Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha Makes a Poor Record In the Blouz
City Scricr.
Eight Men < 3ivcn linicn on Balls
Cleveland Badly Itattlcd Latest
News The
Speed Illng.
Played. AVon. Lost. Tor Ct ,
Denver 11 o 3
HlntixGUr 0 B .1
Mlntir.tlxills 10 0 4 .ono
nesMolnoH. . 11 n 5n , r is
8t. 1'iitil 10 5 5r
Knn.s.'iH City 8 3 r
Milwaukee 11 4 7 .
Omaha. . 10 3 7 .MO
Kloux City I ) , Omaha n.
Yesterday's game was very Blogg.
Omaha started out with three runs nnd
ended up with five , wlillo Sioux City started
out With no runs and ended up with nlijo.
And that sizes up the work of the two
Fanning did the twlrjlng for the homo
team , nnd while ho was not batted hard , ho
was wilder than n Texas steer. *
Why , just think of ill Ho gave eight
men bases on balls nnd made no less than four
wild pitches.
It was awful I
\Vlllls , the first man up , retired on a
grounder to Powell. Canavan laced out n
two-sackcr and Kcarns one for three , nnd nti
earned run came homo. Then Andrews hit
safe , and Kcarns came in with another canted
tally. Andrews actually stole second
end , went to third on Cleveland's
scratch hit and homo on a wild pitch.
Cleveland also stele second and reached third
on a passed ball. But no further scoring was"
done , for Walsh ficw out to Glenn and Moran
struck out.
lJlt was ' an auspicious start , and a mis-
KUidcuc'railk in the grand stand stood up on
his hind legs and yelled , "We've got u plo-
nle ! "
In the second the atmosphere began to
assume a cerulean hue.
Brosnan made n hit nnd a passed ball sent
him to second. Hanrahun , who had taken on
n fresh load of ginger , was given llrston balls
and the next moment Cleveland made n hay-
eating error and both runners scored. Gcnins
fanned nnd Crossloy hit her for two sacks
but proceeded no farther , as Fannlng's curves
also extinguished Mr , Devlin.
In the third they bagged another brace , and
ino auno.spucre ucgan
Monk Cline wcnt-to first on balls , but was
forced out nt second on Glenn's hit to the
pitcher. Cleveland's second blunder gave
ICapiKill a lift and sent Glenn to third , nnd
both men ran homo on Powell's sacrifice.
Brosnan then knocked out a two bagger , but
Hanrahan'.s out retircd'tho side.
In the fifth the Sioux Citys acted up Just
awfully , the nasty things , and the Oinahas
went to pieces like a pumpkin hit with nn nx.
Genius and Crossley made hits and Moran ,
who played right in a pair of eighty-ton
gloves , made a murderous muff of Devlin's
easy fly , which lot Genius in and Crossloy to
second. The chimpanzee again got his base
on four wide ones , Glenn made u hit , and a
wild pitch and another base on balls let in
three more , and the crowd said Oil , well ,
there is no userepeating here what the crowd
said , but they said It all the samo.
Jn their half of this same inning Omaha
had scored her other two and hist runs. They
were secured on Hanrahan's muff , Kcarns'
I three-bagger and Wally's ' third safe hit.
11 The remainder of the game was u proccs-
I siou of goose eggs.
The score :
All. U. III. 811. SD. PO. A. E.
Totals : -JO 0 0 0 1 27 13 2
Omaha , . : i 00020000 5
SlouxHJIty . .0 2250000 * 9
HUMS earned Omaha' ' , Sioux Olty 2. TITO
base hlut Andrunn , Uunavun. ltrn-iinn , Cross-
lev. Thrco base hits Kcarns 2. Double plnys
-J hour mm. * ) minutes. Umpire lilogy.
St. Paul 8 , Milwaukee n.
MII.WAUKKI : , April SO. [ Special Telegram
toTunBBC.jThe following is the score of
today's game :
Milwaukee 1 12010000 5
6t. Paul. . , . . U 0002210' 8
Earned runs Milwaukee 1 , St. Paul 1. Two
base hits I'oorimin , MoirNsuy , blloh. Three
biiso hit llnrlts. llnses stolen 1'oormnn "
Alberts I ) , Shoe ! ) , \Voleh , SIlcli , HroiiKliton ,
HauoH 2 , Daly , Abbey , .MeeUlri , Oantlllon.
llnso on ball > Alberts , Mich 2. I'lanairaii , *
Duly , Tanner. Struck out Ky Klinmu-iin 2 ,
byMcukln 1. Pas-sod balls Jnrtren l , Lurinur
2.V11U pitches KlanaKU" ' . .Mcoliln I. Tlmu
1 hour and & 3 minutes. Umuhu Dougherty ,
MlnncapollH 1O , DCS Molnes O.
MINSKAI-OUS , Minn. , April 30. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BRE. ] Today's ' game be
tween Minneapolis mid Des Molnes was char
acterized by brilliant Held work on both sldca
until thn eighth inning , when Des Molues
went to pieces nnd allowed the homo team to
score 8 runs , thus winning the gamo. Tha
score :
II r 1NN1N08.
Minneapolis. l 0 0 u 0 r 0 S 0 10
DOS Iloln es o : a
, * BUMUAItr.
.Huns earned Minneapolis 0 , Pvs Molnes 3 ,
T\vu-biiNO lilts Duirilnli1 , ruiM'lbuch , Homo
b4 ! < ioH-Carroll 2. Tostur 2 , Clare , \Vwlsh , Ma-
eullar. lilt by pitcher llenglp , Hudson ,
Gltuo. Iliisuson hulls lly Hudson 1 , Olaroft.
Struck out lly lliidHonO , bvt'lar 2. I'li rd
Lull a Trunleyl. Ift on bases .Minneapolis
4 , Dos Molnt' : ) 8. Tlmo of game 1:50 : , Umplio
Hunt. _
National Ijcaguc.
AT CI-tVEtaSU ) .
Cleveland . . .0 0000000 0 0
Cincinnati 1 0030001 * 4
Hits Cleveland 3 , Cincinnati 4. Errors
Cleveland 2 , Cincinnati 1. Battorica Beatii }
and limner , Kblues and Harrington. Umpire
AT 1'HlUkPEl.rilU ,
Philadelphia. . . .0 01030000 3
Now York 0 8 0 0 a 40 1 0-U
Hits- Philadelphia 0 , New York U. Errors
HL'UHadelpblu 1 , Now York 0. Butteries
Anderson and Clements , Welch and Murphy.
