( ' * "woman" , iwli lOc " TreatmuHt by currc- * * Honionco | ) [ Hlamp for rnplv. "N K t'nii. I4tn ANn FAIINAMST. ' 'Open Jiom H A. M. to 0 I' M. " "Kntruncn on FnrnnmorlUkbt. , OMAHA , NED. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Pprcina for llyncrln , Iuilne . K'l . liwrylcly. Wake- ( uliiesi , Menial lirpieMlpti , Kollfiiliiirol lh Ili lnr ; nilllnir In Ir/nnlly nml leaillUK to inlnrjr cloonr and ilt till , Primal urn OM AKK , llaireiim > , I.un ot rower liifllhiir n , Involuiilnry l.o n ) , nnd ftperiaatoiiha-A can i > i | liy uvfiMicili | i "I Iliu liruln , clr-al ru or aivi Induifreneo Kfifh box et > nliln 6nomoiitirlitit- i.u-nt- . | l a lint , or ( U fur 3 > , tent liy mallinvpaM. Wiili rni'h oiiler for rl < lion" , ulll mint imrvlmer - i-.llltlll lo lllfllll.l UI'IIKV If I hi' IICJIUII-III laflt ( J i. j ( itii in * , * s. ut' * ! uii'lcfiiu.uu vi m ' .ilj wj OOPJiMAN DItl'tJ C'O , lllu Furnum Htixot , Omahu , Ni ) . 'TO WEAK BWiEN ButriTlii" from the riu-ruof > otilhful rrrom. arljf decay wn. ilna wealnft.lit iiiaulioml.Me.I wl I M.iil'n | aliiiiV. . | < - trtatlfU jwnlml. tiimalnlne full | iartleular fur hnaio cure. FIIBIJ ' ' jl'arge ' , A tplendtil lurillral work , ihould I * miU by "W inan who I * norvciu nl dt lllt td. ; AildrfM We offer today about six thousand Men's and Youths' fine suits at fully one-half what you -would have lo pay for the same goods elsewhere - * where , We promised something big in the way of a suit sale and you know we never do things by halves. Today and throughout the following - * ing week you can expect one dollar to do the work of two dollars without - * out fear of disappointment. This is not a petty sale of a few styles foi ? * the purpose of making a noise. Its a grand showing of entirely new and this season's goods every garment made for the finest retail trade. ' \ . The few samples in our windows give only a poor idea of the value ot these goods , the prices on them do not tell one-half how cheap they are sold. You must go inside the store and examine the goods. Every coat ig finished open at the bottom , you can see what the quality is , examine the linings , trimmings and the general get up of the garments , see hoW they fit , then you will have an idea what bargains you are getting. It would be useless to enumerate any particular style or styles in this sale. As we said thcro are about six thousand suits and one is as big a bargain as another. The prices ran go from $4.90 for a good All Wool Cheviot Suit , up to § 15.00 for tailor-made extra fine Fancy Worsteds * There are all styles , light and dark colors , sacks and frocks , also fine Corkscretf Prince Alberts , silk faced , at $9.50 for the coat and vest. Don't hesitate to come inside if you see a big crowd on the first floor , we have a second and third floor , all full of goods , and plenty of salesmen on each floor to wait on you. MAIL ORDERS In order to give our outside patrons an opportunity to secure sonic of these bargains , we have , of the larger lots in this sale , a limited quantity of samples. We will send them with rules for measuring , but cannot guarantee the filling of the order , as the goods are likely to go fast. However , you can try. We send goods C. O. D. , with privilege of exaiu * ining and trying on. If they are not in every way satisfactory you need not take them. Nebraska Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , "The fashion \venrs out more appnrel than the man" and every man likes to be ap pareled in the fashion. How to do th'is and to do it economically is the question. Let us solve this question for you by showing you our clothing , and you will see that you can have a stylish , well made , good fitting suit at a resonable price. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " the AVonili'ifiil Hiionlfli Hemcdy , In fold with AVrltlun < tiiur.in- teu to emu all Neil- ima Ulm'aicrauch an Weak Memory , I.on of Ilrnln I'cnvurllertd- Before & After Use. I " "t .Manhood. Ni-rv- riioiojrunlifil Iroiu Dfe. oiunem , I.aialturlc , nil Urania anil Inoiiif power of Hie Generative Or. L'niu.ln cither n x , cauucd by over-ejeitlnn , youth- Pill llHllacri'llotin , ortliocici'Mlve mo of touacco , nnliiin , ur itlmiilantii , which ultimately Jeail In luflinilty , Coniuinptlon anil Insanity. I'ut IIP In coiivenii-lit furrn to carry in thu vent poclict. I'rlco SlttliacliBKiMirflfiirSS. WilUoiery | 5onl r\vo cHu a u-i-Htrn tiiniriintfx In cum ur rrfunu tlin iniiiirii. bi-nt by mail to any ailnrem , Ur- nilar tree. Munllini thin paper. Ailtliuns MADRID CHEMICAL CO. Hif''Ch ' ' OB"for U. a. A 11 ? llfuih' ' in Strf't I Illi Adi ) , ll.U. VouVAI.E IN OMAHA , Ni-.u. , nv Knlin A ' < > . Car I'ili | nml Douulni Stifpln. .1 A Fiillfr , \ t' " . < ' "i Ulli . l > "imla tatrvvti. ami A I ) . Tuslei A. i u i uim.-ll Illuir. , lonu. ONLY- For LOUT or FAILING HANUOODl 0 aertl and HKRVOU8 IJEDlllT Yi WtikniuofBodyaadHInd , rfftcti of Etrorier Ettcnti In OUor Yo-jor , . .IOC.J. n < * uni.r , . jb.jioi.ir i > r > nu mint TnitiT KM'-u < Mti > i Ut * l.ltllj rrta IU tltltl ti4 F r.lf C ltlti. WrIU lkt , l' Ua k * rlBlM U0Uft d | ire f mtll 4ittljfrt ) * IRIB MBOIOAL O0. UUrTALO , Hi Y. Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will take place In publlo at the CITY OF JUAIttiZ ( formerly Paso del Norto ) , f WEDNESDAY , MAY 21st , 1S9O. Under the personalSupcrvlsfon ol GEN. JOHN S. MOSBY , and MU.CAMrr.O AHtl'KME9 ! , ( ho former a gentleman of such iirnmlnoneo lu the United States that his presence uluno ( siilllelent guarantee to the public that the drawings will bn held with strict honesty anil falr- ni'i.s to all , and the latter ( the Supervisor of Iho Mexican Government ; Is of equal standing and Integrity. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO Tickets * . WHOLE TICKETS. $4 ; HALF TICKETS. . $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS. . $1. LIST OF 1 Prize of Approximation Prizes. $60,000 $60,000 , $ , lOi ) Trlzcs of f SO ourli $ ,091 1 I'rlzuot ! 0iX 10,000 100 rrlusi of : J eticli ; wa 1 Irlroof B.IXXI MHO 100 I'rUes of Si ciu'li 2,3X1 < t l'rl/os of J.UKI pr.Cl _ 8UW Terminal Prizes. 10 I'rl/csof Ml cill'll 2IHI ) 500 Terminals to fW.UUO I'rl/u ol fa ) iMcli. . . ! ii , : i < . ' 0 1'rlzos of Hi ) rnrli 5,000 UUTuriulnub to 51U.UUO I'rliu of $10 eiioli. . . . ) , ' . > 1W ) I'rl/esof IK oneh f > , l )0 2JO i'rkcs of M cnch , ? , WJ 1014 Prizes amounting to Wo tlio iindorKlRncil hereby rcrtlfy thnt tlio linnco If any ticket drawing n prl/o l sent tn the uinler. Nnulonnt of .Mexico In C'lilliniilniH lint on ilopoHlt nticiu'd , Its face value will hu collected and remitted from the Mexican Inturnntlonnl Miuiklnn Company , to the owner thereof free of rliur-KO. Iho iircussnry funits to Kiianiutco the luiyinunt of all Ilitn.vso.v , the prizes drawn In tin ) ( iinml Lottery of Jmmv. I'rcsldcnt Kl I'nio Xntlonal ll.-ink , il : I'avi. Tot. Wofurllior certify that wo will supervise all the nr- AGKNTS raiiKcaiuntH , and In person nmmicn ami control all ! hu < lr.iwluKt of tills Lottery , anil Unit the/name are ooiiiliictctl with honesty , falrnoaa uml In t'ood faith lowanls all parties , . . JO11.N S. MOSMV. Commissioner. ope liuarlni ; JMMIT lull i t'uiii.o AnnruM.KS , MUXICAN ISTIJIINATIOSAIi liANKINIl f'O. , Supervisor for the ( jovernmunt. Oily of Jiuiro/ , Muii'-'o. NT f\rp T/ < rji Send roiiilttniiprs for tickets by ordinary loiter , contiilnliiB Money Ordnr. - * J Jiv'J ' Issued by all K.\pru.ss Cuinnunlos , Now York U.vchanno , Uank Draft or Postal Note. Address all letters to MH1XIGAN BANKING OCX , GILtj of Juai'ox. Mexico , via Kl Paso. 'I The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Allcon munliatl : < nio < rilluvnllal. Muule.nu or Initrunienta aunt by mail 01 uurelr r > u < luil , no mnrku lo lnilli'uoc : > nioiiu or roi'dur. Uau pi < rronal HitJrvloiv piu'orrml. mil nii'i " ' " /I / ui or < ii < l hlitxry r your cano , and w < ) vrlllBUiid In plain nrapporour 1IDUK TO Ml N I'lllIK , IIMMI I' 'ttt ! ) ; tclilur Noivoiu DHoutoj , Imiiuiu.iey , Uyiibllls , UleetnnJ Vurleocolu. Hllli quoitlun 1 it. AdUn < K3 Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner Oth and Harnoy Sts. , Omaha , Neb. \ H.