Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    - -ifriTTTfiTvSrATTA ATT.\r TJTTT ? rriTJTTT > CiTA "V T\T A "V 1ionn
The Wedeyon Han Acquitted of the Charge
of Plagiarim.
Tlicy Pnrnilc the Streets and Kxprcss
Tlielr l-'ccllnjjs Supreme Court
Proceedings Capital Note *
City Items.
Lt.vcouf , Neb. , April no. fSpwdal to Tns
StE. ] George O , Ferguson , the alleged
pin purist , returned from Chicago last night.
According to his statement ho knew noth
ing of lha charges preferred against him
until reaching Omaha yesterday , when he
was informed of the fact by a friend who
chnncod to meet him. It appears that the
telegram sent to Chicago on last Friday
\ foiled to reach him. Ho states that he left
that -ity on that dnv for Marshalltown , Jo , ,
where his wife is visiting her parents. As
noon ns ho learned of it , however , ho hastened
home and at once issued the following card ,
in nking a rvwccplng denial of the allegations.
lie says.
Iluvln ? Just Icnrnnd of the charge of pluear-
Ittii inndit ncnlnit me. I deslro to iniiko I IK II s-
niint ami jxmltlvt ! denial of MHJ name. In the
Thursday morning o'lltionof tlm Journal luy
own oration , together with the two from
which It IN Hald 1 plngnrlrcd. will appear aide
liy Mile , that my friend * and the public may
cu how base and groundless are the charcci.
1 am nlwnys on tlio ldo of fair criticism ,
reasonable opposition and u decent rivalry.
Hut venom , inuendo and character daubing
for the ako of sensation nnd to Butlsfyenvy
snd Jnjilouny In ever to bo deprecated , con-
dcuinefl and regretted by true men at all
times. Very truly , OKOIIOE O. I'KUOUJIO.V.
at is net-dless to say that this revived the
tpirits of his friends and they swear by him
today 0,1 Damon did by Pythias.
In oxplanalion Ferguson states that when
a bcv ho committed a number of old college
of their most striking passages ho may have
inadvertently tiscd eomo of them In his oration
tion , but with no intention of purloining nn
idea not his own. Ho nt once appeared before
the executive committee of the State Oratorical
rical association nud asked for an impartial
investigation. His request was granted and
a hearing took place before the committee In
executive session at the Windsor hotel today.
W.T. Bryan appeared for the prosecutiou nnd
C. A. Atkinson for the defense. The charge
S ) is as follows :
To tin * executive committee of the Nebraska
Etnto Oratorical association : "Wo Iicretvlth
jirefer uiMliiHt Mr. Goorgu O. Ferguson the fo -
JovilnireliHnresabM't forth In the Call of 1 rl-
day. April J. % 1KK ) , I. e. , that cortalii passages
hut forih In the said l.ssue of the Call were
copied without crrtllt belli ? given , cart In
liincimsu nnd part In general Ideas- from two
orations delhpicd at Jacksonville , 111. , one
delivered by Mr. Owen Morris , beliic awarded
tlic tlrst and .second prizes respectively , nnd
that thu copying of such passage * was hiton- Improved tlm character of tint orutlon
of Mr. rerciis-on and did such otbur Injustice
to tlio oilier contestants thut It would be. tin-
fair to ullinr him to represent the state of Ne
braska In the Interstate contest to be held In
Hils city tomorrow. Mny 1 , K'M. ' A copy of bald
iBtiicdf the Call Is attached hereto marked
"Exhibit A" nnd miido a part hereof.
Lincoln , Neb. , April au. 1 K ) .
CALL , I'um.isiiiNn COMPANY. ,
by Talbot ft llryuu.
Notwithstanding the suggestion that it
would bo better to have thodlfllcultyadjusted
by and between collude men , the parties most
interested insisted upon the retention of the
attorneys , stated.
Tomorrow the three orations will be pub
lished side by side and the public will have n
much better opportunity to Judge of the mer
its of the case.
The other muddles that threatened to end
in rupture have been settled happily and the
interstate contest promises to end without
additional sensations.
Mr. Ferguson will orate. The investigating
committee decided , after a careful hearing ,
thut the ulleged plagiarism would not stand
and that the We&loyan orator was entitled to
his place in the progrnmrno of the interstate
oratorical contest. His friends received the
announcement with evident satisfaction and
n large delegation of students from the AVes-
, leyan university paraded the streets tonight
humihinrr for Ferguson.
rowrtis rou novEitxou.
Som6 of the friends of President Powers of
-Srcsilonnl district were in the city today
booming him for governor. They state that
ho Is a prominent member of the republican
party in Hitchcock county , stands well with
his party , nnd would sweep the state In the
ides of November.
The Bank of Steele City filed articles of In-
conoration today. Ciipitid stock , ? SHK ( ) . In-
cotrorators : Charles B. and Vena Kice.
The case of Luther P. Luddon vs tlm State
of Nebraslai , on error from the district court
of Lancaster county , was filed for trial in the
supreme court todav.
T. H. Bcuton , auditor of public accounts ,
who has been from homo stnco Saturday on
business matters , returned this evening.
The proceedings of the supreme court to
day were ns follows :
! > avid L. Carton , esq. , of Douglas county
was admitted to practice.
Sato ex rel. Uocho vs Cosgrovo ; motion to
T > V ntlvnrce"cause on calendar , overruled. Stnto
rex.rel. Lancaster county vs Chicago , Burling
ton tt Qulucy Kailroad company ; defendant
allowed to answer in ten days. Stuto vs
. ; Nebraska Distilling company ; time for referee -
eroo to file report extended to May 8 , lbK ! ) .
