Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1890, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Devotees Preparing to Seek Sylvan Shades
and Sea Breezes.
A Ijtiiiclicon nt the Union Club An
Apple IHossom Dinner A Ken-
Ten Notes nml *
"Straws toll how the wind blows" and n call
on society ( luring the week to find her in a
distr.ictlngly pretty robe do matson , sur
rounded by trunks and boxes with a moun
tain of airy confections of laces and ribbon In
the process of being laid nwny , Inclines ono to
the belief that she Is preparing to spread de
vastation In pastures new.
While May is young and the heat of July is
l if * Btlll far enough In the future to permit of
cool reflection , it is n good time to study the
various circulars and advertisements that
'feelingly persuade" one of the Incontestable
advantages of everywhere but homo as a
summer resort. Society who prides herself
on her circumspection , is an articulated body
capable of short division. Therefore , nftcr
I reviewing the respective attractions of the
swell-frequented , sportive surf , of the bucolic
charm of retirement to bo found In country
life , and the general brace and brec/lncss of
mountain air , she allows all these to go by
the board and chooses In one joint to go by
nhlnbonrd. to find the needed chance and rest
on tno "oilier sine.I'lio prepara
tions for the voyage are trivial
as slio dreams of everything now
and flno to ho gotten In 1'aris , London nnd
Vienna before her return. However , the
ball gowns , fnl-laU and such speaking evi
dences of conquest antl honor in her own
country uro to bo laid away with orris root to
reappear sweet and suitable at the minor
functions when another season shall unwind
1 , Among those who have chosen Europe as
nn objective point are :
"Mr. ami Mrs. Lewis Rccd and family , Mr.
CrounSe , the Misses Uromise , Mrs. Gilbert
' Hitchcock and Mrs. Shears , who will sail
Mav.SW , Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ford , Mrs. Mil-
. lnn\ and the Mtscss Millard. Dr. Harold Oif-
ford , Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mr. Kob-
crt L. Gnrlich.
Judge and Mrs. Savage have bought a cot-
tape in New Hampshire and will spend their
summer there. Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Kogers
will leave early in June to spend three months
ut Kennubunlcport on the coast of Maine.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Levi Carter plan to go to
.Alasltfi. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Millnrd will
shortly move to their summer homo near
Calhoun. Airs. Nye , Mrs , Coffman , Mrs. D.
II. Wheeler , Jr , and Mrs. K. S. Dundy , jr. ,
arc going to Spirit Lake.
A number of the young women who nro
brilllnnt society lights an1 planning n summer
iu Wisconsin , with a cottage , a chaperon and
n clrclo of llowcr-llke loveliness that will
draw beaux from afar.
Mrs. Edward I'eck and Mrs. Lconldas
P.unkhauser are considering a return to the
fnrin In Minnesota where they spent a pleas-
nut summer a year since.
Tlio Cohen Jluccptlon.
Everybody knows that what Is done by the
Mt-tropolitan club in n social way is done
gracefully and with good taste. Lost Tues
day evening the club tendered a reception to
the newly mated pair , Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman
Cohen , which was more than delightful.
From 3:30 : 'till 0:30 the guests kept arriving ,
and little groups collected in the handsome
club parlors and gossiped the time away "till
summoned to the banquet at 10 o'clock.
.lucre is nut mucu iu uu &mu ui u.unjuum.
They are cither sparkling nnd spiced with
merriment and enjoyment or they uro un
utterably dreary and miserable. This was
' lifter the sjtarkliiig sort and the room
ivib - hcpt melodious with the strains of
the Musical Union orchestra , the tinkling
of glasses anil rippling of careless
laughter. Tlio tables wcrciirrangod in borso-
fihoo form with the bride and groom nt the
head , the former looking very charming In a'
costume whioh ono of the ladies described ns
simple lint elegant. The banquet was pro
longed to near midnight , when Dr. Hoscnau ,
in a few well chosen words , proposed the
toast of the evening , the bride and m-oom.und
the company adjourned to the ball room
The decorations of Inth the reception nnd
banquetting room were tasteful nnd elabor
ate. In the reception room the couple sat
under a beautiful canopy , nnd in front of
them nnd on all sides were graceful lloral de
signs in roses , lilies nnd smilux. In tlio ban-
queuing room the most noticeable feature in
the decorations was a magnificent horseshoe
in pink , yellow unit white roses.
The supper room presented the
nppuuruneo of on immense horseshoe
of white arms , fair faces , llowers and glitter
ing glassware. The menu which follows was
served by n competent cor ] > s of waiters who
were careful to sco that no glass or pluto was
loitg empty :
v * MENU :
' ' '
Speckled Trout. Egg Sauce.
Parisian Potatoes.
Radishes. Olives. Pickles. Celery.
Spring Lamb. French Peas.
Young Pigeons. Baked Apple.
Snow Make Potatoes.
.Children Salad , a la Mayonnise.
Cukes. . Muccuroons. Kisses.
Metropolitan Ice Cream.
Cafe Nnlr. Cafe mi Lait.
Among ino guests present tno following
were noticed : Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. B. Newman , Mr. and Mrs. A. ,
D. Braii'leU , Mr. und Mrs. A. Heller , Mr.
und Mi's. L. Mendelssohn , Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
HIUIS , Mr. and Mrs. S. Benimunn. Mr. and
Mik. .1. Hoblnson , Mr. and Mrs , A. Polack ,
Mi * , mill Mrs. At. Hellnmn , Mr. and Mrs. I.
Oberfeldcr , Mr. and Mrs. E. Scllgsohu , Dr.
nnd Mi's. O. Hoffman , Mr. and Mrs , Leo
Hothschlld , Mr. and Mi's , I.Lobman , Mr , nnd
Mrs. S. DrelfiiH , Mr. nnd Mrs , H. ( Jrotto ,
Air and Airs. Max Aioyer , Air. und Airs.
Low , Air. und Airs. G , Hoyn , Air , and Airs.
II. Uodfeld , Air. and Airs. S. J. Fischer , Air.
and .Mix. Cohen , Air. nnd Airs. J. L. Bran-
dei.s , Allsses Kosonberg. Einskopf , Scllgsohn ,
Kttlu Newman , Allnnlo und Annie Koth-
echlld , Cora Lelbeiithul. Tlllio iN'ewmun ,
Adlw Newman , Currio Goldsmith : Messrs.
Julius Aleyer , A. II , Gladstone. S. Ober-
Mtix Hoi hcimcr F. Scllgsohn und others.
A Ileautlful Luncheon.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. L. II , Korty
j.ivouu exceptionally brilliant luncheon at
Clio Union club. Assisted by Mrs. Ed , Dick-
oason and Mrs. J. II. Manchester the
nblo hostess received her
guesU in the room
ordinarily given over to books nud husbands.
On this occasion however
, , ravishing cos-
j tunics , diilnty bonnets with spring colors tly.
' . i K " " ' ' "ll ll'o ' airy grace of womankind sup-
plementeil the every day tedium with
preeminent -
eminent success. Pryor had done himself
proud , and the table arrangixl in the form of
the letter H nnd beautifully adorned with
roses was a charming sight to see. There
was a generous corsage bouquet for each
guitit , and the pretty sparkle of silver and
glass on thollower smartened table gladdened
the eyes of qulto sixty women.
