Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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oiTicr. : NO. tz PKAHL STUKET.
Delivered by earrloi In any part of tbnClty.
II. W.TU/roX . MANAOnil. OrrirK , No.
Kir.iiT KIUTOII , No. "I.
N. y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs T.umber Co. , coal ,
The dlrcctots'of Iho Voting Men'- ) Chris
tian association liavo positioned the election
of n secretary until next Monday evening.
A s | ccliil train canio In ever the Northwest
ern nl 8:10 : lust evening , bringing President
Adams mid sovcnil of iho directors of the
Union Pnclllo.
Captain U. W. Highl , census supervisor of
tills district , will ruinovo his ofllco from his
present mini-tors to the room l the govern
ment building recently occupied by Judge
Hey Mason , thn boy. arrested for shooting
nt 11 dog thnt attacked him , wns yesterday
discharged In.lunge McGee , who hold that
the charge of discharging llreanns Insldo thu
city limits wns rather farfetched under the
circumstances ,
W. .T. Grutlun , late organist nt St. Paul's ,
will ho miitcdMn marriage. this evening at 7
o'clock with Miss Knto Warren of this city.
The ceremony will bo public and will ho per
formed nt St. Paul's by IJov. T. J. Muckny.
No invitations have burn Issued.
Thcodoic Brown , one of the members Of
the chain gang. escaped yeliterday morning
from Officer Wyutt , who now has charge of
that clopni tinent of the city service. Accord
ing to the precedent established , Mr. Wyatt
will bo requested to lay tiUdo his uniform fern
n week or ten days.
Four vngs were urrotcd yesterday In the
Northwestern ynrd. , where they were unius-
lug thctnselves by breaking open car doois
and inspecting the Interior of the freight caw.
Master Mechanic Ilutehlnson discovered
what was going on , and watching bis opportunity -
tunity , shut the door mid locked them In n
car. The patrol wagon was then sent for and
the quartette ; was trunsferied to tbo city
The payroll of the police department last
month amounted to IIMM. ) ( and that of the
Jlro department was ? l,2fl..yO. , ! This Is the
first tlmo that the payroll of the pollco de
partment has been larger than that of the
llrcmcn in the history of the city. As the
cost .of maintaining the police force in nil
largo cities fa more than Is required to keep
un the llro department , it is to bo Inferred
that the Bluffs has taken n decided jump I
the metropolitan direction in the past thirt
The Jury In the case of Nlcoll Brotlicrs v
Mynstcr & Limit returned a verdict yestoi
day moraine for the plaintiffs for the fu
amount of tlio claim , WOS.'JS. The defcni
nuts were sureties on tbo note and claimc
that other parties should also huvo bad the !
names on the note. The case of Butler v
Western Union telegraph company was o
trial yesterday afternoon when court at
Journcd. The plaintiff wants damages be
cause n telegram misstated the price of hop- :
nnd ho sold his hogs for 15 cents per hundrc
less than ho supposed ho was doing.
The two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. M
Palmer nro each tbo happy recipient of
beautiful present. On Monday nftcrnoo ;
Miss Hiittlo wns delighted to receive a Webc
Krand piano , wltilo yesterday afternoon Mi
und Mrs .Stelllnj , ' were made happy by th
arrival of n grand baby boy weighing eigh
nnd one-half pounds.
"Ueddy" Jones , a colored porter cinployci
nt the Manhattan , failed to return with a $1
fold piece that ho was scut out togetchangei
' nnd Is in Jail in Ormdin , charged with vu
RiMney lie will bo held there until rcquisi
tlon papers can bo secured , as ho refuses t
return to Iowa .soil without them. It isstatei
that the case will bo demurred if ho will re
turn tbo money , but even this ho has thus fa
rofuiort to do.
Tlio regular monthly meeting of the Wo
men's Christian Temperance union will b <
held this afternoon utll o'clock at the room :
of the union in Merriam block. This is ex
nccted to bo an unusually interesting meet
lug , and a full attendance is desired. 1'rof
Hitchcock will deliver an tnldtcss.
Daniel E. liundmunn opened a two nights
engagement at Dohuny's last oveningin "Shy
lock. " Therowus a very small attendant
nud tbo presentation was distinguished by i
Inch of animation that was perhaps ncconutci
for by that very fact. "Hamlet" will bo tin
card this evening.
"Wallace MoFudden is pro-paring a list o
the deceased soldiers whoso remains are lyinj
in Fairvlow cemeteryIt will be printed in i
few days and any names omitted should In
reported nt once , us tlio list will bo used 01
Memorial day in the decorations , and It is desired
sired that none .should bo slighted.
The S. W. alliance- will give a social in tin
Young Men's Christian association rooms
next Friday evening. A literary ulid muslcu
programme will bo presented and refresh
incuts will bo served.
John Bin-low , II in Twenty-fourth avenue
Is in destitute circumstances , and too ill tr
earn a living. This is a case worthy of at
tcntion on the part of charitable people. Hi
Is a member of Abe Lincoln post , Grand
Army of tbo Hepublle.
Desirable dwellings , located in all parts ol
the city , for rent by 13. H. Sheufo & Co. ,
Broadway and Main street.
, , r . , . . , . 'to ' SL 11 J'oul < property call on the
Judd" & Wells Co. , C. B. Judd president , COO
o .
Cholco residence- property centrally located
for snip by E. H. Sheafo Co.
A Newspaper MIIII'H Experience.
"Hello , Bob , have you just got througli
work I" Bob said he had , and ho also volun
teered the Information that ho was glad of It ,
und was going to get to bed ns quickly us pos-
Bible. Ho wus about to proceed when a gun
was poked unpleasantly near the end of his
nose , nnd ho was Invited to hold up his
Anyone Intimately acquainted with Jt. B ,
' Wcseott , city editor of the Nonpareil , can
! readily believe that under .such circumstances
' his hands went up without any hesitation , foi
Itobcrt is' inclined to bo very prudent in cases
of this kind.
