r THJi i m AHA DAILY BEE , . -CHCRSDAY , APRIL 24 , 1890. 8PEG1RL NOTICES , OMAHA , . f mlrrrflwineJitK will Iw taken for < 1. Off Odltiinlid after ! 2:3Oj > . in. ' A < Jfcrtlw3ii > iitB Under thli head To omit * per 1 IK forh i flnfi Insertion. 7cont firciieli ub- P'qtx-nt 1n ciMon , nndfl.W > perllnp pprtnotfth. Iv < i iMlverttM'tiMMitk tnken for IPS * than 26 rent * fnr first hiMTtlon. They muni Ton ccmspcu- mely and irjust l > o paid in ADA'AM'E. All ji'ltcrtltjcuH'litd tnitxt hnriflod In lipforr 12:30 ii - lot k p n > - and untler wielrcumHtanpes will they 1m taken or discontinued ) > r telephone. Parties advertising tn tin-tin column * nnd litivinc their un er i addressed In cure of Trie JlfK will plentte k for u chuck tooimble thpin to get their letter * , as none will be delivered xccpt tm prrsi.ntntlonofhpck All mmwers 1 < > IKI vertlKements should be enclosed in enve lopes , AU advertisement * In UIPSP column * urn pnbl'sitp * ! In both morning nnd evening odi- l out nf Til K Hrr the clreulutlon of which ag- ftrrgiitiK more than 20 , oo papers dally , and piicnthe mMfrtlMim tlm "benefit , nut ( inly of the clt v Hrculutlonof THE ] lri : . lint also of ( otinril JllnITs,1/inooln und other cities and oughout tli IB section of tbp country. BRANCH OFFICES. Acltrrtlhlne for thnse columns win br taken on tin itluirr eondltloiiH. nt the followliic biiH- ni'ss I OUM-H ho ure nuthorlrnd totultf special notlreH , at the same rates UB can be hud ut the triihi ofllec. Oof Twetily-hlxlh and N streets , Nehrnslta f-nvlnpH tiuuk bulldlns. _ JOHN \ \ . llKLb , I'barniucist.K.'U south Tenth street. _ _ _ llA r. A. EDDY. Ptatloncrs und 1'rlnters , ai.'l , boiilh inth street. _ _ _ _ _ _ CJ iT rAlINSWOKTH. I'harmuclst , i-'llb , > ' ' utieet , C'liiirlnc _ _ _ _ r " j" TirOHIM , I'hurniactet , North 10th street. G WMV I'AItR. Pharmacist , 1T1B Lcavco- vnrth Street. _ _ _ _ Tf T t 01IES' 1'ilAUMACy , Slth. and rarnain SITUATIONS IVAXTISD. " ANTED Situation In growry trtoreliy expel - "W pel lenced young muii. Address C' C.'l care Tlee. " \\T"ANTEn A lady with experience- desires M n sittiiitlon UH book-k eiicr and slono- g'lipher rirst cluss city references. Address < IB Ilee ( iliee . B21-27 * ' " \\TANTED-Posltlon by thoroughly expprl- M enced hook-keeper. Good references. Ad dress. C' 55. Ilee. B20 53 * \\rANTED-Apood short order cook at 2203 < > Cumlngst. b2424 * " \X7ANTED-Sitnation by a rellublo steady * > young mun.eolorod. us porU'r or janitor. GooUoltj icfcienoo. Address C 35 , 1'ce ' ofllou. . 74:1-24 : * "WANTED-Itv un c\perl iiccoiintunt , n set ' ' of , books tlmt will requlie 3 or 4 hours Inlior per day. Address C 50. Hep 74s- " \YTAJvTiEH Hy middle ngi-fl > nun position as 1 i clei I , , or bookkeeiier In bunk or wholesale Jiouso llefor toMercJiiints bunk , Utlcu. Nob. Address box 4lr. . t'llcu. Neb Ut ? ! 