CES , VAN TOR'S MANIFESTO , Nebraska Fannon Advised to Repudiate All Party LsadeiE. BUGLE BLAST TOE A BOLT ) EIOE. .Antl-MonojMjlMsi Scored for Their Phlfllly to Tarty ami Iterated Cor Stand I nc By it Not a Candidate. X * M April 34. ISpsdul Tel- ! eprmn UtTnr Br.r. ) Although It in in tbe , ; ol tbe fanners' IKIK.T s < m , over TIKI I of the sturdy toilers t rned out to hear exI I Senator VanWjcksiieak , The day was jieri i feet Hnd the peneral wa nt his lient. Some j tllwippoiutment manifB&twlwn Chairman Cralp annouiiO'd that Preh-Weut Powers wits ' unable to ! * in attendance. The peneral lit the { ojicnlnp of his Kpeoeh expressed his gratitude i to Butler ttmuty as the banner county in the j vote for hiii. in the M-nbtorial contest three year * apo. He then KjKike ns follows. Tin- heart n < l hralii of thUrpoople have not for u quarter of u century bi-eu HO thomnchly I iinmsod as tb'-y urcat thiHtiuie. And thin not | for n inert' w-iitlmcnt , tmt for redress for i wrongs , relief from oppression , which is im- j Ji reri hinp your families and imiKirilinc j-our Lotncs. not to reHpue millions Irom African ) ftervltutle. but to redeem from n despotism us uxuctinp , but more pulliuc and ubjwt liecHtise I ImpoMHl in n nieasure by your own uetirr ( a si UineP. or passive ucquiwence , throuch ' your rtmfiduntv and eomijit niid brilx-d bo- ] trovnl on the part Of your repreHeiitatireR. ror the first time you fully reHli/e your liujilesB and almost holples.8 condlticm. Corj j jKii-ation orpaiif. iieknoxvludire it , proffer usniBt- I auee und nre villmp to liear your complaints I to their lords und. masters nnd will usk for sut-h Hid UF tueymny bewiUiuc to grant tlinniirh their uttomeys and btrikers by the maemuei ? of conventions , but your ullepi- nnce must lie rawnlzed by exhibitlup your inunucles In the political temple where their bJch priest * alone adinlulgter nt the altar Mejnbers of oonKress und Uuited States senators admit and imbHcly jitwluim it at 'VVa'-hinplflu liven Senator Sanford , i T .i- Ceut of the Cent nil Pnoiiic , and others , the most pipintie and heartlass of all the i obbci .Toads which huve bK-n dra-\vinp the nation1 * blood , be advances n theory to place more money within it-uuh of the people , htill leav- inp-unchecked the pi-oat devil fish of coniora tiotiK to clutch it. Jt did not occur to him to suspend the daih plunder by Us roads , and for hlmandhls confederates to restore the millions frondnlenUv taken And thus senators month after inoiitu liuneut nnd liewail and apparently with earnestness cry out * . " "What snail we do to save the people ple ? " and pi-iK-ced industriously todoniithluir Even some of the iiieml > ers of the tiiinsportii- : lion boui'd of this state at onetime denounced , the eharpes as i-oblK'ry , and then turned in I their well paid positions and went to sleep , "Within a fw weeks the same board assured I railroad managers of the destitution of the jieople ; that banlmiptcy WHS starmc them in the face ; that remedial action wus inrjKsru- tive. and then re-fused to discharge the duties winch their oaths and the comts imposed. A feuduys ape Kl cents pel KKi jKiundwns cliarped fur hauliur household irnods from Sewurd to Unadilta , fifty-four milts. The Chicaeo , BurlmcUra & Quincj , which onvns the B. & M. ; makes it rules irom Chicago w > tlie MisHoun nver , and it demands about (10 ( cents for that WO miles , and m Nebraska Tit ) cents for fifty miles , and the board , which bus so muehVympiithy foi fanners , permits . j The condition then exists , and is known of avU men , and ther seek to relieve you with u theoi-j merely. The preut question coufniits youWhul shall be done for your protec tion ? " Each itiuu must answer for himself. Do not put tiul question hi the Iceepinp of the lenders , Inisses or nups , which have ln-eu or muj be drawn under the subtle or financial influence of corporations. There can li unlv one safe coupe to pursue and your own judgment \vill bd your bc-st ud- viaor. Yon remember our fathers. Avitbout repre sentation , were taxed a iK'uny u jiouud on tei\ , much less than is taken from you eveiTT hour Jn the day and iiipht. They remonstrated , petitioned and bepped , just as you have been dohip , Uaviup the sumo criH-rionce nore- PulLs. Only one course was oK-n. und they saw and boldl.v entered it Trieuds , pnod friends , advised them to acaiu petition the crowu. not to break \vith the kmp , and pic tured the dreadful consequences ol rebellion , j but they cured not for such consequences The kiup was the cause of the wroup , but for him the oppression bad not existed and there wus no suietv in farther humiliation They threw the tea u > Boston burlier , defied the woveitjipn nnd Anieriea was free. You cun pnifit trom tlieir CAanj ; > lc. Relief and safety lie hi only one path. Althouph Ineiid , peed friends may advise you to apuin iK'tition , hep , I'ouiouj.tnite ivith thut power , the machiuej-y , which if it did not create could have pre- \-euted your deju'ession ; you cannot depend UjKin them Parties , often so necessary in a republic , sometimes In-como despotic und ntied rebuk ing. In the nation you have tried both ; in the state your fortunes huve In-en allied to one. Year by year you have been vainly hoping for u return of justice , but all your "liopes like de.ud sea fruit have turned to ashes on the lips. " You liuye demanded more honest tax ation , more striupeat usury laws and bettor enforcement , less extortion in railroad churpes . At the ballot box you asked for the abolition of the transiKirtation board. Every petition was spurned in convention nud lefrisluture. Kuowiup thut further appeals to party were useless in utter defpidr you orcunbed Jor one purpose : a fair return for your pro ducts , the protection of your families , the preservutl&n of your homes. You made it non-partisan , outside and above all party or- panuuition , that men of all creeds and no creeds , ipnorinp party lines and not iuteudiup to strenpt hen or assist either of the old par- tics could meet topether nnd exercise their judgment and jwwer at the ballot box. For that object nearly fifteen hundred alliances have organized and fifty thousand farmers en rolled. You huvc the strength already with the elements that will fipht with you to sweep the stute and carrj triumphantly nearly every county. You well know in this Butler county if you unfurl your banner , march with the