Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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An Imitation of Lat Week's ' Close Begins
the Week on 'OLange ' ,
Corn HnlcH Finn nml Hl licr In Spite
of I'crNlHlcnt Soiling Provlwlona
Tnmo-Catllo In Knlr
Cmoxno , May IS.-fpcclnlTulosram to TUB
ni.K.l-inrly : niitrld'ts on the IxMftl of trntlo
totlay wcru In kcfplng wllli tlio close of lust
week. There was special activity In nil tlio
Rriiln jilts , with NOinu wankncM In provisions.
Tlio wheat market npcnrd froin2oto2Sotintlcr
thoclofoof Saturday. The Increase In tlio
government crop PS t limit o on Saturday vrns
bcttrr than the tratlo In their fours antici
pated. No panic to sell followed the easier
oiicntngof the market. Insto.ul thcro was teen
ndo\olopinentof unexpected strength. July ,
which started ntti'o ( ' and sold atttie , with iios-
slhly a fi'w.soattorliiKHulis still lower , mo > ed
up to ici' o hcforo It o'clock. May was up
from uljio early to t 3c. Corn started
nt .VHJ for .Tilly , Hold olT ! { t )
mid rei'O\cretl tlio lli-st ( iKHie. In oats first
prices for all months were ahont He olT from
r-ntlirday , but this WIIH nt ont'o it'.nalncil and
thu marlo t looked Htionit. I'rovlslonsuro
dull. JnU-iorl ( sold nl Ji.Kfittl.l.lV .Inly lard
nt t04lKa .3t' ' { and July rlhn at S3 11. Tlirro
waHHomuuxpnutatlon of n panic In wheat this
moinlnx. hut It wat not luiillrctl. Ill 'li prices
for hi'at Saturday ncroon thoiixmetnUon of
R M'ry bullish orop report from WaililiiKtoii.
htlll the trntlt ) woilhl not trtiHt DotlKU. anil
thuiuuts Rome \cry heavyf < i'llliinnil\enliiK |
up heforo the close. Then , when the
winter wheat condition unx gl\nn out at
Wo , or only I pan out less than In April , the
trade WIIH In peed xhapo to reecho It. The
curli early Indlc.ited an easier feeling , and the
opening asiif coursu oxcltetl anil from "o to
2 < ic loner. Vlrst llcureson July uero around
02'iC , with iirelty Kooil oelllnit at We , anil pos
sibly a llttlo hnslnesH was done under that
price. This ended tlio weak fccllntf , thcro
was nodcliiRoof Ions wheat and no contlnit-
atlon of Milllnz orders. The country did not
Cetscared , and that sa\td the market from n
Hliarp break. Then the news of tlio day aa
not huarlsh particularly at any Him.1.
Liverpool caules wurn .olT Id for
spot and futures. Thcro wcro no
export clearances from Now Vorlc and only
WW bushels fioni Philadelphia and ItaUI-
inorc. No\i8 ( ioin the northwest controlled
the market. Northwestern country blocks
decreased 212,000 bnslicK Dakota had n very
low tumpctatnit' . Mlimciota and Dakota
wcru largely ulthoiit biilllclent rain. The
slKnal surtlco picdlctH clear and eoltler
weather In those .states and low a for Tuesday.
The outlook was anything but sprlngllko for
newly M cdcd llelds. The market , holding as
fitcmly as It did.caused many who were low to
turn In lind buy. The \lsllilo supply atone
ono tlmo promised a decrtMso of
( 00.009 bushels or more , but the olll-
clal ( kereiiho was U > . " > , ( 00 buvhels. 'Ihu
action of tliu market was as follows : July
opcntd atl 'ic. sold at tttc , to 02yc. to irJMe ,
nml then up to ( Cl\c , oir to Itte and up to Ole be
fore 1 o'clock. Jl ly sold nt HI'iC , off toOiV4c. :
up to ( tic ; June Die , to ir. c , tolUo. The wheat
market continued to caln strength to the close.
A dispatch from Dodge to Dunham A. Co. In
answer to an. Imiulry Ktatlns that the con
dition as reported on winter Is on the
RrowInK ciop not plowed under , Ka\o anew
appearance lo that leport. .MaycloscdatUl'ic
and June ntlM'Sc. July < -old up tolil o and
closed utUlUc : AtiKiist , lll'io ; SeptemberUO'Jc.
On the euro July wheat was steady nt
WJQW'iO and Liter at IM'SffWMV.
I'utsweronuotLd \K\QXKHc \ and calls 0. &
Ot'.c. \ \ 1th an e.isler tendency.
The coin market was Him and prices ruled
hlKhcr.tncn against persistent selling led by
llutihlnson. ( older ue.itheiand a piomlso of
frost and snow In Iowa and elsowherc tonight
and tomoifow helped to haidon the m.irktt.
Logan .V I'o , anil Congdou & Co. wcro good
Inij ei-s. Local docks decreased MKI.HOO Imshuls
for thoweck nml the \lslblo Htipply shows a
decrease of 1,21.000 bushels. Out Inspection
hero was 3U.OJO bushels and shipments. 1M.OJO
bushels. May sold at Ill'uftt.ll c , closing at
! l4" .tlic. Juno sold nt .H'iQ. ) c. July sold
nt.l.Ya-U'jift.Jl'iC to ! L1 > 40 U ) .IVtc tothoclObU.
August closed at.3Su ! and September at JOc.
ThodaylnoatH was not mutkcd by that
iii > nou ntss noticed last weok. The notion of
the niaiUct wna moro moderate , whllo the tone
was \ery linn , and prices , afteropenlnilower ,
closed with'oG'iHgain o\or Saturday. Jlay
for the llrst time tn two weeks kept within ' { 3
range at. Wiclosing ! at SiHo. Juno
( .old at 20V1 , toiWuO to the close. July closed
ut IT,1c. \lstlilosnpply Increased 517.000
bushels f r the weclc. VwisoU.i-oom was taken
for 281,000 bushels. V a.J' '
vThu r\o market was iuV _ _ , oday. Two cars
of No. 2 In store sold at oJcT Two cms of No. 2
free on boaid sold atMo and twoctirsof cholco
nt M'Jc. Jlay was bid to Mo and Juno was hid
to.Ve ! ! ; , whllo July remained nominal at "He.
The provision market was a tame affair nil
dny and changes In prices were slight
n ml unimportant. I'ork hold as low as $12.70 for
May. luMOfoi .1 line and * 1103 for July , closing
at JI2 00 for .May , ill 00 for Juno and JlU3for
July. Laid did not show beyond 2o ! varia
tion nil day anil doted. May. WJ5 ; June ,
W IB' , ; July , SOW ; September , i
ribs closed Htcad ) . July soli ! lit
nml up toJVIT'i ' at tlio close. ' o.
nt J.ili anil olosed alt" > ( C ! i. low lor was an
curly bu > er of lard and rlos , whllo other
puckers bold.
OniCAOo , May 12.-SpeeIal [ Telegram to THE 0vrri.n Tlio ileiiiuiid was fair anil
prices steady on all nnd description" .
A heavy down potirof lain BOIIIO what Intci-
forid with business , but ubout ovoiytiling In
tlio steer line was sold , Itutchcrs1 stock Is al o
In Kood deniiind nnd .steady. There wcro only
nlnett'en CUM of Texans , all of which weru
bold at inli-es equal to the close of last weolc.
There was lltllo or nothing Kolm ? on Intho
BtocKcr and feeder line , HH the heavy ruln-
bloim of tliu forenoon largely Interrupted the
usual tun of business. Clioloo toextra boo\e ,
15 WKiifi 'Mi iiiedluni to Rood steers , l.i.V ! ) to lSflO
B > s. , f4.Hfi U ) ; 1,200 to IfOO IDs. . W.4C4.70 ; IW )
to l.-IK ) tts. , W. : > tI.U ? ) . &tockurs and feeders
. ' .7.IOO ; eons , bulls nnd mixed. tl.7Vij.lSO ;
bulk , J3,40Q IM ) ; hlop-fid steois , Jl.404.80.
Texas ( jiusbcj-s , t2.UOOJ.40i corn-fed bteers.MOO
lloos Huslnp is was slow and prices MJlOo
lower. I'ncl.ets went In nt tl.H ( at OS for eotn-
inon to fair inlxid and * 1.1031.1'J'J for best
inlvi'il , w Ith bulk at $1,10. Shippers paid M.1JH
< fl4.l7' ' , . larselv * > , and n load oi so of
bit : , old stj lo fuiiuy heiivv sold tit tl.'O , I.l ht
north sold largely ut W.IO and slngo sorts ut
t.w YOIIK , May U. The following wcro the
Mo.Ni.r-On call , close , ranulng from 5i ! to 10
per cent ; last loan , 10 percent.