Umpire Lynch. _ _ _ _
Chicago 3 0002001 5
PHUburg 1 00000000 1
Hlta-Chlcacp 7 , PIttsburg 5. Error *
Chicago 1. Plttsburff . Batteries
Schmlttnnd Wilson , Hutchiuson and Klt-
trcdge. Umpire Zuchnrlos.
AT nnuoRi.rx.
Boston 0 030013010 7
Brooklyn 0 309000001 8
Hits Boston IB , Brooklyn 7. Errors Bos
ton 7 , Brooklyn .1. Batteries Tater and
Oanzelt , CttVruthers and Clarke Umpires
McDcrroott and Powers.
Players' league.
AT ritir.'Atir.t.riiu.
Philadelphia 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 r 0-0
Boston 8 1021003 O-'J
Hits Philadelphia 8 , Boston 11. Errors-
Philadelphia 0 , Boston . " . Batteries Bufllng-
ton nnd Cross , ICllroy and Kelly. Umpires
Ferguson and Holtort.
Brooklyn 0 0 10
Now York 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 G
Hits Brooklyn 11 , New York 10. Errors-J
Brooklyn 3 , Now York 4. Batteries-
Van Haltrcn and Cook , Eewlng and Ewlng.
Umpires Barnes and Gaffnoy.
AT CLF.Vni.AXI > .
Cleveland 0 0
Chicago 0 5
HitH Cleveland 12 , Chicago 7. Errors
Cleveland I , Chicago 4. Batteries Oruher
and Brennan , D.iyer nud Boyle. Umpires-
Jones and Knight ,
Plttsbnrff. 3 1
Buffalo : . .3 00010001 5
Hits Plttsbtirg 15 Buffalo 0. Errors
Pittsburg (1 ( , Buffalo . Battcries-Staley
and Carroll , Ferguson and Mack. Umpires-
Gunning and Matthews.
American Association.
Rochester 7 , Brooklyn 0.
Syracuse 10 , Athletic 0.
St. Louis 7 , Columbus 1.
Interstate AHSOclutlon.
Qulncy 2 00100100 4
Burlington I 20000000 3
Base lilts Qulncy 8 , Burlfngion 3. Errors
Qulncy fi , Burlington 1. Battosjes Mun-
ger and Prescott , Stevens and Cole. Umpire
Tcrro Haute..0 2 3 3 4,0 0 8 0 14
Evausvlllo 0 00003001 4
Hits TcrrcIIauto i..EvansvilIo 8. Errors
Terre Haute 0 , Evansville 7. Batteries
Dougun , Kclley ; Lewis , Sawders and Frost.
AT Jl U/tlMOItU.
Baltimore 12 , Jersey City 0.
NcwarK 11 , Hartford 6.
DWashington 10 , Worcester 10.
Wilmington 7 , New Haven 5.
The Latest from the Bull Field.
The Omaha , management has released
Strauss , Thiiyer and Bays. Strauss has
sipnpil iritll Stnnv Clitv rinit Tlava r m Q tn
Portland , Ore. Thayor'will prob'ably return
Albert Inks Omaha's new left-handed
pitcher , arrived yesterday and will go in the
box at Sioux City tomorrow.
The Omahas Icavo for Sioux City this
morning. The Corn Huskers went up last
Denver will bo hero for three games next
Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday.
Gcorgo Proesser is playing in the Held for
Houston in the Texas league. When a pitcher
isn't twirling in that leugilo ho is earning his
salary in some other position.
Elinor Foster , nnd Harry O'Day , two ot
Sam Morton's Minnies , got on a load of as
sorted canned fruits and landed in the Mil
waukee iwlico court last week. The lines
jthoy got there weren't circumstances to the
plasters they received from Sir Samuel.
The Pittsburg Dispatch says : "Horeis the
way false statements get circuhited. Some
local enthusiastic newspaper correspondent
informed a certain Philadelphia paper that
2,000 people attended the P. L. game ut Ex
position park AV'odnesday. The turnstile
count was 474. Truth will do the club more
good than lies. " Great ScottI The Idea of
kicking about a-Iittlo matter of swelling a
crowd by a mere 2,12U. What folly I Annuals ,
to use u modern phrabe , would not bo "in it"
with that dirty beloved brotherhood boomer.
Baseball has broken into many an editorial
column this year to which It had never to-
fore gained entrance. The New York Trib
une , uftor the opening of the season , said :
"This unconquerable antagonism is no phan
tom , but there was a spectre in attendance
yostorduy. It flitted between the polo
grounds nnd the brotherhord park. Grand
stand and blenching boards saw it and trem
bled. It wns the ghost of baseball , dead and
gone , come back for the benevolent and sol
emn purpose of exhibiting Itself as an awful
warning to its successor. It carried a yellow
and musty volume , in which the story of its
rise and full was recorded , and all the
wounds of which it died In the house qf its
friends were shown truly a melancholy tnlo
of treachery and deceit. Wohopo the warn
ing-has como in time to save the baseball of
today , which has reached the dangerous
pinnacle , nnd seems to some fond nnd patient
eyes to be already tottering. If the existing1
rivalry and antagonism go-much further they
may end in practices which every decent
man despises , and bring a great 'and costly
idol tumbling to the ground. "
A close game of baseball played on the
Creighton college grounds last evening be
tween the Collegians and the High school
Sluggers , which resulted in n victory for the
former by n score ot 111 to 15. The features
of the game were the pitching by Suydcr for
the college nine in the last thrco Innings and
the brilliant Held work of Butler for the high
school boys.
The Omaha management are hustling for
new talent , nnd the public can rest assured
that the weak spots In the present team will
to strengthened.
The AVInoliestcrClnb.
The Winchester gun club held their weekly
shoot yesterday on the Gwin & Dunmlro
grounds across the river ; 25 standard targets ,
IS yards vise. The scores :
Orln W. Vlokardllfll
llfll 11111 11111 Hill 111125 [
Ed Paulson
11011 1HI1 H011 11101 11011-21
Prank Spore
, ougo urn loin ma non-50
I rod A. FullerOHIO
OHIO 11111 10110 Hill 11100-10
Jack Kiiovrlcs
11011 10011 10111 00111 mtl-19
Herman I. PunNeii
11011 11010 11110 11101 10111-13
Henry K , I'uulicn
OHU 10110 01011 lOIlt 100(1-1 ( ?