magic step of shoulder to shoulder , nominate your wn men -without regard to party , requiring only that they have always been true on the muln question you will elect every man on the ticket. With few exceptions such would lie the result in every county in the state Then why hesitate with timid fear and slavish subjection ! Is not any snppestlon leading you back to the old taskmasters , whether from their slick tonpued and npile cappers or from earnest thouph over cautious friends , full of dunperl You are safe now why court renewed disaster and defeat by a policy questionable at least and iusurinp'unotber wreck ? You are now flee ing from the oppression of the Phui-uohs. and ut the edpe of the wilderness with the prom ised luud Just l > evond and there is uu ominous sound to the invitation which bids you halt , rotrucc your steps and return to the hard- fchi | > s you were endeavoring to cscupe The dinleulty is that some excellent pentle- jneu. und apparently more republican than alliance men , desire to obtain what you de- muud.hut oul throuph the party to which they belong and if not swuml there then to luil entirely. But if they make the eflort in republican primaries and conventions with out success , the bitter end will Imvorse thun the fii-st. He * * is n more dangerous risk than you will cure to assume. Do the irMiUamcii who have ist > ut d th anti-uiouoi lj pnxsliiiuu- lion pixiiKise lu advance to enter a republican omiveuuou make the fipbt to control it and .nw siKxfodUip to tKilt aud uttenijit some other M'luinn1 ? If they take th t grxiuud in jidvuuit- they would not probably pwin udiuis- bleu iutotlie t-ouvoiit4onwhich to tutnn seems the htphokt jmlitu-u ! pHviloiw und duty. But you are 1 < " much ha ew ei > t to usuum * Any siu-U rink or taigupt ) in uuM'beuie thut iuietit drug > < m down fwm tbe bcild uiid uuiuly utiitude you shoulii oc uny. There HK > tnrideutly nifu not in tbe ulliumte cutWHlwiUou but in Uie tvpuhlimu pany who hi itUy il * iiw the p lly to eliauipUni and Mwura you ! uMMu > ur * . tmt with them juirty it. iuuiutuulMU' . the idul which uiust not lie lutiUnu , mid if it iffusti the di'niutiiis of tbe juxiple us it hut. ] HtfbifcteuUy duue for ycurs , ' whut Uwvif 'J'Ucy uud you must keep party , r' ttU'p uud follow along like little dogk uudtir I the T * ujTow. j Whttt U < < < ntt , , nf t > s nou-uirUsiui allianoe j If the reiHiWcuus h y to thwlr deHiooratic brcturtui - \ \ now propose to obtain ourde- , winds inily thnmgh the rttpublicuu party uud - be pieu ixl to Live you to with ui . tl.crr ( at. t * is M1 b * flat action your aliiaticf is pone prncticali. c ? sbanded Dcra- c-rat * would retun. U. th .r olfl rump * ftnui mjioratuiii * uraiu trjuniph nijfl ft * tisua. rule with a rod of inm Why did not tliepartA prevent thin injus tice * Mnny of Us hart tn > d vored in and ( ml of PPtiMtu for years , thoucrh oontuiivsly und rotrn rii to wewe JvsUce hi id the party aini Mime of the pwnttotnon who n w favor an anti-moooply annex did not wwirtw * . InUMTP now more certainty of sowww. . witkin the jHirty f Tiwre are no mow retmbUrau * liwioe to aid republhitn primaries Mid etmren- tlotii , while oojx ratioiis are stronger in re- BOBtt * * anil money. But th 7 riuhn there is to be a new birth , that ttee I rty is to lie born aiTBtn. They will do wall to rotnenilwr tVmt the mwwnves on that iKOTinioii in th Units , of tin ? Jurarf- | itos will I * MutitK < t to th * control of the Uk nuidUTS. and they wiU also remenib > r tlmt apparently there i not tliat t ler solicitude in the lieaveiif. . or the lilje wvweiir * tbe Egyptians J possessed to recwruize a divine command Some gentlemen nt Uncoln Issued a ford- _ ble protect , which commencod. "rechnp that the time has come when an earnest piv- test hiuld l > e made uraiust the domination of corporate powerlntherepublicauparty " The fact i that the time csimc years aro. has not only comebut pone , for pixitestinp. > lore than tiixitest ! needed now. The feelinc should have lieen cjri * rienccd earlier , but the lioojile have lone IK en doiur Just what those peutienien ( advise and with uo it" < ulti. This proclHinatioc 1 s-avs mitn > tnwthmtrs That "republican platforms are unredeemed , " that "railroad cotrofutioiis hove for years < x > utrollod our ivjiublicnn conventions , our lepislatiu-es j and. the oBleen of our state. " re fers to the .shameful defeat of .ludre Keese. when the treasurer of the B. & M. railroad company railroad attorneys , division up"r- inteudents. j roiidmusters and section bosses bv ' passes , and other means induced many countv delepates to violate the instructions of their county conventions in favor of .ludcre Keese J ; " "a part of the cm-nines of the rail roads uii ! hemp used to subsidize the J public press * ' "we ns.lt you in the name of an outraged party" ( thej- should have said an outraced people aeaiiist the act * of an outraptid partv ) "to rally onoe more for relief at your republican J caucust * and primaries and wrest li-om the hands of the paid attorney * the powers that tb y have usurjied and used for your oppres sion " A just and faithful indictment. Many of yon for years have been doing what is recommended until yon have become weary In well doinp You mipht have suc ceeded then hud the blind eyes and deaf ears of ninny republicans been earlier ojieucd , while in fact you. from weariness and de spair , have \HMI > forced to another strupple where vou have made pledpes to allies and brethren from other parlios and you xvill probably not rousent to lie arraiirned iu the future as the republican party is today with pledges unretleemod. 