THE OMAHA DAII/Y BBB 'WEDNESDAY , MAY 7 , 1890. SPEBIRL NOTICES. OM-AIIA. Ko nilvcnlflcmcnlH will lie tnkcn for those coltuniift nftcr IStilO p. tn. Cash In nilvnncc. Ailx-erllROtnont" ! under tills head 10 cents ppr lUm for the first Insertion , 7c nt forcachBiib- fipqilcnt Insertion , and ! I. Mi per linn iK-rtnonth. > n ndtcrtlspmenU taken for less than 5 cents forllrnt Insertion. Theyinunt run consocu- tlMily and muHt bo paid in ADVANCB. All nd\ert Kvtnctitn must Im handed In before 1210 : o'clock n. in. , and under noelrrnmstances will they lin taken or discontinued by telephone. I'artlr advrrttslnR In thesn coliinuiH nnu lia vhiR their nnswcrs addressed In care of Tim llrK will plenso nsk for n check loenablo them tirerl their letters , a * none will be delivered pxcriit on presentation of check. All answers to ndvcrtlscmenu should bo enclosed In cnvo- "A" ? ' allvertls tnentl ( In these rolumni nro publUhedln both mornlnR nnd oven IIR cdl- lloim of Tun IlKf , the circulation of which as- crpRiitos more than n. CO papers dally , and Hives the. advertisers thn benefit , not only of the olty circulation of THE llin : , but also of Ooiitioil IlltilfA , Lincoln nnd other oltles and towns throiiRhout this section of the country. "BRANCH Advertising for these columns will ho taken on the above conditions , at the following biin- iicss ) ouses who are nuthorl/ed to take ftpeelal notices , at the name rates as can bo had nt the n iiln olllco. yOPTH OMAHA HUAN01I Ol'TIOE Corner t'of Tutnty-Hlxth and N streets , Nebraska t-avlngs bankbiilldlnir , JOHN' W.HELL , riiarmaelat.R.'O South Tenth Htiect , , Htatlonors and Printers , OIIASEAEDDV ll.'l. South 10th street. , II , PAKN8WOKTH. 1'hurmaclnt , 2115 , S Cnmlng street , W.T. IIUOHE3 , 1'hnrmaclst , CJI North inili street. . . I'Altll , Pharmacist , 1718 Lcavon- GKO.AV. . . ' TTCGIIESTIIAKMAOY.Slth. und Tarnatn SITUATIONS AVANTI2I ) . _ _ _ _ " ) Hy a thoroughly competent young man ] > osltlon in ofllco or More. f'ltv references. Address D 35. Heo. 1S2-9 * WANTED A young man would llko to leuni the harness trade. Address D 1C , Hee. 283-8 * . ( SITUATION wanted by a steady man of 25 Out anything with a prospect of advance ment ; wrltos plain and rapid hand ; notufrald of work ; rcfoionccs. Address D 44 Heo.KU7 KU-7 * " \\7ANTEI ) Position us bookkeeper or Milp- ' i pins cleric by a man of ability and exper ience , with Ural-clans city references. Address D 21. JUeo. illil-0 * WANTED A young man with experience wints position as olcrk In store or olllc AddicssD IK , lice. 283-8 * WANTED Situation bv an oxporhtnccd Oermiin blacksmith IiKinlre at nil Leuv- ,1'nworlh st. IfTimll * WA XT I ] I ) --ai A Ij K WANTED First-class canvassers for Hon. N. I' . Lungful el's now book , "Vigilante D.IVH a \\uvs.tlio Pioneers oft ho ItoiiUies.'tho Mnki1 is and Making of Montana , Idaho , Oro- gon. Washington and 'Wyoming ; " 2 vols , , pro fusely HIiKtinleil , 5(1 ( cloth , $10 half morocco. fl2.r > 0 full 71101 oceo and Russia. A great and oilglnal westein lioolc. Sells at sight to all 'lt > M tlmins. " 245 Hold nnd dollvorod hy ono , canvasser in onu week. Prospectus book mailed on leculpt of jl. Active. e\peilcnced men should apply utonco for tcriitory to the piiljlbthers. J. G. Cupples Company , Hoston , MnAs. 529-C * W A. N TED Itnniedlatcly. stenographer and typewriter , must bo strictly first class , iiblt : to take'tio less tlian 125 words per mlnuto and handle machlno rapidly. None but first vlassiippllcuntH will be considered. Apply in poison at price to C. W. Keith , 801 and HilCapl- toUivo. 5(17-7 ( -\\7ANTKD--'JIanufaotmlng .lowolor for I ? Deadwood , Hlnuk Hills. First class work- nlin , none other will do. Apply to K , F. King. room 42. I'axton hotel , hours 12 to lorn to 7 ' IU. - W1B-7 * /"ANTED Stenosrrphcr , typewriter and ) bookkeeper In ; a lawer'H olllco. SinKlo inilu preforrertr'Snltosalarvoxpeolod , ovpcrl- nnti > . nto. It Is a good position. Address box ilnaska City , Nub. D70-7 _ rANTKIOUIIB man who has worked al the inanufaoturiiiK jewelry business for Ilcaihvood , llliick Hills. Apply to K. IMClnp room 42 , I'axton hotel , hours U to 1 or 0 to 7 p. m. 6C9-7 * \\TANTr.D--A first class water at Loulo T > aiHtzgurB. Council Illnlfs. _ MO " \ \ , rANTKI > ARont to canvas the city for sale of book. Addiess D 4U , Heo ofllco. l\rANTr.D-CoIoiod man to RO with hiintlnK party us cook. 1'xpenses paid. AddieHs . lloooniec. sr.7-i ( OnocariliiKO trlflmior. nt once Omaha. Carrlugo Top Co. , II 14 N. 15th st. . . . . _ \\rANTED-AlI snddlcmakors to Uoop away > froni.MarlcH Hios. , Omaha , Nob. Htrlko on account of icduotlon in WIIKCB. By order ol IJnloiOio. 19. _ Ml-7 * \ \7 A N TED An oxpt-rlonccd olotblnit sules- * . * ' " 'an. ' Mayor Urns. , Lincoln , Nob. KEi-fl WANTKD Active. Inlluentlal men to re- jinisent Loan and Investment association > ind establish branchcR thioiighout state. Inrhest refotences required , " Itldgo & Tons- ht .1 IV177I _ _ Iroadw ay. Nnw York. _ KM-6 * " \ \ T A fJ'r KO A window drcsserwhocun wrlto > T euiilg. at Ncbraslcu.0lolhlng Co. JDI-fl J\\fAN7flJD-flarncss ntaltors ; steady work i and peed pay. Address A. V. liquor > t Co. . W ) and M Witbiiith avo. . ClilcaKQ. 447-it : * \\r"AN"TKDrSj ) miMi for \Vyomln : f rcofaro. . > Albright's Labor Agency , USD Fariiam. i 475 _ _ _ WAN'J'K1 > uixxl Riinortilcook , 1711 ! Capitol iivenuu ; best wagus to tlio right party. r.u-7 _ \ \ r7NTilD Vn \pi > ilenued patent rljjht T iiinn to M'llterrltoty on commission ; must ElU'Koixl lefurencc , Addiess J. r. Honrmakor. Chester. Nob. WIT * \\i-ANTnii-a Hrst-eliiRs foremen to taUo chu IKO of ourbulldliiK business , nobody but 'iblil men n < ; cd apply , und must bo able to handle 100 meiu .Aildiuss D 4L' , lloo. ft it 11 \ \ T ANTED .WO mnn for Utah and Ncvad : wajtesJ-MWioWM per day , A lbiljrht's L.iiior Agency. n"0l _ arna n. _ 474 \ \ r.NTKISalesmen on salary or commls T > slon to liuiullii the now patent elioinlcal ink eiaslnj : pencil. The cieatest .Melllnjc nov elty i > \ or produced. Eiuses Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 to MO per cent protlt. Onu agents sales amounted to * V > | In slv days ; another M ! In two hours Wo wxint one onowtto general agent for each f.tato and teullory. Sainplo by mall 35cents. 1 < ir lenns and full iiattluulurs address The l.raser M f'g. Co. , I.aCroase , WIs. " \\r ANTIin-Siilesmeii at $75 per month Hiil- II i > und ONpenses tosollu line of sllver- iiluted wine , wuti'lu" . , etc. , by samnlo only ; lior-eund team fiiinlshid fiee ; wrlto at once for full partlcnlais and sainplo ease of eoods fieo. Mandanl Slhurnaro Co. , Hoston , I'M ' s , , - und col- * * l M-tir > In Wesiuin Nebraska , Kxporl- rnco not iipeoHstiry. The Slngor Powlim Mu- I'lilneC d. liiiind Ihliind. Neb , I > s3-mm = \ \ rANTiiAivliltectiTriil : diauKhiHman , ' . , KHM.1 ! ll1"11 " , " " ' Imiulio Council HlulTs nllleo between t > nnd It" " o'clock , Maxon.t Hour- tteols. AreliH. , ITIIIIIH lilUnnd Oil N. V. I.lfo , Omaha , and "joins "fft , 4U. 31 and 88 , Morrlam 'k. C iiuiieIIHIuir > . lii. _ sui r-\\ " rANTnn ' ' . 