Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA- DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , MAY , 13 , 1890. I Is
Delivered l > y carrier In any part of tlioClty.
r TntKIMIONiSl :
niiFtffr.M OPTICK , No. 43.
NlllllT DllITOIt , NO. 151.
N. V. P. To.
Council HlulTs Lumber Co. , coal.
The best oats nn t liny to bo lind nt S. Gold-
BU-ln' , IJliW Lower lirouilwny.
McCiibe it Young's minstrels nro billed for
Doliany's next Friday evening.
A case o ( diphtheria was reported yester
day nt No. IIS'J North Seventh street.
A mnrrlnRp llccnxo was Issued yesterday to
MIclmcl Konncnliofcr and Anmi Ut-Isend ,
both of tills county.
The cases against Emit nnd Hcrmnn Schurz
for dlslurliltiK the IK.-HCO wcro yesterday con
tinued until this morning.
nAn Information was fllctl with the Insane
commlssioiiprs .yesterday charging Amelia
Lnfrcny of Walnut with Insanity.
Mrs. Wlnterburn unit Michael Uosnman
held the hoards In Justlco Hondrielts1 court
yesterday In a lawsuit for the possession of u
bobtail cow.
William McAlplnc , who has just ilnlshed
serving u term for vagrancy , was taken across
the river last evening to answer to the chnrgo
of grand larceny.
Hon. .T. Sterling Morton of Nebr.ika will
nddfljsstho tariff inform club of this city
the latter part of this month. The ditto will
bo announced later.
The St. Andrew's society will meet at 8
o'clock tomorrow evening at their hall , KrJ
South Main street. The lady friends of the
members arc Invited.
Theodore. Drown was arrested yesterday
nnd taken In to serve out n lino. Drown was
n member of the chain , nnd made his
cscapo from Oflleer Wyatt about u week ago.
A building permit was granted" yesterday
toll. W. Manner foralX ( ) cottage In Pot
ter & Cobb's addition , and i ) . P. Ihitchinson
took out u permit lor a $3,000 , house in Park
Last evening was the Umo set for the
election of n secretary of the .Y. M. C , A. ,
but as only thrco of the directors wore pres
ent the matter was [ lostponod until the llrst
of next month.
The case of State vs. Davidson , for steal
ing n keg of beer , was dismissed In Justlco's court yesterday morning , the prose
cuting witness , William Smith , fulling to put
In an appearance.
The remains of Mrs. W. M. Squires ar
rived in the city last evening from Fountain ,
Colo. , In charge of Mr. Squires , who was
formerly a member of the firm of Squires &
Nobles of this city.
Detuning next Monday , ( ho Sioux City
nnd Missouri Valley railway postal routes
will mn through direct from Sioux City to
the DlufTs , Instead of utopplng at Missouri
Valley as at present.
The'eity treasurer paid out $ -11,07-1.20 dur
ing the month of April. This sum includes
the total disbursements in all the funds , in
cluding the payment of special assessments
for public Improvements.
The case against Fritz Bernhardl for Iteep-
Ing open his barber shop on Sunday is set fern
n licuring this morning. The other case , for
keeping open a week ago. will bo heard as
teen as the case now on trtul in the superior
court is disposed of.
John , the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Smith , died yesterday morning of
mcattles at tdo family residence , 8H Nine
teenth avenue. The funeral will take place
nt 2 o'clock today from the residence. Inter
ment in the Catholic cemetery.
Complaint is made that u dead dog has been
allowed to lie In tliu street In the southern
part of the city near the Miinawa road for the
past two weeks , and it presents a most dis
gusting spi'ctaclo as well as threatening dis
ease to the residents of that locality.
A report of the death of Maso Wise was
started yesterday In some unaccountable man
ner , and several of his friends called at the
undertakers to ascertain the truth of the ru
mor. Tun DIB : is glad to state that Mr. Wlso
is In a condition to emphatically disprove the
Several companies of soldiers en route to
Salt Lake passed through the city Sunday
evening. They caina In a special train over
the Northwestern and went west over the
Union Pacific. The train was in three sec
tions two cf Wagner coaches and ono of box
cars for their baggage.
Ex-City Marshal F. II. Ciuanclln and Cap
tain J. J. Ilathuway have purchased the sand
and gravel pits of V. L. . Keller , at Hinton's
elation , southeast of the city. They will
manufacture artlllclal stone paving and curbIng -
Ing , and have opened an olllco with the Coun
cil Bluffs lumber company.
The trustees of the deaf and dumb insti
tute arc making preparations for extensive
improvements about thu buildings and
grounds during the coming summer. The
last logislaturj made an appropriation of
$2(1,000 ( to carry out the plans , and it will bo
put where it will do the most good. The de
tails have not yet been arranged.
In the district court yesterday the case of
George JJryson , administrator , vs the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Qnlncy railway company
was on trial. The plaintiff sues for $1,1)00 )
damages for the death of Mrs. ICato Uryson ,
who was killed in the company's yards hereabout
about a year ago. Mynster & Limit appear
for the plaintiff and Wright & Baldwin for
the defendant.
There wore flvo arrests at Manawa on Sun
day. W. II. Hock's saloon was raided and a
quantity of soda , pop and ginger nlo secured.
.Too Mumbort , Beck's bartender , was arrested ,
but was released on bail. No saloons wcro
allowed to run instdu the city limits , although
plenty of boo/o was to bo obtained outsldo the
rcsti feted lines. The mayor says "no budge , "
and the order goes. .
E. Barrett was arrested last evening for
larceny. Ho took a companion to Omaha ami
pot him full , then brought him back and put
him to bed in the Paclllo house , after which
ho walked away with the other man's pocket-
book. Ha thru rt-tmned and took the sleep
ing Inebrlnto's clothes , putting them on under
Ills own. Landlord Unities discovered what
fns up nnd gave chase , capturing his man on
Mynstor street. IIo was lockedup. ,
Finest photo pillery in the west Shcrra-
den's now place , -III and 15 Main street.