Uwusubout30 : : ! yesterday morning , nnd
tlio newspaper man was at the corner ol
lonth street and avenue A. Ho was seeking
his couch with SU and a double acting Smith
& Wesson iu his ticket , when ho was ac
costed us above. Them \ \ ere two of thu rob-
bore , and ono of them proceeded to go through
the victim's pockets. The ugly looking revolver -
volver was first tlshed out , and the cartridges
were extracted. The thief coolly examined
it , ami remarked , "Why , there uln't ' but one
or two guns llku this In town. Wo don't
want that , " and the woniion wus replueed In
\ \ escott's pocket. A roll of bills worth f I1
was extracted from his vest pocket , ami even
his spectacles were lifted from his nose ,
"i'hey ain't oven gold rimmed , " suld the pur-
lolner. "Wo don't want anything like that , "
und the glasses were also returned.
"Now then Bob , wl ere do you llvol"
Westeott uecommodutlngly pointed out his
residence , only half a block away , when thief
No. 2 exclaimed : "Well , it unit very fur.
nud you had better trot along. Wo will see ,
that nobody hurts yon ami that you get home
nil right. "
"Say , atnt you going to dlvldo with mol"
Inquired the victim.
"Nary a divvy. Wo don't htrlko such n
Jruft us this very often In Council Bluffs ,
list think of a. newspaper man with tU In
his t > ocketl" nnd both of the unfeeling
wretches aliened their countenances nnd
howled with delight. Ono of thorn stilled his
mirth long enough to ejaculate "Git , " und
AVestcott obeyed so well that there is no re
port of what the two facetious highwaymen
did afterward. "Bob" hud u good view of
both of them , but la not certain that ho could
Identify them ,
For Nnlo IIoitfcH null Mules.
Just received 20 heavy work mules
mid 10 dm ft uud work horses. Cull Paul
Bouquetto & Co. . livery and sale stabler , No ,
tXM , opiwslto P , O. Council Bluffs.
J. C. nlrfby , steam heating , sanitary engi
neer. 3I.'I Llfo building , Omuha ; 202 Mcrrium
block , Council Bluff * .
They Cull It n Nulhnnoe.
The cltl/en.s in the vicinity of Ninth avenue
oiid Klghth utrcct uro Joining In a petition to
the city council to ubuto thu nuUaucoofujiluj ;
the grounds twtwren Ninth nrtd Tenth
nvcnnes. near Klghth street , M n dumping
ground lor tnnnuro nnd rcfuso matter. The
coming on of warm weather threatens to make
n terrible stench and render llfo unbearable.
The cltv authorities will doubtless listen to
this wail of the people.
Orcnt HclVlKorntor Snlc.
Ono ear load nt s | > cclal rut prices. ( JenUlno
oak ice palace ut Cole & Colo'sII Main st.
Don't fall to get our prices before buying.
Good paper liangcifi nt Crockwcll's.
Do you want to sell your row boat } If 10
address H. V. H. , 101 1'enrl St. , Council
The gasoline stove is moro dangerous than
unloaded " gun. Save llfo nnd prow | > rty by
using the 0. . Gas and Electric Light Co.'s
gns utovo ,
Moflre'H Vutliiif ! ! .
In pollco court yesterday Tom Uynn nnd
.Tnuies Gorman , two vngs , were each lined
$10.10 , which they will huvo to work out on
tin ; streets ,
George Halncs was given n similar dose for
Intoxication ,
i'hlllp O.syatel was charged wilh conveying
whisky to prisoners. Ho was caught Monday
night hy Marshal' Teinpleton in the net of
sending up n quart of the stuff to the four fc-
nmlo prisoners who are serving out sentences
on the second Iloor of the city jnll , Tlio
"girls" had let jlowu n string , which the gal
lant I'hlllp had tied about the neck of the
bottle , and Dm incarcerated fair but frail ones
were mlroitly hoisting It up when the olllcer
discovered what was going on The booze
peddler was promptly yanked inside nnd
locked up. 'I'ho story was told to Judge Mc-
Gco yesterday morning and he promptly as
sessed a line of $15/20 us n lesson that prison-
era In the chnrgu of the city nmrshul are not
to bo Interfered with , even If thutolllclal docs
neglect to supply them with Iowa's concen
trated lluld.
_ _
J. G. Tlpton , real estate , KIT Broadway.
The Manhattan sporting headq'rs118 D-
Wo want you to list your rental property
with us and wo will secure you good , reliable
tenants. Kents collected nnd special atten
tion given to cnro of property. E. II. Sheafo
& Co. , Broadway und Main st. , up stall's.
Dr. II. S , West , porcelain crown nnd bridge
work , No. 12 Pearl.
Talking About'
T. .T.'Evnns nnd George F. Wright have re
tunicd from an eastern trip. At severs
places , nnd especially as Ottawa , 111. , they II
vcstlgatcd the matter of brick paving quit
thoroughly. The paving bricks there belli ,
used arc fur different from ordinary bricks
They are of different size , shape and make
The visitors examined a largo number quit
critically nnd were greatly pleased with the !
uniformity. Each seemed perfect no cracks
soft spots or other blemishes , nnd no diffoi
cnco In weight was apparent. So unlforn
were they that one brick couldjiot hnvo beei
told from another. Some of these brick :
have been in use nt crossings for .six yean
and show no signs of wer. The process o
making is peculiar. Thov are placed undo :
great pressure and the kilns nro so peculiarly
constructed that each brick is subjected to i
like and they are burned so long ns t <
completely vitrify them.
