Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The Advancement Made bj the Breeders
Association in Five Years.
Tlio 1.1st of Nominations Hittlio I HIM
Trotting McMlitK 1 < Ho HHcl
nt l''nli'l > ury , Noli. , August
The state breeders association will hold It.
fifth annual session this year at Falrbury , 01 :
August HI , if ) and ' 'I. The prospects art
bright for a very sticcpsHful meet , ns i
abundantly attested in the loni , ' list of nom <
( nations which arc subjoined. Five years
n o this association held Us initial meeting
with four entries. For the coming meeting
theic uro nearly If not quito ono hundred and
fifty. This Is certainly a line allowing uml
mllccts oxiwdliiff credit upon the enterprise
nnd rnerjry of onr local breeders. The nom
inations for IVJO :
I ) . T. Cabin , lleatrlec. Coiinselietta , b f by
CniiiiM'llor I1dam ) ; by ( | ileKninanKa4i0.
K. I ) , ( inuld , riilleilini lloy , b e by hhadelund
Unuaid ; dam by Tiainp.
E. I ) , llonld , I'lillciton , ] ( ay Oolden. br f by
Hbadeland Onuaid ; dam oy Almont Haven ,
n , l > yli > , > iiiili > l.inks ! , bfby Hnrly-
llurly ; dam by rlius. ( 'all'iey.
Cbafi. 8 If I .V ( 'o. ' , fiteeley I 'enter , nilimnrr , br
c by l > niKnlKliiXViliim : ; by VoltaliolM.
II. T. Jnni'M. tVuaid , Kintna J. , bf by I'lallo
ittlH ; dam by llo-iines.
Win. MacK , Oinalin , Umalia Mnld , bf by Durli-
A. 0. Cobb , I'lPinont. Hi'lcn Itrynn , b f
by Ilyron Slii'nn.'iii ; dnniby Honnlc Scot land.
Jolin 1 * . Wanner , Heatilce , Gawood II.'iTI , b u
br Cliltv.ood : dnm by .Mndrld.
i : , U. Aeniil , rilley. Colon II la , sr t by Couu el-
lor ; ilum i > \ ( iiiuu'a Logan ,
K. K. Aeom. rilley , Mntllda , b f by I'lutns ;
( linn by Nathaniel Hoe.
I ) . I'ilc , llnmholdf. Sanfoid f , bcby Ilurly-
llurly ; ilain by Chin. Cnffiey.
K. 1'ylc. llnmhnldt. HnrdcIJ , bcbydias. Caf-
frny ; ilnin .Main. Clay.
Tuln CllyStoc'k 1'ann. Dliio Springs llonnleS
I'lisl , bf liy Iti'bcl Medium ; dam bySatntn.
Twin City Sleek I'miii , Hluo SpiliiK . Itcbel
Medium Jr. , grc by licbel Medium ; dam by
Kp.slei-'on A. Tnlli'tli , Kalrbury , Charles I' , b e
by Si'tb I'lVll.'l : ilain by O/aik.
KcMerson .VTolletli. I'-ili bury , Alderwood , ch
o by Chltuood J-IJ ; ( lam by Alden Uold-
Ninltli ? : ci.
KpHlcrxoii&Tnllplli. ralibiuy , /.cnobli , sr f
by Sold I'MI.'lj ilnin by Ilyron HI.
J. I' ' , llccl.- . lli'iilik-c , Wanda , bf by Counsellor ;
dnm by Lnkonnd Abdallab jr.
James U. I.add & Sin , lluii Irli'c , Wlll.shlp , be
by Connsellm ; dam by Wlnshlp.
Maurice Williams , i-cliuylcr , Hobcrt li , brn by
Graham's Mamlu'Ino ; dam by Wanner Clay.
A..I. Hale. Heal i leu , Ida br f bv Idiivan.
8. V. Jewell , DoWllt , Ida ttirl. br f by Idavan.
Tinnitus P. .Miller , I'lillciton , Wanlta , bile t by
Slindcland Onwaid.
J. I' , lluclc , Heal lire , Idle Wild.
K. 1'yle , Hnmboldt. ( ! uy , b bv
Cliiulesl airieydam ; by Long Isbind Clilef.
E. I'ilc. Hnmboldt , Kilillu Hays , blk o by
Charles ( ' . ilfic ) ; dam by Tlppo llashaw.
K. I' . DulIteiitiU'e. . Da\K b c by Counsellor ;
dam bv Ladd'sN'ciully ,
II. T. 1\ Ha\ls , Miller , I'llneo Hdu.lld , by
( 'oiinsellor : dam by llamblelonlan l'i lure Jr.
O. C Stout , lleatilee , Lady Gllbeit , b f by
Counsellor ,
lliibeoel , k Haiil.s , McCook , I're-emptorb o by
AHldmonl ; dam by 'rrnnip.
Win. Huston. Omaha , Hoe , b f by Pattini ; ilam
Dnlon SleeK I'aini , Nelson , Headlight , ch c by
W. I" . Mi'Ciearv , Hastings , Prances , bfby Hg-
inont ; d bv ISIaeU Italpli.
Win. A. (2. ( Cobb. I'leinont , I'ol. Itnyal T. I'ranU
lirebv H.\ ion Mioiinaii ; dam liy Hient\\ood.
Twin City Meek I'aini , Hlne.-piliiKi , Hairy bj ;
by SliaM'sneiue ; dam by Sanuaiet1.
Waive Heauliley , Omaha , Atelni. blk e by
Cldtwood ; dam by h\\lucit.
O.T. , Morllllabeby Westpoit ;
dam by ( iold Dust.
J. II. K'pslerMin , Snpeilor.lluy 1C b e by IVotla ;
< lam liy I'lillillnder Jr.
J. ( j. Hmlth , V Son , rremont , Ni'oada Hey eh K
Mamln-lno llasbaw ; dam bv Ma na Clilef.
D. T , Srbln , Heatrlee , Daisy Coniihellor b f bv
Counsellor IM'J ; ( lam liy Clilekainauio4Trii.
li. . I > . ( lould , rnllerton , Kuulu 12 ch o by ] jiis > li-
vllle ; dam by Tramp.
