* ' 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BET3 MONDAY , APEIL 28 , 1800 THE OMAHA BEE. rorxrm njtn-psa. 01 I II Ki NO. 12 VKAHI , TIIKCT. IJrlluird liyrnnkr In nny ( mil nf the City. It. W.TII.TUN . MANAOKK. Oinri' . No , NlOIlT r.HITOII , > 0. J ) . JII\TIO\ . N Y P CM. Council UlnfC-i Lumber Co , coal. I'atierliaiiKPrs wanted nt Ollli'ltc Si Free man's , 'JII IViirl street , Council Hlnffi. TlmC' . M , H. A. will trlvo n soolnl hop In Iheir hull. Hughes block , Thursday evening , May J , l&yt ) . Mootlnjj of Abe Lincoln pott nml LaiHcV Kfllcf corps on Tuesday evening to innko nr- rniifjcinenw Tot * .Mrmoilal iluy. Marlon U'liohf oil was inn In ypstn-ilay for ( llstmbln the pence. He put np ' . "i for his uppramncc for liinl this morning. Hormnn Theissen wns nrrcsted ycstcidny bv Deputy Mm-slml Burliyto on n warrant ( IIIII IIIK him with Inrcony. The dcfendunt wns an employe of the Siiifrorsowinf ? iniichlno company , inii ( Ii rlniiucd. with appropriating of the i oinpany's finals for Ills own use. Ills I.ISP Is not > et set , foi'n lic'.nint'i mnl In the meantime ) he hi Miss Lulu Khndc's will on May 1 open n Konrinl olllce of shoithuml ami typi-wiltliitf nt the rooms nf the National Fraternal asso- cliitlon , In the Ill-own block. Sevcrnl ( Iralrablo dwelllntjs with modern Improvements for lent In vicinity of the I'lvsb.UriInn church. K. II. Sho.ifo & Co , , rental aj { < nts. , T C Hlvbv. strain hiMtliiir , sanitary met- ni'or. ! UtLiri : > building , Um.thu ; Mi Mcithun block , Council ISInlTs. f'liolro H'slilftice property ccntr.illy located foi stile bj i : . II. She.iio V Co. photo nailery In the west Shcrra- din's ni-w place , Illiuid 15 Main .street. Tlio Lt'iiilcrs of line'villein's and jewelry In the city , and the phn-i to buy the best tfooils at the lowest jirlces , is tlio establishment without rivals , the most tellable Hi in of C. H. Jvcrji'iiMiK & Co. DIN Woodbiiry have removed tliolt- dental ofllcoto lfl ) 1'e.nl stieet , up st.lll-a. K. til'I' . Sisterhood. Toln.v Is thn Hist anniversary of the estab lishment in Council IJlulTs of Calanthoasscm- . I l'\rtii.m Sisterhood the ladles' ll.\No. , . \ , branch of the Knights of Pythias. The event will be celebrated lids evening at the 1C. of 1 * . hall In a manner worthy of the org.uii/.itlon und cix'ditable to the ladles themselves. They Imvo made abiiiidaut prop.iwtlon to receive their friends , and they expect to meet all the members of the lodge4 In this city mid their lad.v relatives. The evening's cnteituininent will bo of a social ch.iracter and very pleas ant. Ciilentho assembly was the first of the ordei to beestabMslicd west of the MKsis- Mppt river , and while numerous und \ cry popular In the e.ist for several je.irs p.ist , these brunches have just begun to be inaugu rated in tin west. The membership is 1011- llilt'd to the huly lelutlves of the Knights of Pythias In pond stimdiii } . ' , ami it has become a most powei fill auxiliary to the patent orgiini/atloti/and Incre.ned the I tiopnlaiilj and extended the mcmborsliip of theonlei. This has been p.uticnlaily the ca.se in Council Hinds , wheic two of the most lodges in tin st.ite , trc orgitnl/ed. It s n notable fai t that the member-hip of both these lodges has grown moio rapidly dining the last jcitr than in any other j ear of their liitoiThat this growth Is largely duo to the establishment of the local br.nuli of the P.ithian SIstethiHid is lie\oiid ( | Uestlon. The Inllneme of the ladles was felt Irom the stint and H has continued to incie.iso slnco the branch was organl/ed. 'Pile attemhmco nt both the local lodges has also been very much better slnco the ladies'branch was organ ized In uew of these fails the ladles are Inclined to believe that they me entitled to a good deal of consideration , nnd they want the knights to como out tonight In full force and help them celebrate their anniversary. Ur II S. West , porcelain crown ami bridge wotK , No. 1-i Pearl. A good host- reel free with every 100 feet of hose put chased at HKby's. Gwid paper hanger. ) at Crockwell's. If von want the best Wall paper go to .1. D. Croik\\eir.s. The Manhattan sporting he.idifrsUS 15- wny WnteiWork - - $ 1(1. Without doubt theie are many persons now building house's here H ho want "to use the city wnter , but arc unable to pay the usual pi ice for introducing the water into their mx-inUus. Appreciating this fait , the New Yolk Plumb ing companj will lot ate nyard hydrant six teen feet fioin the curb line , and connect the mime with witter main , with everything com plete and the water ready to use fot-Jlli Cash with older. This offer applies to unpavcd utrcetshoro mains are laid. The gasoline stove is more dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save life and propcrlv by using theC. H. Lias and Klcctno Light Co.'V , BUS stove. If you wish to soil your property call on the Judd & Wells Co. , C. II. Judd piesident , tilM Broadway. Wo want you to list your rental property Avith us mid wo will secure you good , reliable tenants. Hunts collected and special atten tion given to earo of property. K. H. Sheafo & Co. , llioadway and Main st. , up .stairs. * t Another Old ItcMdcnt ( Jone. C. L. 1) Ci-o.-kwell , one of tin oldo-,1 roI I- dents of the lllulls , having lived hero nearly n third of a century , died at I oYlo.c ! yes- terdnj morning of paralysis , at his homo'No. 4 fl ( lien avenue , aged hoventy-four years , three months and ten days. Ilo was stricken on Friday , when It was known that the to- suit could not bo but Int'il , but ho lived for two days. The deceased was born nt O.