Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE O3f AW A DAILY BISE , TUESDAY , MAY 6 , 1890.
No lulvcrlUcmcntft Mill 1 > o taken for
those column * after ISiUO p. in.
s Cnuli In nilvnncc.
Advertisements under thin head 10 cents per
Jlno for tlio first Insertion , 'centsforeach mib-
fpqurnt Insertion , nnd tl-'A per Una per month.
No advertisements taken for less than 25 cents
for first Insertion. They mtist nin consceu-
lively nml must be paid In ADVANCE. All
ndvprt Kcmcntn must lie handed In l > cforc 12:3 : ]
o'clock p. m. , and under norlrciimstnnces will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
Partlc.s advertising In the o columns nnd
Imvlnx tliclr answers addressed In rare of Tun
IJr.B will plenso ask for a check loenable them
to get their letters , as nonn will bo delivered
except on presentation of chock. All answers
lo advertisements should bo enclosed in cure-
All'advertisements In these columns are
published In both morning nnd evening edi
tions of TUB IIKK , the circulation of which ag
gregate * moro than M.diU papers dally , and
Rives the advertisers tlm benetlt , not only of
theelly rlrciilatlon of Tiir. Itnr but also of
Council Illuffs , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd
towns throughout this section of the country.
Advertising for thrso columns will bo taken
on the above conditions , ut the following bus-
ness I ouses who are ntithorl'oil to take special
not Ices , at the same rates as can bo had ut the
li.uln olllcc.
SOUTH - and N streets , Nebraska
fcnvlngs bunk bulldlnir.
'lOIlN W.I1ELL , Pharmacist , fcaSonth Tenth
t ) street.
A : EDDY. Stationers and Printers ,
CHASE IGth street.
. rAKNSWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2115 ,
Com Ing street ,
W.T. HUOIIE8 , Pharmacist , C24 North
10th street.
GKO.W. PAKK , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
worth Street.
TTUOHES'PHAKMAOY , 24th. and Farnam
AKTENOEU An experienced man desires
first-class place ; 15 years' experience ; the
best of reference given. Address D 21. lice
ofllec. 373-5 *
\\/"ANTED By a thoroughly competent
young man position In ofllco or store.
City references. Address D jr. . lleo. 482-0 *
" \A7"ANTED A young man would Ilka to
T learn the harness trade. Address D 10 ,
lice : 23.VS *
\\7ANTED Position us bookkeeper or Bhlp-
i i pi tig clerk by u man of ability and exper
ience , with first-class city rcfcicnccs. Address
D2I , lice. ari-o *
( \/VANTED / A young man with experience
' wants position as clci Ic in store or olllcu.
Address D 10 , lice. 83-8 ,
\\rANTED Situation by an experienced
' German blacksmith * Inquire at Oil Lea v-
. - . . . . ,
rnwoith ht.
W ANTKI ) "Or A11 jK 1 IK 11V.
" \X7"ANTni ) 1'irst-class canvnsseri for lion
* > N 1' . LatiKfoid's new book , "Vlsllanto
Havsund Wavs.tliol'loneorsof the ItouUe < Uho
PlaUers and MaKliiR of Montana , Idaho , Oro-
KOII , WashliiBton and Wyomlnu ; " 2 vols , , pio-
fusi-ly Illustrated , JG cloth , 110 half .moiocco.
KWM full morocco and llussla. A great ni ) (
original ueslem hook , hells at sl ht to all
"old timers. " 885 sold and delivered by ono
canvasser In ono week , 1'iospeutiiM book
malted on receipt of $1. Active , experienced
men should apply at once for territory U ) the
iHilillKhuis. J. U. Uupples Company , Doston
WANTED An experienced clothing Rfilos-
i n a u. Mipcrllios. , Lincoln , Neb. KH-O
T\7"ANTED Active , influential men to re-
i r jiresent Loan and Investment association
nhd establish blanches throughout state.
Highest references required. Kldge & Long-
Btaff. 177 II road way. New York. K0-ti ! *
WANTED A window dresser who can write
cauls. atNebiaskiiOlolhliig Co. 41U-fi
T rANTED Harness makers ; str-ady work
and good pay. Address A. F. JJlsser Js
Co. . .10 and h2 Wab.ish avo. . Chicago. 447-13 *
WANTED Oopd I'aKer for TI. T ? . camp.
Albright's Labor Agancy , 1120 Farnam Ht.
' 60i-5 )
ANTED 50 men for Wvomlnzi free faro.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Furnam.
"VYTANTED Good general cook , 1712 Capitol
T T avpnue ; best wagca to the right party.
Halters , tailors , experienced
head waiters and steward for H. 1C , house ,
8(0 ( ; c-ool > s } 0. > and 150 : cook for ton officers , $ J5 ;
farm hands , man and wlfo. teamster and eook ,
tl5. Mrs , llregq. IIU'.j S. ] 5th. oa-S *
WANTHD-S first-class foremen to take
charge of our building business , nobody
but nblo men need apply , and must bo able to
liandlii 100 men. Address I ) 4J. life. 633 11
WANTED An aetlvo man for each section
milary $7ii to $100 , to locally represent a
Biiccessful N. Y. company , Incorporated , to
supply dry goods , clothing , shoes , Juwolry.
ptito consumers at eost. Also a lady of
taet. salary Wl ) , to enroll members ( i > 0OOU now
enrolled , $100.000 paid In. ) References ex
changed. Kmplro Co-Operatlve association
( ci edit , well rated ) lock box 010. N. Y.
WANTED-flOO men for Utah and Nevada ;
wages $2.00 to WJO per day , Albright's
Labor Agency , 11X ! ) rurnam. 474
'V\rANTED Salesmen on salary or commls-
. > jilon to handle the now patent ehemlcal
Ink erasing pencil. The greatest selling nov
elty ever produced. Krasos Ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 to 500
per cent profit. Ono agents sales amounted to
tiCM In six days ; another t.B In two hours , Wo
want one energetic eonernl agent for each
state and territory. Sample by mall 3T > cents ,
for terms anil full paitlculars address The
Monroe l.raser Mfg. Co. , LaCrosse , Win.
1 , 4nc-fi *
w /"ANTED Insurance solicitor on commis
sion or us partner , Hex 710 , On1:1)111. )
401 5
\\rANTED--Agentsnnddoalers. EveryO.ith-
t > ollu household wants an altar. Our Homo
nnd Family Altar sells at sight. Something
now. Sample altar free. Address m'f'grs for
lllustiatod description , Iloston M'f'g Co. , 570
\VushvHt..jlostoii. Mass. ; ! 08 5
- "WANTED Salesmen at 175 per month sal-
y > i' my ami expenses tot-ell a line of allvur-
1 ill a ted ware , watches , etc. , by sainplo only ;
liorso and team furnished free ; vvrlto nt once
for full particulars and sample case of goods
free. Standard Silverware Co. , Iloston , Muss.
> \\/"ANTEl ) Llvo men us salesmen nnd col-
i leolors In Western Nebraska. Kxporl-
rneo not necessary. The Singer Sowing Ma-
chlno Co. ( iranil Island. Nob. 6K3-nilit *
WANTED Aix'hltectural dmughtsman ,
gmxl "dctall"man. Inqulrn Council Hluff *
onico between I ) and 10 o'clock. Muxon * Hour-
Si'ols , Archly , rooms 10 und Oil N. Y. Life ,
malm , ' nnd .rooms SW , 41) ) , 61 unil'S ! , Morrlam
block. Council Illuirs. la. _ mi
XrANTEU Canvassers at Singer sowing
T > nmohhio olllce. 1518 Douglas st. 2s3-iail
. . . , - , . . , . for kitchen nnd laundry
' ' , c.wftrK"t Jnqulro 8. W. corner 21th street
and St. Mary's tivo. "ut
' Y"Vi..T" i-/ ; ctx > k and 2 other girls
at City Hotel , cor. 10th and Harnov sts.
KM 7 *
' \\rANTED-A u'lrl about thirteen or fourteen -
> teen yyar > old to insist In taMiijr garo of
children. Mrs. SnIUler. x ) bt. Slurbs avo.
, , . . . . . . . , . , * . . - v. AUI- the Denver A
_ : lo Orniulo eating hoiibes In Colorado.