Mr. Evans has for some time been cnthusi
ustlo over brick paving , always conditioning
his expressions "If wo can get the righ
kind of brick. " Ho fees no reason why tin
clay of Council Bluffs will not make as gooi'
paving us that of any section of the country
While in Ottawa he mudo arrangements bj
which the clay can bo easily and practically
tested. It is proposed that If a small quantity
of Council Bluffs clay is shipped to Ottawa ,
bricks will bo inndu of it as n test. If the
clay proves all right for this purpose , then il
seems that citizens would bo warranted In in
vesting the necessary capital for the requisite
plant ? The oxpoi iment would cost but a trifle
nnd its results would be of practical interest ,
rjThe advantages of securing some home pav
ing material nro apparent. At present thf
money expended In paving is nearly all senl
out of the city nnd goes into the pockets ol
folks far uwny , there being but a small per
centage left for home labor.
"But , Mr. Evans , " suggested one , "sup-
pose wo should put f iri.OtK ) in such a , plant ,
and after wo get to making good paving brick
what assurance would wo have that the city
would give us any streets to puvei"
"Well , how nbout other kinds of business ! "
replied Mr , Evans. "A dry goods man when
he puts his money into a stock of goods might
as well ask for some assurance that he would
bo nblo to sell them. Or when a man pro
poses to build a block ho might insist on the
city gur.rnnting ho would rent it. That isn't
business. "
On nil sides are heard many expressions ol
distrust as to the block paving. Predictions
art } freely.made that some streets will need
repaviug by the time the paving tax is paid.
There is some talk of enjoining the city
from entering into further contracts for pav
ing. Ono objection raised is that while the
city makes the usual requirements to have
bidders place specimens of their material In
the engineer's ofllce , that only ono has so fur
complied. It is urged that with huch speci
mens in possession of the engineer und inspector
specter tlioy liavo some standard by which to
judge whether a contract is lived up to or not.
Otherwise they are nt sea.
Altogether the matter of paving Is proving
ns perplexing us wer.
Boston Store Hula Prices for tlioVeck. .
American sateens Sc. usual pj'tfc.
New designs in domestic euullles 3c ,
worth To.
Anderson Scotch ginghams 12Uc , soH
for 2'Je.
Ouu now challlo beige sold for Sc. Wo will
sell 12 yards for Tito.
Apron ginghams and seersuckers 7e , usually
.sole ! for bo.
Indigo blue and shirting prints , choice
for Tic.
Our importation order of wash goods in ox-
cluslvo dress patterns , such the new cash-
mcro ombre , Whytcluw'.s Scotch , zephyrs ,
Keoctilin's sateens , which other stoie-s usk
itfu mid We , our prlco for the sulo this week
2."o a yard.
Boston Store ; Council Bluffs , In.
S. B Wudsworth & Co. , 207 Pearl street ,
loan money for Lombard Investment company.
First National Dank Tax OP.
The question of the equity of certain as
sessments inado against the First National
bank of this city lias been pending for some
tlmo. The assessment * In dispute cover the
years from 1SS1 to 18S7 , nnd tUo taxes for thjs
period amount to $ T'J2. ! The payment of
these taxes has been resisted by the bank of-
lleinls , who claim that they were in excess of
what other bunks were tuxed during the
sumo period. The amount claimed , if added
to what the bunk puld , would make their
taxes from 1871 to 1SS8 over $18,000. During
the same years the taxes paid by both the
Council Bluffs savings hank nnd Officer &
Pusey's bonk were 115-JOO. The First Nu-
tional oniclals Inslsteo that it wns not fair to
tax them iK.fiOO-more than the two other banks
Combined for tlio same period of tlmo.
1 ho matter cntno up before Judge Deemor
yesterday , the suit being that of the county
\ s the First National bunk. On a question of
udmUsibillty of evidence tha court decided
favorably to the bank , und us the decision
went to the heart of the whole matter , show
ing Jitdgo Deemer to bo adverse to the claim
° .j UlP county , the cuso ugalnst the bunk was
d U missed without
mx-judlce , thus scoring u
victory for the bank. Of course the county
SY.MUVOW' . lll > t whether n fresh start
, \ I , , , ; . , illmdf . ° ' (1V tll ° CB8 ° bo dropped . co'nsldcr will bo
WtMMlworth'H "lUuo Lilies" nnd "Pcnrl
of Savoy , porfume-8 of ox'quisito delicacy
uud reuuirkublo jwrraanonco.
Important tQUorspmcn | Largo line horse
and turf goods. Probstlo , toj B-y , U. B.
Uliio ra H ICiliicntorB.
The convention of county superiutendenta
of the blue jjrass jvglon of southwchtern
Iowa , now in session iu the city , is well at
tended , The superintendents present uro
J. S. Crawford , Casa county ; J , L. AdUIns ,
Adnm : .1. J. Harris. Fremont ; W. F. ICop-
nlln , Ida : G. I. Kellj , Mills ; B. R Hos ,
Monnun ; W. W. Montgomery , Montgomery ;
.T. K. Cooper. Pottawattainloj Kdwnrd
Drewry. Sac ; C. F. Swift , Shelby , Irene Mo-
Cloud. Taylor.
Besides these were- the following , who nro
not superintendents , but nro directly or indi
rectly Interested In school work ' 'City Su
perintendent James McNnughton of Council
Bluffs ; J. II. Miller of ToKikn | , Kan. , repre
senting IX C. Heath > t Co. ; C. F. Taylor of
DCS Molncs , rcpresentlnji the Iowa Rending
circle ; W. F.Mateerof St. Louisrepresenting
D.Appleton & Co. . James A.EdwniiK mana
ger of the Iowa Normal Monthly , published
at Dubuque ; K. H. Smith , general agent for
Porter & Coates of Chicago , nnd Major S , II ,
M , Byers of O.skaloosu. The latter gentle
man Is the author of "lown In War Times , " n
n work which Is very popular among the tiub-
He school teachers nnd which is fast making
a reputation for Its author ,
The programme tm arranged Is being
strictly followpd out , nnd several other Inter
esting matters have found their way Into the
discussions. The session will close today ,
the afternoon being devoted to a visit to the
public schools of the city.
A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of
hose purchased at Blxby's.
Finest photo gallery in the west Sberra-
den's new place , 4l ! and -IB Main stieet.
Scott house , Council Bluffs ; ti a day.