\ ford , Ohio , In January , ism. Ho married Annlo M. Warner In. Wisconsin Mnn.li ! ' . , ISliI , by whom he had live children , all of whom sur vive him. In December. Hit ) , the family to- .niovo I to this city , where they huve slnco re- filded For u number of years Mr. Crock- well was engaged in a mercantile lifo In this cltj , but retired some years ago , ami hlnco that time the business lias been managed by his son , .1 1) . Crockwell. The deceased has been a sufferer from pattlal paralysis for the past nine jours. H culminated in the .oeoiid Btroko last Friday , which resulted in his death. Ho was n member of the Hroadwav M U. church. Tin * children mo .T. U. C'loclt- well , Mrs Mary n. Ifeed , Mrs , .Inlla F. Crocker , Mis. Minnie Dcmnion and L. M. Crockwell The funeral will take place at . ' ) ; ! ! 0 oYloik this afternoon fi-om tluuvst- flence , Kev. I ) . ( ' . FranklinoniclaUng. Inter ment will be made In Falrvicw. The partnership heretofore existing be tween II. Itlrklnbfiii ) tijid ,1. S. Ktandeford of Council llliill'-f , In. , operating and doing bns [ . > iess under the tlrin mi mo and .stjlo of the Ulrklnbino engineering and supply company , with olllces nt Council Ulnfts.Ia. , and Omaha , Neb. , h thin duv dissolveil by mutual eon- sent , Mr. J. S. Htandoford retiring. The business will bo continued bj Mr. H llh'k- inblne under the .same linn name midstjle , und ho will pay all outstanding claims and all debts duo I ho late lit in tire lo bo collected , ptid to ami receipted for by him , the said H. IJirklnblne. Witness our hands und seals thts > .Md day of April , IfcW. ll.uinv liiiiiMiiNi ! : . J , S. Si VMH Hinn. In ( lie presence of Uurtnim Xovcly. A l'ei'1'ect Suiitlny. Perfect weather overhead mid underfoot , /owns / on every hand covered with bright veidtiro , tiws dense with foliage and beauti ful blossoms , a ml the air heavy with their fragrance , combined to niulto yesteiduy u delightful Sunday iu the Bluff * . So perj j feet In all respects wn ? tlio day that none failed to take advantage of rvcry oppor tuully offered to enjoy It to the fullest cjitont l'i rybody seemed to be out of doort , and the public parks presented n more animated np ( tenrnneo limn they had Iwforo for sever.i months. Summer secmetl to huve arrived al nt once , and them was general overflow o humanity from both the JJluffs and Omaha into P.m'indinit nark. The regnlitr motet trains were nmtblo to ncrominodato the thtong , and tlitvo extra tt-alns were run on the nmin line during the nftetnoon. All of the ears on the Fifth nvenue line wore run direct to the jutk. Instead of pnttot then going around the Pierce street loop us usual Cven wttli this double seiviro on the park line It was difficult to necornmodato nil who desired to ride to the top of the blulTs. Sev eral ears wet oobllged to leave do/ens of would- bo passengers waiting for the ne.vt train , and thus It was until evening. It was esti- mati-d that them were over two thousand people in the | ink during the afternoon , ex clusive of the hundreds who drove thither in carriages during the day. The park was ap parently npi > oclatod as H had never been be fore , mid hundreds were hoard lo say that It was their first visit but would by no means bo their hist. Omaha was oven better represented than the Hind's , nnd It goes without saying that Omaha will s.end thousands of her tired elti- yens to Fnlrmonnt park every pleasant Sun day the coming season to refresh themselves. It Is certain that the motor line will bo taxed tolls fullest cat rj ing capacity to accommo date the crowds. Mannwu nlso came In for Us share of atten tion , and trains of four cars each loft the IJ roadway depot every hour for the lake. The Reason M not yet far enough advanced and the weather Is lightly too cool for Man- awa to bo thoroughly appreciated just yet. The hotel has not opened and bathing Is nt u discount. One fentnio Hint was not there last year is Colonel Heed's new pavilion on the edge of the lake near the steamboat land ing. It will ho completed nnd in readiness for use next SumJ.ij. It is IlKJlN ) feet in sbo nnd Is all under i oof. It will bo fitted with seats and tables and will bo greatly appro- elated. Heretofore the complaint has been made that there was nowhoroto go to get out of the sun , but the new pa\ilionwill till the bill in this respect. It will be cool , being perfectly ventilated , and will always get n cool brec/o off the lake. It will make a capital resting place , nnd from It everything of interest can bo seen. It will bo neatly and attractively finished , nnd will bo n paying Investment fet its builder. im ion "Hi' . One hundred tons of hay for Mile In stack nt Lake Manawn. IJKN MAHKS. S. IJ Wadsworth .t Co. , 207 Pearl street , loan money for Lombard Investment company. J. O. Tipton , real estate , CUT Broadway. The Itciuitfci of Humility. Iov. { Dr. Phelps of the First Pies by tcrlan church preached yesteiday morning on the beauties of humility. The tcxtjwas taken from T. Peter , 5:5. : "Bo Clothed with Humility. " This icmlmls ol the other welds , by the same wiiter , and in this same letter , wncrcin he bids certain ol his mulcts to adorn them selves with the ornament of a meek ami quiet spiiit , which , in the .sight of God , is of great pi ico. It reminds also of Itebekah , who , in the simplicity and snblinntv of her faith in God , had como from her far distant home to be , at God's choosing , the wife of the son of promise , Isaac. As she saw him in the dis tance ho alighted ft out her camel and con cealed her beauty and her Jewels beneath n veil ; and was thus presented to her future husband. This net of genuine modesty was em' of the most charming of her life. H reminds also of .Moses. They told him that hif > face was shining , and ho covered it with a veil , thus going about men , with that , which was his highest glory , concealed from view. At sociables wo some times see ladles going among the company wearing white aprons. These seem to say , "Wo are among you as 1 hey that serve ; Ictus minister toyourcom- fott or welfatc.1' Jesus said , "Iam among yon as ono that serves. " Peter gays : "Let us put on the aprons of service1 , 1. e. .service to the i.ord and to one another. Let us bo clothed with humility. A "ptnud Chiistian" is n