I'IIIMK MKIU'\VTII.K I 'AI-KH ' I1 , ' ® " iior cent.
KxniVNdi : btouilyj al\ty-day
bills ,'t. ( '
New YOIIK. May ts. [ bpoolal Tolo ram to
THE IlEi-Tho followlns are the mining stoolc
quotations :
Cilic\ro , May IS. in ; p. m. close. Wheat
rinni eash , IVHii Jtily.lMHc.
Corn rirni ! cash , 3l , ci July , "HiiQai'ig.
tuts-flrm ; c.ish.STdu ; July , Wo.
Hyo bti'ady ut Wo.
llarloy hti'iuly.
-StiMilyiXa , 1. $1.44.
I'rlnio Timothy ( Julet nt JI.'idi3l.31. /
\Vhlskv-l oi
I'ork-nulliciish. inooti Julv , 10.402.0 4J'J. '
Ijunl Dull ; casli , t < J. iii June , tO.'i ;
July , W.HVTW.4.H , .
rlour Very iltill nnd unchtinircd ; winter
wheat , W.00 ai.75i rjo , t-.OO
I'ltnlslons Shoulders , tAM > @ 5.10 ; short clear ,
t5 KKW.Wi ) short ribs. M.J.VW.40.
lluttcr Kuslcr ; creamery , l ? > i < 31"o ; dairy ,
KitKs rirni ; fre h , lO'iQllUo.
Ulii'i'so rirni ; full cream eliodilars , . _
do llatsl > 2Dc ! ; fancy Vouni ; Americas ,
Tildes A Hhudo better : heavy croon
lulled , .VittMio ; suited bull. 4e ; uroen
halted oalf. Oicj drv Hint , l > S7o ; dry salted
hliliw , 60 ; ury calf , 'uttOo ; dwiooiis , UJo ouch.
Tallow Slow i No. 1 bolld packed , a e ;
No. ' . ' , y cj cuke. 4u ,
Itecolptx. Khlpiu'ts.
Hour , l.'oji )
Wheat s ,0W ( OI.CHW
Outs , .MO.OJO
Nitw Yoiitt , Mny -Wheat IlccolpU. S3I WO
1 ' closluit tlgurtsi No ,
2. i S4MOIn clevntor. I10I10IU
ll.COViftl.OOVobi options Irrraillnr. closing
iinsettitd ; Mny and June higher , other
months lower ; No. 2 red , Mny , closing nt
Corn - Hooclpts. P J,440 tinlicl ) ; export" .
Slt.TOObtiHlii'lsi spot closed flrmt No ? , red , 41 > i
li'io ' aHont : unRradPd mixed , 'I7ua4.1c ;
options lilslier. nrni , Mny closlnj ? nt 4i
Oats UrcoHit .2IOOi)01)iishcIsi ) ctportu nflOOO
bushnU ; spot weaker ! No. \shltc , M'ifWi'io ;
mixed western , 'cffiavtc ; . Whlto western ,
June , . _ . _ . _ . .
HiiRnr Itaw , nominal ; inii > cnvailo , 07 tust ,
4 > < c ; rodncil. steady : stuiulnrd 'A1 Cc ; con-
1'otroleum united closed for Juno nt ECUc.
KICKS Plrm ; western , H'i&lS'ic. '
I'ork I'lri n.
Lard rirmer ; western , M.M'5' '
Iluttor Kusy ; western dairy , 7(212o ( ; cream
ery , t/aiScl KlKlti , Iti'.aiOo.
Chccso Kafty ; wcslnrn. nominal.
KAMSABCITMavl2. . Wheiit Hard wlntor.
nlKher ; red , lower ; N'o. S hard , cash , Klo ; No. ! 2
red. cash and Mi : > , HTc.
Corn-I wer ; No. 2 , cash , SS'ic ; Mny , SS'je.
Ont -UwcrNo ; . 2 , cash. 2il'ic ; Mny. ate bid.
MlLWAtiRfB Mny 12. Wheat-Market un
settled ; No. 2 sprint ; , on truck , cash , WSfttt-V ;
July , trJUc ; No. I northern , Die.
Corn Men rco : No. a , on track , 35e.
( ) -rirmNo.2whltc : , on rac. 2
Itjo-Stcndler ; No. I , In store , B.4i' .
llarley lllKhor ; No. 2. In store. 4i'4c. '
I'rovlslons Steady ; pork , II.1 U > ,
MINNBAPOMI , May 13. Wheat Ilccclpts
for two days. 2.Vcars ) ; liljiiiienl , ifi cnrs ;
low Krndos ( full ; cash wheat fit tic dolni ? ; prices
loHur. ( Jloslni ? : No. 1 hard , May , l'ic ;
Jtino,02'ir ; No. 1 northern , Mny. Ol'.e ; June.
IUSC : on track , trj'ic ' ; No. 2 nortburn , May ,
PXJ ; June , S'Jo ; on track , bfilWi. .
Oi.Nris.vATf , Jlay 12. Wheat Easier ; No. 2
red , 0.1" Je.
Corn Kaslor ; No. 2 mixed , .Wito'S c.
Onts Htroniter ; No. 2 mixed , ' "J'tli-'Wc.
Whisky II.W.
LtVKHi'Oor , , May 12. Wheat-Quiet ! holders
olfer modeiatuly. Callfoinla No. 1 , 7s I'jd ©
TH 2d per cental ; ledwcstcin winter , 7s 'ill.
Corn Kasy ; dmnnnd poor ; new western
mixed , 3d DUd per cental.
/7/r/ ;
CIIICAOO , May 12. Cattle llecelpts. 1(1000 ( ;
market stronj ; and nctl\u ; hooves. M W33SO ;
stockeis and feiders , $ . ' .7.va4 00 ; cows , hulls
and inlxud , $1.7iVH.I bO ; Tc\ii8 ( .tiers , JJOUffl
4K ) .
Hoes Ilccclpts , SO nofl ; market slow. MilOc
lower ; mixed , tiooai.l'i ; heavy JIWXSI''O ;
Unlit , W'kvfcl.'JO ' . ; skips , J-fiOSIoO.
tl\cs ,
Khom ,
hhorn ,
ST. Iotii ) . May VJ.-Cattlo-Uecclpts , 2,200 ;
shlpincntx , 100 ; nrirket steady ; fair to fancy
natho steers , * J7J < M DO : stockcrs and feeders ,
W 40ft. ) W.
HOKS Hccolpts , fi.100 ; shipments. 3,400 ;
tnaikot lower ; hon\y. 1 1 00 ® I 074 ; packing ,
grades , $ .ICOa .CO ; llKht , J.IW ) ® ! 03.
KANSAS OITI- . May U. Cattle llecelpts ,
2.COO ; shipments. 5,700 ; matkct higher ; steers ,
WCaafi.lO ; cows , * 2.005i.lW ; htocliers and feed
ers. . .
Hoi ? Uecclpts. 4,800 ; nhlpmcnts , 1,700 ;
market higher ; all Rradcs. J.1 bO.l 05.
Stoux Orfv. May U.-Oattlo-Kccolpts , 450 ;
Khlnincnts , 117 ; market ijulct.
DHoKs Kecclpts , l.lhfl ; market opened and
closed lower at J 1.90 ® 1 W.
Monday , May 13.
Estimated receipts of cattle , 1,000. conip ired
with 2.&I8 last 5-aturdnv nnd 1U 8 Monday of
last week. Tlio marlcct on btc\es and cows
oi cned actho and slronscr , steels wiling on a
\eryn-tl\emnrUetat lOc. higher with nota
few silcsrvp > rtcl at ox On a gi eater advance.
Co\\s are scarce and equally active , nil selling
cailv from a sh'ido to lOc. higher nccoixllng to
quality. The cow maikut may bo quoted a
nickel higher. Hulls wcio act ho and
st i ongcr , feeders nnd stockcrs wcio sc.nco
with few jicisons at the yaids looking for
cither feeders oi stockcrs. Sales wuic made nt
unchanged prices ,\es uiobtuady.
