V THE OMAHA DAILY HEE THURSDAY , MAY 1 , 1800 THE CITY. Hunk clearings yesterday ' 4708't 10.21. II. V. Hell of Murray , In. , hns lost o hoy. The littler IH described an thlrlooii yours of JIRO , light complexion nnd slightly freckled , nnd wore , when ho left homo , n black Hlnuch lint , ti brown it-hint nnd n pair of bltlo striped overalls. Mr. Fred W. 1'lekenn , the retiring chief clerk of the post olllco , win jiro- Rented with n. hnndinino Bllvor-heiided cano and umbrella by his fellow clerks Tuesday morning. Mr. L. Mole imido the presentation spi.'ecli. A meeting of the democrats of the- second end precinct of the Sixth ward was an nounced to bo hold nt Johnson's hall , corner of Hahler and Thirty-first streets , last night , but only three good demo crats were present mid llioy adjourned in disgust and Mnc die. The assignment of F. L. Ivoleba it Co , is reported. A number of Omaha job bers were creditor * , but it is thought they are well secured. The liabilities uro estimated at $10,000 and the ansots nt $ lo,000. The local bank is In charge of the stock. * " A xvo /.v/.V'/w. . Scnt-J for the ciiKUKemcntof Hoyt's com edy , "A Tin Soldier , " nt Hoyd's opera house , comnmncltiK this evening nnd contlmiiiiK Tor four nights , wore put on sulo nt Hoyd's ' opcm house yestcnlny. Tlio fuinoim com- coy will bo presented by u vfiry acceptable company. _ Scuts will ho placed on snlo Saturday morn ing for the CiiKiiKCtncnt of "Uluobciml , Jr. ; or , Futlinu nnd the Fairy , " lit Hoyd's. The plcco Is n BUcrtaculur extravaganza , staged , ncconlhiK to the critics , In the most lavish summer , with bullets of an unusually tutUtic character. e I.tccnsc. Only one license was Issued yesterday , the following being the parties : j Wlllard K. Clnrk , Oninlm . HI 1 Julia L.Wllcot , Omaha , . 20 Arm Cut Off. ( SYcstcnluy afternoon Mr. Bellows , the proprietor of the carpenter shop on North Twenty-foutth street , opposite No. 1 engine house , hud Ills loft ami cut oft midway be tween the elbow nnd wrist while working at & bracket saw. . _ , Used Finis Only. Tlio two Kiloy boys , charged with an as sault on Yanlnmster Dwyer , gave bonds for their appearance on May Sand were released. Though under n grave charge , the boys are Sulut-looklng fellows. Hugh claims that he Id not seek to avoid arrest us hns been elated , but I'umu to the sUitlon and gave him self ui ) . He nlbo nays that lists only entered into the light as wenpons. Tlircutenrd to Shoot. Mrs. Lucllu Lockwood and i\Irs. Mamie Johnson , n pair of interesting females who hnvo tliclr oniccs lu the vicinity of a chop house on Twelfth sttcet , cniuo before the po lice court with n complaint that George Baker , u twcnty-ycur-ohl boy , had visited tlK'iri last night and applied insulting epithets to them , nnd flourishing n yomif * cannon threatened to shoot them. George was us- Bcsscd $ . " > anil costs , but tlio judge was of the opinion that there were several mitigating circumstances. TIIK COHX I'AIjAOKS Ol ' OMAIfA. A Corn-I'alnce City Gcntlcinati Try- int ; to AVork u Corner on Them. Negotiations nro pending through which F. II. Penvoy of Sioux City expects to secure a lease of the Union 1'nclllc elevators. If lie Bhould succeed , the deal will cover Illinc- baugh mid Merrlam's old plant , Union ele vators A and B , this city ; Union Pacific clc- vatorln Council Bluffs and ubout eight or ten others nlong the main line In NcbrusUa. Kothlng dctlnltu , however , has yet been de cided upon. If the deal goes throuirh , it is said , that R. P. Peck , secretary for Ilime- liangh & Mcrriuni , will rutiro. William Me- Jilllian , chief clerk , bus already resigned. A now company is to he orguni/cd , and Air. IVlcrrlmu will probably bo a member of It. Skinner anil I'atlcrhon Greatly to thu surprise of nearly everybody In this community a sudden and sweeping chnngo is being made in the local Pullman olllcc. I * . N. Skinner , the superintendent , nnd William C. Patterson , his assistant , have 1)0111 resigned. , T. l \ liicliarilson of St. Louis \\\i \ been nppoiatcd to succeed Skinner , but Pnttcrson'ii place renmlns iinllUcd. General Siipor'mtciident Keed was hero yesterday with Uichurdsoii introducing him to the various railroad olllclals. Jt is unuouncrd that Skinner resigned on account of bud health , but certain pintles who claim to know snv ho was removed on nccouutof. .some trouble which occurred not long ugo with the Union Pucltlc people. . Ifj/Kliltt HucoiM-ds David