Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1890, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Characterized the Leading Social Events of
the Past Week ,
JIovv Con lit lows FrlmiilH Paid Their-
KuNpcotn to 3lr. W. If , Holcoinhc
anil tlt < ; MlnNOH lluwlcy at
Mr. TliiirNton'H.
at lights Hushing from the windows
dews of Mr. ntiil Mrs. Henry Yntcs' palatial
lioniu on Tuesday ovcnliitf acted ns beckoning
llriKors , bright with ironisoto ) ! draw nn army
"of eager ( picstn to tlio most conspicuously
brilliant social function of the waning sea
son. AH the doors on the north side swung
open to niltnlt tlie visitors , the rusn of Howcr
fcccnlfd , music Intlen uir heralded the witch-
cry' Unit would luter beggar i v.iuriitlonwhcn |
the iliiz/ltM RIIZO rested on tlie DRacmblngo of
hi'aiity , liri'lilncss ( and physical dash that
lent themselves to the festival.
The gorgeous house with its charming ap
pointments , Its air of culture mid rellncmcnt
and the harmonious richness of coloring was
11 treat to the artlstlu taste , while the galaxy
of llower-llko loveliness in the graceful Jublloo
of youth , happiness and line feathers bla/cd In
tins eyes like the smiling skies of April.
Kverywlinro was a now "fascination and
n cfmnn ; " in the dainty , exquisite drawing
room framed With smilax and rows : In the
llower lirightc'nci ] llhrary through the vast
hull ; up the polished stairway , made gay
with palms , exotics and roses , to tlie reaches
of the canvas-covered ball room , where
twinkling heels Itept rythmle time to the rap
turous strains of the waltz. Small wonder
that youth exulted , that dowagers and ma
trons dreamed themselves girls again or that
the mcn-ahont-town of years ago openly
nvowed themselves equally susceptible with
the more ugilo members of the -100 to the
nwcet confusion of homo and foreign beau
ycaux. Omaha's bouquet of matronly charm
and girlish grace was cheek hy Jowl with
buds and blossoms transplanted for the occa
sion. The result was an embarrassment of
honov that reuuccd the bees in the way of
dancing men to a state bordering on intoxica
On descending the broad stairway the
guests paused Involuntarily to drink in the
beauty of the animated scene , while their
hearts beat In happy consonance with the
music. The flower decorations were particu
larly noticeable on account of the admirable
taste shown In their selection and disposal *
The intrinsically beautiful mantel pieces were
smartened not covered with roses , a bowl of
pink ones on the stone shelf In the hall
afforded a point of charming color , while on
entering the plulr , blue and gold drawing
iiiom the eyes directly rested with pleasure
on the rich feast of bloom afforded by the
Jill's of glorious jacqueminots.
Jn the dining room the largo square table
wni adorned with a spring-time growth of
iimiili'ii-liiiir ferns , while pink candle shades
gave a touch of warmth us rosy us the dawn.
The menu was dainty and delicious ,
the supper admirably served by waiters
from the Omaha club and the
bowl of inviting punch in the smoking room
was a Mecca for men and women alike , i
Mr. and Mi's. Vutes wore assisted in receiv
ing by Mrs. I.emon and Mrs , Johnson of St.
Joseph , tlie Misses Yates , Miss Stecle , Miss
Kicholt/ , Miss Hawks. Miss Kerr , Miss
Anna IMillard. Miss McKenna , Mr. ArthurC.
Smltu , Mr. John Patrick , Mr. Ncthcrton
Jfiill and Mr. Churlos Wilson.
The hostess was a charming picture with
her silver touched hair , her gown of silver
faille and crepe with soft lace about the
throat of the V cut bodice. Her youthful
face and soft girlish coloring made it dinicnlt
to believe that the occasion was the twenty-
eighth anniversary of her wedding.
Mrs. Lemon was very becomingly gowned
In is'llo green faille combined with pink and
green brocade and trimmed with pink , green
and silver pa.ssementerieen traino and square
cut bodice.
Mrs. Johnston wore a handsome gown of old
rose faille trimmed with old rose plumes , en
tralnc , bodice cut square and trimmed with
lure and plumes.
Mlas Yatus was very sweet In n gown of
] > lie blue crepe , decollete , with trhnmings of
white hvacinths.
Miss ik'ssio Yntcs was lovely in a decollcto
gown of white embroidered monsselino do
solo trimmed with ribbons and white carna
Miss Steele , who will be remembered as
having visited the Misses Hoagland a winter
or two since , wore a charming confection of
pink moussellno do chttTon and pink satin
ribbons , with pink shoes and gloves , decolleto
Mis.s Kicholtx was becomingly and effect-
Ivcly gowned In pink silk and striped gauze ,
Mihs Hawks , n daughter of Bishop Hawks ,
has inherited much of her mother's beauty.
Her wonderful eyes , described by a woman
"as dark us sloes , deep s a well , and soft as
satin , " light up her face in the most captivat
ing manner. She was gowned In corn colored
crepe , with gold slippers.
Miss Kerr was very handsome in a Nile
green moussolino do solo and striped gnnzo.
Miss McICenna , whoso gowns are always
oJToeiivo and becoming , was charming in an
embroidered net over pink silk.
Miss Anna Millard wits sweet and girlish in
a gown of pink net and silk.
The other visitors from St. Joseph were
gowned as follows :
Miss Falrlcigh , a very fetching young
wginan , with exquisite gold brown hair , wore
a gown of lilac embroidered gauze , with shoes
and gloves to match.
Miss Mary Fnlrloigli , who has a preUy face ,
was gowned in a bright red erepo combined
With velvet.
' Miss McKlnnoy , who Is the acknowledged
beauty of St. Jo.scph , wore n gown of white silk
net effectively trimmed with yellow satin
Miss Hosea wore a triumph of the mo-
dixto's art in a gown of blno moussilino do
hole with of .
a garniture forget-me-nots. f
Among the guests there were scores of ex
quisite toilets , among them Mrs. Savage la
a gown of black velvet with a corsage bou
quet of rill roses and the same deep colored
Mowers In her beautiful hair was an inspira
tion fora painter.
Mrs , Horace Kverett of Council Rluffs were
a handsome gown ol black velvet with some
wonderful point lace.
Mrs. L. M. Hennett , a gown of black net
gold embroidered over black satin.
Mrs : Cowin , a gown of black embroidered over grnv s.itin.
Airs. Wnlioley , a gown of rod faille em
broidered with gold and trimmed with lace.
Mrs St , A. I ) . Halcombe. a gown of black
velvet with beautiful point lace.
Mrs. John Clark Jones , a gown of gray
faille with pink.rosos.
Mrs. Hroolto , Hi gown of rose colored fnlllo
'mid brocade with vavo lace in the V cut
Mrs. Citldwell , a very handsome gown of
black muussoliiio do sole and silver gray
hjitin. .
Mrs. dishing , a "handsome gown of white
brocaded satin.