William 0 , Paulseu
Will 00110 11010 00101 11101-11
I.oills Johnson
01001 10W 00110 OHIO 10101-13
10101 10101 10010 00011 01011-Kl
JCols JohnsQii
01001 11110 11000 01000 01001-11
Harry \Voldrldte )
01000 00000 OM11 11011 00010-10
0. Hanson
00101 00010 01000 11001 10010-9
The Billiard Export * .
W , A. Splnks of Chicago nnd one of the
Schnrffcr-lves billiard combination , called ut
Tur. Bur. office. Mr. Spiuks said ho had
failed to make arrangements for an exhibi
tion here , and tlmt the combination would
go right on to Denver to < lay. They
play in the latter elty Saturday evening.
Their objective point is San Francisco , whura
Schaeffer is matched for VUX ) u bide agaiiiHt
John F , B. McCleery , tha 'Frisco crack , to
discount him in u 3,000 point straight game.
Mr. Splnks bays that ho finds Interest In bll-
Itardsiu Omann nt n verv low ebb iudecd.
Ho further said that Frank Ives Is the com
ing world's champion with the cue.
Gleason'B Whereabouts.
Prof. Ituthbun writes to , Tnu Buu as fol
lows :
"Considerablecommcitt has been Indulged
in by the papers of the city about a young
man by thp uauio ol P , G. Glcusou. Mr ,
Gle.non attended our college this winter ,
coming from Pcna Cook , N. H. Taking ad
vantage of cut rates , ho has returned to that
place for n short visit , nnd will finish his
course at the college in the f \ltiiro. \ Ho is a
model young man in every respect nnd the
money spoken of is his own. "
rtiK ai'jRKn nixri.
Elizabeth Knce.i.
EtizinETit , N. J , , April 30. Summary of
today's races :
Five-eights of n Mlle Haste \von , Spendall
second , Peiizancc third , Tlmo i :04. :
Ono Mile Bellewood won , Joe Leo second ,
Martin Russell third. Tlmo-1 M .
Three-fourths of n Mlle Mooilstono won ,
Ho second , Pericles third. Time I : l"Jf.
Five-eighths of a Mlle Chatham won ,
Eclipse second , Early Blossom third , Tlmo
l : | if.
Three-fourths of n Mlle Sam Morsowon ,
Lord Peyton second , Fltzroy third. Tlmo
1 : KJ f
Half Mlle Alarming won , Lottlo second ,
Sir Gcorgo third. Time Otif.
Nnshvlllo Itnucs.
NASHVILLE , Tenii. , April 30. Summary of
today's races :
Seven-eighth's of n mile Elght-to-Sovcn
won , Fred Fink second , Pimtcletto third.
Timc-1 tS
Mlle and one-sixteenth Buckler won. Castle -
tlo second , John Sncrumn third. Time
Flvu-cighths of n mlle Ethel S. won , Na
tional second , Bum Cooper third. Time
1IMK. :
Half mile Ida Pickwick won , Annlo Brown
second , Monte Rose third. Time 50.
Three-fourths of a mlle Happiness won ,
Hlldcgardo second , Llzzlo D third. Time
1:17. : _
National Trotting Association.
CIIICAOO , April 30. The board of review of
the National Trotting association decided a
number of cases today. D. L. Hughes of
Keokuk , la. , was denied the release of him
self and Ills br. g. Richball from the suspen
sion Imposed by the Kentucky Trotting
Horao Breedtngassociation. George Hussacic
of Jnncsvillo , Wls. , was den led reinstatement
Meyers Knock ! ) Out Hopper.
ALEXANDRIA , Vn. , AprllSO. The fight with
small gloves tonight between Billy Meyers of
Streator , 111. , and Jack Hopper of Now York ,
was a rather tame one. The contest was for
ten rounds , the winner to tuko 75 per cent.
Both men fought cautiously and each received
some pretty good body blows. In the sixth
round Meyers floored Hopper with a power
ful blow under the chin. The Now Yorker
failed to como to time nnd the fight was
awarded to the Illinois cyclone.
The Bank of America. Philadelphia ,
StiHpendg Payment.
PHILADELPHIA , April 30. The Bank of
America has suspended payment.
The news of the suspension did not occasion
much surprise , as it was known in certain
quarters that there had been a heavy drain
on the institution all day. The branch ofll-
ces in different parts of the city were shut up
simultaneously with the closing Of the main
houso. There arc twelve of these branches
scattered over the outlying districts nnd the
deposits are said to nmount'to' $700,000. The
bank is closely allied to the Insurance Com
pany of America and other financial institu
tions in this city , and today's suspension ,
which is said to bo 'only temporary , was duo
to rumors set afloat affecting the creditor
President McFarland of the Insurance com
A Grocery Fails.
LUVIIEXCE , Mass. , April 30. The grocery
house of Davis Murphy & Co. , the largest In
the city , has assigned. It is expected the
creditors will bo paid in full.
Alleged Cruelties at the Tjcavcmvorth
Soldiers' Home Dlsprovon.
LEAVUNWOIITH , Kan. , April 30. [ Special to
TUB BBE. ] It now transpires , that the cause
of niltho ridiculous charges , m-ide against
Governor Smith of' the . .soldlqrs. ' homo is ono
Batson , the same person who uiado the un
founded charge agaiust the authorities some
weeks ago. At that time ho charged that
the governor and thu postmaster nt the homo
had tampered with mail directed to him
( Batsou ) . A full investigation was made ,
which resulted in u rccommen'la.tigp.for Bat-
son's discharge from the home , ' which wixs
done. There is absolutely nothing in the
charges. The "sweat-box , " so glibly spoken
of , is only an ordinary clrfso , cell where
drunken veterans are put "to sober up. In
the event of incorrigible refractoriness a
straight-Jacket is put on them , but it is ap
parent that in a matter of 2,000 persons ono
close cell and ono straight jacket cannot bo
usi-d very ! ndiscriminatelyt and this is what
is charged. '
Ho Is Hardly Ahlo to Walk , and May
Not Live Out ills Term.
