Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    (5 ( THJfi OMAHA DAILY BKJfl SATURDAY , APRIL , 20 , 1800.
oi nrt ; , No. igi'KAlH. STHKHT.
JirlHrrrd 1 > y carrier In nny imrt of tinCity. .
llrfUM : s On it r. No. 1.1.
Niniir IIIITOII. ; No. Si. _
.11 i\rio.v.
N Y P ro.
Council IJlnfT.s I.umhcr Co , conl.
PiilK-r hniiKm wanted nt Ollletto & Free-
innn'H , UM I 'curl Htrcct , Council Hluffs ,
A en. oof tllplithnrlii wns reported ycsler-
day nt No , r > it ; Washington nvcnuo. ' This pa-
tlt'iit Is Ilattle LmiRley. .
MM , C. t ) . Wilt or * will entertain tlio Hand
ofllope. at U o'clock this afternoon nt 1111 Ice
cream sociable tit her home , N'o. 1U1 ( jrueo
Work comment-oil on the now Wood-
hury block adjoining the now 1'tirk hotel on
tlio nortb. The excavation Is ready unit work
on the roundatlun will now bo rapidly
An Infonnatlon clmrRliifr insanity wns yes-
toiiluy Hied utfiilnst .liilln Ulcluirds , and the
commissioners examined into the case yester
day uftcnKMm. ' 1'ho .patient will bo sent to
tlio asylum for treatment.
F O Harnett wns lined Jill unit posts VPS-
teidav moriihiK' for indecent conduct with u
jirt.ultutn on the public streets. Henry
( it-ecu was lined V.M'/O for dlsturbinf ? the
jieuie. A vug and an unlucky iicdUlor wore
Louis Helmrod of Omaha lost n valuable
rout at tin ) Oddfellows ball at HID Masonic
temple Thursday ox-culufr. He left It. in mm
of tlio auto rooms , mid when ho went utter It
ho found that miollier ty Intent on the
ttami' errand had preceded him. The gar
ment was valued at fcV ) . No eluo to the thief
has yet been discovered.
Frank Moore and K. Whit comb , two nus-
) > 1elrti ) < i characlew , wei-o m-mlgneil before
.Indue Mcro ! yesterday mornini , ' on the
charge of vagrancy. 'J'neir ciise.s were con-
tinned Thi'.v weie circuliillnu through the
crowd ilm-Ing Uio Oddfellow * ' paruJc , anil
the police sl/cd them up as pickpockets and
uc-cordliiKly run them In.
C' .1 Kobin.soo , manager of tlio local Amur-
Icun District Tele i-apli ofilce , was befoio
Ind e iMcdee jeMerdny niorninK on a charge
of assault and battery , prcferied by one of
the meh enper boys. It transpired that the
boy was Indulging in | iiofani ! mid obscrnu
language mid the iiroprietoi- ejected him. The
defendant was discharged ami the cost.s paid
by tlio mother of the prosecuting witness.
Sheriff O'Neill ' went toXeola yestoiday to
serve a writ of Injunction in tlio case of Uut-
ler v.s Klllthorpi ! . This Is the rasu In which
the plaintiff , who Is tlio road supervisor of
road distiict No. t In Mendeii township , was
directed to open a new road and feiu-o up
certain ether properly. The defendant
would not allow ! ho work to proceed , and the
Injunction Issued for the purpose of pre
venting him from lurther interfering to delay
tlio progress of the work.
.1 W and 10. U Squire have inr-ilo anawcr
to the pt'tilion liled against them some time
ago hi the district com t by the Manawa r.iil-
\vay company. Tholr dcfeaso is that the
company , which .sues to recover a subscrip
tion made when the project of the railway
was belli } ? worked up did not live up to Hie
terms ol the agreement , in that the tr.ick was
afterward relocated and put down in another
place , fifty rods farthoraway from the land
owned by the defendants.
City Mm-ihal Templetou returned lastevcn-
iug from F'-emout , Neb. , where he went after
Charles Morton , the colored youth whoso
iii-rcst at Fremont for the larceny of * 7..MJ
from Hattie Arthur of this city was noticed
In yesterday's Bm : . Mortoiv declined to come
without a requisition , but was Ilnally induced
to change Ids inlnil , and was lauded hero in
Jail. Tlio information against him charges
JM-tlt larceny , and the prosecuting witness is
lamenting liceause the chiii-go is not .serious _
enough to scud the light-lingered young "man
to the penitentiary.
Ijeailers in Oiu-tnlns , I'olommil Simile * .
Our slock of liu-o curtains , Chenille cur
tains , Turcoman , Chenille dado with Mace
fringe Is without a rival in this western coun
try. I-aeo curtains nt .Ve * , 7."ie , * ! , tl.25 , Sl.W ) ,
$1.75 , * - , ' , S.VW , S--'l , $ ' - ' . " . , SUIT , ft to .fS.T5 a
J t pair ; the best selection in the city. Turco-
I' ' man curtains , Chenille dado $ i , ? . ' . < . ; . $ -1. ? . " > ,
1 tti.M ) mill 0,75. Chenlllo curtains with dado
nt Sfi.75 and ? .ri < > . Chenille curtains with
dado and Mace fringe , $ ! l ; worth § 15. Win
dow shades : Holland window shades atSc ,
with rollei-s and ilxtures complete. Opaque
felt window shades with dado Me , fixtures
and "rollers complete. A complete Hun of
plain oil opaque , nlso dado , at our usual low
prices the largest and most complete line in
tlio city. Boston Store , Futhcringhum ,
Whttelaw > t Co. . leaders and promoters of
ow prices , Cuuncll HlutT.s , la.
Tin * Assessment imll7.ei-H. : < | .
The meeting of the board of equalization
hibt evening was quite lively. Olio of the iu-
tero.sting feature * was the word Avar between
K. ll. Shcafb and A. U. Orano relative to the
nssessmcut of the former gentleman's per
sonal property. It will bo remembered that
nt a recent meeting Mr. Sheat'e appeared and
gave some information regarding the amount
of property owned by George , Pipe , with
whom ho was formerly associated in business ,
and nn the strength of that information Mr.
Lipe's assessment was raised about SOU per
Last evening Mr. Crauo worked the same
doilgo on Mr , Sheafo. Ho had not been as
sessed for any personal property , and the
company In which ho Is interested was as
sessed for $ . ' ,000. Mr. Crane , who was a
member of tlio llrm until tlio tli-st of the year ,
stated that the company had u paid up capi
tal of $ T > , ( HH ) . This statement nettled Mr.
