Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1890, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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JL Good Demand for Loanable Fonda at Eat-
isfactory Rates ,
for Staple * About Stonily Oood
Demand IV r Orccti Fruit Wool
Continues Active Col-
1'co Quiet.
The clearings for the associated banks of
Oinahn. ns reported by Mr. lluges. manager of
the clearing house , for tlin week ending April
fcfl , footed $ I,7WM.II , an Inuicasoof IK ) purcunt.
Balances footed tl,3.VifCiO0 ,
The local money market has boon decidedly
tnoroaetlvo the pastwcok.and bankers who
Imd feared that the demand from satisfactory
parties for loanablo funds would not bo snfll-
plcntto icUc\o thutn of as much of tholr
Surplus as they wished , have been
pgrccably disappointed , and the fcullng
In financial circles Is one of contentment with
, the outlook , Itatcs are steady at ti per cent for
\strlctly prlmo mercnntllo paper , nlillo good
Amines In outsldci lines are readily taken at 80
id per cent. The Omaha National , I'lrst
National and C'ommerclal have placed very
ronsldorablo amounts of money at fair rates
lo outsiders during the Week and ean very
freedllytakocaioof as much moro paper made
yy the right parties. The Nebraska and
United States National llkowlso have a good
Joumiblo HIM plus , hut nmio of the banks show
any disposition to handle any but the bust
Trade In tlio Jobbing district Is fairly good ,
nnd ordure by mall and from tinvclorsnro
numcroiiH , but not largo In amount , as buyers
Btlll pursue a hand-to-mouth policy , but thcro
lAnRtcady movement. In good \olniiic , of sea-
sonnbl'3 goo < ls. Much of the depression In
-tradu circles Is undoubtedly duo lo the fear
that prohibition possibly may bo hadilled
Upon the state by fanatics nnd destitute
otnoc-seokors this fall , and It behooves deal
ers throughout Nebraska to organl/n and
Hvork to prevent the total Htagnnllon of trade
Which must come should \ allies bo | uopardl/ed
By the HIICCCSS of these mniplols to business.
Trices forHlaplcs aio fairly steady. In pro
duce , dealers icporta falrdonmnd for eholco
grades of nutter with n liberal mipply. C'holco
creamery Is ninth 14frM < io ; daliy , 1214oand
good countiy butter , ( VaiOo.
Chcesi ) Is ( inlet , with a good deal of poor
Block In Iho maikel. Kggsnro lltmcr nnd In
imaller supply and aio quotable at lee per
.n green fruits there Is a steady demand
find tlin maiket has been fairly acme. Straw-
licrrles liavo como In freely and sold at Sfi.50 ®
7.SO for eholco tthlpplng per 24-qnart oases ,
vrltb lower prices In hlght. I'l.uiKuluniuu ,
Jilnuapplcs and bananas are In good request
mid prices for oranges , Icmoim and bananas
JilKnor , with oranges scarce uud plnca In
liberal supply ,
I'oilltry lia.s been ( shipped liberally nnd
( omul ti slow uirkot for chickens nnd ducks
nt W.OtKjiaH ) perdo/un , with u fair demand for
turkoyn and gueso.
Dressed veal Is In good demand. Heans are
moro ucllvo. Onions tire HOW and rathur
In groceries tbo colTeo market has been
weaker , but quotations are unchanged , Sngais
Were somewhat llrmurtowaid the last of the
Meek , but with u quint market , prices are not
higher , and theio Is not much prospbctof any
Variation In quotal Ions for the present ,
In dry goods the cotton goods maiket Is
11 finer , with an nihaneo noted In blcachud
iind low grade brown cottons.
Tlio wool market continues fairly active
nnd Hales at Huston for the week weio 2,0-51,700
Ibfl. against l.avi.ooolbs last year.
ThoNoitliwcbternillllerhaysof Hour. The
floilr mm ket Is strong , lint sales are restituted
to comp.initlvcly small limits and do not
equal tlio manufacture. The oxpoit ship
ments for last week weroTi,2 ; ! 0 barrels , against
" V ) barrels the piecedlng week. Theiowuro
* 0 bushels of wheat iccolved for the wcok
Ing April-I , against IKI.IBO sumo tlmo last
- . Shipments : Wheat , HAIiOD bushuls ;
. . . . ll'.l.lsi barrels. mlllstulT , l.liatons.
'Jho spring wheat crop has guuo Into the
grounds under the luost promising condi
tions. Hit late , but otherwise thcro Is no
justlllablo complaint fiom any largo section
ut an unfavoiable situation. Them has been
Siioro or less i.ilu the last fuwdnysthioiighont
tbo noithwest , the heaviest Hhowers falling
Vfliero they weio needed the most. There up-
t > utir.S lo bo no plneo now Hiillerlng for rain.
The New Yoik Shipping l.lstand l'i Ice Cur
rent suy.s of ltra/11 colfeo : A qulut fcollng has
prevailed during the past tlneo days , very llt-
tla ircsh buslnoss having triuisplied In either
Options or Invoices and the maikot hosdls-
an easier tendency with respect to val-
i , which ha\ohonn Inegiilar lluotuatloiii.
Options gained IUSWO points on .Monday on the
strengttiot llrnior cables from Hlo , and lost
znostot thlsndvanco yesterday. In ( sympathy
with the easier advices received fiom Kurope ,
whllo In voices lurtu been dllllenlt of sale at
the lowest prices current last week , The lu-
flHfcrcncoof bujersapiiears to have been duo
phlollj to the slow dlstrlbutlMMiioM'ment.aiid
Ihb fact that de.ilets aio nlieadv eairylni ;
pretty full stock , whllo the drift of op-
llmi Millies has had un additional
influence In lestilctlng trado. So far as the position of Mippllos Isconeerned ,
thpio bus been no material change either In
, \ 01 toiminal iiniikets. Theio has
n less disposition to hull on the pat t of the
tiers tn Iliaill and theio has been seaicoly
injrthlng oliered fiom hondoii , whllo dullness
i l'poarstha\obccn the controlling feature
i > th heioand tlieic.and has iesultedlndovi-1-
iiihig ) the same ea y tendency , lu otherwoids ,
' ' as been In a waiting attitude , and In
Xulcoaues | , while qliotablv unchangedha\o
jrulcu In buyers' favor , The sales lonortcd
Since our last ls-uo have comprised 1,000 bags
Hatitos7hlot at IS cents , and 2.UOJ bags liio
JNoa. 7 anil 8,177 * . Yesterday theio wasscaicely
" iposlllon to liny , and several Invoices
Jfored ut companithely lower prices and a
fionsldunihlo concession from tlio last sale
failed to meeO with lOMionso fiom buyers , and
the inaikot left olT dull , nominal and easy.
The lla\ seed market Is Ijaro of seed lit for
aqtvlng and as high as JJ.Wl per bushel lias been
Otto rod for choice seed and refubed.
Saturday , April M.
Estimated receipts of cattle l,4iw , compared
ulth 1.428 yesteiday and 'M * & Hatunlay of
lust week. The receipts duilngtho ceU lii\o :
Boon II.TIU. compared w Ith 12,1)7(1 ) ( the prior week ,
pss of 1.IN7. The maiket opened rather slow
th tlio best steers Una and In demand , and
noon took homo llfo with the bc-.t graues
nctho ii i. au advancu from a
Obado to Cc. After the eholco lots
ttnged hands overvthlng sank Into an ea'-y ,
Kiilar , steady maikot , with the balance of
§ 0 best giades Him and all otheis steady ,
o supply of cow stuir was very limited ,
CMf about a half dozen loads being offered.
Iho maiket openiHl stronger on the tiest
rades , and II nu on all others , and remained
iteady at the oiienlng till all changed
mncla. 'J'ho feeder maiket was dull
nnd lifeless. The receipts wcro
llKht , Ihero was llttlo demand and what sold ,
On a.l < m market , cannot bo quoted better
tUon iiiichaiiKed. Hulls were fairly active
Vrltli sales Iiidlcatlngu 11 rm market. Calves
iiro unchanged. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Estimated roeolptaof bogs 3,700 , compared
ftlth 2i2S ( yesterday nnd 2.2M tiaturdny
last week. The receipts for
week wcro 20.GGO compared with
I.OS , thow eek ending the 12th. The market
pcmod linn wlthafow strong sales and re
tained nctlvo tllljust before the eloso , when
dvlcCh fixm ( JhlcaKO oaiiM-d aneak feeling ,
.llehnngcd liaiuU. Itango of prices tl.WK.'j
I'M , The n\crago of thu pi leas paid was
10f < . eomp.ired with fl.Oj.S yesterday and
1.IJ Satuiday of last \seok.
ndtlmated receipts of tdicop Ml compared
pith Iiestcrdav ! ) and and 1U2 : ! Saturday of
lakt week. The leeelntx of the
ftcok were 2.TO4 , eompaicd with 2.0211
tbo prior week , n falling nit of toy ,
uood muttons continue In demand.
1'ruvalliiif ; 1'rlocs.
f. .HoKlng . Is n table of pilcos paid In
* The following tablu give * tlio u\erico ; cost
p .H0. " ' " , " " h rttttu * muntloned , IiicludfiiB the
i ttKluy , us blued upon salerui > ortedi
Vrleo , Date. 1'rleo.
< " " }
10 * itt' {
Aprils . 40HtAprlll7 . 4 or , ,
April ! . . . 4WijAprlll1 < . 407
April r . 1 10 , April 19 , . . . 4 W > ,
April 7 . . 412 April 21. . . 4 O7'i
Aprils . 412 April S3 . . . . aw ,
Aprlio . . . . 4W f Aprll23
April 10 . . 4 KIU AprllSI 400' ' ,
April II 4 04H Anrlim 4 Kis
April 12 4 itk : AprllW 4 07 ! ,
April 1 M IC't _
Hl liost and lowest Halefl of Hogs.
