THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , AVEDNJflSDAT , APKIL 30 , 1800. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat StarU Strong but Health Quits it After a Time , AOTION IN CORN A SURPRISE. Not Up to tlio nstlnmtci anil DoliiK Little A Pair Dcinnnd In Quotations. rmcifio April 21. [ "pccht Telegram to Tut : Ili.r ] The \\lie'it : mnrkutftturtcil strong till * morning , but It was iinythliig hut stroii ? tnnstof tlicse'ilem. Dltp.itcliiM trnm Hpiln , ; * fii'ld claiming ( lint dm agricultural liirc.nt rctxirtfi allotted 7" pcr cent of tlio winter wlicnt lie-Id plotted up tuiil only liulf a crop on tlio h.iliinco , tex < tlior with n. dcurcnsu of nearly 1,000 GOO butlicls In wheat on ocean PISS.IKO ncro forces \vlilcli Inlluonccil tlio nmrkut. May wlioat opened at DOe itiul Juno at 60c whileTilly Wiistlp Uo at S7'o. Thcso were tlio lop prices of tliu day. July sold off at fcfWelii the lint hour , with a slight rally at It o'clock mid a further decline toM'i&Sfl'iO ho- fore noon. Them wns hut a rally from this figure before 1 o'clock. Tlio fcuturo of tlio early trndliu wus tliu tradn Ki'ttlnu out In early fuluius May nnil June amlcatiNliiK nshiirp diop In prices for this inonlli. .Muy went off from DOe to M'jo and Juno from Me tofWe. Aslilu from soiling fidtnc .May mid June , llutchliisoii nppcnri'd to hudolnx little In tliu niiirkot. Tlio trade had H'MMal tlicoi It's ahout what ho would do on account of hit curl ) builties * . but all theories fall when iiliplled to an erratic operator. Tlio most c'oiiipkiioiis KcllltiK of tliu clay ns hy Jours A Kcnnctt , mid this did not exceed .WO , - WX ) hushi'li. Thuoutsldi ! iinwmif thmliiy XMIS iiuwt Imllhli. At 1 o'clock July wheat was Hi'v hid. \ \ heat touched the lowest IlKurcs of theday just heforu tliu close , when July sold ntM'.csti.iltfht nml closed in sil" ( ? ' l'o hid. May closed at the bottom figures H"iic tind Jiini ) ntt e. Action In corn wan somewhat of aMtrprlse. Tlio receipts erom > t up to the estimate hy n ho u I IV ) ears. An extremely .low rate hy liiUo to HulTalo would naturally hu an Incon- tl\e , hut today ovuiythlnx went hy con- ti.iile'S. blilpp"i-M weie not oolnxunv Iniylni. , Knily pilvatudlsitehesK.ild | ) ! Now York 1,1 ! loner on corn. Thlsvul the li.u onthchtart. 1'hst prices wore ahout Htuaily at .U u for May anil .EI'.c for July , hut them UIIHIIU limn c'd Into diclluu to Kc for .May , tel l 'Sc for Juno and toiCl'.c for July. Still later July went to 32' c. I'p to tliuery clo o theio was hut llttlo i.illy. lust prices were : Ma ) , ibY ; . Ium' . : < 2iitt.i2l c ; July , .K'.dJItlc ; heptem- unr. ( ' . Thciowasii disposition unions holders to get out and the easier reeling was thought hy others to ho hut it natural I faction with wheat and pork. May o.its sold today at ' 'I'/iC , to i'lljc , to 2PJc , to the close. Tlio easier feeling which wns noticed In pro- \lslons yesterday was more jil.ilnlj xcen today In nii s pork. Prices for lint pioduct \M ronot supported at tlio outset nml Muv was oir toiM , Jnnuto JI-.T'i and Jill } to i2.Ki. ! 'J hesii were the bottom figures of tliu day. llu- forii Iho clove prices were hid up to $ IJ.H. " > for May , $1,1 ft.- ; for June and (11.10 for July. I.ard wiiscry iulet ) all da > . The only selling of Im- poitaiiLU was hy the com- ' ' . .Short illn liany on call letting no at iH'iJ'j. woiemoro nethu than other products. This pioduct iiNo showed tiuttur stieiutli. May ilhs sold at f > li'iffUtSii ' , closing at tr > ,0 , Juno ulosul at ? " > . Ci'jiii'i. I" , and Julj sold att. > . t" ' und up to $5 4.5. VlUC.ifiO t.lYK STOCK. April 29. [ Special Telegram to TUB lit Kl-Cvm.F.-A falling olT of Gnoo In two duj shad the effect of stimulating the de mand and ad\unclng juices to l * > c o\cr the tdose of last wceU , and tlio ad\anco cors ulioiit nil classes of steers and prime hiitch- Cis'stock. Most of the aihance was made to day and yesterday , hut was about equally di- \ldcd. There wore only seventeen cars of Toxnns on nalo , the same sellliiK at steady prices. There was n steady demand fin all tttocUers and feeders otlcrul at steady pi Ices. Choice to extra bee > es. $ I.8J < 35.1 > j medium to Rood steers , UV ) to 1VX ) iiis , ii.'jojiifio : uw to i no ih , M 81x31.r ; UV ) to 1.1)0 ) Ibs , S-LMKiitdO ; stookers and feeders. tJS0irt4j ; > : LOWS , Hulls and ml\iil , ll.MMt.ltiH : hull. , J-MtXgJ.-O : Texas corn-fed Mi ors. f -'Vft-i I sr > ; gr.issci s , * J SlKtJ-l/W. 1 lees The demand was fair , with pi Ice- , about tlios.'imo as at the elo-o jesterdav. ItoiiKh and plain mixed sold as low as Jl.u/it 4.15 and best mixed at l 17l'ftl.y > , Itcst he.u v assorted Mild uniformly nt $4.23 itnd assoitril " . at * UV24.'JO , larsoly at the lattei pilcc. NFW YOIIK , Api II 20. [ .Special Telegram to TUB 1U.K. ] HOCKS Notwithstanding the ad- > auce already made In values and many ex- piesslons faxorlng a reaction , there Is a giow- Ing belief that stocks are Ineii good shape fora further aiUance. Them has been he.ny icallzlng from day to day , hut those who have paused to tuko profits lm\o lost no time In getting In again. The selling each day has cieatcd new shoit Interest and thK has helped the market upward. I'oiulgn buying also nuts as u constant force underneath the mar ket. The London niiukot this moinlng again showed oxtiemo stiength for Anioilcan stocks am ) especially In l.nubUllo Nashville , Northern I'.iclllc prefoirci and Norfolk and Wcstuin piefened Our market failed to fully tespoiid to this ad timer , hut oxcrjthlng wns materially hUhc nt the opening than It was last evening uni those thico stocks showed specially laigi gains , Louisville being up \ , Northern I'acllli prefcried ' 4 and Noifolk > Westtun preform 1 percent. Northern I'ailllu preferred , Louis xlllo. NatliNllle. Union I'acltlc , M. I'aul , am hngar were conspicuously actho stock" , whlh the amount of business ( lone In the test of thi list washaidlvasI.UKo as at the same tlmi xestuulay. There was