THE OMAHA DAILY HEK , SUNDAY--A.WUL. 27 , 18)0 ! ) TWEXTY PAGER. m : KIMBA CO , l/iO9 TAILOR DOUGLAS. ICE ICE' * i The Kimball Ice k * Company We Copy No One. Telephone -409. Telephone -409. Year after year for Only Exclusive Reservoir Ice Dealers in 4thc nearly thirty years , \ve City , have raised the standard for tailoring higher and ICE ICE higher. This i % was cut from the American WaterWorks o With lower and lower Works Go's basins , at Florance , just north of -409. Telephone.-409. Telephone409. . er prices for made to or this city , and as to purity , it cannot possibly be der garments , 'till we've equalled the water having been filtered by the brought them within Waterworks Company before it entered the ba easy reach of all. ICE sins. ICE Trousers $5 and up. | rrn ( ) ] ( ; 00lsof ( Our careful and courteous drivers will deliver . Ullllsual Worlh' Telephone -409. Telephone -409. Suits $20 and up. j all orders promptly that may be entrusted to our Confidence and . re care. liance in our business methods is the rock up ICE H. ICE on which our success is built. . . Hungate , From City to City , State to State , 'till compassed only by a Continent , the name and business methods of Nicoll the Tailor Telephone -409. OWNER , Telephone 409. have become a household word and synonym for fair trade. Plenty of goods for you to choose from. Made to measure quickly , if required. Prices less than you expect for good made ICE TEXLEIPHONR , 409. ICE to order garments. Open evenings. Mail oiclers filled. Cash only buys. . Telephone -409. Telephone -409. NICOLL THE TAILOR. Kimball Ice Co. , - 213 South 14th Street , Omaha , L4O9 DOUGLxAS. TELEPHONE , 4O9. THE TALE OF THE DECADES , How the Population Has Been Enumerated in Various Countries. THE GEOWTH OF THE UNITED STATES UliJootH < r tli Count Croat Hillaiii'M CeiiHiiH Taken in a Daj Sloxv Work in AHUM luu The eleventh census of the United States tvlll be taken In .lane , IS'.H ) , and as the 'tiast decade has been the most piofficsslvo ono in the history ot the tuition the result will bo looked foiwaid to with gieat lute-rest. Up to ISM ) the dc'ccnnliil piogiess of the nation in population and inntcil.ilwealth xx-as rapid and unifoim Then came the elvil xxur and pio- Ki ess xx as sox ercly reliu-ded. The roguliu ity of the progress in population from 17'.K > to \\iisiemiHU.iblo. ) . The peiccntage of In- e-ieaso In decade Is heio shown : Decade I'ei cent. Die-aile. I'ei ( ent 17IH ) to IWHI . .151U , IMO 1(1 " .n ( ; KM to 1SIO . . ' . 41 IKVI to Hil ) .r > is IMII to tc.t ) . . . 'C ! II Hill lo 11-70 two to INK ) : ci ) Ih'U to It-sO 1s l to It'll ' ) . -1)7 The table shows that for the 70 jears fiom 17IK ) to IbM ) the population Incleased at the latoof ! ) } per cent per aniiuin L'or tho- ten jeai-s after INK ) , notwithstanding the fact thatduiing them , the civil war elenianded the lives of iiciulj thie'O-iuaitors | of a million men and checked humiliation , the i.itoof In- civaso for the decade w as'J.'J percent per annum fiom 1S70 to lbst ( the per cent of in crease in the population was a tulle more than ,10 i > cr cent per annum Hj the hiimo nitio , which Is n veiy consei vnlivo basis , the e'omhiK census will Khow a population of more than sixty-six millions In oini ) of the state.s a tcnsus was taken In lvo > which foims a veij ix-llablo basis for an estimate of the pixMent population In other state-s the goveiHOI'S ami other state oflle'lals haxo made calculations that place the popula tion of Urn vaiiuus Htatot and teiiltotles at the followhiK IIKUIX-S , compared xxith lite ic- cotileHl census of IbM ) : Mates and Teirlteirlcs. I'op'lat'n. Hst'el. Alabama V.'iC..VB Arl/onu in 110 ArkiuiMih KiE. > , AJS I.'V ) IKX ) Ciillfmiilii