J'JKHSOXA fj l'l 11.1 Git. 11'IIH.
II. L. Shepherd has gone to Chicago on n
brief business trip.
D. W. Thomas , n former member of the
Bluffs police force , but now engaged In farm
ing near Cnstana , Monroe county , Is In the
city. He Is ono of the parties who were in
dicted in connection with the gambling nt
Union driving park at the firemen's tourna
ment lust June , und the case will come up at
this term of the district court- .
B. S. Jossclyu Is again greeting his many
Council Bluffs and Omaha friends. He Is on
a hurried business trip in the Interest of the
Denver & Hlo Grande of which ho Is car ac
countant , with headquarters In Denver.
Orrln Hltckock , the well known turfman
und driver of St. Jullen , Is In the city with a
car load of fine horses. Ho leaves today for
the cost.
Airs Caroline Sprlnk nnd Mrs. P. J. Krvlg
have gone to Shokopee. Minn. , being called
thither by the serious illness of a relative.
Judge Hubbard of Cedar Uupids is attend
ing district court.
Great Iloductioii Snlc of Furniture
The Council Bluffs Furniture Co. , 401
Broadway , for tbo next 1)0 ) days will make i
sweeping reduction in the prices of nil goods
In their line. If you are needing any article
of furniture don't lose this chance to secure i
bargain ns goods will be sold at much belo\\
regular prices. Our stock is complete will
reliable makes nnd late styles. Visitors froir
a distance will find It to their advantage tt
come and sec us nnd got prices during this
great reduction sale. Ifnyncs & Bell , 40' ,
Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Wood worth's 'Blue Lilies" or "Pearl
of Savoy" will satisfy the requirements
of tv rolincd tusto for exquisite perfumes.
Ask your druggist.
If you want tbo best Wall paper go to J. D.
Crockwell's. '
Sewing Machine AVorkH liuming.
EI.U\IIITH : , N : J. , May 0. Tno Singer hewing -
ing machine factory was discovered on lire
lute tonight. The entire flro department re
sponded , but their work so far has had little
effect , and at midnight it was feared the main
building , which covers acres of ground , will
bo destroyed. The works employ U.IiOO per
sons.At 2 a. m. the main building was nearly destroyed
stroyed and the flro spreading rauidly. 'it is
likely that the entire factory will go. in which
case the loss will amount to several million
dollars. Great excitement prevails in the
city , and thousands of people uro viewing the
Father ClnrUson Dead.
PIS : MoiN-ra , In. , May 0. The father of
Assistant Postmaster General Clurkson died
about midnight.
Mr. Clurkson was born in Maine in 1810 ,
moved to Indiana in 1820 nnd lived thcro until
1855 , when he eamo to Iowa. Ho was elected
to the state scnuto in IMU. Since his seven
teenth year ho 1ms been connected with the
newspaper business und for the past twenty
years bus been agricultural editor of the
Hegibter. _
Muster IJuildei-s Warned.
PIIIIAIIIM : > IIIA , May 0. Letters were sent
today to the master builders notifying them
that If they did not by 10 o'clock tomorrow
concede the strikers' demands
morning u cer
tain plan which had been formulated would
bo put in operation. This plan is bald by on
official of the Carpenters' brotherhood to bo n
sort of co-opcrativo arrangement by which
the building trades , Including overytbiii"
from stone masons to frescoers. would form
ono grand organization , employing HO.OOO
men. This organization would mnko con
tracts , erect buildings , pay workmen and
divide the profits among the men.
Now COJI-CN Hoime , Knn. City.
Absolutely ilro proof. Finest and largest
hotel In Kansas City. Unexcelled in its ap
, . Arrivals.
At London Sighted : The Bohemia nnd
Alaska , from Now York.
At Now York The Anchoria , from Glas
gow.At Baltimore The Mentmore , from London.
Van Houtcn's Cocoa Pure , soluble , eco
Front. Itoportcd.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , May 0. Frost was re
ported this morning from many points in
Kansas , Nubruskn and Missouri. The damage -
ago in most places was slight , but u heavy
frost is feared tonight.
Charles Francis Adanm in the City.
President Charles Francis Adams of the
Union Pacific , accompanied by Directors Fred
L. Ames , Ellsha Atkinson nnd Marvin
Hnghltt , also his private secretary , 1C. Cun-
tleld , arrived In Omaha late last night nnd
are quartered at the Millurd hotel. Be
ing .somewhat futlgucd from fast travel
ing , the party soon retired. Mr. Adams was
not Inclined to bo interviewed , though ho at
tended the meeting of the western presidents
In Chicago Monday and believes the present
demoralization in association and mto mut
ters will soon bo adjusted nnd business
put back to u prelltablo basis Ho
experts to make u tour of .tho Union
Pucillo system , and us Mr. Hughltt , who is
president of the Northwestern , has just been
elected to u membership In the directory , ho
is taking him along that .ho may acquaint
himself with the property. Mr , Adams is
never very communlentlvo to newspupor re
porters except in the mutter of questions
nbout Oinuhu , how she is prospering , what Is
going on , thu condition of business , cto. Ho
always expresses himself us having great
tilth In this city.
WAS.IIIXOTON , May t } , [ Special Telegram
to TUB BUB. ] Bonds offered : K'5,000 at
* l. i 17,000 at ? 1. 03
Village Ilnilly Booruhcd.
MOXTICKU.O , 111 , , May 0. The business
portion of the village of Lathoni burned to
day , entailing u loss of about f 10,000 , with
slight Insurance.
Italian I
May 0 , The senate passed the char
ities bill today by 100 to M.
Dr. 13lrnoymctiL'Q ] limited to catarrhal -
al ( licenses of nosonnd throat. Ueo bldg.
Ktoln Hoveu HlmoleoiiH.