'nviis ers u T SI nK eT Rowing > muchlne ctlllce. I.M Dougliui M. a > ' ) - mir 1 1 i-n 1 \ \ 7ANT1.Irilrl ) for 1. tehen and laundry > l work. ImiuliesV.coiner 21th sticet nml St. Mary s n\e. yji A' > , ' Wiilluce , lll'J ' lIoHindhl. Ml 8 Wi'A' j cook und traitor ntH \ \ , ANTlTU lillddU'-iised woman us hnuso- kiH'poron a ranch In Colorado. uo a month , nn objection to one child ; cook for Hustings , * . ) . fari > paid. Mrs. Hiega. 314'jS 15Jh. Mjlti * \\rANTiri-tilrl ) forlreiieraT lnriiso\riTfk7two In the family , now house and fiiruUliliigs ; must bogiKxl cooks RIXMMipen ! for competent j.ei . > on. Apply ut No. llttl S.32iUt. , Thursday iifli'riioon.May K ili-s. II. jj. Hakor. Sltl 7 * \\rANTEn-A pastry cook ondu oinor girls f I at City Hotel , cur. 10th uud lliirney MX , &S07 I I.I ) ( llrlnrolillslmoimin ' for general 'S"\r.\"NTiM > Vfrst class tullore s nt onoo to 53U-7 * " \\r \ > TF.D Citil ft.r liousoworX , 3 In family } > Mi I .issfcl iU4 7 HWAM'KD-Vfiti about uilTteen or foiir i teen year . * old , to uwist In taking cure of Mrs S bis DUESBMAKINQ. TTINOAaEMENTS tndoflrfss tnnklhg In fam- -11 IHi" < . MlssHtiirflyiKr H. g.'itli uvc. 1K7 n\St _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THOU HHNTfirooin , newly papered nnd JL1 painted Iiouso. 1T.O N. 10th st. Call on H. Hardy , Jills I'arnam st. _ fXX-6 ) FOU UKNT8room lumi.esneTr , niodnrn Im proved , near cable und motor car line , KO , Orovor Hlovens. 1515 1'arnanf. 431 _ I r VOl ) wish ni if nt a house or store M-eH. JL K. l'oje. onthiental llock. _ 97 _ tlOlt ItftNT llotifie < ; and mores ; property JL' eared for , taxes paid. .Midland Guarantee A. Trust Co , , IBll rnrimm st. Abstracts. " OinTfiSl' Dwelling on Capitol avenue. 0 rooms , and all modern conveniences. In cluding laundry and largo Diablo. D. J , O'Donuhoc , HV)1 ) rarnam Bt. 100 _ 8ltOOM Ilat , with steam heflt. Ifith St. , near 8 Jones. Thos. P. Hull , nil I'axton block. 109 _ _ ANTKI10 ) waitresses for the Drincr ft W Hio Qrando eating houses In Colorado. Parties want Inc situations In any of these eat ing houses Mend In their applications at once. Cooks for C'olumbns , Heatilcc , I'lattsimmth , Council HlulTs and Kromonr , Hlx waitresses for city , dl.shwiisliers , etc. . W ) girls for general housework. Mm. Urogayt45i a. 15th st.431C 431-C * ODKHN house , II rooms , hot iiiid cold water , furnace nnd gas ; $10 per month. Krert ,1. HIM thwlek , 213 H. Hill. _ f10 TlfOlITn irft tTnTS roonl house , oil finish , J very pleasant for Hlimmor. Kent cheap 2HI2 Hmvurd. _ 4a'I-l * _ T Iiouso ; ton rooms , ull modern L Imprrnements ; largo yard , f40 per month. Dexter 1. . Tliomas. 710 T71OK KiNT : 10-it om house , 2107 Douslas st , -I1 all modern Improvements. Inqulio 211 ! Douglas. _ lS7 ! "T710II ItnNT"10-roomdwolllngliousenll niod- -L1 orn , 20th , bet , Douglas am DodgoHtB. ; No.115S.SMth. _ 4030 rp\VO now eight room houses detached Park J. tivn. ono luock from I.covenwortli choice IrNiatlon deslrablo houses. Kobt. ii. Uurlichs. 1014 rarnam St. 209. _ TTiOIt ItHNT 10 room Ilat. 1015 Dodge st. , ut : JL modern ImprovemcutR , ? 00. 7 room house , II118 Hurt Bt. , splendid location and conveniences. 5 room house , Dupont place , city water. $12 Oco. J. Kox. room 528 I'axton blk. 4M niEN room house , all convcnlonccfirnnire,1359 JL Sherman avo. . MO. Hutchlnson & Woad , 1521 Douglas ! tcl. 1581) ) . 240 riHO KENT A. six and a ton room bouse , all JL modern conveniences in ouch , now ; located on Jbth St. , between California nnd Ca-ss , rent reasonable. Imiulro 5DU , First Nat'I bank building. 683 IJKADVJ'or rent The elegant now brlokh- Jirooni modern houses cor 25th and 1alto streets , $ .10 month to irood yearly tenants , lln- est In Omaha. J. L. llltlo , 413 Heo building. G217 * IJHJK "UKNT Cheap , If taken quid : , a choice J- detached 9-room house ; allmodnrn conven iences ; shade trues , etc. Inquire 2529 Cap. _ nvc. "I71OU KENT .1 nine-room brick bouses. All JP modern conveniences , 25X1 to 2537 Kt. Mary's avo. Inquire at Collateral bank , 312 S IHlh st. 650 j TT1OU KENT Two10-room modern houses , all JD conveniences. Paved streets , cable CUTS. Five minutes * walk of postolllco. Kcforcneos Tequlrcd. Nathan ShuHon. 1011 Farnam st. T71OK KENT 1-rooni Hat ever Gray's photo- JP graph gallery , modern conveniences. Suit able for light housekeeping. Inqulro Gray's photo gallery. 213 N llitli. 305 EOK ItENT f > loom honsn. good re/parr , nlco yard. ciHtcrn water , rent $22. Apply to 1409 Sonth'7th nvo. 01 to J-uo.W. Hell , druggist. 10th 545 OIHJKM. oppos.Uo High School , two elegant - gant brick houses , now , n I no rooms , every convenience. Choicest locality In Omaha. I'obt. I , . Ourllchs. 1014 Farmim St. 200. FOK KENT Kcsldonces in all parts of city. List too largo too publish. Glebe Loan & Trustj-oinpany. 307 8. Kith st. 7 ( > 'J * IjVJU KENT A lint of six rooms. Enquire of JC Mis. 0. Duggan , 1102 S 13th llooni 5. 883 Tj OU HENT May 1st , ono of my eight-room JL' homos. No. 2721 Jackson St. , reached by three lines of street cars , every convenience ; $ .15 If loused for ! year. Usual commission paid to any phrty procuring mo good tenant , UHU II. Wheeler , jr. , suranco , Douglas and 15th Bts. TjlOU KENT Myrcsldonce , U5IJ Farnam , st ; JO nil morlorn Improvements , Richard O. lnt- torson. D07 N. Y. Llfo. 319-7 house , iilno rooms , bath , hot and cold water , furnace and gas , on Dodgo'st. ' , (40 per mouth. Fred J. Horthwlck , 213 SOut Ii 14th 3J _ _ T71INE ten room house , all modern improve- J ments , furnished ; live blocks from postof- fico ; reforeneos required. Inquire 1719 Davun- port st. _ _ _ _ _ _ 375-in IS * EOH KENT 0-roomed eottago In good Idea tion , east front and In good repair. James Slockdalo room 4. Vroiuar block. 041 TT1OH HKNT About Juno I , these elegnnl JL1 stonoTOsldencos on Georgia avenue , S 29th St. , between Mason nnd Vactllo stH. See owner for long tlmo lease. H. H. Henderson , room 400 , I'axton blk. _ 4S5 TmOIl 11HNT 10-room brick house , with mod- JU crn conveniences , No. 811 S 20tb st. Apyly at No. 827 S 80th st. 324 KKXT nOQMS FUHNISIIED. T710U UKNT Pleasant frontrooi , . . „ . I-1 reasonable. Flat "O , " iH { N. 15th. 501-7 * TntlUNISIIKD south room with board , sulta- JJ bio fur ono or two gontlcmou. All conven- lences. K.tltsfactlon guaiantced. Flvo mln- \itos' walk to business cuutor. Kufoienccs ox- clmngcd. 1010 Dodge st. fill-8 * F"On TIENT Well furnished front parlor. 1814 Davenport strcnt. fSQ b TCTOU KENT I'leasant room for lentRtiltablo JL1 for ono or two gontlumon. 2212 rurniun ht f.257 "VTIOE room for gent , $5 per month , 1008 Fur- JL.xnain. WU-S * ONE fuiillslicd room with use of parlors and piano , ta per month ; 1511 California ht. 540-8r IJLKAHANT rooms , newly furnished. IS nnd $10. 717 So. lllth Ht. _ 527 PLEASANT r i ii i in H , sliiKlo and on ulttf , with board , J.8aCh _ Icago sU _ flit 11 * j KNI' Nicely furnished sultoof IOOIIIB , - ' till modern conveniences , private family , near Park avis , motor. Hoard If desired. No. _ _ . . _ r "I71CIH UKNT 2 nicely fin nUhcd lurxeio IIIH , -i prlviito family. SB ! llarnm- . _ 12 8 _ IjlUKNISIIKO rrbni forKeiiTleman , # 7 pFr mo. - iAlso room for man and wife , light hoiiso- kronlni ; . $7 per mo. Wutor In the room. 41 ! ) So. llith si. , top lloor. _ 4inj Q "IjlOH UKNT Ono furnished room wTth bonnl A' on I'arkavc. fortwo Kuntlcmon , Addrobs 12 l.HQOonico. _ _ _ MH F OU HUNT KiiniMied rooms ; gas , bath and meant ! nil ) Howard. luo TT1OU KKNT Cool , plensanL room with mod- - - crn con\cnlunccs. ai'jjj N. 15th , Hat "J. " W2-11 * TfilOK KllNT KurnUhcil rooms , 11X10 DoiiKlas. K aw _ - . ICKNT I'lonsant furnished looms with all conveniences. .11 ! ) H ailli st. Ml ) TTIOIt HiNT Nicely lurnlsacd front room J-1 with bay window und alcove ; all modern conveniences ; gentleman only. < H3 South 0th Bt , nnarft. Mary's uveiino. W7-8 TflOlt KENT Nicely furnished room , ull -L modern conveniences , 'J blocks from 1' . U. , 018 S 17th st. 101 " 17\OH \ llhNT Two nlcoly furnished front -1. rooms with all con\cnlcnolcs. moa t'arnavi st U70 F 1913 F.irmaiTn031m25 * NV I Iml of furnished or unfurnished rooms. 