Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Pevclops a Quieter Tone With a
Narrow Price Range.
Onifi Clo Tn I'rnotlnn T ov rr I < aril
nnil IlIliM Mnlu- Slight Ail-mtcem
Cnlllc Knttier Slow
n. 'April 25. [ Fpcclnl Telesrnm to
Till. Ill I 1 Thr whent market had not its force tixlny nnd up to 1 o'clock the
r.iilKc for Jill } WH limited to < r. nnd traillnK
win not of a henx x order. The market win
only utilct liy comparison xrlih the hc-nxy
trtiiinu tlMis fur t litre xieekji paM , arid com-
parnl without1 month nic > It wuxery frcxHl.
Ncxxs winecinflletlnsand mo tly n rchah of
fc rmercllspatelic-K. Michigan reported Mtne
In.piineniolit wlille Kurisu' * sent some hull
m WR iilxnit defect- cnips In that state , sup-
jio'c-d to IMnil rlsht , Thu Inrp' ' fv
c-ciitw | nt MlnnenjiolK : * lf eat * . , nlvout
upsi t the hull Itillucncc on acr-ount
i f the very low temperature' In
the tiortliXTi- l. l.lxcr ) > c > ol rnhli wen-slmply
( | iili t mi wheat c-iirly and tit lherlii c > tluit
i mket cabled California M" ) ! wheat and ml
wheat from ' -"fid lower with fitttitc- for ( 'fill-
fcrtiln and Indian wheat > 4 lsd hlsher. i'v-
pcirt clc-ara tiers xxcte llclit. Thenxias some
jirctty Rood biixln ; ; about IIIMIII. cm the re
in rled taklnirof soxen Ixiiit loads for e\ | iit nt
Ni xv Vnrk. In Ihe pit the best bux Ins nn i x-
IM.UIHWS wns by c H. Mnltli. HulchiliKoil
n adi a show of M nine , hut the trade ernllicd
him with hu.xIiiE under cxer. . The pilnclinl |
business c > f the day xin In .Tiilx * . Tinfnlnie
i-lartid nt M"c. mid at HiV 'tO. ' ti > Ml c.
tif' . , c. to MiSe. to W.V'/'Ce. lo W.c.
the openiiu flume , nt 1 u'clnck \ little Inter
the price touched spi4p for the third tlmedur-
In.-thedaX1 and eneh time the diiiiiindfur
x-hent at that pi-Ice a ijnlek leUiuml.
Tin he nxy fci ling In xxhcnt continued to the
iln e Li : t prli c-s xiere- May t > sp , June sT'ii1
and Iiilj Miji < - .
TI i re wns little nexts In corn elerles today.
Tin ii.rket , xvas niiniixr from fli t The
temlniiy xva t < > IIIWIM irrlc-e There was no
neixi u-iii ss and the Mll ht deiHItu- for the cl.ix'
wn iiMirtof adnirzln. : down. Max- sold tit
111 , . - to.K , e , to. . " 4i' at the clO'.c. .luly Mild
at.Ci e c'arlx.and rinsed HtTIV. Oilier c'lo-liiR
.IIe Vc-ssel loom was ta'ken hert-'for nearlx'
half a mllllnn liiishels.mi.stix- lliitTahi. S-ime
cl.irtus wtrc at the extit-mely loxv rate of
I'lKie xxa n dlxlslon of opinion n-snrdlns
Ihe tr.-iiis.iellnn nf lles In oats today , llu
liail brokctsellins carlx. but theio. Is no
doubt that he held the market Itiler against
Miiall msceilineiu | : ( otlerlnzs. Allhousli till1
fcellnp wan unite l > einlsi | the market clo-ed
hut ' , < under I.isi nlehl. Max- sold .it 2l'4c
and clusi-d nt24 , c. .Inin-Mild : it 24leiiinl 2 i- .
and ,1ul > nt ' . ' ( < and 21V-IV. closing t ' I c.
The proxlshm nun Let xv.i made up
of three lnde | > enilciit inarkett today-
poll. , lanl and ill M. Each nettil tunic r a- < ) > -
unite Inlliieni-c. Mc-ss jwirk xxas tnoxed mil x-as
the clique boujrht or Hilil II Then'was hut
llKht tinde in potk at best. .Max sold -it " 1.I..VJ
fHIKOc--irl.x and June XHS the
siarl on the cliiiue nressutc .luly x\as lit JI.JTO
fii.sOat : the s.ime hour I.atci Intheday
Cudiihy attempted to coxir sme , May lard
a rid I licit he market ItyMllliiK for defer red
futuii-s Tills caused ; in npw.nd moielnc-nt
nnd July uld up l'i J.'l.r.T/r-:1 ! , Hlbs Mi-re nd-
xiineed on blilillnhv Ilut < hlnsun. xiliicli
eniisid c.thets to buj . .ful sold , il J5.IO early ,
anI up to J".VI whlli S pit mhci xxenl to } " . u" > .
( liisms iirlees In | ii-n islcms xn n : Short ribs
Mnv June * ' . 4(1 ( July r > .47' . . Auciist } 5.V. ,
f-i'iiti i.iln l r > li2' . . I..nd May HVi June$0.10 ,
Jiilx W4"iilJusl Js.'ij'j.eplc ' ! mbei M0'"j. Oc-
tolii-r * nig'rff'i ( < ii .Mess jMik .Msivfli.'rf ) , June
I1.I.SU Jlllj Jld.711.
Clllt'.UlO I.IVK * TH'K.
ClllCAOO April 25 [ Special Telegram to
Tnr.JlLnl CiTTl.K-lluslness was rather Mow
iyi'ffh piiccscrfk and the tuui rather loxxer
thun othei\rl-c- . \ \ il'i the ftesh airlxals and
the number left lust nlaht there xvere. from
3.,0'miol4'HW nn saleInrsi'ly fair to good
Meets. It is needless to say that that number far too large for I'ridaj. c-sK'cIally | on the
hi elscif the hicnin , amlchancesarii that quite
a iinmber will be c-iittled oxei. Sexeiiil late
liiilns jcslcid.-iv wen- neither disnlaxcd nor
I'tfi n-il. and if there are late arrixafs today
such will umloiihtcdlx haxe tn be entiled
oxer Nntixes an-IV/itk-lower thiin on Tues
day xxheii Ilic-di-ellne began to set In There
xxireonlx ten cars of Texnns on the ni'irket.
and such sold at strong prices , lluteher- '
Mix'k XVHS scntco and firm. H < K-kers , ind
fccdcis xxc-ie scntx-e nndprlci-seMremel } high
Choice to extra heexes. iUM&ZiMi medium to
Eiwil Ktcers. 1'fiO to l.VKI Ibs , * 4.4U'I.0 [ ; 1200
to 1'LV ) II * . . $ , l.sijp4,4' ) ; nvi | o 120-J
Ibs. ITKtaffM.dfl ; snckei-s | nnd fcedeis. ; coxxs bulls and rniM'il. tl.75f > .Vii :
bulk. f.2.Vf(2 ( 75-Texas corn-fed steels. JiK ( > ! S
. ' . .sO ; gl assets. } . ' .VKC.tiO. ;
lions Ituslm-ss xriis sictlxe xxlib an up turn
of 5c on nil elis- : < -s. Packers p.ild S4JlVj(4.w :
mid klilpprrs. t4..K : > 4.4iS. Light Miits-'ild : it
W 25TI4..1 The maiket closed sleadj xxith
about exerx thing sold.
f/.V.l AT/ / , .
Virw YOIIK. Apill 25. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : IU.I.-STOCKS-Ixindon hud buying or-
di is In Mocks this morning : , ! ) ut tliuy x\ercj
ciinfined tn Hrle. The support of Tulon
I'll" illc bIloston
" and Washlngim parties xvas
contlnui'd. While thu temper of the room
xxus bullish , trade appean-d to bo xxorklns for
a icactlon. The opculns of the market tlili.
moining was made up on n moderate amaiint
of business , xvhlle l'u > t piIcc-s wc-rc < sculy | : as
comuuird xxlth last exenlns's llnal figures.
Thcie XTiihHinu-pichsurc tosell at the opou-
Ins , bow ex or , nnd prices , cenerallv re
ceded Miinll finctlons , fruar ; Trust.
Missnutl . 1'ai Hie. and ( hleiicu ( . .is
leading xrlth Inssc , of ' , . j and 'J
pei cent respectixely ItiiyliiR In earnest then
liecaii nnd the mutket milled sharplx xxltli a
must nun ki-d Increase In aetixity M loul- ,
I.aekiiwnnnu SiiKar Iti tmcilis Nexv Enirliinil.
Mlssouii I'uellic nnd lcK-k ! Island led In ixiint
of nctlxlty. hut New rnxland hlmxxed the mo-t
htienitli , rlslns ' . pi r cent net. while the
olhcrtbarely reiuxereil enrlx losses. Toxrards
tlie end of the hour the demand hlueked oIT
and prlc-es shaded olVncaln slightlv. tlioniir-
kit hcconiliie UK < iiuc < impiatixel : | > iinlet. The
MicceedliiK limn bniu'jht considerable Iricn -
larllv to the list. New inlanl ( held Him at
< si ; . PiiL-iii Tiusl utter n ilrop to ? S' recov
ered to n. Chleaso ( < as Icxt 34 f 10111 the npcn-
ItiK to 4S4- At noon Missiiurl I'acillc
L was up to 73 and M. I'aul to71 > j. with oth.'i
westein shares about steadx Lackawannu
mrprlsed uxcn Its friends bx moxins struUht
uii tu 144. again of 1 percent from the opening.
