THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , /-THURSDAY , MAY 1 , 1800 , SPEGIRL NOTICES. OMAHA. No mlvcrtlrtomeiitfl will l ) taken for tlicxo columns nl'tcr liHO : Ji. til. In mlvnnco. . Ail vnrllM-tiicntH under thllionil 10 cents per line for Hie llrat Itiwrtlnn , Tcontsforeach suh- ft ntlpnt Insertion , nrnl Il-An perllnn prrinonth. Nundrcrtlncmcntii taken for leu * than 25 cents for fl t Insertion. Tli > y nulnt run const-oil- k-l tlvclrnncl muitlm paid In ADVANCK. Alt nil vert penit-ntM must lie handed InhcforulZ-.IQ o'clock p. in. , und umlrr noclr-Mimi-taiices will they hrt taken or discontinued hy telephone. I'nrtle * mlvrrtlilnj ? In these columns and Imvlntr their nn wcrsnddres cd In caroofTiis Hr.B will iilcmtu o U for u check f oenahlo them to Ret their letter * . in none will h delivered except on prclentatlon of ehcck. All anaweri to advertl cmcnta should hu enclosed In cnve- lopet . All advertl cmcnfs In thcsn columns nro pnhllsheil In iiotli mnrnlnp nnd evening edi tion * of TUB IIM * , the circulation of which uR ; Brruali'dinorcthnn SO.WO papers dally , and Rlvcd the ndvi-rtl-HM the benefit , not only of thncltv circulation of Tnr HKK. hut also of Council ItliifK Mncoln nnd other cities nnd towm throughout thin section of the country. "BRANCH"OFFrCEST Ail\/ir.tslnU ) for these columns will ho taken on thd ahOvo cmidlllona. at the following Inn- nrxa ) oust-i who uro niithorlzcd to tnko Rpcclnl notlccH. nt the sumo rates us can bo hud ut the if.iiln ofllce. - - - - - - - - - Def Twenty-xl.ith nnd N streets Nebraska Bitvlii 4 bnnk biilldlnir. JOHN W.liKU * I'harmuclst.feJUSouth Tenth _ ptri-rt , 1 1 A BH ft iiI : > V. Stationer * und Printers , ll.f. South IQtli Bticiit. _ u. KARNPWoiirii. riiurniucist , 2111 , Cumins Mred , North r.o.v,1. 1718 I.cnvcn- wort Street. T.I UGIIEb1 PHAUMAOV , 24th. and Karnam " \j\TA NT En-KTob In pi i viitn famHy 'caro/or V > horses byono thoioughly capable. Ad dress } tz * . IJcoolIlce. Council Illuirs. 21i-30 \\J ANTlUl-Sltuntlon n drug cleric , have J V hart nix years' experience. Address W. Deadwootl S. Dak. 28530 . Tyior. , _ _ _ WANTED-PTsltloirT dirurclcrk. ( TKegls teredlnlowa and Nebraska. Address O 30 , lice , Council Hluirs. : KO-a WANTED Two errand boys nnd a bushel- man ; call early. Continental Clothing I liouso. _ 321 1 ' , would like to WANTED- - young man U-arn the .hai ness trade. Address I ) 10 , Itec. - 28.1-8 * ' ' as bookkeeper or shlp- ' ( j > 1itXt'K'rlrby.u man of ability and oxper- lenf e. with Ilisl-oluss city rufuiencvi. Addicss iitllon as wet" nurse by a an ; will go out ortukn , . . . . ulnss'refeie'ncti to health and : rt reply quick. Addicss I ) ' . " lleeolllce : uo : ; o * . \r.\N'rEr ; > A young with expeilenco wants i pcHltlon HH dork In uloio or olllce. Ad- diens II 1 , I lee. ! S8 * AtADY' wishes to recommend her nuise , i ompcteiit totako caieof one or two young 'chlldien ; thoioughly n-llahle ; at llhiirly iilwiul Mav'-U Apply to Mrs. H. R. liest. Mll- lanl hotel. 2ilI-tO : * TV Hy un evpeilenecd engineer It-ei man ) , willing to do Hi Ing ; also hluck- cm lib u filiation. No. Dll I.euvcnworth st. ( lM-m4 \\rANTEl ) .Situation bv an expei lenced ' Ucnnan blat'Knultl Inquire at nil Lcav- K > ' enwoilh si , I Mi nil * "VArANTED-Sltuatlon hy a rellatilc. steady ' * i * yv'l'ig ' man , colored , as porteror janitor ; good City referenceAddicsj C .T > , Iteo olllco. AVA.VJ'HI ) irANTEIlOood hiead haker. ElbKo > Noisl , .7th and Cumlng sts. 320 ISO * lill.N I'ri E\er > where ; be t and cheapest wlille rnumeled letters ; salary and ox- nonsi's jinlil eompetenl men ; send stumps. lti\l \ foijlariiai'jfgCo. ( , riiiL-lnnatl O. .X't-l * " \\rA > "nD : = ATorlcr ut Iloston store. uT J 322-1 " \\rANTED An n\perleiK > ed young man In ' cigar sloie In miiko himself generally tisefuU Anply 40) Pitxtun bldg , 32J-1 * " \ArANTED llundlo wrapper at Itostiin store . : c--- boiers for Pael fie coast o\- i t > teiixliiu of I' , I' . i.l : ! . In Nevada and Utah. ( lo < U nr.iges and steady woik. Albilght's la- boi'iigeney , llVO'aniam M. l l .Agi'iits and dealers. E > eryCath- ( household wants au altar. Our Homo mid Family Allar M'lls at sight , Something , iimflrrt.tfy.mplo altar frcu. Addiuss m'f'grs for M , , lllusli.clrd deseilptlon , llostou M'f'g Co. . 570 8 J Wuslii ( „ llOhlitn. .MasM. _ ItOti 5 * J J\ TX ANTEb-Coat makT-r , TlbN IGthst. ' > > ' 31.V.-IO * * \\7tANTEI-J-Salesmen ) at ITS pur month sal- > > inind . line of Mlvor- in \ : e.\iieiises to--till u - iiluted wnitv Matches , ete. , hy wimple only ; luilse and team furnished fieeiltuat ; oncu for fiH | Piirtli-uliii and humiili-ease of foods free. niHMclaul IhtTuarc Co. , lluiton , Mat > s. k , , . . . , 191 . r.TEIA ) lity-M Itli peed icference.s to / tunafruit stund on n. e. cor. Dodge and 111 si - M--0 ! * " \ " \ rANTEP.Man An agent of our patent > safi-s ; s/n- | > \lt.\lH inches H'netall. All tfltv * ntlnu , NUW style's ; new patterns : new loel ; tin > ' factory. Not ifim-riii-d hy Nafepool , K ei.x * ? afo wtiiruntid. Raie chance , I'crmu- nent huslnewj. Unr tcims and caluioguo will t-ouvlncti you agents clear J. i to J.VM ) per jjonlhrltn ( for e\elu-ho teiillory. Alpine b.if Co. . Cliielnnutl , U. liST-iiO * " \\rANTIID Competent I'illnder piPisman Vt nnd feeil IHI\M ; non-nnlon. llanUon & Smith. Mliiiieupnlls , Minn. 3rl-iO ! : \\rANTEU -All looking for woikor help to > * callut Keith'- , employment olllc-e. 'lltt't S 1.1th st. Tel. J.VK- . avs-'i * " \\'ATliU ! fi < ud cnn\us-t-r for iilmto. enl - l > lurulng ; hlg money to the right num. I'orlr.ilt Co. . lIUli und JauUson. : ioo 1 * Sit'ANTED Sollcltlm. uv'ents hi exeiy i-oun- .T ' it VJ In Nl'hra.ka , good p.iy , write for par- tUnit. A. Lock lloxI1U. . V.inlaon , tf. Dak , ; ' a > : * \\rANTii : " liiliTcdlately , ToveiaT .steady" i ' ivllahle men forgeneial faun \\orKwaKivs ! , ' " > per mouth and work ull thoycur round. Adu-i.-s > 1' . A , I'uU , lloIKi , Moutix > - > o. Colo. SAI.ESMAN-A inanufiielurer of largo line . , of poi'tjihle amitatlonary eiulnert and ) H > tler-i deiliiM to cone-pond with suitable f jmrt > ) * > llh I'efoienco tu lepu-ontlng hln nia- chliiery ax local agent In e\clilsl\e. tcultory on a hahuy and eommls-lnn ; only an aelho HI-HI who can nnxluen n-nlH nanleil ; lefor- enees . - ! , In lellahllltv rcijulitd , AddlvviMiin- Ufaetuter , llo\r.'l ; , LMili'ttgo , 111. ic.t : w , r.VM'EH Llvn men u < salesmen and cell - ' /l otiir > In 'Wt'kU'in Nebiuska. Expurl- n < it nwessiiry. The singer t-ewinz Mal - lf'rnnd ! ( ' ( "Imid , Nub , UvVmUt * , ANTED - Aix'ldtectural draughiMiian , giKil "detail" man , Imiulro Council Illutfs etnceiiaiid | ! lit ( > Vh-l Ma\on.V llour- ArehtH. , | tHins HlOiind ( .It N. Y. l.lfc , Omahi. and IIMIIIIS 2M > , 41' ' , .11 and 62 , Mei rlam block , Council Illulls , la. bU n CanviisM-rs aj Mnger H'Kl miielilno olllco. I5lh Douglas st. 2sJMnO ? \ ' l AVriJIf-Apifiits Miipm Cigar lighter. > i-\eo siiioker Imjs ; lights In wind or r.itni lu > t-t u lifetime ! Mimpks 1.V , tuofor' W ) , l't / il hy ti'iall. stamp- , taken , stnvner i l\ \ Co. . t'nrvhteik-f.'H , I. rta-u'Jl " \\rANTED filil for uomu-al hoiKowork. , \ \ 1IIU M. Vates , t allfuinla uud Knd sts. \xrANTKI ) Wul t ( liilslivr , 110 pei-wcolcto > llp.t-ola.i-i wabt lluUher. MMTcrilll. llushmun hlwik. "NJ-l * AV D A hecoiirt e mW and dishwasher at city hotel , cor. luih uud Hiunev hts. _ _ WANTED Girl forceneralhouscwork.gooU home. KOO < | waw'rs. Apply 2011 Enaaot au. 3it l Kiom _ t of a > th bi. 3i > 4 1 [ \7' NTii-t.inly : boiiUket-iicr Muy 13. I ) 20 , 1 > > _ cait lice otlloo. 