at tint opening , how mor , some picssiiro to sell and prices agali nuncd oir , geneially small fractions but Union 1'aclllo declined 1 pni cent , St. I.ouls 3i and MN-onil I'aclllo 3 percent. On tlio other hand. Noi thorn 1'acllh pieforrod , l.ouls\lllo A. Naslnlllu , Klchmoni X West I'olnt. Sugai Itellneilos and SOUK others weie well held and e\on made slight pnhm. These stocks seemed to Impattmori htiength to the remainder later In the hoin and the pressnin was remo\ed. the marUul t hen becoming less uetl\ and I all > Ing slight ly The upward movement did not assume laigi ) < roportlons. The hour to noon biought m innteriul chamru In the list , whllo a feeling o IK r > oiisne was iinltiuiotlicable. The stool market had aconipletochanKo after midday liould and YannerblU stocks came to tin front In uctMty and strength The rNo It MI Miur ! I'aclllo was slcnltlcant. as Indlcatlnii ' wishes. ' fron Mi. tlouhl's I'lospeetUu news the west and from Washington was allot : bullish sort. The market becameleally' und strong ndery general advances wen made , Missouri 1'aelllu went U > 7.V . or a I1 ! jierccnt tlse. Crangcr stocks closed oxer lusl night , The total salts weiu II'i..lHio.shares. K Jl.l ItKKTN. o. A in II ? V-II % p. m. close. \ \ bo it- Knsy ; cash , NsiiifrNjJ.u ; Muy.bilSti ! Julj , Corn-StoaJy ; cash , S.'o ; May , July.IH'sC. July.IH'sC.Meaily cnbli , SiUoi May. ' . ' 4tc ; July , . U > o Kasy nt llarley hteady. I'rlinoTlniotlij-Easv l'iiixll'i. ' . \\hlsky-Jl.02. 1'ork-Vlrmi cash , JIS8XiIi.S5 ( ; May , IIJ.M'JQ 12 W , July. 1 l.lmaili.1 , " ) . I.aril-Steiulyjcash , Wi i May , { o22 } : July , Id .i7H , riour Steaily anil niiclninu'ed ; winter wheat , 12 OcVitl.T.v. tprlni { , tl , w & . " > U ) . Pro\lslon > hlionldi'i-.f > ix ) ? > -"i | j ; short clour , | A HXS * U ) i short ribs. 13 iViW.M. lluttor Meuilyt crcamoiy , 12 < 31'C | dulry , f 5 ( I'ic. I'het'soQuiet ; full oroani elii'ildius , t > a U'tO' Hats , KZ'J'iiVouns Americas , ItrtS Jti 1 * Ku'KS rirm ; fresh , Ulden-Meady ; hca\y and I liht green halted , MU c ; saltisl bull. aio ; dry Hint , tvu'c ; dry laltisl. inti'io ; dry calf , Siiiki ; deacons , 200 each , Tallow Mcailyt ! * .o. 1 noltd packed , . U U ! ISo. ' . ' , JVo : cuke. 4o. ' Kcoolpls. Sblpm'ts. Flour . . . . . . lilooo 11,000 Wheat . I , tWO UOOO Corn . . 4140,000 401,000 OutM . . 274.000 aULOUO New YOIIK , April 20. Wheat Neoclpts. ei,200 biubohi cxMrt8. ) TB..V4 bushels ; spnt kJukcd ktcud ) j No. U reel , U7 ! o lu vlututor , WN > fis'te afloat , O7'i0fi ) > f , o lit option * lower , No J rcil Aprilcloslnis at Prt < , Corn Hi" rlpti" . UV , I X ) hushel ; export" , 77100 ImMirll : spot lower ! No. 2 , tV'-FJ'i' ) ' III elCMitor , : atlu ( io alloutl ungraded mixed , Ui'CiMlei options steady. M'iy closing at , Slic , Oats Itei'clnts IFXX ) ( ) husheU ; export' , 217 bushel * ; xpot wenUer ; No. 2 white' . .UftiTi'ic ; mixed wrsicrii.n.lff-tV' ! whlto western , iVfeMet options lower , May closing nt tO'ic. Ootfue Options closed wetiU , "AYHsn points ilown. Hiilc- " , 4l'iV ) hnjss : AprlI , tlOWi Slay , tliwvai0nr , . Spot Hlo HiiKnr Itaw. stoiuty ; inii cii\nilo , 80 test , ( Ic ; ullned.easlor. stitnilnnl "A. " (11-lOcs ( cut lonf 7cj | K > wdcird , n7-1C : Branlilnti'rt.rtlUfii' . I'e'troli'iitii riiltedcloicil for May nt S Kites Kislcr ; wustern , 1J' Pork MroiiK ! new IIICHS , fiv | > aii.2. " > . l.-inl lu y ; ttcsternste.ini , KiJO , May ci Ins at to r > hid. lluttcrI'lno fresh drnij western dulry , 12c : cie.imery , loah'iO ! I" ' Cheese -\Vc.ikj we'stern , I.oiri . April 20. Wheat Lower ; cash May. Ki'ic , Corn Lower ; cash. M'ic ; May.20'4c. ' ( ) its Lower ; cash. 2."i4c ! May , Sic. Pork Dull ntIJ.X ( ) . Lard -Km Whisky-Steady at $1 02. Hut lor Unchanged ; crcatncry.lG < SM7i < ; dairy , MlVMK\POMa , April Receipts , crn , April , and May. Hie" on track , MIMVAUKKR April 21) . Whe-at Kaslcii 2sprInB , eiiHli , Ktr3o ; May , W'ic. ( Wn-lnll ; No.icWtJ2'5e' : : ' . Oats-Sleaily ; No. 2 white , 27' Jo. Ujo-.inslei : ; No. lBI Ji' . Provisions Kaslei ; pork. 112.80. llarlcy bteadi : No. 2 In store , M'Jc. Oivct.Nv\Tr. Aptll 29. Wheat Ilarcly steadi ; No. 2 red , H'rS'iOo. ' Corn -I'lim ; No. 2 nilicd , Il7o. Oats-riim ; No. 2 mixed , 24'3. ' ' . > 7'Jc. ' Whisky JI.02. KA > S\S OITV. April -Wheat-Steady ; No. 2 , linrd cash and April , 71)obld. Coin Steady ; No. 2 cash. 29o bill. O its -No. 2 cash.'Vbid. . LivHiroot. , April 21) . Who it I'lrm but nuli'ljboblersolTorspirlnglyiCallfornhi No. 1 < iH IdB's 1'jd per cental. Corn Quiet and steady ; now mixed western 3s oil percental. / , ! I'M : STOCK. ClllCAno. Anrll 20.-Cattlo-necclpts , C.TOO | strotiKerand steady ; bee\cs. ILSsOJiT II ; steer- , M VS4 r/0 : stockers and feeders , | J.V)3lr > ! cows , bulls and mixed , $ l. ! > 0.ljO ( ; TOMIS steers , . lloiss-Hooolpts , lfi , " > JO ; market strons ! mixed , WOVisl.2i' , ; tl.O.idl.S7 > fi Hlht , { 1002 422' ' ' , ; skips , J.1 fiOa4.X ( ) . fchecp Ueeclpts , 4K)0 ( ) ; rnatkot stronc ; na- tlxes , f l.7"ift(100 ; western corn-fed , WOMOOOi TexansI.OOJ-,00 ( ; lamln. } " , OJ7.0. ! ST. Louis. AprllL"Oattlo ) Hccolpts , 2.103 ; shipments , 401 ; m uket stronger ; fair to fancy n itlvo steers , 1-1 ISJifcl 8'n stoukurs and ecdors , Kooolpts , 5OM ; shipmentn,70J ; market weak ; he-ivy , $ l,10Jfll.20 ; paokliu , * i ooai.n ; Hsiit , W otxai.ii. K \NSAH CITV , April 29. Cattle Receipts , 7,100 ; shipments , 2 , ' ) J ; poor steers IDo lower , others steady ; steers , SIIO'IMSI ' ; eowa , fl.75 < U 3 .VI ; stookers and focde-rs. J.8V3'I ( ,0. , Ho s Receipts , I , ; > JO ; shipments , 103 ; mar Uet lower ; all grades. $1 10 iil 00. Sioux dm- , April 21) . Cattle Receipts , 700 ; Hhlpinents , 2.1V ) ; miirket slow. lions Receipts , 2.1100 ; in irnot opened am closed 5o to 7'ic ' lower , $1 U03.1.U7. OMAHA LIVE SPOOK. Cuttle. Tuesday , April 2" ) . Estimated receipts of ciittlo2iiio ( cotnp ircd with I.M1 > estcrd.iymil .1,401 TitCMlay ol lust week. The market opened