I.vniAXAroLis , Ind. , April 30. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEB. ] The friends of Gover
nor Hovey are becoming very much alarmed
over his condition. Ono of them said today1
that ho diif not b'eliovo the governor would
live to see the end of his term. Some thrco
months ago Mr. Hovoy suffered asovero at
tack of the grip and this was followed by a
very ocuto form of rheumatism. Ho was still
suffering from the latter disease when dropsi
cal tendencies became plainly marked and ho
is now in very fceblo health. Ho is frequent
ly absent all day from his office , and when ho
comes down ho is compelled to use a carriage.
It is with great difficulty that ho walks , oven ,
on the smooth tiling floor of the capltol and ho
goes in nnd out of his carriage only with as
.I.V ElUTOlt
A Catholic Bishop r Hne.s n BUI
Agnlnrit a SociiillHt Paper.
BELLUVIM.I : , 111. , Apiii 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBI : . ] A sensation that is a uni
versal topic of discussion has been precipi
tated by Bishop Janscn of Belleville. Ho
has issued a bill of excommunication against
the Arbeltw Zcltung , n socialist paper o
AVest Belleville , and its editor , Hnna
bcuwartz. Ho commands nil Catholics on ,
pain of excommunication not to read , adver
tise in or clrctilutfl the Arbeitcr Zcitung. The
dtoccso included all southern Illinois and the
bill will bo read in all the Cnthollo churches'
next Sunday. It was read in the Bollovilla
church last Sunday. The bishop claims the
doctrines of the Arbeitor Zoltung nro antag
onistic to the church and the language unsafe
for the fumlly ,
Kaunas County Scat War.
ATWOOH , Kan. , April ! K ) . [ Special to THE
Bii ; : . ] The county seat war between A wood
and Blakcinan Is ended. Official notice was
received hero today from the supreme court
that the case would to dismissed on the open
ing of court next Tuesday. Speculators aru
already making a grand rush for choice busi
ness and residence lots.
Flood * Driving Out Prer.
Niw : Oiti.Eiss , La. , Apiii 80. A special
from Bouslcy landing says the backwater is
rising there so rapidly that it is thought
nearly all the plantations aruund thuro will
bo Inundated. Dear uro coming-from Urn
.swamps In droves and uro being mercilessly
Big IIOHH on AVatchrH.
Plillu > Kl.l'im , April 30. At least * .V)0,000 )
was lost by thoiecont failures of , tho/Key-
stouo Watch Club company and Atchlson
Brothers , jowclors , of this city , and thu Keystone -
stone Standard Watch manufacturing com
pany of Lancaster , Pa.
Flshcrmon Klght with Klllcu.
PoHTMXn , Ore. , April : ) . In ujlght with
rifles yesterday between union and non-union
flshcrmcni on tbo Columbia river , nbo'ut/orty
miles from hero , ono man was killed ,
another fatally wouudedand u third seriously
Two Boys Browned.
SCHEXECTUIV , N. V. , April -Yesterday
aftomoon Adolphus Rototloy and Frank
Wells , two toys , were drowited tit the Mo-
huwk whllu _ ix turultij Uomu f (
in ' )
ll !
The City O an l of That Ploco Holds a
Hair Stormy Session !
_ >
Ifantlncs Vtyt s In Favor of Sewerage
Bonds B d JmrRO MnJorUy Ord
Saloonkeepers Sued Other
. fllnlo Nows.
ft .H _ _ _ _ _
FIIKMOXT , Neb .April ! W. [ Special to TUB
DEI : . ] Lost night occurred the regular an-
iiunl meeting of the Fremont city council nnd
It proved to bo ono of the stormiest sessions
tlmt body over held , the adjournment not beIng -
Ing taken until after 2 o'clock this morning.
The now members who took their sonts were
Morsa and Iloln , Biles In the First and
Archer in the Fourth wards holding over by
ro-elcctlon. The now council wns organized
by the election of Phimbcck as president , the
body standing seven democrats and ono re
publican. Mayor Shervln appointed. FrcO
ICHIRO chief of the lira department. The res
ignation of Marshal Houck , which had been
sent to the mayor In response to a demand for
his withdrawal from the place , owing to a
disgraceful scandal , which ho had been
guilty of , was presented , but was not ac
cepted , the vote being three for acceptance
nnd four nenlnst , with ono absent. The mar
shal will therefore continue to 1111 the position
which ho has disgraced. Thirteen saloon
licenses wcro granted. The matter of the
occupation tax came up ugaln for the half
dozenth tluio and precipitated a lively row. A
petition for its repeal was presented nndactod
upon. Mayor Shervin took the floor on this
subject and read the riot act to several mem
bers of the council -who had changed front on
the subject nnd plainly told them it
was because the saloons had threat
ened to boycott them if they sup
ported the measure. Ho said thqt the funds
which would bo raised by the tax were
needed to carry on the city's expenses. Ho
said , too , that while the council might pass
an ordinance repealing the ordinance ( which
takes effect today ) , ho wanted them to under
stand that ho would veto it and that it could
not bo passed over his veto , as the measure
had support enough in the council to prevent
that. Ho likcwiso alluded to the fact that
Young Men's Christian association monitors ,
prohibitionists 'and saloonkeepers were
leagued togetherto defeat a measure neces
sary for the city's relief. Another Interest
ing feature of tno meeting was the passage of
u resolution in response to the mayor's sug
gestion in his annual message , to cut down
the expenses of the city. The salaries of po-
licemun were cut down to S-IO per month , the
city marshal's' fees wcro cut elf , the street
commissioner nnd janitor of the eitvhall
wcro bounced and the electric street light
ing abolished. The spirit of economy was
rampant nnd it cut dccpand went to an ex
treme. There was a largo attendance of citi
zens and several .took u hand in the discussion
of the occupationitax. This will bo carried
to the supreme dertnrt , a fund having been
raised for that'purpose.
t . ;
Decided Against the Commissioners.