Estimated receipts of hogs , 2,400 , compared
w Ith : ) , ( > ! t last Situidny and : ) ,40."i Monday of
last week. The market opened stoady. and
closed slow nnd weak with four loads unsold ,
huveis refusing them at any price. The fear
of large runs tomouow and lower prices Is said
to bo the c.uioo of the icfiisal of bu > crs
to cle-iu up the pens at the of the day.
' 1 ho rnngo of prices was 1 Ufcii.1 05. The aver
age of the pi lies paid was * , ) ! Xi'jcoinpiricl w 1th
tJ'ja ' Saturday and $391 Monday of last week.
Estimated receipts of sheep 42i. compared
with 181 last Saluiday and li3S : Monday of
last weok. The sheep market remains linn
uud active with good muttons In demand.
Prevailing Prices.
The followlns Is a table of prices paid In
this market for the grade of stock mentioned :
I'rlmo steers , 1JOO to IfaJO Iba . ri'W 14 M )
Good btccis , 1JV ) tot ratts . DM ® 4 V.
Ooodsteeis , 10JO tolfXI ttS ) . : i ( 'i ttl J5
Common , 1000 to lf > 0 ms . MM ft 1.83
Common canners . 1.00 51200
Ordinary to fair cows . l.dfl ( rfi'A'i
1'alrto good cows . 1 'W ( C'i'uj
Good to cholco cows . . . . 2.75 < f-.lrr )
Choleo to fnney cows . ' . " ) > 5/.I81
Talr to good hulls . 1.7" > CWM
Cholco to fancy bulls . 2.50 < TW " >
Light stockers and fceduis. . . .250 M25
reeders.UV ) to Dooms . S.'W fc.G. ' )
I'alr to choice light hogs . . . . : i < r ftlVt
1'alrto cholco heavy hogs . . . . II 05 ( U-MXl
Talr to cholco mixed hogs . 'J.OO QJ.U5
Average Cost of IIo s.
The followlns table gives the averaso cost
of hiusou the dates muntlonoil , Including tliu
cost today , as based upon siles icportcd :
Date. 1'rlco. Date , 1'rico.
Miy t . M'HitJ ' May 2 . 4 01
May ' 1 . : i 07H May ft . ! 1 02
May 0 . II usu May 7 . : i 1XAI
.May 8 . 300 May 0 . 3 07)i )
May 10 . 3 ! tt May 12 . U 03 ! $
Comiitlratlvo Tables.
The following table shows the range in
pi Ices on hogs during this and last week :
Inmost Sales of
Today , Yesterday.
Highest . $390 Highest . I 00
IB Lonest . J 85
Stoolc liuccipts.
Odlclal Saturday Hstlmated Today.
Cattle . .tUSc.irs , L'.WI Cattle . . TO cai-s. 16,00
Hogs. . 67 ears , : t , ( > U Hogs . . . oOcars 'J.400
bhcep. . . lean , 1S1 bhup . 2 cars , 4
Avcrnjio Price of
Sliowlns the avor.igo price n ild for lo-ids of
hints on thodays Indlc.ited In IsSlS3j , 1S3J and
IbW ) :
Disposition of Stock.
Showlns the number of cattle bought by
tliu loading buyurs on tod.iy's uiarbct.
SwlftCo . , . WO
duo 11 llaminond fc Co . aa
Armoiir-t'udaliy I' Co . ; ia Kothwhlld . t-t
liontoiitl Underwood . SI
IleokiT A. Degen . 14 %
Lobmann .V Tiaiiermun . yr >
Other uujei-b . til ?
Arnioiir-Ctnlaliy I'ackhiB Co . WO
Omaha I'auUIn ; ; Co . ' . . Otf
Swltt\Co . IH3
Geo. II. llammond A. Co . KO
For tliu Week.
c t rri.E.
SwIft.VCo . 4K > 0
O. II. llaminond .V Co . 1,401
Armonr-Ciiilahy Packing Co . 1,1 (
Omaha I'.ieklns Co . . . . -A
Other buyui-s . 10l'l
Total . . 16,677
Arinoiir-Oiidaliy PacklngOo . 10503
Omahii I'.iekliiK CO . flawS
Slft.VCo \ . l.lihl
l . U. llnnimond i.Co
Total . . lil.bOJ
. . . 847
Armoui t'udiihy I'nckliiKCO . UTS
deo. II. Hammond .fcCo . 114
llcekur X UCBCII . us
Hunt. A , Co . uu
Total . . . "lM7
IlllhSSEl ) lltKkSTtbllS. .
No. Ar. I'r. No. Av I'r. No. Av. 1'r
1 1WH ) f ) M n uviMtK ) HI 1110 Jl 15
5 loi.1 a M * , wo a w 40 .jaw 4 ao
J IViO U M 'M lll 4 CO M IIM 4 W
1 ft * ) HBO 13 11 401) iK > 1 1 4M
7 UIO U CO ll ! UVil 4 05 IS HUH 4
SI OIS a GO SI 1UM 4 00 0 1/TJ 4 S.1
15 1107 U TO SO UU 4 01 6.1 1X4 4 M
'JO IOIJ U TO TO 1155 4 10 10 l.HU 4 J5
41) ) lar ' a 73 40 107(1 ( 4 15 10 1 0 4 40
1 1300 a 75 1 010 4 15 TI l' > 6 4 40
6 UM 3 75 40. 11U 4 U 17. . 1415 i U
43 , ma u 7i
snMTixo AND Bxront
No. Av. I'r.
110 nutho feeders M JIM
110 westerns mixed 91 ft 2.1
147 westerns mixed It ! 525
UI westerns mjxcd 02 525
Market Mention.
Keyes & , Co. murkctcil hogs fiom O'Nell.
W. A. rinloy sent hi u car of cattle from
Ashland. .
Mack Johnson had In a car of cattle from
Il.ilr & McCombs sent In a car of c.itt lo from
I * . U. Kin ; ; hud ti car of ho son the muikot
from Olarks.
\Vutts& Co. sent In a car of caltlo from
Gland Island.
DodijOiS : Weatherbosent down a car ot hogs
fiom Oakdale.
B Henry I'leldKioxocamo In from Sheldon with
two oars of oattlo.
QMor e. Hojrers & Co. sent In t\\o cars of hogs
from Moiso lllulfs.
.1. H. Conway wnson the marKotwlth a car
of hogs fiom Dexter.
J. It. Holmes had slv cars of. cattle on the
market fiom Indlanolu ,
} j. Ittoquet , the extensive dealer of Norton ,
Kan , , had thico ems of hogs on the market.
Hon. John A. McSh me , picsldent ; Isaac
AValxel , I'oteri : . Her. Mlltou UOL-OIS , John A.
CiolRliton , .M. C. McKclth and Kduuitl A.
Ciidahy , directors and stockholders of the
Union block Yards Co , were looking oxertho
ytuds \\ltlitiNluw to commencing the's
Among Saturday's shipments by I.obman &
Traueiman were : G. Isaacs. HrooMMi , N. V. ,
threocars ; Jl. Goldsmith , Jersey City , eigh
teen ; U. J. Gardiner , Indianapolis , thico cats
and Oily Dressed Heef Co. , Jersey City , four.
03I.11IA WHOLl's.lLI } 31AHKET8.
TISH Fresh frozen whlto trout , plko and
plekeicl , per Ib. 7c ; sturgeon , 7c.
HIDES , I'fcr/rs AND Green salted
hides , 55'io ; dry salted hides , 5 < 3 > 7c ; dry
Hint iddcs , IXSSc ; calf hides. 4iJ(3fiJjC. ( Dam
aged hides 2o Je s. bheep pelts , green , each ,
WX. < 2JI 2.1 ; shcci ) pelts , diy , per ll > , 0llc ; tal
low , No. 1 , Hiittfifc ; No. 2 , y'iQ-J c ; gicase ,
white. 3"4c ; yellow , 3K@.te.
HMANS Hand picked navy , ft oo1.71 ; hand
picked navy , medium , $1.50 ® I ( id ; hand picked
count ty , $1.4001 fiO ; good clean , f 1.251.4U.
Avi'i.G HuTTEit Pei Ib , l < 8te.
WnorI'lno nnwushod , 1 llio ( ; medium un
washed , lSJIe ; coarse unwashotl , Js20o.
Tuns lleaer , per Ib , * . ' 51) ) ® ! 00 ; each , ? T 00 ®
7.00 ; otter , each , WOOfa'.OO ; wolf , each , SOSJSOc ;
coon , each , ; mlnkoach , 10.lOc ; muskrat -
rat , fall , sai-o ; , w Intel , NXHSllo ;
skunk , 2.v340o ; badgei , lOeifJfl.OO ; deer skins ,
per Ib , 20,3-Wc ; deoi skins , winter , per Ib , 12 ®
Sic.HoNr.v IXblio pei Ib ; strained , 9o.