The enilx sin-nctli In stm-ks ccuitlnued and
during the closing hour there x\as a very gen-
i nil ndxnnc'i ) and some fanex prices"wcto
touched. Lacknxxanna led the list to the close ,
with last fcUlcsat 141'j , the tup point -in the ad-
vance. In the liiiuicer grouii the most sur-
prinlng adxanco WIIK In Nurtrixxchti-rn. which
went up m oxer last nlglit tnll4 > 4. Ilnrllngton
went to 10s. closing with hut h net gain. St.
I'aul and Mis-nuil I'acllic ! each made n nel
pain of l' for the da.x. ( "nlus In I'nlon I'acltlo
nnd Auhlm wen-small. Tiusi hlncksshowc-ct
fair gains also. Thesiixer ngltullon , foreign
mixing. | xKls In Couler- and the belief that
wcnem troubles will i-oon end all helin-d
iirlces Total sales w ere WXG shaivs.
Thu following were thu closing iiiotatlons | :
I' ' , tregular , * .lfi | .NortliTrTTi7nclllF
I ) K 4 rciuiKini m | iio | in-fi-rrc-il
I ) S. 4lji > n-xular lull , c , \ N \ \ -
I1 S 4ij coupon. .lUIXy ilo prufc-rred
I'uclnci of Id. . . . .tlii s v Cun'rul
Central I'mItlc :5' : I' . I ) \K
lljUutn.V Alton I.1U .ItiKkUlnnd .
Chlraco. lliirllniliin If M \ M. I' . . .
A ( , 'uliiry. . . . 107V ilo | > rvti > inHl
II U.VW . IIIU'SI ' Paul A Onmlin
lllltiiiln iVntrul . . , in > 4 do pri-i-rri-il |
1 II A XV I'lilon Piirltlc .
Katii-iiii A Tia . _
Cential l s | \Ve U'rn L'lilon
_ , Musi x Hnsy at Md1 , | H'r cent.
S 1'iiiMi : Mi'iiriNTii.i : I'xi'rii..Vft7 : perc'ent.
sTi.iti.tMi K\c itANfiK Oulut ; tinu ! blxtx-day
bills , M.tC.ii ; demand. H.s7 > .
Mi n I iiji Stoukn.
Xixv : VOIIK. April 25. [ . iH | > cliil Telegram to
THE llrc.-The ] fallow Ing nre the mining block
elucidations :
Alitv . . . I.VI illuuieBtnl.u . . . . . . . fOO"
Hrlclicr au jllunillur SsS
Itruiinolik 1(6 ( InmMlirr lai
ill U. Ontario 4OU
Cltullar . I'ljaiuulli .to
I'niwn . Point SSS l > ccliti-ntal 110
tVill.Ctl.VVn . 40 l itml JKU
ltl'rl > lu . . im iMcrru .Ncx-uda l
. ' , "Vw > VCurl3r lllu Mittcr t'ret-k ISO
. .
lliilf.v.Ni.nrtut stt ICuliinCViii K < J
ritonrvt : Ji.t KKKTS.
riiir GO. Airll9f.-iis"n. | : m. oloso
HtiHdy ; earh anil May. t.s'e ! July.
! nV'irilTfcto"llj C1. ' " " " "i Mayri : July.
> aU * ' ! cn > > 1' ' s' ' ° ! Mu4H
iie-Slettd ) at . . , . . _
Hurley Mead v.
I'rlmo Timothy Mnacly
riux rirmuifl.4W.
mki - i UK.
, ,1Bli , ( ; x.Bri | | , tcs. jujj. ,
May ,
riour-lu better di-ruanil for ex putt ror lKn
lut-rkaU\aucvcl "
) \
p itn K c ftt iiltrd HJtoj i. , i.t
W , f ' \ h
Pr x < . , I1 ( nUrrn I * njo.'i ; > , sln.rt i . ar
: < > iV ) , IM.M . riiH. f i * > ' i V'
II ilttr I irm i rc.nnery liaise , dairy. V-r
ih'i-si Qnlil : fnll crram rheddartfl
IdHilt" . V , f > l | i-i ViMine Alneri'-a . 10'4a
lie ,
4A | .
Hklirirni : hwrtv Add llcht ern
MU < r : aliiil Imll. "Kir ; ilrt Hint. ( Vj/Tc / ! dry
.ilte I..VtiV-ilij : rnlf. Aftfl.rTi'tKim ; * . 9X } enrh.
Trlflu went , ; No. 1 Mllil pocked ,
No. 9 , : < * 4 < ; crake , Ic.
Ilii-elpls. Phlptn't- .
Hour . . . . . . . ii.KK ( ) . ( fl
\\hi-al . . . 'JO.WM 1M )
Torn . .siT.O-rt SIfi.HJ (
out * . i > .o .mow
NI.XY YntlK , April * . - \ VIientUecelpt * .
.4iM lni hel ; rKiKiiK 10.400 litfhflpot
el i-il firm ; Xn.'Sreil.l-iAniikir Inolrx.itor. tiTH
< % ifT' > e aMiut. * , r f. o. I ) . : option ; elosiil
lileher foi May. ntlicr monllis down , No. 3 red
April rli.slnk- l ! 'V- .
Corn Hecellit- * . ( iT.ftVlliiisliel' ; evporti. ( V > . -
400 Iisn-Is | | : sMt | xrt-Hkl Vn.2. iXW lir rlevii-
tor. 4'.ltni ! ten final : misrndcd mixed , ntiltl'1 ' ;
option" , lower nnil wrnk. Maj closlmr at 4sc.
Ont ItecclnlH ln.XWIm heK : p\p rl . (1)400 (
liusliels ; spot li ndj : No. 2 white. .II'4 < 9.'IV :
rnlxi'J xve tetii.'i : < tJi - : white mlveil western ,
; t.v4iic : options I'Hslnr. April at Jtl'.r.
Unffi'i'-lMitioiiM closed stc-ady. Ififtl5 jxdllts
hlchcr. Mile * . 40.Z10 hiipsi Apill. ( Ifi'Oi May ,
tir.air..N.'i , iMit KIc slcadj ; fair cargoes
Micar-ltixx. firm : rentiifiijal" M ti-M.
5l ! ( - : ifllncd. Him : statidniil A."l.l e. gran-
tilntc-d l.'v'-
Pel roletim l'iillnl closed. May. slc.
r c riimt-i ; westi-rn. lt'4 ! ' < & ' - " < < '
Pork Plrrii. , . , .
L-ird rirrn : we'letn 'learn , JT > . " . May
i-Iiwlnir jit Wi hid.
nilutter Choice fti-sli. firm : western unity ,
ei2icreamery. ! . Hffl'-'sc ' : Klsln , ly'ifiaoo. '
C'lKfscWestern , 't&IO'ie.
{ T Lot-is. Apill 3. " . . -Wlient Irrcsulur ;
cash arul Ma > . MV.
Corn Lowet ; cash and July , ni'.c.
O.-its-rirm ; cash.IJ'Jej Mnj.'JTi'iC.
Pork-Dull til ll.l/r. .
I.atd-Nomliiiilly J3.IO.
| ilskj-tl.U2.
Hiitter-Me.ndy ; eroamcrv. IftSl.c ; dairy ,
14Q 15" .
. . . AprllllU'heal - npeclpt . : rj7
f.nshlpmi : Mis. il c-ai-s ; iniilel lowei. rather
netlxo ; eloslni : : No.1 hard. April and Mnv. WV :
mi trai k. KTfs7ij ( ( . : No. 1 nnithein. Apill and
MmVi'ic : on traek. sifffsimirlliom , ' ,
April and May. SI' c ; on truck. HW3w-i' .
MII.Wn i p. April 1" . . Wheat Iril-gtilnr ; No.
S sptlntf. cash. vs-c.
Corn Quiet : No. .X HTU- .
Oats Quiet : No. 2 while. CTi- .
! < Quint : No. I. 51't < ! * * i | if.
llarley ( .inlet : No. 2. 4(1' ( ' t' ' .
I'rux islons i'linr pnrk. t\ \ ! . ( ! " > .
I.HTiirooi. . April 25. Whe t--0ulet : holder
ernlfer tuiMli ruiely ; ( 'ulironilii No. 1. ' > Id
pern mill : led westein , xxtnlei. ( islld.T .
Coin-Has ; , ; demand pom ; nexx" mixed
western. 'NC'jiI ' pen-cut nl.
U'lNs s CITX- . April 25Wlirnt Steady ;
No. 2 , hard Cish ? 4c ; Nu 2 ltd. ca h. f3'c.
Coin Weaker ; No. 2icd. u.isli , 2 > Uc.
CINCINNATI. April -Wheat I'lnn ; No.
2 red..K llc.
Corn Meadx-t No. 2 mixed. : iTfiJ.17'Jc.
Oats ririn ; No. 2 mixed , 2r > ! j.r'ic.
Whlski ! ! . ( - . ' .
CHICAGO , April 25. Cattle - lieelpti. . lO.fKiti ;
n.lirkct ste idx to strouj : heexe- i'jft5.ii ( : ) ;
steers. Jt.'lmr.Tit ) : stockers and feeders. J..Vijr.
