Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Oponcs with a Good Deal of Force
aud with a Slight Advance ,
OalM Manifest CoiiHltlcrablo Activity
mill Strength Provisions I-'Iriiirr
Hcoelpts of Cattle
Quite Active.
durum , April 21. [ Pppclnl TfloRram to
Tin : Hii.1 : : Tlio wlipntinnikctopcttpd with a
Kii'iit deal of force niul with n 'iSMo nilvnnco
Mlth May ntfcOe , Juno nt 8S'4'o niul .fuly lit
( " 'it1. ' Tlic o prices Hero not touched Dgnlu
( luting thoday , andon the whole prices ruled
t'liiHnround tlio closing Usurps of ycstciday
lifter a reaction from tlio early Inline. It was
thought Hiat the ooltl weather helped to make
Hut priors. There was also more than n BUS-
plHon that tlio opening figures were innilu hy
u cnnililimlloii to soil on. At any rntoltlicru
wet pretty general selling by those who did
not unload on tlio final break yesterday. May
went off U to M'ic ' , Juno 1 to 81 e ,
and July H to ffi'Jo ' the first hour , ThcrJ
WDB a inlly toWfo for May , W o for Juno and
ft ? i'for July. This was nhoiit noon , nnd before
1 o'clock July nitiiln loni-hed HJ'in bill ngiiln
rail ) Ing power. Tim ncwsofthn day
\\iis milmpoilatit. Liverpool cables were eas
ier for futures , \MisiioliiipioNement In
I'inpni'ws. Tim 1'ilco Ciiircnt's summary of
crop news Is bullish and s.ivs that unless the
weather Is most favorable din icpoit due May
10lll ho no belter Ihantlio hist one. HI. Louis
leporlcil IfiO.OOO bushels of wheat loading iind
New Ymk icportcd 7 loads for New
York denied 71,0)0 ) bushels of wheat , but lh"ri <
was no other export movement of Itnpoilanco
fidtn Atlantic ports. In local trade HutcliliiMm
hold freely at t lines In May and .In neand bought
Miini ) July. Lonaii MId Julv for St. Louis.
Mitchell wnsn falrbuyerof July on tlio de
cline. Tliuro wns sonio walling for moio dell-
nllr i top news , which will bo llm continuing
Inlliii'iiee In the nrnr future. There wns : i
weak feeling at thnelosu Inbeat. . In thclast
llftren minutes of the session July sold up to
Mi , ffjH7 < - and OIT to Wl'Je at the close , with ' ales
ni Miv after the otllclal closlntr. May closed
at 8S'Jc and Jiinn atSS'jlc , Ones hour lifter the
ehnoon Vhaimo July wheat wns at Nippon the
cuib. I'utsoroat s'i'iffKi.'jO ' and e.ills hold
lit W.'Mif r.i'e , and up to S7c.
Coin was weak all day after the fii-l few
minutes. Tlio short Inteicst lias been illml-
nalfd and this takes u ceitaln nippnrt fiom
Iho inail.ct. May slartid n fiaclloii higher at
: ' . " ! < . and after touching ! tV"W" ! ! " closed at
Wii * . Other closing prices weie : .Tumi oj' o
bid. July : f."tc seller , HeptemberW-'C bid.
The oats market was pietty actho all day.
Thcieas a Mitt of combination deal coin ! ;
on In which llulchlnson and Hess wcie
Iho pilm-Ipals. Hutchison wns aellL'i moslry ,
while Hiss bouqht and sold by tin us. Diher
was an eaily buyer. This maikel. lll.o the
otlieiH , opened Miong and lilgln r ultli May at
21V. up toiV ! , off toU'lSc and closed steady
ut 2Pt'e. Other futures v.eio Men we.'iker
Intel In the day. Juno sold at 24 ! < & ' Ic , July
Tin' IIOK mnikpt was brisk ami pilces hlshpr
rai ly , and tills helped provisions at Iliestatt.
In laid and ilbs llrst H nrcs weie a tilllu over
HIP close vcsliMilay nd thi'M ) weio the best
pilcesof thoday. Julv ribs hold at tZ4K& > M ,
closing at V > : i7'4. I.ard for Iho MUIID month ,
H I0toifl.l2'j tor..l7'i to i'J.ID ' at the close.
Mess poiK was Ilttlo < llslnibcd until late In
tbe da ) , when the clique Inllucnco wns .felt
and Ilieshprts put prices up trying to buy.
The fcatuinof HIP day was the strength of
June , which went up to fl'1.70 , wlillo July
elnsud atJI'ino. May was up to 813.5715 and
chiicd alii.V : .
1,11'K STOCK.
April 24-Sprpal [ | Telegram to
Tin : Itr.i : . ! t'vrTi.t : Anhals , as will be seen ,
continued heavy , showing an Ineieaso of 10,000
oei the samotlmo last week. Dining neatly
all the forenoon about all the llmo taken
up In llmllng place to yaid , feed and water.
etc. The open nens were full mul the coveted
pens ere full. Some had to icmaln In the
leeching chutes for half an houi at a limn
liefom a placn could li < > found to yaid. feed 01
show , and II was estimated that with ihufn'ih
auhals and the number leftiner theie was
fully ttMin ! ( on sale , The business of tlio day
Mums that e\Hirt | steers sold neatly steadv ,
t-teeis that lated lielow evnotleis good lOe
lower , but at the deellnn tbeiewas a good
demand , and any salesman that accepted
bids on that Iinsls found teady
pinchiisois. As there was only 17 cars of Te\-
nns amoiiK tlio arilvals and onlv ono our on
Mild , all classes of butchers' slock bold steady.
llnslness In tlio stocKer and feeder line was
lather light with Ilttlo or no ehango Inpilces ,
riuilco top\tru licuve . fl.v&riix ) ; medium to
good Meets , jno : to l.TOO Ibs , il.00&l.i : : > ; I'-lJH
to 13.V ) Hi" . J. ! ! > 07ll.r ; ( IW to IL'OU
His , $ .1 \ WtH"i'tstocKeis \ \ and feeders.
K.HQiiilrows ) : ( : , bulls and ml\c < l. $ . ( ) © - . ? . ;
bulk , jL. .VK'.Ki ; To\as grass-fed bteers , i.M ! < &
lloos The demand was ai'lho with pilces
lather on the up tiiin than otheiwUc. a few
fancy heavy selling a nickel blghei. 1'aekeis
lialdifl.lJ'ifr.l.iilfor ' ( : nilxpd , laigi-lv * I W I. . ' . ' . .
Shlppeis paid tl aW8l.H' : ' , . hugely il.'JJ's&l.1- , ' "
I'llmo light hold at t\Sj \ t.yi1 ,
Nr.w VOHK , April 21. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK. lir.iSTOCKS : The agreement of the 10-
pnbllean cnifous committee iinon the .silver
bill at Washington hist night again stalled
stock speculation oil'on a Mini p npwnid turn
today and although the business done
not so well dlsti United as usual of late theio
was great activity among a few le.ideis , Theio
was buying of St. I'nul , Lake bhoic. IJnlon
I'acllleand Louisville & Nashville for London
accimnt. Thtiiu was an elfin t among legnlar
tiailerH to get back stock- , sold jesliiday.
t.'ommlsslon houses weio fieo bnv-
> rs In specalKles. 1'list pilces were
generally from > a to ? j per cent
belter than last OMMilng's closing Hgnies.
Hock Island , Mlssonil I'ncltlcand Laekawanna
took the lead , the Hist named ilslng 7 o and
the other two-So each. Dchiwaio .V : llndson.
howoM'r. eonllnucil Itsiapld npi\iid move
ment ot jesteiday and shot up fiom I.'H'B to
lliii'j. Sugar Hellneiles also leeelxcd a new ac
cession of sticnglh and mined up fmm l.'l1 ; to
72. ngalnst 70'a ' last < < M > nlng. The nuuki-t
hailed somewhat Into Iu the hour , but at 11
o'clock It was nctlvo and Him at about
the best prices reached. The suc
ceeding hour liuinght Ilttlo change to
the leadcis named , but the whole list
inoM'il up In sympathy with the bet lei-feel
ing. Tmst stocks weto an exceptloli with
SMgaroll 'tto'I1 , and Chicago ( lasolV 1 per
edit fiom the eailypilco at 4s' , . Oiegon
shiul Mncwasup 'J points or mine to 10' ' . and
Oiegon Hallway & Navigation shot up'fiom
IftJ't to KKI. Lackawiinna followed Delawaie
.V llndson and was up to H'J3 , . In slaiidaid
western Mocks Atehlson was up toifi , Iliiillng-
ton to ItHl'i , Northwestein tolL'Y Hock Island
tout , St. Caul lo 70'i. Mlssontl I'nclllo to 7 : . " , ,
and Union I'acllle to ( J.V , , Thu slu-nglli
In Mocks continued through the
diiv with only 'i slight lenetlon
befoie. the closo. Still liUhor prices weio
icaehcd after midday In western stocks , llui-
llngliin went to lOi" , , Notlhwcstcm to 11.1 ,
Hock Island toUI'i. Kt. 1'anl to7 V while MIs-
soutl I'aclllennil Onion I'acllle held Ihelr best
pilccsnt Miami il'i'j ' respectively , Chicago ( Ins
.it the close Just held Its own at 19. Sugar He-
Iliii'iles closed with u 2'i per cent net ialn.