Pa\ wanting situations in any of thci.Vj ent-
InR IK U OS send In their applications ntonro ,
( Joolcs Tor Columbus. Ileuirlco. Plattsniouth ,
Connell lIlutTs and Kreinoiil. Six wiiltiesses
for city , dlshwushurs , ute. , la girls for general
liousonork. Mrs. llrcgu , 3U ! > & . liUist.4UI5'
lTrAM'I.DM glrli ; places for housework
free on Monday , Keith's cmpl. olllceaisi ;
itnvr iiouscs.
pOUHENT Tc'n room house , Noi ITsT Dodge
-'Hlrpot , All modern
- Improvements En-
qujlrojijiiii'l II urns. 1318 Farnam street. -
VlVI ODKTtS house , U room , hot und coI3
* Ail. water , furnnco and gasj 110 per month.
grcU J UotthwIolf. 813 a. llth. ftM-10
ENT-3-room. newly papered and'
JL1 painted . , , house , iwa N , IDtfi St. Cull on H.
Hardy , 1J13 Furnam st. 600-0
"ijlOK TTT. . - ! ! ! ! on OupltoTovonuo , 0
J ' nxjina. nnd nil modern convunleiiccs. In-
clndlnj laundry und larso stable " J.
U'Donuboc , 1W1 Farnuui at.
TTIOH KENTItousos and utores ; property
JU cared for , taxes paid. Midland Guarantee
& Trust Co. , 1011 Farnam st. Abstracts.1M
rrlr"\OU wish to rent a house or store eo II ,
JlE. Cole , Continental block. 107
TT10H KENT 8-itx > m Iiousc5new , modern Im-
J. provedneareablo and motorcar line.I.U
Orovnr Btevcns. 151' , Karnam. 4''l
' -I10OM Hat. with Htoam heat , ICIh M. , nuat
8 'Jones. ' : Thos. 1 * . Hall , 3111'u.Tton block.m
lilOIl KENT I'lnn 8-room house , oil finish ,
J- very pleasant fur summer. Kunt cheap. .
2812 Howard. 4T1-G *
. , . - T House : ten rooms , all modern
JL'Improvements ; largo yard , lit ) per month.
Dexter L. Thomas. 71U
"JjlOK KENT-10-room hoti i , 2107 Douglas st.
-L all modern improvements. Inquire 2111
Douglas. 337
'T71OU RENT 10-room dwelling hoitsu.all mod-
JL1 ern conveniences , SOUi , bet. Douglas and
Dodgestfl.j jXo. 1158. 20th. 4tl ( 0
rnWO HOW right room houses detached Park
JL avc. ono block from Leavenwotth choice
locution desirable houses. KobU L , . Garllcns ,
1011I'arnamat. 2(59. (
TltOK UENT-10 room flat. 1015 Dodge at. , nil
J ? modern Improvements , too.
7 iioni house , 3418 Hurt St. , splendid location
and conveniences.
5 room house , Dupont place , city water. J12 ,
Gco. J. Fox , room 528 Paxton blk. 4 W
fllEN room house , alt convenlpnces.ranzn.lS.'M
J Miermnn tfvo. , HO. Hutchlnson A. Wend ,
1524 Douglas ; tel. 152t > . 216
T71OK KENT , four room house $10.00 n month ,
JJ 18th St. mid Center fet. 270-5 * .
rpo KENTi-A six nnd a ten room house , all
Jl modern conveniences In oach. new ; located
on JSth st. , between I'allfornlit and Cuss , rent
reasonable. Imiulro COO , First Nal'l bank
building. fe3
for rent The elegant now brick 8-
room modern houses cor S5th und Lake
streotH , $ ' . ! 0 month to irnod yearly tenants , fin
est In Omaha. J. L. lllce , 413 lice building.
'I710U KENT 3 nine-room brick hou es. All
JU modern conveniences. 2.VEI to2. " > 37 Ht. Mary's
ave. Inquire at Collateral bank , 312 S Pith st.
"TTIOR KENT Two 10-roommodornhouses , all
JL' conveniences. Paved streets , cable cars ,
Flvo minutes' wnlk of postofllco. References
required. Nathan Shclton , lull Farnum st.
T71OR RENT 4-room flat over Oray's photo-
JL' graph gallery , modern Suit
able for light housekeeping. Inqulro Gray' *
photo gallery. 2HN Kith. : iV
DODGE St. opposite High School , two ele
gant brick houses , now , nine rooms , every
convenience. Choicest locality In Omaha
Kolit. L. ( Jarllchs. .1614 Farnnm St. ai/J.
RENT Hesldencps In all parts of city ,
FOK too largo too publish. Globe Loan &
Trust company. itt)7S. llth ( U 70J
1J1OR KENT A Hat of six rooms. Enqulie of
JJ Mrs. C. Duggan , 1102 S 13th Koom 0.
"TT1OK KENT May 1st , ono of my eight-room
JL' houses , No. 2721 Jackson St. , reaohed by
three lines of street cars , every convenience ;
fxJ5 If leased for 1 year. Usual commission paid
to any party procuring mo good tenant. I'.in '
H , Wheeler , Jr. , suraucc , Douglas aud 13th sts.
TT1OK KENT My residence. 2M3 Fainum st ;
JU all modern Improvements. Klchaid C. Pat
terson. W ! N. Y. Life. 3jil-7
MODEKN hdu'e. nine rooms , bath hot ami
cold wnter. furniico and gas , on Dodcost. ,
} IO per month. Fred J. Uorthwlck , 213south Ittli
TjlINE ten room house , all modern improve-
JL ! ments , furnished : live blocks from postof-
ilco ; references required , Imiulro 1710 Davenport -
port st. . 375-11112 *
TT1OK RENT < i-roomed cottage In good loca-
JU lion , east front and In good icpalr .Turner
Stocltilulo room 4.1''roii7or lilouk. JUl
TJ1OK RENT About Juno 1 , those elegant
JL' stone residences , on Georgia avenue , n 2ltli )
bt. , between Mason nnd Pacific Ms. tee owner
for"long time lease. II. H. Henderson , room 10) ,
Pox ton blk. Js5 _
RENT 10-room brick house , with modern -
FOR convenlences.iS'o. 811 a 20tb st. Apyly
at No. 827ggOtll.s.t. 32t
"I71OR RENT Pleasant front room , furnished
'JO reasonable. Flat "U/'ltilh N.l.ith. S01-7 *
T71OK RENT i'icasaut room foi'ront.sultablfl
JL ; for ono jr two gentlemen. LJ Furnam st
for rent Furnished , ( " 'unninghum
ROOSIS wr > Y cor. 13th. aud Jackson .sts.
TTIOR KENT Hay-window sitting room , with
J bedroom ; price f 12. 1C ? S. girt st. BOS-5 *
"OLEASANT rooms , , newly furnished. $3 nnd
JL lio. 717 So. intli st. . . fiJ7
"T5LEASANT1 , single und ciiBiilte , with
L boaid.ie22Clilc.igost. 51411 *
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms ,7th all
modern conveniences , with or ( thout
board. Prices reasonable.
Twenty-sixth street.
Y furnUlied rooms , with nrst-class
hoard ; references icqulicd , IdlJ Dodge
street. _ 472-i *
I71OR KENT Nicely furnlsliedsiilteof looms ,
X1 all modern conveniences , private family ,
near Park avc. motor. Hoard If desired. No.
T OK IinNT-2 nicely fuinldhctl laigo rooms ,
J private family , Xt > l Hiirnoy. 412 8 *
TTIURNISIIED room forgeiitleman , * 7 pi-r mo.
JAlso room for man and w Ife , light lieu < e-
Kcoplng. J7 per mo. Water In the loom. 410 &o.
1'Jth ' Ht. . top Hour. _ 4nj ( G *
THU KNISUHD rooms , JS and $10 per month
JU 1418 Dodge ht. _ 407 ; ,
EUKNISHKD rooms en suite , J3 , lln. JliT
moclorn convenience , U."J N. 13th st. 431 6"
7IOR RENT-rurnlshca rooms ; gas , b.vtli
J and steam ; ISlOllowatd. _ jfrj
T71OK KENT Furnished rooms , 100S Douglas.
! .MO
Tmolt KENT Pleasant furnished rooms with
JL' all conveniences , 5lu S aitli 9t. 201
T71OR KENT With board a furnished room
Jtmltuhlu for two , all conveniences. 2019 Cal-
Ifornla st. _ giiii *
TTIOR KENT Nicely lurul ied front room
J. with bay window and alcove ; all modern
convenience * ; gentlemen only. UvJfaouth 20th
st , near St. Mary's avenue. 207-0
'I7IOK KENT-NIcely furnished room , all
-L' modern conveniences ! ! block * from ' ° . ,
013 S 17th st. i l
KENT Two nicely f mulshed front
rooms with all modern convenlcnclcs. 210J
Farnam nt _ 1179
EUUNISHUD rooms. I'm ' rarmnn.3
mi ma *
ANY kind of furnished or unfurnished rooms.