Today , YoMciday.
Hlahcst . . . . . . . . .W 1215 Highest . ! 1 10
Lowest . 4 W Lowest . . . 4 00
Oniclal Yesterday. Kstlmnted Today.
Oattlo . Clearn.lIM Cattle . TO cars , I4fi0
HORS . as cars , 'JKH Hojr * . Mcarsi7K ; )
Sheep . Gears , 11. W Sheep . Hears , Ml
Homes. . . . 2 cats , 20
Disposition of Stock.
Showing the numljer of cattle , bogs and
sheep purchased on this market by the differ
ent buyers during the pastwcck :
Iluycrs. P > o.
Swift * To ! M
tleo H Hammond * Cn aio
Armour-Ciidahy 1' ( Jo I-1
Omahal'C'o , HI Itothschlld 477
llenton fi Undciwood 21
Heeker.V Degen 121
Uronu * Vansant K >
Arinour-rudnhy Packing Co 1.701
Omaha I'ncklng Co l.lfi.1
Hwlfll'o : CH
a. . 7.r > o n.r 12. . 021 3 40 12 a 'i a ro
0..101Q a 40 0. . IbO 3 50 U .1058 3 S3
3. 40'J 3 00 2. . 870 il 00 0 783 3 30
1. . 510 1 23 1. . 8fX ) 1 75 5. . 030 1 63
12. . 410 200
J1IXKI ) .
37. . COO 3 13
5. . KO 3 13
1..19JO 340
Owner. No , Av. Pr.
Standard Cattle Company
W steeis 1018 13 03
Mills & Robeits marketed hog- , from Angus.
.T. r. F.ilrmanhad In a car of hogs fiom A.\-
K. I. Day matkctcd cattle from Weeping
Thomas Powers sent In a car of hogs from
A. Dlllerof Dlllerhad near of cnttloon the
Crouch llros. of St.Tdwards marketed n car
of hogh.
L. Montaln of Mead had a car of hogs on the
W. A. Klnloy sent lu a oar of cattle from
G icon wood.
M. Abel sent over a car of cattle from Coun
cil Ilium , , la.
A. T. lleman of Chapman had a car of cattle
on the matket.
LI ud Nelson of Odell was on the market with
near of cattle.
K. H. Mltbholl was over from Sidney , la. ,
with near of hogs.
Otis Johnson of Walioo was on the market
with a car of bogs.
Tra\ls Clemmons came In from Talrbury
with a car of cattle.
1' . SI. Wolfer was down from Kndlcoft ulth
three cars of cattle.
O. W lluehanan came over from Hawthorn ,
la. , w 1th n car of hogs.
W. T. Itlcklcy bad a car of cattle on the
market from Columbus.
The Karmers' Co-operatlvo association of
Cedar lllnirs sent in u ear of hogs.
W. II. Lewis , the well known Columbus shipper -
per , hud a ear of hogs on the market.
G. II. llabblttof thr-firmof llabbltt A Kvans ,
Ashland , was hero with two cars of entile.
Kail \Vyant. . extensive shippers of Bllvor
City , la. , marketed u car each of cattle and
Wright &AlIon had a oar of cattle on the
market from bow aid , Mr. Allen came In with
K. W. Van Poren. a piomlnont shipper of
LOIIII City , was on the market with two cars of
William T. Hlodgett of Ielirh had three cars
of cattle of his own raising and feeding on the
market ,
I ) , G. liobb , the well known Kndloott shlp-
, sent In u ear of hogs thut topi > ud the uur-
J. O. I'liror , an overy-day patron of thomar-
kct. had uattlo here from Alma and Uuntloy
und hogs from lloUteln.
Wiley Illaek. the pioneer I'lattsmouth sblp-
per , came nil w lib a car of cattle. Ho loaded
thirty-two head In the ono car , mid they
weighed over3U,000 Ibs ,
Mr. Handors , who has been a shipper for
many years , and Is the fathurof T. K. bunders
ono of llammnnd'bc.ittlo buyers , was in with
u load of calves from Tarklo , Mo.
Dell MeCord of Denver , Colo. , was In looking
m or tliu market , llo ti traveling all the time
handling bheep and reports them bc.iree.
During the past &iwceus ho lias run 11 ( ty
cars Into Nebraska ,
K. K. Klohardson. the scorctary of the Kan
sas Ulty stock yards , was among the visitors
nltho yanls , having arrived with his wife to
spend Sunday with hU brothnr. K. M. lUolmid-
KIII , of the commlMlon tlrm of llrnlnard , Itlcli-
iinlbon A : Uarpentoi. Mr. Ulchardkon has
g reat faith In Kansas Ulty , and It is duo
l argely to his efforts that the llvo stock Interests -
torests of that city ha\o grown to tholr pres
ent proportions.
Rnqs-Strlctly fresh , Ooj cold stora , pick
led , limed , salted not wauled at any price.
1'nuiriirTurkeys , dressed , fancy dry
picked , fXtiao ; turkeys , llvo. per Ib.i ; f > 3iu'i
ohlckrns. fancy , li > iil''o ; chickens , rholuo , tkif
lOo ; chickens , llvo , iicr doz. , fl,50(3l.73i ( geese ,
dressed , fancy , lO/tllc : gcesc. flre .od , cnolee.
ftiSlOo ; geeici. lUe. doz. , fO.WX37.OOi dueks ,
( Irc&sed. faney , lie : ducks , choice. ftStooi
duck * , live , doz. , J.503.00 | pigeons , doz. , 11.00
( tl.23 ,
1.0oat5 } col Jen plover ,
1100 123 , rn.illnrd ( lucks. 41 T-WOOj CHIITAI-
b.irk dnrks , * li W > tiO ! n-d-lirad dnrksr ilea *
I1S.WI.M ! tcaldtiPks dot. WeOMl.23 ! Jnlxeii
dilrks. def , fA 'SI fKl ; Ke ( o. Canada , KM ®
f I.OO i geese , omull. Jl.dftS I.V ) ,
M Pl.BSriHlt 1'erlb. ll 12'p.
t'lll.rsr.I'er Ib. full cream Young America ,
ll'iC ! full cream twln < . 10'ic ; full cream Ohio
Hwlm , KX1 : fitllrream Wl eon lii SwlM , HSIGc :
full c'l-eam brick , Klo : full cicam lliaburgcr
Swim , iic. :
llONKV-l.l llc perlb : RlrnlnrdtV\
OiiA > ni : ' 1'cr imv. rlorlda brlghts. $1.00 ®
4.riO { Messina , $ .l,7VWl ( ! California fiiney
navals , K > f"i ; I. s Angclc * , J.I.H ( ) ; feedllngs ,
liher-lde. M.2.K'I.W ; iiiouutaln , W.Ti ; In lUo-
bov lots , 23o per box less.
I'lJiK Pl'tl-S 1'or d)7 ) , ROORI Oi ) .
HTItAWIIKHItir.8-l'cr CllbC , 24 IK , $7.0"O
CiiiKn-Pcr bbl. refined , $050 : half bill , J3.W ) :
hard elder , pure , pet- bbl , M.Ws orange elder ,
half bbls. $7.0iii pear elder , halt bbls. $7.00.
MI.NCK ni : VT vao < 1 per Ib. '
JKMO.NSPprbolc3slna fancy , ti.00i33.00 ;
Verdelll. gwxl , KM.
II.VANAS i'ei bunch. II..V > jM.OO.
lltTTKit C'ipalnery , fanevrolN. prints , 2215
Sic ; eroamcrv , fancy , solid , 2xa22e ( ;
creamnry , pholee. IswiAH.1 ; dairy , fancy rolls
and print * . IKQ20c ; dairy , fiitipy solid packed ,
17&MIK1 ; daliy , choice , ] .v IOu ; country roll ,
fancy , l.Vfflwj cholee , 12iille ? ; country roll ,
good , IWMOcj country mil , ; fair , 7tt c ; poor
stock , , ' V < IM < .
llo.M'.s { Quotations are for dell vpry In Chicago
cage ) . Dry buiriilo. iiprlonfintXI/.I8.00j dry
country , blenched. * looiv i3oo ; dry country ,
damp and meaty. $ .IKK ( ' lo.oo.
Vi ( jHTAtir.ts Old Sweet potatoes , fancy
Mnscatlne. per bbl. $1 oo ; onions , o.xtra faney ,
! t..V ) ; onions , fair , f j/fl ; rutabagas. $ . ' .00 ; car
rots , J2.WI , parsnips. J7.30 ; beets , JJ.PO ; horse
rad | h roots , per bbl , Jl/ ; per Ib , 7c ; celery
roots , per bbi , W.W : per doz , Cue.
l'HK KIH't.S I/R C pel Ib.
iKM.tKS . ' ' ® ! per Ib.
luissin ) : : ViAr ! Choice medium , SftOcj light ,
. c ; hoavv,3iaic.
Ai'iT.ifi I'er bbl. Glciiltons. JI.OO ; Willow
, JI.M ; lien Davis , JI.50 ; Komanlte , it.&O.
. .
f'oc'OASt'TS Per hundied. JI 73.
PICKI.KS Medium , per bbl , J3.fiO ; small , $0. ! > 0s
gberklm , t'M ; O. A U. chow chow , qts , $3.83 ;
pts , $ .1.33.
POTATOES Per bu , fancy , D3l3o ; choice , 30
1'isif fresh froren wlilto trout , plko and
plekeiel , jier Ib , 7c ; sturgeon , 7c.