24' AVAJVT1I > MALilS HKLiI" . \ VNTEDS tailors and & talloresses at 510 N Kit h st. K14-23 * l\ " ANTED Ily u Urst-olalissalesman.iim-p- ' resent some wholesale L .tablishmenl on the road , ou commission. Address C" 5K. Hoe oilier K1C-24 * " \/CTANTED / Several good book canvassers to ' work ou salary. Address llox 5'Ki Omaliu , Citing uxperlcnce uud salary wanted. K2s-25 \T ANTED Coachman with city rcfeiencesj T > ( uiiorod boy for light worU ; errand boy , must sloop at homo Mrs. Uregu , 314't S 15th. AVis 'ANTED A 3'oung man or woman who * * ) * , u common school education und is willing to work. W)3 ) N. V. Life Ituildlng. M7-24 * " \VANTED-Agents to sell the Lincoln i Uitbes dn or ; best thing out : agentB are ma I. 'UK ' S20 to JlOi > per week. Addivss "The 1-incoln Clothes Dryer Co. , " No . SI-53 Deur- borns-U ( 'hlciigo. ! ! ! . 013-24 * AVr ANTEO Muii ns iigent of ottr patent safeshl7t'2Kxlci.1h Inches ; JJC. retail : nil jilres nbiow ; iidtv styje,1 ? . new patterns , new lock , lion factory : not governed b ) ' safe pool ; overv safe warranted , rare chuiuid ; purmu- iieut business ; our terms and catulopun will convince ! vciu aponts clear IF3UO to 5500 per iiionth. Wrlle for e.\clustvo terrilory. Alpine " tmfo Co. , Clticlnniitl. O. "M3-1H " \\T AJV'TKI > I'lrst class solicitor and orgun- ' irer : oneucqnaintcd with Insurance busi ness piefeired : refeience ! , required. H. AV. Hinder t'ouncll lu. Ultills. 741-2fi " \\T A NTEP SO men for new railroad work lu AV > liming ; ship Wednesday ; free faro. Albright'sLubor Agency , 1120 1'urnam Kt.7IIS23 7IIS-23 AV rAN'I'in' ' At once , one first-class coat luiil.er. C. L. Helling. Madison , Neb. 771-23 * "l AVI'Elt-Kenrpsontatives In every town * ' In Nub. to solicit s-toi-k for In vest men und loun c.ntiipii'13. orpuni7ed In lssi ; ; almost tI.OOQ- OtKi alniaoj paid to members. Good Induce- meutH toui-the ugeuts. Address E. L. Chune , Grand l > .lund. Neb. 7U2-24 * t " \\r ANTED Live men us salesmen und collectors - ' lectors lu AVtislorn Ni'brusku. KxpurJ- ence not noccssurv. The Slugei .sowing Ma chine Co. , Grand Island. Neb. OS5-mlD * rpAILOLS wuiited-Twp peed coutmakers - 1antnd ut once. Zoruhulmor , Mi'C'oul. , Noli. fi7U 23 * AV CANTED Can VIISSPTK at Singer maclilno ofltce. 15 Duuglus St. 2r \\r ANTED Ilolluble local and traveling I' salesmen ; positions jiormanent ; spocliil Inducements now ; fast soiling s ] > eclaltles. Don't dolu ) ; salary from start. Ill-own llros. , lid rser.vmeii. Uhlcupo. 111. _ 174-20 * \ \ * ANTED- Agents Muglc Cigar liphter , ' e\ cry smoker buy : llglits In wind or ruin , lasts u lifetime , samples 15o , two for 25 , doren il bv mail , stumpx tuken , uluvnor & < ' . ! ' % fdi ijc . _ U.l _ _ _ _ TTil-aill " \\TA'NTE | ) .Vm luboiers forPiiclho coasl ex- > ' teiisioii of 1' . P. lt.lt In Nevada und Dtuh. ( HUH ! wages und steady Murk. Albright's Lu- boj Agrncv . 3120 I'ariiiinjst _ fkfil _ _ \ \ ' ANTED Salesmen ul S75 per month mil- ' ' uri und e\pcnsos to sell a line of silver- pluled ware. watehe etc. . by sample only ; Hume und tiiam fui-jilshod ftoo ; write ut ouee fm full particulars and sample CIIHC of goods five Standard Sllverwure Oo. . Ilustun. Muss. Ms \V ' \ \ T'l Fl > - - Apprentice for dressmuklnp ut J' I ! > . \t3ttiht Jlrs. L. E. Suunders hlO-2,1 * "V\TAN'rED rii-st-cluiis waist mukurs. 