Coal Mocks wem all day the strongest In the
list. Laekawanna moved up to H l'0 mid closed
I'i up [ U 1C. , . Net gains In western inllioad
shares vveioi Atchlson ' „ NottliHcstetn J * .
Ihilon l'iellli > I , Mlssouil I'm Illo 1' , , ht , 1'aul
IU and lluillngtonand liock Island each I1 , .
'IheiiMviisheavy coveilng in the last namid
stocks , 'lotul Hales wem the Iar0'est foi thu
week JIV..MJ shares.
The following vvero the closing iiuotatlons :
U s. 41 rcimlnr.fl \ Northern I'utltlc J
i ilo nreft'ircU 7i4 !
I' S. li ! rcnuliir. IK c .x.v. w \ml \
I' . H. tbt * IOIIPOII. . iloprefeneil \ hiu
I'lirlllniuiar 'l J. . . .Hi ) i N V Ci'iitrnl ID'iJ
( Vnlral l'ii llle. . . Jill' , II \ I ! 21
' . , Alton . . ivj -
I'llllflKO A .IM-II i Itock iHl-inil 11114
Clili-uiiO , llnrtliiKtuli C' , .M , x M. I' WM
. . ' ' r'M ! . . " ' . ' .ITi-rurrcM . Ill .
1) , L. A.V .ll.'JS'Sl. ' I'aul.X Oiiinli.i , . ,
Illinois CiMilral. .11) I ilo preferroit W
i. , HAW . llnluil 1'adlU' I.Mi
KiniH.Ti , \ Texas , . , \v. . bi. L \ r. . . . r. (
Kiikuhhoro , 4S iloiiri'ferrpil 'J.l <
.MklilKin ( Viilral. . . . Wv t rn Union Mj ;
Ml viiirl I'.irllle . .
MO. > BV Kasy at 4'JSW per cent.
I'IIIMK .MKIIUANTII.K I'At'Kii , % U7 iiercenl.
. Ttiu.iMi IXciiMiKQulpt ; hteady ; sl\t\-
day bills , tt. 41 demand. II.8TU.
Stouki ) .
NcwVoKK. April S4. [ Special Tolesram to
Tin : llii-Tho : : ] follow Ing aiu the nilnlns atuoK
iuotatliin | > i'
mlxuil , 30 > 3l3r | option" , steady j Mny
nt l'i ' ti'
. Onli Itcc 'lit ) . Ti.OOOIiinliPl tP porti Iffl.MO
liilslirls ; | Kt linn : No , - while , MKV > ci
tnlxoil wtitrrn'Ry.lix'j , whlto mired wr torn ,
XTrl.v : ( iplloni ( Irnior , April closliijt at ; n'.f.
I'olTcc Option * cloinl liarcly stonily , iiVfj.
refined , film.
l'otroleiim-irnltpdelo ed. Mny , S
Kggs-Steady ; western , H1 * $ lc ,
l'orkStronger. .
Lard Declined 4 point * , closing easy ; western -
ern steam , MIYJIJ. May closing at ! i.M n l < pd ;
IlntlPr ( holcp. llrmi.wpslprn dairy , 7iJJl-c ;
etentiipry , inftii'io ' : Elcln , lii'SUSOc. '
O'hcese Kasy ; vvcstern , tfiilO'ie.
Clltr\no , Api II21. 1:11 : p. m. elmp. Wheat
I'nsy ; enth. ! < > riM4ei May , ss".e ! .luly , SO e.
Corn Sleady ; cash and May , JfJ'ic ' ;
Dats-illcady ; casli , 2 , ' , cj May , 2l ? o ; July ,
I'l Iiuii i Timothy -rirm at 11.33.
riiiv-1'liniiit Jl.b-iM.ISJi. -
Whlskv n.o- ; .
roik-'rirtn ; cash , fl.1.50ain.CO | May , IITSS ;
l.'oiilol ! ciisli , ! 5.1 * ; May , $ C.3.va6.575i !
July. * ii.'l.ii.
I'lniir rlrin nnd imnliatisod ! siiilnjr patpnts
soft lo hind , JI..VX2.VJ.VvliitiT putunti ; Jl.o'J
. . , '
l > io\Moiis-Phouldcrs.r < WTi.V3. ' > ; short clear ,
J-.ftva.'i.Ki ; short rllw.roxS.V.'l. *
linnet Steady ; creamery , l.&l'ti ; dairy , 0
ffllBi * .
Clii'csp Sli-adv full eroam clirddai1' . Wft
lOo ; Hats , Ui ! < iJlO'i Vouiiit AmeilouM ,
Kgtra-otendy ; frosli , intJ'Sllt' ' .
Illilo-t- I'lH'liaiDJi'ili lu'tivy and light
Mil In ) , 45i5f.V ; s.illcd hull , ilJit' ! RiPi'ii salted
i-ilf , C > > 't < i ; drylllnl.oaTe ; dry calf , .VSCe ; dca-
L'OIH , 'JUO OIU'll.
TiilliiH t'lii'liuiiRrd ; No. 1 solid packed , nu
Qlu ; No. 3 , o'4o ; cake , 4c.
Kcepllil" . Sliljim'ts.
rintir . lilirw IS , X )
Win-lit . HIOJI 4.1)0) ) )
Com . Stt.X ( 4II.XJ ( )
O.ils . I'sO.ODU 210.001
Kr. I.onm , April ! ! ! . Wheat I.owur ;
fash , gi- ; ; May , fey ,
Corn Lower ; rash nnd May , Ilo'sO.
Oats- Loner ; rush , "HI ; .Mny , " i'iU.
I'oikia : y nttl'lAi ) . M.ll ) .
\ \ hlskyHlnady atll.W.
Ilul tor I'll mei ; eicamery. lC17c ; dalty ,
MII.M M'Kr.r , Apill " . -Wheat qtiiot ; No. 2
iprlnc , on tiai-K , L'.tsh , 8)sCoj rso. 1 noithuiii ,
Com - lofidv ; Xo. II. n.11 5c.
OutsJnli'l ; No. S whlti1. " "i1.
Ujo-Klim ; No. t.'ilW'I'iu.
Jtiirlpy r-lini : No. I , 4te.
1'iovNlonsriiincri'porl ; . tl3.Si ,
I.ivinii'iior , , April ' ) ! . WliPiit Strady ; dn-
inaiid pom ; holili't i olli-rnioiluiatoly ; Callfoi'-
nla No. I. 7s I'-d perLcntut ; led \\cstoin. ln-
li'r , T-f'Ts'il. '
com- Quiet ; new mixed western , S ClSd per
cental ,
AIi.Nsru'OM .AirIl3l. ) TSPCPlpli.'MI
( 'ITV , April 'JI. Wheat T.nwpr ;
No. ' . ' , hard cash , Tic ; No. : i haul , Tic ; No S ted ,
Com Lower : No. S , cash , sr'-o.
O.its-Xo. 2 , U'lo.
U'lo.Aptil 2 ! . Wheat Strong ; No.
. .
Com -Knsler ; No. 2 inlxml. IlTo.
.ils- Steady No. 2 mlxud , .T ilio.
iin : STOCK.
ClltC no , Apill 21. C.ittlp llppelptt. n.OOO ;
market slow and lOchiv.ei : hccxe * . JLTSari-OO ;
Moikeit and feeders , JJXfBIMW ; sti'Pis , f.iiO : ®
4 DJ ; cows hulls ami mixed , iL&lK&'f.25 ; Texas
riibs steeis , if. 4 ( > a.l..7) ) .
llii > ; s-leeelpl' ! < . 21.000 : maiket stions to no
lilshi'i ; nilxi'd. fl.O' a.l7'lU'ht ; ,
lion\yH-ifft ( ) .JJ1t ; skips I I0.1U.IU ) .
Sheep Uci'i'lpts , 8OM ; miiiket stronc : na-
tUo$1 Dll'T'il.iiiirstorn ; eom-fi'd , i.V.'V&'i.bO ;
Tp\aiisli/JS.- ; Iambi , i..OOIM.uo.
K < N''V < < CITVnill 21. Cattle -Heeelpts ,
I.IOU ; Mhliiineiits , I.IOU ; market weak and lower ;
steers , f.UK3l' ( . ' > : I'outf , 1I. ' " > U',10 ) ; stocked
and fecdpis . ' W& ! M.
HoKs-Uecclpts. i" > ,000 ; shlpnicnts , 1,000 ;
niiiiKi'l stioiiK ; nllKriidpo. * I.1W5W ( ) . " > .
Sr. Loi'K. Apill -U.iltlu Ui'cclpts 1KK ) ;
shliiiient | < ! . 1,100 : m.irkct'ila.tdy ; f.ilr tocholcn
hi'.ivy nallxo steois , II.IDitl.W ; ' .touiceia and
feedeis. W. : Kai."iO. :
HORS Itccelpts < 1S01 ; shipment' ! . 4.iOO : :
maiki't sieadv : heavy , fl.lOof.-0 ; paeklli ? and
llKhl , Jl.OOai.lO. .
SiOiivf'iTV. Apill SI , - CattloReceipts , 1,400 ;
shliimenls , 4-11 ; muikct steady.
lloas-lteiM'liits , 2SOO ; mailcet Oo lower ;
f.j.b.v2l.0. ' .
Thmsday , ApillS4.
