Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    , \ TT A
No n'UrrlKriiKMitH will IK ; ttikeu Air
the e t'nliiiiiiiH after JUillO p. in.
TermsOnnli In nilvnnoe.
AJvertlsemriita ( under this lirncl 10 cents | n-r
1 ud for Hitllru Insertion , 7 rents for each sub-
hcnunil Ins-ettlon , andl.r > cpprlneiperinonlh ) ) ,
No advert laments taken for IP'S than 23 epiits
fpr first in'prllon. They must run ronsooii ;
tlveb tniil must ho paid In ADVAM'L. All
ndvcrtiM-mPiits must hi ! handed In hi furo I2n : :
o'clock ii , in. , nri < l under noclriMimstancrs w III
they IIP taken or discontinued by telephone.
PnrtlPs advertising In thpsn columns nml
Jitevlng thPlrntiMTersnddrpsiPd In euro of Tim
1II.I will plenpensk for a cheek loenablpthpm
to get their letters , IIH none will ho delivered
recent on presentation i > f cheek. All answers
to advertisements should bo unclosed In cnve-
lop' " '
AU mlvprtl'pmpntu In UIPRP columns tire
nubllshpd In both tnornlim nniLeve-iiliig edi
tions of TIIK IIFF , the Plrcnlatliffi of which ng-
BroRnlt's more tluin 0.000 papers dully , mm
glvps the nelverllMirs Mm hcncllt , not only of
ihocltv plrcnlatlouof TIIK IIKI : , but also of
Council HluITu , Lincoln mid otliur cities mid
towns throughout this section of the country.
Advertlslnz for tliPio columns win bo taken
nn thr nbov n condition * . nl tlm following bus-
ness I OU8PS who uro nnlhorlfpd to take special
notices. at the ganio rates as can bu had ut the
main "nice _ _
" oT T Ti .nVX i Ci i THA N c 1 1 OITIOK corner
of Tweiity-slMli and N streets , Nebraska
Havings bank building. _ _
" "oflN \ \ HKLL7 Pharimielsl , ( KM South Tenth
_ _ _
FlAM.V KDDV , Stationers and Pi Inters ,
lii : , Smth Kith stieet.
I AUNSWOUTI1. Pharmacist , S1I5 ,
C'IIDHIIK street ,
,1 Ill'tlllKS , riiurnuicist , CM North
Ibt n street.
1KO W PA Kit. Pharmacist , 118 Lcnven-
worth Street _
iACY , 24lh. mid rarnum
ATIONanlcd lly young man. offlpo
SITI or clerkship r'referied ' , ode year'M ex-
Ijcrlence In boot and shoo More , good icfei-
noes Address liOl N. 17th st. Olii-27 *
VVrANTKIPosition as cleik or liookkcpper
TT In yiiing man fiom east. Kalaivnoob-
jeet I'ltj refcrcm-ts. Addiess D 7 , Itee.
\\rANTiD : Situation by n lellahle , steady
' yfiingman , coloied , as pottPror janilen ;
peed cltj lefercnccs , Address C 33 , Itee olllce.
123-27 *
WAM'KD A ladvnlth oxporlcnce desires
a situation as hook-keener and steno-
gr.'iiilii i I'lrst class city references. Address
Utt/llieolllco. / 821-27 *
TrAM'KDSalesmen on salary or commls-
TT slon to hnnillo the Now Patent Chemical
Ink Kiaslng Pencil. The greatestselllng nov-
nltyevei produced. Kraseslnk thoroughly In
tvvifbeconds : no abrasion of paper ; 2lHto500 )
pprcent prollt. Onoagent'Msalesamountcd to
* fiO In six days ; anotlipr : w In two hoiiis. Wo
want one energetic general agent for each
stall and tonltorv Sample by mall 1)5 ) eents.
J'or terms and full particulars , address thu
clcmioi. KrascrMfg I o. , LaCiosse , UIs.
I'KD Good icllablo boy. At the
Ilo-ton Store. 122-27
M'KD A voting man to cleik. collect
and make himself generally useful ; must
C some exnei leneei In thelovvelJv business.
UUc of C. L. Kl lekson & Co , , 200 N , Kith st ,
1)78-27 )
" \\rA\TKD City salesman to sell dry goods
> i tradu a Him of line knit mittens and
cloves on commission. Addiess Manufactiuer ,
' , Lncioss. Uls. JUS-27
A GOOD tailor for coat , vest and pants. VPIV
good pay fora good and steady man with
R 11 Peterson , Pi lend. Nub. t 12- ) *
1SV AI'KD Canva'sois for country on com-
nlsonors.ilaiy | of SC3. bKJ N. Y. Life.
Call Tuesday. 101-27 *
\\rANTF.D Olllcp man , must bo thorough
T biiokkeeper. Address , C. II. Monroe , New
Oastle , Wyo , 1M 27
SOMETHING entlicly nov7. A paying on-
terprlso wheinby ladles or gent'emen can
flofray expensinif a tilnor visit an they go ; no
sflllclilng at prlvato nouses. Address nlth
stamp M. P. , P.O. box Ml , Omaha. 112-27
"IXrANTED Voting man , sine : 11 capital , to
TT loin mo In maniir.ietuilng a specialty In
Omaha : nothing like It on the market. U. II.
Italph Waterloo , la. JII-27 *
rANTKD Ono good tilmmer and one good
sign palnler and 15 hiilesladles at lonc-
ti'W-27 '
I'KD An pnetgetlo young man to
manage au olllce. .Must fuinlsh icfer-
cnccs niiil $ .130 inoiiMtaiy security. suilty i-c ,
1101 month Addu s-jvltli. stamp H. M llovey ,
l ea JI I UPS , la. ! KJ27 *
TKI ) A good and Miber baker at
T Srhuylor : steady place to right man. Call
at 10 o clock Sunday moi ntng at 1121 llowtud.
007-27 *
\VTANTKD Tiuvelllng salesman speelal-
T ths to the trade. Oood for $ .V)00 ) a week
permanently. C'hlca-'o Weekly Index , .ci'i
Uuurbon st. , Chicago , III. 102-27 *
\7trAN ri'll 23 men for gindlnt ; at Cliaco st. ,
TT and Mo. Pae , It , K. tracks , Mondiiv mornIng -
Ing 1 mest Htuht. IVir *
T\TANTKD-Salesman. The best thattl,2f > 0
T a vpar will niiiiMiie. Send stamp for pai-
tlCUl.iis toGIS Odd PelloWb' hall , St. Louis. Mo.
, _ _ 111-27 *
rjlO At.KNTH anil Countiy Merchants \Vo
manufacture tin ) best changeable window
fI n In existence. \ \ iltu fordescrintlve ciicu-
' ' ' ' ' l'
I'PD An A 1 solicitor at pt Int Ing. Ad-
illess ItWI Cass st. l.U-27 *
> - -
iSrAVi'KI > Tailors'i good coatmakcrs 1m-
t mediately ; Iclcginpn or write to .1. D.
St.iek , llealrle-e' . Neb. M.J-2U *
T\rANTKD-An e\perlencedbundle wrapper
TT lit Huston Sloie- . 122-37
\\TANTED Llv o men ns salesmen and ce > l-
I leeitors lu Western Nebraska , i\peil : *
enee not iiceeHs.iiy. The Singer Sew Ing Ma-
cjilno Co. , Grand 4sland. Neb , liM-mlfl *
\VA.1'l'I'l ) A "lht ? 'll ' < > s watchmaker , * I8 to
* ; t per week. C. L. Ki lekson & Co. , 201 ! N
\ rA.YlI.DAichlte'ptnrnl draiiBhlsmaii ,
V KfHd"eletall"mau. Imiulre Council UlulTs
olllpe betwepiillnnd Uio'clocU , Muxon.V lloiu-
SCOls. ArclitR. . ruonii , UIO anil fill N. Y. Life ,
maha. and iivonm 230 , 40,51 and 53 , Meirlnm
block , e. unncll liluifs , in. Ml
\\rANTKD Nine tailors und six tatiorcw.e'hj
* ' . goixl nimew anil Meaely work , Ctnelnnat
JCaUori , . MO N. Ililh * l. Wi-27 *
"MrANTKD - CauvussorH ut Singer oewlns
T t luaohlno ofllce' . 131b Doualas st. 2M-nU ) )
4rANTKDAgents .MiipurcigiTi- n r.
T evuryMiioUor buys ; lights In wind eir
rnln ; InstM u lifetime : H.I in pics l.v , two for 2.V
dozen (1 br mall , stamps taken , stnvner A ,
Up. . Prov felence. It. L 7'711-nlll
'ANTKD "M Inboierh for Pp.ullle co.isl e\-
tenslemof It p U.K.In Ntvada and Plah.
flood wages ami steady'work. ATb'iig'hi's La-
bor Agency 1120 Parniim st MSI : _
WANTED Salesmen at H3 per uiuiilli sal
ary and enpi'iisps 10 > pll u linn of sllvei-
plated wan * , vvalfhes , e-te , by namiile onlv ; uud team fmnishrd free ; vvilie at once
for full p.irtlenlais and sample CUMof gouds
( ret ) , btandarel Mlverwure Co. , Huston. Mass
W ANTKD ! lr > , i-class vval > tmakei ; nv
Lapjlol aveiiui ) , 128 *
"I\7ANTED--Iinniedlali ly , a tDinpmnt M-C-
TT end girl , wage's * ! . ' ' ) tier weeK. ie > feienes
Hired. Apply ut M T. Pa rick , 'lib und
MS-2U ! *
IPiinlK and Msst makeis Im-
uiedlately. Uoldbcrtf lire's. , 41U S. lath.