Stuto ex rel. Musick vs Brcckenridge ; de
fendants allowed until May 0 to show causo.
State ex rel. Milne vs Cushnmu ; motion to
strike answer from the flies overruled.
The following causes were argued and sub
mitted : State ex rel Wilson vs Stewart ,
on demurrer ; Kcmvs Small ; Omaha Hard
ware company rs Duncan ; State vs Manor ,
final report of receiver approved and receiver
dlschaiged ; Cherry vs McKinster , dismissed ;
Stuto ex rel. Franklin county vs Cole , order
of submission vacated ; Benedict vs Burr ,
The followiug decisions were handed
down :
TutUo vs Wilson. Error from Ked Willow
county. Aflirmed. Opinion by Justice Nor-
Cheney otnl vs Buckmuster. Error from
Knox county , Kovcrsod nnd remanded.
Opinion by Justice Norval.
McClure vs Sholton. Error from Mer-
rick county. Affirmed. Opinion by Justice
School district 49 , Adams county YJ
CootKjr. Error from Adams county. Motion
to dismiss , sustained. Opinion by Justice
Buck VB Davenport Savings bank. Error
from the district court for Seward county.
Anlrmed. Opinion by Justice Maxwell.
Brown & Co. vs Goodyear. Error from
Jlolt county. Keversed and remanded. Opin
ion by Justice Maxwell.
' Gultturd & Qo. vs Robinson et al. Appeal
* frotn Gage county. . Modlllcd and afllrmed.
jb Opinion by Ju.stico Maxwell.
" " "
State ex rel Lancaster county vs Chicago ,
uiliuirtnni Oulnrv nillmiul rrtiiiimnv.
jNiannamus. .Demurrer to petition overruled.
Opinion by Justice Xorvul. I. The act of
March M , 1SS7 , requiring railroad corpor-
atlons U > construct nd keep iu repair suit
able crossings where railroads cross public
highways , Is constitutional.
L' . Under that act it is the duty of n railroad
Cil ( > a y to make and keep In rei > alr suitable
crossings with approaches , notwithstanding
the highway was laid out after the railroad
was built. The publhi authorities are re
quired to build thut part of the highway
within the right of way which they would
have been required to muko hud the railroad
siot bwn constructed.
8 , The board of transportation has Jurisdic
tion Ui hear complaints uud snake orders in
regard to the construction uud repair of such
roaslnps. its orders in that regard may bo
euforcni by mandamus.
Oberfelder vs Kuvanaugb. Error from
Plutto county. .Reversed aed remanded.
Opinion by Justice Norval.
Wolcol vs the city of Hastings. Error
from A dams county. Reversed and rtiuuiudud.
Opinion by Justice Maxwell.
The .Nebraska and Iowa insurance com-
' nyvs Ki'frard. Error from Buffalo. Af-
. . ined Opluloo by Justice Maxwell.
Finch vs Hartpeuce , Error from Cedar
county Reversed and remanded. Opinion
by Justice Maxwell.
Sniyi * , t Co. vs Noxon. Appeal from Gage
county Revtn > ed und romuuded. Opinion
by JusUcw Maxwell.
Y. A number of prominent colored citiien
\Y * , no-
npani' d by tie Clipper band and Thayer
| > KU o , .
- , .ft thJs
snornins for Oaiaba to at-
\V t
f l I'Jur
f V
tend the mpctlnBof tbc A fro-American league
held there today
A bold robber took C. A. Wickcwham's
horse and bnpjrr from the front of his resi
dence on North Twentr-nevcnth street last
nlpht about 9 30 o'clock. The police are mak-
Inp n thorough nearch for the ( stolen outfit.
The members of Atwllo lodge. Knights of
Pythias , pare a very pleasant social to their
friends last evening.
Al Armstrong wa * nrrcst d last night on
the charge of flourishing B revolver and ter
rorizing the crowd at a dance nt Y nnd Twen
ty-seventh streets lost night. Judge Hous
ton fined him t- and costs this morning lor
his fun.
Ous Hensley , who was released from the
county Jail a few days ago nftcr serving u
two months' sentence for dUtnrbingthc pcaco
and dlgnitv of Bennett , is again an inmate of
the Hotel London , having bad another scrap
with the marshal of that burg.
Dr. Birneyprnctico limited to catarrh-
nl discubcs of noMjand throat. Bee bldg.
Tliero IB no Authority forPnylnjj Coro-
iicr'n AVJtnCHsesor.lurors.
Several scores of people have visited the
county clerk's office within the past sixty
days and gone nway growling , not ut Mr.
O'Malley or anybody nor anything connected
with his office , however. The -people who
have done this growling were those who had
served us coroner's Jurors or witnesses on the
coroner's inquests. The cause of the prowl
is the fact that the county board within
the time specified has called a halt in the pay
ment of fees to both of the parties Interested.
When the coroner filed the February bills
for such fees the latter were referred , as
usual , to the finance committee. Tbo chair
man of this committee took occasion to con
sult the statutes for authority to
pay these bills , and found that no
puch authority existed , The committee then
decided informally to get an opinion from
County Attorney Mahoney on the matter
and the thing has been running along in Just
this situation.
Speaking on the subject , Mr. Maboney
"Tho matter has never been presented tome
mo formally cither by the board or the finance
committee. The statute makes no expressed
provision in the case , but does say that if
coroners' jurors or witnesses fall to attend
in response to a summons they can be
attached for contempt and dealt with ac
cordingly. Tlie fiict that n man can be at
tached for contempt In case he fails to obey
the bidding of the coroner is , I firmly believe ,
showing sufficient that ho should bo compen
sated for the time he spends in obylug the
summons served upon him , though I am satis
fied thut ho could not recover In an action
against the county , for the very reason that
there is no statute on which ho could base
his action.
