Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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r\n ntlvcrtlM-mciilH will lie Ink on 1'or
, - ' tl ( 'HC rolinniiR nl'KT IUIO : ! p. in.
Terms'null In advance.
5 AdvotllHomi'tilft under this lii'inlld cents per
inn * for I lie IIixt 1iiM'r lion. TerntH for oucli sub-
tii iui'tit | fnsctlhm , null il.'i" porllno. pcrtnontli.
Ko advutllsciiiciits taken fur lo < tthnn li'iounls
fcr first ItiM-rllim. They must run oonsccti-
molyund mum ho paid In ADVANCE. All
iMhortlsomeiits must bo handed In before 12no :
ii'olook p. in. , and iindornoolroiimslnncoswlll
tl ! > ' lie taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'urllft mlvurtlxliiK In lliexo 00111111114 nnd
liu-vlng liu'irnn 'verHnddrp rl ( In euro of TUB
Ilr.l will PIPIIHC ask for n check toonublo them
( n KPI their letters , n4 tlotio will delivered
I'Xoopt tin presentation of chock. All answers
to uiMertlHCinentM should bo enclosed In enve
lopes ,
All advertisements In these columns nro
published In both morning nnd ovi'tilng edi
tions of 'I'm : llir. : the circulation of which ng-
Crogntos more thnn I0(00 paper * dnlly. rind
plvos ( mlvorll ors Ihn benefit , not only of
the c-ltv clti'iihitlon of TIIK lift- , but iiNo of
Council lIltllTs , Lincoln and other cities nnd
towns throughout this 'option of tlm country.
Advertising for those columns win ho tukon
no the above conditions , nt the following bns-
ness I ousi's who tire authorised totukonpoclal
notices , nt the s.imo rates us can be had at the
ir a In plllco.
SOI'TII - and N sticots , Nebraska
KuvlngH banklitilhllng.
"l OIIN W. nriT.TTF'lilmimcIst , 820South Tenth
> Htreet
fMHAMI.V II 1)7) ) ) V. Stationers und Printers ,
O 11.1 , South lOlli Htieot.
U iT. rAKNHWOKTII. I'hurmuclst , 211) ,
V j CumlngKtreot ,
, l7 "iH'Olli : , Pharmacist , C2I North
Ifil list root.
7 :0. : WI'AItK , "Pharmacist. 171b Loavcn-
\ * -Aortb Hticet.
V lrllAirM7\CV , 2lth. and rarnam
KITI'ATIOX Wauled Hy yoftng man , olllco
work or clerkship preferred , ono yeat'sex-
lieilcnce In hoot and shoo store , good refoi-
IMICOH. AddrussUU X. 17th st. iiia - ' ? "
\\rANTI2D A Tady with experience dcslics
t u situation as book-keeper and stcno-
piaplier. I'lrstcliiHsplty lefurunccs. Address
CIU Hen olllco. SUI-27'
" 1\7"ANTIM--A ) vonng man to do carriage
> > painting. Piclllur & Co. . 28th and I.eav-
onwotth. b'0-21 *
" \\7"AT'H , and clock rcpalier wanted ; a good
' stand ; shop , clock cases , Implements and
noooss-tiy alools for sale cheap. I'nqnlro of
Jiidgo Luvl , Uilih st. , near N , South Omaha.
' ' '
"XXrANTIM ) Agrntsto canvass every city In
> > thu country for the Automatic Hank
PunchKxclnsfvo teriltoiv given and u lib-
cm ! tommlsslon paid , cnaiillng an emirgctlu
and Intelligent business man to net more than
an average salary. Addicss the Automatic
Itank Piim h company , 811 ICoyat Insurance
Hulldlng. Chicago. 111. it-'i-a. '
" \\rAXTni > Man , as agent of inn piilont
safes ; sl/o2K\ISxlS Inches , f lotnll. All
Rl/es as low. Now styles , new patteins , new
lock , new faetoiy. Not goveined by safe pool.
l'\oiy safii vvanante < l. K.tiu chanco. I'oi-
inlinent business. Our terms and catalogue
w ill convince you agents clear J-100 to * " > o per
liiontli. Willu forexcluslvuteriltory. Alpine
Safu Co. , Cincinnati , O. _ U20-LV _
" \\r , ANTHD- Several good book canvassers to
> woik onH.ilary. Adilress llox .r > ( l Omnlia ,
giving cxpcrlencu and salnty wanted. K-V-2. )
' / " \ \ ANTID : - eoatmakers and
it pantsmnkciH. Cull or nildiess Cco. ! W.
Lnglehardt , 70 W. 2d S. st. , Salt Lake City.
ino-a"i *
"XATANTI'D-l'liNt class sollultor and organ-
* ' l/oi ; oncacqiiiilnted with Insiirancu busl-
jicss piufoiicd : lefeiences lequlicd. II.-W.
lllndiir. Council Hlulls. la. _ 741--'ii
' \\rANTIMl Yoniw man for city < lellvcrv ;
> addiess , In own handvv riling. C OS. lice Of
fice. _ hTil-'JS * .
\\rAXTii-A : ) Ili-st-class blacksmith , out ) i-
Tble oT forging englnu Win k. Aildie.ssiuo-
inoul 1'diy. amlMch. Co. , ricmont. Xob. '
$7.TS ) tTTifT'iO.OO a month can bu made woi king
for us. Persons prefened wliocau
orHU and glv u theli vvbolu tlmo to the b nslness
t < ii no moments may bo prolltably emplojed
also. A few vacancies In towns and cities. H.
r Johnson , v Co. . 101' ' " ) Main st. . Itlcliiiiond. Vji.
"VirAXTIID-Ijhn men assaiesmun and eol-
Icctois In Western Xelnaska. I'xporl-
enco not necessary. The Singer Sewing Ma
chine Co. , Grand iHland. Xeb. Oo-mlu"
rPAILOHK Wanted at once 2 good p. mis
* - nmkeis. Addicss A. C. Luullci. Kalrhnry ,
Neb , iUH-2.- ) *
\\rANTii : ) Aichltectural diiiiiglitsmun ,
it goiiij "dotiiir'man. Iniiilro | Council ItlnlTb
ollleo bet ween II and 10 o'clock. IM.ixon , Itoui-
geols , Ai chth. , looms ( ill ) and till N. V. Life.
Omaha , and rooms 2.M ) . 4'l ' , 51 and KJ , Morrlum
block. C < iuiK'll Itlulls , la. Mil
"A \ riNTKD Nine tailors and six tallorosM's :
X " ' good wages and steady woik. Cincinnati
Tallois , 510 N , Kith st. l l-27
"l\rANTii : ) Canvassers at Hlnger sowing
t > macblno olllco. l.'ils Douglas st. iM-mO
"VV ANTIID i\poilenecd : blaeksmlth for
T Million ! giadois1 euiiip. Ajiply at once.
McDonald , I'onllold & . Co. . I'lcmont , N'eb.
sr.2r ,
D-A good short older cook at 220.1
\ \ rANTED-W ) men for U. P. U. Wyoin-
Ing ; sbipSatuiiiay ; frco fine. Albilirht's
' ' ' '
Lab _ _ - _ _
\\rANTr.D--Asslstant IxKikkeeiior and bill
> ulcuk , must bu rapid and accuiato. Ad
dress ( ) ( xS , Itec-oHico. bi7--V !
" \\rANTnD i\poilenced : gioceiy clerk , one
' ' who N acquainted In the city and good
Follcitoi. Call at once Ml S. 10th st. , ticket
oltici- . Hia-iiS *
" \ \ rAM'I'DIfidlablo local apd tiaveung
t salesmen ; positions permanent ; special
Inducements now ; fast selling specialties.
Don't dehij ; salary fiom'stait , llrown Hro . ,
iiiiisei > iiion Clilo.igoMl. _ _ _ 171-211 *
\ \ > . \NTii ; ) ' Agents Magic Mgar lighter ,
' cveij shinkor buys ; lights In wind or
rmi lasts a lifetime ; samples IV , two foi 2. * > c ,
do/en f I hv mall , stamps taken. Stavner &
'o l'io\fili'ncp.U. L _ _ _ V"l-aill " _
AX'ANTKP : < m laborers foi Paclllc coast"ex -
liMisllnl of IT P. U.It. In Nevada and Utah.
flood vvagvs and slo.idy vvoi k , Albilglit's La-
1 R Ajiuiiu , H2i ) 1'ainiim Ht Ml
AV TAN l'ii-n\purlenecd : ) salesladies at
' Mb 25
" \\'rAN'l'RI > Silosmon at J75 per month hal-
' > uiy and ovpensos to sell a line of hlhor-
jiluloil tt.iiu , watches , ete. , by siimiilo only ;
lioiso and team furnUhcd fiee ; wrlto at illicit
for full particulars and sample case of iroodt
fieo. Stumluril blherwure Co. , llo.ston , Muss.
. liH
ANTiD--luimeillately. : a eompotont . . .
mill girl , rtagost.1 per week , lefeionees ro-
oulied. Apply ut M. T. I'milek'a , 24th and
Lake st. Ka-2l ( *
\\rANTKI ) ( Jlrl for goni'tal honsowork ,
' wages tl."iO per week ; Will Howuid st.
l'K r. . > 3IAKiKS : Wanted ono Hint-class
J/w.ilst niakni , ono llrst-oluss sklit makoi.
