THE OMAHA DAILY BE35 , TUESDAY , MAY 13 , 1800. SPEGIRL NOTICES , OMAHA. No ndvcrtlNcincnU will lie taken for theac colnnnis nflcr 12 : O p. m. Trrnm Onsli In nilvnncc. ' Advertisements under this hcnd 10 cent * per line forlho first Insertion. 7ccntHforeachsuh- crnilput Insertion , niiiULSOporllnq portmmth. No ad vortlnemrnts taken for ICM than 23 cents for flrnt Insertion. Tlioy must run contccu- tlvclyunil mint bo paid In ADVANCE. All adtert kctncnU tniut lie hnndcil In before 12.W : o'clock p. in. , and under noflrcunistanees will they bo tnkcn or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In tlirno columns and having their answer * addre ed In rare of TIIK HKK will iilrnno auk for n check toenablo them to get their letter * . us none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to advertisements should bo enclosed lOIICH , , All advertlnemnnts In the o columns are published In both morning nml evening edi tions of TiiBllKr. the circulation of which ag gregates moro thnn VW papers dally , nml gl es the advertisers the benefit , not only of thorltv circulation of Tun Hun , but nl o of Council Hlilffs , Lincoln and other cities nml town throughout this section of tbo country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will bo tnkcn on the above conditions , nt thn following bus- ness I IHISCS who tire nuthorl7ed to tnl < o special notices , nl the Hitrno rates as can bo had ut the li.nln olljco. Gtfftr iToSfA i ! IA'H ft"A Sro 11 o r I' I c"i- ; 'orn b r fJdf.Twontyslxtb and N streets , Nulmnka building. JOHN W.HCLb , Pharmacist , 620South Tenth * ltn > . . . , Stationers and Printers , 113. South lilth street. II. rARNSWORTH. Pharmacist , 2115 , Ciimlug street. .t. HUn I IKS , Pharmacist , C24 North Ifitli street. /1EO.W. I'AKlt , Pharmacist , 171S I.caveu- V3 worth Street. TTUGIIEH1 PHARMACY,21th. and 1'arnam SITUATIONS > . \\7"ANTED Hy a young lady , a position ns T > copyist or for general olllco work. Ad dress lii : vine street , Council itlulls. 7.H3-14 Situation as drug clerk ; six WANTED oxierlence. W. II. Tyler , Dend- , H. . 7S8-10 * ANTED-Hy n man of 40. fill nation as llookkecpcr , nsslstant , or olllco work of nnv kind. 1st class city references. Address IMi- Men , 7JI5-I.1 * _ T\TANTEI-Slttintlon by n reliable , steady ' young man ; colored , as poitor or janitor ; Rood city references. Addicss 0 33 , Hen ollleo. 772-12 * AYOUNO lady , good penman nnd rapid writer , desires n position ns copyist , gencr- nl olllco work or clone In store. Address Jlee. AYOl'NO lady of experience desires a posi tion IIH bookkroperorork In olllce ; Is C'ompoteiit to fill either. Can furnish best of lefeience. Address. P. O. llo\ < 05. 708 12 * w ANTKD > I AM3 JLt'all It. 8 , 22QTN. llith , from 8 to 12. ' 7U2-12 * 7V\rANTED Smart errand boy. Allen Isaacs , * > with lleyman fc Dclchcs. l.jlS Farnam. 700-12 _ \V/ANTED A first class cook for country > i nsldence. good wages paid. Inquire S.I , . cor. 21th nnd Howard. MI " \\rANTED An nctlvu man for each section t Milnir ? " 5 to J100 , to locally represent a Biieei'ssfuf N. Y. company , Incorporated , to Kiipply diy goods , clothing , shoes , jewelry , etc. . to consumers nt cost. Also n lady of tact , snlai v ? IO , to enroll members ( BO.OOQ now unrolled , $100.000 pa 111 In. ) Refeicnces ex changed. Emplro Co-Oporatlvo aftioiiatlon fi edit well rated ) lock box CIO , N. Y. ENERAI , Agents make f rom $ .1,000 toV'.OOO per year ; canvas eis from $1 to $10 per day Belling the Taylor adjustable shoe. Eory lady Is a possible customer ; pcimanent business ; exclusive territory assigned. Address with ot imp , Consolidated adjust able Shoe Co..Salem. Mass. /.J 0S1 * \\7"ANTED Salesman oii > . ( ur > < j or commls- TY slon to handle the lu Tjiatent chemical Inl ; oraHlntpSiclI. The tf4' ; * * " -.Milling nov- olly ox oi'pi-educed. Kriroin li'loronglily in two seconds : no abrasion ons lily's 200 to 500 profit. Ono agent'iC'surcs amounted o ifi.1 ! ) lu six days ; another $32 In two hours. Vr'ci want one energetic general agent for each state and territory. Sample by mall 35 cts. 1'or tnrms uud full particulars , address the Monroe Eruscr Mfg. Co. , LuCrosse , WIs. 737-13 * WANTED A strictly first cluss retoucher at Clioleener's vhoto ait gallery , 1509 Douglas st. Also piece work. HOI 12 * \ArANTED 2 pattern makers , steady work. T Aptily Phontx foundry and machine com pany. Pliickncy st. und Hell Line Hy. 771-14 * 1 " \\TANTED A good pants and vest maker. Steady work. John Wolfskell , David Olty , Neb. 71912 * * ir YOU have $1100 or WOO aud want to make -I f..iwo clear , call ut SSi 1) ) St. , South Omaha. J R5H-15 * _ _ _ Lr "TArANTED Agent to canvas the olty for B" V > saio ot book. Address D 10 , Hoe ofllce. 050 "ISTANTKn H.irnoM makers ; steadv work C TT and good pay. Address A. F. l'lsscr& vo. , 80 and Wabash avo. , Chicago. 417-ia * WANTED-50 mon for Wyoming : fieo faro. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 L'aruam. 475 IV TANTED WOmcn for Utah and Nevada ; wages JJ.OO to fj.50. per day , Albright's Tiabor Agency , 1120 I'arnam. 471 \\rANTED-SaIesmenatJ75pcr month salT - T ) ary aud expenses to sell u line of sllver- Jilatcd ware , watches , etc. , by s-amplo only ; ior 5 and team furnNhed ficn ; wilto at once for full p.ullcnlar-i und sample case ot coeds free. Standard Sll\erwaio Co. , Uostou , Mass. lltt i " \\rANTED Live men ns salesmen and col- i > lectors In Western Nebraska. Experi ence not necessary. The Singer bowing Ma chine Co. ( irand Island. Neb , 085-mlu * IIRL for general housework. 84 4 S. 23rd. 717 13 \ ANTED-Ooncrul female liulli at the Oc- cldontal hotel. _ 810 } 3 * " \\fANTED-Good girl for genorul bouso- > woiK. 715N.X'.lrd st. 604 la * ArAPAIII.n house maid also a latindry girl , 1 is. Henry W. Yatcs.UUt und Dav- cupoitMs. ' \ \ Tr A NTED-GIrl for general housowork. 'J6 T T I'ainamst. bOO " \VANTED-5 dressmakers. McCabe , mo- , > dlste , 1712Douglasbt , ba-13 * U/'ANTT ] ) A llrst class cook for countrv residence , Kood wages paid. Inqulro S , E , cor'lib and Howard. b03 \\rANTED-I.ady agents to sell u bust do- ' > \eloi > er ; will positively Increase the but Ki uilj * nitilird | slie ; thirty days' free trial al lowed. Address , with stamp. Emplru Medical Co,2.SVe _ M.'tUtreet , Now York. 7PO-13 * " " " 7.3 i for uuaev > ork. 17th. , bl)7 15 * A NTED-GIrl for housework , at S812 t.oav- enworth sj. . S i > ttmanj < grocery. 7a-12 * \ \ 'ANTED ImimdlatehG'lrRiTdTTeoViklii ] ; . > ' uud huusowork , fc. W. cor. vMth und Cali 72012 * l > At oni'f. mirco ulrl , it or 15 vears old , Mrs. 1 > . A. Uariicr , 25. 7 Cullfonila st , G52 rVlTANTED-OIrl for general housework at ll'ii Georgia uvp. KM " " ' WA"N"TED Dlnlnu'toom girls , llpibl ilaseyT . > * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ti.VI-U WANTED Girl for general bousuwo fUniiiio lint n first cluss cook wanted. Call 2327 Callfornlast. SHO ANTED comiicteut girl touo sonerul 1 rk , KOOU wages. Apply to 418 So. 84 tli uvo. " \Xf A N TED A girl for general , ( lormun preferred , Ml Park uve , Mrs. D. W. Van Cot t. for vf TA'vl.D NursKitlrl , ut onvu. Itook Isl. olllce. nith mid la main sts. 701-12 * A HOOD woman wanted. A steady woiunti J.X3J to 40 year * old can Und a good home , only two lu family , work light , wages low. Cull or midribs , SXU V und 2Jd St. , South Omaha , D , Ajiderson. ' 7U7 12 * "V/iyANT.'ED--A / girl about thirteen or four- ' V tecn'years old to t In taking care of children. Mrs. bwltilcr. 