"My idea , then , of the matter is that the
omission of n statute clause to pay these
fees is merely a legislative oversight"Vhcn \
the commissioners shall ask for my formal
opinion iu the mutter , I shall certainly s > ay
that I think they can go ahead nnd pay all
such bills Just as the board has done in the
"Almost every other state prob
ably all other states have a pro
vision in their statutes for compen
sating coroner's Jurors and witnesses ,
and I have not the slightest doubt but that
our next legislature will supply the ornis
sion. "
Commissioner Berlin said that it had been
the intention of the committee on finance to
get Mr. Mahony's opinion BOOH after the bills
come. The matter would , however , bo at
tended to immediately.
Mr. O'Keeffe said ho thought that payment
of the bills would be resumed upon receipt of
the county attorney's opinion.
The board has declined to pay the coroner's
bill of fi'lTi for ten post-uiortein examinations
during March by Dr. McMunlgal , on the
ground that when one physician gets nil of
them he should do it for the lowest figure
named in the statutes , which is $10 per case ,
except in extraordinary itistauccs.where a
chemical analysis of the stomach of the sub
ject is necessary.
Dr. Hiirrigun declined to accept ? 10D nnd
said he should appeal to the courts.
The bills for coroner's Jurors' and witness'
fees paid during 1S39 have not ns j'et been
figured , but those for the throe years preced
ing lust year are as follows : l&SO , 17" ; 1 $7 ,
lo,1. ; 1SSS , $1,033.70.
The county board's estimate for the ex
penses of the coroner's ofllco during the pres
ent year is $ J,000.
Francis M. Ullner , who numnjjed
Lucio Znratc , the fiiniouo midget , hits
the following' in tlio eiistorn papern :
"I have been busy in searching Tor an
attraction that would equal Zarnte in
phenomenal oddity nnd drawing power.
1 am pleased to announce that I have
found it in the family of E. T. Page of
Ingorsoll , Tex. The head of the family
is an English gentleman , the wife is a
woman of not uncommon appearance ,
and is n iiativo of Texas. In September ,
1887 , twins blessed their union. In De
cember , I88S , triplets were born to them.
Iu January of the present year Mrs.
Page became the mother of four babes
at one birth. Of all the&o children only
the triplets died. I have contracted
with Mr. and Mrs. Page for the exhibi
tion of the family the parents
tlie twins , the quadruplets and
the two" nurses , whose services have
been found noce&ury. My first date is
nt Denver , Col. , in Sackott & Lawlor's
Wonderland , for two weeks , beginning
April 7. Thereafter I shall ba at Lin
coln , Neb. , and St. Joseph , Mo. , for one
week iu each place , and at Omaha , Keb. ,
for two woous. The quadruplets , to
whom I call particular attention , are
wonderful enough , solely from tho-riimul-
taneity of their birth , to attract tlio at
tention and excite the interest of all uiou
and women everywhere. Talcing into
consideration the fact that they are t-o
similar in weight , in the blondness of
hair and blueness of eye , und in their
sex , that their own mother finds
it dillicult to tell tlie one
from I the olher , their value as
objects of interest appears greatly en
hanced , Considering the additional fact
that Paith , Hope , Charity and Patience
"Page are perfect in health and forma
tion , that they are pretty and happy
children , possessing the full measure of
infantile intelligence , that never before
in the hiHtory of the world have quad
ruplets of one sex been born consider
ing all those facts , I have no hesitancy
in pronouncing the Page quadruplets tlio
greatest curiosity I have ever handled ,
and the most-attractive freak of nature 1
have overseen. That they will prove to
be a magnet of greater strength than
wore even Lucia Zarnto nnd General
Mite is tv sweeping assertion , but one
uj > on which I will stake my reputation as
iin GxnoriMURnd Hhoivmnn '
I am prepared to substantiate to the
letter every assertion I have made re
specting tlie birth of these children.
Their advent into the world was her
alded throughout Texas- , and all the res
idents of Ingersoll are familiar with all
the facts in the case. As to the drawing
l > ewer of this remarkable family , I re
quest attention to the attendance ut the
museums where I shall be On the dates
given above.
The Qnly One.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul
railway is the only Hue running solid
vestlbulcd , electric lighted and steam
heated trains between Chicago , Council
Bluffs and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature in the
Pullman Bleeping cars run on these lines
is patented and cannot bo used by any
other railway company. It IB tlie great
improvement of the age. Try it and bo
Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific
depot , Omaha , nt 0 p. m. dailv , arriving
at Chicago at 9:80 : a. in. Passengers
taking this train are not compelled to
got out of the cars at Council Bluffs and
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got
tickets and bleeping cur berths at Union
ticket oflice , 1601 Farnatn st
P. A. NASH , Gen. Art
Organization of a State Branch of the Afro-
American League ,
A Lively Debate on tlic Question of
Admitting Proxies Election of
Officers Tlic Itcpolutlons
Yesterday morning at II o'clock colored dele-
pate ] from the leading towns of the stuto
usscinbled in this city to establish a state
bnmch of the National Afro-American league.
