8 THE ( XMAIIA DAILY BEE , SUXDAftT , APJ1IL 27 , J800.--TWENTY PAGES. HAYDM.V lillOM. DrrcH ( Joodn Snle. values In firm goocK Plain and figured debages at Ujc , sold everywhere at ltc. ( Doublo-fold cashmeres , 8jc , lOe. 12Jo nnd ITic ; guaranteed worth lee to 2" > c or money refunded. Hrllllanleens in stripes and checks at llle , worth HOe. Mohair brlllianteens in light and dark colors , line lustre llnish , at llc ! ; worth Ufcc. 1/50 / pieces Hroadhcad goods , stripes and plaids , lii-V ; worth5c ; superior goods for school drosses. its-inch English henrlettas , all shades , Il2c. ! ! 2-3c , lHc ! and : iic. : MOST HXTKAORDINARY VAIX'KS. ; ! ( Mneh shepard plaids atISc , worth C-5c. C5c.12inch French henrlettas at" > 0eworth 7c. / . ' WO pieces novelty nlaids and stripes , latest Parisian styles , at 0-V , at flllc , at 7r c , at 88c , at ( t-5c , at 41 ; actyally less than Import cost. 10-Inch silk llnish Henriettas In every nhade , a superior fabric In every par ticular , SSc , worth $1.2.3. An ollcgant line of serges and camel- ct to doth , for line costumes , at liScnthl < e , nt 0.3c , at .fl.1'5. Examine the-o goods and compare prices. 52-inch extra novelty In light shades nt $1.2.5 , worth $2. Novelty sideboard milts , choice colors. I Jest imported French challies , exquisite designs , at 45c , worth "fie. SPECIAL SILK SALE. This sale Is Inaugurated to recom mend this department. Brocaded silks in all shades , worth ( We , at 23e. Surrah in all shades at5c ! ! , worth " > .5e. 22-Inch China silk , worth ( We , sale price : me. 20-inch China silk , worth S-5c , sale price /We. / 100 pieces sublime black silks go on Halo Monday at prices both convincing and startling. Priestley's silk llnish henrlettas atoOc , ' til ( ic ) , at 7"c , at 8 5c , at i-5'i' ) , at $ K at $1.0.5. Just one-third under value. Silk warp henriettas in all grades. SPECIAL SALE ON WASH DRESS GOODS. New styles on sale Monday : 60 pieces "fnyal batiste , " . ' ! ! ! inch wide , white and cream groundwork ; beautiful patterns on ale at I2ic yd. ! ! 0 in wide fast black batiste only lOc yd. 100 pieces of Pacillc challies , all light ground work and now , fresh good , onlv 2c yd. ! IOO pieces of extra quality American sateens in new shades and all the latest styles at Kc. lOe , 12c } and l.rw yd. Newstvles American cashmere ombre on iMonday at 7c yd belter grade of ombre at 1.5c yWe \ call your particu lar attention to our fast black sateens at 15c , 2-5e and ! ) .5c. On Monday we jilaee on sale 200 jiieces of the very best Pacilic lawns jaconet lawns , &c , in white , cream , black , browner or navy blue grounds with neat nnd fancy figures. These lawns are sure to draw a crowd at Sc yd , really worth 121c yd. Imported sateens , manufacturer's rem nants in navy blue and black only lOc. yd. , worth 2-5e yd. Toil du nerd dress gingham 8ie yd" . Fine -/eihyr ) ginghams 12Jc and 1/Jc / yd. Fast black , lace strijes ) and lawn checks at lOc , 12jc. loc , lOc , Ibc , 20o and 2,5e yd. Plain white India linen as low as He yd.Pink Pink elmmbray slightly damngcd worth 125c to close at Oe yd. Fancy btriped outing llannel 7Je yd' Wo carry the largest stock of wash dress goods in Omaha. If you can't get what you are looking for at llaydon's in this line it will bo no use looking further. LINEN SALE. Our sale of towels and table linens was a big success this past week. Our low prices on line linens is building us ut > a large trade in this department. Wo im port all our own linens and buy the same in larger quantities than any house in Omaha. On Monday we offer 2 yard wide bleached damask at fi'Jc yd. Where in this part of the coun try can you match the same ? The nap kins we soil at $1.00 a dox.eu JOH cannot buy. elsewhere less than $ l.-5 ( ) . How is this ? Renfrew turkey red table linen Hoc yd. We will place on sale 10 pairs 02 in wide ! Scotch cream damask on Monday at f > 0c yd. Tills is a special big bargain and you should see the same. Our own importation of Gorman linen hi ] ) robes at fiOc , 7,5c , $1.00 , $1.2-5 , $1.,50 and $2.00 each. Our stock of muslins and sheetings is well assorted and we shall offer some of the leading brands of muslin on Monday at prices that will suit you. Now is the time tobuvyour wall paper. MILLINEHY DEPARTMFNT ON THE WAR PATH. Such scalping in prices never known before and very likely never will occur again. The enormous sales in this de partment makes it possible to keep the new and desirable novelties arming dally. The millinery department claims to carry a line of goods worthy of Omaha , which Is a big claim. The ex quisite novelties , the superb array of styles and the endless variety would'cer- tainly bo hard to surpass. Do not judge the goods by the prices. This depart ment does not expect millinery store prolits. LACES AND EMHltOIDElUES. Monday wo inaugurate a special sale enlaces laces and embroideries that will provo a mile stone In the history of the lace trade in maa. We will sell at , " > e , at ,5c , , at 7c , at lie , at lOc , at 12Jc. at 1.5c , at 2.3c , embroideries usually sold ut lOe to f 0o yard. Finest Swiss tucked ilouncings at "fie , at 8.5c , at $1 and up tea $ a that cost to Import not les than $1 and up to $ .5 yard. In real hand made torchons , clunnv , line French ami Spanish laces a line of bargains will bo on display that are simply unapproach able. able.WRAPS WRAPS , SIIAWS AND.IEHSEYS. Ladles' worsted house jerseys oc ; ! , 7.5e and St. Tailor made house jerseys , In all col ors , * 2 ; worth $ H.2.3. Ladies' street jerseys , 31,8,5 , $2 , up to Hended wraps at $ l.v : > , $ l.oO" , $1.7,5 , $2 $2.2.5 , $2. 0 and * ; ! ; worth $2.