The admirably sen-oil menu was as follows ;
Constommo alphabet.
Hors d'Noeurvoi.
Celery. Haves , Olives.
Poummlo do Terra Dauphin , .
, Colcte d'Agneau ' u la Mfrabeau.
Petit Pols Vert.
. Sorbet a ( a Ncapolltain.
.Icuuo Poulet au Crcsson.
Aspoitjoa en Sulade.
KutremcnU FraUes.
Cix'uio a la glace. Gateau.
The guests were s Mesduiues E. E. Bryson
n. II. Ilorton , G. W. Logan , G. M. NattliiKcr.
D. W Shull.II. D. Shull.J. K. Manchester ,
H. W Dybull , Lauru Jolllffc , P. A. Nash
tleo. A Lawn-nee. G. W. PanL. . T , Wolle
Thos. S yobe , A. Trayiior , W. M , Bushman
W. N. Nuson , S. 1C Jackiou , Mary Grldloy , ,
Oco. Hume , H. O. Akin , John F Boyd , John
Grant , Edward Dickinson , Edwin Ilaulcy , D.
K. Klmball , E , Itoscwotcr , Jlonry Pundt ,
t ) . Ilnrtman , J. O , Jneobs , P. E.
Her , James A. Foley , J. B. Sheldon , Flcmon
Drake , J. AI. Thurston , S. A. Hnnlon , D. N.
Graves , W. P. Williams , John Withnell , A.
P. Hopkins , O. Anderson. Henry Horn-
Iwrger , C. P. Necdham , J. K. A. Hae. B.
Buckingham , James I. Woodard , A. Atkin
son , Carl Benson , V. II. Coffman , Charles
Htoutenborough , Allsses Cnllstn Johnson ,
Christine Johnson , Agnes AIcAusIand , Emmn
Pundt , EHzn Withnell , Llbblo Withnell , Llz-
7lo Brass , Nellie C. Alorris , Bessie Bowcu ,
Hannah E. Kennedy , Alary Turner.
A SwInimlnR I'nrty.
On Monday evening Airs. Henry EsUibrook
gave a swimming party nt the Notatorluin in
honor of her guests , Airs. Clowry and Ailss
Wood. Tlio mandolin club lent the charm of
its melody to the unique function and the
Hashing lights , the music , the soft splash of
the water nnd the waving motions of milk-
white arms constituted n scene at once dls
( meting ami alluring. At the institution of
thn Nntatorium any number of women adopted
swimming as a fad , and now it has grown
nopositlvo feature in the reeular line of
social labors. A labor , however , at once pro
ductive of amusement and physical bencllt.
"Pity 'tLi"that society gencralfydocs not con
sider a swiah through its waters as all ini | > or-
tant fts a flutter through the hops during the
season , else would the bcnctlt very soon become -
come manifest.
Any number of fair Indies ornamented the
disturbed uurfnco of the water and in in
stances sounded Its depths In n during dive.
A llttlo Informal supper with the iivant gout
of the swim was an added enjoyment , and the
.evening scored a charming success. The
guests were : Air. nnd Airs. Nye , Air. and
Atrs. Catlln , Air. and Airs. Alexander. Air.
nnd Airs. Swobe , Airs. Clowry , Allss Wood ,
Airs , nnd Alias Marshall , Judge und Airs.
Dundy , Air. and Airs. E. S. Dundy , jr. , Air.
nnd Airs. Dcltz and Air. and Airs. Joseph
Ainnteiir TlicntrionlM.
A prospective entertainment with the ob
ject of H charitable bencllt for the city mis
sion is rapidly nenring perfection. Next
Thursday evening nt the Armory will bo pre
sented "Woodcock's Little Game , " with the
following cast :
Woodcock Mr. Hodges
Sir. Larkbis Mr.Charles Howe
Sir. Hwandowin , AIr.lohn Wilbur
llavid Mr. Nethcrton Mull
Miss Carver Miss Shears
Mrs. Lnrklni Hiili-nmlie
Mrs. Woodcock Miss McKcnmt
Maid Miss Ilossle Vales
Mr. Hhupp.ird Stage MunuKcr
In addition to the comedy there will be.somo
charming tableaux under the direction of
Airs. James AIcKcnnn. "Tho Group of
Cherubs" from the painting in tlio Hoyal
Academy , the "Whispering Well , " "The
Peacemaker , " "A Florentine Poet , " and the
"Allegory of Poetry and Elocution" from the
fresco nt the Sorbornne , by Paul Chat-nines ,
constitute the selections , and to say that they
will bo artistic and iiicturesquo to a degree
were a superfluous statement considering tlio
admirable management. Tickets will bo for
sale ut the various bunks , at Chase & Eddy's ,
and cnn IMJ gotten from the men and women
cast for the play.
A Olul > Dance.
The seventh hop of the Crescent Social
club Tuesday evening , April 29 , nt G. A. 11.
hull , wus one of the most enjoyable the club
has given. About twenty-live couples ut-
tended. Those present were the Airs.
Hawitzer mid Peckum , Alisses Brcurhton ,
Schumcl , Nickel , Mitchel , Hepass , Broad-
Held , Howes , E. Howes , Clemens , Johnson.
Schroeder " , Allen , Keeler , Burmester and
"NIaycrlioff The gentlemen were : J. Poekatn ,
A. Wilson , _ L. Peterson _ E. Alunagc , B.
Whole , W. Broadllcld , O. Hurt. J. Adams , J.
Brown , E. Buriics , G. Keller , F. Johnson , B.
Clemens , AV. Wiseman , A. Hawitzer , C.
Kawltzor , AI. O'Brien , J. Silversmith , L.
Burmester , Ed Burmester , H. Bethtold , A.
Maycrhoff , F. Broadlleld and u number of
AH Apple-Blossom Dinner.
Airs. Aleduy gave nn exquisitely pretty
dinner on Wednesday evening as a graceful
good-bye courtesy to her guest , Airs. Dew-
snap. The charming house was embowered
in upple-blossoras , lllllug the air with their
dainty fragrance , and on the table was a
bough noavy with bloom. This , arranged as
a center piece , was made to do double duty ,
smartening the table and serving to hold the
irascys for the guests. Between its shining
leaves were thrust two generous bouquets of
la Franco t-roses , ono of Alarechale , one of
Bonnets and one of white carnations , the con
fusion of sweetness making each inhalation
a feast of delight. The guests were : Air.
and Alrs.3\Vnrrcn Kogers , Aliss Dowsnup ,
Aliss Yost , Aliss Sherwood. Air. Tebbets , Air.
Ilobert Patrick , Air. John Patrick , Air. Owen
nnd Air. Arthur Smith.
A KciiHiiiKton Tea.