3s such u party liy its known leaders a suitable place to invite earn est men who hare more at issue than the mere triumph of party which for years has enriched corporations bj despoillnfi the people ple ? Before itivitiup them into u etnifr uiice whei-e such iuitjuitics we sure to be con tinued. U .e peutlemeu should be assumd that the teeth have lieeji drawn andthecluws ( lipixid of the monst r corji'irntioiis and not ruthltjssly thrust tli < timid and conserva tive auti-iiionopolistuito the den prcjiart-d for victim's with no uvonue of ei-capc. Xo , my fneticli , vou must know that the only field ixhorc you Will have the udvuntace of youi i-esouix--s. the votes of the masses whicli corporations cannot buy , is at the bul- iot box. Any proposition to have your power first filtered through any scheme or machinery is fruupht with dunper. Xo mutter under what pretext and by whom. It will be the same old enemy , fully equip ] 'd. entrenched on his old field. You must dislodtre him. and the anti-monopoly pentlemeu well know that up to date the Ethiopian has not changed his skin nor the leopard his sK _ ts. The railroad organs , in both parties will take up the usual lumeut and howl "deniacosue" and that "VanVyck is seeking an oflice. " That has been their stock in trade these many vears. Durini : all which years they know I huve been urging the doctrines and measures yon are advocating today . Now , 1' desire to relieve you and myself from all ernUirassment and suy to yon , as well as them , that 1 am not u mndidate for Any office , thut I hnvc not and under no cir cumstances will by word or act Jo anythmp to make myself n candidate. The principles you advocate I did for years when they were hot popular Convention after convention re jected then. Let it lie your duty to make them the corner stone. I am today as san guine of the success of the policy here sug gested as formerly I was that the principles would filially triumph , "When nature laltei-s and requires help , re cruit herrnfeebled energies with Dr. .1 H. Mcleim's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. tfl.OU jwr bottle , MCIIUKKING POSTAL , CLJSTIKS. The HeMilts of Delaying ; tlie Erection ol'llio Post oflice , "The 'Bluck Hole" of Calcutta , where they confined prisoners until they were stifled by the impure air , could not ba worse than our present postoftlce mailing room , " said an em ploye of Uncle Sam who passes all his work ing hours in that place "Over seventy-five men are crowded into a room originally intended lor half that num ber. We ai'O not only so cramped for space that wo are handicapped in our worn , nut tne air becomes so impure that the health of the clerks bus become vis ibly affected. During the past year I can't recall u sinple week in which tuore has not been n number of employes ill. During the past winter not a sinple person working in this room has escaped sickness. At present four clerks ure sick uud a number of others indisposed , but cannot stop work because we cannot spare thorn. "Look ut thi ; dingy , dark room. At mid- duv , even , we roust huve thirty gus Jets burn ing and there is u constant smell of escaping gas. It is unbearable here in winter , be cause there is positively no ventilation. The room is roustiuply hot ouo min ute and tlie next probably the great doors are swung topea to throw in the mail , and the cold uir rushes in producing colds , catarrh , pneumonia and rheumatism. Even the healthiest man who conies here is bound to yield to the deadly air , uud it only takes a few months to pive him a aicldy. spiritless appearance. If the peraons who havelieen delaying the construc tion ef the new postoftiee wore told thut they were parties to the slow murder of nearly u hundred hard working , conscientious em ployes they would indignantly deiij such an accusation . But such is nevertheless the case " _ DEATH OF CHAIUiES ISAACS. Sad Closing of tbe Career of a Brljjbt VOIIIIK Business Man. Charles H , Isaacs of the firm of Bliss & Isaacs , this city , dlod Wednesday at Blooming- dale asylum , New Yori after an illness of two years. The deceased come to Omnha tweuty-f onr j-ears ago , and reeled here coutiiiuouBly un til taken east by his friends for tittatment. He was considered one of the brightest , most intellectual young meu of this community , so nctit e , enerpotic and enterpi'isinp that , after poinp into buidm > s , the mental fttruia. coupled with extreme hard work , shuttered his mind. His relatives jilaccd him under the most skillful medical cult1 to IKfoiuid , but nothing could IH > done to relieve tlie sufferer until death finally resulted. Mr. Isaac * was thirty-seven years old and unmarried. H leave * two sisttirfc , Mrs Prud McUtttiuell uiulMist Lurie Isuucs , us w n us a host of very wurui friends u mourn his loss , The itui'i&iiis will lie brought to OmitUw uud interred in FwruM Lawn etWHAery. li U expvctud thut tbe fuuerul will tike pluue next Sunday. Change of life , buxskotiUe , ruouthly irrepu luritie * , hot fi .bt * aw ouwd by Dr. Mile * . Nervine. Frue sambos at Kahn & Co. , and Douglas. V Cram ] . Nicoli & Co , ddBtd Uie deal yesterday whioii pivot , ttiwai a hWM and one yeur'fc manage- HHMit from Muy 1 of tbe Grund ofiera boukc. Thy paid tbe rent j e.terday. TtiU BHM < UJ > a Vwwpiup change of affairs about that pluce of auiUHummU L W. MihW rtrtirtKi ami Mr. K tU axjiocts Ui ivtuitt iwro as the locul uiuuaptir It is. uudttrstinKj that Georpe Klngkbury. a y ry bright vouug jnau who atteudi. U ) the uJv u-Uili. , will 1 * iv- tuinod. GOES BACK OX ITS RECORD , How the County Board Revised Its Predeeos- BSI'S Award. THE OOUMT ATTORNEFS AIDS Tlie Commissioner * lime Decided that He OuRlit to be Allowed nt Lrt-aM Two Ae- slstnnts. "The other commissioners have pnt their foot into it arain. and deep , too , J piest , " re marked Ctmnty Commissioner O'Keeffe yesterday. "I was awoy at the last aieetinp and they went te work and allowed a claim that never should have imssed in till the world und which opens up the way for a hundred others. There wasn't a word said to me about it If there hud been I would have enlightened them a big bit on the subject "I refer to that .1. M. Parker. Florence , business. Last Auirust the board located road No. ! l D. Parker came in for danmros all right enough The appraisers placed them nt $17ii. The committee on roads , Turner , Corrican and I. allowed only * lM ! > . 