1'stlmated iceolplsof catllu 1 .5)1) ) ) , compared
\\illi2,7Ui ( jcstenliiy and l.-'iT".1 List Thursday.
Tin ) maiKi't opened slow and lower , tin ; most
dt'slialilo lusot ( line steers being ! > j lower. mil
In many puses icpoited even lowei-
sllll , wlilln oxeivthliiff clso In the steer
linn was fully IUo lowei. Little as donu dui-
lin ; the foienoon and befoio midday the mai-
ket heeaine almost Hat. After thu noon limit-
tiallloklnj : was icsunicd and on a slowmaiUct ,
lastliiKllll iH'iuly nliht , almost e\eiythlnK
ehaiiifcd hands al the decline , elosliilthno )
Ijetter reellnu. About ten loads of eowswero
on the 111:11 : K'i't. The cow maiKct opened
actheiind stioiiK , all st'lllns eaily at Him to
stioiiK juices , fi'edi'it wen ) not plenty , the
demand was ll hl. the maiKet " | u\\ and un
changed. Hulls weieaclho and Hun.
rstlmated leoelpts of hogs 3.WIO. I'ompa red
with : , ' ) yesteiday and S.H'il last Tliiiisilny.
The nun kct opened notlM ) and r > o higher , all
ehiin lii' ; hands e.nly at the advance. Neatly
DM-rytlilnssold rat l.oo. The lanso of pilces
was { .l.u'ilj l.0 , " > . The ( iMMasio pileo .paid was
fl.001 ! , conipiiicd with W.'J-'i3 ! jciteulay and
last Thuisday.
The follow Ins is a tahlo of pilcrs paid In
IhlsmaiUct fin- HID Kiade of stock mentioned :
I'llmo steeis. l.ioo to 11.00 Ibs . tlio fu.J.l (
lloodhleei.s , 1250 to IIV ) Ibs . ILul ( J14.-K )
( food steei'i , line to IWW Ibs . Il.lCi ( Ti I Irt
Coinmon , HJtMlo 1 150 s . y.UO 5:1. : . " .
Cominon eanneis . I.K ( ) ( VL'.Ol )
Oidlnaiy to fall cows . i.fii ) fista
1'alr to sooil cows . l.liil ( ISM
( food to choice cows . ' . ' . .0 ' fr.MKl
Choice lo fancy i-ows . : . ' > " > Q.'I.Yl
I'alr lo good hulls . ! . ? . > ( &SM
Choice lo fant'i bulls . 2..M ) MM )
l.lKlitstoi'kPiinnd teedois . L'"D fi.Si ?
IVedeis , lV > llo ) 1100 Ihs . ' . (10 ( ( illldi )
1'nlr toclioleo ll lit IHMS . 'MIS ( ic , u"i
1'alr lo cholco hnavv ho s . : i.B >
1'ali to choice mixed ho s . 'J.'M
Com ] til I'll live Tulilcu.
The following tahln shows Iho i.mgo In
pilees on hoj-'s duiliij ; this and last week :
MollillO If I 1)0 ) 4 T. , fl l.'JjGI VI
TiieMi.iy | , i s'j m WKI 4 u > iji n
st nnd Ijowi'M Salcsol'
Today. Vesiuiday.
UlKliest TlfiS Highest . . . . .flW
Lowest : i 10 Lowest ; i w
Oniclal Ycstetday. Khtlmatcd Today.
Cattle rWcais , LT01 Catlle. . . . 71 cms , 1300
lilies 3Soaisi7irt ; llojs 4ileaiayooo
Sheep I Car , lit
IIoiM'3. . . . 2 cms , 2S
Avi > riiK I'rlco of Ifo H.
the a\eiate pi Ice paid for loads of
on thedajslndlcated In l M- ; ? , hs'.Miml
osl of
The following tiiblo Klves ( he uroniKC cn-st
of hoes ii tlu > dates mentioned , Includlnj ; thu
cost today , a Ii.ised upon bales loportod :
Date. I'i Ice , Datn. 1'rlco.
Aptlll . fll)7'i ) Apill 14 . f | lilij
A pi II 2 . 4 ltt f April n . 4 Oil' ' }
ApllKI . 4 01' , Aplll HI . 4 tl'JLj
Airll4 | . 4 Os'5 Apill 17 . 4 ini'j
April ! \ . 4 ID'i April It . 4.07
Ailll7 | . 412 Apill ID . 4t'b ;
ApillS . I 12 API II SI . 4 ( ,714 ,
AlllllO . 4 ( l > < ; Aplll'JS . ; . , '
Apill 10 . 4 lXI > i Aplll'J-l . auvj
Disposition of S
Hlioulns the iiumher of cattle , hops and
sheep piiiehused on this market liy thu dlirer-
cnt liiijcrs iliuliiK the pust week :
Iliiyers. Jfo.
lien II Hammond . t'o . SJI
Armoiir-t'ndnhy 1' Co . y.i
Omaha 1'L'o . 7 Itolhsi'hlld . IM
llcntou.V I'mleiwood . , . 140
hhllipers.t rooders . sis
CnmnA. Vansiint . , . , 72
Hooker A. Pegen . t-h
Lobmanii A ; Traueiniau . M
Auuour-Cuilahi I'ackluK Co . 1,020
Oin.ihn I'ncUIng Co Ml
Swift A Co 27-
Ueo II llamiiiond .V Co 27J
1. . 7V ( ) 1 50 7. . RID 1 ( M S . CM 1 75
a. . 070 1 50 4. . 0-ti 2 75 1) ) . . 3 ; i 2 OJ
1. . JIO 1 M 0. . U12 1 75
i. . 200 a oo C. . 112 a SO 1. . 60 a DO
1. . 2W a 25
Market Mention.
C.'iltlo lotti'r anil slow.
llui ; > ihl hi < r mul nuthi. .
I.i-sllo .S. lIlKs inuikelcd hogs fiom llol\I-
, T. A. O.utcn , of DuWItt , inni KU led a ear of
CUtlll' .
II. J. Tlciiioy iniiiUclcd a cm of cattle fiom
II. Illiuni'i1 of Cliuleo wal lieio with two cms
of o.ittk' .
A. II. 'Mntsoncaniolii fiom I.oomls with a car
of I'iitth- .
John ca mo up fiom I'alillllou with u
car of fiitth1.
O. II. Ciowof rulletton hud a our of cattle
on thu maiKi't.
Oooiao Vniiioseont o\er aearof hogs fiom
Mlssouil Valley.
CirotKi'A 1'i'H on had aearof cattle on thu
maiKrt fiom AIIKIIH
.1 nines Itlchtliuk wasouthe maiKut with two
cats of cattle fiomVIIhcr. .
X. T. .lacKsoii of .IncUson .V Holes. Tlwood ,
camu In llh a cur each of caltlu and hojjs.
C.V. . Itiaasi'h. a heavy < .iili | | > orif ) Not wood ,
came In with it car each of cattle and hoxs.
The new liuyliitf Him Is I.oo Itolhschlld and
Andiew Haas iind not Hiiteiili.iiim . Haas.
A. Ansneohcr , formoily of the yaids Is liacU
anil will loi'atu iieiinaneiilly at the lAcliiingo.
The Middlesexnstoi ] | > K companv had two
cai-sof cattle on the maiKet fi 41111ood iher.
.lolin I1. \\idiii | , the well Known Coidova
stocUniniii was on thu inaiKet with a ear of
cattle ,
Anderson .t Johnson = ent down a car of
cattle fiom Oakland. .Mi. Amli-ison , camu In
wllh them.
S. 1' . Illanchard. the well Known AVellllect
stocKinan. was , it the y.uds with a eai each of
eattlu and lie i ,
Knns tilctly ficsli , ! V ; cold | OIIIKV , pleK-
Iril. limed , salted not wanted at an ) jn lee.
I'liri.'litvTuiKoys , ihcsscil , f.iney dry
pleKed , l.WllitinKoj" ; ! , ll\o per Ih. , lV7jlli , > ;
chic-Kens , fancy. UK-tr.'c : clilcl.cnschoice , W3 ,
IHi i chlcKcm , fhc , Her do/ . , fl.VXV2l.-i , ; iieese ,
die-sud. fancy , lVi ( ? > llc ; uresr. dli'sscil , choice.
IXSIOc ; KCCSC , HM- . doWOiXTfTIK ) ; ilueKs ,
diessed. fancy , IH-j ilueKs , choice , l i I0 ;
diicKs , llxe , doJO } 'iMii pigeons , doJI.OO
, ,
JUKI ; KCCSC , sm-ill , * l i
M U'l.i : f-i'C. vii -1'ei lb , l.
CHI I'M' I'er Hi , full ci cam VOIIIIR Ami'ilea ,
Il'scj ' full crc im twin" . ID'ii'i ' full cioam Ohio
H\\ls" , Hie ; full cream \\isi-oiislii Si\Ks , IITiltic ;
fiillcicam biluK , lc ) ; full llinlmixci
rtulss , ,
HOMIV KJilllc per Hi : str.ilned , !
iJiiv ui. * * I'ci hn\ . I'lorld.i oiignis , > i.iKXf'j
4..M ) ; Mi-ohm. t.)75i.0 ) > ) ; ( 'nliroinU fnncy
imvnls. J100 ; Los Angeles , ifj.dil ; seedlings ,
Hlveislde , $ l.-'lH..V ( ( ) ; numndilii , i 1.2.1 ; In live-
box InN , 2" ipi I box less.