The convention was held In Garneld
hall , on Hartley , near Sixteenth street. It
was called to order by Mr. A. S. Barnctt
Mr. Barnett announced that the object of
the meeting xvas to adopt wnys and means for
the enforcement of the laws affecting the
rights and privileges of colored people
ple In this state , who. it is claimed , ' do
not enjoy the benefits , advantages and facili
ties belonging to them as citizens of the state ;
also for the establishment of a bureau of in
formation and immigration , to aid colored
jieople throughout * the union in purchasing
homes and farms in Nebraska ; also for the
organization of a permanent state lengue to
snoot uummlly to discuss and further the in
terests of the race in this state. "
The following delegated were iiresent :
At Largo M. O. Ricketts , E. II. Overall , P.
J. Williams. R. Gamble , V. B. Walker , G. F.
Franklin. M. F. Singleton. Rev. T.H.Eu-ing ,
Rev. R. E. Moore , Cyrus D. Bell , F. L. Bar
nctt ,
First \Vard-W. Mason. W. Singleton.
Second Ward AV. B. Watson , F. F. Bel
Third Ward-A. D. White , L P. Smith , W.
B. Peyton , G. N. Johnson , Rufus Johnson , A.
S. Barnett. , Fred Thomas , Howard Watson ,
A. H.vinu
Fourth Word Silas Robins and William
Fifth Ward F. L. Baruette , WiUlam But
ler and A. Wilson.
Sixth AVnrd-G. W. Duncan , W. M. Mar
shall , L. T.Brown , Henry Scroggins and
S. Ernest.
Eighth Ward A. W. Parker , G. Young ,
William J. Wiley and T. W. Wheeler.
Ninth Ward R. Rhodes.
South Oinuhu James Smith and E. G.
First Ward-B. F. C. Albert , Wiley
Second Ward J. E. Bolts Minor Woods.
Third Ward B. J. Crumpton , J. H. Wash
Fourth Ward-William Chinn.
Fifth Ward-P. B. Buckuer , C. H. Call.
Sixth Ward A. Iveson.
Seventh Ward Thomas Canmhan.
Hamilton county Rev. M. Jones.
Adams J. L. Wright.
Hall-S. D. Goodchild.
Washington Jerrv Smith.
Box Butte P. R. Sitnms.
Otoe B. C. Makin , Charles Ennis , T. F.
Moran , Daniel Smith , Harding Hampton ,
Barney Bolts.
Ncuiuha Rev. L. Gnrnctt.
This made sixty-five delegates. A large
number of colored citizens were also present
as bpci'tutors.
Mr. A. S. Barnett of Omaha and Mr. B. F.
C. Alberts of Lituioln\vere placed in nomina
tion for temporary chairman , the former
being elected.
Prof. B. C. Makins of Nebraska City was
chosen temporary secretary.
Mr. Burnett Butts , the chaplain , then in
voked the divine blessing on the deliOera-
tious of the convention.
The chairman nppoiutcd the following gen-
men ns a committee on credentials :
E. R. Ovciall , R. B. Rhodes. Omaha ; Dan
Smith , Nebraska City ; B. F. C. Albeit , Lin
coln ; J. L. Wright , Hastings ; Thomas Car-
nahuu , Lincoln ; E. R. Simins , Alliance ; Fred
Thomas , S. B. Smith , Omaha.
The following are appointed a committee of
five on rules of order : Dr. M. O. Ric-ketts ,
Alphonso Wilson , W. M. Marshal , Omaha ;
Bamett Butts , Nebraska City ; B. J. Cram -
ton. Lincoln.
The convention then adjourned until 2
At the opening of the afternoon session the
report of the committee on credentials was
received , recommending mat several proxies
lx ) accepted.
S. B. Smith entered a protest against the
admission of any proxies.
Then followed a redhot debate in which a
lai-ge number of the more prominent delegates -
gates took part. The argument finally sim
mered down to a debute between the chair
man , A. S. Baruett , and Dr. Ricketts. The
doctor moved In amend the report of the com
mittee on credentials by inserting the protest
of Mr. Smith.
The motion to amend was
tablea and the report of the committee was
The following committee on permanent or
ganization was appointed : W. . R. G amble , W.
H. C. Stevenson , W. M. Marshall of Omaha ;
H. Hampton. Nebraska City ; Thomas Good-
ciilld , Grand Island ; M. F. Singleton , Omaha ;
Thomas Curnuhan , Lincoln ; E. R. Simms ,
Alliance , and B. F. C. Albert , Lincoln.
The committee returned with the following
list of officers , which was adopted and the
officers dwlured elected : B. F. C. Albert of
Lincoln , chairman ; W R. Gamble.vico presi
dent ; B. C. Mackins , secretary ; W. J. Slnglo-
ton , assistant secretary ; Rev. Moore , chap
In taking the chair Mr. Albert addressed
the meeting briefly , suiting , among other
things , that the colored moil were here for
the purpose of fighting against southern op
pression and northern caste.
It was decided that the chair appoint com
mittees on public address , resolutions and
education. It was also decided to have 11
committee on immigration , consisting of one
delegate from each county.
A motion was made and adopted to the
effect that the league be under the jurisdic
tion of the National Afro-American league :
The chairman announced the following
committoi's :
Publi address Dr. M. O. Ricketts , A. S.
Baruett , M. F. Singleton , B. I. Crainptou , L.
G. Jordan , Rev. M. Jones , J. E. Bolts.
Education Rev. Moore , Thomas Carnaban ,
E. R. Overall , J. B. C. Mackins , J. H. Wash
ington , W. M. Marshall , S. R. Smith.
Resolutions S. Grant. S. D. Goodchild ,
Jerry Smith , Minor Woods , P. S. Simnis.
Immigration Alphoiiso Wlllsou , Charles
Coil. M. Jones , J. L. Wright , Jerry Smith , S.