Scott house , Council Bluffs ; f I a day.
U yon want the best Wall paper go to J. D.
Desirable dwellings , located In all parts of
the city , for rent by E. II. Siieafo & Co. ,
Broadway nnd Main street.
Wo want you to list your rental pror
With us and wo will secure you good , rellnblo
tenants.Hcuts collected nnd special atten
tion given to care of property. 13. II. Sheufo
& Co , , Broadway and Main st. , up stairs.
A Now Hank.
The preliminaries for opening the now
bank In this city , under the niiiuo of Cattle
men's bank , In the ICcrnoj block , hiivo been
completed , and thu doors will bo optm to the
public so soon as their order for stationery is
filled , which will bo very soon. The new
bank bears the sumo titletu that at Carson ,
of which Mr. ICerney was cashier beforeho
located In thU city. Tlio bank oxpjcte.l to
begin business last November , but L. M.
Kernoy , a brother anil former partner of W.
L. ICernoyand now ono of the stockholders
of the now bank , not being ready , without
Inconvenience to his business , the opening of
the bank was delayed. Thu officers and
stockholders nro of unquestionable reputa
tion , W. J. Duvcniwrt being president and
W. L. IConiey cashier. Mr. Davenport Is
well known In this city as a man Of energy
and Integrity. For years ho 1ms held the
position of division freight and passenger
agent of the Chicago , Burlington fs Qulnoy
rallwav , which position he will btlll retain.
Mr.iW , L. Iveruov wiutfor many youn > ; oncof
Pottuwattumlo county's "cattle kings , " In
which business he has proved very success
ful. Within the past few months ho has ex
pended over U,000 In mil rotate and build
ing lml > rovomcnU In thU city , nnd has thor
oughly Identltleil himself with Its Interests.
The ncjv bank building , erected by him , nt
the corner of Fifth avenue ana Main street ,
Is ono of the linest in the city , the property
costing over $ -0,000. Mr , Korney has also
bought lots on the eornerof Sixth avenue and
Eighth bttvoi uud erected two modem real-
duicet ) there at a cost of above $10,000 ,
The personal responsibility of tlio stock
holders Is estimated as exceeding tlOO.OOO ,
There seems no reason why this bank should
not receive the confidence anil patronage ncc-
essarv to make It oift of the leading banks of
the city. It will bo conducted rtrn private
banking Institution , the avowed policy being
a con ervntlv0 one.
The safe , mndo on special order for this
bank. Isamnrvel of skill. It Is of burglar
proof construction , made of rromo stccio , Its
outsldo door solid , nnd Its bolts thrown auto
matically from the Inside , with double timers.
For further security there nro two burglar
proof chests Inside.
The furnishings of the bank arc substan
tial nnd convenient. The clerical force will
bo made up of voting men who are both com
petent and well acquainted. In fact , all the
preliminary arrangements gix'o nssurnneo
that this Institution Is to bo permanent nnd
Trrrlhlo Slaughter In Prices nt Cully's.
We will place on sale our cntlro stock of
flue dross goods ut prices that have never
been attempted In the history of Council
Bluffs , nnd you will probably never have
such a chance again. The goods muat go.
Our loss Is your gain. Call and satisfy your
self that these nro actual bargains. You can
not afford to miss this sale If you are going to
need dross poods.
10pieces ( I in. silk finish hcnrlcttas OSc , ac
tual value $1.
10 pieces 40 In. French cashmere , handsome
shades , -Joe , worth OOc ,
10 pieces ; tit in. hrllilantcrcs , late shades ,
2Sc , actual value ) . " ; ,
I I in. French dress goods black plaid and
black stripes , 4."c , worth Mo.
II in. silk nnd wool stripes nt 87"fc , worth
* l . ' „ ' . ) .
41 in , black silk warp hcnrlcttns 93c , worth
10 In. black silk warp hcnrletta , SI. 15 ,
worth $1.75.
M in. all wool black Henrietta , SOc , worth
! ) ! ) in. all wool black hcnriottn , r > "c , worth
10 In. nil wool black hcnrictta , 70e , worth
' " "
Shirting prints , ! ! c , worth 5c.
Best Indigo blue prints , Be , worth 8c.
7-8 yd. Imperial blue prints , lOc , worth
Good dress ginghams , OJ.fc , wortli 8 } c.
Fine French satins , plainly llgured , 2'c ,
worth ! 10u to ; i5c.
Flue quality special brand satins , 12 } c ,
worth Lie.
Good quality special brand satins , lOc ,
worth I2jtfc.
Good quality special brand satins , Sc ,
worth lOc.
S. B Wads worth & Co. , 207 Pearl street ,
loan money for Lombard Investment company.
Important to Horsemen : Largo line horse
and turf goods. Probstle , fiM B y , C. B.
Choice residence property centrally located
for sale by E. II. Sheafe & Co.
A I'"a I BO Alnrin.
Smoke was seen Issuing from the roof of
the First National bank about I001ast : ! even
ing and the attention of the policeman on that
beat was called to it. Instead of turning in
an alarm from the corner of Main and Broad
way , ho ran to No. II hose house to got a lire-
man to go over and look nt it and see if it was
a lire. An alarm was immediately "keyed
in , " and the department responded. It was
found that the smiike was issuing from a de
fective chimney , and the soot in the chimney
was burning. No water was turned on , but
the ii-riid ladder on the platform truck was
raised for the llrst time answering an alarm.
The policeman who gave the alarm said ho
had orders not to pull a box unless ho was
sure there was a Ihe , and for this reason ho
.wanted a ilrotunn to make an examination bc-
fore venturing to turn in an alarm. In this
connection it may not. be out of place to slate
that the instructions given the policemen
how to turn in a lire alarm were rather queer.