DOWN. BOSTO.V , Mass. , April ! tO.Tho annual stockholders meeting of the Union Pacific coinpuuy was held tills forenoon. The only change was the election as director of Marvin Iltigliitt of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad to succeed the lute David Dows. lllplcy'N K. P. Klploy's ivsignatlon created cousldorablo surprise , though It had been expected by certain persons In this city. His alleged object in leaving the Burlington was to accept a better inlying position from the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul road. Those , however , who are acquainted with inside matters Itnow that when George B. Harris was selected to suc ceed Vlco President Stoio | it uo displeased Mr. Hiploy that ho concluded , to play second ilddlono longer. Having n standing offer from the Milwaukee company ho felt indo- jXMuleut nml expressed himself accordingly. That road tried to secure him three yours ago , when ho was occupying the position of gen- end trufllo miinager of the "Q , " but in order to prevent his going there the hitter made. It convenient to appoint him general manager. A B. & M , ofUcinl yesterday declared tnat the late engineers' utrlke hud nothing whatever to do with the recent resigning from the Burlington. "Before Paul Morton reached thirty years of " ho continued "Mr. Morton age , , was ro- cclvlng $ y.OOO a year. After the strike that was raised to ? rtHK , ) , which doesn't look as If the company disapproved of his course. Ho is making two or three times as much money now. ' "Merrill , I think. Is almost sure to succeed Ulpley , " "Why not Holdredgul" "Well , ho 1ms n better thing. Since Ids rcccutvUIt to Boston the 'old man' has been more jubilant nnd high-spirited tlmn I ever Itnew him to bo. Ho came back feeling llko u lighting cock. "Mr. Holdivdgo could hnvo gone to Chica go but * liu directors Intimated that they would rathcT'havo him stay hero. They look upon the B. & M as the most important divi sion 9f the entire system though it earns loss ) > crmllo than the Q. pmpor. Ho Is given J vMV authority , wider Jurisdiction nnd RiViU- cryiy tiSuiS7 ! CthCr general manager. " Notes anil Personals. Manager Dlekonson , Division Su- vv lUirr , C'urr ' Accountant Bucking. litinri' John I.anglry suporlatendcut of bridges nnd Dlvlblcu Knglucor Schcrmerhom left yedtciilfty in Mr. Dickinson's private car on n tout of Inspection over the Missouri river dl- vjslons. They took in the Omaha & Uopubll- cam line yesterday. . His understood that Mr. Cassldy retires from the Klkhorn Mrpor.itlon bcouuso ho could not got along harmoniously with his superiors. , The Uock TsUud oOlco was moved from liUtt Farimm stivet to moi-o commcHJlous riuurtej-s in the now Commercial JSutlomu U. N. Austin , assistant poncn\l passeiiROr ntront of the Nortlm ) I'lU'ltlo , St , I'aul , anil OWMV YaJuV'Vbllt , tnwoHnjr pmenger : URont Of Uio 6JJ1UQ Wd , visited Omaha yesterday. MJ-S. Wliwlow' * Sootlilng Syrup for rtill- flrert'lVeUiuiB wllovcs ttio oblld fivui C5 cout u bottle. DUIIAHMJ WALKS. The Afovo Now llclnR Jfiulc to ficouro Them In This City. The ordinance Introduced In the councjl Tuesday night to extend the permanciit Bide- walk district to the fire limits was suggested by the board of public works , The district on which only stone walks maybe bo laid now Is as follows : All streets. Inclusive , between Dodge and Howard , and Ninth and Sixteenth streets ; also , north on Sixteenth to Cuinlng ; south on Tenth to Marcy ; south on Thirteenth to Lcavcnworth , nnd west on Fanmm to Eighteenth street. The proposed district or territory Included In tlio lire limits Is as follows : Klghth from Maroy to Capitol avenue , to Tenth , to Davenport , to Thirteenth , to Chicago cage , to Fourteenth , to alley north of Web ster , to Fifteenth , to Nicholas , to Seven teenth , to alloy north of Cimilng , to Twenty- fourth to allcv south of Ctimlng , to Seven teenth to alloy north of Farnain , to Twenty-ninth to alloy south of Farnmm , to Twentieth to 1-TJ feet south of St. Mary's avenue , to Nineteenth , cast on Jackson to Seventeenth , to Lcavcnworth to Fourier nth to Maroy , to sixty-six feet westof Thirteenth , thence south parallel to Dorcas , to sixty-six feet cast of Thirteenth , north parallel to Thirteenth to Marcy rust to Klghth. The chairman of the board and some of the couneilmen think the ordinance which has been rend a second time will bo passed. It will , of course. Increase the cost of sidewalks , but it is held that the walks Instead of requir ing relaying about every live years will last a generation. The average walk in residence districts cost about $11 per lot , Slugolithie walks cost from Hi to yfl cents per square foot , while three-Inch stone ( lags sell for 'JO and four- inch lings for . " > cents par square foot. Should the ordinance pass and the city bo compelled to lay the walks , It will order stone of the latter dimension. KXTKXDIXG Tin : STAItS. Polloo Protection to Ho Given Some. Unpatrollcil Parts ciCTown. The police detail for May was posted yester day morning. It provides for forty-three men at night and thirty-two on the day beats. Ot the twelve new men who go on duty today Jive will Jill vacancies iu the old force and seven now beats are created. They are : Hamilton street from Twenty-fourth to Thirty-second ; one in ICountro Place ; ono at Shcclcy's ; ono nt Hanscom park nnd Windsor ser Place ; ono on west St. Mary's avenue , Howard and Hurnoy stieets ; 0110 on Chicago cage , Cuss and California from Seventeenth to Twenty-fifth streets , and one on Vinton from Thirteenth street to Twentieth street. The chief estimates that from 5 to 8 per cent of the force is sick or incapacitated for duty continually and men are called iu fiom the outlying beats to fill their places. The Best Result. Every "ingredient employed in producing Hood's Snrsaparilla is strictly pure , and is the best of its kind it is possible to buy. AH the roots nnd herbs are carefully selected , person ally examined , and only the best retained. So thuj , from the time of purchase- until Hood's Snrsaparilla is prepared , everything is care fully watched with a view to attaining the best result. Why don't you try it ? JUDICIAL ADVANCEMENT. Sonic More Improvements to bo SIIR- KC.stcil by 3Ir. A. J. Popplcton. Hon. A. J. Popplcton , on being asked what constituted the improvements made by the Judges in court rules nnd methods that had so greatly facilitated the work during the past term , as referred to by the bar associa tion , said : "In the Jlrst place , nil extension for the filing of pleadings and papers has been cut off except from showing by aflldavit. The system of assigning cases for trial each day nnd the posting of notices hns resulted in a very great saving of time both to the court and tlio bar. Again , the judges were much more strict during the last teim iu requiring causes to bo tried nt tlio time assigned , nnd delays and continuances have been much more difllcult to get. "For further improvements I am going to recommend that tlio bar take tip a number of subjects. One of these will provide for a re vision of the practice- us to allow defaults on liquidated claims to bo entered and judg ments taken in vacation before thu cleric. Such a change- would take ten per cent of the cases on" of the trial docket , or more properly speaking , these cases would never appear on tlio trial docket. "Another suggestion will bo that the court iiinko n rule that notices of all filings with the clerk bo served by copy upon the oppo site i.wty. "Tills would prevent the clerk's ofllco from being besclged by lawyers trying to find out what Is going on. "I shall also urge the organization of a co.niuiUeo to draft n jury law to be presented at the next legislature , ulso a schema for n municipal court with special refeioiico to the disposition of appeal cases from the pollco and Justice courts. " An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINB OINTMENT is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , mid is nil ubsoluto euro for nil sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands and all skin eruptions , AVill positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABHCTINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at ! ! 