HlllKH. 1't.l.TH AND TAI.t.O\V \ tJrPCIl Slllted
hides , Pe ; diy salted hides , f < i7c ; dry Hint
hides. ( WIOc ( ; calf hides. 4i ! 04o. Damaged
bides 2o less. Sheep pelts , green , each , 2 , > c ®
$1.23 ; sheep pelts , dry , per luit ( lie ; tallow ,
No. I. Il'jiTMc ; No. 2. 3'43Sic ; grease , white ,
3s * ? lc ; yellow. 2' , Wk- .
Ili\Mt Ilniid picked nnry , ? l..p > ntM.nO ; liiuul
picked mi vr. medium. JI.IOT'l.rx ) ; hand picked
countiy , JI.3HTM.40 : good clean , tlSOtylM.
Ai-iT.i : lliTTMi-Pur Ib , ( VT47.
Woot , I'lno unwashed , 14Sire ; mpdlnm un
washed , ISit'Jlo ; coarse unwashed ,
FuuiT-Ourrants , now , C'47o ' ! ;
prunes , casks , ] . : tOO Ibs , U'ic ; prunes , bbls or
bags , O'47i4e ; citron peel , dinms , 20 Ibs , 22o ;
lemon peel , dinniH. lUe ; fard dates , boxes , 12
Ibs , lie ; aprlcols , choice evaporated , 13c ; apri
cots , Jelly cured , 23 Ib boxes , IGo ; apricots ,
faney , 23 11) boxes. le ( ! ; apples , choleo evapor
ated , lOo ; apples , in line new , O'jc ; tigs , layer ,
10 per eent tare , 13'jc ; In sacks , 7c ; Persian
dates , 7c ; Salt I.ako apples , 5e ; blackberries ,
PvaporatPd , fiO II ) boxes. S'4o ; cherries , pitted ,
dry cmed , 13c ; poaches , pared , fancy , 18c ;
eholco , Hie ; Halt hake , 7c ; pitted plums , Cal ,
I Hi boxes , S'jCSWio ' ; laspberrles , ovapoiatcd ,
N. V , , now , 30 ; prunes , II. C. , CO-70 , tR ! je ;
orange peel. 150 ; raisins. California , London ,
eiop lv > 'i ' , $ , ' .40 ; Cal. lee o muscatels , crop 18SU ,
JJ.10Valonclas , 1KSS , fltjc ; Valenelas , now ,
IM ; Cal. seedless sks , 8c ; Undnra , laver , new
lie ; dried grapes. Bo ; priuiplles , now , 15'Sc.
UANMIII Uodiis l'i nits , California standard
brands , 2'4-lb ' , per do/ Apricots , J1.7WI.H3S (
apilcots , iilu fruft$1.50 ; irallons. $4.rji ) ; black
betrles. J22" > : cherries , black , ? 2.00T42.23 ; cher-
iles , white. JJ.23T/4..V ) ; giapes , il.bTQ.I.sU ; Jiears.
Hnrtlott. $ . > .llVii.S.S3 ! ! ; Deaches , yellow , t..taSW.SSi ;
peaches , lemon cling , $ , ' .10 ; plums , egg , $1.033
l.M ) ; plums , golden diopi , $1.HII ; iiluiii1L'U'cu
gage' . , $ l.n.v&i. 0 ; peaehex. with nits In , Sl.OO ;
I'll ! rants. & . ' . : < 0 : gen ebeirles , $ -.23 ; qulnees ,
W.ll ) ; raspbeirles. } 2 > 0 : strawtmrile" , JJ.W ) ;
IIP , iches. 3-lbeastein standaids , $1.S3 ; ; t-lb pir. . ,
JI.IO ; 0-lb pie , $2.03 : gallon pie , $ .1.00 ; apples ,
high standards , } .73 : 2-lb goosben IPS , ! V ;
2-lb strawbenles , IWdi'ie ; 2-lb laspbcirlcs ,
$1.00 ; 2-lb bliicbpiiles , bUtTi iOe ; 2-lb blackber
ries , G3@73e : 2-lbstiawbcrile-s , preserved. tlM ;
2-lb laspljpnles , preseixed. Sl.sO ; 2-lb black
berries. prpMT\cdl.20 ; pliujapjilcn , Hahaiuu
ehopiicd , $ J.K ! ) ; 2-lb ll.ihama grated , $2.73 ; 2-lb
llahiima sliced , $2.50 ; 2-lb blandaid sliced , $ ' .23
Cil.W ; cherries. 2-lb red , Kultlmorc , 8303o ;
penrs , 2-lb , $ l.w. :
VKiKTAiir.w Tomatoes 3 lbextra$1.00 , 3 ] b
standard western brands , MTi mo ; gallons ,
strictly standard , $ J.iO. ! Corn Plncst grown ,
$ l.r > 0 ; gilt-edged sugar coin , xco line , $1.50 ;
eholco 2 lb sugar corn. $1 20 ; 21b e\tra western
biands , av < ill.OO ; 2 lb .standard wcstein
brands , fiOfiiTOc.'Miisliioiims I lb I'renehextra
Hne,22si25e ( ; 1 lb Trench , Him , 181'22c ; 1 lb ,
French , oidliuirv. KVQISo. 1'cas Tics line ,
tier can. 25c ; dcml tine , p rennlJc2 ( ; lh. sifted ,
Jl.)02lleailyJune.lJI.2.ViJ1.3.J ; : 2 11) Maiiow ,
BtHiidiud lir.mils , $1,10 ; 2 lb soaked,57c. fatrlng
beans 2 11) high grado. Kefugce , 85e ; 2 lb Uold-
en wax l > eans , 75o ; 2 II ) string beans , 70u. Lima
lleans 2 lbnoaked,73c. Boston llaked llenns
3 Hi Lewis. $1.05 ; crown brand , SIsa. Sweet
Potatoes 31b Now Jersey. $1.00. I'uiiipUii
a lb new pumpkin , $1.01. okra and tomatoes ,
$ l.U'oki.i ) ; , iJl.liO ; snecotnth , $1.20.
1'ISII C'odllsh , e\tra ( .icoigcs , new , 5J5c ;
grand bank , new , 5p ; silver , 2-lb block1fl'fe ;
snow while. 2-lb hileks , new , IkTinkey ; cod ,
lingo middles , bricks , lie ; snon white ei.ites ,
12-3 lb boxes , 7Ijo : Iceland halibut. Ik' : medium
sealed heiiluj. 23e ; ISo , I sealed helling.22e ;
domestic Holland heiilnir , 55e ; Hambuig
spiced herilng , $1.50 ; Hiislan siiidlnes 75c :
luisslm sardines , plain. , Vc ; Imported Holland
heiilng. eiown bland , Ke ) ; do , finiev mllkeis ,
OOc ; luackeiel. No. 1 shoie. balfhbls. $13.00 ;
bloiitei-s. bait bbls. ilnOJ : white lisli , half bbls ,
$7.00 ; trout , half bbts , J5.50 ; family white llsh ,
$ .1.00 ; salmon. $ .S.50 ; lib mackerel ( herilng ) .
Sl.OOiM.IO ; 1 lb llnnan h'idilies , $1.75 ; llblob-
steis. $2.15 .2.25 ; I lh Alaska salmon , Aloilt ,
$1.1,0 ; 2 11) oysters. 10 oIIJlij 1 111 oysteis , 5 o/ ,
$1.15 : 2 lb select , 13 or , J2.35 ; lib clams , llltlo
necks , $1.25 ; 211) clams , llttlo necks , W.OO ; > i 111
s.mllnos , imported , pincase. . 100s. inooftVO-OO ;
H lb Impoi led boneless sardines. 2lki ; , lh sar
dines. American , per case , 100s , Kiench atyle ,
$ J.MKrc.l 00 ; ! i lb sardines , American , per ease ,
100s , Trench style , $7.50 ® 00 ; U lb haidlnes ,
mustard , per ease , OOs , $3.75I.OO ; Imported key
saidlncs , JI3.00.
r-oAi-s L'astllP , mottled. , & 310o ; do
white , peril ) , 14e.
HIIOOMS 1'ailor , 4 tie , $ , ' .73 ; 3 tie , $ J25stao ;
bles. $2.85 ; common. $ I.WKi1.75 ,
t'dCOA ' ,4 lb tin , 40u peril ) .
Ciiocot.ATK 22SJ.'l5o per Ib ; Geiman chicory ,
red , sc. (
HAI.SOUA llbls , lac ? ; grnnulatufl , 2o ; kegs ,
SODA 1'kgs. CO Ibs to box , 5'lifl5'o.
NUTS Ac i OIK s , r > e ; Itra/lls , I4e ; filberts ,
12ic ! ; pecans. llcwalniits : , 124e ; peanutcocks ,
be ! lonstcd , lie ; Tennessee peanuts , 7e.
lnuis ) ( Urocui-s1) ) Per lb lloiav. 12c ; cop-
penis , 2 > , e ; Hay lea\es 14e ; glue , IBoj epsom
Mills , 4o ; climber suits , ; ) o ; hiillihur , 2 , e ; blno
vltioUOe ; alum,4c ; taituiloacld,42c ; losln''u ;
Naltpuler , absolutely puio , lOc ; gum camphor ,
2 Ibs In bo1 ( u cakes , aic ; hops , U and ii lb
packages. 20c ; sage. ! i and llb packages , 15o ;
madder , do ; Indigo , a Ib and 5 ll > boxes , S , 1' . ,
O'/iiTOo ; indigo. 3 lb and & lb boxes , Madras,03c ;
sealing wax , 23 Ib boxes , lul. IlKciSualtngwax' .