-50 up to $ o.7fi. Imported tailor made street jackets , fancy silk llnings.nml extra largo pearl ornaments , at $12 ; cost $18 to import. Bargains In line wall paper. HAYDEN MHOS. , Dry Goods and Shoes. For this week only wo will clo-o out a flan line of Indies' and Cents' gold nnd silver watches at less than "manufactur ers' roxt. " Such bargains hover before heard of. Van Colt Diamond Parlor , 1 1th and Farnam streets. Iteinovaloiloo. . .T. S. Cameron will remove his stock of pianos nnd organs to 200 N. Kith street about May I. Try the Whlto Front market for fine meats , 711 N , Iflth St. _ Ronervolr lee. Crystal Ice Co. , 218 S. 15th street. ICnlPH < KnrCli via llio Ilnr > to nil polntsonstnnd west. Ticket ofllco , 122IJ Fnrnnm street. Depot , 10th nnd Mason struots , HAVIImtos. ) : . Dou n Hie I'rlecs. Butter lOc , 12c , loc , 17c. The vorj Iwst creamery ltc. ! We have uood cookIng - Ing batter for 7jc , Dried beef 7Jc , boneless less 1mm lOc. picnic ham 7c , very lint sugar cured 1mm Me , 'lib pall lard lc ! ) , soda crackers c5c , 201b pall jelly See , . ' 1011 pail jelly 7oc , ont meiil . ' ! c this is tin best oat meal Hint monev can buy. FLOUH. FLOl'H. FLOUR. Davis No. 10. vcrv l > eM made , $1.00 ; Golden Sheaf * 1.W : , * Blue I ) $1.7fi , Best Superlativel..5 ! ! , Peerless Superlative $ l.iO ; , SnowllaKe . Should you not bo pleased with either of the above brands after making bread wo will pay , \0iit money bade. Wo offer the best tea you can drink for oik' , this Is the uucolored Jap tea that olhor dealer * uik 7 < 5o for ; try a pound and you will buy nothing else. Ifjoullko the tea after trying a pound nnd then . \ on will buy o-lb cuddy of It. We will glvo jou a French bur colTco mill worth $1.2-5. Wo do ( his to Introduce the tea , we will not hold Ijils offer lomr. 10 bars born v soap for 2-5c ; 7 bars White Eagle soap for 2"e ; 8 bars Domestic sonj ) for 2-5c ; Ivory soap * 5e ; Sapollo'je per bar. Garden hose. The best standard rub ber and cotton web ho.-u with couplings , lOe jier foot , sold everywhere for 18 and 20c ; genuine east steel rake * , not cast iron , but the best cast steel 10-line rake , 1.5e , 12-ttno rake , 2-5c ; all steel shovel , Ilk" , all steel spade , I'.tc ' ; l-tine very best spading fork made. Uc ) ; 0-line barn fork , Ilk' ; 1-line long handle forks -We ; very besl lioe , 2-3e ; w coders , 2-5e ; 1 1-wlrc tin lawn rake , -lOn ; lawn mowci's , all si'/e Hlack's high and low grass cutters for $0.7.5 , $ S.2.5$0.25 , sold everywhere for $9.7o , * I.'J , $1-5 , $ lt50 ! ; the Superior wringer. SI15 , and 12-Inch roll Key stone wringer , $1.0.5 , regular price $8. < 50 ; the Western washer , No. 2 , $ l.-5 ! ) ; barrel churns , 7oc. Just received a complete line of Iho new Iliiil enameled ware , llio llnest enameled cooking utensils in the world and sold 7 < 5 per cent lower than Iho old styled granite and agate ware and warranted to last much longer ; an all copper wash boiler $2.2-5 ; a braided fruit compertfor'Oo , wortli $2.50 : 0 sauce dishes for lOe ; odd saucers Ic cacti ; 1 gal. milk crocks 5c , and ! I qt. milk crocks loc ; a line decorated china cupidoro 0-5c , wortli $1.75 ; tumblers 15 ] > er set ; wash tubs -loc ; wash boards l-5c ; very best /.inc clotheslines .5e ; very besl cotton clothes- lilies loc ; clothespins Ic per do/ . ; coffee and tea pot- > lOc ; pt. tin cups Ic ; very best household ammonia 8c per botlle ; Dover egg beaters he ; the white moun tain ice cream free/or $2.25 ; full stock of iron kettles and Scotch bowls , white porcelain lined , from 25o up to $1.'J ; ! ; they are the linest kittle In the world for liuttiii up fruit , berries and all kinds of preserves ; patent wooden handle Hat irons. ! ! irons , handle and stand for $1.25. BARGAINS IN SHOES. Our .stockin Ibis department is one of the largest and from the best factories. The extreme low prices we quote are on the best good" , money can buy no belter. Infant's line shoes , 25c , 'Joeloc , oOo ami 75c. Child's line shoes , 1 to 7 * , S-5c , l)5c ) , and $1.2-5. Child's Hue patent tip shoes , -1 to 73 , $1.2-5 : 8 to 10 } , $ 1.50. Child's line kid and goat shoes , 8 to 1H. $1.15 and $1.25. Misses' line kid and goat shoes 1to 2 , $1.00 , $1.15 and $1.1)5. ) Misses' Hue Oxford Ties , patent tips 12 to 2 , $ l.t-5. : Ladies' line Oxfoed Ties , patent tips. 2i to 8 , $1.00 and $1.25. Ladies' line Oxford Ties , plain Iocs , $1.25 , $1.50 and $2.00. Ladies * line Dongola button shoes , $1.95 , $2. 15 and $ ; t.05. Boys' line button shoes , sixes 12 to 2 , $1.25 , $1.50 and $1.75. Boys' Hue button shoe- ! , sixes 2j to oj , $1.15 , -$1.75 and $2.00. t Men's line shoes , lace and congress , $1.50 , $1.0.5 , $ .05 and $ ! i15. i . CARPET SALE. The most aggressive carpel sale ever attempted. Standard ingrain carpets. yard wide , 25c , 27e , ! ! . ' ! c , , " 7c , and Me. Tho.-o goods are uuallyold from 50c to 75c. Standard extra supers , no better goo'ds on earth , 55c , oc ! ) , 0c ! ! and ( ! Se , worth 75c t < i $1.25 ; compare the goods and prices , Ab-olutely new styles in Moqiiettes , BrnssoN , Velvets iind Wilton carpets ; o\ cry pattern is this season's. Floor mattiny.l lc. 15c , 17c , IDc. and 25c , Usual jirico 25c Io50c. Nottingham lace curtains , -17c , 50c , 55c , Olic and 75e per pair. Finest Nottingham Ince curtains with line brass trimmed curtain poles free during this sale at $1 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.50 , $2.75 , $ lt , $ .1.50 up to $7.50 per pair. Real Swiss lace curtains at $5.25 , $ li , $0.50 and $7 up to $27.50 per pair for goods worth up to $ W. Chenille portiers at $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.25 , $2.50 up to $7.50 for goods never sold less than $5 up to $12.50. Silk chenille portiers $17.50$22.50 , $25 and fcUO , usual price $35 to $50 pel- pair. Imitation silk draperies In exquisite styles at 15c , KSc and 20c. Silk draperies in now styles and shades 55c , 75c , 85e and $1 , Why pay $1.25 to $2 for same goods. If you can't suit yourself in fringes of any description visil our upholstery de partment. This department is entirely new and has nothing but now styles anil novelties. Fine curtain shades in all