2C01 St.JJary'a ave. 8U { JbTtfKSlSS'fg ' to'do dn'ssniaMng lii ri lles solicited. MU Sturdy , S Plcux 1'OU ItKNT HOUSES. 1 5-IlOOM house- Now 'full of boarders and J n > omen , located thrro blocks northwest of pnstofllco Furnlturo f X ) . $100 cash balance $25 per month , other iilaccs. Co-opera- tlvo I , &L.Co 205N Iflthdt. 71O-12 " 171OR KENT Corner Hat , 8 rooms with range , JU mantel , awnings , screens water nnd other conveniences. * r7. Call at corner basement , 701 South IGth st. peorgo Clou cr. 792-12 * 17IOR KKNT-nood barn for tbreo lmr osi JU fall at 2215 Dodge at. 4'iOlQ * "T71OR KENT 8-room lioii C4ni r ( modern Im- J proved , near cable and motorcar line. { 20. Grover Stoveni.'t \ [ 'amain. 421 TV YOU wish U ) rent a house or Btoro Hen 11. JLK.F . Cole , Continental bloc It. 197 TTIOR RENTvkount Pla e. Fine house with JU all Improvements ; $10. II. E , Colo.7C812 7C8-12 1710R RENT 2-now 10-room houses , with all Jv modern Improvement ! " ! also an 8-room cottagowllh mode-til Improvements. Inquire at n , w. cor. 21st mid St. Mary'a uvo. 779-LI * "TTIOR RENT Dwelling on Capitol avenjie , 9 J. rooms , and all modern convenience * . In cluding laundry and largo stable. D. J. O'Donahoi ) , 1C01 Farnam st. 100 8-ROOM flat , with steam heat. Kith St. , near Jones. Thou. F. Hall , 311 Paxton block. TilOR KENT House ; ton rooms , nil modern Improvements ) largo yard , tlO per month. Dexter L. Thomas. 710 171OR RENT 10-room benne , 2107 Douglas st. JU all modern improvements. Inquire 2111 Douglas. 387 ROOM house 1807 Izard st , 812-13 * JjiOR RENT 10 room flat , 1B15 Dodge St. . all JU modern Improvements , W ) . 7 room house , 11418 Hurt St. , splendid location and conveniences. fi loom hoii c , Dupont place , elty water. 812. Of o. J. Fox , room 5'J8 Paxton blk. 4.'M T71OU RENT Two houses. * 20 and $25 ; 15 mln- JU ulcs' w.-Uk from Uco building. O. r. Davis Co. 15C5 Faimini t. 700 14 T71OR RENT 10-room brick , S301 Douglas ; all .L modern Imp. 7-room cottage , 120. J. U. Evans , : jo N. Y. Llfo. 731-13 T710R RENT Elegant new 8-room house , all JU modern conveniences , best residence local ity , only $10. Urenuan & Co. , Chamber of Commei cc. 710 10 1710R RENT A five-room bouse , 2020 Charles JU street. Inqulro at 2014 Charles street. | 711 12 * TIIKN room house , all convontcnco , rango,1359 Jl Bherman avo. , MO. Hutchluson & Wcad , 1524 Douglas ; tol. 1529. 2IB NEW eight room house , ono block from motor , 115. Selby i Reed , 13 Hoard Trade. 081 OR KENT 3 flats In Llnton blk.cor.Mason nnd 13th sts. , 0 rooms each , rent S27 per mouth. Inqulro 017 In block. Johu llamllu. | C31 RENT A six and a ten room house , all modern conveniences In oacb , now ; located on 18th st. , between California and Cass , rent reasonable. Inuulro GOO , First Nat'l bank building. CO T71OR RENT Cheap , If taken quick , u choice JU detached li-room lionsn ; all modern conven iences ; shade trees , etc. Inquire 2529 Cap. avo. f > 'P 12 FOR RENT 3 nine-room brick houses. AH modern conveniences , 2533 to 2537 St. Mary's uvo. Imiulro ut Collateral bank , 312 S IGth st. I 5M TjlOR RENT Two ID-room modern houses , all JL1 conveniences. Paved streets , cable cars. Flvo minutes' walk of postofllco. References required. Nathan Shelton , 1014 Furnam st. 1)07 ) RENT Nlco 0-roorn cottage , 22nd and California , Sill per mouth. A. O.Wal-oloy , 605 N. Y. Llfo building. 078 FOR RENT Two now 5 and 8 room houses , city water , full corner lot. nice neighbor hood , close to motor ; $15 und $20. Stilngorit Penny , room 20 Douglas block , cor. 10th aud Dodgo. ' 019 FOR RENT 5 room houso. itood repair , nice yuid. cistern water , rent iJ. J. Apply to 1109 South 7th ave , or to Jno. W. Hell , druggist , 10th 515 FOR RENT Residences In all parts ot city. List too largo too publish. Globe Loan & Trust company. 307 S. ICth Ht. 7U2 171OK RENT A flat of six rooms. Enquire of JU .Mrs. O. Duggau , 1102 S 13th Room 5. 880 MODERN house , nlno rooms , bath , hot and cold water , f urnaco and gasr on Dodge st. , & 40 per month. Fred J. Uortbwlck , 213South 1 Ith FOR RENT Nearly now 7-room honso. Rent 110.00. St. C03-12 * "ITUNI ten room house , all modern Improvo- JU mont.s , fui nlshed ; live blocks from postof- llco ! references required. Inqulro 1710 Davenport - port st. 375-mlg * FOR RENT About Juno 1 , those elegant stone residences on Georgia avenue , S 29th st. , between Mason and Pacific sts. ' See owner for long time lease. H. H. Henderson , room 400 , Paxton blk. 485 T710R RENT 10-room brick house , with mod- JU em conveniences , No. 811 S 20tb st. Apyly at No. 827 3 20th st. itt ! FOIl KENT ROOiMS FUUXISIIKD. 'IjlOR RENT A furnished room ; suitable for JL ; two young men : at a very reasonable rent. C. S. Pott ur.430S.gilli avo. 589-it' : T71OR RENT Largo nicely furnished south JL'room ; gentlemen whly ! table limited to 12. 2015 Douglas. 814 17 * FOR RENT A atilto of nicely furnished front rooms , with bay window. Gentlemen only. 022 8.20th St. , near St. Mary's avo. 781-17 ROOMS , board If desired. 028 S. 17th. ' 787-17 * DErilRABLE-furulshcd room.202S. 25lhst. A 728 T710R RENT-Furnlsbcd rooms , 220 N 10th. . 732-12 * "OOR RENT In private famllybcdrooni with JL' usu ot parlor aud piano , 412. 1511 California SU 730-12 * T71URNlSHEDrooms.$3andJ10mo , 1411 Dodge JU 722-10 * SHED room , 2014 Farnam. 721-10 T71OR RENT 2 very handsome rooms , with JU board ; atilctly Il t-clasa. 110 N. LTith st. 701-12 * N Y famished rooms , 2017 Leavenworth street. ' G 0-14 * " \nOE furnished room near Hanscom Park , Xi suitable for two or thrco gentlemen. 1219 B ItJd Ht. 711 13 * T ARGE front room , JJO ; 810 S , 2Snd. 581 12 * T7VOR RENT-Eleguutly furnished front -U loom , with bath and atis , l-l Davenport. . . OOP 15 * LARGE fiout room ; rufeicncer1812 ; Dodge. 1U3 T71OR RENT Nicely fiirulshod 0 room eot- JL' tage , good location , near motor Hun. Ref erences lenulied. Welshaus fc McCullooh , Kxposltlou bldg. . 1423 Capitol live. 500 A NEATLY furnished front room with board. " All modern Improvement * . 2019 California st. , 0.19-11 * PLEASANT rooms , newly furnUhed , t3 and tlQ. 717 So. 19th St. f > 27 TpOR RENT One furnished room with board J. on Park ave. for two goiitlemeu. Adilieii llUjluoolllcp. 5'M 1710R RENTl'iirnlsheU jrooms ; gas , bath JUaml _ steam ; 1519 Howard. 109 M RENT rurnUlicd looms , F ( T710R RENT Pleasant furnished rooms with JJ all conveniences. Bill 3 itli st _ 201 s "IT10R RENT Nicely furnhhed room , nil JU nuMlern conveniences , 2 blocks from P. O. , OlSSKthst. _ ; _ 101 H1URNISHED rooms to let , OW3 St. Mnry's. TtURNISIir.D und unfurnished rooms with L' imaiil , uUoduy boaid. AIM. M. J.Mirlnor , 7iil-ia * inURNlSHED rooms. 1913 Kariimn J } UllmSS * . , . . RENT Largo back room cheap. fl20 .L1 Farnam stieet. up stairs. 5.S2 EOR RENT Nlco cool nwms for summer , with board ; prlvuto homo for gcntlumen , bywcckor _ _ mouth. lUiNMTih. . 77r. ' * ANY Mndof turnlshedoruiifuruUhednxins. 317H S. loth ht. Wo havoat rooms. STOnilii * ST. OLA III Eurppeun hotel , corner Uth and Dodge. Special tutos by week or month. _ _ _ _ 202 7,10 , U 15-4XJ7 N. 18th t. SC-mSa * 1'OH lUONT.-UOO3ia tfOlTirGlfi'-U"nfurnished ( rooui'tj04 ; S 'ihli' . ' ' J ti 7-ll ! * O OR 3 unfurnished front rooms , all mod.con- - * > onlenccs. ciiNiatUst. 