OUAMIKS I'cr box , Medlteiiancin sweets ,
$450 ; Callfoinla fancy uinals J.110rt2 > 371 ; I.os
Angeles , $ .180 ; fiinuy Dual to seedlings , $1,35 ;
In Iho box lols , Wo pei box less. '
l'iNKAi'i-i. > s-Per tloz. 8J
faainwiiKUiais I'er case , cholco shipping
slock , W OCX34 TO ; good , $ J 004.00.
CiDPii-Porbbl , lollned , J V ) ; half bill , $ .110 ;
hard elder , puie , pcrbbl , " $ .10) ) ; orange elder ,
Imlf bbls , .OO ; pear older , half bbls , J7.00.
MINCE M vr 5O per Ib.
LhMONS Per box , Mosslna fnnov , $4302.1.00 ;
stilctly choice , $ -l,25a4 50.
HANANAS Per bunch , if 1 2.1U3 00.
HUTTUU Creamoiy , fnney lolls , prints , 21 ®
22c ; cicamery , fancy , solid packed , 20S2lc ;
creamery , choice , ISSilfc ; dairy , fancy rolls
ana pilnts , lj17o ( ; dairy , fancy , solid p icked ,
l.VSllio ; dairy , choice , Jl < B15c ; country loll ,
fancy , 1 ! @Uc ; choice , ItxSUc ; count ty mil.
good , IKtlOo ; country loll , fair , 8SOc ; poor
stock , 2a.x ) .
Kuns Honor doz for stilctly ficsh ; stale
stock not saleable.
HONKS ( Quotations aio for dellvoiy lu Chi
cago. ) Diy butlalo , poi ton , tlUOOttlSOO ; dry
eountiy , bleached , ilOOOQU.OO ; dry counln ,
damp and meaty. * * .0 QIO.oo. Old SHOOI potatoes , fancy ,
Mnscatlno , per bbl , $100 ; onions , extin fancy ,
$4 50 ; onions , fair , j..M ; rutabagas ? JJ.OO ; car
rots , JJ.W ) ; parsnips. $150 ; beets , J.'OO ; hoiso-
radlbh loots , pc-r bbl , RJ.V ) ; per Ib , 7c ; celoiy
roots , per bbl , WOO ; per doWe ; horseiaUUh ,
per diu pints , tt.21
Pui.shuvi s-t/JScpor Ib.
JtMAS-3'ilo pur Ib ,
Diussini VKAi/-Cliolco medium , 7i@So ! ! ;
light , 5G.c ( ; heavv. IQlf.
Ai'i'fchS Per 00 ; Willow Tw Ig ,
t.100 ; lion Davis , $1.71 : llomanlte , $1.50.
LINAKKD Oit.-illlo. (
C.'OCOANUTS Per hundred. $1 00.
Picicr.KS Mcdlum , put bbl , $1.11 ; small MW ;
gheiklns , tIM ; 0. & H. chow oliow , ills , $5.85 ;
pints , $ .ii5 : ,
PHTWOES Per bu. fanoy , Soa'Jjj ; fair to
good , 2i > it.i3. :
POUI.TIH Per dor. cholco lions , &l.35fM VI ;
choice , mixed , $ .1004112.1 ; roosturs , fJ.V ) ® . ' . ' . ! :
spring chickens , riooiil 00 , according to skc ;
ll\otuiliojs , pei Ib ,
Grnucviet ,
SunAiis Cut loaf , 7'ie ; cut loaf cubes , 7'jc ' ;
standard , powdered , 7'ic ; XXXX , imwdored ,
7'iOj granulatetl , standard , O'ic ; confection
ers , A. O'iO ; whlto o\tra , 5tc ; u\tra C , NCD , ,
54C ; amber , fl'ic.
Uoptcu lloastt d Arbnoklo's Arlosn , 2.1 'jcs
.Mcl.aughlln's XXXX , 25So ; German. 253c ;
Dllworth , 2.lSo : Alaroma , 2.110 ; bulk , 25o.
hK Green Pancy old golden Hlo , 2'c ;
fanoy old ponboiry , 27c ; Klo , choleo to fancy ,
2 Jic ; Kin. prime , SlHjii ; Klo , jrootl,2-'Ke ; bantos
and common Klo , l' f ( ! lc ; Mocha , .au ; Java ,
geniilno O. G. , 28j ; Juvu. good Infuilor , 25o ;
African , 22'Jo. '
r.Mil.s Actons Goons nurley,1ia3 < io ; farina ,
5o ; peas. ; io ; oatmeal. IVii.k. ' ; macaroni. 10o ;
\ermlcelll , lOc ; rice , JiW'ic ; sago nnd tapioca ,
C7u ; lima beans , fc1.
Oiib-Keroscno-P. W. . 10'c ' ; W. W. , 13o
221hs lSo ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 10'jo ; .moulders , fit ) ; baeou , No. 1,10 ; ham HIUISIIUC , kat
dried beef IIIUIIH. 0) ) © 7J4C ; beef toiiKUca , M.OJ
per dot ; dry salt iniMtH. ft'45tlHo ( per Ib ; hum
roulette , Clioj boneless liiini , 7'c ; nluuluuum ,
L\no Tlcrocs , 5Ke ; 50 Ib cans , fl'io ; 1011)
cans , Co ; Slbctuis , li'te ' ; 3 Ibcuns , fl'ioj kuttlo
rendered , Ic per II ) uiluinco.
( UN.SKO MKATH t Ib luneh toiiRtiCt I..TJJ 2 Ib
lunch tongue. (1.73 ; 1 II ) corned beef , (1.20 ; 2lb
corned beef. t-MU ; n Ib corned beef , JJ.'iO : 14 Ib
corned bci-f , f 14 W ) ; 2II ) boneless pigs' feet ,
(2.20 ! lib draw n. tl.'H ) ; 21I > KnglMi
biawn , ( J.H ; U Ib inn'll : > .h brawn. 1173 ; lib
uhlppctl beef. f.0) | III ) compressed hum , It,03 ,
Hoi'K llusla Munllla tope , I5o ; sisal rope ,
12'to ; cotton nipe , Irtu : nen profess , fc'Sc. '
COTTON TWINK Illbbory line , 3 or 4 ply ,
22c ; Hue. 2rto | Daisy , IHijcundln wlek.22u ,
Oi.ivurt-QuartH. perdoz. , M.7J ; plnti > per doz. , ! ! ) (
VIM.IUII 30 r. elder , lOo : good , 12o ; whlto
wine , 15 ; fnnuy frnlt , IH ! .
hTO\ PouHii-t. ooffi.1 67 per gross.
llnis Am. , per lW.417.OOj l.ewhton , per 100 ,
Mots.sEs Ilbli. N. O. fancy , nor gal. , H ®
67oi choice , 4V2I70 ! Kixl.iikW.'o : ; Cuba baking- ,
2J-it.Oo ] ; black btrup,2t ) > i 22c.
HAi'i'iNO I'Ai'fcii btruw , per Ib ,
raif,2 ioi Munlllii ll.aaioj Ko 1 , 7o.
lUas I'nlon Houaro , uiutUpor cent off lift.
Sit.T Dalrv , 'JbO | bs In bbl. bulk. $ . > 10 1 best
KruUu , 00 , S3 , ( . ' ,30 | Luit truUc , 1W , 3i , ti.ib ; lest
e 23,10s. (22.1 ! rocklafl ( crushed , ll.60 |
common , bbls.(1.25. ' > '
SOAI-S TuMIlP , mottled , per Ib , &aiOcj do ,
white per Hi. I4o.
llttnuuft I'nrlor.R He J'nn ; 4 tic. ( . ' .73 ; 3 tic ,
( . ' 25 ; stables ( 'Klj ) ® ! ,
Coco * 't Hi tin. 4oopcrlb ,
CIIOIOI.ATK 22.Bo p rnb ( . German chicory ,
red , 840.
S U.MIIH Ilbls , ltc ; granulated , So ; kegs.
% c.
son i I'kg , tnn \ \ to lHn.M < ifl.Vp. {
NUTS Almonds , IV : HraVlN , i.v ; MlberK llci
pccnn * . lie : walnuts. 12'ic ; peanut cocks , to ;
rousted , lie ; Tennessee pentiuts , 7e.