Khenfe , and there was a very warm exclmnijo
of words for n time.
i John N Hahlwln was also on hand , and an
nounced that ho had u little something to say
about the assessment of the Union I'aeille.
Ho was not granted a hearing last evening ,
however , but the matter was postponed u few
days and will como up again some evening
next week.
Tlio partnership heretofore existing be
tween II. Ulrkinlune ami J. S. Statute font of
Council DluuX la. , operating and doing busi
ness under the llrm name and style of the
llirklitblne engineering and supply company ,
with unices at Council , mid Omaha ,
Neb , , 1.4 this day dissolved by mutual con
sent , Mr. J. S. Staudeford retiring. Tlio
business will bo continued by Mr. H. Hlrk-
lubiuu under the same firm name audstvle ,
and he will pay all outstanding claims and all
debts duo the late llrm nru to bo collected ,
paid to and receipted for by him , the said H.
Witness our hands and seals this Slid day
of April , Ib'JO. .
, , .1. S. Srvxnirimi : > .
In the presence of Hartranievery. .
Tlio WaKC-ok-Slieii Assault Case.
The trial of Attorney J. .1. She.i forassault-
Ing Oftlcer Wiujeck , continued from Wednes
day afternoon , was tried before .IwlgoMeUco
yesterday afternoon. Three witnesses were
introduced by the state , and the defense had
nearly a dozen. When placed upon the stand
Shea stated that he horsewhipped the otnVer ,
but It was because the latter seized his horco
by the head ami attempted to lead It to a pa
trol Iwx without Ili-st placing him under ar-
rvst or oven notifying him why ho was taken
In charge. The bulk of the evidence
was to tlio effect that Shea was really the
assaulted party , and that Wapeck tried to get
ut him with his club , H was nlso shown that
Wigeck milled the revolver 111111 levelled It nt
Shea. The case was not concluded when
court adjourned , mid will bo resumed at U
o'clock this morning. City Attorney Stewart
Is conducting th prosecution , and Shea's
partner , Mr , liulviu , Is looking after the de
Jf you wish to sell your iiroperty call on the
, „ 3 udil .t Wells Co. , C. H. J mid president , COO
| j { } ) road way.
An IiniioHltlon on Charity ;
"One of the most urgent needs of this city
nnd county ut the present time is n public
hospital , " remarked u prominent physician
yesterday. "Jly that 1 do not mean to con
demn either of the two now in operation , or
to advocate the ox-ning | of another , These
two hospitals arc doing a noble work , and bo-
lug churltublo Institution * , uro constantly
i row dr t Not only that , but they are
constantly Imposed upon , and the greatest
Imposition Is practiced by the city and county
Clt.\ and county patients nro sent to l > oti !
places and aw carefully eared for , and then
It li almost imiiosslblo for the hospital man
agement to collect a cent for the work , 1
know that thf pjpers have frequently con
demned this system , nnd I hope they will
keep It up , for I don't sep ns we can effeot u
change without a constant agitation of tlio
subject. Then ) .should i erlulnly bo some ar
rangement made by which both tlio city and
county would pay for the care of patlenta
iiucb n sum as is eonimeiistmito with the In-
Iwr and care rendered. What Is the pittance
of * J a week for the board ami cine of u sick
peison , together with washing , medicine , ttel
Such u parsimonious spirit on thu part of tlio
public oilleers Is anything but n credit to the
city they represent.
"It might not bo possible to make our bos-
pltals self-supporting Institutions , but they
ically ought to eome much nearer It than
they do at present. It leave ! an enormous
load on tlio shoulders of the kind-hearted
ladles who have them In clmrgo and every
clmiity patient bionght in is simply Increas
ing their burden , Take for Instance the ease
of the man Wml , who was Injured lust night
on the Koek Island. The county oiiKht to piy
\ erv liberally for his c.ue. but it won't do it.
It is this state of iilfalrs that has made it so ,
dinicult to get patients Into the hospitals.
The managements arc overburdened mid feel
that they cannot In Justice keep adding to
the load. Mutters should be so arranged that
there would ho no diluculty in getting patients
tients- accepted at tlio hospitals. Such
airangcment.s should be madoas would assure
the management that bills would be paid out
ol the public treasury In case the path ut was
not able to do so himself. Our ladies arc
doing all that they should when they pro\ldo
these hospital * and maintain nurses and help
without compelling tli'-m to add to it work
that rijjhtlv i > elon - to others. 1 wisli TMK
HI.I : would agitate the nuttier and see If the
i-ltj council mid boaid of supervisors would
not" bo willing to pay ilecint rates lor
the can * of unfoitumiles. The demand of
sufl'i-riiiK liumaidtj forch.irlty calls for bet
ter provision than has yet been made. Such
care is something that any one of us is liable
to need and It would 'cemeiv hard to ho
striclun down and have mi one willing to
take in in. This is the light in which the
situation should ho regarded and 1 , for one ,
vciy much liopo tiiat the oftlcials will take
the'proper view of It. "
We waul you to list your rental propeity
with us and'we will secure you good , reliable
ten'iiiti. ! Kents collected and special atten
tion given to care of propeily. K. H. Sheafo
& Co. , Broadway and Main st. , up stairs.
H vv roit s i.i : .
One hundred , tons of hay for sal" in stack
at Lake Manawa. HKN MAKKS.
S. 15 Wulsworth & Co. , - > ( ) - Pearl street ,
loan money for Lombard Investment company.
J. G. Tlpt'on , real estate , iVJ" Hroadway.
A SlrniiKor Terribly
John Ward , a penniless stranger from Iowa
county , met wit liu accident about -Jo' clock yes
terday mornlngonthe Hock Island track near
Park's Mills , four miles east of the city , that
may cost him his life. He was walking on
the track ioiug ; cast when ho was struck by
the fust freight that leaves this city at 1 : : :0 :
o'clock. The train was made up of cars of
dressed beef , and was running quite fast at
the time. Ward was struck in tlio back and
thrown nearly thirty feet. Ho landed on n
pile of rock , and barely missed going into the
creek , in which case ho would certainly have
drowned , as ho was rendered unconscious and
even after regaining Ids senses was perfectly
helpless. The train was stopped and backed
up , and the injured man was picked up and
placed in the caboose , lie was taken to
Weston , where a bound train was met.
Ward was placed on board and brought hack
to tlio Blurts , arriving hero at HiO : : ,
The patrol wagon was called and ho was
removed to llm Women's Christian associa
tion hospital , where Dr. C. H. Pinney at
tended him. It was found that ho was very
badly injured. Vive ribs on the left side
weio broken and the fractured bones had
penetrated the lung membrane , causing ; the
victim to constantly spit blood. His right
elbow was dislocated and the arm above the
oUiow was fractured. There were two ugly
gashes across the scalp which were sowed up.