While F. W. Fogg , druggist at Capitol
avenue and Twelfth stvect , was sitting In
front of hl.s storu last night , n thief entered
tlio uluco from the rear und stele f 7 from thu
BOSTOX , MUSH. , May 0. Tlio Jury In the
libel suit brought by Broker James Hurt of
New York against the Boston Advertiser ,
wherein the plaintiff sought to recover * iV
000 , this mornliib' brought in u verdict of f 12-
500 for plaintiff.
( .ni
A Council OommWeo Will Examine Mr.
Bermingham's Doings.
Tlic Hamilton Street Grnile Ordinance
Vetoed Sir. .s'luht's Check lie-
turned TliorjiiiMlbuH Grade
' Ordinance.
Mr. Unlcombe , chairman of the boaitl of
public works , and Mr. Ilcnulnghnm , side
walk Inspector , had their little light iu the
council chamber lost night. Mr. Buleombo
made bis attack through a letter to the city
solons , and Mr. Bcrnilughnin'.s defense was
led by O'Connor and Ostlioff , the Fifth ward
The communication of the chairman of the
b oard was as follows : *
Honorable City Council. Your honorable
body refcned to this olllco a communication
jo you from Thomas Jlennlnjrlinin. Mdownlk
Inspector , which is luirowlth returned with thu
following icport thereon for your Informa
tion :
.1. K. Knowles hud n contract with this city ,
unproved .July , " > . M ) . for the construction of
nil Mditwulksnrdcicd by the city council be
tween July 1 , iss'i ' , and January 1. IMX ) . Under
thopiovlslonsof ordinance No. J , 401 , provid
ing for thu appointment of a sidewalk Inspector
specter und di'llnlng iH , | , ] | , t.M | , it was iiro-
\ Idcd that : It shaft bo his duty to exert-No a
general supervision ever all sidewalk con-
.slrnctlon , and upon completion of the sumo to
moasnioupull walks and repoit the amount
and character \\ulkluld In front of each lot
to the city engineer.
This ordinance was In force until March 22
1600. when It was repealed by the uppioval of
ordinance No. SM , hich alto provided that
"Iho sidewalk lnsector | ) , under the direction
of the board of mil > llyworI- to oxeielso a
general supers Won over all sidewalk con
struction , mid upon completion of the sumo to
mcasnio up all walks and report the amount
and character of walk laid In front of each
lot to the city engineer. " Immediately after
oidlimnco Sk8 imwMl , placing tlio.sklnwulk Inspector
specter under dlreclloii of tills boatd. und on
.March 27,1MK ) . tlio following Instructions were
given to said Inspector from this ofllue :
Thomas Hermlneliiim , HIduwalk Inspector
Dear Sir : lleicwth | find a copy of the con
tract with J. K , Knowles for placing nuwMde-
wulKsund lepalilng old walks , approved by
the mayor ami council July 5 , ! ( > ! ) . 5-uld con
tractor In forms this olllco that ho has not com
pleted all the work which ho has been ordered
to perform , and that ho Is btlll atwork am
has a considerable for the sidewalk Juspccto
to mcasnio and repoit to the city onclncci
Therefore , you aio heieby dlicctc-d to tak
chargp of said work until the conduct Is com
iHctcd , and mensuio Kiich woik ashasbeei
lawfully ordcied and done strictly in accord
unco with the stipulations of finld contract
Hespectfully , ST. A. U. BAI.COMUE ,
Upon receipt of these instructions Inspeolo
nermlmdmm orally informed the ohalrmai
of this boiuil that ho would not comply there
with. April 1 ho sent your honorable tlio com
mnnlcutlon hcunvlth. substantially statlni
the same refusal to comply with Instiuctlon1
and the provisions of the ordinance and glv
Ing his reasons theiofor , and as a matter o
fact ho has not dliccted or supervised till
work or reported to the Olty engineer as to tin
sumo at any tlmo slnco ho assumed the dutle
of sidewalk Inspector. The contractor 1m
proceeded as ho pleused with the complotloi
of this contract--without any Inspection.
Had said Inspector been appointed by thh
board bo would n.tvu been dlschnreed prompt 1 ;
for refusing to peiform his duty as requiu-i
by the ordinances and Instructions of thl
board ; but ho was an apgiolntco of the mayo
and council , bunco could not be removed bj
this board. This board cannot designate-nn :
other Inspector to perfoim the duty , bccansi
the ordinances irqnlio that the Inspector au
pointed by thu mayor and council shall oxer
else a general MiDumsUm over all sldowall
coiiatvnctlon.and Upon completion of thosann
measnioiipall Wallvsnnd repoit the amonn
and tliochaiactur ot walks laid In fiont o
of each lot to the city engineer as a basis fo
collecting the cost , .thuieof under a spcoln
levy , and If It weio Otherwise wo would dcen
Hun nnuccessiiiy u.xpondlturn to employ r
thltd Inspeutorln this sldunidk servlco , for I
will bo remcmbcied that the mayor and conn
ell appointed an assistant sidewalk Inspector
hence thciunio twi > 'Dn ' duty now , which \vi
deem un ample number , If competent and olll
clent men , ' '
\Vo most respectfully askyour Institictlpi
as to the whole suhject matter. Kespectfully
ST. A. I ) . U.U.COMHE ,
Chairman ,
Mr. Wheeler moved that all of the com
munlcntions in , tha matter bo refcned to tin
commlitco on judiciary and the city attorney
Mr. O'Connor moved that n committee of livi
consisting of Blumer , Bechel , Ford , Osthof
and Morearty bo appointed to investiguto tin
charges made by the board of public work :
ugnlnst the sidewalk inspector , mid to repor
to the council.
Mr. O'Connor stated In plain English tha
Mr. Wheeler wanted to bulldoze the cas <
though the council and was not disposed U
glvo the Inspector n fair show.
Mr. AVheelor denied the soft Impeachment
DMr. Morearty was sure that some of tin
members of the council if they were on tin
committee would giyotho inspector the worst
of it.
Mr. Davis moved as a substitute that the
chair appoint the committee.