312-30 * \ r ANTED-Ludy copyist I ) 1'J , lleo otltco. * . : iu-ao * n i r.i < A peed plulnrook.who can wash KiylV'iTr.l\Mt.'rl1' ' ! "fOt-'iwun Jreforred. niiH'ttfin cimk und lauuilict-j uilly. liefeieneri ' ' * UMinlrod. , A'pplV'10 Mr . II. Wet 01 iVI 8 15th.Mi for UiUicwcuk , * ! 113 It-u-JO * WANTED Compctont girl for general hoii'cvrork Mm. Thos K. Hall. J60i fJher- man ave. 14.1 WANTKD-OIrl for general housework. 1W7 ( I > oiiirla < Btrcot. 1)19 ) WANTKD-OIrl for kitchen and laundry work. Inquire S.V corner 24th street and St. .Mary's nvo. 00. ANTJTl-2 ) walit nnUheri and -hlrt fln- Islicrs at once. Miss K. Walih , IIIIH Capl- lol avu. 2l.--a ) WANTIID TwoclrH for flr nnd second work. References rcmilrcd. Call at : U2 I.afayotto avonuoformerly ( 1'aul t. ) Mrs , J. H. Diimont , ( V > a W PANTKD-Walst nnd skirt fin Ishera Madam Wallace. S76 1 WWANTED WANTED Ladles and young men to ro- celvo Instructions and keep books , J. U. Hmlth , room010 Now York Llfo bulldhig. \\7ANTED-Olrl for general housework. TT OK ( > d wages to the right party. 8-e. cor. 25th and Jones 517-4 'El--A ' ) good competent girl for general - oral housework ; good wages pahl.roiH''Ulh WANTED n first class waitresses for Col- oiado$20 | I ) , fc II. O. , woman cook for boarding camp , tlO ; 0 boarding house cooks. 120 to fa ) ; 3 girls forrtfllcers' families ; second girls , kitchen girls , ton waitresses. Mrs. Urczu. 2S2-W WANTED A girl about thirteen or four teen years old to assist In taking enroot children. Mrs. Swltzler. 2uOI St. Mury uvo. 812 DllKSSMAKING. ENDAGEMENTtt todo ilress making In fam ilies. MlssSturdv. KBS.a.'itlihvc. PS7-m5 * DItESSMAICINO-At homo or In families , Miss J. Kay , 1153 N. loth st. ( Hl-iuS" J.'OU UKXT--HOUSKH. T Dnelilng oil"iJapltotiivoiVfip" d rooms , and all modern conveniences , in cluding laundry und largo stable. D. J. O'Doniihoo , 1001 t'arnam ht. 1W I71OK KENT Houses nnd stores ; property J-1 caied for , ta\os paid. Midland Guaranleu k Trust Co. , 1011 Faniuiu st. Abstracts. " IK YOU wish to rent a house or store see II. E. Cole , Continental block. 107 J-HOO.M lint , with steam heat , 10th st. , near JJoncs. Thos. F. Hall , 3111'axton block. 193 TTIon KENT n-ronm cottage , cellar , well and J3 cistern ; 811 South 21st hi ; 120. U70-IW * TT1OU KENT House ; ten rooms , all modern JU ImproM'mcnts ; larso yard , $10 per month. Dexter L. Thomas. 71C > TIEN room house , all convonloncos.ninze.KKVS Sherman a > c. , WO. Hutchinson & Wead , 1SS4 Douglas ; tel. 152U. 210 E OK KENT , four room house $10.00 a mouth , 18th St. and Center St. 270-5 * . rpo KENT A BX and a ten room house , all -L modern conveniences In.o.icli , now ; ; located on 18th st. , between California and Cass , rent reasonable. Inaulro 50U , First Nat'l bank building. - - ' GS.-I \TICE cotta'go-for lent on 1'aclllo st.jtist JL > west of Park a\e. J20 per month. Oeo. N. lllckh. N. V. Llfo bldg. 302 ! J T71OK KENT I'ivo room houso. largo barn , J ? cistern und elty water. 2310 S 12th st. 2 : > 'K0 ! * FOK KENT .1 nine-loom lirlck houses. All modem coincidences. 2.VC1 to25.'r7 St. Maty'H uvo. InquIrO ut Collateral bank , 312 H Kith ht. FOK KENT TwolO-rmnn modern houses , all conveniences. Paved street * , cable cars. I'ivo mlnuH's' walk of pijslofllce. Kefcrcncos icqulred. Nathan Sholtou. 1014 Karnam st. " 1T1OK KENT Cheap , If taken quick , a choice -1 } detached 9-rooin liouse ; all modern comen- lences ; shade trees , etu. Inqulra 252 ! ) Cap. uvo. 1W ) 2 FOK KENT The grove and giouuds with cottage and barn just opposite Kusei's hotel In West Omaha ; can clvo Immediate po.sosslon. Cieo. N. Hicks. N. Y. Llfo bldg. UOJ30 TlODGESt. opimslto High School , two elc- -L/gant brick houses , new , nlno looms , every convenience. Choicest locality In Omaha. Kobt. L. ( lai llchs. 1U11 I'arnam bt. Si ! ) . FOK KENT Kesldcnccs In all parts of city. List too Inrge too publish. Glebe Loan St. Trust company. JWS. llith si. 7K. T710K KENT 2fi-toom cottagcsln Hrst class JU' condition , with clstem and well water , tin per month. 311 N 27th u.e. . 254-1 * 1OK KENT A Hut of six rooms. Enquire of Mrs. C. Duggan , 1102 S 13th Koom 5. KOUNTXE Place. 11 rooms , all modern con veniences , \Virtstreet.IOO feet fiont ; tires ; WO to good parties. II. E. Cole , Continental. 307-2 T7IOR RENT May lnt , one of my eight-mom JL ! houses , No. 2721 Jackson M. , reached hy thix-o llnch of stiect cms. every coiiNeuluncu ; SB If leased for 1 Usual commission paid to any paity procuilng me good tenant. Dan H. Wheeler , jr. , surauce , Douglas and 15th sts. MODERN house , nine rooms , hath , hot und cold watei. furnace and gas , on Dodge St. , NO pur month. Fred J. llorthwlck , 213 South 14lh if , TO FOR RENT It-room cottugo ; furnitiiro for sale. Rent 813 per month. 1US1 Douglas. & 97-ml7 T71OK KENT Nine room hoiisedetaehed with -L1 barn and modern lmpiovcments,23ISDoug las ht. O.Vi-3 * FOR RENT The 1st of May , anlco 5-iooni cottage , nice ynnl , hhndo trees , city water , etc. , with or without barn for 4 horses , will rent bum sepal ate. No. C023 Howard st. Star Lund fi. Ixiun Co. . ILOlHj Furnam st. 107 30 11-room house , well located , with stable ; lent JA5 ; fuinlturo &SOO. on time. Co-Operatl\o Lamland Lot Co. . 'JX N 101 h St. 314-1 "TTIOR KEN'FIn convenient locutions , suites J of 2 , 3 und 4 rooms , arranged forhousekccp- Ing , also large and small houses. Prices ica- sonablc. Ilutts Renting agency , 150T I'arnam. lKX-m4 ! * FINE ton room house , all modern Improve ments , f in nlslied ; five blocks from po-m > f- llco ; icfcicnccs required. Inquire 171' ) D.iven- port ( .t. a73-ml2 * TTIOR RENT ft-roomed cottage In good loca- JL ? tlon , oa t front and in good tepalr. .lame * ] Stockdale , room 4. Kiei-ier hlock. 1 > I1 I7IOU RENT Ahbul .Tuno 1 , those elegant JL1 stone icsldcnccs on Oeoigla avemie , H " "Jill ht. , hetween Mason und I'uelllc stB. i-co owner for long time lease. U. 11. Iltndcraon , room 100 , 1'axton hlk , - 4s5 "ITIOR'RENT-iIO-ioomljrlok hdiisu , with inoiT- JL ! ern conveniences , No. 611 S 2Utu Bt. Apyly at No. ttf7 S i.Mtli ht. ic-t /"J.ARDEN , T. Murray. FOIl HUNT * HOOMB''PUIIMSIIKI ' ) . T71OR KENT I'lirnlshea.rooms ; gas , bath JU niid.sloam ; 1310 HQWard. ino TTIOR IlKNl Kiirnlsht-d rooms , JOOO Douglas. JJ 2tx ) TTtOK KENTPlttasantfurnWied looms with -U nil conentCncvs , M ! ) S 2tith st. 201 TTIOR RENT-Wjth Ixilird a furnUhrol room JL' suitable fortivb , all contenloncos , 2010 Cul- Ifornlust. , , ' ' aih-5 * "VflCKLY furnished roonl forunoor twogen- tlemen,210S. , . SOtli st.refurcncuB exchanged , ICO 30 * TTIOR RENTNlroly furnlshcil front room -L.1 with bay window and ai'o\u ; all modoin roiiNunleiu > es | ( jonUt'iiH'n only , UX'south 20th ht , near bt. Mai-y'a avciiuo. 