iictlxu on steers and cows , the choicest lots of steers readily olriM Inf , ' Ininils at u sh idn's advuticu and In somi' cases s ilcs were reported a nlcklc hlKhci with nil other ii.ulos selling readily llrm wltli yestcrdaj's puces. Cow stulfs , Includ ing homo line helfeis , was net lie and on most grades was stronior. _ Sonic crs were leeched Insnlllclent niimlicis to mecl u limited ( lent ind. The feeder market was * > lon ami pi Ices i tiled about steady withes - leidaj's decline. Hulls are actlc and III in , while good c'il\i's aio In demanit and prices leinaln steniU , Kxcii thing In tliu cattle line changed hands eailj. HOJ-S. nstlm ited icc'tilpts of hozs (1100 ( compircd with21' ' ) ) jesteid ly andfiMi Tuesday of last wtek. The maiket opened .x > to IDolower nt \\hlchpilcniill tliu pens wuto cleaned hcfoio mldil ly. Tliu raiuuof pi Ices w is fl U ain1' ; with SOIIIH pUs sell Ini at J-l.s" . om sortlnc iimoiu tlio silusnt * I.KMI ( ) ) < ril't. Tliu hulk sold at $ .J IKJfM " 174 The mura'iu prlco was JI < )7 ) > 4 eompaicd lthl 0'3i yesleiday and J'J3. ! ' ruesda > of last week. Sliecp. nstlmiitcd receipts of sheep l O. The sheep maiket is steady with goj4 mutt nib In du- mand. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ PretallliiK t'rlccH. The follownj ! ; Is a table of prices pild In this maikel foi the made of stock mentioned : Prlmostecr . 1 A ) to iroo Ibs . . .ifl'iTi ® 4 W ( Jooil steers , liiO to UV ) Ibs IM ffl4 10 ( loodsteeis , IOW to 1100 tts . . . . : i.H f 4 ft"i Common , KKK ) to IIV ) ms 2.UO ft I "i Common c.iiiners I.WI f'OO Uullimr > to fall eons 1 W fti-H'i 1'uli to good vow s l.lfl 5t2.4'i Coed to choice cowd 2U" ( ictliO Choice to fancy ios 281 < ft.I.V ) Tali to seed bulls 1.7" ) ( iu'u'i Choice' to faiii'j bulls . 2.V ) 5i.IV ) l.lKhtstockei-s.ind feeden 2V ) fflli'i IVnlurs , UVJ to 1100 Ibs 2.'M ( if-IU ) 1'ali tocholio lUht ho s . . . . 1 00 ( ( ,110 1 air tocliolci ) nea\j bo s 401 5i4.IO Tali to choice mixed hogs 100 4 4 10 Coiiiiirntiva Tables. The following t ihto shows the ringo pikes on lnudiulii ! ; this and l.ut week : AVOI'.IKO Cost ol' Tlio following table gives the average 03st of 1m'sou the ( lulo-ilnuullono I , inulii lln ? the cost today , us h iscd upon sale ) icpoited : Date Price. I ) ito. Pi Ice Apill 1 Ji 071 , Apill 1(5 ( 4 id ! April a I OTilt Apill 17 I Olli , A | il IIIII 4 lll'i ' Apill 18 4 07 Apt II 4 4 OS1 ] Apt II I' ' ) . . . . 4 ( > s Apill 5 I I0 4 April21 407' , Aplll7 I 1- A nil 23 3 < W' , Aprils 41. Apill2l S10 A pi 111) 4 OS j A nil 21 4001 Apill II ) " April'4 IV Aptll II 4 01' Apill 20 4 07i , A pi II 1- 4 It' Apill 2S 4 m\ Apill II 4 Apill2 ! ) J 07' . Apill 15 I 0 > l'i ' Ijjuost Sales of Toiluy. Saturday. Hi hest . Jl 0- . ' , Highest . Jl H J DO Lowest . 40 Stock Iteuclpts. Onic-lal Sitimlnv. INtlmateil Today. Cattle . . . 74 ears , r > H fliittlo . .lis cars , 2iVX Hogs , I7oas , JI'JJ llo s. . . . in oars , 0101 Micup 2 cars , IM AVOIMKO I'rloo ol % Hills' . Sbowliu the av or uo prloo p ild for loids of licgson thuilnjslndloatud In I Mvii , Ib-fJ and 10 : Disposition ol' Stoulc. the number of cnttlo bnuht by thuloiclbij bu } ors on todaj smatkot. 0 VTTI.K. Swift A.Co . . ( Jeo 11 Hammond A. Co . 271 Ariiiour-Uiidaby 1' Co . 271 Omaha P I'o . . l.oo Uothsc'hlld . . llenton > V Underwood . llecker.V De en . 175 front * X Van sant . I. I.obniann . Shippers mid feeders . 25U nous. Arnioiir-Cinlahy Packing Oo . 2MI Jiuulin Packing Uo . . . 14M tico. II. Hammond I'.iuUliu Co . 4R.-1 ' 25 ] bit I.I I' . Swift .V fo No. A v. Pr. .1 1177 : II 40 a TIM 1210 a no 1150 740 aw UA ) 1J20 3N ) UsO aw IW ) a co 101)1 ) a co II 1UI3 a u ) 17 115.1 a ui 23. 10113 a iu 10 ia\i ata 2 . 075 am 16..1KJO 3C3 Market Mention. Hogs lower. Cuttle active and host stronger. James Ucnnctt had u ear of cattle In from I'endi'r. Rudolph Uliich marketed hogs and cattle fiom Tolilas. I.ars Kooth hud two cats of cattle on the market ftoinNiier. . Oiilhitlno & Co. of Itromlleld nnd W. O. Horn of I'lillllpsc.ieh marketed ho s. J. M. Kmarlne sent oer a car of hogs and Ih o caisof cattle from Council Hlulls. William IKhoino , the well known dealci ol Ncohi , In. , had a ear of cattle o\cr. Itooiioj & Co , well known shippers , icpre- sented lluij ton on the IIOK maiket. Itadger.1 njiU'iT. 1 { . C. Kohcrts and H.Noll each marketed ho s , fiom Arlington. GlcnwiHid. la. , icintilhiiti'd twocais of hogs , shipped i > y w. x. .i r. M. iiuiiinmoii. C. H. I'lshei , a piomlncnt shljipei of lltib- hell , had a car of cattle on the market. J. Hurtle marki'ted cattle fiom Coolie , Ilrocl < and Talmagc , and a cui of Ini0-s fiom I'anama. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Product * . r < ms StiK'tly frcsli , lOe : colil stnrngi * . pluk- kil , lliiiol , s.iltoil not \vaiiti'd at am price 1'oui/ruv TurKuiS iln setl , fancy ilry lilisUul , ILItM.Io ; tnrUi'js , lixo. PIT Hi. , oaili-s ulilckins. fane } . lUQI.V ; chlokcns , vliuliv , ! o iuo ; ihk'kviis , llM' , pui iloi. , MlKKTi-lV ) ; i-ii'Mt , ( IrtssiMl , fancy , K8lV ; ( ! ei'-c. ( ln" < iil , vlinkv , tkiflUc ; ttL'SL' , live , ( InJuXB.7iKI ( ) ; iluc'Us , ilii'ss < d , ftnc > , Ik1 ; iluil ! > s , choice , sTtlk1 ; iliuKs , llu , ilo/ , f J : KK3.I DO ; plui'ons , don Odfjil.s.'i. ( JMV..Ini'K Milpu. fl.KX3l.'i ( : unlilun iihni'i , II ( X > B1 - " > ; malliinl iluuUs , il.iVgL'.ou : u.invas- biicU ducKs fl O0rti.o0 ; icl-lii'il diioU ! , , iloz , * 1 J.VBI.-J ) ; ti-iil ilnt'Ks , doz. , fiOcC'il.'jri ; mixed ilUL'Kstlo/.ric ( ) < rtil ( Hi : BL C" > OO.inaau.f.'oOiSJ.tW ; Kfcse , .iiltill , tl.tHXiil 50. ' ' IKaiS'io. .MU'i.KSi'dAH-I'orlb , t'lUhM. 1'ci II ) , full cream Young America. , Ilo ; full cream twins , .ID'jOj full t-rcam Ohio Swiss , Hie ; full cream WUioiiMn fcwiss , UBJldc ; full oK'iim ( jilcU , l.'c ; full CIL.IIH llmbur er t-wlss Ilo. HOM.V1OT140 per 11) ; strained IV. box , Meil 11.50 ; t'.illfoi lllll f.incj naMils , J'l.VJ ; I.os AiiRules. 