Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The intermit revenue collections yes-
tcrtlny amounted to347,7C0.1 ! ) .
There Is ft wAH'iiitloul for the nrrcst of
II. Pxlnirn , in which it ii cliiuwd tlmt
as a huelfHter ho frultl gootlH , nnd in doing
bo used fiilfio woltfhts und nionsmm
A. IIii'oi'iiiMii ( , , u second hnnd clothing
dealer from South Tenth Htrect , Inn-
Bulshes in the city jail for nn assault ho
committed upon u bootbluck last night.
A warrant 'in out for the nrrcst of
rimrlcfl Sehiu'Uenherg , in which it is
clmrged ho cut , bent und brulfed his
xxlfo , Klinnrn. Tlio purtiea reside lit
Tenth nnd Pierce HtreotH.
The receipts nt the etisloinfl IIOUFO yes-
terduy conmoted of thirty cnscn of ten
fioin Japan , consigned to Mcford , Brady
& Co. , and four CUSCH of hones from Oer-
inany , consigned to II. N. Underliml.
Jack Lowrey last night , while in a fit
of rage , proceeded to bieak out till of the
whulowH of the house of Elsu Marks
\\hlchis8iluated on North Fourteenth
fill-cot. The police uro looking for Jack.
Mrs. Rllcv was found in the \ieinity of
Twenty-fourth and Cuming nlrcots last
night apparently insane. She was taken
to the central station and her ciibo will
bo examined into by the insane boatd
0. H. Fanning it Co. have been ordered
by the board of public works to dibcon-
linuo the sweeping of Pine street from
Eighth to Tenth , and sweep instead on
Monday nlfjhts Picrco street from
jiovonth : to Fifth.
L 1M 1'JIS.
.Tolm Itcdllno of Chester Is at the Casey.
.T M. Grinith of Wnhoo Is nt the Millard.
.7 T Wade of Arlington is slopping nt the
C'lmilcs McDonald of Noith Plntto is nttho
Clmrlcs C. Hunt or Semlngfoicl is at the
ThcndoioMcjerof Alma is stopping at the
Milltml ,
H. M Uttloy or O'Xeill Is legistcrcd at the
C. T Brown Of Lincoln is legistercd nt the
F S UlaUcscnof Faiiilcld is registered nt
th ojjusoy.
A H Glcnson of Hoklicgo is legistciud ut
ti. D Davidson nnd wife of Osccoln tno at
Hie Mm my.
TJ C Tocld and wife of Ncliaxx h.i nve legis-
U-iiHlut thoMillind.
M AV Travis nml wife of Lincoln mo
guests at the Millaul.
AV n Cr.iltf nnd xxifo of Sidney me stop
ping nt the I'axton.
General A V ICnutz of Foit Xlobrai.i is
falopping at the I'axton.
Samuel M , Clmpmm of Plnttsmouth is
stopping at the Aim lay.
I1 L AVhi'c-ler and J , F Ferguson of York
nro ainong the guests at the Casey.
.T. L AVestnvcr , F. C. Smith nnd II. G.
Dickinson of Ulyssei mo at thu Casey.
, T C AVIilto and Attorney General AVillinm
Lceso of Lincoln mo guests at the Paxton.
Mrs J. AV. Fisher of Qiiincy , 111 , is xibit-
ing her parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. F. AVeller.
Miss Kuth AVeller Is at homo again niter
-.pending ton months nt the eouservatuiy of
imislo at Quincv , 111.
Kd II. AVhito of tlto AVeHtein Union cleiical
foico has boon called to his homo at Chatham ,
Canada , by the dungoious illness ot a icl-
Airs. G. AV. Clnik rctmncd fiom Lincoln
jesteulny la lesponso to a tclegi.un liom
Syr.ic-iibo. N. Y , annonnclng the death of a
sister. She tai ted on her sad journey last
Sil\oi' Not Copper.
Deputy Collector of Customs Phillips wis
railed to the smelting x\oils to inspect
seven car loads of silver ere which had just
arrived fiom old Mexico. Tlieio is no duty
Dti the impoHatlon of silver or lead 010 into
tlio United States , but theio is on copper and
it is neicssary for the collector of customs to
see that theio is no other ere instead of the
0110 spc'ullcd.
I'lilillr Iiiipioxcnicnts.
The boaid of public xxoiUs has diiectcd
Hugh Murphy to pave south txxc'iity-foiiitlt
in dlstuet No. "M. .fiimes Flnnneiy stieet
commissioner , has been oideied to icpair
btieets as follows-
1 'moment ut Nineteoth and Farnnn ; on
Seventh strcct noith of laihoad biidiro ; on
Niehohs between Jlitccth and sixteenth ,
AVashouts at T\\c-nty-nliitli and Capitol
avenue ; Thiitietb and Da\enpoit ; Tucnty-
t'ighth and D.ixenpoit.
The eioss walk at Twenty-sex eutli and
Fianklia near the Long school house has been
oidered laised.
TjooturoH IMI tlio .fpx > Kli Creed.
The sei vices at the Temple of Isuiel , on
Htiracy stieet near Twentyfonith , this
eening , will eommcnco at 7 ! ! 0. Habbi Kosc-
nnn xx III deliver tlio Hi it of a seiics of lec
tures , based upon the aiticles of c'lvotl ot the
Jewish church , published in a leient Sunday
Issuoof Tin : CM xit v 111 r. The snbjei't
this ox-eiilng will be , "Is There u Godf"
All , iuospc-ctlxo of eieed , aio eoidiallj In-
\lteil to attend. Good scats xvill bo slioixn
to visitois.
Supreme Couit Heard From.
Amandatohas been iceelved fiom the su-
piemo couit afiliiniug the decision of the cir
cuit eouit awaidingl.iS ! ! 17 damages and fill
costs to ChailcsV. . XValtheis "la his suit
igalasttho MtCormiek haix'ostiag companv.