25 It ) boxes , white , 4c.
OA NEl ) MKATH111) ) Inncb tongue , JJ.75 ; 2 lb
lunch tongue , $4.73 ; 1 lb corned beef , $1.20 ; 2 lb
coined beef , $2.03 ; (1 ( lb corned beef , $ (1.W ( ) ; 14 lb
corned benf , J14 ; 2 U ) boneless pigs' foot , 82.20 ;
1 lb Kngllsh brawn , 31.30j brawn.
(2.15 ; G It ) Kngllsh brawn , 80.73 ; 1 lb compicsscd
chipped beef , J .l)0. )
StiOAiis Out loaf , 80 ; cut loaf cubes , 7'ic ;
standard , powdered , 7'ie ; XXXX , imwdeivd ,
8c ; granulated , stnudiinl. fl'jc ; confectioners ,
A , tl o ; uhltn oxtra. U , S'jc ; extra 0 , Neb. ,
5Uo ! ; amberrsie ; 1 lb compiusscd ham , tl.75 ;
2 Ib compressed ham , 82.G5.
I'oiKbK Itoasted Arbunklo's Arlosa , 2flic ! ;
Mtil.aughlln'h XXXX , iB'iOi Ocrnian , 23'ic ;
lllwoub,2t > c ; Alaroma,25He ; bullc , 2'io ' ,
( 'oi'lKK tireen raneyold golden ItloSOo ;
fancy old peaberry , 25o ; Itlo. choleo to faney ,
24Ho ; Hlo , jirlme , ilJid Hlo , good , 22'ie ; Santos
and common Itlo , HK321u ; AIooliu , 21ki ; .lnu ; ,
genuine o. ( , . , 2Sc ; Jn\a , good Inteilor , 2k- ;
African. 22'jc.
rAiiiNAehous Ooons Harley"HjiJMo iirlnt
5o ; peas , Iki ; oatmeal. l Ili. ' ; muuaronl , lOc ;
> eunleelll , lOc ; rice , 4 < Q04c ; bago and tuploca ,
Kt > v lima beans , be.
Un.s Koroseiie-l' . AV. . lOo ; Vf. W. 12'io ;
heiidllglit. Ilkgasoline. : . 12c ; salad oil , * -Xife (
U.OO per doMiiMfd Hiiw , file j lulled. Ck- .
MI\TS ; Hums. No. 1 , -lba\erage l , l ) ' cw ; ; to
23 His. WUe ; 12 lo It Ibs , lOc ; shouldei-s. fie ;
breakfast bacon. No. 1.8 > , e ; bain sausage , he ;
dried beef hams. OUQ.7\o ( ; hcof tongues , W.01I
pcrdo/ ; dry salt meats , S'idM'io petlb ; ham
i-onlelte. O'ici boneless hum , 74 ; plcnlo ham ,
tiiie ,
lloi-n Ilasls Manilla rope , 15o ; sisal rope ,
ViM.dAU 30 gr. elder 80 ; good , 12c ; white
Uie. 13e.
FTOVK Pousii-JJ OW-W.S7 per gross ,
llAus Am. , per 100 , J17.00 ; l.enbton , per 100 ,
SlowssKS Hbls. , N. O. , fancy , per pal , Itf ®
f,7e ; choice , 4Vi47e ; gixid , 'I'lltiC.'oCuba ' ; baking ,
ivraoo ; hiack strap , 2ina22c.
VtnU'l'i.O 1'Ai'Kii Straw , per lb , liiiJUiiO !
T K .Hie ! iiiuullhi It. r > ' ( jik' ; Nol,7o ,
il\ns 1'nloii Siiuare , aoufclS per cent olT list.
HALT Dairy. 2 0 Ibs Inlibl. bulk , $2.10 ; licit
grade , on. 5s , K'.3D ; best grade , 100 , as. JJ.4D ; best
grade,28 , 10 * $ . ' .20 ; lock bait , crushed , 11.W ;
common , bbls , 11.15.
Dry Goods
. _ , .
i , * * - * * 9i * rf i n
1. li , dot Aurora II.G o ; Aurora H , uiie ; Arrow
bnind , ( i'toi Atlas I ) N It 7'o ; chlcasaw All ,
O' o , elteeso cloth , 4e ; U If Ion IT. < sso ; I'up-
l' rel I , Olio ; I'epncrell K. 40-Inch. 7540 ; I.ung-
don ( i U. Do ; Cast Iron , 7 > c.
IlLiaciiEii COTTONSlierkeloy eambrlo No.
Woj llust Vet. C'n'l Illaekstono A A , TJioi
butter cloth XX. 41,01 Cabot. 7 e ; liwl it
Anchor. IV ) ; Diamond W shrunk , 0 , o ; Kllcrtoii
W S , 7Jot rarniorH' Choice , 6Vo ; I'lrst Call ,
nvjoi rilohrllle,7Uo ; 1'rult of the Ixwiii , b < ( o.
OoldeuVodilluu , tto , Illll Suiuper Idum , boi
Hnrve t , fi'joj Hope , "i if .nWiKckocper , SUe ;
KliiK 1'hllllp cnmlirlc , 10oi ; Mdicdon ( f II , ( ) < , o ;
I.onvlale. , c ; lAjnsdulo .culiibrk , lOoj e r
Yorkinllls. He.
1'cppeiell. 4Vln. loot remu reU. Siso ; 1'ep-
txTell , 0-4 , SUO ! I'eppercll. * > * r U.Vi llo ( on , r > - ( ,
i'"iC ; lloston , H-l 'JDo : Hoston.V-4. ' 'ic ; llos-
Illll. lo-l , 2.'e : rtlea , J'Mii ' , TH'I ' L'llea , M-lit ,
17' > e ; lMlca,7i , S4e ! T'tlcWWV-ln , Siki ; I'tlea.
Hleached I'eupnri'll , 4J-IH , lOe ;
ell.O- ' "
rtlca.ti-4 , see : t'tlea , lO- . , _ . . .
UiNiiu\MS Amo kcaK , ' 81 ? ! * : Amoskeapr.
dress , 8'ic ; Hates , il'ic ; Wunrlck , dress , 8' Jcj
Ianeaster. Ol < o ; ( llcnalrn , .ifiV'i Whltenton ,
dress , 8lic ; Vork I'nvorltc , drost. 8'ie ; Cal
cutta , dress , 80 ; NormnndrCtmtss , Sc ; Leices
ter , dies-t. IV. fnt
I'lli.vT.s Martha \Vashlnslon. TK" American ,
rVc ( ; Arnold. C'.ic ; Arnold H , IOIIK cloth , lOc ;
American. lOc ; Stlllel A. I'.V ; Amana A. J2o
Jlerrlmnek Jg. lOc , Hold Leaf. lOo ; Hold Ticket ,
IDei Hamilton , ft',4'1 ; Allen 1'lnks , fi'Je ' ; Allen
Chambray. Co ; IJIoucester. f ' , o ; tMdystone ,
lUic ; Winilsor , fi',0 Hamilton , O'ie Steel UUer.
I'K > ; Itamapo , 4'ie ; St. l.encr. fi'ie ; Maltha
Wnslilnetoti. 4Vi ( > ; Allen. fM1 : M.erilmak , fi'u
roiintahi , liSsc ; Uarncr , Tc ) Civllcld , 8e ; llci-
lln. ( i'Je.
SntiiTiNO CiiKC'KR InvlnclUle. r > 'Jo ; Inrlncl-
bloXX , Oho ; Cinwford. Ikttls ; ) , t * > , c : Kcon-
omv. She ; I'ark , KW.s , 13c ; Caledonia X , lc ) ;
Caledonia XX , 10' , c.
CIIEVOIT Winnconnett Tije , 'Whltteriton ,
TJie ; Slater. 8c ; Amoskeaff , strlpes.S'ie ; Amos-
kcair , plaids. li'i ; sea Mimil , IxHikfold , ll'ic ;
tea Use , lxoklold. ISSJe ; Killneurir , He.
TICKINIH Unklniid , A , 0 o ; Oakland. O. To ;
Amoskeair , A I ) A , U'io ; IlcivUck , bmikfold
Mitccn , IBO ; Hannah , book fold Mitccn , 14c ;
Warren , bookfold sateen , 1 < V ; Norwood , book-
fold sateen , ll'jo. Coidla No. fi , OJ.e ; t'ordls No
4. 10Vo ; Coulls A O K , lllHc ; Cord Is K I' fancy ,
Se ! ; Cordls 120 fancy , ti'io.
COTTO.VAPCSYork Nankin. 10'jo ; Everett ,
8 07 , IRe ; Kljln ( , 8 07 , 18o ; 1'lut Hoelc , 8 oz ,
18c ; Lcwlston , 10 oz , lii 'ic ; Worklneinnn'
I4o ; Tiadosiimn'ti , 14c ; Corkscrew Cnslimeic ,
C"iiASit Stevens' 11 , 10 In. fi1 Jo ; Slovens' n , IS
In , Cos btoM'iis' A , 1(1 ( In , To ; htovens' 1' , 18 In ,
7 fo : Slovens' AI. IS In. 8'5e ' ; Stevens' N.'JOln ,
8'/tc : Slovens' NN , ! In , ti'Jc ; Stevens' HUT , M
In , ll'ie ; bleached , le extra.