Ml till l.MHMHK ) Coloradi 1IH.C. ; .IVUHJO Coniic'c-tleut ( UlT.iMin T..VHUKK ) UiiKntii Ut 177 ui < iKKI ( llklos 17VOOQ Dlstrlc't ofCeilumdla. . Ii7.i > 'l LM'.MHIO ' I'lorlda 'M > .r.U I.5I.MN ) I.TV..TH liluhii Jt'lilu 111,777 IlllnoU : ili77N7l , ) ,7.VI.Kt ( ) ) liidliina lo\\u \ U'ltnsns I 47UIHKI Ki-ntiieky 1 oiilslana UBMMC. Mulno Ws'iKl ' Miinlnnd 1X14 nil M ivieliiisi'Hs Mli-lilKim J. < ULI7 Mlnnc-ota 7N ,7si : Mlsslvshinl I.1II.VI7 I..VXn ) < K ) MNsiitlll Monlaiia I m.iK ) . lUKliOO ) Ne-viiila , . . . T'-liel W.IHX ) Ni'\\ llamp-.hlrei . New .lei-he.y . 1,111 , MB I.VXI.IXIO NI-H Mei\lc < . IIKSiki New York- . 5OK..sI Ninth Carolina . l.e i.7" > u i.7Vie w Ohio. . : ii' > , ( * a 4.uiuio ( ( Irecon . 17l.7Js ( , xiiXI ( ( l'i m south 1'itrolln.i i..Viii.i Teimess-eci. l.M,1 , Ul I.NKl.KiO Tevas lwil.74' ! ! ' ) I'.l'KIIXM t'lal ' . Vliirlnla . . wahhliiRton ? -HO A\i t Virginia. fltMW SM.I.M VX Ke'onsln . . . . l.ll\ly ? UHft ) ) Total . rJM\\7sl U Gi-neml Meljjs hi Sclene'e , ivsy , tlmuted thei iHipuhitlon of the United State-n hv the KTotal is'Je ' ) , at 07t .0,000 . , and tlmt of IWO K ut blt.ltta.1 ! ) ! . ) , unet UUOiit IH ,77,17T. ; ! CKNt-l'd TiKIMI A IlltO H ) . The immlK'i In of the mxiplo Is an nneicnit custom MoscftmunbercHlthoIbnielltUiiln the wlleU'inc-ss. , and , In later time * , Jiuhuu and Uaxid follow oU his ample Chluu had u census emimeiatiim 2,0-1 J > < ais bcfoio the Chistrlan oia , mid in .lapm : m onnnic alum xvas made moie than I'.Hlii veal's ajo A e n- sus of Athens tnlceti in Solon s time , and the. sixth Uliiff of Koine , Heiviin rullius , 01- doied .1 census and rcmiticd oxeiv i Ill/onto appear on the Held of Mais mid dec line under oath his name , lebidence , nainei of ehildion and the value of his piopeitj In the six teenth century the ( Jhmcn bof.'iin to iccord buths , nwuiaKOs and deaths , and fioiu this pi.ietico jrradualiy ( 'ivw up the. nn.dotn . iLiisus Husshi took the. hail in oiv.uii/cel census taking on the modem plan In I TO ) and now has u sjMeni sitnilai to tlmt in vo au in tliis tounti.x t'ltissian ( immolations weie begun under riedciiek William I Austtnv Hint took a eensus in 17M anil nouluuono taken'h sixth , v car I'loiu 1IH. to 1S17 the eleigj of Sweden vvcio UMmlrcd to keep a ivc- oid of bnths , de.ilhs and man iajre- . Then a statislieal Inneauas fmmcd. Noiwnj has a decennial census ; Spain an tue ulur enum eration sjstem Ucnmaik , Suit/eiland , Ucl- Kiuin , tlio Nctheilands , Ihily , h i\e adopted a decennial plan In franco n census is t iken every llfth jcar I'citugal has neverhad hut oi.o census ami th it extended oal.x to the population. Tuikey takes an occasional ton- SIH forconseiiptortnxation piuposcs ( Jieeco counts np itroKuliu 1\ , n census being taken sometimes jeaily and then biejiui.ilh. Ih-a/il adopted a censuh sv stem in ls.7tho Aigcu- line Republic in * ( ) ( , Colombia in IbTO and IVj pt in 17V. . ' . TIIIiiiuriii ci Nii" . The llrst real effoit to record the population of CJieut liillaln xxas made in isill , but no delinito svstoin was employed until isli The first census was taken In isri This first attomptcd complete enuinciation of tlio population of the lliitish empiio was made In one ilaj , Apiil ! t , 1S71 The retums showed u population of ' , ' . ! l,7il.VU ! The \\oik xvas done by : Uril' ! eaumeialors , cniilo\ | under i.l'i"i u-Kistiars and dJil sup'iinteniients The count ly was divided into minute distiicts and every means taken tluoagh the press and spe cial publicatlnns to appiiso the peojilo of what was wanted and tnstuic.tinK.them how to fa- dlltato the\\oilc Kveiv sepanitohouseholder recelv ed u seliodulo w hieh he was required to lill out , iccoidinj , ' the name , iijre , occupation , rank , profession , i elation to head of family and blithpliuoof ovei.v pei-son who abode In the house on the night before Htnll.l , the date of the census Thoio weiollr > 00liou of thcso schedules , weighing foitj ono tons , yet so tlioiounhlV t .XHtcmalI/cd vveie the aiinngo- ments for the woik th it the compiled census was laid bofoio paillamput on Juno JO , eleven weeks aftei the dav for collet ting the sched ules. Tincfssts : is TUP t MTI i ) STVIFS. Census woik began with us with the be ginning of this gov eminent In older to secure u piopcr apportionment of repiesenta- fixes in the lower house of COIIKIC-SS a census is taken ovei ) tenth vear At ttie Hist It was nothing more than an enumeiattim of the people , elassif v lug slav o mid f i ee Additions and improvements were made until the scedulos of issu compiised questions us to name , ape , sex , conjugal condition , place of bit Hi , and the place of hiith of father and mother To these weroadded pittlculars as to schools , llhraiios newspapers , churches , disease and moitnllt > , paupoiIsm and ctlmo , school , imlltaiv mid citizenship aires , aieis of faims. families , and dwellings , the blind , deaf and dumb , Insane and Idiotic , occupa tions of the people , wealth , taxation mid public Indebtedness , and the amount and value of the products of ngil- culture and manufactures/ / . The ques tions were ceitainl.v comprehensive enough , but the. mode of taking the census was slow , cumbrous and unsatlfsactoiy It was two vears and six months after the beginning of the woik when the compilation known as the "Compendium" was sent to congress In the introduction to this compendium , General Walker , supeiintcndent of the census , MI.VH- "There is no reason , hox-evor.xx by , w Itli such modillcations of existing luvvs us would Insure that the miitcilal should come oiiglmdly to the census ofllro in proper hlmpo for tabula tion , the entire i-oinpuauon .should not boe-on- cludcHl within it jear from the date of the llrst ivceipt of return * It Is not possible for otto who 1ms hud such painful invasion ai the present biii > orinteiilent to observe thovvoik- ( Ings of the census law-of l"sV ) tochuractuii/o It otheiwiso than clumsy , untluuted ( | ami bai barons The machinery It provides is us until for use in the census of the United States , In this day of advanced statistical science , as the smooth boru muzzle-loading Qmvii's aim of the revolution would bo for set vice against the repeating rllle of the pres ent time. U ought not to be ixxslblo tlmt an other icnsus should IM ) taken under this law ; such u tiling ought not to bo seriously pro posed The country has suffered more than enough alivudy of discredit and of loss on acv couiu of the wretched lusuniikucy mid Inup- piop * late-ness uf the piov isioiis nl this ill \ on- stiucted andoutgiown st iltite ' nil i i i v i MII < i \ > i * . The act piovidiug foi the taking of thn eleventh ienstis was appio\cd hv 1'iosidi nt Cleveland Ainich 1 , ISSM. It piovidesthattho census sh ill he taken .lui.e I , IS'N ) . I'or the puipuses o | the en imeration the whole counlij is divided into 1T5 distii' N , fur eieh of which the pi evident appoints a sup'r- visor Tinsupt iVHur will appoint a sulll- dent number of en imeiatoiin their dis- tikts who will IM piid . ' icnts fm each name lecmdc'd , an 1 the same fm e-aeh buth mil dcMth n'poitet. 1 % tents fm rat h lu in , ' 'il ( cuts lor e.n h indusliiiil estalilishnn-nt uu > l "iients for i ach suiIviiiif soMiei or sailor ot the late war. It is estimated that tin number of entrii'iitii Mill he : ! 