Ditt'os ( Grocers ) I'l'r.llj lloiux12ci cop-
pern' , 2'Je ! ll.iy lenvrt. lie ; nine , Ifep om
cults. 4ei glutibcr salts..W ; sulphur , 2'io ; nluo
vltroI.Do ; ilium , 4cj tnrt.trti' acid. 42 < j ; resin , 2o ,
Ciir'tHK Pull cronm t\Huw , isjj full cream
Ohio Swiss , Wl eonsln Swiss ,
liaifie ; full cream brick , lie ; foil cream llin-
btirger Hwlss , IJo ; fancy Michoygan b. c. 10'je.
CAVSKDGootm-fruits , California standard
brands. 2't-lb ' , per doz-Apricot" , Jl.70iai.85j
nprleoM. pf fruit , 11.50 : gallons , ( t 501 bluck-
l 'i rlc . (2.25 ! ehorrlei , black , Ii.tffl2.j.1j ( ( cher
ries , white. U2.ViW.r-0 ! Krnpcs , tMVWBl.sO ; pears ,
Huttlett , f2.loaJ.25 ! peaches , yelloy , ( > .iuir .23 ;
licacht ! : ) , lemon cling..MO ; plums , egg , (1.0314
l.H ) ! plums , polden drop , (1 > 0 ; pltiniM , green
gages , il.n.1f r8il ; penohes , with pits In , (1.00 ;
etiinints , ( . ' .HO ! gooseberries. ( J.25 ; mllnces ,
( . ' .10 ! raspberries , ( . ' .Si ) ; strawberries. KM ;
. , eustorn stundurds , ( l. ; 3-lb pie ,
1.10 ; 0 111 pie , ( . ' 05 ! gallons pie , flOO | apples ,
ileli Htundnnls , r..7 [ > ! 2-lb gooseberries , two ;
2-lb strawberries , WlKlK' ! 2-lb raspberries ,
( I W ! 1-lb bluoberrleswtuic ( ) ! 2-lb blackberries ,
uva75c ; 2-lb strawberries , presened , (1.80 ; 2-lb
raspberrrles , pre--t'r edI.H2-lbbluckberrles ) ! ,
prescred. . (1.20 ! pineapples , Ilahama ehopped ,
I.'W ; 2-lb llah umu grated. ( . ' .71 ; 2-lb Dubinin
sllco.l. $ 'Mifl ; 2-lb St ind.ird sliced. ( l.'iViMIM ;
cherries. 2-lb rod , llaltlmoro , S.'iii3oo ; io ) nr.s
2-11) ) . JI.'W.
VKli.TMU.js Tomatoes-.1-lb extra , (1 00 , 3-
Ibstandiird wcstein br.vnds , coatt > o : gullons ,
strictly standard. $2.00. Cgrn 1 Inest grown ,
( l.iiO ; glltedged sugar eornory line , (150 ;
eholeu 2-lb mi-rur corn. (1.20 ; 2-lb oxl ru western
brands , 75cTil ( 0 > l ; 2-lb slntidiird western
brands , OtVitTDo. llu hrooins 1-lb rreneh , ox-
tut line , \SXStSMU \ 1-lb ritnch. line. lS fe22e : 1-lb
ricneh , oidlnary , KittlSc. 1'c.isTrcs , llnc.per
ean,2.K ! ; iluiul line , per can , UK" 2-lb sifted ,
(1.00 ; 2-lb early June. ( l.2.V < il.V ) ; 2-lli Mm row ,
Htiinduid brands , 41.10 ; 2-lb soaked , 57e. hiring
beans 2-lb high grade , Ui-fugee , We ; 2-lb Go\- \
di'n wubcuns. . 7. > e ; 2-lb Ntilm : beun , 70c.
Mum llcanS-2-lb soaked , 71i % . lioston linked
Deans 3-lb I.owls , $1 M , trown briind. II.W.
> w eet l'ntutoes-3-lb Now Jersey , I'ump-
klns 3-lb , (1.10. Okrn nnd tomatoes , (1 U ) ;
okru , $1.00 ; Hiiccotl'sh , 11.20
1'ixii Coilllsli , extra Georges , now. 5c ; grand
banknowfie : slhor,2-lb blocksti'ic ; HIIOW
white , 3-lb bricks , new , fcV > , Tuikoyeod , lar o
mlddlLs , bilcks , ou ; snow whlto crale.s , 12-1 Ib
boxes.7JJo : Iceland hillbut , 1lc ; medium
scaled herring.25c'No. ; 1 sealed heirlng , 2Vc ;
domestlo Holland heirlng , 55c ; llumburg
siitced herring , SI..SO ; Ituvsluii sutdlnes. 7'ic ;
Utisstantianlliics plain.Me , Imiioited Holland
heirlngcrown brand , Mo ; do fancy milkers ,
lKo ) ; muekerel , No. I shoie. half bbls , ( IllX ) ;
bloaters , half bbls , ( IS W ; whlto llsh , half bbls ,
(7.01) ) ; trout , half bbls , M 50 ; family whlto llsh ,
(100 ; salmon , ( .S50 ; 1-lb maekeiel ( herring ) ,
J1.IXK2 , ! 10 ; l-lb llnnan haddles , (1 75 ; 1-11) ) lob
sters , fJ.r SJJ.S3 ; 1-lb Alaska salmon , Aleut.
(1.00 ; 2-lb oysters , 10 07 , ( I'll ; 1-lb oysters. 5
or , (1.11 ; 2-lb selects , lio/ , * . ' 15 ; 1-lb clams llt-
tlo necks , (1.25 ; 2-lb clams , llttlo nicks. r.'UO ;
'i-lb saullnes , Imported net ease. 100s. fl.1.00 ®
20.00 ; ' 4-lblmportid boneless s.udlnes , 2fie ; U-
11) ) h.irdlnos , American , per case. lOrts rrench
st\Ic , W05.00 ; 51-lb hardlncs , American , jicr
ease , 100s , Trench style , J7VXS sO ( ) ; " , -lb sui-
( IIni" ) . mustard , per ease , Ms , ( J7&S4 00 ; Im
ported key sardines. JUCO
DitiKO THUIT Currants , new , 0'47'Jc :
pruiiLs , tusks , 1 , : > 00 Ibs , iJSQfl'so ; prunes , bbl
or bags , fl3i71lc ; citron ptel. diums , 20 Ibs ,
22i- ; lemon peel , drums , 20c ; faiil dates , boxes ,
121bs , llu ; apricots , choice ovupoi.ttcd , 13c ;
apricots , lelly-cuied , 25 Ib boxes 1HJ ! apricots ,
fancj,25 Ib boxes , lOc : apples , eholio ovupor-
uted , ll'ic ' ; npples. inline new , lOc ; llgs , la\er > ,
10 pei cent tare , l.J'tc ; In sacks , 7c ; Persian
dates. 7c ; Salt l.uko appks , 5e ; bluckbeirles ,
tiMipoiatod. 50 Ib boxes , & ' 4o ; eherilcs , jilt ted ,
dry cured , lie ; peaches , p.ued , fancy , 18i'Uo ;
choice , 10o ; Suit Lake , lie ; pitted plumu , Cal. ,
1 Ib boxes , M | < & 0'jU ; insnberrles , o\aporated ,
N. Y. . now , 3lc ; prunes , H. C. , ( iU-70 , UKjJU'ic ;
oiango peel , Ixv raisins , California , London
ciop IsDO , tJ 40 ; Cal. loose muscatels , ciop Ib'K ' ) ,
(2.10 ; Vuleiitilas. Ib'V , 7 } c ; Viilenclas , nun,0u ;
Cal. bculluv ) , sks.Sc , Ondura , luyer , new , lie ;
dried grapes , 5c ; iirunelles , new , 14o.
M etals.
Dr.ocic TIN Small pig , 2sc per Ib ; bar.TOc per
Coi'i'ni Planished boiler sles , 3c per Ibj
cold rolled , 2do per Ib ; sheathing , 27o per Ib ;
pltts and llatts , 2 c per Ib.
GArvAM/io : litov Ulsc't 50-10 per
cent , pat. plun. Iron , Nos 247 , A , lUIio ; 11 ,
l , I. 0 , 14\20 , 112 , $5.75 ; I.
X. , $7.25.
SiiKhT Tnov No , 20 , $3 tw ; No. 27 , $3.75 ,
SOMIKII 14 ® Ho.