_ JH" ' i b. 10th ht.Vo 1m vc3t rooms , O'OinlQ *
T OOMis , f urulMlicd , moderate , 1UU Dougla-
jj ; mb-u-
_ _ _ _
ST. ' PI'AIU European hotel , corner lath and
kJDodBO. Special tatcs by week or month.
20- . '
OO.MS 7 , 10 , 12 , 15-W N. ISth st.
_ 8mS > *
T7IOK RENT Nicely fin nlshed rooms , nio N.
JL1 17th Bt. 40j s
CjOUTHEA&T front room with closet , all
O modern eonvcnlonceb ; giMitlemen iitily ;
prlvato family ; references , Kotiutzo Place ,
u , lloe. 40.-U *
MltS.ollURL'lllLLhasuew mid handsome-
ly furnished rooms ; also Brat-class table.
Ill N. 19th st. LT- . ' ) '
_ _
' " "
"ifNFUKNISHEU rooms , 2S1 ! California ! M
_ _ _ _ _ _
rn\VO nice unfurnished troni looms with all
J. modem cqnrunleuceSi Kuttablo for man
and wife ; references e.\cliun4cd. Oil N. Htli.
' & - i tt'
_ _
T7IOR KENT-A first floor 22x1011 feet , In the
- * - ' best location In Qmahn for notions anil fan-
cydry giKxIs. . Addresi-Dl-J lU-e. . - 41 - ! ) ' i _
xl UNFUKNI&HKD rooms , 2MJCapllol live.
KKNT-4 tinfurnlshed ronmnto family ,
* - without chlldreii ; modern Improvement.
1701 debater bt. Price t5. ! CJO
TPH HnNT-3 uufurnUhed ixwms. sea N.
- MtU ht. Price $10. ia )
moxT-STo u is ; AND OFFIOI- .
STORE on cur line ; gooil location : sultablo
, - , , , ' or"ruSBrocery or bakery business. H.
h. Lole. 4S7-0
( JTORESnt 707,709,7118 10th , aj\CO each , large
CJshow windows , steam hent furnished. Thud
i. 11 nil. 311 Puxton block. axi
TT OU RENT-Storo 618 S. lOtu st.
* - eco
DESK room , attorney preferred. Itutchlnson
A. Wcad. 1524 Donglus ; tel. 1VD. 2M
OR RENT Good bascuiont on Fifteenth
struct , gas , wutur and btcaiu heat. Apply
irJSFIfteunthit. Wl
O I'KU-ns In WUhnell block , Corner 15lh aud
llarney , from t3 up. All moduru Impruve-
* 1 9 *
fTIOK KENT The 4-Mory brick building with
JLJ or without twwor. formerly occupied by
the lice Publishing Co. , em Farnnm gt. The
building bus n fire proof cement basement ,
complete steam homing fixture * . Tfater on alt
the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco of The
lice. 915
WANTEU-CJor 4 rooms furnished or partly
furnished for light houiekeuplng by man
and wife , mate location and price. D40 , Hoc
515ft *
' torrent for horses , tame crass ,
near Ilellovuo. Imiulro of H. T. Cjurk > ttt-
TJ10K KENT Good barn for three horses
JL1 Call at 2215 Dodge. Bt. _ IMI 10
/CORNER lot. CO by 150 , corner2flth nnd O sts.
v Foutli Omaha , Is a llrst class location for
beer garden. InqulroMrs , A. Hnllsh , 8H H. 10th
BAKN for rent. HIS Dodge fit.
423 p *
_ _
TTIOK LEASE Now Is the tltno to nociirc your
JL ; leane for land adjoining the city , for gar
dening. poultry raising , dairies , etc. . etc. This
Is the best chance over offered , \\lll lease
small or largo trnct for lone term of years
Land Is leas ng rapidly. Call soon or you will
bo too hue. LotH adjoining this Jand for sale
nt 1150 each , upon which to build your Im
provements. lloggs Si Hill , real estate , 1406
V'arnam st. JMfl-ll
TjToit RENTWo have 01 acres adjoining llen-
-L } son and Bi acres adjoining our Highland
Park addition that wo will rent for season of
1MM at a reasonable prlco. Omaha Real Kstato
and Trust Co. 1504 rarnnni st. D37
"TTIOK RENT Good burn , room for 4 horses ,
J a carriages , and sleeping rooms , on 20th st.
near St. Mary's ' avc. Apply 313 a. 15 gt. 1)91 )
WANTED Horses to pasture at tiSft n
month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses
called for and delivered. W. H. lloman , Itoom
0 , 1'renzor blk. 470
LIST your property with Larmon V. Pruyn
J410 Ginning street , for quick results.
AK. KILEV , notary public , room 11. Qon-
tlncntal block. 2Qil
MORTON'S rental agency , 517 Paxton block
HK. COLE , rental agent , Continental blk
"PORTRAIT Agents ! Do yott value line work
X accurate likeness , prompt service , low
prices ? Then deal with the largest copying
house In the country , Shcpards , 2110 Wahash
avc. , Chicago. 213-5 *
MASSAGE nnd magnetic treatment. UK ! Pu-
clllc , half block from motor line. MO 11 *
IARASOLS and umbrellas covered and re
paired. 13. Uator , 1515 Douglas ; basement.
_ _
EE LEE' & laundry has removed to 313 N.
ICth 173-mU *
A lire-proof safe with combination
lock Bend stamp and address for p.irtlq-
ulars. Union bupply Co. , 28 Klver St. , Chicago.
_ _ _ 883 m Sf
"TTIOR Ladles Only-I will send any lady a val-
JL liable secret that cost me 4 > and a rubber
shield forJWo. Mrs. J. A. Klnsmau & Co. , l ! W.
Jaoksou St. . Chicago. III. _
A OL'NG IVeneliman. good family , well edu-
JL cated , would glvo 1'iench and uuiman les
sons in fjimlly for hoatd and lodging.
Could prepare for college. Address , Max Iteng-
ger , Omaha. nil ! o *
EMOVED to S2 N. IBlh st. Hot Springs
baths. I have opened a suit of elegantly
furnished rooms with till the very latest Im
provements. Worn extensive experience
under superior advantages I am prepared to
give scientific : baths ( chemical ) the same as
produced at the Hot Springs. Hot n I r. moist
ordry , Tniklsh , Russian or plunge. Wlllgnar-
anteu satisfaction to the most fastidious.
Single bath or treatment per week or month.
Charges reasonable. Special Kites to lady
clerks for regular ablution. Mrs. Dr. Day , IK2
N. 16th st. , Rooms 11 , 12 and 1't. SlJmlll
rfUNVORK. . roofing , guttering , spouting ,
JL good work low pi lees. Savage , 1018 Cnmlng
SO-inS *
$ . " REWARD Strayedi 1 chestnut sorrel
horse , weight ! KX ) Ibs , white star In forehead ,
2 bind foot white , branded " 0. 1C. " on left hip.
A.B. Haley , Uiown Park Gioccr , South Onmha.
_ _ _
DENT I STS E. R. Trl ppc. 'gnidmaeTI ndTa nil
dental college. Host of work only , drown
and bridge woik a specialty. Room 1.1 Conti
nental blk. Elevator 13th st , north of Douglas.
_ 8.1:1 : m si
qVRACICAGEstoragi ) at lowest ' rates. Vv.M.
JL Itushmau , lllll Lcuveuworth. 2iTT
KOHIN , W7 S 10th St. , stores stoves In dry
place for the summer. _ 130 inlli
"VTTANTEU rurnlturc , carpets , household
T gK > ds for cash. Wells' Auutlou & btorago
Co. , KIT SIM list. 203
"VVrANTEI--A Hit of cheap lots for cash , on
' or outside the 2-niiIo limit , city. Address ,
D 41. lleo olllce. . 017 i )
FOR SALE 3 pool tables In good condition ,
cheap for cash. 1018 Capitol live. 417-C *
\\7ANTED Good commercial paper. Ne-
braskn Moi tgugo Loan Co. , 51 ! ) Pu.Mon blk.
C'ASH paid for second hand books at the
Antiquarian book stoic , 141J Fuinum st.
TTTANTKI ) To buy for spot cash , city or
i country , parts or whole stocks of dry and
fancy goodb , clothing , boots and shoes , mlllln-
eiy , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc.
Call on or address J. L. lliandeis &Sons , corner -
ner Kith and Howard. Omaha. _ X'lO
WANTED-Good short tlmo paper In small
amounts. P. 1504 Taiuam bt. 474
H Onssprlng wago'n and harncai i. i
K. Cole , Continental. 411-5
U loom house , must hell
-P-wnorJvi ivlryM qw n , ? .tr > . U.K. Cole.