colors , with complete spring rollers , at llle. llle.This This department is making extraordi nary efforts for business and will not only meet but go beyond competition. The wall paper department has out stripped all former efforts to meet the- wants of Omaha people. Where else canyon find such an endless array of line artistic designs and surpassing exquisite novelties , to sav nothing of our low- prices ? aHAYDEN BROS. Dry Goods nnd Carpets. House Cleaning. Have your pictures and frames cleaned and repaired. A. Hospo , 151t ! Douglas. A.Max Hol/.liHmcr Co. Fine watch repairing , II HI Douglas nt. I'lie KiUiolm & Akin Sleek Is i.ow on sale at 101 South Fifteenth street ( the old stand ) . It consists of diamonds mends , watches , jewelry , silver and plated ' ware , optical goods , otc < This stock must Iw sold , and will bo closed out at prices far below Its value. E. ZAHuihicu ; , Agent. * " lo.vci'ltsio.N ro "ijU'itoru. ' visit i UK Scotland , England , Holland , Begium , the Rhine , Germany und Franco , costing WOO , which Includes all wco-.su ry ex penses. Leaves Now York July 5. Send for circulars. Excursion department. Omaha World-Herald. Reservoir Tec , C'rvstal Ice Co. 21K S. 16th St. MoliiborK'H XV\v MiiMt ) Store , Itnmgu bldg. , 15th and Hariuiy sis. A piano oMimlno the now 'scale Kirn- bull pliiuo. A. Hoipo , 1.5ii : Douglas. The emigration from Germany to the rnlted States thU season promises to beery \ery great. At Hamburg live extra steamers are to Iw added to the borvlce for New York. THE BOSTON STORE , We Are in it nml You Arc With Us Read This Through. Sec "U'lio Makes the lowest Priocs Von Will Khul KvcryllilttK < AHVc Advertise We Uu- ilei-HeUThciii All. Chnlllos Hint nt'o not damage , nt He per ytird. Homo people call them big bar gains at fie. And the now dross ginghams nt fie n J a I'd. ' The now spring doboiges nt Co n yard , worth lOe. Hlg line of whlto goods , plaids , stripes , cheeks , lit m1 per yard , worth lOc. The now apron lawns and nalnsoolts nt lOiMi yard would bo cheap at Hoc. Now American sateens. elegant pat- toriH , at 7o per yard , worth l < 3e. Sleellan.s at fie per vnrd , worth 12c. } Ainork'iui indigo blue prints , oo per yard. Standard prints at Ho per yard , worth ( Jc. mu-ss : aoois. .Just for glory , our lou cashmeres goat 1"C. lOe for honrlottas worth 2-C. Hrllltantlncs nt Hoc. cheap atlie. . The now plaid suiting : * at - o , regular oOe quality. French hem-ieltns at 2ic. ) Immense line of fancy dress llannolsnt Me , worth Me. Our 1'Jo ' black cashmeres nro worth oOc. Jo ! ) all wool black henrietln , worth LINUX Largo all linen towelsat llle. The largest towel you over saw , extra heavy linen at IKc , wortli olc. ) Towels at oc and towels at 2e. Linen splashers and tidies at ! 2ic. ) Turkey red table damask Oc per yard , worth : ! " ) ( ; guaranteed fait. J-'inost bleached damasks ! ! ! ) e and ( We. 15ig bargain. We bought them cheap. .lii-ft for excitement our $1.115 bed spreads at Ge. ! ) Lace pillow shams for 2oe. Linen crash , best quality f c. SHOES FOK MONDAY. ISO pairs ladies' line kid button shoes , worth $ . ' ! . .50 , ovty-y pair a beauty in style , finish and quality , go at fcl.15 , all largo lots must } ro quickly. For SOu wo offer the greatest thing in shoes u splendid dongola or goat button shoe , worth $ U. Fine dongola opera button shoe1 * , very bent , solid soles and counters , go at $1.12-3 , worth $ . ' ! . Full plump opera dongola button shoes at $1..50 , worth * , 't.2- > . Imp. I'Yeneh com.cnso ( extra wide F last ) , -M.1W - , worth $1. Hand sewed line dongola opera button shoes ? ! 2,1 ! . ' > , ( 'hicago price $ ! . . " ) ( ) . Extra satin dongola opera button shoos W..50 , worth * o. Ladies' patent leather front oo/e calf vamp oxfords , worth $4 , goat i > l.-3. ! Misses' black and ritsnet oxford ties $1 , Ohieago price 81. 7o. Kino kid oxford ties at $1.2o , wortli $ " .oO. same in russet. MISSKS' AND CHlLDRICiVS SIIOKS. Very fine dongolu and goat shoes $1 , Chicago price $ l.oO and , * 1. 7.1 a ] > air. Misses. ' lieel and spring-heel line don gola and pebble goat at ? 1. 2-5 , worth V2 and * 12.1 > .3. .3.INFANTS' INFANTS' SHOES. ( ! 0e extra tine button shoe" , Ohieago price $1.2-5. THE BOSTON STORE. H-1S. lOtliSl. \Ve are. receiving daily all the latest designs in line jewelry. Diamond Par lor , Hth and Farnam. - Yesterday's arrival at the custom house : Four cases razor hones from I > el- git > r , Kurope for A. L. Undohind & Co. , barbers' supply dealers. This is the largest importation of its Kind ever brought to this city and our barbers need not any longer work with a dull ra/or. Hnydcn Urns ; Special -alo of parasol1- , corsets and hosiery on Mordny If you want a first-class job of watch or clock repairing at a moderate eot , Van Colt , the jeweler , 14th and Farnam , is the place. . _ - - - Carpi' n torn. There will bo an open 111001111(1 ( : at Green's hall , 1 ll.'t Farnam slroet , Tues day , April 29. All carpenters are in vited. Committee. We ask any family in Omaha , who ! her they have just bought a now gasoline stove or not , to lot us send yon one of our new Quick Meals on three days' trial , or call at our store and wo will treat you to a piece of broiled steak , broiled on our patent smokeless Quick Meal broilers , that will make you think that you never saw a properly cooked steak.beforo. The new Quick Meal is simply grand , and people thntbco it won't buy anything except the Quick Meal. W. F. Stoot'/.ol , agent for Omaha and South Omaha. Hnyilcii Itros. Special i-nlo of parasols , corsets and hosiery on Monday. Reservoir Ice. C'rvstal Ice Co. , His S. 1,5th St. Dr. Murphy , Mullen block , 17th and Canning. Telephone & 'W. AVIicu I'lU'oliaHliij ; llulilicr HONG If Boston Helling Co. is stamped upon it you have made no mistake. It is the best known to the trade. A. L. STitAXO \ SONS , 1002 arid 1001 Farnam St. Seaman's carriages best and cheapest. A. P. Tukey , Life building. Homes in Clifton Hill for men of limited income. A Henri Dinner A debutante had a heart dinner given to her the other day. The tables were heart-shaped and cov ered with pale pink satin overlaid with n drawn linen cloth , says Philadelphia In quirer New York special. At each place was a heart-shaped pink satin bonbon- niere , and the menu had stuck through It heart scarf-pins for the men and brooches for the girls , A single heart of moonstone framed in diamonds formed the pln-s w hllo two hearts of the samostylofasteneittogelhor with a tiny arrow of gold made the brooch. The center pleco was a huge heart of link carnations , with an arrow of white , , , , es of the Mille.