DKMMS AinoskeaR. 0 or Ifi'ic ; " \ ork. camlet ,
12c ; Kverelt. standard , ISUo : Andover , ISe :
I'orester. H 0 , l'O ; Hayinaifer's , 7'o ; Old
York , XX.lohcjOld York , XXX. U'c ; litiw-
rcncc. aw , IBjO ! Lawicncc , ! XU 1'1'Jo ; Law
rence , 0 oz , 15c ; fancy stripes nutl checks , I1J jo
Quinine , pore ? , P. & W. , IftJt German 40o ; In-
dlco. perlb. 7to : ; Insect powdor. powd. , 40o ;
opium , * I.OO ; morphine , pur or , JtOr > ; hops , per
lb , IJOc ; Klycerlne , per lb. L'le ; dextilne , perlb ,
I2c : cuttlebone , perlb , 'Xx ? ; eieam tartar.purc ,
IKe ; commercial , ISo ; ciimphor , Blc ; Am. earb ,
14e ; blue vitriol , 7'ie ' ; caibolle neid , 40l.le ;
eltiioneId,4Vfl7e ; tartarlc , yrQ-'fc ; sulphuilc ,
'l'j'e ; sperm oil , $1.10 ; whale oil , use ; castor oil ,
81.23 ! neat sfoDl.rilffllWo ; tin pent Inc. file ; Tonka
beans , J1.75I,1.'JO ; balsam toluWCf40c : ; calomel ,
( WUTc ; cantharldcs. JI.iOI.'J. : " > ; Cassia buds ,
SU@ 'c ; clilorofoim , 51ftx'u ! ; ergot , 47Sto"o ;
Arabic ,
HLOCK Ti.v Small pig , 23c per lb ; bar OOc per
lb.Corrru I'lanlsheit boiler sizes , n o perlbj ]
cold rolled , ! No per lb ; slieathlng , 2"o perlb ;
pitta and Halts , 2s < ! per lb ,
GALVANI/.KII SHKUT liio.v niso't 00-10 per
cent , put. plan , iron , Nos. SISST , A , lOlici 11.
liVWis-a-Charcoal , I. C. , 14\20 , 115 , J3.73 ; I.
X. , $ " . " " > .
hiiHET Ino.v No. 20 , $3.75 ; No. 57 , K1.95.
Ti.v l'r.ATK-1. O. , 10\14 , 23J , $7.7.I. ; . X. , lOsM ,
23. " , $ ! IOO.
TIN I'HTK-Coke I. 0 . 10tl4 , 225 , W.25.
STUKI , Nii.s llase , $2.00.
Hi nun WIIIK NAII.S llase.
WIUK Jap. barb , $ , l.fii ) ; Kalv.fl.20. !
A Good Sliowlnjj iu theiKcal Instate ,
ItiilliliiiK and llnnkliiK IteeordH.
The principal item of iutcrqst to ical estate
men during the week was. tlio proffer to tlio
city of the now park in the southwest part cf
the city. Tlio tract of land otnbiMced in the
grant is well adapted to the purpose nnil tlio
fact of its location in tliaOportlou. of the city
_ wlll boom real estate there.
Tlio for the week Indicate n great
advance over the business of _ 'tlio ' correspond
ing period last year , anil ns a general thing
transactions this year are less of tlio specu
lative order than last. " . '
The building permits do not show quite so
large a total us nt this tinib'a year ugo , but
tlio amount indicates u couiuanco | of the
building activity which lias characterized the
The bank clearings , ono of the surest indi
cations of ttio city's prosperity or the reverse ,
mi ! far in advance ot those recorded tills time
lust year.
The following tables show the total busi
ness real estate transfers , building i > ei-mit.s
and bank clearings for tbo week rotnpaicd
with the coi responding week of last year :
HE VI. i-T\.TUTlU\blT.Us ;
Monday . , , . , ? S SJ V-J17
Tuesday . 72,001
Wednesday . I'.i.O" 00,017
Thursday . 12,24'J ' 7.- > . : ir '
Fiid.iy . : ; < it72 ! ! W,2ii : (
Saturday . fiO.USJ 8-2,072
Totals . SUflG7a $118,514
llt'II.DlNU rKKMIT * .
Day ISs'.i isoo
Monday . $ $ 15-17. >
Tuesday . 21,010 l.ri'il (
Wednesday . Wi.O.M ) 7,10(1 (
Thursday . 7,000 4,575
Friday . 7,010 7,72."i
Saturday . 12,600 4,72ri
Totals . $ S7,5.'iO $ 70,120
Day 1SS9 1SPO
Monday . $ 870,579 11
Tuesday . 87.,80fi 25
Wednesday . 7WtKSl ! bit 1,131,5400. " .
Thursday . M4,720 tM 1,00'J.S.Va &
Friday . H1i,091 ! lit K ,148 (19 (
Saturday . 013,501 81 8'.O,04U 81
Totals ? H-i5'JOS3 ' 73 $1.703,034 11
"Weekly Ilnnk Htnteiiient.
NnwYoiiK , Ajirll 2fi. [ Special Telegram to
THE Itr.i : . ] The weekly bank statement shows
tbo fullou IMK ehanKCa :
Itoserve , Increase I2.00S.771
Loans , deeieaso 4,207.riOil
Specie , decrease ( VII.OOO
I.eKal tenders , Incrcaso I.TIIM.IIK )
Deposits , decrease : iiiiv ( > on
Oliculatlon , Incieaso RI.O'K )
The banks now hold J KI,215 In excess of the
A slot machine in Eiifjlnnd tolls one's
fortune when ho drops in a penny.
TIIK iiUAi/rv MAiuci-rr.
TNSTHlTSir.NTS placed on record
josterdav ;
It T Maxwlel and wife to John Skorda ,
lot . " > . Mii\\\iH's sill ) , wd. . . * 800
U Slleilln to K\V 1'atrlck , lots 8 and Ii ,
blk K , Saundeis A. IllniL'bausli'.s add ,
w d . . 2,500
51 M Marshall and wlfo to 11 f l'ia\U , pt
lots n and 7. blk : i. Almano I'lurn. w d . 4,000
N It Apple and wlfo to.S l > Host wick , lots
47nml 48 , ralrmonnt l'lac , n d . . . . 2,000
T H Smith to I ! f WolcotF. Wtkl ) nnd 10 ,
Kolloy'ti add. \ \ d . . . ' . 2,000
Jos Hatkerand xvlfn lo IIHiloii'Goldbcri ' : ,
o Ji lot 5 , blk 471. lirandvlew.\v d . . 100
M Charon and wife to A J t'litiron , pt lot
12 , Barker's allotment. iTrt.n. 700
G 1) Wyatt nndlfo to CW Allen ut al ,
o20 ft lot 0 and w 20 ( t Iflt 10 , blk V ,
Shlnn'slldadd , wd , . J 2,500
JV Orllllth and ulfo to J A nrimth , lot
17 , blkt. ; Hanscom riacedidd i
JA Orllllth and wlfo to \tjtirllllth.lot
Wd. . . I ' 3,500
M I ) Stnigcon to A Jl Klt lien , lot 4 ,
M fit t it U h.i i Ii \t * il it fkVl
aid , lotfi. blk.'l , llanscon's Park.wd . . 4,500
> \ t ! Patterson and ulfo to John McDon
ald. lotsOand lO.blktMlanscou'b Paik ,
' ' ' ' ' '
O 1C Heholleld u'n'd'v Iff to W 11 lllsb'ee.'l'dt '
13. blk "II , " Saunderi & lllmcbaugh's
add , wd ' ' rxx )
O V Paul to W 1) llouton. lot 4'bVk' ' ,
1 Inn ford Place , wil GOO
J 1. Slovens nnd husband to 1'V Moihur ,
lot li'.blk "I' , " Prospect Place , w d 2,500
O U 1 lolnies to JV Holmes , lot 01 , Windsor -
ser Place , wd . yooa
It .letter und wlftto Paul and Hnnim
liner , lots U and IS. blk 3. Jetter'i udd
to South Omiiha , wd . 400
Ji II Apple umI | wife , lull \V Yaloa , luU 1
nndi.biua , IIUsldeaddNo.L1 . . . 4,500
K K Iteld und hnshand to UV Hull , lot
4 , lluekoy'Plue , d , . .300
Vf P Umnucii and wlfo to J O llrundt ,
und J , loUH. 0,10 , Hi and II , blk l.Uklu-
lioma Park , ii od 15000
J Ii llrandt to } \ I' Loienzen. und ij lots
7.8 uml IS , lilU 1 , loth Ii , l. , u. 15 UIK ) HI.
blk S , Oklahoma Park , a o d 13,000
11IfP PIIPPI'I I TIl I Httliri TP
Koacho3 Best Tignros During the
Last Hour and Olosctl Slightly Up ,
Oats Develop n Iilttlo More Strength
Provisions Sonicvtlint Unsettled
Cuttle Stroitff nnd Higher
IIOR8 Active.
C'niCAOO April Crt. [ Special Telegram to
THE Urn ; . ! Country traders lia\o wheut
bought lu this market und they are Inclined
to holilou toll , Noreull/lngor bear raids so
far 1mvo started the long wheat bought on the
advance of two weeks ago. The loenl trade ,
bulls nnd boars , huvo looked and worked for a ,
reaction. The price of July for the week has
been between Wjo and 87 c. .lust before the
eloso yesterday the bottom llgurewus touched.
This morning the prlco was at 87e. There was
u react Ion toMi ic , and n good deal of hesitation
nround SBUvaSG c , but before 1 o'clock the
price was up to WBO. or but So tinder the best
llgnro of the week. This was not all. July was
sold freely early by the heaviest operator on
the floor and by not a few big houses. At the
same tlmo wheat was supposed to boa top-
heavy mm ket , was held tip bv bidding for
May anil .Mine. May was put up from bs'ie to
89Uo and June from SSo tobS'p. Later It was
found that.lulv did not need the support of
the old crop months nnd those who cold early
turned In lo liny. The news of the day was
divided. New Voik und llaltlmoto cleared
niiiio und Philadelphia 4,01)0 ) bushels The New
York market was up nearly lo early , ho\\-
oer , and later In the day there wcie.sensa
tional dispatches about export business.