"I71OU SALE I'uniltuni for sl\-room Hat on
J- ' , easy terms ; rooms all runted. Inquire at
No.ic.'t : Capitol ave. _ BlO-lt" '
"I71OK ALl : or Tiiule One of the finest and
J-1 most complete outfits of furniture for a 0-
teem house in city. 1'ilvate house , no flat ;
cheap rent. 1'rlco very leusouable. Address
l ) i.Ueoo lce. 430-10'
"ITllTUNITUKE auction iivery Wednesdav null
JU hutiirday. : i7 ! S iitli. : Wells. _ jog
SPAN ulco mares , spu. horses , span .
some single drivers , buggies , harness , and
ono 2-hor e delivery wagon , Co-operativo
Lund & Lot Co. . .IK N. Ullli st. 4U ) fl
OK SAhEA No. 2 cntlgraph typewriter , '
used very little , inquire oib Itutugo bldi.
1J1OH SALE A Recond-hund Hammond tvpe-
JL ; writer , In lirat claw lepalr. Address t ) i ,
lleo olllco. 47d-U
1T10H SALE Semi ) giKxl watches und dla-
JU nionds cheap. U. F. blasters , roam 4Vlth -
nell block. _ JU
HEAVY wagon and coal bed , JJ ll'd Trade ,
TPOll SALE Soda fountain very cheap. Jn-
JL1 qulrn Oluy 1'etnn.on , BKSi l atfi. JMUJi *
SEND to W. 0. Uoiton , David City , Nob. , for
millet seed. I warrant theseed to bO'elenu1 ,
for 40o per bu. on truck , sacks JSo each. ' '
_ JTJ-8
EOU S.VLE-Soda fountain 10 Byrups.i 3
draught arms , In good condition , also ono
polar leu shaver , cheap , 17 U Lcurunworth st.
I > AKTIES looking for fine driving or > adiUe
horses , would do well to call on , or ourres-
pond with T. J. I'lcnilntr , manager \V. 1) . Mil-
lard's farm , Calhoun , Neb. Ho has for sale
some tirst-clau single drivers , carrlngo lenncs ,
and saddle horses , ut rcusonabia lee < . 3 i
Bid IIAKQAIN-K taken Soon ; _ r"u7 sikfr"
the furnltuic of the lluwloy hoU'l. North
1'lattc. NCD.
TpOKlALE A norse and buggy elie.ipTQr
Jcash or Instalments. Address C K. Bee.
STOVE wood for sale , T. Murray.
> -tt
T71OR BALE A handsome side-bar buggy ,
J- Now \ork best make , uwd ouo t-ummer
only. Inqulro room 31 , United states lunik.
"II1OR SALE bcauian a buggels beat und
JL1 cheapest.
Seaman's phaetons beat and cheapest.
bcaman'8 wagons best und cheapest.
hcarnun'g carriages best uud che post
_ Ou > aha' lurgest vurloty , 840.m-3 !
Ti OH BALE-Spun of good heavy draught
Juuiles , 1175 ? span of six-year-old draught
horsos. weight 2 00 pound * . Il7it ono registered
uniJrmcow.very cheap ( .all at QUOD. 104
bouth Tvruuty-ufuth tr oU 4T1-5 *
_ I
TflOR SALE-Tho lci f.-and funilturo of n
JU' io-room flat ; location the very best ; furni
ture nearly now ; hoip * full of benders nnd bargain. IWribht & Lajburv , Ar-
llngion block. .jyi m
MILK of the finest juhllty nnd guaranteed
absolutely froth ! i U puro. In quantities
not less than one galKm "per " dny. W. 11. Millard -
lard , 313 Itrown bldg , lt h Mid Douglas sts.
Jf . _ _ K7
SALE linnro wfiJlcolt ; SIM Parkerst ,
I < 255-5 *
Inlying a tilaiio e.xamlno the now
BKKOHK piano at A. llospc. 1313
Douglas st. J 213
F.O. r.OELLENIlEOIC.tcachor of the banjo
G 1GOO Howard st.3d Iloor. 240
mortgage loans at low rates nnd no
FIRST . D. V. Sholes Co. , 210 1'lrst Natl bank.
6.V )
: ONEV to loan.
M1 loan.Luther S. dishing ,
Hoston. will loan to any amount on city prop
erty. Apply , E. R. French , uttornoy.Now York
Lite. 5187
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , plnuo < , orguiis , diamonds ,
nt lowest rates. The first organized loan olllco
In the city. MnUos loans from 30 to 305 days ,
nhlehcatibu paid in part or whole nt any
tlmo , thus loncrlng the principal nnd interest.
Call nnd MHJ us when you want money. Wo can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No dulav In making
loans. 0. F. Reed & Co. , 310 S. 13th at. : over
Hlnghnm & Sons. 231
ft PER CENT residence Io-insUOOO to JIO.OOO.
V'Hulldlng loans ut special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. . llec building. 235
ATTONEY 30fiOorlOdaysonfurnltureplnnns.
1'Lhorses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , 013
P.iMon blk. 2:10 :
I OANS on Improved property ntcloso rates.
JA. 1C. Klley , Room llrCoutlncntal block.
/CHATTEL loans at lowest rates ; removed to
W517 and 510 Paxton blk. J. H. Emliiger. 210
T I11EKAL real estate loins made by W. M
JUHarris , room 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
T OANS City nnd fanu loans , mortgage pa-
JLJpcr bought. McCagilo Investment Co. 221
/"IIIO'CE small loans' wanted. C. F. Harrison ,
W011 N. Y. Life. 223
pOMMEKCIAL paper bought. A. 1C. Rlley ,
V Koom 11. Continental block. 200
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to
$1,000 ; get our rates bcforo borrowing and
save money ; loan on hoi > e.s , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low
est ratos. Call , R 208 , Shccly blic , 15th and
Howard sts. 223
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The ITenderhon Mortgage Investment Com-
pany. Room 400. Paxton block. 224
First-class Insldo loans. Lowest
WANTED Cull and sou us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . 1504I'iun.uii. _ 280
TT'ASTEKN ' money to loan on city property ;
J Jmortgaso paper bought. P.O.
BUILDING loans , tt'1i > 7 percent ; no addi
tional chargns forL-nlutiil-sionoruttorney's
fees.V. . U. Meiklc , Plot Nafl bank blds.
MONEY loaned at loWest rates long time on
Improved Omaha real estate , no "ovtiis. "
no delay. Glebe Loan Ss Trust Co. , 307 S. Ifith.
T 7U'l
/1OMMERCIAL and general short time paper
V-MOUght ; ulso regular fiVe vear loans made
on Improved property. Geo. F. Illust & Co. ,
2ITI RamgB bldg > 1)72 )
$1,000,000 to loan on Improved or uninprovod
city property. No dt'lilys. ' Host rates. W.
Farnam Smith , room 16 , Continental block.
n 373-mll
loans mafl'o'ou
BUILDING Choice citjK'property
At loneu-ales.
Private funds to
loan ojibrick
. .residence and
business property r
upon very favorable
Klmball , Champ & Ryan ,
12051iiriiimSl. SC-mlS
QJECON1) mortgage loans. Second mortgages
bought , Louns on vacant lots. Reed &
Sclby. room 13. Hoard Trade. 227
SHORT tlmo loans made. A. 1C. Rlley , room
11 Continental blk. 200
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
removed to 11)33 ) Sherman avo. 223
T OANS murioon unimproved real estate. A ,
JLJK. Klley , room 11 , Continental blk.
BEFOKE negotiating a loan to improve your
icul estate got terms from
The Odell Investment Co. , 301 N.Y. Life bldg ,
Thos. S. Hoyd representative. 22 ! )
Phlladelplila Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and pay promptly : 1st
mortgages , wanted. George w. P.Coates.iopro-
bPiitatho. 7 lloanl Trade. 225
LOANS made on any available security.
Central Investment Co. , Room 25 , Chum-
borof Coiumcice. 220
MONEY to loan by It. F. Masters In any
amount from $10 to $10,000 for auy time ,
ftom ono to blx months ,
I make loans on household goods , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In
any amount at the Ion eat possible late , with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a payment at any tlmo and reduce your In
terest pro rata. You pay Interest only for the
time you use the money. If you one a balance
on yourpiopeity 1 nlll taUo It up and carry It
for you , ut the lowest rate consistent with the
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rules. H. F. Clusters ,
Room 4 , Wlthnell blk. , 15th und Ilanioy t > ts.