\ transfixing it. The hostess u ro a roeo or po gown und had a silver heart as the hucklu at her waist ribbon , while about bur neck was a narrow sihor chain and a little silver heart , on wlilch was inscribed : "To my heart's delight. " Wolf , hearts have been playthings from time immemorialand if It is really true that for once hearts am again trumps , then Cupid Kcquiro u in laugh at money and sinu again : " "T4s IOM > that makes the world go round1 THE BOSTON STOKE , Our Immense Oaih Purclmsa of Parasols tind Umbrella ? . Tills Is llio < ? rrutc < ! t , GriinilcNl 1'ur- utilise Kvet'JMAilo l oi-Hpot Onsli " AVe CapluriMl This I'rl/.o Altcitit Tills Snle. For convenlonre of selcutlon we have divided them Into lots. LOT I AT 20c. Umbrellas that are worth $1 cost us but 25c , and wo sell them to you for 2c. ! ) Think of It. It.LOT LOT It AT l)8c. ) Fine all silk pu'a : olH\rith now natural wood handles' ' . Also gold tip silk um brellas with paragon frame , worth really $3.50. All go at IKHc. LOT III AT $ .150 In this lot wo put parasols and silk umbrellas that are actually worth $5. You should see this for a bargain lot. They all go for $1.50. LOT IV AT $2.50. Those beautiful long handled La Tosca nnd coaching par.i- slos , also striped nnd plaid silks with covers to match , most ox- qutslto nnd stylish goods. If wo bought tnem In Iho regular way they would boll for $7.50. They all go nt $2.50. LOT V AT $ : ! .7o Comprises black Spanish nnd Vandyke lace covered parasols , beautiful handles , in fact the richest goods in the market. Without exaggerating the value , wo say Iheso parasols are worth $10.00. Omaha will never have another such a parasol sale. BUTTONS , BUTTONS , Wo have yet THE BUTTONS. Wo buy the entire stock of but-tons from a bankrupt Chicago dry goods store. And wo give you your ehoico for 5c. Fine cut steel buttons , real jet buttons , silk covered buttons , Hat ami lull , pearl buttons , in fact nil kinds of buttons , worth from 5c lo $1 per do/on , all go at 5e per dozen. Such n b.irgajn lot of buttons has never yet been shown. RIBBONS , RIBBONS. From the Field , Chapman , Feitdcr auction Our bids were cash bids and wo had but to name the price and take away the ribbons. 'Ie per yard for nil silk ribbons that other people sell for lOc. 5c per yard for wide all silk ribbons , all colors. Biggest kind of a bargain. At lOc per yard is where wo down them all. Numbers 7 to 12 , all silk ribbons bens , extra heavy quality , in all the col ors , and all worth from 25o to Uoo per yard , but they are at lOo. LADIES' UEAL KID GLOVES FOR MONDAY ONLY , FORMER PRICE $1. $1.2.5 , AND $2 A PAIR , YOUR CHOICE OF ENTIRE LOT MONDAY FOR 25c. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IN OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. 10,000 mil rimmed hats at lOc. Black Hats at G9c. Big line of 25c Hats. Eleganl trimmed hats for $1.50. 10,000 wreaths nt lOc. Imported rose wreaths at Me , wortli $1.00. Fine French wreaths for toques , worth more that double. THE BOSTON STORE , 114 S. lOlhSl. , . You can save one-third of your money by biij ing watches and jewelry at Van Colt's Diamond Parlor , 1-UhaiulFnrnam. Hard Hrick. 800,000 hard brick cheap. R. N. With- nell. nell.At At the Y. M. C. A. Hall A free cook ing lesson by Miss Andrews. Tuesday , April 20 , at20. : Subject : Bread making A Ilovolutiim in I'riees ! The 1)1) ) ) cent store in their new location , I.'IIO Farnam streel , are astonishing the bargain seeker.No ! such prices 1mvo ever been offered before for good clean good * . See how far a little money will go next week in supplying your wants : 5c for tin washbasins , 5-quart pans re- tinned dippers , best Hour sifters , two- quart dippers , large enamelled handle screw driver , large hammer , wire pot stand , brass match safes , largo towel racks , and thousands of other now and Useful articles. lOc brings two-quart coffee pots , 4- quart returned pans , fancy dust pans , enamelled rolling pins , ten do/.en clothes pins , two-hoop pails , largo brooms , 00 feel clothes lines , extra largo graters , one pair knives and forks , 0 teaspoons , extra good shoe brush , largo box T. M. blacking , and 1,000 other useful articles. Our great store is chock full of now goods , bought for spot cash and offered at the very closest possible prices. Call on us Monday and next week. II. HARDY & CO. , The 1)9 ) Cent Store , 1U10 Farnam st. Special Kale. Monday wo offer . " 00 of Mrs. Eller's little kindergarten art educators at the low price of 25e. Remember Monday nnd only HOO to bo sold. THE 01) ) CENT STORE. Kill ) Farnam St. Special > rlllincry Snle. As we could not wait on all our cus tomers Saturday in the wholesale room , wo will continue the sale Monday and Tuesday on third floor at wholesale prices. , T. J. BLISS , now mnmmolh wholesale nnd retail millinery house , 1.510 Douglas .st. Do American Women Dress- Too Ijoud. A lady in the St. Louis Critic discuss ing the dress of American women , says : "A well-dressed ! woman is , in niy opin ion , one who wears not only what Is elegant - gant and becoming , but also what is in keeping with circumstances. American women , as u rule , dress too extravagant ly for tlioslreot , and they wear too much jewelry. They put on diamonds for breakfast , for going to market , for visit ing , for ove'ry possible occasion. In Europe ladles w.ear jewels all day long , but these foreign dnmes are not house keepers. They do not go to mnrkct nnd poke chickens with their thumbs to see if they nro louder. They do not Inter view the cook in Iho kitchen , nor tramn about looking for bnrgnlns in the shops in-rayed in an ugly tnllor-mado birlt or n still uglier garment called n Mackintosh. American women , on the contrary , do all these things , and to them I would say : Leave your jewels at home. Nothing Is moro ridiculous than the sight of a woman In an ordinary serge gown , btout walking boots , per haps muddy overshoes , and with soli taire diamonds bhr/lng in her cars. So far as the street dross IH concerned , I would say lot it bo as costlv as you please , but simply made ami devoid of BuiwrHiHiuh trimmings ; for the , carriage velvets , satins and IIICCH may be Indulged In with Impunity , and when it comes to evening nnd ball costumes , a woman may rival the Queen of Sheba if she chooses. The American girls , however , generally speaking , are over-dressed and wear too mnny ornaments. Americans have an exquisite eye for color and harmonious blundlng of tints , but the natural lever r > f splendor and l.i\ury makes them sometimes unmindful of the lUness of tilings. " ; > IOHSI ; DHY GOODS co. Special Uni'tfulns ror Next \\Vok. We are eh > slng out our stock In every department preparing for a move to our now store , cor. 10th and Farnam sts. ; we call special attention on Monday to sotnu bargains : Checked nainsooks oc yd. , worth l c. Ladles' rubborgossamers75c , worth $2. Child's rubber gossamers 75c , worth $1.50. Ladies' nowmnrkets $2.08 , worth $8. Children's spring clonks DHc , worth $5. Cnmbrlc corset covers llle , worth ( We. English saline corsets 58c , worth $1. Child's fast black hose loc , worth 25c. Ladles' fnst bind ; hose Ilk' , worth 25c. Boys' black hose , all sl/es , 25c , worth fiOo to 75c. Ladles' kid gloves $1.25 , worth $1.75. Genuine Foster gloves $1.50 , worth $2. Foster's "Foslorina" gloves $1.75 , worth $2. Unlnundrled shirts 59c , worth $1. Men's blndc sox 25c , worth ( We. Men's street gloves 50c , worth $1.50. French sateens 15c , worth 'We. , 72-Inch table damask 85e , worth $1.25. Double satin damask $1 , worth $1.50. ; i-l napkins to match $2.50 , worth $1./ 0 damask towels $1 , worth $1.50. Marseilles bed spreads $1 , worth $0. Marseilles bed spreads $0 , worth $10. DRESS GOODS. AVe have a lol of this season's impor tation of dress goods that were bought for our new store ; wo have but little room to display them in our present quarters and will make special leaders of them Monday at50c , OOc. 75c a yard , and some combination stills , newest styles , at ruinous * prices. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Hayilcn Special sale of parasols , corsets iuul hosiery on Monday. . .0 Tin ; Only One. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway is the only line running solid vestibuled , eleclric lighled and sleam heated trains between Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omnhn. The berth rending lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great improve'ment of the age. Try it and bo convinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at 0 p. in. daily , arriving nt Chicago at 0:30 : n. in. Passengers taking this train are not compelled to get out of the cars at Council Bluffs and wait for the train to bo cleaned. Get tickets and sleeping car berths at Union ticket office , 1501 Farnam st. F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt. J. E. PHKSTON' Pass Agt. 500,000 brick for sale. J. P. Weaver , Council Bluffs. The Gate ritrl'-'o Co. Telephone J885. Otlico 14015 Farnam. Murphy & Company's varnishes in cans are always sold under seal and label. Ask your dealer for them or address us nt : tOO South Fourth st. , St. Louis , Mo. JIOIUXSON & GAMMON" Hold Their Spring Opening Kor Uoyn ami Children N'e\t Wednesday. The improvements nt Robinson & Gaiyuotfs. J311 Fnrnani st. , are at las' . completed and they will hold vi ; formal opening in their boys' and children's de partment next Wednesday. The entire second Hoer is devoted to this depart ment. It is without doubt the linest salesroom in the west. The Hoer is neatly carpeted , tho. walls clean and bright , while the effect of the large and elegant show window in front cannot be told in cold type. The room is simply grand , and every lady in Omaha and Ne braska who has a boy should visit this room , for in it are all of the finest clothing of the latest styles for boys and children at prices to sui'l everyone. The new elevator is now in working order and you will not need to walk up the stair.A ! lady who visited this depart ment before the elevator was running exclaimed : "I thought I couldn't climb the stairs , but I would c.imb two pair of .stairs to see a room like this. ' ' See it yourself at the opening next Wednesday. Take the elevator. Auction lit Residence. No. 2 HO Dodge street Monday ( to morrow ) at 10 a. m. , 1 line upright cabi net grand piano , cost $150 a short time ago , nioquel nnd brnsselti carpets , parlor pieces , bedroom suits , diningroom and kitchen furniture , hall rael * , etc. , also 1 Simpson phaeton. Henry Croigliton , auutioneer. Call Tor u in K\tiirsionH. ! Pullman tourist sleeping car excur sions to California and Pacilio coast points leave Chicago every Thursday , Kansas City every Friday via , the Santa Fo route. Ticket rate from Chicago $47.50 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincon or Kansas City $ iio , sleeping car rate from Chicago $1 per double berth , from Kansas City $ ' . ! per double berth. Everything furnished except meals. These excursions are personally conducted by experienced excursion managers who accompany parties