OHO of the patrolmen recently happened
along when Electrician Bradley was repair
ing n box , and was instructed how to call the
lire department. Said he , "I'm mighty glad
you showed mo how , or 1 would have made u
big mistake. The instructions we got waste
to turn the key in the door nnd then walk
away , as it wouldn't do any good to try to get
the key out , for It would bo locked in
the door. They didn't say anything
about pushing any button , and I didn't ' know
there was such a thing. I supposed the turnIng -
Ing of the key sent In the alarm just the snmo
ns It docs when wo turn lit a call for the
patrol wagon. "
If this lias been the understanding of the
other members of the force it has been very
fortunate that a flro did not break out on
their beats.
J. C. Blxby , steam heating , sanitary engi
neer , 913 Life building , Omaha ; 203 Mcrriam
block , Council Bluffs.
The Manhattan sporting headq'rs , 418 B-
A good hose reel frco with every 100 feet of
hose purchased at Blxby's. '
imiss : GOODS SALE.
At the. Huston Store , Coiuicil jHliiflfr.
We will place on our counters for Monday
nnd this week bargains in dress goods such
as never can bo again duplicated at such
AT 12j < fc A YARD.
40-inch haw line stripe , in mixtures only ,
former price 2"e.
, ' 10-inch pin head checked suiting , former
price lc. ! )
ISO-inch siilo band , in illuminated mixtures
former price 2"ie.
! iJ-liich ( bcjgo stripes , in all colors , former
price 17e.
UGMnch English cashmeres.former price23c.
Also oilds and ends that sold as high ns SOc ,
nil to go at I'-JJ Jc a yard.
At lo ! ) a yard.
AH our mohair brillinntines that sold from
2. " > u to iUle In a full line of solid colors and
At 29c a yard.
All wool suiting ! ! In , wide , In stripes ,
plaids , in silk and wool , also plains , all to gent
nt 29c. The above goods sold from aOe to 5be.
At D'.ic ' a Yard.
Wo have put all our 43c , Me and fiSo goods
in nt ! ! 9e including n full range of colored
brllliantincs on solid colors , mixtures and
black ; also our all wool black uud colored
serge and cash more. We have also added to
the list 15 pieces of : lS-inch black and white
brllllimtecns in check , have line stripes and
broken Btrlpcs , all at ! l9o.
Council Bluffs ,
Fotherlngham , Whltclaw & Co. , *
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices.
At Lowest Prices.
Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown nnU bridge
work , No. 1'J Pearl.
The gasoline stove is moro dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save life and property by
using the C. B. Gas and Eleetrio Light Co.'s
gas stovo.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 5'i7 Broadway.
If you wish to sell your property call on the
Jiuhl & Wells Co. , C. B. Judd president , UOO
Waterworks $10. N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Good paper hangers at Croekwell's.
Xotlco to Hunters.
All parties are prohibited from discharging
flro arms Inside thu corporate limits of the
town of 'Manawa. The limits Include the
lake nnd for a Imlf mile on either sldo of It.
Thu shooting season lasts only from October
to May , ami the safety of visitors during the
summer demands this restriction.
F. C. Kuiu > , Mayor.
Pozzonl's Complexion Powder produces a
soft and beautiful skin ; It combines every
element of beauty ami purity ,
Despite ( bo unseasonable weather yester
day thu Boston store , Council Bluffs , was
crowded with customers. The opportunity
to get bargains ivlll always IKS taken advan
tage of , and that is the secret of the crowds
at the Boston store.
The largest lluo of dinner and tea sets in
the city nt Lund Bros' . , ! Main st.
Kontnuky Doinouratlu Canons.
FIUXKFOIIT , Ivy. , May 12. The democratic
caucus In the senatorial race tonight did
nothing except appoint commlttuoH. There
was an enthusiastic uieoUug tonight lu favov
H71 / > / / > TIIK HllOOTIXUt
An Arizona Millionaire- n Gntlinin
AVomun AOOIIHO I'uoli Oilier.
Nnw YOIIK , May 1'J. Mural Mnstcrson ,
who says ho Is an ex-supremo court Judge of
Prcscott , Arl/ . , and who lives at Itt West
Twenty-second street , had locked up tonight
on the chnrgo of attempting to kill him , an al
leged cousin nud mistress , Mrs. Alice Hop-
klnson. Mrs. Hopklnson makes a sim
ilar chnrgo against Mastcrson. Mastcrsou ,
according to the account given by Mrs. Hop-
kinson's maid , called at thu house early In the
evening nnd being denied admittance kicked
the door open and entered Mrs. Hopklnson's
impart ncnt. demanding * 1X ( ) , < XK ) which ho
claimed she had swindled him out
of. A shot was heard shortly after
wards and Mastcrson rushed from the
room with a smoking pistol In
his hand and running to the West Thirtieth-
street police station demanded Mrs. Hojikln-
son's n r rest for attempting to shoot him. ,
Mrs , Hopkinson was arrested anil at the po
lice station mndo a counter charge against
Ex-JUdgoMasterson comes from Prescott ,
Ariz. , amlls said to ho worth $ . ' . ,000,000. Ho
has been a visitor to the flat for a long time
nnd his son Howard , a boy of thirteen , lived
with Mrs. Hopkinson until a few weeks ago.
Mastcrson , It Is also said , owns gold mines in
ChlhuahuuOld Mcxico nd onyx mines In Ari
zona. His story is that the woman swindled
him out of § 100.000 in mine bonds , nnd when
he demanded their return shot nt him , and
that she is now trying to blackmail him. IIo
added that ho had been her dupe long enough.