Mrs. Lev ! Carter , a gown of white tulle
over white satin embroidered with silver.
MM. S. J , Kogers , a gown of white bro
caded satin with pink roses about the decol-
f Mr-i. II. S. KollIiiH , a gown of pink silk
fomzo combined with pink and given bro
cade. " '
Mrs. & W. Hamilton , her wedding gown ,
fiHUioned in Paris , of whlto brocade mid
Mrs. Warren Kopers , white faille , embroi
dered with sjlver and trimmed with Duchesso
Mrs. Lymnn Kichnrdsoti , a gown of inauvo
faille with Persian embroidery.
Mrs , Meilay , a gown of gray fuillo embroi
dered In silver.
Alw. Domic , a gowu of black satin , corn
colored front , trimmed elaborately with lace.
Mrs. Krnest Uiall , a gown of black net over
old rose silk.
Airs. Horn-go P. Hemls.ii gowu of black em-
broidrred not , combined with black and white
silk , Inchc.ssu lace.
Mrs. C'lnu-les Dcucl , n gown of lilac crcpo ,
Mrs. John P. linker , a gown of ashes of
rosi'M fuillo combined with velvet and Duch-
CSMJ laco.
Airs. IJeale , a gown ot black laco.
Mm. S , P. Morse , a gown of black and
white striped satin.
Miss JiMuli Hill , n gown of black lace , de
collete , with ml roses.
Mrs. ( { corgi ) Stebblns , her wedding gown
of white faille trimmed with lace.
Mrs , \S 111 Poppletou , a gown of light blue
silk combined with pink and blue brocade
and tulle.
Mrs. Kent Harden , a Oreek gown of whlto
and gold.
Mrs. Henry listabrook , inauvo tulle and
silk , pink rocM.
Mrs , Gilbert Hitchcock , n quaint gown of
whlto trimmed with blue ribbons.
Mrs. J. AI.Thurston , n gown of red faille ,
gold embroidered.
Airs. A , M. Urock , n gown of white bro
cade , en truinc ,
Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , a gown of lllno crepe
embroidered and combined with silk.
Mrs. Clark Woodman , n gown of gray fnlllo
combined with velvet and laco.
MI.M Dewey.a charming toilet of pink silk
and crepe , decollete.
Miss Orchard , a pretty gown of old rose ,
Miss Alary Ailllaul , n beautiful becoming
gown of whtto India silk braided with gold ,
Alias Hertha Yost , pink niousscllnc do
chiffon with pink silk , decollete.
AIlss Alary Sherwood , pale green silk and
net with lllles-of-the-vnilev. decollete.
Allxs IJiuiifi , a gown of whlto satin , en tralnc ,
veiled with tulleund , trimmed with grolotsof
pearl and silver , decollete.
Mlw Clam Hrown , a gown of red crepe
combined with black velvet.
Miss Stewart of Council HlufTs , a pompa
dour combination of pink and bine In n gown
of blue crepe and brocade with a garniture of
pink roses alnjut the decollete bodice.
AIlss Gertrude Chambers , white silk and
Miss Shears , a gown of white silk and
net.Miss Lellla Shears , n gown of blue silk and
striped gauze.
AIlss Leola Curler , a gown of red crepe
with lllies-of-the-valley.
AIlss Nellie Urens , n gown of gray crepe.
AIlss U'nkeley , a gown of yellow silk veiled
with black lace.
Among the guests were : Lieutenant mid
Mrs. Sarsen , Air. and Airs. John Williams
from Fort Omulin , Mr. nnd Airs. Horace
Kverctt , Air. Leonard Kverctt , Air. Charles
K. Hass , Aiiss Stewart and Air. Charles
Stewart from Council liluffs , Mr. nnd Mrs.
St. A. J ) . Balcombe , Mr. and Airs. Samuel
Drown , Air. and Airs. Louis Bradford' , Air.
nnd Airs , "ohn Brady , Air. and Airs. Chnrles
Breck , Air. and Mrs. Samuel Burns , AIlss
Nellie Burns , Aiiss Clara Brown , the Misses
Bntteriicld. AIlss Knthcrino Barker , Air.
Mil ton Barlow , Air. and All's. D. S. Barriger ,
Air. and Airs. L. M. Bennett , Mr. K.
H. Berlin. Air. and Airs. Ellis Bier-
bower , General and Airs. Brooks ,
Airs. Burdctte , Lieutenant Bookmiller ,
Air. and Airs. A. "W. Brock , Mr. The mas
Coughlln , Dr. nnd Airs. J. II. Conkling , Air.
and Airs. J. C. Cowin , Air. and Mrs. I . C.
Cushinjr. Air. John Collins , Air. Charles E.
Clnpp. Airs. H. AI. Caldwell , Air. and Airs.
Levl Carter. Air. and Airs. Charles F. Cuttln ,
Aiiss Leola Carter , Air. John T. Clarke , Aliss
Gertrude Chambers , Colonel Champion S.
Chase. Air. nnd Airs Charles L. Ueuel. Aiiss
Belle Dewey , Air. nnd Alw. George W. Doane ,
Airs. George 1' . Demi * , Air. Luther Drake ,
Air. and Airs. E. S. Dundy , Jr. , Dr. and Airs.
J. C. Den Iso , Mr. and Airs. Henry Estn-
brook , Air. Nctherton Half , Air.
mid Mrs. C. Will Hamilton ,
Air. Frank Hamilton , Air. and Airs. Gilbert
Al. Hitchcock , AJr. and Mrs. A. P. Hopkins ,
Mrs. Fannlo'Hopkins , Air. and Airs. Josinh
Hill. Air. E. M. Fnirlleld , Mr. and Airs. Ben
Gallagher , Dean and All's. Charles II. Gard
ner , Mr. mid Airs. George I. Gilbert , Air.
Charles J. Greene , Air. Arthur Union , Dr.
Hiu-old Gilford. Air. and Airs. Hichavd S.
Hale , Air. and Alw. II. A. Gould , Air. H. 1 $ .
Hodges , Air. Harry C. Jordan , Dr. and Alw.
Jones , Miss Isaacs , Air. and Alw. Charles B.
Keller , Mrs. B. E. B. Kcnncdv , Aiiss Ken
nedy. Air. and Alw. William Kiewtead , Air.
and Alw. F. I' . Kirkendall , Air. mid Alw.
Dana Lander , Airs. Hollins , Aliss IJnms ,
Air. and Alw. Joseph Lehmer. Air. and Airs.
James McKenna , Miss AIcKennn. Air. Harry
McCormlck , Air. and Alw. John AlcCormick ,
Alw. John H. Aleredith. Dr. nnd Alw. S. D.
Alcrcer , Air. niul Alw. Alcday , Aliss Dewsan-
npp , Air. and Mrs. Fred AlcC'onnell , Air.
William U. Morris , Air. Charles Alarple , Air.
and Alw. Frank Aluir , Air. and Alw. S. P.