I'ltst 10 loads , then 10 loads and then il ! loads
were repotted taken for o.xport. A few
loads were continued , but big taking was
discredited. The noithwcst was very cold
with cloudy sky which helped the maiket.
Liverpool closed Id up on ( 'allfoinla andlu-
dlan futures. Minneapolis received ICG cars
and leei-lpts hero weio Cl ears. The wheat
market icaehed Its blghest llgntcsjust befoio
i ho close , when Itobort Warren & Co. sold to
Hoyden A. Co fi.OOO bushels of July ntBT'ie.
This was the top price , und the clo-owasat
87'ic , or Jic over last night. May went up to
OOc nt tlio close and Juno to W0. ? On the 'itrli
up to 3 p.m. prh lieges for Julv bold at SOU ©
kbllc "puts" und 673t(38o "e.ills. "
Then' was little news In corn today , but
trade was on the ulert nnd business was quite
brisk. Theiewas but lltllo change In pilees
early but lute In the day llutehlnson and r.g-
gleston became buyers of May und July , and
prices weio aihanced but drooped ngaln nt
the closed. May hold ut K Vfi-'C. ''l. , ) tote ; !
at the close. June sold at : t5e ! ' , toICi'ic , tiilK'i
032 0 ut the close ; July at 3.Pec , inXi'X\'iu \ ,
to : r'tc. to 33lsc , or a Ho net gain nt the close.
Oats developed a llttlo stienglh but the
market uns narrow. May sold at " 4jO ? early
und closed ut"4Vc. June sold at "I'kc , closing
atSIXc. .Tulr sold nt aiJt@23'to und closed at
J4c after sellfng at IM'gc.
The provision maiket was somewhat unset
tled today. The Urst Irregnlailty was tn mess
pork , which stalled w Ith u decided ( Iron In
priceso\n-night. May was fioml3.2. > tofl3.riO !
nt first sales , and wont off to $1,101) ) , reco\eing |
to$13.35 uml closing at $13.17'i. Juno sold off
to $13.30 and closed nt $13.4" . July touched
SKI.1.- * and closed nt S13.45. Jard closed at
$13.45. Laid closed nt jcstorday's pilcesfor
May and Be- lower for July at Jli.U' ' . . Slioit libs
closed il'Ju louur all mound after opeulug
CiHCAOO , Aptll 20 [ Ppr-clal Telegram to
TUB HEI : . ] L'VTTf.i : Thcio was qcuicoly a
sufllclent nitmbei of cattle on sale to mnko a
maiket , but all offered sold fiom strong to a
shade lilghei. Thcro weio no Tcxans , nnd
butchers' stock was scarce. "Tho week's re
ceipts. " says a commission man , lmo not only
been icmaikable for nninbcr , bill nlso for
prime quiillly. The bulk consisted of the pick
und Honor of tlio cattle feeding tn the corn
belt of America. " llutchcrs' Mock and Tcxans
.were nnnsn-illy soaicc , whllo slockers und
feeders were almost unattainable , unless at
extraordinary high prices. Choleo to extra
beeves , $ I.M > SUIO ; ; medium to good steers , IXiO
to 1500 Ibs , $ I.4CKS4.00 ; 11-00 to 1J150 lls ) , $ .1.70 ® ! 30 ;
O.,0 to 1-1W Ibs , $3.303.X ! ) : stockcrs und
feeclois. (3.5034.0(1 ( ; co\vS , bulls und mixed ,
? l.c > rt < ff3.n : ! ; bulk. $ , ' . : c 3 so ; Texas gravels ,
$ . ' .r OQ 1 30 : eoi n fed , Jl 00 { t.W.
llons lliihliioss opened active , with prices
strong to n sliado higher , but closed wonk und
, r > c low er nt about the following range : Choice
heavv packing and .shlpiilng , it.iVifl.7H : ; ! ; as-
soited liutelieis' , ft..10if,2.40 ; Imiiago , $4.71 ( i5l
4.0 : ! ; common to good he.ivv packing , SLi-txtft
4.-r > ; light mixed. J4.atfM S ; heavy mijed ,
W.n'J . 'JS ; assented Voik light , $1.2VJ,4.s : ) : ns-
wiiled singe light. SI.IWTa.T , . The inn has been
an evtiuuKllnuiy one foran Apill week , und
in former times such nnmlx'rs would limo sent
prlcesdown a half a dollar , yet the decline
wasonh 1"ie. and pint of that was legalned
lonnul the close of the week. The shipping
dem.ind iiieieased s.Oixniiul that. too. with tin
gient lloston p-ieklng Him of John P. Siulie
out of the ma i ket on account of a MilUo of the
llrm's unskilled woikmen. This Him , ns Is
well known , i. in I. s nett in slanght cilng to tlio
big hoii'-es of Chicago ,
NEW YORK , Api II ai. fPpcclul Telegram to
TIIK 1U.K. ] broCKS London had buying or
ders In the stock maiket again this morning
and the Inlluence was felt in Krle. St. Paul and
other stocks. The force of the maiket nt the
outset eenteied In Uock Island , Missouri Pa-
elfle , I'nton Pacific , VIHard's and llnrllngton.
There was a decided strong touo and first
pilccs ns n inlo weio from ' 4 to si percent
blgherthanliist eM-nlng's final llgures. Stocks
c.imoout with n i ush at high jirlces , how over ,
and foi thcllist few minutes trading was ex
tremely laige , dealings being In large blocks.
The maiket shaded on" and opening advances
weie lost In most cases , though theio were a
few Instances Tiheio last night's Hguies were
leaehed. C hlcago tas was the only stock dls-
plaj Ing any iciil weakness and It declined to
4 1j , n net loss of ! j per cent fiom Its last
o\cnlng'tt prjee. bt. Paul preferied
opened 1 per eent up nt 110 , and le-
tlred tollS'i.but ' other losses weielmmateilul.
The pressute to sell abated iiulckly and later
juices 'icgnii to liune nil again undoi a now
bnyirtiuiu'iui'iil / and the opening tlgmcs
w ere gtmei ally bin passed before the end of the
hour. Wabash preferred was especially strong ,
but thomtm'iiicntsln the rest of the list weie
not particularly significant. Them was an ue-
tlvo nnd fatily well distributed business In
Sugar , bt. Paul , fjiiekawanna , irle ; , MIssouil
Pacfllc , lioek Island und Union Pacific In
the closing hour the Itank statement showing
over $ ' . ( K > 0ilpO Increase In loservew helped the
market on to higher llgures. Tliu oloso was
cent ; rnion i-acine , " . uiner western stooKK
weie up Hllght fiuclions. Coal uud Trust
stocks showed HIIIII 11 declines.
The follow ing were the closing ( ( notations :
Ni.wVoiiK. ApilUM. [ Spcolal Telegram to
I'm : IlKi ; . ] The follow Ing are the mining block
quotations ;
NKW Yonic , April 2. > . [ Sperm. Teleprmm
toTttnUiT. ] Kxiwrts of spet-lo from the
fxntofNcu' Votlc last weclc niuountcd to
fJTl.OlO , of which . ' 021MTiv.M ' Bold and
WS Kl lu silver. The Imports of species for
: \\eekiimounted to $53,010 , of which ? 10.-
i'.Vi was In gold und ? IS,1 15 In silver.
M'JtfHtl'CK MA ItliKTN ;
fine von , April' ' * . ln : p. m , close Whent
Jleady ; eush. l 't < i ) e ; May , Wo ; July , h7Ho.
Corn Hteadj ; cusli , 3J'Soj : May , U& tJho ;
tOut * Mi-nilyi eusliluo ; Mity. 'Jl't'o ; July ,
' '
It'yp-Qiilot nt l ) { o.
liarley JIasy ,
PrlmoTlmoth } - 1'irm at tl.a&l 31.
I'lox-l'lrm at I1.4H
Whliky n.ri ( ,
, -yuiot.cashuud May , I13.JJ , Juljr , 13
1 *
cash and May.
July. fA4'J'vfO.I5.
I'loitr Plrinj winter wheat ,
spring , $ lW"v : , > .10 ,
Provisions Shoulders , WO'kiW.M ; short clear ,
M .WATSt short ribs. WiViiV. i.
lltlttor-Quletj oreamury , llOITci dairy , 09
Chceso-Kasv ! full cream eheddars. ( * Jl
lOo ; tints , li'i'itlO'ic ' : Vounjt Americas , lO ft
He ,
Kites ' leady ; fresb , 10'JftlIe.
Hides I'lrmt henvy iiiul llulit gret'ii silted ,
Wt.'tn : s.Ulcil bull. HVe : dr > Mint , ( We ; dry
salted. tsn < fi dry calf , MiOo : deacons , .Me raeh.
Tnllow-VJulet ; No. 1 solid packed , 3 > ic ;
No. ' . ' , Jl'iOi cake. 4c.
Kecelpts. Shlpm'ts.
riour . H.OiKl 17.WM
\ \ heat . 14.0110 14,000
Corn . i:9MXX : ) fiW.oin
oats . nr.ntu 3rMU )
MviMiroot , . April ai. WhentJitUM ( unit
slead > ; detnntid poor ; holders offer moder-
ntely ; California No. 1. 7s id per centnl ; led
western , winter , ( ! s itilfttT-i.