0MX , ( | . The enumiiationliall begin .liino i and must be linislud wUhin llf- teen d.ijs in the eitj and within tliiit.v davs in the countiy pmincts The lesiilt of the eleventh ct nsus will he piinteel in thntcen volume's The lint \olumo will give all the'dalu as to imputation . ites , counties and tow ns. nathitv , i olol , etc ; volume ' , ' , hialth. vital and moiallt.v statistles ; volume.I. p iblie si liouK , dliteiae , i I paupeiism , ( i line. < him he's and lehxmus denominations - ' nominations , volume I , trades and piofe'-- I sions ; volume. , suuivors of ubellion. vol ume h , wedth , tax ition , p'lhlii indchteelne-1s , etc. ; volume T , indebtedness ol e-oiponitions | and individuals ; volume s , agiuultui.d ' statistics ; volume < > , manufattuies , volume 10 , mines and nuning , volume 11 , lish and tisheiic's ; volume I'.1 , tianspuitatnnialwavs ! ! , teU'Ki-aphb and telephones , volume ) IS , insiti I am e The supeiintendent of e-ensus K Kobeit I1 Poili-i" of Xevv Voik He has an annual sal 113 of JIJKi ( ) ) . HOIinil , l < ) IINIIOl'KINS. . Ills liiilneiitl > a Univcisltj oC Vounjj .Men. Johns Hopkins univeisitj N --tc'.Kly- - yoin i tnco , c'oiitainni fuw ( hiile- and lie ) htudonts who lead the sumptuous lives tlmt e'lmuiotori/o the Iltirximl jni'ii. The cliihsos nro iiindo up lnr olv of in inly follow.s v\lu > inc'iui litisuii'ss unit who hnxo Htllo tlmo to devote ) to e-ollojfn frrtohty. See'tuiianisiu IliulK no fnxtir in the lii- btitution , iinil the ie-lif'Ious hphlt of the Indents limy bo judged liy thu fact tlmt the uvoi.itfo dailj iitte'iidanco nt pravcrs Is about twenty. There lias bc-cin little ) class fcioliiiff at the.1 iiiilveiNlij , o-.vlnjr paittully te > the iibsoiico of the < lonnlton > sxhtuin and the comjio-iito studle's tluit tlio niDii mo allow ed to take. Si ill in the ) lust fewyemis thoio mo iiuinihtiik- able stalls of the growth of anch a fellow ship , hii H a Haltttnoro corrospoudDiit of llio Now York World. Until then there had been little to ilIstiiiKiii-Ii the Hopkins sinilont fioiu the lest of thu composite ! population of a laifjodty. Ho wan Holuoin boihtorous , wimnnt houto thu mad prani\t < ceini- mon where ) there arudoriiiltiricsoe ! | | > l > ed with his follow H but OIK o In u a C'k > x laiil ( and HeMidricKrf jiiHl was only known to the eomunmitic.s thiou h the ) iievvniiiiK > i's. Tnio , vvhe'ii Houth c'limo ulon his spiiidlei lo'H } , vx-oio hhown to poor advaii- tiiffo on the bttifjt ) and ho came near bo- Intf inobboil for doprivint ; iv riilai' miporH of tholro c'e-nth per nlpht by ( roinx1 on uitliout jiay. The cello o coloin , black anil bluovvoio buhlom shoun , now ever > - body wean , thoin in his btittonliolo. Kve-n tliei te'iriblo Hopkins yell wau not hoard ouMile of the tryiniiusiuin or mil- vorclty JHoctni'ts witli its "rioorh Hoe Hoorali Heo-J. H. U. "Uah. " AVIuit llaccorlu Are. The nature of bacteria , v\aa foraJoiiH ; tinio doubtful , but it lias rocoutlj buun detetinlnod tliat thoj are \0jjotablo lathur than anlinul , occurring in foni * foriiib hphornlilnl , ovoldal , rod-sliaiM'd and Hitral. ) So niinuto are they that l.r)00 of them placed end to end would only cox or u upaoo equivalent to one- quarter of the head of a pin. They arc compo-ed of a pranula , watery mass , fiunoundod by thickoneet walls. A drop of water IH the ocean in which they Hxe. Among their varloua functions la In- cludcel i nmrveloiiH povxer of reproduc tion , in txventy-four hours ono bacterium \xill piocluco over blxtceu uillllous. UP AND DO\YX \ IN THE WORLD , How It I ? AccoiapliBhed by Means of Hydraulic Elevators1. SIX HAES OF THE LIFT IN OMAHA. Cosl of tlie Calls , SJMCIIIS in IVe , .Speeil ol' theIMH | | , , Lads ol' the Iever and Kei.'oul > ! r.Uillfles. 