Air. AVnltheis lixes at Suttoa , Nob. , and in
July , lSb7 , Judgments amounting to $ ,
xxoio obtained against him by the comp my in
question , tluough its agent at that place. As
a fonsettieaeo | AValthers1 business xx-as
itilned. llo sued for $10,000 daniiu-es and
xxasawauk-d $ l.tsr ! ) > . Tlio hiu vesting ma
chine company cauied the matter to tlio
liifhest tiiimnal In the land with the above
result Tills decision xvlll also xxipoouttho
Jmlpnients of fJ.WJ obtained against \Viilthcra
It ix as a Kalto.
"The paper tlmt came out xxith n half col
umn of seat o headed rot axxeckold about
an alleged stiiko among the pi eat
in my of laborers In our employ
at Knst Omaha ought to get a
little tiuth and eaeigy under its vest , " 10-
iiauKed Alaxor Cashing jcsterday in the
capacity of picsldent of the IJast Omaha
land company.
"Tliero is no stiiko theic that I know any
thing about , nml AX ho would hoar
of it quicker ! I am afraid that the
fact that Tnu IJn : scooped that same
paper a duj ago on the fact that xxo had ar-
inngcd for $ . " > , t)00,000 ) xxoith of maaufactoiics
ox or oa our land bad something to do w ilh
the publication of that lid-eyed stuff about
u strike. " _
Competing Win rlors.
The Omaha Guauls are contemplating nt-
tcadlng the national di ill nnd cncapcuient of
the militia of the United States to bo held at
Kansas Clty.Juno 2-9 ludu.slvo. Alnny pilzcs
aggregating ox'cr flfi.OOOaro offered for con
testing military companies , Individual sol-
illers , bauds. The Guards xxlll make nn at
tempt to xvln their shaiv. Thoilrst piUo is
$ , ' ,500. The numerous applications for entry
i-ecclx'ed from all pai ts of tlio union glvo am-
j'le assurance that the attendance xvlll bq
Irtige , Vlsitiim military companies
\vill bo supplied V.'i'U ents nnd
csunp cqulpngo five ofclmrgo. Allbnuiches
of the svrvfco xvlll ho ivpivscnted and there
will bo contests bctxx ecu infantiy. cavalry ,
zomwo and gutling gun comp.inies dally.
There will probably boa lai go attcndanco
ol jvgular trooiw at the encampment ,
A very nlcusl'ij ? ontorttunmont xxill bo
given lr. the lullsido CoiiKrogiitlonril
f'rch this evening by the Sunday
Bchool clnsa known im ' 'IJuds of Prim-
vo e. " Tlio progrummo xxlll consist of
Musical nnd literary bolectiona , clitu actor
bongH , duotH , etc.
Much tlmu has been spent In the pro-
pamtion of thlri programme , xxhlch will
to apicy nnd full of lifo ,
Grnplilcnlly Detailed l y nn Observant
Omaha Scientist.
Ono hat illy realizes the extent of IhU coun
try , " sold Air. Andrexv Hosexvntcr , who hoa
Vcturncd from nn extended trip to the south.
"It xvould bo impossible to tell you of all the
places I visited. " said the gentleman , "but to
begin \vlth I Ilrst xveut to Pcoi ia , III , , n town
tlmt Is noted for the manufacture of paving
brick , and I am sorry to say the brick , when
the question of durability h taken into con
sideration , is not what could bo desired. The
city being tlio homo of Hits' material , ns n
natural consequence the brick is used for
street paving , and x1th one exception the
sticeH shoxv decided signs of xx'car , xxhllo
the gutters , where the hones hax'c stood , are
all chopped to pieces , though la many places
the brlolceio pat doxvii only txvo or three
jcarsngn. On Franklin street it is alto
gether different. This street xx-as pax'od xvith
Iniclc uunufattuicd at Ottawa , and , while
they xx-ero laid thrco yean ago. the street
presents as smooth n surface as It did xxhen
the xxoik x\-as completed , showing no evi
dence of xxear. These brick aio 12 inches
in length , fi in thickness and 4 in width , and
Including the sub-giadlng cost only $1 S. ( per
square jniil.
"After leaving Pcorla. " said Air Hose-
water , "I went to Knoxville , Tenn. , xx-lieio I
consulted with thu mayor and city council
upon the subject of sexxers and sexx'age.
At this point I found a south
ern city that was enjoying n
boom one of immense proportions biought
about bynoitliPin men , 1101 thorn enterprise
ami notthcrn capital. Knovx illc , dining the
last fexv x ears , has groxvn fiom n dilapidated
little southern hamlet to a busy , bustling city
of 50,000 Inhabitants , and noxv stands thiul in
the state. The people aio nctivcly engaged In
jiianufactuihtg. and , with the coal and lion
that has been found in the nelghboihood. it
promises to soon become ono of the leading
cities of the south.
"I next Journeyed to Atlanta , Gn , where I
xx'as again most agreeablv suiprised at tliedo-
X'elopment , as oneveiy hand one can see the
effect that not them money is tuning. The
streets aio being paved -with ndgluni block
pavement , largo business houses are
being elected , nnd the AX hole country
picsents n far dlffeient appc.uanco
horn what it did xxhen Sherman
passed through txx-enty-flvo jcais ago The
Kimball house , n seven-story building , is one
of the llnest hotels in the south , occupiing
a xvholo block of ( . 'round.
"One thing that must stiiko the tinvclor
is thepiojriess being made by the coloied
licoiile It has been stated that these men of
lolor xxill not woik , but at Atlanta , ns well
as in many other southern cities , ! found them
emplojedas carpenter * , biicklajeis , and , in
fact , in ncaily every other place xxheio skilled
xvoikmon xvero iir-eded. They seem to bo
thiiftj and getting along as xx'ell as the xvhito
inhabitants. In tlio lolling mills , xxheio a
gieat number of men is employed , neatly
all aionegiocs.