The woman denies the accusation nnd
claims that she was n partner of his In the
mining business ; that the money she re-
tnlned was her share of the profits , and that
Mastcrson attempted to shoot her. A week
ago , she said , ho beat her black and
blue and look &KK ) nnd a gold
watch from her. In the woman's
possession were found loving letters from
Mnstcrson , in which ho speaks of her ns the
woman ho has ever truly loved. Mrs. Hop
kinson is a blonde , nboul twenty-seven years
old , nnd claims to be married. Jealousy Is nt
the bottom of the trouble.
A prominent New York business man , said
to bo George Carlyle Alnmcr , is mixed up in
the affair. Masterson is a married man.
A Little Town
Lowin.i , Mass , May 12. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Biu. : ] The little town of Draycut is
disgusted ut the results of Its solitary § 3,000
liquor license , the holder of which had his
second day's business today. The crowd was
not so great today as that attending the open
ing Saturday , hut the scenes have developed
into a carnival of debauchery. The mayor
and chief of police of Lowell have refused to
send ofllccrs there for duty , but twlco has the
patrol wagon been called there and returned
loaded. There were numberless small lights ,
and n man named Farrcll was unmercifully
pounded and kicked. Another man named
Hymako fell off an electric car tonight on the
way to Lowell and had his ankle fractured.
The Lowell onleers wcro stationed at the line
nud arrested and handcuffed the Intoxicated
pei-sons ns fast as they came over. In the
vicinity of the saloon scores of hoodlums laid
out In the Holds , trampled over planted land ,
and drank and danced in high carnival. At ?
o'clock tonight the holder of the license was
forced to shut down business for his own
peace , and it is believed that a general upris
ing of citizens will cause u change in affairs.
Sir Frederick Miildlcton Disgraced.
OTTAWA , Ont. , May 12. The report of the
committee on the charges against Sir Freder
ick Middicton of looting furs valued at $5,000
or $ < i,000 , during the Keil rebellion and which
finds the general guilty , reported In the
commons tonight , and after a vigorous debate
the rcpoitvas adopted , Sir John McDonald
saying it \ \ s an error of judgment on Mid-
dleton's part , hut that the government could
not condone the offense. The report is con
sidered virtually Middleton's death warrant
so far as his future usefulness is concerned.
Ho has been commander-in-chiof of the
Canada militia , and is expected to resign to
Steamship Arrivals.
At Movillo The State , of Nevada , from
New York.
At Southampton The Elbe , from New
At New York The Ethiopia , from Glas
gow ; the Werra , from Bremen.
At London Sighted : The Scatulia , Polly-
nesia , Nordland and Hermann , from New
York ; the Quecnsmorc , from Ballimoro.
At Liverpool The Roman nud Bulgarian ,
from Boston.
Von Ciiprtvl Makes an Impression.
LONDON , May 12. The Morning Post's
Berlin correspondent says : "By today's
speech in the rolehstng Von Caprivi passed
with ono bound ( o the first rank of European
statesmen. The opinion universally expressed
in the lobbies was that In comparison with
his predecessor ho has nothing whatever to
fear. His speech was un Intellectual treat of
the first order. His whole bearing and es
pecially the strength revealed by his con
ciliatory manner toward his opponents
showed n nobility of nature , high integrity
and clearness of purpose. The emperor and
Europe are to bo congratulated. "
Fifty-One Seamen Lost.
S\N FiiANCisco , Gal , , May 12. Advices by
steamer yesterday state that during the
great March storm the schooner Eliza Mary
was driven on the reefs in the Now Hebrides.
There were seventy-five men on board. The
first boat lowered was wrecked nnd four
were drowned. Those who remained on the
ship were saved. A number of recruits be
came pauie-strlckcu and started to swim
ashore. Tlioso who escaped the breakers
were killed by natives. In all four whites
and forty-seven blacks wcro lost.
The Ohio Cyulonc.
CVXTOX , O. , May 12. The cyclone which
wrecked Akron Saturday night visited Louis
ville in the northern part of this county. Six
houses wcro unroofed nnd others badly
wrecked. Mrs. Amos Hart nnd daughter
were fatally injured and n baby killed.
After n Four Days' Fight.
KANSAS CITY , May 12. The republican con
gressional convention for the sixth Kansas
district , after a four days' fight nominated
Webb McNull of Smith county to succeed
Hon. E. J. Turner , the present incumbent.
The Death Record.
BAIUCA , Mich. , May 12. Thomas Nester ,
the millionaire ) lumberman , died this morning
of apoplexy , uged fifty-five.
CIIICACJO , May 12 , General Julius AVhito.
ox-mlnlstcr of the Argentina Republic , died
at his residence In South Evanston , this
morning of dropsy. General White rendered
conspicuous service to the union army during
ho late war ,
SANFIUXCISCO , Gal. , M'ty 13. Judge
George M. Sabln. United States district
Judge for Nevada , died hero this morning.
Died in .Tall.
LKVVEMVOHTII , Kan. , May 12. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BIK. : ] George Thomas , a
negro confined In the county jail for com
plicity In the murder of an old soldier lust
Christmas , died today. He. made au ante-
inortcm statement , confessing that ho par
ticipated In the killing , bul charges his step
son , William Green , also in Jull on the same
charge , with being the principal.
An Old Veteran Killed.
LEAVKNWUUTII , Kan. , M'iy 12. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BBK. ] James Meyers , an
Iniuuto of the soldiers' home , throe miles from
the city , was run over by the rapid trahsll al
the home at a late hour lust night. Ho died
in a few hours after being run over. No
blame appears to attach to anyone.
The Weather Forecast.
For Omaha and vicinity : Fair weather.
Nebraska ! Warmer , except colder In the
southern portion ; fair , northerly winds , becoming -
coming variable ; frosts Wednesday morning.
Iowa : Colder ; northerly winds : fulr , pre
ceded I'y rain la the eastern portion ; frosts
Wednesday morning.