1420 ' ' Capitol iivenue K16-24 * \\TANTlTo-Trilrownell hall , a gKid cook ; ' > mti'ttinct't required. _ b2i-2l : * " \\TANTiD-Glrl forhousowork. SlirOtinifnc ' ' stm-t 800 24 " \\7ANTED Good plrl for general IIOIIHO- ' work. M4 S. laithst. K2024 * MT \TED-Ludy cook $40 ; luundreHs tlS ; uurso for ] > % J rs. child , ft ; cixil. uiid s o onil glil small fumll > : nurse girls ; 4'house- keepel-s ; Ml fur cenerul huusenork. Mrs.ltrogu , ai4'M5th. _ Kr-2i : * " \\'ANTED A girl about thirteen or fourteen - < > teen yean , old to usslsl In taking curt ) of ehlltlrmi Mrs. Swlrxlur. 2u04 st. Mary's un. . mmgirl ( in week. New York hotel. hK24. . " \\TANTKD A girl for ponorul housework ; < ' must be u good cook. Apply at2fl22 Cup- tuil axV 7US-23 V r ANTRH Plrtit class ; conu ajid dlnlngroom girl , iH'st of wut'Cb pulrt. Ill S 17th M. " \\r ANTED Twoglrls for Una anfl second ' ' woik. lloferoncu * ! rtHiulmd. Cull ut 3042- Liifiiyettf ux-niuMfiirmeiiy Paul kt.1 lrs , J. H liuiuoiit. C5f "J IllL for gunerul luiusuwork 2435 \\r AXTKD-A girl In small family. German ' orMnwie preferred. S3H J'ark urrtiitta. TtU-'J ! _ _ Dlt l SSMAKING. IT'-VtiAGEMENTS tod. . dresK - making in fatn- J i til * * . Mlb Sturdy S25 tu 2aih uvu. | io7-ni5 Bit IMS M AK ING At home or in families MlhfcJ It y , HSh N Jtali tt. mi-iu'- lUxVrllOUSE8. . m w b-nmiu 22nd mid C'lillfornlu. ull jnodurn rmitien- Jen..K | .M ) per mouth. A. C\Vuhely , N. V. Life 050-SS llou t > . ton nnims ull modern i , , irn tnetitft turu yurd HO per month. - , bulb im.lor TTIort IJEVT-7-roon , bump ; moflprn im- J-prov Dcnts. Apply 112 N 20th street. 720-20 * "U Olt IlENT I.lecutit U-room Iiou - all rood- ern eoovi-iilencos. ii4 ! St Mary n nvr 724 ST * Foil RENT House * anfl store * ; property cured for , tnxes paid. Midland Gnnrnntoe k Trunt CoM HU4 ParnBtR . Abstrapts. ftV ) rpKX room house JL Sherman uvp. , J40. llutchlusou A.eud. . 1584 Douglas ; K-I.1KKI. S4f , FOtt TtENT Two 10-nKim modern houses , all conveniences. I'aved streets , mlile curs , rive inlnuttV walk of posmrfien. Ilt'ferrtiee * required. Nathan Snclum. 1BH Karnaiu st. POU IlENT fix room flat with modern con veniences nt "tin rnrimm t. Putter & Georce Oo. , southwest cor. loth und Tamiim. rawn TTIOlt IlENT For thesumnn't mouths. C-room -L pottuse. with al ! modern improveinonts , near St. Murv' t aM'iiuc. Inquire ut Mover A : llaapke. 14n5'IIarney. 7M-23 rpo ItENT A Klx und t < n room litiuse. ull JL modern conveniences In nuuli , new ; located on IHtlt st. . between California und Cuss , rent reiiHonublc. Inuulre MC. I'lrsl Nul'l bank building. M F IOIt IlENT C-rooui cottuge. 2512 Cuf t. 7IH-28 * F IAE iixiin cottage , city water , etc. . nt 1714 N. l&thRt. InquireKW S. IHIh nt. 7 s FOIJ KEXT-At KB ) per month , flesant b room , new brick , on Xa Uc und Erskln sts. . bet. " 4th und -.ill. an motor and horsti car i me. Exery con venlenem house clean and ready to lav ' enrpct' ' " tlnt-st tn Omfiha ; go and * -e them. ,1.'L Klcc. ! ! llei ) buiminp. 