Mr. O'Connoi got the Iloor again and hegar
a tirndo against the chairman of the board ol
public works. "They call him n chairman. "
ho said. "Better call him n chair warmer ,
If I hud some eggs 1 wanted set "
Mr. O'Connor was culled down before he
hud time to tell what ho would do with the
eggs , and the roll was called on Mr. Davis' '
Mr. Osthoft in explaining his vote
gave Major Balcombo n parting
shot by remarking , "Ho should
write more for his oWco and less forthouows-
papers. "
Mr. D.ivis1 motion was adopted and the
man appointed Davis , Lowry , Osthoff , Mad-
son and Blumer us the investigating commit
Mr. Shoemaker , assistant city attorney ,
presented a communication requesting the
passage of nn ordinance authorizing the police
to hciircb houses In which gambling Is sup
posed to bo carried on. A motion wns made
that the city attorney bo intruded to
prepare- the necessary ordinance. A
motion to lay the matter on the table was car
ried by the following vote : Yeas , Blumer ,
Donnelly , Ford , Kuspur , Lowry , Morearty ,
O'Connor , Olson , Osthoff , Sander : naytt ,
Cooper , Davis. Madscu , Shrlver , Wheeler ,
The mayor presented a veto of the resolu
tion Instructing the city attorney to confess a
judgment In the cases of the Bemls Bag com
pany. E. M. JCarl and Mrs. M. B. Cook against
the city. The vetoes were on the ground
that the it1 solution adopted did not cover the
ground. The veto was approved and resolu
tions covering the cases prepared by the
mayor were adopted.
The expected veto of the ordinance declar
ing the necessity of grading Hamilton street
was presented. The veto was made because
the ordinance failed to provide for the assess
ment of special benefits. In his communica
tion the mayor stated that ho had been re
quested by a number of councllincn to return
the ordinance for correction but not to vote
it. Ho said he had 8,01110 question us to tbo
legality of such u , proceeding und had de
cided to veto the ordinance and bo on the safe
side , The veto was sustained.
The action of the council in granting J. K.
Hlloy und II. T. Clarke * l,0 S.y for grading
California street wits vetoed by the mayor.
Ho held that the worc ) had been done without
a contract and thq claim should bo settled In
the courts. Thu vote was sustained.
The city attorney reported adversely on
the claim of OrvlllfrC. Johnson "for ono red
cow , " which ho lost through tbo agency of
the ox-poundmaster.
The city attoruoyjriso repoited that there
was no necessity for nn ordinance- , suggested
by Mr. Wheeler , legall/lng the Council com
pilation of the city ordinances.
The city attorney reported that Mr , Stuht
could not bo compelled to enter into the con
tract prepared by the boujd of pnbllo works
for the filling of certain lots which hud been
declared a nulsanco by the council. Ho
recommended the adoption of a modified con
tract which would protect Mr. Stuht In any
work ho might do. Under the contract now
In vogue the city U held for half of the ex
On motion of Mr. Wheeler the contract
with Mr. Stuht was declared void und the
chairman of the board of publlo works was
instructed to rcudvertisa for bids for tlio
work to bo done at the expeuso of the prop
erty owners. The dei > oslt of fVX ) which ac
companied Mr. tituht's bid was returned to
him.The street commissioner's payroll for April ,
amounting to 11 , )7.Ofl ) , wns approved and
ordered paid ,
The plans of the proposed iron bridge to bo
erected over Sixteenth street by thu Missouri
1'ncIIlo railway company , woru approved ,
upon recommendation of the city engineer
and the board of public worku.
There were two bids for furnishing the city
with leo. The Ktmball Ice company offeiiV
to furnish reservoir lea at fW cents aliundred
pounds mid Astleford & Co. offered Ice cttl
from the river at the foot of Grove street al
2.1 cents a hundred pounds. The contmel
was awarded to Astleford it Co ,
The | toundmastcr reported the receipt ol
$ ( W.5 In fees for the month of April" .
Count Arthur von I'ulaskl , keeper of the
dog pound , reported that ho bad Impounded
771 dogs from March HO to Mav B , dogs re
deemed Pt ) , dogs destroyed 030 , fees paid for
dogs redeemed * 115.
Mr. Ford wanted to know if any one wns
keeping cases on the count. "The office , " ho
said , "is better than that of n United States
Senator. " The report went to the comp
The estimate of John F. Coots for work on
the cltv ball , amounting to tiV-M5.17 : , wits np-
proved mid ordered paid.
The claim of Walter Brandes for flJSO for
damages as tenant by the construction of the
Tenth street viaduct was referred to the
board of equalization ,
The Chicago , Kock Island & I'nelllo railway -
way company wns given permission to stretch
n sign across Faiiiam street from the Com
mercial National bunk building to the cham
ber of commerce for ono week.
The reimrts of thu appraisers on the omul-
bus grading ordinance were received. On
forty streets and two alleys no damages were
awarded. On other steeets damages were
awarded as follows : Martha. Twenty-ninth
to Lynmn. ? ! M ) ; Martha , Sixteenth to Twen
tieth. KI.'JOO . ; Blalne , Tenth to Thirteenth ,
* 100 ; Ninth , Hickory to Dorcas , * > 00 ; Nel
son. Institute boulevard to L.OWO avenue ,
* 10i ( ; .Twenty-ninth , Hickory to McGeath ,
WVO ; Chicago , Twenty-ninth to Thirtieth ,
8.VK ) ; Twenty-ninth. Franklin to Cumlng ,
ftJi'i.Tho report of the appraisers on the streets
on which no damages were awarded was ap
proved. On the award of damages a question
arose as to whether the council can go on with
the work of grading before the amount of
damages awarded is deposited. The matter
was finally referred to the city attorney for
nn opinion to bo given at an adjourned meet
ing of tbo council to be ticjd this evening.
The board of public works was instructed
to clean all paved streets that have not been
ordered swept.
On motion of Mr. Shrlver the members of
the council of 1881) ) were supplied with copies
of the Council compilation of city ordinances.