Airs. Howard B. Smith who is an oxeei > -
tionallly pleasing hostess gave n charming
Kensington tea on Friday a/ternoon to both
matrons and maidens. Pretty gowns , bright
talk , bits of dainty needlework with rather n
neglected air m > d a tnblo of cards combined
with n perfectly appointed luncheon to make
this particular thrcud-nnd-needlo symposium
an occasion long .to bo remembered. The
guests wore : Mrs. Savage , Airs. Bcnnct ,
All's. AIcKcll. Allss AIcKoll , Airs. Frank
Hichardson , Airs. Clinton Powell , Airs. Irvine ,
Airs. Burns , Airs , Hamilton , Airs. Bradford ,
Airs. Sunderlnnd , Airs. Jones , Airs , Holier ,
Airs. Learner , Airs. Watson B. Smith , Airs.
Ford , Airs. Gould , Airs. Duryen , Aliss Shears ,
AILss Coliyer , Aliss Brown , Allss Sherwood ,
Aliss Dixon. Airs. Nash , Aliss Yost , Aliss
Hanscom , Allss Lynch , Allss Bums. Aliss
AlcCliiitock , Miss Lndington , Airs. Sharp ,
Aliss Ida Sharp , Aliss Hawlcv. Aliss Cluru
Hawley , Aliss Scott , Allss Alai Burns , Aliss
Eta Smith. Aliss Margaret Smith.
A Bud Cotillion.
On Thursday evening a very pretty flowcr-
llko cotillion was given at the armory. There
nro no favors , to bo sure , but when the
maidens dancing nro for the most part buds ,
to say they sufficiently fill the absence Is
unnecessary to anyone who knows this partic
ular nosegay. The music was delightful nnd
the lenders showed singular tuet nnd consid
eration , which Is not always tmo of those au
tocrats of n gcrman. The onlookers were
Air. and Airs. John AlcCormick
Air. nnd Airs. Luclen Slovens , Air. ,
nnd Airs. Worley and Allss Burns.
The dancers included : Aliss Aial Bums ,
Aliss Allnnlo Hawko of Lincoln , Altss Ale-
Clclland , Aliss Helen Smith , Aliss Barnard ,
Aliss House'Alls ' * Duke , Miss Lukey. Aliss
Parker , Allss Borer , Alessrs. Swcesy , Berlin ,
Hector , Gould , AlcCorntlck , Johnson , Hicks ,
Ward , Burleigh , Downs , Hcdlck , Fosbeuner
and Keller.
Clilpmaii-ltynn. '
On last Thursday evening , Alay 1st , nt S :30 : ,
Air. ' . J. Chipmnn of Omaha , und Allss Luella -
ella AI. Itynn of Alurshalltoivn , In. , were
Joined in marriage , Rev. Dr. Joseph Duryea
officiating. After the ceremony delicious re
freshments were served by the Alissoa Hunna
nnd Blackburn , who gracefully did the hon
ors of the evening ns hostesses. A number
of handsome gifts were received. Among the
guests present was Air. Gee. Scott of Alar-
Bhalltown. Air. and Mrs. Chipman are ut
homo to their friends iu their cozy cottage ,
1001 Kyuer st.
Closo-Wi throw.
On Wednesday evening nt the homo of the
bride's parents , 020 South Nineteenth street ,
was celebrated the wedding "of Aliss Helen
E. Wlthrow to Air. D. U. Close , the Hov. D ,
It. Kers , president of Bellevue college , per
forming the ceremony. Air , and Airs. Close
will shortly be nt homo to their friends in n
pretty new homo lately iinlshcd , on Phil
Sheridan street.
The Alisses Boulter are visiting in Kear
ney. „ . - . ' . ; ,
Airs. Wnyland Ogdcn Is the guest of Airs.
Ilobert Clarksoii.
Mrs. James \f. Sav'ago gave a pretty in
formal luncheon ou Thursday.
Air. and Airs. Jojcnb. Millard hare returned
from their visit to Now York.
Aliss Ktissell Harrison 14 visiting her
mother , Airs. Suuudetv , ou Shormun avenue.
Air. and Aim AlcCdrd are at homo again
after an altogether delightful visit through
the east.
General and AIM. Frank Wheaton and Air.
Klnzlo of Fort Omuuu are visiting ut Kear
ney , Neb.
Colonel and Mrs. H. Brownson are at home
ngnln nnd are occupying their cottage , D034
Airs. W. S. Hector and Allss AHnnio Ha wke ,
who are s { > cndna ! ; the week Iu Omaha , are
guests at the I'axtou.
Air. W. A. Puxtori lias returned from Bat
tle Creek. Airs. Pnxton left yesterday for a
short visit in Allssouri.
On Wednesday evening the Ailssps Yntes
gave a charming Informal dance iu honor of
their gucsU nt "HIlLsldc. "
Air. II. Rollins of Chicago and Air. Huff
man of Nellgh nro the guests of Mr. H. S.
Rollins nt 2018 Howard street.
Air. nnd Airs. Joseph Lchmergnvo a charm
ingly prettv card party on Tuesday evening
in honor of Allss Wood of Chicago.
PBMr. Tand Airs. L. B. Veil of Fort Worth ,
Tex. , on their way to California , visited Air.
nnd Airs. It. R. Grotto last week.
Airs J , R. Aleridlth , who is deeply devoted
to church nnd church work , gave an agreeable
reception lns.t Saturday afternoon In honor of
the distinguished missionary , Allss Khcit. ' .
Airs. Clowry and Allss Ida Wood , who have
been enjoying tlio hospitality of Airs. Henry
Estabnwk for the past fortnight , returned ou
Thursday to Chicago.
During Air. and Airs. Lewis Reed's ab
sence In Europe Dr. J. E..Summers nnd fam
ily will occupy their house on Davenport and
Twenty-second streets.
Airs. L. A , Alerrintn entertained a number
of friends nt "tea" last Saturday evening In
honor of Aliss Grace Carter , who will leave
shortly for her new homo In Iowa.
Air. nnd Airs. Nathan Sllelton are maklrtg
plans to leave Omaha about Juuc 10. to take
up their residence in Alarvlmid , a fact that
will occasion lively regret to their friends.
Allss Dewsnap , who has been the of
Airs. Aleday , left for New York on Wednes
day , being accompanied as far as Chicago by
Air. Aleday , who has gene there oubusincsj
On dit , tlmt two members of the Shakes-
spenro club will shortly join the list of Bene
dicts as the carlv summer will calender the
Airs. F. P. KIrkcndall gave a charimug
luncheon to a number of her women friends
on ThUMday afternoon , nnd on Friday even
ing scored a second success by giving nu
agreeable card party.
Allss Elcholtz of Denver nnd Aliss Kerr of
St. Joseph returned homo on Thursday after
an Ideal visit of ton day.s to the Allsses Yules.
Aliss Hnwiw and Aliss Steele returned to St.
Joseph yesterday.
If any trust can bo placod'in the old predic
tion Air. and Airs. Alclntosh on their wedding
day enjoyed enough sunshine to light them
through the bv-ways mid high-ways pf happi
ness and good fortune td the end of their
Air. ami Airs. Richard C. Patterson , whose
reputation for charming entertainments is
rapidly growing , added u new leaf to their
wreath of laurels at their tea given on Satur
day evening in honor of Rev. and Air. ? . Herrick -
rick Johnson.