D. Goodchild , E. R. Simms , Barney Bolts ,
Rev. L. G. Gordon.
The following resolutions were offered and
referred to the proi > cr committees :
By Cyrus D. Bell :
llcsolved. That the truolnterostsof tliugor-
eruimMit depend * upon tlie intelligent mid
conscientious OM.'rcl.seof tliu election ( ranuhlsb
by 1111 of its outruns Irrt'spoctivoof ooloi.
cietxl or previous condition ; ami n the blind
utlhiTunces to party organization i InUfuutivo
of a degraded nmniioodi
Kesolveil , Ah iho sentiment of this conven
tion , thut tin ) trim Intcrt'MS of the Afro *
Auivrlcun clllronslilpof tills section and com
monwealth can bo subsumed in no otlit > r uv
intiii uy ut'iiie governed in ui iiiutit > rol tlio
futuio fxerelt.0 of their jiolltleul MilTnisu , by
tli MiM > ii > > ldt rutlunB of publlo utility which
should obtain among nil patriotic people. Irre
spective ! of party.
ByR. B. Rhodes :
Itcsol\ud , Thut no itolltlunl zentlfinnu shall
liold uny ollii-o us j > nlilcMit uflt-r tlifooiivon-
tlon adjourns sine ( lie , and no one.should Iire-
sldu over tliU nifotlngthut Unot uniirvjucllced
us far ah any party is concerned.
An adjournment was then taken until 11 a.
m. today.
The 1'rUonor \ " '
I2xpoo\eil It and "U'as
Prc-pured for the O Ulcers.
[ Copj/rf0M ISO 1 > y Jamtt Gordon Bennett. " ]
I'Aiiii , , April 30. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BEE. ] The Marquis de
Mores was taken from his cell at the depot
and brought before M. d'Hols , commissioner
of police , yesterday. In the examination
which followed the inarquU made the follow
ing statement :
"I have known for some days that my ar
rest was imminent nud my friends have more
than once advised mo to leave the country.
Why should I take flight ? ' has been my In
variable reply to thorn. 'My conscience Is
perfectly clear , whorcas if I turn tuy back on
the danger which threatens me , it will bo in
ferred that I urn guilty No , 1 shall stay
whore I am , " I have observed of late
that uiy steps were dogged by detective * ,
vrho made dally reports to the prefecture of >
police as to my worfli and actions , I was
regularly Informed tfbo , contents of these
report * , so that my arrcs.t does not surprise
mo in the least. " "
The marquis dcddnti positively that he
had never had the Rllphtest intention of Ink
ing part In the demonstration of May dny
and that be bad crfn 'tiwldod to bo absent
from Paris on that d ylHe professed , there
fore , complete Ignorance us to the nature of
the accusations made against him.
"You may search Ks much ns you please , "
he exclaimed , "in mr apartment , but you will
find nothing. " Andibr , ho added , dryly :
"I am accustomed to'bdrn my letters. "
The prisoner has preserved the most com
plete calm , his only fonrern being the effect
of the shock upon his .wife , who Is about to
become a mother. The 'warrant issued against
the 'marquiswas signed by Atthalin , the
judge of instruction.
The examination concluded , d'Hois. ac
companied by four detectives , proceeded to
05 Rue de Saint Anne , where the Marquis de
Mores had rented nn ofllco for the transaction
of his socialistic business. The marquis went
with them. The place having been searched ,
n numlwr of papers were seized , including n
bundle of appeals for distribution among the
laboring classes and urging them to take part
in the approaching demonstration. This for
mality being concluded the party went to the
residence of the marquis in
the Rue de Tilsitt- where u
second search was mndo in the presence of
Madame do Mores , who maintained her self-
possession in an admirable manner.
While this was going on the marquis asked
permission to change his dress , and was al
lowed to do so. ISot forgetting his accus
tomed hospitality oven In these trying circum
stances , the prisoner offered some refresh
ments to the officers of the law , which , how
ever , were refused. All papers of n suspicious
character found oil the premises were duly
seized and will be carefully examined.
At 1 o'clock the Marquis do Mores was
taken back to the depot , where he was left to
his meditation.
The Marquis de Mores sat down in the after
noon and wrote the following letter :
To the Editor of tin- New York Herald : Will
you please correct the statement which up *
peared In your paper of today concernlnc the
urn-slot theMuttiuls de Mores. It took place *
quietly at his homo In the Ifuedu Tllsltl , and
not as reported , ninnlne away on the Chnnipt
ElyRut. I bes to ndd Unit It I not In thu habit
nf .M. fin Mnri tn tukci to 111 * litii'K under mil-
clrcunistnneM. 3lAito.cist > E MOHES.
5 Hue do Tilsitt , April Si.
Northwestern Central Haco Circuit.
Cnrun RAMPS , la. , April 80. [ Special to
TJIE BEU. ] The programme for thu races of
the Northwestern Central circuit have just
been completed. The following are the
dates : Kansas City , Mo. , May 27 to 30 in-
tlusivcpur8es $5,500 ; Iowa City , la. , June 3 to
0 inclusive , purses $5,000 , ; Tcrre Haute , Ind. ,
June ! ! to 0 Inclusive , purses $4,000 ; Junes-
ville , Wis. , June 10 to 15 inclusive , purses
iyOO ; Freeport , 111. , Julie 17 to 20 inclusive ,
purses f5.r 00 ; Cedar Rapids. la. , June 24 to
27 inclusive , purses fO.OiKI. The total purses
aggregate f.Vl,000. The entries for the Cedar
Ruitids races close Juno 10 at 10 o'clock p. in. ,
and are as follows :
Tuesday , Juno 24 2 : . " > 0 class , trotting ,
purse JWX ) ; 2:28 class , trotting , purse $ a > 00.