207-0 rpO KENT Elpgant furnished .rooms ; rent -l-M > ry cheap for a few wcckh , u shoit tliun ; on uceouut or III hoitlth owner wants to c.cll , Cull JJ04 Farnaiu. , 200-2 * T3KIVATE family vrlh | plouhant homo dcslio .1. two boarders ; clioluo room ; references ex changed. ' 'W ) lliirnuy bU 14J 30 * TilOR KKNT Nicelyfurnlsluxl TMM , nil J. ' mmlern coiivunloilcus , a bjookx from P. p. , | jl a 17tl t , itil , . . RENT-Nlccly fiirnUhcd nwins with - - boaitltv ; 1'Ariiuiu bt. ' Rcfurcnces.1UM 1UM * TDLEAhANT rooms , stliujlu and en suite , with . ' Uuaid. ItfiJ ( 'hleago st. 154 mU * "VTICEIA" fiunUhcd - ' i-ooms.L'OlTLeavenworth. X > U > l-l' TTIOR llENT-Two nicely furnished front - * - rooms , with ull modern cou\cnleuelcs. " 'Ida I-uruum bt uTe pOOM with clasot , 810 S. : * M st. 5 ; IM-S * T71URNIS1IED front riwrn In private family. JU Uu , hath. No. ssa Dougla . Rcfercucu. nu-ao * | T710R UENT-Lareo pouth room with closoti A' nicely furnUhcd , plcui.ant location. 1818 \ \ ouster kl , 17S-1 "JflOR RENT r-nifuriiUUi'd rooiua with elty J-1 water , nil N miifct bio o ISUraruan i fnOR KENT a nleoly furnlsliod largo room ? , JL1 prlruto family , 2321 Harney. 813 SO * TTIOK KENT A nlcn front room , suitable for JL1 ono or two gentlemen , with all HUMurn ! coit- venlences. Cor. St. Mary and 20th or 020 South 20th , brick icsldcnce. 117-30 TTIOK KENT Comfortably furnished room In JL1 private family , S l I'arnam st. USOfO * TT1OR RENT-Nicely furnished front room JL' with first class Inianl , nullablo for two gen tlemen or man nnd wife , modern conveniences private family , elegant lawn , right In center of city. Address O72 lleo ofllce. 0241 * N V kind of furnlihed or unfurnished rooms. 317' ' { 8. lOtli st. We havo.ll rooms. JKOmlli * iNY i'or1.'or : i months 4 rooms fur- nlfthcd for housekeeping to a couple with out children to take care of rooms. Address U 18 , lice. SftVl * "filOll UHN'T Double parlor on first floor. J ? 381 S. list. 874 30 * _ _ ROOMS , furnished , moderate ; 1913 Douglas st Ill'Mi * s : . CLAIH European hotel , corner inth nnd Dodge. Special rates by week or month. OOMS 7.-10,12,15- N. 18th st. . 8l5-ni2J * TTANUPOXinM * furnished rooms with board JJL for rent at the Hholton , 101 S. 2.'ith st. 852 : HANDSOMELY furnished rooms. 2200 Dodge ? 73 * MRS. CIinitCHITiTi 1ms new and handsomp- ly furnished rooms ; also Urst-cIaM table , ill S. lUtli fit. 275-a * OK furnished all KENT--Nleoly rooms ; modern conveniences. 322 N 15th st. 280 2 * TTIOK KENT All now and tastily lurnlshcd JU rooms nt 317W N. 15th st. U 3 FOR IIHXT--KOOMS UNFUUXIHHICI ) w. corner loth an Lcav- Ooiiwoithsts. 3032 * ri WO unfurnished rooms suitable for man JL and wlfo who board or llcht housekeeping , also two basement rooms , 1122 N. 17th st. 2S1-30 * UNFURNISHED rooms , 2312 Capitol ave. : 150-11127 * TT OK KENT 4 unfurnished rooms to family , JU without ehlldron ; modern Improvements. 1701 Webster st. Price $15. 020 F I OK KENT-3toro 018 S. 10th st. OCO T710K KENT-3 unfurnished rooms. 20S N. J2 lilt list. Prlco $10. C2tl FOIl 11I3NT STOIIKS AND OFFIOKS. STORES at 707 , TOO,711 S 10th , 22.xfiO each , largo show windows , steam heat furnished , Thos. F. Hull. 311 Puxton block. 20J T7IOR RENT-'t-story brick building. 1110 Jt ! Douglas St. suitable for wholesale or ware house | urposos. Also brick store 107 S 13th st. Inquire of Chas. Kaufman , 1J02 Douglas st. DESK room , attorney preferred. Ilutchlnsoii & . Wead. 1524 Douglas ; tel. 1329. 24(1 ( 4-story brick storage building with trackage. Pa\ed street In fiont. No grade. Cheap to good party. H. E. Cole. 120 29 FOR RENT Sd ! and Louvenworth sts. , corner store ; good location for bakery or giocery ; also llvo room Hat in same building. Apply to James Montgomery , 803 S. 24th st. FOR RENT Good basement on Fifteenth street , gas , water and steam heat. Apply 312 S Fifteenth Ht. 1X11 TTIOK RENT The 4-story brick building with JU or.wltliout power , formerly occupied by the Ilco Publishing Co. , 018 Farnam st. The building has a tire proof cement basement , complete steam heating fixtures , water on all the floors , BUS , etc. Apply ut the olllce of The lice. - U15 FOIl JIKXT MISCKfjIjANEOUS. EOR RENT Good barn , room for 4 horses , 3 carriages , and sleeping rooms , on 20th st. near St. Mary's ave. Apply 312 3.15 st. IW1 MISCKhti AN KO US AVAXT3. PASTURE for rent for horses , tame grass , near Hellenic , Inquire of H. T. Clark. 1WS WANTED IJy a gentleman and wife ; board A ; room In private family. Must be central and teims reasonable. Addicss D 14 , lleo ofllce. 214-1 * WANTED Horses to pasture at $2.M a month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses called for and delivered. W. K. lloman , Koom U , Krenzcr blk. 470 WANTED Sonio ono to adopt an orphan girl , 0 years old. 010V4 Cumlng st. 180-30 * WANTKD TO KKNT. WANTED A 5-room flat or fi rooms with a nice icspcctable family , suitable for light housekeeping , convenient to motor cars , by a family of man and wlfo and child , Address P. O. bo\572 , 291-1 * WANTED Furnished room forllght house keeping , by couple wlthoutchlhhen. state locality and terms. Addicss D 15 Itco olllco. 252-20 * "ISfANTEO To rent , fuinlshcd or unfur- ' nlshed loom between 18th and ilfllli , Fai- num and CiimingMs , for pne gentleman. Ad dress , room 37. Hai ker block. 258-30 * lU NTArj AGKNOY. H. E. COLE , icllablo fire Insurance. . 107 A.K. . RILEY , notary public , room II , Con . tinental block. 200 rpO Milt the convenience of clients engaged -J-during the day we. open evenings. 7 toH:30. : H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental blook. 107 MORTON'S rental agency. 517 Puxton block. 205 HE. COLE , notary public and conveyancer 1W7 WE HAVE a first class party who wishes to runt a furnished house of fiom seven to nlno iTems with modern 'conveniences , Must bo good residence portion of the city. Hitrt- maii & Roblilns. N. Y. Llfo . H.K. . COLE , icntal agent , Continental blU. . 107 TDORTRAIT Agents ! Do you value flnnwork , JL accuiato likeness , prompt hervlco. low prices ? Then deal with thn largest copying house. In the country , Shopards , 200 Wuf > ush uChicago. . 