Kl ) "FTrTt cln s vvulst inid Rklrt
jiunui on line ) diewsmaktuir. Comn ptc-
j' rcU for work , Jl. P. Jlaijlnii . . t ,
\W" AN TI : I r"P vi-ral llrst class wnUl unit
T V shirt inukcot none other nteel ajipl )
JlOOCnpltolave' . lSt-2 , *
AMii : remiiielfnt
lumwworl. at
- for general housework. 1W
Douglas street. OIS
ANTED" , oirl for general homework ,
w wngesJI.CO per week ! 1310 Howards ! .
" \\rANTKD-Cllrl as apprentice for drcss-
> > making. Mrs. L. K , Snuiiders , in N. | 3th
Mrect. 101-27 * _
_ _
" \\FANTKD A first class dressmaker ! must
> > undcrttmid lltllng nnd drilling ; only llrst
nlno * nee-il apply. Addrp s Itoom 1H , imtta
block. H. lltb MI. . Lincoln , Neb. H3-2H
KD ( lood girl for general house-
w wofk. Apply ut-'Ull Kmmct , third linnsu
west of 20th Miectj lOT-iTT
" \\rANTii : > - flood housoworlf ,
small family , liitiillro IS * So. 29th t.
Uiii 8
" \\rANTii" ; ) ) to tnko position
> In the. eltv.innstbu thoroughlycomiietcnt.
Address ( 'TO. llee. l -1.7
\\rANTr.D-AKlrl about thliteen or fourteen -
> > teen yeais old to assist In tiiUlir. euro of
children. MM. S lt/lur.a > Jl at. Mnry'oavo ,
- . for first nnd second
WANTHIl-.Twogirls leqillred. Call ut iJOIS
I.nfHyettiii\cnuofoimerly ( I''inl st.t Mrs , J.
H.Dumoiit. W8
' Indo drpss making In fiun-
Illes. Miss StiUdv. f.'A'ir''J..tli live. 0 7-in5 *
DKESSK-3 mndo on short notice. Prices mod
erate. 2Hn ! Capitol ave. 132-27 *
. . . . . . . . . _ or In families ,
'ailssJ. Kay , llMXlfitliat. C31-iii2'
olstern ; 811 Houth i-'lst st ; KM.
rpO KKNT I0-room house , modeirn Improve-
1 incnls , No. 20ii : Lcavenworth st. K. K ,
Stcme.moN. Y. Life Illdg. 077-27 *
1 0-room house , all conveniences , on car line ,
J few blocks fiom P. O. , 115 , very cheap. H.
E. Cede. 121120
rr-KOOMllat ; city water ; near 10th st. depot ;
I 823. ILK. Cole : 120-20
TjlOUKKNT O-ioom cottage , S27 South 22d. J
FOK KKNT A 0-ioom house- , with all mod-
eili convenience' . * . L'so of horse , caiilago
nnd con If desired. Low lent to small
family with good lefeicnces Apply'.010 llln-
ni-y st. . Koiint/i' places. D'tS 27 *
I71OK KKNT HonsuS tooins. gas nnd bath.all
-1 modem conveniences. Inquiio J01S21th ave
FOK KKNT MIIV 1st. ono of my eight-room
houses , No. 2721 Jackson St. , reaches ! by
thren lines of sticct cats every convenience ;
$ .13 If leased for 1 year. Dan II. .In
surance , Douglas nnd 13th sts. kW
"IT1OK KENT House ; ten rooms , nil modern
J ? Improvements ; large yarel , JlOper month.
De\ter L. Thomas. 710
FOK KKNT Now 8-room house , modern Im
piovements , large lawn , shade tiees. etc. ,
2112 Miami. N. K. Adams. OOP 27 *
ITIOK KENT Houses and steires ; property
J cared for , taxes paid , Midland Guarantee
& Trust Co. , 1(114 ( Painam st. Abstracts. 639
. .N room house' , all coiivcneneesrnnge.i3S ! : !
-Sherman ave. , IMO. Hutehlnson & Wcad ,
1KJ4 Douglas : Jel. 1320. 2)0
I7\Oli \ KKNT Klegnnt 0-room house1 , all mod-
_ oin conveniences , 2014 St Maij s ave 724 27 *
IJIOK KKNTTwotoreiom modern houses , all
J conveniences. Paved sticets , cable cats.
Plve minutes'wall , of postotllee. Kcfetences
ic < iulrcel. Nathan Shelton , lUlt Parnam st.
1UN T 1 imilslicil collage , live looms ;
near llnnscom pailc ; will rent until Sept.
1st. Adelics * ! > . ! > , lieu olliee. 121-21) )
" | j'H > K KENT Central Douse , on llioadnay
JL1 Council llluirs , la. Address D 8 , llee olllce ,
Omalia. 1,1727 *
-J 2 KOOM Hat within three blocksof P. O. , rent
J $ fifl. prlceof fuinltnie $ < :30 : ; pait cash , bal
ance ! te > suit. All modeineonvenlences. Also
a 10-ioom house In Hist class location with nice
yare , ient$7.r ) , furnitureteOO. Terms leasona-
nic. Co-opuratlvu Land and Lot Co . 203 N.
10th St. 1.10-23
TI1O KKNT A six and a ten room house , all
J- modem cemvenlcnecs. In onch , new ; locateil
on IHtli st. , between California anil Cass , rent
reasonable. Inuulio MO , PIrst Nut'l bank
171OU lKNT C-room cottage. 2312 Cass st.
J3 701-23 *
FlVn room cottage , city water , etc. , at 1714
N , Ibth St. Iiiiiillro S.W S. I8lh hi. 7Sa
OK KENT Residence * In all parts of city.
List too laigo too publish. Globe Loan &
Trust company , : ! 07 S. 10th ht. 702
OOI2 Cajiltol ave , .seven room cottaco with
bath. lnriuiroat,2 : > t8Cap , av. IC.V.N
ITIOK KHNT-Dwelllngon C | iltol avenue , 0
J looms , and all modern conveniences. In
cluding Imindrv nnd largo stable. 1) ) . , f.
O'Donahoe , 1U)1 Varnnm st. 5S1
"I71OK KKXT-A Hat of sK looms. Knqulreof
J-A Mis. C. Duggaii , 111) ) . ' S Wth Kooni 5.
MOUKKN IKIUSC , nine rooms , bath , hot and
cold water , fiiinnec and gas , on Dodge si. ,
WO per month. I'rcd.l. lloi thwlolv,2ii ; Soul li llth
I71OU Ul'NT Il-ioom cottage : fuiiiitnre fur
-I ? sale. Kent $15 per month. 1021 Duuglas.
r'i7-ml7 '
FOR Itr.NT Nine loom housedetached with
bain and model nlmpiovements,2 Us Doug ,
las si , IteS-Ii *
"I71OH IcKNT In convenient locations , suites
Jof 2 , II and 4 rooms , in ranged for housekeep
ing , also huge nnd small houses. 1'ilces rea
sonable , llutt.s Keating agency , IJOli rarnam.
IHW-ml *
TTUMt Ki : NT-10-room house , No. 172:1 : Dodgel
J' all modem Impiovements. IniiuIieS.imuel
limns. IIIH : riiinam. 1)IO-'J7 )
ITIlNi : ten loom liousi' , all modern Improvements -
- * ments , fuinlslied ; llvo blocks fiom iiostof-
llco ; lefeiences lemilred , IntnilrolTlU laven-
poil st. : ! " ) -mli *
TjlOU KHNT-Dodgo street , opposite high
I-1 school , two elegant nine loom brick limiTs
just completed , handsomest In the city , choic
est locality In Omuha.
20th avenue near Parnam , two eight room
detached houses Just completed , every con
venience , desliahly located , low rent.
Paik avcnuo near Lcavcnvvorlh , two new
eight loom detached houses , oviuy conven-
lencc. cholcu location. Itobert L. Oarllchs ,
1U14 Parnam street. 1WW7
Full Itl'NT Aloom house In llist-elassor
der : oily and clstuin water ; K12.S. bth st ,
West hide. 1)10 ) 27 *
impll UKNT-Nlocly furnished looms with
J-1 board , 22071''mnam st. Kefeiences.
740-27 *
IflOK KKNT 3 nine-room brick houses. All
modern conveniences. S.\EI to2.'i.'l7 St. Mnrv'ri
avo. liuiulruat Collateral bank , 312 S liith'st.
O KOOM house , hot and cold nater , b ith , gas ,
' 10 minutes walk of post olliee ; lent re.ison-
ablo. Iiiiulm2711 | Douglas st. 01' )
"IjlOK ItHNT Chean , If taken quick , a choice.