"Theio mo some fentmcsthnt aio quite
striking , as nttho depots theio .no Inv.tii.iblv
txvo xvuting looms ono for the xxhites and
one for the coloied people. The same may bo
said of the schools and chinches.
"Tho monuments about Atlanta aio of in-
tciest , as theio aio bailed many of the mojt
noted confedciates , and , in almost ex-cry in
stance a inaibio shaft , pointing hea\enx\aid ,
in.nks the spot , xxhilc neat white stones in
the cemetenes indicates x\heic these of less
note hax'o found a linal testing place. "
"Oinnba might feel pioud of the paiUs of
this little southem city , as theio are any
number of them , all beatuilul and xvell caied
for , xxhile , scattered about the city aio
numeious public gaulens , xxheio tiopical
plants and sweet scented flow el's bloom near
ly the whole year lound.
"Tlio pcoplo couit noithein cnteipiiso and
capital and , a mm fiom the states , if ho has
the nppcaianco of possessing wcaltli , is ic-
celved xxith open aims and treated in tojal
stx Ic.
"Just noxx- , the people of the south aie
deeply engaged in studing the political piob-
1cm ot n white nun's government , and fully
convinced that the coloied inon should not
have conttol of the machinery. "
TacUsonx illo , Fla , was the next southem
city to AX Inch Mr. Hoscxxater paid a visit , and
"theie , " hosaidj "I found the laigest toxvn
in the state , a city well built , stieeU paxed
with cjpiuss , cut from the sxx'.tnqw xxhieh
alwund in thointciior ; a good haiboron St.
John's river , \\heio the laigest x'cssels may
bomooicd. Tiapical fruit was for sale , anil
in Imgo quantities was cheap , though in tlie
local maiKet it xxas as expensive as upon the
stiocts of Omaha.
"Kight hcio I xxant to tell you that in Flor
ida j on do not cat the best fruit they i.use , "
said Air. Hosowater , "as ( t is shipped to Nexv
Yoik , Chicago and Omaha , xxhilo the infoiior
qualitiesllnil .1 maiket at home.
"I next xisitnl Tampa , Fla , , said Air.
Hoioxxater , "xx'heie again 1 xx-as inost agree
ablv suipiised , as that city has made most
iiijiid stiides , gioxxmg fiom a toxxn of , " > ! ) < ) tea
a city of 10,000 inhabitant , dining the past
llvejears. The piincipal occupation of tlio
pcojlo ) is that ol niamifactuuug Havana ci
gars , and as a consequence the nmjoiity of
the people aio Cub ins , xxho Axoik in the
largo tobicco factotics. They have a most
peculiar method of informing the txoikincn of
the uexxs of the day. The piincipal and
central ilgino of tlio establishment is
a reading clcik , who , upon a desk
at his light , has the leuling
ncxx spnpcrs and ptnodicals of the
countix ; and , while the men aie busilj en
gaged in soiling tobacco and lolling i , in
a clear , loud tone of \ oice , the cloik leads the
papers or maga/ines , .is suits ins fancy.
"Another singular featuio of the toxvn is
the noxv hotel xxhieh is being built at a costot
neaily $1,000,000 and xxill accommodate fully
MX ) guests. It seems that the oxvners aroout-
domg themselxes , but the inhabitants of tlio
city claim It xvlll bo piolitable , as Tampa is
bound to become n great winter icsoit foi
noithein people.
Poit Tampa , txxelvo miles south of the
city , Is another impoitant point , ns it is the
shipping poit to Cuba , South Amoiica and
Mexico , and , in time , is destined to become a
poit that will largely contiol the tiado ofthat
poition of the coast.
"Tlnoughout Flotilla , and the solilhcin
poitiou moio especially , the people aio 1011-
siderably stiued up over the pioposed high
t.utft on tobacco , ns they haxo had an idea
it would dilxo the Cubans to manufaetming
cigars at homo instead of at Key AVest and
Tampa , and as a result , scx-eial delegations
x\eio sent to AVuuhington to piotcst against
the ihango. "
AtSt Augustine , the oldoit pity In the
United States , Air Hoscxxater found much
tlmtxxosofinteiest , and speaking of It ho
said :
"Tho city has changed much dm ing the
p ist three j ems , and the people have caught
the idea of the noith , commenced paving
their sheetsextending thopublio xxoiks , and
have built a hotel AX Inch Is the pildoof the
Axholostato. Thostmcturo Is owned by Air.
Flagler of the Stnndaul oil company.and cw-
ers 1 0 actes ot ground It Is built of stone ,
Axhlloltscarxingand stutuaiy Is of the high
est Idea of ait. ( lindens , pailoi-s ,
baths , RXX Ings and ox-erj thing for the conven
ience of the guests aio found , It Ispitrmi-
iml by guests from all paits of the xx-oild In
its construction , no e\punso A\rns spired , and
while It is not supposed it AX ill pay a largo
rate of Intetcst on the investment , It will remain -
main a monument to the personal pildo of Its
"At this point , old Foil Aloilon , AxhlcliAA-as
built by the Spanish in U > < r > , is an object of
great Inteicst to the sight-seer. To build this
foil required an aimy of men , and oven they
Axoiked 100 jenrs upon It. When built it had
cost the gox onimcnt0,000,000but ! command
ed the entrance to the lunbor. "
Don't Feel Well ,
And yet you arc not sick enough to consult a
doctor , or you rcfiuln fiom so doing for fear
you will uhuni yourself and friends wo xxill
tell jou JiibtAvlmt you need. It is Hood's
bawapaiilia , which will lift you out of that
unceitala , uncomfoi table , dangcious condi
tion , Into a state of good health , eonlldenco
and cheerfulness You've no Idea hoxv potent
this peculiar medicine is in cases llko j ours.
District Couit.