lo destination. For excursion folder con taining full particulars and map folder and time table of the Santa Fo route and reserving of sleeping car berths , address S. M. Osgopd , general agent , E. L. Palmer , traveling agent , A. T. & S. F. railroad , 1303 Farnam streel , Omaha , Nebraska. AT TIIR WIION'G GK.YVH , For Seven Yours v Widow Decorated the Grave ol'a StrniiKcr. For seven years Mrs , Josiiph Mot/her has every Sunday strewn flowers on Uio grave of n stranger , under Iho Impres sion that It contained the remains of her husband , says n NewarkN. ( . .1. ) dispatch to the San Francisco Examiner. Now that she has discovered her mistake she Is greatly worried , because she 'him no means of discovering the resting place of the man she once vowed to lovohonor and obey. Her husband died twenty-five years ago , nnd wnfi burled in Fnlrmount ceme tery. In November , 1888 , Ell/.abeth Barr died nnd was burled in the same grave ; as the records show. Mother's bones had been disinterred and removed to some other part of the cemetery , and the grave was sold to Mrs. Barr's rela tives. The mark Unit Mts. Mother had placed on her husband's grave was moved to ono side so that it rested on the next grave , in which Captain Kernan's remains rested. Mrs. Mother was surprised lust Decor- ntlon dny when she found that a head board had been creeled over Iho grnvo. She thought that It contained the body of her husband nnd on milking inquiries round Hint his remains had been re moved , but the cemetery people do not know In what portion of the cemetery they nro. Even if the cemetery ofllclals should product ! iho bones purporting lobe those : > ( Inn' husband she has no means of Identifying thorn and she fears thai ho rt-lll novur know where his last resting [ ) lace is , Rogers Urns. ' genuine triple plate < nlvo * and forks. $1.85 per set , at C. L. & Co. , 200 N. lUth bt. C. O. I ) . Hi-nun' * . K. W. Cor. Hlth nnd California sts. HI Ibs granulated sugar , il. KU UH A sugar , $1. 17 Ibs extra C sugar , $1. California canned apricots I Ic per can. California egg phlms lie pop can. California green gngo plums lie per can. California golden drop plums Ho pen * can. California yellow peaches , ITepercan. Jl-lb can Standard tomatoes for 7c. 2-lb can standard corn 4c. II bars of Put Uros. ACo. . white eagle soap for 2.V. 8 bars of Water Queen soap for 2-V ; 7 bars White Hus-tinn soap for 2" ' ; 10 bars of Hrown's C. O. 1) ) . ' for Sloe.VlJ AUK TI IK ONLY IIOI'SK IN THK ClTV THAT HOASTrf THKIH OWN CO I-- PHKS , and can give you fresh roasted and better goods for the money than any house In the city. Wo are hendq'unrlors for fine country butter , from loc to iHc. Wo have a creamery butler at Ibc Hint can not be beat. beat.Wo Wo nro receiving a great variety of fresh vegetables' each morning. Call early and get your choice or leave an order for our solicitor to call on you. i i HI ) . N. MKOWN , the only exclusive cash grocery hou-o in Omaha , o22 N. Kith st. llaydcn ( Iron. Special sale of parasols , cornets and hosiery on Monday. AVKKK Tirr.Y OIMJX ? r - j They Were Open , hut Crowded to Death All Dny l < oii . Pedestrians asked each other till day josterdny why Browning , King & Co. did not open as they advertised they ' would. The fact is that they did open n't 0 o'clock in the morning us they prom ised , but Iho clothing saved from the lire being on the second Hoer the llrst Hoer was deserted nnd those who could see took it for granted that they had not opened yet , until the door keeper would let n crowd out at the alley nnd at the same time allowing the same si/ed crowd to enter at Iho front door and go up stairs. The way ( hey sold clothing at 1210 Farnam street yesterday wiw a cau tion. But there are M ) mnny goods that it does not look as if there had been near load or more sold out , as in reality there wns. The sale continue- tomorrow and next week until nil isold out , nnd it is to be hoped Iho ciowds will not "be so great. But if you gel there early you can gel in all riffht without having long lo wuiil. It certainly is a great sale. Jlnydeii Itros. Special sale of para-ols , corsets and hosiery on Monday. Your Choice Of four trains daily , Omaha to C'hieago , on the Chicago ite Northwestern rail way. The afternoon limited solid vesli- buled train direct from Omaha at 4 : , " > 0 every afternoon , arriving at Chicago at 8 o'clock the next morning , carries a sleeper for Omaha patrons exclusively ; haw n dining car serving supper and breakfast 'ami Includes ill its equipment elegant free parlor chair ears. The night train at 0:20 : p.m. . "after biisincs hours , " arrives at Chicago at 1:20 : tin next afternoon : runs direct from the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , and ear ries new sleepers , chair cars , dining , cars. Further particulars at city ollice , 140 Farnam street. R. K. RITCHIE , General Agent. Seaman's buggies best and cheapest. Reservoir ice. Crystal Ice Co. , 21F S. 15th street. DOCK Your Kitof Ijoalc ? The Omaha shite and roofing company repair all kinds of roofs. Olllco 1308-GOl Paxton blk. Tel. 871. S Harvest Kxeur.sioiis South U. via Iho Wabash Railroad. On April 22 and May 2t ) the \Vabasl will sell round-trip tickets to points in Arkansas , Texas , Tennessee , Alabama , Georgia , Mississippi , Louisiana am" Florida , at half fare , good for . " 0 days. Excursion train with reclining chair iiiiii Pullman buffet sleeping cars will leave Omaha 1:15 : p. m. , Council Blulls5 p. m. on above dates. For a copy of the South ern Homesteaders Guide or for rales and tickets lo any point east or south call on or write. G. N. < 'I.AYTOX , Ticket Agent , 1502 Fnrnnm , Omaha , Neb. Reservoir ice. Crylul Ice Co. , 218 S. loth street. Five dinners $1. Hub rest. , 130(1 ( Fnrn. $500,000 to loan , in largo amounts , on choice inside city pioperty. Anglo- American Mortgage & Trust company , Ranigo block , Omaha. . Reservoir