I'l.MlUTl is-I'er do/ , $ .ll 3IOO ,
S'rii\wiii.iiuti.s I'ci Ljse , 21 ots , $7.00 ©
$101X1 ,
Cinmi I'ei bhl. ieflned,4 50 ; half hid , fl'Oj
haul elder , puie , jiei bill , $100. oiiingi ) cldci ,
half bills. K.U ) ; pom oldei , half bhls. ti.W.
MIM-I. Mi-vi Vitdi * lie ) Hi.
I.KMOSS I'ei box. Meailnu fnncy , ( I.OOQ.'iOO ;
Veidclll , good , f..M ) .
H\N\N\S I'ci biincli.ll.5fr3.IOfl.
llfiriit : Cieanieiy , fancy mils , pilnts , Sift
2licieamei > . fancy , solid packed , 20'ib.l2c ;
cicninery , choice , IsifJOe ; dalri. f.iney lolls
and in hits , | Vt.\c ( ) ; dairy , fancy solid packed ,
I'dlue ; d.iliy , choice , J.lltlOc ; countiy mil ,
fancy , t.lftrlilc ; choice. I2uillc ! coiintii i-oll ,
good , IVT'lOe ; countiy lull , fair , 7 < iSe ; poor
htoek , iltl.V.
llOM.s-.iiiolallons ( nio foi dcllveiv In Chl-
e.igol. Diy bullnlo. per ton. HUiinQlNOUi dry
countrj. bleiiehcd. } loixiTliK | ( ) ; diy country ,
iliimpand meaty , KiKXTLloix ) .
Vi.dl.'i tin.i-s : Old sweet potatoes fancy
Mtiscajlne , perhhl , * l 00 ; onions , cxtia fnncv ,
{ IfiO ; onions , fair , J..V ) ; lulab.igii' * , { , ' .00 ; cai-
lols , WOO , p.irsnlps , tl.t ) ; heels , $ > 00 ; horse
indlsh loots- , per bill. JI.'iOi pei lb , 7c ; celery
jools per hhl , Ki.oO ; per dtu , Wo.
.ll.l.l.ll.H 'I'jiifli' per lb.
DmSMI Vi'Ai. ( , ' medium , PSOej llaht ,
tii"1 ; heu\ , lUilc.
Xi'I'MS ( Vi libl , Oultons. 1100 ; Willow
ttl ' , 1I..VJ , Urn la\K ji.30 ; Homanlte , JI.50.
I.I.NSKI iiOn.-iil'' .
CiC\M'rs-l'erhiinilicd. ( fl.T.V
I'll .Medium , ) iei libi , JV.V ) ; small , M.M :
erKliih , f.M ; ( J. i\ II. eliow ehow , nts , ;
pt , ML ! * > .
I'er Im , f.iney , .T524V ; choice , , ' ! 0
- .
1'isii I'rcsli frozen white trout , pll.u niul
pickerel , pel lb , Te : stnujeon , To.
lllliis : , I'ms * M ) T\i i.nw-Oiecn halted
hides , IV' . dry " .ilti'il blde-i. MIJi' ; diy Mint
hides , l.inoc ; calf hides. ) ' : ' . ( iiic. Illumined
hides .V less Mieop jiclts iiieeu. each , ' . ' .V ®
tl.Ui sheep pelts , diy , per lb , Italic ; tallow ,
No. li't ; ' < ifle ; No. - , ! l' 4tU'ic ' ; ( jicase , white ,
! l't ? 4c ; > i'l low. S'jGi& > . Hand nicked nmy , * I..W31.fifl ; band
picked im\y. medium , H.40ill.'iOj hiind pluKcd
eountry , ll.iwiti 11) ) ; oed clean , lUV'
APPI.I : lliTTKitPer lb , ( > ar.
Wool. I'liii ) nnwiihhcd , llOI'e ; medium und -
d , IKJ''le ; eoarso unwaiihcd , Ib'U.'Oc. '
Pnirn rnuiT-Oitrrants , new , C'tftT'jc ' ;
pi lines , casks , 1'too Ibs , n > 4c ; prunes , bbU or
hiiK > , il'ilT'jo ; cllion peel , drums , M Ibs , L"V ;
lemon peel , diiims , llici fiird diito" , boxes , 1 ,
llis , lie ; apt loots , choice cMtpoiatcd , 15c ; apll >
COIN , jeliy cuied , Uj lb boxes , l < jc ; a Jill cots ,
fancy , tfllbbuxeh , li ; apples , choh-o exnpor-
nli'd , lOo , iipples , prliuu new , U'iv ; l\fn. \ layer ,
10 jii. r cent tutu , U'n ; ; In m , . ks , Te , I'uslun
dnlt' , To , Halt ImUo npplr > . oV > ! Ii1nekhorrlr ,
fvatKirnlcd. to lb IMJXH. fiVcj cherries , plttrd ,
drycured/W : * ! iionclicit , pared , fancy , l o ;
"nit Imlavtrti pitted plums ( 'ill ,
ovnporatcd ,
Po ; I'nl , SPC llo U , Po ; Umlura , Inyor. now
lie ; 4lrled pr.ipe . ft'i uriliiollei , ticjr , 12'tC. '
UAV > KI > GOODS- 1 t < nisCiiIlfornlft tniiilnrd
llartlctt , t.MOaS.-'l ! | itohe , yellow ,
ppiiches , lemon cllnc. f.MO ; plum . oRit , 5I.IV > ®
1.80 ; plums. Roldeli dl-op" , tl.iO ; * plums , ( 'i-eeu
Kaacs , * l.r VilsO ; ncnulic * . with lilts In. Jl.fiO ;
cm rants , t',20 : Koq .ubotrles , J..i'i ; ( iiilnees ,
K.IO ; rasiboirles | , i.80j } strawberries , } , ' . .V ) ;
poaehes. : i-lh easlerA Milndards , JI.S5 ; : i-lb pie ,
JI. 10 ; li-lb pie , { . ' . ( : tinllon pie , M.OO ; apples ,
blirli Ktandards , JJ. ? . " ! ! 'J lb Kiiosberrles , We ;
S-fb ttawbcirle' , W'VVj111 ; raspberiles ,
tl.nOlb ; ! ! hlui > lM'rrli * .rn i 9i : S-lb blaeKbei-
rles , ( M T.TVi-lbstrnwlifirrlr ; ; < , pteserxed..1 ! * ! ) ;
, esened. * l. 0 ; 2-lb blaek-
betiles , preser\ed , JUM ; pineapples , llahamii
chopped , n'.lH : S-lli llnliiinia Krated , J..T.I111 ;
llaliiinm sliced , fW.Hi tandard bllced. t'i' ! .
Gn.50 ; ohoirlcs 2-11) red , Ilaltlmore ,
pours 2-lb ,
VMii.TMii.r.s Tomatoes--3 Iboxtra.$1.00. all )
Mandard western hr.inds , ( .oRale ; gallons ,
slrlctly standard , $ .MXJ. Corn-finest Riown ,
$1,00 ; gllt-cdgcd sugai corn , very line , $1.50 ;
choice2lbmigarcoin , tl 20 ; 2 lb extra western
biaiids , IVM- ® > { 1.00 ; 2 lb Htandaiil westein
brands. OOTi70e. Mushrooms 1 lb I'leneh.eMta
line , ; t 11) ) I'leneh. line , l822n : 1 lb ,
riench. oiillnaiy. KWHo. 1'eas Tre4 tine ,
per can. 25c ; deml line , pcrcan. Hie : 2 lb. sifted ,
il. 021beaily.Iline.l.2.Vi ; ! > l.3.1 ; 2 111 Mallow ,
standard hi mills 11.10 ; 2 lb soakedi7c. [ Hiring
bcins--2 lb high grail'1. Hefugec , Me ; 2lb ( iold-
en wax beans * " ' . ; 2lbstilng beans , 7Uc. Lima lb sonked,73c. lloston linked lleans
3 lb Lewis , $ ( ; crown brand , JI.SO. Sweet
1'oliiloes Illb New .lersey. $1.60. I'umpkln-
3 lb new pumpkin , $1.00. okm and tomatoes ,
tl.iiO ; okm. $1.1X1 ; succotash , $1.20.
1'isii dullish , extia Uenrgos new , fi'Se ;
giand hank , new,5c ; silver , 2-lb blocks fl'fe ;
snow while. 2-lh lulcks , new , lc ) ; Tillkej cod ,
huge middle * , brick" . Hi1 ; snow white dates.
12-5 lb boxes 7 ye ; Iceland halibut.He ; medium
sc.ilcd honing.25e : No. 1 scaled hoiiIng.2V ;
domestic Holland hcirlng , Me : llambiirg
spiced heiilng , tl.V ) ; liiissliin Miidlncs , 75c :
Russian said I lies , plain.Me ; Impoited Holland
heiilng , crown bland , Nc ) ; do , fancy milkers' ,
I V ; macketol. No. I shoic , hairhbls * KMx ) ;
bhulers. half bills tlRlU : while llsh , hnlf bbls
$7.0) ) ; trout , half bblsi.50 ; family while llsh ,
$ .100 ; salmon , $ S.53 ; I lb mackciel ( hcrilng ) .