6ia-it * "I71OR RENT Unf\irnUhcd rooms In suits to JL1 respectable parties only , 1703 Cumlni ? st. "lilOR RENT 4 unfurnished room * to family , JL' without children ! modem Iiupt4vcmt > nls. 1701 Y/obsterst. Prlco 115. * - " 02U RENT-2 or 3 ttnfiirnlsnod rooms at FOR N. 13thjit. , for small family. ttB 12 * TUNFUKNISIIEDrooms , 2S43Cnpllol avo. 4 : I50-m27 * TTUMl KENT-3 nnfurnlshcd rooms. EOS N. JL1latli nt. I'rlco tlO. CM fOK niJNT--8T01lKai ANDOFFICKg. TORE3 tit 707770.711 ! ) H lflthV22xrjOcacJTarg' show windows , steam heat furnished. Tlios F. Hall.'M Paxton block. .anei store for rent on llth st near Far- SMALL , J20 month. Inqulro at 017 .Union blk.Johii _ Humllu. KH T71OK RENT-Harbcr shop 2103 CumlnR st. JJ 810-13 * FOR RENT-Sloro 013 S.iOth ; st , pea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TVEHIC room , attorney preferred. Ilutchlnson JLS : Wead. 1524 Douglas ; tel. 1520. 240 TT1OR RENT The 4-story brick building with JU or without power , formerly occupied by the lire Publishing Co. . 010 Farnam st , The building has a lire proof cement basement , complete steam heating fixtures , water on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the oOlco of The lice. U15 TO _ _ "VlfANTI'D Two furnished rooms for man > > and wife. Address "E 1 , " Hco olllco. rilO KENT Hy man nndKc , house of flvo JL to eight rooms , llrst class hi every respect. A d dross , E2.Jtc onico. _ 70t > 11 * r ANTED I'ur , room within ono mlle of 1' . O. , by two young men. Address I ) U2 Hco 700-12' FOR IlKNT for rent for horses , tame grass. PASTURE . Inqulro of II. T. Clark. KM iJlOll SALK Household furnlturo for cash JU by parties going cast. Call atlUU Chicago stroot. 752-13 * _ ITlOIt RENT-0. 10 , 15. 2-i or .15 aoros In the vl- JU clnlty of the now Caldwell park nnd I'ark wny. A bargnln , nt easy terms. J , II. Evans. UOiNcw Yorklfo. 731-12 t , CO by 150 , cornor26th nnd O sts. , i Omaha , Is a first-class location for beer garden. InqulroMrs. A. Kallsb , 8IS S. 10th. | 413 J2 T71OK RENT Wo have 01 acres adjoining Hen- JL1 son and 55 acres adjoining our Highland Park addition that wo will rent for season of 1S90 at n reasonable prlco. Omahu Real Estate and Trust Co. 1591 Farnam st. ! H7 Ai AN HO US WAXXS. WANTED A gentleman room-mnto , must bo permanent , call before 11 a. m. or 4 and Gp. in. 7111S. IHtb at. 8211-13 * A. ficconu-iinnu iignt express WAWTKU , must bo sound and cheap. Apply to Western Newspaper union , Oil 3. 12th st. WANTED-Somo ono to adopt a girl baby.1 months old. Call at Ml N. IGth st. room 4 upstairs. 1 > OU-13 * WANTED To borrow $7.000 on 4 houses uorth 2ir.COO In sums of J1..TOD and $ -,000 , forSor.'i years , nt 8 percent. No loan com panies or agents , itooni 20 Douglas block , 10th a ml Dodge sti eel s. IH'J -IIorses to pasture nt J2.60 a WANTMIUIIorses mouth on farm near Irvlngton ; liorscs called for nnd delivered. W. It. lloman , Room & I'l-cn/or blk. . 17 JUJXTAIj AGKXCY. LIST your property with l.armon P. I'ruyn , J410 Cumlng sticet , for quick results. ; 42DJ2 * FOR nnNT--IIouscs In all parts of city. The O. K. 1 Davis conipmy. l.'iQj Karnaiu st. 2C1 MORTON'S rental agency , 517 1'atton block. 203 HK. COLC , rOntal agent , Continental blk 1U7 PORTRAIT Apental Do you value line work accurate likeness , prompt service , low prices ? Then deal with the largest copying house In the country , Shcpards , 290 Waliash ave , . Chicago. 757-17 * nVTASSAGE aud magnetic treatment , 1113 Pa- J-U-clllc. half block from motor lino. 510-lb * TIN WORK , looflng , guttering , spouting , good work low prices. Savage , 1018 Cumlng GERMAN taught , aio hour. Apply under address E3.11coonico _ feu2 12 * LADIES , wo teach the celebrated Worth's tailor system. Wo teach how to cut , baste and flnlsn garments. Cutting aud llttlug , also patterns to order. 102:1 : Farnam. 82.2-18 * PARASOLS and umbrellas covered and ro- palrod. U. Ualor , 1513 Douglas ; basement. EMOVED to 323 N. 10th st. Hot Springs baths. I have opened 11 suit of elegantly furnished rooms with all the very latest Im provements. From extensive experience undorsuporlor advantages I am prepared to glvo scientific haths ( chemical ) the HIUHO as produced nt the Hot Springs. Hot air , moister or dry , Turkish , Russian or plungo. Will guar antee satisfaction to the most fastidious. Slnglo bath or treatment per week or month. Charges reasonable. Special rates to lady clerks for regular ablution. Mrs. Dr. Day , 322 N. 10th St. . Rooms 11 , 12 and 13. _ 545mlO DENTISTS. ENTISTS EVltTfpp dental college , of work only. Crown and brldco work a specialty. Room 13 Conti nental blk. Elevator 15th st , noithot Douglas. _ K1 m 23 LOST. _ _ LOST 15.00 Saturday , In Falconer's , near ribbon counter. Under return to 830 S. 22d St. . and got reward. _ sao-lu * LOST Red cow , tip of hornsoff , thin In flesh , laigo teats , reward for return to O and 24th sts. . South Omaha. P. 3. I'urdy. 828-13 * LOST-Gold watch nnd chain between Occl- den'al hotel and Thirty-second street. "A. W. " engraved case ; on locket Is engraved "Ada. " Also rod glove hook nnd small knl'o on chain. Iilberal reward for Under returning to Occidental hotel. 817 13 * STOllAGK. S' TORAGn-Hranch ' i Co. , 1211 Howard.G2S M1RAO E storage at lowest rates. W. M. JL Hush 1311 Leavonwortb. gi)7 SRUHIN , M7S 10th St. , stores stoves In dry place for the Buniinor. 439 inlJ AvTvxTKu TO mrv. " \\7'ANTED rurnlturo. carpets , household T T coeds for cash. Wells' Auction i Storage Co. . Ul78iithst. : 208 _ W PANTED Good commercial paper. Ne braska Mortgage Loan Co. , 510 I'axton blk. 203 / 1ASH paid for second band books nt the vMntlquarlan book stoic , 14U Farnum st. : t8-31 ! * "T TAN'TED To buy for spot cash , olty or I Y country , parts or whole stocks of dry and fancy goods , clothing , boots aud shoes , millin ery , stationery , Rents' furnishing goods , etc. Call on or address J , L. llrundels &Sons , cor- noriith : and Howard , Omaha. 210 ANTED Good short time paper HI small amounts. P , 1501 Farnam st , 474 FOll SALI2 ailSOKIjliANEOUS. TJIORSALE 5 year old mule at 1703 CumlngEt rUlAIRS Wohavo iMiught all the chairs In V the Coliseum building and will bull them In lots of 59 and unwinds. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. . 1111 Douglas st. 815 11 TTIOR SALE An elegant buygy or currlago JU horse , veryHtyllsh , fine driver , and afraid of nothing ; any lady can drive him ; together with a full platfoim spring , leather top car riage , almost new. and one Columbus make buggy. Al o ono fresh cow , flno milker , for * 30. Apply at 2215 Webster st. fttl ' " " "T7lSR'"SAL"E A very line draft team und JL1 wagon ut [ i sacrifice. Inquire of 8. Jonasrn , the jeweler , cornec 15th and Harnoy. 792-12 BEST quality moats , owest rates , ut Fred HOPS'meat market. 2222 Cuming st. , C75-15 EXPRESS team wagon and harness , gcntlo borau and phaeton cheap. Room 1 J , Hoard Trude. 703 OOD working horse , wagon and harness , G _ cheap. Also buggy horae. C21 B. 19. tlJO-10 * TTHJRNITURK auction every Wednesday and JL1 Saturday. ! U7 8 IJth. Wells. _ Ad HEAVY wugon und coal bed , U H'd Trade. 7UO pARTIKd looklnz torilno drlvlnj or saddle JL horses , would do well to cult on , or correspond - pond wltUT. J. Fleming , munagor W. H. Mll- lurd's farm , Culhoun , Neb. Ho hai for sulo some Unit-class blnglo drivers , carrluita teams , aud saddle horses , at reasonable prlco ; * . ISO TTIORSALE A norse and buggy cheap for JL' cush or Instalments. Address 0 14. Hco. 378. T71OR BALE Scaman'H buggel * bunt , aud JL1 cheapest. Penman' * phaetons best and cheapest. Beuman'd wagons best and cheapest. Soaman's carriages best uud clu.apust. _ O m uhtt'a largest vitrlcty. mo-m-gt TnOR SALE -Family bono , harness nd -L1 bUk'gy. 11. Illgby , Willow Spr > j DUtlllery. B70-16 * STOVE wood forsale jT. Murray. i.iV 033 , _ , . _ iriult MALE Four horsrj. onnrxprcos wagon. JUOn lior tlnif.Itoojit . 