Alowe , Air. and Mrs. W. V. Alowe , Alias
Alary AHHnrd , Aliss Anna Millnrd , Air. and
Alw. Joseph AI. Metcnlf , Air. and Alw. Ed
ward Peck , Air. and Alw. William Poppleton ,
Air. and Alw. Al. C. Nichols , AHbs Nichols ,
Aliss Orchard ; Mr. lioborfc Patrick ,
Air. John Patrick , Air. nnd Alw. AI. T. Pat
rick , Air. Al. S. Patrick , Air. and Airs.
Walter PaKP , Air. anil Alw. A. C. Powell ,
Air and Alw. George E. Pritchutt , Air. and
Airs. Arthur Benningtoii , Air. nnd Alw.
Lyiiiun Ittchurdsim , Air. and Alw. Warren ,
Air. and Alw. T. J , Kogors , Air. Hantoul , Mr.
A. D. Smith , Air. W. F. Smith , Air. Gcorgo
Souires , Alr.-Spotsvj-ood , Air. mid Alw. James
AV. Savage , Aliss Shears , Colonel
and Alw. Sheridan , Mr , and Alw. E.
C. Snyder , Dr. J. E , Emmcw , Jr. , Air. and
Alw. Luclnn Stevens , Jlr. and Airs. William
Tabor , Air. and Alw. John AI. Thnw-
ton , Air. and Alw. Al. D. Touzaiin ,
Alw. D. V. Tonzalin , Alw. Clarke , AIlss Touz
aiin , Air. Curtis , E. Turner , Air. J. S. Teh-
bets , Dr. Wilkinson , Air. and Alw , John A.
Wakolield , Aliss Bertha Yost , Air. nnd Airs.
W. AI. Yates , Air. nnd Alw. Elenzer Wakeley ,
Alias Wakeley , Air. Will Wakeley. Air. and
Alw. D. H. Wheeler , Air. nnd Alw. D. II.
"Wheeler , Jr. , Air. Charles AVilson , Air. and
Alw. B. B. Wood , Air. and Alw. James AI.
Woolworth , Air. and Airs. John L. Webster.
TWO HllllllHOIIlO Itc
The two receptions given by Air. nnd Alw.
Thuwton during the week , on Friday evening
in honor of Air. and Alw. W. H. Ilolcomb and
on Saturday in honor of the Aliases Huwley ,
were triumphs or brightness , beauty and hos
pitable grace. They were largely and orna
mentally attended , skillfully conducted and
happily consummated , The bijou of a house ,
than which nothing could bo more artisticallv
charming , was fairly embowered in roses and
spring flowers , the deep window seats being
transformed into banks whereon palms , ferns
and the India rubber tree grew for the oc
casion , while dqlicato hvdrangea and flaunt
ing tulips with wax like begonia and the
rich colored Icuverf of follngo plants added
alternately glorious and delicate coloring
to odd nooks and comers. The air was filled
with music from the hall above staiw , where
the orchestra , discoursed strains of falry-liku
sweetness , The perfume from "tho flowew
and the women's gowns combining to thrill
the .senses with continuous delight , inclined
the guests to the belief that the witchery of
the Arabian lights was closing them in a
species of pretty enchantment that must of
necessity bu broken by good ni ht.
The dining room down stalw wa.s remarka
ble in Its beauty. A square table covered
with elaborate linen decorated with pijik
roses on Thursday anil red one.s on Friday
was further adorned by myraids of pink-
shaded candles In exquisite cut-glass can
delabra that flashed with the prlsmotlc color *
of Jewels. Kvery where disposed about the es
sentially picturesque room were candles ,
dainty hits of china and glass that repre
sented wealth and good tusto in happy blend
ing , while the flower-tilled conservatory af
forded opportunities for the utter
ance of airy nothings remarkable
chiefly for their evanescent sweetness.
A Imndsomo supper was served by thoOmaha
club. In short everything showed a close at
tention oh the part of the agreeable host and
.hostess to the minutest detail calculated to
ensure the comfort nnd further enjoyment of
their guests.
Air. and Airs. Thuwton were assisted In re
ceiving on Thuwdav evening by Air. and
Alw. Holcomb , while Air. nnd Mrs. AV. V.
Alowe. Air. and Mrs. Prltchett and Air. nnd
Airs. Swobo lent their aid throughout the
drawing rooms ,
Mrs. Thuwton wore n superb gown of old and wine colored brocade , en tralnc , with
Alw. Holcomb were an elegant gown of
black thread lace ovcf faille.
Mrs. Prltchett , black moussellno do chiffon
with a whlto crepe front In the bodice.
Alw. Poland , a hundsuino 'gown of black
Alw. Swobc , ngown of black satin elabor
ately trimmed with Jet , square cut bodice.
Alw. W. V. Alorse , u gown of black luco
braided with gill.l. .
On Friday evening Air. nnd Airs. Thuw
ton were assisted in receiving by
the AHsses Hawley , nnd throughout
thu rooms by Air. and Alw. Henry
Estubrook , Air. nud Alw , Colpctzcr , Air. nnd
Airs , Lander. Mr. Ulchard Berlin und Air.
Kobert Patrick. '
Mw. Thurston were a Imndsoino gown of
whtto satin nnd brocade , combined with erejw
and point lace and trimmed with pearl pas-
Miss Hawley were a gown of whlto satin
and crepe > vith feather trimming.
Aliss CI ura Hiuyloy , u gowu of palo blue
surah veiled with lace and garnlturcd with
wreaths of red roses , ivd fenthew In her hair
Mrs.'Estabrook were a gown of black net
over green silk , trimmed with black velvet ,
dccolietto bodice and ml roses.
Mrs. ColpoUer , u handsome gown of blue ,
brocaded but In ,
There were some charming costumes among
the visitors , the harmonious blending of color
being peculiarly effective , its regarded by the
arriving nnd departing guests through the
handsome plate glass window opening onto
the balcony ,
Among the guests on Thursday
tween lit nud H o'clock , were ! Dr. and Airs.
Aloore , General nnd Mw. Brooke , Air. nnd
Alw. George I. Gilbert , Air. nnd Airs , ICIr-
stead , Air. and Alw , U. D , Hunt , Dr , nnd
Alw. Duryea , Dr. nnd Mw , Alerecr , Air. nnd
Alw. Itobtirt Penttle , Air. and Alw. Lcvl Car
ter , Air. nnd Alw. D. F. Gallagher , Air. nnd
Airs. J. C , Cowin. Air. John AlcShane , Air.
nnd Alw. Nathan Durnlinm. Air. and Alw. H.
S. Jaynos , Airs. Alcredlth , Dr. and Alw.
Demie , Air , nnd Alw. S. P. Alowe ,
Air. and Airs. Ateday , Colonel Chase ,
Dr , and Alw. Coffman. Air. and Airs. Hans-
coin , AIlss Hnnscom , Air. nnd Alw , Gcorgo B.