All's. H. S. Rollins gave n small dinner on
Friday evening with covers laid forelght. La
France roses in u Benares bowl adorned the
table while the wealth of china silver and
glass that Is the enviable possession of this
graceful hostess made various and brightly
reflecting points of liirht.
Air. und Airs. D. O. Clark , who are indeed
making preparations to leave Omnlta. have
not formulated their plans for the future nor
chosen Bollvidere , 111. , a.s their place of resi
dence. They will go west for a time with a
jHD.ssible outlook later of two yours travel
throusrh Euroi > e.
As one of the houses in town where the
floors arc of glass-like polish , n pretty woman
was urged to dance the ris Rogerde'Coverly ,
nnd being afraid of the treacherous surface
she removed her slippers to go through the
.steps with the grace of a practiced dunscuse
her foct covered only with silk stockings.
Air. William Nickel , an employe of the
pressroom of Tun Bm : . was married lat
Wednesday evening to Aliss Emma Senf , the
daughter of Paul Senf. The ceremony wus
performed by.Justice Holmes at Son fs hall ,
lOOti Vinton street , in the presence of a large
number of the friends of both parties.
11 is wnisncrcu mat , me sauciest or a lively
set of maidens can dunce with a feathery
lightness that would move Cunncneitu to
envy. And that when the guests hud de
parted from un entertainment not long since
she lent a sprightller and more invigorating-
Haver to the evening by some very elastic
pus scnl.
Cards have been issued announcing the
marriage next "Wednesday morning , Alny 7 ,
of Air. Bernard Shields to Aliss Annie Alur-
phy. The bride prosi > ecUvo is the sister of
Airs. Aliuhacl Lee at whose residence , l'4'i
South Thirtieth avenue , a reception will be
held ' The ceremony will be performed in St.
Peter's church , comer of Twenty-eighth and
Lcavenworth streets.
On Tuesday nfternoon a p.irfy of gay young
people ou horseback groujwd' themselves in
front of Air. C. E. Yost's residence , and after
being photographed to their satisfaction pro
ceeded to ride to the garrison. On tlu'ir re
turn they enjoyed a delicious supper at All's.
Yost's , Aliss Yost acting as chatelaine in the
absence of her mother. The party consisted
of Aliss Yost , Aliss Yatos. Aliss Bessie Yates ,
Aliss Sherwood , Aliss EliholtAliss Hawks ,
Aliss Kerr. AIis.s Stecle , Air. Will Doane. Air.
John Patrick , Air. Charles Wilson , Air. Pierre
Garneau , Air. Arthur Smith , Air. Will Koenig
und Mr. Arthur Union.
Mr. mid All's. W. G. Bohn entertained a few
friends with u highliveparty on Thursday
evening last , which wus greutlv enjoyed by
all present. The Orchard Hill people are
getting to bo quite expert at cards and the
games are contested with u vigor that makes
the card parties Interesting to all. The lunch
furnished by the hostess was fully up to the
high standard of excellence always main
tained by All's. Bohn in this particular. The
following were present : Airs. E. B. Wilcox.
of Hutchinson , Kan. . Dr. Knnstaim , Air. and
Airs. H , B. Con-ell. Mr. and Airs. L. F ,
Weeks , Air. and Airs. G. II. Webster , Air.
mid Airs , W. A. Austin.
Apropos of the coming hegiru to Europe a
verv umusinir Incident occurred in one of t.ho
snoo snops nero uio otnur nay. A woman
was having the buttons
changed on a pair of
I'emurkublo boots , a pale tan color with aru- ;
bcsqno designs picked out with brown nil
over their surface aud a row of shining white
buttons. The clerk , a dsipper young chap ,
was attention itself , und although he WUH
sparrow-liko In Ills movements his face was
as expressionless us the smooth surface of a
ball of putty. However , the pei-ulliirity of
the unique foot covering seemed to have j > en.
i > truled the unused comers of his brain , Jor
with a slow drawl my lady said : "You nm
only get such boots ou the other side , " , IIi >
exclaimed , "Oh , you got them in .Coimcil
Bluffs ; well I thought J hadn't seen inij'-liko
them In our stores ! " This natural tniu | of ,
thought ended in uu amazed "Oh ! " whoujshe
explained with indignation that .slio meant
Ono of the most enjoyable parties of the
season was given on lust Sutttrduy 'iM-eiilnji
by Air. and Airs. II. B. Corycll ut their l le-
gunt homo ou Aluyno street. Curds , musju
und dancing wore the order of the evenim.- ,
und the well known abilities of the luvitOsu Is
n sufllelcnt guarantee that nil fortunute
enough to bo present were handsomely enter
tained. After mi exciting series of games of
high five , the prizes were won byJMiss Daisy
Wood nnd Dr. E. D. Arnold , and the convolu
tion prizes By Airs. H. I ! . cBromu mid Air.
Chambers. Allss Fiinnle Arnold , Dr. Arnold ,
Aliss Allio Hltt und Prof L. Hitt then enter
tained the comiiuny with some dellg'ht'ful
music , both vocal und instmnicntul , after
which all repaired to the supper room whfi-o
was spread un elegant luncheon. This1w'As
followed by an hour of dancing and agood
time generally. " The following wore pres
ent : Air. and Airs. W. G. Bobn , Air. mid
Airs. W. A. Austin. Airs , E. B. Wilcox of
Hutchinson , iCnn. , Air. und Airs , G. II. Web
ster , Air. Chambers , Air. nnd Airs , J. F , Wng-
ner , Dr. nnd Airs. Bailey , Air. und Airs' . H. C.
Drome , Mrs. John Arnold , Allss Alllo Hltt ,
Aliss Dodo Johnston , Allss DaUv Wood , Allris
Coryoll Wood , Allss Fannie Arnold , Dr. E. D ,
Arnold , Alr.Bcn C. Arnold , Prof. L..HHtM"lss
AleCurtney. Air. Eugene Thompson , Air. iiud
IVf T. WWnlfQ
A New Mineral.
A now mineral 1ms been discovered In
the vicinity of the little town of Homer ,
Ky. , und the Inhabitants of that phicu
expect to realize millions. The Bub-
Htanco discovered IB n black , pitchy
formation , and is of n loamy uppeuriince.
When placed In the lire it burns with H
clear , steady Unmo , aiulmukCd n brilliant
wliito light. It Is entirely consumed by
burning , leaving' uo ushes or clinkers.
* Murphy Sz '
Company's vnrnlshes In
cans nre always sold under seal nnd label.
Ask your dealer for them or address us
ut 300 South Fourth St. , St. Louis , Mo.
How It Was ExecfljMd at a Firo-Salo by
an Obseryaut Friend ,
Cuntnct With n iiiliIiiR , Pulling ,
Crushing Crowd of
Hellish , Q'jjV IJiirKnlu
Seeking Mortal * .