South Dakota : Slightly warmer , fair ;
winds becoming variable ,
BATON- Horde , La , , May 12.-Tho legisla
ture convened today. The governor's tno-
sate , which was very lengthy , was princi
pally devoted to opposition to the renewal of
the lottery charter. , suggests legislation to
proven t the recurrence of defalcation like
Treasurer Burke's nnd endorses the levee
Xo Question lint That the Orcnt HOMO
l Wlml-'llrokeii.
CuicAno , Muy -fSpodal Telegram to
Tun BII : : . ] The Tonics' correspondent at
Nashville , Tcnn. , ( clfgraphs : I have read
the accounts of how Jho New York World
had senl a veterinarian down to Nnshvlllo
expressly to cxamhm nnd roporl on the con
dition of El Hio Hey ; of how ho made a
thorough nnd critical examination of the
" "
great horse , nnd ho\v"h"o found him sound and
all right with the exception of some head
trouble , catarrh perhaps , which can easily bo
cured. 1 believe , with the single exception of
the superintendent , I nm the most frequent
visitor to the " track here , and If any New
York "vet" has examined El Klo Hey in
Nashville ho must have dona so when Major
Estell was asleep , when Joe Courtney was
away and when 1 was holding down a want
ntcctlng in the other end of the town. I 11111
sure no ono hero will nccuso mo of
being prejudiced against El Klo Hey.
All know how reluctantly I have
brought my pen to describe , him
ns he is , or , at least , as I believe him to be.
All know how I stuck to him through good
and evil report until the facts came out and I
became convinced of his true condition , and
hence whatever I say hero concerning him I
say with the keenest regret , not only from my
mlmlnlMnn fm * tlm Immn Imf ulan frmn Oin
respect nnd esteem In which I hold Mr.
Winters , Major Estell nud Mr. Courtney. I
know that they have all along been hopeful
of the horse and are still hopeful , but they
must prepare to face the Inevitable. If you
know anybody in Chicago who thinks that
El Hio Hey-will win the American derby and
is willing to back his judgment , I can place
his money for him at odds of J3,000 to $1,000.
I nm not a veterinarian , nnd neither
is the man with the $5,00 , .
Now , ns the bookies sny , "Como off ,
boys. " El Hio Hov worked a mile here yes
terday , in 1:55 : , and was given a good scrape
out. Ho whistled llko n steam engine and
you could hear him from any part of the
track. Is ho u roarer i I don't know whether
ho is or not. I nm simply stating the facts.
Of ono thing I haven't the slightest doubt ,
and thai Is that his wind is permanently and
seriously affected. Are they preparing him !
Oh , yes , they are getting him ready , and they
are doing it after the most approved methods.
Ho will bo mndo ns near ready as It is possi
ble to make him. They may even go so far
ns to start him , but whenever they uo , It will
indeed bo "good-bye El Kio Roy. " The grout
horse has seen his'best days on the turf.
I was about to forget to give Proctor Knott
a parting shot. The once great gelding left
hero looking pretty good. I am not at all sat
isfied with his leg. Although it gave him no
trouble here , at Memphis I am a little bit
afraid it was not just what it should be. I
understand and appreciate. . Mr. Scoggins'
hopes. He would give a kingdom to win the
suburban with his horse. I wish him all suc
cess possible , but go slow , old man , go slow.
The Missouri State House 1'nrtlnlly
Wrecked Xo Lives Lost.
JErpcitsoN CITV , Mo. , May 12. A terrific
hurricane , accompanied by an extraordinary
fall of rain , swept over the city this after
noon. A large section , of the roof of the state
house was blown , off and the ofllees
deluged with watciO The roof of the
penitentiary hospital vwas blown away and
much inconvenience to patients occasioned.
The heavy coping stone on top of the rear
wall of St. Patrick's cathedral was blown
down , smashing through the roof , wrecking"
the altar and iiiiuiug the sacristy. Small
houses all over town -were demolished and
much damage was done to trees and shrub
In the country many hams wcro demolished
and miles of fences leveled. No lives are re
ported lost. ,
Five Cow-boys Losd'TItelr Lives in n
Debate on the Herd Lu\v.
OKLAHOMA CITV , I. T. , May 12. A report
reached hero tonight of a battle between two
opposing forces of cowboys in the Little
river country , about twenty-flvo miles south.
The difficulty is reported to have arisen over
different constructions of the "herd law. "
Five men are reported killed , thrco fatally in-
Jiu-ed nnd four slightly wounded. Three
deputy marshals have gone to the scene. No
particulars are obtainable. The scene of the
fight is far removed front any telegraph
Testing a MndHtone.
John L. Houck , a blacksmith employed In
the Union Pacific railroad shops at Grand
Island , accompanied by his son John , Jr. , u
young man of twenty years , made a hurried
trip to this city last night.
Yesterday , while the boy was pissing
along the street a mad dog met him , bit his
thumb and passed on , to bo shot by the police
a few minutes later.
Houck had heard that Omaha was the homo
of a famous mad stone , which is the private
property of Conductor Benbow of the street
railway. After some inquiry the conductor
nnd the mad stone wcro located at 1J.'U ! North
Twentieth street , and there young Houck
was taken for treatment.
When seen last nif'ht both father nnd son
wcro greatly agitated over the future results
of the dog bite , but as the madstono was get
ting in its work by extracting the poison and
turning a sickly green color , their hopes were
taking n upward shoot.
Both parties will remain in Omaha several
days , that they may know whether the young
man goes mad , or whether his llfo will bo
saved by the application of the famous stono.
Stele the Hotel Lln'cit.