There was also a bad cut across tno right
knee , laying b.m > the potella , and the sartor-
lus muscle w.i.s torn loose from tno bono and
cut nearly in two. His face was badly cut
and bruised and his nose was completely de
moralized. The doctor patched him up as
well as possible , mid vestord.iy af tot noon
Ward was able to tell what ho knew about
tlio accident. He said he left the city about
midnight to walk to Weston. Ho did not
hear the train approaching him and has no
idea how ho failed to notice it.
The only way ho can explain it is that ho was
walking in Ida sleep. He knows that ho was
very sleepy and ho was aroused to con
sciousness to lind himself staggering along.
He would then arouse himself and go on , but
would soon become drowsy again. He sup
poses that ho was run down while most
asleop. Ward has an uncle , William Ward , at
Fox postoflice , Iowa county , and tlio unfor
tunate man was trying to get back there when
he met with the accident. Ho is twenty-six
years of age , and Is a single man , American
The attending physician states that Ward's
condition is very critical , and it will bo Im
possible to tell lor two or three days whether
the Injuries will prove fatal.
A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of
hose purchased at llixby's.
Good paper hangers at Crockwell's.
If you want the best Wall paper go to J. D.
The Manhattan sporting heudq'rs , 118 H-
Water AYorkH $10.
Without doubt there nro many persons now
building houses hero who want to use tlio city
water , but nro unahlo to pay the usual price
for introducing the water into their premises.
Appreciating this lact , the Now York Plumb
ing company will locate a yard hydrant six
teen feet from the curb line , and connect the
same with water main , with everything com
plete and the water ready to use uuill. Cash
with onler. Thin offer appliea to unpavcd
streets where mains arc laid.
Pi-iililbition Paleliwork.
There was a bewildering entanglement of
the legislation at the session Just closed at
DCS Moines , especially in to the liquor
question. Tito old pharmaceutical law was
conceded to ho very cumbersome and imprac
tical in many particulars. The druggists of
the state met some tlmo ago and framed a
bill , allowing the necessary handling of
liquors by regular druggists. They endeav
ored to make a law which would pwvent sa
loons being run under the name of drug
stores , and ut the same tlmo prevent tyran
nizing and blackmailing on the p.u-t of those
who , for mercenary or spite purposes , uro
eager to prosecute legitimate druggists. The
bill was presented to the legislature , but the
solons In the majority concluded that It was
a scheme to favor the druggists at the ex
pense of prohibition , and si ) tossed It aside.
They thought they could build a better ono
themselves. Their work was not completed
until the closing hours of the session. In the
bewilderment of amendments it Is said that
the bill as llmdiy passed was a sorry pleco of
The rather startling declaration Is made
that the bill provides that druggists holding
permits to sell liquors must make returns to
the county auditor every sixty days , Instead
of every tldity as heretofore. Hut strangely
enough , whllo. providing penalties for false
returns , or swearing to false statements ,
there is no penalty named for falling to muko
iiuo returns at all. These it-turns have been
a terror to druggists , for In them they have
to stiito in detail every sale made. If by
chaiico they should sell to u man who gets
drunk , the return would bo used as evidence
in convicting them , and subjecting them to a
heavy itcimlty. There am numerous other
reasons , why many druggists are not anxious
to muko thcso detailed reports , and swear to
them. If , us now appears , the U-gislutors In
their haste have forgotten to Insert miv
IHMiuHy , the druggists nro given a good , big
hole through which they tuny crawl.
Another rather startling feature to the now
bill Is the provision by which practicing
physicians do not have to take out anv ix-r-
mtt , If a druggist chances to ho u doctor ho
can , If he chooses , huvo n largo practice , If
ho makes u upcelulty of treating allinf-nta
which require in 1m Judgment , ur Lu the
Judgment of the suffering patient , remedies
of a .slim iliuluvr nature.
While the bill which passed does not pro
vide any penalty for an absolute failure to
make bi-monthly returns to the county midI -
I lor , tlirro Is a section which some construe as
being clastic enough to cover such n case. It
provides that the possession of n druggist's
permit will not protect the holder from being
prosecuted mid punished Under the general
prohibition law , provided ho does not oxer-
else his trust In good faith. Thcio Is a dif
ference of opinion whether this action will
cover u neglect to makd nuy rotnvns , for
further on the bill provides that the making
of false returns Is only a misdemeanor , while
the Kcncrid selling of liquor Is n much more
Thoirasollueslovo Is more dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save life and property by
using the C. 1) . Gas and Klectrlo Light Co.'s
gas stovo.
Several desirable dwelling * with modern
Improvements for rent In vicinity of tie
Presbyterian church. K. II. Sheafo Si Co. ,
rental agents.
J. C. Ulxby , steam heating , sanitary engi
neer , HIM Life building , Omaha ; -DJ Merrlam
block , Council Bluffs.
Cliniiliuiiiun Motor.
To the Kditor of Tin : HIB : : Statements nro
appearing In the papers that are calculated to
convey u wiong Impression of the relations of
the motor company and tlio Chautuuqttn to
thu public , and arc , I think , unjust to the
motor company. The subscriber lias for one
year mid moro tried to luduco the motor
company , to extend the electric street car line
to the Chautiiuqua grounds , and the company
has us persistently declined , as they believed
it would not pay. I have vigorously Insisted
that it would pay the motor company , but I
think the directors believe it will not for
some time at least , and its they must invest
the money If tlio wad is extended their Judg
ment Is entitled to respect.
Now the ChauUiuqua is not able to build a
line nor to buy one. Its chief energy at pres
ent is exercised in begging. It has practiced
this energy on tlio directors of the electric
company in season and out of se.i-on till they
finally consented to extend to the Chautiiuqua
grounds provided they were ivlenseJ from
liny claim for damages by proirty > owners
iiloni ; the street , and for u small bonus. Tlio
directors of the motor company have not
asked the Cliautauqua assembly to help them
put their line out to the grounds , nor do I
know of their milking a like request of nny
parties along the route.
The Chautiiuqua enterprise will bo greatly
aided by tlio motor extension , and has and is
now plying Its old vocation as" a mendicant
to prevail upon the company to invest' its
money in this extension , and it appeals also
to tlio people along the route Individually to
render every moral and lluaiieial aid Hint
each ono Justly can.