IF I.HOT ( 1.10 ; I lb llniinii baddies $1.75 ; I lb lob-
stcis , fcM.ViMJi'i ' ; 1 Ih Alaska Milmon , Aleut ,
$ I.M2lb ) ; ojsters 10 ofl.'ll ; lib or ,
$1.1.1 ; 2 Ibselect , 12 o/ , * S.5 ! ; 111) ) clams Ilttlo
necksi.252Ibi ; > l.ims little necks. y.nti ; * \ II )
saidlnes , ImpOttcd , per case , 1011s , $ I5x ( > 7T20.00 ;
'j Iblmpoiled boneless saidlnes. 2iV ; 'i lOsai-
illncs. Ameilcan , per case , 100s. I'mich slj lo ,
$ | .50Ti500'j ; Ibsanllnos Amcilcnn , pori'iisp ,
100s. riench style. $7.VTrS.ic ) ( ) ; i , lb s.iiillncs
mnstaid , percasc , 50s , J.I.75S4.00 ; Impoited key
satdlii'-s. $1.1.00.
soM'.s-Casdlc , mottled , per lb , MllOe ; do
whllo , pei lb. I4e.
Illioovis-l'ailor. I tlp.SJ.73 ; a tie , $ , ' 25 ; sta
bles , W.S3 ; common. $ l.5mrti.75.
Ccirov ' II ) tin. 40. ' peril ) .
( 'noroi.vri : 22Q35c pei lb ; German chicory ,
su.soi > \ Ubls l ? c ; granulated , 2e ; kegs ,
l' e. ,
t ( %
' ' '
Nt rs \ lniOinlIV ; / . ; nibeils ,
I2'jc ; pecans , llcwalnuts , 1-'i.c ; peanut cocks
hof toasted , lie ; Tennessee peanuts , 7c.
IHiutK-ttiiooors' ) Per Ih Umax. I2e ; cop-
peins , 2'-c ' ; liny Icines lie ; glue , Ifie ; epsinn
* : ilts. 4c ; glauber salts. ! ! c : sulphur , 2'-c ; blue
\ It nil. tic ; alum. 4c : tai tai le acid. 42e ; idslii 2c ;
saltpeter , absolutely pine , lOc ; gum camphor.
2 Ills in box. 1 07. cakes , : cic : hops , ' 4 and 't lb
packages , a ) . : sage , 'i and * i In packages , ;
madder , ; Indigo , a lb and 5 lb boxes -y. I' . .
ftWTilc ; Indigo. 3 lb and 5 lb boxes Miidras,05c ;
scaling wax. 25 lb hexes , led , 3Jie ; sealing wax.
25 111 boxes w hltc , 4c.
C'kNM'iiMpvrs ' I lb lunch tonnue , $2.75 ; 2 lb
lunch tongue. $4 75 ; 1 lb coined beef. 11.20 ; 2 II )
coined beef , $ -.05 ; ( i lb coined beef , $ O.MI ; 14 lb
coined beef , $14 ; 2 ll ) boneless pigs' feel , $ , ' .20 ;
1 Hi Kngllsli biawn , $ l. : i ; 2 lb Kngllsh Inawn.
$2.11 ; 0 lb Kngllsh brawn , $0.75 ; 1 lb coinpies.scd
chipped beef , S..OO.
Slii\ns ( Cut loaf , f-fj cut loaf cubes. 7'8 < ' ;
st.indaid. powdeieu , 7'm ) ; .X.\XX , pondered ,
he ; gianiilatod , stalidarll. ( i'jc ; confectloncis
A.lOtc ; whllo extr.i , C , 57Be ; oxtin C , Neb. ,
5'c ; amber , .Vtc : I 11) compiesbed ham , $1.75 ;
2 lb compiessed ham , t Ki.
CDI-I Kli Hoasled'-Aibiicklo's Ailosn , 2il'6c ;
McLaiigbllnS XXX-N , .Xi'gc ; ( ieiinan. 257acj
Dllnoith , 2ic ( ; Alaioiiia,25'ae ; bulk. 21'c. '
Ciurr. ! . ( Jieen rtim-yold golden Hlo , 2fic ;
fnncv old peabcriy , 2V : Hlo , choice to fancy ,
24VItlo " ; , pilme. il'ic : Hlo , good,2J'.c ' ; S.intos
and common Hlo , lX82lc ! ; Mocha , 2Uej , lii\ii.
genuine O. ( i. , 2tc ; Java , good Inleiior , 21c ;
African. 22' e. ,
I iiUNAChoufi GOODS ll.uley , . ' ) 'iQ4c ; fiulnl ,
5c ; 3i' ; oatmeal , llfftllo ; miiciironl , lOc ;
M > imlcclll , lOc ; ilci" , 4'3fi1-c ; sago and tapioca ,
tyff7c ; lima beans. Oc.
Oll.s-Keioscne-l' . \ \ ' . . lOc ; W. W. 12'i ' < - ;
headlight , Hie ; gasolliie.i 12c ; salad oil , $2.00 9
D.txi per diw. Linseed-Haw , Olc ; boiled , tile.
MiMTS-IIams. No. 1,10-lb avei.igc , li e ; 20 to
22 Ibs. UVic ; 12 to 14 Ibs , lOc ; hhouldeis. Oc ;
btenkfiiht bacon , No.'io ; hum sausage , hi- ;
di led beef hams. 0'i < i7J4c ! ; beef tongues , $ ii O'J
perdo/ ; diy suit meats , S'.iTulUc ] ier lb ; ham
loulclte , O'jo ; boneless ham , 7'ae ; plcnle ham ,
GLc.Uoi'i : Hasls Manilla rope , ! . " < ; sisal lope ,
12' ' c ; cotton lope. Hie ; new piocc-s iS'jc. '
CimoN TvviM.-Hlhh. M'ry line. 3 or 4 ply ,
22c ; line , 20e ; Daisy , Ise ; candle wick , 2Je.
OI.IMS : Quints , pei ito/ , $ .1.75 ; pints , per do/ ,
W.2.1 ; bulk , pel gal , OH- .
ViM-dtii-30 gi. cider So ; good. 12c ; white
wine ,
Siovi , 1'OI.HII $ J.OO5.R7pergioss.
! UnAm. . , pet UU , $17.00 ; Lewlslon , per 100 ,
$17.Xl. (
Mm.SSKS Ubls. , N. O. , fancy , per gal. KV3
57c ; choice , 45U47c ; good. ItOSIL'cjCuba b.iklng ,
2strWc : ; bl.ick si tap , SMl'fiv.
WiiAi'riMl rAi'hii--'stia\v. ' per lb , l's'32lac ' ;
lag , 2'.c ' ; iiiiinllla It. iVJj'HNol,7c. ; .
II viis I'lilon siiunic , 3Kii'l5 percent off list.
SI.T- D.iliv.'sO Ibs In bbl , bulkf.MO ; best
giade. Ml. 5s , $ _ ' . : | i ) ; best grade , 100. 3 . $ . ' .40 : best
Ki.ulc.2N 10s JJ.M ) : lock salt , flushed , tl.bO ;
common , hhls , $ l.jr .
lluowN COTiov Mliintlc A , 7'p ' ; Ml'inlle
II , 7c : Atlantic D. liV'l Atlantic 1' . IH" Auioi.i
C,4'4c ; Itnck's Head. ( . ' , < ; Cabol W , li'jc ; D.n-
lliiglon. li'ic ; raimciV No. 1 , ' , I'ctlnntlc ;
LL.IKnroin ;'ic : Aunna It , G1jc ; Anew
biand , ' 4e ; Adas O N It , 7'jc ; Clilcasaw All ,
O'.e ; cheesecloth , 4c ; Clifton I'l' , fi'ic ; l'ep- <
peivll H , ( IVe : I'eppcicll K. 40 Inch , 7'iu ' ; Lang-
don ( i II , He ; Cast lion T'e. '
IIMMI iiiu : Coiro.sslleikeloy cnmbilc No.
00 , lie ; llcst Vet. ll'ju ; Illiiekstono A A. 714c ;
butler cloth XV. l' e ; Cabot , 7'jc ; Dnight
Anehoi.Ue ; Dl.imomlV.shiuiik , li'jc ; Klli'itou
\V > . 7'jc ; I'-nmeiV Choice , fi'ic ' ; I list Call ,
( I'tc ; ritclnlllc , 7'ie ; I'nilt of the Loom , sic ;
( loldeii Wedding , 8c ; lllll Semper Idem , he ;'ic ; Hope , 7'.e ' ; lloiisekeejiiM- ;
King I'hllllpc.imbilc , 111Langdim ; ( i II , H'jr ' ;
Loiisdale , h'jc ' ; Lonsdale cnmbilc , lOe ; New
Voi k milllie. .
Snrr.TiMis AMI Pu.i.ovv-c siNns llrowu
I't'pppiell , 41-ln. lOc ; 1'epiicicll , h-l. be ; I'ep-
pciell , ll-l , 20c ; I'eppoicll , 10-1 , S-'e ; lloslon. .1-1 ,
I2'ic ' ; lloslon , sMc ; Ioton.-4. ) ! ) -.v."tc ; T , .
ion. IU-4. Sic ; rtl'-.i , | s-ln , ; I tle.i , 5s-ln ,
! 7'-c ' ; I'llca. 7h-ln , 2lc ; I'lh-a , Hi-ln , 2'ic ' ; I'lic.i ,
ID-ill , 2s'jc. IllcachedI'eppeiell. . 4Mn , lOc ;
I'eppeiell , ; I'eppeiell ( , ll'je ; I'cp-
peicll.4.2Hc : I'eppeiell. ll-l , 22c ; Peppeiell ,
10-1.Me ; lloston. 5-1,14 ! ; Hi stun , h-l , 22c : Itos-
IIHI , 11-4 , 25c ; lloslon. 10-1. 27'.c ' ; t'tlcn , h-4-Me ;
I'lli'l. 0-1 , 2i > c ; I'tlc.i. 10-1 , 2H'.e.