Corn-Steady ; demand Ini proving ; mixed
wesleiu. % > Od peiventnl.
Niw : VOIIK , April sa.-\Vheat-Hecelpts.
W.iXH ) bnshelt ; exports tiont ; cpot Hun ;
No. 2 led , ITOOt'io ' In ele\'ntor. uSYf'tfcV1
nlloat.ur'.iPiM o f. o. b. ; options higher ; No. ' .
red. Apt II closed ut H * .
Oorn KccclpK 7H.SOO bushels ; exports ,
none ; spot lower ; No. * ' , 40Hi5l4H n Inelevn-
tor. ll'j'BI.V tillout ; ungrndeu mixed , 3sitl2ic ;
options weak. May elosluc at 'WUi1.
Oats Iteeelnts. Ml.tvxi bushels ; exports. S avi
bushcN : spdt weal.ei : mlxixl weslein , ; t.V-li > e ;
white mixed westein , UVUIIe ; options steady ;
May elosing at 3J'o
ColTee Options ilosed steady , unchanged
to ! i points down. Sales. I ! } , " . " * ! bacs ; May.
$ ltlJ vcij.M ( ; June Jin 70iil9.75. } Spot Ulo nomi
nal ; falreargoes. Jj)00.
Hngur K.iw , Him ; rcllncd , steady ; powtlcted
0ie. !
Petroleum lulled closed. Muv , 81'So. '
Jlggs-I'limer ; western , 12'4llc. !
Itatd Weak : western steam , $ i.C7 ! { , Mny
closing at M , VVS > ti ( f > s.
lltitter rinn fiesh , dim ; statod'ilry lOTTI'-e ;
westein tlulij 7l'.V ; creamery , IMtlso ; Klgln ,
Chcesc-Hasy ; western , S'lOlOc.
MI.N.NKioi.i4. . April W. Wheat Hceolpts.SJJ
ears ; shtpmeiits. 4,1 ears : demand for cusli
Rlow ; closing : No. 1 hard , April. 8 < Vo ; Mav ,
S75c ! ; on track' , hT'K'i ' No. " noithern , Aiull.
fcll'io ; May , MJ o ; on Hack , SO'i'ShSO c ; No. a
northern , April and May , Blc ; on track , Mtffl
ST. Louis , April SO. Wheat Higher ;
cnsli. jlVie : May , wUje ,
Coin lilghei ; cash , 3.1'i33'4o ) ; July , 3ltt
3Hic * .
Oats Tlrin ; cash , ere ; May , a"Jo. .
Pork-Qulot lit $1.1 U.V
Lard-Dull ut f'i.Oft.
Whisky-Steady at $1.03. _
llutter Very iiulet ; ci camory. tVS17o ( ; dairy ,
Mii.w\UKit : : , April M. Wheat higher ; No.
3 spring , eash , 8Kis"ie ; July , 8lo.
Corn Quiet : No. 3. M4o.
Oats-sicsuU : No. y white , 27 ? . 'W lc.
Pi-ovlslons I'ltmer ; poik. $ I3.r > 0.
Cisci.N.v.m , Apill 2 ! ) . Wheat No. 2 red ,
Corn rirm : No. 2 mixed , 37o.
O.its-ltarely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 273'7c. !
KANSAS CITV , April 20. Wheat-Steady ;
No. ' . ' , hard ea"h , 7lc.
Coin Meadv ; No. 2 cash , 27Jo. !
Oats-No. 2 cash , " 4Jc. !
A ( it 11 2'V-Oattlfl-KecoIpts , 1,100 , :
market brisk on light Bitpplles ; bee\es. $4.80 ®
5K ( ) ; steers , $ .l3oat.tfl ; stockers and feedeis ,
$ SMI < HM\i \ COWH. hulls and nllxed , * 1.SOBI30 ; !
Texas glass steerJ.r > oa3.30 ; corn fed , $ .IO a
3 H ) .
HogsKecelpts , 1.1,000 : market lower ; mixed ,
$ I.OVirl r."j ; hea\v , $ l.lOl.37'j ; light , * I.HHj. : ; sMps. $ , 'i.mj : < jiK | ) .
Sluep Keeelpts. 1,000 ; market Hrm ; na-
tUcs , $ lttvfiiK ( ( ) : westoin coin-fed , & > .003 ; ; > .b.- > ;
Texan" , $4.K i\10 ; lambs , $ . " > ( HK2.0.70.
Pior.x C'ITV. Apill 26-Oultle-ltecelpts COO ;
shipments , , uo ; maiket steady.
ilo's I'ecclpts 2.800 ; maiket opened nnd
closed r 7' 2e hlghei , $ I.OO&I.IO.
KV.NSAS CITV. Apill ' 'ii. ' Cattle T5eeelp ( ,
D.OOO : i shlpnifiits. 1,1,00 : maiket htghei ; sieeis ,
$ .I.SOi.l.7.v. ( cows , ? l.7V2ar > 0 ; stockers and feed
ers. tj.ijvfriiA
Hoas Keeelnts , . .fiilO ; shipments , 1,600 ; mai
ket lilghei ; all giades , } I.O"'i .I.I'i. .
Hr. Lot is. April -Oaltlo-Keeolpts. . 800 :
shipments , ( HIO : market steady ; fair to fancy
mi the steels , $ . | .2V3,4.S3 : stockorji and feeders. ,
Hogs -Keeelpts. 2.20D ; shipments , 3.SOO ;
maiUet steady heavy , $ l.20t > il.30 ; packing ,
* I.10 I..V > ; light. tl.lO to ,
Almost a Crisis in the Aristo
cratic Part ol' the Hid ) .
Tliero is a bitterly hostile feeling in
Boston to Unit cluiibo in the MeKinluy
tarilT bill whit-h iirojiosos it intirked in
crease in the tnrill on bcnns , SHVH a Bos
ton npoeinl to Ihe St. Louis Globo-Deino-
erat. The lit duty is ton tier eent
ad valorem , and the proposed duty ib
10 cents a bu hel.
Public attention lias been ho ongros'setl '
in the diseiHiion of tlio hide feature of
the bill that thr > more direet and fcon-
eral ismtp of beaut him been overloolfed.
Half of all the beans raised in this coun
try and imported into it are consumed in
New England , and in Beaten , an Matis-
tie- show , tliuj form between eight and
nine per cent of Hie annual food biipplv.
Koless than 100,000 bunhols were im-
lorted in the last year , livery family in
Boston linn beans and brown bread "for
breakfast on Sunday , and as a plentiful
supply ih usimllly cooked they frequently
hint until Tuesday morning.
Once before has Boston risen with in
dignation against anti-bean legislation
Two years ago there was a sudden and
rigid enforcement of the Sunday closing
law. Barber shops , drug stores , cigar
stores and bake shops were nil closed.
Immediately there was a inmnimoiwly
violent protect from that vast army of
people \\ho sent their beans to the
baker's Saturday nights ana got them
again .Stmtlaj morning. The state legis-
liitnrc wab fippaled to , and after a long
discuiw.sion { i iwiclnl net was passed al
lowing baK'o snops to bo open from 7 to 0
on each Sabbath morning for the pur
pose of delivering beans.
Now it appears that the bean is to bo
heard from again. Already the leading
deulern in beans , and among them are
some of the merchant princes of Boston ,
The protest was presented by Congress
man Andrew , and it roads as follows :
' \\re , the iml-'raignjd , ; dealers in
beans and peas , protest against the
great increase in the tariff , amounting
from 20 to ! W per cent on these important
articles of food. The bill proposes a
change from 10 per cent ad valorem to a
speeille duty of ' 10 cent or CO eent per
bushel , which would prohibit their im
portation. "Wo favor the change from
ad valorem to specific. A rate of SiO
cents to 2o cents per bushel on beans ,
and 10 cents to 15 cents on peas would
amply protect our farmers and prevent
extreme prices to consumers in case of
failure- the "
any - crop.
Mr. Hlbbiird , of Fowlo , Hlbbard ft
C'o. , 176 Htute street , says : "Forty cents
is out of all reason. It Is prohibitive.
A prohibitive tax of such a dllloronco
would iiiuko beans a luxury. It would
stop tholr general use. "
Mr. Kmmorson of T , W. Emmorson A-
Co. , 76 South Market street : "Tho InJ
crease will help only a few , the consum
ers outnumbering the producers , ten to
one. "
Mr. Stone of f , II. Stone ft Co. . S
Chatham row : " 'Forty cents a bushel is
in outrageous tax. Twenty cents is
ibottt right. ' '
The Boston Glebe siiys : "Lot our
beans alone. "
The Evening Record , edited by the
speaker of the house of representatives.
L-tillb the proposed ineronso "shameful. "
The feeling is general that the pro-
) ( > scd legislation ought not to pass , anil
.hero Is a report that romonsliinco
igaiuat it will boldely circulated for
signatures. _
J-'orltine AVas IIU MlNi'orliino
Charles G , Williams , at ono tlmo u
[ imminent lawyer of Milwaukee , Win. ,
ias entered the Michigan city prison to
borvo a term Of ono year for Hteallng.
Williams attributes his downfall to an
mcontrollublo dc.ilre for drink , eavs a
r.aportc , Ind. , dispatch to the New \vork
Herald. At one timu ho was ono of the
most eloquent attorneys tmi"tlblng in
Wisconsin. He Is now nearly sixty year
old. When twenty -eight years old ho
wedded a wealthy joung lady and It was
lier fortuao that canned ills downfall
[ lo commenced to drlnlc , was do < orted by
his wife atid then sank Inlo oWurltj
Sovernl wuoks ago ho wns nrrosted for
petit larceny. Ho made a most pttcou *
plea for mercy. The judge suspended
sontiMico.ViUliiinsttude a vnltt aticmpl
lo reform , but Bhorlly ttftorwurd s'ol <
seine clothing and was senteiieeil as
above staled. Ho snya he will not llvo
otit his term.