The Chautiiuqua is entitled to some rccog-
nlltoii from the public from Oak street east
iar into the country. It has been the means
of securing appropriations to cut down the
hills when all elforts had previously failed It
has started llfealoug an hundred lines and all
for the well being anil prosperity of our pee
ple. It is opening the new era of prouu-ss to
our western civmrntlon , H needs u little
support from every man just at this time , and
every one should say "go * ' and chip Ids
shoulder to tin-wheel and help send it to the
front rattier than sag in tin * harness , or by
frantic , useless plunging raiseu cloud of
dust on those laboring steadily for its suc
cess.Will it not look better for every ono to
"hitch onto" the car of prugress , help put
this'motop line to tlio Climitiiiuiua giounds ,
than to stand behind the fence of " 1 do not
need it , " and ever and anon toss a block into
the track ! Is it jiot better to bid it speed , if
none other than by a friendh word , than to
stand in the sullen throng only to watch the
procession passing by , or by trying to defend
opposition by making faces at the motor com
pany unit crying "greed" ( It's time to Join
tin-procession. .1. E. HuiNNr * * .
General Manager Cliautauqua Assembly.
Tin ; Knmous Prices Ijet Down.
Granulated sugar 15 pounds for $1 , extra C
IB pounds for * 1 , choice lUo coffee ( roasted )
per pound S5c , good Kio coffee ( ground ) per
pound lcuncolored Japan ten ' 'Oe per pound ,
best rolled oats per pound , good rice 7c per
pound , best baking soda Sc per pound , good
baking powder 1-pound can 10c , Council
Illuff3 tomato I ! cans for X'"c , good corn ! t cans
for _ "e , It-pound box gloss starch : ! Uc , best
sulphur matches per dozen I5c , best parlor
matches L'tic per dozen , Lewis lye per box I2e ,
It-pouud pail lard -He , fi-pound pail lard ifc ,
20-pound pail fruit je'lv , S.V , L'Vgallon pail
No. 1 fruit syrup Me. .
Good flour . " 0-pound sack Vic , best Minnesota
seta no-pound sack . * 1.50 , best country butter
lfie per pound , fresh country eggs lOc per
Clioien residence property centrally located
for sale by E. H. Sheafo & Co.
Finest photo gallery in the west Shcrra-
den's new place , U and 15 Main street.
M'RHNOXA M , i'AH Atill.i 1'IIS.
George Musgrovo of Logan was in the city
A. H. Hersman of Hod Oak was a Bluffs
visitor yesterday.1
C. II. Dyer of GlonwooJ at thq .lanies-
son yesterday.
Jacob Walton of II-uiloii is In the city.
Mrs. J. G. Tiptou is visiting her sister at
Harlan. .
P. G. Mlkesell is able to bo out utter an ill
ness of two weeks.
Hon. H. W. Brlggd of Cur-mii was in the
city yesterday.
.1. T. Hurt leaves again todiy for Colorado.
lie has been spending a few days with his
Herbert Clark , editor of the T.ibor Union ,
was in tlio city yesterday.
Mrs. G. W. Crofts loft last evening for
Oregon , 111. , in response to a telegram an
nouncing that her mother , who has been ill
some time , was failing rapidly.
Captain Fred S. Cupron , the traveling
passenger agent of tlio Chicago & Grand
Trunk , was in the city yesterday.
A P. K. O. SeiiKiitlcm.
A flutter was created in social circles by
by the report that n number of prominent
ladies of the P. K. O. had banded themselves
together for the purposii of
( Continued Tomorrow. )
Yolco ( 'lilt ure.
Important to churches. S. 1C. White , di
rector of music in public schools over - ' ' ( ) yeurs
In the east , has a successful plan for the solu
tion of congregational singing , Don't full to
write to him for p.irtleulnrs.
Private Instruction at moderate prices In
classes of lour or moro In scientific voiio cul
ture , light singing , harmony and thorough
Org.iul/ed musi.'iil societies , choirs or
schools needing u professional drill master
will find Mr. White a real success. No. viiil
South i th si. , Council Bluffs , la.
of fine watches mid jewelry In the city , nnd
the place to buy the best goods at the lowest
prices , Is the establishment without rivals ,
the most reliable llrm of
C. B. J\I. < JII.MICo. .
Drs. Woodbury have removed their dental
oftlce to 101 Pearl street , up stall's.
Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown and bridge
work , No. l'i Pearl.
Clan ! Powder Implosion.
LI.UIVII.U : , Col , Aurll ! i\ While a laborer
employed on Hlo Grande railroad con
struction work near hero was throwing out
s&voral sticks of giant powder an explosion
occurred which threw several men some dis-
tunco from the work. One was killed ,
another uiunut live and several others were
slightly injurod.
Cole Held for acquisition.
Nr.vv YOIIK , April ' 'S. Lafayette Cole of
Pcurla , 111. , secretary and manager of the
Jcnney electric light and power company , ur-
ixMed here hist night for iJmbezzlemcnt , was
arraigned In couit today charged with being
H fugitive from Justice. Ho was com
mitted to uwalt the arrival of requisition
Salu Cii-tN DuiiiagcH.
L.OMIO.SApril J3.Tho trlul action for libel
brought by George Augustus Sulu against
Furnlss , the caricaturist , has resulted in u
verdict of 5 damages for the plaintiff.
Governor Tlmyer Afld sscs Senator Paddock
on tUifSifbject.
* i
IteoelvetHudson' * Aei'imntK All Hlght
A Colk'Ko .Oi'ntor ' Cliiii-Ke < l
wllli PluKliii-lHiit HlB
* Damage Suit.
* -
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 2. ' . [ Special to Tin :
Hii.J : : The governor has uddrcsscil the fol
lowing Interesting letter to Senator Paddock :
Smi : ur Nr.imtikt , KMI : > TIVK IKP\HT-
Mi\r : , LINIOI.V , Neb. , April 111.Hon. . A. S.
Paddock , United States Senator , Washington ,
D. C. Dear Sir : I address you moro L-SJIC-
dally us you arc chairman of the committee
on agriculture , in reference to a matter of
vital Interest to thu farmers of the west. In
addition to tlio oppressive rates of trauspolta-
lion to which they are subject in sending their
grain to market , thcro Is another equally
grievous wrong which they uro compelled to
Tlieio is no question in my mind but that
tltu farmers of Nebraska have been defrauded
of hundreds of thousands of doll'irs within
the lust few years bv the wrongful cla slflca-
lieu of coin at Chicago and other great corn
center.- * .