Jdet ached U-ixHim house ; all modem conven
iences ; shade ticcs , ote. Inqulio SWu Cap. av e.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IMI 2
THOK KK.NT-n-ioomed cottage In good lociT
Jtlon , east fiont and In good icpalr. .liimes room 4. 1'ien/erblix-k. _ UU
KKNT-Alxnit Juno 1 , tliosu elegant
stoneiesldenees on tleorgla avenue , b LVIU
St. , bet ween Mason and I'aefile sis. See owner
P-ir\tilllblk"0 10"SL ' " ' " ' IU > l"lelh011' rooinjw ,
1710 II ItKNT ID-room bilck hou e , nlth nuid-
' ' ' ' " 'iX"-tillS ' 'Mb bt" 'yly
GAKUKN fin ni to rent. T. Murray.
_ _
' 1"1 ' ' " rt'ul a > liouso or stole b
_ _ e. Continent il block. KW
O-KUOM lint , with steam heatTlCth St. , nuur
w Jones , Tims. P. Hall , ail Puxton block.
_ _
ui ; xT-uooai s
_ _
lfamll.v . w lib pleasant home desite
. ' ! ? VM ! t'll"l" ( uO' ' i lefCICIICCS P\ .
l'10 Huinei st. H228 *
gs.mih nd ? ' "Oi'ur" ' " " ' " '
> JU KLY fumUhcd rooms,2017 Leaveuworth.
tJ Wt-i *
ill's ' w T ' ! ! " " " 'Ol-'ly ' 'unilshed freint
O HOUMs housukeeplnir , 2020St. Mar } ' ave ,
B31-M *
171OK KENT-All now nnd tastily furnished
J3 rooms at 317' ' N , 13th st , K
IIIOK KENT nnnfiiniNicd rooms with elty
JL1 wnter. MM N. loth st. Bio-no *
OOMS and fine table nt the Mnrrlnm , ffiltf
nnd Dodge , Kooms Ktnglo and ensult
.Spculal rates to families , W. O. 1'lelil. 1:11-27 : *
THOK KKNT-Wllh board , plpi9ant ( froiit
.1. rexim , suitable for two gcntlunipiu > 'JUS
Donglns , 830-23 *
T71UKNIH1IK1) ) rooms. 1013 l.'armiin.o
J.1 > lai
IJ1OK KKNT 2 nlpply fuinlslied largo rooms
JJ private family , SCillliirncy. SlsU ) *
ied looms , 22iTN 10th st
WS7-23 *
7T10K KENT A nice front room , suitable for
J. one or two gentlemen , with all modern eem-
vptilenees. Ceir , St. Mary and 20th orO'JOSoutl
SOth , bilck residence. 117-IW
THOK KKNT Pinnlshcd room IS1I Davenport.
J OC3-2J1 *
7710K KKNT-Nlcely furnished sulleof rooms ;
JJ all modern conveniences ; prlvato family ,
near I'ark av e. motor. G'"J S. 20th st. 107 SA'
71OK KKNT--2 furnished moms for light
housekeeping , 07 Hovvardonei ; iinfuriiUlieel
ITIOKKKNT- Comfortably furnished room In
Jv pilvnle family , 2.101 Painnni st. 0 9-o : :
FOK KKNT- Nicely furnished front room
with llr t class bonid , suitable for two gen
tlemen or man and wife , modern conveniences
private family , I'lPgnnt law n , light In center of
city. Address O72 llcoolllce. U211 *
1J10K KKNTWith board a furnished room
J suitable for two , ull conveniences. 2010 U
Ifornja HI. 781-28 *
; .I ANI OMKLY furnlshpd rooms for rent at
theShelton , 101 S. 23th st. B32 IW *
ANV kind of f iiinlshed or in furnished rooms.
: il7'/i 9. 10th st.'o havyai UMIIIIM. 670mlU *
FOK KENT Double pallor on llrst lloor.
JEM H. 2Cth st. 874 . '
_ _ _ _
unfurnlshd rooms with
L1 good board at ( til South 20th st. 711 27 *
P OK KKNT Tno iooms,1410 N 10th
* 7t"27
POK KKNT rnrnlshed looms ; gas , hath
_ ami M i-ii m ; 1.I I How aid. aS7
FOK KP.NT I'lunlshed looms , 1GOU Douglas.
I71OK KKM' Pleasant furnished looms with
J _ nlleon _ v'IS ' 'lilli si. _ KC1
"ITIOK KENT A nicely furnished back parlor ,
JL1 suitable for two , with boatd ; J.'i per week
each ; SOU youth 24th st. 131-28 *
SMALL fiont ioom ; suTtablo for ono gentle
man ; JO.OO per month ; ( ,28 a. 17th st. 148-27 *
DoiFgp sticet i-econd story fiont corner
loom , handsomely fuinlslied , nt vciy mod-
crate rates to pcimaiipnt paitlcs , 117-20 *
T7IUKMMIEO roonm with board at 407 N. lOtii
J st. , In Pant block. _ TIM -27 *
S . OLAIIt Kuropean hotel , cor. lath and
Dodge , ijpcelal rates by week or month.
( V'U
4UNI-'UKNIS1IK1 > rooms , 2312 Capitol a\o.
150-20 *
1J1OK KP.NT-Store BIS S. 10th St. ,
FOIt KKNT-2 iinfiirnlshetl looms , good lo
cation , one block fiom motor. 24.W S. 1'ilh ,
1 in.T *
FOU KENT Sloio on N 10th St. , 2l\00 ) ft. , and I
Hat of 7 looms up .stairs : city water ; rent
$5 icr month. Knnulio atl2 , N 17th st.
1135 27 *
1J1OK KKXT-3 unfunllshcd jooias. 208 N.
J ? l.lth st. Pi lee $ l . 020
FOK KKXT I iinfiiinKhed rooms to family ,
without chlldieii ; modern improvements.
1701 Webster st. PilccJl.V ( KO
1-sioiv Inlck storage building v\lth tiackage.
"jt Paved stieet In fiont. No grade. Cheap
to good paity. II. K. Cole. 120 20
ESK room , nttomey jirefened. Iliitchlnson
& Wead. l.VJt Douglas ; tel. 132U. 240
THOK KKNT-SId and Leavenwoith sts. ,
JL1 comerstoio ; good location for bakery 6r
gioccry ; also live loom Hat In same building.
Apply to James Moutgomeiy , 80J S. 2tth st.
U UOfl-l *
_ _ _
POK KKNT Good basement/ fifteenth
street , gas , water and steam heat. Apply
: i2S Pltlcenthst. 001
TOKKS at 707 , 70H. 711 S. Ifilh. 22x60 each ,
large show windows , steam heat furnished.
Ths.K. _ Hulk JIM PiixkuM lock. _ B17
TTIOIt KKNT Kooms suitable for light maim-
-L facturlng. Including power nnd heat. Kcos.
Printing Co. , llth and Howard sts. . 7K !
or without power , formeily occupied by
the Itee Publishing Co. , OKI Parnam st. Thu
building has a flic pioof cement basement ,
complete. steam heating fl'.tiuo , watci on all
thclloois gas , ote , Appli at thu olliee of The
lice. _ 013
IjlOIt KKNf.lhtoiy bilck building , 1110
- Douglas St. , suitable for vvholesaloorwaie-
house pin poses. Also hi Iclc stoic 107 S. Mill St.
Ininilie of Chas. Kaufman , KW. Douglas st.
Ijldl ! ItPN'l TjooTPbTTmV TooTn for I " "
J- , Jean lages. and sleeping looms , on 20th st ,
iie..i ! St. Mniy's ave. Apply 1)12 ) . 13 st. 001
1 _ | ATs- and Ijonnets bleached and jiiessed at
LMis. J. 11 Shields. IIIOO , Ohio. MW-20-
BAKN for rent In icar of Kiost i. Ilarils' car-
ilaire factorv. IKi
1 > ASTl KK for lent for hoises. taiuegiass ,
near llcllev uc , Inqulio of H. T. Clark. KB
tWA7\Tsmill ! stable near 23th and Dodge ,
W. O. Pleld , ' . ' 3th and Dodge. l'i2-27 *
IllAVKone-foiiith aeio of nice land within
thieemlle of Omaha P. ( > . , fenced and
graded : will sell It foi eighty-live ( S3) ) dollai-s
cash. It Is fiee fiom moil gage and a splendid
'hance for any one desiring to tulsi ) nogs or
chickens. Call hefoie t p. m. Chailes P.
MO llouiml St. OiH-27 *
1 > .wri'K13 1'or Kent Ki acres line clover
timothy pastmo for lent ; same U well
watered and has ample shade ; eight miles
west eif this city. Aeldiess Kltchlo & . Aionson ,
Omaha , Neb. 1011-27 *
\\r"ANTKD Ity gentleman nnd wife , two
T I moms nnd bonid In pilvate family , vvheiu
theie are no other boaielers > ; lefcirncesglveii ;
nelglibeiihood of Doelge and 23th sts. Address
D. 0. , llee. 12U-27 *
" \\rANTKD-Horses to pasture nt JS.W n
T > month on fnim near Irvlngton ; horses
railed for und delivered , W , K. Human , Itoom
" -j-i'l01 -1- } ! ! ! * : 470
" \\TANTED Some ono to share a suit of ofT -
> T Hees with mo In J.J , Drown building ;
has vault , water and elevator. Addre-ssltox
2.M ) , postolHcc. 074-27 *
T\rA NT"KD-Dlrt. K. K. oNiiugle Co l3th
> > nnd Nli'liolas. 776 2S
T\TANTKD A gill baliy for adoption , Ad
> V dress A 'M. Ileo olllce. 140
WANTH I ) TO J 1 1 3NT.
r VN'nJffKVKH fiFTa
between Cass and Hint , 20th aim 27lh.