Ceo. II. Hally.l'iilrlmry.Meatlo 1C b f by Hiiclc-
In liiiin ; dam by Cnponl.
Jay HIM , Alexander , Dankan sr sby Cyclone
U.S. Iteed. Lincoln. LowN Wllke-J , b's by Hud
CiocKer : dam by llanodsbiirt ; Hoy.
Hlonls J. .lone- . , I-u Id city.Custeror I'oiitoon.
eh sby I'atroiim-p-lll.l : dam bv Tramp'W.
11. Cliiiinliei-liilii , Wood Itlver. Iftah , HVJS bs , by
Hepndlator ; dnm by Alnionl Uallrr.
Gould . . .Miller , ruili-iton.MattleN.blK f by
Shadeland Uuuaid ; dam by Duster Uold
r. I ) , llould. rulleitou , Wiiotllliic , b o by Nut
wood : dam bv Iliad\\oucl.
K. I ) , ( ioiilil , 1'ulleiton , Stella , ch t ; dam by
K. 1'yle , llumboldt , IMdlo Hays , blk o by
Chailcs Call'ievj dam by Tlppo Bashaw ,
K. 1'j In lluinlioldt. Uli/ard , bin u by Auteros ;
dam by Hlne Hull.
John A. McSbanc , Omaha , Evmlna , b f by Hel-
mont 01 ; diim bv Cnyler.
Will ( . Jones , rnlleiloii , I'attional , bin s by
I'ali-omiKe ; dam by Captain CNI."I.
Chin lesSmlft , V Co. , ( iieeley I'enterOntoiilan ,
ID'.Nl b e by f-lindeland Unwinddam ; by Ches
ter Chief ' 'If. ' .
H , C. Ontenlt. lliieolii.Iennle MnAslmil , b f by
HenlneUy I'llneejdnm \VIIKIiisMneawber. .
0. \ \ . I'leKaid , Oinalin , Viieatan. blk by ( tain-
beta ; dam by Abdullah Mamlii Ino.
William A. ( i , Cobb , i'lemont. Colonel Itoyttl
T. 1'innlv Inn o by Hyrou Slieiman ; dam by
Illlcicsl Stock rariii. I'llly , Golden Suiichs
by Combat : dam by 1'Kbeit.
K. l > . ( lould , rulleilon. Lettleeh I by Itusli-
vllle : dam bv John A. liaullns.
W. A. I'axton , Omaha. .Ml s > ( < K"r eh f by
Itobert JlcGie or ; dam by Abdullah .Maih-
iii Ino.
W. A. I'avton , Omaha , Maud lluifbylted ; dam by UIMII-KO
K. Mosber , VoiK , b o by Kgiiiunt ; dnm by
John U. ( letty , Omaha , MolIIu Sprasuo gr f by
\ letorSprniiiii' .
Ij. Cronnse , I'oit Callioun , Drllllehl b o by
Madild ; dam by Mulls by Sentinel.
1) . T. Sabln , lleatilee. Sablns Counsellor b shy
Counsellor IMS ; dam b > ChleUiiiiiiiiiKiiii 4"i. .
11. W Hiiiiidon , Teeumseli , K'lttv Vein b f by
Tnllaveias dam bv Seneca Clilef.
G. W. It. I'lcneli. I'lemont , Akbar b K bill
Hainier'.lt.'l ; dam by YOIIIIK I'l > Ins Mi ll ian.
r. I'jle , llumboldt. Uatti Callroybfby Urns.
Ciitriey ; dam by Tlppo Hashaw.
, Jt. H lleury , Columbus. Molllu H br f by Glad-
lator. dam byllen I'etuy.
It. C Oiiteall , l.lneolii.CoraOutcaH bf by Mo-
Mahon. ilam by Kins Itene.
i : . I' Davis. Hentilce , Kd la\Is ) b B by Couu-
Helhir ; dnm by C. M. ( 'lav.
"William Iliislon. Omaha , Itowdy , b K by.ulii. .
Ilium's .1 MeCay. HaiiicHtouu , Chaillu I ) b s
by .Nitnin ; dam by Abdallah ,
1. J. 1'iantHealileo , Hairy ! 'by Counsellor.
John I..blinel.rillj.SnsleS brf by 1'iospeilty ;
dam by l.add's Seem lly.
union Stuck raim. NI-IMIII , Mablo Spragito brf
by Hob Spiniiie ; dam by Ainohl.
John 1'olloeU , Hcatilce , Nelllu I' b thy Hunt
I'rlnee. Jr.
A. J. Hale. Healilee.Thlco 1'Iy b by Almolllo ;
dnm by Sonthslde.
K. \ \ Mi-NliiT. Vork , Kln Hallldiiy b n by
llalllday : dam bv Ma\ey Cobb.
A-M DoCliunv , Mollne , Thico I'ulnts vh by
Atulanehe ; dam bj .suiiM-iilr.
II W Hiaiiilon , Teeumseli , Kitty Vein b f by
Talnvern ; dam by Senaea Chief.
O , W. 1'iel.anl , Om.ib.i , 1'ildo b f by
man' * llambletonlan ; dam by Joe Hlnel.burii.
O. W I'leUanl , Omaha. 1'ame eb bv Hector
\ \ lll.esj dam by KonluoKy 1'rlnce. Jr.
K. I'jlo , Huinbohlt , Union Wood blk s by
Haiiiu \ \ like- , : dam liy Coniinimht.
1C. I'vle , 1'nlry Wood I ) h by MulUouine ; dam
bI'airx ( ilft.
K. Pile , Kato Can'iey blk f by Chus. CalTreyj
diuil bv Tlpmi Hashaw.
John A. Me&hanc , Uinuha. b t by
M.'I' . H'I-OHII. I'apllllou , Momvood br s by
Monon ; dam by I'aneost ,
J\ . i triiiL-illi , . ,111 ixiiinv'1. uj * ii *
dam by Mambilno KliiR.