A resolution offered by Mr. Wheeler , al
lowing the sidewalk contractor to use yellow
pine in the construction of cross walks in
stead of white pine , named In bis contract ,
was referred , after a lot of talk , to the com-
mlttco on sidewalks and bridges.
The appropriation ordinance , appropriating
money for the payment of liabilities incurred
luring the month of April , amounting to
M,03i.40 ( ) : wns passed and the council nd-
[ ounied until this evening.
IiiHiiro AgnliiHt I'licunionla.
Use Baker's Pure Cod Liver OH or Bakcr'i
Emulsion. The old reliable brand. All drug
gjsts. .
A Little Three-'i'eai-Old-GIrl MOBI
Brutally Assaulted.
A most heinous crime , and ono thn
Will send the perpetrator if found to tin
penitentiary for a long term of years , wa
committed in this city by a tramp ycstcrdai
M. II. Huntingtou , together with his wif <
and two little children , a boy five and n gir
three years of age , reside nt t510 ! Cbnrlc ,
The father Is In the employ of the Hulsi
mntrcss company and consequently leave :
homo early in the morning.
Yesterday just before 9 o'clock , a mm
culled at the residence and inforruci
Mrs. Huntington that ho had been sent then
to do some work about tbo yard. Supposini
that her husband had employed tlio mini , h
was given n rake and told to clean up nbou
the barn , which is in the rear of the bouse
The two children were playing about tin
premises as usual when suddenly the littli
boy ran screaming to the house and infonnei
the mother that the man hud his sister in tin
born and was killing her.
The mother ran to the spot , there to fliu
her babe lying upon the floor screaming will
pain , her clothes disarranged and torn , ant
her person terribly lacerated nnd bleeding.
The brute , who had accomplished his pur.
pose , becoming alarmed , had thrown the chili ]
to ono side , struck her in the face and fled.
The mother , gathering the little girl in he :
arms , carried her into the house , where , upon
examination being made , sbo discovered that
her child hud been ravished.
The father was immediately sent for , and
as soon as ho learned what had happened , no
tified the police , who nt once commenced n
diligent search for the fiend , buton uccountol
the indefinite description given they have but
little hopes of finding the guilty party.
The story told by the little boy is
to the effect that bo and his sister were
picking up rubbish ami throwing it in a pile ,
und while thus engaged the man called them
to him. Ho took B cents from his pocket and
told the boy to go to the store nnd buy sonic-
windy. The store is nbout two blocks dis
tant , and the little fellow was gene some ten
minutes , when ho returned ho could see
neither his sister nor the man. Ho looked in
the rear of the barn , then opening the door ho
saw the little girl sitting upon the man's lap.
As soon us the door opened and tbo boy saw
his sister in this position ho ran screaming to
tbo house. It was at this tlmo the tramp
threw the child to the floor t.nd fled.
The mother , who is the only person who is
ablu to give any description of the bnito.
states thuthowas n man about thirty years of
age , with dark hair and dark stubby beard. Ho
was dressed In a dark suit of clothes , consid
erably wornnnd bad on n dark colored woolen
The mother states that It is doubtful if sbo
could recognize the man if she should see
him again , us she saw him but a moment , and
then paid no attention to his appearance.
The little girl , though severely Injured , is
not thought to bo in a dangerous condition ,
and the attending physician is of the opinion
that she will recover.
Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous
ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn &
Co.'s , 15th mid Dojiglus.
POHHKNT-NIco front loom , with board ,
snltablo for man und wife or two men ,
Scott house , IS N. Main , Council ItliifT.s.
WANTKD A man to woik on fruit faun ,
1) . J , Hmltli , South 1'li'ht. at.
AGENTS Wanted A good salesman can earn
$10 a day. Call und Investigate for youi-
self , Wednesday. ThuiMliiy , Krldny and Hut-
iiiduy , at the Metropolitan hotel. Council
HlullH. .1. Acun.
FOIt SALE A largo span of mules , with
wagon and hainess. Inquire at WO Main
'I/IDUND A pair of gold rimmed speutaules ,
-I.1 Thnannur will iccoho the sanio by calling
ut ft ! Sixth Htreet.
\\rANTRll-lly a young lady , a position as
IT copyist or for general olllcc work. Ad-
diL'ssH.'l Ylnostieot , Council llhills.
MKXIOAN black sweut corn Heed for sale ,
Kaillest , most prollllu vailety and lonuesi
In season. Hlg stock ut wholesaln und leiull ,
II. 1riuld. . Slff Muln st. , Council lllnirn.
\\7ANTED Two men to work on fiinn und
Biiiden. J. It. .Mcl'hcrson , I'9I K. I'loreo.
"T710R SAlji- ; Hotel property , ! i3 looms , eon-
J-1 tifklly locatwl. Alls. Wm. Noble , U"J H.
KlRhth St. , Counoll lllulK _
\VANTKI ) to"Tradn A clear farm In NoT -
T T brahkii , a ulear ImxlncsH lot In Omaha for
oloar or mioumbcrrd reKhlenco loti ) . The .1 udd
.V Wtills company , LOU Ilioudwuy , O , 11. Judd ,
. ftM Willow uvo-
lilOK 8AI.K--My re ldunce ,
-L nue , on Kouth nldonf HityllbH parUi heated
byHteum , lighted by eloolrlulty ami contain
ing all inoditrn Improvements ! lot 100 by WO
feet. A No will Hell or ttxiihiiiiKO < 4r Improved
city propel ty uij fium of fi'O aurt-s , ten mlliis
iMtHt of Connell Illnn's. N. M. I'usoy , Council
IJ1OU On monthly payment * or terms
J-1 to milt by the Jndd ft. Well ) , company :
7-i ( Him two-story house , corjitlnive. nil I0th
fit , , lotM _ by | ! U feet , two blocks from motor
l < j-'u > om honso on 6th avc. , ono block fiom
motor line.
8-ioom houKoon Lincoln inc. , two bloaks
from motor line ,
U 4-room hoiibes on North 7th t > t. , near post-
on let- .
