0 THE OMAHA DAILY BET ? , FKIDAY , MAY 10 , THE OMAHA BEE. COTTNCIIi BLUFFS. OITIC'i : ! NO. 12 I'RAIir , HTUKKT. /idlvert-d by rnrrlcr In nny part of the Pity. II. W.TIl/roN . MANAOEIt. ttirSISF < ! OFFItT , N'O. M NlOIIT Dillon , NO. . ' .I. N. V P Co. Council niulTs Lumber Co. . coal. The lH > st outs mill liny to bo had at S. Gold- ctclu's , l.'IW Lower Hroadwny. Soverul members of Ibo Omnlm camp of Modem Woodmen visited Hnzcl camp in tills city lust evening. Marrhtec llt-onsci wro Issued yesterday to J. F. Way and .Icnnio YoniiK' , both of Omnlm , ami George 1) . Molt and I.ona llanaen , both of this dty. Ed Urown , who wan ncrusod of attempt to commit mix.1 , pleaded guilty to slmplo as- Btiult , and was sent to thu county Jail yester day for thirty days. About ninety dog licenses have boon Issued thus far The dty marshal wUl begin u war lumliiHt the snvoral thousand unlicensed ca nines In n few day ) . William Muiphv died yesterday afternoon ntlils ro.hlonco on Avenue1 between Tenth and Kloventli streets. The funeral announce ment will in' mail" Inter. A resident of the wo.storn part of the eily was nrre.stod Wednesday night for disturb ing the peace. It is alleged that ho boat his wife and children and sold thn furniture for whisky Ills nisi- was contlnni'd. . Ollleor Handel is no mom Ho Is now plain John Handel , the MIIIIIO us ho was two months ngo. with a little policis experience added. Ho has itit | ) 1ho city's sei-vlco , and his nice now uniform with till its bright brass buttons is on the market. Amelia r.afrenyivai brought In from Wal nut yesterday and examined by tlio board of insane commissioners , by whom Mio was ordered taken to Mt. Pleasant. ShcritT O'Neill took tier to tlie nsylnm lust evening. The grand jury will bo in session again next week , as there arc several now wises to bo Investigated. Tito trial of criminal cases , however , will not be commenced until n week from Alondav. The ilrst assignment of crim inal cases will bo iniulo tomorrow. . Mink Ulchurdson died yesterday at the Nowma.UT hotel , nged llftoen years. His relatives , who reside near Xcohi , iiavo been notilHl by telegraph. The body was taken to Kstop's undertaking rooms , whore it will remain until arrangements are made for the funeral. The p.irk commissioners are discussing the ndvisabillty of ordering fifty moro benches for Uayllss park. The only objection urged is that they would draw u constant crowd to trample out the grass , but it Is thought that by moving the benchen frequently this trouble will bo obviated , and the benches will undoubtedly bo ordered at once. Several moro boxes wore put up in Ba.vliss park yesterday for the accommodation of the squirrels , which are rapidly increasing in number. Of the tweiity-Mivcn squirrels placed in the park last summer only six are now loft , some having loft the park and evil disposed boys hilled quite a number , but oven at the present rale of inere.ise there will soon be enough to spaio. This evening there will bo a peculiar enter tainment in the Presbyterian church. The youthful competitors for the modal , awarded to the one giving the best .iddress in favor of prohibition , will uppcar under the manage ment of Prof. Barrett of Omaha and repeat their pii/o elloits , The entertainment is free and is given under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance union. In pollen court yesterday , Ccorgo Tolliver was lined $15 for v.igrani'y. and will work out the line on the sheets. F. T. Coy suf fered a .similar experience. S Hoborts was lined 10 and costs for being drunk and dis orderly , and Lewis Strayor , alias "Tho Pro fessor , " will work at hard labor for thirty days on the streets because ho is lit for noth ing else. Three vugs wore discharged. > About thirty Sir Knights of _ Omaha com- mandery came over last , evening and accom panied as many more of the Sir Knights of Jvanhoo commundory to St. Paul's church to attend Ascension day services. An appro- pviati ! sermon was preached by the rector , Hov. T. ,1. Muckuy , who is juvlat" of Ivunhoo commandery. The Sir Knights made a very line appearance as they marched in a body to the church. The Omaha visitors returned home on a late motor train. The Queen Knows a < Jooil Tliliiir. The Mueller music company , No. 1IKI Main direct , received the following telegram May 15 , 1MH ) : "Queen of England purchased Hardman prund piuno from our European a ont for jjalinorul castle. IIm > M vx , Pi.c K & Co. " Mueller & Schmoller , agents , llOIDodgo street , Omaha. Wanted , two Ilrst class paper hangers , ( iii.unri : , t Fnrinuy , ! > 8 Pearl btroot , Council BlufTs. Schmidt's gallery refurnished , and new in- Mruments. For ill ) days , &I.UO cabinets for t'.fiO. Elegant finish warranted. 220 Main. _ _ _ _ _ _ A good girl can find a good place at fair wanes at bid Bluff street. fKHN OX. I / , I'Alt.tUK.l I'lf.S , Deputy Marshal White is homo from a short visit in Missouri. A E. Kidd has gone to Chicago , to take charge of Dr. C. B. .ludd's brunch olllco. George Pickett has lelt for u three months' visit to his old home in London , England. County Cleric Chambys was looking after fllslriut court business ill Avoca yesterday. D Warren Wicks and wife of Denlson , Tex. , nro vbitlng his mother on North First street. Hurry Stacy has gone to Denver and it is stated that ho proposes to visit Australia be fore his return home. Charles 'I' Taylor , until recently in the em ploy of the Union Pacllichas gone to Denver , where lie lias accepted another position. Tlmo Card of tint Hnokoyo Special * . TinBm ; yesterday morning .stated that the great Buckeye special train comprised thirty ears. This was a mistake of Just ten cars. The train Is composed of forty cars , all loaded with the world-famed Buckeye binders and mowers , and is drawn by two immense Mogul engines. The engines and the entire train aio highly decorated and make a daylight run from the factory to Council muffs. U Is in the charge of Lewis Miller , Jr. , sou of the Inventor of the famous machines. The train reaches Council Blurt's over the Chicago. Bur lington & Qiiincy railroad. The following Is the tlmu table over the Creston uud Council llluff.s division : Leaves Creston Saturday at 7 a in. Leaves Cromwell Saturday at 7iO : ! u. m. Leaves Corning Saturday at 8I5 : ! a , in. Leaves VIHIsca Saturday at 0t : : ( ) a. m : Leaves Stauton Saturday at 10:05 : a. m. Leaves Red Oak Saturday at 10:50 : n. m. Leaves Emerson Saturday tit H :4r : > n. m. Leavas Hastings Saturday at 12 in. Leaves Malvorn Saturday at it ! ; ; ir > p. m. Leaver'Hillsdale Saturday at 1:07 : p. in. Leaves Glonwood Saturday at 1 : , ' ( ) p. m. Leaves Pacllle Junction Saturday at 1:25 : p. m. Council BlutTs ut 2:10 : p. m. This train is ono of the finest over run over the road , and will bo a demonstration that is worth seeing , The public Is generally invited to note the abpvo tlmu card and come out and BOO it when it passes the stations named. There will IK ) a great crowd ut the Council Jlluffs Station , and they will bo well repaid for the trouble of coming out. Dr. H. S , West , potvelaln crown unit bridge work , No. 12 Pearl. The gasoline stove is mow dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save life uud proportv by using thu C. B. Uus und Electrlo Light Co.'s gus stove. J. ( .1 , Tlpton , real estate , 527 Broadway , If you wish to sell your iiroiwrty call on the Judd.t Wells Co. , O. B. Judd president , COO U road way. i Tlio Neeil of n 31 < at liiN | > ootor. Some of the butchers und dealers aru con. elderubly exercised over the necessity of hav ing n meut Inspector for Council Bluffs. A recent incident is. cited as showing the neces sity of such Inspection , The Oinaim Inspector the other day got track of six pteors which were suffering from luminjaw The unlmuls disappeared mysteriously , and after much search ho traced them to Council Bluffs und Icamcd that they had bex'u killed in uu old and abandoned slaughter homo in this city. The Omalm Inspector was suspicious that tin meat would bo sent buek to Omuhii and solt there , and so he continued the hunt for fur ther facts. Yesterday ho became sntlslkV that the meat was intended for Council Bluffs consumption and , notifying the dealers to beware of it , returned to Omahn. Of course ho had uo authority which would warrant hi. ' prosecuting the matter further on this side of the river , and there Is no ono to take the mat ter up and take such measures as wotih ! punish the offenders and protect the public. The Incident Is cited not us remarkably un common but as only one instance by which it is unite apparent that Council Blulls Is sadly Jacking fit one feature of protection. So closely located to Omaha It seems that , there nro unusual opportunities , for disposing ol poor meat here unless measures nro taken to prevent. The old council was requested to take action with refeienco to the appointment ol u meat Inspector , but it was not done , and now the butchers have determined that they will have an Inspector appointed. As n means of protecting themselves and the citl/ons against unscrupulous dealers , an agreement is being circulated among them by thu terms of which each ono agrees to pay George Irako ) l u week for his services us meat inspector until such time us the city shall take the matter into its own hands uud appoint an official inspector. Mr. Drake In an ohl butcher und Is undoubtedly qualified to fill the position. Ho will not of course hnvo the uuthoritv that would attach to tin official inspector fu the way of having con demned meat destroyed , but ho would bo able to prevent to a very great extent the halo of diseased meat. DUKKH fUJODH SAH2. AI the Motion Store , Council MliifTri. We will place on our counter * for Monday and lids week bargains in dress gootls such as never thu ho ugaiii duplicated ut such prices. ATI2'c ' A YARD. 10-Inch haw line stripe , in mixtures only , former price 2.V. 'Mi-inch pin head checked suiting , former price llc. ! ilO-inch side band , in illuminated mixtures former price 'J.'c. iiiS-inch beige stripes , in all colors , former price 17c. : ui-liich English eashmomsforinorpricei" ! > e. Also mills and ends that sold as high us 50e , all to go at 12'e ' . u yard. At l'o ! ' a yard. All our mohair brtllliiiitines that sold from 2."c to ! te ! In u full line of solid colors and mixtures. At ye a yarn. All wool suiting ! ! ( J In. wide , In stripes , plaids , in silk und wool , also plains , all to go ut 21)c. ) The above goods sold from D'Jc to flSe. At ! > < ! a Yard. Wo have put all our I5o , 50o and t > 3c goods in at 'Silo including n full range of colored brillinntines on solid colors , mixture. ? uud black ; also our all wool black and colored serge and cashmere. Wo have also added to tlio list 1T > pieces of Hs-inch black and white brillhinteens in check , have line stripes and broken shipe.s , all ut.'l''o. ' BOSTON STOKE , Council Bluffs , Fothcrlnghnm , Whltelaw & Co. , Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices , WALL PAPEU At Lowest Prices. Cenbiis Kminirratora. Captain B. W. Ilight , supervisor of the census for this district , has made his ap pointments of eiinumerutors for the various wards and townships in this county. They ate us follows : Stephen N. Gaskill , Layton township. Edwin .F. Aldrich , ICnox township. Joseph M. Long , Pleasant und Minden townships. William B. Kowland , Ncohi township. Edward P. Urown , Boomer township. .lames.I. Broohlmusei'j KockforJ township. Franklin F. Martin , Lincoln township. William H. Hurtlmnu , Valley township. William Coleman , .lames township. Isaac Van Do Bogert , Norwalk township. Joseph B. Mathiek , Hiuel Dell and Cres cent townships. -William H. Smith. Wright township. Hobert B. Crofts , Belknap and York town ships. Ilurvoy A. Smith , Hnnlin township. Aaron C. Kanclc , Garner township. Thomas N. Christian ? Wavehind township. fill G. Kiliney , Carson and Center town ships. bamuei