Mii-t bu onlck and thotoimhly eompi'tent ,
( iuiHl positions. W. K. l.imuA. Co. , Dcaduood ,
S D Ill7-2.'i *
" \\\\Tnn 1st and 2nd woman cook for
' > * lou\ City , flu and t-M ; 1st and 2nd cixks
In city. t-Si and * , ' . " > ; : \uiltro-M t > s and chamlier-
lu.ild for ( how o t. J20 ; II niters In rlty.fl.'i ;
BiiUf foi-eonunil housenork. all parts of thu
i-tij MixUeKn , ai4t f. lath. trjl-2.-i : *
AX ANTIMl-Drosmakor to take position
' ' In tliocltv.muatbothDroughlycompetent.
XXr.s'NTnDrtlri libiiurtliFrteen o'r fourteen -
' teen years old to assist In Inking euro of
children. .Mrs. Swlt/ler. 2mi | .St. Mury'n u\o.
_ _
\\r.\STKl | rirht class cook und dlnlngroom
' girl , best of wages paid , 111 b ITtliM.
" \\r.\NTKD--Twoglil ) , fur lirsi und second
work. Keferoni'os reiiulrod. C.itl at ! 143
Liifayolto.nvetiuoformerly ( I'uul st. ) Mrs , J.
II I'uinimt. , KW
tododri-s.s In
&t"r > lvKBf. . atli mo ? itiT-niJ *
. .oiHe
22nd and Callfornl.i ; all miMlorn convon-
eiicfb. * .iy per month. A. C. Wukely , N Y. LUo
uhlg ' "
_ _ ffii--1" "
| OK HINT r-iuoin hoiiaot liuTdorii tin-
* . "rou-mciits Apply 112 N .titlmtnot.
TTIOIt KKJiTElegantl -room house , till mod-
J urn convi'njfiiros. SHU Ht 81 nry'a nve.j 724 27
"TilOK UKST-MnVJsl.otio of my eight-room
JL' hoii iKw ! fJ2l Jackson it. , n-ucbed by
three lliliis uf Hliroi f nrn , ovnry convenience ;
I.O If loafed for lyeaf. Dah II. Vi hcoler.Jr .In-
Kiiranco , DoitglaH and l.'ith its , MM
IjlOU IinXT 10 rrxini boiKO.nll iiHidern Im-
JL liroiomcuts. Urst class order , on iiiolor line ,
aitil LoatoltWiirth it. K. K. fctowo. rtio N
Y. Llfo building. 10
_ _ _ _
1I10K KKNT Hoil o ! ton rpoin-i , all modern
-L linproveinenls ; largo } aril. HO per month.
Dot tor L. Thomas. 710
I71OK UKNT New P-ioom1iou o , modern 1m-
- liiovemelits , largo lawn , sliudo trees , etc. ,
2112 Miami. N. H. Ad u ins. lee 27 *
8 KOOMHouse , city water , bath , gas , motor ,
f20. II. K. Cole _ _ _ 7'1 ' _
J OIt Kivr : Houses iinir stores ; property
oared for , taxes paid. Midland Uuaruntou
A Trust t'onit ( Pii rim m st. Alxtrai'ts. K > )
TI HN nxmi ImiiBO , all convenlcneesratirolS. ! " S
i Hbcrmiiti ao. , tlO. ItiitchlnsonVend ,
1.VJI Doii his ; tel. IS5U. 210
I71OU KKNT Two ID-nmni modern houses , nil
- \enlonces. . I'aved streets , cable isats.
I'lvo minutes' walk of postolllco. Kcfercnccs
icriulrcd. Nathan Sbulton. 1CI1 rainum st.
: x-
_ _ _
FOK KKNT rortliesuinmor months , O-rixim
colliiKe , with nil modern lmpio\ements.
near .St. .Mary's in cnuo. Imiulru at Meyer < t
Kaupkc , IIQ.-I llarnoy. , _ 7U-2. ( ' >
rPO UKNT A lx and n ten room house , alt
L modi'rn con\oillenre4 In oacli , new ; located
on 1Mb at. , botwcen California and Cass , tent
rca onablc. Innuiro TKiO. 1'lrat Nat'l bunk
> Ki
building. _ _
1I1OK KKNT - ( T-rooni cottage. 25I2 Cass st.
r 7'll-23 *
FIVE room cottngo , elty water , etc. , at 1711
N. IHthst. Iiiiitlli | ( CS S. Mutt. 7vl
friiMTTlKNT Kesldencos'lii all parts of city.
JI List toolaige too publish. Ulobo Loan A
Trust eonip'iny , I07 ! S. ICth ft. 7tl !
Capitol u vo , seven room cottiiuo with
Imiuliu at 2Tilti Cap , uv. UJJ-'M
F OK KKNT Dwelling on Capitol avenue , 0
rooms , and all modern conveniences. In
cluding laundry and luigu stable. D. J.
O'Donahoe , loot l-'aiiuini t. Ml
T OK iTKNT Cottazc. 411 S2lth ave. _
KfiNT n-rootn. house In the most de
sirable residence poitlon of the elty. In-
iuro ! ut Meyer t Kaapko , JIO. " > Ilurnev st. '
iUI-2. >
TIIOK KKNT A ( lav of six rooms. Kmiulro of
-I-1 Mrs. O. Duggan , 1102 H tilth Koom 5.
MODKKN house , nlno rooms , bath , hot and
cold wator. fnrnaco and gas , on Dodge st. ,
$10 per mpnth. Ifrod J. Itorthwlck , 2ii : bon'tl llth
' , ' * ' *
_ y I S _
TTlOIt KKNT it-room cottage : fninitiiro for
JU sale. Kent { 13 per month. 1U21 Douglas.
< mi7-inl7
TfT INK ( on room house , all modern Improve-
i mcntji , fujjilalicd ; Uvo blocks fiom postof-
llce ; icfcrcuccs iciiulrcd. Iminlro 1711) Daven
port st. JTS 'i *
_ _
171OK KKNT In eonvonlcnt loratlons. suites
JL1 of 2 , 3 und-1 looms , auanged forhousekoep-
Ing , also lingo and smuI | houses , 1'ilccs icii-
sonablc. Hulls Kciittilg ufe'em. ' ! ' , l.VXt Kiiniiim.
DflO-in4 *
KENT Ajoom house In Ilist-clussor-
der. city and clstoin.Water ; St2S. ISlb st. ,
West ldc. " , DID 27 *
* * . . .
FOK KKNT Nicely furnished looms with
board.SJiff Karnani st. Kefciences.
. - j , > 74U-27 *
ITIOK HENT 'hilno-room' brick houses. All
-L' modem cons enlences. 23'fl to2.VI7 St. Mary's
uvo. Inquire ut Collateral ' .bank , 312 S Kith ht.
9UOOM limtM ] iind burn for 4 horses with
laige fiontand back yattli lent of all KM ;
fnt iilturiSiAX ) . on lime. The fninltnie cost
Jl.liiX ) . and ivasused a few months. This Is lo
cated In Hi st-cl.iss neltjhboi hood , and Is ono
among thclwst jilaces In Omaha fordil\ato
family or tenting rooms. The looms aio ulloe-
cnpled. Co-opcratlvc Lund and Lot Co. . 20" , N , . st. till 2il
I710K KENT Soven-ioom hoiiso. 14IS S. 7th
JL ? a\c , , city and cistern wiitei , good locution.
772 2. > *
KKNT About Juno I , those elogunt
stone rcshlcnecH on ( leorglu uxenne. S 2'ltli
wt. , bulwecn 5IiiKOn and I'aclltosts. boo owner
for long tlmo lOaso. 11. II. Henderson , loom 4UO ,
r.i\ton blk. 4Si
_ _
TTIOK KUNT IO-rootiibrlckiinuse. with mod-
JU ern eoupiilonceM , No. Sll S 20tb st , Apyly
atNo. BrayothHt. - 321 _
_ _
G AUDEN fn.rm to rent * T.Murruy.
TO !
r YOU wish to lent a house or store sco
[ II. K. Cple , Coiitlncntal-hlock. Uf )
2-1IOOM Hut. with steam Ifoat. Kith st. , near
5 Joned. Thort. V. Hall , ail PuMon block.iv
iv rr
Ing , 2020St. Mai > 's avo.
s.'ll-2-J *
FOK Itl'.NT Nicely fiuiiKbeil fiont p.nlors ,
all modem convenience- . , table bo.iul If ilc-
blicil. OlT'i I.lnton block , South Mill st.
111 21 *
TAUOK fiont room , all niodorn conveniences.
J.CJ N. 1.11 Ik st v i MJ-'JII *
TITOK KINT : With boa'id , fiont
" loom , tfhultal > lu for two Kcntlenien. 2015
.DoilKlas. " S.W-2S *
r Oll HKNr 8 nicely fnniNhed lai o looms ,
JL' piivutu family. 2.gJt llainey. M8 M *
T71OK UiXT- : rooms with city water , Kill N.
JjJUth M. " l : ! !
mT KKNT--2 fnmMicT"iooiiis for lujht
honsukeoiiln , &U7 llowaulone ; iinfninibbed
loom. W ) 27 *
" 1J1OK KHNT Nicely fn'rnlsfied fiont mom
-1 } with Hrst clasi board , suitable for two gen
tlemen or man anil wife , model n con\cnlences
private famllv , elegant law n. light In center of
city. .Uhlic-s's C ? J lieu olllce. ir.'t 1 *
10U ItKXT-\\lth board J. furnished room
Miltnble for Hio , nit conveniences. 2010 0
Umnlnst. 7SI-2S *
i.Y fiunlsbed rooms for tout at
the bhelton. 101 S. 2.1th st. M'J 'M"
AJK'CLVmulshed loom with bo.ud , also
1 > d.iy bo.iulcia. 1S14 Dodges ! , fell ) 2u
I71OK KKNT Kxtr.i laigo suite of rooms ,
I bandsoinoly furnished , faiilt.iblo for man
and wife. Ny. Its N. tsth si , s 02s 2. ' ,
NY kind of f mulshed or uiif u mSlied rooms.