Wednesday , June 23 2:2.1 : class , pacing ,
purse fKK ( ) ; 2:27 class , trotting , purse $000 ;
2:2-1 : class , trolling , purse fcXK ) .
Thursday , June 20 2:24 : class , trolling ,
purse $000 : 2 : 2 class , trotting , purse iWN ) .
Friday , June27 2SIO class , pacing , purse
JfrOO ; free-for-all class , trotting , purse $000 ;
free-for-all class , pacim- , purse $000.
President Blake left for Chicago last night
to look after the interests of the circuit. He
reports the prospects for the best racing ever
known on this track. ,
Both the method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptahle to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeahle substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Byrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist -who
may not have it on Land will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
touis < "U . AT. HEW ronx. f/.r.
g oyd' < 3
ItOVD i UAV.VE3 , MiuiuEeri.
The runnlestof all Grwit Coiiudlc * >
Hrtterand fiiimU'r tlinii ever. New jungle.
New sjiec'laltlrs. I'lililiy hltuiitlons. Gruut
c.-ist. and loth of pretty ulrls. Kegulur prices.
Mutlncoprlci * * , SUcHtir ( | > o. Scuts go on sale
Wednesday morning , '
llovn & HAV.J.US , MuriuRers.
Peats onsalo ? uturday. No udviitice In prices ,
1'our Nights and Wednesday Mutlnoo , be-
glnnliiR Monday Vvenliig nnxt ,
Tli creatcst of all tlie Bpoctuuular oxtruv-
or Kutlmu Htul tlm Fulry ,
- Tl ly } the Idual nxtra-
Dlreot From. Jfuganza Co , uuinber-
_ . , _ _ 1 1 IftR 10U persons.
ChicaEo Opera Hoas , , n , N THE iALnKT'
Prof. George Brooks ,
The Pan-American Novelty Co.
3 Great Stage Sliowtt 7 Bis Departments !
One Dime Admits to AH.
Coining May Mli
And Uncalled for Garments , Bougl
J3O9 Leading Merchant Tailon
Throughout the country , for
The Original Misfit Clothing
1309 Farnam Street. 1309
Alterations free of charge to insure j
f < * twrr + ff + v
Kings are but men , but all men are not kings. Therefore ,
when the J irtg of Holland says , as he did by deed of August
12 , 1889 , that he is greatly pleased with
and , entirely unsolicited , grants the manufacturers the sole
right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory , a significance -
\ nificance attaches to the act which would not were he
| not "every inch a king. " M
N > * r r < * . w\ * * rsr *
Cabin Passage S35 to $50 , nccordlnjj to location ol
stateroom. Exmnion SS5 to $95.
Stecrape to nnd Irnm Kuropont Lowest Hates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. , General Agents ,
53 Broadway. NEW YORK.
Jno. Illcson. General M'i".torn ARt'iit. id
liundolpli sticet. llarry E. Moorcs , Thib
Cuii tie.
Passage to and from Great Britain and an
parts of Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the
waters of St Lawrence , shortest of all. Gliwcow to
Boston , to Philadelphia. Liverpool to and from
Baltimore. Thirty Steamers. Claca oxcelnlor.
Accommodation * ungnrpaiiFed. Weekly sailings.
AI-I.AX & O Gon. Weet-AE'te.
C.I. Sundell. UUHU. 112 La httUc St. , Chicnco , XJL
? it .It1 UiiX : AND AMONG
Th. Lorcrat , Foalrat unit Flnot In tlie WorliL
I uftscuiTpr HiTciiiiHlatlon unexcelled.
CinCASSIA , MajrS. I ETHIOPIA , " 17.
ANCUUIIIA , Maria. ! rUUNl > SIAMiiy St.
New York , Queeustown and Liverpool.
The CrlPbrntod I Mny M MnySUt
CJTV Oil' HOME. I Juno th , Julyi'Gth.
rules on jowrklit > rmn to and from tht * principal
tlxcuntluii tlckito r.Klnc'cd , nmd available tn return
I > > 'itlierthejiictimqupClyde.KirerMer eyNorth or
at lowest carrrnt ratrn. Apitlr tn any of our loral
aecnta , or to HENDERSON BROS. . Chicago.
Ijicnl Asentu ot Omaliu : Hurry 11 Moore , Charlen
Maroa , W F Valll , U. 1' . Douel , Cltlzuu's Bank , Otto
. .
V " J.M v. * rmf & &U jSl Q , LCCCtC
Ul ] of Errori or ZXOCUM In Old or Ycunr.
tARIIOODfallf IIMlorvd. lUw ! vBUra kTi
0lrBftVtaVC4tllbl.rLLOrt DOUijlVBAMBTItUIIToiJI.
ik u.r.ll/.f / IIOBK TUUTMIiT-t Mlli ! < ! . .
HM lMll'7 rnu to Huui ul fmlo CxuMra. nriu lk r.
VwrlrU' * Uoul , tttiUuUaautf | w > ( > B.IU4 ( rilrillrM. )
A4rt.i ERIE MEDICAL cor. , avFrA\.oH. \ l
4 lliu .
.rl ci , StriUMuHC.tu Tr 'if
j . Ov < r ma * * at rbol wi | 'rp ) MBI
I Q. D. J -Ir-ra L u krr > nr > > lu-
, ' m W M.d ) JB M ( i.j i , | ] u
111 ui > 4 fc-ud fc i' aa la K < * cala.
uf > l fun j u Ux "e.-li. '
TO -
and Return
From Chicago and Return $40.