contradiction in terms. O'od makes much of .humility in His w 01 d. Hnmilltris n coin so current that it is often counterfeited ; but such a counterfeit , when detected , is more despised than other coun- teifeit. God cannot bo deceived. Wo ate always in His pteseneo. Let us bo clothed with genuine Immilitv and not olU-nd Him with its semblance. Wo must put it on our selves if we be i lothed with it. This will re quire efloit. God "will help us , sometimes with His gineo and sometimes by dealings which humble us. Peter , who wiotothcso words , had been humbled by his lull. Paul was given a thorn in bis flesh lest ho bo ex alted above measuie Hobett Hall was humbled by repeated failntcs in his llrst at tempts to speak , but theieby became so humble that he was as eminent for his hu mility as for Ids great eloquence and power. It is our real self that Is to bo clothed with humility. Humility Is Inseperably linked with other desirable graces ; as meekness , patience , in dustry in doing good , faith in one's fellows and in God , submission to God's will , forgive ness of injuiics , usefulness , sympathy , thank fulness and prajorfnlni'bs. Humility opens the way lor knowledge. The liumblo man is willing to sit at the feet ofa child , or a ser vant , or any ono else , who can teach him any thing ; and at the feet of natiiie , too. To such nature opens her secrets. The greatest schol ars have been humble men. As Isane Newton - ton , who said : "If 1 have been able to sco fatther than DOS C.utes , It Is because I Imvo stood upon the shoulders of giants ; " alluding to the discoveries and researches of Des Car tes and Copernicus and Galileo. Orlgen , the most learned of the Greek fathers , Mild , " 1 am not ignorant of my own ignorance. " Humility attracts ; and so makes its possessor the mote useful. Prldo repels. How Is it piodnced within us ? By thollolv bptrit. Ho regenerates. Thonew naturehas no pride in it. By studying the scriptures. Thoiowo bco the character of God. His greatness reveals our littleness. Tliero wo -co thoamjels mid iheinbim and seraphim. They are very great , and thev are also hum- bio. Wo mo taught hnmblo views of our selves by contrast with their gieatness , and are led to humility by their example. Pte- emlnent among seiiptnro characters is Jesus , the gicatcst and the humblest. Then the precepts ami piinclples of the bible , of both the old and now testaments , teach humility. The context hero presents several forcible reasons , viGod : giveth grace to the hum ble and resisteth tlio .proud. Ho exalts the humble , and prldo Is the smite of the great udersary w ho seeks our destruction. Satan himself toll from heaven through pride , mid this Is the snare that ho sets for human feet. Wo easily fall Into It. It takes so little to pun' us up. The isermon closed with several Illustra- 1 loirs of the peril and olYensdvenoss of ptide , and of the beauty , safety and blessedness of humility. Impmtiint to Horsemen : Largo llnohorso and turf goods. Probstlo , 5VJ 11y , C. B. Special Atli-nullnii In the HlulTH , The great tibbon sale at the Boston store this week promises to bo Iho leading atttac tion of the city. Uvery lady and child Is looking forward to the ruinous pi Ices for which they nro going to buy silk ribbons at the Boston store. Silk ilbbons for lust half- pi ice. Sco show window. No. f > ribbon for Tie. No. 7 ribbon for 7c. No. 1) ) ilbbon for lite. No. | a ribbon for I'Jt.c. No. ID Ubbon for llic. All staple and limey colors. Also muck In grosgraln , satin i-cfgo ami moire. Limited to one pleco to a customer , Uvery ady ought to avail herself of this opportun ity. Sale each day between the hours of U ? { ! ' , ' , ! ' , " ' ' " "OS-Jo" Ktore , Fotherlnglmni , \ \ liltelaw A : Co. , leaders and promoters of low pi ices , Council Bluffs , In. The rent immstoixif ineehniilenl nklll und genius will for the snerillco of n great denl of Hfo nnd limb In tJtolr construc tion. The router the i-iiulneerinj ? font the more oxtoiislvo is the IOSH of life , lit the construction of the Klilel tower , for Instancetwontyslx li\en were lost , nc- cm-dint , ' to the olllelnl returns of the H-ciiclt government , while on the trront I'orlh bridtfo In Scotland a libt of forly Hvoa lost has bwn published. ' Mrs. M Schaenbevger , Beaver Hum , Wls. , Wiitosohuvo : used Ur Thomas' Kclec- trlo Oil In our famllj for coughs , colds croup kiid rLcutiiutiiiu. U CUIM ovcvy Uuio. " ESCORTED OUT BY THE POLICE Vauclerbllt's Ex-Ohief Fired From the Pal- nce Hotel in Sau Fraucisco. HOW WIGGINS MISSED THE MARK HiOavc nn Antl-iai'lliiinke ; | Pro- plieoy a Few DIIJH Before the Troinliled A Gos- Const Letter. Siv FIUNTI CO , Cain. , April 21. [ Special Correspondence of Tun Bin : . ] There never was u time when so many eastern tourists hnvo been seen on the coast. Parts of Cali fornia hitherto not sought by the tourist wll bo explored by him nnd his trade mark , the empty bottle nnd preserved meat can , will bestrewn strewn by the way. The highest mountain in California wll soon bo visited for the first time by n largo party of eastern tourists , accompanied by a number of residents ef this city. The start will 1)0 made front 1'ortervllle , in Tulnro county. This Is the llrst effort ever made to take u Inrgo party of tourists into the hearl of the Sierro Nevada mountains. When once fully known , Iho Mount Whitney region will attract largo numbers of visitors and tourists , On the top of Mount Whitney the heat of the un is so strong that water may bo boiled by its rays in a nmall kettle covered with a sheet of ordinary window glass. As the heat of the sun is not Imparted to the dry nlr of the the region the atmosphere is cold. "For ways that are dark , etc. , " the Phila delphia Chinaman is not very far behind his brethren in swifter localities. Postmaster Bryan received n letter a few days ago from a Philadelphia Chinaman named Lee. inclosing ono nddressed toanothet Chinaman In