KUNT Double p.vrluc on Hist ( loot.
! ; . 2i > thsl. _ " S7l ; w
M US. CHUKCHILL. has "handsomely fur
nished looms , sliiiclo or on xulto ; ono
sulto utiunScd for J getitlcmcJi ; ulso board.
411 N. lllthsit. TJI--V
, and iinfninlslicd i-ooms with
J.good ' . board lit 'tit South itli st , 714 27 >
EOK KUNT , T AO rooms , M ION Wth st.choap.
. . 7.Vi-2r
n room , o\ cry convenience , 1710 D.ivon-
) lt. IHCI-Si *
- . . KHNT-riirnNhed room wllhorwith-
ont i > aiii. inn iiougla-'st. JISQ a- *
rpo lll.NTKlegantly furnished rooms with
L Hist cl.isslnble boatd ; tublu boatd { . * > per
YLJ'Sk' . l III H Kill st. KU2.-i' _
HI'NTrutnlsbed looms ; gas , bath
_ ste'iniilMO lloward. 3.S7
" 1J10K KiST : riuiilshcd rooms , loot ) Douglas.
I71OK HKNT 1'louMint , luriilshed n imswlth
L all convenience . , , 3iu 20th sL _ KU
ST. CLA1K Kniopeaii hotel , cor. llth and
Dodge , t-iieclul rules by week .or month.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ nil
171OK KIINT On largo fiont room with
J-1 board. lltXi Capitol ave. fflh
ril\VD iinfnrnUhed rooms. ak'o\u anil clo > ots ,
1 modern conveniences , II.I h 21th st. KKt-2ii *
I/Ult KUNT--H looms In u Hat > > -w coiner lUth
* _ uiiil Lea vcnMi rt h si s. MVJ..II *
171OK lENlv-a ! unfurnished rooms. 2as N.
-L1 utb st I'rlco i U. KM
IjlOK UENT-J unfuinlsbcd ixx > ms to fumlli7
J without children ; modem Improvements.
17W Wobsterst. I'rlco * I5. U2i )
i--il.i. , . . r i * l . . . . . - , . . . . , - , , , , . , - „ - . . , .
jK ! riHim , uttornoy ptoferred. llutchlnson
A. IUI DoilKlivsi tel. l.VO. 2W
UTOIlKSut7iT. 701) , 711 S. Kith , 22\fiO ouch ,
V 'lurgonhow wliidqws.fito.tiii hejt furnished.
Thus. I' . Hall , ill ! I'uxton bhck. IOT
17IOU KENT Kooinsxiiltablo for light niunu.
-L fucturlns. liicliiillin ; po or and heat. Itees
I'rlntlng Co. , llth und llowurd xts , 7 B
or without iwwur. formerly occupied by
the lloo I'ublhhlnijCo. , 01(1 ( runiain 5tThu
building hai , n tire proof cement bi : omcnt.
coinplutotitcaril hontlng lUtures , water on all
tliu floors , gas , etc Apply at tlio olllco of Tlm
I lice , Uli
TilOIl UKNT J-story brick building , 1110
J Donglns At. , ttultablo for wholcsaloorwnrc-
bouin purposes. Also brick store 107u. . nth st ,
Iniiulrc of Chas. Kailfnmn , i : C DoilKlas st.
H ATrfund bonnets bleached und pressed at
Mrs. ,1. II Hblelds , aiw. ( Ohio. MW-ai
for rent III i ear of I'rost K Harris" car-
Huge factory. I" . " '
\\rANTii-SttldetrtHi : to take prluitolir-
i > Mruotlons In shorthand by Prof. II. II ,
lloyleslato manager of Valentine Shorthand
Institute ; 100 graduates In Omaha , Koom
inaiN , V. Llfo. TVI. 10IS. _ flll2. ' > . . .
to "asttiro nt VIM 11
month mi farm near IrvhuMnn ; hordes
ealled for and dallvorL'd.V , It. Human , Konm
0J'renzer hlk. 47(1 (
\yANTKI ) Sown ono to adopt a hahy ( lrl )
Address I'01 , Hei-otllfC. KS ) . !
WANTii-A : girl buoy for adoption. Ad
dress A W. lloo olllce. 1411
WH HAVK a first class party who wishes to
rentti furnished house of fnmi seven to
nine looms with modern conveniences. Must
bo good residence portion of the city , Ilart-
TIIUII & Itobblnt. N. V. Life bldg. 3SI
\roiTON'S ( rcnttil agency , r > 17 Paxton hlk.
JI K. COI.i : , rental agent , Contlnuntal hlk.
\riE LKirs laundry has rumutiMl tottl'iN.
-I null. 178-11111'
PAIAuOI ! > 'aiidumhrellns coveted and ro-
palrcd. II. Haler , 1513 Douglas ; basement.
UK )
_ _ _ _ _ _
JTlltnE A lire-proof safe with coinhlnatlon
JL' lock Send stamp and addiess for irirtlc-
ultirs. Union Supply Co. , M Klver St. . Chleairo.
_ _ _
THOU Ladles Only I will send any lady a val-
Jtmhleseeiot that cost mu JTi and a rubber
shield formic. MM. J. A. Kinsman & Co. , I'.rjV. .
.lackMin St. , Chicago , III , ta.'nn''t' '
H.K. . COLI ? , reliable Uro Insurance.
. KX )
AK. 1 ! ILK Y. notary public , Room 11 , Con-
. tlncntal block. liU
KMOVKI ) to ffia N. inth Bt. Hot Springs-
baths. I have opened a suit of elegantly
furnished rooms with all thu very latest Im
provements. 1'roin extensive experience
under superior ad vantages I am prepaiud to
give scluntltlo baths ( chemical ) thujumo as
pioduccd at the Hot Springs. Hot air , moister
or dry , Turkish , Uusslan or plunge. Wlllguar-
antcu satisfaction to the most fastidious.
Single bath or ticatmunt per week or month ,
Charges icasonable. Special rates to ladv
clerks for icgular ablution. Mrs. Dr. Day , it"
N. 10th st. . Rooms 11 , 1ami in. M.'nnKl
AUCTION sales every Tuesday. Thuisday
and Saturday morning at 1111 Douglas st.
Omaha Auction A. Storagu Co. U40
rilO suit tlio convcnloncejof clients engaged
1. during the day wo open ev'enlngs , 7 to8JO. :
II. I ! . Cole , loom u Continental hlk. UP )
MMN WOUK , roollng , glittering , hpoutlng ,
.JL good work low pilcus. Savage , 1018 Cuniing
K.COLI' , notary public and conveyancer.
LOST- Demurest Gold Medal with owncis
name on. ICeturn to ! k'V ) N 25th stieet or
Imposition block and get inward. ! K)5-2Gf )
STUAYK17 A bhick NowToundland dog ,
white spot on bicast , weight about 100
pounds ; liad nickel-plated collar with 1)04 ) tag
Xo. 2.I1W and a blue silk ilbbon. Uotiirn to 11)1(1 ) (
Douglas .stieet and iccelvu ruwaid. 86S-27 *
STUAYii : > A small dark blown mule , 10-
tnm to D. Hiown , coi.28thand Walnut sts.
and iccclvo loward. SOJ-25 *
JOST Water spaniel pup , Ihomonths old
- * name , Leo ; tag , 115. lieturn to I'jlS ' I'ai-
iintn and get f7 ruwaid. hOI-L'B. *
T A bound copy of 11 uipei's Young Peo-
J pie A lewaid will bo paid for icturnto
'pllol ' avenue. hS4-2"
T'oPl'-Hoisurbiaok , fi yeai-s old , wolghTwio
J Jllis. , left front leg ciooked. Kuwaid paid.
Address 11118 X. 28th sk 78J-2S *
TT\OrXD \ A large yellow ( log ( Monday ) owner
J ? call 814 S. 10th st. UI4-25 *
FOl'XD A pngdog. Innuiro at hotel Casey
barber shop. 1)01 ) 25 *
DI'.XTISTS E. K. Tilppe.'giaduato Indiana
dental college. Hest of woik only. Crown
and bridge woik a specially. Koom 1.1 Conti
nental blk. nievator IStUst , north of Douglas ,
K.n m 2:1 :
"I ILL the gentleman whosaw ludy'spocket-
T ? bMk ( taken from \\ednesdny uttui-
noon. at Htli and Douglas sts. , send imnui and
address to G. L. Smltb , U4U N , Y. Llfn Illdg.
. 07810th s
* ! place for the summer. JiKi ml'l
rpIIK cleanest and best storage In thu city at
1 low rates at 1111 Douglas st. Omaha Auc
tion A. Storage Co. fill )
CKAGT. stonigo at lowest latos. W. JI.
Ilnshmau , 1.111 Leavenworth. > . 'Ml
\VTANTED-I urnltiire , carp6ts , household
T goods for Wells' Auction S Storage
Co. , ' 117 S. mil s . _ _ _ _ _ | _ (111 ( _ _
" \\7ANTED-To buy and jnovu quo or two
t houses near Martha and Twentieth. * "C.