5 cents per box by mail 'M cents Talcs of Two Statesmen. Gentleman from out of the city to Hon. H. S. Berlin , In the Pnxton rotunda last , oven- lug : "I hear you nro having n perfect picnic as member of the. Douglas county board of commissioners. " Mr. Berlin ( with the taste of green per simmons pictured visibly on his every feat ure ) : "There nro two things in this world that all the salary of either , paid in advance , would prove no inducement whatever tor mete to take again representative to the legisla ture and county commissioner. But I will tell you ono thing , and you can put It right down whvro you can refer to It In twelve months hence : I guarantee that the tuxes In Douglas county will bo less this year than they weii ) last , nnd Unit they will bo much more satisfactorily collected than in any year previous. " And then Deputy United States Marshal Mercer , who was sitting within the circle , remarked ; "Without wishing to change the subject particularly , I want to offer the assertion that this next legislature of Ota's is going to be the wildest old circus that Nebraska has ever seen. Tlio railroads nnd banks Oh , Lord , how they will everlastingly slush It to 'em I Fifty cents for a gallery seat in either house any day or hour while the thing is in session will bo the cheapest show ticket that a man ever bought In his life. I'll tell you that 1 know enough right nt this minute to know that the man , firm or corporation that can stand from uudcr , down at Lincoln next winter , will bo playing In the luck of a life time I" New Firm. G , W. jDouglnss , hard-wood lumber dealer nt > J10 ! ! North Sixteenth htreot , has entered into partnership with the well known firm of Ilnrmon & Weoth , coal dealers , under tlio 11 rm nameof G. "W , Douijln' ' } ft Co. This firm now have for wile tit the above mentioned place H selected stock of nil kinds of hardwood lumber and flooring , houso-movera' sup plies nnd wagon stock. Manufacturers' ngouts for wood ornamontH , corner blocks , rosettes , ote. Tlio Coliseum Matter. On vn i , Neb. , April 30. To the Editor of TmBic : : : Will you pleuso publish these words concerning the piece of "news" In lust evening's World-Herald about Coliseum mat ters ! Upon my refusal to give to him n paper belonging to n client , this man Murdts bru tally assaulted mo In the chamber of com merce building last Saturday evening and a warrant for his arrest was Issued the same night , ami his examination , to determine whether ho shall bo held to the district court , takes place before Judge Holsloy next Satur day afternoon , bonco the "reporter" of this "news" errs when ho says that it "has not hitherto been made public1 But the follow ing U something that "has not hitherto been nnido public " Some months ago Mr. Llud- soy prevented the giving of soiuo money of the Cell cum association to this "reporter1 the services for which this "reporter" tried to get the money were of n very peculiar nature Ever since this refusal this "reporter'1 1ms been using the world-Herald very methodic ally In venting his disguised spleen ngnlnst Mr. Lindsay , and ho is probably so high In the esteem of Its proprietor that the cunning Inucilocs of his meanness pass unscruti nled. Whenever this "reporter" becomes BUfllelently specific the World-Herald will bo noticed In the proper way. This Is not written with the desire of getting into the unequal contest of disputing with n man and a printIng - Ing press. But If this "reporter" In thought less bravado persists , I will publish his name mid detailed proof of the matter which Is the nnlmtis of his efforts without the poor ills- gulso of nn imaginary "interview , " Re spectfully , WIM.UM E. HI\IIV. : Nervous debility , poor memory , dlftldence. sexual wcnkncaa , plmplcs.eured by Dr. Mllca' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn & Co.'s 15th and Douglns. MUHT FINISH TIIK WOII 1C. Hynn & Walsh Orilercil to Close Up tlio County Hospital Contract. The county con.mlssloncrs held n meeting yesterday. A report from the commlltco on construction that Uynu & Walsh bo In structed to complete the county hospital ac cording to the recommendations made by Mr. Coots , Including odds and cads to the extent of SO'Jl , with a view to Haul settlement , was ndoptcd , Mr. Walsh said that ono Item In the list of Jobs claimed by Mr. Coots ns being unfinished , that of the painting , had been approved long ugo by Coots himself. Ho considered that the objection now made to it by Mr. Coots was simply the result of per sonal spite. The report regarding Insurance to bo placed on the hospital adopted nt the lust meeting of the boaiil was reconsidered , and the matter was referred to the committee on construc tion. Commissioner Berlin snid that he wishcu to state that the paper which re ported him as charging County Attor ney Muhoncy with bringing such cases to trlnl ns would be advantageous to the law firm of which he was the head , nnd of holding county cases back from trial in order to do so , reported him wholly wrong. Neither had ho ever charged Mr. Muhoney with pro fessional misconduct of any kind. Mr. Ber lin added