TIN Pl.ATli-I. 0. , 10x14 , 215 , $7.25 ; I. X. , 10\14 ,
225 , $ J OJ.
TIN PrATU-Coke-10xU. 22.V$3.25.
HTUKI , NAII.S Huso , $523.
STUU , WIHB NAILS liaseJ.01.
WiitE-Jap. barb , $ ! . * ) ; galv. , $1.15.
Quinine , per 07 , P& W,40o ; German , 40c , In
digo , per Ib , 73c ; Insect powder , 40c : opium ,
$ .1.0.1 ; ) iiorphine. per oz , } 1 10 ; hops , pur Ib , Me ;
glycerine , 2lc ; dextrine , 12o ; cuttlcbonc , 35cj
eieam tartar , nuro , 35o : commercial , isc : cam
phor , ( j2c ; am. curb , 14c ; blue vitriol , 7'c.
Acids C.u hello , 4oaic ! ; citric. 4VB17o ; tar-
tarlc , 3765101 ; ; sulphuric , per Ib , . ! e. Oils
Sperm. $1.10 ; whale , c > Sc ; castor , $1.2.1 ; neats
foot , 5l30c ; turpontlne , 50c ; Tonka beans ,
Jl.T.VTM.'M ) ; balsam tolu. ) SIOc ; calomel , ! I5 ®
07c : cuntharadles , JI.wai/l.1 ; cassia buds , 20 ®
S3c ; chloioform , 11@51 ; or/ot. 47l-'c ; gum
arable , 55'i5c : gljcerlne , 22i&2Jc ; lycopodlum ,
o ; mcicuiy , Slf ,
The Visible Supply.
May 12. The board of trade rc-
poits the vlslblo supply of grain ns follows :
Hnshels. Increase. Decrease.
Wheat 22.MI2KK ) . . . U15,000
Coin . . 11.411.0110 . . . . l,2n,000
Oats . . . . 4,201,000 517,000 .
H > e . l.DI'MXM 2iOJO ? .
Ilarlev. . . 7U.1.0JO . . . IIS.OOO
coADnn mr ins COXSCIKXOK.
A Guilty Husband Kills Himself by
Ills Wife's Side.
Hot-ntio H. Ilamlor , thirty years oltl ,
of 172 South Third btreotVilfiamsbmg ,
sent a bullet crashing into his brain s.iys
a Now York special to tlio Philadelphia
North American. His wife lay on the
bed beside him. .Tho report of the re
volver iiwakencd her , and by the { jhiro
of an oleutriu lump which shone outtutlo
the window , she wiw the blood spurting in
jotfa from a gaping wound in her hus
band's right tomplo.
Horrified at thosight , she jumped from
the bed and bcreumed for help. Her erios
were lieard by Henry Cornell , who owns
the house , and ho and and his wife rnji
to Mi" ) . ITamlor's assistance. Htunlor
was quito dead when they got there , and
there was no need of surgical nssibtanee.
Humlcr was a ghiHS'blowor in Glea-
son's glass works on Manluittan avenue ,
Long Island City. Ho earned good
wages. His parents are very woll-to-do
people , residing at 572 "Lafayette avenue ,
Broolvlyn. Mr. and Mrs. Ilumler wore
married about eight years ago. Mrs.
Hamler has nhvnys , it is ( .aid by ac
quaintances , been insanely jealous of her
liusband , nnd not , it is believed , wholly
without cause. Twice the cpuplo ha\o
separated , owing to quarrels , "and finally
three mouths ago they came to their last
place of residence and hired the parlor
iloor , taking their me'tils in restaurants.
Ilamlor i\as infatuated , it is bald , with
a widow , believed to , have } been the wife
of Murderer Walsh , who was hanged in
lirooklyn for killing a servant girl some
years ago , Ilamlor yjultcd thla woman
frequently , and his wife finally found
him out. Then she took to following
her husband , and bevoral tlmoH caught
him with the widow , lie promised sev
eral nights ago that ho would give up
the other woman.
Lust night ho failed to como homo on
tlmo. Mrs. Ilamlor know It was useless
to wait up for him. soi uho retired about
8 o'clock , At 10 o'clock Ilamlor arrived
homo , and there was a scone between
him and his wife , after which both wont
to sleep , and Mrs. lliiinlfir was
uu likened by the report of the pistol ,
Now niul
the ticket olllco of the Chicago , Rock
Iblaud & Pacific Ity. , the "OteatRock
Island Houto , " 100L' , Sixteenth and Fur-
mini , Omuha.
Two TOIIK'IS ' Cuptiuoji Town.
At 2 o'clock this morning the notorious
Doe Whlto rode into town with ono confederate -
federate and raided several Btorofl , says
a Lumy , N. M , , special to the Chicago
Herald. They visited" Saylo'u store , but
gqt nothing but two pistols , ammunition
and feed for their horses. They then
paid their respects to the railroad 8 til-
lion employes. From the operator they
got a gold watch and 95. From the
train crowa they t'ot sis. watches , three
of gold rind tluvo of silver nnd $40 in
money. After loin ing the Btatlon they
rode away , firing their pistols as a warn
ing to tht'lr victims not to follow them.
Lee Whlto wns arrested by the BhorllT
of Santa I'o county on the bridge crossIng -
Ing the Ilio Griindo at Kl Paso four
weeks ago. Hoas brought to Santa
Fo for safe keeping , but was released
from jail a few dava ago on a bond fur-
nlalied by his aunt living at Laa Ceri'lllo * .
A posbo has boon organl/cd to pursue
Wiilte , and it is expected that ho will bo
arrested within forty-eight hours.
The perfume of violets , the purity of the
Illy , the clew of the rose nndtliollusli of Hubo
combine in 1'ozzonl's wondrous 1'owilcr.
or the silk Hut.
An Interesting corrcrtpondenco concerning -
corning the reported centenary of the
high silk hat. or cylinder , as It Is called
in Germany , is going on in the Malnzor
Journal. "You are mistaken , " writes an
artist correapo'ident , "in fixing the date
of the first appearance of the high hat at
only a century ago. Among tlio mar
ginal Illustrations by Albrecht Dtiror of
the famous Prayer llook of the Kmporor
Maximilian , there is a mnn wearing n
high hat , and in a book of crests and
escutcheons of .Tost Ammann , published
in 158 ! ) , a high hat forms the crest of a
nobleman. Had these hats not been
worn at the period , great .artists llko
Duror and Ammann would certainly not
have painted such mlHcrablo ugly things ,
which nro the most unsightly pieces of
furniture the world has over been. .
- "
-M--IT - T- |
MM. Wlnslow'a SootlilnR Syrup for Chil
dren Teething gives qulot helpful rest , ' 'o
cents n bottle.
A Ulvnl of .Solnvelnfiirtli.
"I am Christ. " That is the wild nnd
almost perpetual outcry that James I.
Anderson has raised during the last
mouth of his dementia , wivs a Spring
field , O. , special. "lam Christ , mother ,
and if you are the Virgin Mary , why do
you not acknowledge inoV" This is the
constant wall with which ho addrebses
his mother , nnd the poor woman pittv-
ingly attempts to reassure him. lie
threatens to kill hor. His threats have
also extended to his sister , his brother-
in-law and other members of the family.
Anderson is violently iiibnno.
Great Itoclc. iHlanil Koittc.
1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam is the now
location of the Chicago , Rock Island &
Pacific Ry. ticket olllces. _
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National DanK ,
3O5 South 13th Street , Omaha.
Permanent Alignment
General Agents Nebraska and Iowa.
31O S. 16th St. , - - Omaha
"Djr a tlioroiipli kncmleilgo of the nnturnl lairj
which covern the operations ufillKCRtlnn nml nutri
tion , untl liy n careful application of thn line proper
ties of well selected Cocoa , Mr l.'pps lm provided our
bronkfnst tables i\ltbnilcllcRtoly fHvorert liOTor.itre
which uiu > en\o us ninny Jieavy doctors' btlli It Is
by tbo judicious use. of sucli articles of diet Unit n
constitution mny bo gradually built up until ulroni ;
enough to rental every tondencv to dleeiao Hun
dreds of subtle maladies are flea UK around in re tdy
to attack wberevcr thcro Is n weak point. We may
escape many n fatnl Miaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with puru blond nnd u properly nourished
frame " Civil bervlce ( iazctte.