loo. Crystal lee Co. 218 S. 15th St. Seaman's phaetons be.st and cheapest Reservoir ice. Crystal Ice Co. , 218 S. 15th street. license nnd I'l-iihihltion. An not tiiMilimlt to tJioiili'i'toisiif tin1 stntti for tuji'i'llim oi1 iippioMil mi iiiiioiiihiiiMii to Uio const It ill Ion of tin1 .stale to piolillill tliiMiitiiin- fiii'ttiie. salt ) uml KiwpliiK foi1 sale of lnlo\l- L'litliiK 11'inois ' usu iH'M'ntiri1. : m l | iio\lilliii ; for tliu milliner of vollni ; on such iiiiii'iiiliiicnt ; iiiicl : ui aim'iiiltm'iit to III institution of thN stsito to llc.msouuU i ecu hili > the inainifiicluic , sulu iuul kpi'plnit foi'Mili'of liilo\k'atlnKlliiloi-s | as a IwM'iiiKO. awl pimlillnxfoi1 Hie maimui of VOtlllKOIIhlll'll piopo-rll Illiifllilllll'ltt. lli > lii enacted by lliu li'Klslatmoof tlivbtalu of Nuliniskii : Hi'tfllini I- That at tlioirnii ml ilivtlim tolio hold on the Tni'silay sun i i-illiiK the ( list MOII- iliiyof Novuinlic'i- . D. . iMtn , them shall bo siilimltIt'll to tlii'i'Ii'i'toisof ihlsMuto fin-nil- inoaloiii.Juutlon . un iiiiii'iiilliH'iit lo thiy-oii- stllutloiiof this state In wouls as foinmsi "Tho inaiiufat-tiiic , sale , anil Ki'i-phiK 'i ' MI Us of lnto\lcatliiK Illinois us a In xi'i.jKe. an ) foi- Maliand Hie li'irls- u\i'i-pii > lilllti-il In Ill's ' Mali- liituii'blmll pio\lilo hyliiw foi I ho i-afoit-o- ini'iit of this pinvKloii. . . , And Iliiuo hlmll also al said I'li't-tlon lie si'imiiiU'ly Hiihmltli'd to ihi ; cli'-loisof Hi s statuforlhflrappiovnloi i.-j.--tlon mi iiiiii'iii - nil-lit to tlioi'oiiMtltutloiiof thi'hliiti ) linuuds as follow * ! "Tin' iiiannfartiiie. sale und lu-rp- JlilCforsidi'of liitn\lrulliilf Illinois an a.liov- t'luso. shall holli-i'iiM-d and it-Kiilated by law.1' sV-tlon ( 8. At surli I'h-cllon , on llio ballot of I'achfh'rlor MillliB fill till' pie | > OM-l uini-iid- inonlh to thu constitution , shall \\iltton or urlnlcil tlio wonlKi Torpioposi'd amoiidiiit'iit to the eonstlln- lldii piolillillliiK HID iimiinfnrtiiic , sale and Kri'plnx for halo ut Into.xlrallntf Illinois as u ' " "Airnlnst said uiiirnilim'iit to iH-M-iaf ? ! . or i-onstlliitlon piohlliltlii ) ; Iho iiiaiiilfactiiii- , salter KiicpliiK for lulu of Intoxli-alliiK Illinois as a ImtfiiiKU. " Thi-to shall nl-ii hit uim < > n or pilnti-d on tint h.illol of rm-li Hi-rlor Mitlntf foithi ) piopnsud aiiii-iidinonl to the coiiitltii- tlon , tlinoids , " 1'or proiMHcd aint-niliiii'iil to the coii-.tltii- tlon thai the nnuiilfai-liiie , nalii and Ui-i-pliiK for sale of lnto\li.-allnu Illinois as a IH-M-IIIRK In lids htato shall ho lli'i'iisrd and ii < ulali > il by IHW , " "Against said piopo-i'd aiin'iid- nil-lit to tliu fonntlliitlon lhal ih iiiannfiii- uiiu , halo nml ki'iiphu fin Millof Inloxli-atliiK Illinois IIH a lioM-iagu nliiill hn Ik--nsrd and H-Kiiliilid by law. " Si-i'i. : If I'lthi'i of tin- null ! piop i-ul aini'iii ! inrntH Hindi ho appro\i-d by a intijoilty of III" I'lt-i-lois votliii : al tln < said t-lri-lliiii. lln-n It shall rimiiliiili ) si'i'tlon ' , ' ! of ailk-li- of lh < > foifilltnlhm of Ihlattljilc. A Ciii-loiis 'Melnl , A metal thai will melt al such n low tempiiriituro as 150 = > Is certainly n curi osity , but John K. Whlto of Syracuse , .N. Y. , bus succeeded In producing It. H is nn nllov comiioocd of lead , tin , bismuth imdendium , ami la weight , liaj'diiessniid color icsombles type-motal. So easily docs It melt that If jou plnco It on a L'omparatlvely cool part of ihestovo with n piece of paper imiler it it will melt without the papvr belnt scoi'.hcd. BI'NNISONBROS , Monday's Sale. UO plm > MH'Miuki'M In plain nml Mr'pon , Jiul H'lllllk-Ilionl fnr fnn.ril.jr jnlil ; rpiinlnr I5' ' i' MiMiil" . Hue Imp.irli'il ntliu' , In imibni Plfivl * . mil } 21o Jiinl. .lii'l nrrlti-il , I rn i' Inipiirliiil iluiui' 1'iitlMi- KiiuO * . only ln' Jntil. l..in < itnli > ; iit.ii | Mi'niln'il iniMllii , * iprnr < l. 1.1111 ionic tk U , lltulK.'r I. K nml I. , I ! . , tU-ln nil- I'lonrluMl ' iiin llii nllKK Munilnynl l' > i''ni' . > l- I i-niip iiiMn lilotu-lipil nui'lln , .Moniln ) 1. % jiuil fof II : ami li jnnh l < tin-llmll. iri'n tout" ' I'ln-lianil tliH nl 9V I'm \ > : mittli Va iinliuniililo-.lilrt1. ! , u KIMMinn' ! , utv.1. ' * nih | lii-iit'1 cnilliu Hiinn.il lilrl < M lUliliirciiiiPiitV faacj rtrlii | > , nti' ' itrcj inllion1 , mil ) Hie t ilr . ' < ! ikitoa Ki'iiH' fniiry < til | > olin o , full n-iiiitiir innilo ourimn liiiimrtiilloii. nnlt ISo I'.dri ' ami j.m iMi't innldi Ilii-in In Oiiiiiliu at . ' „ rhllilrcn'K m t Muck ) in > i > , nil Iri" . mil ; llV pnlr. lliiji'gii'jr illiUil IIIIM' lli ( > | i.ilrin bulu-rnni'nl r.o ' nml I.V nail nt 'iV. , \Voiali cll JOH llm bi' tlinj % ' odiool IHKI' iiuriirlli Inblnrk , IMIIWII nml RII'J , milt -V | < nlr , nil Mil" , Lmlli'V fntl lil.ul > liov.ti Hin nnojinil tn.oiih I | inlr , oti-ry luilr li wiirnuiti-il in lie fiut lilni'l . Anollipr liiLni'wp-tinviiN nml MIII liHili" , fi i > out ' -ir-ln Mnrk Mlk iniibri-llii" , trnatcil , til fidl HIII ! > . ' l.'i cndi. lloiuitlliil line fiiiic.r rnri : i > l , form IJ u | > In it. / Ori'iit fnlo ilrcii KnmN lu'U i > i > k , \ Kino ( O-lii riKi"i onlft ) . ' ) nril ! tlii'nimlTV , Vlnp I'ln.Ilk llal'h lloiiilfll nt .Vs. ] jnnl. tcnil * crly mill nt . .V , nil tlii-ai'n | ulim 'Iniilc- . A blc llnci M.IU HiMiilrltn-intSJu nml o.0 Mini , nil the new 'liailos. N'oiv linn luinilllnnaiiN , rio.im BMiind" wlih fmicj 'trln' | , only i"n'nr < l. iMn wlili1 , nnrlli II SOP our lltiiueil Cliln.i lll , , at Wo .innl ; rmnirr prlcoll. I'nin'j hiin'MiU' allki id V.'r. la aioilliini nml cM-iiini ; .simile' , ( ! ct jiuir wnll pni'or In mil Imroincnt. nl "iic-lialf eo t , U li K"lnn f.Tt. Wi > nro i'lni > lim'll niilioi } piiio or nlll ninki- pik-D tin linlo lot In ilcnlcrK. " tiiont liarKiilai In luuifiliiinl hlinr j1" ! * ID ouf r > n pim-iit. Miniilii ) n Mill olTpr sonic pt'rlal vnlili In ImlUV niut LhlMron'i * ototk : . ri.oAK ? : ri.oAKf ! riilMrpn'N ilinrlnnlklnir plwik" . In I-H-II-II , iirrk innlvilnl. M > lM < t inllur anil I'UII-.ln j , . ( nn.i { \ \f > enl ) * l.2ii'ntli. illlllllCIlNm \ \ \ HllUlllKlln.lkx. . Ill flllli > -lll9 | I'leiu-li tlainipl nl o pl.iln. In1.1 , ; ! , I unit ; > \ cirnt f4 in. } . " > nml f.'i so i--ii li. Tlii-.v : ire lii-iiulli" . ami uin I bo found only tit out - > tnru , Iiirnul'liini ; i'i : linicie clii.iX la no'im nml lion , " Mlk ciiil.i.'l li'iiMl collar mill iiiltxiil unh \ \ HI nmlU Mini Wo Hill innki'-i pnl.il .ili > Mnmlio nf n I. t vt III- fillit's IMIIKI nihnn'un'ln.ik" MI . ' .5 ( t.Vl.il il .nut JJ pnili. Tlicj .iro nnny il.mn , i oino In nml it t ona .Mniiiln ) fine. "Atnll iiiiliM nllvil. liifiinl'n IdiiK nhlloiltO'iv'i .it.'iUi. ' , .jtf , "V nml J' 3t pnili. All -pfi'lnl vnliii- ' . Don't forci-l wo pail ) Hit1 lartt t ami tlno > i I up > f Inf.inr" wcni In ( lie fit ) , ami uin ( ulti-i fiinumm a the lowoHl .limt niihcil. n MK lliiniir I iilli'i'nl ) n.ii'l I ' .n k jnr- Ifti , nttiX. W , fliinilKn'.iili. 'I lit' ) nil- nil Mmlal A nliit-s nlAliiprlri'i qnoli-il A IIIIKP llnniif l.iilli" < ' iiiKll : li M.ilklMK 'uikvt ' .it t : > , U\M \ , tSaml JIO i-udi. .Vow Itlio time to lm > a llnulicaili'il nuip nt i n - half prli-i ! . .Ml inir llnc t lipinloil wr.iiilihh ] mM nl ( ! -i.l , ( III , tl'i mill > ! , ' > vai.li , .Mutiil.i ) ilinku il , inllro > < I , Itj.'JS ' PIIC-II. .MnllmilP-H Illleil. Hull ) inriliiKPi.it } l ' .Mpipli , . ill nlcclx uih..l'lrii | > il. Son our luili ) i-nriliiKt-i .il iii.VI. anil ill' ' nil li , lli'T mo iliraimml i annul ln > ilii | > lkitnl. lironl bniomiMit ImrKiiln4. Wall | inii-i | nt .V. dp ami lllr lull , mil ) lull IIII.P l.nnn mi wiT , iltli.iiiHMU'is , enl > f4.iSiui | enl ) li.iK | irlri > . l.nwn IIUM- , milt irv font anil warinnliil liiinii-ii'-iM.iiiM't ami i-nitiiln ali' MnmliK lliai'.liliiiiiii-il ruitaiii pulra ( 'lM'ii n i iurtniii Miiml.i ) . l.tH ( ) ) rnttiln hliaiU' . .ill in.iilp np on li'-i rollPix , l * > c I'urli BRNNISON BROS TIltKK ( illll.VT Sritl'ICISIN IT K. iliilVinan'H , Siieeessor to It. M. ii-iiliis VIlio. . , I I OH DoiiKliiN SI. Wholesale nml retail mlllincr.u From Monday H n. in. until Sniuidny ' 1J j ) . m. wo ] ilnee before our jiation's ihree lines of blncK trimmed bnl.lur - bmiH mill toques at prices whirli will make this sale the great ovi'iH of iho present millinery season Lot 1 'on isti of black fancy braid oi > lace straw hats , turbans and tinjiit's , benntifiill.v trimmed in flowers , etc. . ab $1.00 , will siirp'-i-c you giiatlwhen \ asking yon only'i'l.US ' ' this wecK. x Lot 2 consists of blade lace , slrtiw ami Milan liaH and toquei , olaliortitely trimmed in first dnr-s materials atMi , ' ) ! } . Our qnolntlon this week of onl.1.OS . ! will certainly snrprlM' you. Lot. ! consihts ot blacic lace , sti-aw and Leghorn huts and lints of the In si quality - ity trimmed in real ostrich tips antl. Ki-ench llowers , t.S.-'iil. Tim tlm-0 iiii - greatest surprise will bo our jiriee Ibis week , only ? ; ! . . Homembci' we always carry tin nit > t complete line of nnlrimmod shnpcs ami at tlio lowesl prices ; thai me mal.o children's hat8 a specialty , and that wo are the only hoilso in Umnhii relailing mlllinerv nl wholesale in-ices. H. 110FKMAX , 1 IDS Dou-'ns ' St. A WOMAN \nrii A'WU L. Cniiey Islam ! Men Tei-i-in-i/eil lij n I'Vmalr Dentist. Mrs. Hll/abelh Morey is ( be j-ient in- stllution of Coney inland. She cnmo hero twelve yearn iiro } and buiin mil it shingle and began the praclici of di nt- istry. She had it all her own way and pulled and plugged nnd Killed nenes and in- Borted pin Ics nt her own sweet will and at her own price , says n Concj Inland , dispatch to the San Krnnclsco i\amiiier. : Three years ago young Dr. Hill canrt ? * o\or to the Island and then trouble be gan to brew. He did not think much o Mrs. Mm-oy's work ami said * < > . Mrs. Moroy was shocked and pained al llio doctor's dici-i-gard of professional eti quette. Her pocket also sulTered , for I he doc tor brought n ilentlnt friend of Ins to bin ollice ovcry Saturday , and pcopb wnltutl for Saturday to have their teeth pnlletl instead of giving Mr * . Morey n clmiico at them any day in Iho week. So Mrs. Morey declared war mi the doctor. Hecently sins entered tin-ear at Ynnslckcii station and found 1 he\ouny ; \ doctor In It with three or lour otbeu piiHsongiTH , nil men. nnd she scolded him n bit nnd then binekeiicd his ejo wilh u billet of wood. The doctor had Intemleit going lo Iho matinee , but he went to Long li-lnnil hospital instead. On several occasions slie hud I on riding under a South Hay inilroatt pass which had run out , and sin * bnd MJ intimidated the conductor thai MOIK > I > . , than put her oil , ho whispered to ih , ) other passengers to go In the front earn and then ho detnchid the last cai- , in which Mrs. Morey sat , and pulli-d nut the train without her , but the cnntliictui ? wns sofrl htcnod nt what he did ilml in ) caino biiclc on fool at dark fur fi .u llutfc Mrs. Morny wns Ijlnjj for him. One night she nml her dnutfhtt i-nr- ] rled on so nt a inasqimradn ball lluillluy R were nrro-jtcii , nnd Dr. Hill Inuybcil n't j" the women whllo In the cell , which H > enrngcd Mrs. Morey thai she hlnpiu-il his face , and when site nu-t him on llnj hired banned him over the lu-ail uiUi her uinbrelin. Mrs. MornyV record Is aer. . \ liu-ly one. She was arrested oin-e li llnj board of supervisors and bn-Kcd uji. buL she refiiced to sit down In llie n II mul remained slunding for llvu IHIUI > . she has Conductor Scott of ihi < ( 'iil\ > i rnnto In such good training Unit be ilnu- not collect hop fnro , nnd she i-ldi-s fn-i win u over she wnnts to. The police - . I-.T , snys he Is afraid to stay atom ; in tin- with her. In fuel , she has u-rum , nil the niulo populntlon of llio isluml. llnjilcii Special halo of parasolt. , i-mn.is anil osiery on Monday.