the "cate of Hop Cliong Long , ' .KIT Uaco street , Philadelphia , " with the te- iiuest that It bo mailed hero so us to go back there. Mr. Leo's letter reads us follows : rinr\mii'iiiA : , AptII 12. IMX ) . DearSIr : I send Ibis letter aiihcd liete. I hope yon help mo change his letter send back I'hllii city. I am vciy much obliged for vou to do that 1 urn so glad , your fi lend. Mil. Lr.i : . As the request looked very much as If there was a "Chlmimnn in the fence. " Secretary Bemet did as requested , llrst stamping it "Hcceived under cover from Mr. Lee , Phila delphia , Aptil 18 , and mailed from San Fran cisco. " As these letters are received very frequently , and there Is evidently some pur pose In view , the stump as aoovo bus been made and used to show that the letter was received under cover. Wiggins , the deluded Canadian who parts his name in the middle and Imagines himself n. weather seer , rather missed the mark on California weather recently , and his predic tions 1110 being laughed at by "old-timers , " who know something about earthquakes themselves. The follow Ing letter was received a few days sineo by a lady In this city from Wig gins : OITUVA , Canada. Apill Jn. ISM. Mrs. , San 1'rnnchco , I'allfoinla. U. s. Dear Madam : I liiivo just received you letter of April i' , In which you scum to Indleiitothat Iliad leeontly picdlcted that Callfoinla Is soon to ho vMtul by dlsastious eaithipmKes und ask my opinion as to tlio piop > loty \onrlea\liiK that coun- tiy. I\o\v , I beg to Inform yon that I have made no such piedlctlon and that your slate Is In no wn > liable to danguious oaitliiiunKcs , In fuct.tlii'ie uio no cailhqnaUcsto take place In your p.ut of the continent at all. cxcciillng a few slmUes of no importance , for the 10- miilnderottlio century , and \\lioo\iir says so Knows nothing wliatoun-about. It. I'm I her , 1 may say lh.it I Knov , of no tidal aes that aie about toislt your coast. All such pic- dlclIons are the xeilest humbugs , to which people lniIng anj sense should pay no atten tion whatever. 1 Intend to spend a pait of my days In California , and don't reckon cm any earthquakes lodi-luib my mental and plijol- cal equilibrium. Vents truly , n. sro.vK WKIOINS. In contradiction of this letter and to show the unreliability of Mr. Wiggins' ptopheey ono of the most scveio shocks of earthquake experienced hero for n long time was felt in this city and neighboring localities a llttlo after 4:110 : this morning. Buildings were Bhaken petceptibly and persons aroused from their sleep. The plastering fell from walls in places , but no setlous damage is reported as yet. Dispatches from Mayficld state that the shock was very severe thero. The tnilroad bridge was tendeied impassable , as piers sixty feet high settled four inches and tlio rails spte.id apart n foot. The gtound in places settled six to twelve Inches. Kmlrond travel was delayed a few hours. The eaithquako was geneially felt through out this section of the state , but no serious dimage is reported. Several buildings were somewhat cracked here. At Gllray and Wat- sonvillo the gas mains weto disjointed and chimneys thrown down. So much for Mr. Wiggins and so soon after his ptedictton. The rate war is at an end. The festive scalper has disappeared and the public , who have been sighing for n continuation of the scrimmage , at o disappointed. The local rep resentatives of tlio trunk and transcontinental lines met at Font th and Townsend stteets , mid ratiilcd the agicement formulated by the passenger agents on last Thursday. The contiact specifies that any employe of the ro.nls represented at the meeting who shall directly or indirectly cut under or make any tebato in the established tariff iiito shall lose hit , transportation nnd position. The gen eral agents of Iho several roads are held re sponsible for the enforcement of thlsotdor , and for any dereliction on the part of em ployes nro made to suffer the same pains nnd penalties as piovided for the employe. AH the agents signed this contract , some willingly and others with an air of hesita tion , as If they thought the conditions rather oxncting. Mr. Stubbs has signified his intention of enforcing the order and not allowing it to bo- conic a de.ul letter , ns similar orders have sometimes become. The agents av that this is tlio strongest order ot the kind that has over been Issued and they all cxptess a desire to sco It obeyed. Thei o was a speck of war and n lively scrimmage in the kitchen of the Palace hotel last night. Hard words , loud talk , threats nnd u general topsy.tnrvy condition of affairs was followed by n cull for "police. " Blood shed was avoided , but a lawsuit will probably ensue as it result of the dilllcnlty. Monsieur M. Dubois , head cook nt the Pal ace , who was formerly the $ .1,0 < N ) chef of William H. Vnnderbilt , walked out of the big liotel last night at 8 o'clock escorted by a policeman. The chief stowiud of the estab lishment , Mr. Young , who was M. Dubois1 opponent in the affray , cooled his wrath by iong ! out to the theater. From > until S o'clock there was wild con fusion In the culinary department of the Pal- aco. The house was crowded with guests , over MX } arriving on tlio incoming China ami Panama steamers yesterday. While dinner was being served the row in the kitchen oc curred , which nearly parnly/ed the cooks , as tonished the servers , perplexed the waiters mil disgusted the guests , who waited In vain for tin ir salads , theft- roasts and desserts. Dubois came hero but a month or so ago. ticruldoil ns Iho greatest chef la America , and : ho Palace management gotagtcat deal of free advciUsing out of him. I s.iw the ex-chef In a Market street resort tor French cooks at a Into hour last night. Ho was cooling his wrath and excited blood at the same lime with n pate and a small bottle of Cllquot. His story of tlio affair was simply old , uiul to the point. Three months ago ho , viis engaged