'Ji , which wus liberal Our report WHS adopted , liut Parker made a bip kick for the amount srt by ( the appraisers , and refused to take the warrant - i rant lor M'JO.'J.'i , nnd it's IK-CU lying in the . county clerk's oflice ever since. I "Saturday a resolution allowing tb ' difference of f" > 4 TTi , which of course gives Parker the tlTTi. went through but von can just bet that they will hear a big kick from me when it comes up on the appro- | print Ion sheet nest meeting. I "Xot onlv will it open up n flood of other , claim.s for live vears back , but the action was j dead against the luw. | " 7'he statutes state thut any applicant for , damages claimed to be caused by tbe estul > - llshment of n mad may appeal from the final d'-cisiou of the county hciurd to the district court of the county in which the land lies ; , but notice of such apical must be sen-ed on j the county clerk within twenty days aftcrthe . decision is made * I "There was no appeal made from the d eisi i ion of the-board , and the board didn't huve the slightest rirht to allow the money. What some of ther-0 new fellows here on this board ' don't know about law and the pro ] > er way to do thincs would make n mighty big book. I Some of them suy , so I hear , that the fact | that Parker didn't take his warrant and that . all the others did , made some difference. It j don't make a particle of difference Every I man who has evei bud his appraisement cut down by the board can nwv come in here and ! demand t Hut the board puy him the differ ence , and he would have just us peed grounds for claiming the difference as Parker had " ' M.VHONEV'S A5 > IST ANTS. They Will Re Ileappolnt'ed by the County CommU-ioiiei" ' . That very sudden and decisive thrust at retrenchment made by the county commis sioners about three months nco in the matter of legal services has been considered and is understood as steadily proving to have been a very unwise move. It will be rememli"red thut all of the county attomej "s , deputies , three in uumtwr. were instantly cut off by the county board "When'interviewed on the subject soon after the cut , those who voted in its favor would boldly give but one uuswer Thut answer wus about this : "Why , it will of course be the creut saving of H.'iO'a mouth K > 0 apiece for each of the three deputies " Three months huve passed and H'-Oin regu lar salaries have been saved. During those three months , however , the court bus lK > en compelled to uppoiut attorneys to assist Mr. Mahoney , and their services will cost more thnn $ TiW ( Mr Mahouey said that he calculated hehad lost fifteen duys Unit he hus lieeu absolutely unable , owing'to the press of weighty crim inal mutters outside , to keep the court i-un- iiiuc. Every one of these fifteen duys meant twelve juro'rs and one bailiff idle lit an ex pense of f2 a piece IK'Icliiy , making a total of $ ai a duy. Pilteeu times JJO ure sp10 ! lost richt there. There huve been witness fees to the ex tent of K 0 lost on account of Mr. Muhoucy being called suddenly away Still another Item is this , thut tbe trials of ten persons have li ° en continued to the next term ol court which could huve gone ahead durmir this one but for the action of I the commissioners | The additional time necessarily spent by ! , I these prisoners iu the county jail will uvei- uge forty days apiece. This is equivalent to one person "for 4K ( ) duys At JI5 cents a day , the total amount is M-W. " .Now , " buys Mr. Muhoney , "calling the compensation a standoff , there is a total of STidO which the county has lost iu the.se three mouths * In addition to all this the civil busi ness Is way way behind almost hopelessly behind. " At last , however , the commissioners , some of them at least , have come to sue the utter folly of thlb action which wnut into effect February 1 , hist. Messrs. O'Keefle , Turner and Corrigan have decided that they will vote to pive the -county attorney two and probably three assistants ut the same or greater salary than hud been paid before the cut-off It is also quite possible that special counsel of the best order will he allowed Mr. Mahouey in the trial of the .Tones murder suspects Commissioner O Keeffe ex- pttased himself as preutly iu fuvor of this idea , us he considers thut the county attorney will be inoi't ! or , less hainjiercd with outside business all the time that Iseal , Suelleuberger and Sherman are bemir tried. When asked what he would probably re quest of the board iu the way ol help , Mr. Mahouey said : "In the first place , it is simply impossible to pet anything else but boys us assistants when the sularv is only $50 a mouth I huve been fortu nate in the past in being able to pet peed at torneys as assistants here who happened to circumstanced so thut they could take eure of the police court business in addition to then-own practice Icauut.t dothatnow After looking the mutt er all over 1 am ccm vmcod that we should huve not less than t\voS75 a mouth meu for Oiuuha and one for South Omaha As to the latter J think 1 can get a sufficiently capable man down then- for JTiO a month " It was learned that the ttSMstants will be appointed within ten duys and that the board will take initial acuuii on the matter at its nest mooting. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT is onlv put up in large two-ounce tin boxes , nnd is an absolute cure for all sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands and all sldn eruptions Will iwsitlvelv eure all kinds of piles. Ask for the OIU&LNAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Uoodmau Drug company at ! > cents IK.T hoi.bv mail UB cento. HKKK'S AXOTIIKK I\\Rlt Placed at tlie Disposal of Uie Park Comtiiisvioner.s. Tbe park commtw-ionew are announced to ineot today with the real estate exchmipe to o < msider the proffer of a new park in the southwestern portion of the city. The propo-itioB cornea through D C. Pat terson , V. D Caldwell. Eil Peycke , Mar Meyer , the Paulseu beirs uud John H. Levy. They propase to donate to the city a park of thirty-one ueivs aud a a 0 foot park-way crtondiiiK fraoi tUo sdutliwuBt ooruer of Hausoow jiark U > Itusta-'h. pwk. The prouud for the jurk bus bwm doUMUtd. The prouud for tii * boulwwid or "purk-way , " u * tbe dmiMors pji'fer U > call it , has bawi douHtud fi < ou Hu ' 1'urk to a juiiiit wtt of Uwiirtit A. Lyuiuu's additiur Tb * I tikk tuut Ui dty and ctmuty uke tbe I wiry bU i to tsiudeiuu the u ce Miry iB I lor tke ertausion f'f the i irk-way from till * , point eu t u > 7'Juits < ifowi fctriwt , twar tbe uiruer of Huuscorn jwrk Tbe citj i * sosu rp- qulred Ui h ve tbe park-way praded wiUiiu wpW < tju HMiuUib from tlie duw of < UM ) itatMir of tbe ] nxia vd jHU-t. Tbe park-war ut > j x > - will IM two mid uutt-Uidf uill * * m ' A l'leasliiK S of h uHk and strtwpUi reww + id aud of eu uud oomfort fullowt. Uie uw of Syrup uf I' pk , us H uct in tiunnauy iritu iisture cffdrtuiUJy ( ik uustin - ! v u < iuH'UtHi cobtire or bilkms. Far itle iu 50c uad Vi uctUHi by ail drtig t t , SONS 01 The Nutleni of the New Orsanlrntlon HOII * of the Itertrtmion. Ther - was a meetinc cf'tiif ' Nebraska as- tiiHiHl Mvirty of Sou * nf thii Amerlcau revo- luttim at the nffloe of r r. Miller in the New York tUt bnUdttur yp kTdiij : tiKirnlnp. It w s first HitrrfS tlntttuU tb g nU w i pres it Nboald b pfe ui * to be qualified lor mrrubr ) hlp. , ThotniM A , Crdpb ww Delected te j > armrr cbnirmati and N J. Burahato tmp9n rT Mfo- ' rotary The * present iver * : . . . . , _ , ' C S Cbu * " . TlKKBus" A Crripb. , .Tota A. i McMntThy. 