Messrs. Raymond & Whitcorab
Will personally conduct titi excursion of the Knst
Cbattnnoncn l inrt companr to Cliuttnnooca , Tcnn
31u ? K , IS1.1 ! ) , to attend the pAlft if cltj nnd residence
lots of tliln unuumnr May G , 7 iinil H. Trnln cuiupaiiod
nulel ) of vcntibuU'd 1'iillutin cars ( imrlor , Bli > t > i > lne
nud dinlnt * k'nvea ntchliiuc flefiot , llostun , .Mu
Hnturdny Mny 3. ut 1 p. m. , arrlvtns t riiattniKiuca
.Monday. May t , B n. m. All trnnxportaUou and Mv-
Inc pxicuie | of oicurdloiclsti rttirliiK the trip and
while lu ClmttuuooEu Incluilrd In the fM. and the
cuinpnny will ppuru no [ 'ITnrt to xun.ko the trip thor-
onchly enj ynblf to nil
The value of the KiuitC
jiroi > erty 1 mmnrt-d liy Ha nU olnt Indinpouiialilllty
to the crowth tif the mOHt entcrjirlsluc and ituoo 'Kii-
fnl rlty of thu wliolo Pouth Hfnrr A. rcvcar , Enq. ,
prtiildeut ( if the Tliouip < iu-Hu t < iu Electric com
pany , nays : "KnHt Cunttnitoofa Inis creator advan-
tnKe B ltp for n town or city than the city of
ClmttaiKiOKH ItKflf. II wllll'O ' n pro'perouf tuirn. U
cannot l > c Btopi > e-d It hna ( tot to IKIBH * . "
Full Infornmtlon and pro icctu address I. . B. Kus-
uell , orcrctury of the
East Chattanooga Land Company ,
96 Summer st , , Boston , Mass. , or any of it
officers or directors , as follows :
J'resldpnt , A. A. Mou'tu.
Vlpe-prfsldent. J. Si'U.IVAX. M. P.
Trcnmirer J.V. . ADAMS , JIU Uast Elguth Street ,
Clmttnnooca , Tonn.
S : rctnry. U a. Jtt'BiKLi. u nbove.
A. A. Mowiu : , Lynn , MimA.
J. &UI.I.IVAN. M. 1) . , Mnncliraler , N" . n.
I. . II. ItnxMU i. lldHtiin , Mn .
M. Hl'llLia . Lynn.Muaa. .
( i. 11. lilt VAST , Oakland. Me.
J. S. ANTIIOX V , Lynn , Mnmi.
JATIII it AIIAMU , IDJ , butw atroet , Huston , Mas .
K. IlKiTKirxA.v , Lynn , MAns.
J. T .lA.Mlso.v. : Chuttiinou A.Ti'nn.
1'or furtlHTuonvunlmieoor thu public Mc-anrn , Ilay-
tuond \ WhlUimib lll fur > il li lull Infurmutlon n4
to the t-xcumlnn , aNo proi < | ivotU8 Of the company ,
( rcudy April Ifi ) . and rwi'lvi * nubwrlptldn-i for lt
ptork at Ihelr oniiSM tVimhliiclon , U , llostou ,
257 Uroadway. New Vork. Ill boutli Ninth U 1'tillu-
delphla J41 uj > iTlomt. , CIDTcland ; und 10J South
Clark Kt , Chlcniio ,
_ * - . - .
PATEHTEDAUG. 16 , 1887 , IMPBOVCD JULY 30. 1889.
. , , . .
i % . < .fs i , . . lift. nxi/Kwa VTvr vnn.
Ebeujn Uc Coj-
feiEti ' .umbBfo.O tral
; od Keivoiu Bcblllty ,
Cc ti cn , Kidney
, BmiU ET
m - - ! - - b o u < m , w uir ot
- -
Body. Di--fy eue , cltiitd by Indiicrttioni in
te'f Kg'f J5ft ViT.T.ui.
' "
Alioan El ctrlo Trues and Celt Combined.
Btua be. ixuutc Iir mi ItluifA book , TM i tH. Mtb | U b.
catyoo ( n iiiuo itftl. ! .oTelor * Weutlou IbU p i > r. AddxcM
3CXJ Nortb Ilrou.1wap.flT. UOVIB , HO.
B38 BroiMlw y. IfKW YOUK OtTTT.
13O3 Farnam Stroot.
City Possenuer and Ticket Agent ,
Bufterinc from the tinefia t yuuthrut iinrs , farlr
dtcijwtt Uuit wr&kuou , ) fw.l mkubarid , ric 1 will
wua a Tklukble trratlM uu lrl > coutnimuE full
partlcuUra r r liome curv PIlrCK of ilitrm A
jjlcudld medirjil work ktipultl t irnil tr frrrf
man wlio U uprrmm bn'l drhUimtMt. AQdrtsii
I'ruf. V. C. i'O\VLK , JUooduiC'ouiu
sale at
g Parlors ,
a perfect fit
; Wwy men , from the rfTecti of youthful
> fraprndenro , hftvo broucht mlxmt * ctata of
; trtmknoM that hai mtucrd the criif nU * r -
y ( am o roach ni to Induru * linol f rrry
\ othfr dtauion , and the ral cauw of tb
; trouble ncarcclr over twliut * u i > ocl l , they
> are doctored for every t hi n but thf * right
! one. NatMthstandliie the ninny Tatuaulo
; for the relief of thl claiui of imtiuntfl , xiono
; of the ordinary modFn of trratmrnt eJToct n
. cur * . Iurinctmri > xt nBirf > rolk > tfandh0 * *
! iiltal pructlcti we iiarr rittcrlincott-d lth
> nnd dlmorerpd lie vr nnd ounrentrat d rrmc-
m The accomtonylii [ ? prmrrlptlon ! of *
rvd an n rrrtnln nnd vpredy rurr * u
' hnndrodi of cantii in our ( imctlro bare boon
! reatoretl to i > rrfcrt lu-olth by lt use after
1 all othrrrcmfHllci fallrd. Iwfi rtlyi > areln.
crrdiontuniunt bo usud In Uie propiratlon of
It ErythroTylnn coca , 1 $ drachm *
Jcrubcliln , 1-2 drnrbm.