117 ! S. loth Ht. Wo lmvoil : riHiins. S70inia * ST furnlshcxl , liiotl'orate , 11)13 ) DoiiKlas Ht HUNT ItooiuH fiiuiUhejl und unfiir JJ nUlied for light housekeeping , 807 Howard G4J-S * _ CJT. OI\Ilt European hotel , rornor lath und WJDodgo. Special lutes by wcok or month. aw l OOMS 7 , 10. 12 , 15-077 N. l th ut , * * ' _ _ _ QOUTIIKASt front room with i "I0"/11 convonioiUMJii ! BOiitlcmcn .only ; i prlvutu family ; rofcrvnces. Kountzo Vlaoo. Addre.vs Dm. Heo. 4C.- * FOU ltKXT3TiOOaiS UXFlJltXISHKU fr UNrUHNISIIKD rooms , 'J6S1 Culifornia , * J "I 3U3B' _ _ rpWO nleo uiifurnlabcd front rooms with nil J-nuKlerii conveniences. Millnulo for' man and wife ; icfcrcncea exchanged. Cll N. lath. aac _ TTipn HENT-A first rtoor"22x100 foot. In the JL' best loontlon In Umnlin for notions and fan- ? y dry Kixyls. Addivsa Da ) | let < . 4lit-tr * tlUNI'UUNlSHKDroo ms , 2.W2 Capitol avo. 171011 HKNT-I unfurnished room * to fmnlly , J-'itttboiit ehllilreii ! inrxleru iniurovcinontti. 1701ebstcrst. . 1'rlcollS. 626 R KENT 1 iiuTuruuThed n < om . 508 N. ut hut. I'rlcolltf. CS FOIl UKNT STOHKS AND fcJTOUE mi car line ; good locutions miltahlc O for drug , grocery or bakery business. II E. Cole. 4S7-0 QTOHEHM 707.709,7118 Ifllh.2200 cuoli.larg Osliow wlndons , steam heat furnished. ThoH 1 % Hall. 311 l'u.\ton block. 203 U KENT Store 016 S. 10th st. pee _ DEf K room , attorney preferred. Hiitchlnsor ft Wcud. 1JC4 Douglas ; tul.1520. 240 "filOU HENT Good basement on Klfleentli JL1 street , gas. water und Hteam heat. Apply 3128 Fifteenth st. 1 > .H ' ' In Wlthnell block , corner 15th am ; Ori'IC'ES , from in up. All modern Improve' menu. 4100 * 1710H UENT The 4-story brick bulidlngwltli J. or without power , formerly occupied by the Heo Publishing Co. , 010 I'arnnm Ht. The building has u fire pioof cement basement , complete steam boating fixture * , water on ull the floors , gait , etc. Apply nt the olllco of The Heo. ' 15 WANTED TO KENT. KKXT J PASTI'HE ' for rent for horses , tame grass , near Hcllcvuc. Inqulro of H , T , Clark. Itt- T71OH UKNT Good burn for thrco horses JJ Cull lit 2215 Dodge St. 4.V ) 10 * /"IOKNEU lot , GO by ISO , cornerMtli nnd O sts. vJSoulli Otmiha. Is u first-class location foi beer garden. IminlroMrs. A. Kaltsh , 84S S. lOih. . B A UN for rent. 1118 Dodge st. 4 ! 8 I ) T71OU LEASE Now Is the tlmo tORCcuioyoui K lease for land adjoining the elty , for gar dening , poultry raising , dairies , etc. . etc. Till' Is the best chance o > er olTercd. Will lettsi small or largo tract for long term of years Land Is leas ng rapidly. Oall soon or you wli : bo too late. Lots adjoining this jiind for sail ntl'iO each , upon which to build your Ini' iiroveinents. ' Uogs * & Ulll , real e.sttite , 140 ; Karnnm st. itffi-ll "T7IOH KENT AVe have nt acres adjolnlng'llon- Json and Ki acres adjoining our lllghlniu1 1'ark addition that wo will rent for season ol IS'JO at a reasonablii price. Omaha Ucal KstuU and Trust Co. 1501 I arnani st. JCI7 TJIOIl IJKNT Good barn , room for 4 horses J-1 U carriages , and sleeping rooms , on Olh Ht near Ht. Mury'a avo. Apply : 2S. ITU LA.NKO us WANTS. WANTED-IIorscs to pasture at 12.50 i month on farm near Irvlngton : horse- called for and delivered. W. K. Iloman , Itnon 0 , IJ'rciizerblk. 47C REXTAIj AGISXOY. T 1ST your property with Larmon I * . 1'ruyu JUJJ10 OuniluK btiect , for quick results. - lion KENT--Houses in all parts of city. Th ( 1 O. F. Davis company. 1505 Furnain st. 2:13 : A K. UILEY , notary public , room 11. Con . tlnontul block. 200 MOUTON'S rental agency , 517 I'axton block CO. ) HK. COLE , rental agent , Continental Jlk _ 107 MlSCKLTjANIiOUS. ASSAGE and magnetic treatment. 11 III Pa M cific ; , half block from motor line. 010 11 * "OAHAHOLS and umlirollas covered and re- JL paired. B. Haler , 1515 Douglas ; basement cue "V'KE LEE'S ) laundry has removed to 315 N JL. 10th 178-lllB * \ / OUNG Frenchman , good family , well cdu- JL cutcd , would give Fiench and uoiinnn les sons In family for board and lodging Could picparo for college. AddicssilaHcng - gcr , Omaha. 5100 * IF VOU IiuAc'&mu oriMoo and wunttomakt two thousand clear , call ut 2327 E St. , Soutl Omaha , and look nt hut I have. 558-12 * EMOVKD to 322 N. intb st. Hot Spring" baths. I have opched a suit of elegantly furnished rooms with all the very latest im provements. From oxtcnslvo experience under superior advantages I am prepared to gho scientific baths ( chemical ) the sain o as produced at the Hot Springs. Hot air , moist ordiy , Turkish , Russian or plunge. Wlllguar- nnteo satisfaction to the most fastidious , Single bath or treatment per. week or month , Charges reasonable. Special rates to ladv clerks for regular ablution. Mrs. Dr. Day , 32i N. 10th St. , Itooms 11,12 and 13. WimlO TIN vVOHK , fooling , guttering , spouting , good work low prices. Savage , 1918 Cumlng LOST. LOST A largo buch of keys at the postolllcc this (11 ( o'clock ) a. m. Finder will bo uwnUl- ed by leaving same with W. T , Shrlvor , Ficn- zcr blk , opi ) P. O. 6B3 T OST. Rtrayod or stolen on night of May J-J4tIi , brlndlo cow , with rope around hoi horns , weight about 1,100. Hot urn to l.'ll ! ' Park uvc. , or telephone 923. N. E. Sherwood , 547-0 * $5 HEWAHD-Straycd , 1 chestnut soncl horse , wulghtOOO IbshUohtar in forehead , 2 hind feet wlilte , branded "O. K. " on left hip. A.U. Hulcy , Hrown Purk Grocer , South Omaha. 5207 JJKNTISTS. DENTISTS-E. R.Tilppe. graduate Indiana dental college. Host of work only. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Room 13 Conti nental blk. Elevator 15th st , north of Douglas. SU inr2i : STORAGE. Hushiiian , 1311 I.ciivcmvortli. 207 RUHIN , 507 S 10th Bt. , stores stoves In dry place for the summer. _ 43U inii : WANTED TO KUY. I WANTED Furiilturo. carpbts , household goods for cash. Wells' Auction & Storage Co. . ; il7 S liltli st. _ 203 WA N T E D A list of cheap lots for cash , on or outsldo thoS-mllo limit , city. Address , D 41. Heo olllco. _ ni7 U "I71OR SALE-i ; pool tables In good condition , -1. cheap for cash. 1018 Capitol uvc. 417-0 * " \\7ANT"ED-Ciiiod commercial , paper. No r T brasku Mortgage Loan Co. , StOPuxton blk. _ ; _ 200 CASH paid foi second hand books at the Antlcuiailan book store , 1IU Farnam st. \\TANTEn To buy for spot cash , city or ft country , purls or whole stocks of dry nnd fancy goods , clotlUug , boots and shoes , millin ery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods' , etc. Call onor addiess .1. L. llrandols &Sons. cor ner l.lth and llowaid , Oiiiaha. _ 210 WANTEn Good short tlmo paper In small amounts. P , 1504 Farnam st. 474 . iAIj'1'tlS(3EriT'AN'lious' ' ! ; - - "j/lofrti ALE Furult urb for i\-rbbm ilat oil -J- easy terms ; looms all routed , * Inquire nt N'n. l.'L'IOapllol avo. _ ri0-ll | 171OR SALE Freslunllch cons or good saddle -L' ponies at 21th and C sts. . South Omaha. PIU-T * _ T71OR SALE A lot of fresh mllkcows at , Tes- -1 ? ler'.s yard. 25th and Hurt sis. _ M3 7 * "ITlOlt HALE or Tradiv-Onoof the llnest and -L' most complcto out Ills of furniture for a 0- roont house In city. Private house , no Ilat ; cheap rent. 1'rlcu very reasonable. Address 1 > jtnJljl eeo _ IJIco. 