787 ! M FOH IlENT : i-room pottuce : furniture for KUP. lleitt $15 per month. 1021 Douclus. OH lENTnesldpncc In all parts of city. List ton large too publish. Globe Loan & TriiKt company. ' < 0 S. liltli st. 7C2 fKK Cujiltol IIVH , seven room cottuco with -bath. Inquire at 251b Cap. av. 7pr55 "tj OIE IlENT Dwelllnp on Capitol avpnue. D JT rooms , und all modern conveniences. ln- clndlnp luundrv and large stable. D. J. O'Donalioc , NiOl rarnant st. 5sl POIl IlENT Council , 441 S 24th uve. 170 FOH IlENT B-room house In the most de- slruble residence poitlon of the city. In quire ut Meyer & Iluupke , 1403 Hariipy st. MODEKN house , nine rooms , bath , hot ana cold water , furnace und gas , on Dodpost. , S40 per mouth. Fred J.Jtorthwlek , 213feouthl4th FINE ten room house , ull modern Improve ments , furnished ; live blocks fiom postof- llen ; leferenccs required. Inquire 171U laven- IKirt st. 375-25 * T710II KENT In convenient locations , sultps JC of 2 , 3 and 4 rooms , urranped for housekeep ing , ulso large and Kiljull bouses. Prices rcu- sonable. Units lleutlng ugeucy , 1306 I'm num. Oil RENT 10-room house. 1721 Dodire : nil modern improvements. Inquiiesuiirillur- rus. laiti 1'arnam. MOU-23 Foil IlENT 5-room new cottage. Inquire 1401 N. isth su 7UJI-2.I- FOll KENT Xlcoly furnlsliod rooms with board. 2207 rurnum st. llcferenccs. IlENT ,1 nine-room brick houses. All FOll modern conveniences , 25IK1 to 2537 M. Mar ) ave. Inqulie ut Colluteiul bunk , 312 ? llith st. FOll KENT Three beaut If nl reslflences with buiiis.ciisl fronts on Georgia uvepue I'ur- num und Chicago sts. modern improvement ! lllchiird C. 1'allersoii. ( KI7 N. Y. Life. 575-28 F I OH IlENT wvpii-rCKim bousu , 141P S 7tb . . city und cistern water , good locution. FOlt KENT About June 1 , UKKC eiepant stoneiesldences on Georclu uvctine. 2ilb ! St. . between Jluhou and 1'aeiiiests. See owner for limp time lease. 11. II. lIuiideiMiii. room 41)0 ) , 1'axton blk. 4sT. _ FOH KENT ID-room house , close to motor uud cable ; cvwy uou ouluncu. 70s N 1'ith. ' ,7C SP POIl IlENT lO-i-ooiii brick house , with mod ern conveniences , No. 811 S MU ) > Bt. Apyly ql No. Jg7i-20tbst. 324 _ G AIIDEN farm to runtT. . Muriay. f.04 IT Yor wish to rent hiuise or stoic see H. E. C lb : OotitlneiiTiU MtirK. Rl 8-IIOOM nut , with slejim heat , IBtb St. . neur Jones. Thos. I" . Hall , oil I'uxton block.KI7 KI7 POU 1HSST KOOMS FUKNISHKU. OOM S7 ' , llCl2ri5-l > U7"N . Isth St. S45-ni2J * Poll IlENT Nicely furnished rooms with win Mi window , home comforts for .loung men with board , lirst class modern com enien- ces. J ( . , f > , $4.ftO Jier w eek 2Us N 17th su 807-211 * O llOOMs houbckeeiiing , 2U2 ( > St. Mary's uvu. fea-2i > _ POU IlENT With board , pleusant Hunt loom , suituble for two geutlemen 2015 Douplus aib-2S * _ F s at 1SI4 I > aveiijigrt. i W > . ,4 POU RENT AVIth board u furnished roe snltulm- for two , all conveniences. 