that hu made the statement volun tarily and for the purpose of doing light In the interest of fab/noss nnd Justice. The board then adjourned to 2 o'clock. At the afternoon session ex-Superintendent Coots was present and the committee on con struction recommended tlmt the contractors bo Instructed to complete the work according to Mr. Coots' report. Mr. Berlin moved that the report of the committee bo accepted. Mr. Ed Walsh was present and was called on for a statement. Ho said ho would repeat , in the presence of Mr. Coots , what he hud said in the morning. Mr. Walsh then proceeded to go over the items in detail. Ho said that men hud already been sent out to the building to llnish up the work as had been directed. Ho took excep tions to Mr. Coots' statement of the amount required to complete the various items. Speaking of the wire screens which had been painted black instead of being mndo the same color as the wood work , ho said ho had been directed to paint them with nsphnltutn by the assistant superintendent , who said the patients would chew oft the paint , nnd nsphiiltum would bo healthier. Mr. Walah assailed the integrity of Mr. Coots and charged that ho was prejudiced against the contractors. Mr. Coots replied to Mr. Wnlsh. He said ho would not nttempt to contradict the state ments regarding his integrity , as they were only made for effect nnd Walsh knew they were fnlso. Mr. Coots said the contractors had promised him all along that the defects pointed out should bo remedied , but nothing had been done. Ho had told them from the llrst that they would never get n final esti mate until they had completed the work ac cording to contract , but they had not scon lit to net on his suggestions. After considerable talk the report of Mr. Coots was adopted and the board adjourned. The Missouri Jtlvcr. The rain has been fallingfortholast twenty- four hours along the Missouri river mid the snow in the mountains is the hsaviest over known. Old-timers predict a heavier rainfall this season than over before , and that the Tuuo rise of the river will bo unprecedented. Farmers and stockmen are jubilant over the lirospccts. TMbro are millions of free lund between Pierre , the capital of South Dakota , and the rich mines of the Black Hills. SOUTH OJI.lIl.l XUH'S. Narrow K canc from Death. William Wilke , a housemover , had n nnr- row escape from death Tuesday afternoon. Ho was engaged at work moving the old South Omaha hotel ut Twenty-sixth and M streets when the hook holding the rope and tncklo broke. The tension on the rope threw the tncklo squnre iu Wilkey's face , breaking his nose nnd euttinfjdeep gushes on both cheeks. AVil- Itoy was taken to Dr. Ernliout's oftlco , where his wounds were dressed , and ho was then removed to his boarding house in Albright. Dr. Ernhout says if the hook had broken a minute Inter Wilkoy would have been killed Instantly by the blow. The horses had just started and there was not a strong tension on the ropes. City Notes and Personals. A. S. Mercer , editor of the Northwest Live Stock Journal of Cheyenne , is in South Omaha. Miss Wannetto Dalton Is homo from her school duties at Ilarlan , In. Frank Goodspccd is very ill at his rooms at the Brundes block. An important meeting of the South Omuha lodge , No. 10'.l. > , Modern Woodman , will bo lield on Saturday evening in Knlghtnol Pyth ias hall. The regular meeting night bus been changed from Thursday to Saturday. George Brewer is entertaining nn old Chl- cngo friend , H , Jenter. * Artnound Tibbitts hns returned from n trip throughout northwestern lown. A sample of the nntl-nnncxntlonlsts figures of the cost of running the city government is that which refers to the city engineer. His salary is placed nt . * .MX ) nnd extra help nt $500 inoro. The fact Is the city engineer's salary is fT > n day , or $1,500 a year , inoro than thb nntl-nnnexntlonlsts' estimate of the cost of running the whole department. Tell the [ > eoplo the truth. In about ten days the District telegraph and the Western Union telegraph ofllces will remove to the basement of the Nebraska sav ings bank building. The Einanon club nt Its hist meeting decided to form a lawn tennis club lor out door sport during the summer , Rlchnrd Young of Orleans Is visiting old South Omaha ucquulnnnccs , The South Omaha ledge of the Ancient Jrilcr of United Workmen will go to Omaha in n body Saturday night to assist In the installation of u new ledge , Mr. and Mrs. George Brewer will reside