K 1' I'ulli-r. Da\ld City. MeGri'Kor Wllkes bs
b } Kobeil Mi'tiii'Koi : dam by (
Tttln Cltv hliK-k num. Hlue SiulnKs Miper-
Intendent b H by Almont Wlll.cdam ; by
' ' ' ' ' ' '
Jus' 'i. ! ! ! ! ! . 'illneolu. MeConnllV IITS.1 b s by
Cliellon itiv ) ! dam by Niithoimiu iw : . ,
1. .1. 1'iaiiiHeatrico , A cot l > s by Itujul Al-
iimnl : dnin by Henry Clay N > 7.
Huh a StoeU I'arm , NeNon.Miibcott b o by I'e-
oilii. ilum by liiiliSpiTiiriic.
Kef-toi-Miii X 'I'olloth. 1 nlrbiiry. Monei-lef ch s
bv Helmoiit , dans by Kiln In lonesHU .
iV : Moshcr , Vm U , shadow b o bliiaud sen-
: so. o. roti.s or
J. K ? mlib , I'lilN City. Hello Clink Uf by
Cliirl. ' * . llambletonlan ! dam by I'nolo \ to.
O. W. I'lekanl. Omiiha. Ulnuli , b m by 1 laeo ;
dam bv l.lttlo U'oful. . . .
K. 1'yle. llumboldt , Itobblo I1 U s by Chas.Catr-
rcy ; dam by l.onif Island Chief.
iM It. C. Uulctill' J.lneolu , Industry , bsby Mans-
llehl : dam by Helmonl.
O. U. Stout , lleutrlco , I'jluco Aslilaiid ; MOSb s
l > y Kliij ; Itguvj dam by Ashluud Chief.
Jninps 0. t > add X eon , llpntrlec1 , OPO. Mondai
b H by Pilot Medium : dnin by JlPlmont.
James ( i. Laild .V son. llfiltrfep , Mnjclla b in
by Counsellor ; dam by Aleade ,
Jiunes j ; . Mnilli , Llneoln. Col. dorp 1(1112 ( PI !
by Jlobt. McOleRorrVi ; ; dam by Ited Wllkes ,
I'tilon Slix k I'arm. Nelson , Dick Pimple b K by
I'corla ; dnm by Singleton's Sll\erlieels.
W. A. I'axton , Omilha , Clntter bs by 1'rank
Oakley ; diin | by
Ml. Kt < itpMii. Superior , liallpr blk f
bv I'nrttiml ; dnm by Alnioul Jtatler.
I'V. . Mii'hcr , Vork , No Nnino bs by Hen Mc
Gregor ; dntn by Dent Know ,
KMKI : so. 7 ; Sttn ST.U.MOX ? .
Geo. II. llally. 1'alibury , Haul/an b sby Gen
eral Washington ) dam by Ktlian Allen.
J. It. s-nillli , Hills Cllv , lleneon Hunter b sby
Minkespenrc : dnm by llnmbletotilan I'rlnee.
Gould k .Miller , t'nllertoy. Kgbertlno 12111 ch a
by l/.ib < > i ( ; dnin bv .Mnmbilno Time HW1.
.Ins. 12. Lndd&Nin , Hentitee. Geo. Monday b s
by Hint Medium : dam by llylimmt.
John A. MeSlianc. Oinalin. Chltwuodch H by
Nutnoodjdam by ( teo. Wllkes.
G. H. I'leiK'h. rii'iiioul , Vandal ilMIO b s by Vol
unteer lloy ini'J ; dnin by Itnndoltih.
H. I'yle. lIuiiilioliil.Mcrailand. blk sbyClms
CalTic > : dam by Tlppo Hnshaw ,
i : . I'yle. Hiimbohlt , Jim O blk H by Chus. Caf-
frey : dnm by Long Island Chief ,
John I' . Wanner. Healrlee , Teiror 1KJ03 ( 1) 8 by
Mndrld : dam by Administrator.
I * . Mellvov. Klkhoru. Salaain bubyOnwatdi
dam by llnmlln'sAlmont.
0. D. Heiinett , Teeumseh , Appanooso b s by
Hgbei t : dam by Maule.
Win. HiiHton , Oinalin , Tientonba by Stranger ;
dam by Jay ( lould.
A..I. Hriggs Superior , Leonldas b B by King
Item1 ; dam LI//lo Welch.
I'nlon Stock I'linn. Nelson. Mll < o Sprngito b s
bv HobSpragile ; dam by Vermont Hero.
S. o. Itevmnii. Columbus , Gladlateiir.
A. J. Hale , lleatrlce , Idavan b H by Karl ; dnm
bv Thorudaht
C.I' . Stewait. Hiown\lllc , Tim Mc.Mahonbs
by Mc.Mahon.
H. I'yle , Hnmboldt. Gumbo blk c by ( Jhns. Oaf
fiey ; dam by L. I'al. I'atchcii.
J. It. Smith , I'alls < lly , Alphn Hunter by
Deacon Hunter ; dam by Little. Willie ,
i : . D. Gould , rullerton , Kettle 13 ch f by Hush-
vllle ; dam bv John A. Itawllns.
Thomas I' . Miller , 1'iillcrtuii , llllly IMiro by
Gould k .Miller , I'lillciton , I'red 1C blk o by
Shiidelnnd Onwaid ; dam by Satellite.
M. C. Keith. Ninth I'latte , bin
by ( Hack Hiimblctontnn.
Union Stock I'liim , Nelson , Smith bre by 1'eo-
ila ; dam by Gotornm Spragiie.
STAKi : NO , flj STAM.lONS.
Will 0. .Tones , I'lillciton , Clarence blk s by
I'liito ; dam by Goldsmiths Star.
H. I'yle. Iluiiiboldt. Ilurly Iliuly chs , by Ru
mor ; dam bv Jay Gould.
Twin City Stock l-'arm , Hluo Springs. Iti-bel
Medium grs by Happy Medium ; dam by AI-
II. W. Ilrnnilon , Tceumseh. Talavera br sby
Happy Medium ; dam by Aiholt.
William A. G. Cobb , I'remont , Ilyron Slieimnn
b s bv Satin n ; dam by 1'osaeas.