201 ! ) C Iforiila at 7bl-2H * WANTED Nicely furnished room for quiet voting lady ana gentleman , lady desiring board also , no questions asked : will lie perma nent , things behy ; desirable. Addressee 57.1lee. FOll IlENT-Extra large suite of rooms , handsomely furnished , suitable for man nnd w Ife No. UK N. 1Mb st , 25 "TATANTED Tenants for a desirable fur- > > nlshcd front room. 03 S. 24tli st. 5KO 24 A NY kind of furnished or unfurnished rooms. - X31"H S. lOlh st. AVe hute31 rooms. r > 70iiill ! * M- Jla. CHUIICIIILL lias Imiidsomoly fur nished rooms , slncle or on suite ; one milt arrunged foi 3 gentlemen ; ulso boaid. 411 N lillh st 721-20 * "U3UUN1MIED and unfurnished rooms with -C good iMiaid ut : i24 Auuth 2bth St. 714 27 * SOUTH front furnished room , 2412 Dodge. ii5 POIl IlENT Tworooms.l410N llith st.cheup. _ u.t-L , " \T1CE rtxiin. every convenience , 171D Daven- XV liort. .lim-af 171OH ItENT rurnltihwl room with or w 1th- -C out imiiul.jnil Douglas st. ILSQ 25 * rpOlirNT-Eleganlly funiWiod rooms with X lliit class tulile iKiard ; table bom ( I If5 jicr week , al 111 S 17th St. ( Ui 25 * POIl IlENT Punilshed rooms ; gas , bath ttSii1 ' ! iiu ; IMP Hiiwurtl _ ! iL _ IriOll KENT rurnibhed i-ooms , 1UH > Douglas. 1 , _ . H22 H IlENT VlqasajiCfurjilshoU IXKIUIS with all eonverfleTi''xii. Mi > .S2lltb st. _ Kit CJT CLA1U Eurojuuiu hotel , cor 1,1th and ODudge. Special jut b-bj ; week or month. FOR KENT O liirge front roam with lK > urd. J Olt UKXT-ltOOMS VXFUIIX1SHKI ) 1I llENT-a nfnrnh > hed jroonis. 2f N. BU PrlcoaiO. ai POIl IlENT 4 unfurnished rooms to fumlly. without chlldrnn ; iiioderu Juiproviiinenls. 17U4 Webster U 1'rioutl.V ' ' . roit miXT K DESK roum , attorney preferrofl. llutchinsou & , AVcad. lart l > onglui > ; tel. IS. . ) 240 STOlTEut 7117. JOU , ni & 10th , ttxtw euch , lurgo show windows , Btiuiin heat furnished. Thos r Hall.mi Paxtwi blouk. _ Kt7 _ "iflOlt HENTMloqiuKBultaliio for light munu- J-1 facturlng. Including power uuUhcut. llees I'rinUng Co lllimud Hovinrd sts. 732 fjlClR IlENT The-fctory brick building with -L1 or without power , formerly oueupled by the Iloe Pnblbvhliig-Ca. , Jitr , raniurn st. The buildiugiius a II iv ffroof cement busemunt. cMiuipleH1 ht4'ttQlveutiig ! llvturiw , waleron ull tlie ( lours , CUK , uvu , Apply at the iifilee of The lieu. _ | _ _ _ U15 T71OII HENT- story brluk building , 1UO - Douglus ft. , suitable for wholesale or warehouse - house purpoMtiC AlBO brlek Ktore 107 S. 13th bt. Inquire of Dim * . Kuufmun , 1302 IXiUfiuK st. Kls FOIt HATS and bonnet * bleuehed and pressed ut Mrs. J. H fihlpldfc , aiOU , Ohio. EQs-SH * BAHN for rent lu if ur of 1 'rod 4. Harris' car- nucr fanUinv 1S5 " \\TANTRD Student * to tuUo pnvuit * in- > f M ructions tn short bund tiy Prof I ! It. lloyles , lute munucer of A'ulentlutt Short bund Institute : 1'J" prudimtek in Omaha. Itooui 100 N Y Life Tel IQlh. Wl 34 * TX ANTEl- Homes to jiastur * at 1250 a f ' mouth un lurru near Irrinrtun , her ei > rul'i-d fur uud dillvensi AV U. Uouiuu , loow c , 1 rt-uzer b.U. 170 i " \ \ 7ATEDSome onp to adopt a haby g.rt V > Address C Cl , Ilee oHk-O. H2t-2Ti ! * TVANTn DirT E. E , NBUgle t < , . . filth > > and > li-holuB , 77B gs _ "V\TANTI.D A Ctrl bby for adoption Address - > dress A au Ilee oflle * ? 