Until a few days ago Ollio Fuller was em
ployed as a chambermaid at the Mlllard ho
tel. During the latter days of'hcr sojourn
there the proprietors missed the hotel linen
so frequently that she was discharged. Last
evening they got un inkling that Ollio
had largo quantities of goods stored
in her rooms , at 1219 Pncillo street , and the
hotel men reported their suspicions nt the
central utatio.n. An ofllccr was sent out to
Investigate , nnd upon his return ho brought
with him two trunks well filled with bed and
table linen , all bearing the private mark of
the hotel. In addition to this ho also recov
ered a quantity of clothing and a
plush toilet set , which was Identified
by Ella Klrslnger , a room-muto of the Fuller
Kirl , stolen while they were together at the
A warrant Is out /qr / the girl's arrest and
she will bo brought Into police court this
morning. ;
CnllntKIOS ,
Sixteenth nnd Fiir'unin , for railway tick
ets for the ' 'Great Rock Island Route. "
Ail Impofltjnt Dculylon.
JKITKUSOXVII.LH , MQ , , May 12. The state
board of commlssioiieru has rendered an im
portant decision tq , the effect that hereafter
the practice must bo abandoned of collecting
extra faro from pas ngors who fall to buy
tickets , whuro the extra faro Is in excess of
the stationary
ST. PfiTKiisnuno , Way 12. A Vilna mid
wife , recently attested , confessed that
for years she hail been In Uio habit of
killing infants nnd hiding their bodies in
wells. Other persons have been arrested
for complicity.
Fatal I'Volght Collision.
ClUTTAXOOtu , Tcnu. , May 12. An engi
neer , two llremon uud two brukcmen wcro
killed by the collision of two freight trains on
the East ( Tennessee , Ylrgnila & Georgia nt
a tunnel four miles from hero this morning.
The accident was caused by a misunderstand
ing of running orders.
A $1)0,000 Hnlt Decided.
Dus Moixcs , May 12. The case of Theo
dore Henry vs the Travelers' Insurance company -
pany , Involving the tltlo to u largo amount of
land and irrigating canals in Colorado , which
has been ppndiiiK In the federal court for llvo
yciiw , was decided today by Judge Caldwell
In favor of the insmrancucouipany. The mut
ter Involves over t9o,000. ,
A Hidden Chanter In the Life of an
Oinnhn Man ,
Twcnty-ono years ago the town of Pelln ,
la. , had a case of mysterious disappearance.
William Van Vork , n rospsctnblo nnd well
known citizen of the place , c'umc homo ono
day , ns ho had done for many days nnd many
years , kissed his wife nnd children good-byo
nnd left , stating that ho was going on a short
visit. Dny after day , week after week , year
after year the faithful wife and needy child
ren waited for his return.
No word came , and In course of time ho
was given up for dead , mid the little gossip
ing town was satisfied with the stereotyped
explanation "a mysterious disappearance. "
In the meantime an employe of the Union
Pacific shops lu Omaha had been amassing a
small fortune. He had como hero when prop
erty was cheap and wages high. Ho was no
drinker nnd Judiciously IriVcatcd his weekly
savings In city lots. In course of tlmo ho
was possessed of a competence and married a
wlfo who willingly assisted him in his struggle
for a homo. No children were born
$ to them , but they purchased their homo and
by degrees won many a foot of Omaha realty.
His name was William Miller , and all the
Union Pacific shopmen knew him.
Last week William Van Vnrk returned to
the home he had left a young man , gray
headed , gray beat-tied nnd time-worn. His
wlfo had died ten years ago , his children wcro
at school or married , and only a few of the
neighbors know him.
The William Van Vark of Pclln , la. , nnd
the William Miller of Omaha are thu sumo
Jack Qnlnlnn Drought Back.
Detective Uenipsoy returned from DCS
Molncs last night , bringing with him Jack
Qulnlun , who Is wanted on the chnrgo of
grand larceny. On the night of April 29
Qulnlun Is charged with having burglarized
the residence of Herb Blachmorc , nt 111
North Eighth street , nnd stolen n gold wateh
and n suit of clothes , the whole valued at
SUM.Qnlnlan , It seems , had a pal In the person
of Dick Grandln , who was arrested last
night. A few days ngoBlackmoro , in passing
n pawnshop , noticed a pair of opera glasses
in the window. They resembled his , nud
tracing the matter up , ascertained that they
hud boon pawned by Nellie Unosh , a woman
of the town. She informed the officer that
they wcro presented to her by Grandin.
which fact led to the arrest of both the men.
At Mr. Llnluger's art gallery last night
Mr. E. Johnson .delivered an address , the
subject of which was announced as "Savona
rola. " A fair audience listened to the ad
dress , which covered the lifo of the dis
tinguished Italian in all Its religious and
artistic learnings. Mr. Johnson's address ,
though well delivered , was chiefly remark
able for its careful preparation. The lec
turer evidently had made a careful nnd thor
ough study of his subject , and arranged it In
a way most pleasing to his hearers.
Ancnt the Ogdoii Carnival.
W. H. Harvey and C. L. Richardson of
Ogden nro hero to meet western passenger
agents nnd arrange rates for the Rex II. car
nival to bo held in Ogden July 1 to fi , inclu
sive. These gentlemen nro very enthusiastic
upon th6 subject of the carnival , and deelaro
that it will ho the most elaborate affair of the
kind ever given in the west. As Mr. Harvey
put it , "Tho poetry nnd beauty of southern
imagery will bo blended with the pushing and
energetic ideas of the west. "
The floats for the occasion are being built
in New Orleans , nud Hex II.vill be crowned
by Rex I. of the Crescent city.
Rnby Douglas' Funeral.
The funeral of the infant son of James
Douglas , A. O. H. delegate to the national
convention of the A. O. H. society , will beheld
held today at 2 o'clock sharp , at 415 North
Fourteenth street. It Is arranged that the
order ofw hich the father of the dead child
is a prominent member will bo officially rep
resented , and that a speoinl committee will
act as honorary pall bearers. The cntlro
body will hi nu unofficial capacity attend the
funeral. The funeral will leave No. 415
North Fourteenth street for St. Mary's
cemetery nt the time named , and all friends
are invited to attend.