In New York to como to San [ 'raneiseo as chef of the Palnce , signing n contract for two years. Ho was to icivlvu n salary of fciSO for the llrst month , mil 100 for each succeeding month. Ho took charge' of the kitchen and the cot ps ot cooks , and nt the commencement of he second month of service was proffered . ' .VI as ! ) ! > > salary Instead of IIH ) , which his contract called for. Ho refused to accept the nonev , ami u qnanel ensued between himself und tlio steward. Both chef and steward nro large headed Individuals , eat h with Ids own sense of honor and no small degree of Hide In his profession. Steward ouiig gave his version of the nf- 'nlr us follows : "Thero was no trouble. Wo illed Dubois about a month ago and ho did ml give satisfaction. Then wo engaged M. Andrcaux , from the Biepont , In Paria. The icw chef at tl\cd , and I was nlKiut U > Install dm In his new position , when DuliuU cicatcd i disturbance and refused to go when 1 or- Icml him to leave. I finally called an uflloer mil hud him put out. That was all. There viis no tumble. " Uiibois will liuvo no dlfllculty In getting re- mineratlvo employment in one of the Neb ill ! palaces , us he Is without doubt one of the nest uttlstle cooks In the country The ten-round light bctwcui Harry Gil- more of Canada Avid .Ilmmle Lindsay of Omahn , Aptlllt , we hear , was a very tame affair , nnd although Uilmoro proved himself by far the cleverer of the two men , Kofcrcc McCtino declared the light n draw. Uilmoro announced to the dHgtlsted nudlenco Hint ho was willing to light Llndsiiv hi prlvnto , nnd a match may bo arrnnped. ' Lindsay Is UiO Qmplm star who has been talked of in San runclsco clubs as n iood man to import to meet Danny N'ecdlmm , but if ho can do no better than bus been reported , N'eedham will simply knock his head off , nnd If the cele brated Davis , who h coming out to meet Choynskl is no better , the Occidental club will have a repetition Of the Into fizzle in the Golden Onto club. .lervls. the Olympic club walker has broken the world's amateur half-mile walking record on the new Olymplo grounds. The track was fast and In splendid condition , nnd so was Tervls , who started in tlio teeth of a strong bouthwesteily wind that was making music among the pennants on the club houses. Jer- vls went oft at tlio crack of the gun , spinning around the track and causing n score of in teiested young athletc.s to hold their breath in Intense anxiety nt every stage ns ho skimmed over the ground with a phenomena : .stride and recovery. Click I went the stop watch ns ho passed under the line nt tlio Judges' stand , while every ono present clustered around Sehllfer- stein , Who announced that the half mlle had been made In 3'JI : , which makes a difference of just seven seconds on the amateur world's time , the best hitherto beinglil. ! : : Lord Porchester and valet of Knglund ar rived on the steamer City of Itlo do .Inneiro yostotdny from Hong Kong and is registered at a down-town hotel. This Is ills llrst visit to America. Ho Is making a tour of the world for pleasure only. Ho comes from n very distinguished family , his father being the Karl of Carnarvon , formerly lord lieuten- nnt of Ireland. Lord Porehostor Is an ama teur hunter mid Is anxious to try his hand on some of the larger American game In the Heckles. In South Africa , where lie spent several months last fall , Lord Porchester or- gani/ed an expedition to hunt elephants , but the elephants hunted the expedition and the exploit was a dlro failure. A well known sport In natatorial nnd aquatic circles where ho " " and , poses as a "professor , it is rumoted even ns a champion , has been in Ill-luck recently , and his friends say hard up , mid he tuts been forced to cast about and devise some means of raising the wind. On Sunday , the lilth hist. , ho intimated to some of his fellow sports that ho had hit upon a device which might bring the dollars rolling Into their pockets. The sport and a few chosen friends were to board an Oakland boat nt an auspicious hour that day when the moneyed and better class of "cross-the-bay" residents might be expected to be aboard , and when the boat hud got well into the middle of the bay ono of the pals was to jump Into the water and the sport would plunge in immediately aftcrwnid to the res cue. cue.Tho The rescuer was to make n great ? splurge over the job nnd bo taken out of the water very much exhausted. The other pals were then to pass around the hat and take up a col- lestion as a slight tribute of commendation from the passengers for the rescuer's bravo and gallant conduct. The affair did not , however - over , como off , and so the sport promised to do the trick lust Sunday. However , the water was very cold , and Oak land's capitalists were expected to remain within tlio bosoms of their families , nnd so the spot t has decided to postpone the hippo drome until a more favorable occasion. Oakland passengers are now "onto" his little - tlo scheme and the chances are that the Impe cunious sport will recelvo little substantial encouragement. Verily , the way of the played-out sport is very rocky just now in San Francisco. LKSli : FOR HOGS. How u I'ittsbttfK Man Keeps His Ken- iicl in Good Condition. Ilutl Solomon lix-ctl in Pittslnu'tf ho would doubtless liuvo refrained front sny- ing Unit "thero is < nothing new under Uio sun. " The latest novel prne-tico in dulged in here is that of feeding dogs on horsollebh , says the Piltblmrg Dispatch. Mr. Adolpli Stuckey , of No. 1220 Ciu-sou street , South Side , has ono of tlio most valunblo kennels iii the state. It could not ho replaced for less Uiun $2,000 or $2f > 00 , and it only consists of eight tmi- niiils. During the winter season Mr. Stuekoy feeds his dogs almost entirely on horso- HeHh. Ho buys his stock at the Red Lion hoi-bo market nt from S2 to $5 a head. The horses nro taken to the Twenty- second ward , where the dogs lire kept on the farm of