It. L. Graham. Seilbner. Grnliains Mambilno
blk s by Mambilno Has.haw ; dam by Ky.
Itobert Gl\en , Wvmore , Town Mambilno 2SJ8
br.s by Mam. Hllt/cn : dnm liy John IMslll.
Jnmes 0. Iadd A. Son. jteatrieo , Coiincullor by
Onwaid ; dam by I'llol Jr.
Gould & Miller , Knllcilon , Shadelaml On
waid COlO by Mambilno Time.
III'K M'ltll , 1.
r. . I'.vlp. Iliimbohlt. TMdle Hays blk c by Chns.
Call'icy dam by Tlppo Ita-liaw.
Geo. H. Hally , I'nlrbuiy. 1'alrv lllid b m by
Golden lion ; dam by Voting Hnshaw.
J. U. Smith , Tails City , rarl.Vo MM-by Claik's
llambletonlan ; dam by Hilly Haslmw.
W. II. MeCoimae , I'nlrbuiy , Gicat Western ch
s by Salnin.
II. 1'yle. llnmboldl , M eCorm.ip rn o by Geo.
Tucker. 4 > s ; ilnin by Clins. Call toy. -
W. A. li lnTeeiim-eli , I'llnco Albeit b s by
< /'lilonometer ; dam In J.M. HotlsJr.
I'l-anl. Dallv. Aiibuin. Hilly .MeCracKen blk s
by llambletonlan Mamb'ilno ; dam by Tom
Geo. L. Maxwell. Kearney , Tlosslo Heed bin
by Mnmbilno Abdallnb.
i : . ( i. Solomon. Omaha , Wlnslow Wllkes 2TISU ,
brs by Itlncl , Wllkesrii ; : dam bv Almontu. :
J. W. Meicer , Him aid , Wapslu L u s by Wap-
tdu liss.
Twin City Stock l-'arm , Hlne Springs needier ,
sjiot K bv Illrnm.
T In City Slock Faun , Lulu G by Consul.
STAKI : NO. I" , i o u < s or IMM.
A. J. Hale , llcatilce , Idn\anbaby Kail ; dam
by Tliorndale.
Geoijjn II. Italley. ralthury , Hnlinoral br s by
Iliimor ; dnm l > v Hnmlilclonlaii III.
Gould .1 Miller , rullerton. Kirbnline ll.'Nl eh H
by l&hurt IIIKi. dam by Maiiibi-lno Tlmo KWi.
( ieorun II. rreneh. Kieinoiit. l.emliiKlon bg by
QiiLM'hce l.nmbeit , dam by Voung Levlngtoii.
K. 1'yle , Hnmboldt , ( luy Sheridan b o by
Chailes CatTiey , dam bv Yoeman.
K. I'yle , Hnmboldt. 1'ieil I'ern , o by Chniles
( alliey ; dnm by Tip Cranston.
I' . MeKuiy , iikhorn. : Salaam , b s by Onwaid ;
dam by llninlln's Alnionl.
Twin City Sleek I'arm , Hluo Springs , Itebel
Medium by Happy Medium ; dam by Almont.
hT\KI ! .NO. Ill , FL'lUllirv OI'ISIWTO 111 ! TltOTTUD
IN I1- ! * . ' .
A. G. Halo , Heatilee , Sadie Wllkes by Ited , foal bv Idavan.
A. J. Hale , Itealiiee , Hliodenns by Kail , foal by
Geo. II. Hallpy. 1'alibin-y , Hell MvLeod by Me-
Leod , atl't' ' ' . . foal bv Italmoral.
Geo. II. Halley , Challcoby fcatui n , foal by Hal-
Thus. I' . Miller , rullei tonAnceUne. by Chester
Chief , foal by siaik'laiul | Onwaid.
K. D. Gould. Inlieiton , l.ottlo I'UMT'i by Hluo
Hull. Jr. foal by hliadeland Onward.
K. I ) , 1'onld , Clnnlo by John A. Jtunlings foal
by Sliaileland Onuanl.
K. I' } le. llumboldl. NellleGandy by Chas.Caf-
fiey , foal by Ilnrly lluilv.
I. . 1'ile , ( Voikby Mambilno
Clay , foal bv llui-ly Hnilv.
I' . I'yle , My .Maud by Clias. CalHcy , foal by
lluily lluilv.
K. I'yle , Nelly by Geo. Tucker 4WS , foal by
( 'has. Callie.\ .
It. C. Onteali , Lincoln , , dam by
( ieoiRo \ \ likes foal by Hed Wllkes.
Chailes Snlfl .1 Co. , Gieeley Center , ,
dam by Voltuliob&'i , foal by fhadeland On-
Mi" . J. II. Wallace. Gieelej Center. ,
by l-.nchanter , foal by Sliaileland Onwaid
It. C. butealt. Lincoln , . dam by .Mam
bilno I'alebcn. foal by Ited
I'nlon Stock-l-'nim. Nelson , Allco Sprnguc , by
Guy Sprngiie , by .
A. J. Hale , lleatilee , Jennie I' , by Diadem , foal
bv Idavan.
A. J. Hale , lleatilee , Marveleux , by Kail , foal
by Idavan.
James G. Lndd 4 , Son , Hentrlcp. Mnjclln , by
C'ounsellor , fonl by ( ieoige Monday.
Kcstersoii .1 Tollelh , 1'altbiiry , Lady Gold-
hiiillh , by .
Kesteison.VTollulh , Telia , by Hyron 81 , foal
by .
Kesteison.t Tolloth , Lena Saturn , by Suluin ,
I oal bv .
1) ) . T. Mill-NT. 1'ies. , 1) . T. HIM. , See'y ,
Oinalin , Neb. Sj incuse , Neb.
Ail Alinoluto Ciiro.
Is only put up In Iru-RO two-ouiico tin boxes ,
mul H an absolute euro for nil .sores , bums ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin eruptions
Will iKisitively euro all kinds nf piles. Ask
MENT. Sold by Ooodiiiiiu UI-UK coiiliiany at
'J5 cents per box by mull HO cents.