40. lloo otlleo. " 71)7-27 )
ANTKD Good commercial paper. No-
biaska Mortgage Loan Coyril Pa\loil blk ,
" \\rAXTKIt-Oood shoit tlmc.papor In small
' amoiinls , P , 1501 I 'amain st. 474
0/\S1I for nil kinds of household goods at 1111
Douglusst , Omaha Auction &btoiagu ( Jo.
_ 04' ' ) _
\\fANTiD To buy for spot cash , city or
> * country , parts or whole stocks of dry and
fancy goods , elothlng , boots and Mioes , milli
ner ) , stationery , gents' furnishing foods , etc.
Call on or address J. L. Hi mloU& Sons , eor-
nerlilthund Howard , Omaha. Ill )
KOIt HAM < : J
* - ' T"
FOK HALi : 7.'i.lXX ) btlckuty cbqap. Jell W.
Ked foul , 221 .S. Ill list. KSj-2tl )
"IT1OK SALi-Cbeip : , 1 neatly now Victoria
J. cauhigc. Omaha C.uilago Top Co , 211 N 15.
ii ilOIl SALE A cholcucar load of inulos at
Hronn's Iheiy bam , 21th st , near Caldne.ll.
iriOUSALE-Tliustoro building IfII Donglns
-I1 st.piicuJ50. Van Huiiien. Douglasft lUh
sts. Sla-2i !
J\I ILK of the llnest quality and guaianteed
-111 absolutely ftesh and pure , In quantities
not less than ono gallon pur day. W. II , Jill-
laid , ill.l llrown bldg , 10th and Douglas sts.
"I71OK SALE A car load of sound jonng
.1 hoises. Also some nlco smooth dilvlpg
teams. .1. II. Wood , Omahu bam , llth and
llowuid. 71.1-2ti *
limit SALE Seaman's buggies best and
JL cheapest.
Seaman's iihaetons best and cheapest.
Seaman's wagons best and cheapest.
Seaman's can luges best and chuupost.
_ Oiimha' largc tv _ arluty. too-ni-gl
" 1T1OH SALE-A luigo Day horsound llrst-class
J3 buggy J7H Cuss st. 871-25"
TTlOlt SALE Two pool undone billiard table ,
-I1 cheap. Imiulru ut 1015 X. Y. I.lfu Hldg.
81U-25 *
ASPLEXDI D IS ! Inch Victor Illcyelu forW.OO
If told at once. Call ut 1517 Jackson St.
_ _
IPOIt SALE -A line cutrlagu loam , sound and
I gentle , giKid single dilvois.wclght 1150 each.
Inquliu at room 4-s ! Humgu building , Tel , K.'l.
"TTIOU SALE A horse mid buggy cheup for
Jiush or Instalments , Address 0 It , Hoe.
171OU SALE My roadster , ono of the hand-
-L' Mimost and most rollablu horses In the city.
Safe for ladles to drive , Offers received for
ono week. Dun II. Wheeler , Jr. , Insurance ,
Douglas anil 15th sis , _ 75
OAUTIKS looking for Duo driving or Hiiddlu
.i- horses , would do well to cull on , or corres
pond with T. J. riemliiK , mummer W. H. MIN
lard H farm. Cnlhoun , Neb. Ho Iris for Kilo
some llrst-cluss single drivers , can luge toamv ,
and saddle hon.cs. tit ruasonuble prices. Ztl
H EAVY wagon and coal bed , 13 II'd Trade
AI.OOX for s'Uc , center of Onmhu , Oil. Ike
FOK SALK A IOtM ) A power Now York
Knffty upright rnltfif In first-class condi
tion , rcstnor's PrlifUriB OHIco , 1307 Howard
street , Oinnlia 600-20
T710K SA LKSxlti fountain very cheap , in-
JL1 ijulre Oloy IVteisAiiUjils S. Bin. 240
TU'KNlTt'UR aucUan.ovory Wednesday and
L1 Saturday , 1117 S Wn ' Wells. 013
I71OU HALISomojrood watches and dla-
1 inonils cheap. II 4wMn < itcrs , room I , Wlth-
ucll block. HDl c : , .
Bl'roiU- > Ing a.oluno examine the now
scale ICImbali iiUino at A. Hospe. 1513
Douglas st HIM , 01J
G nO.r.nKLLKNIItqiC. teacher of the banjo ,
IWI I low aril nt. SIM Moor. 211) )
EAST1IKN money to loan on furnlturo ,
horses , Jowclry , etc. , loom 2 , 1117 Turnum.
S.S2 Hi' "
LOANS on Impioved propotly at chxo rates.
A. K. KIley , Koom II , Continental block.
/ tlIATTllL loans at lowest rates ; removed
V-r to 517 anil 610 Paxton blk. J. H. Kmlngor.
/"ir.NTKAI , Loan and Trust Co. . 1203 1 tirnani
\Jtt. Cholco city loans at lowest rates.
, tU7m <
L11IKKAL real estate loans'm.ido byV. . f
lluirls , room 20I'runrer block , opp. P. O
( > > !
MONIIY loaned nt lowest rates , long tlmo on
Improved Oniahu real estate , no "oxtus , "
no delay. Olobo Loan & Trust Co. , 1197 S. 10th.
LOANS City atid farm loans , mortgage pa
per bought. McCuguo Investment Co.
O small lo.ins wuntcd. U. 1' . llariison ,
_ UU X. V. I.lfu. 170
. ' paper honcht. A. K. Ill ley ,
Room 11 Contlnuntal hlock. ] , M
E. CObt. lean agent , Continental Dloclc.
, O.JU
KEYSTOXn Mortgage Co. Loans of ? 10 to
$1,000 ; get our rates heforo borrowing and
eave money ; loan on horses' furniture or any
approved -cciiilty , without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old and low
est ratos. Call , K20S , Shculy bile , 15th & 1 low-
aril sts. _ _ ( WJ _
MOXEV on hand , 1'apeis drawn and money
paid hero. Cholco loans wanted on' Im
proved city property. Low uitcs and no
dclav.s. S. It , Thompson , agent Hamilton Loan
and Tiust Co. , Xl ! and ! , Omaha Xatlotml
bank. 8liU- ) '
_ , _
to loan on any security
forohort tlmu at low
ratos. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
pany. Itoom 400. 1'axton block. _ OM
Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co. .
olwayn ready to loan and pay promptly ; 1st
11101 tgages wanted. Geo. w. I' . Coats , rente- '
sentatlve. 7 Hoard Trade. _ 4.V ,
mortgage loans at low rates anil no
FIKST . V. V. Sholos Co. , 210 1'lrst Xatl hank.
LOANS made on any available .sectiilty
Central Investment Co. . Itoom 23 , Cham
ber of Commerce. _ _ _ 061
\\7ANTii-J , ( ) Oat8purecnt ; security , 1st
it mortgage on good now 7-ioom housu and
full lol in good location worth $4,000 ; Itoom 20 ,
Douglas block , 10th and Dodge. _
ONHY to loan by H , T. Masters in any
amount from f 10 * to J10.000 for any time ,
fiom one to six months.
I make loans on household goods , pianos ,
organs , horses , iniile , houses , leases , etc. . In
any amount at the lqwest possible rate , with
out publicity or remOval of property.
My loai.s are so arranged t hut you can make
a payment at any tlilie and reduce your In
terest pro rata. You p.iy Interest only for the
tlmo you usu the money. If you ewe a balance
on your property 1 will take it up and carry It
for you , ut the lowest ' rate conslstant with the
risk. '
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. , II. Masters ,
lioon 4 , Wltbncll block" . 15th and Hartley sts.
_ ' _ CM
. , to loan oalmpioved or , unlnproved
$ city ptoporty. No delays. Hest rates. W.
Tainum Smith , loom 1C. ' Continental block.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STiMnll
SIX'OXD moitgago Jeans , Second mortgages
bought. Loans ( lit Vacant lots. Heed &
Pol byj ooiii lit. Hoard'Tiailo ' _ 4S2 _
SHOUT tlmo loans made. A. K. Uilcy , Koom
II Continental block , , , . 13 ! )
_ ; _ < i 'I'l ' - _ > -
MOXKY loaned oaf furniture , hoi-ses and
wagons ; rates leasonablu. City Loan Co. ,
remo red to 1022 Avc. _ lifi'j
LOAXS made on unlmprcn cd real estate. A.
K. Ulley , jtoom 1 < , Continental block.
Bni'OItn negotlatlig | a loan to improvu your
real estate get terms from
The Odell Investment Uo..aoi X.Y. Life bldgj
Tbos. S. Hoyd representative. _ Wil
UlLDIXG loans made on
Cholco city pioperty
At lowest rates.
1'rlvato funds to
loan on brick
residence and
business piopurty
upon very fa\oiahlo
ICImhall , Champ .t Kyiin ,
WANTIM ) 1'list class insldo loans. Lowest
talcs. Call and sco us. Mutual liivcst-
incnt Co. . 1501 li'ariiam. Ii.'i7
HAND Investment Co. , loom 448 , lice build
ing , loan on chattels In amounts from ilo
to $10,000 : lowest Lilus. Loans on household
goods , horses , poisunal piopeity of all kinds
and other attlelcs of value without lomouil ,
Payments arranged to slop Inlorost. 110-in5
Ol'KK CKNT resldenco loans SI.OOO to f lO.CKXf.