It Is reported that in the lVntii" . i o
penitentiary women nro stripped l i llio
waist and Hogged on the bare biieK
I ) Ul'O-iAl.H for Indian Supplies and T >
I portatlnu epartment , of the tuto
Dllleeof Indian A tin Irs Washlncton. Apilil.
isim , Sealed piiipoo.ils. Indorsed ' l'mn | > - < iiU
for lleef , ( bids for lleef iniisf bo siibiullied
separate enselopes ) , Itaeon , I'louiInthliix ' "
'ri.inspoilatlon. ele. . " ( as the ease i , iv be
and directed to the fommlsslnnei of Itnli.ii
Alfllll-s , iYo , ( Uilllil ( > ' . " ll'iKHlir ntnitrn I'm )
\ \ \ \ \ be teeehed until I p. m. of 7'iKvf > iVn | ) /
jn. JS" > ' . for furnlshlni ; fur the Indian MMVI. . >
about UW.rtH ) pounds Itaeon , .11 ( HlMXH ) pomnU
lleef on the hoof. I.IKXKiK ) pounU ( net
Wl'iOHi ' ) pounds lleans , UIIKXI pounds llnuu $
I'ouder , Md.lMO pounds Corn , 4s.iH * > ] ii < uu < N
Cu Hoe. S.MKI.IHK ) pounds I'lour. rci.iMH ) p < iunds
I'eed. I.Vi.WO pounds Hard Hi-end. ( V > . ( XKl
Itomlny. H.I.U-X ) pounds linl. : VlKiliin n
1'iitU , 17.1XM pounds Datmeal. 4VM < iKi pmiiuU
tiits. r.'VlKKl pounds Itlee. li.UXI poiiiuls Ten ,
3IO.IViOiioundsSalt. 'JSiUKKl pounds boap.
Huirai. and 70.000 | ionnds Wheat.
Also. lllanUets , Woolen nnd Cotton OIVMN
( consisting In part of TlekliiR. 1'I.OiXi > imt
Mandard t'alleo. IWUHiO > ai-ds ; DilllluK Ilimil
yanls : llnck , frvrt from nllfllittf.SOiiO \nrd"
nenlms. truxm yards ; ( JliiKham. IUUKXI.inN
Kenlueky Jeans , ll.HK ( ) vurds ; t'hel"i i .n.i .
yards ; HrownHieetliuriH > , OOOyards : Idea' h-'il
5 < lieetlni'VXMyiirds ; Illekory Slilrtlmi tMoi
yards ; rnlleii Slilrtlui ; . T.txx ) > tirds \ \ In i \
± ( XH ) .Minis ) ; Cliilhlnif. tlroeerles.
llaidnnto. Medleal .supplies , Si-houl llooUs
\e. . and a louir list of inKci'llaiirnu-i nti.l. - .
sucli as Harness , l'o\ | > s , Itake" . I'orks.e u > < l
for iibinit SKI \ \ aeons leqiilied for the scri Ire
In bo dellveied at Chlc'iuo. ' Kansas ( il\ 'iml
SlotlxClty. Also forsiieh Wapons s m.iy bu
ivMUlied , adiipled to thcclliiiatcof the I'HIlln
Coast , with I'allfoinlahrakcs.dclhcicd it sun
rrniioNeti ,
Also itansporlallon for such of the article *
eoods u nd HU Dulles that mivnot boenntr.ietetl
for lo be delheied at the Agencies.
lllllSMfhTllKM\IiOI'TONOVI-HNMI.STllHVK : ( ! : <
Schedules shnnlinr the Umds and iinantltie-i
of suhslsU'iicosiipillos | required foi eai'h ACCII-
ey and S. hool. and the kinds and iiuiintlties in
Kiossof all other uuoils and aitleles. totfelln r
\\lth blank proposals , euudltlons to In * ob
.seived by bidders , time and place of d' ilv < r\
termsof eontiaet and pa ) men ) , tiaiisport i
tlon loules , and all other neoessarj luslru -
lions ulll lie foiulsheil tiponapplleatloii In ilm
Indian Ollleo \\ashlniti > n. or iVc" . < > iiiol ' ?
ll'om/rr * / ) ! ' ' ( , A'I ir I'd ) A ; the I'oiiimlssai ics nf
Subsistence , I * .s. A. , at Cheyenne. ( hU.i i
I. \rn\Mii Hi , Omaha. Saint l.onls. Habit I'tiul
and San I'r.inelsrii ; the I'ostmasteis at Sioux
Cly , luu \ ; Yankton , S. Dakota ;
Cllj , Caldwell , TopeUa and \\k-lill.i. KIIIIS.M ,
and Tucson. Atloui. :
The rlghl Is icserM'd by the noxenunent ( o
i eject any and all bids , or any pint of an ) bid.
and these proposals are Invited uiidei proxlso
thal'appriipilatlon i > hall bo iftade fet the sup
plies by Congress.
Illdslll be opened at the hour and diy
aboxu staled , and hlddcis aio Iu\lt"l ( to hit
pieseutat the opouliiK-
CI.llTIFint ) CIIKCK" .
All bids must be accompanied bv eertlllnd
cheeks or drafts niKin.some United Mates Do-
liosltory or the 1 list National Itank of
rianclseo. I'nl. . for at least /Itr pel cent of Hid
amount of the proposal.
T. J. MOHOAX , CoiiimiMiiilfi
aprlOd 'il-m
Tin-so trnlin ulin top nt l.ltli , Kill. 'Jltli and Jill
ntnt-ln. HiiiiiinU nnd MirlilKn ( JruanliiK 'Wurkhu
inon'H tralnn do not run Hnrulay.
llrimilTrail , * -
ler Umnlin Mri- Hnntli Alhrl't
ClllnlTi " ! l.i ) . | il , Iliin. OinnliA IKiput
5TI *
a l a 3 S
A M | A M ' AM A M ' A H AIII A (
J6..M 645 IJ SOl
.1 IIM .
iiii ; SH is.w t , is . .i7 li-VI . C.V ,
li.41) ) l ! . 'i li47li-7 , , 700 IU5 7JVl ! J6 7.2li IIIJI ) 7r > !
7.117 4ii 7 M 7 : rj Hin 7.a.s ) Ui7 is 82S' ' 7in H Tin
H , V > 8.W H. ' . ' ! .1MB H..V | . . .is 117 . IM I ? mi
(127 ( H V , III VI
l I'M I'JI I'M I'M I I'll I'll ! I'M I'M | I'M I'M'l'M I
. ' I . . . . UIIS1 1 Ul . X' i I
. . 'IS. ' , . . . 127 ,40s , ll.siuiu ; 4-ii t.VMjainvi
l.'i.S.IS 15. 1 5il DW .M. ' , 5.1-OU7 & 2J I ; . . . ' , , tl I ! , l
' .1 .1 . . mill. . ! . .i sai I
' . u ii is . ' , .M ( i- ; ; iiin n.l.'i ii it iii7 dA.VI ( > ui i' i
ins . 'r. ' w I 7jr , 7 ifti 17117 ! nv > | i > r.i
Trnnufc-r ! J'nlun Depot. C.iiinrll lllntt < 'Imniloi
"BID P'III. 7. . r.Mlil [ "i : prc- < " . ' . 'Vtniu '
I''iO n in1. . . . Allnntlc K.vprmn. . 5'Apni
. ' l.l'niHcil . . "J1
'iKIpin \iwlllinln 10 i in
I.L-UVI-H 'OII'AIA ' | ( NOHTlT\VKhTiit.N : , VirUci
'lliuiifor , I nlon IK-pot. Coiindl IIIIII ( rlriiinfir !
H ID n in . ClilrtiKii K | iru HOD p in
fiUI p in Ventllinlo l.liiillud . M > II ) u in
IDII ( P .11 . Kaitcrn Kljri'r . 2Ulptii
HID p nil Allnnllo .Mull I 7 in
' . 'OlIICAIiO. ' .Mil. . \ V I'Al'U ArrlvS
Trnnifrr 1'nloii Drpot , ( NinnUMIIiilli Trnn r < ) :
V 30 a in' ' .Clilcnpo Malt ( uxcvpt bilmlii ) ) 5' ) | i lU
r.'n . , ( . 'lilingo " ! o is A m
obi ) j ) ni |
1.CJIVUJI I K r. oT Jin : JTP ll. "
t'rilon DniHit , Oiunill MliiIT * ITrnnkfu
[ DOT u i Knn > n > Clt ) ' Day Kiprem l Iin p in
lU'iS p III Kniunn City .Mt-'lil K | irti , 1 ii 10 n in
1 runnier t'nlon ' I , Council JllulTi. I I'miilf'tr '
" " "
Tit p u "lad I' 14 | i in
QPlNCVj Anfit'f
flilon Di pot , Council IlluITi 'I'lMUflT
I' ' n n in' ' I IlklltfO i usoi
ID 111 p m . .
SOU p m ( . 'lilcniiu Kmt .Mull . 0,10 p ai
7 .01 | i in ( i ( . lnn I urn ) 'll ' ju
* KloPXHTV A 1'AP1MIT ' AriTfcn
J'jilon ' DBfiiii CuuiicU Illnrli Trnnt ( r
f It n fa Hlyui Cllr AiconinioiUtlun dU a ra
03) ) p ut bt. t'aul ' K | .ri )