NEmusKA , GiW , Neb. , April 30. ( Special
Telegram to i&.BBE.J A telegram from
.Lincoln announces that the sunrcmo court
has decided ug ljiijt , the Otoo county commis
sioners in the maijdamus proceedings brought
to compel thS".commissioners to call na
election to votd'to,000 ' ( ( to aid in building th *
bridge , the cour.1 holding that the bridge is
an internal improvement , but the county
cannot vote bonds to exceed the 10 per cent
assessed valuation. As the limit will bo
reached with ? 7U,000. it is proposed to have
Nebraska City . .voto the pther 321,000 , which
will almost rcaqh the limit , of 10 per cent in
the city. Bnt
Orel Saloonkeepers Sued.
ORD , Ndb-VApril' ' ' : ! . [ Special"to TUB
BKE. ] Papers have been lllcd with the clerk
of the district clerk atfOrd in the suit of Mrs.
Olive Widcll againstCharles ; A. Hosier and
his bondsmen nnd Josqph' Slobodlng and his
bondsmen for $10,000 .for damages sustained
by her by reason of her husband's intoxica
tion fromlicjuor sold him by the defendants. ,
After a day spent in Ord ho drove to his homo
in Gorllold county In the evening , and driv
ing off the road in the dark capsized the
wagon. Mrs. Widell was thrown out and her
leg broken , rendering her a cripple for life.
The accident took place about two years ago.
Flap Kaislnfi at Anhland.
ASHLAXD , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BIK. : ] Ashland follows the
patriotic example set bysomoof her sister
cities in raising Uncle Sam's stars and stripes
over her school buildings. Today was set
apart as "flag day" and this afternoon flags
were raised uponour school buildings. At 2
o'clock sharp a procession was formed at
Fifth and Silver streets , the Jlrst division
of which was led' ' by the silver comet band ,
followed by speakers , the city council in car
riages , public schools , four ladles represent
ing the four new states , Women's Uelfof
corps and Grand Array of the Hepublle. The
second was led by the Citizens rood band ,
followed by the flro department in uni
form , seventy-five , in number. Thence
came citizens in carriages. After a
short parade they headed for the high
school grounds , where a speech was nuulo by
Hon. A. B. FulUur , response by Superin
tendent Morgan , nnd several other short
speeches interspersed by national airs. The
Hag was then raised by an old marine soldier ,
Willhun Smith , amid the deafening .shouts of
about six hundred pupils and two or three
hundred pcoplo. The flag raised upon the
high school building was about 12x18 feet ,
while at the snmo time there was raised upon
the cost ward school building u Hag 7x12
Nine Saloon JJIociiHcs Granted.
BEATWCB , Nob. , April SO. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BUB. ] The city council last
night unanimously granted nlno saloon
licenses. Tha license fco is fixed at $1,000
each. The general impression was that at
least two of the now members would oppose
the granting of the licenses nnd considerable )
suspnsff is maniicstcu tit , tno outcome , in a
en tire council was present and a distinct aye
came from each member on each petition.
To Develop the Hoimlillonn Valley.
OXFORD , Neb. , April ISO. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS But : . ] Pursuant to the call of
President Stlno'6fi the Hcpubllcan Valley
Editorial associating u meeting of rcprescn-
tivcsof boards ofijades , real' estate agents
and leading business of the valley was
held hero today , njt\which was orgauUcd the
Republican Ynllnyjlmmigratlon association of
Nebraska and iMhsas. The organization ,
wnich owes Its' paternity to the Re
publican Valley ! Auditorial association , has
for its object , .tho systematic and ef
ficient advcrtisttta'Af ' the fcrtllo Republican
valley nnd lulJucuiV territory. A largo at
tendance was piraflnt and an enthusiastic
meeting held. Qjn ra were elected for the
ensuing year a.Sifollows ( : President , J. 1) .
Stlne , SuperlorjijscWoUiry , G. E. Whltmccr ,
Oxford : treasuccrj'Ed Marshall , Bloomington -
ton , and onu vice president from each county
represented In the district. The Nebraska
vice presidents anoH. H. Anderson , Nuek-
ollnJ. ; P. A. Black , Franklin ; P. O. Hcd-
cund , Phelrff | T.-nUS Clcason ; J. W. Maitln ,
Red Willow ; L. .1. Henries , Furnas ; F. B.
Ulloy , Hitchcock ; J. R. King , Dumly , An
adjourned meeting" will bo held at Orleans
May 111 to jwrfeet arrangement and com
mence Imincdiato work.
In the Jury's Jlnndn.
GIUNT , Nob. , April 30. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HUB. ] After a flvo days' trial th"
Howland damage suit against the Chicago ,
Burlington k Qulncy bos at lust gone to tliu
Jury. Thirty-six witnesses wcro examined.
The attorney for the railroad occupied
most of the ilny In his clanlnir argument. Thu
attorney for the plaintiff closed tonight.
Fine Agricultural OJrounilH.
KIUUNKY , Neb. , AprilSpecial ! ) [ Telegram -
gram to Tun Bi'K.l The directors and
officers of the Buffalo County Agricultural
association mot hero today nnd located per
manently the now grounds , which consist of
t forty-ncro tract three miles cnst of the city
A mlle track will bo laid out n ton 00 nnd other
expenditures under contemplation will mnko
this ono of the most desirable places for exhl
bitions of speed in the stnto. It is oxpoctci
that all will bo in rendlncss for a scries o
Juno races.
A tlrutnl
Coi.UJtnus , Neb. , April CO. [ Special Tclo-
gram to TUB BEK. ] C. H. McCuno , nigh
editor of the Dally Telegram , was while on
his rounds for news about 13 o'clock las
night , waylaid and almost beaten to death bj
four young toughs , who had n well Intc
scheme to seek revenge for an article wit I el
appeared in the paper a few days previous
Two of the young men ore now in Jim nnd an
officer is in pursuit of the others , A prelim
innry examination will bo hud before the
county Judge tomorrow.
The Kearney & llluclc Hills.
KEAnsBr , Neb , , -April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : ] gangs of work
men began operations today on this end o
the Kearney & Black Hills railway nnd the
work will to pushed with all possible haste t <
meet men who am at- work on the other em
of the lino. The Union Poclilo will build n
$12,000 depot hero this season , which will bo
used jointly by both roads.
Became DIsnatlBllcd nnd IlcHlprncd
BEATRICE , Neb. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEK. ] "William Lapoworth
engineer of the waterworks , resigned todaj
on account of his dissatisfaction with the
present muddled condition of affairs In the
waterworks department. His successor has
not yet been named. Lapoworth was only
reappolntcd and confirmed at the last meet
ing of the council.