The dismissal docket for the district couit
has been mndo out nnd contains about ono
hundred nnd sl\ty-il\-o cases. Thh docket
> Titl bo called on Monday ue.xt. It includes
nil cases in which ttial notices hnvo not been
llled during the preceding IAVO terms nnd
Avhlch might haxo been tiled duiingthoso
At tlio calling of the docket at the begin
ning of the last tctni a case Avas called which
hud been heard and submitted to Judge
AVakeloy for u decision thico A oars before.
The case hi still in the hands of the couit.
County Court ,
The Nexv England loan and trust company
1ms brought suit against E , II. Sherwood to
recover fire on several notes.
S. F , Mustard hnjJ sued the Dworak
Brothers for flM on promissory notes.
Chnrles II , Foxx'lor lias commenced suit
against Stephen .T. nnd T. S. Drodcrlck to re
cover &I37.03 on account of goods sold nnd de
Ayorst A ; Tnfihiilcr have brought suit
ngnfnst Hlclmrd 1C. Stowo to recover $110 on
account of sen'lccs in proem ing n loan.
It. C. Patterson nml Jacob Fnwcctt have
sued tlio defunct Omaha banking company
for the rent of tlio premises nt ! IJ"J South
Fifteenth stieet since .Tune last , less the
amount received from tlio parties who rented
from defendants. The balance claimed
amounts to $ (115. (
Samuel L. Bell hns sued Augustus Boscho
for * . " > OI 70 for labor and matcilals.
AVillinm L. AVnrdls has commenced suit
against AIIloS. Llndsoy to recover $100 on u
note. _
The Itoolc Inland AVautH the
Truck nt Iilnoolti ICull Notes.
The Bin llngton and Hock Island roads are
getting into Avhat piomlscs to bo a vei-y bitter
Jlght at Lincoln. It seems that the latter
wants a light of A\-ay for its proposed iioxv
line tluough that toxvn on Hlghth stieet , and
an ordlmmco granting its icqucst has been
prep.ucd , but the Dm llngton people oppose
it and are doing all they can to prevent such
franchise being glx-cn. AVlien n Bru reporter
asked General Alanngcr Hold i ego what object
his company hud in makinga war of this Und ,
ho snUl.
"AVe are not opposed to the Hock Island
building all the loads It A\-itnts to in Ne-
tiniskn. but wo do object tp its occupying
a sheet through Lincoln between our tiacks
and our depot nnd the toxxn , and I don't ' be
lieve tlio citizens of Lincoln ate favoinblo to
any such a scheme. AVe otpect to still stay
theio and piobablv do some business even
after the Hock Island gets in nnd AX'othci c-
foio object to having the access to our depot
made dangeious by the tracks of the coipora-
lion being put doxvii between us ana the city. "
On n Par AVIlli St. Paul.
Chairman Faithorn of the western traflic
association has made n decision equalising
the rate on Montana ti.ifthj originating cast
of Chic.ign betw" ecu Clilcago and Omaha xvith
the late on similar business betxx'ecn Chicago
and St. Paul. Heretofore the loxv basis by
way of St Paul to Montana points gave the
Koi them Pacific udx'nntngo oxer the Union
Pnclllc in that business. The hitter coipoia-
tion thcicfoio made complaint and Insisted on
nn equalisation of tlio rates by the txxo loutes
but at liist the Chicago lilies i of used to
i educe Alissomi lix'crintes to the St Paul
basis Thev thought , or lather held out as an
excuse for their action , that to do this AX ould
imolvo them in a violation of the long and
shot t haul clause of the interstate coinmeico
l.ixxTho Union Pacillc people obligated them-
sclxe-i , hoxx'exer , to release the Cliuago lines
fiom an } icsponsibilitics on that scoie , ion
scquently Ah Faithom gaxc his decision in
their fax or.
( V Pair of Pnsspiipr Agents.
P.itHumpl'iey , ' .at and fiolieksomc ns cx'er ,
is in the cit } , nccomp lined bj J. K. Fit/gcr-
ald , Axhoso axoiidupois and coed nature are
on n pir Axith his. These gentlemen icpie-
sent as trax-eling passenger agents the AVest
Shoio and Nashville loids , iespecti\-cly ,
theiefoio haxo some deeply nisterious
scheme on hand xxhich to divulge AX ould ,
they say , mill them foioxor. Judging fiom
Air Ilumphix's tone his lot is not a ACI }
happy one Tlio company keeps him chasing
aftei'busincss poitiiining to Cliiistnin science
conxcntions and other association meetings
Axhlch nobody attends , theiefoio failuio to
pioduce icsults bungb on unpleasant and anne -
no } ing inquiries.
Fremont lOxcursioiiists.
Tiaveling Passenger Agent Giievoy of the
Union Pacific .mixed at 11 o'elodc jesteidny
xvith his special tiain beai ing 200 Fremont Odd
Felloxxs to the Toxxa state meeting at Council
Bluffs. Ho AX as a little late getting stalled ,
consequent ) } had some lost time to make up.
The mn thcicforo AX.IS ono of the 1 as test as
AX ell as the piettlest ever made on the Union
Pacillc load.
Notci and Personals.
Fi auk Ux'oiet , claim agent for the Alisouti
Pacillc , Kansas City , ism toxxn
Assistant General Passenger Agent Scott
of the Union Paeilic lias gone to Lincoln.
.T. S. Cameion letumcd fiom Ogden and
Salt Lake Aesteiday.
Another Hainond excursion of Nexv En
gland people came in from the AA est } estei day
and AX cut cast OA'cr the Hock Island.
Dccoratcil nnd Axith I'rl/e
nnd : i Hand Arri\e Tills Arccrnoon.
At U.3" ) o'clock this afternoon the immense
special train 1 iden AX ith the goods of AVilliom
Dceiing x. Co.'s haix'osting machinery manu-
factqiy , Chicago , xxill auixo at the foot of
UIghth and Paeilic stieets.