149 VANTrn-TorBit fornmU niiy. 3 " ' furnished roonik for light housekeeping. Address I 50 , Hep office. 77MI * _ "V\rANTED-Tw > nKnns wltll Imard for two i gentlemen. jienrMmth Omnlm motor line Good txiard Indlspeunable. Addiess II. . rcuiui 14 llarker holpl 777-Sr JIKNTAIJ AGKXCV. " \\TE HAAF n first cluss party who wishes to ' rent a furnished house of from M-ieuto nine rooms with modern conveniences , Must lie peed residence portion of the city. Hurt- IIIHII & Bobbins. N V Life bldg. 2 1 _ ATOIlTON's rental agency. 61" Puxton blk. HE. COLE , n-ntai agent , Ooutlnental blk. RBI Y EE LEE'S laundry has removed to.TISN. IGlb. 17s-lul ( * .H and urnbrnllas covered and ro- Jpaired. . It. llator , lAtri Douglas : busemt-nt , CH ! H.E. . COLE , reliable DrtInsurance. . . ran A.K.KU.I7Y. . notary public , Kooiu 11. Con . tinental block. iit : > REMOVED to : K. IBth st. Hot J-prlncs J * baths. I have opened u suit of elegantly furnished riHinii : lib all tb very latest im provements Troin extensive e\lierleilee under Htipcrlor adviintuces 1 am prepared to glxe sclriitltio lutthy lelinnlculi the same us produced ut the Hot Fprlnps. Hot nit. ipoist ordrj. Turkish. Uusslan or jilunpe. Wlllcuar- u u tec Kutlbfacllon to the most fastidious. r Ingle bath or treatment per week 01 month. t'hurpofc touhonublK. spt'Chtl rates to ludy clerks for regular ablution. Mrs. Dr. Duj' . ISSJ N. Kith St. . liooins : i. K und lit. M..mlG _ "I71IKE Jiisuranre Ocorge .1. 1'Biil.lMKi Turuain JSt. . . i eoruseuls reliable companies only. 11S2 AUCTION sales every Tuesday. Thtiridny and Saturday nmrniiic ut 1114 Douplasst. Omaha Auction A. Storage tl < > . 040 fPO suit the eonvenlpnce'of clients eiiRUsed 1 during the day i open evening' . , T to KK : : ) . II. E. Cole , room 6 Continental blk , CISI flMJ ? WOKK , roofliiR. putU'rinp. spout Inp. J- good woik low prices , savage , llllb C tuning H E.COLE , notarj- public and conveyancer. KW LOST. OST-UoVsCr black , lie ; . , left front leg crooked , lie wind mild. Addn-ss lllls N. iSthst. 782-26 LO.-'T " \VatersimnlelpTip. five months old name. Lee : tup , 4X > . Iteluru to 1U15 Far- nnni and pet * . " > renurd. ' WU-S4. * LOST Gold elmlti bracelet ciasii H Ith small ( liainuiid sett Inc. eltlmr In Morse's dir goods stole or between Morse's startandli'tli ' und iiriiuni its. rindei pleuse leturn tiilTOT C us * st utid pet icwurd. T7S 1M * PEIlSOXALi. rfEItOSAL 1'urty vrltliu ; from 'M } > and Murthu sts. . replv to adit. Sunday lee. ! lut- ' 1i-r lust , repeat. M.'P boi lild. Oinuha. Ki-Vsr EHKNAL Jly Little Friend : Youi letter lecelvcd. I will bf there May nth. Come Monduv sure AVrlte me to Lincoln. Neb. . U-l. Ed , WKwat * DENTISTS. DENTIST. E. It Ttlpne. piaduute Indliimi dental colk-po. llest of work only. Crown und bridge work a specialty. Koom lit Conti nental blk. Elevator JTith st , north of Douplus. K i in I STOKAGK. Kt mNMTMntli st. , stoics stores""iii dry place foi the summer. 