Hulldlng loans at special rates , The Mead
Investment Co. . lloo liiilldlin ; C'QiL
MONKV ; ) , 00 or 1W days on furnlturo ,
pliinos , horses , houses , etc , J.J. Wllkln-
siin , 018 1'uxton blk. Bill
'JjlASTKKN money to loan on city propeitv :
JLl inortgugo paper bought , H. ll.Iioy , opiU'O ,
BUILDINOLoans-0 to 7 per cent ; no ad
ditional charges for commission or attor-
noj 's fees. Jlolkle , Klist Nat'l bunk hlilg.
< y > 7
MONT.Y to loan. O. K. Duvls Co. , roalestuto
_ jindjojm agoiit .s , iriO , ' , Kurnam si. WM
ONiV : to loan on horses , wagoTTsT mules ,
household goods , pianosotgiinsdiamonds ,
at lowest rates , The llrst organised olllco
In the city. Make- , loans from tf ) to U0. > days ,
which can bo paid In p.ut or whole at any
lime , thus lowering the pi Ineipul and Intel est.
Cull und see us when yon wiini money. Wocun
nsslst you promptly and to your advantage
without lemoval of propoity or publicity ,
Money always on ( land , .No delay In making
loans. C. 1Keod & Co , all ) H 1.1th St. ; over
lllngh'im & Sons. txi1)
SM bll'l7 ! I AN I ) AN J r T Y PI5 Will TIXC iT
. _ s'Tii ; > - IMticutcd young Indies und gen
tlemen to lo.irn biiorthand and t > po-
willlng ; good sahulos ; students assisted to
positions. Standard Shorthand lluslness College -
lego , 1'rank n. Hell. Instructor. SOI
MHH. Dr. Kddy , the dlstlnsulshed trance
clalr\oyant , late of Itoslon. While en-
tiancedwlll nixotil every hidden mjhlciy of
life , 1'icpaies KKJptlan talisman which will
oxoieomo jour cncmlos , icnioxo family tum
bles , lestoio lost all cct Ions , unites the sepal a ted -
ed , helps In all tiimblo , etc. Too $1 and up-
winds. N. It. I'eifccttrtJtlsfactlon Knuiutccd
liv mull. Send stumiiiOtvlllnstiutedcutalouno ,
St l ) Tdily , VIS .N L ) > , l/st. / : . Omuliii. (102 ( 1 *
MItH. n SAIT-ThwitlTirtest fortnno teller
und connsullor lu.VJc woild bus the power
of uny two medlunis'\pii , over met ; tells If
the ono you love Is tiiiil'or ' fulse ;
of muiituxo. dlMiicc , Myt > , business specula
tion , elc. : iincstloiiH I'y mall piontptly un-
siveied. 1'iirlors 8 and ! > , 'Jt22 N Kith st , _ _ _ ( ( _
MADAM Dol/ler f om ChiciiKO , theyTinnj ;
and rcllneil mas .i 11 and inaiitctlst ; live
oporutliiB rooms nrf' altlng. 1'urlors over
niUS. tatlist. HIM bt''B *
"PHOT. I.cieo , the i'oUowned phronolOKlst ,
J medium and palmlMC.who has been publicly
tested und chulleiiKC IJio world In loveuIliiK
mysteries , dlcporsOs. , Jealousy , evil Inllit-
cnces , tl > es full nunictot present or future
hnsbutjd or wife , alsiC'telH your faults anil
Uimlltlt'h , trade , bil'.llU-ss ' or piofesslon to
innko a siiccivs. Itesldi'licollU N. llth ht. Con
sultation II. Nitl.ifaotlrm glNcuor no pny.
_ _ _ TUVmilj ; _
y U. NANNIE V. WAItltnN. cluTrxoyunt
J-'inodlcul und hnslnesi medium. 1'emulo
Ulseusca u spcolulty. HUN loth bt , looms 2 X J ,
& )
MIDLAND linuruntoo A. Trust Co. , N.Y Mfo
bldtvompleto ubstinctH furnUlied and
tltluH toieal catutu oxumlncd , perfected uuil
Kuuruntced. 071
HAi | ; Chop liouso mill restuKanTj
llolliK BIKK ! business In u good locution
Heu on , onnor wUhhiK to rctlrn , Uood bar ; iln
to right parties. Iminlro tit mo South Tenth
Htreet or room U22 Now Vork l.lfc. Bllvto
FOK SAI.E-A 2-chulr burborbhop , In KooU
locHtlon. Addii" jri3Jlee. 'iK-'iV
HIKJIPRKAMCK saloon and billiard hall In
1 lUp Niibruikii town , good tradoie\crything
llrst class , chuup , usowuur luii other hiulncjs ,
H K. Coin. UO 2U I
3 71OU SAIiK A Hrst clu restaurant. Tor
1 Information Inquire of J. S. Lyon. Wixxl-
bliio , lu , H272
_ _ _
VtTANTKI ) A buyer for a general stock of
' merchandise Invoicing fll.uct ) Stock con-
nUtsof clothing , gontV ftirnlslilnjt xoods , dry
trixvU , boots , shoes , Krocerles , etc. , etc. U-
caled In a countrv to n near Nebraska City.
Will sell nt a bargain. Address Hov Ml. Nc
Itraskii City Neb. _ S.nt-2 ! ) _
1OK SALT. Small procery stock : good husl-
-U ness ; baiKiiIn ; other biHlncss. 1WM N. 21th.
s7 a ;
17IOU SAI.K-A splendid payltic nillTltiery
X1 and dressinakliiK establishment ; KOixl lo-
D.i vld Colol.'iUl llomird si , 711
SAM : A chop house , dolnu Rood bnsl-
ness for sale cheap foreash o < l reasons
for ellln . Apply to owner at 810 S. 10th St.
C HKAI' foreashj store bnlldliu , small stock
Krocetles , lunch countes1 close to ilcpot
.W. Heyincr , Norfolk. Neb.
FOH Al.n One of the best lloanllnishouso-t
In the city , everything completeund llrst-
. . 212 N. 17th St. X.-M-27.
T7l6inuNT-Checkorcd : ll\eryb.ini onTsih
JL1 t. , H of Hartley. Call or address Nob.
Mortgage Loan Co. . 519 I'uiton blk. OuS
) A partner with for a good
paying business. Address C bl Hoc olllce.
( C 7 2,1
- * S
IjlOUSAIin llnlf Interest In llrst Oltiss rest-
Jatirant In Mncoln. Address H. A. , Omaha
lice , l.lncplii. Ne . f.17
QAI.OON doing good business ,
VJllocnso only needed : tent. Including living
rooms , only Ji. > per month ; cheap for cash , 11.
K , Cole , KVS 27
_ _
I710K SAM : On account of the death of my
1liaitner , Mr. Terry , I have decided to retire -
tire fiom the llxoiy business , and I thcrcfoto
on"er for sale all our line livery stock , Including
hories , carriages , hearses , buggies and har
ness , I'artlcs wishing line driving horses or
anything In our line will < locll to call and
CMimlno the b.ugalns olTcrcd. This stock
must be closed out by May 15th. llcniy A.
lloinun. of lloinan Tenj. _ 025
FOK SAM : Lumber and coal yards. Tlneo
\ards at good points on the I' . , K , t M. V.
K. IS. \\yoinlng : will sell together or sepa
rately. I'orf nit bur particulars addi ess . I. K.
Kugs. Douglas. Wyo. _ _ 7.VI-2 : . '
for sale Centful location In
Omaha $1.100 for stock llctures nnd license.
. ' 'omo cash balanco. real estate orgood eciiilty
splendid chance must goat once , C. U. Meagbur ,
7J5 Now Vork Llfo lllltldlng. 8l.l-2ti.
OK PA Miami i\chango-Ono : V > 00 , one $700.
ono tl.flOt ) , ono iUVW and one * 2.1X)0 ) stocks of
groceries ; no ilxtiircs. Daniels , 83S N. Y. Mfo.
825-20 *
S ALOON men attention : Tor Sale Saloon
cor. 14th and Dodge ; ono of the host paying
sa'oons ' In cltv ; satisfactory icasons forsell-
Intr. Dotv.tllarst. TftV-T *
K faimln ? lands for sale or exchange
v fo'r stock of goods or city piopeity. Union
Hanking company , Abu rdeeii , S. D. 8il2-2il
FOK KXCIlANOI 100 aero tracts of Nc-
biaska lands paitly under cultivation , In
: ooo ' localities. N. U , Apple , room 10 , Wuru
f/ / ,
"filOirfcXCHAN'oi ' : 1,2NI uc.clear lamOd.lOO ;
JL ? want md-c. orcloarclty ptopcity. Klsclcy ,
Slienandoah. la. fi'U-2- *
1"i-A < 'IU : faimL" , miles from Donlap. la. , to
tradeforOmaha propeity. H N. llradloy ,
Koom20.Coiitlni-iilal , Hlock. MS 2 , ' >
EXCHANGE IlfiO acios good Nebraska farm
land for stock di v and shoes or
gents' furnishing. Address lock bo44Crelgh -
ton. Nob. SJK-inl
I WILL tiado a gooil clear lot In So. Omaha
for piano or horse und buggy. Addicss C 4
Hoe otllce. 'IP. ; _
FOK KX01IANC.i-J12UOO : dry goods , boots
and shoes , thlid cash and cloui land , Clear
land for mcichundlse. Cl\o desoilptlons.