Addicss D D , llee. _ 141-2B *
" \ \ TANTKDTo lent 8-room house , must bo
> > close to business portion of the elty , Ail-
slouk bo\iU7. : South Omaha. ft'll
U 13NT.V l < OIJXU Y .
r P. vou have houses or stoies tu lent call on
Pi iij n. 2IIU Cumlng st. _ i < il ! M
\\ri' HAVK a first class party who wishes to
ti rent n fuinlhhed house of from seven to
line looms with modem conveniences , Musi
K < good lesldence pint Ion of thu elty , llurt-
jmijuV Kobblns. N. Y.LIfobldg. _ 2SI
agency , 517 Puxton blk.
LIST youi iiioperty with LnimonP. Piuyiii
he can help you out ; 2110 Cumlng HI.
HK. COLK , rental ngcnt , Continental blk.
G ' > 0
. . -
\ \TANTKD Gentleman eorre siioiidents by
i > voutig lady. Addiess MUs Agues St. John ,
I'allfleld. la.
'IAMKS IIAKKY WOOIW , who lived at 173
( J Commercial road , Liverpool , P.ngland , and
vas In huslncbs ut , a boarding housu keeper In
( ninth , bt. Paul. Is minted to vvilteorcomo
mine Immediately to his mother , to the nbovu
address. Any information will bo thankfully
. ° ' '
_ _ _ ! _
. . NK\V8 PlrRt iiumbcrMny
15th. Standard , clean , newsy. Pcisonnl
columns open to unmarried Indlei * and geiitlo-
nen of good character. Address 11. C Morton ,
Jliamberot C'omineice' , Chicago. 115-27 *
AKASOI.H und umbrellas covered und re-
I paired. 1J. Ualor , 1313 Douxlusj basenn-ut ,
\7-RE LKE'S Inunilry has rcmorcil to 013 N.
± _ _ iGth. 173-m6
MADAM Del'ler fiom Chicago , the young
and rellnpd massage -nnd innttnptUt ; line
opprntlug rooms , no waHlng ; parlors em-MllO
flMFwiiTbuy a dpcoriited dinner set liFTo !
I' lilcoes In line KnglUli sonil iMircelaln : also
seta made up to suit rusUTmers Insnmn wnro ;
see them , nt Moody'si f hfiia Stoic , U02 N. Ifltli.
, S > l ) 073-S7
CJKK the iievT , beautifSl jiecorated Ilfivlland
J ehlna dinner wiicf ; Slso new and quaint
eleslgiis in white china , for elpcoratlmg , at
aioody's Uhlna Store , ig N icthst. OTJ-CT
T71KKK A flrp-proof RaJ < \ , with comblnnllon
- - locki bend olnmp hint nddress for partic
ulars. Union Supply c . ( 28 Klver HI. . Clilcpgo ,
. . . . /J BSrtnrJl * _
TT OK Ladles Only-I wlU send any lady a vnl-
-L' liable scctet that cost mo $3 nnd a rubber
slilcld for.'ioc. Mrs. J. A. Kinsman fc Co. , lie W.
Jackson si. . Cililcjign , 111 , _ KOm''l *
HK. COLK , icllablo lire Insurance.fCT
_ | _
AK.KILKY. notary public , Itoom 11 , Con-
tlncnlal block. 1I
K.MOVKD to . ' ! S N. 10th st. Hot Springs
baths. I have opened n cult of eli'gantly
furnished looms with all the very latest Im
provements. Piotn extensive experience
under superior advantages I am picpnred to
give sclentlllo baths ( chemical ) thu same as
pi od ( iced at the Hot Springs. Hot air , moist
orelry , Turkish. Kiisslnii en plunge. Wlllgnar-
anteo satisfaction to the most fastidious ,
Single bath or ticattnent per week or mouth.
Charges reasonable. Special rate's to ludv
clerks for regular ablution. Mis. Dr. Day , ! tt !
N-Jfith su Kooms II. 12 nml IX _ f.l3mlf
AUCTION sales evpry Tuesday. Thursday
and Sntuidny morning nt 1114 Douglas st.
Omaha Auction & Sloiqge Co. 010
riio suit thu convpiilencelof clients cngagpd
J during the day no emeu evenings , 7 to Hw. : :
IL L. Cole , room u Conliiiontnl blk. K
rplN WOK 1C , i-oolliig , giutlerlng. simutlnij ,
-L good work low prices. Savage ,
H.K.COLH , notary public and convoyanecr.
. WJ
S1KA\KD or Stolen Light bay mare , very
heavy with foal , small "tilp of vvhlto on
right side of nose nnd three feet vvhlto. ( Jod-
cliitcl , I'loiencc , Neb. W0 : . > 8 *
LOST Ladles' gold nngiavctl watch nnd
chain between Cut-Oil' lake nnd Kussei's
park. Ketuin to Uco olllce and get lew aid.
0)0-27 ) * _ .
LOsT-Small gold chain Apill Slid on Cali
fornia or20lh st . Please letiiin to No. 2103
Donglns st. and gel icwaid , 1123 27 *
UTKAYKD A black Newfoundland dog !
> Jwhlto spot on bieasU weight about 100
pounds ; had nickel-plated collar with dog tag
No. 2,103 nml a blue sllU ilbbon. Kotnrn to 1010
Douglas street and receive reward. b88-27 *
LOST Horse , black , r > years old , weight 800
Ibs. , left front leg ciooked. Kowaid paid.
Address 1018 N. 23thst. 7S2-2S *
DKNTISTS-K. K. TrlppeTRiacIiiale Indiana
dental college. HcM of work only. ( Jrown
and bridge work n specialty. Koom 13 Conti
nental blk. Klovator 15th st , north of Douglas.
8'Ct in 2:1 :
SKUI1IN. POTblOth St. . stoics stoves In dry
. _ < placu for the summer. 4ftlinl3
pHK cleanest and best storage In thn city at
low lates at lilt Dojiglas st. Omaha Auc-
in A. Storage Cti do
pltA ( ICAOKstoragcrat lowest rates. 041M. .
X Hiishnian , 1U11 Leav'ennortli. 041
T\TANTLD I iirnltnro , carpets , household
Tt goods for c h. Wells' Auction & fclorago
Co. . 17S. Llth st Mi
" \VrANTKI > to Hnv CJnspUiic Move and Ice
> bo\ . Call at 1000' . Parrtam st. JOO-27 *
\VTANTKf- ) To buy a number of vacant lots
IT in Plalnvlevv add ; must havusoineby
Monday noon sure , lluyers waiting. Also
want Bord In Omaha VUtw. Have some good
lots bet. Omaha and Ho. Omalia. Small cash
] > avment clovni , bal. sec6nd lAtg. to those that
will build. If you ha\in.'t Ihe money I have ,
1 , . Waterman , jr. . O'iO Pa\ton. 070-2 ? *
WANTKD-10 house , to mpv e on lots. Will
pay cash , Laimon I' . Pjuyn,2410 Cumlng ,
001 28 *
ADOPHLK nose seitei dog , red or led and
white piefeiied ; will pay vourowii price ,
ornlll pay well forservIcoot dog. Addiess O
07 Uee olllce. 051 27 *
\\7ANTKD-To buy and move one or two
TT houses near Maitha and Twentieth. "C.
10. llee ofllce. " 707-27
" . commercial . No-
\\7ANTP.D-Good paper. -
T T biaska Jlortgage Loan Cu.,519 Puxton blk.
( J44
" \\TANTKD-To liny n sound vouns hoise ,
IT weight al'nnttvUOorlKKl. Hanson , black
smith , on JOth bet. nndCIaik sts. O.Vi 27 *
\VANTKD-Ciood short time paper In small
> T in 11 mi ills. P. nut Pa mam
1ASII for all kinds of household goods at 11U
'Douglasst. Omaha Auction , ! fctoiage Co.
t40 !
\VrA'NTKD A stock ot linidnaieordiiigs In
TT a NebiiisUa or wesieui Iowa town of from
1,000102,300 Inhabitant , . . Addiess , glv Ing full
paitlculais. D 2 , Itee olllce. 00,1 2 *
\\rANTKD-To buy for spot cash , city or
TT countrv , paitsoi wholesiocks of dry and
fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoe.s , milli
nery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc.
Call on or addiess . .1.L. . llrandcls & Sons , cor
ner llilh and Howard , Omalia. M" >
TfilOK SALK Cheap , 1 neaily now Victoria
JL1 caiilago. Omalia Caiilago Top Co , 214 N 15.
000-1 *
HAKD btlck ; WiO.OOO cheap. It. N. Wlthnell.
OM1-II *
KIMIIALI , oigan , four oclave ; good older ;
monthly or weekly pajments , orlU per
cent oil fol cash. 1113 tllth St. 1000-2S *
SALK Seaman's buggies best and
L1 cheapest.