ji. Hopkins , Aloccuoma and urovo township ) . William E. Bradley , Silver Crook and Washington townships. Hobert C. MeElruth , Keg Creek and Lewis townships. First Ward , Council Bluffs-Victor L. Keller uud L. Sherwood. Second Ward Millard F. Hohrer , John P. Williams and Jacob Dempster. Third Ward Pugh AV. Goss and George II. Gllmoie. Fourth Ward S. N. Portorfleld and Fred Johnson. Fifth Ward-Albert U. Crosby and F. E. Hoaghind. Sixth Ward L. M. Slmbcrt. .1. C. Bixby , steam Heating , sanitary engi neer , l ) Hi Li To building , Omaha ; iOJ Merrium block , Council Bluffs. Desirable dwellings , located in all parts of the city , for rent by 10. II. Sheafe ft Co. , Broadway and .Main .street. Choice residence property centrally located for bulo by H. H. Shealo & Co. The Manhattan .sporting headers , 418 B- way. way.A A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of hose purchased at Bixby's. Important to Ilorsomon : Lnrg * line horse mid turt goods. 1'robstlo , r > Vi B-y , C. B. Schmidt's gallery refurnished , and new in strumeiits. For IK ) days only , $ I.IX ) cabinets for , J.5I. ( Klegunt llnish warranted. 0 Main street. S. B Wndsworth & Co. , U07 Pearl street , loan money for Lombard Iitvestmontcomiiany. Scott house , Council Bluffs ; $1 n day. Those who have not had an opportunity to attend the dress goods sale at the Boston Moro , Council BlulTs , will huvoto como early , as all the bent bargains are going fast , The sale only lasts this week , and can assure vou such goods never were offered to tlio public us are placed ou our eountei-s for this sale. All our 10-inch hair-lino liO-lnch - stripes , - pinhead - head suitings , Jilt-inch cashmeres and tailor suitings , that .sold from ITc to SSe , all to go ut this sale for I1 " , e u yard. Hrllliuntinos fn blade , bluck uud will to , in checks and stripes , also ltd inch all wool Hen rietta , goods that .sold from lee to 6be , all to t'O ut Il'.ic u yard. A bargain in 'ill-Inch all wool Ihmiipl stripes tliut .sold for yjo and I.V , suit ) price for tills week'Jtlen yard. A full line of colored brllliantines. that sold from a > o tollile , for IDe a yard. Black goods bargains , which wo will con tinue to sell , ut sale prices. HS-ln Drapilo JUmd fisc , former pi Ice 7.1c ; Slefuuo stripes b'Jo , former price $1 ; Hl-in Austian Henrietta f I , former price $ \ . ' > 'itSlu ; India und Hindoo twillo ive , lormer prlco ? 1 ; 1'rlestley's silk wurplIcnriottusOV , SI.IH , * I.W ) , goods thut sold fmmfl.5 to $ ' , ' u yaiil.'o have the goods and prices just ns advertised , uud will hold good only for this week. FOTHKUINfcHAM , WIUTBLAW & CO. , Boston Store , Couueil Bluffs , lu. 11 vou want the best Wall paper go to J. I ) . Croekwoll's. 1'or dinner or board apply to Mrs. Cnmp , 5'ii : Sixth ave. Waterworks ilil. X. Y. Plumbing Co. Good p.iper hangei-sut Crockwoll's. Uo want you to list your ivnt.il property with us und wo will secure you good , ivilablo tenants. Hents collected and special utten- V ° " Bl\Vu to em-o of property. E. H. Sheafo i < t to. , Ui-oudway and Main st. , up stairs. | . 'alr ill. , May 15. Governor Flfor has npiwlnti-d Charles H. Deere of Hock Island uud Atlelul T Ewlug of Chicago .com missioners for Illinois for the worhl's fair , uud Lufiiyotto Funk of Shirley und Dowltl Smith of SprinifUeld as olteruutes. TIII2 IMIAUMACIHTH ADJOUUX. 1'rocccilliiKN of Yoslcrilny'H Session of the Htato Convention. There were no absentees from yesterday's session of the state pharmaceutical association and a large number of new faces was seen. Mr. I ) . L. Halgh of St. , Louis was present ns a delegate of the Missouri state association Of pharmacists. Ho Wits introduced by Pres ident Goodman and made an Interesting talk. Ho presented the greetings of the Missouri association and urged Unit thoNebraska asso ciation send a delegation to the mooting of that of Missouri to bo hold at Excel sior Springs , Mo. , Juno U to 8. At this meeting it was proposed , ho said , to consider the advisability of holding n biennial session of representative druggists of Missouri , Kansas and Nebraska for thu discussion and adoption of plans calculated to benefit the order und to take especial action looking to thu abolishing of the present systematic adulteration of drugs. Mr. Huight's proposition wus warmly np- provcd and n resolution was adopted instruct ing the president of the ussoeiatioii to up- point delegates to the Missouri meeting In June. Prof. Loomls of Omaha read iv well-pre pared paper on "Progressive Pharmacy and the Kelation of Employer and Employe. " His ndvieoto the latter , the drug clerks and aspiring pharmacists , was received with marked evidences of appreciation by the as sociation. Mr. M. 13. Schultz of Beatrice , from the committee on legislative and school of phar macy , presented a resolution recommending that no attempt bo made to amend the phur- mucv act , and that the inauguration of the school of pharmacy bo deferred for further consideration. The report was adopted. It was discovered that when selecting Beatrice - trice as a place for the holding of the next meet ing the association had neglected to fix a date for the holding of the mooting. Several sug gestions Were made In favor of holding the session later In the season. Mr. Shnlu of Beatrice favored Juno 1. Ho said they were not as well supplied with hotel accommoda tions us Omaha and as some of the druggists might have to camp out they would find it more comfortable later in the season. Ho said also that they were rigging up a steamer at Beatrice and would have it ready by Juno 1. Others favored holding the session about the middle of May and some ouo asked if the Beatrice steamer would bo ready by that time. Air. lugersoll or Beatrice replica unit ir the steamer was was not ready by that date there would bo plenty of "schooners" that would bo placed at the disposition of the del egates. Then Mr. D. W. Saxc arose and with all solemnity asked : "Mr. President , can you tell me what day of the month the 25th of Miry comes onl" "Tho 25th , I think , but I am not positive , " and in the roar that followed Mr. Saxo explained - plained that ho desired to know what day of the * week would bo the 25th of May next year. It was finally decided to hold the next .ses sion on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday , AIuv 20 , 27 and 28 , next year , at Beatrice. This completed the preliminary business of the session and the election of ollleors was declared in order. N. A. Kuhn nominated for president Charles J. Daubach of Lincoln , "who has done , " he said , ' 'more work for this association than any other man in the state. " The nomination was socoudcd from several parts of the house. A gentleman on n back eat nominated J. II. Smith of Omaha , but afterward withdrew the nomination uud Mr. Daubach was elected by acclamation. He postponed the speech that was loudly called for by stating that ho was very busy trying to get the secretary's books in sliapo and could not attempt to run two offices at once. Ten names were placed in iiomidation for vice presidents. There are five vice presi dents uud by resolution the association de clared that the five candidates receiving the highest vote bo declared the vice presidents in the order of their voting strength. The ballot resulted as follows : First vice president , C. M. ClarkFuirmont ; second , D. W. Saxo , Omahn ; third , S. E. Kiggs. Beatrice ; fourth , J. H. SmithOmahn ; flifth , H. Sandstcdt , Wuhoo. There was a lively interest in the selection of u secretary. J. H. Smith of Omahu , was a candidate but was given a vice presidency and thus shut out of the race. The sympathy and efforts of a number of the leading members of the as sociation were directed toward the selection of Mrs. Julia M. Crissey of Omaha , the widow and successor in business of C. M. Crissey , a diuggist who did business ut Twenty-fourth and Lake streets. G. II. Leslie and H. J. Pcufold , both of Omaha , vcro also placed in nomination. The election resulted in the selection of Mrs. Crissoy by the following vote : Crissey 48 , Leslie lit , Ponfold 21. On motion of Mr. Leslie , the nomination of Airs. Crissey was made unanimous. For treasurer , James Forsyth of Omaha and II. T. Hicks of Hastings were pfaced in nomination. The ballot resulted in the re-election of Mr. Foisyth , the vote being , Forsyth U ! ) and Hicks ! 17. After the selection of a treasurer the newly elected officers were called upon uud iniulo brief speeches. Mrs. Crissoy's re marks were touehlngly appropriate and wore received with applause. Air. J. D. Kuiny of Beatrice was selected local secretary for the ensuing year. Mr. N. A. Kuhn moved the appointment of a committee of three to act with the local secretary in preparing a programme of out door sports for the next meeting. The motion was adopted and President Goodman commenced : "I will appoint on that committee , Air. Coouoy " Then everybody yelled and a young phar macist in the roar of hall screamed "slide , " materially adding to the merriment. AU\ Kuhn got the fioor and said ho'd been sold to another association and could not net- The president admitted that ho wius think ing of out-door sports of another character , and named N. A. Kuhn , Air. Shultz of Be atrice and Air. Boydcn of Grand Island us the committee. The committee on resolutions presented the usual acknowledgment of courtesies extended and the association adjourned till 20 : ! o'clock to hear the announcement of the committees for the ensuing year. ' Among the now members at the morning's meeting were : A. W. Hoyt , Burwcll ; S. C. Wilson , Lincoln ; George W. D. Mint , Crab Orchard ; AI. J. Waugh , Lincoln ; W. L. An derson , David City ; F. B. Kenuard , E. C. Brown , B. O. Boll , J. W. Bell , Omaha O. M. Newell , Hebron ; Hen L. Familton , Gothen burg ; W. J. Davis , Fremont ; II. S. Neir , Alfiod J. Shilling , Lincoln ; Guy II. Meyer , Bromlleld ; IrvingScott , Stroinsburg ; W , S. Hughes , Oxford ; W. D. Alexander , Mllford ; L. C. Wheeler , Hivertou ; George W. Moore , Stockham , Neb , ; C. O. Loake , Lincoln ; F. B. Howard , Harvard ; A. B. Hunt , North Bond ; Amos Field , Omalui ; H. F , Hicks , Hustings ; J. W. Stoiidiird , Bone- lict ; C. AI. Clark , Friend ; M. K. Shultz , Bo- itrico ; S. G. Wright , Elk Creek ; T. .f. Smersh , Bralnard ; W. W. Bixby , Harvard ; 1. A. Husmoln , Louisville ; H. L. Adams , To- Eiimah ; D. H. Noble , Blair ; J. J. Judson , St. lee ; A. II. Farrons.Hustlngs ; W. A. Flower , Weeping Witter ; .lames Liff , Murquetto ; Henry Hciboiitnal , Seribnor ; A. F , StreiU , NoithPlutto ; W. H. Woodworth , Beatrice ; I. Buyer , York ; W. Widonar , York : D. D. Adams , Johnson ; O. II. SnydorPhittsmouth ; llonry Jauss , Wooil Hlver ; J. A. Osboruo , Genoa ; C. W. Hoot , Callawny ; J. F. Giccko , Howard ; F. S. Fricko , Fremont ; S. S. All , I'Yomont ; C. W. Nelson , Fremont ; C. E. AIc- Jiuin , Fullerton ; U. BarnesWeeping Water ; W. C. Pomfret , Lincoln. At the afternoon session the delegates were ill in the Very best of spirits and It was some time before order was seemed. President Goodman tun.ed the meeting over to the new president. Mr. Daubach , who : ook the gavel mid called "Air. " Secretary for ho muling of an application for membership. Uo corrected his niistako and addressed the secretary as "All's , " but his face was suf- used with blushes and ho disfigured a now fllk hat In ills efforts to cull the meeting to order with the gavel. Air. Fred L , Marls of Omaha was then duly elected u member of the nssoi'liitlc n. Prof. D. L. Halgh , Ph. C. , of St. Louis was elected tin honorary member of the uss > clu- tlon. tlon.S. S. C. Wilson of Lincoln was upiolntolii lulcguto to the Kansas stuto convoullm which meets soon. C. J. Daubach of Lincoln und James Heed of Nebraska City were appointed do'egatcs > to ho .Missouri stuto association , Executive committee . F. Goodmin , Omuluii H. T. Hicks , Hustings , \ \ . A. [ IiinlliiK , Oakland , Legislative committee-M. E. ScUulu , trlcoj II Hrtish.A ihindi Alf Shilling , Lin- coin. , . Trade Interest X A. Kuhn , Omaha. Charles . I. Daubaclt , Lincoln ; James Heed , Nebraska City. 1 1 * Pharmacy and ntfoires-L. C. Dunn , Lin coln : K'Uvr.rd J. Slwlip Crete ; A. F. Streitz , ' Platto. Membership . ii ( < Beebe , Omnlm ; W. MeP. Fuller , Omahlif E. G. Hust , Omaha ; W. M. Wldenor , Lincoln. Deceased inPtubPHM. . J. Wutigh , Lin coln : G. W. Howe , Lincoln ; N. M. Bixby , Hardy. Revision of thpplmrmacopo'a . A. Kuhn , Omaha ; C. H. Brinmor , Fremont ; F , Cham bers , Sewiird. Local exhibits -A. B. Hunt , North Bend ; M. E. Sliult * . Ileatrtcu ; N. A. Kuhn , Omahn. The following delegates were appointed to attend the American Pharmaceutical associa tion : C. F. Goo Imun , N. A. Kuhn , James ForsytUc and Amos Field , all of Omahn. The secretary was instructed to have 050 copies of the proceedings published within ninety days. The convention then adjourned to meet again the fourth Tuesday in May ut Beat- ilco ut.'t p. in , After adjournment the members of the as sociation were escorted to South Onm'aa und to various pints of Interest about the city. New Comes House. linn. City. Absolutely llro proof. Finest and largest hotel In Kansas City. Unexcelled In its up- poliitments. Pardoned Immediately AftorSontom'c K \xs.vs CITV , Aio. , May 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bii.l-At : : Lawrence , Kun. , today B. Conn , the wealthy proprietor of the Eldridgo hotel , was tried for violating the prohibitory net , sentenced to imprisonment and at once pardoned by the governor. The affair was planned yesterday by Conn's at torneys and is the quickest of the kind ou record. Conn's pardon was read in open court before the Judge's words of sentence had grown cold. This Is a fair exuniplo of the present feeling in Kansas toward the pro hibitory law , occasioned by the original package decision. Tickets nl lowest rates and superior- accommodations via the jrrenl Kock Is- linul route. Ticket olllco. 102 ( ! Six teenth und Fiu'iium streets , Oniiihu. The Deatli Itoll. SAX Piuxri'ico , May 15. Joseph Stanford , a brother of United States Senator Leland Stanford , and n well known pioneer of the state , died ut his homo in Oakland last night of heart disease. Govr.itNoit's Ii-r.txn , Alay 15. Nelson II. Davis , brigadier general United States army , retired , was stricken down by nppo- ploxy today uud died. A Former Oiiialiu Man Killed. KANSAS CITV , Aio. , Alay 15. A man poorly dressed was found in an alloy this morning unconscious and with his skull fractured. Ho died this afternoon. Ho was identified ns Charles Alaxle , formerly employed by the Adams Manufacturing company of Omaha. Homeopath 1st Adjourn. CIIICAOO , May 15. The homoodethic so ciety concluded its sessions today. Dr. C. E. Laning of Chicago was elected president for the ensuing year. Springfield is the next place of meeting. Kentucky Prohibit ionistH. LOUISVII.I.T : , Ky. , Alay 15. The prohibition ists of Kentucky begun a convention hero to- dav. Their platform strongly favors woman suffrage. A Tovim Town Flooded. Coi.LMiits , Tex. , May 15. The village is al most entirely overllowed by the Colorado river. The water covers mo-st of the lower lloors and many houses have been abandoned. Carlisle Gaining ; . LOUISVIU.K , Alaj * 15. The democratic cau cus at Frankfort took three ballots tonight , Carlisle's vote on the last being 47 , AlcCreary 17 , Lindsay 2'J , KnottSO , Settle 2. Missouri I'noillo Slashes Hates/ ST. Louis , May 15. The Alissouri Pacific announces tonight a slashing cut in rates to Pueblo , Omaha. Denver and other points , to take effect Sunday. Kiotini * in Spain. AIiitii ) ) , Alay 15. Rioting has broken out in the vicinity of Bilboa. Several minors have been killed while resisting the gend armes. Troops nro hurrying to the scene. Insure Against Pneumonia. Use Baker's Pure Cod Liver Oil or Baker's Emulsion. The old reliable brand. All drug- Died from Iviitln PoiHoiied Sausage. CINCINNATI , O. , May 15. [ Special Tele gram to THE BUB. ] Airs. Clem Alders of Ivanhoo , a notthcrn suburb of this city , died last night from what is supposed to be poisoned sausage , The family ate suusago lor supper and shortly afterwards Airs. Alders and two of the children were affected. The two children may recover. All's. Winslow'S ' Soothing Syrup for Chil dren Teething gives quiet helpful rest. 25 cents a bottle. - Oas Causes Two Deaths. WOIICK TIII : , Alnss , Alay 15. The wife and daughter of President . Stanley Hall of Clark university were found dead in bed this morning , having been accidentally suffo cated by gas which escaped during the night from a defective burner. President Hall is out of town. Medical aid promptly summoned proved of no avail. . - < Change of life , backache , monthly Irrojju luritles , hot Hushes nro cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Frco samples at Kuhn & Co. , 15th and Douglas. - Throw Iloi-Helfliito n Cistern. A'H'iiiso.v , Kim. , May 15. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BII : : , | Luov Ann Henderson com mitted suicide this morning by throwing lierself into a cistern. She had been Insiino several weeks. She was 11 fty-ouo years old and was the mother of W. R. Henderson , a well known citizen. 