Made pimply nltb boiling wnteror milk. Sold only
In Imlf pound tins , by Krocer * . labeled thus ;
1AMI'\ I ' 1'P ' < { Xf I'll Homu'pathlo Clicmlsts
( Loiiaon.nng-.iml.
Located lu Omaha for flvo years O\cr 30
juursof sticccsiful practice In Philadelphia ,
Now York anil Chicago. Do not roqulro evnov
1110 In dcllcato cases , or spcciilinii oxaiuliia-
tloii. MaKis no mistakes. Treatment direct
and positive. Call on mo and I nlll s ttlsfy jou
of the location , u\fent and nature of any ill-
icase , acnto or chronic , danger of delay and
nrnb ililllty of euro. I make a specialty of
NiiRVOUS DliBILlTY , SSanlaolOB5f ?
energy , physical decay and all kindred
cess. Inflammation of the uterus , prolapsus ,
profuse display or suppression , nil tieated
Hiifeessfiilly. ( Jail on 01rlto
1)H. hJ.MONS ,01 b. IGth St. . Omaha , Neb.
- A.T -
13O2 Farnarn Stroot.
City Passenger and Tiokot Agout ,
r Eri n * SwR S , MUIKT , > iid for ibii.p.eimpur.
foil , C r ! OrMrtllit Ut L ni , HiUl fftrlj , KIM , ( lootb-
Iti , C ll i > gt torrriU f KUtlrlelti Ibroufh ill WKtK
tltttrtt lurrtll f.ll Ixliill ; , or folttll JStt"J la cua.
tJULT cJ t p i rr > ! > t ( . > > 4 > p. Worn tun r r-
u ll , l rtd In thru monlhi. e l l tturbltl Krt .
BAHDEJt ELEOrniOCO , , UVUb.ll.Bl , , tHICAQO.Itl.
' suffering from effects
' of Lout Manhood ,
' " ' Ilrrors , Im potency
mm i/isuusoiuf Men can bo
euro 1 permanently nml iirlmtely liyTiur Stosiinl H | i-
cltlo. He-lit br mall fui II lloolc sum ( sialuil ) for
stump , llenwn Medical Company , 157 Wuutuniitua
utrcct , lloiton , 31a 3.
At4ulutelr reliable , pcrfcctlr safe , most powerfulfcmalo
rriraltlur known , nerrr fall j II a lioi , iK l | > * i < ] t vn < box
ufflileut. AitilrtM I ION liFll'l ) Ol , . liufralu , N. Y ,
boM bjr (1OODMAN UltUtt IX ) ,
" " "
"GOODUICH , Lawyer , 124 Dearborn St ,
Chicago , 2il yean biipccsuful practice.
Aclvlcofrcut uopuCllclty. Sptclul fucllUkjla
luuuy Ut i.
Pr clflo fnr llritrrla , tllttlni , ' ' 'll , KrnntlaUVak -
tuhmM , Mental lvprf loii. Hortcntnitol the Imln.iv
tnlllnIn liYianltr and Ira.llnn to inliery itprar n.l
Ooltli rrem < turo Olil Agr , IMtrrnnrn. loMof Power
In elllier ret. Involuntary 1 os * , nml Hpcnnnumhir *
CAIIM | tir oTpr-cirrtlou of Iho liraln , Mir-al > m or
over Imltilfrrnro. tach bo contains ono month's treat
ment , llatmi , or Hi ( or IV. irnl liy mallpriMialil.
With each orJfr for Ms IKJIM. Mil xrnl purrhairr
iruarantco to ix-fiiml tnonry If Iho trritmrnt lalli tu
euro iluarnnto * l" t M amlgrnuino titlilonlyby
UIO Fiirmim Street , OnmlwNeb. .
Patsagoto and ( ram Great DrIUlnandan
parit of Europe. Montreal-Liverpool roulo. by Iho
waters olSt. Lawrence , shortest olall. < .H KOW tu
Iloatoa , to I'MlfMlplplils. Liverpool to anil from
JJftUlmorr. Thirty Stonmcrs. t'li a excelsior.
Accommodation * unsurpassed. Weekly sailings.
AMN A < : < > . . Uen. West. AK'ta.
C.I. Sundell , Muutrr. 113 La Sallo bt. , Chlcnco , IIL
Cabin Passage $35 to $50 , accordlmi In location ol
stateroom. Excursion $65 lo $95.
BtocraRO tn nml I rnm Knropo nt I-owent ItatOJ.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. , General Agents.
53 Broadway , NEW YORK.
Jno. Hit-eon Onernl WoMi-rii Aircnt , 1 < H
Itnmlolnli blreolUilt'iio. ( lluiry V Maori's ,
Thos limnc.
TbV Larccul. I'ntlrat nml 1'lno.t In the World.
1 antli7 < r niTnmmlttlnna unpticllttl
KTlimi'IA. " 17. I DP.VOMA , May 31.
1 UHMJSSIA May 24 | CIIH'ASSlX. Juno 7
Now Yoik , Queenstown uud Liverpool.
The Celebrated I May 31st
errv of KOMI : . | jimoisth. Juiysrtii.
rnlrson lonpkt ttinis tn and from the prlncliinl
Lieurslontkkets rnlueid , mailo. arnllaMp M riturn
l > y t Ithrr theplcliireiuiu CljdcIllvir Uirsi'r , North or
tauthnr Ireland NnilciortlH | > n\ltnr.
Bt Invent current rutrK Apply Hi any or our locM
STcnts , or to HENDERSON BROS. , ChlCQRO. AKPIIIH ntOninlin , Hurry K Mourn , Chnrles
Mare * . , \V. K Vnlll , 11.11. IJouel , OUIu'ii'a Uanlc , Otto
JNrSJ ArrUca
Onmlm Depot lUtli nml Mnvm Mrei'U
" 4 SO > in , . OlilciRo Kxpress . . . 8 is n ra
i 4'i n in . Clilcnso Ilxprc'i . . fi.t ) p m
9 Ki p m . Chlcnk'o nxprcsn ti 'ill n ra
0 W j ) m town Luc il oxc ep Snniln ) II W a in
| ltlll.lM" ) ) ! > lO.V 5 MO llivnil Arrives
Uamlin | Depot lOtlMinilMiison Htn'Oti Omnhn. _
2 4'i n in . . .Denver Diy Kxprcss I ( /i p in
II ) ( ! > n m . Denver Kvprc'Mn ii 15 p in
O to i > ni | Pom tT Nljslit xprcg- < 'I .5 n ni
"J .eaves -K"C7
Omnha r Depot IQtli anil Mmon strooH | Onnlix
9.15 n ml Knntns City Diy Kxpn'i * I i > * )5 ) p rn
9 < 5 p nijIC C. Mplit 13xi | via U 1' . Tr n < Jn < 5 rt tu
"I/cnvos UNION" I'AC'fFIC fArrl os"
Onmlm Depot 10th nml Mnrcy mrecta I Onmlm
2 45 p m . . . .Ovcrlnmt Hycr . . . . .I 970 p rn
7 00 p m . . l'.tcino Express . . . 7 15 a in
10 10 n m . . . . ) ) cnvi > r Exprcis 4 JO p in
4 15 p m Urnnd Islnml ixp : ( except Sun ) 12 45 p m
500 a ni ' rity Kxprms \0' \ } > n m
Omihn | u 1' . dopnt , loth n'tnl Miircy tfl I Oniuhn
615 p m Kxpresa . 10 M n m
0 15 a ni . . .Atluntlo ICiprcss ( . 10 p m
4 15 p m Vcatlbulo I.lmltod 10 ( . " > a m
rJc"avcs"OinOAJO | i NOItTmf ESTE1W [ Arrives
J3mQha. | U. 1' . depot , jflth and Marcy Hts LPj.rm.b2
. Clilcafto Kxprbis . CM p m
4 TO p m . Vestibule I.tmltcl . .I JO a ra
615 p ra ( Iv. or. ijnt ) Mall ( Ar cr. Moil ) 7W a m
j' ' JU p m , , , . U 5tirnMyor. _ 2 IS p m
1 * a\cs Fl OA t i 0 , "ii llj , & KT' I'AOITI Arnvaa
Omaha ' . depot , lUtli anil Marcy Ht I OimliK.