Seaman's phaetons best and cheapest.
Seaman' * wagons best and cheapest.
Seaman's can luges best and cheapest.
Omaha's laigest vailety. fr.Vl-m-23
ASPLKNDI I ) M Inch Victor Illeyelo fora" .00
If sold at once. Call at 1317 Jackson St.
K wood foi sale. T , Miliray.
FOK SALK My loadster , one of the hand
somest and most reliable horses In the city.
Safe for ladles to drive. Oilers received for
mo week. Dan II. Wheeler , jr. , Insiiinnco ,
Ponclas and Kith sts. 7Ki
1MKTIKS looking for line driving or saddle
hoises. would do well in call on , or corres
pond with T..I Plemtng. manager W. II. Mil-
aid's farm , Calhoun , ISob , Ho has for sale
some lliM-class single drivers , eat lingo teams ,
mil saddle horses , at reasonable prices. Xtl
H EAVY wagon and coal bed , Kt ll'd Trade. (00
"I71OK SALK Soda fountain very cheap. Jn-
V iinlie Oley Peterson. 018 S. 131 h. 210
" 1I1OKSALK A horsu and buggy cheap for
-LA cash or Instalments , Address C II , lice.
1 o78
TmTlt SA LrT fiTuday , JvTliiiiTlit , auptionTaTT
Jthe line fiirnltuie , cauiet , piano , etc. , of
the large 10-nnnn houseJCo , 2110 Dodge St. ;
also one Simpson phaetbU , Henry Crelghton ,
inctlone'Pi. " i ' H73-27
TilOK SALK- Very ehciipi complete fiiinlture
-L forf > * ii > omcottago audhoisu | for rent. In-
iiulie at ' . ' 71h and Slililey- , ici-2li ;
SALKortiade-A linn team of hlghlv
hied .vonng mines , petrfcpt mates , splendid
and safe ill Ive > i > . \\lll ) ) iki . In pint good sad
dle or eltlv Ing hotsu. Cull at3l5 lliown block ,
hjlhnnd DougjjisJ ' M
N | | 11
FOK SALK A hamUe > iie side-bar buggy ,
Nuw York best make , use'il eine summer
only , Imiiiliorcxiinlii , Lnl d States bank ,
OK SALK A choice ear load eif mules at
llruwn'a llvuiy barn , .4tU st , near Caldwpll.
TjTlOK SALK-The lease and furniture of a
-L' lu-room Hat ; loe'atlou the very bpst ; fuinl-
tuie neatly new ; liouso full of benders uud
ieximei > ; a bargain. Wright & Lusburv. Ar-
llngleiu bloekj fttl
MILK of tholliirst ijuullty nnd guaraiiteed
absolutely fresh and pure , In nunntltle
tot less than eine gallon IM.T elay. W. II. Mil
aid , tllU llrunu bldg , IGth uud Douglas sts. :
TfTIUKNlTL'KK auction every Wednesday lind
J.1 Saturday , ai7 _ & Uth. Wells. to
"imbll HALK-Somo good watches and dla-
JL' monels cheap. II I . Musteiii , room 4 , \ \ 1th-
loll block. 652
BKPOKK buying n piano evamlno tha now
scale Klinbull piano ut A. llospo , 13U
TTEo.r UK"LLKN KCK i"ca"ciic of the banjo ,
VT iroo Howard st ircl lluor " 4'J
BASTEKN money to loin on furniture
horse * , jewelry , etc. , room 2 , 1117 Parnam
JOANS em Improved property nt close rates
A. 1C , Klley , Kuom 11 , Continental block.
' , li loans nt lowest rntoij romoveT
to517aiidMOPnxtonbltf. J. 11 , KuiliiRor
Loan nnd Trust Co , , 1J03 Pnrnani
v st. Choice city loans at lowest rates.
DI7m <
LtHKKAlj real estate loans made by W. I
Harris , room 20 , Fiunicr block , opp , P. O
MONKY loaned nt lowest rates , long time or
Improved Omalia leal estate , no "itn . "
no delay , Olobu Loan & Trust Co , 307 tf. loth
OIATj and gptiprnl short time pape-i
v boiight ; al'o regular five year loans made
nn Impioved piopeity. Ueo. P. lllust & e'o.
Ml Kaingo bldg. _ _ 072
LOANS Olty nnd farm loans , mortgage pa-
pur bought , McUagno Investment Co.
_ 070 _
OlIOICKsmall loans wanted , C. P. Harrison ,
_ Oil N. V. Life. _ 170 _
OOMMKItCIAI. paper bought. A. K. Klley ,
Itoom 11 Continental block. 110
H 1 : . L'OLl : , Icon agent , Continental block ,
, ft'f )
KKY8TONK MottnKO | Co. Loans of $10 to
Jl.dOOj get our rates before borrowing and
fcavo money ; loan on hotses1 furnltnro or any
approved becurity , without publleltyt notes
bought , for now loan , lenowal of old and low
est rates. Call , It aw , Shcoly blk , 13th & . How-
iml stu. KiO _
M ONHY on hand. Papers drawn and money
paid here , Choice Jeans wanted on 1m-
ptmcd city property. Low rates nnd no
delays. S. II. Thompson , ngent HnmlllonLoan
and Trust Co. , : c.'l and . ' , Omaha National
hank. MJD-UO *
TP you want to make a loan or have anything
J-to sell or Undo see Piuyn,2410 Cumlng st.
001 28 *
MONKY to loan on any security
for short time at low
lates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Hcndei.son Mortgage Investment Oom-
pany.Jtoom 400 , Pnxtunjilock fir > 3
Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and pay promptly ; 1st
mortgages wauled. Oco. W. P. Coats , icpie-
s. ° "iiL''xe. ' ' 7 Hoard Tiade. 13 ,
TjlI T mortgaco loans at low rates and no
JL1 delay. D. V. tholes Co. , 210 Plrst Natl bank.
LOANS made on any available security"1
Central Investment Co. , lloom 23 , Cham
ber ot Commerce. 0(11 (
" \\7ANTKD-FJ.OOOatSporcent ; security , 1st
moitgageon giKid new 7-ioom housu and
full lot In good location worth $1,000 ; Itoom 20 ,
Douglas block. IClh and Dodge.
MONKY to loan by 11. V , Masters in any
amount from $10 to $10,000 for any time ,
from ono to slv months.
I make loans on household goods , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In
any amount at the lowest possible rate , with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loai.s are so arranged that yon can mnko
a payment at any time nnd reduce your In
terest pro ratn. You pay Interest only for the
time you use the money. If you owe n bulnnco
on yemr property I will take It up and carry It
for you , at the lowest rate conslstant with the
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. II. P. Masters ,
Keen 4 , Withnell block , 15th and llarney sts.
$1,000,000 to loan on Improved or unlnproved
city property. No delays , llest rales. W.
Fuiiiam Smith , room 10 , Continental block.
SECOND mortgage loans. Second mortgages
bought. Loans on vacant lots. Kee-d &
Selby. loom 1.1. Hoard Trade. 483
S1IOKT time loans madei. A. K. Itilcy , lloom
11 Continental block , 13 ! )
MONKY lonneel on furniture , horses and
wagons ; intes reasonable. City Loan Co. .
removed to 1H22 Sherman Ave. U02
LOANS mnilo on unlmpiov eel real estate. A.
K. Kilcy , Itoom 11 , Continental block.
BKPOKK negotiating a loan to Impiove your
real estate getterms from
The Odell Investment Co. , : l N.Y. Llfchhlgj
ThQS. S. Hoyd icpic.sciitatlvc. OOP
BUILD1NO loans mai'le on
Choice city property
At lowest lates.
Private funds to
loan on brick
resilience and
business propel ty
upon very ftworabla
Kimbull. Champ & Ryan ,
. VM'i Painam St. KV'-ml5
WANTKD-Plrst class Inside loans , Lowest
lates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest-
nient Co. . 1304 1 'ariiam. C37 _
EAND Investment Co , loom 448 , lice build
ing , lo'in on chattels In amounts fiom $10
to $10,000 ; lowest lates. Loans em household
goods , hoises , pei-onal piopeity of all kinds
nnd other nttides eif value without removal.
Payments niianged to slop Inte'iest. HO-mii
GPKlTcr.NT ipsldence loans ( &luoo to $10,000.
llulldlng loans at special rales , The Mead
Investment Co..llccjnillillng Bi3
MONK\ : , ( / ) ir Oil"days on furniture ,
pianos , hoises , houses , utc. J. J. Wllkln-
son.JilB I'axton blk. OTi
money to loan on city propeity ;
moilgago paper bought. H.II.Iiey , oppl'O.
BPILDINOLoans-fl to 7 per cent ; no ad
ditional ehaiges for commission or attor
ney's fees. NV.ll. Mclkle , Plrst Nat'l bank lildif.
"ilTONKYtoloan. O. P. Davis Co. , rcalestato
i'lnnil loan agents 1303 Parnam st. tevs
MONKY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , planosorgnnsdamonds ! ,
at lowest rates. The HIM ! oiganlrcd loan ofllco
In the city. Makes loans from M to OS days ,
which can bo paid In part or whole at any
time , thus loweilngtho prlnclpaland Interest.