( ItMiii VMS-\moskeag. O'jc ' ; Amoskeag ,
diPs , h'-c . ; II.lies , ll'si- ' ; Win wlek , diess , h'ii- ;
Lanciihteili'ie ; ( ilenalie , li'ichltenton ; ,
diess , s'.c ; \ork ravoille , diess , > > > . ( ; Cal
cutta , diess , be ; Normandlc , diess , hiLeices ;
ter. lllChs , flC.
PiiiNrs Maltha Washington. Gc ; Ameilcan ,
n'4c ; Ainohl.ll'te ; Ainolil II , long clolb. lOe ;
Ami'ilcnii. IDc ; MIHcl A. I2c ; Ainana A. 12o
Meiilmaek ' . lOc , ( iold Le.if. 10n ; Cold Ticket ,
lOc ; Hamilton. 5'c ' ; Allen I'inks , Gic ; Allen
Chumhiay , lie ; ( iloueestcr , 5'c ; Kddjstone ,
li'sc ; Wlndsoi , l.'jc Hamilton , ii c Sled Hlver ,
IKH.imapo ; , 4'8e ; M. Leger. , l'c ; Mm Ilia
Washington. r4e ; Allen , fin ; Meriltnnk , fiU ;
rounlaln , li'sc ; Uainer , 7c ; t'lelleld , h'3c ; llci-
siniiTiNd CnnrKS Inv Inclble'jo ' ; Invlncl-
bli ! XX , G'e ; Cinwfoi-dl Kinls ; , h'te : Kcon-
oiny , h'8cj I'aik , lixi's l.V ; L'aledanla X , U'sc ;
Caledonia XX , 10'jC. '
CIIKVOIIVliiiHoiinil ! | , 7'ii' ' , Whltlenlon ,
734c ; Slater , he ; Amoskeag , slilpes.s'j" ; Amos-
kcag. plaids , li'i ! sea. Hand , bookfold , ll'jc ;
bea Use , hookhml. r"ic : ndlncuig , lie.
Tu KISOS-Oakland. V'l'.i- ' ' ; Oakland , 0.7c :
Amoskeag , A c A , liiViu ; lleiwlck , bookfold
sateen , Ihc ; Hannh : | , Imokfold sateen , 14c ;
\\iii i ru. book fold satcpii. Uic ; Noiwood. book-
foldsaleen , ll'je ' , Coidls No. 5 , li'ic ; Coidls No
4. I0'c ; Coidls A C K , rH e ; Corills i : I1 fancy ,
fi'jc ' ; Coidls ISO fancy , O'c ' ,
CorrDN MIKS VOIK Nnijkln. 10'c ; Hvciott ,
Soise ; iigln : , H itf , 1N > ; 1'Iat Hook , S u/ ,
Iric ; Lewlston , 10 o/-H. | " : ! ' ! Woikingman'
lie ; Tiadesman's , 14c ; Coiksciew Cashmere ,
l StOM-ns' IlJiiii.ri'c ; ; Stevens' I ) , IS
In , lie : ste > ens' A. Ill li. | To ; Mevens1 P , IN In ,
TJ4c ; stoM'iih' M. is In. f > 'je ; r < ti > \ oils' N..llln ,
H'c ; ht.iMMis' NN.22IU , H'je ' ; r-tou'iib' hKT , 2C
III. ll'c ; bleached , ItMiMia ,
HliMJis-Amoskeag , 1) ) pKi'sc ; York , camlet ,
12e ; i\eielt. : standard. 12V ; Ando\er , r.'c :
I'oiester , It C. l'C : HaymakerX T'e ; Old
Voik , XX , lo > , cOId ; Ytuk , XXX. r.'c ; la -
rence , 2V ) , lHcj I.i : ieia-e , 220. l.'l'ic :
lenee , On5c | ; fancy slrlpes ami checks , llijo
Quinine , jieroP , .x , W. , ( Be ; neimnii 40 < < ; In-
illi5i > . per lb , T-lc ; InTC't powder , puwd , , 40e ;
oilnin | , W.IK ) ; morphine , per oM.M ; hops , per
lb , ime ; glycerine , par lb. 21o ; dextrine , per lb ,
I2e ; euttlebone , perlb , 'IDc ; uieam tartaipiite ,
'i.V ; commeielal. He ; camphor , Ulc : Am. curb ,
He ; bliio vldlol.T'te ; carboliit acid , 4l if.llo ;
citric acid , 4.Tf ITc ; tarturle , 'ITQ-'tkt ; siilphilllc ,
. ' 1411 ; bperm oil. $1,10 ; whnlu oil , U e ; cantor oil ,
1 1.23 ; neatsfiMit , Mfti'A ) ! turpentine , flki ; Tonka
beans , tl.T.VTil.UO ; bnUum tolu , ! lvS/40o : calomel ,
UYJllTc ; cuntharldeii , * l. : > ai.'t.'i ; Cassia buds ,
2iS22o ; ehlorofotm.BlttiJc ; ergot , 4T < a52c ; KUlu
ui able ,
Ht.oci > . Tis-Small p'g ' , S'-c per lb ; bar SOo per
CUITEHI'luiihhcd buller bites. Kc per lb
cold rolled. SAj ppr I'll ' slicatlilnj , C.O Jicr lb !
pills and Units "so pprlb.
( luM7ui tinri.T Inox Dlso't M-IO pof
cent , pnt. plan , JrotiitNov Sl'it27 , A , lO'ioi II ,
lliWlNO-C'lmrooal , I. C. , 14x50 , II ! , tJ.TJ ; I.
AM * \
nTrr.Er IHOSNo. . W , M.TS ; No. 27 , W.9S.
. l4V.l3 , e.
I- : ! . d , 10\H , 22.- , jr.T3 ; I. X. , 10v ,
p-I. r. . 10x14,22 : . , K.2.1.
HrKF.1. NAii.i-lln'o , J2.00.
STKM. Wnn ; NAti.i-llase. 13.10.
Wii.lap. : . barb , ; galv.$4.20.
The Old Clol he's Dealer tlio Hiiemy of
HIP AVool Orouor.
The principal rival of the American wool-
grower mult ho ono from whom lie has most
to fear H the olil-clothe * dealer1. It Is nmaz-
Ins that so miieli Is said nbout the smaller
( lunntlty of foreign wool Imported mul so lit
tle of tlio hu'BOi1 quantity of shoddy used In
the inanufiK'turo of wools.
One of the best Informed dROiilsta re
cently asked , "How much .shoddy do you slip-
peso Is now used Is now used Iu the country I"
He frankly answered that ho hud not been
able to form the least Idea , nor nro any rec
ords of recent statistics obtainable which
c.wt much light on the subject , say the New
York Commercial Hullctin. Hut the last
census niiiilo It tolei-.iblo clear that nt least
something mow than fW.UM.lKXH ) pounds of
domestic- shoddy wore then used , and whllo
the Inereaso In the last leu yrars may Itnvo
been imich greater It can harilly have been
less than UK ) per cent , considering the
Hy of cards known to exists , As
suming that 100,000,000 pounds of
shoddy tJiko the plaeo of nt
least l.V,000,000 ) pounds unwashed wool ,
nnd milling the s , I | ; iooi pounds ot so-culled
waste Imported last year , much of which
was undoubtedly In oftect scoured wool niul
equivalent to at least two pounds unwashed
wool , the wool-grower would seem to have
competition equivalent to nt least on I ( ! ! , SM- !
OOJ pounds unwashed wool from this qtuuter
alone , llwouhl not ho strange at all If the
quantity used should prove to bo much
For Instance , not long ago a full account of
the cards and looms in operation , with their
capacity , was published in ono of the tech
nical Journals. It Indicated n total c.ipncity
of in er over OM.OOO.OOO pounds yearly. It a
thiul of the entire working cup.icity was idle
last year that \\ould still call for a consump
tion of 1 IOKKJ ( ) ( ) ( ) pounds scoured wool or
shoddy. The wool of domestic production
mul the wool imported , nominally about H.V.- )
000,000 pounds , after deducting the increase
iu stocks at the cities , if reduced to scoured
wool would hardly account for more than
' 210,000,1X10 pounds , leaving something like
' . ' 00,000,000 to bo supplied by domestic and
imported shoddy. It the mills were less
fully employed than two-thirds of their force
the stock ot .shoddy consumed might then ho
estimated correspondingly less. Hut in any
case the quantity must bo iclatively enor
itis in effect much greater than the imports
of wool of nlllclnds. It is adapted to use and
actually used in the product ion of a vast x'a-
riety of cloths of the very kinds which the
American public most prefer. H is in oflect ,
even at the lowostoftlionbovccstlinatcs , fully
n third of the actual supply used in the mills ,
which in equivalent of .scoured wool might bo
roughly put thus : Domestic wool , 1 10,0000,000
pounds ; imported wool. ' .M,000,000 pounds- ;
shoddy , 10SOOOXJ ( ) pounds and upwards.