Lock box 20. Stuart. Nob. 02U- . ' ! *
KXCHANjr-2 lots In South Omulia or
1 lot near Vlnton st. , for horses or mules ,
Kooinll. Hoard Trade. 07:1 :
bund fuinlturo to tiado for boaid
at Hotel Detby. 8'l-27 '
WAN'THD To ti.idogood Omuliii pioierly |
or farms for good woik horses ; also want
good Improved fuimwlth stock complete for
Om.ib.i pioperty ; wo haxo a customer. Koom
' .e. . N. V. Life. 800 2l >
II' you luivo an ) thing to exchange cull on or
address H. E , Cole. K. 0 , Continental block.
Olllco open evenings 7 to H.iO. ; : _ _ _ OJ ! ) _
TTlOlf EXlHANGK-Cholcor Improved NoL -
-L bruska farms. Will assume light Incnm-
branco. If you have anything to oflor ad
dress or call on Geo. .1. Stcinsdorf , loom 1)17- )
'IIH 1'lrst National bank building. Telephone
401 , 1/72
' ci\\j ( ( ,
Jl ficofrom debt ; will sell cheap. J.M.Davis ,
830 N. 10th st. 82J-27
Olt RALK-At jourtuinis , lot In M t . Dou-
glas. tin ; A cry llnutwo ; lots In Walnut
Hill , $100 each , jour teims ; lot In Omaha View ,
price too low to mention ; lots In Bedford
Place fiom J700 to jnoa ; In Grammorcy park
will sell at 2-il actual value. Have money to
build If j ou haven't. Just call , llgures iv on't He ;
come and get my list. 1 don't handle inflated
propeity. L. Wateiman , Jr. , O''O Piixton block.
87r > 2. > *
"T71OU siAIiHor rXchango Some of the veiy
J best 1'alnam and Dodge st.propei ty , choice
cornels and baigalns In many paits of tlie
CltV. M , , , '
Clear lands In custom Nebraska for Im
proved lot.sjn western puit of theeltv ,
A well Imiiiovcd faim of lliO acies in south-
em Minnesota at half Its value.
tvi will bnv ( Minlty In a good HO acre1- .
Clean lots In Hastings , ball Luke City , lias-
sett ( Xeb. ) and Tekamah ( Xeb. )
A well Improved piopoity , icntcd for $ . ' 1,000
per annum ; clear of Incumhiancc.
II. .MX ) head of cattle with outllt and best tango
In Montana.
The best homo In Omaha for W.WK1 ; easy
terms. Stilngcr& Penny , Douglas block , Kith
mid Dodge. _ _ Wi3 _ _
"VfOW Is the tlmo to stay by Omaha foal
- iestate. . Takocaiu of back payments on
linpiovcdor unimproved piopeity and get your
money of A. 1C. Klluy , 11 , Contlnuntul block.
lit ! )
OGALALLA , Xeb. , will In l ) days have thu
best water power In the west. Now Is the
lime to Invest. _ 847 27 *
INCOLN place and Caithago lots , ptlco
JIKX ( ) , } 50 down , balance $1,1 monthly.
W. L. Selbv1. lo { < im 18. boajil of traile. 077 _
TfjIOH SALI'-Or trade , Platte \ullov i.iiicli , ii
JL1 inllos west of Viilley station , on ( ' P. K'y , ,
c < mtalnlng ovurl.lOO acies ; sot with blnograss ,
clover and led top , divided Into 2. " > fields and
padoo < ) ks , largo hams , paddock- , cattle and
nog bai'ns ' and .sheds , line residence boarding
house , machine shop , cairlago house , olliees ,
lie lioitso , line gioves , and splendid half mllu
track. Tltls Is tlio host Impioved lunch in the
country. O. 1' . Davis Co. , r > 0 , " > Tainani st ,
_ _ _ n'Ki-m7 '
"I71OR SALE-A fine now Ti-ioom cottage near
X ? electric car line on N. 27th st. Will take us
part of cash payment a good horsu or horsu
and phaeton. P. liVll 1'aniam st _ 87j | _
OOTTAdH homes In most any addition for
sale at from 71,000 up , on uusy monthly
payments. I' K. D.ullng 4.1 llarkur block. I'M
iriOltSALi : iooiiy 1'iOft. cor. ; mn 'and \\eh-
1 hter sts , ; also a number of good lots , tV ) and
$100 down and monthly payments for balance.
N. It. Apjile , room 10. Waru block. O.a 'i *
$1,1V ) liujs neat 4-room < ottagc , naaliot 1 ' 4
miles n-w P.O. D. 0. PattursonDls N. Y.
Life. _ _ _ fm
K lXTY-1'IVi ; acres s , w. of p. o , .suitable for
platting or gardening , for sale at a bargain.
' ' ' - ' ' 'k. ' _ 81.1
l/IOIt UiXT--\Vo : \ haMiill acres adjoining Ilen-
J son and Macics ndjolnlng our Highland
ParUaddJJIon that wo will tent forbcasonof
. . . i at a iTnsonablo prlco. Omaha Keal Ilstato
und Trust Co. . 150 Piujiam st. ill' ' )
IJ1OK SALVI ( l-rdoiii house , east front : elty
JL' and cistern water ; n w part of city , .lames
S > tookdulo.j-oom 4. Tron/ei blk. WW
iriOKSALK Stxx > acres best fanning lands In
J-1 Nebraska and MxIM foot on South 1 lib st ,
ut u grout H.iorllleo. Imiulro CIS booth nth st.
15" ' I' . Peterson , omiei. fynmlT
" "
A"VrN"i ; llttlo homo. 2Mb st. near WoolwortliT
full lot , front , 7 looms und buth , very
little cush rcoulred. lK. . Durllng , 4J Harkcr
block. 27S
IJ1OK SALi : Or exchange for unlmprouMl
' Omaha property , good , ' 120 itcro faim In
Iowa , with Yho stock , Implements , olc Uood
liiO-ucro faim In Cuinlng county , Nobsiisku.
Improved South Omaha property , paying Id
] > ercont. Aihlross INTj lteo. Ifll-md *
ITIlMt hALK-Tho boTiutlfTil residence , No. tO )
1 lleoiglu HM'iiui' , with full lot , li-roomhonsi' ,
birch and oak llnlsh riown stairs , oak sldo-
iHiard , lahiutory , 4 mantels , wiap stone tubs In
luundiy , cistern und clt > water , gas and sewer
connections. BUS fixtures , house hundwimoly
( loeoratcd , goiMl furnace and IUIIKO and oxery
posslbii ) eon\cnlonco. This property Is clear
of Inciimhriinco , nml o\\ncrcun gl\o tiny lot ins
to suit. Nolrudo. Any ono wishing to pnr-
cliuso cun cull at No. KM lloorgla u\o. and bo
sboun tint property , or cull ut my otllco und bo
drhon out to sen It. D. V. Hhole * Co. , solo
iigent. 813 1'lrst Natlonul bunk. 070
$ i" > cash mid i2 ! iior month , for l-rooni
house , lot MxlJT , iLli'i ; very choup Also
house of 4 rooms , 115 cash aimt-S nor monthi
Very easy terms , ut lowust prices. Lot in show
you the houses. W. J. Paul , 1UX ) I'arnaui.
10oq _
IjlOKsAI.K (1-nxim Hut , ull rooms ienttd , u
-L1 burguln ; 417 S llth. ( UT-i'i"
AH.MALL puyiuuiil down and * 15 porinuiith
will buy u-l-rouiii hoiibu unit lot on Ibth , '
two block * from motor ; Hrst-cluhs ohuneo to |
luvjiilri ) n homo on uusy lornn Apply toll U , i
Colu , ( Jfftttluoutal block. "u
"OAHUAIXi * .Vnxitn houHe. ! l UIHIM west of
I J28th it on Clmrlci , lot 40x127 , Price , JI.IW ) ;
1100 cash
t > -room luuitf , full lot. 1 block from Itett Line
bridge on Hamilton Ml. Price , i..OOU : IUXM
casit or trade.
Moo homo lit "linker IMaeo. " hott e 2i\Hx3l ; ,
lot 44x110 , only fl.V ) cash , balance of fKVJ easy ;
will trade for | ioi > o.
Inniiln'of owner. K. H. .Merrill , one block
north oMValnut 1 1 III school. _ _ TUi-Si *
rpWO choice lots on small cash payment , hal-
Jniico second mortgage to responsible par
ties who will build , H. K. Cole , Continental
blk. and2VlX2Uh. _ , _ MM
lilOU SALi ; and Kxehango-I have quite u
. - number of bii-galns Call and see. X. 11.
Apple , room ID , Ware bhH-k. _ (1C ( ! 2.'i *
$ i.OiX ) buys now 5 room cot taac. lot 'Clxl.Uillth
and Jones. Knsy terms. 1) . C , 1'aiterson ,
518 " .N . ' . .If o. _ _ CXA _ _
L" ntf ) { SALi : Or trade , tilee tesldeneo lot.ll'x
' 1.12. Hi hlocksS. C. of 2ith ) and Ylnloti , south
front , city water , on grade ; for -alo ) or tiado
for good family horse and buggy and phaeton ;
it , SH ) , encumbrance JIM ) ! C 21 , lice olllce.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 78I-2S * _
AUOH X Wcsterllold.tesll estato.S Omaha
_ _ _
jlOK SALK A line Improved property.ISO
J. feet of ground , with il-story lirlck and stone
buildings , rented at WTO per j ear to gihid ten
ants , well leased and best proper ! } ' In the div
ot Mnquokcta , la , , to trade , clear , for good
Omaha Improved or unimproved property.