1.100 ! M'edllmrs , Kherslde , { 100 , mountain , CI.21 ; In the helots , lOcpcrhox less.\PPI.VS Per do , $ JiO < 3 $ 1 V ) . hriivwiibitiiitb Per case , 24 qts , ! 500 ® * C'llifcli I'er 1)1)1 ) , roflni'd , ffl.V ) ; half libl , liunl cliler , jiuie , per lib ) , MOU ; nuiii o elder , half bbls. $7.00 ; pear cider , half bbls , iT.OO. MIMJI : Mi vr Mliio nei Ib I.t.Mo.NSI'IT box. Molina isiney1 OOSH 50 , IIs \s \ -I'IT bunch. * I.i'U.tiy. Creainer > , fancy mils , prints , 2lc ; creamery , faiioj , solid p.icUul , etenmery , choice , \fa\'w dulry , fancy mils and prints , I415o ; dairy , funo > willil packed , 1 ) ® ! 4o ; dairy , cholOo , I'Jfttllo ; coiintii roll , fancy. ItXicl.'c ; choice , lOMIlc ; country roll , Kood , lirpioc ; country roll , fair , TOs-cj poor " HUM- ( Quotations are for delivery In Clit- iKi ) . * Diy biilTalo , per ton , tlilOfkilHOO ; dry eountr ) , bleached. * 10 no ® I.I 00 ; dty c-uiintrj , damp and meaty , J--i ( K > UIO oo. VnifcTiiiLKS Old htti'Lt potatoes , fancy Mu eatlne , per bill , f I ( H ) ; onluns , extra fancy. I4..V ) ; onions , fair , $ , ' .V ) ; rutabagas , JJOO ; car rots , J..OO ; parMilps , J.'V ) : betts , * . ' . ( ) ; horse- ruilMi loots , per bbl , fj > 0 ; pet Ih , To ; enleiy loots , per bbl , 111 ( X ) ; perduWe ( ; hoiscradlsh , pot dor pints , 11'J.V I'ltEStHN ' S-ftlifco per 11) . .ll.i.Ul-H - , ' ! ' , flic per Ib. VKti/-ChoUu medium , SQOc ; ll ht &U6o ; hciny. iUV , Ai'i'im-Vor bbl. Genllons , 1400 ; Willow Hen I > ii\ls. i.N ) ; Homiinlte , rt I'er llnmlicd , 1100. I'lt'KifcS Medium , tier bbl , t 50 ; Hiiiall , M.V ) ; Kherklns. KM ; C. A. H. thow chow , uts , ; iilnts , WJ.\ , IHITTOKS 1'cr bu , fancy , 3OiJ-ttc ; fair to good , iOia c. Dry Hnmr.N COTTOV Atluntlo A. 7'ic ; Atlantlo II , To ; Atlantic I ) , li'lo ; Atliintlo 1 * . bu ; Aurora . ' , 4HO ; Huck'K Head , HJ4o ; I'aliotV , liVjoi Dar- \ii.i v4 if , wt .uib ii iii , i 4i ; lli.EUiiM ) ( "OTTONfi-Uerkcloy cnmbrlo No. CO.IHJ ; Ui-st Vet. 0'40 ; HlaeUklono A.V , 7 4u ; butter cloth XX , 4'0 ; Cabot , T'iCj UwUht Anchor , Oo ; Diamond , bhrunk , 0 | o ' : Kllcrton Wtf.T'io ; Farmers' Choice , U' , ci I'lnst Call , 0o : iHchMlle,7 > o ; Krult of the Loom. 8 u ; lolilc'n \ \ eddliiuso ; lllll Semper Idum. bo : lUr > t , ( iOi nope , TliOj llouxekccpertUc ; Kins riilllinnml rlek \ > , Jj\i\m\in \ \ n II , O'o ' ; I ) iiMlnlo s iO | I.oiiMlnlo ( .aiubrlo , 10o | > err Vi rknillK. UP. * \NII 1'n.t.o > T r.i'-tNn Ilrown 4Vln , 1HJ ( I'eiiiK-rell , S-4 l e 1'op- l'eppirr1l,10-4 , 2201 lloaton 5-4 , peii'll 0-4,2uc. , - 12'.oj lli > ton f-4 2iv ; llorolS3 , ; Itosfon , 10-I.2V-I'tlca. 41.111 , i.v > 1'tlea.sfn , I7'4ej I'tlca , 7S-ln,24c : I Hca.wMin av * ; t'tlca.l"0-ln , , - , . Amoskcnc. ess.S'iC ' ; IIati , (1'ic ( ' ; U'nrwlok , die- . ; ic I.nnonstcr , 0'ic ; Ulennlrb ; O'clilteiiton ; dre s , i 'ic ; York rmorltrt , ilies" . h'je'al ; cuttn. dress t cj .NoimatnUc , ilrcss , tc ; Lekes ter. dross , tv. I'IIISTS Mnrtlm WntlilifQtnn , Ccj Amprlonn OUoi Arnold , tl'ic ; Arnold II ; Ions cloth , 10c AmiTlcnn. 10i' ; Mlllul A. I'.V ; Amatm A , 1.V ! Morrlmaok S , UKOolil ; I.enf. lee ; Uoltl TIcKet too ; Hamiltonr > 'io ; Alton I'lnUi , ( ISe ; Allei Chambray , no ; ( Jloiiocsler , fl'ip ; I.ddyKtone d'lO ! Windsor.R'tCi Hamilton,0'teMeolUl\er ; lc ; Kamatu ) , 4'ic ; t , l.cgor , "I'io. Shirtings .Marthaashlimtoni ( i\o ; Allen , ftc ; Merrl mai'k , ft'ic. Turkey Keds ; rounlaln , O'ic ' Oarner. To ; Crellehl , " 'Jo ; llerlln , rijc , CIIKIKSIinlncllile , flijc ; Iinlncl blo.NX. O'ic ; Crawford , tc ; Otis , N'ic ; Kcon oinv , i-'ic" Park , UWu , Wei Ciiledonla X 10'ic Cakilonla \ V , IDHc. Unr.vioT Wlnnionnclt , T'So ' ; AVhtttcnton Tlte ; Mntor. ? os Amoskenp.strliies , sio ; Amos Ki'.ili. plulds. U'lc ; se.i Island , UooUfold , Ilie sea , buQbfoltl. 12'jc : Kdlnbnr .l'c. ' I'llKINOS Oakland , A , O'H' ! Onklnml , 0.7c Amookeai ; , A C A. M'iot llerwlok. bookfoli silecn , ( so ; Hiinnah. bookfold batten. I4e \ \ in ten , booKfoId satei n. t ( > c ; Nornond , book fold s UIMMI , ll'joC'orclls ; No n , ll'jc ; ( ordlsNo 4. Ill'.e ; foidls A O II. 1 l'tc ; Coidls K P. fancy 9'tc ; Coi ills VM fancy , 1) ) ic ( . 'OTTOS Mil sYoik Niinkln. 10'tc ; Hxerett So ? , l c ; iijln , oz. ISc , Tint Hock. 8 o/ , 1-c1 l.inlston ID o/ , "ieNorUlnxmans ; He Tranesnian's Ho ; ( 'orksen-w C'nslimeie''J'tC. Cinsii-fcteM-in' H , 10 In , .Vic ; MeM'iis' I ) . 1 In Go ; Elevens' A. II , In , To ; Mcu-ns' I' , IS In . , ( 'it' ! ? | UM'IIH' NN.'i'ln , O'e ; ttexins' &KT , M in. It'ic ; bli'.iehcil , Icextia. Ill SIMS AmosUenir , DoIC'to ; York.cnmlot 1.V , i\ciett : , standard. UV ; Andoxci , 1-e Voiesler. It ( ' , rj'ic' ! Majmakei's T'ic" Oil Vnik. X.\ . lO'.i'i Old Yoik , XXX. I'.V ; I.a - reme. a. , , ) , ll'ji1 ; l.a\Mi'iiee. .MO , I.H.e ; I.-IH reiiee , I'oz , I5c ; faney stripes and checks , lUjc ruuiT Pin rants , new. GUftfl'to prunes , cask" , l.ino Ibs. ( iVjl'i'nc ' : ptiines , bbl 01 b.ijts , G' ii'je ; cltion pi el. drums. JO His , " .to lemon p < cl , drums. 3Ue ; fatd dates , boxes , 1. II- ) , lie ; apricots choice evaporated , IJe ; apil- cots. Jelly ciiiid , Si Ib boxes. Ice ; apilcots f.inej- " > Ib IMIXU * , Idc , apples , eholio e\apor- ated , ll'ic ; apples pi line ne . 10e : URS. laj er ID pel cent t.ue. I ! ' e ; In sacks. 7c ; 1'erslni dates , To ; Salt I.aUo nuji'es ' , 5 ; blackbeiiles I'Mipoiated. i"i ( ) Ib boxes. i14c. ebonies , pitted dty cured. I li" peaches , pined , fnne > . lsjtK' ebolce. Ide ; . > alt Lake. : | illted plnnis Cal. I Ib boxes , h'sSlU'ic ; i.i-pbeirles eMipoiatcd N > . new , .lit , prunel l ( ( . ( ,0-70. lafyl'ine' oiniigi1 peel , JV ; i.ilslns , ( . allfornla. l.ondoi eiop IN1-1) ) K'40 , Cal. loo-e munMtel- crop ss > j | ) ; Viilenclas , ls\s , dijo , , new. lo ) ( al , seedless , s . . , to , Ondiiia. lajei , new' lie ; diled grapes. Bo ; piuiielles. new , lie risn-ri sh ho/en white trout , pike anil plekeiel. pel Ib , Te ; stuizeon , To. HIDES. I'I.I.TS A.M ) TXII.OWCJieen salteil hides .VeVe ; dry Mlted hides. 