in : ho Brandies block when Mrs. Brewer re turns from her visit to .Mlnden , CREAM lts uperlorfc llerico prorcn In mllllontof hnm forimitu limn quarter ofaconlurIt li uie.l l > r lliu L'ulU'd titntt : * ( .oternniont. Katluned by tlio hradi of Uio liri'nl I nlrcnltloi ni tli htronitcil , I'urrntnmluiuit Healthful lr ) 1'rlce'a Cn'iui Hftk- Inic 1'owilrr dnc * Dot conUlu Ammonia , Umu oJ Alum. Solilonlr In cam. I'lllPB 1IAKINO I'OWDKH CO. euiCAuo. iJiif Aacuco. BTLOUK. Save lour Hair B Y a timely u aof Ayor'a Hnlr ViROr. This i > rp | > arntlon 1ms no equal ns n trcs liiR. It hopi'S tlio ecnlp clcnn ( cool , and healthy , nidi preserves tlio color , fullness , mill bounty of tlio hair. ' ' I mtl bald nnd w i | < Jly becoming prny ; but nflcr-nuslm ? two or tlirco bottle ! ) ot Aycu'sJIInlr ' Vl | or my lialr grow thick aiuljRlossy and the original color wns restored. " Molvln Awrlcli , Cannon Centre , IN : H. "Somn tinio spoil lo-tt nil my hair In conaviiuunvo of inenslcs. After duo waiting , no naur 'growth appeared. I then used Aycr's Hair Vigor nnd my hair grew Thick and Strong. It JIM apparently coma to stay. The Vigor Is evidently n ureat aid to nature. " J. B. Wllllums , Florcsvlllo , Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vlpor for the past four or flvo years and find It n. most satisfactory dressing for the Imlr. It la all I could desire , IM-IIIR harmless. causing tliii hair to retain Its mitural color , and requiring but n smnll quantity to render thu Imlr easy to nrrnngc. " Mrs. At. A. Ilulley , 0 Chailcs street , Ha vei hi II , Mass. " I have been using Aycr's Ilalr Vigor for several years , and bellevo tlmt Ithiis caused my huir to retain Its natural color. " .Airs. H. .T. King , Dealer in Dry Goods , &c. , Blshopvllle , Mil. Dr. 'J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass , Bold by Druggletiaud I'cr/umcri. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE THAUE MARK TUB OnBA T TRADE MARK 12.Nril.lsu ltiii- : KMV. An unfiill- tntfcurn for Sem inal Weakness , S p rrnntorrh'iii , Impntcncjr , nnd nil discuses thftt follow as n so- qucnco of coif- Abtinc ; as I BEFORE TAKING. Vt iiiiVsu5io ; , AFTER TAKING. I'nln In the Il.ick , Dlmnc.d uf Vision , Premature 01 < I Age , nnd mnny other diseases thnllemlto Insanity or consumption nnd n prrnmturo cmvo. StT'Full | inrtlcnlnr In our pnmplct , which wo de sire to send free by mull to every one. IT'Tlio Hpecl- lie medicine I * sold nt (1 per imoiinuo , or nix pncknKCi forW , or will lie rent free by mail on the receipt of tlio money , by iiddrcanlne TIIK GOODMAN DKUO CO. , 110 FAIINAM STinurr , - - OMAHA , Ncn. ( nridiint uf ( CMitprfcIti' . nc have adopted 1 ilk \ \ ini | | cr : tic only tcmilno. A pocket full of monny ninotmtd to llttlo nfU-rlienlth Isgimc. To rnjoy life , n good anpctltu , Hoiuiii dlcoBtlim and clnntlo limbs , tiilio Tut t'n 1'Ills. Then , If you nro ] > oor , you nlllboluiiij-lf | rlcli.yiiu cuii enjoy your money. They ilhiinl low spirits utul gtvo buoyancy to itiliiu and body. , Recommendation. TV. I. Illnlr , Uanvlllo , Vn. , aja : "Ilmvo loner suffered fronTorpor of thoLlTerund DjHpeiiiln , Hiul Jiwvo trleil almost every- tiling1 , uut nc\cr derived hnlf tholirnellttltat I lime linil from Tlitt's 1'JIls. I recommend them to nil tlmt nroullllclcil with Dybpcpsla and Sick llcaduche. " Tntt'sXiver Pills GIVE GOOD DIGESTION. Imported Millinery. 123 North 15th Street. Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime and Soda 18 endorsed nnd prescribed by lending physicians because both tire Cml TAetr Oil and Jltll'oi'I'oipIitlc.i are the rocognlzoil ngenta In tlio euro ot Coinnn i < tlo > i. It Is as palatable aa milk. Scoffs Emulsion it \conilerf\il Jflesli I'raductr. It tithe JJctt Jtcmniij for CONSUMPTION , Scrofula , Bronchitis , Wasting Dis eases , Chronic Coughs and Colds. Auk tor Scott's Emulsion and take no other. CHAMBER SETS At Special Prices , -FOR- TENAT ! -AT- PERKINS , GATHCH & LAUMAN'S , 1614 Farnam St. , Omaha. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Spodflo for IlynterU.PIiilneii.riji.NeuriilgJi.WakD- fulnox.tlcntal l > riirv lariHarieiilnx < > ( Uio llrnln.n- ailing In In'anlty and Icaillntc to mUrry ilivar ami deith.rnmaluro Old AH' , llaircnnnu. l.onot liwvr In ell her MI , Involuntary l.o e , and Hperi atpiilia a rau eil bv o\erHxartloii ; of Iho l > ruln , ecir'Aliue ur metit. $1 nliox. or six for 9 > . tent liy millpirpal I. \Vllh c rli order for tx IJOIM. will uml imnhaner Ifiiarantio tu iifiiiki ! money If Ihn tretlmrnt failtflo euro. UuarAiite * U U' l mid jenuln * , ld only by GOODMAN DRUG CO. . b 1110 Farnum Street , OnuliiiNo FE8VIALE BEAMS AtxMlatrly rrlUble , pi'rftvtly wife , mot powerful fenial * mrula tor Known i D6ier fall , nabux , iKjtpjilcJ lonu bux ufllclrut. AdilrcM LION lifll II ! < > . , IKllUl , N , Y. Hold bjr IHMIHIHN lUILd CO , AaoODHICH , Lawyer , 131 Deiirborn St. Chicago. 