William Vnnnessen. They nro killed like beef. Tlio meat is packuil away in salt and fed to the dogs in its raw btiite. Ilorsullesh is held by Mr. Stueky to bo healthier than other meat , and is much cheaper. Although Mr. Stueky is alone in the use of hot'hollesh for dog food ho beems to have profited by adopting it , as no where can bo found n liner lot of canines than ho possesses. His kennel includes St. Bernards , Irish terriers , blooded pugs and blnek-and-tnii terriers. IIo visited the recent bench &ho\v : tt Chicago nnd brought homo thrco prix.es. Air. Stueky was been hist night. In regard to the care of dogs and the food best adapted for use in u kennel ho wilil : "It takes great euro to rnibo dogs prop erly. They renuiro nearly as much at tention as ii child. Puppies should bo fed bread and milk during the first week. This is an expensive diet , but it is the proper food to give them. 1 always feed them four meals n day until they are about four week's old , and then drop down lo three. Then 1 begin the use of dog biscuits. "When they nro a little oldur I give them a little meat. They ncetl a great deal of exercise nlso. They want an absolute freedom. Vegetables make a good food , ns they liuvo u ten dency to purify the blood. "Tho dog belongs to the family of [ nrnlvora , or Ilesh-cators , nnd ruw meat lb the best food n dog can get. Somo. times there is a question whether it bhould bo cooked or raw. Uotli have ad vantages. The essential Is fresh , whole some meat , varied from the raw by cook ing , with additions of other food to add to.tho llnyor and tempt the appetite , to gether with a constant supply of fresh , [ Hire nnd clear water. " Mr. Stueky bays ho knows of no prcel- dent where horse lle.sh was used ns food , except in England , where ho once read of it being used for u short time. IIo is , ho only person on record among the vonnol owners in America who uses it. A call WIIH mado'on ' Alex. Montgomery it the Ked Lion stables yesterday. Ho said ho sold u gieai ; many old horrcs , but lover heard of tho. iininmlb being put to .hat line. Air. Stlicky is u member of the American and St. .Bernard kennel clubs if Now York , and Jio attends nil of the niportant bench shows in the country , [ lo bus spent many.1 years in raising dogs , Hid ib well posted on all breeds of mil- mils. ' - * > A Xovel M aiis or Transit. Two Ciormah oiigineors propose rapid .ransit by meansof three continuous ilatfonns moving tllong the street bide jy side. The lowest of these platforms s four Inches high 'and mo\es at u uni form speed of live feet per second. Any ordinary pedestrian can , they stale , noiuit this platform from the ground vlthout diniculty , and from this ho can vith equal ease stop on to n second plat form four inches higher than the Hrst md moving twice as fast. The passen- jer thus acquires n spued of ten foot pur second , and , stepping on to the third ilatform in the saino way , ho is carried it a speed of fifteen feet per second , or en miles per hour , to his destination , vhoro ho stops o. IV by degrees as ho got Free. Samples of Dr. Miles' Hestoratlvo Xorvino it ICuhn & CO.'H , 10th and Douglas , cures icaducho , nervousness , sleeplessness , neu- alglu , Ills , etc. _ " \Vhilo grubbing a short tltno sineo n 'lorldn man discovered nn Inillnn cnnoo mbedded In muck. It Is about twelve ctt long , hewn from u ej presi log , and la i In n good plato of preservation , although showing great ngo. With it was un In dian paddle. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Chll- diOn Teething relieves the child from pain. Ji3 cents a bottlo. A Vienna baker in advertising his business by putting u gold ducat In ono loaf out of ovcry thousand that ho bakes. The people In tno ix > or suburb whore his show Is located fairly light to buy the loaves. An English Follcllor prints upon the back of his business card tv portrait of himself with the words "Aly Advocate" beneath it. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. "T71OH HAIjlI Hotel piopcrty , 2rnonm. . ecu- L1 tinlly located. Mrs. Wm. Noble , 1SU S. at. , Council _ 171OR KKNT 1'ioat room with alcovuj COT JL ; Willow a\enno. V\rAN'Tr.I ) to Trade A clear farm In Ne- > Ijr.iskn , a eloar buslneis lot In Otnalm for clear or ononiiihoied lesldcneo lots. Tho.ludd it Wells company , 000 liioadway , C. It. Judd , president. _ 'IjlOK SAIiK-On niontlilv payments or terms JL.1 to suit liy the Judd .V wolfs company : 7-room I\\o-stoiy house , eor 8th live , and 10th st. , lot& ) by IK foot , two blocks from motor line. ID-room house on Cth nvc. , ono block from motor lino. H-room house on Lincoln nvc. , two blocks from motor line. - l-ioom houses on Notth ? th st. , nearpost- olllcc. i-ioom home , two stories , avo. A and 12th st. n-toom story and a half house , n\o. 12 , near Notth 7th st. 0-ioom house , also 4-room linnso on the motor line , huluoon : ! fllh and U'lst sts. llonsi's and lots In all parts of the city. The .1 udil.t Wells company , WW lltoadnay , U.It. Judd , pn-s , " \\7"ANTii : ) to Trade llonsos and lotsi.uiK- i > IIIK In prlco fiom MIX ) to ifd.ooi ) for iinlni- jirovi'd propeily. The Jndd . Wells company , bOG Iti-oad\\iiy , 0. II. Jndd , pics. T/10K HAM > -Two-story 12-room hon e. with JL nil iuo < lern Impio\emcnts. line ) ot. > U\l.VI ft. , on paved stteot , only ono block fiom motor lines ! easy terms. New 8-toom linnso with modern Impiove- incnts , laiKo rove lot , In ( list-class nulKbbor- hood : llil.M Isa barKatn ; $ .1,500. Modem ' . ' -story hou < = o on 8th avo. , J'J.WO. Choice ( tnidenliic land olose to the city , In 5 or 10-aeio lots. J100 pefaeto , easy teims. Lots in Kiddle's hub. , on montnly payments. Tacres Inside ncto piopetty at a ImiKalli. Tine te ldcnco lot on Itcnton si. , STUD. Choice lots in Mnllln's sub. ut J.IOO each. Lot on A vi' . [ ) . , near 8th st. , only iiW. Vacant lots In nil pat ts of the city on easy teims. loans. W O. HI any li Sun , Itoont 