4.iU ( ; c-otts. hulls and mixed. el.7.VTf.'I..VI ; i-otri-
fed sti-eis. Ik-lll.l'.p.Kl ; Ktasstrs. i * MTCIM.
? _ | ! ( , | nis. K..KKI : matkettiiim : toS'i
fj.V hlshet : mixed. fliaTj I.'S. " . : lizlit. J4.1 a
4.r > : he.iX-x.MlOHt.40 : skips , niu-t U" .
> heep-l i-celpts. s.iUKl ; maiket wenkcr : na-
tlxes M " . 'fifHi ; xu-stern J"i.l ( > U > " ' . ! | 0 ;
Texans. W-Vj'r ) ; , r. ; lambs. : . .75.
KAN * * ' ; CITXprll25 - C.ittlcHccelpts. .
4.5i Kl : shipments. 4 tsn : tuarki t sitim ; steels ,
7" > : cows. } ! . ; . " > { . 1 40 ; stuchers and fccd-
. . .
llc-s K.-eeipts , 7.4W : shipments. 200- market
lil'lici. nil "r.iill-s. * 4.K ( Tf 1.10.
ST. Louis. Apil ) - " . -Callli'-lii-oeipts. ( TO ;
shipiiients. SH : m.irket stnuu. fair to f.incy
natlxe stitis , } ! 41 1.4-j ; sto lciand feeders.
J'J. ITr.-i40.
llnirs Kceclpt,40J ; shlpmenl4.2 > T.i ;
maiket lilzher : lieaxi.-tl.2J jJ. ; p.iekliii , ' ,
H.1V-425 : llshl. * 4.1i > " iU
sior.x ClTi.ptll 25 C.itlie Ite.-eipts , 030 ;
shipments. l.Mi ; market neilxe
Ilo -Itccelpts. . 2.23U ; market aonut steady ;
M.UVf ? 4.11.
rrlilav. April 25.
rsllmaled tcceljils of ejitlle I. : > KI. computed
with l,5is ( jcsicnlii ] -mil l.'is'l I'rlila ) of last
week. The mmket on stcei-openi-d M-rj sloxv
with scatteiniK s-ilc-s at ahc'iil sn-adj pilcc-s.
Anvlliliikiltfht fancy in lluil iust suited the
liux-er mleht Ixtjjiiotecl stion ? . Thenxxerv no
prfmestc-etson market Ith only a few lot-that
ii-iiehcd the $4.dO line. Tuc-Ixo or lifteen loads
of cows xxcic on tlie maiket. Cows opened
acllxeandtnmgim the hest lots ami , teady
onotlu-is. Hulls , like ecixxw ( re actlxe and
steiiilxrenter - , and stinkerwete plenty ,
with .islon , savins maiket nnd few buxeis.
I'stlmatec"roci'lpts cif hois 5 VjO. c-omparcd
withiunn jestetdax and 4.2'.7 I'lidaj uf last
week , llos op , ned 5o liUlu-i and nil chanced
handon an actlxe mat kit The bulk sold at
S4.U5. Tlieiaiiiri-iir <' ' (4 ( 10. The
nx-etiipe pi Ice w.isl.J.v < < l with Jl.tlQi ,
yesterday and 'M.O ' ? last 1'ild-ix .
There xxeio a few -\m \ p l.eic tiMlay and
exerythlns iriHid that was nffiinl on
thu muiket met xxith tv.idy sale.
The oiriilnjs coiis'Mid nf n single
dc-cl ; of millxe Nehniskas and fixe douhlo
decki of mixed witeniThe latter were
hlllid tluiiiizh nnil the l > uxis i-mild not get
them klihoiii : ) ! thi'i wui n ally to bid -truii ) ;
pi Ices. _
I'l-i'Miilini ; I'r-ii-c-s.
The fnlliiwln I a table of pi ices paid In
this mat kit fet the iadeof tuck meniinned :
Pi line - leerWO tu l.n t " - . . fl ' 15 Gi 4 V >
( icHid steers I2" i ti. 14.VI B- : i.T. 6/4JO
Hood steels. KWI to I'MI It > s : if. : ( < i4 ( d
Common. 1 KI to 1 150 &s 2.n ! ( Ti'1.55
Cnminon eiiiiner- . I-1 * ' ( T'i'.dO
lliilliiarx to fall-cows . I 61 laThe
I'air to PTIIH ! cows . J.l > ( T'J45
lood ! tin liiilc-oc-ows . 2.20 ( T'-I.IKI
Chnlce lo fanev c-uws . 2s % ( jit5j
1'air tu Komi hulls . 1.75 ff2.rr
Choice to fancy bulls . . -V.'J f-il..V )
l.lsht stcn-keis nnd feeder2.VI < iJ'l.25
I'll dcrs.UVlti.1 Kit ) lfs. . . . 2.m fuiW
ralrtoclioiee llplil luiz- . . 4-0 0-4.10
I'nlr to choice lie.ixx' hiiss . . . . 4.0.1 & .lli
1'uii to eholce mixed huss . . . 4.0U < i/,4.10
Coinpai-atl- Tallies.
The folloxxlns table shows the r.niRO In
pi ices on lui-'s din ln'4 this and laM week :
D.iys. Tltlvctk I.n t Week
M ui c 4 i : > n i.'i..rt4 si
'Illl-llllV J HI wl UT't 4 0 IK ! 15
\Vlltll < " < ll ! > t .i ! l > ( ! < ( . ! :0 ( . < 41U
Tlmrsilii ) jo'.IJ wl ( C. | 4 UI M4 IU
l-rlrtuy . 4 OJ 4 10 i > 4 10
Mitunla } ( t4
Ill licst nnil Lfixxt'-t Mileol' ll
Today. Yesteiday.
HluliuKt . . . . H 10 lllKhc-t. . I ) a"
Lowest . 4 in l.iiwc' t y H5
Stuck lli-cc'lpls- .
Oniclal VcsierrtaxKsilm.iled Today.
Caltlo. . . . TI curs. IVi- Cattle . . . 04 c.ns , line
Hogs . . . . 47c-ut , Ullil lings. . . . : * r r2.VK )
> liii'p. . ticars. H2
Ax'i'r-aj1 I'l-K-c * ol' llni- ,
Showing the nxeiage ptlci ) inild foi loads nf
lic-i-s on thoila.xs Indicated In Ifs ; . isjs , IM.I and
is-nj _ ' _ _ ;
Hay' April , ill AprlL V. < April . - > . April , c :
: > -a
4 U7l > MinU.iy I ZM : > a4 \
f. .is ; ; llulldii ) A in
n * ! < > > ( t H & ui
21 : > IK tundnr
Avcraso Oust of lloi ; * < .
The following tahle sixes the axoKipe cost
tit IHUS on the dates mentioned. Inelndlii. ; thu
cost today , as h.iscd UIXHI sale * ri-iorlc | > d :
Dute. Piicc > . IKile. Prlco.
Ajirlll . . . . * l liT'i Aiull II . < 4 l ( . > 4
April 2 . 4 UVpitl ] , - . . . . . 4 IRH ,
Aprlia . . . 4 OL' , M'HI If , . . . . 4'S
AprlM . . 4 ( ) ' , Apiil K . . . . 4 ( iM
April R . . . . 4 111 * , \pill is . 4 0 ?
AplIlT . 4 13 Aplll 111 . 4 IIS' . '
April . 4 I- ' Apill * , ! . . . . 4 IIT > i
Apiiio . 4 oi * , April j-j . aus' .
April 10 . 4 K ) 4 A ( Ull 3.1 . . . 'lie. ' ,
April II . 4 Oil , April 34 . . . 4 tui'i
April U . . . . 4 I3'4 Anrllio . 4 uSer
or Stiic-k.
the niimlicr of cuttle , hops and
sheep purchased on this inuiletli > thu clltTvr-
cnt hiiyersdiirlnii the pui novX :
lluyotn. No. . ! M
OIHI II llammiiml A Co . ir *
Aimour-t'iidahy P LVi . 113
Omah.1 Pro . , . , . xi
U e Uothsc-hlld . , . I.V.
Hamilton & Mi-phen . M
lleiiton It I'lidurwoc'd . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ! >
NelsMorrU . 4
llit-kei A. Desim . 113
CronoA. Viuisunt . A
IxihiuHim A. Trauurtiuiii . Ki
Annour-Cudaliy PaeVIngCo . 704
Oiuaha PunLluK ( A ) . Ml
bwlft & . l\i . . . 4w :
Uoo. II. llumunjiul Paokluj ; Ck > . KT
blll-tl- .
SwirtiCo . lib
Market Mention.
Kej PS i C'o. of O'Xi-ll sent In a oar of hogs.
Mi'lrulf & Wood scut up a car of hog Tiora
Yen Ic.
V > ' . J. I'oinpy of Madison inaikuted a t-ar of
Kmlj llrothcra sent fit a car of lio.'s from
M. Valentino vra > In fiuui Ohlonu vith a
of cattle.
O. Manr-lipstrr hail two cats of cattlu lioru
fun n Ashton.
T.I. Joiiesof Ilendley w.-is In 1lli a of
C. IVnn ramp In from Xcllgli wltli a eaeh
of cattle and hogs.