'I lu < iiisseajfer elevator is an old stoiy in Omaha It i.ime heionuio thin sK .veais j i ap > , and that Is a lorn ; tlnu for n town xxhich ' IMS ( | uinluple > d Its pop-ilallon in te-i je ai * | I Thcio was a time , .mil tin school thildion j I tan icmemher it , when the footsoto bill i ol- Ice tor with a viitim Inn i Kim on the topstot.v halted at the enliance and felt the muscle's of his h n k and lower e\tiemites ! ache in untie i- p illon of the oft-icpMte 1 lonif , Ion } ; climb of two IliKhts of stall- . . That was ages ajo , as Umu is le-ekonel in this dj.v of h\lrmlc ( ! elexate.K. . eleetilc lights and te'n-stcij sky I sci.i eis The moiloin bill collector and nothing is modem vv hie li Is moio tlnin a jear old comes under the gllileM < eilim ot a m ir ble-eolunmed. tesse'late d lloou-d vestibule , and IMISI Diii'iiif , ' hinisC'lf im a lonvenlentl ) loealed loslintf placedciides w hie h of tin- txxooi thiee > hundie-il tenants .iboxe him he will xisitlii-st This detei mined , he advance's to a h mdsome-l.v oinamented piceo of hion/ed him fietwoik and with the piessiiio of a linger on an ivoix button ealls to his seixico "the e-le-xator l.ox , " who , if he is stilctlx au fail , will be ai- ravcd in hi-.iss buttons and ilt bands tjaloie This jouth , lor ho is tfeneiallj a joiith. w ill x\th ! the w.ixo of a hand tianspint him to mid-air ivjrlnns and faeeto face xxith his most elexaled and dcnselj cloud seieened ci editor All this , of lourse , is moie pleasant iculliig to the e'olli-etoi than to the e teditor , but th 'ie aie molt- people than lollc'etors xxho use "llio lift , " and seiine of them aie moie weleome lethe the mid air ten nils Theie me inullitudes of clients xx hose doetoihuv.xeiN . and afr < nls ot eveix dc-sciiplion haxe Ihelr olllces at Alpine heiKiits , and to these tht smooth lunnhiK elc vator Is an inexpressible luxuiy To these , the vve-.iiisome , too-stubbinjr. baik-bivakhi } . ' stiujfKle nptvrooi tlne-e flights of stairs is lar In the mistj pistand the.x would lind It dinieult to lomeixo that little over six veaia iifjo , U M Stec-lo A. C'o and another Him mudu the oil jnal ventuie In the e-lox-ator line bj pattlnir li | mae bines whle'h upliftc'd pissen.rois | and freight at the late of about sIm | he's a minute. Thetoxxn has KIOXVII i > niie that time and the c'lexutois haxe ) KIOWII with It until at pies ent theivaie ) iipunrds of Jlfty pisseiiKcr ele- vatoi-s with a vailetv uf liandsome e'ais. 11111 nlniron all i.itesof spetd fiom 10(1 ( to.MKI ftet a minute , and to all htitfhts , fiom txxo to eleven stoiles liefoie the hulldliiir oCtliu KaniKc thn lieu I'axton block , the Til-it XiiHonal biink , Tin Ii ! h building and llio .Nyu Voik Life , tin- tall InilldhiKS of Omaha weie satistkd with onoelexator These building's aio ] ii-oxldeel with from txxo to four el < Hutor < < In the That National bank , the l > a\toa building and Tap HM buihlhiK txx'o are In e-onstant use and In the Xew Voile I.lfy four aio manned bv unlfoiined oparatms , The eais of Tin 111 i elexateu-s , hoxvovci'arc ' insured to eauj twelve | H > rsoas and would xrith peifeet safe-tj hold ei'hteen | , which Is doublet the e np.n ity of the can luges of any othcrcle vatoia In the citx- . citxKverybody who has noticed these iinuhlnes uaderntanel'i that they aio ope-ruled b > water In somu way , and theioaroiLs in my HvsU-ms as tlituo arc Htvles of adornment Thcio is the remnant of former- grandeur which llu- L'or.s la the dull : eoi aei-s of .stores and hides behind the stuli'wiivb of nome hotels It bus no K'UO ' of wrought iron fnjut , no iihito ul-iss mirrors and no lever attachment The KonhiK who presides over it hoists an imufrlmuj hall and after u little rumination the car i Iscs Into Its gloomy shaft w 1th the solemn tpcd of the funviid procession. la contract to these are ) Hiiuh elevators as nro hcen In Tin Hi i. , the Neiv Yoilt Mfo and the now b ink bulldlnp ) , the ikh mounting and i-tiulmncnts of xvhlch uro an 01 nament to the stiueturo and whoso nassayo from base ment to gat-rut U aivomplhhe < l ahiio.