'M yours' sncvesbful iiritotluo. Advice free ; nopubllcUy. bpcclal luclllUcalu wuuyhtutes. FURNISHING GOODS. It is nearly time t& lay aside your heavy underwear , and we want to remind you that wo carry the largest stock of medium and light weight underwear in town. We buy these goods direct from the mills and commission houses ; we pay no jobbers' profits , and consequently We can sell them from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than any other establishment. This season we have been especially fortunate in our purchases , and we arc in a position to place before our customers several lines of goods at prices which no other house can come anywhere near. WE OFFER FOR THIS WEEK : Three cases Patent Brown Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , silk bound , French neck and finished seams , at 250 ; sold elsewhere for 5oc. 75 dozen very fine Striped Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , at 350 ; worth 6oc. 75 dozen extra fine Ribbed Shirts and Drawers of an excellent shade , warranted fast color , at 5oc ; like qualities are not sold elsewhere less than $1.00. * IN OVERSHIRTS WE OFFER THIS WEEK : ' 50 dozen fine Jersey Outing Shirts , in handsome shades of stripes , at 75c ; worth fully $1.25 , In the White Shirt Department we open to-day a line of very fine pique and embroidered bosom Shirts at $1.25 ; every other house charges $2 for these qualities. IN HOSIERY WE OFFER : Two cases Fancy Striped Half Hose , a regular 2oc quality , at ice. Two cases Brown fine Seamless Half Hose at 1 One case very fine se.iinless.Half Hose , absolutely fast black , at 2oc. Our Neckwear counter shows the handsomest styles of new Tccks , Four-in-Hands and Windsor Scarfs at just one-half the prices of other houses. In Linen Collars , we show all the new shapes of the season , and we also have a full line of our celebrated All Linen 5c Collar , turn down and standing , in new shapes. This is something " 1 no other house can show. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Our Spring opening hav ing been delayed by our re cent repairs and improve ments , which are now com pleted , we shall be glad on Wednesday , April 30 , to show our fine line of Child ren's Suits and Furishing Goods to our friends. All are cordially invited to call on us that day. The Well Known Specialist Is unsurpassed In tlio trcntmont < if nil forms of I'ni- VATK DISKAHC.S nnd Mrlcturua ; ncurui.'uiir.intreil llnpiiteiicy , l , .u of Munliouil unit uinbltlori Morlltf or Ilarrenno'O nhioliltt'ly uiiril , K > n < l fur huoki 'Tlio Ufo hecret , " for .Man or Woman , racli IU cents ( atmnpi ) . Nervous IVniula Diseases cureil quickly and luiriimnently. Treatment by corri | minuiuitj ! lumps lor reply. Consult.itlon fret ) . Olllco ij. H. Cor , Ijtb and Jackson street * . Ouiuha , Neb. NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment SPEED , Strength. Sold Under a POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. H. SMITH & CO. , General Agcnta Nebraska nud Iowa. Q1OS. 10th St. , - - Omaha Dr. SIMONS Locnled In Onmlm for flvo yonrs. 9V.i0 : vc'iii-iof Bii'ci'h-.fiil | > ruutli' ( > In I'lilliulcliililn , New Voik mid ( . 'liluiiigo. Duimt u-quliu \os- | - nio In iliilluutu cu s nr speculum oxunilnu- linn. MnKiw no mlMakfs. Tioutniiuit ( liiect iirnl i)0 ltlri > . fall tin inn ninl 1 will haUsfy jou of tile location , i-Mi-nt , siml niitnm of any ill- K'lisr , nuiitoorcliioiilc. iliuwr of drluy awl uolmhlllly of emu. I iii.iKti u njircliilty of Ni-Rvous ni-uiLi i Y , rr'r ' ; rt - I'liyMciil ' ilueuy unil all Mndiuil A'W's ' 01WOMPV f 1.0'1 ' ' " . fVoI - ' Ul nU.HU.N uruatrht MIC- Iiilluiiiiuatloii of the utnriiH , IIIOHI | > MI > < . iio illxplny or bii | ) | > rn > slun , ull tiuutim iK'i'i'H fiilly. 