A Complimentary Concert.
KEAUNBY , Neb. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BDE. ] A complimentary con
cert was given hero this evening to Lieuten
ant John Ktnzlc , who has been tno guest ol
Juan Boyle for several days. The best musi
cal talent of the city assisted in the rendition
of selections from Donlzcttis' operas. The
concert was ono of the leading society attrac
tions of the season.
, Runaway nnd Street Cat * Collide.
BiiAiHicn , Neb. , April 00. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BUB. ] A street car was com
pletely demolished on Jackson street at the
intersection of Eleventh last night by a run
away team. There were no passengers in
the car at the tlmo. The runaway team and
wagon were also badly used up in the col
Probahly Fired by Tramps.
NEBRASKA Cur , Nob. , April 30. [ Special
Telegram to THC BCB. ] When the family of
Albert Hauptman , living eight miles south
of town , nwoko this morning' they found that
sometime during the night the stable had
burned to the ground , consuming thrco line
horses , two mules , harness and n lot of grjiu.
The origin of the tire is unknown , but is oe-
llovcd to have been caused by tramps.
A Severe Electrical Storm.
BEATRICE , Neb. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] A severe electrical
storm occurred over a largo section of this
county today. George Ilid ley , a well known
farmer , living ten miles west of here , was in
stantly killed by lightning while planting
corn in an open field. Ho leaves a wife nnd
ono sister.
.Beatrice Municipal Progress.
BEATRICE , Neb. , April SO. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEK. ] The city council at its
ineetincr'lnst itlirht decided nnnn.a thorough
remodeling of the city building for municipal
purposes and upon the erection of a new hose
house in each of the four wards of the city.
Suing Tor a Ijust Drug Stock.
HASTINGS' , Neb. , April 30. { Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.n. ] D. W. Palmer of the
Into drug house of Palmer & Pardco of this
city has brought suit in the district court
against the Union Pacific railway for dam
ages in the sum of $3,000 for a stock of goods
lost near Echo , Utah , in December last.
Votes Sewerage Bonds.
HASTIXOS , Neb. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram Ho THE BBE. ] Ofllcinl returns from
four wards in the city show that sowcrago
carried by nearly five hundred majority. The
vote was (131 for and 157 against. There is
great rejoicing tonight.
Take Ackcrmnn , an Omaha Thief ,
Shot Dead hy iris Wife.
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , April 30. There was n
scusatiqual scene in the police court this
morning when the wife of Jake Ackcvman , a
thief of imtlonnl notoriety , shot and fi.tally
wouiKled him. She had been sitting beside
him in court. Tvhero ho was awaiting trial for
beating her. Ho spqko to her in a low tone ,
when , without warning , she drew a revolver
and Bred into his abdomen. After ho fell she
fired at him twice again. An hour 'Inter ho
was dead.
Ackonnan was a notorious crook. Ho had
served terms in the penitentiaries of Missis
sippi. Louisiana. Kansas nnd Nebraska. At
the time of the killing ho was wanted in
Omaha for the robbery of Morgan's silk
Mrs. Ackernmn claims that she killed him
because she was afraid ho would murder her
when ho got out.
Operations Continue Liberal , the Ag
gregate Being Slightly Ftoduucd.
CiNciN.VATr , O. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The Price Current
will say : "Western packing operations con
tinue liberal , although the aggregate for the
week is a little short of the preceding week
Them Is a gain , however , of 00,000 compircd
with last year. The total for the week is
23j,000 hogs against 175,000 last year. From
March I the total is 1,7 ( 5,000 against 1.T 0,000
n year ago , making an increase of 215,000 , or
nearly 14 per cent for the first two months of
the summer season.
Cities. 1390 1SS3
Chicago . . . . IU5000
K"ansn3 City. . 2I , ( XJCJ a.m
Oranhn HP.UJO moot )
Ht. 1 . . .ll _ „ . _ . , . ,11J 81,000 ; 13UUQ KtIVll
Admits That it IH u Failure.
LKAVKXWOHTH , Kan. , April ! 10. [ Special
to TUB BEK. ] Uev. A. S. Embreo , pastor of
thuFhstM. E. church of this city , has
aroused n great deal of comment by publicly
declaring that there are " 00 open Joints in
this city running In violation of the law and
with the sanction of the i > olleo. Thu reverend
gentleman says that ono hotel sold last Sun
day ninety kegs of beer ; that some of the
police officers nro accustomed to drinking
while on duty , nnd others nro bribed by the
keepers of the joints to protect them in tha
Hulo of liquor , Hev. Embreo further charges
that gambling dens , lottery schemes and
brothels arc running with thu sanction of thu
authorities. Ho appeals for a fair trial of the
prohibitory law , claiming that In the tun
years during which It has been upon the
statute books it bus nuvcr been enforced.
CwcXoo , April. 0 , [ Special Telegram to
Tim BKK. ] An In-bound throni < h passenger
on the Hock Island road crashed Into an out-
xmnd through freight on the Santa Ke road
this morning about 7 o'clock at Twenty-sec
end street. The passenger was a little ahead
> f time nnd cumo thundering along ut a swift
six-oil when the freight appeared in sight ,
1 ho danger of mooting was apparent to toth
cniflncoi-a dud they Blacked their trains suf-
Iclcntly to break the force of the collision ,
William Bulan , engineer of the freight , was1
irulscd considerably. The pashungcrs on the
Itoek Island train were badly frightened and
Hhakcn up , but no ono was Injured. The endues -
duos wcro badly damaged.
Preparing to Hnpprcst * DUorder.
BBIIUN , Aprilao-Tho government la takIng -
Ing great precautions to suppress any di or-
ilers that may nriso from the celebration tomorrow -
morrow by workluguicn.
Several Business Blocks Destroyed bj Tire
at Griswold ,
Citizens or DOS Mollies Jinking AVnr on
the Salvation Army A M'onmii
Fatally Iturncd Other
Iowa News ,
ATLANTIC , In. , April 30. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] A llvo-ntoro building , the city
hall , calabooso and englno house burned at
Griawold lost night. The losses arc esti
mated IM follows : F. H , Whitney of At
lantic , f5,000. Insurance * . ' , r > 00 ; Frank Nich
ols. * 1,000 : Will Nichols , $00j city of Gris
weld , ? 1,000 ; John Kem , restaurant , $100 ;
L .T. Roarer , grocer , 91'JOO ; Mrs. Dodge ,
milliner , $800 ; S. O , Ostorn , general store ,
. ' ,000 ; Gordon , grocer , 31,000. The Insur
ance will cover about half of the loss ,
Penitentiary Contract Extended.