OMAHANob. . , May 1. My Dcnr Clarissa :
Your letter bidding mo got you some "wash
silk" at the sale which Is engrossing the
\voiiianltinJ of our town this week wai duly
received. I Imvo executed the commission
and I barely live to tell the tulo of my Insist
ence , persistence uml resistance. The para
doxical advertisement of water-soaked dry
Roods to really without significance , for ,
although there Is any quantity of things
much the .worso for waU'r and smoke , there Is
mi equal amount quito unharmed and as good as
On Saturday , being mixlotis to gratify you
mid strong In thocllslrof Hfo bom of the day ,
1 took my small boy by the hand and sallied
forth. At the doubleJJoors of the fashionable
emporium , I found my way barred by a iwllto
jrentlemnn of color rcsplcmliuit In livery , who
said In the most conciliatory manner :
"You can not go in until some ono comes
out. "
Kimry my fatuous smile and my manifest
utieasliioss while I tried to affect it graceful
minnnwrn iliinntr Ihrt bud nuiiMmnf an bntir
while I waited.
Presently the door burst open and , In n
rush of heat and the odor of human fatigue ,
two wild-cved women emerged with dishev
elled hair , hats r.tkishly hanging over one car
and arms piled high with bundles.
Blesiing the law of displm ment and confi
dent that such disarray was due to the vulgar
puali of the bourgeolse , 1 took a Hrincr hold
on my son and in a. moment was a part of the
entanglement of heated Jlesh that moved
slowly and with diflieulty.
Alas for human divination 1 No flight of
fancy outside those clo-sed doors i-ould
picture oven vaguely the pandemonium
within. Men , women and children in a vast
pushing , Dulling , angry , .wilding crowd surg
ing nnwthU way and Unit. and. mcanwhilo
driving the harrnsscd clerks quite mad with
their unintelligible questions mid indiscrim
inate overhauling of the materials on the.
Finally , by dint of perswision and through
the wlly'urglng of the necessity of air for my
small boy , 1 secured a position * in the neigh
borhood of the desired -silks. Happily they
will wnsb , else you would never be willing to
wear them after the infection of promise-nuns
handling. In front of me rose a wall' of
women , every one of whom was more or inclined" emlwiipoint , a vast moun
tain of llcjh , as warm , restless and threat
ening as Vesuvius.
Alter a brief period in the tumult and
elbowing my iiersoimlity seemed to desert
me and a desire for struggle arid supremacy
pervaded the remotest ? waches of my being.
I was recalled to iti.VHulf liv n voice shrill
with excitement , which/cried :
"Fur Clod's sake , lady iri-t me a drain ; off
that before it is gone. " iMintitisr to a crushed ,
miserable dejected looting piece of China
silk which , in its ] iahiiu.d.iiys. might have had
som claim to beauty , but which" , now , was a
poor thing indeed.
This voice , if you plcasi . proceeded from
something which I had'foec-n ' contemplatively
itVflirdiug as the buck. ] of a woman's head.
Nut until she .spoke did * > , ! recognize the fact
that the snul-wiudows were not a new va-
rk-tv of hair-pins and thitf peculiar straw-col-
mvJ formation dignified'by the name of nose ,
lion i of the mingling of ninny nations.
I ffontly reminded Tier in her waspish
fidgets that there was ' boy at the other'end
of the arm slu > wus hrcifitin/i / , und meanwhile
she was reduced to a sjilttf'of llnipnnil temporary
ary subjection hya small cuerjjetltJ'iiHfii'wlth
determined ivdlinunelWilntV'eyea who seized
her by , the shoulder and , ' removing her with
moro force than chlvnlrj'deliberately occupied
the si ! ice thus left vacant.
Alv enjoyment wus temjiercd , however , by
the fact tliat he proceeded in his triumiihunt
course AUilu-wiso nnd presently stood close
beside me with the evident intention of muk-
iiiKno exception in my case. Here the sturdy
resistance of my Scotch unecstry becnmo as
sertive , und I prepared for u struggle. In
deed , did he but know it , he wus arming mo
ajjainst himself. His nrwith wus redolent
of the manifold odors of rubbishy drink and ,
although 1 felt desperately like fainting- , his
alcoholic breathing prevented me , reviving
me with every fresh c.vlmlution.
Imagine mv state of mind when ho seized
the material ou which by dint of long en
deavor. I hud seured ; i faint hold and ex
claimed to the clerk.
' I'll tuk. > this and be quick uoont it. "
Here wus my rhutici * . I lixed his shifting
gaze with my indignant eyes und unswi-red :
"Excuse me , Mr. but you will do nothing of
the sort. I w.i * here quite three minutes be
fore you und I shall tuke the udvantuge of
precedence. "
"Well. I'll take ten yard * of It , " ho re-
Joint. d , "whether or no. "
In the brief second I recalled that you
wanted only live yards , but , in the spirit of
antagonism toward the beery lx > or , I took ten
vards of the twelve and went away leaving
him disgusted und revengeful. As I turned
to tuke in my full measure of triumph. I suw
him taken bottle frum his pocket with the
e-iiient Intent of drowning sorrow therein ,
when there was a Jog of his
elbow nud the "large still' '
.shoulders of the women In front of him re
ceived a practical illustration of how the
waters come down at Ltxlore.
Having executed your commission gener
ously I retraced my steps with diflieulty und
being pushed by tlu crowd near a counter on
the west hide I 'discovered a posslhlu origin of
thn lire in the inflammable temper of a clerk
Finally , I reached the glove counter nnd
here I efiuuced upon two bargains
In gloves , held , however , In the pudgy hand
of n .stout matron of sober build but with the
- - parti-colored ribbons
und nodding flowers. She wus of the nuturo
to excite i.ntiimthy under any circumstances ;
but , when slio belli In her hands , covered
with split gloves , a world too small for the hidden life lines -and dimples deep as
wells , two very desirable pairs of live and
tlinMjuartcis , she appeared odious. As she
espied me looking over her shoulder , she laid
the gloves aside with a superior air und said :
' As five und three-quarters is smaller than
the popular * l7.o , you probably Imvo u quan
tity and 1 will look further. "
I hastily appropriated the discarded ones
with the remark tliat "vMile the lady is look-
Ing. I will tuko these ! ' ' ' Tableau und vix
enish litoks of mullco cuMllatcd to freeze tno
i this veins of I'lifi.fjo . given to Mvect-
d Ugh las myself' '
However , I felt replug for my morning's
work In having outwit leu.two swinish tyijes
and having gotten $ $ wjtrth of gloves for $ .1 ,
notwithstanding a temtemcss In myslue from
.sundry bkiiiny ) KkesJ , of bony cllxnvs
and a conscious feellug f oillnoss from the
unctuous contuct of "touMjlId lie-ill. "
I took mv off-jpriiiH ; under my arm and
"fought my battles o'cr'U'mtll I reached the
street , aud filling myylfs \ \ with the pure air
of heaven I excliilmcd'A ; plague on sales
and the evil futo that hruigs them to mur a
temper and a.spring da j j Hinccivly. * * *
Tit/ / ;
Aliont Carpel i.