2U-5 * T3AKASOLS and umbrellas covered and reX - X paired. H. Ualor , 1515 Douglas ; basement. YEE LE17S laundry has removed to 315 N. Will. 178-mO * LYMAN'S Oak Leaf Speolllo cures female tionblo and leucorrluu.i , jirlco 91 at all first- class druggists or by mall on receipt of pi Ice. t end stump for trial treatment mailed fieo ; agents wanted. Lyman Medlcluo Co. , Kansas City. Mo. lOOnil * _ IDILES After years of su nYrlng , liavo dls- X covered an easy ouio ; sumpln free. Ko- eelptt'i. Hank refoivnco given , llox 2. Put- nam. Neb. 187-ml * _ TT1REE-A ( Iro-prKf safe wltu combination -L lock Send stamp un < I uddrcss for partic ulars. Union Supply Co. , 28 Klvur St. , Chicago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 860 ii ) 24 * TTIOK Ladles Only I will send any lady a val- JJ liable secret that cost mo W and a rubber Mileld forllOc. Mrs. . ! . A. Kinsman & Co. , IffV. . Jack MI n St. , Chicago. HI. S65iu24 _ OGALALLA , Ntibiaskii. Is In great need of a good hotel , and the citizen * will materially assist any person who will ciectuuu thupics- ent season , 257-i * OEMOVED to 322 N. 10th at. Hot SprlnpH JIV baths , I have opened a suit of elegantly furnished rooms with all the very latest Im provements. From extensive experience under superior ad vantages 1 urn prepared to glvo solcntlllu baths ( chemical ) the same us produced ut the Hot Springs , llot air. moister or dry , Turkish. Russian or plunge. Wllluuar- unteo satisfaction to thu most fastidious , blnglo bath or treatment per week or month , Charges rcu-onublo. bpeclal rates to lady clerks for regular ablution. Mrs. Dr. Day , ; U2 N. 16th Ht. , Rooms 11 , 12 und 13. f.irmilO lN tVOKK , roofing , guttering , good work low prices. Savage , 11)18 ) Cnnilnij . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ LOST Ono am all black jwoketbook contain ing several R. R. passes und somu money. If found leave at 1H.-U olllce , 321-1 * _ _ LOST Asmullpiig dog. A liberal reward for return to ami Mason st. 251-ao * _ * FOUND. TTlOtlND Doz with chain and collar , name on JL ; collar , F. Hetblngtou. Innulro 1102 N 10th. 170-30 * _ CJ END nikine of deceased friend and date of k7ucatli vrlth fourcunts postage und wo will sotid you unu of our buud&omo uiomorlul curdn. Memorial Supply Cu * lOli N. V. Lift. 319 2 _ _ tSENTI3TS-K. U. TrlUW , graduate I Indliina JL/dental collego. DCs * bf work only. Crown and bridge i ork a p itAlty. Room 13 Conti nental blk. Elevator Iflllmt , north of Douglas. _ . . . . . : iug 833 m 23 rPKAOICAGE utorauo at lowest rates. W. M. JL lliighman , 1BI1 Iicat6iBortli. St)7 ) ' ' KUIIIN , ffl7 S inth it' , stores stoves In dry ptaco for the gnmujcV. _ 430 mii : HU\ . WANTED-rurnttm-tl. ; < earpot9 , houBohold goods for cashV ells' Auction & Storage Co. , ali S 13th 8U . > p WANTED To Im/'librae ' and phaeton or buggy. Apply 20th nnd Walnut. A. Rlowo. aw so * WANTED-Good commercial paper. No- hraska Mortgage Loan Co. , SlUI'u.xtonhlk. 200 WANTED To buy for spot cash , city or country , parts or whole Mook.s of dry and fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , millin ery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc. Call on or address J. L. Hramlcls & Sons , cor- nerl3th and Howard , Omaha. 210 WANTED-Oood short time paper In small amounts. P. 1504 Kama in st , 474 FOIl "ITUIRNITURE auction every Wednesday and J3 Sat urday , 317 S 1.1th. Wells. 203 FOR SALE Some good watches and dla- mondscheap. 11. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlth nell block. 211 E1OR SALE Cheap , 1 neatly now Victoria 1 carriage. Omaha Carriage Top Co , 214 N15. TOI-1 * H EAVY wagon and coal bed , 13 ll'd Trade. 7IM T > ARTIES looking for flno driving or saddle X horses , would do well to call on , or corres pond with T. J. Fleming , manager W. 11. Mil- lard's farm. Call ion n , Neb. lie has for sale some first-class single drivers , carriage loams , and saddle horses , at misonablu prices. 2m TTIOR SALE Soda fountain % ery cheap. ln JU qnlro Oloy Peterson , U18 S. 13th. 2IU 8 * "TJ1OKSALE A horse and buggy cheap for Jcash or Instalments. Address O 14 , Dee. 37S TjlOK SALE A handsome sldo-bar buggy , JU Now York best make , used ono siimmc'r only. Inquire room 34 , United States bank. 10) ) H A RD brick ; 300,000 cheap. R. N. Wlthnoll. 080-3 * TT10R SALE Commencing Thursday nftcr- JU noon at 3 o'clock and continuing afternoon and evening , at UK ) Farnaiu , a i are collection Grecian , Etruscan , Egyptian and Florentine vases , statuettes and ornaments , carved from dllTcrcnt varieties of uiurhto , direct Importa tions from Italy. Henry Crelghton , auction eer. 318-2 FOR SALE Seaman's bugglso best and cheapest. Seaman's phaetons best and cheapest. Seaman's wagons best and cheapest. Seaman's carriages best and cheapest. Omaha's largest variety. 850-m-23 sc ; TOVE wood for sale. T. Murray. ITCJ TTIOR SALE A choice car 16ad of mules at JL' Hrown's livery Liaiii-lth st , near Caldwcll. era-mi * FOR SALE The lease and furniture of a 10-rooin Hat ; locatlonihoory best ; fuinl turo nearly n < 5W ; house" full of boaders and roomers ; u bargain. WVlght St Lasburv , Ar- llngton block. K , HO MILK of the finest quality and guaranteed absolutely fresh and pure. In quantities not less than ono gallon per day. W.It. Millard - lard , 313 lirown bldg , lOth'uml Douglas sts. " FOR SALE-lmato Sildcolt ; 3314 Pnikerst , 205-5 * ( „ - FOK SALE-OursolfMilng buckwheat Hour und flap-Jack meal business with all neces sary machinery and ifonnuluu. Oskamp & HaincH , Omaha , Neb. iuf 201 MUSIC. BEFORE buying a phino examine the new scale Klmball planoi at At Hospc. 13U Douglas st , 212 G EO. F.GELLENIlEcmTteachorof the banjo , 1CC9 HowanI st. 3d lUior. , 210 "IT1IRST mortgairo loans at low rates unfl no J3 delay. D. V. Sholcu Co. , 210 First Nutl bank. 050 MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , planos.orguns. diamonds , at lowest rates , The llrst organized loan otllco In the city. Makes loans from 30 to 305 days , which can bo paid In puit or whole at any time , thus lowering the principal and interest. Call and see us wh--n you want money. We can assist you promptly and to your adwintugo without removal of property < 5r publicity. Money always on bund. No delay In making loans. C. F. Reed & Co. , 310 S. 13th St. ; over Itlngliam & Sons. 234 6 PER CENT , UOOO to $10,000. Itulldtng loans at special rates. The Mead Investment Co. . Itee building. 2.15 MONEY 30,00 or IX ) dajs on fnrnlturo.planos , horses , houses , etc. J. .T. Wilkinson , 018 Paxton blk. 10 LOANS on Improved'pioperty at close rate A. K. RHey , Room 11. Contlnentul block. i n /CHATTEL loans at lowestratcs ; i-emovcd to V-/517 and 510 Paxton blkV J. H. Emlngor. 210 LIltERALicalcstato loans inadt ) by W. M Harris , room 20 , Fienrcr block , opp. P , O. 220 T" OANS City und farm loans , mortgage pa- JUper bought. McCugue Investment Co. 221 CHOICE small loans wanted. C. F. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 222 /COMMERCIAL paper bought. A. K. Klloy , VKoom 11. Continental block. 200 HE. COLE , loan agent , Continental block. . 107 KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of JIO to $ IOOJ ; get our rates before borrowing and bavo money ; loan on , furnltuio or any appio\ed .security without publicity ; notes bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low est lutes. Cull , R 20b , fjheely blic , 15lh and Ilowuidhts. .223 M IONEV ( to loan on any f-ociirlty for stun t tlinn at low i ales. Lowest rates on personal pi opei ty , The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com- puny. Room 400. PuxU'ii block. 