DES MOINKS , la. , April 80. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The ejcccutlvo council
was in session this morning in consultation
with Wnnlcn McMillan of the Fort Madison
penitentiary'in regard to the cxtentlon by
the slate of the contract of the state with the
fanning implement comimny to the same date
of expiration of the other company cmploj ing
contract labor. The council , after discussing
the matter to some length , extended the tlmo
of the contract ono and one-half years.
Found Dead Itcsldo the Track.
DEsMoi.vns , la. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEB. ] Tom Murray , n resident
of this city , was killed by the cars near Bax
ter in n mysterious manner last night. Ho
left on the Diagonal for Malvern , got off the
train , appeared to bo drunk , nnd walked
around n while. A little later he was found
dead beside the track. His remains have been
brought hero for burial.
Salvationist ) * Arrested.
DES MOINES , la. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBE. ] For nearly four years
the Salvation army have had free swing
here , using the streets for their parades and
meeting two or three times u day without
interference. But the patience of these who
live in the vicinity of their barracks has been
exhausted , and complaint was made to the
mayor today. An ordinance prohibits any
brass band from parading the streets without
permission from the mayor , and the army
have ignored it heretofore. But the city
marshal warned them 'today that it would bo1
enforced. They defied the city government
nnd started out tonight as usual for a
parade. They didn't blow their horns until
the parade was nearly over ; thou u blast
Drought u dozen policemen around thorn , who
took the whole armv tq the city hall. The
troops went singing1 like martyrs , and when
they reached the court room fell on their
knees and prayed so long that the pollen
judge had to rail time on them and proceeded
to business. They word all bound " over to ap
pear in court tomorrow morning.
A Court on "Wheels.
FoivrDonoK , la. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKB. ] A special train having
an Important bearing on the future of thu
Minncnnolls .t St. Louis road urrivnd in this
city this evening. The train was practically
a court on wheels , carrying the Judge of the
Hcnnepin county court of. Minnesota , before
whom foreclosure proceedings against the
road arc now pending , together with the
legal and other representatives of the old St.
Louis company. The object of the trip is to
ascertain whether it will bo to the interests
of the stockholders to have the foreclosure
sale made or try and put the road on it feet
again under the present .management. The
court will examine tbo affairs of the company
all along the line and make- its decision when
it returns to Minneapolis.
He Had No Faith in Banks.
DES MOINES , la. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEB. ] Charles Gcuupp , a
farmer living near Ossian , Winneshii'lc
county , not having much confidence in banks
ns a safe place for his surplus funds , selected
the top of his heating steve as a bank of deposit -
posit , and deposited his pookctbook , contain'
ing 65. Mrs. Cicnanp built a flro in the steve
and when the pocketbook began to si//Io and
sputter the family wcro at a losto know
what the trouble was. Shortly after she
thought of the pocketbook ; shoved bark tliu
top of the stove , and to her ama/cment found
the took a mass of charred ashes. An exam
ination showed the bills burned in the middle
nnd pretty near both ends. Enough , however -
over , remained to bo sent to Washington for
Ottumwa Fair Purses.
OTTUSUVA , la. , April 30. [ Special Telegram ,
to TUB BEE. ] The Oltumwa fair association
lias decided to give over $5,000 , in purses in
their speed department , August 18-20. A
classes. Minor purses nro offered to two-
year-old trotting and running races. This is
in the southeastern Iowa circuit , embracing
DCS Mollies , Keokuk and Independence , and
u big field of trotters is anticipated. '
Capitol Ground Improvements.
DBS MoiXE" , la. , April 30. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] The executive council today appointed
General Ed Wright to have charge of the Im
provements of the capital grounds. Ho was
chosen chiefly because of his previous con
nection with the that superintended
the building of the capital. The last legisla
ture appropriated for the improvement of the
capltol grounds § 100,000. One-third is to bo
spent this year , one-third next year and the
balance the third year.
Teachers' Convention.
OTTUMWA , la. , AprilliO. [ SpecialTelegram
: o THE BEE. ] The county superintendents'
and teachers' convention of the twenty neigh-
Doring counties closed its two days' session
: oday. Excellent papers and timely topics
nnd llvelv discussions marked the entire ses
sion. A resolution was adopted to the olci't
: hnt a uniform state coin-so of four years In
county normal Institutes should be adopted ,
and no certificates bo granted without pass-
ng an examination in such course with an
iverago of not less than 55 per cunt.
Burned on Her Wedding Day.
FoirrDonoB , la. , April 30 , Miss LI/zlu
Warner , a pretty young lady of this city , was
badly burned yesterday morning while pre
paring for her wedding. Misa Warner was
emptying a trunk in which to p.ick her trous
seau , and throw the rubbish contained in iU
nto the fire. A package containing a pound
of gunpowder went Into the tovo with the
cst and exploded. Thu girln head , arms and
chest were , badly burned. Him may recover , .
nit willbo baJly disfigured. She was. to Iwvo
xvn married jcstcrday , but the ceremony Is
ndellnltcly po-itpoiicd.
A Woman Fatally llnrncd ,
NEWTON' , la. , April 30. [ Special Telegram
oTiiE HUB. ] Mrs. William Toedt , living
iqar Horn , In this county , went to the sinoKu
IOUSQ for some ham. AVhilo there her dress
aught flro and bufuro it wits extinguished
ho was very badly burned , receiving injuries
vhlch uro likely to provo futal.
Burglai-loH at Bonne.
BOONB , la. , April 80. [ Special Telegram
o THE HKB. ] Burglm1 * have been at wurk
lure this week , but have secured booty in
> ut ono place , that of Contractor Rleken-
wuh'h , where they got nearly $ iOO worth of
John anil HHon Hrpuralo Forever.