4 , Opera block , Council Illntfs. la. "IjlOK SAM , Two nilleli cows. Prisons bny- X' ln sntiio can pay for them In work with _ _ U ett. F OR SAL ! ' At a barK.'iln : Ono donblu saw and sllcer ; ono \eneer machlno with ItiK complete , all new , suitable for basket fac tor v. Iniinlro at Snvder's commlbshm house , . ' Pearl -,1. Council Muffs. \\7n Have 81 loton and adjoining I'ail , a\c. T lictween the Ocden house and I'alriiiount P.nk. on which wuwlll build beautiful homes to suit the piuchabcis. Wij Ilioaduay , U. It. .It i d 1 1 | i res. _ IfiOK KHNT Tin oo niifninlshcd looms. .MO ' ' ' ' HAI.K or Kent Ciarden land , with 1 ? houses , by J. H.llluc , 1IU. Main st. , Council ItlnlTs. FOH SALE My residence , 5.1.1 Willow ave nue , on .south side of llayllss park ; heated by steam , llehlod by electricity and eontaln- liiK all modern Impiovementb ; lot 100 by LTM feet. Also H 111 soil or evhniiKo for Improved city propci ty my faiin of WO acies , ten miles east of Council IlliilVs. N. M. 1'usoy , Council Itlnir.s. " \\TANTKD Men to dl the ooniplefp ehool > ' rhnrts , Hitlnry or eoiiinK < ioii liberal nntl promptly pnld. Hmnll c < p 'im % for onttlt. Ail- < lrcsorenlloii O. 11. bmlth , 510 Itroadwny , Coniirll Illnff * . la J. 1 > IIllMU.NDSOX , r\ * . Ii , SlII'lHIlT , I'IM Vlce-l'ies. Cms. U. IHs-v v. fiishler. CitizensStatcBank or rot'M'ii Paid Up Capital , . $160,000 Surplus and Prollts . 60,000 Liability to Depositors . . . . H&O.OOO DiitKCTons I. A. Sillier. I" . O. ( ileason , K. Ii PliiiL-nit , i ; . i : . Hurl , ,1. I ) . rdmnmUon , Chai It. llaiinan. Tiainaet ucnenil banklni : bnsl- ne > > i , Largest eapltal nnd Miiilui | of any bank In oulhweitcrn Io u. In.Loi'osl > on Tlnio Dnposlt.a. F. M. ELLIS & CO. , MRGHITEOT8 AM ) llt'll.niNO Sr Itooms 4IU ) and U. ! HIT llulldlm ; . Omaha , Neb. , and Kooins 'll/and "Hi Meirlam Illoek Counell lllu its , la. Coiiesiiondenei ; solicited The J. A. Murphy MANUFACTURING CO. , 1st Avenue and list Stieet. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand and Sc'ioll Pan InI'e ; - < -i ' : IIIK and I'lanlm ; . Sawing of all Kinds. I'nKh ItiacKols. Klmlllm ; wood t.-.M per loud delheied. ( 'lean ( awdnst by the baiiel H..o. All wotk to bo Ural-class. Telephone .W. "VOUU - . ' . " l-ATIiONAUi : SOI.KTI'i : ! ) TnoOnirin. : . \V. H. si. l'i > iv. OI'l'lCliR S 1-fSKY , BANKERS. Coiner Main and Ittondwiiy , Council Bluffs , - Iowa. Dealers In foirlcn mid dome lle e\ehniiRe. Colleetlons made and inleie-t inld un tlmu deposits. CHRIS BOSEN , SASH and DOOR Factory and Pianino ; Mill. Hest equipped , most cenliullv located fac tory In tno city. All modein latest pntti'in iimehlnerv ; opeiated by skilled ineelninles. bpeehil attenthm phen to scroll and band sawlnff , planing and trliniuin ; . ' . ( ieneial eon- tracts and estimates for houses and buildings acpuelally. Coiner N'oith Main .mil Mj nsto streets. Council lllulls. Telephoned' ' . Kiiclal blenilthes , such as 1-lmpleo , Itlolehes , HIacU Heads I'tccMi" lluous Hair remoed. . Addns jDR. W. L. CAPELLj j B40 , IVUu-cus Blk , Bi onclvvny COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. MAXON 1 HUURCKOiSr FINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS. SV ) Men lain ItloeK lonni'll Itliin'4 , la. HooniGtON. V. I.lfo llnlldln. Otniiha , Net ) . SATURN , (26O5. ( ) Will malfo the season of 1800 at the ITnlon li ivlns I'.irk , Council ItlnlTs , Ioi fiom Maich 1st nhtll June 1stlion liu will bo ictnrned to I'remont and his ucnlhy i"t p.u MAMBRINO BASHAAV , (1759 ( , ) will tal.o his place from .Tune 1st until August 1st. These two : ne the only Miilllnns In the west that mo tlio shcs of Sn : performeis. Saturn Is aehestmilstalllon.il haniN hluli and In ordlmuy Hush will welsh 11.1)0 ) pounds : foaled IsTO ; liri'd by 1'nwell Ilios. , r-nilnxlxno , l'.t. llo Is petfectly sound and vigorous . , and n coitaln foal Better , runner comment . Iunnccessaiy. . Terms } 100 the season with the usual tetnrii pitvllnnes ; Invni.ihh e.tsh 01 b.inlible papnr bo- foio the inaro leaves piumls. . . AIIIOIIK Saturn's col ate Mol.eod , ' 'sID'a ' ; Consul. ; ' . ' - ! ' , : Ityion bliorniun. 3:5S : , and many others bottet 1 than ' : IO. (5ood eato and peifect accoinniod.itloiis for block. Visitors always \\olcoinoat the park. I'm breeding eat.tloKiie , etc , wnlu to JAS. G. SMITH- & SON , Fremont , Neb. C. A. BEEBE & COMPANY Wholesale nnd Retail Doulors in FURNITURE. laiRest Block and Lowest 1'ilccs. lle.ilers , send foi Cnt.ilos"i' . Nos. 205 urnl 07 Broadwny , nnd i01 ! nnd 2W > 1'Iorco Struct , Council I51ullIn PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HTJIiliMKf t-i/a Hyilrnulic and Siiniturv Hntrlnnor. LJlnns , Ivs . JJllKirilJlIlU Spooilk-ntions. Supoi-vhion of Public Work. Hrown Uuiltlintf , Cotiell HI u fa. Iowa. ; NQ/- l- iny Justloo of the Poiico. Ollluo ever American IXprmi , Xo.1 . OLllLllX , Urondwny , Council 131utr.i , lo\v.v. C > r CJmo Attorneys at Law. IVnotlua in Uio btito nnd Koil- Cx. Ollllb oral Courts. Hoonu 7 and S Shu .ti-l-Hono Bloolc , Council HluITs. Iowa. WHY PAY HIGH PRICES roit ( - : - FURNITURE - : - When you can pot the best there Is made In eveiy line ut pili-es that will not banl.iiipt ln ? 1'heie Is no tiisto nor pnrso that we cannot wilt. You mint to In antlfy jinn Imine , dent juir I'liun como In and hoe how elegantly and eheaiily jon e.in m cninpllsh It. PEOPLE'S INSTALLMENT HOUSE , MANDKI. \ Kl.r.lN. 'KO Itioadway , I'ounell Hlnirs , lena C3 Council Bluffs Steam Dye Works. 1O1O LJi'oact 't'uj. Ntiai1N'orl h\vi i Uir - : - MAIL AX ! ) KXPRESS ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATIKXTIOX , - : Send for . . C > A. MACHAN & CO. GRAHAM & CODY , Planing Mill , Sash and Door Factory. L'ornur Sia'ond IUI-NIIK and TlilrU'rutli tiect , Couni'll lllulTii , l.i. \V > ui < > UiKii'iiKlily i-ijiilppcd to do all Mndn ofotK. . ID Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. Ppt'i-lal attention nni'ii to odd hi/on Si.ilr Worlc , and Iiiti'rlur 1'lnlsh of .ill * mU nidc tu oidur un ahurt uutlcv. KaUiuatvS k'lvvn ou all Uluda ot work tu cuntru.'lvi unU uuutKr , ESTABLISHED IN IQ79 BY THE MEXICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. LOTTERY ! / OF THE PUBLIC CHARITY. 