-it before ono can draw bis btvath. Ono of the llrst elevators In Oinab.t was that in tbo Strunp building used oulv ox cr u shuit dUtuuce lu this the car on the piston 10 ! an 1 was shored np to the li'nptfi of tin roil. In the otheis a few inehes of jiistem led is ti-ansfoime'l into a jniod many feet of cablioxer a system of pall'\xs 'llio longest trip mule lix a hjdraulle' e-lex-atoi in this cemntiy is tint in the Chicago Audi- toiium , seventeen stoucs orSJO feet. The io-.t ol machines v.nie-.fiom i-.IXMI loOIKI | , uuoidhiir as ihitt t clt.x pies- sti'o or the t ml : s.xstein . is emplo.x ed In the foimercasc the otiKimil cost H fiom - ' . ( Mil ) to J--VH ) . but the i ( lit ol opeialhif. is vei.x iniieli moie. since the walei omo used is xvastcd 'I he n ( 'ic-Mte amount of xvoik.LifiUined \ . i b.x the Om ilia clev.itnt-- omethintr enoi- mous When onl.x one was opt-iated in Tur Ul i buildinx the ear averaged between . " .0(1 ( and luM tiips a dav , and it is seldom nicked th it less thin tlni r or four paisentreis .no e.ii lied on a tiip. so th it if mix thine near the s.uiu woik is done l th - elevatois in tbo other nflhu buildings a gieit m mj miles .lie uaxek-d in a d.iv. ' Of thi * bo.\s who ma tlie ee-lexatoiNand the pe iple who'lide on them i olumns imnht bo xviitlen Tht ii' aio the unsophisticated who , isk it ' 'it i oss | anx thinn to fro up heio , " tao neivous xximicn x\ho KI-IS ] ) the aim of their cit oils and ( Msp lh" aimj whlih. no mat- tci hoxx m mj tiipsit m ikes , icm nks inxaii- ablj on ils sc i sick senition , the i ushers vv ho .no alxxaj > plunging on m oft a niinuto too MK m or a minute to > late' , the me c-k ones xv ho ate. eiushed into the > inci- > , and the hltisteters who i lush them , the men xvho take oil Iheii hats , and the men who "won't anv mow than the.x would in a stieet , ' and nil the innumei.ilile t.vp b whose dslniiiish- ! ! iiifrc'nii'K t ( ilstli- omes out in the elevator if it iloes JiijX' . lieu- The elexatol box inmost eases xxould bo he-tier if he vveie a litlle big ei , .1 liltlo stead ier and a lltlle older , because he has a tie- memlous le'sponsibilll.v on his head. Of nil Ihe .Ke idents whh h me ) ( hailed tothopis- seiiKor eleviitot In Omaha oul one was caused by a defeet in the machine , that at Obi ifcldei's , vvheio the sup- polling wheel aboxo iravo vvav In all the other i uses somebodx xxas eaielc'ss About a jcur ago , a box xvalke'd llnoiiKh an opn door into the shall and XMIS dashed to pieces on top of the cajie While the- Now Voile Life was buihliiiff the supeilnlendent lc-11 doxxn the shaft a illstam e of si-ven stoiles and was hist mllx killed. A similar falalltv oeciiiied in tint Shlxeiuk liaaltuie store A xxolkmim attempteel to bo , ad a mox in car at the Consolidated eoftce eompmx's sloio and XXMS caught and 01 ushcd as xxas also the boy at the Miuiaj hotel under similar eiicinn- stainesa fcxx weeks ago Another lad was caught ! u the United States National bank elevator and still another lost his life in the raiilmnks laid icJinei.v vvheio ho was hor- ilblv minKli'd The bov to bo enleie-nt should be in his car all the timealwa.vs . nleit and old and stiiniK enough to contiol the loolhaiilj and foolish specimens of xx horn ho meets a multitude- Hih VXIIKCS in Omaha inn fiom > vl pi week to f-s mi \ ) , w hie li Is not much of a tempt itlon fora veiahlobodled man all the Omaha eleviilois cuiry in- suranie- , and their causing capieilv is limited In addition theie is the automalic "iifet.v devli eon the best of them , stub as thosoin Tin Hi i buildlntr , xvbleh. by means of a Kouunor , Mop * the ) ear instantaneously when a cettaln st > e-i-d Is attained L' ] > 11 ( JolleDilon at a "lam going to Jesus. 