Bs. I1. IVrry had fixe double. * of j liecp on the
maiket from Ki-airit-y.
n. M Plait onmiIn from Hod Cloud with a
c-arof nathc sheep
O. E. Cnrrof Atitsoltuo xxason tlio mailvCt
with two'c-ais of ejittk1.
11. L. Mes-iui of * > out ) , item ! afe on tlie
marlvCt with a car of cattle- .
J. .1. Ilunihelmcr of Strom'burK was on tlio
market n ith a car of c.ittlc.
I ) . C. rl.-nk A , Co. , of Haitiiigton , hartacai
of cattle on tlie mat hot.
Thompson < S : I'ratt of Newman's Grove , had
a cat or cattlu on the market.
Ili'iirv Pchlnstoc-k , the exi-ry clay shipper of
Wist 1'oint. sent In a cai of hogs.
Page lllatt Incnight in two caiof cattle and
one of hogs from 1'k-Kiell.
Erc. = t tit tly fiesh. ! keold ; stoiage. pick-
led. limed , -oiled not wanted uLany pi lee.
rout.Tliv Tutki .xs. dicss 1 , fanc-x dry
picked. r.Tj.lAtutkejs. ; . Ihe pel Hi , , ftiijir :
ihlckcns , fiinex . IHUI'.V : clili'kcns. choice , jiu ; ,
lk- ( : ehlkens. . Ihc. pel do/ . , 54..VKTi ) T.T ; gei-e.
drtssed. fancy. lOiillc ; geese , dresx-d. ehoUe.
! 'J.1Uc. geese , llxe. do ? . , Ki.Udli'T.liO ; ducks.
dressed , fam-v. He- ducks , choice. fi r.Hk- :
ducks. li\e. doKM i3Mi ; pigeons , (
' "
-Jaek 'nipt , Jl.ongiiTi ; colden ploMi.
Si : mallaiil ducks , $1.77m.2n ( ; canxjs-
hack dui-ks , } 4.KKJt.Ml ! ; led-head ducks , do/ . .
? 1 'JV.rVi | ; ducks. do7. . .VlclirJI.Si ; mivc-d
ducks , do/ . . .Vk-(4l.iiil : geese. Canada ,
. sniull. : I'ei Hi. full cifam Voting.meilcn. .
1l'-c ; full c.-eam txx-lns. loi-c ; full cream Ohio
-wls. . . IK : full neam Wisconsin s-vxs | > . i4TrCc | :
full cieam hilck , Klc ; full eieam llmliui'Ji
SWlss lie. v-V ,
HoM.x-lvr icii'-i Ib : si mined , ! V.
UiUMiKs 1'er li.iI'loildu brighls. 5-4.0'Xii
4. . " i ; Mi ssina , $ 'I."T'.TOOCallfotnla f.incy
na-aK JMIO : Ui- , Angeles , W. ( ; M-idllngs ,
lilxei-Ide. il.'i'frL VI ; Mountain1.23 ; in llxo-
lohits , 11V per lioless. .
I'lvKtl-ri.Ks I'trilo ? , } UK > Q 1.03.
! -TUAWiii.iitns-rer ( : case , : M cits. , JT.TOIi
11(1.110. (
C'liii.n-IVrbbl. tenned. J---V1 ; half Mi ] , fi'-O ;
haul elder , pine , pel lib ) , "S. " > . ( iO : orange cider ,
half hhls. i'.Mi ; jiear elilei. half lb- , ir.10.
Misci. Ml n tiffj'- tier Hi.
lVMiiss I'd IK > \ . Alessitia fancy , H.CK .25.on ;
Venlelll. good. K..VI.
lUstNbI'ei bunih. $ l..V > j.OT.
IlfTTl ll-'it-iimery. ( fancy tolls , ptlntf ! . 23U
S4e ; cieamerxfiimx , solfil packed , ttlfl-i'i- :
civaimi ) . choice. Ji'uSOcdairy. . > iiills
nnd prints. 1rW ; dalix * . fancy solid p.uked.
I'ftl'.v ; dairy , choice. iVTeirH.countiy : loll ,
fane } . l.YfiKic ; tholce , l-Vjl4e : country i-ull ,
giMxl , ! i'lk.-j country loll , ' fair , T < ae ; pool
stock. .Kuv * .
HO.M.S iQtiotntlons arc fordclixi-ty In C'hl-
cagoi. ' Drx buffalo , per ton. tl < iMt\.W \ dry
country , bleached ill ) witi iidO : ; diy country ,
damp and nicatj . iKt 'j.lU ( > 0.
VHJI'TIII.KS Old sweet potatoes , fancy
Museatlne. per bbl. H W ; onions , extra fancy ,
H .M ) : onions fair. JJ..v > ; nitab.igiis. t..iw : car
rots , JS.trcl. patsiilps , ? -vi ; l > eets. tJ.K ( ) ; horse
ladish ixHits , per hlil , tUW ; jiei Ib , Tc ; cilery
riMit- . per lilil. ffiKi ( ; pel duz , ( K c.
riitsLHVLs-iiItK- Ib.
.U.i. i.i is .11,040 JUT II ) .
HHI.SSI n Vni. Clioluo mc'dlum , SjJOo ; light.
K < - ; IIPHXXii'4e. : .
\ . .is - ' lilil , Gcnltons. f l.OOj Willoxv
T ig. 4.5l : IleiiDaxis , H.M ; Humanlte , JI.W.
. . -i.
Cot oAM'Ts-1'er humltvd , $ T.V
I'll kLI. ' .Medium. ) .er bbl. $ " > f-J ; small , M. * l :
gherkins , JT.Vlj r. A. It. chow chow , qts , ;
pts. J ! . : .
' I'oiATOES-lVr bu , fmiey , : r > BIV' ; ; choice , 30
1'isii Tri'sh frojen wlilto trout , pike and
plckeiel , pet Ib. Tc : sufgt | on , 7c.
llllil. . I'LI.TM AM ) TAl.l.ox\-frein ! salted
hides , 4 4 < i dry salted hides. MTidt.x : . Hint
hides. W ui.calf : hides. 4-jSB'tc. Dama inl
hides i'o less , sheep pelts , green , each. 'J.V- ®
il.Si ; sn..p ] pelts , dry , per ll > . Oft lie ; tallow ,
No l.J'jfMe ' ; No ' . ' . : i'4iii3'e ' ; srease , nlilte ,
: iMj4 ; ielloxv. S'sf'l < - . Hand picked navy. JlJK > iJ.l.fiO , hand
picked navy , medium. Jl.4Wfl.Wi : hand picked
cuuntiy. Sl 40 : good clean ,
Al'l'Ll. Itl'TTKll 1'er 11) , l < i" .
Mom. rimunwashed. . HiilTc ; medium un
washed. lt &i'lo , coarse unxtuslu-d ,
Pnn.n 1'lirtT Currant * , new , G'fflT'te :
prunes , casks , l.aoj His , C'4c : prunes , bbU or
bags , r.iif T' e ; citron peel , drums , ill Ihs , .V :
lemon | it'el. diums , liv ; fatd dates , IKI\C , li
Ibs , lie ; apt louts , cbolcei'xuporuted , 1.V- : apri
cots , jelly cured. 25 Ib Ixixes , Itnapiicut1. : ! .
funcj , _ " > lbbo\-s. inc ; upplev choice exapoi-
atcd , lc ( ) ; apples , prime ntjw. ti'e ' ! Ugs , lajer ,
10 per cent tare. U'jc ; In sacks , Tc : Persian
clMes , 7calt l.uke apple- . blaeklieirles : ,
ex u ) > urntecl. M ) Ib boxes 5\c ; ihenies , pitted ,
dry cuted , lo > ; pruches , pared , fumy. Isc ;
choice. Itnalt : l.akp. "c ; pitted plums , t'al ,
1 Ih l > oxes. s'iftii'jc : rusplierrles. evaii-iruted.
N. Y..IIIW , ync , pi une . It. f. . 00-7U , l > Wjc ;
orange peel , l.V'i raUlns , t'ullfornla , London ,
rnip lsi.i. } . ' .40 : t'al. Imise inuseatels , crop lsi.
( i.loal.'iK'Ins , i vs C'fc ' ; Valencliis new ,
Iti' ; Tal. sivdlesa sks , he ; Utidum. luji-r , new
lie ' ; dried grapes. J .j priinelle- . new , r. c.
t'ANStiilioulis-Kriills C'ullfoinlu standanl
hiands , , iK-r clot- Apricots , tl.7oai.Ki !
apilcuts , tile fruit , II.V ; irallun * . UM- Muck
berrlf s , K 25 ; cherries black , K.Ufta.35 ( ; cher
ries , white , KVi'iSS-'iO ; KTiiiH-s , tl.fi5ai.hO ; pear * .
llartlett. JtlOfeV.'JA ; pearlies yellow. I.M'JUS.ffl ;
pea clips , If moil cling , J..4U ; plums , egg , Jl.iiVit
l.sU ; plums , golden ctrops , ll.K ) ; plums , err fit
PUKCS Jl & .VO.I.PO ; iK'Uchi < K. ( th iiltH lu li its ,
currunti , C'iOi | r < x > > < 'liTir * . K'25 nu
itlU ; raJDbtrrlcs , r.'bJt itrawLx.rr.ts.
pf . ! jr , ! 'u i itrn * t ,
Ml 1 .1 i .1 J.'u silln p. * x ,
huh MnmlnnK K-1 - " > .fi T'Jtrra * , ic ,
s.-i ( > vtr iw'x-rnc * . n'W , * : itf ra pbcrric ,
II < K - ' ! ' I luchirries. * ff > f 1-lb bin K H'r-
rle ftW. K : .i'-HiMrawlHTTlc * . prfcrvcd ll.wi ,
" Ib lasp'M rrlipr -i rve l. ( l i. s-Hi l..uck-
l -rrli- < . y > , plnfiipple * . Ilulinma
i-hoptM-d. ilifi. 2-lb llahnrna .cratwl. f7fi : 2-lb
llaliMtna ll Hl. B.W ; 1Mb Mandnrd llfiil. IJ.3T.