40010 , E auction uvery Wednesday and - * . ' 8uturda- S llltli. Wells. 208 TT10U SALE or oxchnngo a flno soda fountain , JL' nearly new. Address J , P. Itcormakor , Chester , Nob. 510 7 * T710H 8ALE A No. 2 callgrnnh typowrllor , L used very little , Inqulro 510 Hanigo hldg , 47S-K " | jlOH8ALE A second-hand llamniond typo- JL1 writer , In lln > t class repair. Addn-ss D 31 , Ileo olllco. 47S-0 fJlOK SALE t-onio KMMl wutcbes und dla- JL' mondsuhoap. H. F. Masters , room 4 , With- ncll block. 211 ' EAVV wagon und coal bed , 13 H'd Trade. 700 t S \LE-Hoda fountain very cheap. iTi Icy Peterson , Ills S. 13th. 241) tS S END to W. O. Hoslon. David City , Nob. , for millet seed. I warrant the seed to bo clean , for 40o per bu , on track , sucks 18o each. _ _ . _ 4E-S T > AlTIKS looklncr tor line driving or , saddle -L horses , would do well to call on , or eorres- iioiid with T. J. Fleming , innirigcr W , H. Mil an I's farm , Culhoun , Neb , Ho ha ? for Rule nemo first-class glnglo drivers , carriage teams , mil saddle horsoa , at reasonable prices. 2Xi B IOHAROAlN-If taken soon. For sain , the furniture of the Hawley hotel. North I'latto. Nou. 43H > * _ rfilORBALE A norse and buguy oiioanfor -L1 cash or Instalments. Address U 14 , llee. U78 _ _ tTIOIt BALK A handnome side-bar buggy , * - ' Now York best makij ; used ono summer Duly. Inquire room 34 , Uultcd btutvs hank. _ _ KM JjHJR SAI.K aeuman's nuggets ben ijml Seumon'i * ph etons best and cheai > est. Souman's wagons Iwst and oueapeit. Bouuiun's oarrloKCS best und cheapest. Ouiuu' * largett variety. STOVE wood for salcf ' 1 ' ' KO ' \1 ILK or itioflnrflt quality and guara n teed JjJLiibsoluloly frtnti ami pure , In nu ntltles not less than ono gallon nor day.V. . H. Millard - lard , 013 HI-OTTO blflff , KSML'find Douglas atsu TTIOH HALE -Our nolf-rKlnij buckwheat flour - owl flap-Jack mual bnslnesii with ull neces < sary machinery nnd foriimhu. Oskiunp Hnlnoa. Omaha , T < iU. laM au 'aiUHiu. T > EKORE buying a plaJro cxamlnn the now JJscalo Klmbnll piano , at A. Hospe. 1513 roilBl ) - st . IB 212 the banjo , 1009 Howard Hi. M IMIn ,1'J ' SIONGV TO LOAN' . TTIinST mortgage loans nt low rates and no J3 delay. D. V. SholosCo. , 210 First Null bunk. mortpago loans. Very lowest rates. FIHST Caswell.ain N. Y. Life. 4-J4-3J rONEYtoloiin. . rONEYtoloiin.Luther H. Cushlng. ( Hoslon , will loan to any amount on elty prop erty. Apply , E. H. Trench , attorney. New Voik Life. 518 7 to loan on horses , wagons , mules. household Roods , ] ilanos.oriaiis , diamonds , nt lowont rates. The nrst organised loan olllco In the city. Makes loans from M to iWTi days , which can bo pahl In part or whole nt nny time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Call nnd see us wh'-n you want money.Vooan HHsIst you promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In maklni ; loans. O. P. Ueed k Co. , Ulu a. 1,1th st. : over lllnBbam & .Sons. _ 11 _ GPEH CENT residence loans , HOOO to $10.000. Hiilldlng loans at special rates. The Mead Investment Co. . Hen building 23'i " ] \ fONEV ; ,00 or 00 days on furnlturc.ptanos , -I.il1ior.scs. houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , 018 I'axton blk. _ ' 2.10 LOANS on Imptoved ptnpcrty nt close rates. A. K. Hlley , Hooin 11 , Continental block. r 1HATTEL loans at lowest rites ; i amoved to VVfil ? and 510 I'axton blk. J H. Emlngor. 219 LlHEUALrcul vstutolontit niudu by W. M Harris , room 20 , Frcnzcr block , opp. P. O. LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa per bought. McCaguo Inu'stmeiitCo. 221 1IOKJK small loans wanted. C. 1' . Harrison , G DUN. Y. Life. i.- * . ' rtOMMEKCIAL paper bought. A. K. Klley , VJKooiu 11. Continental block. _ 200 KEYSTONE Mortgage Co.- Loans of $10 to 11,000 : get our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horicK , furniture or nny approved becurlty without publicity ! notes bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low est rates. Call , 1C 203 , bhuoly blic , 15th and Howard Hts. _ _ _ SO TV1 ONEV to loan on any security -LU. for bhort time ut low i at os. Lowest talcs on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company - pany , Uoom 400. Pax ton blockgi4 _ 'A/17'ANTEU / 1'Irst-class Inside loans. Lowest Vf rates. Cell and Mutual Ine t- nicnt Co. . 1501 1'arnani. _ 2:10 : _ EAST EICN money to loan on city property ; mortgage paper bought. H.ll.ltey.opp. I'.O. UlLIMNO loans , 0 to ? per cent : noaddl- tlonal charges for commission or at I oinuy't ) fees. W. U. Melkle , rifst Nat'l bank bldu' : 2o2 MONEY loaned at lowest rates long time on Improved Omaha real estate , no "oxtas. " no delay. Glebe Loan &i Tuist Co. , 3ff ! S. Kith. - _ _ COMMEitjpIAL and Kv'1'iral ' ' short tlmo paper bought ; also regulailiVH jear IOIUH miide on Improved propel ty. , uco. I' . Itlust t C'o. , 2KI Uamgo liliU' . _ , „ _ 07J ( Jjl.000,000 to loan on Improved or uninpro\cd Pclty property. No ( hiliiys. Host rates , W. rarnam Smith , room 10 > Contlncntal block. i ar.i-mll " _ _ _ "UlLDING loans made on B Choice olty pie At lowcs'tj rates 1'rlvato funds to loan on/brick residence find business property upon very favoiaula tciru ? . K linball. Chainti & Ryan , _ 1203FatiialnSt. 335-ml5 SECONU mortgage loniis. Second mortgages bought. Loans dnjVjiritiit lots. Heed i Sclby , room Kl. lioanl Trade. 237 QHOUT tlmo loans nu-kde. A , K. Hlley , room Oil Continental lilt- . 2CX ! MONEY loaned on fiirnltuie. hoises and wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , removed to 11H3 Bhermamivo. 2 LOANS iiitiile on unliniiro\e < l icnl estate. A , K. lllloy , rooih 11 , Continental blk. 200 BEFORE negotiating a loan to Improve your real estate gel terms from The Odoll Investment Co. , : t01 K.Y. Life bldg , Thos. 8. Hoyd. ropiysentatlvc. i."JI ) O'HEAP E/flTEICN MO.N'KY ' Phlladblplila Mortgage and Trust Co. , always ready to loan ami nav promptly : 1st mortgages wanted. George W. P.Coates.tepro- gohtatlvo. 7 Hoard Trad ( ; aii LOANS made on an } * avillabli ) f-ecnrlty. Central Investment Co. , Room 23 , t'hnin- ber of ConimorCC. * 2iii MONEY to loan by II. F. Mastets In any amount ftomf 10 to $10,000 for an } time , from duo to six months. I nmko loans on household goods , pianos , organs , hoises , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In any amount at tlio lowest possible rate , with out publicity or removal of property. My loans are so arranged that you can make a payment atanv time nnd icduee your In- teiest pro rata. You pay Interest only for tlio tlmo you nsu the money. If you owe a halanco onyourpiopoity 1 will take It up and entry It for you , nt the lowest late consistent with tlio risk. Money always on hand. No dolay. No pub licity. Lowest rate * . 