I' 16 a m .Uilcugo Mall ( except Sululiy ) . I DOj p m
600 p m . ( .IilcnRo Kxproas . . 9 4'i a m
_ . Clileniro Kxjiri- _ \Jl \ 10 _ jo
Lcnvcs OMATlA S
Onmlin JJJ V. dejOtJ Jtl nnd Marcy SM I Omaha
4J5ji mj j-t 1 _ CjinniinTl-iir . _ JjjSU p m
Omn | U. I' ilopot , IQtli anil Muri-y 8t I Onmlm
YlS n In BloiiT Oltr 1'as'ongcr . , | 100. > p m
ai5 p m fet 1'flul Kxproni. . . .11005 n in
SIOUX 01 fVA 1'ACIHC. lArrlvoi
Omttlm Depot 15tli nmlVobstcr Hts. JO malm.
J.'nul I.lmllml. . . I ' . ' 15 H m
900 a m HHck llllh Kiprcst 5 'M p m
900 a m HnstlnK Kxp ( Kx Htinilny ) 6 20 n m
& 10 p m Wnhoo fi Lincoln I'nwni-'t'r 10 30 m
6 10 p ra . . \orle.t Norfolk ( Kx tfiin < lny ) | 10 20 n in
IZ'uvcs CT..ET. Ir , M 7) Arrives
Oinnhn Depot 15th anil Welmcr Sts Onmlm
800"n ru . Bloux City Aceommoilntlon 1T45 p m
100 p ni . faloui City lprc s ( Kr. Sim. ) 1 JO p in
645 p ro . HI Paul Limited 9 J5 a ra
0 35 n ro .Horenco 1'asienKPr ( llT Sun ) 841 n m
815 p ra I lori'nco I'assemtiT ( Ur. Sun ) I ) 10 p ra
Leaves MISMILJKI 1'AI'IHC I Arrlvos
Omaha. Depot 18th iiiiilVcbslnr Hts. | Onmlm
ID W iv in , St IOilH , t K. O Kxpress . I i i > "i p
1)15 ) p m . . bt Ixiulu A 1C. C Express , | I , V ) n
These trains alio stop at 13th , 17th , 20th and 24tb
streets , Summit and Baviduo Crosslin 'Working-
men's trains do not run Sunday
Ixiavet CIIICAOO. It I A Arrlroi
Tmn fer _ Union Depot. Council Ilium Transfer
'l'IO p m Nli'ht Kxpreis U..15 n m
OM n m .Atlantlo Kiprrts . 855 p m
_ 600 p m . .Voslllmlo I.lmltol 10 JO a m
' CHlOAf.o K. NOIlTHWUBTimN ] A7rlrr
1 rantfer tlnlon Dojiut , Council lllugJ. I'lranifer
"B lu a in * ' " CHTp'm
AU ) p m Vestibule Limited tCW m
10 OJ p ml . . . .Ksslern HJIT. . . 100 p m
.SOOpnjJ .Allinllo Mill . . JLiiJS
Transfer ) Union DOIKII , Council Illufi Trunsfer
T :0 : r.7uf Clilcnid ) Mull ( except huuilay ) 5 JO p in
e-a p m1 ( hlcngn Kn.rcn U 15 a m
10 ( U p ni.i I hlrnuo Kxjiruss 20U p m
Tl-caves f 'V C , ! t JOE ATTll Arrfvel"
Tran ler ! Unloa Depot. CouncU llluRs Transfer
fix/Tit uil Knnias City Iny li
| OM rijnj . Kan a City Mgbt K
"fxjaTcs" I OlfAllA rUTTXiUfH" I ATrlres"1
Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Iliads. [ Transfer
* " "
" 4 4'i iu | 8t iiuls C'nnnn HaIl "jlJ 15 p ra
"lAHTes ICllfPAOO.liUltT.'N A OVI.TCV 1 Arrives"
Tran f rlUnlon _ D jiot , Council lllufts | l ransfoi
9 40 n m .rhlcauo Kxproit t ! M p m
10U p in . , ( hlugo Kiprxii 820 it m
600 p tu Chicago Fait Mull 6 10 p D
. m Croton laical l JO am
Transfer Union Dgpot. Cour eU 111 u Us jlraiufor
' " " Sluuz City AccjuimoJ tlo"n. \ $ $ & m
Ht I > * ,1 | fTt.pAB * . . . . . .I 9 U P t&
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $ ' ' * OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - 07,00p
Offietn and Dlrrctcri llpnryV T ti > i , pmldonti
I wliH Itccd , Tlrad'mlilcnti JamniV SATIIOI NT ,
T' Mono , John S folllnt ) II C Uuihlni ) J , N. Ui
r Ulck | W. 11. H. Hiislio" , caihler.
Cornpr Itltmnit Farnira Streoti.
A Gcnornl Hnnt'lj ' 'ii n
'National Bank
Capital , - $40OOOO
Surplus , - 4OOOd
Omoors ami IlrcotnrE. . M Mor > cm n , n , Xt
llltchrork , .lojoph ( Inrneau. Jr , A Henry , U. Jl ,
Anilcmonllllnni ( I Maul , Tlrn-pronlUent , U II.
WlllUmt , A. l > . Itopklni , prp lilentl A , Milliard
ca hlcri r II. llryanl. anlitant rn'lilcr. _
Omaha MaruJfaoWrers.
Itoots nml SliooM.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
Agcntifor llo. ton Slice Co IIM , HOl'auilllOI
llarney Street , Omnha , N b
llrnuerN ,
Lager llccr Brewers ,
1M1 K'rtll Iftti Htrprt.Omnhn.
'Corn loo.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice-
Wlnrtow eip < ami niclnllcukTllnliti John Kprnitcr ,
proprietor llMnn.1110 Soulli loth I reel.
ArtlbtH' Materials.
" " " " ' " " "
A. HO3PK , Jr. , T"
Artists' ' Materials , I'ianos ' and Organs ,
1513 l > oiiKla Hlri'f I , Omaha. Koh
Coal , Coke , ito. :
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
B. K Cor ICIh ami louiila ) blroot.i , Omnhn , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
III South 13th Street , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Cigars.
401 N ICIh Street "llcllol" 1419
Dry Goods ami NotloiiH.
M. E. SMITH & CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner llthanil Ilownril Streets
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Cents'KurnlBhlnsfioods Corner IIHi and Ilarney
blreet" Omaha , Neb
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
tarnain Btreot , Oninhi , Nebraska
Omnha NebrnaLn.
McCOUD , BHADY < 5s CO ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th and'tenworth Ptreota , Omaha , Nobra < ki > .
Immlicr , nto. ,
Lumber Etc. Etc.
Wholesale , . , .
Imported and American Portland Cement. fltat
nKcntforMllwaukco llydraullo Cement , anil
Qulncr Ulillu I.lmo. _
' IcllAS. R. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpcti and pirnuot tloorlnff Dili and Dougl&i
Htrouti , Ouialit Nebraska.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner Oth and Dounlai Street" , Omaha
HI 1111 n cry a lid N'ol Ion s.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
a , 910 and ' 'U South llth ttreet.
N'otloiiH :
" " "
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1UI Ilnrncy aticet. Omaha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grcato , etc , Oiu ilia A H Il'ahop , Minnuer.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nice ttotk of prlntlnir , nrapplnu and
paper , bptclal attention glTcii tu curd paper.
BlllV-H , KtO. _
A. L. DEANE & CO. ,
General A enti for
Halls' Safes ,
m and 323 South 10th Bt ,
ToyH , Kto.
H. HARDY A ! CO. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Houre Jurnl hlnu < ! oed , Children's Cnrrlaees 1203
tarnam street , Omaha , Nub
" \Vnter Kupplh'H.
tt . - . . . . I. . . ii '
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilalllday wind mllli 1)18 ) and 030 Jynoi st , On ) aha.
U V Host , Acting Mana , r.
Iron J\VrorkH.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlf ,
Knglncs , brass work , Kcncral foundry , machine un4
blacksmith work onico and works , U , 1 * .
Hy and 17th street , Umaha
Mant'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , jail irork , Irou shutters and nro mcape * .
G Andrevii prop'r Cor 14th and Jackson Hts.
, DOOfH , ICtU.
\Vbblosalo manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Drnncli onice , 12th and Iiard streets , Oiuaba , lib.
_ Of South Omaha , Limited , _
H. M. Trueheart & Co.
Kilabllshcd In ISiT
OaUchton Is llw ) heliport tlint Ii anil In to ba
for tlio uri'lit ! > ortliwuiit. liiforiiititlun iiml
maps fiirnlsticil. Visitors luUltil to cull ut
our otlli'c
Bpeclraans can bo sent as sift'
wall or vxurvst Beud for ulcts.
ICUt Etu < Oiualia.