2 1417 Farnam. COf-20' _ _ _ TT1OR SALE A handsome btiggyl JL1 Now Yorfc best nrjt , used ono Rummer only. Inqulro room 3ljTrt\ltcd \ States bank. _ . . . _ un 1J1OR HALE Furniture , carpets and homo- JL1 bold goods of all'WMds every Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday morning at till Doug las st. Cash paid for Jfoojls. Omaha Auction and Storage Co. HenrrUrelghlon. auctioneer. " ' ' COO _ J _ _ _ TTIOIt 9ALE Ono larxo linrso and buggy and JU two lumber wagomut > ' . ' 113 Grant. till 15 * TTIOR SALE Some l watches and dla- JJ momls cheap. B. Iw Iisten. room 4 , With- neil block. . i 211 T > IANO-For rent at S Hank 507 N 10th. BEFORE buying a piano examlno the now scale Klmball piano at A. Hospe , 1513 Douglas sU _ 212 . F.GELLENHECK.teachcrof the banjo , GEO. Howard st. nd lloor. 249 _ MOXEYlcp LOAN. TTIIRST mortgage loans at low rates and no J3 delay. D. V. SholesCo. , 210 First Natl bank. . KiU _ _ _ TT1IRHT mortgage loans. Yory lowest rates. JJ 0. J. Payroll , BID N. Y. Llfo. 42J-J2 MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules. household goods , plauosorgans , diamonds , at lowest rates. The first organized loan olllco In tbo city. Makes loans fiom 30 to UG5 days , which ean bo paid In part or whole at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Call and see us wlum you want money. Wo can assist you promptly und to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In making loans. O. V. Reed & Co. , 319 S. 13th St. : over Hlngham & Sons. _ 231 MONEY to loan on any available securities lluslncwi strictly confidential. M. J. Hall. room 19 Continental block , Fifteenth and Douglas streets. 74.1- 6 PER CENT residence loans , $ .1,000 to $10,000. Ilulldlng loans at special rates. The Mead Investment Co. . Hco building 235 TV fONfiY M.CO or 00 days on f urnlturo.planos , J-'JLhorsos. houses , pto. J , J. Wilkinson , 018 I'axton blk. _ _ gal /1HATTEL loans at lowest rates ; removed to V 517 ami SIO I'axton J. H. Emlngor. 210 IHERAL real estates loans made by W. M Harris , room 20 , Fronzcr block , opp. P. O. LOANS City nnd farm loans , mortgage pa- pcr bought , McGaguo Investment Co. 221 KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of J10 to 81,000 ; net our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses.furnlturo or any approved security without publicity ; notca bought , for now loan , renewal of old nnd low est rates. Cull , It 208 , Shcely blic , 15th and Howard sts. _ 22J d HORT tlmo loans on vacant lots. Selby & Olteed. l.'l boaril of trade. _ 58o BUILDING loans , 0 to 7 per cent ; no addi tional charges for commission or attorney's fees.V. . U. Meiklc , First Nat'l bank bldjj. "llfONEY loaned at lowest rate" long tlmo on -UJLInipioved Omaha real estate , no "extas , " no delay. Globe Loan & Trust Co. , 307 S. IGth. 703 _ / 1OMMEROIAL and general short tlmo paper V-/l > ought ; also icgular fl\o year loans made on Improved property , fleo. F. Ulust & Co. , 20.1 Ramgpjjldjr. _ _ _ 072 BUILDING loans madopu Choice city property At lowest rates Private funds to loan on brick residence and business property upon very fiuorablo terms , Klmball , Champ & Ryan , 1205Faruani'bt 535-ml5 _ _ _ SECOND mortgage loans. Second mortgages bought. Loans on' Vacant lots. Reed & Selby , room 13. Hoard Trade. _ 227 MONEY to loan by H. P. Masters In any amount from J10 to 810,000 for any time , from ono to six mouths , I muko loans on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , Jinusos , leases , etc. , In any amount at tbo lowest possible rate , with out publicity or removal of property. My loans uro so arranged that you can make a payment atany time and icduco your in terest pro rata. You Bay lntorcst only for the tlmo you use the monuy. . If you ewe a balance on your propoity I .will take .It up and carry It for you , at tbo lowest ruto consistent with the risk. Money always on-hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. H. F. Masters , Room 4 , WtthneU blk. , 15th and Uaruey sts. "JVTONEY to loan on any security J-U. for short time at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com- pany. Room 400. PaxUm block. _ 224 First-class Inside loans. .Lowest WANTED rates. Call and see us. Mutual In vestment - mont Co. . l.tOI Farnam. _ 2.10 BEFORE negotiating a loan to Impiovo your leal estate get terms from . The Odell Investment Co. , Ml N.Y. Life bldg , Tlios. S. Hoyd. representative. _ 229 money to loan on city property ; EASTERN paper bought. H.U.Iroyopp. P.O. ivJl HKAP EAbTLRM MONEY Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly : 1st mortgages wanted. George W. P.Coato3iopro- sontatlvo. 7 Hoard Trade. _ 225 OANS made on any available security. Central Investment Co. , Room 25 , Cham ber of Commerce. 220 SHORTHAND AND TYl'EWlUTiyc . WANTED Educated young ladles andgen- tlomun to learn shorthand and typewrit ing ; good salaries ; students assisted to posi tions. Standaid Shorthand Uuslncss College , Frank E. Hell. Instructor. 237 _ CtiAinOYANT. - j-tho distinguished , world-famefl and only real natural trance clairvoyant and spirit medium In this country ; seventh daughter of the seventh daughter , born with veil and greatest prophetlugtftof hecond sight. While entranced will relieve evorv hidden mystery in life. Has long been pronounced In l.nropo and America the greatest living wonder of tbo present ugc , Understands thu .science of the "Persian and Hindoo magic1 ' or undent cburm working , aud prepares Egyptian talis mans which will overcome your enemies , removes family troubles , restores lost atlcctlons , makes marriage with tbo ono you love no failure removes ovll Influences , bad habits , cures witchery , fits , and all long standing and mysterious diseases ; w 111 give correct information on law suits , sickness , death , divorce , absent friends ; everything ; never falling ad visa to young men on marriage and how 16 choose a wlfo for happiness , and what business best abapted for speedy rlclipa. Stock speculation a specialty , Also gives Indlsponslhlo advice to young ladles on love , courtship and marriage , and If your lover Is true or false , Und gives picture of future husband , with name , ago and date of marriage. Hours,0a.m. toHp. mstrict , Sun days , 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. N , UFor the benefit of those who uro uuablo to call upon Mrs. Dr. Eddy , she would respectfully announce that sbo gives perfect satisfaction by letter. Your entire life will bo written m u clear and plain manner. Letters with stamps promptly an swered. Send for large Illustrated circular with speclul terms. MM. Dr. Eddy , 318 N. 15lh. ia 659J5 " 1JROF. Lorcc , the renowned phrenologist , JL medium und palmbnTwho has boon publicly tested and challenges the Iworld lu revealing mysteries , disperses - jealousy , ovll Influ ences gives full nan/erfbf / present or future husband or wlfo. also adits your faults and qualities , trade business or profession to make a success. Residence 119 N. 14th st. Con sultation Jl. Satisfaction1-given or no pay. r _ 7Uu-m21 DR. NANNIE V. WARREN , clairvoyant , medical and busbies * medium. Femulodis eases u specialty. 