1.M : plifrrli2lb nil , HalUmore. S.VWCK- ;
VMJCTiift.B * Toinatc c 3 Iliextraftl.OO. 3 Ib
'tiiniliird western brmid * . ( XUHV ; gullon * ,
* rlctly siniidanl , ! 3.1O. lYir rine t cruwn.
JI. i ; gllt-ixlped ugar corii. .x'try tine- . ! l..V i
choice y Hi sugar i-orn. tl a ) : 2 Ib pxtrn wi terti
brand" , ftV-wll.dO ! 2 Ib tfhnflHnl we tcrn
brand * . < v 7ii < * . Mushroom- lit Trench , extra
tine. JJi'fiV- 1 Ib rrench. line , ls& 'c : i Ib.
i'rcneh. onllnarr. NVtflsc. l'pa , Tres fine ,
tx'rtfnii.XiPi deml line. iHTCitn. f ( " . 2 Ih. sifted.
J.M2 | ; Ilieailv.Iune. 'l.-vai. ; 2 Hi Murron ,
standard brand * $ I.IO2lb ; iakecl.S7c. Sttlng
beans-2 Ib high grade , Hefiige ( > , h.v 21b Oolil-
en w ax bonus 7.V2 Ib string ttoans , 71V. Lima
lleano2 Ib soaked. 7.V. Hoston linked lleiins
JI Ib l.ewU , fl.Oi ; crown brand , ll.v. s'wc-vt
1'otatiH" " 3 Ib New Jerso.x. tl.W. Pumpkin -
3 Ih in' pumpkin , * l.0i. Ukra and tomatoes ,
tlfiO ; okra fl.oo ; succotash , Jl.-.v.
Tisii I'odtlsb , extra Oeorge . new. .VP :
grand tmnk. nexv. . * . - ; Mixer. 2-lh block * . C'jc ;
snon while. 2-lb bricks new. PC : Turkey cod.
large middle * , bricks , Oc ; Miowxtblte eratps.
12Hi boxes , 7\r ; Icelund halibut , Of ; inedliim
M-aled herring. 2.V : No. 1 sealed herring. liie :
dompstlo Holland herring , 'vV ; Hamburg
siilced lirnlng. fl.V ) : Kilsslan sardines. 7T ? :
IfusslHii snidlnes , plain. S.V : ltnH | > rted Holland
hen Ing. crown brand , ddc ; do. fa tiny milkers ,
Wo ; mackerel. No. 1 shore , half hbls. IIHdO ;
bloater- , , half bbU. llf.03 : n blip tlnh. half bbls.
t'M : trout , half bills , JJ-Vi ; family nhltofNh.
SI HO ; salmon. ! , Vl ; 1 Ib mackerel ( herring ) .
H.ftiJSl.lO ; 1 Ib linnnti huddles. jl.TS : llblol-
sters. S..l. > ? 2.2.'i ; lib Alaska salmon , Aleut ,
JI.OO ; 2 Ib ox sti'r . 1 oz. $ l. * i : 1 Ih ox ster-t. 5 or.
( l.i:2IIsehct. : IJor , J..T. : lib clams , little
neek < . tli":2lhclams. : little necks. K.CO : " 4 Ib
sardine * . Impoi led. per fas.Km , Ji. % djo ( ;
'i ' II ) lmKirtiil ] boneless sardine2ik ; ' 4 Ib snr-
dlneAnnrlean. . pet case. IWs rrench stj IP.
M.Vtcu'itie' : 't Ihsatillnes. Amerlean. per case ,
1I K r'lcneh stj le , } ; /K > a > . 'iO ' : ' Hi sanllnes.
mu > latil. per ease , . ' < K S1.7.V54.UO ; Impoited kei
santi'-s. .
.SOM-S Castile , mottk-il , pur Ib , s&lOe ; do
while , pi rib. I4i\
ItitooM-i-Piiilor. 4 tie. ! i.7. " . : : j tie , K2o ; sta-
1il . . ti.N" . : common. ! lk3 1.7.T.
Cue o\ ' , Ib tin. 40i' pi-rib.
Cnorni.iTi.-S23 < ' ! V per Ib ; Get man chicory.
< ls'e
HbJs IV'i Kianulatecl , 2c ; kegs ,
I'Kc . 00 Ibs to bo\ , .ri'4l3'Je. '
NCT Almonds. 15c : llrnrlls , ] 4c ; filberts.
12'8p ; p < H-ans. lleixxalinitsU' ' : pennulcocks.
be : rousted , HP ; Tenne-see peanuts , 7e.
Idit'Os lOrocers' ) Per Ibllunix. . ISei cop- 2'jc ' : Hay leaxes 14c ; gluP. KK- ; epsom
-alts. 4e ; glanber salts ' * " , suliihur , 2'ic ' : blue
xltrol. Iks alum. 4c : tarlarlc acid. 42e ; toslnl'c :
'allpelei , absolntclf pine. lk- ( ; gum camph'ir.
2 Ihs in box. 1 or cakes Tie : hops , 4 and ' , iti
packages 20 ; sage. ' 4 and S In p.ickages. I.V ;
maddi-i. Itk- : Indigo , y Hi and 5 Ib Inixe" . b. 1' . .
O-VKOe ; Indigo. : i Hi and . " Hi boxes. Madras. ! ) * ? ;
sealing xx ax. 2. " > Ib boxes , red , IIS'1 : sealing wax.
2.T. II ) boxes , white. 4c.
CNNH > MIJATS 1 II ) lunch tongue. J2.7S : 21b
lunch tongue. W 75 ; 1 llipoined beef. S1.20 ; 2 11)
ei 1 1 ned beef. KM ; Oil ) coined beef. Jfi-VI ; lilt )
corned beef. $14 ; 2 11) boneless pigs' feet. IJ.-M :
1 lbr.mllslilii.iwti. J1.--I ; 2 Hi KnclMi brawn.
J2.15 ; ( i Ib r.iigllsh biaxvn , M.7fl ; 1 Ib compressed
chipped beef , S2.IIO.
suotiis tut lo.if. sc ; cut loaf cubes , 7'ic :
stand. inl pondered. 7'tc : XXXX. powdered ,
granulated ; , standard. OV- : confectioners ,
A. d"i.c : white extra. C. . " > ' e ; extra C , Net ) . .
.V4p ; amber , . ' . "ic : I Ib compressed ham , It.TT. ;
2 Ib eompiesscd ham. tJ.U" > .
rcuicr liousted Arbuckle's Atiosa , 20Sc , ;
McLaughlln's A XXX.wl're : : Oeimaii. 2T.c ,
111 I x01 th. 2nhtroma ! ; , 2."i'.c ; bulk , 2.Ti-iC.
Con M.Green 1'ancy old golden Itlo. 2 ie ;
fanex " old peabeiix , 2.V ; Klo. choice tofanci ,
24'4e" : Kin piiinp. ± ! > 4p ; Itlo giKKl.22'p : taiitos
ami c-ommon ifii. . ] ii''f-ie ; . ;
genuine O. ( . 2 es Jnxa. good InU-rloi , 2k-
Afrh-an. . < - .
I Mtivxc Kit's C.OODS Ilariey , : r4(2.4c ( : faiinl
.V ; pea3e ; oatmc-nl. l8.'lo < ; macaioul. lOc
xeimicclll. I"- ; lice , 4BSV5 sago nnd tapioca
Ifi'i" limn beans. ( M- .
OH' Kerosene 1' . W. . IPe : V , ' . \ \ . 12Ui' '
headlight. Ilkgasoline. : . 12o : s.ilnd oil. tX'.CkKL ,
I'.IK ) pei dor. Lln-ced Kuxv , filel l > oiled. ( Jk\
MUT Ham.No. . 1. IG-lb uxeince , llie : 20 tc
2J Ibs. 0'ic ; 12 tn 14 Ibs. KV : shoulders. Oc
breakfast bacon. Nn. l.p'ic : ham sausage. s < -
dile-d beef hnms.t , ! , - : In" f tongues. W.ou
piriln/ ; dix ; ) meats , ftigiri j'c per Ih ; ham
i-otilc.-ttc.Cijc ; boneless ham. 7'jc ; picnic ham.
CV- .
CVitni'f Unsls Manilla rope. 15.- : sisal r-ope.
12'ie ; cotton rope. Id" ; ncxx pnicess. 4c.
Cnrros THINK Illhb. x-crx fine3 ir 4 plv.
22c ; tine. 2Vt ( ft.ils ) , ] sc ; eandlexxlck. . 22c.