Hood chuncc for some ono to get goou Invest
ment for non-prodticllvo property. D. v.
SholOjHJo. , 21 J first Nat'l bank. _ P7H
1TIOU SALH Very ehcup , no trade , faim of
JL1 r > U.7l ! acres , see. 5. 1.1 , N II W , Hamilton
county. Neb. ; 2 miles from Mamuotto , small
housu. stable , i TOO acres of pisliuu fonccd , liv
ing water , price 'itly $10 per aero , * 5.I17.V | ) .
Tot ms t J.200 cash , balance tl per cent Ititorostf
I' . K. Atkins owner , rallroue building , Denver
' CoK _ _ 075 _
'l/llVi : room cottages , flr > oo each , tlK ( ) easli
X' down , balance $15 pur month. Tbos , I'.Hall ,
ail Paxton block. O.IT
1710 K BALK Or exchange for drugs and real
L' cstuto. * JO 000 book stock. Jlox 5H. 070
T 1ST your property with U. U. Cole.CT
CT )
Notlco ol'I'iibllo Sale ! !
O'XKii.u Xeb. ,
Api II SI , IfiOO. .
Of WlnncbaKO Indian lands In Xelnaska.
As pif > vlde < l by act of eonisreisof July I , Is * * .
Hv dlteetlou of the commissioner of the gen
eral land ollk'c , eontalned In his olllclal letter
" 0 , " of Atirll 4. IS'H ' ) . to the loglstcr and re-
eehcr of this olllcu , wo will , at thu t'nltod
States land olllco at O'Xi'lll. Holt county.
Xehraska. on the.'llst day of May , A. I ) . 1SW ,
at I o'clock p. molTer for mile , and sell to the
highest bhldur , for cash In hand , thu following
dlsurlhed ti acts of land , to wit :
Lot 4 , See.ICl. No. 27 , r. Ou. IS 21-100 aciess ,
w. H n. u. U fcec. ICI , No. 27 , r. 0 e. , 40 actesj n. e.
U s. a. U See. ; ci. No. 27 , r , 0 e. , 40 acres ; n. w. li
s. o. ) i Sec. XI. ? o.27 , r.fie..40 acres ; s. o. U H.
e. U bee. 'Ct. No. 27 , i ( le , , 40 acies ; s. w. ' . e.
14 fcec. lU. Xo. 27 , r. 0 o. . 40 acres , and lot r > , bee.
! M , No. 27 , r. tie. , : GX-100 ! ; acres ; lot tl , See. ai.
No. 27 , r. ( I o. , 11257-100 aeies ; s. o. H u. w. i ( See.
M , Xo. 27 , r. U e. , 40 act es ; n. e. ' 4. * ' l * Sec.Itl.
No. 27 , r. 0 e. , 40 acreH. ; . e. * i s. w. 'i Si'C.HI , No.
27 , r.0 o. , 40 acres ; s. w. > i s. w. h Sec. 'II , No. 27 ,
r , U e. , 40 aeies.
J'.aeh subdl\lslon to he Sold supaialclv.
( Jlvcn under oilr hands this 2id : day of April
181)0. ) A. 11. ( HIAUDK. Keeol\er ,
i < .H.aiijusi'in : , itogistur.
AprS5-in-S-0-1U > Kl .
'OSAF.B for Indian > < iipptlu < andTians-
poitatton Deiartment of thu Inteilor ,
Olllueof Indian Attain. . Washington. April r > ,
Ih'H ' ) . Sealed pinposals , Imlotsell "I'nipo als
forlleef , ( bids for lleiif ni f be hiibmltted In
separate envelopiItaoon ! ) , I'lour , Clothing or
TraiiMioitatlon , etc. , " ( as th ( < case may he ) ,
and dlieeted to the romniKsIonerof Indian
AITalis , A"m. llSanil 67 It'oiwar rtiect. Pi'rw 1'oiA
will bu received until 1 p. m. of Tiirwliti.Ifii ) ;
Sll , 7S ; , for furnishing for the Indian suivluu
about 1)00,000 ) nunnils tlaeon , .ll.WIJ.UiK ) pounds
Heef on the hoof , I.OOO.IHH ) pounds net Heef.
270.IKN ) jiounds ( loans , d.1.000 p < mnds llaklng
Powder , WXI.IHIO iionnds Corn , 4WMKH ) pounds
pouiii . . .
Oats , U'\H)0 ( ) pounds Klee , 'J.OOy pounds Tea ,
: Mtoon ) pounds Milt , poundSo.ip ,
Sugar , and 70.000 pounds
Also , Illaukets. Woolen and Cotton Goods ,
( consisting In part of Ticking , 1.1.000 ynids ;
Standard Calico , 1WMHX ) yarils ; Dillllug , ll.UOU
raids ; Dnek , fieu fiom all si/lug , 2S.OOII yards ;
l > onliii < . . 15.IXX ) yards ; Olngham , ICH.OOO y.uds ;
Kentucky Jeans , 11,000 yards ; Cheviot , 17.0IX )
yards ; HiownfclicetlngU.IOOOOyards ; Hloaebed
bheeting. UTi.OOO ; yards ; Hickory Shirting l.,00d
yards ; Calico Shilling , 7,000 yatds : Wlnsuy ,
2.000 yards ; ; Clothing , ( irocotlo- * , Notions ,
Haiduaie. .Medical Mipplles , School Hooks ,
Ac. , and a long list of miscellaneous articles ,
such as Ilainess , Plows , [ takes. Turks , iVc. , and
for about StK ) Wagons requited for the sor\ Ice ,
to ho delivered at Chicago. Kansas City and
blouxClly. Also for Huuli Wagons .is may be
reiiulred , adapted to thucllmateof the 1'acllio
Coast , with California brakes , delivered at Han
Also transportation for such of the articles.
goods and supplies that mav not becontractcd
for to bo delivered at the Agencies.
Schedules showing the kinds and quantities
of subslsteneiisupplies required foreach Agen
cy and School , and the kinds and oiiantllles in
giosnof all other goods and artlclUK , togethei
\\lth blank ptoposa-ls , conditions to liu oh-
lddeiH , tlmo and place of delivery.
terms of contraet and payment , transpoita
tlou routes , and all other nuci'ss.xiy liistnie-
tlons will bo furnished iiponapiillcaflon to the
Indian Olllco In Washington , or fi'oi. i ! , amti : >
t\'i \ > iiKttri > licrt , Krw 1'oih ; tint CommlssailCH of
Subsistence , L' . S. A. , at Clmyennc. Chleago.
I.oavenwotth , Omaha , Salnt'Loitls , Saint I'aul
and San ri.incisoo ; thu 1'ostmastuis at Sioux
City , Iowa ; Viinkion , P. Dakota ; Arkansas
City. Caldwell.Topeka and 'Wichita , Kansas ,
and Tucson , Ari/ona.
The right 1 tcserv ed by the Govoi nment to
i eject any and all bids , or any pur ) of any bid.
and these pioposals aie Invited uiidc.i piovlso
that aiipropi hit Iflii shall bu matlu for tlic sitp-
Iilhsby Congress ,
Illds will bu opened at the holir and day
ahovu stated , and bidden aru Invited to bo
present at the opening , rmt.u CHECKS.
All bids must bo accompanied by certified
cliecksor diafts upon sumo United plates De
pository or thu I list National Hank of San
I'ranelseo. Cal. , for at least u'C pur cent of the
amount of the proposal ,
T. J. MOUGAN , Ciimmttiliinci .
! GT.n&rARNAM Si !
DKVONIA , April SO. I AM'HOIUA , Mu ) 10.
Now York , Quccnstown nml Liverpool
Tlm CnlchrntiMl I MnySit , Mn > < l l
CHTV Ol' HUMK i Juno Mil July'Ji.Ui
rail Man lowtbt lenn toaliil from tlii * prliulnal
hidir luntlcki.t rf < liioiit , iniulo nmllaliln to rot urn
liy i'thrrlhcM ! > ! cliirriMUuilyiU'HlviTWir | : ex.Norlli ui
Hotithof Irelantl NttnlfiOrlltlirulUr ,
ut lovttnt current rntcn Apph lo AIIV ut our total
nenU , uriu HENDERSON BROS. , Chlcaao.
laical AKOiiUntOmaliH lllirr > I" Mount Cliiilci
Mures , W t Valll , It 1 * Douul , C'ltueu Hunk Ultu
Cabin Passage $35 to $50 , according to location ol
itatoroom. ExcurjionC5 fo$95.
Steerage to unit from Ktirnpo at Lomuit Hates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. . General Agents.
53 Broadway , NEW YORK.
Jllti Hlegon Oonerul WostCin Agent 101
Knndoliih street. Hurry K. Mooru * . Tbos ,
Pauaaeto and ( torn Great Britain and all
parts of Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the
waters ol St. Lawrence , thortett of all. OlasKow to
lloeton , to I'hllnilelnhla. Liverpool to unu from
Ualtlmoro. Thirty Htesmuri , CUlis oxcelelor.
Accommod&tloui imsurpuaicd Weekly salllnflt.
AMi/lN / & < ! ( > . . < l n Wt.t. AR'tK.