119 N. luth st. , rooms 2 and a , lilt ehallangers aeoV fd Mrs. Dr. Hill of Now York City elm bo consulted at her parlors at 322 North 1Mb .at. , on all affairs of life , being a colobrateiLJmslncsa clairvoyant , astrologUt and palmist , who has u reputation throughout the world fal'dccurato and truth ful readings of the piNt , present and future through her wonderful Egyptian maglu mir ror ; removes all ovll InlltFenccH and family es- trangoniontx ; unites the separated ; causes speedy marriages ; brings success to the un successful and loll when to. make prolltablo In vestments : consultation fiom ( t to 12 ; also tolls full name und showg picture of the onn you will marry ; Mrs. Hill has been consulted by tbo most successful business men and ladles of New York , lloalon and Chicago. Hours strlctlv from 11 a.m. to 8 i. m Kll5 | T\ fAD * A3TE Dolilor , the massage and magnut- -i'Llst , | H no oj | consumptive cbromo , nut , hoalty and vigorous. Parlor * over Oil ) Souiig . an id * HITS I NESS OH AXOI38. TTIOR SALE-Stpok ot hardware J-$10,000 ! jood locution ; established trade ; good ruu&on * for selling ; term * liberal. In quire Coburn & Franklin , 610 N.Y , Llfo.Omubu. 051-11125 * TTIOR SALK-rinomiloon In Salt Lake City , - Aon principal busluosS street ) 5 years' lease at low rent ; club rooms nay rent for entlro place ; good reasons for Milling ; communlcatu at once If you wish to buy. Tony llaniard. 237 8. Main st , , Halt Luke Oily , Utah' 7B9-U * WANTKD A young man with a small rap- Ital who can take up tbo routine of an offleo In an established husuiess In tbo cltyt money can bo put In gradually. AildrvssEO , Heoolnco. 8J7-15 * _ _ _ jT tocl < dry "goods , clotbfng For real v estate and money. Uo.t 2(0 Frankfort , Ind. SM-20 * _ _ TpOR SALE I will sell cheap for cash a good , -i ; first-class stock of groceries with good business , utock Invoicing about KUVX ) . Ad dress E. ( l.Yanatta , HoxirTf , Pltittsmoiitb , Neb. mo-21 * _ _ ANTED An cxperleuce < l upholsterer with a small capital as a partner. Ad- drf ss D 71. lleo ofllco. 773-13 * FOR SALE At a bargain If taken at once , complete newspaper and jobprlntlng ofllce , steam power nnd first class outfit , In live town of 3.UCO Inhabitants. Address box 80 , lloldrcgo , NoJ ) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? 2l13 * riTWO saloons In good locations for sale J- cheap , also thrco good restaurants , also first class Icoeroam parlor. Co-operative Land A Lot Co. , 2U > N. IGth lit. 791-12 " 171OR SALE A bargain , furnlturo nnd btnl- -L'ne s of nlJO-room hotel lu Lincolnidolhg a profitable business ; reason for selling , falling .health. M. W. Folsom. Lincoln , Nob. TIM Bid HARGAIN If taken soon. 1'or sale , the furnlturo of the llawlcy hotel. Notth Plutto. Neb. Hll-18 * TTIOR RENT Saloon , building aud fixtures : JL' coed location. Call on or address.I , Stanton - ton , Petersburg , Nob. . C92-l. * TTlolf SALE A complete livery stock , com- JL' prising horses , harness , carriages , phae tons , etc. , all In first-class condition ; location In heart of business center , good trade estab lished ; prlco nnd terms reasonable Address , at once , Lock Hex 374 , Hcatrlco Neb , 821-1S * BUSINESS Opportunity The printing nnd bookbinding establishment , together with tbo dally and weekly German Nebraska Trlb- uno newspaper at Omaha , Nebraska , belong ing to tbo estate of F. C , Fcstiter , deceased. Is hereby offered for sale at a fair valuation with good will , either business separately or together. The business Is now kept In success ful operation , clearing a weekly not profit of from two hundred to two bundled and flflr dollars. For particulars wrltotoJohn U.K. Lelimaiin. executor. Omaha. Nob. 512 FOR BALK Tlio lease , furnlturo and good will of the best hotclEuropcanplan ( ) lu the city of Tacoma , Wash. Contains 40 rooms , handsomely furnished , 4K years lease , finest location In city , being at junction of : istreet car lines and directly opposite the now theatre ; cle.irs J500 per month. For price and terms , ad dress F. D. Cooper , Mgr. , Hotel Bostwluk. Tu- yoma. Wash. 818 18 F SALE Meat market. Inquire at 2310 1 Cumlng st. Cashortlmo. HC-la * T710RSALE A $1,000 to $ fi,000 stock nice clean JL' general merchandise for casji and real es tate. Address box 151 Thurman , la. 575-13 \VANTED-Pnrtnor with about J1W. AmT - T pie security , good proUts. Room ,1 n-w cor. IJth nnd HUrnoy. siw-15 * TTlORSAIjE Improved farm of 480 nores , can J-1 ho divided Into2 farms , watered by two streams plenty of llrst class hay land , 2houses , barns , etc. , situated In Gumming Co.Ncb. . 4'i miles from West Point , county seat , and 4'/4 miles from Hccmor Thin Is a great bargain. Call or address fahcrmaii D. CauUeld. Kth and Farnam St. , city , b03 15 * /1HEAP for cash , stock of groceries doing V cash business. Cheap rent. 271 ! ) llurdetto. 33.-I-31 * "T71OR SAIjE A chop house , doing good biisl- JU ness , for sale cheap for cash good reasons for selling. Apply to owner at 810 S. 10th St. K.VI. "I7IOR SALE Fine established cigar and news JL1 business. Host , location In the city. Address - dross box O , C&i pOAtolllco. 7i13 for cash ; store building , small stock CHEAP , lunch countes ; close to depot Enquire of O. W. Iloymur , Norfolk. Neb. 7.17-mia * "TTIOR SALE Half Interest In first class rest- JU aiirant In Lincoln. Address II. A. , Omahu Bee , Lincoln. Neb. ( H7 FOR SALE On account of the death of my partner , Mr. Terry , I have decided to re tire from the livery business , and I therefore otter forsnlo nil our line livery stookIncluding horses , carriages , hearses , buggies and har ness. Parties wishing fine driving horses or anything In our line will do well to call and examlno the bargains offered. This stock must be closed out by May 13th. Henry A. Homan. of 1 Ionian &Teny. G25 FOIt EXCHANGE. FOR exchange or sale Two rented houses clear of Incumbcranco In Valentino. Neb. Address Mrs. Orandal , corner llth nnd Main streets , Fremont , Neb. 745-12 * IF YOU hnvo anything to trade call nt rooms 207-8 Omaha Nat'l bank. C07-13 * FOR SALE 1 lot COxlIO. 7-room house , barn for 3 horses nnd carriage , water , gas and sower. Call at premises 423 South 2lst st. or 21st and Howard. Terms easy. 074-12 IJnlncumbercd land or vacant WANTED lots in exchange for 1 or 4 nice houses In good neighborhood , close to motor , or will sell biimo nt low prices and easy terms. Take this opportunity of owning your homo and saving rent. Stringer & Penny , Douglas block , cor. 10th and Dodge. ( HO T710K EXCHANGE-Feed mill In Inrgc.grow- JL1 Ing town , doing good business ; largo flour mill , full roller process ; splendid rental prop erty , will pay 10 per cent ; some choice blooded horses and cattle. Doano & Parrotte , room 17 , Hoard Trade. B'JO-jO ' I WILL trade a good clear lot In So. Omaha for piano or horse and buggy. Address C 4 Hco olllco. 303 FOll SAhE-UEAIj ESTATE. T INCOLN Place and Carthage lots , prlco JLJfl.OOO. J.V ) down , balance 415 monthly. W. L. Selby. Roomia , board of trade. 