1'xo been a great ( tuner , but my sins aio all forgiv en , ' ' weie the last winds of thomuulcivr "Hen" l"l/y , who was hanged in the jail Mild at Hinningham , Ala. An unusual Incident oci'uricd just b-foro the e-\ecu- lion , NI.V.S a dispatch to the Now York Tribune- . The ) Kov. Charleo 1'etcnson , a coloied mlniHter , vrho has been the spir itual advlber of KUy , UUH on the M-allold witli him. After tlio mayor , 1'ntei-on htenjted to the front of the hcallold , and aduie-ssing tlio eroxvd , said : IL am a poor man , and for txxo week's I have neg lected my work in order to hiivo the t > oul of this poor dinner hoie. 1 am out of money and if the crowd xvill contribute something for my benelit I nhiill bo grateful. " Ho then btepped down and passed Ills hat around through hociwxd , and received sovotal dollixta. "Now wo are lead } , " ho mild to the hhcritT , when ho had HniHhed , and a moment laUi- the chop fell. .1. F. HargroxoH of Georgia , whoso mother was murdered by Ul/y boveral years ago , witnessed tho' hang ing , and clapped bin handx for joy when It watt all over. Kl/y wan hanged fur the murder of J. W. Meadow H , a white man , committed in January , ItibO. Ho had committed four minders and about twen ty robberies , "WOUXDED UXTO DEATH. " Detroit Frco Press : At Uioxcton , where tlio gallant ] 'h 11 Koainoy vxas killed as wo were trying to l eoj ) Jackson bai'ic , I was struck in the right leg by ; i bullet which scrapud the bone. Had I been in health and vigor I could have ci.ixxled away oil the Held of b.itllo , but 1 had been out of the ho-spital only a few dajs and ic.illy had no business in the's. I got out a bandage and cheeked the How of blood as w ell a T eemlel , and then got into the nuwt comfortable posi tion to wait the tin n of events. The i know ledge that my wound was not a 1 f.ital one , and the belief that I would not | I even loio my leg , kept mo in prottj good spirits , and I saw and heard all tlmt went on mound mo. Nearby were three men who were moit.illj wounded. The one at my feet a htiong and robust man and had his left hip sluitlored by a piece of Mioll. Ho had been unconscious fieun the shock feir u long time , but when he eanio to lie began lo swear in the most xigoious manner. Ho hart a wife ami children at home , but he did not seem lo give them a thought. Heswoio at his wound , at the enemy , at the battery behind us , at himself for enlisting , and at mo when I asked him if I could help him. Ho died while Indulging in a strain of piofanity , and ho had scarcely fallen back w hen one of thoolhois loused up and went through the pioe-eeding and died I e.xaetly the .same way. j When .Too Hooke-r flung us at the ter rible Mono wall at the foot of MIIJIO'H hill in the stieets of Frederickhburg I hart my cap knockort oil bj a bullet. Then a f-eeond btiuck mj musket , ami u thhd tote the cloth on my left shoulder. I know t should bo hit , but I did not feel the bullet which plowed into my light shoulder. Tlio llrst I know I began to grow dl//y , and all at oaco I panic down in a heap. 1 am sure I fainted away , for things had changed vv hen I onc'o more opened my 03os. Our lines had been dilveil back , and the confederates were cheering. Tlio first thing xvas to icach my canteen , which was foitunateJy full of water. The next thing was to feel for a bandage and .stall the soft cloth into the wound as well as I could. Dead and dying men vveio _ Ijlng all about me , and hero I Haw two dilTeient phases of human nature