There uro three grades , vU : No. i ! , which
is the best ; No. ! ! andI , inferior mid poor
grade , and then no grade at all. Much of the
Nebraska corn Is rated as No. U and t , and
here comes in the great injustice to our far
mers , ll Is a welt known fact that- nowhere
In the civili/cd world Is better corn raised
than In Nebraska ; mid \etbyn false system
of grading we are giossly robbed every jear ,
mid the only way to prevent It is , in my Judg
ment , for the United States authorities to
suppress it.
If doubts exist us to the right of the gov
ernment lo Interfere , I answer , the govern
ment iippoints gangers to inspect whiskys
and grade them , the department of ugri-
eulturo appoints cattle inspectors ut different
points ; congress legislates to prevent the
adulteration of lard ; by legislation it regu
late. ? the manufacture of oleomargarine ; it Is
seeking to overturn the monstrous evil of
gambling in food products. May it not legis
late to prevent frauds in the grading of corn (
If it be answered that tills is astute nmttir ,
I answer , the stales do not apply the remedy ,
and 1 ask that the United States do it. The
object of tlio government as set forth in the
preamble of the cou.litutl0u is "to establish
Justice" , and "to promote the general wel
fare.1 Justice nnd the general welfare will
be promoted by suppressing the evil of which
I urn complaining. If United States inspector
specter * , with United States stulutes pro
viding heavy pains and penalties for their
violation , could appointed at Chicago , St.
Louis , Baltimore , Philadelphia , New York
and Boston , the system nf false grading of
corn and other grains \vuuld cease.
1 ask your earnest intention and that of the
delegation to this subject. Very truly yours ,
The governor says : "Now let them howl ,
'bidding for votes , ' 'looking for a third teim. '
1 am working lor the interests of the people
of my state my constituency , my friends-
anil as their servant 1 am pledged to do this.
There uie palpable wi'olif-'s that ought to be
suppressed , and I'aKe 'grading1 of Nebraska's
king cereal and extmtiijiiate freight rates ure
chief among them. Ag.iin , 1 repeat , let the
idiots lio\\l. ' ' i
r.ioni 11.NTS ix | iiriii TO HIM.
Receiver Hudson of the United States land
ofilce has received his settlement for the
quarter ending December ill , HSII. A short
lime since it will 1m rem'-mberod it
rumored that Mr. Hudson was a defaulter to
the government in Uio sum of , "u ) for the
quarter ending June.'XI of last year. At the
time it was shown that whatever erior there
may nave licen was on the side of the goven :
ment , and the last report shows that it wn
very properly eorrectijd and that the Unite
States owes him just S cents. Mr. Hudso
has been furnished vMlb three certificate
for each deposit mad \ hue for the 'trensurj
one for the general land olllco and one fo
INTIUISTIX : : ( ; smi-Tirs.
The report of Live Stock Inspector Heinle
to the city council shows some intcvostin
statistics. During the past month 'JOO beeve
and l,5-ii : sheep have been shipped in froi
various points for the slaughter. The con
sumption of meat in the city for the past yea
is estimated utr > , li:0 ( : cattle. 4,000 hogs , fj,5o
sheep , and 'JiMIO , calves. The inspector stutc
that Armour & Co. control almost the ontir
meat shipment. If the home market supplie
this meat it would jdvo employment to 10
men. The inspector also states that helm
condemned I VJ'.i.l pounds of stun' , so boxes u
berries and ill ) bunches ol bananas. II
iironounces the mill : furnished the public b
the several dairymen of the best cl.i-s an
says that the cows ure healthy and well fei
inn ntM\or. < .rir.
II. Ilerpolsldmer & Co. refuse to tuko th
new exposition building at the corner n
Twelfth and N streets , built by .1" . J. Imhotl
This announcement was made in Mr. IinhotT'
petition , filed in the district court today , join
ing him in an notion for $ . ' . " > ,000 damages hi
cause uf it. The petition sets up that th
plaintiff bus the delendnnt's contract to tuk
the building on its completion , lor nstntt-i
number of years , and that he has rushed Hi
work uud finished it ut great expense to hi
liking , and that at the eleventh hour , ufter h
bus had divers chances to lease it and deniei
them , he is informed that the defendant fo
reasons unknown will not abide by his con
tract , uud that , damages are due him in th
sum stilted , with costs of suit.
iAi-iroi. IMII.I.IIINCI : : : .
Governor Thayer received a draft for f I ,
5lu'.Vi to aid in sustaining the soldiers' urn
sailors' homo from the national govcnimcn
today , and ho deposited the same in the olllc >
of the state treasurer.
Tl.o sinlo board of equalisation meets a
the auditor's olllco May I fur the purpose o
assessing the railroads of th" slate.
Sheriff William of Otoo county commlttei
Krr.est Slitter , John McC.uin , Charley Lam
and Mo-es Wallace to the state ponil iittnr ;
today. Sittlor was sentenced to llfteei
mouths for manslaughter , McCuun to oiu
year for forgery and Lane and Wallace to i
year each for burglar } .
The Faimurs' and Men-hunts' bank of Ster
ling , Johnson county , Hied mticlfsof incur
ponition today. Capital stock $50,000. in
corporator.H. : . M. Child" , John It. Piersou
John Jmisseu , M. M. Catchple , C. lA
Belsemeier , II. W. Merrill. N.V. . Henderson
T. B. Fra/er , George W. Ideu and Join
The state boa id of printing met today to lei
the contract for the publication of the reporl
of the hiiieau of labor and Industrial stalls
tics.The Paellle short.Hue , bridge company ol
Sioux City , In. , domostlc.ited today by lllliif.
resolutions mid artli-ll-it of Incorporation ,
Capital stock , * 10.iWOOo. ( | Ineorporators
Donald McLean , LoWrctt H. Clarke. Cralj (
L. Wright , David MrKeiuic and John Pierce ,
Attoiney General 'Leeso ' left for Peoria
111. , last evening to itppear for the state in tin
Nebraska City whisky trust case. Ho will
bo from home until Tueutay next.
Land Commissioner i.Stecn returned fi-on
Blaine county this cycuingt Ho states thai
15,000 acres of school , lands put upon tin
market imvo been leased at fair figures , Hi
alsottpcaks In high terms of the country ami
efficiency of the oftlclij | of thai county ,
i iitmiKit WITH i-i.\nMitisM.