240 A NICE cast front lot on 37th street , near -rXDavonport , n splendid location for a homo , 81,800 , on easy terms. W. II. Gates , It. nai.N. Y. Life. Telephone m 720 12 TTIORSALE A Una now 5-room cottage near JU oloctrlo car line on N. 27th st. Will take as part of cash payment a good horse or horse aud phaeton. P. 1504 Faniam at. 677 EOR SALE Very cheap , no trade , farm of 543.70 acres , sec. 5 , 12 , N. 0 W. . Hamilton county. Neb. , 2 miles from Marquctto ; small house , stable , 300 acres of pasture fenced , liv ing water ; prlco only tie per aero , t3.437.CO. Terms $2.200 cash , balance 0 per cent Interest. F. 1C. Atkins owner , railroad building , Denver , Col , , 2H SIXTY-FIVE across , w. of p. o. , suitable for platting or gardening , for sale at a bargain. F. 1C. Darling. 4,1 Barker blk. 21 > IT-ROOM cottages , $1,500 each , J100 cash down , "balance 113 per month. Taos. F , Hall , 311 I'axton block. 20.1 T71OR SALE Those elegant south front lots JL1 on Illondost. bet. 24th and 27th sts. , near motor , etc. , etc. , cheap ; $100 cash , 1ml. long tlmo and 0 per cent. Geo. J. Paul , 1UOO Farnam t. 403 77IOR SALE Nlco building lots on easy JU terms ; $100 cash , balance to bull. It. E.Colo. 7CU-13 TJ1OR SALE Real Estate Now S-room eot- JU tage , near car Hue , $1,000 ; u bargain. H , E. Cole. 7CO-1J AGOODG-room house nnd small lot just outsldo of tbo mile limit In the northwest part of the city , Shlun'b add. , $1,300. Colsctb , Johnson & Lovgren , room U , Chamber of Com mon : o. 742-14 have an excellent stock ranch In the WE eastern portion of Nebraska of 410 acres , with good substantial buildings and , Improve ments , at a big bargain , only $ U.OOO , and 200 head of steers and 00 horses und mules and Implements or can bo sold separate. No bet tor cbancu for safe Investment. Colsclh , John son & Lovgren , room 0 , Chamber of Commerce. | 742-lt A SMALL payment down und 115 per month will buy u 4-rooru house and lot on lath , " blocks from motor ; Ur < it-olass chance to ac quire n homo on easy terms. Apply toll E. Cole. Continental block. 107 " 1/HJR SALE The following cliolcu baiaglns : JU Elegant building lot , 05x1.12 , cor. 25th and Farnam , 317,500 , 6-rooin house , lotOlxISO , 22d and Plorcot2,500. 5-room cottage , lot 33x115 , Davenport , uoar C6th st. , $3,500. 8-room cottage , lot 100x83 , nt 24M Emmet st , , SJ.rm G. L. Ureou. Room 39 Darker block ( TO \\7AUG1I & WusterliuldrualestateS.Omahti. , . au 0OTTAOE homes In most any addition for sale nt from Jl.OUO up , on easy monthly payments. 11C. . Darling. 4J Marker block. 214 "IJloTTSALE Oro.xehango fordrugsund teal JL1 estate. tM.OOO book stock , llox 518. 240 TTIOIt HALE 8,000 acres best farming lands In JU Nebraska nnd MX 150 fuot on South 13th lit , , nt u great sauriUcb. Inqulro CIS bouth 13th ut. Peterson , owner. 5Hml7 ! 771011 SALE One-third cash and balance on JU time. Now four-room cottage on Center Htreet. between 4th nnd fttli streets. Will take I,2SO for house , lot 40x100 feot. nil the furni ture and a good cow , us owner has arranged to leave Omaha right nway. A beautiful llttlo homo on high ground , looking over the river , ! . mllu from U. P. depot , btrlnger & Penny , Uouglna block , Itttu and Dodge. , 7M A UOTlON-Salo nt north door of the court J. VhousoSaturday.MaylT.ut 10 o'clock. Cottage and lot COx 150 ( lot 20 , block 14 , llanscom Place ) , near cor. Poppleton uvonuo und 28th stroot. Terms one-third cash , balance ono , two und thrco years. J.J. Curtis , Guardian. 782-17 * YnORtiAL Hat of U roonlu all ouounfolT JL' uhiMj to the depot , good transit trude. three rmtaurantii close Owner going cant. AdcJrtMS BOS i U mill lit. Omaha. OUQ-13 * $3.oa-rour-roopi house , lot 53x132. noutli f rout , .THh and inward. Coxy llttln home , Easy terms , O , K. Mcagher,725N. Y. Lffo Hldg , T- 7IVM2 * | AuU SAJih An elegant residence In "finest JU part Of the cltyt splendid building lot.i ; houses nnd lot.i on monthly payment * , easy terms ; lo.OOJ aetw line western land * , all care fully selected , * omo of It Improrcd. Donne * Parnitte , room _ 17 , Hoard Trade. _ MM-Jrt Wort SAWJ-A northwest iriit < rTol 4Sxf4T J-1 with"-nuirn housonearthonlley , Thoenst front udaiuod for business iiurpo es. This Is a big bargnln nnd must bo sold cheap within the uoxtUOdnys. Inquire of J. Mtchal.llCfcl.s tilth st , 1CTI-1I niOR SAtiE Hrlok warehouse , 2 stories nnd JU basement , lOOxliO ft. with lot lOOxl.VJ ft. ! to double track on soutuauh nnd Plerco at.s. Ad dress Oskamp vV llalned , Omnhn , Nob. KM U2,000huys now5 room ctttao ) , lot : HxlK3lth Panq Jones. Easy terms. D. 0. Patterson , 618 N. Y. Life. KM T > DP03AT3 for Tndiniranppltes'atinTraus" JL | xrtutlon Department of the Interior , Olllco of Indian Affairs , Washington. April l.\ 1JO. Sealed pmposnls , Indorsed "Proposals for Heef , ( bhls for lleof mutr bo Riibmltted In separate envelopes ) , Hncon , 1'lour , Clothing or Triinstxrtatlon , etc. , " ( as the case may be ) , and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Aflnlrs , iYM ( , Mil nil 67 lllxxkr ttrtit , fftw York. will bo received until I p. m. of Tutstlati , MM 3) , 18K ) , for furnishing for the Indian service nbout IXM.OOO pounds Uneon , : ilOtJ,000 pounds llcof on tbo hoof , 1,000,000 pounds not Heef , 270,000 pounds Means. KUXX ) pounds Making Powder , WXi.OOO pounds Corn , 4SH.UH ) pounds Colfeo. 8,500,000 pounds Flo\ir , 65.000 pounds Iced. 15..000 pounds Hani Hroad , 03,000 pounds Hominy. iW.iwo pounds Lard , 700 barreN Jless Pork , 17,000 pounds Oatmeal , 4W.OOO tmiimls Oats. K'j.OOi ) pounds Rice , lt.000 ixniuds Tea , .140,000 pounds Salt. 2SO.OOO pounds Soap , 020,000 Sugar , and 70000 pounds Wheat. Also , lllankots , Woolen and Cotton Goods , ( consisting In part of Ticking , 13.000 yards ; Standard Calico , 100,000 yards : Drilling , 11,000 yards ; Duck , free from all sizing , 2S.OOO yards ; Denims. 15,000 yards ; Gingham , : cnooo yards : Kentucky Jeans , 11,000 yards ; Cheviot , 17,000 yards ; HrownShcotng.2.0.ooOynrds ! ! ! lltcaehed Sheeting. 25,000 yards ; Hickory Shlrtlnir. 13,000 yards ; Calico tihlrtlng , 7,000 yards : Wlnsoy , 2.001) ) yards ) ; Clothing , Groceries , Notions , Hardware , j\tcdlcal \ Supplies. School Hooks , &c. , und n long list of miscellaneous articles. such ns Harness , Plows , Rakes , Forks , A.O. , and for about 800 Wagons required for the service , to bo delivered at Chicago. Kansas City and Sioux City. Also for such Wagons as may bo required , adapted to thoellmato of the Pacific Coast , with California brakes , delivered al Sau tranclseo. Also transportation for such of tbo articles goods nnd supplies that mav not bocontraotcd for to bo delivered at tlio Agencies. 