The tiain consists of liftycais , all highly
decorated and accompanied by a line baud ot
The goods aio Intended for the film's im
mense iioxv AX alehouse at the foot of Capitol
avenue. The train is ic.illy txxo tialns of
t\\ontA'-flx'O cais each , and at the end of each
A\ ill bo a display car attraetix'elv decorated ,
AX ith a full line of the Dcci ing machines set up
and lead } for the Held. The x\hole tiain. hoxx'-
cner , is ono big shoxv and AX ill doubtless
attiaet a Inigo assemblage of sightseers. On
aiuvul heio this tiain xvill bo inn into the
passenger yauls at Eighthnnd Pncillosticcts.
A photoginpher AVill bo on the scene nnd
make iihciiesof ptctmes fiom dlffeient points
of the cai sand their displ.i'i of ninchincrv
Tlio cars AX ill bo itlloxx'od to stand for public
inspection until late in the evening , AX hen
they AX ill be tun into the Umlington jaids ut
Kitfhtli street and C'npitol ax-euue , xvhei-o
their nexv Axaichouso stands. Heio they AX ill
lenmla on the tiacks in solid trains until Sat-
unlny afternoon , Axhen tluty xvill bo unloaded
and stoicd in the different depaitmentsof the
AXaiehousc IJxcijbodj intoiosted in harx'est-
ing mnchiner.x should not fail to boon hand at
Ulghth and Pacltio stieets this afternoon
and inspect the Dceiing colossal tiain.
Allies' Nerxo and lavorPills. ,
An important dlscox'eiy. They art on the
liver , stomach and boxx'els tlnough the
nerxes. A now pinieiplo. They speedily
cui-o billlousaess , bad taste , toipid liver ,
piles and constipition. Splendid for men ,
xx omen and children. Smallest , mildest ,
suiest. iiO doses for " > cents Samples frco
utICuhn ix Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Licenses AX eio Issued to the follow ing par
ties by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name nnd Hcsldcnce. Ago.
I Chailes Biadbury , Omaha ' , ' (1 (
1 Udltli Theme , Omaha ' „ ' >
j Ficderiek AV Armbrust , Omaha . , ' > !
| AIniioNeumaua , Omaha iM
Its superior cicellcnco proven In million ! of liome
f.irninrinlmn a niinrli'r of acontiirr It la uicil M
thu L'nltuil htaU'i dovi'Mimcnt hndortud by l"fl
hcnilf of the tin-lit l'nl er ltlu Ri Iho trim Mt ,
I'uieit amt.W4t llvalltiful l r I'rUo't Crejm lla -
Init 1'uwiler iloi' not luntaln Aauiujnia , I.IIUB t > - >
You Can Not Scc-THcm but you May be De
voured by Tliam if You Are Not on Your
Guard ,
.Vdf-rtiM-bad hlrt What Is bad alt ? It I"
nlrlotuk'd xvllh mnilflns of minute nnhnnlstno
small to be cen ) > y thcnaUcd eye and ex cry
ono of theid iwlwnons. Look nt n sunbdm
xxhcrolt cotiH-s stteiiiiln ! ? OuoiiKh jou ? \ lu
( low and not lee llm millions of ot "Uitl
Unit It contains. You do not sec ihls < 5ust o\-
cent us It Is made vIMblo In U sunb"Hia. Thru
think how many thousands of millions of
Mnallcr animals there mustljo In ox cry breath
drawn late the Innm and not nnoof nhlch cnit
bo seen I Hut they nln t llxe , and theydollxo
upon that pottlomnf the liuiimn body xxhlvb
they can get at. ' Tills Is nialurlii. Is It any
xxonderthat iHMrly pxerymaii and woman ft
tioubledlth It ? Ms it not rather \\cmclrr
that they aio nnt ) troubled mom ? Hut what
i-nn bo done ? Kill tlio jjenii" , lion ? Nothing
so qnlcMy and certainly does It as rum !
\\liNkey. Xntlilim so eertnlnly Injuie , ns Im-
pitroxlilsKcy , und no hlsl ey x\us 0x11 known
Hint ls iiinsolniely tmro In e\eiy resueet as
Duffy's Pine .Aliilt. Professor Homy A. Molt
of > owYoik , doelaics It : Mr. Win. T , Cittti'i ,
htntoChpiiilst of I'oiimctleut , nnhcsllullnxly
assorts It ; all iiromlnent scientists , doctors
and piofcsiors xUiohnxi * Inxrstlsated It , fully
IIL-I-I u und : ire nnntiallllcil In their coiamemla-
Any man or woman x\ho fiels tiled. xxenU.
exhausted , ( H iondoMt , \\llliiill the sljiusof
malaila ami mnlarlal pol nn , should not dclny
and cannot do holtcrtmin to use , lntbeuioii | > r
inannor nml with modcintlmi , DiilTj's I'nto
Mall Whl-key. llo caicful In piiiclumltiK It ,
lioHever , to xoeuro the genuine. J.IKnothci
Aaluablo thlfiKs It hns Imltallims and inanv
dealeis are dHhonniuhlo onoiiKli to try nml
sell other and Injurious ROO < | . Ho not bo dc-
cclxed but Insist on haxlng the genuine.
Kabo never works up or
doAvn or breaks. If it does
in a year , you shall have
your money back from the
store where you bought your
The steels may break
the best of steels have their
limits of strength. But Kabo
has no breaking-limit ; it
doesn't break at all.
And the Kabo corset is
perfect in form.
The store has a primer on
Corsets for you.
Cmcjiao COBSET Co. . Chicago and NOAT York.