Toinoriwv a court-iunrtial has been
appointed to meet at Fort Hobinson , the de
tail of which is as follows : Major .lames R
Uaudall , Ninth cavalry ; Captain William S.
Worth , Eiwhth Infiintry ; Captain
Henry H. Wright , Ninth cavalry ; Kirst
Lieutenant John J. Haden , Elprhth Infantry ;
Second IJontemmt William D. MeAimnoy ,
Nltitli cavalry ; Second Lleuti'iuuit Colvll'lo
M. 1'ettit , ElKlith infantry ; Second Uoutcn-
iiut Kiiink Owen. Kluhth infantry ; Second
Lieutenant ( ! uy II. I'lvston , Ninth cavalry ;
Second Lieutenant Charles Voting. Ninth
cavalry ; First Lieutenant 1-Mtrui * Hubert ,
Kluhth infantry , Jud o advocate.
The retiring board Ima not concluded its iu-
inilrv into tlio case of Captain John Conlluo of
tlio Ninth cavalry , 1'oit lu Chchiio.
Mw. WiiisWw'd SoothliiK Syrup for cliild-
vou teething rctits the child anil comforts the
mother. , ' : > o a bottle.
Last Wednesday evening CrolKhton College
hall \vjis comfortably lllled with an nudleuco
ofubiut four hundrcil persons to witness au
entertainment tflven by the. Catholic VOUUK
Men's union of this city.
The opening iiumber , a uullnr solo by the
Grommo brothers , was fn\ombly received
and merited an encore , to which they re-
.spomlcd. _
"Cato's Soliloquy , " by Joseph Murphy ,
\vn well rendered , though n trlllo indi.stiuct.
The tcjiur solo , "Awfully Clever , " by J. II.
Doyle , was of the iludo ordpr mul t > eoiued
to please a majoritj of the audience-
Tlio addres of the e\eninfr , "English 1'oets
uiitl Uramatlsts1 by Iloii. M.V. Cannon , was
mi eloiiut lit Ion of the Mibjeot. Com
wllh the period antedating Cliaucer ,
ho truccil the history of | > ootry and the droma
ilowa to our own tune , iiiteisi > oi-sinK it Wltli
iiuineixius iiuotiitiuiis from the writings of
Sjioiisei1 , I'oiio , Shukcspeaiv , Scott , Ujrou ,
lloowaud Uavls. biicaUlnt" 01 Mwrc s "Fiiv
. _ . " In' said the author Imd mmlo n
mistake in laying thu scene of tlio poem In
Indin father than In Ireland , for his descrip
tion of the Indian chieftain wns nothing1 mnro
than a representation of Cromwell In his
passage through Iix'lnnil , and in illustration of
the jHiInt drew nn apt quotation , which wns
"Tho so-i'iilled drnmns of the ilny , " the
speaker went on to sny , "should not ho men-
tfoned In the cnnio breath with the old I'ng *
llsh plays. The stage , However , " ho was
glad to note , "had departed from much of the
lo\v obscenity .so prevalent In the Kllrabcth *
Inn ppriod.1 He closed exhorting nil to give
attention to the old miMtcrs rather tlmn to
the washy-washy trash that Uemed of the
present time.
Mlssei MeNnughton ntul Dollony rendered
in a pleasing niaiiiier , " 1 Live nnd I.ovo
Thee , " which wns greeted with nn Piicore.
Stnchv Crowley cnptured tlie nttdl-
rnco with her natural and chnnnlng
recital of Gnll Hamilton's "Archy Denn. "
The nmsk'iil treat of the evening wns Lieu *
tenant Klnzlo's rendering of the "Queen ot
the Enrtli.1 H wns his llrst appearance in
the college hall , and his volcovung out In the
elenr iniiiiner which Is the charm of his ship *
ing. The nudlpiico wore so well plensed that
ho wns compelled to favor thorn again.
The ciitcrtnlnment closed with a humorous
sketch entitled "A Parody on Macbeth,1' by
W. S. Heller. This gentleman has a itlens-
intf expression nnd was quite In earnest in his
piece. The programme wns pronounced a
complete success ,
"That tired feeling" Is entirely overcome
by Hood's Sarsapnrilla , which gives a feeling
of buoyancy ami strength to the whole system.
He Aililrcs-ios a 1'i-oliiliitlon Audlcitco
in Oinalin.
The Oinnlin prohibitionists were out In full
force to listen to Hov. Herriek Johnson of Chl- . Exposition hall Saturday night. Beside
the speaker on the platform sat a dozen or moro
ministers , among them Hov. Dr. Merrill , who
offered the opening prayer ; Hers. Savldgo
and Harshii , wlio delivered introductory ad
dresses , nnd others , The speaker of the
evening has n keen' , lincly cut face , n pair of
picrceing eyes under heavy overhanging eye
brows , nnd n pleasing delivery , ills speech
consisted of a series of answers to what
ho termed nnti-prohlhitlon fallacies , su < : h as
the personal liberty nnd sumptuary
legislation argument and the like.
His address wus clear , quiet and reasonable
and evoked from the nudlcnco present fre
quent bursts of applause.
At the close of his effort Mr. mid Mrs.
Bailey guvo the audlenro u pleasing pro
hibition song nnd a subscription for cam
paign purposes wns started , headed with f25
by Prof. Cornwall of Aberdeen , Dak.
If'onr Iilvcr Ilcmlmts You
Of its existence by dull pain orshnrp twinges
in the right side , or bcnciilli the dexter
shouldcr-lilade , accept the reminder ns a
warning , and ivgulato the organ without loss
of time , by the use of Hosteller's .Stomach
Hitters. The nbovo symptoms uro usually
accompanied by yellowness of the skin , con
stipation , furred tongue , disorder of the
stomach , sick headache und morning nausea.
But u reform is promptly instituted by the
Bitters , the best possible substitute for calo
mel , blno pill , and other super-potent nnd
hurtful drugs erroneously designated as rem
edies for hilliousiiess. Appetite nnd diges
tion tire restored , and the bowels - ac
tivity , when an impetus is given to tlio func
tions of health by this sterling nnti-billlous
medicine , which also has the effect of enrich
ing and purifying the circulation , and forti
fying the system against malarial infection in
air or water. It is also highly beneficial for
rheumatism , kidney and bladder troubles.