1UDS MUST ] liM.U : > KOt'T ON ( HM-l'II.NSIKN'Tlir.ANIvS bchcdulcs. showing the kinds and quantities of subslstencosupplles requited forcach Agen cy ud School , aud thn kinds and quantities Ingress gross of nil other goods and articles , together with blank proposals , conditions to bo ob served by bidders , tlmo and place of delivery. terms of contract and payment , transport : ! tlon routes , and all other necessary Instruc tions will bo furnished upon application to the Indian Ofllco In Washington , or A"iw. 63 nnd B1 WtMWttrtlicct , Kcw YwH ; the Commissaries of Subsistence , U. S. A , , at Cheyenne. Chicago. Loavenwortli , Omaha , Saint Louis , Saint Paul and San Franelsco ; the Postmasters at Sioux City , Io\\a ; Yankton , S. Dakota ; Arkansas City , Oaldw ell , Topeka und Wichita , Kansas , and Tucson , Arizona. The right is reserved by the Government to reject any und all bhls , oratiynur ! of any bid , and these proposals are Invlteil under proviso that appropriation shall bo made for the sup plies by Congress. Itlds will bo opened at the hour and day above stated , and bldduis are luvlted to bo present at the opening. CKUTIFIKIl CHECKS. All bids must bo accompanied by certified checks or drafts upon some United States De pository or the First National Hank of San Fianclsco , Gal. , for at loasMitt per cent of the amount of the proposal. T. J. MORGAN , Commtatoner. apr0d23t-m _ Notiuc. STATE of NEHRASICA I , " " Douglas County f In the matter of the application of the Omaha Union Depotcompany tocondcmn cer tain lots , lands and piemlses for Its use for light of way , tracks , sidetracks , tumouts , switches , olliees and structures : " To Samuel G. Damon aud Ella Gertrude Damon : You are hereby notified that the Omaha De pot company , a corpoiatlnn organized and ex isting under and by virtue of tbo laws of the state of Nebraska , has located Its union pas senger station , and Its railway tracks tutu- outs , switches , ofllcos , structures und appnr- tenecs , hereafter to bo const i noted , In the construction , maintalnanco and operation of Its passenger depot In the city of Omaha , Douglas County , Nebraska. In nnd upon the following described tract of land : A part of lots one , two , tbreo and four In bloclc number two hundred aud twenty , In the city of Omaha , described us follows , to-wlt : a Ueglnulng at the north-west corner of said bloolt number two hundred and twenty ; run ning thence south on thu east line of Eleventh street twenty-eight nnd eight tenth (23 ( 8) ) feet ; thence south slxty-sovon degrees and fifty- six minutes , cast two hundred and thirteen fand sixty-six hundredth feel to the west tin olotono In said block ; thouco south In tbo ncstllnoof said lot one , live and four tents (3,41 ( feet ; theuco south sixty-seven degrees nnd Hftv-slx minutes , east forty-six and seventy two hundredth (4i.72 ( ( | foot to the south line of said lot one ; thuneo east In tbo south line of lot ono , twenty-two and seveji tenth (22.7) ( ) feet to tbo south east corner of lot one ; theuco north In the west line of tenth street seventy-two feet thence north sixty-seven de grees and forty-eight minutes , wott one hun- iucd and fifty-eight and eight tenth (1..8) ( ) feet to the south line of Marev street ; thence west In the south line of Marcy street ono hundred and seventeen feet to the place of beginning , containing In all an area of seventeen thous and flvo hundred and seventy-four und soventy-llvo hundreth (17,574.75) ( ) feet , more 01 less , ( lot one , flvo thousand two hundwd and sixty-two and fifteen hundredth squain feet lot two , 11 vo thousand and twenty-four and twonty-llvo hundredth square feel ; lot three , four thousand live hundred and fourand fort ; advcn hundredth square feet ; lot four , two thousand seven hundred and eighty-three and eighty-eight hiindicdtbsquaio feet. ) You urn further notified that on the 14th day of June , ItiDfl. unless sooner called for by you , the commissioners heretofore appointed In the Above proceeding , will proceed to assess the damages It necessary , accruing to you by reason of the appropriation of said lauds by said Omaha Union Depot company for Hiioh purposes , In the manner piesorlbed by law. TIIK OMAHA UNION DKI-OT COMPANY bv a-14-21-2iim5-12-l'J-20 J3-10 O. J. GliKliNK , Alty. Notice. Statoof Nebraska MS. In the matter of the application of the Omaha Union Depot Company to condemn certain lots , lands aud piemlses for Us use for right of way. tracks , side tracks , tumouts , wwltehes , offices and htruetuioa : To Phoebe It. E , Llnton : You are hereby notified that the Omaha Union Depot Company , a corporation oigau- Ized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of thu .state of Nebraska , has located its union passenger station and Us railway tracks , turnouts , switches , olllces , stiuutuies and appurtenances , hereafter to bo con structed , In thu construction , maintenance and operation of lt passenger depot in the city of Omaha , Douglas county. Nomaskn , In and upon the following dcscilbcd tract of land : A part of lot number six ( G ) , In block num ber two hundred nnd twenty (220) ( ) , In the city of Omaha , described as follows , to-wlt : Beginning In tbo cast line of said lot six at n point fifty-two and nlnety-huiidrcdths 52 no-100) ) feet south of the not tlinuht coiner of * ald lot ; thence ninth In thn oust line of said lot six. fifty-two nnd nlnety-bundredths (5. ( ! 00-100) ) feet ; thence west In thn nuith llnoof said lot six , sixty-six ( fiG ) feet ; thence south In the west llnoof said lot six , sixteen und forly- Uvo-hundredths (1(1 ( ( 45-100) ) feet ; thence In n southeasterly course sovunty-llvo nnd four- tcnthH (75.4) ( ) feet to thn place of beginning , containing an urcu of twutv-two hundred and eighty eight and Ufty-uvu-huudredths ' . ' ,2S3 63-100) squat o Tect , Also , n part of lot number sovcn (7) ( ) In block number two hundred und twenty C-Ai ; In the city of Omuha , uiid ccsorlbcd us follow J , to- wit : Hoglnnlng nt a point In the cast line of said lot. eighty-nine und tblrty-llvo liundredths tiOJITi. ) feet houth of tbo north-east corner of said lot seven ; thence running north In said east line olghty-nluo and tblrty-flvo hun dred Urn ( sl.3. ) > . ) feet to the north-oast corner of the lot ; thence west In tbo noith llnnof said lot nlxty-Hl\ ( fuut ; thenon south on tbu west linn of said lot fifty-two und nlne-tontliH t.V.V.1. ) feet ; thuneo In u Buuth-eitsterly course suveu- ty-llvo nnd four-tenths (75.4. ( ) feet to the point of beginning , containing an urea of forty-six liundrcd und iiincly-four und ono-fuuilh 4Q9l.f ) > quuro feet , You urn further notified that on the 14th day of Juno , IB'xt ' , unless sooner railed for by you , the commlHsloueis heretofore appointed In the above proceeding , will proceed to IIHSCSS Lbu damages If nci'csxaiy , ucerulng to you by reaKonoftho approptlatlon uf said lands by said Omaha Union Depot Company for such urpObi'H. In the manner prescribed by law. TIIK OMAHA UNION Dr.voc COWAMV. 0. J. GntKNK , Attorney. . ' . . . all-21-S8m.' _ JMHHolutloii Notice. Notlco Is hereby given the co-part ncrsbln lorotoforu existing between A.bnlglo und .1. Mlu In the wholesale und retail lliiuor busi ness bus this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Hald A. Knlglu via rolled all no- counts und pay all dubU of the latu firm and contlnuu the business at the old location , J Cumlng street. A. Si'Kii.t. Omaha , Mayfi. IfiM. _ 'MuyuVlIt Notice to Contrauloi'H. Illds will bo received , for building n school - HpOClllCUi l Fee's house , In said district. Right re served to rujeot any or all bids. Contractors roqulrud to iflvo boudn lly order ot commit tee , PAMUEL TEE , Chairman , .in W101' Notion to Contractors , Ponied bids will 1m received by the Hoard of Education of Dorchester. Hallno County. No- hrnskn , nt the store of William 1'roldell A Co. , in Dorchester , Nebraska , up till 4 o'clock p. m. MnySUth , ! * > , for tbo erection nnd com- plctton of Unix room iwhool building downi ng to tbo plans nml specifications propnrod JIT W. It. l'nf ons * Son , Architects , nnd toT seen on fllo at their ollleo. il.M O Street. Lm- coln , Nebraska , nnd also In tbo store of \ \ U- Hum Freliloll * Co. . Dori'besier. Neb. ; bids will bo addressed to Win. 1'roldoll , Dorchester , Neb. , nnd endorsed on envelope , " 1'rtipos.ils for Dorchei ler School llulldltig,1' A certified plieeklu the sum of J.W.OO must nei ompnuy rnoh bid as n gunrAntee t the board that tbo bidder will enter Into con * tract according to eondltlons of his bid ami gl\o bonds for thofallhfnl porfoimilnco of the xniup. ns rcqulnxl by the laws of the state of Nebraska. The Hoard of Education reserves the rlghk to reject any nnd all bhls. Hy order of the Hoard of Education. Wn.t.tAM nimiiiu. Director. m-lO-ll-13-ni-nnd-o. XotloutollntlilcrH. r Messrs. Pullnr , Hnko and Citizens' bank of Function , Neb. , will rocolxa sealed bids until 0 o'clock p. m. . May .11 , ISDJ , for tbo erection of n brick block 73xtw , two stories nnd basement. Tbo right to reject any nnd all bids Is re served. ' Plans and specifications can bo seen at fit t- rens' bank. Jlayll.dlOt * -volOE OF PHHLIO 8"\l- J-\ States Lund Olllco. O'Nolll. Nebraska , April Sid , ISiW.