Buying carpets is liftu onylng a house , a
farm or a horse ; it inuk't'suit ' ' your eye , your
purse , your comfort. Nifllndy has u pleasant
m-olleetloii .of a rurpct department or the
stoixj wherein her r rpot was purchased If
the pattern is poor , the colors hideous , or the
nnntttv Infwlm * It. , dm nllmiril linn
self to overlook all these defects to save a
llttlo money at the time of purchase oulv to
regret it ns long as the ciirjKit lasts. The
Morse dry goods company of Omuha , muke
a specialty of carpets of all kinds. Honest
in quality , perfect patterns at fair prices.
You can't buy all these things in "job lots , "
but you can buy thorn at reasonable prices
from the Alorso dry goods company. All
grades of finest wilton , body brussels , ex-
minster , nnd other curi > ets as welt as choice
patterns iu ingrains , tapestry , linoleums ,
rugs , etc. Are you building or furnishing u
house I If so , let us llguro on your carpets
and curtains. Wo carry as largo a stock as
though we did not keen dry goods , making u
specialty of carpets und draperies.
State SportNmiin'H ToiirniuiKMit.
The sixteenth annual tournament of the
Gun club. At the same time the State sports
man's convention will bo hold. There will
l > e six contests n day and n largo attendance
is contldcntly looked for. The shoot takes
place nt Ilium's park , commencing nto o'clock
each day , American association rules govern
ing. All moneys will bo divided -40-30-20-10.
Live birds to be shot from ground trans , miss
nnd out. AInny of the well known shots of
Omaha will go down on the first day und re
main throughout the tournament.
A STATL't : OFirAsiil.\To\
To lie Given to I-'ranoo lljr the Women
of America.
x , April 23. To the Editor of
To advance n good cause will you
publish n letter nnd the attached circular ! It
seems to us most desirable that to the repub
lic of Franco , our ally in war nnd our friend
in jicnce , there should bo presented by the
women of America a statue of Washington ,
the father of the great republic. For fullest
value the gift should not eomo from the few
bnt tlio many , ntul nil parts of our country
should bo represented on the subscription
roll. Pride. In our noble state prompts us to
ask that the women ' of Nebraska aid us by
small donations. The amount required is not
large nnd subscriptions cnn bo sent to any of
the Undersigned , addressed to Washington ,
1) . O. , by whom acknowledgment will bo
promptly made1. Very rcsiectfuliy | yours ,
Mm. liimK.ui : : S. AI.VNDEIISOX ,
Alits. K.M.MA L. PADDOCK ,
Alns. JoiKriiiNi : Luvs ,
Miss. AlATTir. C. COXSI-.I.L.
The circular is ns follows :
OThe jK'Oplc of this country have always had
u warm sentiment of gratitude to Franco for
her generous , aid in our struggle for national
independence , a feeling which has occasion
ally found expression , and notably towards
tln lip mni nf HonM-nl T.n "Fnvnttn. ivhpll
nearly llfty years after the revolution , ho
visited our shores and the whole nation rose
up to do him honor. Yet this Just recognition
of our obligation , so gracefully shown to him ,
has never found expression to the nation at
large , although In lute years we have been
reminded of the continued friendship of the
French people , in theirgift to the city of New
York of the line statue of La Fuyetto that
stands in Union squure , and also of the colos
sal statue of "Lilicrty Knlightenlng the
World , " which Is fltly place'd on nn island in
the Imrlxir , whom she holds aloft her torch ,
emblem of the light und freedom which she
proclaims und guards.
To supply in some smalt measure , at lcat %
this omission on our part. It seemed to many
that it would bo a lilting thing for the women
of America to offer to Franco some memorial
which shall convey to the present and future
generations our grateful remembrances , and
strengthen the ties which bind the two great
republics of the old world mid the new.
Air association of women from nil parts of
the country Iris therefore been formed , who
propose for the purpose the gift of a bronze
statue of Washington , whoso life and charac
ter symbolize , not only to the American mind
but in a great degree to the world , and espec
ially to Fniiicc' , what is most valuable in our
national life nnd constitution.
The headquarters of the association nre nt
Washington and the names of the nfticcrs are
at once u guaranty for the performance of the
trust and Un evidence of the general dcsiro
for its uccompllshmeiit.
It is cstimuted that about ? ' 3. > ,000 will bo
sufllcicnt for the work , and to raise that
amount the association asks the co-operation
of all who feel interested in the object.
Air. E. Francis Higgs of Higgs .fe
cr.s , Washington , will uet us treasurer.
.Small donations can be sent to any of the
Indicn whose names nre appended.
AIu . STIIMIIN : .1. FIKI.D , President.
Mis. I , . I' . Arm-ton. MM.Vhllelav Held ,
Mrs. Jolin Sherman. I'arl.s. I'limci * .
Ohio. Mrs. John 1 * . Jime-Ofev.
Mrs. Charles K. ManMrb. . Ueo. lleai-M. nil.
iliM-son , Neb. 31 IN. Kiiguni1 little. Me.
Mrs. .lumen McMillan , Mrs. How.-iid Uuiisun
Mich. White.VK. .
IthiHtr Nlaiul. MIs1'lorcncu lluyurd ,
Mr- . Van Iti-ni-.elucr Del.
llcrrv. MN , Alloo Longfellow ,
Mrs. UolM-rt S. tiivcn , llo > loii.
New JiTM r. Airs. Frank 11 a ( Ion ,
Mi.L. . . D.M.Swent.Mc. Washington. 1 > . C.
AIiN. Natliuii Aiipluten , Mrs. ( Soorgu Gould ,
UuoUm. Trov. N. V.
Mrs. Jdiui" , L. ItradMrs. . Henry Jintlor.N'.J.
filrd. I.i. : MNs A. It. Kddv , Cnl.
Mrs. Livingston Minis , Mrs. II. 1) . Green. Ore.
Ueorsiu.- Jlr * . I'liarluAlutin ,
51 IN. CeorneAdnms.IU. Washington.
Mis. Win. L. Wheeler. Airs. .1. L. Uardncr.
lln ton. Boston.
Mrs.pi'O"ge . Krnsor , Mrs. _ Ogdun Doremus ,
.Sailing- Under False Colors.
Spenkinj ? uf the queer misnomers of
our forefather ; ) . , the bird they called u
turkey huzzurd is neither n turkey nor H
huzznrcl but u vulture , says the Xcw
York Tribune. The real buzzard is n
liuwk , like our hen Imwk , which indeed
belongs to the family. Just t-o when
Columbus took home his first Tlmnks-
ffivlnff turkey ( they . ' .com to Imvo put
him in prison for it ) the simple Euro
peans mimed it for the hind of its sup
posed origin , Turkey , ns the English is ,
or even India , according to the French.
But then America hurdly hud u name
just then.
So our robin is not n robin at all , but
a thrubh. The mountain lion isn't a
lion , but a panther if you will , painter ,
catamount , puinn , or more properly still
cougar. The ruflled grouse is called a
partridge , or more commonly "patridgo" '
in Now England , and a pheasant in Vir
ginia. Thg European partridge , per- _
dlx , the hero of the "tpujours perdrix' '
story , does not exist in this country.
Neither does the pheasant , being repre
sented solely by his country cousin , the
wild turkey. Finally , the orytx Vir-
ginianu , perhaps hecautio it is neither a
quail nor n purinuge , is eiiuuu ii jiari-
ridge in Virginia and a quail in Now
England. Whover it is and whatever
called , thus shall you know tlio bird.