Union Communion ScrvIopN.
The First Presbyterian church was
crowded with worshippers nt-1 p. in. yester
day , at the union communion services of all
the Presbyterian churches in the city. The
pulpit was prettily decorated with smilax ,
lilies and roses in honor of the event , which
was the lirstof the kind that hail ever
occurred in the city.
The ministers of the various
Presbyterian. churches occupied po
sitions immediately in front of the
pulpit nnd among them were seen seen HPV.
Dr. W. J. Harslm nf the First church , Hev. J.
M. "Wilson of Castellar Presbyterian church.
Hev. William H. Henderson of the Second
church , Hev. Dr. John Gordon of Westmin
ster church , Hcv. Dr. David R. Kcrr , presi
dent of Bellevue college , Hev. J. G. Schaible
of the German church and Hov. Anthony
Patilu of the Bohemian church.
The following elders from the various
churches occupied scats facing the pis-
tors : Mr. H. N. James , Dr. Denise
and Mr. William D irrow of the
First church ; Dr. Milroy and Dr. Kuhn of
the Southwest church : Mr. McClellnn , Mr.
Hendricks and Mr. Warren Swit/lnr of
Westminster church ; Mr. D.ivid Young of
Kito.v , and Messrs. J. Hv Phclps and J. Lowe
of the Second church.
The communion service was a fittingly sol
emn and impressive one. Dr. Sexton road
the scripture lesson , Hev. William H. Hen
derson blessed the unleavened bread , mid
Hov. Asa Lcard echoed the words of the
Master in passing tlio cup.
At the elnso of the address Dr. Hnrsha
spoke u few timely words in regiml to this
lirst union rommunion service. Ho also re
ferred to the growth of the proshvtorlnn
churches here , "which during his thirteen
years' pastorate have increased from WS to
IoOO members.
Funeral ol' Mrn. Hoard ,
The funeral of Mrs. George W , Beard wns
very largely attended yesterday by old citi
zens , who had known mid respected her many
years , and sympathising friends of the fam
ily. H occurred at 'J o'clock from Judge
Shield's residence , ! } OI3 Lake street , where
she died , and the burial took place In Pro
spect lull cemetery. Brief services wcro
conducted by Hov. Mann , pastor of the Unitar
ian church. Tlio floral offerings were numer
ous and very handsome.
Van Houten's Cocoa Largest sale in tlio
world. _
Funeral Not loo.
The of the Into Charles II. Isaacs
has been postponed until ! IHO : p. m. today.
North Side Improvement.
-An Important meeting of the North Omaha
improvement club is called for tonight
at Johnson's hall , corner of Thirty-llrst
street and tlio Belt lino. All members of the
club and those interested in the Improvement
of North Omaha nro earnestly requested to bo
IS a hlood disease. Until tnc poison l.i
expelled fiom the system , them can
be no euro for this loathsome ami
dangoroua malady. Thoreforc , the only
offcctlM ) treatment is a thorough course
of Ayer's Siirsnpurllla the bestof all
blood puriflurB. Tlio sooner you-bcgln
the hotter ; delay Is dangerous ,
" I wns troubled with catarrh for over
two yenrs. 1 tried vnrious remedies ,
and wns tientcd by a number ot physi
cians , but received no buneiit until I
began to tnko Ayer's Snrtmpnrllla. A
few bottles of this muillelno cured inn of
this troublesome complaint and com-
plutolv restored my health. " Jcsso M.
Boggs , Hotmail's Mills , N. U.
"When Ayer's Sarsaparilln wns rec
ommended to mo for catarrh , 1 wns In
clined to doubt its ofllnicy. HnUng
tried so ninny remedies , with little ben
efit , I had no faith that anything would
cure inn. I became umacintcil from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
Imd neatly lost the . ; m o of Niuull , nml
my system uns badly di'iancud. 1van
about discouraged , wlmn a frhuid urged
mo to try Aji'1'8 karnapnrillu , and ie-
ferred mo to persons \\lniin it had ruri'd
nf catarrh. Aftei inkiuu half 11 doyen
liottli'S uf tbirt incdli inc. 1 am coninenl
that tlin only nine \va > til treating this
obstinate dlsunMis llnuiigh tinblood. .
-Charles H. Mitluiivy , llii Uivtr bt. ,
Lowell , Ma .
r's ' arsaparilla ,
Ei > BT
Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
filee $1 , il bottlti , t . WouL i a toule.
Its Ptipprlor CTCPltpnoo provdn In million'of linmt"
jprmoro tlinn n ijiurlcr ( if ncpnturr. It Is u e < l lij
Jim b'nltert Slnti' ( i.nornmont. Knilorso < l t > y
liendi of tlio ( Jrrnt Unlvcralllci ni tlie Stroiucit
I'urcntnmliiionilunltliriil. Dr. Price's Crcnm link
laa I'uwitcr ilci not runtnln Aiumonln , Lluio OJ
Alum. HoMoiil.r Inranv
riiicu IIAKINU 1'ownnit co.
What do doctors know
about corsets ?
They know a good deal
more sometimes than they
dare give their patients the
benefit of !
What are they afraid of ?
Losing their patients.
Many a woman would throw
her doctor overboard sooner
than change her corset.
What do women know
about corsets ?
The doctors and women
together know all there is to
be known. They all agree
that Ball's is the proper
You can go to your store
and get it and wear it two or
three weeks and get your
money again , every cent of
it , if you want it.
The store has a primer on
Corsets for you.
CHICAGO CORSET Co. , Chicago and Nerr York.
Imported Millinery ,
128 North 15th Street.
Piano Lamp Complete
For 3 days Only.