Call and spe us whenyim want money We can
assist you piomptly and to your advantage
without icmoval of piopotty or publicity.
Money always on eland. No delay In making
loans , C. P. I teed A. Co. , 310 S l5thstovor ;
lllngh'im & Sons.
SI tOUTHAM ) AX1 > TYI'l'\VUITlXa. :
\\rAN'l'KD Kducntcd young ladles nnd Ren-
Ti tlemen to leain snoithand nnd tyiic-
vv ill Ing ; good salailcs ; stmlents assisted to
positions. Standmd bliorthand llnslness Col-
lego. Prank K. Hell , Instinelor KOI
MKS. Dr. Kddy , the dlstlnguUhed tiance
clairvoyant , Into of lloston. While en
tranced will reveal every hidden mystery of
life , Picpares Kgyptlan talisman which will
oveicomoyour eiiPinles , icmove family trou
bles , icstoie lost affectIOIIH , unites thcseparat-
i'd , helps In all trouble , cUi. I-'eo $1 and up-
muds.N. . It. Perfect satisfaction guatateed
bv mall. Send stnmpforllliiKlialedcatulogue.
tits. Dr KddUls N l.Mh St. , Omaha.
LKIL CLAYTON , clalivoynnt and magnetlo
healer , can by her nondeiful will power
grantnuy ic < iuest , 7031lowjird. lr 5-27 *
MltsT lilf SAUThe gipalps"t foi tune teller
ami counsellor In the noildhas the power
if any two mediums yon ever met ; tells If
theone vou love Is tiui ) or false ; gives advice
uf man lage , divorce , love , business Hpcciila-
lion , etc. : quest Ions by mall promptly an
swered. Pallors Sand U , ICX'N IGthst t H
> ItOP. Leie-e < , thu lenowneel phrenologist ,
1 medium and palmistwho has been publicly
tested and challenges the world in icvoullng
mysteries , ellspeises jealousy , evil Inlln-
L'ne'i's , gives full name's of present or futuio
liusband or wife , also tells your faults and
inulltlcs , trade , business eir profession to
inakoasupccss. Iteslilencello N 14th st. Con
ciliation $1. Satisfaction given or no pay.f
i\I ADA M Del/ler fiom Chlcan'i > , tlnTyoung
1'Iaiid iclincd and niairnetl tj live-
npeiatlng rooms ; nu waiting. Parlors over
HO S. llllh si. M 2b *
. NANNIK V. WAKKEN , clairvoyant
meellcal nnd business niedlum 1 emiile
Jlbcuses u sptclalty. 110 N. 10th st , looms 2 A.a.
A I tSTl It A OTS ( UV 'TIT ' <
bldg , completei abstracts furnished and
lltlcstoieal cstutu eAumlncd , poifuoled and
Kiiuiuntccd. trl ?
- doing good business ! In a good location
Itenson. owner wishing to icllie ( lood bargain
; o right parties. Imiulro at 810 bouth Tenth
itreot or itnim 022 New Yoik Life. 814-JO
AltTNKK WANTLD-Onowho can furnish
M.OOO to W.OOO cash , In an old established
Jiislness. PiolitsicailyJW.OWton'VOOO. Kef-
trences given uiicl nxpe-cted iwlth bhtnutiiic .
l JUl ones. Iviioxylllo.Ja. _ 103-27 *
'I1WO new llufs , lisa N. ftHli it , nt present full
Jl of rooniprs und boarders ; will bo let with
) r without furiilturu. lii'iulic ' on premises.
BP.SINI > S chance Now for sale an ostab-
lUhe'd Uuslni'ss In Omaha , reqnlrln ; ; about
.OoOcaiiltul. Satisfactory reasuns given for
iClllng. Addleas O. SO , llt'O olllce. 120-27 *
P e5lt BALK-Ste > ck of hardware Invoicing
$10,000 ; good location ; established trade ;
coed leasons for faelllnsi terms liberal In *
lUlic. Coburu & Prankllii , CIO N.Y. Llfe.Oinuha ,
TT1OK Hlltcher shop.vrllh good Ice box
m first clas locality | goeiel reason * for sell
Ing. Address Djl , llee. KM-K *
ONKof IfTo best saloons and pool rooms Ii
the city ; rent icasonablej every thing eom
plctc1 rcceljitfl fW n elay from Nuloon alone
Cigar store In llrst clnss location , rent $73 tier
month , will Invoice about fixw ; 8ikv fmm J7ix )
to } IXX ( ) per month. Also a restnurnnt lu pen-
tr l location , price $000. Co-operative Lain !
nml Lot Co , , i.l > , > N. 16th st. 1W-2S !
"V\7"LL sollchonplf sold within the next ton
\ days , a fine ) lot on Lowe ave bet. rarnam
and Leavemvorth. Apply room .Douglas blk
u -yj *
WANTED A practical plumber with some
moiipyorn thrpu or four thousand iledlnr
stocknf plumhlnggeHids lovvorklnconlunetloi
vvlth the Cii'slein Water Works Co , Address w
K. Vnuglinn , Democrat olllce. liil-ao *
171OK HALK-Me-at market | good loon t ton
J ? Address O 71 lice. 017-2 *
01OAK nnd candy store must bo sold ; In-
voices J1W ; what olTers. 009 N. 10th street
OII-2S *
T71OK SALK-Ment market. Inuulio nt 2.110
Cumlng st. Cash or time' . 0 ! > , " > -i : *
A1IAKOA1N fleneralsteiok of meichandlso
for cash or good paper. J. K. Piii > Memc
QUilion , Neb. in I ss *
J7IOK PALP. A well established ding stole
J- doing good business. Per paillculars ad-
drcss p. S. llertran , Omaha P. O. tvv.1 27 *
) l KOO.M hotel In good location , rent $ ; r. pi Ice
-iof fiirnltuiu Jl.tXiO. Terms to suit , llarber
shop with bath rooms , prlco JI.OiiO ; S2.xeash ) ,
balancp easy. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. ,
Sin N. 101 list. 1IRJ-28
rpr.MPKKANCn saloon and billiard hall In
Jllvo Nebraska ton n ; goexl trnduevcrylhing ;
first class ; cheap , as owner has other business.
H. K. Colo. KV ) 20
TTIOK SALE A first class restaurant. Per
-L Information Inuulio ot J. 8. Lyon , Wood-
bine. In. lUT-UT *
SALK Klcht-roonipd boaidlng house ,
- * - ' furniture , and all complete' , good location
for boarders.ient low.prlco J23U. 1) ) l.lleo olllce.
004 27 *
\\7ANTI.D-To sell a fruit stand on n , e.cor-
IT ner of Dodge and l.lth , eir some trusty per-
son. a laely prefpircd to 11,111 U. 1X12 2S *
WANTKD A buyer for n gcnpral slock of
merchandise Invoicing $11,000 Stock con
sists of clothing , gents' furnishing goods , eliy
goods , boots shops , groceiles. etc , etc. Lo
cated In a conntrv town near N'pbiaskn City.
Will sell at a bargain. Address Itov 541 , Nu-
braska.ltyVlK 8JU-3) _
POK SALK A splendid paying millinery
nnd elressmaklni ; establishment ; good lo
cation. David Cole. 1310 Howard Hi. 711
FIKST class hotel for sale , trade or rent.
Other business the leason of disposal. Ad-
elress L. Clute. Aiapahoe' . Neb. _ l > ii-20 : *
" 171OK SALI A chop house , doing gooel busl-
JL ? ness , for sale ) cheap for cash good leasons
for selling. Apply toowiiurat bio S , 10th bt.
3HEAP for cash ; store bulldlng.small stock
groceiles , lunch countes ; close to elepot
Knriulic of C. W. Ileymur , Norfolk , Neb ,
7i7-mlO ;
POKRALK-Onoof the best Hoarding houses
In the city , everything complcteand llrst-
class. No. 212 N. 17th SI. hft.l-27.
71OK KKNT Checkered livery barn on 18th
- st. , S of Ilnrnpy. Call or address Nob.
McirtRHRo Loan Co. . f lt ) I'axton bl . CCS
ITIOKSALK-Half Interest In ilrst class rest-
JL . aiirant In Lincoln , Address II. A. , Omaha
liee. Lincoln. Neb. _ ( U7 _ _
SALOON doing good business , government
license only needed ; rent. Including living
rooms , only $15 pur month ; cheap for cash. U.
K. Cole. KM 27
FOK SALK On account of the dp.ith of my
partner , Mr. Terry , I have decided to rc-
tlin fiom the livery business , anil t theiefoto
offer for sale all ourlinellveiyhtoek.lncludlng
hor-cs. carriages , heaiscs , buggies and haines -
nes- . Parties wishing line driving hoises or
anything In our line will do well to call and
examine the bargains olTeted. This stock
must be closed out bv May l. > lh. Henry A.
lloniuil , of Homaii & , Teny. ( ! 25
TJIOK SALK nnd Kschango Onc- , one $700 ,
J- one $ ! .00l ) , ono $ lidO ! and ono $ -.000 stocks of
giocetles ; no llMurcs. Daniels , b.w N. Y. Life.