Imported Millinery ,
120 North 15th Street.
Oper.itc'il under n twenty yean contrmt bj the
Mexican Intermitlonal Itupruvcmunl
Conip 1115 * .
fjrnml Monthly ilrnvtlnK * I"-1' ' ' ln "in Morr > quo
Pavilion In tliu Aliincda t'aik , ritvut Mexico
publicly loniluoUut hycuYcininciit iilllclalsnppolnlcrt
for tlippuriiixub ) tliu scirutar } ot tliu Intellui iintl
thu'licasur ) .
BBneficiBncia Pilblica ,
XVI111)0 lielil In tlio I ITOP MK.MLU ,
MAY S , 189O ,
XXhlcliH the C.iUMi SFMI-ANM xi r\THAoiini\-
.Mn DIMXMMI , thu ( AI'll'AIi 1'lt i bcliiK Clnu
IJuuUruil anil 1 wenty'lhuii'uiiMl Dollai
I'UIC'i : Ol' TICKIUN Ami'ilcMii Money.11 ,
AVliolcsW : HiilxcsW : Quarter- , * . ' ; KlKhtli
tlub Hntcs iVi worlli of thkcts fort'M
I.lsT OK I'lII/KS.
1 Cnpltnl I'rl/eof { IWWO NflMOOO
1 Capital fi lie ( if 4000U in IOIJUU
1 Capital t'rl/uof 'JUOOll . . H MUM
1 ( iranil 1'rl/cul 6,000 Is SOW
2 1'rUca ot (2 ( WO . . . i 4 X
f > l'il " ) iif 1WIO nro . ' ) ( XIC
SO I'lliesof MX ) . . . IIKI 1UOX ( )
100 I'rlcusof Ml . . . . . . aio .MftX )
SW I'lkosof 1UO . aio WOOJ
i2U t'll/csof < 0 . . . . .aro . ' 1,11V
1V ) I'rl/es nf ilJUuppnixlin it'B to f UIUOO prl/e , Jin 000
IM 1'rl/isof ll liippiii\lniiit Btn 400UOprl/o , TiOO1)
ItO 1'ilzi'snf iViippriixliint B .o ' 'OIXXnlu \ > , .K ri
V'l TtinilnaH ut SlOilctlileil by KV.UOO prize , SI'W )
iV-'bt I'rlzos Ainoiinlliu ( f > fWISO
All I'rl/es snhi in the t'nlleil State's mil ) IMliI In
U si ( .iirrvnc ) .
n H\TI , r any fnrlliei Infoiinnllon
ilt'iil 1 1 il , rllo Ic lblj In tlu > uiiikrslKiiiil cli'nrh
Miitlnioiir n sliliMiif , v. Illi Mute' lountjtnu mill
niiiiibcr Moiu rapM ritnrn mull ilelUerj will bo
ntMiieit bj join cnclo ltK nn tnrc'loiio bc.irlng > oui
lull addlcss.
u. nirrr : ,
Cnv or Mi.xiro ,
Ily orillnnry litter , containing MON'in OUDHll
Issued b > nil i\prc : s ( oinpinlcs. * < unuiU l.\-
chnnur , Draft 01 Postal .Ni'to.
lYiCIAI ; , HIATt'Hi : "
11) terms of ( outran I ho Kinipaii ) niu < t deposit the
niii nl allprl/rs Iniliuhd In the M heuio bi > lnrc K'll-
liiBnnlnk'lc ticket , and recelvo tliu lullonlnn otliilul
1 1 mill
C'ntnilCATt I herdiy certlf ) that tlio Hunk of
1. nnilon anil .Mexico has on ileposlt Iho mtiwi-.u )
lunils lo Bnarnntei * lliu piiyiuent of all pil/uadiunn
b ) the l.otcrln dula Ik-ni lUend i I'nblka
Ai'oi IN XH l xsril I o , Inlervenor
Viirthcr , the ronipin ) Isieqnlred loilHtrlbutellft-
Klx portent oftho vnluoiif all the thLitnlii pil/es
a larKi r puitlon tlnin l vlvi'n h ) all ) othtr lotler )
Hiiall ) Iho niiinljiM ot tlckttt Is Ilinlled loHllXIO
20 UUU less than aru sold by other luttcrlos using tliu
came scheme
IWtttotiicf DodyandHlnJ , Effects
lloliail. KoliUntMiaoiKbU/llHIorril. llowIntulirrt tud
Blr < llb nHlAlil. u ; TKl. < Jl lUoKla 9i.l iRTSl ( fiunr.
ib. i. ( ir iiunx la tij.
lieu l.llllr from tl > HU1M d I rcl n Counlrlfi. ITrllt Ibtra.
lticrlptl * Uook * iBj H > Uon Dj lircofiijtilliMlliriUdirrr * .
BulTcrliiis from ihoctlicunf toiilhfiil i rn'rn , i-nrlr
\\aftliimvrnknoiifl. . Ion in inliunil.ito.lnlll
Mini a YtilnabUntrfatlM ) < M < nlnli lontuiiilni ; full
particulars for liomu ounrillM : or ihiw A
tplrmllil intillnlworki thouM Iw nnU hy orry
man \\lio In tifninit nml iltlillltaloa. Addrrfci ,
1'rol. 1' . < ' , I'OU'MJlt , HIooUuaCoiiu.
H. M 'lrn ( heart , Julin Ailrhnro , l.uil.iii Mluor.
H. M. Trueheart & Co.
i ; > tabll9licil In lv'i7
O.ilxcston Is tliusiMjinit that Is anil Is to bo
fin tlio | 'rrut .Noitlmiat. Inform.itlou und
imipi fnrnhhc'il , Vlsiturs Invited to cull ut
Kou LAlllLidXM Ir IxMiic's 1'crlodlcal I'HH ,
tliu 1 rpnch ri'inotlr net on ( he im'nitrnnl Hyftti'iu HIII !
iiiraiuiprr | l < iiifr ) inwliiitivrrcuii > i I'nnnutamt'il-
Btrmttlca llttto pllli uliuulil nut lu Inkin ilurinv
prck'iiJMC ) ' Am rill Co lloally prop * biii'mir t lay
lo In ( knulnoby > < lioruiau \ Mi < onnull IMtli.i ) > t ,
noarl'U Uninlin I A Xlrkhvr M Uiral.u. U 1 * .