Y. M. O. A. Directors.
The following wcro elected directors'of the
Young Men's Christian association yesterday :
Charles E. Williamson , Dean C. H. Gardner ,
Judpo Joseph R. Clarksou , Charles A. Goss ,
W. W. Slabough , George A. Joplin , Dr. W.
H. Milroy , Hov. A. W. Lamar. W. H. Drum-
mend , W. H. Russell , A. D. Shermcrhorn.
Ofllccr Hnrlght Injured.
Officer Enright attempted to stop n run
away horse on Twelfth street last night. Ho
grabbed the bridle , nud In doing so was
thrown to the ground and badly bruised
about the body. The patrol wagon was
called mid he was taken to his homo at 1508
Cuining street.
Stele a Suit of Clothes.
The room of Frank Shields , at 1814 Cumlng
street , was entered lust night and a suit of
clothes of the value of S20 stolen therefrom.
William Arlington , Shields' roommate , is
supposed to bo the thief. Both men were in
the employ of Scavenger Lazarus.
Gorman Selected.
WASIIISOTOX , May 12. Thp caucus of
democratic senators today elected Senator
Gorman successor to Senator Beck as per
manent chairman.
ConvictH Cremated.
ST. PETKiisnunn , May 12. The Alexander
prison ut Irkutsk burned and three convicts
perished In the flames.
Dr. Birnoypractice limited to catarrh-
til discuses of nose nnd throat. Bee blclg1.
Nearly Destroyed by Fire.
BCRNU , May 12. The village of Tlofankas-
ten , In the canton of Granbunden , has been
almost completely destroyed by lire.
Deputy Phillips of the customs house cele
brated his fiftieth birthday yesterday and In
honor of the event Collector Alexander and
Deputy Murphy presented him with an ele
gant silver tobacco box.
Destructive Fires Itnglng.
Wii.KESiiAiini. , Pu. , May 12. A destructive
flro is raging nt Ashlov , thrco miles from
hero. Aid bos been sent from hero.
A Missouri Pacific Cut.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , May 12. The Missouri
Pucillo this evening announced u 33 ruto from
Kansas City to St. Louis.
Lieutenant Colonel W. .II. Evans of the
Third regiment uniformed rank Knights of
Pythias , of Red Oak , Is lit the city making
arrangements for the trip to Milwaukee
which his regiment will ninko In Juno.
CarlUle , Pn. , February 11.1BS8.
I vrns hurt In tlio leu hip ami tried CT-
pliynlrlniu \ without oblMnlng relief , I.evi
than u half-bottlo of fc-
Rheurdatism ,
BEINO duo to the presence of uric
acid lu the blood , Is intut rrfrctnnlly
cured by the use of AycrV Saraapn *
rllla. Bo Rtiro yon got AyoVs and no
other , nnd tnko It till the 'poisonous
acid Is thoroughly expelled from the
system. We challenge attention to this
testimony :
"Abctit two years ago , affcr suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout , being nbln to walk onlv with great
discomfort , and having tried various
remedies , including mineral waters ,
without relief , I saw by an advertise
ment In n Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this dlstiojslntf complaint -
. plaint , after long Buffering , by taking
Ayer's Snrnaparllln. i thun decided to
make n trial of this incdlclnr , and took
it regularly for eight mouths , and am
pleased to state that it has effected a
complete care. I have since had no re
turn of the disease. " Mrs. H. Irving
Dodge , 110 West 125th at. , Now York.
"Ono year ago I was taken 111 with
inflammatory rheumatism , being con-
flnrd to my house six months. I came
out of the sickness very much doblll-
tntrd , with no appetite , and my system
disordered In nvery wnv. I commenced
using Aycr's Sarsnparllln and began to
Improve nt once , gaining In strength ,
anil soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot nay too much In praise of this
well-known medicine. " Mrs. L. A.
Stark , Nashua , N. II.
arsaparilla ,
rnrrAnr.n BT
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Frlccl ; ctx l > otllc , $5. Woith $5 a bottle.
T710R RENT Nice front room , with board ,
JL suitable for mm : nnd wlfo or two men.
Scott house , ' 'J N. Slain , Council Bluffs.
WANTED A coed homo for a girl baby.
Iminliu at W. U. A. ho.-illul. |
F OK SALE A largo span of mules , with
wagon and harness. Inqnliu at G'.M Main
TJ1OU SALE or tradt- Two fancy sample
-L'wagons , suitable for ciurvlng cigars can
dles or notions ; very showy. Also want to liny
two teams cheap. Uall on Ueorgo U. Tnllcy ,
1'aclflc houso.
FOR SALE Hotel property , ! H rooms , cen
trally located. Sirs. Win. Noble , 129 S.
Eighth at. , Council Itluffn.
WANTED to Trade A clear farm In Ne-
braslta , a clear business lot In Omaha for
olcar or encumbered resldencu lots. The Judd
& Wells company , COO Uroudway , 0. U. Jndd ,
T7IOH SALE Sly residence , K3 Willow nvc-
Jniio , on south side of Hayllss park ; heated
bystcam , lighted by electricity and contain
ing all modem Improvements ; lot 100 by 200
feet. Also will sell or exchange for Improved
city property my farm of 570 acres , ten mllus
past of Council Bluffs. N. M. 1'usuy , Council
III u ffs.
FOR SALE-On monthly payments or terms
to suit by the .ludd & Wt-lls company :
7-room two-story house , cor 6th live , ami 10th
st. , lot S3 by IX.'feet , two blocks fiorn motor
10-ioom house on Cth avc. , ono block from
motor lint * .