3. C. W11 K , P. L. Perm * , Talbot - bet D Dddkta. Fvlreufcr'n. Raslu WlUlsm B. Blifre. DJd Van Bttwi. Edmnud BHrt- 1MU Clarke Gnpen. Albion M , Dyer. Luther M. Halms. Edmund N. Burtlutt , AV.W. Om - land. Nathan I. Burham und Georpe L. Mil ler , proxy for Dr. ABowcn A eotmidttee on orpaniratitm was appointed ponsi tinp of the follotvinp peuUomen : C S. Chase. Omaha : C H Ocer. Llimoln : F. T. Burkett. Sewurd ; A. Bowen.Nobruska City : P L. Pcrine A. M. Dyer , S K Hush , W. B Blrpe nnd E. M. Bai-tlett , Omaha. 7'his wimmlttee vriH meet Saturday at 5 p m ut room 812 , Ne\v York Life buildfup. ' The temporary orpaulmtiim then udjouraed to nu-et at s o'clock Saturday evening at the Parton hotel cafe. ' ThoKev Wm. Stout , \Viaiton.Ont. . states- After being ineffectually treated by seventeen different dot-tors for scrofula and blood di.sI dlseiise. I was cured by Burdock Blood Bit ters. Write him for proof. The Fair Association's Taxes. The Omaha Fair association held a meeting yesterday afternoon. The meeting wus held for the purpose of discussing the affairs of j he association , or , rather , one phase of them. Jt is well known , that the association is in debted to the city in the sum of about .CT.IKIO for taxes on its property. An effort was made to have the council cancel this debt some weeks UFO. but the plan was uot suc cessful , lu consequence the association can not dissolve until this difficulty is straight ened out. The meetiuc yesterday wus devoted entirely to the discussion of this question. The mem bers were unanimously of the opinion thnt their property should not be taxed , us it WHS used lor ucricniturul purpo-es , nud the luw says property used for such purposes shall lie exempt. It wus stated that there was not a fuir ground in the state which paid taxes. No conclusion wus reached , nud it was announced thut n meeting would be called some time next week to consider the matter furthei. Now Contes House. Kun. City. Absolutely lire proof. Finest and lanrest hotel in Kansas City. Unexcelled in its up- poin tin cuts- Not Identified "With the Scheme. In the notice of tbe filinc of articles of in corporation of the Merchants' river line for uuvipatinp the Missouri , which was published a few days uiro , W. A. Parton was nuinod as the second vice president and W. H. Crary as secretary. These two names were writ ten on the asticles of incoi-jioration with a lead jiencil and wen.- both written in the same handwritimr. Mr. Crai ? was asked lust nicht if be nnd been made secretary of the company , and he replied thut he bud notTbe position had Ik-en offered to him , hej saiJ. but he had de clined it und wus not identified in any way with the company in questri" He said liis name bad b eu written lu by some person in order to ] oc their memory and had not been erased. ' Mr. Crary also said that he was positive Mr. Paxto'n was not interested in the Mer chants" river line company und had not au thorized the use of his name. Starch crows sticky common powders have a vulcar plare Pozzoai's is the only Complex ion Powder fit for use. The Ohio Club. A large number of the members of the Ohio club met in the parlors of the Paxton last nirht for the purpose of perfectinp arraupemeuts for the holdnip of the annual banquet. Darine the eveimrg four memliers were admitted , which now makes a member ship of over two hundred , with flW ( in the treasury. It was decided to hold the banquet on May S und extend a peneral invitation to members and their ludie uud all ex-residents of Ohio who desire to become members of the club. Those who desire to boc-unie members cun do so by c.illuip on the secretary , Mr. W. W. Slubauph. The banquet last season demonstrated the fact thut the club is a success , and this year it is the intention to outdo all former efforts in the way of entertaining and passing : un enjoyable eveuiup. Burdock Blood Bitters taken after eatinp will relieve any feelinp of weight or over ful ness of the stomach Sold everywhere. Culver and l''Iemin j Il < > lea ed. The case against Ed Culver and Mitchell Fleiiiinp.the two men who were charged with rolllnp Sveii Lmfoos for his wealth on Cut off island last Sunday , wus tried in the police court yesterday afternoon and both defend ants were released , Sveu beinp unuble to prove they were the parties who g-ot his money. Dr. Eirney. practice limited to catarrh ah diseases of uo-e and throat. Bee Tlio Keeelier Kim' * lOOth Anniversary About 1.00(1 ( persons gathered around the old elm tree which b lands on tlie corner of Church und Chapel streets to celebrate tbe lUUth anniversary of the netting out ol the tree by Thadtleus 15 eeher suy * u New Haven dispatch to the New York Sun. The city ling wa.- > ilown from the liberty pole on the green and the tree itself was decorated with flags and bunting. K. C. Beecher , one of the descendants of Thaddoub Beecher. delivered an oration , in which he re ferred to the fact that the tree was setout out on the day Benjamin Franklin died. Knthaniel S. English , aged seventy- eight. 1he husband of one of Franklin'- granddaughters , was present and took part in the ceremonies. Mr. Beecher had an appropriate inscription placed onthetr.e. _ _ The Only One. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway is , the only line running solid vc-stibuled , electric- lighted and steain heated trains between Chicago , Council Blufls and Omaha. The Iterth reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping fiu * * run on the- * ' lines it. . patented and canned be used by any other railway company. Jt is the great improvement ol the ayo. Try it and be convinced. Sleeping carti leave the Union Pacific dejiot , Omaha , at 6 p. mt daily , arriving at C'hicago at V'M : a. m. Pas-.engci-e talcing this , train are not corajK-llod to get out of the cars at Council I51ufi and wail for the train to Ins cleaned. Get tickets and bleeping car lierths ut Enion ticket otliee , 1601 Fttrtuua ht. F. A. ? > ASn , Gen. Agt. J. E. PJiESTOX Pass Agt. The Young Man in 7'oliiic-h. If the wttion would rtminin free , i P young men must be th # mci-t imjKirtat t factor * in its politics said its w < yCiiituutvV Deww } in hi > Diiwer SjiiHtche " They alune ; pinsess the element which overturns rings and j upsets w mbluuti < m Kud nil other arti- ; iicikl wtiMlionb for tbe * .uppre siun of ] iO ] lHr srtutiment. They Hkmt * po-s > ss thnt quality w uttt'tts iiry at titues where j audacity ItiuJs cuutit * . witd iuinginutinu t uud euthusdusui counuumd judgment. Tbf d y thMt Krk bach a dis-Us-te for uud jnibUc life , such a disup- i of fotlvity in the utters ol the iu d ol tl ; fftivemmeut. sc will itwt iorm uud unjKjp Ur fur voutiir m uo IK > activt- , will mark tb AfH dewe Vo ! > * follow tl. l j tbe fier- ' thrw of tbe hb rit * f the' SOUTH OMAHA DAILY EVENTS , Omalia UndouUodlj HUE a Hold on the Dis puted Strip , PATHTG HALT A BLOOK OF IT NOW. Suttoc.ful CoiniiuMiooiiifiit of tlic 1 Merchants' Cnrnlvnl Tltp Antl * iMo " \Votilil Liikc to SPC n Strike Note . ' City Attorney Poppletrm of Omaha i * ttn- | doubted well MiUnflod tlmt be can make i Omaha'M-lmiti to the disputed strip down a ; far l its I" street hold peed iu the mrts Wednes day the contract-ore for prHtii * Twenty- fourth street coinmenced the work of ! j ing the street for the Inyiutr of the An Omnha coutioilmnn WHO a l d by Tun Bni : rpjire ontHUvc a few dny , aim how they were polnc to collect the f-jH-rial lax for the jiartnp of the half block In Suuth Oitmhn if tlic court * should decide nmiust the jwrent dty."We'll "We'll oollwt the tax when we po oft r it , * ' | wa < ; hii U-rse reply. i AppRrcntly they HJ-C fortifleS it-itb leml I jioiats thut will enable them to wiu in the courts. The dkputpd strip will jihty an iniimrfntit part iu the mmcxatioti mttt lt . loss t < i South OmaliH would -dacp the rttr'f- already hirh \ Hi u lit Kin FJ < ii.KKVith ; ( ) \ tlmt Hinount taltiui away fnwi the city's t usable ait-n It would be abtolutoly impossible to riri e enouch inoii"j by uu ciphto'ii inillJery to niu the city of Hotith Omirhu for moi-e tlian the first sii nioulhs of the next fiM-al year. Atid \\hcnconsidenuirthts disputed Atrip ques tion it must IK- borne in mind thnt eichtecn mills i the limit ullow > d by the city charter on the levy for meetiiii : the pwierai of the city. ivns the Carnival. Rowley's bull jiresenUtJ a scene of beauty nncl paietyVeduesday uipbt nerer liefoj-e witnessed in the Mtiric dty Tor weeks the Indies of the Methodist chu2 < ch stidety bud been drilllurfor the Merchant Carnival to be piren for the beniefit of the church. Major Lott led the drill nnd it wns a suc cessful nfluli Thirty-two youtnrliidie- % repre sented us uiBiiy business linns und us their turn came they stepped to the front with their bannernltift while appropriate ver.tes' of jxietry were road The costume * , of the votine ludit"- wei-e funtiittir- und erublomntir of the line of business they represented. The literary uad musical programme wns as follows : Instrumental Music . Dr T Cervrick Vocal Duet "See the Pale Moon" . . K. C. Yotinp uud Mrs C .1 Collins Vocal SokH--'The Soiic that IJeue'hed My Heart'1 . E ri Daniels Kccitatiou "The Debatiup Societv" . . . . A. V. Wormwood They \V nt Strike. "You told the truth about the rumors of a strike in South Omaha in THE Ben , " said a pncUlnr hous mun last nicht.The matter has not litH'n talked of anioup the men. and you can rest assured nothing of th1 kind will occur " "There is a crest deal of fine-baud talk beinir indulged in. tboupb , that has for its , ob ject the urrnyinir of the men aeaiii.t the em ployers. How ensy it would be for the uuti- annexationists to defeat the question on May S if they could only cet the men und the btisses nt lopeerheads. a week i eviou to the elec tion. tion."But "But the men ai-e not poinir be cautrbt in any such foolishness Ther won't 1 * coerced into votiuc for annexation , but will use their own lie-.t judgement. The more the advantages of annexation ure understood the more converts does the cause secure You will find that on Muy * < the men won't b on sti-ike. they won t be 'driven to tlie polls like cattle , ' as M'lne say , but they will pro by a larpe majority and cast their ballots for a | better and safer povenimeut tnan is promised thein in a separate city of South Omaha.1 Out or llie H pttul. Michael Hourihan und Sam Gib-.oc. two of the men most seriously injured by the Ai'- mour-Cudahy boiler explosion , were out re ceiving the congratulations of friends yester day for the first time since the terrible disas ter. They have been under the care of the sisters at St Joseph's hospital , and are now fully recovered Hourihan i- the man who was so terribly scalded by oscutuup steam that for a nuinlier of days it was thoupht he could not survive his injuries. In TmlRe Kind's Conrf. The L street viaduct furnished another case in the police court yesterduv A man named Hauser was fined ffi for * ast drivinp yesterday. He hotly protested apaiust the absence of sicms waruinp tiiivelers thut u city ordinance prohibited expeditious locomo tion on the tiridce. The authorities should plaix ? wati , nc s T-I oithc _ B'r _ trcmrc L * tbe benefit til j.'r4ii Kirs \\i aaai Laiuplicrc WHS nrrc-tea f T } K > ddJ.uig v th i t B * i "iiiRt but di'-tu.ssi'd the prosecution faianp to mufcc a TOM City Notes anil Per onnl u Henry rrederieh and Annie Tlwmjwn of of Smith Oinahfi have .wurwl license to wed. H. Ileyman has lieati t > | tpcitat 4 & { > oty Mch clilei ranjwr ol tbe ludepewlmit Or4w of rorentws. Mr lier-mra if s jn al > er of Court Teut-oniR. It O. Wkltcrmfl bus rrttarawl fr B VHlpa- raiMi , la. Mrs. MntQda Taylor of Crawford , ! . , i * visitiup at tlie home of A. 3 Ootaphey. The KHIHIIHU cJnb has uppttiiit < od exinuiit * x-R to arrunpe for a May pwty at the club room on the nifut nf MHV 3d. AVilliaiu I > twJer atifl liss Ijstn Earle were married TuesdHy nicht at lite Irttwe of W. ( ? Bugps. Kev. It. L Wheeler jieiiimiiod the ceremony. The North Star ScandeiiMviAB society has ammgt'd for ft first anniversary bull at the Knlphts of Labor hull on the eveniup of Mav 17th. 7he Pi-esbyterlftn congregation will bold its minimi meeting next U'etliieso'iiy evening Director * for the < ear will IK > elwted and the pastor's salary will be fixed. J M Schenck has pone to Denver. Kev Dr. MurquoMe Wednesday miirried Iletuy Pi-edcrick and Atilln Thompson. The ceitiitKiny wus jwrformed ut the ivsideuce of Ous Woodman. Uev. A. HodgHtts of