224 0 HEAP EASTERN MONEY Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , always ready to loan aid ; iiay promptly ; 1st moitgages wanted. George W. l'.Coatcsiepre- sentath e , 7 Hoard Trade. 225 LOANS made on any available security. Central Investment Co. , Room 25 , Cham ber of Commerce. ± . ' 0 T ,1ST your property with H , E. Colo. JU 107 MONEY to loan hy H. V. Mastcis In any amount from $10 to (10,000 for any time , from ono to six months. I make loans on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , Iwnses , leases , etc. . In any amount attho lowaM Vosslhlo rate , with out publicity or romovnrof nioporty , .My loans are so airangtAI thai you t-an make a payment atuny tluio.and reduce your In terest pio'iata. vou payjnteu-st only for the tlmo you USD the money , Jf you owe a balance on your property 1 will ifjko It up and carry It for you , at the lowest iMu consistent with the risk. Money always on haitA.i JNo delav. No pub- llclty. Lowest rates. , A H. K. Clusters , Room 4 , Wlthncll blk , , 15th und Ilainey ( its. SECOND mortgage lofi'iH. Second mortgages bought. Loan * on Jvncant lots. Reed & Selby , room IS , lloaid Tawie. a7 ! SHORT tlmo loans mlrmr. A. K. Rllt-y. room 11 Continental blk. ' " " . ' 00 MONEV loaned on fillftilture. horses and wagons ; rutes reaslmrtble. City Loan Co. , removed to llta bhermafi ve. gS8 LOANS mudo on unlio irovrd real estate. A , 1C. Rlley , room 11 , Cu-itlnental blk. < I Vi SOI BEFORE negotiating A'Toaii to improve your real estate get tcrnrs fiom The Odell IIIN e tment Co. , ISfll N.Y. Life bldg , Tlioa. a. lloyd. representative.jjj ANTED-l'Irst-claisliihldu loans. Lowest ruten. Call und sco us. Mutual In-.eit- mciit Co. , l.VH 1'aniaiM. ien IT ASTERN money to loan on elty property ; JUJiuortzugo paper bought. ll.ll.Ircy.opji. I'.O. BUILDINO loans , 0 to 7 per cent : noailcll- tloniilt-hurges for commission or attorney's fees. W. H. Melkle , first Nat'l bank bldjr.gfi gfi EASTERN money to loan on furniture , boi-seti , Jowclry , etc. , room 3 , 1117 Karnam. btt. mi' /CENTRAL Loau and Trust Co. , liOjKarnttiu V-/SL Choice city loan * at lowest , ruten. _ 04'mi MON EY loaned at lowest raten lonz ttmu ou Improtvd Omahu rual eMtule. no "u\tu-if" , HO delay. Globe Loau & Trukt Co. , SOT H , Wth. TUI /10MMEKCIAL and general short tlmo papar v > bought ! also regular live yenr loans made on Improved property , lleo. F. lllust it Co. , 303 Itamgo bldg. 072 MONEY on liftnd. Paper * drawn and money paid hero. Choice loans wanted on Im proved city property. Low rates and no delay * . S. 11. Thompson , agent Hamilton Loan nnd Trust Co. , 321 and 322 , Oruuhu National bank. PCD-JO * $1,000,000 to loan on Improved or unlnproved city property. No delay * . Host rates. W. Farnam Smith , room 10 , Continental block. fONKY to loan. O. K. Davis Co. . real estate J-aml loan agents , 150. > rarnam st. tL3 ! ( UILDINO loans made on > Choice city property At lowest rates. 1'rlvnto funds to loan on brick residence and business property upon very fa\orablo terms. Klmball , Champ & Ryan , law rarnam St. HIIOHTIIAM ) AND TVI'KWHITINO. T\rAI TKD--Edueatcd young ladle * and gentlemen - > > tlemen to team shorthand and typewrit ing ! good salaries ; Htudents assisted to posi tions. Standard Shorthand Duslncsa College , 1'rank K. Hell. Instructor. 2J7 STKNOOIIRAI'HKRS and typowriterread "Tho Coroner's Notes. " "Rapid Shorthand Willing. " tliti Kreat International contest , "Isaac I'lttnan 4" Veara " "How > Ace , to Slic- eecd lisa Stenographer , " etc. . In Phonographic World for May. 10 cents ! out today. All news dealers keep It. Trade supplied by American News company. 2N-SO ) * CliAIUVOVANT. BU. NANNin V. WARREN , clairvoyant , medical and business medium , female dls- cabcs u specialty. 111) ) N. 10th st. , rooms " and .I. . SJ8 llr. Eddy , thu dNtlngulshed trance elalrvovaiit , late of lloslon , While en tranced will lexeal every hidden mystery of life , Picpares Egyptian tallyman which will oveicoiao your enemies , remove family trou bles. restoio lost aflections , unites thn separat ed , helps In alt trouble , etc. l ° eo $1 and up wards. N , K. 1'erfect satisfaction guaratccd by mall. Send stamp for Illustrated catalogue. Mrs. lr Eddy. 318 N 13th St. . Omaha. 033 1 * MADAM Debtor from Chicago , the young but celebrated magnctist , aKo alcohollu vapor and sea salt baths. I'.iriurd over nil ) S. lath. wi a * MRS. Oft SAU The greatest fortune teller and counsellor In \\orld-ha9tho power of auy two mediums you over met ; tells If thoonn Vou love Is trttn or false ; gives ndvlco of marriage , dl\orce , love , business hpcouln- tloii , etc. ; ( luestlons by mull promptly au- Bwored. I'nrlorn 8 and I ) . 9JJ N 16th st. 031 PKOK. I.erce. the renowned phrenologist , medium and palmistwho has been publicly tested and challenges the world In revealing mysteries , disperses jealousy , evil Influ ences , gives full names of present or futuio husband or wife , also tells your faults and qualities , trade , business or profession to maku a success. Hcsldenco lit ) N. 14th st. Con sultation SI. Satisfaction given or no pay. Wi-mil * AHSTHACTK Oli1 TITIj ! MIDLAND Guarantee and Tiu&t Co. , N. Y. Life bldg ; complete abstracts fuinlshcd and titles to leal estate e.saintucd , peifected and guaianteed. -"iM IIUSIXKSS OIIAXCKS. "T71OH SALE Chop liouso and rcAtauraut ; JL doing good business ; In a good location lic.ison , owner \vlbhltig to lullic. Good baiguln to right parties. Inqulio ut 810 South Tenth street or room 1I-J2 New York l.lfc. 844-'JO WANTKD Men with entei pi Ibo and monoj ; a new houscliold necessity ; a novel and legitimate way to make big monuv. Come and seu me for two days at MctiODolllan hotel. J. Ilucoii. 1'atcntue. yra * BANICEHft In eastern Nebraska wishing to Increase their capital or soil : in Intel cst In I bank address 1) ) O ) , lice , Counull 1lull's. ! iC.7-1 WANTED Partner In real est.ite and loans ; muat be a llvo man ; small capital ru- qulrod. Add. 1) 17 , Ilco olllce. i.- ! * 01OAK and candy store , coed stand , to be had at your umi price. liQ1) ) X ICIh st. gAI-ia , * FOR SALK Stock of hardware linolelng * 10,00 ( ) ; good location ; established tiado : good icasons for helling ; teims liberal. In- qiilro Coburn i t'lanlclhi , 510 N.V. Llfe.Omaha. _ IBI-mai * TTARDWAItn Itecolvois sale. Thcundoi- iJLLslgncd hascomiiletohtock of haidnarc'ln Broken HimNeb. . , to bu sold at receivers salci AddiesrK. 1' . Campbell , reculvur. 