11. F. Mnsleis , Room 4 , Wtthnell blk. , 15th and Htirnev sts. 211 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. WANTED Educated young ladles and gen tlemen to Icain shorthand and typewrit ing ; good sahules ; students assisted to posi tions. Standard Shnithaml llnslneas COMORO , Frank E. Hull , Instiuctor , 2.17 CLAIRVOYANT. AKUIVAL oxtraoiiHnnr.v of Mrs. Dr. Eddy , the distinguished , world-famed and only real natural trance clairvoyant and spliff , medium in this countly ; seventh daughtorof the sovcnth daughter , horn with veil and greatest prophetic glftof second sight. Whllo entranced will lullout every hidden my-tery In life. Has long been pronounced In Europe nud America the gicate t living wonder of the present ago. IJiuleiitaniK the fcluneo of the "Persian and Hindoo magic , " or ancient cliarm noiklng. and prepaies Egyptian talis mans which will overtolne jour enemies , romovt's family tumbles , iestoio , lost alTcutlnns , mukcq mariligo with the ono you lo > o no fulluro iomo > es ovll Inllucnccs , bad habits , cures witchery , fits , und ull long standing und mysteilous diseases ; will glvoeorieet Information on law suits , Bloknoss , death , dlvoico , absent fi lends ; everything ; never failing udvinu to young men on numlago and how to cheese u wife for happiness , and what busnehs | best abajitod for speedy ilches , Meek npeciilatlon a specialty , Also gives Indlspeiislblo advlco to young ladles on love , courtship' and marilngo , and if yourlovorls tmoor falpnnd gives iilcluro of future hiiMband , with imino , age and date of marriage. Houis , Da. Ui < US p. m , strict , Sun days , 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. f HFor the benefit of those who ate iinnlilc.lo cull upon Mis. Dr. Eddy. BIO would ro prcffully annonnco that she gives perfect KiitM/iOtTon / by letter. Your entire life will be written * m a clear and plain manner. Letters wlthHxtnmps promptly an swered. Bend for lnrgVi.lllii ( < .liatCi circular with bpcclul terms. * l\affr. \ Eddy , U18 N. l.Mh. ALL challangois ticcej ul-.Mii , . Dr. 11111 of Now York t'lty ' eauie ) consulted at her parloistttliSi North Iw,1onallalfalis ! of life , being a celobraled"mlslness chili voyant , astrologlst und palmist ho has n reputation throughout the woild fonnccuralo and truth- fill readings of the IIOMI iiie-ent uiul future through her wondcrfulcKgyptiiui magle mir ror ; removes all ovll lnllu.cnces und family es trangements ; unites thu' sejituatcd ; causes speedy marriages : brlAgiPsuccess to the 1111- Bitccessful and toll whonitxMmiKo profitable In- vostmt'iits ; consultatl a < tlfiom ft to & . ' : also tells full nainu and bboytHvpluturu of the bno you will iiiurryi Mrs. UUlUii8 been consulted by the mostsuccessfill UtiMnebsmpiiand ladles of Now York. lloston"ftd ( Chlciiso. Houi-s Blrlotly from 11 a. in. tea p. m _ Klip * MRS. IK SAN has thoT power of any' two mediums you over met. loc.itlng absent rlend , lost or stolen ptoperty a specialty , truthful and iellabloi.'KaN.llitli Bt. 6I1 > TJROF. Leree , tlio renowned plnenologlst , -L medium and palmist , who has been publicly tested nnd cimlleiiKes tlio world In revealing mysteries , disperses Jealousy , ovll Inllu- Micm. gives full namesof pioxent orftiturn husband or wife , uNo tells your faults tnd qualities , trade builncia or profession to mtiko a success. Residence 119 N. Uth st. Oon- imitation * 1. tiutlsf uotlon slvon or no nav. TlO-niil * _ O NEot the most noted mind renders of the . , 'lay has Just uirlved ana H now located nt MM 8. Itfth at , \ ou should not fall to see bur ut onco. KIT 8 * AUAME Dolzler , 1st , Is no old consumptlvi ! chromo , but young , hcalty und vigorous. Parlors over 010 i. 13th ; _ fi3 o Dlt. NANMK \\AR7TKN7Ti7ilrvoyant , medical und business medium , Fumulodls- eases a Bi > oclBlty. 1U1 N. 10th 61 , , room * S nd 3 , AnHTu .A . , rrfl OP M ni.ArOiiurnntrc nni f rust Co. . N. V Iitfn bldgt complete nlutmcts furnliihnd an r. titles to real estate oxauiltiud , perfected nnu guaranteed. suu HUNI.VKHS OHANQKH. Foil HALKSlock or hardware Invoicing ilO.OOO ; good location ; rotnbllxhod trniln ] good reasons for Belling ! terms liberal , In- qulro Cobtiru k 1'rnuklln , MO N.Y. Mfc.Omaha , lV > l-m25 rplIKEE thousand dollars will purchase urn JL established business In Omaha. For par ticulars call or address A. H. Urown , Xt 8. Uth st. 071-U * BUSINESS Opportunity The printing nnd bookbinding catnhllxliincnt together with the dully und weekly German Nebraska Trlb- nno newspaper nt Omaha. Nebraska , belong ing to the estate of F. C , Fostner , deceased , in hereby oflered for Rale nt n fair Miluiitlon with good will , either business separately or together. The business Is now kept in success ful operation , olo.irlng u net piollt of from two hundred to two hundred nnd llftv dollars. For particulars write to John H. F. Lchmann , excoiilor. Oniaha , Neb. PKI 12 . . . SALE Those elcgunt Bouth front lots on Illomlost , bet , 2)1 Ii and 27th st . , noai motor , olc. , etc. , cheap ; lloo cash. bal. long time and 0 per cent. Uco. J. Paul , 1G09 Farnam t. 405 m _ _ " HEAP for ciisb. Htook of groceries"doing cash business. Cheap mil. 2719 Itui del to. HAHClAIN-Ono-fourth Interest In 100 acres , bO acres of wliloh In platted , live blocks from the high xohool.iind three-fourths of mile from tlin I' . O. on Main street , In tlio olty of MeCook. Neb. Tlio liest town In west ern Nebrnskli , hm Ing the U. 3 , land otllcc , a * 70.oo < ) HVicm of wnlorwoiks. electric lights , division of the II. it M. 1 ! . K. ( montbly payroll of"J.OOOi icfalr shopote. . OiroreU for 30 days only for $ .V > 00 : one-half cash , balaneo on tlinu If d'eblred. Addiess F. L. lliown , McCook , Nub. US' ' Ml * _ FOll SAIiK A chop house. doing Rood busi ness , for sail' cheap for cash Rood reasons for selling. Apply to OH nur at 810 S. 10th St. 855. TjlOUbAM : I'urt Intciost In tlio best fuel JInn nor In use , nolsulcss and economical. Addiess II. S. Wuukorimin , 22,1 Prospect struct , lcj indO. _ _ fl l C * ' ' for cash ; store bulldliiR , small stock CIII'AI' . lunch countes ; closu to depot Enquire of C.W. licyinur. Norfolk. Nob. 737-IH19 * "inoUHALn Hulf InteroHt In llrst class rest- JL aurant In Lincoln. Address 11. A. , Umuha lloo , Lincoln. Not ) . _ U47 171O1 : BALK On account of the death of my JL : partner , Mr. Terry , I have decided to ro- tlru fiom the Ih cry business , and I thnrefoio offer for sale all our line livery Htoek.inoludlng horses , carriages , hcarnes , buggies and har ness. 1'artlet , wishing line driving horses or anything in our line will do well to call and examine the barRalns offered. This stock must bo closed out by May 15th. Henry A. Homa , " . of Iloman St Tciiy , Ki'i . , . . trade a ROO < I clc'ir lot In Po. Onmha for piano or horao aud buggy. AddiebS O 4 lice olllco. TO5 KSTATK. A HOUSE of-I rooms and lot 23x80 In good lo cation , not fur out , $700 ; another in sumo locality. SKVX ) . CoUcth , Johnson & Lovgren , idoinl ) . Chamber of Commoice. 4B1-7 LINCOLN Place and Carthage lots , pilco tl.UOii. J.V ) down , balance ti > monthly. W. L. s-elby , Ioomt3. ( boaid of trade. 210 N Lowe avenue one or two lots , cheap. Ap ply loom 23. Dquglas block. 