C.I. Sundell. uuxu. 112 La , Unllu Ut. , Cbicaeo , 111.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated t > r lli < l eMitllirc , n > r ( vblmtlimnl
ftiitl i hnrllnhltt piifpo ei nml Its frnnoliUd umitnA
Paul of the undent Mnta rotiMllittlon , III ISTl' . t'jr mi
Its MAMMOTH DKAWINOfl talco ptao <
Soml-Anmtrtlly ( Juno nml locoiutmr ) > ami Its
Grand Single Number Drawings tuko place
in oacli of tlio other ton moittliH of the year ,
nnd nto nil drawn In public , nt the Academy
of Music , Now Orlonui , Li.
For Integrity or Its Drawings ,
und Prompt Payment df Prizes.
Allotted n fi > lln r
" \Vo Oil ln'reliy eorllf ) ' Hint wo Kiiporrlin * llmnr
rnncoiiieiiU ( or nil tlm iinmthlr nml noinl.niiuimt
itrn vliiii of tln > l.ouMnim Suite lottorr Cniiiimnr ,
nntl In | H > r. ou MUUMIHO nlul rimlnit Ihn ilranlnm
tluMiixoltP * , unit Hint Iliu Knnio nr ruiuliirUst wltu
lionc'ty , riiriii' ! , nml hi coml fiillh tiM'iml nil | nr-
tics , unit wo nutlmrlfo tin * rtmmiui ? to iMollilnivrll *
llr.itc wllli f r lmllp < uf otir klimattires attached , l
Iti mlvortl9eiiu.'iil "
We , tlio tmitprMxnml linnkunnil lmnki < rt will pirnll
prUi-i ilrnwn In tlui lAiulnlnim Slnlo lotteries whlili
in ! > be tiro'i'iitcil nt nur I'liinitorJ
K. M. WALMPLKV , I'res. Louisiana Xat. Hnnlc
1'ir.imi : LANAl X. 1'ivs. State Nat'l Hank
A HALD\\ . 1'ios. New Orleans Nufl Hunk.
I'AKL KOIIN. I'res. I'nlon Nutlonal Hunk
Grand Monthly Drawing
At the Academy of Munlo , Now Orleans ,
Tuesday , May HI , 1800.
CAPITAL I'RIZli $300,000.
, - - , .
100.000 Tickets at NO each : Halves , JlOs < , > nar-
ters , &v Tentlis , J2 ; Tttenlletlis , } i.
i.isr or iMims. :
i riii/K or MmnoDti
i rui/.K OK inumois
1 nil/.K OK WlUUOlH
1 rillKK OK 2il Xl ) 2SIU )
2 I'lll/.KS OK lOIIUDliru ailM )
ft I'HI/.KS OK MWIliri ! 3Simil
: . > IMtl/.KS OK 1UM nrn SWUM
lui pui/.ns or n uro iw.u i
600 1'lll/Kt ! OK SOU nro „ lOO.UUJ
100 Trine * Of KM nru M.Oili )
100 ilo MMnru > . OH I
1X ( ) ilo .Ware . . MJ.IXX )
TtllMI.NAI. I'lllZKS.
1 0 Trlienuf JlOOaro , . . M > . ' .M >
IW ilo lUOaru wVta
3,13-1 I'il7csiimoiintlng to $1,064,800
NOIE-Tlrkets ilruwlnii Capltul 1'rlzoi uru not pu-
tltknl tu tcriiibml prUc <
llfKolirifii ItATi's. or any fuillicr Inrorm.itlim
ileHlrod , wrltu Irulbly to thu initlurslKlieil , ikMirly
Htntlii ) ; } uur roililciu u , with ntntu , 01 in tit ) htreut anil
mnnlii'r. .Mure niilil | rcUirn mull ili'lhoi ) Mill bu
n Hiin-il lij yum cuilusliiKoii envelope bc.irluu your
' " " " " " " "
Addicss JI. A DATl'IHN * .
Nc trleuns. La.
WasbliiKton. I > . r.
Hyorilhmry letter , nintnlnliiii MONHV OKOfli. It-
lusl liy nil etpre f coinp uilo , New \ ork Kxclmuifu ,
draft or autu. '
Address Registered Lottery containing Cur
rency to
Non Oilcans. La
HrMEMiiMi , tlinttlii > iunii'iit of prln-H IsoiRV -
ItKOlU KOI K \\11IIN II , \NKSot Now Orlt'llllH ,
nml the tickets itn * HUIUVI hy thu pic hli'iit of nil la
Hlltutlon ivlio c ( hurti'iiM ) ilk'hls art * ri'i'DKnU'st In
the lilKht'it cuiirH tlicri'foiu , huHiiro of till Imita
tion or ' 111011) iniHiH M'honu ) *
DM. Dm I VII It lh priro of the anmllcit pirtor
friK'tlon uf , i ticket I -I Mi m is In nay ilrav. Ini ; .
Any thlnt , ' la uur n.iino oltereil Inr lt" < titan u ilullaritl
At-rvuiiH Drlilllty ,
Youthful Inilliicrutloni ,
l.ont Munlioud.
Be Your Own Physician Ij
Many men , from the effects of > outhful
> Imprudence , have liroimht nU > ut n laU ut
; we knoM tliat ha * mauced Urn Keneiul fjn-
[ torn § o much a * to in < luio almixit erer/
! other dlwdie , ami thu real CAUHA of the
; trouble iearrvly ever h lnif aucpwU-J , they
. are doctored for \iT > thtnir hut the rlwhti
; one. Notwithstanding the innnj * Taltmblo
> rumiHJles tlmt niniu-al scluncc lias produced
, for thu relluf of tliU rlrm of luitlenta , ntma
1 of thuimllnnry iniKlenof trrntmunttirccta
i curt * Purina our PXtons ! vocollORD and hns <
; pital lirncllcowrt hArt * eiiwdmrnti'd with
> And illAonrprod new nml con cent rated ivme-
, llof The ftccoinimnjinK jtrt" < criptloii Is of-
; feitsl M a rrrlnhi nml nurml ) runs ni
> hunJrulrtot canon it ) our p nifties have hftii
| rvstoretl to jierfi-ot Iicilth hy it * UM after
nil other itmisii.'S fall..I 1'urfertlr purofn-
I RTOiltents tnuH bo used In the iiroparutlon of
[ this inscription
; 1C Krythroxrlon COCA , 1 3 drachm.
Ji-nilwbln , t 4 ilrarlun.
Hflunlafl Ololca. 1 JUrachni.
Kxt. tanadiu ainnrai fal * ohoUc,5 ) ( f fftlJ
hit. Icptnrulra , u scruplts.
aiyrerlno.o n Jllr.
, nkoflVpH TakelpHlatSp m.iuidan <
i otheron incr to U-M Innomo ca .H U will
, . _ . . . yforthHpdUcnttntukotwOpUU
' nt btdlf in * , nmkfUK ( he numtnr thn H n day
f Thlaromi'ilT I * adopted to oycrj condition of
t m-rTous debility and weaknoiwln ettliemur.
> and Hpcally ( In the ) cases resulting from
i liiipniilRiio * . The ncuiMTfttlvit powers of
; thu ruhturatlvoaro truly ottonlihliiffand lt <
iisu continued for nphnrt tlmechaiiROS the
t Uittfiilil , ilcbilitntcd , iiprvclit 3 condition to
i onn of rcru'wod llf and vltror ,
' At wo ar constantly In receipt of letters of :
.miulry rclMtro to tlilti romudy , we would '
. nay tothoswwho wouldprefnrtoobtalnltof 3
! us , by rvmlttlnfr 81 a Rorurtly sonltMi pack *
( Ufa contnlnlntf 60 pllln , carufully com-
i poundttl , will txi sent by return mnilfntm ;
; uurprivato lahoraoryorwi ( win furnish 6
> ackuri , which will euro u ot cases , f or $ S. '
Addreja or call on
Hew England Medical Institute ,
21 Troinont How , | | o nii , Alan , :
Ahunliitclr iclliihlo , | Tfivlly wifunm-t | ki )
rinfulalui ktuiAu ncvcrfall. t nlMiv iMMtpjti.l on. ) b < j <
milk It-ill Aildu'M I.IDN Hill u < 0 , tiuiriiln N V
Kol t hy UOOIlM IS t.iitl'l ' | ' II ,
Importers uii'l ' WliolOaloDcileriln
.Notions , Nou'ltlos , Alltuius ,
l'unt-'ollarrirIiiKr | ) < ,
I'ancj OtiotlH , Ac.
l.iirwi ftt assorliiinit tut *
lllit variety ol 5fi , 1'Vi ' nml 25n ciiinl r
' our laiKii unit ful.f Jllmtntuil
iltrfi * Initi'nttrH ( inly.
St. Louis. Mo.
to soil tlio I'l.M.KS *
I'lOTHI. " ! Ll.Nl' , IfltOlIt
icucnlly Issued It lioiilt , the olullicji wjtliout
lilns they do not free/o to H anil cainot liltiw
ofl fitniplii linn sent liy luall Me ' ' ( foot linn
by mull II- " ) . I'ot rlrmilars , price-list unit
ttiiinituildrfMi The Pitiless Clotlioitlno Co. ,
17 Herin.iu St , Worcostor. Mas ,
Mftfc , ur i > nl lwi/t r ir t > Ur l.adlc * , mk
fi , ! * I wlihblu * ribbon Twku no oHi r
! n-1 Its tp > f r tJtrUauUfi f l llfltf far
_ Hillt > , HMiiurbr return Mull. A- * * f\ - *
Ciilcliwter '