O i.ixi.s ( Quarts , jicr doz , n.73 ; pints , per doi ,
8J.25 ; bulk , per gal , ( IV.
VIM-CHK 30 gr. cidtr Sc ; gKd. 12c ; white
xUne > , IV1.
t-Tiix L I'DMlltJOntf / . ' . . ! tier gross.
lUci AM. , pir 10J , JI7.00 ; Lt'ni-ton , per 100 ,
.Mons r.a-llbs. ] . N. O. fancy , per gal. 551
57c : cluiicc. 4V547c ; good , " ) * ; 2c ! ; Cuba Uaklnj- .
24i lOc ; blatfk sti-.ii ) , tm.Tji''c.
rpcu Straw , per Ib ,
jag. 2'jc : manllla 11. y&JJvi Nol,7c.
HxiiS I'nlon SniiHre :6K5T : > per cent off list.
fALT I alrv. 2x1 Ibs In bbl. bulk , JJ.lfl ; best
guide. CO.-- , . | J.M : ; best grade. ITO. 'Js. JJ.4D : best
crude. > , Us- U.'J ; rock salt , crushed , Sl.s'J ;
Tlic AVool MarKct.
Tov April2T > . [ Special Telegram loTlir.
-Tin ic has been a good Itado in all
kinds of xxools , the sales amounting to
2AU ( M ) pcuinds. Time is no mateilal change
in pih-cs and the maiket it-m-ilns steady.
Ohio fleeces ha\e been dull with small s.-.ic-s
of X at 'WTMIc. XX at 'K'i'-Vno and No. 1 at
.V.'V. Michigan X flee-es ate cjuiet at 2-1 , ®
Jil'fp. ' Washi d combing wiM.Is an-In demand
at : ft'ft40c and uiixxnsheil at 2G < a.2u1tc. but the
stocks are small. There haxe biM-n sales of
Ohio line delaine at . .L'rirkami Michigan lit
,14i1rV. . Tenltorj xvools uiu iiult-t at former
piiees. some * .aks of new sprltii C'allfornia
x eel to arnxe are leported at .rWW. Clean
sales of Oregon xxools include No. 1 eastern at
ISC'2Jc and axeiage eastern at l ( < ffi.l'c. Pulled
xxools are in } demand xxlth sales of
i-huli euper at 4W < t4l'1. common togKd ( super
at 27 < ii.s ! * and extt.i at 22'IOc. ' Large sales of cross-bivds are reported at a7'cc '
ll'se. I'll t pet wools ate quiet and steady.
Dr. Bii'iiey.jirnctiee limited tocatnrrli-
al tlit-eaffb of no eand throat. Ieo ! bld- { .
The Only One.
TheChicnf-o , Milwnukoo & St. Paul
railway is tlio only line running solid
vo tiluli-d. electric lighted and steam
heated trains between Chicago , Council
Bhillt and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature- the
Pullman sleeping cars run on thes-o lines
is patented and cannot be u cd by any
other railway company. It it. the" great
improvement of the age. Try it and bo
Sleeping cars leave tlio Union Pacific
depot , Omaha , at U p. in. daily , ariivuig
at Chicago at 9oJ : ( a. m. Passengers
taking this train are not comxjllcd ] to
get out of the cars at Council Bluffs and
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Get
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket office , loOl Karnam s.t.
F. A. NAMI , Gen. Agt.
J. U. Pitixrox Pas-5 Agt ,
THI ; itn.vj/rv .MAIIKKT.
IN > TKr.MEXTs placed on rccor < r duijng
I yestetda > :
Claienee Calxin to Andnib Oxre , lot 2 ,
lilkll. inl-I.Via. wd Jl.OOO
Patri'-k Land CotoC ] ' Hn-ckenrldge ,
lots 2J and 24. hll ; lull , Duudep Place ,
xx d . . . 2,7ia
M .1 Meacer to II W llifckejiridge , lots 21
and 22. hlk KCi. Dundci- Place , w d . 2.ViQ
J A MImlt Hand and wife to M J Hreck-
enridge , lot 20 , blk HW , Dundee Place.
M d . , . ; ' . . . . 1.2.W
II \\allaee to M .1 Mea nr. lols 111 , 14
and I.V blk KKI. Hundie Place , w d . . . J.POO
Sonlh Omaha Land Co trt ( J \ I.edcile ,
lots 11 and 12 , blk 14 , Kmth Omaha ,
w d 1.S15
f rieek and wife to T A Dillon , n't lot 4 ,
Cunlu's sub , w d defile 2-VK )
H * > HH > d and w Ifn to K Ix'ouh , lot 20 , blk
7. Albrlglit's annex , xvd : i23
i : > KocMl nnd wife to I" Koch , lot in , blk
! > . Albright's annek. wd ya
John Heglcj and wife to I'M. Hcgloy , ,
lust-cors\x iie-14-ll : ! , w d , fi.CKiO
Samuel Moitensen and xrlfe to Herlha
Pulta , n 't lot III , blk'J. Anistmng'b iir-it
add. w d 3XW
.1 M Hetideeand xxlfe toC'.L Jaynes , lots
Moll , blk 7. Manhattan uilcj. xs il. . . . 2mU
17 A lU-nson , W N Johnson , Kits
7 and N blk : K llenson , xr d v.i < i
M K ( ioliUtone lo J 1' Ilillixi , lot ti , blk 12 ,
Patrick's 2d add. q cd . . . 1
I.e I'lxley and wife to 1. M laiUn , n 'i
of lot ID. t > lbt : , Improxemont IIS-OI-H-
tlim add. w d 2ilO
J A Methane tu P J Cummins , w d 42)
Suxtntccn transfers IW/'JO
Itullillrii ; I'ei-iiiltH.
Tlie lullowiiiB penaiis weiv UsuoJ by the
Imilding Inspector yoat rcluy ;
W. i' . ninhani. orie-slort frame cottage.
Twi'iity-sexenth and 1'Jnekneftrtets J 1,000
J. II. Platza. on and a hnlf-Mory frumo
ciHtage , elO North THeuty-st-oond
st ri-iit . . . . . 2,000
X. P. Tiikey. one. and a half Mori frainu
cottage , Clifton Hill . , 1,400
A. P. TuVey. QUO and a half-suiry fratuo
cut ing.- . Clifton Hill . . . . . . i,4W
A. P. Tiikey. one uud a half-story frame :
cottage , Cliftou Hill too
1 ixt- minor pvrmltk vx >
Total I Vi5
CAI'TII Aiflft lAllIV T'l'PVTO
Talk of Au Occupation Tax in Oaso Annexa
tion Tails to Win ,
Iloiltration I nim1 In Sc lon fur tlio
All-Important Election A Clinji-
icrorTrlllln-j Acclilcntrf
Xoto * .
Tlic opponents of annexation who have ce-
ull-ed the Imixj slblllty of wUIuR cnouph
money with nti IS mill levy oil South Omnhu's
lircscnt vnluntlon to pay the ex ] > ciise of run
ning1 u city poveruinent the next jenr nro
fallinp back on the plan of lovjlntr an oc
cupation tux on nil forms of business In the
ewe of the saloon * the. scheme would bo to
Impose on them nn occupation tax of WK ) n
year In nddttlon to their regular license of
toOO. A IOMT tux would bo tint.xw.i"on .
other forms of business In pn > iK lieu to n hat
the line of trade will bear.
The more it is understood the more do tax
payers ifalizo the burden they have to l > ear
nil around In tftM-s IKVUUOO of the ' .enanito
city poveniuieut In South Omaha It
Is Mmply a cuso of P'iylu- ( 5
IX.T cent In South Omaha on a
valuation of one-third aintint piyinp C. pt-r
oont in Omaha on a valuation of never moiv
than one-hL\th of the real worth of the prop
'Ihe saloonkeeper will care verv little
aluut the possibility of an omip.ition tax
They would pay that in preference to run
ning the ri k of Sunday closinir. On the
tmsiness men the burden would bj too heavy
tnbear cither wuy. Accurate UKUJX-S show
that the valuation must be enormously hiith
to meet the citj 's exiK-n'-es or else an occupa
tion lax must be i-csorted to to s-ecure funds.
Xot a-- Hail as Kcportcd.
An evcnine pajier would inalct' it nppenr
that the authoritien of South Omaha have
been ivmiss , In their duty towards a case of
destitution that was discovered a few days
apo. The fuels arc that as soon n Chief Ma-
loncy had tlic case brought to _ hi notice ho
secured the services of physician and nur.-cs ,
and did eveijthinn iiossiblij in his power o
relieve n si.-k woman s sun"criiur < . K\trj-
thinitliHt the doctors , prosed bed for the in
valid was ordered sent to the house , and two
male and one fcjiiale attendant secured. The
woman's ailment is a jxvullar one and iv-
cjuired more care imd iitlent ion than tlie means
of herself and husband could secure.
A THe or Acciilcnts.
Charles Porter met with a peculiar and
painful accident Thursday. He was stand-
in ? on a stool and held in his hand a block of
i\ood through which n larjrc null had pene
trated. Losing his balance he fell , the nail
passing clear through the palm of his hand.
The infant child of Uert Porter had a
finger riusrht in the cogs of n clothes wrinj.-rr.
The linger so badly crushed that
amputation wus necessary.
W. A. Call c.imc in 'with n load of cattle
Thuisduy. He also brought in a badly
mashed finger caused by placing it between
th- bumpers of two stork c.ira near Bi-ad-
are Sitting.