57o ; ilry Hint bideWilOe ; calf bides , 4it < iji'c. ( ngi'il hldi' * , 2c less , bheep iiells Kiieii , each , fiOi-OtLSS ; sbe < p. pi Its , drj , per Ib. tiGllc ; tsil- IOXT. No 1. .Prff.lV ; No - ' , .I'liiM'so ; ( 'iease , while .l' , S4i : jcllow" ( HIANS : Hand picked iii\j ! fl.V nifl ( ; haml picked ni\\ : . medium , tl WaMl \ ; band picked loilnlrv tWit \ 1.40 : Koodeleiin , tl ' . ' > aiJO Ai'fi.K lii'mu 1'ei Ib be. \ \ 001 I'lne UIIH ashed. 1 HtlO ; medium un washed. I'SiJ.'le ; coirse 1htJ2Jo I'L us He.ner , pel Ib. i5 ai 00 ; eaeb $101 © TOO ; otlei. e.teh. JX > iJ7iO wolf each. VXS Oo ; conn , each 40I7'i-io ; mink , each , .Ki"iOc ) ! , musk rat , fall , KM-'o : musk lat , winter. lvrfi ( " skunk VSHW ; hadgei. I0rr(0 | ( ; di ei skin- , pel Ib , 'Mfij. jOc ; dcei skins , w Intel , per Ib , I'Kl . -V. V.C \NNHI Oooiis 1't nils Cnllfoinla 'tandaid lu.inds , 2'j-lb , per do r-Apilcot- TUQI N" ) , apilcots pie fiiilt , * * ! VI ; Rillon . Win : bl.u-k- bei t les , U2.V. ehei I les. black , t. 0vrc.ri ( ; obei - lies white."J.ViJ - ' TO ; gi.lpcs * 1 b.V&1.sO ; pears , llaitlett * . ' KKiC--J. ) ! peaches \ellon , J..U"Tr , ' , ' > ; pe.tihis lemon cllujr. fJ.40 : ill urnecjj , H ( kViJ l.sil , plums , golden drops Ji Hi ; plumgieon giigcs , ; peaches with pits 111. 11.00 ; em i. mts fj..0 ; gooschun lu , $ . " .11j quinces , J..lo ; r.ispbeiiies , t.'sO ! stiawbeirh - $ 'V ) ; iiesielies , ,1-lb eastern stuiidanls , ; 1-Ib pie , * i 10il-lb ; pit WlB ; gallon pie , J.IOO , apples , hUh st indtiids , JJT' > ; 3-lb gooscbtiili's , we ; 2-lb st i aw berries D02".V. : 2-lb lasiibenhs , il Ot ) ; 2-11) lilnuberi les. H iftc ) ; 2-lb blackbci- ilos ikVSlT'c ; ' . ' -Ib straw boiilc1- preserved , Jl so ; .Mb uspbeiiles , preset v'rd Jl.hO ; 2-lb black- biVlilepioeiMd , fl.20lipliii > apples , Hall. uu , i chopped , f-'lK ) ; 2-lb Hah.ium grand , . ' ,75 ; 2-lb llnbam.i sliced , { . ' 10 ; 2-lb Mandard sliced , tl.2" . ai.Vl ; cbeiiles 2-lb rnU Jlaltlmoic , SiUOJc ; PIMM. 'Mb , il M. ' V > f.hT\ni vs Tomntocs-3-ll ) extra , 11.10 ; JIb - Ib standard western brand * , tOtfc.tjo ; gallons , stiletly stand.ud , $2lV ) . Coin 1 Incst grown , $1 bl ; gllt-eilguil sugar eorn , very line , 1150 ; choice 2-lb sug ircorn. $1 20 j 2-lb extia weblern biands , ( i.V5Ctl 00 ; 2-11) stand.ud western biands dfjaTOo. Miisluooms 1-lb rteneb.oxtr.i line , Wri'ic ; 1-lb rronch. tine , 18 J2o ; 1-lb , I'lcncli , iiidln.ii } , liilt-c. 1'eas TIC.S line , pel can , 2'ie ; deml line , per euii , Iho ; 2-lb slftiid. $ l.du2 ; Ib e , illy June , tl 2Ytl J5 ; 2-lh Miunin , stiiiid.ud brands , 11,10Ib ; soaked , oTo Stilng lieaiis-2-lb high grade. Hefugco. 8.V ; 2 II ) (5olden wax beans , TV ; 2-lh hiring beans , TOO. Lima Hcans 2-lb son ki d , 7'ic. Iloston II iki d lloans ,1-lb Is , } l ( "i ; oiown bund , JIM ) . " weet 1'otatoes .1-11 } New Jcrsej.Jl ( iO I'limp- Mn- , -,1-lb new pumpkins $1.10. Oki.i and tomatoes fl dO ; okia , il Mi ; succotash , tl 2J. I'lsttlodllhh , extia ( lcores , new , Vsc ; gland bank , new , 3c ; slhci , J-lb blocks , b'4i' ; snow white , . ' -Ib bileks. new. Do ; Turkey cod , lalge middles bilcks.osnow ; white elates , 1J-5 Ib boxes. , uc ; Icehind biillbiit.'te ; mi'dlnm scaled hen Ing , 23o ; No. 1 r-oaleil liLMilng. 2.V ; domestle Holland beiilng , 5 ; llambnig spbcd hurling , Jl W ; Kiishlan sirdlne TV- ; Kiii-lan Sardinia , plain.Vic ; Imiioitid Hiilland heirlng , eiown brand , suede faiicv mllkcis txio ; maekoiel , No , 1 shoiv , hnlf bbls , $ nuo ; bloateis , bait bills iKOO ; white 1Kb , Irilf bbN , $7.00 ; trout , half bbls , { j'lO ; fnmlljliltelKli , J.IOO ; stilmon , Js. j ; j.jjj maekerel ( heiilngl , { UliKiil.IO ; 1-lb baddies , $1 75 , 1-lb lub- steis , Jj i.vq.,11lb Maskn h ilinon , Aleut , II.M ) ; 2-lb ojsters. 10 Itt ; Mb oysters ro/ , * l I' , ; 2-lb select , U o/ , } . ' . , 1-lb clams llttlo nicks , iu'- i 2-lb clams , little necks , f.K ) : i -ll ) sin dines , Impoitcil , perea-o , 100iriUOriJOOi ) ; 4-lb Impoitcd bonelesssirdlncs .V ; 'i-lbsar- illnts. American , per ea c. 100s. I'lendi slv le. I-I.VK& > UUlbsaiilInes , Ameileaii , per ea-e , lOOa ; I'leneh stjb' , JT.VMfi 00 ; ia-lb saiillni s miiManl , pel ease , 50s , i I Ti1i4 00 ; Imported key s.udlncs , tllOO. t-OAfs Castile , inottled , pet Ib , SBlOojdo , wlilte. iier Ib .lie. llnooMs I'arlor , 4 tie. fc > .T1 ; ,1 tie , i.2'i ; sta bles , $ . ' Ki ; common , JI.5.WJI T5. Coo\ * i Ib tin 40ii pci Ib. I iioconiK 2J4M.10 per Ib : German chicory , it'll , s'e. fcAi.sooi Ilbls , ] so ; giantilated ; Kegs , MIII1'kgs , ( .0 HH to box. 5'i .1'e. N't'ls Almonds , Tic ; Hia/lls i.V ; Illbetts tjo- pecans , lie ; walnuts , U'o ; peanut cockb , st niastcd , lie ; Tennes-i e peanuts , 7c' . DULLS ( { Jioceis ) I'ei Ib llorav. l.'c ; cop peias.2'ie : Haj leaves , | 4e ; glue , lte ; i psoi salts , 4e ; glaubersallH.le ; Miliihitr. ' . " c. bin vlttol , Ho ; alum , 4c , tail. u Ic Held , 4.V ; iosln,2c s iltpctci , absolutely puie , lOe ; gum eampboi 2 Ibs In box , 1 o ? cakes , .Clc ; luiis | , > 4 and 'i 1 packages , 20o ; s ige , U and 'i Ib packages , IK miuldci , ; Indigo , .1 Ib line pi 111 boxis B 1' li.Vi .7Ue ; Indigo , I Ib and 5 Ib boxes , Madias UV > .eallng wux , 2. > Ib boxes , ted , ,1'ic ; scaling wax 'Mb boxis , white , 4c. hUHAlis Cut loaf , ho ; cut lo.if cubes Ti4e Ktnndaid , powdeud , T'ie ; \ \ \ \ . powdeuil ho ; gianiilated , htanduid , 0 , c , tonfie tlonerb. A , tiSc ; whlto extra , be ; extia t Neb. , 5T > e ; amber , .ISi1 lilltr.K Itoasted Aibneklu1Ailosa , Siio Mol.augblln's X.\\X , 2tl'c ' ; derman , 2. > 1ic Dllwiilth'.lk' ! Alaioma. ' . ' | 1e ; blllk2" > le , * CoitM.dieen I'tiney old golden ltlo,27c fancy old peaberrj,27et Hlo , iholee to fanej 'Hie ; Hlo , pilme , 'I c ; Hlo , goiid , . " "j ; bantu mil common Klo , l' a lc : Alocha , 2ici ) Ja\a genulnuO (3 ( , 2s j Ju\a , good Inlet lor , 23o Afilcan. . " "jo. l'liNAHusOooiS-H.irlejKt.'l ( : c ; farina 5o ; peas , .lo ; oatmeal , 1'OTJo ; macaroni , 10o \crmlcclll , 10 ; rice , lUMicr sago and tapioca UU7e ; lima beans , Uo. Oli.sKcro cno 1'i JOc ; W.V , 12 0 leadllght , ! ( < ; gasoline. 