Thursday evening , ' May I , is the date llxeii
upon for the meeting ot the Interstate Colle
giate Oratorical as pclftlon. This year Hit
meeting promises l bo unusually interest
ing.At the late state oratorical contest Student
Ferguson of tlm Wcsleyan uulversltj won tin
llrst honors mid thcix-foie the right to reiiie.
sent the state at the Intel-stale contest. It IN
now claimed thai the winning oratot
" -'Conservatism and
"cribbed" Ids oration on
Radicalism' ' from two orations published In
the College Humbler , an educational pu [ > ci
published at Jacksonville , 111. nine years ago.
Before the meeting of thu association tht
original mid the alleged plagiarized oration
will he published side by side , An i-ffoitwill
bo made to rule out Mr. Ferguson's oration.
cirv M : S AMI Noriif.
It Is said to bo definitely settled that E. P ,
Holmes will bo the next city attorney.
The complaint against Ixnils Dunn fur cut
ting his playmate with a knife was with
drawn In pollco court this morning.
Mr. B. C , ntnkcbley of Fremont was lu
the city today and called at THU BII : : head
quarters ; also W M. Huiutiai-ger of the Ho-
public , St. Louis.
Surah C. Glbsou has put in a bid again * !
the city for $ damages she allege ! xh
suMatncd by fulling IIIMII n defective side
walk. Payment of the sumo Is denied niv
she will sue the city.
W. M Jitdd has Hied his application forni |
pohitmcut to the | mstlou | of city cnulncot
and It Is said Hint his appointment Is reason
ably sure.
K. K. Sl/er , W , II. Berger , H. A. Chappell
T. A. Hensley , ( JeorgeA , Wedgewood and II
F. Downs of this city In.stitulod n dlvlsloi
of the uniformed rank of Knights of Pythla
nt Beatrice last evening.
Joe Brown , an employe at the Capitol plan
Ing mill , met with a serious accident thi
morning whllo using u , bu// saw , whereby In
lost part of his left hand.
fOX < fltKNSIO\.t li imtH'KI'.IHXtiS
WA IIINOTOV , April 25.In the senate to
day the senate bill to authorize the sale ol
limber on lands reserved for Uio Menoinlnct
Indians in Wisconsin was placed on Uio 'cal
The senate then resumed consideration ol
the mUroml hind forfeiture bill. Pcmlliif
Us discussion the senate took up unit passci
the house Joint resolution uppropriutim
8150,000 for the relief of destitution in tin
district overflowed by the Mississippi rlvei
nnd Its trllmUrloH. The consideration of the
land forfeiture bill was then resumed.
Mr. Call began u speech but soon stoppei
to make complaint that ho had but lev
hearers. lie suld if the people could oidj
look in unit witness the scene in the senati
chamber they would form the opinion llm
the day was passing by when senators wen
of any use in Ihe government of the country
He then resumed his argument in explanatloi
and advocacy of the amendment entered b ;
him in thu Interest of the sclllcrs on ri.llroai
lands in Florida.
Messrs. George and Pusco ulso spoke am
the bill went over without action until Mon
day next.
After the deliverance of eulogies on tin
lute Hepresentallvo Guy of Louisiana llu
Hcmilo udjourned.
W * IIIXOTOX , April 25.- Ill the house lodnj
Mr. O'Neill of Pennsylvania presented llu
memorial of Ihe business men of Phlladclphl ;
asking thu aid of congress lu the promotion ol
the Imlldiugof American ships lo trade will
foreign i > orts.
A petition of seventy-eight dry goods com
misslcn houses mid woolen manufacturers 01
Now York city was presented asking for tin
passage of n 1)111 classifying wor.stciU with
woolens. Keferrod ;
The bill passed providing for a term ol
court at Danville , Ills. , on the first Mond'ij
in May.
The committee on appropriations reported
the Joint resolution nppropi luting $150,000 foi
the relief of tltc destitute people In the ills
tricts overflowed by the Mississippi and lit
tributaries. Passed.
The house went into committee of the
jivtmlo on the legislative uppropriulioii bill.
On motion of Mr. Supers of Texas ai
amendment was adopted providing that here
after every new application for examinutioi
before the civil service commission bo iiceom
panlod by the certillcntc of an ofllcer will
the official seal uttuched of Uio county ami
state of which the applicant claims lo bo n
On motion of Mr. Cumuilngs of New Yorl-
an amendment was adopted providing for tin
"actual" traveling cxpc'iisos of the eivi
service commission instead of the "neees
sary" traveling expenses provided in UK
bill.Tho appropriation for the ofllccrs am
director of the mint was taken up. Without
completing the consideration the committee
and the house took a recess.
Not u Clear Case.
AI.IIAXV , N. Y. , April ij. ! The committee
appointed to investigate Judge Bookstaver's
connection with the Flack divorce ease madi
two reports today. The majority finds llu
testimony uud evidence not sufficient to sat
isfy them tliut Judge Jlookstavur had guiltj
knowledge of the conspiracy to obtain u
fraudulent divorce.
Tlio minority report says that whether 01
nol Judge Bookslavcr was a party to a crim
inal conspiracy , etc. , his acts constitute n
reckless unit wanton violation of the law , his
constitutional oath of office und his ofllcia !
duty , and that the Judge should bo placed on
trial before a court of impeachment.
lioml Ol Verities' .
WASHINGTON , April 25. ( Special Telegram
toTnuBii.lBonds : offered : $15,500 at § 1.22 ; '
- '
a blood disease. Until tno poison 13
expelled fiom the sjstom , there can
bo no euro for this loathsoico and
dangerous malady. Therefoic , the only
effective treatment is a thorough course
of Aycr's Snrsaparlllu the best of all
blood pmitiers. The sooner you begin
the bettor ; delay Is duugcious.
"I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried rations remedies ,
nnd wns treated by a number of physi
cians , but iiiceived no huuullt until I
began to take Aycr's Sarnaparilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cured mo of
this troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesse M.
lloggs , Ilolman's Mills , N. C.
"When Ayer's Sai-sapaillla was rec
ommended to mu for catarrh , I was in
clined to doubt Its ellicacy. Having
tried so many remedies , with little ben
efit , I had no faith that anything would
emaciated from loss
cure mo. I became
of appetite nnd impniied digestion , 1
hud nearly lost the .iunso of Hinoll , and
my system was badly duianged. .1 was
about discouraged , when a filoud mgcd
' . - nnd referred
mo to try Ayui's Sain.-iparilla ,
ferred me to * persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After taking half a do/eu
bottles of this medicine , I am convinced
that thn only sure way of ticatlug this
obstinate disease is through the blood , "
Charles II. Mulouey , 113 llhcr St. ,
Lowell , Mass.
arsaparilla ,
Dr. .It C. Ayer i Co. , Lowell , Mass.
frlce $1 i U tollies , t5. Worth 40 bottle.
j I llit 111 tlit L'liitf > l tUlfi At 10 , U
nij rs , Hicytle * , h fetl * mdOirlt' Trleyc-
Iff tint tit ntor it whclt jle | < rin irnl
I' O. D. ilirrci front l > U Spr rrr' l p-
tot > , ! Rl W. MAduon M. l ic ( " t to
| IO * ffd Snrt'c. . § ! * tnji f"f new r u.