1C02. Sixteenth und Farnnm streets is the now Hook iHlnuil tieK-ot olllco. Tick ets to till points oust ut lowo.st rates. South Dakota CCIIMIR Knnnicrntoi'8. Ht'iiov , S. D. , May in. [ Special telegram to Tun Bii.l : : Superintendent of Census Wakofield today completed a list of 420 enumerators for South Dakota and will Is- BUO the commissions uoxt week , u special rate of ft u day being gf-untod enumerators lu sparsely settled localities. M'JKItSO\.t / , 1 > J K.I < Ht A 1'JIS. AI. C. Bralnurd of Lincoln Is u guest at the Murray. - Frank Shurpo ofi Battle Creek is at the Milliml. Walter J. Lamb of Lincoln is registered at the Puxton. , , . ' , W. C. Allyn of Lexington is registered at the Puxtou. J. L. Culdwell of Lincoln is registered at thoAlillard. ' ' Isaao Van Horn of Norfolk Is stopping at thu Allllard. W. J. Robert ouof'Grcely Center Is a guest at the Alillard. ' . ' \ Attorney General WilHum Lceso of Lin coln is at the Paxton. Chins Frahm and wlfo of Hastings are guests at the Millard. W. C. Gregory and wife of Tabor , la. , tire stopping at the CiLsoy , John R. Thompson of Grand Island is stopping at the Paxton. Frank Chambers und wife of Sewnrd are registered at the Cusoy. W. P. Harris and Ernest Fuller of Greslmm ire guests at ttio Casey. Allss Letta , daughter of Dr. R. M. Stone , ins returned from Denver. Air S.C. Hunter , editor of the Miilvoru , Ta. , Loader , In in the city visiting Colonel C. R. Scott anil family. Air. Hunter visited Inn im ! : yesterday afternoon. Mrs. II. B Mann' of Hiawatha , Kan , iccnmpanlcd bv her daughter. Mn I'huii , uud Allss Jennlo Pottingor , are visiting lu the city at the residence of II N AlcUrow , 1022 North Twenty-second street. in TPri fii'Pii piiinnvn A JIIJliD LOviiR SUICIDES , Life Was Worthless to Arenill AremUs Witli- out Pretty Mary Van Hoc. THAYER'8 ' LETTER TO SOHWENOK. Banker * Ignoring tin : Law The State Ministerial Convention Arrnycil fur Prohibit Ion-City Items. Lixroi.v , Xeb. , Alay 15. [ Special to TUB BII : : . ] A wealthy bachelor farmer named Arondt Arcndts , who lives llvo miles this side of CortLind , was found hanging dead In his own barn yesterday and It wus evident that death was intentional. The cause of the sulcldo was an unfortunate love affair. Arcndts wus a passably good looking fellow of about thirty , und Is of Gorman parentage. Ho had proved u very successful farmer und had n line stock farm all paid for and u splen did lot of cattle. Ho fell in love with n pretty neighbor girl named .Mary Van Hoe , and as she was willing to accept a rldo at any time behind ills spanking team of buggy horses , ho supposed that she reciprocated his at fection. About n week ago he offered his hand and heart lo her , but was dumbfounded when she refused to become his wifo. Since then ho bus been acting straugelv and It Is be lieved that his mind was affected bv his dis appointment. Ho was sfi/od with 11 lit of melancholy and imagined that somebody was following him constantly to murder' him , Sunday night , after driving madly over the country for several hours , ho stopped at the house of a relative named Carstens and begged that gentleman to save Him from his imaginary pursuer * . On Tuesday evening Ci. Scliwanger called ou him and found him In n deep fit of despondency. At Arendts' ro < iucst Scliwanger drew up n will for him. He gave all Iris property to a cousin named Gasicuu Carsten. Scliwanger thought ut the time that this was a mere temporary whim , This was the last .seen of Arendts alive , The neighbors were horror-stricken and did not send for the coroner until late last night. This morning that official repaired to the scene mid empaneled n jury consisting of Jacob Bond , L. A. Simmons , H. H. Sprague , F. G. Lusulle , G. H. Ruhuk and C. E. Axlell. The jury , after hearing the scanty evidence , rendered u verdict to the effect t hat death was the result of hanging , with suicidal in tent , while the deceased was temporarily insane. TIM : oovnu.NOH's i.r.rrr.u TO SCUWTATK. _ Governor Thuyor expressed himself as con siderably surprised over the personal re marks directed toward him in this morning's BiibyDr. : P. Sohwoiick of Norfolk. His excellency asks that the following , which is a copy of the letter sent to Schwenck , be pub lished , and says that this is all the reply ho cares to make in regard to its being disre spectful : STATK OF NKIIIIASKA. HXHCIITIVK DUI-AIIT- JIK.NT , LINCOLN. May ( i. Dr. 1'cter HehwenK : JsorfollNull. . Dear Sir ; In leply to yours of a fcwdays line I huvo to say , that the slate boiiiduf enuall/atloii has been open since tlio iNthduy oC Aniil and ulll continue mien until tnelMthof tills month. It Is constructively In session all the time , for whenever uuv one de- slies tolieheuiil wo convene Immediately. It Is open for every one to uppear wliodeslTcs to. It Isknonn exery year that this bouid Is in session. At this time all county oflii'lals ap pear hoio without uiiy formal notice who de- Mi o to do so and wu aio glad to ha\u them come. Vou ay , after referring lo the meeting heio of the roprusuntathes ofarlons lallroad companies the other day , "It Is desired that you seta day when the people can be heard befoie your boa id anil wo will see that a dele gation fiom Madison county will meet jou , " seemingly to Imply that thu people might not have an opportunity. 1 am suio tlui people are the ones from whom wo want to htii' : . I will iianioThuisdaj , the 1.1th of this month , us the day when the tumid will ho pleased to rc- eel\ the. Mudlsou county delegation. The only propuity which thu stuto hoard of cquall/.utlon can assess Is the ralliond piop- erty In the state. Wo cannot assess any other piopertr. If that Is unequal , the only remedy wo i-au fuinlsli Is to leduuo the levy wlieio ft Is justltl.iblo and thus oquall/u us far us possible. In assessing railroads the law provides that thu boind shall divide the whole valuation by thu numbcrof miles of loud ; this gives the saluatlon per mile. The assessment In each county Is detei mined by multiplying the valuation per mlle by thu mileage in the county. It will ho readily seen that counties on the saino llriu of roul : must , under the law , Do as sessed the same , 1 hope hcicaftrryou will keep better posted , Very Truly Vonis , JOHN M. TIIAVKII. IUVKIKS' : The state banking board held a mooting yesterday , but the members were so quiet about it that nothing was learned concerning its transactions until this morning , and the reports gleaned are very meagre. A very stnttling rumor was brought in concerning the condition of a prominent bunking estab lishment In Omaha , but the members of the board refuse to divulge facts , figures or the name at present. It , was discovered by Secretary Howe that seventy-one banks in the state are not com plying with the banking law. Some are holding real estate greatly in excess of the one-third of their capital allowed , others uro making excessive loans and a third class nro rediscouutiiig too much. Secretary Howe was instructed to write individual loiters to each bank pointing out its failure to obey the law und requesting | u compliance therewith. I'Abious AXI > riioiiinirio.v. The state ministerial convention held In Lincoln for the avowed purpose of aiding the prohibition political party in the campaign this full , came to a close last evening. After the resolution passed early in the session that u synopsis of all the speeches should bo pub lished in the local pupers , each clerical brother tried to outshine ids follow preachers in condemning the manufacture uud sale of spliituous liquors , and the result was a sweeping denunciation of any paper or any pei-son who refused to support prohibition. The ministers decided unanimously that the supreme court decision would not effect the prohibition umendment pending in con gress uud it was voted to present a memorial to congress demanding the passage of that bill. bill.A A long list of whoreuses und resolves weio adopted , the main clauses being us follows : licsolved , That wo will , tlnoiigh the columns of the public press , suppiess tlio fiiimlnlcnl llteruturn and bogus coirespondtmco now Hooding the state In the Intmests of thu mm tiullle. and so far as In our powur countcincl the Inllueiifoof the snme. Uesolved , That wo will eoidltillv co-update with all other oiguul/atlons und Juices now engaged In seeming the passage of thu pio- hlhltloiiunicndmoiit.und uslndhldnul pustor- , do pledge ourselves to itxeour utmost cndeuv- ois to put our icspectlvo eongiceutlons In line wlthsoino section of the piohlbltory amend ment movement. CAPITAL JXTKI.I. Articles of Incorporation of the Omaha .ucosco . company were filed with tlio secre tary of state this morning. Its principal busi ness will lo ) to mine and drill for gas , petro leum , coal mid other valuable substances. I'ho capital stoik Is fl.'iO.ouu. The incorporators - tors ure Joseph W. Bariisdull , John T. Gathers and John B. Finliiy. The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway company luus filed amended articles of incor poration uud a transcript of the resolution re cently adopted by the officials accepting the [ irovlsioiis of an act passed by the Nebraska egisluturo "to enable foreign corporations to jceomo domestic corporations of the state. " Secretary Tomliiisou of the Pacific short ino was at the auditor's office yesterday male- ng the returns of his company to the state Kiunl of equalisation. Today was the birthday of Miss /oo Alat- thows und Miss dura Curinody of the au ditor's dopirtment , and ou coming to the office as usual this morning each found an elegant gold watch on her desk. John W. Hundley of Oilier has filed a peti tion for u writ of mandamus in the supreme court asking that the trustees In the village n which ho lives bo compelled to listen to a emoiistrunco ngainstono Mutes Cervlny mu ling a saloon there , and to revoke the license ssucd to him. David F. Buumgardiicr , recorder In the olllco of the secretary of stuto , has been ro- elvlng the congratulations of his friends to- lav on Ids appointment us receiver of the Jliiteil Stati'.s land oftho at McCook. Secretary Cowdery says that some time since t was decided to appoint Low Fryer , as sue- censor to Recorder Baumgurdncr lu eu.se of i vucanev , but It Is not known whether ho wishes the position now or not. IiiMiranco Auditor Allen buys that the Mutual g tumult fire insurunco iinpiuof Cllntun lu , and ho Mutul llro ussociauuu ofTucomu. Wuahuna tlio tinted tstutca Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin. " PEARS'-le Great Enjlish Complexion SOAP.-Solil E > epte. ' . ' SATURN , (26OB. ( ) Will make the season of IsOv ) at the I iiliiu Dihlng I'uik. f'oiinell UluuX Iowa from Ma Hi 1st uhtll June 1st when ho will ho ictinned to I'remont and his worthy companion MAMBRINO BASHAW , (1739 ( , ) will take his i > lace from .Tuiio 1st until \iijustlst These two me the only stallions ' In the in lln JAS. G. SMITH- & SON , Fremont , Nob. WHY PAY HIGH PRICES : - FURNITURE - : - When you can get the best , them Is m.nle. In everv lineal pi lees that will not bankinpt you There Is no taste nor pins * that we can not stilt , you want to beautify join home , don't jou Then como In und sot ; bow elegantly and cheaply you can accomplish" ! ! . PEOPLE'S INSTALLMENT HOUSE , MAMHCI , .t KIiiN : , . 'CO Ilioaduuy , Council Itlilll's , 1. . wa. 73 C. A. BEEBE & COMPANY \Vholosaln and Retail Dealers in FURNITURE. I argest Ptoek and l.o\\oU 1'rices. Dealers , send for Catalogue. Nos. 20o and 1107 iJi-oathvuy , and 1201 and i OO Picrco Street , Coiincil Bhin's , la. Mutual association of New York arc not auth- ori/.ed to do business in Nebraska. John T. Powell , general solicitor for the endowment rank of the Knights of Pythias , filed a eoinplaiiit with the insur.mco depart ment today against the Pythtun lile associa tion nt Omaha , charging that that association is not u secret society within the moaning of the statute governing such organisations and is therefore not entitled to authority to do business under the provisions of that act. May ! M was set us the day lor hearing the case. voruiins I'L'iii.ir. The following uotarial appointments were iniulo this morning by Clovernor ThuyerF. . W. Day , Rising Citv , Butler comity ; Henrv Blum , Omahu ; Walter A Martin. Poucu ; W. P. Logan , Ponca ; Cluirles W. lidgcrton , Omaha ; JCd F. Gallagher , O'Xeill ; A. M. IDustorduy , Lincoln ; M. K. .McDonald , Cen tral Clly ; S. P. Robinson , Superior ; James L. Treclin , I lay Springs. cnv MHS : INII Non : * . The last concert of the fourth annual