Lake , Unv. and Alw. Lewis Znlmer , Air. and
Alw. A. U. AV'yman , Air. nnd Alw. Chnrles K.
Commit , Air. nnd Alw. J. K. Hnwley , Air.
and Alw Co-nlsh. Air. and Alw. C. rf Mel
lon , Colonel and Alw. Dalous Baeke , Air. nnd
Alw. .Samuel Burns , Air. nnd Alw. F. AV.
Gray. Mr , and Mrs , A. P. Hopkins , Air. nnd
Alw , Wlllard Scott , Mr. mid Alw. C. F. Cat-
Hu , Air. and Alw , Dickewon , Air. nnd Alw.
John L , Webster , Alw. AVllllams , Air. Al
Patrick and Air. John Collins.
On Friday evening thu guests were : Air.
and Alw. E. S. Hood , Air. and Alw. Alexan
der , Air. and Alw. John L. Kennedy , Air. and
Alw. Frank Irwin , Air. nnd Alw. E. U. Erwin -
win , Air. and Airs , Patterson , Air. and Alw.
Oscar Williams , Air. and Alw. Francis Gre-
bio , Air , and Alw. Frank Colpetzer , Air. and
Alw. John H. Wakelleld , AIiv nnd Alw. AI. E.
Lindsay , Air. nnd Airs U. S. Hall , Dr. and
Alw. John Clark Jones , Air. nnd Alw. Klehnrd
Carrier , Mr. nud Airs. C. S. Alontgomcry , Air.
Eugene Montgomery , Air. nnd Alw. Charles
Squires , Air. nud Alw. Adolph Meyer ,
Air. and Alw. Alorltz Meyer , Air.
Mux Aleyer , Air. Albert Calm , Air. and Alw.
J. C. Elli'r , Air. nnd Airs. Uoedcr , Air. Rood or ,
Air. nnd Alw. AVm. Slmoral , Air. aud Airs.
Gilbert Hitchcock , Air. und Alw , Edward
Peck , Air. and Alw. Bradford , Air. und Alw.
Blnghnm. Air. and Alw. Howard B. Smith ,
Air. and Alw. Clinton N. Powell , Air. nud
Alw. Unlph Breekenridge , Air. Aleday , Aliss
Dewsunsnap , Air. and Alw. C. AV. Hnller ,
BAIr. nnd Alw. Joseph Lehmer , Air. nnd Alw ,
Fred Nye , Gen'l John B. Hnwly ,
Aliss Hawley , Aliss Ida AVoodof Chicago
cage , Aliss Sharp , Aliss Ida Sharp , Miss
Kelley , AIlss Kathryn Barker , Aliss Lcola
Carter , Air. and Alw. Frank B. Alomsscy , Air.
nnd Alw. George AV. Boggs. Air. Arthur
Smith , Senator liansom , Air. Hichard , Pur
lin , Air. Arthur AVukelov , AIlss Wnkoloy , Dr.
Summers , Air. Alarple , Air. Davis. Air.
Robert Patrick , Air. John Patrick , Air. Al
Patrick , Air. John Collins. Air. JolinT. Clark.
Air. E. AV. Simcral , Air. Charles AVilson and
Air. Nethertqn Hall.
Tlie Shakespeare Club.
On Tuesday evening tit the "Bacholore , "
4 10 North Twenty-second street , was held
the last meeting of the Shakespeare club ,
and It was with real regret that the members
said good-bye for a time to the gregarious en
joyment of the "Bard of Avon. " The wintew'
evenings with the poet have been altogether
delightful and none more memorabld'thau the
last which ended the season gracefully nnd-
even brilliantly. It was n selection night ,
and with the echoes of "Midsummer Night's
Dream" und Mendelssohn's delicious
music ns rendered by Miss Hustln
still in their cnw , the readers felt
some natural trepidation as to the outcome.
However , directly the. reading began with
the intelligent interpretation of'Caoh favorite
character an absorbing interest manifested
itself , thus proving that choice of pewonution
nn invigorating agent contrasted with which
the importance attached to a committee-made
cast is but an incident as ephemeral as mush
rooms. The programme was shorter than
usual , the .supper merrier , the only bitter In
the entire sweet being the absence
of Aliss Hustin and Air. Mackintosh ,
whom all had hoi > ed would grace
the occasion with their presence.
Apropro of the really artistic reading of
Shylock early in the season by ono of the
members , who gained fresh laurels on Tues
day , th'n following story suggests itself :
An old lady who had witnessed a perform
ance of "Tho Merchant of Arcnico" many
years ago , went again to see the story of Shylock -
lock enacted upon the stage. AVhen asked if
hho liked it , she replied : "Well , Acnic.eseeivis
to have spruced up some since the llrst time
I saw it , but Shylock is Just the same , mean ,
ordinary thing ho was forty years ago. "
I'owdcr , ItoiiKC and Patches.
On Thursday evening the gay notes of
music again echoed in the neighborhood of
"Hillside , " the occasion being a small im
promptu tote poudre dance gotten up by the
Alisses Yates in honor of their visitow , With
a little leaven of older folk to lend dignity.
Ten young women looking like ladies at a
French court festival , were full ball gowns
with powdered hair a la pompadour , a be-
gnitiug touch of rouge and an added allure
ment in the way of a saucy patch of black
court plaster. The touto ensemble was
picturesque and attractive to a ' degree , and
drew ; the eyes of the stabler folk from high
five oftener than is profitable when one's
wishes tend prizeward. Aliss Dewey in blue
and brown was strikingly handsome , Aliss
Eicholtz in blue and silver was radiant , Miss
Steel were a becoming gown of green nnd
pink en traine , Aliss Anna Alillard an exceed
ingly effective gown of black and red , Aliss
Kerr an airy confection of pink tulle , Miss
Florom Yates was charming In white , Aliss
Bessie rates a vision in red , Aliss Hawks in
pink was a pictnro , while Aliss AVilliams and
Aliss Orchard in black lace were sweet und
fetching to u degree.
The guests in addition were : Alw. Lemon ,
Alw. Johnson , Air. and Alw. Cowin , Air. and
Airs. Richardson , Air. und Airs. Haliscom ,
Aliss Hnnscom , Air. and Airs. Pritchett , Air.
aud Alw. AV. A' . Alowe , Alw. Caldwell , Air.
Victor Caldwell , Air. Arthur Smith , Mr.
Stanley Smith , Air. Notherton Hale. Air. Ar
thur Giiion , Air. John Patrick , Air , AVilo
Doane , Air. Steel and Air. Can- .
Five Years Old.
Five yours is a quarter of a milestone , at
least in u baby's life und the passing of it , of
flower-crowned , candle-lighted and fed for the
nonce on bwcets Is a uever'to-bo-forgottcn oc
On Thursday little "Billy" Lander made
this live-league step through wonderland and
enjoyed , on this luminous afternoon , the com
pany of four little Howard street friends at a
1 o'clock dinner.