Klll > , Council UitBt , lit 01 j lor 5.
It Is nearly time to lay aside your heavy underwear , and \vc want to remind you that AVO/
carry the largest stock of medium and light weight underwear in town. We buy these goods ,
direct from the mills and commission houses ; AVC pay no jobbers' profits , and consequently AVG
can sell them from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than any other establishment. This season AVO
have been especially fortunate in our purchases , and we arc in a position to place before outf
customers several lines of goods at prices which no other house can come anywhere near ,
Three cases Patent Brown Bajbriggan Shirts and Drawers , silk bound , French neck and
finished scams , at 25c ; sold elsewhere for 500.
75 dozen very fine Striped Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , at 350 ; worth 6oc. " '
75 do/en extra fine Ribbed Shirts and Drawers of an excellent shade , warranted fast color ,
at 5oc ; like qualities are not sold elsewhere less than $1.00.
TAVO cases Fancy Striped Half Hose , a regular 2Oc quality , at IOG.
Two cases Brown fine Seamless Half Hose at 150
One case very fine seamless Half Hose , absolutely fast black , at 200.
Our NeckAvcar counter shows the handsomest styles of ne\v Tccks , Four-in-Hatuls and
Windsor Scarfs at just one-half the prices of other houses.
In Linen Collars , AVC shoAv all the new shapes of the season , arid AVC also have a full line of J
our celebrated All Linen 5c Collar , turn doAvn and standing , in new shapes. This is something ; ,
no other house can show.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
Gentlemen if you arc desir
ous of being well dics ed you
cannotimprove your time moie
profitably than by looking over
lour stock of clothing , whiclnve
will take pleasure in showing
you. AVe call your attention es
pecially to our sack and cuta
way suits. You might look at
the spring ovci coats the line is
still A cry complete.
\tfollKiio\vn. .
Is iinsm passed In the Ireitment of all forms of I'lll-
x \T1 DistXHls and strictures , a euro KUiiraliti oil
liupoteni ) , Loss nf Xlaiiluiod and .iinliltloii ' Icrllty
or Ilarri nnuss absolutely cired end lot books
Iho I.lfo M-eret fin Man or XX'oman viili lUiPiili
I8tainpsi Ncmius I rmalo Diseases tnreil > | iilckly
und pennant nil ) 'I reatnient by torrespondiuRo
ftainpi for lepl ) Consnltatlnn fieu OIUiu 1.
Cor 1 Ilh and Jatkson Htnots Oiiuilin Neb _
AX'oniliTliil .Slinnlell
Itcmedy , U Hufdxvltb
; i Written ( jimiaii-
to to onto ull Nut > >
n IB UlniaBCfjBiicli na
Weak Manor ) , I.oea
of llraliil'oucr.lkiicl-
Before & After Use. , , ,
I'hutOKraiHiul Iruni Life , oimicpB , I.nsultmU- ,
nlldraluH mid lo 8 of pox.crol the Gciicrathe Or-
paiiBln either not , cauecilby oxcr-oxcitlciu , JOiilb.
till liKllscretloiiB , or the cxcefalx'o uao of tobacco ,
opium , or stimulants , xvhlcli ultimately lend to
luflrmlty , CouBiimiitlon nnd Ineanlly Put up In
com culcnt form to carry In thu vest pocket. 1'rlco
$ l ajmckaco , orOloi 83. XMlUcxcry SSonli-r o
lilxoa ur'ffcn ' f/mirtiufcA to euin orirfitiul
Ilia iiitnii'i/ . bent by mall to auy add r fee. Clr-
culm free Mention this paper. Addrces
417 Jiiailioin Strut , CIlK'XdO , 1I > L.
Kill hXU. IV OXIAIIX M 11,11V
Kulin . ( o. Lor 15lh A. jKiuKtis MrrctA
J A Itllltr A to ( or 1 ill .X. DuuKlas blrcctf and
A , 1) 1 ustcr i Co , lounill Hindi , luna.