Your ortyx sings or whistles what ho
has to say about it all in two notes , the
"Bob White" of our boyhood , whereas
tlio true partridge pipes thrice , taken
down by the stenographer us ' 'poet weot
weet. "
The "World's Costliest Gems.
The .largest perfect diamond in the
world i i now the Imperial , that was ex
hibited at thy Paris exposition last year ,
and whichfs , valued at $1,000,000 , snys
the Radios' Home Journal. This is the
most valuable stone in tlio world , and is
owned by a syndicate. The biggest and
host ruby in oxlKtonco is owned in Lon
don , and is valued at $ - > 0,000. It has no
parallel , even in tlio crown jewels , and it
is related that the Duchess of Edinburgh
carried it alHho way trt St. Petersburg
for the czar to Imvo a look ut it. The
largcst'Uiul most beautiful cut's-oyo in
the world' weighs ono hundred and sev
enty wiratK , is owned in London , and is for 30.000 rupees. The flnest
iirlvutu collection of pearls in the world
in owned bv Maihiino Do.sne , sister-in-
law ot M. 'I'lilers. The biggest emerald
in the world -weighs 2OSO carats , and Is
in the Imppi'lnl 'jewel olllco in Vienna.
The largest and costliest cat'a-oyo in tlio
world is owned by n Moorman of Ceylon ,
who-dug it up himself from the mines.
IIo lias been offered as high as iMHl.WXl
for hut.declines to part with it at that
ilgiirc' , saying that , if ho liked , ho could
cut it up into forty small pieces und sell
each plcco for about "M.OUO " , aggregating
pretty nearly $200,000 !
SynoiiyniH lor "Money.
The htigo number of synonyms for
money illustrates remarkably well the
variety of sources from whlen our slang
words are recruited and tlio remarkable
opKslteucss | ) of some ot them , says the
Pall Mall Gazette. Wo may talk of our
money in scores of ways ; among which
are , for instance , "tho actual , " "tho
necilful"or "tho wherowilhal , " "beans , "
"blunt. " "tin , " or "brass : " "chips , "
"dibs , " or "pieces ; " "dust,1 * "chlnck , "
"rthot " " " " "
or "sheckels
; , "spondulics , or
"dollars ; " "stamps , " ' -feathers , " or
"palm oil" which last is such an obvl-
pusly appropriate name for it that "shin-
plaster seems feeble by comparison , nnd
the young but widely popular "oof , "
"ooMjIrd , " und "oof-tish" imbecile and
A Grim Bit of Realism Trora ths Pen of AI-
cphonso Daudot.
How tlio Water Drips Ceaselessly
Among ; the Itrnad Slab * nnd Mnrblo
Tables The Tragedy ol' n
Working Olrl.
The Chicago Times prints the following
rcallstlis description of a visit to the Paris
morgue from the pen of the great French nov
elist , AlpliotisoDiuulet :
"B-r-rl What nfocl" said the man as ho
stepped Into the street. Ho quickly turned
up the collar of his coat and pulled his com
forter over his mouth : then , with his head
bent down and his hands thrust Into his back
pockets , ho started for the bfllco whistling.
A real fog , indeed. The streets , however ,
were comparatively clear of It ; in the heart
of grout cities fogs last no longer than snow.
The roofs tear It , the walls absorb It ; it loses
itself In the houses as they arc opened , mak
ing the stairways slippery , the balustrades
damp. The rush of vehicles , the coming and
going of pedestrians , so hurried and so poor ,
cut it , bear It away , disperse It. It clings to
the shrunken and thin ofllco garments , to the
shop-girls' waterproofs , to the loose llttlo
veils and to the huge silk oilcloth-covered
bandboxes. But upon the yet deserted
quays , on tlio bridges , the strand , unu on
the rlvnr , there was n heavy , opaque , mo
tionless mist , nmld which the sun was as
cending back of Notre % D nine ,
nrough a grounn glass shade.
Despite the win d , dcsplto the fog. the man
followed t he quays , only the quays , to go to
his ontcc. Ho might have taken another
route , but the river seemed to possess a mys
terious attraction for him. It was his de
light to puss along the parapets , to brush
against those stone balu.str.utcs worn by
the elbows of the idlers. At that hour and
in such weather idlers are mro. Kcverthc-
less , now and then no met a woman with a
liuged bundle of .soiled linen resting against
the parujwt , or some poor devil leaning over
on his elbows toward the water with an air
of weariness. The man turned around each
time , looking at them curiously and after
ward glancing at the water , as if in his mind
a secret thought connected these i > ooplo with
the river.
The river had not an Inviting appenrnnco
that morning. The fog , which mounted from
among its waves , seemed to make it leaden.
The gloomy roofs on the banks , nil the ir
regular and leaning chimney shafts , which
wnv reflected , mingled and smoking in the
midst of the water suggested some Jugn-
brious manufactory , sending to Paris
from the depths of the Seine all its smoke in
the guise of u fog. The man , however , had
not the air of discovering nnytliing so very
melnneholv about all this. The dampness
penetrated him nt every point and his gar
ments had not a dry thread in them ; but bo
went on all the same , whistlingwith a happy
smile at the corner of his lips. For such a
long while ho bad been accustomed to the
mists of the Seine
Then , lie knew that on reaching his desti
nation ho would find an excellent foot-warmer
well lined with fur , his stove which roared
for him aud the warm little plate from which
he nto his breakfast every morning. These
are some of the clerk's blessings , some of the
ing beings whose whole lives are passed in a
" 1 must not forget to buy some apples , "
said he to himself from time to time and ho
whistled and hastened on. You never saw
anyone go to his work so gayly.
The quays , still the quays ; then abridge.
Now he-was behind ISotro .Dame. At this
point of the isle the fog was
It came from three directions simultaneously ,
half obliterating the lofty towers , and massed
itself ut the angle of the bridge , as if it
wished to hide something. The man stopped ;
ho hud arrived.
There was a confused glimpse of sinister
shadows , of people squatted upon the side
walk , who had the air of waiting , mid , as at
the gratings of hospitals mid squares , of
baskets spread out , displaying rows of bis
cuits , oranges and apples. Oh , the beautiful
apples , so fresh , so red , In the mist ! Ho filled
his pockets with them , smiling ujion the ven
der , who was shivering , her feet on her foot-
stove. Afterward ho pushed open a door in
the fog and crossed a little courtyard , in
which n horse was standing harnessed to n
"Haveyou something for us ? " asked he as
ho passed. A carter , dripping with water ,
answered :
"Yes , monsieur , something very nice. "
He quickly entered his ofllce.
It was warm there and ho felt well satis-
lied. The steve roared in n comer. The
foot-warmer was in its place. His little arm
chair awaited him in the full light near the
window. The fog , hanging likoa curtain
before the panes of gloss , made the brightness
uniform and soft , and the huge books , with
green backs , were iu n straight line on their
cases. It was like a notary's ofllce.