A birthday cake in the center of the table
surrounded by flowers nnd pretty colored
lollipops. The blnzo of a few candles ap
peared , each a Hash of time light to
tlio dazzled eyes . of the live .small
boys and the unquestioned possession of a
table , unencumbered by "grown folk , " filled
their hearts and their stomachs alike with
satisfaction. Edward Lonr might have got
ten new ideas for future jingles from the
" .spongctaueous" conversation , us , when tlio
Ice cream with grated brown bread In it was
served , ono small vUitor refused to eat It on
account of the "spots in it , "
Another sugely remarked that "havliigbecn
poisoned once on ice cream ho believed he'd
never eat it again , " and no amount of assur
ance that Dnldnff's Ice cream never Is pois
oned would move him to the acceptance of a
.spoonful. The little host did the honors
gracefully and remarked with a sigh at bed
time that he wished U were lust night , so ho
could have another birthday.
A Social
The "Starlight Social Club" was pleasantly
entertained on AVednesday evening nt the
homo of Air. J. Eponeter 4021 Izaiil street.
( James nnd music served to pass the houw
enjoyably , a guitar solo by Aliss H. Epeneter
being enthusiastically encored. The house
and lawn were brilliantly lighted with pretty
effect , and the supper party at half past ten
was as merry ns such nn occasion may l > e.
The guests were : The Allsses Dallu Ford ,
Clara Edholm , AInry Andewon , Olllo. Kolev ,
Alablo Lewis , Lucy Flyiin , Liny Smith ,
AVilma Barker , Kuby Foley , Manila Davis ,
Huttlo and Selma Epeneter , Lulu Johnston ,
Emma Allison , Etta nosenl > cry , Georglo
Goddard , Lulu Thompson j and from Council
Blurt's were the Misses AValter Swanson ,
Maud AVilson , Edna Snyder , Bella Snydor.
Bella Hardln , Anna Hart , Fay Hurt , anil
Messw. F. Potter , O. Goodscll , G , Dolstnim ,
C. Portorllcld , P. Caiman , Julius Epeneter ,
A. Longfroy , C. Butler , Hi Macbeth , Clyde
Ilntekin , O. WesUjrdohl , Kountzornan , E.
O'Brien , H. Alulby , AV. Weed , E.I Free , F.
French , H. Lliwoy , O. DutUm , G. Allller , F.
Ellingwood , 11. Leeds , H. Hosonsrecn.
In thoKwIui.
The season at the natatorlum has reopened
aud women with acquatic tendencies , iu lieu
of the sportive surf , gOj , { hero to splash , dlvfl
and frqlle in the water lin ) fashion calculated
to turn tucnimldt sen > iffrecn with envy nnd
thrill , to new precautions , the timorous
mothers. The ralnbo obes of the electric
light arch are not monjjmrH-coloml than the
bathing suits adopted liy these sirens , und the
pretty expose .revolting from this
knce-plus'Ultru of n tsJeluty woman's cos
tume renders n mojfjfng spent as an
onlooker not altogether without profit.
On AVednesday a str4)l ) but select party of
women leaned front thpialcony | to watch a
partly small and partUv , large but also select
circle of swlmmew , and the splash and dash
nnd laughter made n decidedly merry hour.
Among the noticeably good swimmers ware :
Alw. Clowry and Aliss/jfda Wood of Chicago
and Alw. Henry Estubrook , while there was
n number of beginners who Inclined to the
shallows and the sliding board. One woman
who bares her pretty feet is the envy Of her
less fortunate sisters. Naturally there will be
u revival of the vexed question of how much a
woman may take off and still be clad In moral
beauty , but to offset this there will bo the
wholesome delight of the water mid the op
portunity afforded of seeing so much of one's
Hillside Sociability :
The entertainment given Friday night at
the Hillside Congregational church was a
success in ever } ' particular , mid Alw. Clute
is to bo complimented on the excellent man
ner in which everything was nrrnngeo and
carried out. Great credit Is due tlio Alisses
Leggett , Colby , Cornell , Evans , Smith ,
Swlsher and Stem and Ale.ssw. Lemon , Lar
son , AVebb and AVallaco for the manner in
which their selections were rendered. In
spite of the rain a largo and appreciative
audience was in attendance. The following
is the programme :
Quartette . Wlrndshlp. I.ovo nnd Song
The C'liolr.
Select Hemline . The Agent
Miss Kdna KohcrNon.
Duet . Song of the Lark
MNs II. Leggcttanil H. McDonald.
Itecltntlon . The Last Hey Kflle Hale.
Keclt at Ion . , , . The I'trcinnii
Miss Ilerth I'arlci'r.
Duet . N'uy. Hid Mo Not
' It. LesRctt nnd S. 0. Wallace , Jr.
Itccltatlon . . . Tom Flicker
Ml > s Grace Stem ,
Song . . The Gleaners
Four Girls.
Iteultatlon . "Jones"
Miss KMa Smith.
Duet . Two Merry Girls
MlsnesJ. Swlsher nnd O , Stem.
Heultatlon . Asleep at the Switch
Miss Myrtle Smith.
Solo . Cradle Song
Mlssllerth Liggett
Hcelt at Ion . ' . . I'oe's Haven
Miss I'rahels Kvnns.
miot . . , . Learning Music
Miss I ) . V. Colby and S. C. Wallace. Jr.
Dialogue . Popping the Question
Miss Ktta Smith and Onarlus Iiarson.
Solo . Hong of thu Work
Ml.xs/Cella Cornell ,
A High-Five Party.
Dr. and Alw. Hoffman gave a pleasant hiTh-
flvo party on Monday evening in honor of
Air. and Alw. Thomas Orr. The prizes were
prettily selected and useful. Airs , Colpotzor
secured the first , two small silver spoons
while Alw. Rlnll received a daintily bound
copy of ( Marlc BathkirtsetT by way of cense
lation. The first jiriio for the men , n silver
match-box , was won -by , Dr. Galbraith , the
consolation prize , a puvk.of Frankfurt playing
cards , by Air. Colpot/.or" . '
The guests were : ; Alw. Orr , Mr.
and Alw. Swobe. Dtef | and Alw. Galbraith ,
Air. nnd Alw. Rlall , Aln.und Airs. Thuwton ,
Air. and Alw. Van Kuran , Air. and Alw. Col-
pctzor , Air. and Airs. . Pclu , Air. and Airs.
Hunt , Mr. and Mrs. W'ak'eliekl , Air. und Alw.
Robertson , Air. aud Ah'-s.'Thompson and Alw.