573-9 * "fCTOW Is the tlmo to stay by Omaha ical cs- - itato. . Take caio of back payments on Im- piovcd or unimproved piopcity and get your money of A. K. Hlley , 11 , Continental block. A SMALL payment down and * ' " ' Ppr month will buy a 4-voom house and lot on 10th , 2 blocks from motor ; first-clash chance to ae- qulre n homo on easy toiins. Apply to II. E. Cole. Continental block. 197 TyAUGH&Westerfleld.rcalcstutc.S.Oniaha. "I710R SALE The follow Ins choice barnglns : JO Elegant building lot , 05x132 , cor. 25th and Farnam , * 17,500. 5-room house , lot 3l\lfiO , 22d and PicrceT'J. " > 00. 5-room cottage , lot 3.1x115 , Davenport , near 2lith St. , $ .1.500. 8-i-oom cottage , lot 100S5 , at 24GO Emmet 'st ' , . $ .1.iM. : O. L , . Green. . . 8fl5 FOR RALEOr exchange for drugs und real j tate.jttUXXHiooksNiek. Hey 518. 240 T710K SALE A flno Improved nroperty.75\120 JL' feetof ground , wIth H-story biick andHtonn biilldUigs.ionlcd ut ? . ' ,970 per year to good ten ants , well leased and host property in tlio city of Mnquokcra , la. , to trade , clear , for good Omaha Improved or unimproved property. Good chance for some ono to get good Invest ment for non-productlvo piopeity. D. V. ' ' , Co. . 213 1' Nufl bank. 243 SIXTY-FIVE acres s. w. of p. o. , suitable for platting or gardening , forsalo at a bargain. l IC. Diiriliig. 4 I Harkcr blk. 244 "Ijnoil SALlC Very cheap , no trade , farm of J-1 W.M.70 acres , sec. R , 18 , N. n W. . Hamilton county , Neb. , 2 miles fiom Marquette ; small house , stabln , 300 acres of pasture fenced , liv ing water ; piico only 110 per acre , J5.437.GO , Telnis W.200 cash , balaneo 0 per cent ( utmost. F. K. Atkins owner , lallioad building , Dcnor , Col. 244 , T-ROO.M-cotlngos , } | , .VX ) each , $100 csisli down , ' balance t5 ! per month. T.ioS. F. Hall , 311 PaMon block. 20J BEAIiTIFULrcsldcneelot , Dodge fet. opbo- slto High School , 30X.U5. Choicest locality In Omaha. Ktu.y terms. Robt. L. Uarlkihs , 1CM rarnam St. gtfi. J homes In most any addition for Whaio at from $1,000 up , on easy monthly pjiinenta. . F. 1C. Darling. 4J Haiker block. 244 WE Inn o some excellent houses well calcu lated for the nicest homos , at veiy inlxl- eralopllcesand In the mot piomlslng ie-,1- denco location liHho city , from $7,500 up. Col- M > th.lohnsOu & Lovgicn , loom 9 , Chamberof Commerce. jfll-7 , will buy n very small but valimhln $1,000 building lot , 'Kith and Farnam. Hoggs & Hill. rcnU-Mate. No. 110s Furimm sf 3ffl-l1 IjlOP.SALE The house and lot 1733 K. 10th J will bo cold cheap and on monthly pay ments. Apply to H , llurdy , 1319 Farnam st. rpHE best baignlu in the western stales. 14 J-blgaere light In the center of Omaha , woith perhaps in0,000aml will soon bo north u million , for sale for $200.000 cash. Men with capital cannot Und usufuior belter Invest ment InAinciIca. Hoggs & Hill , leal estate , 1103 Fjinjamjit iiSii-11 TTlOlt Si\LE--Tho beautiful icsldence , No. 8'A ) J. ( icoiglu avenue , with full lot,9-ioom house , lilreli and oak finish down Htulrs , oak sldo- lio.ird , lubratory , 4 mantels , Heap stone tubs In la n nd rv. cistern and oily water , gas and sewer connections , gat * fixtuies , house handsomely drcoiutcd , good furnace nnd lunge rind every possible convenience. This propcity Is clear of Inciimhiance , and owner can glvo uny terms to suit. No trade Any ono wMihig to piu- ehiisucnn call at No.b-MHieoigla a\c. and bo shown the piopeity , or call at my olllco and bo ilihfii out to see It. D. Vfaholes CO. , solo agent , 213 Flj .st Natloinil Dunk 212 { I * 1,000 wIlFnuy un elegantsightly resldenco Plot on 2llh ! and Dodge. Easy terms. Hoggs A Hill , leal estate. No. 1103 Fuinam si. : i8i.l ( | "inOHSALE A ( Inonow n-room eoltago near J. oleetilo car line on N , 27th Bt. Will take us part of cash payment a good horse or horse uud plKioton. P. IBOt I'.iniiiin fit. B77 * IJ1OlTALEor Exclmngo homo of the very .1. best Fuiiiiimund Dodge st.proertyoholco | corners and bui-gulns la many putts of the city. Clear lands in eastern Nebraska for tin Im- piovcd lotf ) In western part of the city , A well Improved farm of 1M ) acics in south- ci n Minnesota at half Its value. * 50 will buy equity In n good 80 acres. Clean lots In Ilastlngs , Salt Luke City , flas- sctttNeb. ) and Tokanlah ( Nob. ) A well Improved propoity , rented for $ , ' 1,000 per annum ; clear of Ineiimhranco , 3 ftio bond of caltlo with outfit and host range In .Montana. Tlio host liomo In Omaha for f-j.fiof ) ; easy terms. St ringer i Penny , Douglas block , Iflth and DcwIgO ; WM _ "ITIOU HALE Or trade , Platte vnnoy ram-F , 3 J- miles west of Valley station , on U. P , H'y , , containing over,100 acres ; sot with blun grass , clover and ted top , divided Into -5 fields and paddocks , laigo barns , paddrvks , eattlo and hog barns and sheds , line residence boarding house , maehlno bhop , carriage house , olIU < es , Ice house , line groves , nnd splendid half mile track. This In tlio best Impioved ranch In tlio country , O , I' . Duvls Co. , 1505 Funium st , f/Jil-mT $2.'XX ) buyi. now.3 nxnn eottaire , lot 311x132 34tk and Jones. Easy tormb. D. U , Patteison , I51S N. Y.J.Ifo. KM _ _ IJ1OR SALE 5,000 uoros of WOAIUIII Nebraska X1 land ut S-.W per ucic. T. h. Clurkson , 21 ! ) S _ _ _ _ bALE U-room house , cast front ! city -L' nnd olstern water ; u w part of city , Jiune. : to < ikdj loLrpom 4 , Fronierblk _ , _ rxw _ OllEAP lots' Tor homos- The bottom clear out of old prlcch. 100 of tin ) very llnest and > est lots In Omaha View to boBucrltlccd to close them out , CXmio In and tret figures K you huvo money to Invest , Wo moan husl- lexH and will glvo wonderful bargains. Hoggi & , HilljJ IOS t'unmiiiBt. _ iiKO-ll 171OR aAT7rPB,000 ! aoros best /arming lantH In -L1 Nebraska and 60x150 feet on South l.lth St. , at u great sacrifice. Inquire tiW South 13th st. Oeo. li.Potorson , owner , _ _ f/Hml ? IfoTf fALE Or oxohnnifo for unlmproreil -L' Omaha property , gooil 0 ncro farm In Iowa , with live stock , Implements , etc. Ciood KX-ncro farm In ( 'inning county , NebsAska. Improved rkmth Umahu property , puyln 19 per com. Address IJ 17 , H . lOl-mfl * ATED ATTUACTION1 OVKIt A MILLION 1UST1UHUTF.D Louisiana State Lottery Company IneoriwirntPil by ttio I-ocMutiiro , for mlucntlona nnrt rhnrltnblc | nirHi | i' , nml IK frnnclil o mmlon IHirtof lheprt pnt ntntc roiiatltlitlon , In 187 , brm OTftrwIiclmdiir impulnr volo. Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS talto place Soml-Annually ( Juno and December ) ami Its Grand Slnglo Number DravviiiRH tnlio place in each of the other ton months of the year , and nro nil drawn in public , at tlio Academy of Music , Now Orloan-j , Iia. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS FOP Intdgrity of Us Drawings , und Prompt Payment or Prizes. Altmlpil n < follows ! " \Vo iln liorobj rerlltf thnt wo nuporTl'f ! Ihenr nniKOUUMiK for nil the nionllily nml ncnil-ntiiillal Unwind ut the I iulnlnnn Htolo rnitlpry IVimpnny , nnd in permm mnnuiia uiul cuiitrnl tlio ilrnnliiKH llicmvlvev nml ( lint tlio muni * arc coniUirtcit with Inmost ) , fiilriu'-n , anil In good fnllli towiinl nil | uir- tleK.iiniJ noniithorlto tlio compnny to IMC tlil crrtl- tlrntc with fnptlmllu ] of our sltmutures Httnclieit , In H.i uilrurtltumonts. " CO.MMI88IONKH9. We , llio unilOMlKiiPil linnkinntl bankers will pnrnll Iirlrci ( lni"'ll In tlio Uilihlium Klnto l.otterloi wjilcli uiny be prcoentud at our touiitorn , It. M. WALMHLKV. Ties. Louisiana Nat. Hank I'lr.UItr LANAl'.V. I'res. Htnto Nal'l Hank. A. IIALDWIN , Pies. Now Orh-atm Nafl Hank. UAUL KOllN. 