under sulToring. _ A > oung man , who lay on the broad of his back close ) to me , and who had been shot , in the stomach , Munolikoa iiirato fin- about live min utes befoio no died. Another boldlor , who was older and a far heavier man , sat up at my right hand. A pie-ce of shell had struck him in the side. In stead of bwearing ho fell to w coping. He hadn't a vvoid about homo or friends , but muttered that it wasn't fair to shoot him down that way , and that ho vxas always in bad luck , and there \xeio li.'iuri ( in liin cheeks when ho breathed his hint. It touches the heait to read of a btiiial party finding .a dead soldier with his hiblo or some loved one's photograph in Ills hand , but I never came acioss any thing of that sort. A mail wounded unto death will either Rxvcnr or cry. Wheio ho does neither ho will crawl awaj by himself to die or hold his poaeo. What ho thinks of no ono can tell , but I have found plenty of thorn who evidently lived for an hour after being hit , and who had blblus or pliotogiaphs with them and could have got thorn out , but did not. 1 have alxvayH belioxvd that the man who was mortally wounded and had only u abort tlmo to me fully ieali/cd the sit uation. Their actions always pi overt , it in a pitiful way. I know three brotheiH to bo nun tally wounded by the same shell at Antietam. They were \ory af fectionate toward each other , so much so that it was a subject of i email : . The bontlmcutullot would picture them in ouch other's aims mid bidding each oilier good-b c , but this was far e > IT fiom the case. Ono of them , as a wounded man told mo , swoie in an awful xxaj , a second wept , vxhile the thhd kept his peace. Kachciopt away in a dilleront iliieclion to die , and there was a dis tance of a bundled foot be-twcen their dead boilies when we found the m. In assisting to bury tlio dead at Gelt v bing , our p.uly i-amo aeioss a Kildior from a New Vork legimeiit wlw-o dcael face was almost laughing. He had been wounded in the bie-ast , and could not have live-d oxeMlifleon minutes. Ho must have sulleied teiiibl.v while djlng , but at the last moment tlio pain left him and ho was ftee. This was no doubt x.hat bionghttho Hinilo to his fae'o-a smiloof iejeicingand lelief. After the light \yilliamsburg wo found a sol dier who died fiom a shot in thn gioiu. Ho had taken * ! ( ( ) fiom his pocket and placed it under his bodj.toin up two lettois and had spread n hamlkeichiof over his fne-c , and passed axxaj so quietly ' that his countenance betiay'ed none of the pain which must have been bin. At Winchester , as the coiifedeialei werodiiven back acioss the licrrxxillo pike and thiough the town , a portion of them made a stand in a gravaid. . I helped to e'olloct and hurj their bodies. Ono of them hurt lie-on shot thiough tlio right lungjinrt bo fell aoiov , the gcnvu of a woman who had been bulled joai'H befoio. Her loinhsleino was tiinei-worn and rusty , and ho dipped his linger in his blood and traced the initials "AI. J' . ( /"on the inside surface ) of the stone. Then , as if frightened at the prospect of d ) ing on a giaveho ihagged himself over the grass to it vacant lot and breathed his last under a ti eo. Tlio dis tance was fullj lifty feet , and ho left iv bloody trail to mark Ills way. Another dead confederate in the same inclosuro , who had been shot in the side' , walked a distance of ten rods , as wo e-ould see by tlio blooelj hail , anil then eiept under a thick tieo and died. When wo pulled the bodj out ho held a largo Htono tightly clutched in the right hand , as if intending to use it for a weapon. MISS ( Utcwith Stern Hro . , New YoiK. ) Latest Novelties -IN- At Lowest Prices. In lliei htoio with Herman A. Ilul J518-20 Farnam Street