The vci.'i ratioii boards of the foumards
of the city wore sillinc yatcrda " 10 p'.rce
now names on the lists and make the neces
sary transfer- voters. The boards \ \ ill be
in sc'ssioii today imd on Saturday of next
The places for registration areas follows :
Fii'st Ward -Dee's building , Twenty-fifth
near K .stiv't.
Second Wanl Justice LcWs oillce ,
TwenU-si\ih near X street.
Third Ward KilkorS building on West Q
I"oarth Ward Exi-hanpe buildinr.
Tlie i-evision of the vegistrJtion lists is for
tlie si > eciul election on May s on the une.xn-
tion question.
City Xotos mill I'orsonaN.
An impromptu party was given Thursday
night at the i.manou club i-ooms. participate ! ]
in by twenty merrj couples or more
South Omaha lodge Ancient Order of Unit
ed Workmen has adopted resolutions of con
dolence for the deceased brother Thomas Hal-
Uev. C. C. Kyle has gone to Majors , Xeb ,
where lie wJl make his home in tlie future.
C. K Haikness of Cedar P.apids , Mich ,
visited South Omaha je = 1erday.
The junior bible class of the Presbyterian
church met Thursday iiieht at the icsideuce
of B H. Uobeits.
A. Anspocker ieturnc"l to work at the
exchange after a long ab-encc.
South Omaha was a point of interest for
many of the attendants at the Oddfellows
celebration in Council Blufts Thursday All
the nfU'inpon and C'vcaint ; tin ) c-n'y was
crowded with visitors bent on a good view of
the great packing industries.
It is probable a special meeting of the citv
council will be held May 1 to consider busi
ness of importance.
Mr. and Mis J. M. Grantham have re
turned from Do Witt. la.
Artemus- Welch of Iowa City , la , is \ isit-
ing John O'Brien.
Mrs. George O. Ellis is severely ill with
L 1J Hyilor of Barto , Fla , is visiting S.mth .
Omuha friends.
Miss Aggie CarpcnitT of Dunlap , In , is tue
guest of her uncle , 13. K. Carpenter.
J J. Joslin of Troy , X. Y. , is inspecting his
heavy South Omaha property interests
John Curtiu of Chicago is the guest of his
brother , Patrick Curtin.
The Ku teats of Pythias will hereafter meet
on Wednesday nights instead of Tluu-sdaj as
The Ilest Trcntinent Cor lUiciiinalisiii.
H. Mcns. , n blacksmith at Sigel , 111. , wrote
March 2-J , thai he was very lame with iheu-
niatism , he could not walk ami his limbs were
badlv swollen and very sore , and so painful he
could scarcely turn inbod. His physician ad-
visfd him to use Chamberlain's Pain Halm.
The effect was boncnViid from the llrst appli
cation , and ho is now nhle to attend to liis
regular work. This medicine has only to bo
tried to convince the most skeptical that it is
the best treatment for rheumatism.
George Brownone of the toughs implicated
in the assault on Ofllccrs Savage and lfmp-
sey , was sent to the county jail for ten days
on a bread and water diet for the robbery of
a ceil mate on the night of h.s Incaiccration
Ho has been identified b.\ Mrs Smith as the
man who snatched her pocketbook on Doug
las stifet. The jKilico ure very anxious to
find the two men who followed him at that
time and complete the identification. The
ww wears u badly torn coat and u face \\hkh
would bo easily remembered.
Miles' Nci-vo mill I-ncr Pills.
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , Momaeh and bowels through the
nerves. A new principle. They spoedilj
cure bllllousnohs , bad taste , torpid liver
piles and constipation Splendid for men
women and children Smallest , mildest ,
suiv-st. ! W duses for 'J5 c-enls Samplob fi-eo
at Kuhn . 'c Cu s , 15th anil Douglas.
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First .National Bank.
3O6 South 13th Street , Omaha.
miCAT.5. .V X y JSrrftM
I > pollOtbiind x
_ _
Chlc-jni Vf it'hulf Rtprvo . V | 4 ra
Chlc-aro Ktt-r i * . . . e.n t > m
Chlmco KiprM . , . i .11 K m
_ _ low Icx il f-i-ept Huod\ * II M n m
XPIITM brSLiSiTroN 5 McrftlTlfll , AitlTeT
OmihIVfpot loth BilM iin utrfetn , LOintJii
f6X > ra' ' Pcntrr xcMiTiulo Kitim-i. lUiTit ro
W n ui lldttlno A CVncordln U > cjil j I e.15 r m
IM p m , , , Urntrr Kiprrif I I p * 6 n tu
L * Tf > 1v C' ST J"S ( Til
Umi'it. | l > ctxit lut and Mop fUotH
B JS i cu ifiii'M CItr 1 > -T Kij > rrM
84 * p m K C .M > lil Kip. T | 1' P Tr n
Oman * t Dfpot Ullft and Murfy 'trrctt.
" "
TiTFlai O-nliind Kijrr . I .JJ p ra
" .40 p mi . ' 'trine Kipri- . . . . ! 7.15 K ra
1010 B m .Dearrr Krvrr > < . . ( 4 JO p la
M } p ro ; < Bd IUn' Esp ( tucviK fun ) , llx p ra
tv a ui1 Kjin'M Utf K-pnun , I HO" ra
ciOAcvo. IL j * 1'Anrjc. i ArrtTM
TJ1. dct t loth nil MIJCT St < j Um-Ji- ,
All-title Kiicpm
Omab V V tirput. llith and Marcy ! <
PU a ml . Cblrngo Ksprr-n
ISUpm : . Ycitltmlihtmllvd .
fill P ai'iLri ' S * U Mill ( Ar. ei Mem ) 711 n in
f lii ml" KmU-rn Kljrr _ t ti p m
l.rntni irillOAUO , Mfu. A 'St PAt'Ij. Arrirei
Omahau ( Iclrpot. . IPtli unit Ma-fj Pt l > m lia
HI * am1 Ihlcaco Millipicrrt Sunday . M4 p m
CUO p ra rhlngro Kxprfii . . . . * 41 B ui
90 p m | . , ITilcapo Kxtrr _ . , 3 .CI p tn
IrfaVcTT ifMAUA S < f UriS ) < I Arr7 r
Omaha 'f ' P depot , loth and Mjircf JH ; Omaha
< 11 p m M IxiuH ( sinntin Kill 1SJW p in
LraTfi I SIOl'A CITV.t I'AC'lUf. I ArrlT
Umnha | U | * clft-oU tOlh nd Marry MOmha. .
> 15 n m Sloui citr l'fn rrr . IIOOV p lii
C 16 p ml _ st I'nul Kirrf . ' ' 10 Qj " ra
t < IOU5 Oil V A IVAlMHf i Arrlrei
Dfjiot ISlli nndVf _ twt rj tii1
" '
t. Paul l.tuilli'd _ li i' . ] Tjn
V K AMD VM.EiJV lArrl-eT'
OrpoU.ilh ( ind \ \ > li u-r st , j om _ tm.
Hlark Tlllls K-prr-i . . ! & > j"p m
. iKx SunrtarSainm
XVaboo A Lincoln I'At-rntrr 10 Wu m
York A Norfolk ilti Minrtayl UI2J in
F ST I1. MA O TArrlTc "
De-t > ol"lli _ jui4XA > t irr 91i i Omuli-
ITonx c'lir AccoiuuiiiiTntUni . Uei p m
Sioux CUKtireitiK * Bun ) . . 1TO p in
"t Paul Umltod 1. W a ra
KloruDPO 1'asncntier ( K Sunl. . 4.a m
Unrcuoe Pnnnikcr ( Ki sun > r.-aj p m
Mif > sol-HI I' I Arrive *
If potJMIi unit \X'fti lgr 8H. jpmiiba. _
M EoTu A k c' Kipr--- . I 4 M p tu
- h r Kinre-- I n.TO n in
Kastimrd t
am u m p m p m p m a m p m.
I'orto ! I I . S O 4Wl . . . I' K ) I .Hi
S rmour Iark ' ' ' " l < 471 1 IS
Ma > cot . . 'f ' i ; 4 is I . . ! 471 1 5J
lj ; n . . . . . .i I 8 C.i < III . . P.4i' ' 1 J2
We t Side fi y > 7 JO 1 M 4 ? f. 40 li < i V M I 1 57
Duodro 1'lni" . h 21 7 21 S M 4 40S II i. 41 ; li 531 1 W
M Hill t > 21 T 14 S M 4 .MS II ' 9 N < l 2 03
Lake strrrt id 2- > 7 * .V , I 51 5 If i , : .i 1001 , 2 01
Druid Hill K i.1 7 SI f W 4 i > 7 & 4 ! > ft .y 111 in1 2 05
Oak l-Ualhnm f. R. ' 7 S * 0 IK 4 i ! , M 7 DO 10 07 < 2 10
Wfti'lcr Strict It 4"i 7 4i > 10 i 03 C ) : 10 10 15 2J
ITXIO.N I'ACint.sflirilllAX '
. - .sflirilllAX 'JU XlNS-
Tlioctrnlrn nl'O stop nt lath ITIli 2Jih anil : ith
utri-rt" . Sumuitt and ? avtd : ( 'rofhhii ;
tn-n f train * do nut run Mimlny
BroodTrn -1 sbp.l f
war | ftr ( Omaha t -13 , South Allirl 't
tion Oiimlm 1) < pot
V A M X M \ H A M I Jl > l A XII A M AM
. ] ' 6 ' 101 . . SJ1 , . . I 1 IS , . UiO .
i > iu B DJ i i. a in i.J : . 45 t. 7 i : u' . li 05
cwi.-.slr. 47 : ; ! 7tt ) ( u ; o : > 110 . su1 i.tu ; .2j J.M
7 44 . 40 7 ! > t 7 A. " SOS TKIglSTI. b Si 7 US s ,10 7 W
84i BTi 8 _ .37 | 9US t-151 Ihl7 ,
l > 4i 8J2 i < 27 lOUfti IMS VKI7
F M i' M ' P M | I' M 1M 1M I I1 M I'M IMIT H
I 805 81 ! . . . ' 2'i" .