1'nII on or wrllu ! ) ) { , bl.MuMbUl H. 101 li bt. , Onmlm , Nub. rln from cITocts WBMS of I.otl Muiiliooil , . rrurs , Inipotenoy anil . ii'.s ( it Men eun bu cured ncrmnnentlr nrnl prlatt > ly by our Hex nl rfpo- illlc , Bent b mall for fl. llouk lunt fur itamp. ll * u > n Mu itrevt JJoitou , Mu Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING' Will take place In public at the 01TV OK JUAUHZ ( formerly Paso del Norto ) , Mexico WEDNESDAY , MAY 21st , 189O. . Under DID personal supcrvlsfon ol ill. JU11L1 S. nwl MK.OAMILO A It Of CM. , El the former n gentleman of snub prominence. In the United Stsites that bis nrcwiiirn alone . hiilllclcnt euamnlco to the public that the drawings will ho hold with strict honusty and fall HC--S to all , and the latter ( the Sunoi visor ot the .Me\luan Qururiimuut ) is of and integrity. CAPITAL PRIZE , . $6OOOO. I Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO , Tickets * , WHOLE TICKETS. . $4 ; HALF TICKETS , $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS. $1. LIST OK PR.I2L1SS. 1 Prize of Approximation Prizes. $60,000 , $60,000 $ , 100 Prizes of m cadi t 500 1 I'rl/nof 10.UX ) , . . 10,000 101) ) I'rlros of .10 cadi 1 I'rlroof ii.UUU 5,00(1 ( 10J Prizes of ! W each : i I'rUefof 1OU ) i-nch ; t,000 Terminal Prizes. 10 I'rlicnof JIO each 2.UXI 6M Terminals to fHI.UJO Prlzo of fJJ uacli to I'rlies of 101) encl li.OOU Ci'J-J Terminals to ? 10,000 Prlzo of f IU each. 100 l i Iron of SC cadi r > , ( XW 2SO Prizes of IO cncli 7ttK ) 1014 Frizes amounting to $12C'i Wo tlio Hmtcr'lRiiPcl hereby certify tlmt the Itanco If any ticket ilrawlnsn prlro is p it to the n. Naclonul of Mexico In Chihuahua 1ms on deposit BlKiied , Its face valno will I" ) collcUlMl nnd romlltCii from the Mexican Inlcnmtlclrml llaiiklnx Company , to the on ner thereof fieoof < liar o. J the ncccNHnry f umn ! to uuanintee the pa > ment of all niiiiAii II llunsxov , thoiirlzcitlrann Hi tlioiram ) Lottery of Juarez. President El Pa o National Hank , ii : Pa n , Tex Wo further certify that no will mipcrvlxc all the nr- -A.C.HNTS WAN'LHaiJ. ranKcmcnt1 * , untl In person mannuo iiml control all I'or club rates , or any other Information , Ihudr-iwIiiKHOf this Lottery , ami tli.it tlio mime are thoniidcrHluneil , statln { > our nililicia clearly nltl londnclcil with honesty , fairness and In good faith blute , County , Street mill .Number. Mori ! rapid in ill towards all parties. delivery will hoaismij I by > oilr unclosing an uuvtil JOHN : a. MOSnv. Commissioner. opo hoarlnc your full nddrcss. UAMir.o Jli\IC'AN : INTIIIINAIIONAI , IlANKINO Co Supervisor for Uio ( l Oltyof JuntoM Fend remittances for tickets by ordinary Inttnr , containing Mono s Onion Issued by nil Kxpicss Companies , Now Voik K.MJli.ingo , Hank Draftorl'u'.l.u Koto. Address all luttoislo MEXICAN lNTEHlNA.TIONA.Lx BANKING CO. . Oil u of Tluai'ox , Moxloo , via 131 Paso. ' 1 Etchings. Emerson. Engravings. Hallet&'Davis. Artists' Supplies. Kimbnll. Mouldings. Pianos & Organs. Frames. Sheet Music. IBIS Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Ot Great Closing Out Sale Continues to attract Intelligent buyers , * who believe In get ting the worth of their money. We save you from 28 to CO per cent on Diamonds , Watches , Chains , Rings , Lock ets. Pins , Buttons , Ear Drops , and all other Jewelry , as well as Silverware , Clocks , Bronzes , Lamps , Silk. Umbrel las , Opera and Field Glasses , Spectacles , etc. ISSgr A FEW ASTONISIIERS FOR THIS WEEK ! m Genuine Diamond Finger Rings , solid gold , only $2.80. Boss Gold Filled Stem Wind Watches , Elgin 'movement , 1 only $17. Solid Gold Vest Chains only $7. BO. Best Rolled Plate Chains only $2.BO ; worth $0. BOO Fine Set Rings , Ladies' and Gents' , choice $1. Finest Rolled Plate Cuff Buttons , sot with real stones , only BOc pair. Solid Sterling Silver Collar Buttons , only 2Bc ; worth 7Bc. Fine Silk Umbrellas , oxidized silver handles , only $2. O and up. Solid Gold Spectacles or Eye Glasses , only $0 ; worth $3. Best Steel Spectacles , finest lenses , fitted , $1 and $1.BO. Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Lowest Prices MAX MEXYEJR & SlxLoonLh and Karnam BLrobLs. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institu , , . , , . . , . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . . . . pal1 aril , 110 III 1 fit * y ! v * w ' * " " - - ' - - - - - : : : ; : > „ ' MK.N L < iIi i > " " . . ' . " . " , , .11 iiiillililorrof your cuio , ami wg will § eml III plain wraop r our IIODiC TO HUSK-up nl'ty iMClal or NerVoui l 'ieni . liniiolwncr. Syphilis , Uleet nnilVarlcocvltf , wllli iiuoillun Hit. AiMro" ] Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , f Corner Oth and Hurnoy Sis. , Omaha , N'j