_ _ _ _ _ _ , 211
M ONEY to loan. O. ! . Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , l.V ) * > Furniim st. 233
" \ \ rANTEDKilucntedVoiiiii ; ladles andgen-
ii tlemen to learn shin thnnd and typewrit
ing ; good salaries ; students assisted to posi
tions. Standard Mioitluind Ituslncss College ,
Frank K. Hell. Instructor. gi7
ALL ohalliingcrs accepted > Irs. Dr. Hill of
Now York t'lty can bo consulted at her
parlors nt.'Cii North 15th St. , on all affairs of
llfo , being a celebrated business clairvoyant ,
astrologlst and palmist , who has a icputatlou
throughout the \vorld for accurate and truth
ful leadings of the past , present and future
thiough her wonderful Egyptian mnglc mir
ror ; removes all evil Influences and family es
trangements : unites itho separated ; causes
speedy marriages ; lulugs success to the un
successful and tell when to muKo profitable In
vestments ; consultation from tl to W ; also
tells full niimo and shows plctuio of the ono
you will many ; Jlrs. llllLhas been consulted
by the m < M successful hnsitiehs men and ladles
of Now Yoik , llostoirtrind Chicago , Hours
stilotjy fioiu llji. m. t j ) . m Mljfl *
IDltor , Leree , the rWliftwned phrenologist ,
X medium und iiulmlsUtvho luu been ) iubllcly
tested and clialtengestno , world In revealing
mysteries , disperses Jealousy , evil Influ
ences , gives full namoRlof piescnt or future
husband or wife , also .tells your faults nnd
qualities , trade bnslr)6ss ) or piofchslon to
make n success. ItesldviKoll'JN. ' HthsU Con-
aiiltutlou tl , iiatlsfucthM glv en or no pay.
- Tltt-nijl *
MA"lAME Dol/lor. tlnJP'Massnso anTliuagnet-
ist , Is no old con-turtiptlvo uhrotuo , but
voting , hualty and vlgoruus. Parlors over 010
jjath. \ 613 0 *
T\IU3. DE-SAII-ThocTeatost fortune teller
i-'l and counsellor In the world hastho power
of any two medlums'l'o.u over mot ; tells If
Ihoonoyoulovo Is truAArt1 false ; gives advlco
if marriage , divorce , ! < ? vl' . buslnes-s specula
tion , ote.i questions br ] , . < niat | promptly mi-
swored. Parlors S and 9i&iJi ICthst. U >
T\U. .NANMK V. vWltitKN , clalrvoyuiit.
J-'mcdlcal and business-inedlnni. remalodl.s-
eases a si cl ally. Hi ) N.jathst.frKiina2 nnd 3 ,
AUSTllACTh 010
MIDijANnUiiurniitcoaiul Trust Co. , N. Y
Llfo bldg ; complete abatiacts furnished
un o titles to ical estate exnmliiud , perfoutcd
and guaranteed. zu
17IOII HALIj-A bakery and confectionery In
Ja ton 11 of 0,000 Inhabitants ; no competition ;
good icawmorsulliug. . Address D 27IleeoOIco
FOR BALE-ptpck of' hardware invoicing
I ; good location ; established trade ;
BOoU reasons for soiling : terms liberal , In-
julro Coburn & FrunUllo. 510 N.Y , LUe.Omahu.
FOR SALE Those elegant south front lots
oiillloudoM bet. 2)th and 27th its. , near
motor , etc. , et . , cheap , 1100 ca.h. bul. Ions
Umu unit 0 per cent Ueo. J. Paul , 1C09 1 arnuiu
t. 403
Oil KM * for cusli , Rtoek of groceries ilotni ;
cash biisliic-w. Chenp rent , S719 llnnlctto.
.to-ill *
- - Interest In 100
nercs , 80 aere * of which ! . platted , flvn
blocks from t no high school , nnd tnrro-fourtha
of n tulle from the P. O. on Main street. In the
city of McOook. Neb. The best town In west
ern Nebraska , having the U. 8. land odlce , n
170,000svst im of waterworks , oleotrlo lights ,
division of the 11. A Jl. It. H. ( monthly payroll
of ISO.OOOI. rcfulr shops , etc. Offered forlWdays
only for t,500 ! : one-half cash , balaneo on tlmo
If desired. Address r. L. Brown , MoCook , Nob.
TjlOK SALE A chop house , doing good busl-
JJ iioss , for nlo cheap for cash good reasons
for selling. Apply to owner at 810 S. 10th SU
CHEAP for cash ; store building , small stock
groceries. lunch countes ; close to depot
Enquire Of O.W. lloymcr , Norfolk. Neb.
. r.rr-mio
"FTlOHf ALE Half Intenist In nrst class rc l-
JL1 a > irant In Lincoln. Address II , A. , Omaha
lice. Lincoln. Nob. fit ?
TT1OH SALE On account of the death of my
JL1 partner. Mr. Terry , I have decided to retire -
tire from the livery Imslncvs , and 1 thorcforo
olTcr for mile all our line livery Mocklncludlng
liorx1 * , carriages , hearses , bugglca nnd har
ness. Parties wishing line driving horses or
anything in our line will do well to call and
examine , the bargains offered. This stook
must bo closed out by May 15th. , Henry A ,
lloman. of Homan & Terry. 625
" \\TANTED-Stocks of merchandise In exchange -
> ' change for Omaha property. Room 1CJ N.
Y. Life. C12-5
TF YOU have good houses to exchange , list
Jutlicin with us and wo will glvo you a deal nt
ojico.RoomU22 N. Y. Llfo. 512-5 -
TTIOR EXCHANGE 2 lots in South Omaha or
JU l lot near Vlnton st , , for horses or mules ,
Room 13 , Hoard Trade. 210
rpRADE Wolmvo somogoo'd South Omaha'
JLlot-s to exchange for farms , stock andfurul-
turo. Room Its N. Y. Llfo. fi2-5 !
rpo TRADE ThosuMcCormlOk 2d nddlttlon
JL lots are some of the finest trndci sin the city ,
full of value and will make good Inwst-
inents. Room P23 N. V. Life. SI2-5
TWILL trade a good clear lot in So. Oniahu
JLfor piano or horse und buggy. Address O 4
Ht'o olllec. 305
A HOUSE of 4 rooms nnd lot 25x80 In good lo-
X-Veatlon. not far out , $700 ; another In sumo
locality , ft'uO. Colseth , Johnson i Lovgreu ,
roomO , Chqinborot Commerce. 4CI-7
LINCOLN Place nnrt Carthage lots , prko
f I.OOO. * .V > down , balance 115 monthly.
W. L. Selby. Kooinl.1. board of trudo. 310
NOW Is the tlmo to stay by Omaha real es
tate. Take care of back payments on Im
proved or unimproved pioperty nnd got your
money of A. 1C. Rlley , 11 , Continental block ,
A SMALL payment down nnd $15 per month
will buy a 4-room house and lot on IGth , 2
blocks from motor ; Hrst-class chunco to no-
qulro a homo on easy terms. Apply to H. E.
Colo. Continental block. 1 7
" \\rAUGH & .WesterlieldroalestateS.Onmlia.
> > 243
FOR SALE Or exchange fordrngsnnd real
cst a t e. S..UOOO book Stock. Ho\T 18. 210
" 17IOR SALE A line Improved proporty,75\120
JL > feet of ground , with 3-story brick nndstono
bulldlngs.rented ut S-VJ70 per year to good ten
ants , well leased and best property In the city
of Maquolioca. la. , to trade , clear , for good
Omaha Improved or unimproved property.
Good chance for some ono to get good invest
ment for 7ion-productlvo propeity. D. V.
Sholes Co. , 213 Fjrst NuX'l bank. 243
SIXTY-FIYE acres s. w. of p. o. , sultablo for
platting or gardening , for sale ut a bargain.
F. 1C. Dai ling. 4.1 Harkor blk. 244
FOR SALE Very cheap , no trade , farm of
511.70 acres , s > ec. 5 , 12 , N. n W. . Hamilton
county , Nob. , 2 miles from Miirquotto ; small
house , stable , ! ! 00 acres of pasture fenced , liv
ing water ; price only JflO per acre , & > ,437.iO. (
Terms IJ.200 cash , balance tl per cent Interest.
F. 1C. Atkins owner , railroad building , Denver ,
PT-ROOM cottages , $1,500 each , 8100 cash down ,
Jhalancef 15 per month. Taos. F. Hall , 311
Paxton block. 203
BEAUTIFUL residence lot. Dodge St. oppo
site High School , 30 < < lJi. ( Choicest locality
In Omuha. Kay terms. Robt. L. Garllchs ,
1U14 Furnam St , ; 260.