8-room house oil Lincoln ave. , two blocks
from motor line.
2 4-room houses on North 7th St. . ncarpost-
G-room house , two stories , avc. A and 12th st.
0-room story and a half house , avc. L' , near
North 7th st.
C-ioom house , also 4-room house on the
motor line , between 20th and L'lst sts. f.
Houses and lots In all parts of the city The
.lucid & Wells company , COO Broadway , C. 11 ,
Judd , prc.s. . _
TTIOUND A pali-of gold rlmmctl spcctai-les.
-I ; The owner will lecelvo the t.amu by calling
at 220 Sl.\lh street.
WANTED to Trade Hf.usoi and lots rang
ing In price from J-JOO to tChWm for unim
proved property. Tlio Judd & Wells compnny ,
OOti Broad way , 0. B. Judd , pres.
WE Have 21 lots on and adjoining I'ark avo.
between the Ogtlcn house and I'ulnnount
Park , on which wo will build beautiful homes
to suit the purchasers. COD Broadway , U. B.
TjlOH KENT Two good modem houses. W.
J W. nilgcr , 23 1'eail htrcot.
FOR RENT The stoic room , No. 18 , fronting
onl'eail st. W. qjnniM.
"I71OR SALE or Rent Gulden land , with
-D bouses , by J. R. Rice , 102 Main Nt. , Council
J , 1) ) . F.IIMU.NDSOX , E. L. Hmrtnnn
l're . Vlee-l'r J.
. 11. IIA.NXAK , Caahler.
Paid Up Capital . $100,000
Surplus ami Profits. . . . 60,000
Liability to Depositors . , HSO.OOO
DliiECTOim-l. A. Miller , I' . ( )1nira on. T-J.'fj
Plnipnrt , K. IX llnrt. J. I ) . Kdmundsnn , Ohits
H. llnnnnn. Transact general hanklnc brtsl *
ness. Largest capital and surplus of any
bank In Southwestern Iowa.
IiiLorosLon Tlmo DoposlLs ,
Tnos. Oi-rirnn. > V. II. M. 1'ussr.
OlM'ICIiR ' S 1'USF.Y ,
Corner Main and Broadway. .
Council Bluffs , - loNvn.
Healers In foreign nnd domestic ovehang < \
rolli-clloim made and Interest paid on tlm
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
Agents Wanted. DR. C. li JUDD ,
Facial blemishes , such as Plmplos
H lotehc.s , lllaek Hciuls , li'rccklus , Super *
fluous Hair removed. Address
040 , Marcus Blk , Bronclwny
Room 2M Mcrriam Hlock , Council IllufTB , I&
Itoom 010 N. V. Llfo liiilldlng , Omaha , Not ) .
Factory and Planing Mill.
Host equipped , most centrally located fiio
lory In the city. All modern latent jmttorii
machinery ! operated by HUllled mechanics.
Spci'lal attention iivcii to semll and band
fawliiK , ] ) IanliiR.uMd lilmmln ? . Clrnurnl rftn-
trauts and estimates for houses-am ! building *
a specialty. Corner North Mufti and Mynsto
Council Illutrs. Toluuhono9. :
The J. A. Murphy
lit Avcnno and 21st Street.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Baud nnd Scroll Sawing. Ho-SawlnR nnd
Planing. Sawing of all kinds. Porch DrackctM.
Kindling wood I2..10 pur load delivered. Clean
sawdust by the barrel - > o. All work to 1)8
Urst-chiss. ( Telunhono 220.
220.H SOLI&Trnn. "
F. M. EJLLIS & CO. , " fe-
Hooms no and 4:2 : Dec. llulldlm ; , Omaha ,
Neb. , and I'ooms'It and 2ti ( Merrlam Block
Council lil'ifl's , la. CoiicspoiidencoMJllcltudi
Gas Stoves for Cooking 1
There Is no means In the
world forcooklngthat gives
the splendid leMills that
iriiH dors. Kood cooked by
It retains more than 20 per
( cut moio of Its nntiltlvu
piopurtit's than by nijy
t Un i moans. In uddltloa
t tl.lbthero Is
And only a mntrh for kind
ling. The Council Illutra
Gas k Elootrlu Mfeht Co.
Imvo over 100 dllTurcnt )
kinds , suitable- for all iibo *
In prlvato families hotels
and icbtaur.uits.
1. An Oiion lloaMiT.
' . ' . 1'ioo.l'rom All Contact
With HUH.
. A Well Ventilated Oven
4. No C'onlliiPd Vapor.
fi. A Itogular Illllusca
0. A Grlllcr 1'ioti 1'iouj
FmoKc. . .
7. A llot-platnTilled with
Patent Air and ( JIIH Hum'
ei-s , arranged for Bolllniji
titowlng and Trying.
lii Itoi , cull and seethcs
1281 Hast Pierce Street - Council Bluffs , la ,
Wholostito nnd Rotn.ll Doalora m
I argcst Stock and Lowest Pilces. Pualors , send for Catalogue.
Nos. 2OT and 207 Broadway , nnd 201 and 200 I'ioruo Street , Council Bluffs , I
T-T TCirLMtiKi n/ % Hydraulic and Sanitary EiiKlnoor. Plunn , Kutlmnt&i v
11 , IJlIKiniJinC tipoolllctttlous. StiporvlHloii oH'ublloVorlc. . BroWri X . < !
. . Hulldlng , Coucll HltilTa. lown. v
TSJ Qpliiirv Justloo of the I'oaco. Olllco ever American tixpross , No. 4 " 3 * *
i.\ . vi HLll/ , Broadway , Council HlulTs , Iowa.
-AtlornayB nt Law. Pnvotloo In the Stuto und Fed *
unil Courts. Hooins 7 and 8 SUuL'art-Bouo Bloulc.
Council BlulfB , Iowa.