12c ; hiilnd oil. J-'ixHi U00perdo7. I.lnsitd Hthv.Ulc ; boiled. Ml.MSllaius , No 1 , in-Ibmeiage , 0'4C20t ( 25 Ibs 0 > 4c ; 12 to 14 lb-W 10o ; shoiildeis. fie' Jreakfast bacon , No. 1. h'ic ; bam Miusagc , be Irlcd beef hams. ( > 'tQ7Ue ; biof tongues , tnoi lerdoz ; diy salt meats , i Oi.iiC per Ib , ban roulette , U'joj ' boneless ham , 7 ! > u ; plenlo ham " ' 40. 40.CANMu > ImT I IbluniMi tongue , f-'TI ; 211 unch tongno. (4 T5 ; 1 Ib conn d beef , Jl 20 ; 2 II corned beef , I. 05 ; ( i Ib wi mil beef. WV ) ; 1411 corned bei-f , $14 W ) ; 2 Ib boneless pigs' feist . ' ,20 ; llbKngllsh btaWn , JiO | ; 2 Ib Kngllsl irattii , J..n ; 0 Hi KiiEllsl ) brawn , W.T5 ; lit chipped beef. r.'OO. 1 Ibcoriipiesscd ham , Jl 03 3Koi'fc Hiials Manilla nlpe , I5o ; bhal rope 2ltc ; cotton rope , llio , new piooess , H'ie ' torres Hlbb , > ery line , j or 4 ply 22c ; line , 20o ; DaUy , Ibo camllo wick , 2.'c , Oi.iyis cjuiirtHpcrdnz. , H.75 ; plnts.periloz. $ , ' 2 ; bulk , per gal , tk > o. VINMUH-JO ir. elder , lOc ; gooil , 12o ; whits vine , I.V. Srim : roi.i ii-4iOO < a.lS7or ] ) gross. HAiisAm. . , purlOO , I17.00 , l.uwlston , per 100 , It (10 , Moi.Assrs Ilbls. , N. O fancy , per gul , % .V2 To ; choice. 4.Vitt7ci good , .wajio , Cuba bukinif , S < e.l0o ; black strap , 2 ( t22c , WIIAPPIMI IHPHI Stittw , per Ib , I'tiasi.o ! ac. S'io ; mnnllla 11 , .V8 * * : No. l , To. II * ih I'nlon K i ua re , .103.15 per i out olT list. hu.TDulry. . W ) Ibs. In bbl. , bulk , . ' 10 ; beat grade , CO. 5.s , j. ' . W ; best rade. IW , Ih. 40 ; best railc.vs , 10s. r.'SO ; rock salt , crushed , Jl.bO ; ommon , bbls , , Quinine , tier 01 , 1' . xV. . , 40o ; Rrrman , 40oj ndlso , per H ) , 7Jo , lusrut powder , JOc : opium , tUO ; morphine , per oz , M io ; hops , pur Ib , JOe ; glycerine , 2lo ; duxtrlne , l.'oi outtlebonu , aSoj reum turtur , pure , J5o , couiuicrclul , Ibci cam phor , Die ; uui. garb. , Ho ; bluu vitriol , 7'(0 ! ndiU enrbollcv 4K'rot ( citric. 4 : t 4ci larliirle , .17 ( PKt tiillnburfc , : iVcj oils pt i m , ( I 10 ; vrhnlt * , OS , ( itMor. $175 ; nonts foot M-ffiOo ; turpentine , 4 < V ; Tonkn beans f I "ntl.w. balsuiii tnhi. .iN'MiHi ; calomel , twi P7e ; eiinthnrailles. $1 W M i"i ; ca sn buiU , 204. 22c chloroform , Ai'it-kio ! ergot , 4Ta ( "tfo ; gun arable , Metal * . IH.ocu Tix- Small pig , 2 > o per Ib ; bar Mo per Copprn-l'lnnUlieil Imller slre , Wo per Ib cold rollrd. 2So per Hit Isbcatblng , 2Tc per Ib pltts nnd Halts 2M ; per Ib. Uu.vAMn.n 'urirr IIION Dlso't MO pe eent , pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 242" , A , 10'ic ' ; H O'tO. . .ItnnriMiCharcoal , I. C. , 14x20 , US , $ " > ,75 ; I ' MllViTT ItltV-No. M , $ .1 0-i No. 27 , K.73. s-oi.ui u . TIN l'i.Vns-1. C. , 10x14 , 2T , , { 7.2.I. ; . X , 10X14 225. $ t > 00. ' -Coke-10xll.22o M.25. Tiv I'lTF - - , STFI i , N \ ii.sIla e. * . ' Si. hTV v i , Wjitt ; N'MI.S | in c t. fi. . \ \ lltr.Jap. . barb , 1 Ui ) galv „ 14.20. Tim unAi/rv MAKKHT. f NS-TUt'MKNI'S plae'ccl on ruooh ycstcnlav : 1" II Davis nnd wife to Oeorpo Tlnney , pt lots 19 and 20. r.ilrmount I'lace. w d.t 1,100 M Chaton nml wife tojolin Crabtrec , pt lot 12 , llarker's allotment , wd . TOO Hen llendrlckson to It I. G.trllcbs , Iotsa7 and .K blk 1. , llrlggs I'liico. w d . . 5,000 J \ \ nilltltli. ttiistec. to Lena U'aitlot P. blk . llai ker I'laee. w d . 400 W \ \ Dolen to H 1 , Uarllehs lots 1 and 2 , blkil , Ililgjis I'lnce , w d . . . COO II \ \ Vales and wife to N II Apple , lots Vntes A. Heed's sub. w d . . 4.000 21 In24. \V l \.l\l - Tt H t t I -ItXiW . 1 1 If 1 1 . t 11 . . M ! I.lmKo and wife to r K DJurecn. lots n and 10. bill 1 ; lots ' ) , 4. li. 7. U , 10 and II , ItlkS , 1Ia > tie's Stl add. wd . . P.SOO J 11 llungate and wlfo toV II Baldwin , jt , lot 1.1. blk 0. lledford I'lace. w d . IXK ) A ( ' I'aiil'-en et al. ex-ccnturs to W Ii ' . ' 1 hlk a William llagu- Shacl < lc > , lot , , doin'sadd. w d . 3.V ) .1 I. Miles to I. O Johnson , lot SO , hlU 10 , Uiehard lllll. w d . . GOO Omaha and I'lorence land and tiust eoniiiiiij toUtto , lots 19 and 20 , hi U l J , Hot em e , w d . . PM John ( jiiliin and wife to A li Itecd , o 4 7-11-1 1. w d . 1 A l < Iticd to Mnigaiet Qutnn , o " , 7-11-11. wd . . 1 1) K .lohiiMHi \\lfetollattle lllu/er , w 40 ft n 'i lot U , blk u , Uixli.ud Hill , w d . S.OOO A .1 ntih and husliind loll ( ' l'attei-on , lots n to in , blk I" , Dundee Place , w d . 1.0,000 Lena ( .Hit k and husband to A I' 1'ctor- srtn , lot . ' , hlk )7I. Ci.inilv leu. w d . . . 200 I.enii Quick and husliaml to AT I.lnd- iniest , lot ID. hlk 4.- . ( ir.nuh low , w d. 2.10 UTi'ov to W II Cox. w ' , lot II , blk I , I'attcison'M 1st idd to t-outh Omaha , wd . . . . 300 C ( \\entwoitliandwiretoC It 1'iank- lln w ' , lota , hlk t. Patrick's add , w d. ar.OO Liesloin - to. I II Melklc , und ' , lot U.I HHlloi'ssuh , icd. | . . 1 C ( ' Hiinsil and wife to K ( ' Cushlng , pt lot .1 , hlk 107. Omaha , w d . . . 27,000 WM.utlnto L'hoiiias Hart , lot 10 , hlk 1) , Pullman Place , w d . 400 11 S Wallace to .1 A biindcil mil , lot 111 , Idle Ki-i. Dundee Place , w d . . . . 1,250 II K.lcimlson to public , plat of Wauglux ; Hnllaid's sill ) M Sluxv.iit and hush ind to Ii A Ituth , lot ! > , hlU 7 , \ \ IniKor Teriaie , w d .000 Ploncot town situ company toDOft. lots 1 land 14 , blk U ) . and lots.1 and 0 , blk II , llcnnlngton , w d. . . . . 440 Twenty-six transfers Permits. The following permits woto lssue.1 hy tlio building inspcctoijcbteitlny : John McDonald , two-stoij frame double duelling. Twenty-sixth and Half How- aid stiee/ts { 6,000 V. A. Hnell , one and one-half-stoiy fiamo dwelling , Twenty-eighth and I.ako strtets 1,200 L. b ItLt'd , onc-stoi } hi Ick block , i car of 1J11 Vlntim sticet . . . . 4,000 One minor permit . 