/1OTTAGE. homes in most any addition for
v /salo at from $1,000 up , on oasv monthly
payments. F. 1C. Dulling. 4.1 Ilarkcr tilock. 211
, . .have some excellent houses well calcu-
luted for the nicest homes , at > cry mod
erate prices nnd in the most promising resi
dence location In the city , from 17,500 up. Col
seth , Johnson & Lovgrou , room 0 , Chamber of
Commerce. 401-7
$1,000 will buy a very small but valuable
building lot , i0tli ! and Farnam. Koggs &
Hill , real estate , No. 1408 Farnuiii sf 3SO-11
T7IOR SALE The hoiibO and lot 1733 N. 19th
JO will be sold cheap and on monthly pay
ments. Apply to U. Hardy , 131'J ' Farnam st.
fTMIE best bargain In the western states. 14
JL big acres right In the center of Omaha ,
worth perhaps J400,000.und will soon bo worth n
million , for sale for 1200.000 cash. Men with
capital cannot find n safer or better Invest
ment In America. Uoggs & 11111 , real estate ,
1108 Farnam st 380-11
T71OR SALE-Tlid beautiful residence. No. 820
JL' Georgia avenue , with full lot,0-room house ,
birch nnd oak llnlsh down stairs , oak side
board , lubrutory , 4 mantels , soup stone tubs In
laundry , cistern and city water , gas nnd sewer
connections , gus ilxtiues , house handsomely
decorated , good fuinace and range nnd every
possible convenience. Tills properly is clear
of incumbranco , and owner can glveuuy terms
to hull. No trade. Any ono wishing to pur
chase can call at No. tOO Georgia ave. and bo
shown the pioperty , or call at my olllco and bo
driven out to see It. D. V. Sholos Co. . hole
agent. 213 First National Punk 242
$4,000 will buy an elegant , sightly residence
lot on 2Uth und Dodge. Easy terms. Hoggs
& Hill , leul estate. No. 1403 i'arn.un st. 3.Si-ll (
TT1OKHALE A line now fl-room eottago near
JJ electric cur line on N. 27th st. Will take us
part of cash payment a good horse or horse
aud phaeton. P. 1504 Farnam st. 877
TjlOKSALEor Exchange borne of the very
JL1 best Farnam and Dodge st. property , choice
corners aud bargains in many parts of the
Clear lands in eastern Nebraska for un Im
proved lots In western part of the city.
A well Improved farm of 1UO acres in south
ern Minnesota ut half Its value.
* 50 will buy equity In n good 80 acres.
Clean lots In Hastings , Salt Lake City , lias-
sett ( Neb. ) and Tukamah ( Neb. )
A w oil Improved property , rented for $3,000
per annum ; clear of Incumbranco.
3.ROO head of cattle with outfit and best rungo
In .Montana.
The best homo In Omuha for $2.VX ) ; easy
terms. Stringer & Penny , Douglas block , Ifltli
and Dodge. _ MS
'I/1OK HALE Or Undo , Plutto vauoy ranch , 3
J2 miles west of Valley station , on U. P. R'y. ,
containing overt,10J acres ; Bet with blue grass ,
clover and red top , divided Into 25 fields anil
paddocks , largo barns , paddocks , cattle nnd
nog burns and sheds , fine residence boarding
house , machine shop , carriage house , olllccx ,
Icehouse , flnugroves , and splendid half mile
truck. This is the best Improved ranch In the
country. O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Fnmam st.
$2,000 buys new 5 room cottauo , lot 33x132 31th
and Jones. Kasy terms. 1) . U. Patterson ,
518 N. V. Life. 528
TJ1OK feTALE 5,000 acres of western Nebraska
.1 ? land at $ . ' .50 per uere. T. S. ClarUhon , 210 S
11 th M. lia 11 *
IjlOR bALE -room hons-e , east front ; city
JJ and cistern water ; n wpartof city. Jumos
Stockdalc , room 4. Froimir blk. KM
CHEAP lots For homos The bottom clear
out of old prices. 100 of the very lluest and
best lots In Omaha View to bo sacrificed to
close them out. Come In and get figures If
you have money to Invest. Wo moan busi
ness and will give wonderful baigalns. Hoggs
A III1I.14QS FiirnaniHt. _ : iftMl
IjUHt SALE B.wiu acres best farming lands in
JL Nebraska nnd 50.X150 feet on South 13th bt. ,
at a great sacrifice. Inqulro 018 South 13th Bt
Jeo. II. Peterson , owner. _
FOTrsALE Or exchange for unimproved
Omaha property , good 320 acre farm In
ovya , with llvu stock , Implements , etc. Good
.M-acro ( arm In Cumins county , Nebsnska.
Improved South Omaha property , paying 10
> ur cent. Address n 47. Hco. liil-mS *
Muttqrof application of Jno. Dougherty for
, . / liquor license.
Notice Is hereliy given that Jno. Dougherty
lid upon the 24th day of April , A. 1) . 1MW , 11 Id
its application to the Mayor and Olty Council
of South Uniaiia. for llceuso to sell malt , xplrlt-
lous and vlnOiia liquors lit No. 100 24th street ,
Second ward. Bouth Omaha , Neb. , from the l t
day of May , ISM , to the 1st day of May. InOl.
It there bo lie objection , romonstrancn or
protest tiled within two weeks from this 21th
il. yof April , A. D. ISuo , the suid llcenso will bo
granted. JNO. DOUUHKUTV , Applicant.
t _ H5
Matter of Application of liagley & Cullahan
for liquor llcenso.
Notice is hereby given Hint llagloy fc Ciilli-
lun dlt Ul oii thciSllidayof May , 1890 , tile their
application to the mayor and city council of
South Omaha , Nob. , for license to cell malt ,
spirituous nnd vinous liquors , nt Ilellovuo
i venue , | Albright. 2nd ward , South Omaha ,
Noli. , from the 1st day of May , IsUO , to the 1st
lay of Muy , ibDl.
If thuro be no objection , remonstrance or
protest filed within two wooki from this 5tU
lay of May , A. D. line , the said license will belie
lie granted. IIAQI.EV & ( . 'ALLAHAN ,
& -13 Applloautt-
Depiirtmontof the Pintle , Oninhn. Neb ,
May 2 , l JW.-Senleil proposals , in triplicate
iiuiv. .nuiiit-mi. jr v , nnu > iien i puneti 10.
furnishing wood nnd coiil required thcrea
( luring fiscal year commencing July 1st , ! * > .
I' . S , reserves the right to reject tiny or nl
bids Preference given to articles of dnnmstlt
production , conditions of quality nnd prloi
( Including In the prlco of foreign produutlot
the duty thereon ) being equal. All In form n
lion furnished on appllcntlou hero or to tin
Post Quartermasters. Envelopes rontalnlnt
proposils to bo marked "Proposals for foul.
nntl addressed as InillciUed above. WM. II
HUGHES. Lieutenant Colonel nnd Deputj
Quartermaster General , U.S. A. , Chief Quar
tern nst r. m3iHt2i27
for Indian supplies Mid Trans
JL portntlon Department of the Interior ,
onicoof Indian Affairs , Washington. April 11 ,
lio. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals
for llec f , ( bids for lleef muct bo submitted In
separate envelopes ) , llaoon , Hour , Clothing or
Transportation , etc. , " ( as the case may be ) ,
and dln-oted to the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs , i\M. fUdiul 67 H'ofXtfr ( nrf , Ktw Ynrk ,
will bo received until 1 p. m. of Itittibiifiiu
a > , JSW , for furnishing for the Indian service
about 000,000 pounds Hacon , 34OOJ,000 iioundri
Heef on the hoof , 1,000,100 pounds not lleef ,
27D.IRX ) pounds Itcans. ci.000 pounds linking
Powder , 500,000 pounds Corn , 4sn , ( > 00 poiinch
( 'offcc. 8,500,000 pounds Klour , M.OOi ) pounds
1 eed , 153.1X10 pounds Hani Ilrond , < V > .UOOi > onndH
Hominy. S.uiW ) iHiundx Lanl , 700 barrels Mess
Pork , 17,000 pounds Ottmeal , 430.UOO i > ounds
Oats. 123,000 poumls Rico , 0,000 pounds Tea ,
310,000 pounds Salt. 2S0.1KO pounds Soap , 020,000
Sugar , and 70,000 poumls Wheat.