1'rus. Union National Hank. Grand Monthly Drawing At'tho Ae.idomj' of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday" , May 13 , 1800. CAPITAL PRIZB $300,000. , - - , . 100,000 Tickets at ( JO each ; Halves , flO ; Quarters - ' ters , M ; Tenths , * . ' ; Twentieths , (1. MBT OK I'UIZKS. i I'juzn OK tsuuwuifl . 1 I'HI/.K OK l ( , OI ) ls . 100.000 1 1'Iim : OK MOOOIa. . . . . MOM 1 IMU/.I : or ' "ii ioi5 . 25,000 2 PltlZKB OK 10,0l ) nro . . . 2Uoai fi I'lll/.HS OK MMInro . yn > M I'lllZKS 01' 1,000 lire . 2.1,001) KO l'lims : OK fiOU uro . . . Ml.tXKJ 200 IMtl/.KS OK SU ) nro . IXOOU 000 1'HIZKa OK 4MI nro . 11X1,000 Al'I-no.XIMATIOX 1MIIZKS. 100 1'rlzcsof tfiOOnro . CO XX ) 100 do KJOnro . . . StOOUO 100 do ml nro . 20,000 TLHMI.VAI. MUZLS. ITO J'rlncs of tlOOara . P % B WJ do KOiiro . W.ttH 3 134 Prizes amounting to . .j iOG4,800 NOTK Tickets drawing Capital I'rlicn are nut en titled tu turinliml prizes. AGENTS WANTED. fWI'tin CMTII KATES , or nnr furtlior Informntlon dcslrpi ] , wrlto legibly to tlio limlfntlunod , clearly stntliiK your vesldunoo , w ltd statn , ciinty ( | , htrect nnd number. Moro rnpld return umll delivery will bo nsHiinid by jour cncloalnu on envelope bearing your full uddrcHs. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DATIl'ItlM , No\vUiloins , La. OrM. A. DAUrniN , AVaslilnslon , I ) . 0. Hyordlnnry letter , contulnlnj ; Mosp.r OttnKtt. I'- ducdbynli utprc'Hs compaQlc ; ) , Now York ISxclmngo , draft or pomnl noto. Address Uogisterod Letters containing Cur rency to NEW OKLEANS NATIONAL HANK , Now Oilcans. La. n , Hint tlio pnymcnt of prlros Is nirAHA V- TKMlllV JOlfll NATIO.VAI. 1IANKM Of Now OrlcnnB , nn < l tlio tlckcta nro slKnnd by tlio prbililcntof nn In- Mltntlon nhoio eliuilored rlulits nro reooKtilreil In tlio lilKliont courts ; therefore , bownro of nil Imita tion or nnonymom nclicmoi. Osp.noii.\u Is tlio prloo of the smallest part or fraction of n ticket issur.n nv us In nny drawing. Any tblng la our nnino ollcrert for Ices than a dollars ! nwlndlo. GRATUITOUS ADVICE. This species of ndvlc Ii not nlwaj'snrcept- nlilo. but in many Instances imieli beneflt would be deVlvril were it nctcil upon. No sect Ion of tlio country ID exempt fVom dlseiuo. To Itnonr tlio best means of combatting thla common enemy , with the least Injury to our pocket * nnd tnstes , Is certainly a frrcnt ad vantage. AVe mtmt expect Torpid 1 1 ver , Cort- prstpa Spleen , Vitiated Ill nnd Inaction 15owcl . and nil prudent pernons will mipply themselves with Tutt's nils , ithlch itlnui- late the Liver , relieve the engorged Spleen , determine n healthy flow of lille , thn roi- 'accretions toimmofrln a nuturnl inaiinuf. "An ounce of preventive U worth n pound of euro. " lie ud vised and use Tutt's Liver Pills , Price , 25c. Office , 3D & 41 Park Place. N. Y. To cnro Dlllotisness. Sick ncndncho , Constipation. Malaria. Liter Complaints , tnku tlio Mfo and certain remedy , SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the 8SI ALT , SIZE (40 ( little behns to fliO bbO tie ) . They nro tlio most convenient : suit all ages. i'rlcoot either slio , 25 cent * per botllo. KISSING nt 77 , - 70 : f . /i , . Panel ufco of this plcturo tot 4 Ccnt4copjicr8orBtanip ( ) . for Indian Supplies and Trans portatloh Department of the Interior , Olllco of Indian Air MM , Washington , April 15 , 1S ! ) . Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals forllocf , ( bids for Hcof must bo snliniltted In separate onvulopcs ) , Hacon , l-'lour , LilothliiK or rranspoitiitlon , etc. , " ( as the ease may bo ) , and dlrcclcd to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , XiH.ttSaml 67 H'mitcr flictt , New Ynrk. will be received unt II 1 p. m. of Ti wJ < ijitau 20. liW , for fnriiMiliiR for MIC Indian sorvlco about IX,000 pounds HacoHTi4XJ,000 : ( ) pounds Hcof on the hoof , 1,000,000 pounds not Hoof , ? rn,00p pounds Hcans , at.OOo poiinds Hakim ; I'owder , WW.OnO pounds Corn , 480,000 pounds Coffee. fl.MO.OOO pounds 1'lour , pounds I cedrl.V > .ooo ] ) ounds Hard Hroad , (1.5,000 ( pounds llominy. Ilo.UOO pounds Lard , 700 ImnclH JIcss I'oilc , 17.CXX ) pounds Oatmeal , 450,000 pounds Oats. ia.uoq pounds Rice , 0,000 pounds Tea. 140,000 pounds Halt , iWO.OOO pounds Soap , OiO.OOO Sucar , and 70.000 pounds Wheat. Also. Hlankets , Woolen ami Cotton Goods , consisting In part of Ticking , 111,000 yards : Standard Calico , 100,000 yards : DrllllM11,000 ) yiuilMi Duck , free from all sl/iriB , rt,000 yards ; IJenlrns. 15,000 yurd ; filnham ( ? , : DOOOOyaids ; kontuoky Jeans , 11,000 yards ; Ohovlot , 17.000 yards ; ; Hloached Bliontliiic , 2.1.000 yards ; Hickory Hhlrllnc. 1VOOO yards : Calico Hhlrtlns , 7,000 ynnls : Wlnsoy , 2,000 yards ) ; Olothlni ? , Omcorles , Notions , UnulHarc , Medical Kupplles. School Hooks , & ( > . , and a lone list of mlseollnneoiis urtlclcH. such as Harness , Plows , Raltos , 1'orl.s , Ac , , and 'or about SOO Wagons required forthctMirrlce , o bo delivered nt Chicago. Kansas City and Sioux Olty. Also for such Wagons us may ho required , adapted to the climate of the Paolllo east , with C'allfoi nla brakes , doll vercd at Han Francisco. Also transportation for such of the articles. coodsand Hiippllcs that m.iv not bo contracted or to bo delivered at the Agencies. IIIH > limTnKMAIIKOl'TON IOVfllNMKNTIir\NK8 t-elirilnlcs showlnc the hinds and quantities of hiibslHtenoe supplies required for each AKCII- ey and School , unil the kinds and nuantltlc's In Krossof all oilier K" < "ls and articles , iouctlier tlth blank pioposalH , conditions tn lie ob served by hlmlois , Him ) and place of delivery. terms of contract and payment , transports t Ion routes , and all other necessary Instruc tions will lie fiunlrihcd upon application to the Indlun Oillco In Washlnulon , or KIM , W find 67 Huoterstmf , ntw 1'tnlt ; the Conimlssarles of Hubslstence , U. B. A , , at Clieyunne. Chicago. I.ea\einvorlli , Omaha , Saint Loiljs , &ilnt Paul nnd Han Francisco ; tlio Postmasters at Sioux City , lownt YaiiUtoii , fc. Dakota : ArkuiHas Olty.Oaldwcll.Topekii und Wichita , Kunslis , und Tucson , Ailzona , The rlptht N roservea hy Ilio Government to reject uny and ull bid * , or nny purl of any bid , and these proposals are Invited imilei proviso that nppioprlutlon shall bo muilo for the hup- piles by Congress. Hlds will bo opened at the hour nnd day nbovo stated , and bidders are invited to bo present ut the opening , CKHTICILI ) CHECKS. All bids must bo accompanied by certified ohcoKi or ( IraftH upon some l.'nlled Status Io- ) posltory or the First National Hank of San I ranelseo. fa 1. . for at Icusl/lre per cunt of the umoutit of the proposal , T. J. MORGAN , Commlulnmr. TYPEWRITERS RENT' EXCHANGE * FOR SALE * QUAHTKRMASTnU'S orridK w Department of tlio Pintle , Omaha. Nob. , May 2. is- , ) . -sealed proposal * . In triplicate will bo received here and also by Post Oimr- terniniters Tort Nlobrani , Neb. , and Onmp Pilot Unite , \V.yo. , until S o'clock p.m .central time , Juno 'Snd. l&x ) , und then opened for fiirnlshlnit wmul and coal required tlierenl durliiK ll. calyenr cotiimencltiR .Inly 1st , Kstn ) , I . S , roHeruis tlio rlnht to rolect any or nil bids Preference 8h en to articles of ilnmestlti produetlon , conditions of quality anil prlco ( Including In tlio price of foielgn pioduotlon the duty thereon ) belim ixiual. All Informa tion furnished nn npplleatlon hero or to tho. Post DiiarleriiniHtors. \ ' \ \ \ elopes Cdiituliilnit' protK ) uls to be maiked "Propos'ils for feul , " and addressed us Indicated aliovK WM , H IIIUllir.H , Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster Ueneial , U.H. A. , Chief ( Juar- termiiHtor. i BROOKS BROS , & . GO , Importers ami Wholesale Ociflfr * In Wntflics , Jcnelry , Cutlery > Notions , NtneltU's , Albums , Coat-Collnr Hpi-lngs , Fancy Goods , Ac. I.nrgptt Munrlint'iit fur KNIFE-nOAKOS. AUCTIONEERS. SIREEtMEN AND PEDDLERS. I * variety of 5c , I0o nut lia cuiintcr 4 < . Our llir * mirt nilljr Illuilrnteil | rilnvi > In OrnlorMinly. .417-UON.KoiirtUSt. St. Louis , Mo. I'ornills. The followlnff ponnl'ts wora Issnod by the bulldliij ; insiiector yesterday ! 