Icfiit. Iht lfR * t f ttcy In tt. * orld *
/ SAliK Hotel pioperty , - " ' looms , ecu-
I/1OU located. .Mis. Wm. Noble. I'.M S.
iiehth : St. , Coum-ll lllulls. _ _
llt ) SAlfc Two-hloiy I'-ioom house , with
1 all iiiodi'in Impiovemeiils. tine lot Mxl ( l fl. ,
mi piiteil stn-et. only one bloi-li fiom luotor
lines ; ciisj ti-ims.
Now S-ioom house with modern lmpio\e-
iiieuls. lame crovp lot , lu Ilist-class uulKhbor-
biioil : ihlslsiibaisaliiiiKU i.
Modi'i'iiJxtoiy iioiisx on Mb live , , KJM.
Choice Kiiuli-nlmt land close to the city , lu 'l
ir | 0-u-ii' loth. ? 1IK ) pt'racie. easy terms.
l.nlh In IthKlle'h sub , on iMiinlldy pnyments.
Tiu-ies Inside acie piopeity at a hiirmiln.
I'lui' icslilrnce lot ou Iti'ii'-iin St. . Km.
Choice lots In .Mulllu'N sub. at f'HKi ciu-h.
I. ul on AUP. . . ueai i-lh si. , only ttn ) .
Vacant IntH lu all parts of llm city on easy
I'll si molten ; : ! ! IO.IIIH.
W c. MUCV A. Son , ItiHini I , Ojiei-a block.
Council lllullN. la. _ _ _
to Trade \ clear faim In Ne-
liuihkiij a clear business lot In Omahii for
L'ltiur or oiiuuiuhnied lesliluueiInth. . I nn .luilil
V Wells company , W llro.ul nuy , ( ' . II. Juild ,
liie.sldeul. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IjlOIC KAI.i ; On monthly iiaymunts or teiins
I1 to mill by tliuJuild A.ells eouipaiiy :
' -room \\o-hliiry housu. cor Mh live , nnd 10th
it. , lot U by I'Jd fi-ot , tno blot-Ks from motor
ID-room lioii-o on Gth live' . , oui ) block from
motor Hue. . , , , , ,
H-room hoiisoou Lincoln ave. , two blocks
from motor Hue.
i ! 4 > rooiu huuM.-i on North 7th st , , near pust-
i > -iooiii house , two htoi-li's , live. A and H.'th st.
o-room stoiy and a half huuhe , u\e , \ . ' , near
North 7th st.
0-rixim bouse , also 4-room house on the
iiotor Hue , liens i-cu ; l > th and " 1st his.
lluim-s unil Into In all pin u of the city Tin )
luiliiA : Wvllii cumpan } , ( XXJ llruuilway , C. II ,
ludil , piL-3.
With your name nnd address , mailed lethe
the Swift Sncclflc Co. , Atlanta , Go. , la
necessary to obtain nn Interesting treat-
bo on the blood and the diseases Incident
Skin Eruption Cturod.
One M my customers , a 'ilRhly ' rcfpcctwl'and
InflncntlM citizen , but who Huow nUent from
the city , liMurrdHnlft'i Specific ulth excellent
retail. lie rajf It enrol him of n f llti eruption
that ho Iiml been tormeutttl ultli far thhty years ,
and livl redded Ihu caratlvo quilltlct of rcviy
other medicines.
ItonKn-r CUM , Dro-'He' f.i - , y ,
Instantly slops the most cverucliitluc pains ue\r > r falls to elvc case to the eiilTeror
! . ' ' . ' . ' \ ' . . ! * . " . ' . ! . ' . . ' i.V. ? Jv.V 'I-.l. ' ! ! . ! ' . ! .rTl\s- ( ) iM''i.AMiTUINS ' itnn \TIHM ,
. . . SCI ATll'A. IIP \ DACIIITUDTII : \Clll : , or any other I'AIX. a few
tuns ate like magic , cnu-lii the palu lo Instantly s-lop.
Internally talieu In dose of from thlily to < > IMy drops In a half tumbler of ualcr will cure lu
u few minutes L'ramp : , Spinlus. SourSlomai-h. I'olle. flatulence , lleaithuru. t'lioloiu Moibiin ,
DiM-ntry' Dlnirh ' . Sick Headache. Nausea. Vomiting. XervousueMccplctmcsu , Mnbnlu ,
and all liituinal ; fiom change of diet or water or othi'i cause * .
BO cents ri bollle. Sold by nil Druggists.
TlioV\N IIotnTNS process renders their cocoa easv of !
digestion and develops in the highest degree its delicious
aroma. It is an excellent flesh-former , fifty per if/if , greater ;
than the best of other cocoas.
W VAN lIOt'TT.XS I'OCOV ( "once trloil. lw js used" ) I8forf7fiml. / . pure , eolnlila
( 'oco , tiivrnifil , iniiilr unit | > : < lv li-il In Ilnllnml , unit u lo.ilsty hrltrr ninl
miuinlnlilc limn nny iifllir iniinri-iiiiiliiiUiKliiiit. In fact , it ! ( Ror.cull ) nitnnl-
tcdoll over iuroio : ! , iI ] a i-oiipar.ill : o lost will o.-.sily iirnvollli.-it noixhrr I'ncoa riiii U DIM
Iincnir' fn tolutilllty , .icrctablo tnntc nnj nutritive quallllos. -iiri'Git | > ile in Ilio
world. " Ax ! for VAN IlouTKN'n ANUTAKK NO oruni. M
Theiclsno means In the
\\oilcl foi'cooKliuMhal uUr-4
the splendid it-Mills that
J.MS din's , rood enoKcii liy
It ictiilus mote thnii "u ne'r
cent tiionnf its inillltlvo
jnopi-itles than bv any
other ineaiis. In addition
to this thcic Is
And only a match for Kind-
It u . Thn Council Illulfa
lias ,1 iii'i-lili- : l.ljlil fo.
ha\e oxer 111 dlnYiciit
UlnilMillalile for all II-IM
lu private famllh'i ,
and icslaiiiauts.