Also , lllankcta. Woolen and Cotton Goods ,
( consisting In part of Ticking. 13.0OU yards ;
Standard Calico , 100,000 yards : Drilling , 14OU (
yards ; Duck , free from all sizing , 'JNOOO yards ;
Denims. 13.000 yards ; Gingham , iHO.OOO yards ;
Kentucky Jeans , 11,000 yards ; Cheviot , 17,000
yanls ; IlrownSheotliiK.ito.OOOynnls ; Illeached
Sheeting. 23,000 yards ; Hickory Shirting. 15.WW
yards ; Calico Shirting , 7,000 yards ; Winsey ,
2.000 yards ) ; Clothing , Groceries , Notions ,
Hardware , Medical Supplies , School Hooks ,
Ac. , and n long list of miscellaneous articles.
such as Harness , Plows , Rakes , I'orkso. . , ami
for about SCO Wngons required for the service ,
to bo delivered at Chicago. Kansas City and
Sioux City. Also for such Wagons as may be
required , adapted tothoollmau-of the Paelfio
Coast , w 1th California brakes , delivered at San
Also transportation for Mich of the articles.
goods and supplies that contracted
for to bo delivered at the Agencies.
Schedules showing the kinds and quantities
of subsistcncomipnllcs required for each Agen
cy aud School , nnd the kinds nnd quantities Ingress
gross of all other goods and articles , together
with blank proposals , conditions to bo ob
served by bidders , tlmo and place of delivery ,
tormsof contract and payment , transport : !
tlon routes , and all other necessary Instruc
tions will bo furnished uponnpplloatlou to the
Indian Olllco in Washington , or iw. . RinmlSI
iroosffrslrreA'cio Yinli ; the Commissaries of
Subsistence , U. S. A. , at Choyonnc. Chicago.
Louvenworth , Omaha , Saint Louis , Saint Paul
and San Francisco ; the Postmasters nt Sioux
City , Iowa ; Yankton , S. Dakota ; Arkansas
OityCnldwclITopeka nnd Wichita , Kansas ,
and Tucson , Arizona.
The right Is reserved by the Government to
reject any and all bids , or any iinrt of any bid ,
and these proposals n o Invited undoi proviso
that appropriation shall bo made for the sup
plies by Congress.
Bids will bo opened nt the hour and day
above stated , and bidders are invited to bo
present ut the opening ,
. All bids must bo accompanied by certified
- - -
cheoksor drafts upon Mime United fate
posltory or the First National Hank of San
Francisco. Gal. , for at least/lre per cent of the
amount of the proposal.
T. J. MORGAN , Commttstnner.
Douglas County fs s
In the matter of the application of the
Omaha Union Depot company tooondenin cer
tain lots , lands und premises for its use for
right of way , tracks , sidetracks , turnouts ,
switches , otllccs and structures :
To bumuel G. Damon und Ella Gertrude
Damon :
You are hereby notified that the Omaha De
pot company , a corporation orgunl/ed and ex
isting under and bv virtue of the laws of the
state of Nebraska , has located Its union pas
senger station , nnd Its railway tracks turn
outs , switches , olllces , stiuctures and nppur-
tcnces , hereafter to bo constructed , In the
construction , malntalnuneo and operation of
Its passenger depot In the city of Omnhu ,
Douglas County. Nebraska. In and upon the
follow ins described tract of land :
A part of lots one , two , throe und four in
block number two hundred nnd twenty. In the
city of Omaha , described as follows , to-wlt : a
Hcglnnliig at the north-west corner of said
block number two hundred nnd twenty ; run
ning thcnco south on the east line of Eleventh
street twenty-eight and eight tenth (28.8) ( ) feet ;
thence south sixty-sot en degrees and lifty-
slx minutes , east two hundred nnd thirteen
f and sixty-six hundredth feet to the west lln
olot ono In said block ; thence .south in the
west line of suld lot one , live nnd four tento
(5,4) feet ; thence honlh sixty-seven degree
and llftv-slx minutes , oust forty-six and
seventy two hundredth (40.72) ( ) feet to the south
llnoof said lot one ; thence east In the south
line of lot one , twenty-two nnd seven tenth
(22.7) ( ) feet to the south cast corner of lot one ;
thcnco north in the west line of tenth street
sovcnty-two feet thcnco north slxty-soven de
grees and forty-eight minutes , west ono liun-
dJod und fifty-eight nnd eight tenth (158.8) ( ) feet
to the south line of Marev street ; thence west
In the south llnoof Marcy street ono hundred
and seventeen feet to the place of beginning ,
containing In all an area of seventeen thous
and llvo hundred and seventy-four and
seventy-live hundreth (17,574.75) ( ) feet , moro or
less , ( lot ono , Hvo thousand two hundred and
sixty-two uud fifteen hundredth gquuio feet ;
lot two , five thousand and twenty-four and
twcnty-flvohundiedth square feet ; lot throe ,
four thousand live hundred and four and forty
seven hundredth gquaro feet ; lot four , two
thousand woven hundred and eighty-three and
eighty-eight hundredth square feet. )
Yon are further notified that on the 14th day
of June , 1890. unless sooner called fur by you ,
the commissioners hciutoforo appointed In
the above proceeding , will proceed to assess
the damages if necessary , accruing to you by
r.eason of the appropriation of suld lands by
said Omaha Union Depot company for such
purposes. In the manner prcscribon by law.
a-14-21-28in5-12-19-20 j.l-10 O. J. GllEE.VB. Atty.
Notice ,
State of Nebraska ss.
In the matter of the application of the
Omaha Union Depot Company to condemn
certain lots , lands und promises for its usu for
right of way , trucks , sldo trucks , turnouts ,
vvwltohes , olllees and structures :
To Phoebe R. E. Llntou :
You nro hereby notltlcd that the Omaha
Union Depot Company , n corporation orgnn-
l/cd und existing under und by virtue of the
laws of the state of Nobrnskn , bus located Its
union pusscnger station nnd Its railway
tracks , turnouts , switched , offices , structures
und appurtenances , hereafter to bo con
structed , In the construction , maintenance
and operation of its passenger depot in the
city of Omuha , Douglas county. Nebraska , In
und upon the following described truct of
land :
A purl of lot number six ( n ) , In block num
ber two bundled and twenty (220) ( ) , In the city
of Omaha , described us follows , lo-wlt :
Itcglnnlng In the oust line of said lot Nix at
n point fifty-two nnd nlncty-hundicdths
(52 ( 1U-100) ) feet south of the northeast corner of
said lot ; thence north in the oust line of said
lot six , fifty-two und tilnoty-hundredths
(52 ( 00-100) ) feet ; thcnco west In the north line of
said lot slv , sixty-six ( GO ) feet : thence south In
the west llnoof said lot sixsixteen and foity-
Uve-humlrcdths ( la 45-100) ) feet ; theneo In a
southeasterly course soventy-llvo nnd four-
tcntliH (75.4) ( ) feet to the pluco of beginning ,
containing an urea of twetv-two hundred
nnd eighty eight und llfty-llvo-hundrodths
(2,2t ( # 55-100) ) square feet.
Also , u part of lot number snvon(7) ( ) In block
number two hundred nnd twenty (220) ( ) In the
city of Omaha , und described us follows , to-
wlt :
Beginning at a paint In the cast linn of said
lot , elghty-nlno und thlrty-flvo hundrcilths
(89.35. ( ) foot south of the north-east corner of
said Jot seven ; thence running north In said
east line elghty-nlno und thlrty-llvo hun
drcilths ( SdJI. ) . ) feet to the north-oast corner of
the lot : thence went In the not th line of said
lot sixty-six ( d ! ) foot ; thence soutli on the. west
line of bald lot fifty-two and nine-tenths (52.9. ( )
feet ; thence In a tout h-ctistorly course sovon-
ty-llvo nnd four-tenths (75.4. ( ) feet to the point
of beginning , containing an urea of forty-six
hundred mid ninety-four and one-fourth
( I'AI. ' ) square foct.
Yon uro further notified that on the I It h day
of June , IrtM ) , unless sooner called for by you ,
the commissioner * heiotoforo appointed in
the above proceeding , will proceed to assess
the damages If necessary , accruing to you by
reason of the appronilutlon of bald lands by
said Omaha Union Depot Company formica
purposes. In the manner proscribed by law.
0. J GIIKKNK , Attorney.
. . .
Tsn Omt 01ir H Qii'lf./ < j
Manhnnrl RESTORED.
sviHnnnnii ni mr . - .ncum
BVIUIIIIWUU of youthful Imprudent. ,
rauilnx Premnlure Iteetr. Kertom Pcbllltr , Ian
Manhood , da.havingIrUa ( n alnovtry known rein * ,
rtjr , budUrorcrrd ilmnta ratioi r xir rura , wlikh
he Mill Mini f f .If.ll rHKK ( o lill Mlow ruffrreri.