0. .1. Horlllo. 1-slory frninu cottage. Tenth and Castellar streets . . , .i 400 Raino . . 400 ti , lleriiHtroin. 2-story frumo lesldenee , I : i7 South Ninth stieet 3,000 J. H. Day , 2-story friimo lesldonce.Twen- ty-soxenlh and HrNtolHtieets 2,001) ) WlncoloiV Hlley , HJ-slorv lumber sheds , Eighteenth and Hilstol slioets 1,000 William Cruvon. 1-storv framu cottage , Twiinty-olghth and llrlstol stieets . 1,000 C.d. Anderson , 1-Htoiy frame cottage , Thlrtv-HlMh and WaynnMiuets . . . . 000 L. W. Hill , addition nloiy to building , Fifteenth and Douglas wheels 5,000 SI. Anderson , H.-stoiy duellln : , Twen- ty-fouith and Castyllar ticelH 1,000 Two minor pcrmltH . . two Total , 11,875 Licenses wcro Issued to llio following tles by .luJgc Shields ycdtorduy ; NuiuQund resldenco. A o. ( Peter McG old rick , Oniuhn . 2J ( 1 Johanna Hyiiti , Omaha . 3 j Bornui-d Shields , Oinuhu . 23 ) Annie Murphy , Omaha . 27 j Alexander B. Eastman , Omaha . 21 1 Emma G. Fulton , Blair , Neb . 10 I .Albert Tyrell , Detroit , Mich . . . .21 | Aimlo Ltindis , Mt. I'lensiuit , In . 18 If you suffer prlcldnp pains on moving the eyes , or cannot bcur bright light , and flnil your sight weak nnd fulling , you should promptly use Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengtli- ening Eye Salvo. 23 cents u box. Tjooklnt ; Tor a Uov. George Beedman , the pastor of the Methodist church at Chlcupeo Falls , Muss. , Is making nn industrious search .for the hus band of ono of the members of his flock. The man who is wauled will answer to uny or all of the following names , viz : Charles Ed ward Mansfield Merrill Lanply. The man who is thus burdened with names is also charged with being the husband of three wives und residing in this city. The story of the clergyman is to the effect that the much named iiinn loft his lirst wife some two years ago , and soon thereafter ho mar ried another , with whom ho lived a few months. Once more wedded life grew irk some , nnd another wife was taken , v , Ithout going through nny of the formalities of two divorce suits. It is stated that after taking unto himself wife No. ! ! Lnnglcy removed to this city nnd has since lived in quiet mid so- clusion. The perfume of violets , the purity of the lily , the glow of the rose nnd the Hush of Ilebo combine inPo oni'8 wondrous Powder. Tlnrtly Frlchtericrt by Early yesterday morning the residence of G. B. Butts , at 2313 Douglas street , was visited by burglars , who , although they did not succeed in burglarising to nny great ex tent , frightened the lady of the house nearly to death. The men , for there were two of them , climbed upon the porch nnd raising the windo\v , looked down into Mrs. Butts' bed room , nt the sumo time drawing two revolvers nnd , pointing them nt her , remarked that If .sho moved they would send her to eternity. They then commenced preparations for enter ing the house , but wcro frightened uwny by nn ofllcer , who nt that moment happened to be coming around the corner. Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kulin & Co.'s , 13th und Douglas. W. O. . A. Meeting. That branch of the Woman's Christian as sociation , looking after the affairs of the Young Ladles' homo , nt 109 South Seven teenth street , held their regular monthly meeting in the parlors of the homo yesterday afternoon. The meeting wns strictly of n business nature nnd was for the purpose of hearing reports of the committees. Since moving into the now quarters , last November , the Indies have itarchnsed now furniture , furnished rooms for the convenience of thirty yonng ladies , nnd how llnd themselves but of debt und with money In the treasury. A Planning Scuso o't health and ( strength renewed nnd of case nnd 'comfort follows the use of Synin of Figs , as It nets iu harmony with nature effectually . Iciinscs the system when costlvo or bilious. For sale iu GOo und $1 bottles by all druggists , Prlvnto CroHH .fulled. Henry Cross , the soldier who was. charged with criminally assaulting Laura Xlegler , nnd turned over to the authorities at Fort Dmaha , now finds things coining most decid edly rocky. Yesterday n wiimtnt for his nr- rest wns issued from the United States court , charging him with the crime. During the iftorhoon u deputy marshal went to the garrison risen , placed the man wider arrest und locked him tu the county Jail , where ho Will rehmlu until ho cah huvo a hearing , A weak hack with n weary aching latio- | ness over the hips is n sign of disciised kid- ICVH. ' Use the best kidney tmiiitlvo known , vh'luh is Burdock Blood Bitters , A Man of Their 8l/e. J. I'lilppo Rowe appeared before Judge Helsloy ns the complaining witness in a casa of assault. His assailants are twins , Churlio md Kollin Smith , about ten years of ago , Pho trouble occurred in the vestry of n church at Tenth and Paciflu streets and Mr. Kowo eamo out of the row will ) a black cyo. Tim > OJH had been Hcunilng with Memo companion' ! and Howe Interfered nnd advised tlio twins to tuko Homo ono of their siro. "AU right , " responded ono of them , "I'll alto you. " and planted his diminutive list la thu prohlbltionhU's cyo. The boys were discharged. An Absolute Gure. The ORIGINAL AB1KTJNK OINTMEN'I ? s only put up In largo two-ounoo tin Iwxosj md Is an nbtoluto euro for all sores , burns. vounds , chapped hands mid all skin oruptlorml tVill positively eiuo all kinds of piles. Axle for the ORIGINAL AIIIETINE OINT- iII'lNT. Bold by Goodman Drug company Ut . ' 5 cunts pur box by mall 110 cc-nU Arrnflti'il at Hldnoy. John Roach , the man who a few dny.s ago * tolo several linen dusters' from L. O , Jonoi , and Is supposed to bo ono of the parties who issaultcd Dotoctlvca Dolupsoy and S.i\tago , vos arrested at Sidney yesterday. IIo will to brought to this city to bo charged with as * Huult with Intent to do great bodily injury. Mrs. AVItulow's Soothing Syrup Iron Teething relieves the child from paluj J5 cents a boltlo. MuWhnrtor At Hollliiu C. S. MoWhottcr nnd II , S. Rollins , thq grain mcrctlnnU , have dissolved partnership md gone out of the business , Mr. MoWhortov said that the Floyd failure hid nothing to da with their action , an they decided some tlmJ ago to discontinue the business. IIo repoit * the failure of Campbell & Co.'S iiir biulatbhop in LouUvlllu , It affects ua > iici bore , however.