1UO Total . $1100 ! Another Greenland Kxprtlition. A D.inibh expedition to Grecnluntl will start next bummer , intoiuliiifj to 5end ] tuo jwua in the At otic regions. Tlio expedition is to consist of nine inum- bem , under Navy Lieutenant Hjdof , provided \\ith tlneo strong bouts and nnnict ous bledfjei and dojjs. During tiio biunnierti they \\ill explore , the logiou botw een Cu' degrees and 7. ! degrees not th , and in tlio winters they w ill push into the interior on sledges , while they finally hope to get doun to the east coast and meet a bteamer to bring them home. Astonished at the Result. Mj little gill , aged sc\en years , was anikt- cdith u su\ etc Loupli uml cold. She LOuUl not sleep , hut couched almost intcssanllj' I was induced by n fiicnd to tiy Chamberlain's Cough Horned v mid was nstomshed at the immediate iclief it K.HO amlthecuio it pro duced. I have tiled many icuiedies for toughs und colds , hut this is supeiior to any of them Pi of . I. M Meluin , Capitnl City Coinmcicial College , DCS Moines , In. o - The table upon \ \ hieh Prince Bismarck Mgned the ptclimln.nieb of peace with Thiers at Vett-ailles in February , 1S71 , wns the only bouvenir of the campaign which the it on chancellor bore bael : to CJeimanv with him. lie paid his Vei- sailleh lanuladj 4 francs for it. It has lemained a conpicuous piece of furniture in his house since , and lie lately had it i omened from Beilin to his country beat. Bowaie of TiaudsBo stiio jou pet the genuine Di Thomas' Klectiio Oil. Itcuies Lolds , cioup , iistliuinu , deafness uud ilicuma- tibin. _ _ Barney McGtiirp , aged eight j-flvo , who hits been in priuon thirt.\-livo jears of his life , pleaded guilty in Rochester to laiceny , saying lie had no homo or friends and ho wanted to go to prison for life , The justice giuo the old man u foui teen monthb' sentence to Auburn. Vrco. Samples of Dr Miles' Hestovativo Ncrvlno : it ( Culm it Co 's , 15th anil Douglas , cures headache , neivoubiicbs , slceplcssnebS , neu ralgia , lltb , etc , PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 03O2 Farnam Street , HARRY P. DEUEL Olty Pnasongor and Ticket Agent , GILBERT BROTHERS , TAXIDERMISTS Specimen * can \ > f nent in sifcly tiT null or oxnrcsi Ecml for prices bli North Ittu btre-ot , Umnlm GALVESTON TEXAS I. M Truelienrt , Jolm Adrlanco , l.uclan Minor H. M. Truehenrt & Co. REAL ESTATE AGENTS At GALVESTON , TEXAS. Hitiiullilioil la 1857 OnU eston U the seaport that Is nnd IB to bo or the urcut Northwest. Information nnd IIUPH fuinbhcd. Visitors Invited to call ut ouroflk-o. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARU EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. 8HROBDBR GRRIM ] , Provisions and Stocks. Basement First XUional lldnk , OOO South 10th Street , Omnhn. WANTED ISSUED DY CITIES , COUNTIES , OCHOOl . , DISTnlCTB , WATER Cert pondencciollcltcJ. COMP/WIEO / , ETC. HW , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 103-lflB Donrborn Street , CHICAGO. 70 State Strnot. BOBTON. RR1LWRYTIMECRRD , TlllCAilti. Hl'ltUNnroS' ' , \ y A rrT\cs Umnlin Ijopol loth aiut Xlnmin ttpot . llmnht. 4 < w"p m i\pri-n I'M ' ) iin ! > 15 n m K. prc'M 'X'.M ' p in 0 1.1 p ni II VI n ni .11 50 p in Xnwn I ocnTi'tippl xiimliir II U n m ] lltHir.lNilrON ( A MO IllUilt , Arrlrri Oinnlm. | Ht'iKil 10th nml Mnnon ulrovtf IjUinnlin 10 in am I Dourer i\iiri' : i 4H. > ptu lutrtnm Denver llxprc' d IS p m _ Up jnl . liciiv.T i\pri' . . .i.O n ni lloiivei I K t' , 1' J7v 0 II I Arrln t Onnln | Dopiit Ilitli ami Mn n flroeti I Oniilii IW > n ml .Knn nn t Ity Dny lxiire ! s I t. K p m JUS p nilK ( ' Ms-lit lixp Til IF r Tfitn I 1.41 n m UMll.SM'Al'iPU1" J > cpntJOMiiiiiil Mnn-y Mroots I Oaiilm ( norland I lyur JO p ni liiplllo ) Ixroj II ii m Denver 4 y > p m 4 45 p m drum ) taliind K\p ( c'xcept Hun il.M'i p m _ 5IW n in KniHuCltjr Kprc"H JIJ01 n in IMIICAM ) . U I A I'Al'lfll1" " , Arrives' 17 ! _ ' ilciuil , lOlli nml Murcy St * 'jinnlii ' < _ XlUht Kxpreis 1005 n m Alliitillc' 1'tpn * n I i'.Jl p m Vo tllilo I.lmlteil 111)41 ) a m I'ltlCAdOA MMtl'llWI-XlT.ll.V | Arrives 17 1 * ilepot , 10th mill Mnrr ) M * | Oinnlin iijl ) p m V ( ' lllllllt' l.llllltCMl li 55 n in i > f > p in ( I.v ex Sit ) Mull ( Ar. ex Muni 7 II ) n m ii ; tern Hier . ' 1J p m ICIIUAIK ) Mil. , .V ST I'AIT * \rnve. a IU I' ilopot loth nml Mnrc' } st < Otnnlin I' 15 a m eiilcniM Mill ( except' & 43 p m ti n n m _ 1 > 10 p in ( i in Tcivcs r OMAHA S"ai' I.Ol/K / 1 Arrive. < Oinnlin | IM * ilepot. lOlli nml IHrcy St ' ( ) itmlin _ JJ * IL1" ' " ' I'11'1' ' CnnnoTi Hnll if. 10 p in ' .Tl'V ' I'ACll 10 Arrives SIOl'A ( . * i Onintm 17 I' ilepot , lUth unit Marcy Oiniitiii MlbSOtlUI PATIHO SLMIUH1IVN Tit VINS UNION rAcinc-summn\N TKUNS. Tlie o trains nlw < tnp nt I Itli , ITtli , SOtli nml 'JltU streets , htiminlt nnd Snvliluo Crossing ' \\orklna- men trains ito not run Hunil ly CUlcfACO. It I .V I'A'll'lf I Arrives frillsfcr I tmloii Depot. Council llluITH I. Jl p in NUttt lIxpre H 11 M u m .1 .14) ) a in . . Atlantic I'xpre" 3 M p m 500 p in _ VeUlhnlo I.lmlteil 10 10 a in U'.ivii | ( iriOAI.O \.SOH1I1\\1.S n.UN lAnlvcs I'rnn fejtlnlon | l ) pot , Council llliilH I'l ninsfi-r 'UO i m ChlciiKO rvpri's iiUU p m flIX ) p m VoHtlliulu J.lmltcil i'lOnm IOI p m 2iXpm J > jXpm Atl.intle Mull 7 HI a in Lcatoi IC'IIH Add , .Mil. \ r I'Al'l I ArrUci rrnnsfi'rl Tnliin lli'iioi , Council Hlnns _ riiiin fiT .i a u m UiUnvo Mnll ( except Suaila ) ) A 10 p in d < o p m ( hlcnuo K\nrcs 'l 13 n in 1000 ji in ( lilctmo Fxpievfl JIX ) ji m Arrives Iruiivlerl fnlon Depot , Council UlulTi. Transfer 1007 u ml Knni > ns ( Mt ) Day llxprenH ii ( ) p m IU'J.1 p ml Kmi'iK City Muht llxjiiesx ( I IU n in Icnvo * I OMAltA A * ) ! ' I.OUI9 1 Arrived rrunsferl 17nlon Depot , Cniincll llliitl ilrnnifer 4 41 p m ! St Loiiln ( nnon Hull | 12 15 p m Lenves lOlflOAOO , lltlltl.'N' \ yillN'Cl i ArrUeiT 'transfer ] Tnlon Depot Council lllulls ITiniinfcr V 4UIIUII ( liltnku i ; pre s 11.4) ) p in 10U ) p nit ChtuiKO Kipress . 