Nelich pii-sidlng elder of the Elkhorn district , is the puest of Kev Dr. Murquette. The Irish-American literary society is called to meet ut Justice Hi-eon's oflice Sttii- dny afternoon Ht 8 o'rloek. for the eonsidern- tlou of luiportaut business. Mi's. William llider wid Mrs Perry Noel of Chiciigu are visitiuir their brother , H. W. lieed. .T. P. Long , an employe at the Armourj Cuduhy house , had two fingers of his right hand badly crushed it the mm-hltiery Wednes- day. day.Burclnrs Burclnrs entered th" rPsiOene1 of Dr. Bidvn Benvick Weduesduy aJternoou but secured no bt > oty. NOT O.V THK Itll S. Horrible I > enth nf n YOIHIR IVnMmt n a Bull l islit. A few your ? npo the inlifilritnnts oT Seville re-fid with wurprisp. iu the utlver- ti"emont of an iippriiiii'htnrjr bull fiyht , this unusual notice. siys ! the New York the third bull shall have nt- tneked the jicadir.s ) ( and received three pair.of buiidt-rillits n youujr jwiisant , by whom it hiif been broujrht uji , will nf- tieur in the rin ? . He will npproirh : the bull , c'ure.ss it nnd. lifter romovitifr the tmnderillus. one iifter nnotber , will lie down between ithorns. . ' ' The announcement of so < injrulnr n feat nt traded an immense crowd 1o Ihe amphithenlpr. The third bull appeared. an uninuil with sjilendid lionit. : tud very brave ; it blew four horses , received the buuderillus and became fuiioui. Then. eoutrnry to eu-tom. sill the toii * > ro = re tired from the rinir. leavintr the bu'l stninpinir and -hakimr the bloody dui'U \\hicn him ? from hir ne'-k. All at once a loajr whittle washeard. . The bull piiii-cd and listened. It w-as ivjic-atod. The bull iippromhod the barrier and ii youusr man leitied ] into the rinp. calling the bull by its name. "Mosquito ! " The animal knew its mat ter came to earess him and was np- jiea d. The pe.asaiit pave it hit- hand to liek and ith the other befran to scratch it behind the cur * an operation which seemed to aflord tlie bnite much pleasure. Ho then peutly removed the banderillas , , which annoyed the neck of Mosquito , miide it o down on his kiie-es- and placed his he-ad between its horns. The prateful bull t-eem d to listen with pleasure to a pastoral melody sun < f bj its master. The admiration of the multitude hitherto supjirerfsed by surprise , burst forth with Ancbilu-ian violence anO shook the building. Hearing thi4- fren zied applause , which hud accompanied all h.is pufleiing-s , the bull , till then under a charm , appeared to walce .ind return to reality. It suddenly rose , bel- lowinsr. and tlie jieasaut tried 1o escap . but it was too late. The animal , a thouph furious at beinjr betrayed , t-Ossed thejourifr man into tlie air , received him a < rain on its horns , sored him. trampled on him and crushed him to pieces , in spite of the efforts of tbe torero ero- . The ] > erforinance was suspended a phenomenon in Spain and tlie horri fied public quitted the circus in silence. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell , the famous Phila delphia physician , recently received as u present irom a younp lady whom he had cured of nervous imalidism a cord of while oak wood , chopped down and sawed by her own hands , and sent as a substantial evidence of the health she had pained by follow in j his advice to Lhe an on air life in the woods. Fair white hands , Bright clear complexion Soft 11 PEARS'-lte Great English Complexion SOAP-Sold Everyiliere. " FOR APRIL. ON ALL "M V\ = - teA j CKNT A.rOI'V. A UaucUoiut l i. n stated l. ciber .29 . devoted to Fiction , Fashion , Flo\vers , Fancy Work , Home Decoration , Art Needlework , Stamping , Paintfng , Designing , Cooking , .Housekeeping , In hbitrt. < vt ryibliiK portulniuz to Woman's WorK and Woman's Pleasure. .Tpuuy .lu MI- Mary Ir > * eDO IMnlclnMin , M ry Kyle Dullafc , Murr A. Dpultoii. Murlu 1'urluiL OHIU L Htujord t-furjt K Uuujiji. lioru Ittmsl ( .tKidult und Juliet CurMiii urt fue AjnII c i.iitrll > uun r\t-rt df-p rt incut In t'bur c at a * | iwlul i luir art It-lf c-outributtfl f\j > rt fc lj tot THI HoffcEwirE by tti IHH.I tulcut ul > - DO CF-NT S A VE.AI1. B ORNTS A COI'V. sl'fA iALC'l'IT-K. TCI lutitwi tic * It iHi tlinukuudk of new iiuniei. , ttcufler It 4 > u VTHfc itm OM-r Id ( i. Tn THE APRIL HOU3EVTIFE on all uwvfc-Btandt , ft c & copy. THE Hor-.rAvirn PUBLISHING co. , . . . XEW YORK. Catarrh 1 5 a Wood durnsf I nti ! the } n. > : i , . n Id I cxjfllpd Irom the ctttti tlu-rn.ua I * no rurc for tliin IratliMULG atiA ilanperotis timlart.v TlirrHore , tlir oiil.r tifteciivc treatment l R thorough wvumo of AyrrV Snrsnjmrllln tlir best f I all Wood jmrifli-rn. Tlit hoom-r jou iK-ptn the better dulay Is datipi-rotis. " 1 ivn-t troubled It It raiHtili for over twoj-rarf. I tried arioun rrinttlip * , nnd wns treated l > y n umuocr of | ili\Ki- , but twoiUHl no Ix'iiclU until 1 to tnl ; > A > T > Sar niarill ) A Itottlra of tills niwlifiiii' cured w of thi troiibtesnttie complttint and row * iili'tply ri'Htornd my health. " .Icsnr M. Jopp * . Ilultuau'it Mill * . > . C. " \Tlien Arer's Kawnjiarilla wad rw > - omtnt'tulpd to tup for ratanK 1 wnt in clined o doubt its fllrnrv Having trltul no nmnj remedial' , with litlle Iwti- t-lit. I hnd nofallli thBt anything would ! euro me I bt'Ciiinr wwifinlw' fiom loan j of ajipetlte and Impaired tlipentiou. 1 had nearly lost tlie . .rime of Kim-ll , atul my system was Vmdly dernnceil 1 was i | bliout fllseouraced , xt liuit n friend urged I mo to try AM * ' * Saroiijiarilln , and rt < - ferrod me to ] > eni < nm hem it hnd curtHi | of eatarrh After takinn half a doren , bottles of this medicine , 1 am rotmtirml i that the only mirnunyof tirittliic tlii | obstinate ilitca e if through the blood Charles II Mulonty , 113 Hivcr St. , Lowell. Mass. . flyer's ' Sarsaparilla , ] Dr. . ' . C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , M ss. I I'-icc $1 . cU t'OttlM. f & Vcrth JS n liotllB. j I , GRAND LOTTERY OF 1UAREZ t'nrtpr Hit * nmiiiict'nit'tit of iho Mexican International Bsnkinp Ci I CnlHroiiiiiiiniliMi llieorimrnU-d UT tlic Hate of CHI- kimlimi Mrtluo , j For Clinrl table Purprme GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING will tnke jilnpptn luilillrat Hit- ( ill ) ol .luuii ; I " tintlcr tln > ] irr niml nuiiurTtnUm nf C.rnorni .lot's l Mosul mid Mr lAMii.u Aiu.liu.is. HIP lurinm cptitlpinnn t.f Mipli jirnmlnt'iit-c In HIP rtiltpfl Stultn tlml 111 * prrTiii't' nlinii' Itf iilllrlpiit cunrniiU'C I Ilio lutlillr tlmt tin1 dniw IIIKH III IKI lit-ld Itli strict Imn- ml } mitt fplriif" ! to i.1 ! end tlir littlt-r ' the mil'i'm. fur of tlic Mexican ci'Vi-rtiiuont ) 1 til pgliul nlniitt.nc unit Inti crm CAPITAL. PRIZE , S O.OOO OM.I fioiHtitTiCKirrs P.vi.i ( KMMi TICKLT * . IMiolc TlcUiits. N. Half TleUcts t ! 