1 Aii Open Itoastcr.
J. 1'ico l-'tiini All Contnot
With ( in * .
, - | . \\cllViMitllateilOveii
4. NoC'oullni-il Vapoi- .
r. . A Heh'iilar Dlllused
0. A ( iilller Ticc 1'ioin
T \ llol-jilale rilledlth
I'alenl All- and < ias llurn-
ci-s , in landed for HollliiK.
f-te\\lnn and I'l-yliu ; .
I.uillescall iiml see then
Wholosule and Retail Dealers in
I digest Stock and Lowest 1'ilces. Dealers , scud for Catalogue.
NTos. 0o und 2m Hromlwny , anil 201 und 20i ) Plorc-o Street , C'ounell llluIVs la
Which hns become so popular among the Incly shoppers of Council
Bluffs nnd vicinity , is one ofn system of O.OOO simtlnt- stores oper
ated in the United Slales , nnd is controlled by C. 13. Rouss , ol New
York Ciiy.
The supply is derived from manufacturers , jobbers , importqi-s ,
onnkrupt snles nnd smnll crowded out manufacturers , to whom
the net cost ol then *
Mr. Rouss advances n low percentage above
joods , nnd furnishes them money to continue their business during
.ho season. This stock consists of Undies' nnd Gent's Furnishing
Hoods , Tinware. Linens , Housekeeping Novelties , Stationary ,
Cutlery nnd Notions. While the slock is not largo , n consignment
3f new goods reaches us daily , and the prices these goods are sold
it cannot be duplicated by nny oilier merchant in Council ,
.mless sold nt a sacrifice. Goods are as wo represent them , or *
have examined them nt youi
cheerfully refunded nfier you
lome. Come in nnd see us. No trouble to show stock.
J. J. BELL & CO. , 3O2 BROA DW A Y.
" \\rANTii : > lo Trade Uuus and lots raiiK-
IIIK In price from : | ( Ht lo W.IKH for unlm-
| iro\ediion-tly. | | The. I mid & Wells company ,
M Ilioaduay. ( ' . II. .luilil , pics.
liUmSAI.r Two milch cows. | Vi-imsbiiy-
-1 ? Ins Mime can pay for Hii-m In noikutli
ti niii. haillliiKdlll. Apply to I.iouaid l.\eietl _ .
WOK SAM : AtulmiKaln : One double saw
I1 and sllcei ! line veneiir machine with Kear-
Inircomlilite. all new , Millabln forhaski-t fae-
toiy. luuulieat SiiyiletWoininlbsloa house ,
. " - ' IVail ht. , Council lllulH. . _
A\n : Have ' 'I lotNiiu and acljoliiliiir I'm leave.
but w ecu tlie Oadeii liou-ii and nil ; mount
I'lirK. on which wi > will build beautiful homes
10 Mill the puichuicrs. ixnl Hroadway , C II.
luilil , pies.
\\rANTI'll Men to sell thu coiuilen | ( school
IT churls. K.ihni' or eonimlhsloii Illx i-al and
uomptly paid , hmall expenses foi outfit. Ad-
It ! , ! , in- call on I' . II. Hmllh , &t ) Ilioadway ,
ouiicll Illuirh. la _ _ _ _
I7ilt ( ItKNT Thn-n iiufuruislieil looms , i'40
11 Ninth SKtbst. _
HAI.i : or Kent -Garden laud , with
1 houses , liy , I. U. Klce , Wi Main fci. , Council
UlllfH. _ ,
1/10K SAI.i : My resilience. WI Willow live.
1. nui'.on south Hldiiof llayllha pnrlvi heated
) y sleaiii , lluhti-d by ek-clrlelty and contain-
UK all modem IniproM'mcnlN ' ; lot IIKI by liiX )
fcut. Alno will hull 01 ehkiiKe for Impiovcd
-Ity propnrty my fniiu of Ma m-ics , li-u miles
nst of Council Illulls. N. M. Piistiy , Omiiell
UulTs. _
J. I ) . r.iiMUMisn.s , i : . SIIIICAIIT ,
I'res. VU'o-l'it-t.
Cius. II. II ANNAN , Ciihhler.
Paid Up Capital . $100,000
Surplus anil Fronts . 60,000
Liability to DapoHllors . .3BO.OOO
DIHMTOIIX I. A. Miller , P. O. ( Jlcasun. . . I *
KhiiKurt , K. IMIuil. .1. D. Kdmiindijoii , i has
{ . IliiiiMun. TruiiHiiKl isem-iiil buiiKliiK liiDiU'
iia. . I.arKi-ht capital uud binplus of any
Kink In Kuuthwt-Hti-rn IIJHII.
InlorasL oa Time
Fncial blemishes uii'h
| lllotehrs , Illtu-k Head1'rcckh'i. . . Super *
Iluoui llalr lemoved. Aihlrt-
J040 , Marcus nik , Broadway
Factory and I'laning Mill.
Itest rmilppod. most centrally located fac
tory In tbe city. All modern lull-it pattern
tiiaehlneiy ; olierati-d by lUllled moehaulr .
. ' peclal attention gl eu to scroll ami hand
saulng. planing and tilnnnluu' . ( irunrul eon-
tiactsatid estimates fur houses and bulldlm ; *
u specialty. Cornri Noitb Main and Myu.stu
streets , ( . 'oiincll ItlulTs. Telephone I'M" .
The J. A. Murphy
1st Aveiiuuaud "Iht Mire ! .
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand and Scroll Sawlm : . Itn-Saulus and
I'lauliisSawliik'of all kinds. I'oirh lli.ielicti.
Klmlllni - ! wood I'.W per load ilclKcml. Ccau |
Hiwdust by HID bauul . 'K.All woik to hii
Ilisl-class. Telephone ! M ,
"VOlMt 1'ATKONAIJi : SOMCITi : ! ) . "
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
llooms 4.10 and 4'U lice llulhjliitf.
Nub. , and Uooms u'll ami "l .Mi'iilnm Illoolf .
Council HlulTn , la. Ciuicsiioiiduiii-o helteltqil.
-ANl ) | (
B U P 1 : H 1 N T K N 1 J KN 'lv 3.
Itoom li'iO Merilam Hlouk , Coiiunll lllultn , la.
llouiuiiio N. V. Mfe Hnlldlug , ( im.iha , Neb.
. Orncmi. ' > V. II. M. 1'uHtv.
OPFICIiR & 1'USIiY ' ,
CorniT Main and Ilioadway ,
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Dealers In foiulii | ud domi-sllo cxrlumun.
Collci-thmi mudo und tnlurvat paid ou tliu *