Saturday , Monday and Tues
day , April 26 , 28 and 29.
i 514 Farnam St. ,
Sore Throat
The lilKliest nu-tllcal nutlioiltles of the
World pteviTlbc ! anil rt'i'oiiiini'iid Ihu SODEN
MINKHALPASTrLLErf , for ill-i-u'.o ' * of tlio
'llnoat , I'liest uiitl Limb's , uud uUo fur cou-
"I nnil the itsiiKsof tlio ? OIiN : MINKHAL
WATKItS AND I'AbTII.I/KS iincrysatls -
faetory In Sulineiilo I'lmryngltls ns well ns lu
Cliionlu l' I'diHlltUin of tlin uiiperulr
IHifcsni'C'j. " .MOItHAU K. IIIIOW.V. M. P. ,
1'iof. uf I.uiyiiRalo y at I'lilriiso I'ollollnle.
At all ilrilgBlhth t 23 anil SO cents u lox. )
Phamplets Gratis on Application.
13 CKIMII i-Tiir.KT. Niw : YOIIK
Eggs for Hatching.
single I'oiulj Iliuun mulVhlto
l.l'Kluilllf. Itiu U ami Slloriiin -
Illiu-l , llif.i-tcil lit'll ' lluntillil.
lKKsw : I"1 ' ' ct' * -
H420 South Ninth St. , Omahn.
Manhood lliv > i > r r'nrTlciuu
ct jt.ulliful Iniuruilrnrr
"a'ulnir I'lrmalure I > } > < " ' l'--W' ' ' ' . l "t
il ( * um > n kuuirii n w-
li. wnfitmi'ltinMl KM lMa'iiu'rVllnwmBtrclfc
Adi ! tw. J. 11 , ItLIVLB , W. Uo * . # , ! > Vvik tit/ .
/ "
It is nearly time to lay aside your heavy underwear , and we want to rctriind you that wo /
carry the largest stock of medium and light weight underwear in town , We buy these goodc
direct from tlio mill. * ; and commission houses ; we pay no jobbers' profits , and consequently wo
can sell them from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than any other establishment. This season we
have been especially fortunate in our purchases , and we are in a position to place before our
customers several lines of goods at prices which no other house can come anywhere near.
Three cases Patent Brown Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , silk bound , French neck ami
finished seams , at 25c ; sold elsewhere for 500.
75 dozen very fine Striped Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , at.35c ; worth 6oc.
75 dozen extra fine Ribbed Shirts and Drawers of an excellent shade , warranted fast color ,
at 5oc ; like qualities are not sold elsewhere less than $1.00.
50 dozen fine Jersey Outing Shirts , in handsome shades of stripes , at 75c ; worth fully < i. 5.
In the White Shirt Department we open to-day a line of very fine pique and embroidered
bosom Shirts at $1.25 ; every other house charges $2 for these qualities. ,
Two cases Fancy Striped Half Hose , a regular 2oc quality , at IOG.
Two cases Brown fine Seamless Half Hose"at 150
One case very fine sc'amless Half Hose , absolutely fast black , at 2Oc.
Our Neckwear counter shows the handsomest styles of new Tecks , Four-in-Haiuls an J
Windsor Scarfs at just one-half the prices of other houses.
In Linen Collars , we show all the new shapes of the season , and we also have a full line of
our celebrated All Linen 50 Collar , turn down and standing , in new shapes. This is something
no other house can show. "V
/ 1 /r\
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , i
Our Spring opening hav
ing been delayed by our re
cent repairs and improve
ments , which are now com
pleted , we shall be glad on
Wednesday , April 30 , to
show our fine line of Child
ren's Suits and Furishing
Goods to our friends. All
are cordially invited to call
on us that day.
Thu WollKnovvn fc
M iiniiirpiiiKptl In tlin trontmpnt of all furnn of I'HI-
\ \TI DISKXSKS unit strlcturen , iicuroKiiaranti'cil.
Impoleney , LOSH of .Manliootl nntl nmbltloii Merllty
or llnrrofinesH abioliitt'ly ctrctl cmt for hooks
"i'lio l.lfo Secret , ' lor Man or Woman , each lOrenti
i taniMi ] Nervous N'limlo Diseases cuicil iiilckly |
unit permanently Treatment hy corrcspoiidnnce ,
rtiimpt tor reply Consultation tieo. Ollko b. K ,
Cor. l.Hli unit Jackson slrc'CI . Omaha. Neb ,
A Perlsct Art Album contilnlng 24
Beiutlful Photographs representing
Tea and Coffee cjllurt , will be unt
on recMpt of > our address ,
' CHASE 4 SANBORN , 136 DrojJSt. , Boston ,
Western D pt , 80 Franklin St. , Chicago , III.
S\N vi no , " tlio
Iti mi'iljr , m "fil vvlili
il Written ( limruii-
len lo cure ull Nor * *
< > is Ii"i UKi'H.pui-li no
Weak Mi'iiuiry.oti \
t of DraliiPnuur.lltiul
X " * , Y .N X-V.HVV' 'n c.Wukefuiiicf ,
Before & After Use. U. . > ntM i.ii.ioil.Nm. .
pfi"tu"rjn | ! r.rum rife. IHUI.CM , I.nBdltinli' ,
til ilraina mull" * " f power ol tbo ( Ivucratlu Or
l'pii , ln clilieriic.T , riuitcilbj ovcr-i'ii-itlon , yinitti
fill luilncrvtlnni , or tlio oxcrmlvo u-o of luhai i < > ,
opium , or tlmiili nt , which iiltlmati'ly leaU to
lunrmlty , fnni'iiiiiiitliin ami Inranliy. 1'ul up in
toii\eulPlit form to carry In Itio v -t pocket. 1'rico
Vi a packapri , or 0 fur $ * s. WltbuMriy * "tonlcruo
I'Uca irrittfH uiiiintnlff to cure or irfiinil
the iiiiiiirhentbyiuuil to any ailurrtl. C'li-
nilar fice. Mentlou thin payer. Milirt *
417 7B'l > "rn hlrrit I Ml' , M > O , 1I > L ,
A i it ' . "r lilli Jluui ;
J A Iiult ) i tc ( ur I 'ill if i Ft ull , lul
A. 1 , Ivtlcr & Cv. , i. uuii Bluff * ,
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Under the Management of tlio Mexican International Banking Co. , Concession. * n ft.