Nnw YOIIK , April 30. [ Special Telegram
oTitK BKB. ] Judge Dlttenhoofer , counsel
or Mrs. Helen Dauvroy-AV'wd , stated thin
afternoon that his client and her husband ,
ohu M. AVard , the great short stop , had , in
ho presence of thrir counsel , today higned
articles of separation on terms i-utlsfac-tory to
ouoh unil a spirit of frletidllnons to each
other Judgy Dlttenhoofor stated that thli
van a final
Absolutely Pure.
A orenm of tartar baking powder. High *
of laavcnlnp ; RtreiiKth. U. 8. tinvornmcut Ko-
ilort , Aug. 17 , l&fJ.
Another Cowardly Assault Tlmt Will Prob
ably End In Murder.
William Vlstod Itccclvc * n Bullet in
His Hi-cant While Attempting to
Itcoovcr IIIn Umplojcr'a
Another cold blooded crime , which will un
doubtedly result In the death of the vlelltn ,
was committed in Omaha last night.
William VIstcd , n young man of twenty-one
years , living with his parents at 1410 Wil
liams street , nnd employed In Bambergor's
dry goods store , at the corner of Thirteenth
nnd Harnoy , was shot down by a sneak thief.
It was shortly after 0 o'clock when some
one on the out-sido of the store stepped insldo
and said : "A man out hero Is stealing shoes. "
The clerics hurried to the door just in time
to see two men run across Thirteenth street ,
ono of them having several pairs of shoes in
his hands.
Young VIsted was the first man on the
sidewalk and at once gave chase , following
them into the alley between Harnoy and
VIstcd , ivho by this tlmo had been joined
by L. Block , another clerk , cautiously moved
down the alley , and when nearly half way
through they discovered the two thieves
standttiL' by a telephone polo and immediately
called to then ! to surrender.
Without a word the two men drew thor |
rovolver.-i and fired , one of the balls coing
wide of the mark and the other striking
young Vistcd.
The pcoplo on the streets hearing the shots
crowded into the alloy , and during thu excitement -
citement the two men escaped.
Attention was at once directed to the
wounded man , who was carried to the side
walk , placed in M. Latham's carriage and
driven to the central station , when Mr.
Bumhcrgor summoned Dr. Gapen , the city
An examination or tno wound was made
and it wns learned that the ball had entered
the right breast , three inches below the right
nipple , lodgmg in thu lung.
After applying restoratives and .stopplni ;
the flow of blood the vmtnir man was placed
in a hack and driven to his homo.
The physicians iu charjio regard the wound
as u very serious ono and state that the
chances are decidedly against the young
man's rccovcrv.
A Young Kmlor./.I < ! r Arrested. i
NiswYonic , April 30. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bic. ) Charles V. Ilenkle , twenty-
three yours old , was arrested hist night lit
Morrisiaim for embezzlement. Ilenklo wnS
in c'liurgo of the ofllee of the Glebe Light
and Heat company at 13'J ' Michigan avenue ,
Chicago , of which Martin Maloney , presi i
dent of the Now York and Now Jersey
Glebe and Gaslight company , owns
the controlling stock. Mr. Mnloncy ptit
Ilenkle In chnrgp of the Chicago olllcc When
he relumed from Europe recently ho found
Henhlo'H resignation aw.iltlngJilm. Ilo or
dered nn Investigation and found Hcnkli : nn
embezzler to the extent of several thousand
dollars. Ho had loft Chicago , however , lea\-
lug a.voung wife behind him Thedi'tee'lvo
who was looking lor him hoard that Mrs.
HciiUlc had come to attend a funeral. Slui
was located and Henkle was found with her ,
Maine Prohibition Not Invalidated.
IJKWI * , Me. , April 30. Judge Dre.sscr of
Auburn , who bus given much attention to the
matter , says the recent decUlon of the United
States supreme court * by no means invalidates
the Maine prohibitory law , OH has been re
ported. Judge Dnsicr says the deohlon
interferes with only a part of thu prohibitory
system. It operates against the seizure uf
liquor at railroad stations , but doc-s nut pre
vent seizure after the liquor is brought to
shops and transferred to vessels. It merely
opens the way for owners to recover liquor *
by absolutely proving they are In the original
Stlokli'fs for JcfT'orHoiilun Ideas.
CHUu.uyrox.S. C. , April 30. The South
ern Press association today adopted a resolu
tion denouncing the pending congressional
measure making the government n party to a
general telegraphic scheme , as a dangerous
doi > arturo from the principles of government
defined by Jeffcisou ; deeluriiig Hint the
tendency to ccntrali/atton In the administra
tion of the government nnd increase of oftlco-
holders ought to bo checked , nnd ren.umting. .
southern representatives and senators to use
every effort to defeat the measure.
The Flro Iteuoi'd.
K.S'oxvn.i.n , Tenn. . April W ) . The hou .o of
William Holder , near Cumberland Gap , was
bullied hist night. Ilulder , his wife and ojiu
Mittd ti/ii t lied In ftm flutneH. Kit-
children escaped In their night clothes.
MINNKAI-OI.I * , Minn. , April ! ! ( . - E\t nsI'-
fires In tliu timber southwest of Mandan , .
D , today caused a heavy loss ,
are reported.
, April 80. Senator Cnlh Ur.
day reported favorably the bill tiitrodueti \ Y
him to authorize ) thu iuterbtato commission V )
prosccuto Inquiries Into the alleged violation *
of law by means of .special agents who shall
have authority to tuko testimony , administer
oaths and send for poisons and papura .
for Kummlnr.
Afiivitx , N. Y. , April W ) . Warden Dun-
ton made a of thu electrical machinery
thin afternoon for his own satisfaction , A hlx-
weeks' old calf weighing I'M ' pounds was the
victim. When Iho volt meter registered I.IXW
the switch was tluou-n nnd tliu calf died In
stantaneously with butonutremerof the lopi. (
WASIII.XOTOX , April ! > fSiweliu Telegram
to THE Bui : . ] Bonds offered ! $ llKM ! , at
1'osltlvcly cured by
these I.ittlo Pill * .
They also relieve IU )
trcm froinWjsiwpftla.Ju-
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
IVER Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Ulizlucw , Niuisca ,
PS US. DrowfiliiOH. Dad Taite
In the Mo'itli , Coatcil
Tongue , I'uln lit tuo hMo ,
Toiti'iu J.ivin : ,
resulate the IioireLi. Purely Vegetable.