Du Bois. "
Alw. AVarren Morgan Kogew gave a charm
ing little dinner on Thursday evening with
covers laid for eight. The table was u vision
of beauty with the snb\v'y \ embroidered linen ,
the bowl of Easter lilUs in the center , the
white candles and polisfij'd brass candlesticks
to catch and reflect 'the light. After a
daintily served nufnu ti V cuests , adjourned to
the drawing roo'm' to d < Jj'orate ; a tissue paper
towel with u Hug while , blindfolded. As an
outcome Airs. Lander qarried away a bunch
of la France roses and Air. Kennedy it
morocco note book. Alw. T. J. Rogers and
Air. Dana Thayer arriving meanwhile vocal
music lent its aid to the charm of the evening -
ing aud good-night' a deplorable neses-
slty. The fortunate guests were : Air. and
Airs. Lander , Aliss IJains , " Air. Burke , Air.
Morris and Air. Kennedy.
The wedding of Aliss- Claire Rustln to Mr.
J. H. Mackintosh will bo celebrated tomor
row afternoon at y10 ; ! o'clock , the Rev. Dr.
Duryea performing the ceremony. In view
of the recent uftiiction in the family , the wed
ding will bo a quiet and unostentatious one ,
only the immediate relatives being present.
Aliss Rustln will wear a princess gown of
cream faille with effective trimmings of duch-
csso luco , while orange blossoms will take
the place of a veil on her pretty blonde hair.
After a wedding breakfast the bride and
groom will leave for air indefinite stay In the
For the benefit of curious womankind I
will describe Aliss Rustic's very chic go-away
gown. It is of mole colored'cloth with h
waistcoat and trimmed with narrow .sou
tache braid of the sumo shade. A little mole
colored capote that matches to n nicety will
constitute the graceful touch of milliner art
to the modistes' triumph , and tho-wcurer will
bo fair aud fine as becomes a bride ,
A Yellow Ijiiiioheon.
AIlss Dewey , over whoso well poised hand
some head is hovering Uio crown of a social
leader , notwithstanding her youth , gave an
exquisite luncheon on Thursday in honor of
the Altsses Yates mid their visitors. A beau
tiful polished oak table was uncovered , save
In the center , whew n bit of embroidered
linen with manifold dainty .stitches served as
a background for a cut glass bowl tilled with
jonquils. A huge bunch of yellow roses had
won selected as a favor for each guest
and the effect when added to their charming
toilettes was pretty iu the extreme. Dull
ness stops when champagne pops and the
result of looking upon the fascinating sparkle
of this wine of wines , was to given an added
zest to badinage and newiflago with a new
touch of roseleaf in the cheeks. Coffee in
dainty cups was served in the drawing room
to Aliss Steele , Aliss Hawks , AIlss Kicholtz ,
Altss Kerr , Aliss Yates , Alise Bessie Yates ,
AIlss Alum Alillard , Aliss Stewart of Council
Bluffs. Aliss AVilliams , Aliss Orbbard and
Aliss Yost.
Sooinl Gossip.
Air. Ed Sherwood lofffm Thursday for Col
orado. " ;
AIlss Delano of Bo'sr&'tfls the guest of Air.
nnd Alw. Kirkendiill. | > \ I
Alw. AVakeley left uinWodncsday fora visit
to friends in Cn'cagoyiil '
Dr. E. AV. Leo retuvuell on Tuesday from u
short visit to Battle Utwk.
Air. Paul IIorbach lofjt today for a short
stay at Buttle Creek , AJfch.
Air. AV. J. Curtail au/l ( Charles L. Saundew
have returned from ! .w York.
Mw. John A , HorbiulU- at homo again
after a delightful visit i/i. / AVashlugton.
Alw. James 1C. Chaij ) | > er.s and family re
turned from the soutli , Thursday ,
Mr. and Alw. AViUlajy Iitrsh nro at homo
again after a pleasant .sLiy In the east ,
Air. and Alw. John 'uhnell are at homo
again after a prolonge [ bjay in California ,
Colonel and Alw. Shczddan nro preparing to
go to housekeeping at fW\ \ Douglas street.
Canon Dohnrty anil Mr. John A. Crelghtoii
were on the train going to Chicago on .Mon
Air. and Alw. AVilliam A. Redlck are at
homo to their friends iifT.'i Emmet street ,
Kountzo Place.
Air. and Alre. T. AI. Orr loft for their homo
on Tuesday after a short visit to their many
friends In Omaha.
Miiis Alargnret AVilson arrived In Omaha on
AVediiesday nnd is the guest of her sister ,
Mw. AVun-en Swizler.
Mr. Voss , who is so pleasantly remembered
by his many friends In Omaha , plans to re
turn hero about Alay 1.
A party of belles are considering the many-
sldtxl charms of taking a cottugo In the heart
of Wisconsin for the summer ,
Mw. General John R. Brooke's mother nnd
sister , Alw. Steams aud Alw. 1II11 , uro her
guests , having arrived on Thuwday.
Mr. AV. B. Huffman of Ncligb , whu visited
Air. Rollins for two or three days during the
week , left on Wednesday for home.
Airs. AV. J. Dohn of Orchard Hill , assisted
by Alw , L. F , AVceks , gave n pleasant high
llvtJ party on AVednesday evening.
A reception will bo given on Tuesday eve
ning nt the Alctropolltun club room * in Junior
of Air. mid Alw , Colin ( neo llrandeis ) .
Air. nnd Airs. Charlas Tnittt leave town
today , Mr. Trultt to AVashlugton nnd Alw.
Trultl to Duffalo , to remain two months.
Aliss Ida Dlxougnven pretty Kensington
ten Friday afternoon with twenty-live guests
to confuse stitches with pretty chatter.
Miss Inez AI. Haskell bos gone to Grand
Island to attend the wedding of her friend
Aliss" Jessie Durket , which 'takes place to
AIr < nnd Alw. Ernest Rlall left on AVednos-
day fora week's ' trip to Ogden. During their
absence Captain and Alw. Ruy lire occupying
their charming home.
AIIss Allnnlo Richardson , who has been vis
iting in Chicago during the last month , leaves
today or tomorrow for Cleveland , where she
will be the guest of AIlss Purmaleo.
Air. A. B. AVukeloy , Air. H. S.ixton PIggoto
nnd Dr. Sims were among the visitow during
the week who came from St. Joseph to attend
the reception given by Air , nnd Alw. II. AV.
Air. nnd Alw. D. O. Clark nro making plans
for an early change of residence , having de
cided to remove their household goods to Del-
vidoro , 111. This will be regrettable news for
their many friends ,
A number of friends gave Air. and Alw.
JoliuJ Lanktou a pleasant surprise last week
on the occasion of their crystal wedding , pre
senting them with a dinner set and a set of
cut glass as n souvenir.
Air. and Alw. Richard C. Patterson enter-
tniued at tea last evening at their residence
Rev. Dr. and Alw. Herrick Johnson of Chicago
cage , Rev. Dr. mid Alw. Huwhu , and Rev.
Dr , and Alw. John Gordon of Omaha.
Alw. Alfred Sorcnson and children left
Omaha on Friday evening last for Salt Lake
City , where Air , Sorcnson has been engaged
in editing the Salt Lake Evening Times , and
where they will make their future home.