Will tulco pluco In public at thu CITY" 01' .Il'AIMr/i ( fonnoi-Iy P.HO del Nnrlr . Mi-xleo
WEDNESDAY , MAY 21st , 1S9O.
Under tlio personal snnervlsfnn ol fO , JOHX S. JIOSIIY , mul Mlt.CAMl l.O A li.l ri.I.H ? ,
tlm former n. ftcntlpmnii of Mit-h piuinlnrnco In the I'nltcd Stale- ) that his | inis 'ii'- ' ' uli'no In
MI Ilk-lent mm ran tec to I In' public that thu lira \\hiKi u III.In' lirlil ulth stilct ] nmr-t > . . f : n- to all , and tlio latter ( the SiiiicnNorut the jk li-an Cinvoi-iinit'iit ) K ( if M-inclIng
and Integrity.
Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only G'O.OOO TicKctsl
1 Prize of Apjiroximation Prize" .
Jf.0,000 . $60,000 '
, , ion I'ri/n * < ir
1 I'rl/oof 10.UUI & 10,000 till I'll/l'S l > l .Jl i > iii'li . ' IW
1 I'rl/euf fi 000. IUU rrlci of i raiti
: i I'rl/oi of linn ) oni'li Slim * ) Terminal Prizes.
10 I'rlruiof MM null ' . ' .UIXI W.l TrnnliinN I" mi IKXI l'i l/u nf i'.u li Jll f"0
Ml I'rl/i-i of 1UU onrli C-.IKK ) rwiViinlunli ID > IOi" J l'il/o ( if > 1U euli :
100 Prizes ( if .X eai'li 6.IM1
2JO 1'rlzes ot : J each 7WW 10M Prizes amountiiis to $1C6,070
Wo tlin iinitcrHlxiiod licrohy oorllfy Hint tlio llniicn If nnv tlolxot ilrnnliiK.i prlio I" * rnt I" il i1 ninlnv
N'nclnnnl of .Mexico In Clillitinliun lint on ilcposlt nUncil , II" 1.- i.ilue "III hi * 1'iilli'c'li'il mul iru I ted
from thu Mevlcnii liileriiiitloinil llnnkliiK I'oniiuiiiy , tu the u\rmi ilirifif free "f ih.-iii.'f
the npces iry fund * to Kunrnnleu tlin pa > nit-nt of all KlH. Ml U. llllllNstiN ,
thu | irl7osilinnn In tliiMirnml l.iitti'i > ot'7. PnMlilcnt lit I'.IID Niittutmt U.iiik. K.IJ'J " ' ! ' ( r.
Wofiirthorceitlfy that u "III niiur | l cnil tlio nr- AliliNTinVAXT IIP
raiiKc'nii'iits , nnd In poroii niaiiaui' ami i-ontiol nil I'drtluli iali' < . ni jny nllicr Inlniiiiitili'i ' | > tq
thoilr-inliiKt of tills l.dltciy , anil Hint the tuiino arc llm iinili'i'liiiii'il. I'lnlliii ! jour iiililii"- ' ill-mil nllli
c-oniluctoil nltli honeity , lahnvas nmt in uooil faith MlllP. ( 'lllllltt. IllM-l Illlll .NlllllliCT. M Ill III II1 H
tOMiinls nil iiuitlci , deliver1 will houiiiiii'il Inour ciicu ! li > .nunvil *
JO11JSI S. MOSTJ " . CnininSsloncr. opo liiMilnir jriiin- lull , nliln""t.
L'AMII.O AlUil'KM.IN. JII.MIJA.N l.N-lllllN TIII.VAI. ( UNhlNi. I > . .
Snporvlsor for Hit1 ( Joxuriimunt. I'llJ ( if .lllUll / Mexico.
Pend irmlttaiipps for tickets by oiillnniy loiter. ontililliK | | V < .it ' < v i.
. 1issncil bj all i\int--s : Companies. New Vork i\rlianuri1 : , Hiinl. IJinfi"i 1'uMal
oU ; . Address all lOBlstered lettt'ito
Oil tj ol'Juarox , Mcixico , via Ml Puo , 1
mi Closing Oilt
Continues to nttrnct intelligent buyers , who believe in flf'- '
ting the svot'th of their money. We &ave you from i-o ! to
CO pei-cent on Dinmonds , Watches , Chmns , Rings , Loi-U-
ets. Pins , Buttons , Enr Di'ops , nncl nil other Jewell y , n
well ns Silverware , Clocks , Bronzes , Lamps , bilk Umbi el-
las , Opern nnct Field Glasses , Spectacles , etc.
Genuine Diamond Finger Rings , solid gold , only $2.OO.
Boss Gold Filled Stem Wind Watches , Elgin movenvnt ,
only $17.
Solid Gold Vest Chains only $7.GO.
Best Rolled Plate Chains only $2.SO ; worth $0.
8OO Fine Set Rings , Ladies' and Gents' , choice $1.
Finest Rolled Plate Cufr Buttons , set with real stones , only
BOc pair.
Solid Sterling Silver Collar Buttons , only 2Cc ; worth 76i\
Fine Silk Umbrellas , oxidized silver handles , only $2. o
and up.
Solid Gold Spectacles or Eye Glasses , only $0 ; worth $ O.
Best Steel Spectacles , finest lenses , fitted , $1 and S1.5O.
Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Lowest PnVrs
Wixl uc.nlli arid Furnnni fcM
FO I i NI A' rt
ChoicestProduction. : : .
I'ou SAI.I : iiv
i- * ' ! IV'CJ1 > / , ,
" ' , " , ' , j'V f Liquor DfuiPi'H.
F LJellune & Co. , )
HtMnifid & Hanson ) Grocers and
Hem y Pundt , I Liquor Dealois.
lit I it U'x"/lhfiiiidi'l" liusiioHM | > rtiiiiiiu. ; \niil-
. , ui \ \ iii > , nlillu Il i-ijiiulb Ihebeit lininiiti-u i-luiflN
Etchings. Emerson.
Engra v.ngs. Hollot& Davis.
Artists' Supplies. K'mljall.
Mouldings. Pmnos &
Frames. Sheet MUSH
1310 Douglas Street , Omaha , Netomekcu