Addnw , J , II , UUiVK3. f.u , Iloi XVO.Nim York Cltr.
TNSTRUMENT3 placed on record
i. yesterday :
1C MVllry nnd husband to I'r.iuk Dun-
Ran , part of lot sL nub of blk A , Rcscr
volrndd.wd . . . . . tt.WO
1'rank DuiiEnn nnd wlfo to K M Rlloy ,
part of lot 42 , sub of blk A ( Ke ervo1r
ndd.'iod . 5,000
S J Unwell nnd wlfo to S II Montgomery ,
lot 37 and n ) i of lot : w. How ell 1'lncc ,
VTll , . . , , , . . . , . ' , ' " . .
Union stock ynrds company' o"fl
Hammond & Co , iUUnervs In no 4 14 13 ,
wd . . .
Nebraska mortgage- loan company to W
W Dotcn , lot 17 , blk S , Redlck Park ,
wd , . , , . , , , . , . . . . , . , , ,
I * A Parker to WAV Dotcn , s > { of n fiO
. feet of lots 8 and 0 , blk 2. A 8 1'ntrlcV *
nild.wd . , . 3,500
Gil Hammond company to Alexander
Harvey , lot 3 , blk son. Omaha , and 3.W (
acres In se 4-H-ii : , wd . . . . 10
Henry Goodman to ( < M ( loodmnn , lot 7 ,
blk 4 , Jetton ml to South Omaha , und S
of lot 8. blk XV4 nnd w ' , i of o W , lot 1 , blk
W , South Omaha , w d .
J H Erok to V O Under , lot 7 , blk 13 ,
1'nrk Tort-st. w d . , . . . .
J 11 Emk to G A Vcdln , lot 8 , blk 13 , 1'ark
1'orcst , w d. . . . . . . .
Alexander Harvey to G H Hammond &
Co , lot H. blk 200. Omaha , and B , MA
In RP 4.11.13. dwd . . .
J A MrShnno to W S Coburn , lot 8. blk 27 ,
West Side , w tl . , .
W I' MeDevItt to J M Swctnum , w : tl < j
foctof lot 12 , blk "A. " ItcHlford. w d . . .
W P JloDovltttoJ M Hwetiinm , lot 11.
Vlnton I'lni'o , w d .
Ed riielan nnd wlfo to 1'eter I'ieguour ,
lot 10 , blk 4 , llrst ad to I'owler 1'luce ,
wd. . . .
EH Rood and wlfo toV It Uradely. lots
3 , 4 and r > , blk 2 , Albrlght'x nnnnx , w d
Annlo StocKdalo nnd ) iinhuid to K II
Smith , lot tl. Aldluo squnu- d .
A 1' Tukpv et nl to 0 A llubbunl , lot 2 ,
_ GraviV Park , vrd .
SotiMi Jonnscn and VTlfe to L 0 l'oteron ,
part lot 21 , blk 1 , Campbell's ad. w d
S M nnrt L Johnson to E A llensoii , lot 11 ,
hilt 2 , Hosier's ad , W tl .
L R Davis to W E Davis , n 25 lot 5 , blk
471. Grand vlow , wd .
EO Davenport to J W Day , part sw sw
1S-1G-13 , q o d . . . . . . .
Twenty-three transfers
The following permits were Issued by the
building : lnscctor ] yesterday :
John 11 Levy , two-story brick residence ,
Thirty-first and Mason otn-ets . .110,000
G. W , Scott , addition to residence. 252J
Capitol avenue . l.Wl
S. I. Gordon. IK story frninn dwelllnt ; ,
Eighth and llanuroftstrcoU . . . . . 600
One minor permit . 73
Total $11,873
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
ilysjicpsla , dullness , blues , cured by Ur.
Mtlos1 Nervine. Samples free at Kuliu &
Co.'s , lUth and Douglas.
A French Olllccr's Tribulations With n
Native o ( ' the Orient.
Dr. IIoqimrd\vlio rccontly returned , to
Franco tiftor n rcsidonco of over two
years in TonUin , tells about the Aniiit-
mcso bridu of u French ollloor statiouoil
at Nanulinh. The doctor visited the of-
floor at his homo in the bij ; town , and
thcro mot a very pretty native girl about
18 years old , who wore a. robe of violet
silk and moro rinys on. her llngors thnn
western belles refftml as in Rood taste.
"You boo , I htivo married nn Anna-
mcse , " said the olllcor , lati hinjj : . "Tlmt
is , I have bouglit her from bur parents
for -15 francs. They signed a contract
before the notables of their village , in
which they relinquish all their rights
over their daughter. I can do with her
as I please , but I must treat her well. If
I choose I may return her to her parents
and they must receive her uguin. It H
u very easy sort of divorce. She cannot
leave me without my permission , and If
&ho runs away from mo her father is re
sponsible and must rot urn to mo the
money I paid for her. Tlmt is the Annu-
meso law. "
"That seems to bo a vorv practical and
economical arrangement , remarlcod tha
old doctor.
"Not so much as you think , " replied
thooflieor. "I give Ti San for that is
lior name 15 piastres a month for her
wordrobo , tosny nothing of the presents
[ make her from time to time and the
disagreeable surprises to which Bho
treats mo now und then. The other dn j ,
; or instance , Ti San blossomed out in a
jeautiful robe of brocaded silk that I had
jiven her. Then , with ono of her friondg
( he loft the house for ti promenade , und
while strolling around the town bho saw
i party playing cards in u gambling
"Like all her people , Ti San is pas
sionately fond of gambling. Nothing
could tempt her to pass that house , and
so in she wont , seated herself at the
iiblo , and was soon absorbed in the
jnmo. There sbo sat until she had lost
ill her inonoy , her jewels , and , llnally the
clothing she wore , and when she ro-
, urned to mo the next morning bho was
arrayed in a lot of rags that had been
jivon her out of charity.
"Tlmt is not all. The contract T inndo
with her parents provides that I must
bed her well. That clause Booms to In
clude her entire kindred. She had been
with mo only two days when her Tumily
and you know families urq not small in
.bis countrv ) swooped down upon us and
nstalled themselves in u house near
nino. Every time I enter my kitchen I
hid my cook preparing rice for all those
avcnous persons. I olVer them a thou
sand insults , but they never wince nnd
lothlng will induce them to bulge from
ny premises until they have had a
good , square meal. You see , marrying
in Annameso girl has its decided dls-
id vantages. "
Dr. Birnoypractlco limited to cutarrU- ;
al discuses of nose and throat. 13co bldg.
Too Smart to be Killed ,
"Towsor , " a Bettor tlog belonging to
saUian Simmons , a Castle street fauloftn-
ccopor , was before Judge Curtis in the
toston municipal court recently on trial
or his life. The dog bit 'llelmoth
louse , who sued for damagcb aild do *
minded that the dog bo shot because ho
vus savage. To impress the court with
I'owf-or's lawabiding and righteous dis-
lOdltion , ho was put through his paces
n court , Hays a Boston special to the
STow York world. Towsor walked on
ils hind logs , lay down and feigned
leath , shouldered a .stiek like a soldier
its gun , whined in imitation of singing ,
teed against the wall on his head with
ho atMstanco of his proud proprietor ,
nnd llnally captivated the judge and
caused the spectators to break forth with
ippluuso by tripping gracefully on two
oga up on the judge's bench and offer-
ng liia paw to his honor. The court
hus convinced awarded judgment to the
_ _
JjIfjlitMlnK Turneil u \rgroB9 "Wlilto ,
Among the curious incidents of the
.hundor storm which played burh havoo
around Brldgoton , N. J. , recently , none
HIS caused moro surprise than a freak of
ho lightning. On tlmt day the vosl-
lonro , of Mr. Frank M. Rlloy , cashier of
.lio Cumberland bank , on West Com-
norco Btrcot , was utruck by lightning ,
says the Now York Star. The iluld ran
down the chimney , struck an iron screen
vhich It throw four feet away from the
iroplaco , and then passed to the arm of
lie cook , a colored woman , uho was
landing near , but uho did not feel tha
hock. The Iluld entered her wrist and
> assed out of her elbow , turning the
lean a snowy whiteness , Her nrm wa
only slightly burned , and otherwise sh
ulforcd no pain at all , The doctor Wli
ittended her , saya that In all probiibiil
y her arm botwuon the elbow tuid wrlbj
vlll remain white.
Hcadacho , ncuraii-Iu , dUflnf-s1 ; , nervous
ness , i PUSIH3 , sleeplessness , cured by Dr.
Mil'V Ken I no Samples free nt Kuuii &
Co 'n , luth ai'U