820 a m 60) it m . Uilcuyo I ant Mall 5 ! ( ) p m 7 W p m Croiton loeal 1120 ttjn I.t'nvni hlOtlX CITY , \ r < Mirir I snivel Ira infer _ tliilon Dcpotouncll _ Illiittn Jlrui fcr 7 II n in bloux ( Ity Accoinmoilntloii ti lli m OW p ml 8t 1'iiu1 I Kxpreis a 55 p ui MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATI\0 , " the AVoinleifnl Htinnlfli Itcinuly , U nolilwllh n M'lltleiUJinilun- tcu to cm o all Mme - o m llfn mBiich ae Wcok Memory , txiiia of llraln Powi rlcad- ! , . . . . . . aclje. Wakefulu te , Before & After USO. I' < > t Munhood , Nerv- riiuioKmiiTicil Irom Ule. oinnen , I.tanlluclc , all drains aud IDSS of power ol the Ucncratlti'Or. can * , la cither BOX , cnii eil hy ovcr-cxcitlon , jontli fill luiilecretlonn , or tlio excerelvo iuo of toDaico , opium , or etlmnlants , which ultimately lenU to luflrmlty , Cnnrunijitlon anil Inrniilly. rut up hi convenient form to carry In the vent pocket , I'llco Si a package , or 0 for 81Vlthcery $5 order \ \ oVa V\\a \ Awrlttrn uimriiiitrei to earn or itfunil Ilin money , buitbj mall to any ndUrces. Cir cular free. Mention thin nnpcr. Aildrcta MADRID CHEMICAL CO. Hraiich Ofllcu for U. 8. A 417 Il-mti-rn htrei t , CIIK .U.O , ILL. JOItSM.i : IN OMAHA. M.ll.'ljy Knhn A. Co , Lor 13th A. JljuiiUs Sim u J A 1 uller i Co ( or 1 ( li , V DuuKlan hlrtcti , anJ A. I ) rosier 4. Co , Council Uliilli , loni. P ffect Art Album contilnlng 24 EBBB tlifltt3 Buutiful Pholographi repriuntlng Tei md ColfM culture , will be stnt „ on rtcelpt of your tddreu. ' CHASE & SANBORN , I3C Dread St. , Boiton. Ve tfa Dejit. BO Trtnklln St. , Chlctgo , III. NEBKASKA National Bank U. 8. DEP03ITOIIY. OMAHA , HED. Cnpllnl , - $400OOO Surplus Jnn. 1st , 180O , - C7.DOO Omc ri > nml DlrectPMHenry W Vatc rrrltont ) I wl < Hocit , vlonil > c l > 1nli JNHHSV SitnfeT > V'.Mornp. .tolini Collins i 11 C dishing J N H r trlckV II a Hughes , cashier. Tl-im IRON BANK. Corner 13th anil Fnrnam Slrccto A Ocnpral Hiinklng Uimlni' < < Trtxnsnctcil. " * OOMM blliCMALx National Bank Cnpltnl , - $40OOOO Surplus , - -'lO.OOO OtTcers nrt Dlrfelon-K M Mor rman (1 M. Hltrhrock , Joseph ( iarnriu. .lr , A Henry , K > I. Andornonllllnm ( I Maul , vleii-prenlitent U II. IMIIIams , A r Hopkins , preiltlenti A Milliard , cannier ; K II llryanl , asslsiaiit rnslile r _ OmahaJJanUfaotUreps , IlootH nnd Slitie4. Wholesale Manudictuicrs of Hoots & Shoes oston Hiibbor shoo Co ltd ? , 1104 nmlllO * llarney Sluol , Oiniilin Neb * ' rc w * * - Lager Hecr llrcwcrs , 1M1 Ncrth ISth Street , Onnilit Kcb Cornice. EAQhE COHNICE WOUKS , Manufiiclurcrs of Galvanized Iron Cornice \Vlmluw mps anil mplallo sVylluhlo .Tohn 1 pcnitcr. proprietor lUHnn.l liuaoiitli IDIIi street. ArtlHtH' Materials. " " " A. HOSPE , Jr" , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , lilt Doith'lai btreet , Oinnhn , Neb " Coul , Coke , IQtoT _ OMAHA COAL COKE"AND ; LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. B K Cor If Ih and Doinilas Streets , Omaha , Neb. " NEBHASKA FUEL CO. Shippers of Coal and Colic , 314 South 13th Street , Oniiiha , Neb DEAN , ARMSTRONG & CO. , Wholesale Cigars. "llellol" 1119 403 N liilli Street Drj UoodH IIIH ! XotloiiH. ' " " " "Ul. K. SMITH i'co. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner tlthnnil llinranl Streets KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS"coTT" Impoitcrs and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Sents' FurnlshliiKliooils Corner llth nnil lliirne/ Streets , Oiiiaht , Neb Piirnlturc. DEWEY Ac STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , turn ini fctreut Omiln , Nebraska. CHARLES SH1VERICK , Fuuiituic. Oinnhn , NubriuU i. Oroccrlcs. McCORD , BRADY As CO , Wholesale Grocers , 13th anil I.eavenworlh Streets , Omaha , Nebranka. IJto. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc. [ inportetl ami Anierlcin 1'ortlaml Cement Stat agent for Milwaukee Hyilraiillo Cement , and yulncyhlto I.liuo CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. hVootl carpets nnd inrquel flooring Oth and Dougla fctrcotw , Umtthu , Nebraska LOUIS BUA.DFOUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb , [ )0ori > , lUc. Vanls , Corner 7th and Douglas OUI < A Corner lUth anil Douglas FRED W. QREY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner Pth and Douglas Htriets , Omaha. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER if CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , MS , 210 and 312 South 11th f trect. Notions ; J. T. ROBINSONNTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , ll.'l Ilurncy struct , Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle Krcane , etc Omiha A H lllahop. Manager. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. ? arry a nice stock of printing , wrapping and writing paper Special attention Kl7cn to card paper Hnf'cH , lite . A. L. DEANE & CO. , ( ieneral Agents for Halls' Safes , nt nnd 323 Boutn 10th St , Oraahi Toys , Kto. II. HARDY At CO. , Jobbers of Dolls Albums Fancy Goods Toys , , , , IIouic Kurnl ) ilniUooils , Clillilrca'i Carrlniica 1 1-nrnnm itrcet , Ouiahn .Nub U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , SlCiim and Water Supplies , llnlllJay nliiit mllli 013 nml W ) Jones at , Omnh * . ( J ! ' Itosi , Aellnv Mnnnuvr DUOWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , kliect-lron work , ttcnm puinpi , mn mills UI3 mi Lcavmiworta streut , Umalm Iron WorkH. PAXTON ic VIEUUNG IRON WOUICS , Brought and Cast Iron Building Work , Engines , brnii work uencrul foundry , mnclilno unfl blacktmltli nork onlco ami works , U 1 * llr unit lith itreet Oin lm. OMAHA SAFE As IftON WORKS , Manfrs ol Tire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vault ! Jnll work , Iron iiuiitter * tint flro ncapti. U Aiulrsen prop'r Cor Kill umljackua Hit Hnuli , Doom , Kto. M. A , DISimoW & CO. , \Vliolemlu nmiiufucturors of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , llrnncb offici ) 12th unit Jznrcl streets , Onmlm Nfb UNION STOCK YAUDB CO. , 01 South Omaha , Limited , M ESS C DEAE lAft cUtHIQNU ; . l mloiUU .