-Of Wluuebago Indian lands lii Nebraska , as provided by act of OOIIVIVSM of July 4 , 1KSS : Hy direction of the commissioner of t no gcnrcal land olllce , contained In his of- clallcltnr"C"of April 4. 1SK ) , to the register . , . . . < iifv.i'\iii > iii. iiiiuriui iiit' , mm : MIII lutllli highest bidder , for cash In hand , the following dlicrliled tiuctsof land , to wltt Lot 4 , Sec. 'M , Tp. 27. r. rt , o. IU 21-100 acres ; . w. > { n. o.Pee. nn , Tp.2r , r.Oo. , 40 aeies ; n. o. ii s. o. W See. : n. Tp. 27 , r. ll e. , 40 acres ; n , w. U H. e. > i bee. HI. Tp.7 , r. 0 e. , 40 aeres ; s. o. U H. e. J ( bee.ICt. Tp. 27 , r. 0 . , 40 acios ; H. w. M B. o. separately. Given under our hands this 23d day of Anrlllh'ifl. ' A. II. OHARDE , Receiver. 11. S. GILLESIM1X Register. a23-m-2-U-lfl-23 , Notion. Matter of application of Gotfrlod Tahulo for liquor license. Notlco Is hereby given that Gotfrlod Fahulo did upon thu 8th day of Apt II , 1MM , file his ap plication to thn mayor and city council of bouth Omaha , Nebraska , for llccnao to sell malt , spirituous and vinous Illinois , at No. 33J Railroad avenue. Second ward , South Omaha , Nebraska , from the 1st day of May , 1800 , to thn 1st day o ! May , ISOI. If thorn bo no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from Ibis Rlh day of April , A. D. IVK ) , tbo Bald license will be grauted. GOTFIIIKU FAIIUI.K , Applicant. 10-17 Not loo. Matter of application of Gbarlos It ramies for transfer. Notlco Isheroby given that Chas. It ramies did upon the 10th day of.May. A. D. ISyo. lllo Ills application to the board of flro and pollco commissioners of Omaha , for purmUslou to move his saloon and licence for .same fiom No , DIG S. 10th St. , to No. lOlSSouthlOthSt , In the same waid. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from thlslllli day of May , A. D. 1800. the said permission may be gianted. ( JiiAiu.LS HitAxnus , 12-10 Applicant. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT- EXCHANGE- FOR SALEL- Jos.RMEQEATH , IG &FAHUAM ST ; * OMAHA . + TIH3 IlK.VljTY TN'STRUMENTri plucod on record during JL yostcrdav : J F Hoyd , sherlrr , to G W Wareham , w ij n ! o H and o ! n ! J o IJ lot 8 , Glso't * add , deed . $ 1,133 G E Marker and wife loC F.Tcttniugs , lot 17 , bllcf. . Orchard Hill , wd . KiO Thomas Hrennaii to L 11 Kent , u 40 ft lot 82. blk 2 , Alaiir Phmi. wd . 5,000 V II Cotlmaii anil w'lfo lo L II Kent , lot 2. Rosalind Place , wd . 1,200 V H Coll'man und wife to L H Kent , s / lot 10 , blk 2 , Armstrong's 1st add , w d. . 0,030 V II Coffman and wife to L II Kent , lot in , blkO. Hauscom Place , lot 4 , blk 4 , Hoyd & Sharp's add , and lots 5 and G , blk 2 , Hoyd's add to South Omaha , wd . 10,000 Dennis Cunningham und wife to L 11 Kent , lot.1 7 and 6 , blk 14 , Carthage add , w d . , . 2,800 Milton Denney nnd wlfo to J A Johnson , lot 4 , Will's sub , -wrt . 1,450 J M Daiigh and wlfo to Laura Jamleson , lotfi , blkll , Cloverdalc , wd . 473 C A llempel and wlfn to W WCottou ot al , lots 17 , 18 and lli. blk 2 , oYatcs & llompcl's add , wd . . . . l.ROO Elj Ilutvny et al to J S Johnson , lots II ami 12 blk R , Slilnn's2d add. wd . . . . 3,000 J T Paulson and wife to J H Johnson , lot 3 , blk 3 , Wm llaycdon'rt add , wd . 300 H C fatovenson and husband to S A Hioadwell , lot 7 , blk 4 , Improvement association udd. m d . 5,000 J C Wllcov und \vlfii to John Wultzkl , part lots 4 and 5 , blkP , WllcoVs add , wd . 075 P Thomp son. lot 4 , blk M , llrown park , w d . 250 JCMcKellto 11 V Sholcs. lots 2J to 27 , Hrlggs' Place , q od . 1 George llnckett to b T Melutyre. lot IS , blk 3 , Ashland Paik. wd . 250 Kilo . Muskawlt ? to John Itlley , au li- regular tract 233 oof east cud of Lo cust stieot bildge , w d . 473 I S Lucbmund and husband to D V Sholcs , lots 21 to 27 , blk I' ' , Hilgg.s Park , wd . v . 8,000 United States to E H Chaplin , so 21-15-12 , deed . George Campbell ami w Ifo to C M Smith , lots a. It and 10 , blk 1. Waterloo , wd. . . . 500 * acob Williams and wlfo to M A Upton , n SO , lotuor wub of J J Rcdlck's add , wd . , . 15,000 M A Upton and busliand to Jacob Wil liams. lot 5 , blk 2. Mlllard Place , w d , 17,000 A 11 Sander and wlfo to William Roblu- son , lot 1 , A II Sander's nddwd , , 0,500 F Muussund wlfo to William Robinson. lots Illanil II. blk 13 In add to blks I und is , second udd to Hedford Plucc , w d . * . . 2,000 M M RyerMin to A II Homan , lots 1 to 5 , blk t > . Newport , w d . > ; iooo W L Selby , ti iistee , to P W Ca vaugh , lot 111 , blk 1V L Solby's 1st udd to toulli Omaha , w d . r . CIOO T P McNamco to J 0 DavK , u 14 ft blk W , E V Smith , wd . 1,000 J P HelfenMeIn ami wife to T F Mc- Name , und Yi lot 7 , blk tl , E V bnilth's add. qo d . . 300 D It bhaiii.on and wlfoto A H and A H Somors , lot 33 atuwurt Place , w d . 7,500 Thlrty-auo transfers . flor,75'J Pierre , South Dakota. Pierre , the capital of South Dakota IIAS a population of 4,000 , threo-fourlhs ttl which la composed of people under U5 yours of ago. They are full of enterprlso ami uro innUlu fortunes In tvnl estate. The city has grown In the past year from u place of. 1,000 people to Its inc&cnt size. Uvory train brings In castcm capital which iluds rcmunerutlvo Investment - vestment , utid HQW untcrprlscs uro constantly sprlnglni ; up. IJlllllllllH i'Ol'lllltH. The following pormlts wow Issuoil by tin building Inspector ycstonluy : Clark Woodman , gtaln elevator , Iard Hlicot , between seventeenth und EUh- teenth . J. \Vuroth , 1-story brick store , 1721 bouth Twentieth street . 1 , Henry Hodderllng , 2-story frame dwull- Ing. ml South bou-nlccntn slivct . . . BOO Ed Rlehurdhon 1-story frumu cuttugu , Hedfoid Place . 000 John D , Murpby.'J-story frame resldenco and bain , TwontyUth and Hickory hlrcutti . , . , , . COOQ Two minor permit : ! . 000 Total . . . , . . . . , KljW Tlic Only One. The Chlcnpo , Mllwaukoo it St. Patjl milwiiy is the only line running solid vestlbuled , oloctrlo lifjhtoil iiiul Htoatii hunted U'iiing between Chlcu o , Council BlutTn nnd Onmha. Tlio berth rending lump feature In the Pullinun filuQplng cars run on lii(03 ( is patented und muuiot ho used by any other railway company. It la thu great improvement of tlio ago. Try it aud bd convinced. Bleeping cam louvo the Union Puolflo depot , Omithu , at U p , in. daily , arrlvlh { * at Chicago ut 0:30 : u. in. ljvsson or tiiltlnj , ' tills train are not compelled to gut out of thu curs ut Counull Bluffs and wuit for the train to bo clounod. Gob tickets and bleeping car borthi ut Unlou ticket olllco , 1501 Furntun st. K A. NAHH. Gen , Aft. J. 12. PRESTOW Pass Act.