Hut the wool-grower ncverstopstooonsldep
that this use ot old wool , collected in the
form of old clothes mid rags and worked up
after cleaning in the mills , is powerfully stim
ulated by the very steps he insists upon tak
ing to shut out cheaper supplies of wool.
Neither does the consumer consider that tlio
deteiioratlon in quality of goods produced , of
nhich he often complains , is duo in consider
able measure to the sumo influence. The
manufacturers of wool , when forced to choose
between high-priced wool and shoddy , inevit
ably use more shoddy and less wool , mid tlio
growers and consumers both get the worst of
it all the time. Nor is this tendency otic
which can in anyway he arrested by legisla
tive interference. There is no remedy for it
possible , except to secure the amplest and
cheapest possible supplies of wool for the
manufacturer. Any attempt to enhance the
price can only result in a more rapid inctcaso
in the consumption of shoddy.
of Dollarn
Are spent every year by the people of this
state for worthless medicines for the euro ot
throat and lung diseases , when wo know
that if they would only invent * l in SANTA
AUIK , the new California discovery for con
sumption and kindred complaints they would
in this pleasant remedy Hud relief. It is
iccoimncmled by ministers , physicians and
public spcakersof Iho Golden State. Hold and
guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co. at tl a
bottle. Throe for W.fiO.
The most stubborn cases of catarrh will
speedily succumb to CALIKOKNIA t'AT-U
CU1UO. Six months' treatment for $1. By
mail , 1 10.
INbTKIIMIINTri placed on lecord
yesloidav :
J C' Wllcox nnd wlfo to Auirust Kraft ,
n.n Milk ! ) . Wllcox' add. w d . i 200
T P Klikemliill el al lo Samuel ( Jotticr ,
lot.- . , Kills Place , w d . 1
MA P Austin and husband loN A ( Culm ,
lot 'i. blkll , CiolKhton lloblhls. w d . . . 000
A M Kitchen d al to .1 C Bullock , lots III.
11 , 13 and IH , lilklU. Kitchen & Waugh'.s
sub. w d . 1,20' ' }
Mai tin Quick and wlfo to.l W lledford ,
M lots and inidh hied ' j of lot IK.blk 4 ! . ' ,
( jIlMiiiUlew , i | e d . . . . 200
Lena Quick and husband ( ol W lledfoid ,
nudhlded > j nl lots ( i. 7 , 13. HI , IS and I1) ,
blk ICI ; lots II , I3aml IN blk lls.Ciand-
\lewadd.wd . 2,300
J C llnllock and wife tolt.Innslionj. . ' ,
lots Hand II , blk 10 , Kitchen A-Wangli's
sill ) , n d . 003
.1 W ( iilllilli , trustee , to U .1 Aimstioii ,
lot I. blk U , linker Place , w d . 37. )
( i II llo Ksaiid wlfo lo Peter .lacohsuu ,
lots II tn II. blk 10 , Paik roust , w d . . . 2,000
Samuel Cottier and wife to 1' 1'Klik-
eudall el al. lot 21 , mils Place , w d . . . 1
I1 N Uor/lux lo A ( i Jerome , lot ii , block
12. ( alkln'nsnb , w d . , 800
I ) WC Smith and wife to I L Not tin up ,
lot 21. blk 117. Dundee Pl.iee , w d . 1,5" > 0
r P DoItlKhl to W ! ' I.oi en/en et al ,
lot II , hl,2 ! , Okahoma , w d . . . . . TCOU
r. I' Delil bt toW I' l.oien/eu et al , lot
II. ulk 2 , Okahoma , u d . 7,000
W II lloM'ih to Dot a Nelson , lot ti , blk I ,
llaiiseom t'iace , w d . 4,300
\\llllamNclsoiiundwiro to W II HCN-
dlv , lot H , blk I , llaiiseom Place , w d . 1,000
H P llostulek and wlfoto ( i II I'.iync , luls
I. .1 and ( ! , h P I'm lei's add , w d . 1,51)0 )
0 M Nnttlnxcrot al to I' and M I ) Nallln-
Kcr , Dt lot t' ' , blk 111 , Shull's second add ,
w d. . . 1,000
J I1 linker and ulfo to W P 1 , 01 en/en nt
al , lots 1 and 2 , blk I , Oklohoma I'aik.i
w d. . . . 11.KOO
Kit a lliiMklim'liam and husband lo M I ,
Sbcerai. pail lots T and H , blk I , lllll-
sldo add , No. 2 , q cd . 1
,1 I' ' llo\d , shci 111. to O W Ilaiinon ,
dlau.pait lot 17. Kount/e's'jil udd.deed 2,000
( ' .ICiinan andwlfn to . I ( ! Nelson , lot 0 ,
blk II , C.ilklns' Mill , w d . 200
IM Phelanet al to ,1 M Wc.std Held , lot 10 ,
r blk 2 , Mlssonil Axenuo Pink , w d . MO
C .1 Canan and wlfo lo.l Diosdn , lot ! ) ,
blk II , Calkins' Huh , w d . 2
W .1 Council to 1 < M Slenbeiu ol al , s 'j s
w T ! 3-ii : .
0 W4 \ Dorsoy and wlfo to 1'aiinors' and
.Meiclmntb' llauk of Valley , . Ii30 :
hmiaiofcct In sun will K ! 10 , w d . 100
1 tilnok to V i : Inghiam , lot 10 , blk h ,
Kllby Pliiee , and lot 7 , Aichui Place ,
w d . . . . ' 1,000
O.I Hill ami wife lo.l A Suiideiland. lots
17 Io20 , blk Wl. Dundee Place , w d . . , MO
Ilariy House , admlulstiator , to A llaek-
luud , iimllx Ided ic of lot 4 , blk 13 , P.ulc
Poiest , w d . . . . 200
O II Johnson and wlfo to ,1 i : MmUIk ,
lots 1 ami 2 , blk 1 , II M add to Ml Doug
las , q o d
William * Pi ntta et al to ll rtha Piiita ,
lots I2and iililkJ : , lleei Park.wd . . . 8,000
Pol I er.x , Colin lo.l A Miinileilniiil , lots 1
and 2 , blk 2 ; lot 10 , blk 4 , Potter k
Cohh'ri add , w d . COO
,1 H Hhaiillk and wife to C Kaufman , lots
1 and 2 , blk 1 , 1st add to .Ml Dunglns ,
w d . . . 5,500
W Mailln to W (1 ( Noiton , lot 7 , blk U ,
Pullman Place , w d . . , . 400
W Martin lo W ( i Notion , lot 21. blk U ,
Pullman Place , w d . 400
II O Din lie * and wife lo T Jtihlcscn , luls
0 nnd 0 , blk 2 , A i bor Plauc , q e d . MO
Thlity-bU transfers . t737'J : ;
The following permits were Issued by the
building Inspector yesterday :
A. H.Tukpy. ono-story frame cottage.
Clifton II1II . . . .1
Sumo . l.ouo
J , P. Thompson , two-htoiy frame lost-
donee. ( JarUehl ind Taylor MieelN. . . . , 1H
Tukey A. Allen , nno-htory frame collate ,
fllftoti lllll ! . I . . . . 1.000
M. I ! , ( iiiivln , one-story fiamn kltchuu ,
Itebceca and Nicholas Htrrels . UOO
A. Doruu , one-story fiamn stoiuThlrty- .
IKth and Piunklfn HtiectH . . 2.V )
Three mlnur pc'rmttti . 223
Total . t 4,573
GRffljM ,
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National Dank ,
BOB South 10th Sti'cct , Omnhn.
Corrciponilence solicited. ETC
N.W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
103-IOS Donrborn Street , CHICAGO.
7O Stoto Otrnat. DOSTON.
lA'n cs I DM MIA AST l.OtUS. I ArrlTi-s
Onrilm , | l7r _ ilpptJOtri nn > \ Mnrry ptn I llmulin.
Mfp 101 , . ! < lI.oul _ _ ( 'niiiioiiHall" _ li.TO pjn
TcivTes" I SIOUX CM 1'V A I-ACIKaC I Al rlfni"
Oninlm. I IT 1' ill-pot , lUlli mul Marry fit \ Oinnln
TfiTn ml. . .tiliTux Oily PaiTi'imor . . . j 100.1 p in
015 p in ) . . PI. Pnnl K pro v . . _ .J0IS | ( njii
Timvosl STbUX CI'rT.TPACITIT. I Arrlvei
Oinaba I Dcpol l.'ilh nnil VVclislrrHt . J Omnhn
B45 p ml . . . . . bfl'.iul i.liiilu-il. . . . . . .I U.IS n ni
leaves I' . . K A MO VAl.l.l'.V. Arrives
Oiimlia Depot 15th mul Webster St . ( Omnhn.