16M "ITIOUSAIiRor n\clmngo--A stock of drugs X' that will Invoice about $ ! , ! i)0 ( ) ; must ha\e porno money or clear real estate. Colseth Johnson & Lovgrcn , room U , Chamber of Com merce. : U)1 ) 1 WANTED A practical plumber with money or a three or four thousand dollur stoek of plumbing goods to work In conjunction with the Creston Wiiter Works Co. Address W. K , Vaugliati. Democrat olllco. _ J ) " ± -I ; > ! ' . F OH SALE Meat miuket ; good location. _ C 71 _ Uva. 4 F OU SALE Meat market. Inquire at 2310 Cumliii ; st. Cash or time _ ' - * TT1OK SAL1 > - A splendid paying millinery -E and dressmaking establishment ; good lo cation David Cole , r > IO Howard st. 711 "I710K HALE A chop house , doing good busl- JL' lies- , , for sale cheap for cash good reiit-ons for selling , Al > ply to ow nor at 810 S. 10th _ bt. ii . OHEA1' for cash ; store building , small stock grocc-rlts , lunch countus ; close to depot Enqulru of C.W , lluymer , Norfoik. Neb. _ _ _ Tlff-inlO * TT1OH BALE Half Interest in first class rest- JL1 aurant in Lincoln. Addrera U. A. , Omaha Hen , Lincoln. Neb , IU7 * I710H SALK On account of the death of my -U p.utner , Mr. Tony , I have decided to ro- tlro from the livery business , and I thcrcfoio olfor for sale all our fine livery stocklnoludlng horses , carriages , hearses , buggies and har ness. Parties wishing flno driving horses or anything In our line will do well to call and examine thu bargains olTcrcd. This stoek must bo closed out by May 15th. Henry A. lloman. of lloiuan & Tony. C'Jo KOK 13XOIIANGK. EXOHANHE : V30 acres good Nebraska farm land for stock diy and shoes or gents' furnishing. Addicsslook bov Jl.Cn'l 'h- / 1LEAN stock ghncral merchandlsn for two- v thlrds clear rciil estate and one tilled cash. Address. boIIVI. . I'rankfoit. 1ml. llU-nil * " \X7ANTKD-riourand feed business In ov- V > cluuiRU for good teal estate.M 213 N 21th st "T7IOK EXOHANOE 2 lots in South Omaha or -U 1 lot ncaVluton st , , for horses or mules. Hoom 111 , Hoard Trade. 2 0 Ir.vou hao anything to oxehango call on or addicss II. E. Cole. U. 0 , Continental block. Ollllco open ovenliiirs 7 to tiM. : 197 TWILL trade a good clear lot In Ho. Omaha for piano or horse and buggy. Address C 1 lleo ofllce. : TO ; FOK EXC11AN(3E tU.OOO dry goods , boots and shoes , thlid cash und clear land , cluur land for merchandise , tilvo desorlptlons. Lock box SO , Muart , Neb. FO1 1 S AM3- K A It KST.VTIi. F " "OK SALE--TirubeauU neorgl't avenue , with full lot , 0- room house , birch and oak finish down Btalii * , oak tilde- hoard , iubratory , i mantels , soap stonu tubs In laundry , cistern and city water , gas and sewer connections , gas flxtuies , housu hundsomuly decorated , good furnace and range and ovcrv poiHlhln. convnnlcnre. This properly Is clqur of Inciimhrancc , and owner can glvoanv tcims to biilt , No trade. Any one wishing to pur chase can call at No tel ( "it'oi 'la : no. nnd bo shown the property , or cull at mj olllue and bo drltcn out to M-ii it. j > . V. tonolus Co. . sole acent , 21.1 1'lrst National Dank " ( u1 "T710K bALE These ate choice bargains : JL1 fi'ioom house , lot 3(1x100 ( , 22 < 1 and 1'lorcoM , J..W ) . fi-room cottage , lot : u\ll. ' > , Davenport near 2flth. * .I.WO. Elegant building lot , in\t.c. , coiner. ! Uth and I'ainam , 117,500. U , L , ( iieen , room _ ! l0 _ I la rkur bl k. ,103-4 * iriOK SALE-Oheai ) , In this city , clioluo sto"ck -L1 of good * . O. L. Qiceii , loom % Uurkur blU. an-1' AlKJAlN-ChoIco 10-acro tract | TWoTt Omaha , adtalrably adapted for either small fruit \cgctablu gardening : will plat luloM beautiful roldcnco loU that Will null within three or four years /or three times HID prlco you can buy thu tract for today ; will t uke small cot I ago und lot In city as pat t pay ment ; long time on balance. Call und get price. Uco. N , Illeks , 1st lioor N. Y. I.lfo bldg. iwijiu LINCOLN 1'laco and Carthage lots , prlco f 1,000. t'Q down , balance 115 montjily. \V , L. i-ulliy. Itpomn , board of tracle. 210 "VTOW Is the tlmu to stuy by Omaha real os- JL > late. Take euro of back puymontHon 1m- pro\t'd or unimproved property and get your monSyof A. K. Hlley , , Contlnentar blook. 2MI A HMALL payment down nnd 115 per mouth -cVvrlll buy u 4-room house und lot on 10th , 2 blouk.s from motor ) Urbl-olasH chance to ac. ± u hoibo on easy terms. Apply to 11. E , Cole , Continental block. 197 \ LTAUGH A. Westurlleia.rcul estate S.Omaha. } 213 TTIOKSALIJ Orexcbunge fordrugii and re -U t-stutc , I , W book itouk , lioxiUI , 21J ( TT10U SALE A flno Impronxl jiroporty,7SxI20 JL fi'otof ground , with 3-story brick and stone buildings. rented at tiDTO per year to good ten- nuts , well leased and best property In ilia city of MiKiuokeia. In. , to trade , clour , for good Omaha Improved or unimproved property , Good chance for some ono to got good Invest * ment for non-produetlvo liroperty. D. V. Hln'lesCo.,81.mrstNaflli.iuk. St3 _ ' STXTY FI VK acres . w. of p. o. . sdltablo 'or pidattlnir or gardening , forsalo at ft barsuln , F. 1C. Darflng. 43 llarkor blk. 2it _ A FINE Httlo homo , sth st. near \Voolworth. full lot , eat front , 7 rooms and bath ) very little cash required. F. K. Darling , 43 Darker block. 211 T7UK SALE Very cheap , no trade , farm of JL1 643.70 acres , see. 5 , 12 , N. 0 W. . Hamilton county , Nob. , 2 miles from JUarquolle ; smnll house , stable , raw acres of pasluro fenced , liv ing water ; prleo only $10 per acre. , $5,437.00. Terms t i.200 cash , balance 0 percent Internist. F. K. Atkins owner , railroad building , Denser , Col. 244 _ 5-ROOM coltagoi , tlCOO each. $ IW wish down , balance $15 per month. Tios. V. Hall. 311 PiiMon block.- 2U.1 _ BEAt'TII'IILre-sldeneolot , Dodge St. oppo site High School , 30x140. Choicest locality In Omaha. Ea y terms , Rubt. L. Garllchs , 1014 Farnam St. 2i.i. ; _ A 1 OTTAGK homes In most any addition for VAaIo at from jiXK ( ) up , on oasv monthly pavmonts. _ F. 1C. Darling. 41 llarkor blook. 2(1 ( FORSALEorExchanco Some of the very best Furnam and Dodge st , property , choice. corners and bargains In many parts of the Clear lands In nastern Nebraska for Im proved lots In western part of the city. A well Improved farm of 10J acres In south ern Minnesota at half Its valdo. $50 w 111 buy equity In a good W acres. Clean lots In Hastings , Salt Laku City , Has- sett ( Neb. ) and Tekamah ( Not/ ) ) A well improved pioporty , rented for $ .1,000 per annum ; clear of Incunihranco , 3.5UO head of cattle with outfit and best range In Montana. The best homo In Omaha for $2,500 : easy tcims. btrlnger & Penny , Douglas block , 10th and Dodge. tHVj _ TT1ORSALE A flnu new 5-room eottago near JL ? electrlo car line on N. 27th st. Will take m part of cash payment u good horse or horse audjihauton. P. l.VU I'arnam st. 877 T < 1olTRENT--Wo imvo"fll acres adjoining Ken- .L son and M aci cs adjoining our Highland Park addition that wo will rent fer season of 1SOO at a reasonable price. Omaha Real Estate and Trust Co. , 1501 Farnam st. 640 rpWO new elchtroom houses detached Park- JL line ouo block from Loavonworth eholco location desirable houses. Robt. L. Garllchs. 1014 Farnam St. 200. TTIOR SALE Or trade , Platte vauoy ranch , 3 JO miles west of Valley station , on O. P. R'y. , containing ever 1,100 acres ; set with blue grass , clover and red top , divided Into 25 Holds and paddocks , largo barns , paddocks , cattle and nog burns and sheds , line residence boarding house , machine shop , uarrlago house , ofllccs , ice house. Hni ! grot es , and splendid half mile track. This Is the best Improved ranch In the country. O , F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam st. " $2,000 buys new 5 loom eottauc. lot 33x13231th ana Jones. Easy terms. D. C. Patteison , r 18N.Y.LJf ( ! . 