Huloniai IMolcA. 1 S drachm.
OolM'min. ( t pmlni.
Kit. lirnailm unmnp ( alroholic)4 ( rndni
Ext. Iri'tandra ' , X flcrujilea.
Glyrrrinn , n n. lilt.
akrtWpill * . Tnkr 1 pill at 8p.m. * and an-
1 other ou polngto l cd. lu pome cowl tt will
! W nucewary for tlio imUont to lake two I'UU
; ot iK'dtttnp.timklnir itienumbcrthntiaday.
. Tuhnmpdr l u(3apt xj tncrcry condlUonof
; ncrrousdcmlltrnnd woaknriuilniiithcrftux ,
and pfliKx-JdUy in thaapctxnoa rcnuJtlnpfrom
\ Imprudence , The n of
, thlvrfttoratlTt'oru truly futoni'ihtiif.andU
' n-H ; contlimwl for a t-hort ttrau chan ri the
! languid , dtbllltMnl , nrrrrU'u condition to
' one of rviitiwwl life fend vfc'or.
; A * wo nre roiigtnnt b tn ncclpt of letter * of
; Inquiryirlatlre to tmn rriiHnly , wo would
> nay to thowwho would prefer to obtain It of
' u , by remlttlnfT fl a wrurwly Healed pack-
rnntnlnlntr 60 pllln , con-fully rom-
. . . _ JiIpd ( , will l wnt by rriurn man from
our private lalinrniorr.orwc villfurnlftli 0
nrkftirvH , which will euro moat CUM , tor Ji.
Addrera or coil on
Kew Englan'd Medical Institute ,
21 Trrmonl Ron. IloitonMn . :
CopTriffht , list , by r. II. UIU.EB.
33K. .
liisritrrKiMi or txi tssi.8
t fKKld C7Cr3FCJB31 < T lliUNkv
WIMII. ( . c fur thllll' .
[ * 04e , i'urr ol Urnrmllfc UrftLi.M , Clvluf trrl ] , 31110 , Hrmth.
Inc. ( nnlUuoa * t'urrrBl. or FtpetrleltrVtirpuch all WKAC
. ,
Elrflrlc tiirmit Krll U.Uiill ) , or i > e turfcll SJ.I" " In euH ,
UK1.T Bhd iviiircaurT Coiutilrtv f . and up. Wortl ea i Ppr *
inajitiid * ( nrHl la tlirre mnBlh * . Kralrd pamphlet > 'r e.
TIII : o.
Tlic flgurc 0 in our dates will make a long itay ,
No man or woman now living will over date
document without uMiig the figure 0. It ctandi
In tlio third place In 1890 , wlicro It will remain ten
years and then move up to , c-coud place In 1DOO ,
where it will rest Tor one hundred years.
There is another "B" w hich lm also corao to stay .
It Is unlike the figure 0 In our dates in the respect
that it Kas already moved up to first place , where
tt will permanently remain. It 1 < culled tha "No.
B" High Arm Whuelcr A Wilson Senlng Machine.
The "No. 8" was endorsed for first place hy th
experts ol Europe at the Paris Exposition of 18bV ,
where , alter a sercreoontest with the leadluc ma
chines of the world , it was awarded ttio only
Grand Prize Riven to family sewing machines , all
others on cxhlhlt having received lower award *
of gold medals , etc. The French Government
also recognized lUeuperiorlty hy Uiedecorutlou ot
Mr , Nathaniel Wheeler , Prcsiilentof the company ,
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
Tbo "No. 8" is
not an old machine Irflprorrd
upon , but is an entirely new machluo , und the
Grand Prize ot Paris WHS awarded It as the grand
est advance iu iewinc machine mechanism of the
age. Those who buy it can rent assuruJ , there
fore , of having the very latest and best.
185 nnd 167 Wabiwh Avo. , Chicnga
220 North 10th Street.
Boyd's Opera House Block.
II. M. Trueliptrt , Julio Adriatic * , l.uclun Minor
H. M. Truehenrt & Co.
aiitMliUibiid In IHX
OHlvc.ton U tlm MfHporl tliut U and Is ) a lia
fur the icieut Noiili e tlnr < iniintl n utttl
iiiuptt fnrnUhed. V lei tors Invltod to cull ut
-Ilr l/lKtuc. I'ortodtral 1'lita ,
the Krfi" Uromwlr , nrt on tli uiMiatruul urat'-ui anil
( urvtuH'routxtilriiiuwlinteTervauic IT > tu au lucu
truutli'U ' TU M * pill" kliould not lie tak , ri Ol.r.n
tircguBiH r Am ] 'll ( ( > llxraltr pitipi .tw U < T sr
to In i emunt'Ijj KUerman 4 MoContir I lXi1K' ' ' ,
ridarj'u UumU-i , t A ilt-UUer H UuaaUa , U. i * .
t t , t utu lijuBi is , or a lor li.