11 UU a m . lllnck Hills ISxpresB . . &Sa p m
0(10 n m .llastlntts Kxp ( Kx. Sumlaj ) 6.20 p in
f.,10 p m . .Wahon A Lincoln rn cniicr 1020 n m
fi 10 p m York A Norfolk ( Ki. Hnndav ) 10J3 n m
Lcarc-J I C , . r.T f. . M. A O. I ArriTor
Omnlia. | Depot 15tlinnrtJ\'ob ii > r Sti. I Omnhn
"S5iJ 11 in . . .Slour City AecominodntlSi . 5.45 p in
1 00 p in . .Hloux City Kxpron ( ICx Hun. ) . . l.M p m
Ktlp m St 1'mil Llinltpil 91(1 ( n m
(1.SS ( u m .Florence I'mscnifcr ( Ux Sun ) . . 8 41 n iu
5.15JI m Horonco I'ninxcr ( Kx. bun ) . C .i'l p m
" "U'vroj'l MISSblmT T-AlMVTo [ Arrives
Omaha. I Pcpot 15th mul Webster Sli. | Omnhn
uSTn m77 | 5t Ixiiili A K C.'Kxprcss . .I 4M p in
U.ljji m\ ] \ _ HI lxinliA ' _ K I' KxprrM . I fi.TO n in
" ItllA.Vf TRAINS.
TSI' '
a in n in p m I p in p in a in p in.
WcbnlcrHt. . . . n. ! < a 7 ml j i f > I 1.1.1 . , ! . ' > 8 .s'i \1 \ 41
Oak Clmtbnin 5.M a M 1 2ill ! 21 B.45 U M
Dnilil lllll . li.II ) ( MK 8.47 I. VI
I.nkiKtreet . . C U.I ai < < 01 .1 V,5 ) , W li .U 8.W 12 M
Walnut Hill . ri.Oi aiOii 8 ai J.'iS'i ' HI li .14 H.M 1 02
Dutnloo I'lnco , fi.08 7 09 8 01 4 It ) 5.S.I 8.51.M 1 UI
West blile. . . . U.U ) 10 8 07 5.35 C.4U .M I ( HI
l.nwn 8 O'l H.S8 1 US
Mancot 8.11 4 01 11 01 I.II
Hovmour 1'nrk 8.11. 4 11 11 05 1.17
I'ortnl H.2A 4. 20 0 ! ' I : > ' )
Thesu trains nl'O ntop nt lath , 17th , Ulili nnil 21th
atroct , Summit mul HnvlilKO Croaaluif. Working *
men's trains do not run hnnilay.
I.UHVLS I CHK'AliO. It. I. A I'ACIUC. I Arrives
Transfer I Union Depot , Council lUiiflN. I'lrnnsfor
6.HI p nil , . . Nlfibtpro4s ! in
H.'W n iu Atlnntlo Kipri-u fi 51 p in
600p _ m | VontlhnJo J.linJteilj. . . . . , lO.Wuni
Tonve'TCIllf'Ao | A NoTU'lTlV KrtTKH.V I Arrives
Trmmft-rl Union Dupot , CouiiLll Illurfa , ( Trnnsfcr
( I 4 ! ) n ui ( llll-HKI ) KfplOrtl oUO p in
500 p m Vestibule l.lmlloJ ( I 40 ll 111
1000 p in Kn tcrn Fljer. . 2 00 p m
SOU p in Atlnntlo Mall
Leaves lUHR'AnO , MIL A ST. I'AUL Anlvnn
Transfer ) Union Depot , round ! IHtifTu Trails fei
II .1) n m KO Mall lorept Sunilnr ) .
fiU ) p in .ChlcaKO IM.'i u m
1UOO p in Impress . 20U p in
IonviI I K. C. , ST JOB A ( ' . II. I Ai rives
Transfer ] Union lcp t. Council ntiilTti. ( Traiicfi-r
1007 u liil. . Kansas City DaV KvlireHs. . , . I iiUI p m
1021 p ml Kun ai City NUlit Kxprens . I I ! 10 n m
L ave I OMAIIAAhT IXIt'IH. I Arrives
Transfer ] UnlnnIi _ ) > pat , Coundl Illuffii , I'lranifer
_ 4 _ Ji Piii1 | _ . St. LimlsTanon Mall . . | I2 liT' ' m
"l.cnte"f ICIIR'AUO , HUIIL'N" OI'INCV T Arrives"
Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Illuim. ( Trunsfer
13O2 Fnrnam Street ,
Oily Passenger and Tiokot Agent ,
Fumli , Iliutlrn , t'undi , 1'nneh ivtth init ,
Hic | < I me im run do irnt ui infclr by mail or M
fcono fir | > rlci yu .Nvrlu UlU airtot , Ooiutia.
National Bank
Cnpllnl , - $400OOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1SOO , - 07OOO
OfllceM nnil Director'- Henry W Y le
I < wliiH llroil , vlcp ilroslilpnt : Jniiu > i W H
V'.MotfO. .lubnS Ciilllnv. U ( ( . 'iiihltu , J. .N U ,
FilrlckiMI.S lluiilic < , caMilcr.
Corner Kllinnil Vsrnini SlrocM
A General Ilaiiklm : llnsliu' t 'I'r.ui'aolcil.
National Bank
Cnpitnl , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
Officers ntiit Dlrerto.M K M Mor < eimn ll M.
llltrlirork , , ln < oili | ( inrnoiu. , lr. A Henry K' . > t.
An < lor < on , Wlllliini li Mnu'ln1prc ' > lilonl , U II ,
Wlllliun * . A. I' . llni'VilK , pretlitiMil A MlllLiril ,
cn liliTi 1 * . II llryiiiil. nml'litnt i.i lil r _
Hoots aud Slides ,
: CO. ,
Wholesale Mannfiiclurcrs of Boots * Shoes
Ak-onls for lloMinillublior Shoo ri lid ? ,
llnnif ? ytH'fl.Oiiinliii .V'l
Lager Beer Bie\\ers \ \ ,
I.VI1 Ncrlli ISIh Street Oinnlin Veh
Manufacturers of Calvani/ed Iron Cornice
Wlnilow eni sml nieditldrkrlliilili .liOni I'l'i-iictor ,
liroprlptor lUiauil lUIM'Milh 101 li nirert ,
" " "
HOSPK , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 DoiiRl.n Street Din-ilia , Nell
t'onl , C" < ) k ( ' , lite.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
S K Cor ICIli anil Dou lu 'Jlrooli Onulii Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Colic ,
SHSniitli l".lli trert Oni ilin N'i'li
Wholesale Cigars ,
403 N Kitli street "Hello " in.l
Dry CiooilH and Notions.
M. E. SMITH A/CO. , " "
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Comer lltlininl Iluwnnl Htrect'
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Gents'riirnlsliliiKCnnili Corner lllll mid llurucr
btii'i'to. Oni ili.i , Nub
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnilnrc ,
I'jrniiu f'lreot Uniiln , Nohraska
Onmlii Nelir.i'l.n
( Jrocot'li'i.
Wholesale Grocers ,
I3tli nnrt T.eaven'Tqrlh Streets , Omnlin , Nebrntkii.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc.
Impnrteil anil American I'orllnnil CiiiniMit StivtO
agent for Milwaukee Htilrnulln l.'L'iuunt , unit
yulnry VSlilto I.liue.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpctn nnil piniuet lloorlntf ' .Mil ntiil
Mreet , Uinalia , .V'l
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Etc Van ) * , Corner Tth anil Donxlas
Cornrr lUlli ami | ) OIIKRH |
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Corner Dili anil loimla Streets , Oninlm.
and N'olldiiH.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
205 , 210 anil 212 South lllll Mrt-et
Notions :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1121 llarney street Oinilm
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile. Kri'aae. ele , Omalm A II lll lm | > Muiiancr
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry H nlco Mo < U of iirlntlnf wrnpplnunnil wrltlrj
paper b | > i'ilnt attuntluii i-lii'ii lo i.uil p.iier |
A. L. DEANK It CO , ,
( ji'iieral ARPIIM for
Halls' Safes ,
851 niul : . . ' 3 Soiilh lOtli SI Omnrm
TO.VH , Klu.
II. HARDY ft CO. ,
Jobbers of
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
Holier HiriilnliliiKdooilii Children t ( nrrlnuus , 12U9
I nnlani utruet , Oinulni , Noli
\VlltlM'Klllll'H | | ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llnlllilay vtlml mills ' . 'Id ' und VXI lomm lit. Oinnlin.
( i. 1' Hum , Ai Mil ) , ' .Mimagur
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
rilieut-lron wink nleaui | niiiin | , i"vn iiililn 1113 121 }
I.euvviiHoilli alri'i't , Oninlm
Iron \VorkH.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Knglncn , brim wnrk xencrul foumlry maililne nd
blacksinllli vrnrk Dltlio unit vrnrLs , U , 1'
Hy mul UlU tlrtel , Uiualia
Manf'rs ' of Fire anil Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault" , jail mo.k Iron aliutlcn and tire eienuci.
O. Anilmuu , i > roi > r Cur lull uiuljucktuii bt
HiiHli , Doorw , ICtu.
\VIiok' ulo inanufuctiirvra of
Sash Doors Blinds and
, , Mouldings.
Ilrancli otllrc , U'tli ami Imrd ilrcoti Oninbo , Ntb ,
. Of South Omaha , Limited.
M&VV JB BBBMESS CUrXEDi > r i' * r"
. . . . . Hi ubU.
luff mSt Jr Ui .r. k r4 Jl.ll.nlj. (
i.o.ur.i.k.i..n x.B.jie. IL ni > k { ' '
A44iuniwii.i > jl.iuacoa.iniir : ' ) jiHif.