. .1435 ! 427l 40J 415 412 407 H .V. 4 'HJiS VI
4 < 5 535,452,527. , , 405 , 515 i 12 507 5.2 * 4 M 1 5(114 ( 5 J
I ' . . .1.10 . | ' 4 JO' '
i.45n , " 4 6J2 627 | CM ( i 15 0 12 1.07 625 555 KM ltU !
CUl. .C52 . . 70M7111. 7II71 . IfiAS' ' | 053
I-cares 1 CHICAGO H 1 A I'ACIKllJ Arrl-e-s
Trtn fer I Uplup li > [ > ut , Council Bluff * jTimifer
B.'io p m 77Nlelit KxpTe-i W a m
9W * tu Atlantic K-preBB S . " > i P tu
! > 00 v m Ve'lltinln Llmltril , l ( ) . iam
liavpi ICIUCAGO A.VOIlfTr\VK TiHN I Arrlic-r
Tramfcrl Union Depot. Council Ilium. iTrnrffi-r
f 10 u 10 C'hlcnro li ( l p m
MO p m Vcullmlu I.lmtli'd .i to M m
Wm ii m Kaplvrn Kljer 2 (10 p m
SOI p m AtlautloMall . . 7. . u ui
Lenxes ICHICAGOrTlIU A fcT 1'At'I.I ArrUPf
Tratiife-H Union Depot Council lllnnj. * ! n > fiT
'tM a ro' ' ( JETraco Malt ( pxcrpt suuflar ) . I i M p in
( , .M p ml . . . . CMcaco Kxpici ! . . . . I I' ' li a m
1000 P ni . . . . Chicago K-iirc-i I 200 lni
1-earr * K C. PT JOK A C 11 I Arrl n
Union llppot. t'onncll Ululli _ { Trmufrr
K ml Kansaii Cltj I > nKxprms. . t KUO p m
I 111 2i p ml Kan asjtltv Xlghl Kxprij _ [ ( . 10 _ ni
Learri I OMAHA A ST LOL'ls I Arnrri
Trantferl Unluo Dfpot. Coiincll Illutft I'lmn-fiT
4 15 p ml "t Ixiuti ( nnon Hall 12715 p in
Leme-s CHICAGO , HfBI. N A Vt'lNCV Arrliff
Trensfe-ri Tuldn De-pot. Cuunc-11 lllun t'lrmi'fir
" "
Tl"a niI Clilraeo Kf-re- t l p m
III00 p to Oilc-co Eipreo RJ n tu
400 p m1 . . .Chicago Ka-t Mall . . . . t "i p ai
7.KI p m irpnon Ixical It su a ro
l aTCj I glOL'S I'lTT il'AClKU . Arrlfr- "
Trumter Umon De-put Council HlutO _ Tran-fer
7 ' k a , . .Slour Cllj ArcommuJatlon , tiR.i n in
CU p m K ; 1'cul Kiyrtu . tU5 p m
13O2 Farnam Street.
City Passenger and Ticket Ai-ent ,
cM- | ( mien * * mat I or f
H M Truclicjil. Jilin AUilum i- 1 . . . KU. Mlnur.
H. M. Truehearl i Co.
i : > tabli > ln-d In K
( . .tlxeston is tin seupi'it ' that is , m I > s u > ho
foi Hie fxat NoitUuisi li.l. M , t , . n , .i.d
Ii.aph fi lllsit.-U | \ l&itKla .i..lnl t. ' . u 1 at
Itlll I MATISU , ,
I uNMII'ATloy , t-rill MTAIIl ,
Lisa Iinxbis. )
IL.IC.R 6c OC ) . .
National Bank
Cnpltnl , . . . $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - 07.DOO
] ' OtH r anj Director * llenrW Vale * pro l li > Dtt
I"I S He sJ. Tlcpi-- l.ltl. . Junifx XV SICPy ; ,
T Mor-p.Johns fllin . It C Cuihlni : J N U.
- Patrlcki W II S llu lip . ra > hler.
Corner Ittli atxt V rn-m Mrrel"
A Grneral llnnkine lle-hn1 * * Tr in-nrtrcl
National Bank
Capital , $ . ; ooooo
Surplus , 4O.OOO
ORlcornnd IHrcctoM Mnr rman O M
Illlchciitt. Jo'ojih niriif-u Jr. A Ilpnn p M
AnilrrnonMlllain it Mnul Tlrr-prr-ldcni I 11.
Wllll-m * . A I * lt | < kln | > rp > Mcnt A MH.ltrd ,
caslilcr ; I' M llrj-nnt , m'lflaiit c > Iilpr
Omaha ManUfalSurers ,
mill Shoes' .
Wholesale Miinufactniers of Boots A-Shoes
for llo toniiibl > rr Shoe Ci > 1HC. ll04miaiM )
llnrnp } stti'i't. I'nmhi Noli
La lcr Beer Urcwers ,
1M1 Si i Hi tftli lroc-t \rl >
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window r | " and mi-tnllo ktllklt : John K | ' > DiU.r ,
prunrli-liir ltH i.1 lliSulli , lotli > t' 'l.
Artists' * ilntfrl.ili.
" "
A. HO5PE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Oriians ,
IMS Ih-i Slrff I Oinalia. Nrl.
foal , * n .
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
S K Cor Idth nnil l > oucj ! trcet cimnlm
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
: U si.uth I..Hi.rfHt , C'm < hs Neb
Wholesale Cigars.
IQSN IMhMrcct "Hello" 14W
GooiN mid NdtioiiH.
M. E SMITH A : CO. ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnisliinn Goods and Notions
Corner I'lliinnt II iinl st
Importers and Jobbers in Diy Goods ,
Gciils' lurnl liinii" < l < ' timer lltli aiu llarncr
Miuei < na.alii Ncl >
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitiiro ,
> nr-in n siii'ct iniahi
rtunilare ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
l"th and I r.i - nit" < n-ntdin Sc-
Wholesale Lumber. Elc. , Lie.
Importe-i ! nml A HUM t > an I1 . "I in I < feuiciu * * nl-
agealtar JHIIaukt ut ; < l
ejul.n > xxliUu l.liue
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpet nnil t-irq let li'Mirl.u 'Mh i * M i -li
&tr * t li o uali i - * * * *
Dealer in Lnrabcr , Lilft. Lime , Sasli ,
Door * , Klc Viird * < uruot Tih nn 1 Doiiuln *
C-nii" 'Otti an > l Muugln *
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Iltc.
Co'iicr"tli anil DiiKlK Mrpptu oiiiHlm
and Viitieiim ,
Importers and Jobbeh in Millinery ,
1W10 niulI south ilili-nievt
Wliolebale Xolions and Furnishing ( ioods ,
ll-'l llariii-r nn-i-i o-niha
Wholesale Refined and Lubricalinti Oils ,
AilctK'n f I'lc i I'lliln \ II Ill liup Mniiiiir
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carrj B nl'i < * tt > ik > ' | u rniinB | | | n < l xrtt
impcr SM' . Inl Hlluiitl'in ' u'.eii locartl | I | > T
A L. DEANE it CO. ,
( ifncral AccntH for
Halls' Safes ,
87 ] arid . . ' 'J s , , lli lUtli s | , Omaha
'J'I ) h , Kit ) .
.liittbi'i i * tif
Tojs , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
lioufe ! 'uinMilii i. . " < ! l ' lilltlren * l anlnff ISUt
1 nninin lici't "miiUit Nt-n
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llallljnj lml mlllf ulbiiml JlJuuntat umalia
Engines , Boilers and General .Machinery ,
febrel-lrun M'lik iitejiin pt.uip ii r nu l il& i lft
Iron \Viirki.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Knfme' tira w ri. sr i - l I inn i ue und
rniiti * * ik i tolc.m i L I *
I/ ! nn I I Hi ii'rrl
Mani'rs of Fire and Hui lar I'rool ' bafcs ,
Vault * jail nik > r in ami ( litri > ia'ra.
o Aiidrtrn pi ! r < < jr 4t'i and Ja1 11 n fcu
Hash , I > iiori4 , Klu.
Wbolnal mauufactureri of
Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Moulding.
Brantu uHici ) I'llinn-l | t rd lrcti ( irmliu Ndi
So t.ttj"i Oi-n n IT f i
' "
_ Of South Omaha , Limited , _
NE8SCUrcEDVrr > n < > r .
uuil-U.ltllBUIUII CBtKltl-
. . . r4 41.11
a. ufil