52S FOR SALE -5.001 ai-ics of western Nebraska land at $ J.50 per acre. T. S. ClarUson , 210 S 14th ht. llrt 11 * FOR SALE and Exchange House In business center ; will take vacant lots us part pay. House and lot , $1,100 ; small payment down. Have No. 1 big bin gains In houses ; have lots In Walnut Hill , Omaha View , Patrick's addition , So Omaha and Uilggs Place ; all smnll payment down , b 11. second moitgage to those that will build. Want mnio vacant lot * * lu ovniy addi tion N. W. of P. O. Cull or wiite L. Wutennan , fa-iO l'a.\ton block. iHH-l * IT10"R SALE C-rootii house , east front ; city JL and clstem water ; n w part of city. James Stockdule , roomt. _ Fretucr blk. IVi * ! T7IOR SALE 8,00i ) acres best fanning lands In J- Nebraska and WKI.V ) feet on South 13th St. , at agr-iat saeilflce. Inqulio 01S bouth 13th St. Gco. li. Peterson , owner. fO5iiil7 FOK SALE- valuable lot on Farnam stieet ; lot I.I. block 2 , .Summit Place. Will soil at figures that \ \ 111 muko this a bargnln to theimiehasor. Will sell on long time , with reasonable payments , or to a puitv who will erect a building or Hut. Lot Is fico fiom en cumbrance of any kind. Addiess , Klmball & Champ. Council Illulls. la. 131-4 TJ10R SALE Or exchange for unlmpioved JL1 Omaha pioperty , good 320 acre farm In Iowa , with live stock , Implcjncnts , etc. Good 100-aeie farm In Cumlng county , Nobsaska. Imprmcd Ninth Omaha pioperly , paying 10 percent. Addicss II 47 , lice. 101-mO * nUIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE-De- \J partmeut of the Platte. Omaha. Neb. , April 30. ISllO. Scaled proposals , in triplicate , will bo recched hero and also by each Post and Depot Quaitormasterln tills Department , until two o'clock p. m. . cent nil time , Miiy3l , 1MX ) , and then opened for fuinlshlnguorn.oats and bran required tboicln dining Usual year commencing July 1st , 1SOO. The U. H. ic-erves the right to i eject any or all bids , Prefciquca gl\ento aitlelesof domestic ) production , con ditions of quality and price ( Including In the prlco of foreign pioduetlon the duty thcieon ) being ciiual. All information f mulshed on application horn or to the Post or Depot Quar termasters. Envelopes containing proposals to bo marked "Pioposals for - at - . " and add i eased as indicated above. WM. II , Hl'OHES , Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster General , U. S. A. . Chief Quar- teriuastor. a30d4tm23-24 I > RPOSAI.S for Indian Supplies and poitatlon Department of the Interior , Ofllce of Indian Atlalrs , Washington. April l.\ lh ! ) . Pealed proposals , inilorsed "Proposals for Itcef , ( bids for llouf must be submitted In sejiarato envelopes ) , Huron , Flour , Clothing or Transportation , etc. , " ( as the case mny he ) . and dlieoted to the CommUslonorof Indian AfTuIrs , AO-J , tSantl 67 W'uoitt r slieel. AVir Y < nk. will ho received until 1 p in. of TitrtiJay , M H 30. Ifttxi , for furnishing for the Indian service about 000,000 pounds liacon , 34,007,000 pounds Heef on the hoof , 1,000,000 pounds not , Ilcof , 270.000 pounds Kcuns , b.1.000 pounds Kuklng I'owder , iVK ) , ( )0 ) pounds Coin , 4M,000 ) poundi C'i * ee. S.TOO.OOO pounds Flour , 65,000 pounds Feed , 155.TOO pounds Kuril Itroad , 05,000 iiounils Hominy. 30.000 pounds Lard. 700 barrels Mess Pork , 17,000 pounds Oatmeal , 450,000 pounds Outs , 125,000 pounds Klcc , 0,000 pounds Tea , 310,000 pounds Salt. 2-iO.OOO iioiuuis Soup , 020,000 Sugar , and 70,000 pounds Wheat. Also , lllanket.s. Woolen and Cotton Goods , ( consisting in part of Ticking , 13.000 yunls ; Standard Calico , 100,000 yards ; Dillling , 14.IWO vuids ; Duel ; , fieo fiom all sizing , 28,000 yards ; Denims. n.OOO yardf , ; Gingham , : no.onoyaids ; Kentucky Jeans , 11,000 raids ; Cheviot , 17.000 yards ; Uronn Sheeting , ilO.OOOyards ; Bleached Shooting. 25.00) yards ; Hickory Shli ting. 15,000 yards ; Calico Shirting , 7 , < wo yards ; Wlnscy , 2.000 yanUi ; Clothing , ( Irocoiics , Notions , Haidwaie. Medical hupplles. School Hooks , &i' . , and a long list of miscellaneous articles. such us Harness , Plows , Rakes , i'oiks , A.o..and for about MO Wagons requlied for the hervlce , to bo delivered at Chicago. Kansas City and SlouxClty. Also for such Wagons an mny bo required , adapted to thoclliuate of the Pacific ( 'oast , with Callfoinlabrukcs , dullxercdat bun Frunelsco. Also transpoitatlon for such of the articles. goods and supplies that ma v not be contracted for to be delivered at the Agencies. mimuiHTiu : MAUD ocr o.vnovEnNMtxr nr < VXKS Schedules shnwlnc the kinds and riuantltlcs of * iubslstencosupillcfiie'uliedforeuch ) | Agen cy and School , and the kinds and uuantltie' ingress gross of all other goods und articles , together with btunk proposals , conditions to bo ob served by bidders , time and place of dclhnry. terms ot contract , und payment , transpoitu tlon routes , and all other necessary Instruc tions will be furnished upon application to the Indian Ofllcu In Washington , or A'n * . Bonin/67 / irr ofrif/fc ( ( , Ketif l'ui/.v / tlio CommLssailes of Subsistence. ( } . H. A. , ut Chojennc. Chleugo. Lcavenworth , Omaha , Sulnt Louis , Saint Puul and San Francisco ; the Postmasters at Sioux City , Iowa ; Yunkton , S , Dakota ; Arkansas City , Cald\\cll , TopoUu and Wlolilta , Kansas , and Tucson , Arizona , The right is resorvwl by the Government to reject any and all bids , or nny pun of any bid , and tht'se proposals are invited under proviso that appropriation bo uudc for tliu sup plies by Conzress , Illds Mlll'be opened at the hour and day above stated , and bidders are Invilud to bu pruacnt at thuoponlng. ciiiTimi : ) CHECKS. All bids must bo accompanied by certified checks or drafts upon hnim < I'nlted f-lales Do- posltiiry or the First National Hank of Sail rianclnco , Cal. , fur at Icabt.lii ; per cunt of the amount of thu pioposnl , T J. MORGAN , Commfii foii r. _ ajrl9d25t-rn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , FOR RENT * IKjA EXCHANGE * Kg ; 'FOR SALEpj , Jo5.P.MEQEATHtJ , 1 + OM AJHA S mEWM Mil ) In I'arlx. King Milan of Sorvln , lilio other ills- crownud Itlngs und qtiouns , evidently in tends to inuku a protracted sojourn on tlio pleasant bunks of the Seine. lie 1m-s just litrcd for ton yeurt ) u ehannlnj ; do- titchod residence bltuutcd in the Avcnuo du Bols do Boulogne , Hero ho will Uvo under the title of the "Count do Ta- kovo. " Ills majesty raalntaliiH a dc-int * ' lucognito btato In Paris , mwer uppoar1 1 ing at oUlclal or oven fashionable "func tions,1 Ho is called "moinel noui' " in the clubs , and plays a dully rubber with great relish iu tbo lluo loa'u ' rctido/- vous. Ho la nlso n , frequent vtnlto.ij to the oporn. where , llko mhny of the IVrll clnbinoti , no is generally In time for th& ballot. Hla ninjeuty , having experi enced the truth of the Soivkoupi-nvtv-n utterance , "Unoitsy lies the head tlmt wears a crown , " tfoe.i not Vogrot hln ab dication , but ho nevertheless follows with care and attention the upa and downs of Balkan politics. - A JIKItO AM ) HIS W1KK. 1'lKlitlnj : n li'lro Which Tliroatcneil a IlljT Powder AfnKivxIno. Seven hundred barrels ot powdot ? stored in the magazine on ( Jovernor'ii Island narrowly escaped being blown up by n lire , which Htartcd nt 8 o vloi'U ves- torday morning mid was o.xtltlgulshotj only by the heroin olTorts of Sergeant Kooho nnd his wife , who have charge ot the government property , 8liy > ( a Jioston dl8iatch ] to the NovvYorlc World. Somu men who landed on the island on Stm- day built n lire which spread to the dry grass and during Iholiiglit nssumud dan < gerotts proportions. At 4 a. in. , the liu < i was far reaching and was approaching thn powder magir/.lno. Sergeant Hoeho and hin wife turned out of bed and sought to extinguish the Jin ) by throwing water upon It. This was u hard and very slow job.and they had to give It up. Then they tried to beat It out with with mats and oilier things. They were all alone In the work , and as they saw that they could not stay the Humes they became frightened. It wart doubtful 'whether they could manage to make their cbcape wifely. They were becoming oxhousted and about 8 o'clock Korgt. Koeho manage to notify the police. The police launch tmtrol , with Olllcers Dearing and Ku.t < ell and a man named Miller on board , was sent to their assistance. Upon landing they wont to work with a will , but none too boon , for the llanics wore then not far from the magazine. The Roches , hUhon h almost exhausted after four hours of hard and continuous lighting , assisted them. All the force was centered in the vicinity of the magazine , and after an hour Or nioro of beating with wet mats and throwing on buckets of water the immediate dan ger wus overcome. Further work , however - over , was necessary before all the lire was extinguished. It was u narrow es cape. The island would certainly have been torn to nlcOcs had the magazine exploded , and the other damage that would have been done can only , , be guessed at. Fi-co. , Samples of Dr. Miles' Itestomttvo Norvlno nt Kuhn & Co. 's , 15th mid UotigKw , cure * headache. , nervousness , sleeplojwnesaii oicu- i-algia , llts , etc. i AVondorM ol * iliipaneHO Art. I was shown last week at Messrs. Deakin's house two spherical vases iif Cloisonne , made to the order of t'nuilt del Bardl of Vohieo , writes Kd\v'ird ( Ar nold front Japan. The count hail , * gvun ( 1,000 guineas for the pair , and they were worth it , for never , 1 think , dill human hamfe create such objects of quiet but satisfying beauty , of such niar- voloils llnesse of toils , yet producing such broad and splontlid and harmonious result ? . Kach of these exquisite vessels presented a perfect feast of color from surface-i finithcd in every point like the petal of u lilly leaf , but full of u thous and dillorcnt and delicate creations of fancy and of alternately bold and tender contrafats of tint. The whole process , of Cloisonne work may be studied on the premises , and not until tlo ) patient. skillful artist has been observed at hia laborb is it possible to rcali/,0 the vast amount of delicate manipulations' - tailcd in the creation of these lovely pieces. Specimens of Cloisonne wqrk , forty , fifty or sixty years old , tell how great has boon Japan's advance of into in thisjhection of her art industry. Then the finished article was dull , leaden in coloring , indistinct in design ; now it'is bright , chaste , ami supremely buatitiful. At the art store of the the Bund of Yo kohama you will boo and covet ivory carvings of ancient and modern imagin ation , lacquered work in red and black , glorious inlaid panels in gold nnd Hijviir and mother of pearl , 'antique and veu'Unt weapons and utensils , broiuos ranging in value from .V ) scft toX)0 ( ) ; magiu- licent cabinets , boxe * > and tables , en riched with fantastic designs in gold and powdered egg-bhell theo and countless other troubiires attract the attention. I was bhown a folding bcreone , dcstikiQfl like the lovely vases , for Italy , gn which llvo hpeeial craftsmen had labored inixjs- Minlly during six years , using up not only all that time , and all their skill , but nearly $0,000 worth besides of gold , silver , pearj , shell ivory , jewels and the finest lacquer. Horsfnril'H Ac-Id I'lioHpImto , Makes ua InvltforatinK Drink with watcrnnd sugar only. Dcllulou-t. llnmlall on llorscbuolc. Itccalllng the fact that Samuel J. Ran dall \vib for n short time a private sol dier In th" Philadelphia city troop dur ing the war of the rebellion , ono of his old comrades in that organization said last week : "Perhaps it is news to the present generation , who have only Known Mr. I'nndall as a stout gentleman whosfl moveincnta were not agile , that hoHyMrfneo a line horseman. ' Wo had f-oartoly a bettor rider when wo were taken into the national military service. Ho bestrodu.a rather fractious horse that he guided and controlled with p6r- fcct science. Ho was an export In tlio cavnlrv saber drill , and there was scarcely a bettor swordsman .in the troop. Wo were all berry to lese him when ho btripped himself of his soldier clothes and went to congress. Ho hay made all the fame since thqn ( .hat .liny man could desire , but for ull that wo who were his old companions can't help feeling that if ho had remained a holdiot ? instead of doing his enormous work as n congreshiuan ho would not bo lying on his deathbed today. " Discoveries More Valiinlilo limn flnlil nro SANTA ABIE , the California ( INeovory for consumption uud dlscuson of tins throat , chest und lungs , and CAUt'OKNlA CA'AMU CL'Iti ; , the only Kuuruntccd cure for caturrll , colJ la the liuaU and MnilroJ coiDplalntH. They are hold ut H per pacluigo , or thruo fpt ? f J.W ) , and are iwoinmciidcd nnd used by tint leading physicians of the Puerile count. KoO secret coinpuuattij. Uuuruutccd by Uooilmua Co. Co.A A New Feat In Hallrnndlii } , ' . A pasBcnger car on tlio puiflvlHa AJ Wadloy railroad performed u now feat in railroad running by running on twti tracks ut ono and the same time. While drilling the train the front iruol.i jumped the switch and took the right trad ; , while the rear trucks failed to jump and took the wrong track und oou > tlnucd on the main turnout until both ends of the car were nearly evun. WJioii the conductor called n halt ho found liia car in rather an awkward | )0iltlui ) ) , The ItiiHhUlrlNfir Journal , Sophie do .Su//ara-Verdl bays ot the strangely gifted JUibsiaii girl , Murlo Uiwhldrtrtell , who died on tlio threshold of hot- fame : "I believe thal'lhq journal of Marie Hu * > hklrt > > cn will become u elas-Ic , and In future generations it trill probably cuuso u controvoruy HKW tlinft concerning the works of Bliulccn injury It will no doubted that such u work wo * written by OIIP per ou , iartloularly by ono woman. Tven for us today it Is du luult to bcllovo , so powerful and oonV It in , ' Pcars > Soapl' tUomoate. jfanUoHc !