G-rooin hou < e , two Rtoiles , nve. A and 13th Ht.
U-rooni Ktury und u half IIOIIHC , uve. I' , near
North 7th t.t ,
(1-room ( house , ulo 4-room house on thu
motor line , between voth and " 1st his.
IlonscH und lota In all pai U of tlui < 'Uy The
.1 udd A ; WclU couipuuy , 000 Itroudwuy , U. 11.
Judd ,
"YXfANTl'DlJiTrnilo Homes and lolsroiiR-
Ing In prlco from RR to Kooo for unlui-
prpvod properly. The Judd tt Wells company ,
Coo llroadwny , 0. II. Judd , pres.
Wij Have Si lotson and adjoining I'ark live ?
bclneen the Oxden hou nnd I'alrmount
I'ark. on which wo will build beautiful homes
to suit thn puichasers. .too llniadwny , C. 11 ,
T71OII UKNT-TwoRoml modern houses. W.
JJ W. Illlaer , ! M 1'earl otreet.
lilOH SAI.n or Ilrnt-nnrdan laud , with
JL' houses by J. H. Hlce , 1W Main St. , Council
lioom ST > 0 Mcrrlam lllock , Council HlufH In ,
Iloom CIO X. V. 1,1 fo llulldlng , Omaha , Neb.
Titos. Orricr.ii. rt * . II. M. TUSKY.
Corner Main and llroadway ,
Council Bluffs , - lowo.
Healers In foreign and domestlo exchange ,
Collections made and Intoicst paid on tlmu
deposits. |
J. 1) . KD.MUNDSO.V , K. 1 , . SntmHT ,
1'res. Vlco-1'res.
OIIAS. It. UANNA.V , Cashier.
Paid Up Capital $100,000
Surplus and Pronto 50,000
Liability to Depositors 360,000
niitKCTons-I. A , Mlllur , ! ' . O. Olenson , K. f *
Bhnsait , K. i : . lluit , ,1. 1) . Kdimindsnii , ( 'has
] { , llunnan. Transact gcnciul banking busi
ness. J.uigcst capital and suiplns of any
bank In Sonthwostctn Iowa.
inLorest on Time Deposits.
F. M , ELLIS , & CO. ,
Itooms 4xt ; nnd J Ileo. IlulldltiB. Omahfi ,
Neb. , nnd Itooms 241 nnd S l Morrlam Illook
Council IllulTs , la. CorieaHiiidoneu | olloltc.di
The J. A. Murphy 4
1st Avenue and ! ! lst Street.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand and Scroll Suwlim , Kc-Pnwlng and
I'lanltiR. Sawing of all kinds. 1'orch llraekcta.
Kindling wood J-.M per load delivered. Clean
tiawdiiHt by thn barrel -n.1. All work to b < i
first-class. Telephones. ' ! } .
racial blemishes suel'i ns'l'lm ) > li
lllotchcs , lllneU Heads , Kreoktcs , Super
fluous llnlr removed.
040 , Marcus Blk , Brondwny
Factory and Planing Mill.
Hest equipped , most centrally located fnc
tory In the city. All modern latest pattern
machinery ; operated by xUlllcd mechanic" .
Special attention ulven to scroll and baml
Miwlnir , plmilnn uml trlmmlnn. eon-
tracts and estimates for houses and
nHpeclalty , Corner Ninth Main and .Myusto
streets. Council IllulTs. Telephone .
Pish , Ousters , Game and PDUltry in Season ,
128 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. , Telephone 201.
SATURN , (2608. ( )
Will make the season of 1ROO at the Union Dilvlng Park. Council IUulTn , Town , from Maih lit
ulitll Juno 1st , when ho will bo returned to Kreinont and his worthy companion
MAMBRINO BASHAW , (1789 ( , )
will take his place from June 1st until An ns-l 1st. These two nro the only stallions In the " " *
west that are Iho sires of " : . ! fl poi fonneis. .Saturn Is a chestnut stallion , III hands lilxli , and nt
ordinary flesh will weigh lUlK ) pounds ; foaled JhTO ; hied hy I'onoll Hros. , SprliiKboni , Pa. Ila
Is perfectly sound nnd vigorous , and ; i ceitalu fnal getter. I'lirtlior comment Is nnneccss.iiy ,
Terms } 100 the season with the usual lotuin ptlvllcKCs ; Invurahly cash or bunkulilu | KIMM | lie-
fore the mure-leaves premises. Among Sntmn's got are .Mel.eod , 2llHt : ; Consul , ' 'rJU'j ' ; 11 } ion
Sherman , 9:28 : , and many others hotter than J:40. : Rood euro and pcifect accommodations for
stock. Visitors always welcome at the park , Tor breeding catalogue , oto. , wilto to
JAS. G. SMlTHo& SON , Fremont , Neb.
Planing Mill , Sash and Door Factory ,
Coinnr Second nvcniio and Thirteenth street , ronnull IlltilTs , la. Wo aio thnioiiKhlj }
equipped to do all kinds of work ,
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Special uttcntlon given to odd sires Stair Work , nnd Interior rinlNhcif all kinds made to
order on shoit notlco. Kstlmutcs given on all kinds of work to contractor and builder.
-roit ) < -
- : - FURNITURE - : -
When von can get the best there Is mudo In every line at prices that will not banluiipt \ u ?
Theio IM no taslu nor pnrio that.wit cannot Niiltou want , to beautify your home , don IS' " ?
Then coma In and see how elegantly and cheaply yon can accomplish It ,
-ni' k KLEIN , KO llroadway , Council muffs , lowu C3
1281 Hast Pierce Street - - Council Bluffs , la.
Wholesale- Retail Dealers in *
I arxcNt Stock uud Lowcut 1'rlccn. Dealers , send for CutuloKiio.
N'os. IiO.5 und iU7 ! JJrondwny , and. 01 uud 200 Plerco Street , Council 13lulT < s