The man drew u long breath. Ho was at
Before going to work ho opened n largo
closet , taking from it a pair of lustring
.sleeves , which ho carefully put on , n small
earthenware dish and some lumps of sugar
from a ciifu ; then ho licgun to pare bis apples ,
fact is that it would have been impossible to
11 ml u gayer , lighter or bettor arranged ofllco.
But what was strange was the nolsoof water
which one heard from every direction , which
surrounded and enveloped ono as if lie were
in the cabinxof n boat. Below the Selno
dashed growling against the arches of the
bridge , tearing its foamy IJood , at this part of
the isle always encumbered with planks ,
stakes and ruooish. Hut lit the very house ,
nil around the ofllce , there was a gushing of
water ns if pitchers were being violently
emptied , the noise of u vast wash. One could
not tell why , but simply
Ono felt that it struck n hard floor , that it re
bounded from broad slabs , from marble ta
bles that made it appear still colder.
What had they in that strange house that
needed so much washing ! What was the
indelible stain ?
At times , when this pushing caused below ,
at the further end of the house drops were
heard , falling ono by ono , as after a thaw or
heavy ruin. Ono might say that the fog ,
messed upon the ivofs and walls , was
melting in the heat of the steve aud dropping
continually ,
The man paid no attention to this. Ho was
altogether too engrossed by his apples , which
hud begun to sizzle in the earthenware dish
with a slight perfume of caramel , and this
pretty song prevented him from hearing the
noise of the water , the sinister noise of the
"Whenever you are ready , Hcglster , " said
a hoarse voice In thy further end of the
house. Ho cost a look at his apples and went
away very wgretfully. Whore did ho gel
Through the door . -
, OJK.-II partially for u mo
ment , came u nauseous , cool air , which
smelted of reeds und the marsh , and there
wus u vision of old clothes drying upon cords ;
faded blouses , watermen's jackets , and a
woman's calico dress suspended nt Its full
length by tno sleeves , which dripped , dripped.
It was over. The man returned. Ho do-
posltfd on his table some small objects all
t.nnbnil ti'IMi tviltn ! " mill Ti'mit. ulili'jii'lrifr tn.
ward the steve to tuko the numbness out of
his hands , red with cold.
'They must bo mad , indeed , to do such
things in such weather us this , " said ho to
himself , shaklug. "What is the matter with
them alii"
And when ho was well warmed and his
sugar had commenced to jelly ut the edge of
his dish ho began to cat bis breakfast on a
comer of his desk. As ho nto ho opened . .ouo
of his registers und turned the leaves com-
plueently. The huge book was well kept.
Straight lines , headings in blue ink , llttlo re
flections of gold powder and blotters on every
page such care , such order.
It seemed us if
The man hud th satisfied air of un uccount-
1 nut. looking at n good Inventory ut the close
of the your While ho was umuhlng himself
by turning the pages Of his book the door
opened in the adloiuini ; hull and the footsU'i
1 of a crowd sounded upon the marble puvo-
mcnt ; people spoke In low tones ns U in a
church. .
"O. how young ho Is I What n shamol"
niul they pushed and whispered ,
What difference did It make to him that
showasyomiRl Tranquilly , as ho finished
Ills apple ? , hcdrow before ) him the objects ho
had just brought in a thimble full of sand , a
pocket-book with ti sou in It. n pair of small
rusty scissors , so rusty that they could never
IKJ used npiuu oh , never again-a ! work-
girl's book , the pages of which were glued
together by the dampness , mid n letter In
tatters , partially effaced , of which these few
words could bo made out : "Tho baby no
money nothing to pay the nurse. "
The bookkeeper mimpKCtl his shoulders , ns
much ns to say : "Tho old , old story I I know
it by heart t
Then ho took up his pen. carefully blow off
the crumbs of bread which had fallen upon
his huge volume , made a nourish to imt his
hand In the proper position , and In his most
beautiful round ohlropniphy wrote the luimo
ho had deciphered in the wet HtUo book :
"Fellclo Uiimcuu , burnisher , uged seven
teen I"
HUnuirok'rt Grandson.
The ' story is told in Korlin that Bin-
inurek'rt little pntiulf-on WIIH taken re
cently by his mother to slion wlioro slio
WIIB in tno luiblt of buyiiip nlti clothe *
ready made , "because they ut'o loss ox-
poMsivo limn these Hplenillilly niatlo. "
On Oils occasion tlio younjr man sot up u
loud howl when his mother Indicated
tlmt Bho preferred the clothes of her
prowinj , ' boy to be rather larjjo , so that
there would he room for his "jfrowlnjj in
them.Vhatuver makes vou liohavo
In this bnyblsh way1 nskuil Countess
Ituiitzau , and the reply was : "Whenever
I po to play at the sehloss with the
crown prince and Prince Ethel I hey al
ways laugh at my lin-po clothes and nay
that I Imvo to wear out grandpapa's old
trousers. "
goyd'p Opera
JIOVH A HAYXES , Mnrnisers.
Wednesday Matineo.
Presenting the Third Annual Spectacular
Extravaganza of the Chicago OperA House ,
° ' '
And the Fairy . JUNIOR
The Light of Asia.
The Ballet of Birds and Insects.
Tlic Children's Heroes.
The Old Woman in the Shoe.
D.incott by Clara Qualltz , MndelalnoMorondo
aud Win. Martini , nnd 40 Corypuoes nud
a Host ol Children.
The Hebrtnv Twins.
People The Little Lords Fauntlsroy
The Grasshoppers , thoHa'r-
loquln Butterflies and tUo
on Lady Bujjj.
Tlio Snalto Charmers and
the the Hindoo Houris.
Papa Beazlni and Ayesha.
Stage , Sellm nnd His Officers.
The .Executioners Ac Mufti.
Scenery Never St rp ssed.
Costumes Unequalled.
Catch } ' Music.
Brilliant Ensembles.
A Score of Comedians in the Cast
No Advance in Prices.
j oyd'p Op6ra Houc
llOYD .t HAV.NKR , Managers.
Friday and Saturday , May 9tli and 10th
Bupiiortrd by'illt. ' AVILUAM HAUItlS us
And nn oxcollcnt cmniiaiiy , umlnr tlio directIon -
Ion of Mit. AHTIll'U.MlI.I.KK.
Mil. J. II. SINCLAIlt , Assouhitu Manager ,
BoijiTs Opera House.
Horn & IIAYNEH , Mannireri .
This , Sudnay Evening , May 5th.
Of Hoyt's Great Vurco Comedy ,
Sco Louis AVetfejr ns ' 'Kills. "
Sris Paul DiTSior ns'l'lio ' Professor.
Sco Fanny lllooil ooil Dance.
Hour tlio Nntr Sonp < .
lli'nr the WHIjr Saying ? .
1'rlce-s Jtosorvcd , 7So and $ I | general udmh-
hliin Wu and Too : Kiillmy. - ' " .
May Gilt , 7th nnd 8lli.
Kansas City May 9th , lOthand 11th.
( James called atfl.30 ,
ReadLf-Made Dresses
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giiurantc-ud. Al u
Dresses Made to Order
Latest Ktylcs und Cheapest Prlcon.
A Full Mno of
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