6uni-U rTU-K 'th.M. 1,1-tT OF J'KIXUs. 1 I'rl7r of fi IMI 1 1 1-rlK-nt 1IIX ) ) l IIIIIKI 1 I'rlnfiif 6IMI l " - . ; ; rrl7i'i > tif l.HKU'ui ; ! ! JO rrlvc- ( > ' aHlt'iii'li lirr fO ) 'rlti > t.1 1WI t-nrh lift' 1UU l-rizfidf fO fin li ure ti.nj.1 yju lrln" * ol MI t'ii ( li nrt * JtM'IIO ! .l AT10.N 1-ltIKIS. 3(10 ( JHni'f f W ) fui h nrt ) t r , in > WU 1'rlyi" . ol ! 0t'nt li nir . . . i in i JMi l-rlji" nt 2f > t'nt h an- TIKMINAU 1'IUXRS &W 1 criiillinlF 1" fHI I KI 1'rlyf nf i-'U t'licL nrp f..r.i Tt'rmiuali. in UU 1)00 ) l'rl e of flu cuoli uro li.tl'Xl ' l.iU ! Trtre' nnmniitlns to . MS. . < n We thi1 inilcr lini'fl liori-lir rertlf > thin thp Hnnpii Niieliniiil < > t Mvvlcti in C'lillniiilnin hn.11 'li-nmlt Imin tlie MuAlran Inivnuitluimt lliiiikliiB < luinni tin in > ct'M rT lunrtf- > irunriiHtiM1 the IIIIMUPIII < ' all theprlrC" clrnwii In theiliAVM'TTLiM "r ' > I rr Me further n-rtlf } thill wl- will MIIKTVIM 1 tint nrniiii'i'iiii'titi nncl In iH > rm > n iiiiiimKe nnrt "imliul the rln.w ini : "f thli l ittert untl thai tlie niniii iirt * eniKliuUffl v Ith liinief.tr. fiilriiesi und In c ( * luiih tciwit'fl nil iinrttL" * .IOILN S MOiIIV ( iiwiiiiMlcinnr CAMIUl AUdt HLLKt hll | errH * r fnr the ( fViTiiuwnl If n v ticket rtriiMlnen jirlyu l cent in the under plKiiert ltfc liiii1 v Hie will l e eollected antt rouiittud to the on tier thiirt'iif free f i hiirvc KI > L.AIt H HHUXMiV riesideiit Kl I'lixn Niitliniiil lliniL Ui rani. Tex AUKVT.ANTKH. . Tor Huh rntei or nny fiirthnr Infiirtuiitlnn wr.tn tn the uiirterxleiiptf Klutlnc your ndilniinrlenrir * < th htiit eoiuit street and nuiiiher More riipUt nnill clelHerjr lll he nwureil hy our iitiLhiilni : an enrol ojie liearlnc % our full t'ltv nf , luan NOTH K Spurt rcniltuinrp' fur tlt-kut * I" ordinal- Icttor ( i.ntullitnc M 'Hidrdoi IKHWII I > T till Kjritr * . . m lir.nlt'n NPW lurk UYrlianini Ilmik t rufi . " roilai .NiitB AHrtrfHn nil rceliUiri'd li'tti-rn n. All \\lMHJkA-IIO\AI HAM.lki > U C'lt nl .limruz MTitn SYPHILIS Can be cured m 20 l-o 60 days , by Ui f n-e of t 16 For siileonli1 lij the CI.OK llemertr fo 'if Cniuhiu KehniHta Write t < > 119 for the nuniefc and nddreM > nf imtlenti. whchuve heen eured nnd troin whom HJ have jieruil mtin to relel ? * i litaltw ! u ( HHITIHC thHt hot lav l > hurtled the rklll nf the ninut eminent iihj nlplnim and until the rtlNeover } of th ( , ook Ilemedi CVs.MA ,1 ( JtKMKDl "not me In tiftj t-vnr hnr 111 the diiense IIIIK hecn rured We fiiurunli-c u eure un " 'U e that pan he iirodnetid I'liom * hO hu\e taken inereury iiota li h > a Kncii * ultiirnaK < ir other ndvertiwd reinnlles with only triworarv lieiietitii inn now lie oerniuiieutl ) nueu nv the u e < if the MAf.K IlCMMir ol 'he 'ooL Itemeily f ( liimlm Nell Upware nf linltutliuih It Iv noxolulen imiHitHlble for any other jierBtm or company f havi our funuulu or 11115 romedi like It In efleet and renult 'J'ht f ticl ; IteKipd * Cn hits heuii trontliiK iiaiienit. 1 it t' > ur vi'iirtt und hiivr ulwajs plvrn jierfeet Ha islur tlon 7'hev are tlniinelallj rt'i poii llile ha * tic aut' iii'l ' ot < iverf-tlt.Oi ) J nniklni : their KUtirunlm itiiua W < " K il.e iiiusi otiMtlnnte enwii thoM win. uu fl' teveri ktii'fr i rentedj and ln/4t utl h di rei > en ( orrei.iinil * ltuu > and hit u tun > "u < n powk m. in .leilclunee that eunvlneei. tliu nuwt t-keimrai Mait V.U.U Tie say In Hie end jou Mini uM1 < mr MAt.K HKMnilV lieJoie jon can he iipruninent-y < urort li In the inoM heroip hhiml puntier ernr MJ > U rltelur jiurtlfulura. All lette.ru < i mliiieu tiul / \ 1 I IflY J' ' ° fcme J"u uie ce-ttinc the V. V L 1 i\J.\ i'Kik Ueiui < d3 Ho s Muc. . ui- N mi i.thnrK iiru Bi-niiliiP I'nrtli-n i-lulmiiiE ' ni-i'iiti. f M ui < iirp Inij.iiMturt. and trtinilt. I till I' ' I'Uliun tri i Adiln-HK nil piimiuunleiiiliniK t 'IHE COOK REMEm CO Kooius ; iind40M. C'luil Hotel llltiru ( orni'i llth ! und liodpe Mh. . ( Jitiuhu. N EvX G U R SIO H GHRTTRNDDGR and Return so From Chicago and l eturn 540. Messrs. KavinundVlin \ < M'lll ) tentiiull > tnutdtift nil * ii'iirwiun t tlic Ln t Diattiiin 'i.'u lJud ii.iiiimiiv It. Clmtturiiiuub 'loiiu MIIT I 1WKJ u > nttund tin' Kali' of ultt line rcmaiui i' luU nf tlil > < M > IIIIIIIII Mil ) I. . T mill ti Truiii mm ) . i u < l nuli'ly dt vtwttliukid rullwuu fiiri. 'jiu'lui liT | > lie anil iliuliif lcmit > I'lU'hliurr clt'iml llusi.iik MUM * suturUu ? Muv K ul 1 | i HI urrivini : ul * liitmuiiHtCK Mi'tKlH ) Muj.VSn m All tniiiHMiruui..ii | ui"J < t inu vtiifUHOt. tit ntcurKliiiiUii. ilurtnt1. tut tr i > iiuo lillf In ( 'imtluiu.ucu Iliiludud in tin HI nn ' lliti mtiiiuii | > will Kwr > uu t-Hurt l" luuU ttir tri | < in ir Tlit < aimnt tliu KuBt. . . . , . , - luoiinrU I * ithnurtKl U ) iu ulmutrii' u.iiiM'iiii jiii K * ? to till'Itriin tli i.l tin ni IHI I'lilvi in IKIIII. un. . nut - ful uilr t'l ' tut l"h "I'tuli ilimri A IVmui t n [ ircslrtcnt ul nitTln.ui ! i'ii-Uiihtoii UltHtni < MU liaiijr KID * "l.u i ruuttuiuiueu lm > kifuip > uavuu 1111:1.11 ur n Nltc It.i h toirn in t'lti tliiin the > t nf CllUtlUIHKIlItt I1)U1 II HI IIP II l > ! lll | Kl 'llfr I V I ) ll C'tlltllUI I * ' htllJItll.U jl tlUK ilfl til IHIII1I I till liif.irniuiii.il anu im i | ' umUdrfBn It It M-ll hu. tt'tuii il Iliu Lasl Ciiatlanodga Laud Comjuoy. f > 6 3umui bt , , But jn , Mtuffc. , ot u..j f it orbr ors. or dn-oct 01 K. m. folluw. I'rcHldPUt A A M"W til VlM-iirw > lilniil J Ml ll ivAX. M 11 ' 1 rtmhurtv J W AHAM * . W l Mrf 1'iKlitt ittint , I liutlaui'titiu 'li'iiit MHrt < liirT L H KI > M-1I. r. . . . JUHHfWlits , A A MtiMt.u Lynn MII j -l ll.lt A v M II MuiM iiwMM , X 11 I. II HI .it.l I ItiHiluu. 1 M Hi Hit I I * im MIIWI > 11 Hill t Kl ( uLlui.tl M .1 K AX1HIIX V. IjllFJ Mll 1.1 THI U A HAM * , 1U.I MUlt' fWWH. IlllUltlll MlMk r. llirri.n\AX. l.jiui MUM luund A \ \ tilummb will ! urMI ti | till luf . iimti'in iu. 14'IU < rt uiKliiR , nl r > ihrirt iMftUH of Um M.HI.UI | f irmitlj Al'i'll li mill nx'tittr mil . ( TIiti | m t iu V HHiHdwiit Jvpvturk 111 fxtulti Xliitli ot I'lillk- nuliiliia J l MH Tier : C'lcvclaba , iau iu buulk Ciurk si Cliic&fu.