823-2C *
SALOON men nttenllon : Per Pale Saloon
cor. 14th and Dodge ; one of the best paying
saloons in cltv ; satisfactory reasons for sell-
in ! : . llotr&l > atst. 7fir.-27 *
Lfeas gJod ( Jmaia
> lots for western farms. 17 good lots for
good horses and cattle. 8 lots for city Im-
pioicd piopeity. Cond lots In c\changofor
good fiimlluip. A tCiti-acie Iowa faun , good ,
and bO head of cattle , horses and Jiuiles to exchange -
change for Omaha Improved propel ly. A
stockof dings and a stock of 10 set fninttiiro
to exchange for good piopeity. Wo want a
goixl stock of merchandise In ex
change , John Itcvens Co. ItO 2"
FOlt SALK or exchange Half Interest In
one of the laigest Job printing olllces In
Chicago ; established len je.ns ; gieat oppor-
tuullv for young man wlth'U,000 ; will takoun-
Incnmbeied 01 c'lty iiroperty ; Investi
gate. Meinln&Ca. 1P3 LaSnllost. 121-27 *
M- ADAM Del/ler fiom Chicago , dip young
and lefincd massage and magnetlst ; Unit
npcintliiK rooms , no waiting ; pallors over 010
S. ii : st 11S-2T *
fllO Tit VDKA line voung dilvlng hoisc.
J vu'll hied , for a single foot saddle horse ;
must be joung and sound. Addiess box 1)1 ,
111:1 : : nfllcc , QiiU-27
I OK P.XCIIANC.K . ' 120 aeies of good faun
J- land nnd $10,00(1 ( woith of business nndicsl-
elenee niopeitv In central Nelnaska for real
estate In Omalia. Addiess vvllh kind of jirop-
eily , pi Ice and location , "D 10 , " lleuolllcu.
' farming lands for sale or exchange
for stock of goods or city property. I'nlon
Hanking company , Vberdeen jS. JH , S.'t2-2li
IJ10K KXCIIANOKWJ \ ac.clear land. $0,400 ;
? want mdse. or clear city property. Klseley ,
Sieiiandoiih - - *
[ ,
EXCIIANCiK IW ) ncies good Nebraska f aim
land for stock elrv ami shoes or
gents' f mulshing. Addiessleick box 44Crelgh-
ton. Ni'b. MEi-inl *
TWILL tiade a good clear lot In So. Omaha
for piano or horse nnd buggy. Addicss C 4
Uee olllce. 30.1
illOi : EXCHANOKI2.POO dry goods , boots
JP nnd shoes , thlid cash and clem land , e'lear
land for merehandlsp. Olvo dcsci Iptlons.
I , iick _ boy Ml. SI unit. Neb. ItiiKI *
KXCHANfiK-2 lots In South Omalia or
FOK lot near Vlnlon st. , for liorses or mules.
Itoom 111. Hoard Tiade ICT
' hand fuinlluio to tiadu for boaid
SKC'OND - Dm by. b'M 27 *
you have nnvthlng to exchange e'all on or
addre'ss U.K. Oeiles , Ft. C , Continental block ,
Olllce open ev pilings TJojH ; ! * ) . C.)0
HlOlt P.XIUIANUPCholpo liniiioved No-
J ? braska farms. Will assume light ineum-
hrancc. If you hnvo nnythlng to olTor ad
dress eirenll on lco. ! .7 , Slernsdorf , loom 317-
yiH Plrst National bank building. Telephone
4ftl , 072
P buy nice house oil full lot In good location.
ILJJ Colc. _ 12J21I
' - , In excel
lent location , west. P-VrOO
A lot In South Omalia , block 48 , at 1,000
A new house of foul rooms , lot ; n\ IDS and
other Impiovements , north between
baundcrsand.'imh , 1,2 , 0
Colseth. Johnson Lovcien ,
Itoom 0 , Chamber of Commerce.
I71AU.M PorSaleHlmpiPiiiPnls and stock ) on
J ? easy terms , or will rent. l'osse slon at
any lime. D. W. Loiiimbury. Huunel Lakc _ ,
OKLI. . Or trade , Platte vanelanch , II
P miles west of Vallej station , on U. P. K'y. ,
contnlnlnsroverl.lOJ aere-s ; set with blueL-rass.
clover and red top , dlvldi'd Into 23 llehls and
paddocks , lingo barns , jiaihloeks , cnttlo and
hog bains and shuls , line lesldeiien boarding
lioiise. machine shop , cairlage house , olllces ,
Icehouse HUP groves , and splendid half mile
track. This Is the best Impioved ranch In thu
countiy. O , P Davis C'o. , Vf& Painam > > t.
_ _ _ - -
IAOKSALK Tlidbcnntlfnl icsldenee , No. bM
.I1 tleorgla avenue , with full lot , 0-rooin jiouse ,
birch and oak Mulsh Houn stairs , oak sldn-
boaid. Inbratory , 1 mantels , soap Mono tubs in
lanndiy , clstein and city water , gas and sewer
connections , gas IIMmcH , house handsomely
elccoralcd , good furnace nnd iiingo nnd every
possible convenience. Thin pinperty H clear
of Ineniiibrance , and owner can give any terms
to suit No tiade Any ono wishing to pur
chase can call nt No. fcicorgla ave. and bo
shown thu property , or call at my olllce und bo
driven out to see It. D , V. Sholes Co. , sole
Natlonalifiiik. trill
23 cash nnd $12 tier month , for 4-ioom
house , lot f > 0\12' , 11,123 ; very cheap. Also
house of I rooms , J 13 cash iimlJ.S per month ;
very easy terms , nt lowest prices. Let us show
j uu thu houses , W , J. Paul , IGUD Parnam.
1J1OK SALK-Lot2V Palrmoiint Pliue , i\i.K ,
J-1 free from debt ; will sell cheap. J. M. Dnvls ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
for some lots In Ilidford
place or Orchard Hill. Puiiu , 24IHCiimlni , ' .
- of the very cliolcnit
pieces of Pn main street properl } iinlm-
proved , llOxl.U. nil ) divide , long time and ei
terms , pi-oiiurtv wilt double in thlee
Uoliurt L , UurllUia , 1014 Paruam st
" 1/1011 SALK or Kvlintico- Some of the . very
JL. ' best Pnrnntn nnd IKielno ft.propertyeholcn
corners und bargains In many parts of thn
city. w J
( .near lands In eastern Nebraska for Im- ' /
proveel lots In western part eif theeJtv.
A well Improved farm of too acres In south
ern Minnesota at half Its vnlue.
$ , X > will buy equity In a fjenxl N ) acres.
Olenn lots In Hastings. | Salt Lake City , Has . ,
soft ( Neb. ) unit Tekamiih ( Nob. ) Jr I
A well Improved property , rented for $3,000 r 1
per annum ; clour of liu'iinuiraneo
'AM head of cuttlo with outllt ami best range
In Monlann ,
The best homo In Onmlm for IJ.MO : easy
terms. HtrlnsorA I'cnny , IJouglns blooU , Ifltu
Hl'iJS ' ' - ffiS
"TjlOUHAIji : A line new ( i-room coltnuo near
J. ' oleetrlc ear line on N. .7th st. Will tiiUo ai
part of cawli piiyment u Rood horse or horse
and pbnelon. V. 1WI l.'armim st. _ S7T
LfNCOlNr pinco * atiil UartliBKO lots.'prl
jl.WXi. J.V ) iion n , balancof 15 monthly.
W. li. Selbv. iiooin l.l , boasd of tinde. nTT _
| T ynH lin\u n sioi'lv of meichandlM ! tTi'suTl or
Jtraiti' , Iinrinon 1' . 1'iiiyn , at i-'lllt t'limlnir
street , fan llnd yon a eustonier , _ IHU va *
5 room IIOUMI , it uours west of
on Cliaik-s , lot 40MS7. Price , SI.IW . ;
ll-room'honsp. full lot. 1 bloek from llelt Mini
brldco on Hamilton st. 1'rlco , JJ.UOO ; tl.Wi
cash or trade.
NIoo homo In "Hnkrr IMaec , " liouso 90\nO\SI ,
lot 11x140 , only tin ) cash , bulanvoof fckX ) uasy ;
will trade forhorso.
Imiutroof on ner , T : . O. Merrill , ono bloek
north oMValnut Hill nclimil. _ TKU2SJ _ _
rpUOoholco lots on small cash payment. 1ml-
-L tineobvcniul mortBiigo to lesponslhlo par-
tips who n 111 build. H. 13. Cole , Continental
blk. ami 2.VI ) N'IMlL _ _ r l
it'.MKH ) buys new 5 room eottapp , lot .ivTt ! Hit h
I'aiid. Tones. Kasy terms. 1) . O. Patterson ,
fits N. Y. Iilfo. _ rot
OH SAIilOr trade , nleo resldeneo lot , ? K , m bloeksy.II.of IXIthand Vlnton.Houlh
front , elly nalur. on made ; ftu- Halo or trade
torcood fumlly horse and bupiy and phaeton j
! I , "iU , uncuiubianco $100 ; (1 SI , ileo ollleo.
_ _ _ _ _ 7SI-SS *
TVTOW Is tlm lime to stay byOmalia
oistato. . Tnku earn of back payments on
Impioved or unlmnro\ proneity and eel your
money of A. K. Hllcy , 11 , Cuutliiontul bloek.