0icralcit | vtmlor n l pnt < r j-enr > rontrnrt tir the .Mcxlontt liilrrnitllnnnl Imiirorcmriil ( 'onipmr ( itnnit Monthly itrnnliiktii'lit In llir > M > rrtqiKi rnvlllMM In MM' .Mniiii'itii 1'iuk fllv nf Mi'tirn unit I'lilillcly ' rnniliii'li'il bjr unrrrnnii'iit eilli-lMi n | pi'ln f < ir I tin | ) \lliOM \ | ) by tliu iccrelnrjr of tlic InHT 'ri the Treasury I.OTTEUY OK THE Benefiolenom PUbtica. THE NEXT MONTHLY THA\VINO Will till hol.l lillhi'I II \ ( If Mi\HO. : MAY 0 , I80O , wiitcii i tlic ctuM ; > * > MI-ANSI- i\iiuonniV' : . \IIV 1)11UIMI ) llic CAI'll'M , I'lll/.l , Icliitf On * Ihindtril mul ' 1 iicnir 'I luHimul Dollnr. S12OOOO.OO . I'ltU'i : or TK KlVrmeileaii M.mev.ll , Wholes H : llahei. Ms Qiiiirloi * , Wi n.btn Club Hull" fVi worth of ticket * fur > . * i 1 1.I-.I' HI1ltlXK - ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " t Ciiillnt | I'rl/uor < iim ) ) . . . . . . . . . n illou 1 rnpltnl l'rl nof.Miim \i \ .11,11111 I ( Irnliil frlri'of ul'JO l < MIU ft l-rlronnf 'JIUKI ' . . ! . ! ! ! ! ' . ! ! .in an i * * SO I'rlMxiif frtl IMlVl Id ) I'rlcoitif .1)11 ) , n IP . 'OHO ! > yj I'rltciof 40 ! in < .I.HO M'l'IIOMMTIHV 1'III/IX \fi \ l'rlip of } l'.inppi"vlMiil ) ; u tu Mvniiml prl/p l'n0 l.VI I'rln'Rdl l l niirn\lninl | | u In ID ( mi IHI/I I. , ml 1WI t-rlici nf iUni | | > mtlmiit'i. i > 11)IUI ) pi 1/1 l' ( l V..MlVnuliinls of iltfik'rliK'il I'.M.WUM'M" ' M I'M 2.V.l I'rlJC . Aiiijinilltu to. . ! - > ; i All I'rlri'i Mitil In tlic I'lnUM M.ilL'3 lull' I'.iM In U. S. Ciirrcniy. AOKNT.WAXTKI ) . a IHTi. * . HI- any fnillicr lufoniuillon itrftlti'il , wild * li'tfthly In tilt' nnitiM I n.'it iT.nrlr ! < tntlii ) : > onr ii' UIi'in e. w II h "tnti * . IOIIIIM M u i mul iiuinlii'i . Mine i.iplil ii'lnrn null ilclivi i mil l > o tl tij jinir cneloahii : un omrloiit1 bi.imiK yout IMPORTANT. Addict. T. Hrtf in'I'I. . ( 'u Y or Miirrt. . irrt.Ml.MCO. Ml.MCO. lly Drillnnry li > ltiT. rnnlnlnlni ; .MtsrixiliKi" ( l"iicil liy nil K\ni" | t I nnipunlu'i -S ( , Unift or I'u l.'l .Noli- . si'Kct M. riMTrui : " lly li'rnn of i oulr.u't tin' ritiup.tio nniit dH | > * n tm ) Mini of nil pil/i-i liu ln.lC'l ' In ( hi' i lii'iiii' lu'i u' M'M- IIIKII MiiKlv llcki't , mil ifuMto HIP rollon u . "Mil Inl | > rrmll. rntllHtMii t hcri'lir rortllt tluil the ll.ink nf l iiiilini mul Mt'vlto ha * on ilrpo' ' ! ! Hi" n n'H iiry fiinili toKiinninti'i' HID iMjrnii'iit ot nil pi l/i ili.iwu b ) Uio l.olerl.i clc 1 1 llciii'ilriMii'1,1 1'liMlin. Al'ol IU ( C ism i o luli'ni nor 1'iirtlior. tlioioinpiinv h ii"iilii'il ] loili-inliuii'tiriy. i-lv inTirnt ol the vnltu'of ill tinHi kin * In | ul/i' a l.irurr purllon Ilinn Ii cUi'n li\ .ill ) olln i Inllor ) I Innllj llic inniilM-rol Hi li'li N lliulli'il ti > NlulO aOOQllo ( s tlinniire .v'l'l l > r oilier lullirli'i- i 8IIIIIU aclll'llll ! PRINTERS' INK. A JOUKX.IL I'OK A I : Isiul rccklr.'asi Ii .is : ; : : : ' . ; crul -lie ttjlj JwtMl e.Aais _ ! iiretct ! It li ! : > .e : t ) lb : laxrUi : ijticr Irs , vcen , ssi There hs : hU jlrsrti : ? ; isx to Trite in alvcrllssasit ; i : * ' . : dizp'.a ? cas ; That ieTtif en to uts ; hjr aah s7 t : ciccsi-.s fit , Us- cure : c : cvsr ? jst ! .hit jiait : ef jrcfuclo dr. ! : ! : : . Aiv.'r'.ishj 1 : su art : ' . ! : ( IT aaiy tat MJrsl t ; fjThj ealutrs : c. mir- : E53' IKS valsHiwl It , ai ths ! : adtlic ! : tsstd ei s tir':3 ' it = : ro ' .has .T.7-jTc TCJ : : la placlrj : : ' . ! : : ; : wtr ' . : ! : r = ar ef Uc Is-etrt al = : : ' , : - . : : : : : aiTr'r ! : . A y r' ; r-ttc-ip- tie ci'.5 t ; : ' . ( go Jelltri ; raaplo : : p ( ! l"tc. - ROWELL 4 CO. c % * papet Ad\ertiaing fit r u Spntic St. , XtH N r TEN DAYS' RXO QRSIOM GHKTTRNOOGH and Return From Chicago and ReUun $40. umiml lieil < iiM | l It Ii n KMI IIMIHIII' I nil InfoinrillMii .mil iirinliuiliuuiMiM" I. II Km sell , n'i ii'lnij nt ( In ) Hast Cliatluiioo&i Land loiiipany , 00 Summer ht , , Boston , M.ih * . . , or any ol it otHcer& or ilit nptors. as lollows : I'ri'ililonl. A A Mini I II > Vlu'-iri'ilili-iit | .1 -I I I IVv. . M. H. Trojiinrcr .1 \ \ An IMS , mi i.ut : Klflnli titvt , Clinll.ilioci ; . ' ! . Ti'iin Si'Lii'liiry , I. 1 ! Ill MI 11.-ultimo. Dini.CIIIKl. A A. Mow HI , l.ynn , Mil" " .1 Sri 11\AN , .M U , Miiiii'lii'sli'i , N If. 11. II Ill's-l 11 , llnMi'ii M lit .M III III M. I.Jlill. .M.-i i Ii. II WlM DllLl.llnl Mi' . , l i AMIIIIM l. iin > l ' 1' < 1,1 illHlAIH'ls 10.1 Mal -lic'fl , lluitnn Man. i ; HIM HIS \v I.nn .Mai * .1 'I .1 .1in SUN ( liiill.iniiiiKii Tciin. Tnr furl her ninu-tili'iii oof lliii | ' > il > ll ( ' Mi' r > ll r- niiinil A.Milu "lull "ill fiilnlih lull Infcnii.nllun IK Hi tliiii' < i-liriii ii. nliii | iliiHpi.i tn nf Ihi' i. niiinr | | , ( rrml ) Al-rlll - n .mil mi'lumliti ilpll' i ' < r 111 Klnpk lit llii'li "I" - ' * W nlilnkK'ii > i Id Mont ! "i7 HriMilnnr .Ni > w \ nk III 'niilh Nmili n I'lilU- ilnlpliln. Ill siiprrloi nl ( li'telJiiU. luiil 'H"iillU ' CliirU HI , ( hlnu. f IODIDE OF IRON. 8l'CCltIIf0rK',1f0T1A'il.H"fyor ' 'AS 01' | 8l'CCltIIf0 | < , , . ci SSCIlOFULA.KINQ'S.EVIL.CONSTITUTIONAt IWEAKNESSCONSUMPTION UN ITS EAIILY BsTAOES ) ; POOHNESS OF THE BLOOD , lunil fur reftuliillHK It * iirrlinllr rniirir. rnuiuf unl * ihriniil "I11A > i iin > 40 rnr toVr" * ' ' HOMMIY Al.l. IH'I'iJi.lNJH ' < . I'ouHi-'rniV ( uN.V.Auriilnriirlhi I . , _ BROOKS BROS , & Cl)7 ) Importer * aii'l ' Wlmlnalr l > i ' < > * In , i , .Imu'lr ) , Cutlery H , Nn\t'llk's \ , Alliiiins , Coat-Collar Sprlnns I'llllf ) ( JOOllS , , lC. l.jrt'fit atinrtiiRiit fur KNIFE-BOARDS. AUCIIONEEII8. SIREEIMEN AND PEDDLERS. Hilt rarktr uf 5c , lOo amic tu u.ltr Our Uiait > ii'l full ; .i.iulr.ua 'i"l7r.HJ.vFmiVtiirht ' ( ! , St. Louis. Mo.