Air. Arthur Carter gave n theater party on
Friday evening at Boyd's to enjoy fascina
tion ; the guasts were : Aliss Alui Burns , Aliss
Georgie Sharp , Air. Will Rogew aud Air. Xeil
S tiger , chaperoned by Alw. Carter.
Clmrity , which ordinnrllv belongs to winter ,
continues to linger in the lap of April , as is
shown bv the proposed theatricals and
tableaux In process of arrangement under the
elllclent management of AIlss Sheuw , Air.
Hodges and Alw. AIcKonun.
Last evening Alw. H. AI. Caldwell gave a
small but delightful dance in honor of the
young ladles visiting the Alisses Yates at
"Hillside. " Cards were in order for the
staidcr portion of guests and the evening
passed with equal enjoyment.
Air. and Alw. Hosea B. AIowo have nnived
from China. Air. Alowe is the son of Air.
und AIW. A. D. AIowo of this city. He Is on
a two .years1 leave of absence , having been In
the Chinese government service for the piist
llfteon-yeuw. This entitles him to this long
vacation. Ho will si > eud the greater part of
his tlnio In the mountain pines of New Hamp
shire , and later in England with Alw. Alorse's
family. '
Ally amount of conjecture has been occa
sioned by the prettily engraved "Thorwald"
on Air , and Airs. J. AL Thuwton's invitations
this \ycok , For the curious , let me explain.
Thuwlon was originally Thorstom among the
old Norwegian ancestors , meaning a priest of
Thor. Consequently , Thorwald is literally
Thor's place and is not u viignry of the fancy ,
but belongs to Mr. and Alw. Thuwton uy
right of long association ,
Apropos of the winning of the third pri/e
awarded by Once a Week for a list of authors
by an Omaha young Woman , who simply es
sayed it ono evening pour passer le temp , an
after incident may bo amusing. After re
ceiving the priic in the way of an edition o
a standard author bound in cloth nnd gilt ,
the postman brought her a letter from n rival
iu Brooklyn , who wrote : "Understand me ,
Aliss. I do not envy you your prize but I , to
gether with several of my friends , think it
stranse that the prizes are all awarded in the and we write to know if it is a hoax ;
and , if it is not , to beg you will tell us when
von received your information. " The voting
lady's brother-in-law answered the letter ,
saying , that ns his sister could neither read
orwriteJio had written to gratify their
natural curiosity. He assured them that the
reward hud'arrived in duo time and that the
Omaha' 'girl's success was duo entirely to
memory , Mho having learned this list , with
innuinorublo other things , at her mother's
knee. Fancy the amazement of the unsuc
cessful Brooklynite !
i > i-i'i'Eitn IXT nitoi's.
Crazy Patch-work Jumping off of high
The'Turkish sultan , at the instance of the
English government , is to repress the Kurds ,
who will sour on the sultan , but will have to
give way. .
The orang-outang is chiefly useful as n
frightful example of what swelldom is ap
Strange as it may seem , more persons name
the wihiler before the race is run than after.
Doctor ( to patient's wife ) Alnduni. tha
water hero does not agrco with your husband ,
he needs n.change.
Wife You're mistaken , doctor , he hasn't
tasted water for ten years.
Census taker How many male members
are'there in this family !
Kentucky housewife AVall , there was six
this morniu' . ; but pap and th' boys wont out
arter brcakfas' fer a scrap with th' Aluggin-
eses , uud I don't know how many there is
"AVhy do captains of ships carry tele
scopes ! " she asked.
"To s > eo the pleasure there is in nn ocean
voyage , 1 suppose. " ho managed to say , mid
then rushed over the bulwarks.
"One good turn deserves another , " is the
motto oC the economical dressmaker.
The man who is going down hill meets lots
of people with their noses turned up.
A washerwoman's work has but Just begun
when she is approaching the clothes.
Lady Customer ( angrily ) I believe there
is water in your milk , sir.
Honest Alllkman Yes , madam , there Is. I
have on several occasions urged the cows to
be more careful , but they insist that it is im
possible to ni'ike ' milk without water.
Tlio man who takes things as they coma
never has any "go" to him.
AVhisky Is said to Improve with nge , but
some men never give It u chance.
Strange as it may appear , u man is not in a
calm condition when It Is Impossible for him
to raise the ) wind.
U is l > always to cheese tall man for
state treasurer , so that he may rot bo found
short when he goe.s out of ofllco.
First hand organ man : "How goes It , Oar-
Ibaldll" Second hand organ man : "Sumo
old grind , "
The fellow who writes , "And so I love the
old piano still , " voices the sentImeuts of an
astonishingly large number of people.
Teacher How many logs has a sheep ,
Bobby Cleaver I
Bobby Cleaver ( the butcher'son ) Do you
mean a dead .sheep or n live sheep I
Teacher Why , you stupid boy , what dif
ference does that mnkel
Bobby Cleaver AVell , n live sheep has four
legs ; but u dead sheep lias two legs nud two
The YOHIIJJ Slon mill " \Vwiton AVln >
"U'nnl 1'osltluiiH Ki-om Uncle Hani.
On Friday afternoon the examination of
candidates for government positions ended
and the aspirants will probably have to wait
between ono nud two months before they will
If urn of the result of the ordeal.
On Thuwday occurred the examination of
applicants for positions In the departmental
service of the United States. There were
twenty-four pewons present , four of the num
ber being young ladles possessing all the
graces and personal charms proverbial to the
fair department clerks at Washington. The
gentlemen wore nearly all upwards of thirty
years of age and it number have long since
passed the meridian of life. One of the ap
plicants was u bright soldier from Fort
Leavenworth , who was anxious to Improve
his condition.
J.'ho candidates were opposed to seeing
their names in print lest they might not bo
successful In the work.
On Friday occurred the examination of ap
plicants for positions In the railway mail ser
vice , and forty-nine persons , nearly nil young
men , wrestled with the questions propounded
by the examiner.
Both examinations were similar to that re
quired for an ordinary second grade certificate
to teach school , with the exception that special
attention is paid to penmanship , the writing
of letters , spelling and capitalization.
The examination was conducted by Air.
George B. Hoyt of AVnshington , D. C. , travel
ing examiner for'.tho department , who was as
sisted by the local board , eoiisistingof Alessw.
AVntew , Pickens and Fltgerald.
Air. Hoyt is n gentlemanly nud sympa
thetic man who did all in his power to relieve
any ombarrassoniont on the part of the candi
dates. Speaking of departmental positions
Air. Hoyt said :
"I always feel Interested in
those who undergo these examinations mid
do all I can to encourage them. Washington
with its quick life is a place where they can
develop all the latent power and capacity they
have , or go to ruin quicker thau they will on
their native heath.
"TJio work iu the department is easy and the
clerks are off duty at 1 o'clock in tlie after
noon , leaving them considerable leisure time.