. _ 1:0 :
OtlAIAIlA. Neb. , will In 00 dajs ha\o the
best nater power In the west. Now Is the
tlnio to IIIMSI. _ ( .17 n-t
. . ALP. lieautlfiil lesldeiicu lot. Dodge
JLJ st , opposite high school , 'W.v.140 , choicest ,
locality In the city , easy teiins. Kobort L.
( iarllelis. 10H Pimiam st. 1W-27
A SMALL payment down and r > per inuiitli
will buy a4-ieiom houseiund lot on 10th ,
two blocks fiom motor : first-class ehnneo to
ncuuirc a home on easy terms. Apply to H. K.
Cole , Continental block. KU
\\7 AUGH & Westeillold.rcal cstate.S Omaha
t' ' ( ,71
"I71OK SALK A tine Improve-d property , 55x120
Jft'Ct of with , '
- ground , 1-story bilck and stone
buildings , rented at $2,070 per year to good ten
ants , well Icase'd and best property In the olty
of Mmiuokota , In. , to trade , clear , for good
Omaha Improved or unimproved piopurly.
Good chancu for soniu one lo get gooei IIIVCM-
ment for non-prexlnctlw ) propeity. D. V. .
hholes Co. . 21. ) Pirat Nnt'l bank. OJfl
GOTTAUK home's In most any ndeltlion for
sale nt from $1.000 up , on easy monthly
payments. V. 1C Dnillng 43 Uaikerblock.fivi
$1,4 ! > 0 buys ncat4-room ceittnge , smaliot I 14
miles n-w P.O. D. 0. Patterson MS N. Y.
Life. fj
S IXTY-P1VE acres H. w. of p. e > , .suitable for
plat ting or gardening , for sale at a bargain.
IMv.JllarlliiK.JjJta kpj-blk. 81,1
"TilOK KENT--Wo havpOl acres ad tolning Iteii-
JL ' , him ami S3 acres adjoining oui Illgldaiid
Park adetltlon that wo will rent feir season of
1800 at n icasonablopilco. Omaha Keal Kstutu
and TruslCoLir > 04 P.irimm st ( ilO
IjlOK SALI0rooiii "house' , east front : city
! ' and cistern nater ; n w pint of city , .lames
Mockdalc. room 4. Krcii7prbll _ < . _ _ KB _
T/\Olt \ SA LK b.OOO acres liest farming lands in
JL1 Nebraska and fpOxIM feet on South l.'lth .st ,
at a great sacrifice' , tnqulru CIS South Kith st.
tJco. h. Petersion. owner. Wniill
A PINK fittlo homeTl'st list , near Wool north ,
full hit , east front. 7 rooms and bath , very
little cash leiiniicel. P. K. Darling , 43 llarker N.
bloc-h. 278
"IjlOU SALE -Or exchange for iinimpieived
JU Omaha propeity , good T20 acre ) faun In
Iowa , with live stock , Implement ! ) , Pic. Good
ItiO-acre farm In Cumlng county , Ncbsaska.
Improved South Omaha piopeity , paying 1U
percent Aeldress It 47. llec. IM-infl *
FOUSALK Yery cheap , no trade , farm ot
r tl.7i ( acres , seei , 5 , 12 , N 0 W , Hamilton
county. Neb. ; 2 miles from Maniunttc , small
houso. stable. I00 ! aoies of pasture funee-d , IIv-
ing water , price rnly $10 iier ncie. $ " > ,437.W. (
TermsJ,200 cash , balance 6 per cent Inteiestf
1' ' . K. Atkins owner , rullroau building , Dcnvur
Col. ere
171IV13 room cottages , VLnoi ) eacli , $ ll l ouHh"
JL' down , balnnco $15 pur month. Thos. I'Ml ' nil ,
311 \temblock. _ . MI
EOItHALK Or exchange ) for drugs ami rp.itl
_ estate' . $ S ) 000 book stock. Itox 5H. On ,
T IST jour pfcu'crty with H. K. Ce > le
Ii thn dhtliiKUItilK'ft , norjit-fnincd und onlj ro.'d ,
nuturnl trnncu cliilrvnyant nnd nplrlt iiiecllum In tlili
country , seventh ilnuRlitcr of tlicnovcntli d.iiiKhtcr ,
born with veil nml Bri'nteit proplicllc | ? lft of nproixl
Kl lit Wldlii entranrrt will reveal every lililiteu
mjblrrj In life HUH loni ; bera pronouiKed In llu
roi'onliil ' America the crcntest HvliiK nondcr of tliu
IirospntnKO. Uiuloratiiiiiln Ilio rclenro of Ilio " 1'or-
nliin Hindoo ninglr"iirniirlcnt tliiirm-wurklni ; , nml
I > reuiiei | I t-'yyiliui tnllimims wlikli will ov imiiia
jourpnpinlPH , und remove fnmlly triiulilps , rt'ilurui
lust iHTc ( lldin , miiki" ! nmrrlaKn wllli the ( inu you
IOTP , no fiilluro , reuiovpH uvll InlhiciHci , Imil linlilCs ,
cures wltcher ) . Ills mid nil loiiK-ntnndlnK unit iiiyn-
Icrloiln illKCiisi'i , will R | vii correct Information on I.iw
null , sickness , ile.ith , dlvnrcei , iilment filend" , every-
tlibiKi iiPTiT-fiilllnis mlvlen In yininc men on nnr-
rlnnoniid how to ( lioonci n wlfu for lnipplne' < 4 , nml
wlmt IniHlncsH lipnt mlapted for uppeily ildic * htook
iperiilutlon n B | > eclally. Also islves lnill | U > nH.ililn
ndvlec to ) OIIHR Intllea on love , courttlilp find niiir-
rlniiv , nnUlf your lover In trim or fiil o , nnd glypn
pkturcH of future husband , with iiuine , IIKII nnd dMu
of iniirrlnge. Hours , On m to8 p. in. ; SundaysVn
m to .1 | i. m. , ntrlct N. 11 - 1'or the bonetlt of thoao
who nro unnblo to cull upon Mm. llr Cddy , Mio would
respectfully nnnounro Hint aho u'vpa ' pprU'otiiatlH-
fnctlon by letter. Your cntlro life will bo written In
n clear and plnln manner. Letters with otniiip
promptly nnswori'it. Si-lid fur InifO Illustrated cir
cular wUli KIM-I lul terms
KIUS. IIU KI1DV , .118 N. Iftth Pt , Onmha.
Notice oftlio Hitting ! ' Hi" City Oiiun"
oil IIH a Tliirirel of I'innll7ntliin.
To the owners of lots nnd lands abutting on
or adjacent to slice Is , alleys or nv ( . lines , nil.
uatcd In whole or In nail within any of thu
districts hereinafter named :
You and each of you aroheroby notified that
thu Olty Council will Bit UK a Hoard of Kijual-
l/allon at the ofllcu of the City Clerk , at the
Douglas County Court House , on Thursday ,
the 1st day of May , IHOO , from 0 o'clock a. in. , ( o
r > o'clock i > , m. , for the purpose of eiinall/lnc
the propospd levy of special taxes and assess
ments nnd correcting any errors therein , and
ot hearing all complaints that the owners of
the property so to bn taxed and assessed may
make. Said Bpuclal taxes and nsHcssniciilH
being levied nccoidlng to law tocovei tliucojt
and expense of guiding
S'mllh street fiom llurton to I'rancls street.
Kecd street from llnrton to Paik slieel.
Kranelssticet fiom It'll avenue to Heed nt.
lluiton street fioni : r.M avenim to DDVIIII st.
PaelllcHtiei i from 20th avenue tnlllst M.
and tocovei thu half cost of trading .Mercer
avcnuo from Lone avenue to Vista street.
And It Is further resolved , that Ilio olty
clerk give notice of Niich silting nt leant Hit
days prior tliuiuto In tinco dally iiujiuraof thu
city.And bo It further resolved , Hint unless for
good and siilllelent cause It may be otherwise
ui tiered nnd determined that said cost 01 part
cost bu so assnsKcd nro ratn , accoidlng in foot
frontUKu , upon all the lots and real estate In
Hald districts respectively , or adjacent to or
abutting the line of Hald Impiuveincnls , ac
cording to the usual scaling bank piofiess an
heretofore adopted and followed by bald coun
cil In the assessment of special tuxes to cover
thn cost of grading , towlt :
One-thlid of said pro ratn cost , upon the
one-sixth part of whole amount of ground ,
llrst abutting upon thu street llnu along said
Ono-llf th part of such pro rata cost upon thn
Kccond one-Hlxth iiart of whole amount of
ground adjoining thereto.
Ont-slMh part of such lno ruin cost upon
the third one-sixth part of whole amount of
ground next adjacent , and
One-third ot suoh pro rata cost upon the nil *
jncunt or lemali.lng onu-hulf part of tha
whole of sulcl ground.
You and each of you are hnreby notified to
ippcar before mild board of citunllrntlan at
the time and plucu above Npucllled to timUo
my iiomplalut , btatement or obji'ctloii yon
may desire concornlngHald proposed levy und
aiiL'sbincnt of upeelal iaxeu.
JOHN utiovr.a , City GlmV ,
Omaha , April 21,1AM ,