T I'ilVbliiiiuri 1 p n , nn I Bpirmatprrlicci
ut Iho liraln , tclrnlm >
< aiucil liv DK-r-Licrlloii oor
our InJiilj-TKi' fHi ) box contain * nnoniuntb'4 tit at
nient vl a box , ur tu lt > r 8) . nt by inallprppnlU
if . | ll rtiul | urtlmi.or
L-uiranUo lo i.riiiil nioni'y If llm IrralriKiil falU la
cure ( Juarautec ) IMIII * | unit crnuino
Oiiialui Neb ,
ArTMta dlichargoi from tba urinary organ *
la illlur ( ex m 4U Lours ,
It L > tuperjor f > Oujplbo , Cubtb , or ln ] e-
( loni , and frta from ell tail imilt er otter
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
For tlio treatment ofnll CITIION'IO ANII Sl'llHIC . IHbK VSHd HMP.\ App ntiro ? for ilcfnnnltlos nn *
'J rn tcs Host rncllltlo , Apparatn1 * nrul Hi'nitillM for SIH ci'fiil Truntinont ot ovorj form ( if dlsoi i ) roJ
iinlrlncModlPiil or Siir lrnlTrt > nttniMt MMIl'V HOOX1S KOU TxTKNld , lluir.l nnd Atti-ml imu HoiS
ArroininodatlonsXX'cst. XX'rllu fur clrcnlaraon DufoiinltliM ami llraioi , 'rrnn < c , Lluli Ic-cl ( iirvaturni of
Spine 1'llPi , 'Iiiuiur * , Cincoi , Uiitnrrh llrom lilIN , lull il itlon iii'itrlill\ : l'ar.ilil < KpHop * } , Mdiiuj , lllail-
dir , Kjp , I ir. Skin nnd Illoo I anil all ' -mull il ( > | ii > intlnni DIM : \-il. Ill' UOML'.V n s | > _ llonkoj V
ll ) ca cs of XVnini'ii 1 ri'O XXo hnvn Inlnlj .idded n l.In--ln lup irtniLiit for XX'oinun Durlni ; ( uiiUnomonll * -
( fctrlctly I'rhnto ) Only Iti'llalilo Xlc.llnil In tltuto MnMiiKi ' poclnltj ( if 1'lllX ATB IIHII.X IN
All lllooil Dlsvnii's iiieicH tiill } trcmtiMl s\plillltli ; poison rviiintcMt Iroin tlio ny tuin wlthiint ni ( > icurn >
cn llostoratlrolrcHtinort for l.oii of X'ltal 1'uncr. I'urtloi nn ililo tn visit in miy ho truiti'il nt lioino bf
corr spdiidcncc All connniinkalloiisoontldc'iitlal .Xludklno or Instruments stMit hy mall or express sg
cnnly piikcil , no minks to Inilli nto contents or homli'r. Onu pursonul Intcrvlnw prnforri'd Call anil uinsuU
iiBorsc'iid history nf jour mo and no will semi In plain wrippurour HOOK 'IO XI13V 1 IU313 , up in 1'rliaO
Special ur Nun 0119 lllscn us , linpotuncj , Sjphllls ( , | p t indX'arlodculo , wltli ijiiostlon list Addri'ii
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 9th and. Harney Sts. , Omaha , Neb ,
AVe must sell out the romalnilsr ot our lotail stock without furtlior del.iy ,
as our wholestio business clemantls our entire time , nttontion nnd capital. For
the next few daya wo invlto you to a fuast of bargains such as you will never
again enjoy. AVe are liable to runt btoro and eull our lixtures noxv any day , sa
coinu at once before it is too lato.
All our genuine Diamonds now go at Importoi's prices nnd tha mounting )
tliroxx-nin. $50,000 worth of Diamonds to seloot iioin , pilous ranging ho.n
$3.50 up to $3,000 , for Hins [ , Pins , Ear-rinss , &c.
Solid Gold AVatchos from $10 upxvard. Solid Silx-or AVatchos from $5 up
Nickel AVatchos from $2.50 up. *
Solid Gold Chains from $7.50. Best Rolled Plito Chains from $2. Charms
and Lockets , $1 and upxvard. Solid Gold Kings , $1 and $2 , worth $3 to $5. A
lot of Solid Sterling Silx'er Collar Buttons and Scarf Pins at 25o and 50o each
worth $1. Heavy Solid M-karat Gold Collar Buttons , woi th $2.00 to $0 oaoh
nox\ ' , choice for only $1. Ono lot absorted Gulf Buttons at OOo pair ; worth $1 to
$2. Solid Gold Spiral Back Studs , OOc nnd $1 each ; xvorth four UmiHtho
money. 1,000 line Broaches and Lice Pins from OOo up.
Fine French htylo Mantel Clocks , 8-day , half-hour strike , cathedral conss ,
at $5 , $0.50 , $8 and $10 ; woith $10 to $20.
Elegant Silver Lamps , with bilk umbrella shades , from $5 up.
Hundreds of other equally good bargilns. Open Saturday ovonlng until 0
o'clock. Store for rent and fixtures for s.alo ,
Corner Sixteenth nncl Fnt-nnm Streets , - - Omaha , Neb.
Etchings. Emerson.
Engrav ngs. Hallot & Dnvlg.
Artists' Supplies. Kimball.
Mouldings. Pianos & Organs.
Frames. Sheet Music.
1B10 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
A P rfeet Art Album eonlilnlng 24
Deautlfjl Pholographj representing
.Tei and Colf e tulturc , * ill be unt
on receipt of your iddreuik
' CHASE i SANBORNi 136 Broad SI. ,
Veitcrnjipt ) 80 Franklin St. , Chicago , III.
Itt , ny ( < l4te iu tl Loit j blilra Alto , lltby
tnrcr * . lli ) ; lt * , S f < lltc Dd Olrll Tilr > c *
In Out I ( nmr , ,1 , | ntt MM
C 0 IiilliKl flora I U p. . .r' . ! >
lot ) HI VT M.Jn n 61 II101 I ) U
| 10fcl l ( send Sc ii mir r niv c U
Kin , it , Ui | il figld ) in lit "UIJ.
Sore Throat
Tlio Wclirsl mi ( Hi .il antliorlllps of thn
\\i/ill ( jircM illn > nml Ji'iimiiniiKl thn SODEN
TillNLHALl'ASTILLKH. foi iliM usus of tliu
' t hcbt mill 1.un s , und also foi cOU *
( nml tlin results of Urn PODKN
XV MiltS AM ) I'AM'IU.K.H a
fin tuiy In Siilmi'utit 1'liarj iiKltlM UN xsull as In
1 1 , mn In t 'atari Iml Cum ) 1 1 Ion nf tlir > uiipor alp
i 1'iuf. of ] t ci
At nil dnigfilslh at Si und M ) cents a box.
Phamplota Qratlb on Application ,
15 t'KHAIl brill.hT , NfcW VfJUK
Manhood lltvtnr fun. A lcilm
of youthful Ii ii rudnice.
„ . „ rrrinMuie Iw r , > trvMU § Ktlil'ilr ' , I o l
Hiiiliooil.Ac h lnglrlejw ( lii rjkno inr iM.
Uy liaiillKruvrr > I lmi la ni.Aiiinf i ir cure. wblcU
liewlllirnil if l-.ll Hlh l.tol.i < fillow , jft ril .
il , 1 11 UirU M'.a Uul W.MwVviliatJ.