May festival of Lincoln was iriven last evening at the First Congregational church , the attend ance being larger than on any proceeding evening. The venture has proved a great success , both from a musical and llnuncial standpoint , and the annual May festival will probably bo an assured feature annually here after. George C. Cov is suing George Boyer in the district court for llot ( ) alleged damages for failure to deliver . ' 1,01)0 ) bushels of corn ac cording to contract. S , A. Brown .t Co. , lumber dealers , ob tained Judgment today for f 110.07 iig.dust Oliver Maggnrd. James Kenneully must pay to J. \ \ . Bark- ley and the Badger Lunil-er company SisS. : ' . ! ) each for lumber bought bv ICeiineally for a house at Twenty-third and Vine streets. In the suit the lumber company was plaintiff , while Barklny was arraigned us a codefendant ant with ICeiineally. J. M. Lunge , a chum of Tins ICuglund , the bruhonmn hurt at Hastings , was in Lincoln today und says that ttio n-pnrl of Kuglaud'.s injuries arc exaggerated. Ho was piesont at the tlmo and suy.s that only ono log was crushed mid that it will probably have to bo amputated ut the knee. ICuglami's prospect's of recovery are good. A. Huwkes , an insiino young man of about twonty-four yours , escaped from the asylum this morning. Ills home Is ut Holdicdgo. In the siijt of William H. Rundcll against the Lincoln Rapid Transit street railway company fo1 ground upon which thu street car barn is now standing , Judge Chapman de cided that the property belonged to Rtindoll. und guvo a verdict to that effect and also f | IK ) damages for being kept out of theusoofit. The company held nil Illegal tltlo to the ground which they obtained from C. C. Burr. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \\niVpuyrent when you can huj a hoineon > > thehamotcims , and In case of your death at any time leave jour family the homo clour on thcTolhiwIng leims : A homo woith fl. l at $ ! - ' per month. A Inline worth < I..Kill at fl * per moil I. A homo worth Wn ul Wl per month. A homo win III Hi * * ) at * > ' I"1' montll , A homo worth M.IHIO at * ! . poi monlli. OtliL-r lilli-i'il homes on ( hesamn terms. The abcuo monthly paymnnts liiclndu pi nulpul und luU-rest. for full pailleulai-H call on or addiesslhe.luddiV Wells Co. , UW Ilioadway , Council lllullH. lu. \\7ANTil : ) " To t Midi ) my grocery slock for u t > lionsu und lot In HOIIIO good town Ail- iliess liioi'Oi , . "lU. ! I'.iist Ilioadway , Couuull IOST A cinelictcd hhoulder hcaif , May ID , Juii Ke\entb hi. tictweon Willow uvo. and riflh live , lift in n to lieu. A SlIOl'.M \h'r.lt wanted at Kinnoliun's limjl and khoc Mine , Xt ) llroadwuy. 1/lOlt KKNT Nh-ii front iiioni , with board , i snlliililo for man and wlfo or two men. Kcott hciiiMt. ' N. Main , Counull 1J1OU KKNTTwo uootl iiioilHin hoiisu-i. W. J1 W. Illlgur. W 1'e.uil Htient. TW ! ( BAI < K My lesldciice , 'A'I Willow avo- A huu , on south ttidiMif lluyllss purk ; heated 'lystoiun , lighted by uliictrlully und conluln- lug all modern Improvements ; lot W by SW fuut. Also will soil iir iixchungH for Impiovcil city properly my fiirin of 670 ueies , tun miles i-ubt of C'ounull IllnlVi. N. M. I'lisuy , Counull lllulfs. IjKJKHAI.IJ-A largo Hp.m of mull" " , llli -L wagon und hurnuna. liujnlio ut 6lU ! Main bt. 111.NT Thohturn loom , Nu IB , fiuutlnu U I , U "l\rK IIAVH seveial beaiitlfnlniodein houses T T t hut wo will tiadeforeneilinheiod Vacant lots In Umaha or Couiiell Mulls. Thu Judd & Hulls c . Council lllnir In. "I71OU SA7.I ] or Jtcnt Giinlon , lmul. with -L ? houson , by J. K. Itluc , 1UU Main at. , Couuoll _ IllnlTH. JtJS'l1 -A hand-Knit shotiTder * < iiiif ! , .May 10 , J on S. ITthst. Hot urn to Itee. TT'OH HAl.K-llotol piiiiicilv , " , "i rooms , eeu- J ? t rally located. Mrs. Win. Nohlo , J'-"J S. KlghthSt.Council Hlnlfs. MAXON & BOURGEOIS , AKOI-IITKGTS -AMI- SUFMlllNTblNDKNTS. FINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS. Itooni U.V ) Men lam Illocl , , Council HlulK la. Itoom ( > IO N. V. I.lfo HulldliiK , Omalui , Neb. J. D. r.n.MUMlSON , K. I , . SlllHMIIT , 1'ics. Vli'e-I'ies. CiiAS.Il. lUvsA.v , Cashier. Citizens State Bank- ( iv COUNCIL m.riTS. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Surplus and Profits 50,000 Liability to Depositors 350,000 ] > imrrous : I. A. Miller , P. I ) , (5leison ( : , 13. I , Hhugurt , K. K. Hail , .1. I ) . IMmiindsoii , ( 'has K. llannan. Transact general hanking ) ness , l/aigcst capital and surplus of any bank In Southncsturn Io\vu , Inl.oi'osLoii . Tlmo Doposil F. M. ELLIS & CO. , Architects AND IIUIUUNI ! KI'I'Klll.vriiNllli.vr * . Itooms 4'tl ) and tU : I Ices Iliilldlng , Omiihu , Nob. , and Koums " 14 and ' 'Hi ' Mm Hum Illnok Council Illulls , lu. Correspondence MilU-ite'd ' The J. A. Murphy MANUFACTURING CO. , 1st Avcminund ' 31st Stient. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand und Horoll Pawing. Ho-Siiwlnit mid I'lanlng. Hnnlnunf all kinds. I'oieh Hiuc'lccls. ' Kindling nnnd f..rpel ) load dellveieil. Clcuu handlist by HID hairel " , " > o. All uoik lo b lirst-cluss. Tclcphoni ! ' . " * ' ! , "VOUK I' CHRIS BOSEN , SASH and DOOR Factory and Pianino- Mill , Ilest eiinlppcd , most contiully located fae > lory In the city. All modem lutcst putlein muohlnery : opuriitcd by nkllled . . . Hpeolul iittunilnii given to M < IO | | and band hawing , planing and tilmmlint. ( liuiniul con- tiuolsiind ehtlmutes for houses und liulldlnxi a specialty. Coinur Ninth Main and Abiibto btieuls. Council llltilT . Toleiihono Ml ) . FACIAL BLEMISHES. Such UB Pimples , Dlotclies , DlncK Heads , Freckles , SupeiTluoiiH Hair Removed. Addros.s , DJ . W. L. CAPIiLL. BAG Marcus Block , Broudsvuy , OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IA. Titos. OFHCKII. \V. 11. M. 1'usi.y. oraciiR s I't'sijY. x BANKERS. ; Corner Main und Ilioudwuy , Council Bluflfe , - lown. loul(3rs ) ( In foreign und domvstlo exuhunuii Collodions muUu uuU lutt-iust yald on Ilia *