There are u great many professional and sci
entific schools in and about Washington , and
if one wishes to become a lawyer or physician ,
or to master some special line of science an
excellent opportunity is there offered him to'
earn enough money to support hint aud pay
all expenses of instruction. I could mention
a great manv grand men in this country who
have built themselves up this wilv.
"Unfortunately , however , drink and cards
employ the leisure houw of nine out of ten of
the clerks probably , and as a consequence
they rapidly go down to utter ruin. "
A French paper says of a recent mur
der : "The inisurtmnt was evidently iu
search of money , but M. Duraiid had
prudently deposited nil his cash in the
bank und consequently lost only his
life. "
) imc
Prof. George Brooks ,
The Pan-American Novelty Co.
2 Great Stage Shows ! T Itlg Departments !
One Dime Admits to All.
XAB QIJAnnoIjlrrB. ,
Omaha vs. Sioux City
APRIL 26,27,29 , , anOO ,
GAME OAlAL.ItlD A.T 03O : !
Jamtt n'Mtenmb Ittlfu-
Oh , limit ot mine , \vo .should't
Worry so I
What we ve missed of calm \ve couldn't
Have , you know !
Wind we've met of stormy piln : ,
And of .sorrow's driving ruin ,
Wo eiui better meet njulii
If it blow.
We have erred In that dark hour
Wo huve Unown
When our tears fell with the .shower ,
AH alone
Were not shine and .shadow blent
As the KiiU'ioiiH Muster meant 1
Let us temper our content
With Ills own. *
For , wo know , not every morrow
dm bo siul ;
So , forgetting all the sorrow
We huvo had ,
Let us fold nwiiy our fears
i And put by our foolish tears
, And through H the comlni ; venra
Just bo plad.
A DOR Ontuiit" * a Thief.
Lee , n pet dojj Iwlonjjhijj to Scrgc'iint
McNaninra of the Prince stroiit Htiitioii ,
Now York , insisted Pollcumnn Mi J.
Haekott hi milking nil Important arrest
The policeman wns pntrollhirr the
Wooalor street heal , iiccoiupanieil by the
ilognt about I ) oVIoi'k , when his nttten-
ttou ww attracted hy erloa Of "Stop
tlisof ! Stop ihlt-f ! " fopentod several
timed , says the Now York Hunt Id. The
nmn and tloj * Htartcd toward the spot
from which Iho crion proceeded , anil
Leo , outstripping the policemanfu.steuoil
liis tooth in a IrnusorH lour of .lames
Drummond , a negro about Iliirty years
old , and hold him until Haekott reached
the spot.
Driimmoml was trying to ust-apo from
the premises of Hraest NVagnor , a tlonlor
In line furs at No. 117 Woostor street ,
ami hud with him at the tlnio of his ar
rest aixteen red fox anil two polar hear
The alarm was given by Paul Schmidt ,
who keepsti liquor sloro in the haxoiiionl
of the building , and discovered Drum-
mend by the noise ho made overhead
while engaged'hi the robbery.
Drnmmond pleaded not guilty yester
day and was remanded bv Justice Whjto
at Jefferson market for further ; examln-
lluvit .V HAVNEH. Jlnimsers.
Three Performances Only. Cbinmoiiclng
Monday , April 28.
And a ladles' and children's Tuesday Matlneii
I'ruf. lliirklpy'a Slilci-n Kilnc.-iliMl Hor. tM Hint iln
oviTTtlilnu hut liilk. The ! iirrrurnilnc ilc'if. Thu ur
lentiil jugclor. ' 1'liu hru * * liuiKl ami orrhoitra.
( ir.inrt nnvi'l Mrect } > : ira < tu ciicli ilay , ( if Uio alxli'Oii
boiiulltul hiiri" ! * ( tit If 1'rk'ct ltikrvi' < l HOali
In I'aniiii'ltcrind I'linini'ltc Cln-le. 7.V ; rixervi'il wilts
In llnlruny , Bie : Ki'm'rnl nilmlsilcm , Uv anil 23o. uuti
will bu put mi salt ) Satunlay.
1IOV1) , V
The Funniest of nil Great Comedies
lU'ttorntid funnier than over. New music.
Now spi'clnltli's. I'linny situations. Great
east , and lots of pretty uli'l. " . lii-gular prices.
Matinee prices , f > Uo and 7. > o. Seats go on sale
AVednesday morning ,
Soifd's ' Opera Hoi/SB / ,
Itovn it HAY.NKH , Miiiniin'ra.
Wednesday Evcn'g , April 30 ,
Engagement ot the Eminent Comedian , ,
And his Excellent Company In Gus G. llcr-
gell's Comedy H access ,
Itpgnlur prices. Se.'its RO on sale Tuesday
, This Sunday Night.
One Grand Extra Performance ,
Refined Novelty Co.
Box Seats $ l.OO
Orchestra , 1st 13 Rows 7D
All other Orchestra Seats . " BO
Balcony , 1st 8 Rows 33
All other Balcony .128
Gallery IB
Omaha Commercial Oollecre ,
G. A Kohl-bough , English Dept u " ' S. J. Rohrbough , I'cnnian. '
ma M. G. Rohrbough , Prln. "
Thip institution is doing more today for young men and women than all other colleges of the kind in our state , It hixi
several departments presided over by the best teachers to bo had. Several now uliUMOd in tlio various branches will bogln
May 1. A now class in Shorthand anil Typewriting begins next wool Tills is the best Shorthand school in oiir'stato.
I'rof. Moshor is the most progressive nd thorough toaohor to bo found. Students write from 73 to 10U words nor minute In
! ! months.vo have located more young men and women in positions as stenographers and bookkeepers in the past two years
tlian nny college east or west. Within the last six or seven wqoks wo have located l i of our students in positions , nnd'havo
had numerous applications wo were obliged to decline because of having no one ready. Wo liavo never . < nown such a demander
mand/or / stenographers and bookkeepers. It is the best tirno in the world to prepare yourself for work. Those studonIn
who have taken positions nro getting from ? 10 up , Will you got ready ? School will bo in session the entire summer. You
can begin any time. Normal course for teachers began April I , and will continue Indolinttoly. An extra teacher has boon
employed who has spent his whole life in normal work. Wo will furnish you board for three hours work per day. Krom
now until September 1 wo will receive public school children of all ages and glvo them special Instruction in Kngllsh or
business branches. Special attention is paid to Writing , Arithmetic , Crammar , oto. I'rof. Moshor is now giving lessona
by mail In Shorthand , and ho will glvo the llrst lesson free to anyone sending for it. This ia tin effective way of learning
.Shorthand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo have for bulo all kinds of Stenograph or'a Supplies. Tpowritors for rent or Halo.
Send ao ( for i gross llnost college pen manufactured. If you want to review any branches of study or become prewired to
hold iv good position , attend the O. C. C.
Write KOHKHOUGH BROS , for circulars and beautiful specimen of penatnnshtp. You arc Invited to call and visit
the College when pussible.