4 ! ! ! > mlJ ! rpllE cleunest und best storage In the elt.v ut J- low rates at 1114 Douglas st. Omuliu Atli- t Ion A. stontpe Co. f4l rpltACKAGt Ktorupe at lowest rates. H" . M. ' Jliushmiin , l.'ill Lcnvenworth. ( 41 \VA > 'TEP TO BUY. "VA7"ANTED-To buy u hardware stock In ' ' some peed town. Addiess Loci. lta.K Walnut. Iowa. ' M2-JM * "V\TANTED I Lralture. carjiets. hdusehold 1 > poods for C .BI. Wells' Auction & storage Co. . iilTh. lathst. M3 \\TANTEI ) To buv a set of second hand > tinner's tools. Address Htiitinp prleu and condition. Geoige Gray. Care Koctor kVI1 - behuy Co , TSll \\rANTED To buy and move one 01 two 1 housesneai Mi.r > hu uud Twentieth. "C' 40. Itee lllc - . " TliT--T " \TTANTED Goi < J coinniercial nupei. Ne- i * brusku Morti ae Loan Co.,5U > I'uxUin blk. f j " \\TANTED tiood short time jiapei In small ' < uniounls. 1' , IWt rurnum sU 4'4 CASH forulUclndsof household coeds at 1114 Douglas st. Omaha Auction A , Storage Co. MO WANTED To buy for spot oash. city or country , parts or whole .mocks of dry und fancy poods , clothlnp , boots and shoes , milli ner } , stationery , penis' furnlshlnp coods. etc. Cull on or iiddressj. L Ilruuduls & s'ons , eoi- iiurlilth und Howard , Omaha. Mi POlt SALE MI OK sLE Tlie storpbiilldiiig 14U Douglas st. j.rlce S50. A'uii lleuren , Douglas & . 14th sts. . bl3-2fi F IOIl SALE Two pool undone billiard table , cheun. Inquire ut 1015 N. V. Life Hide. FFOll Mi-25 ! * FOll PALE A line carrluge teum. sound und geiillo. good single dilvers.wcight 1130 < < : luh. Inquire ut loom 42d llumge building , Tel. 821. B2724J * _ OIL and Mining Stocks Purohusers wanted for u large block of Wyoming oil stock. Also foi several thousand snares of the stocU of tlie "Grand Ounon Gold Mining Plucer Corn- puny. " of rremont county. Nobrtisku. AVII1 sell foreasb or exchange for unen umborod real estulo. Address C ( id. Itee otliw. S.U2-2 ; ! . * roll SALE A horse und buggy cheap for cUbh or instulmenlii. Addreas C 14. Heo. 37S POIl SALE My jtiudster , one of the hand somest and most relluble hoiscs In the ell v. Sufe for ludles to drive. Oflers received for one week. Dan H. AVheeler , Jr. , intniruuoe , Douglas and 15th Els. 7H5 PrilNITrilE Almost new for sale ou terms toHiilt purchaser. Cottage for rent. lt < 22 Gruccsl. , City. 783-24 * _ FOB SALE New Kimbull organ and furni ture for cush. or will . trudefor hoives. N. AV. Cor. 14th und .luckson 77J2J * OU FALE A 10-horsp power IJew Yoik" safety upright engine In first-clus * condi tion. restner'b Printing OOlce , 13U7 Howard jareet , Omalia. UiO-2l ( HEAVY wnguu and coal bed , 13 li'd Trade. 700 OK SALE-Hunrtsome double yellow bead parrot , liuctulUcr. IBlb Douglas M. M.D0124 D01-24 * PIANO purchasers spp thut bargain In the ptuno at M5 N Ultb st- f.Oit-24 * SALOON for sale , center of Omaha. 041. live ( iil-2C ) ! * "C1OII HALE Pair of mules , seven years old , JL1 weigh ulue hundred pounds each. Also druy und burnous. To lx < soon at'G o. Cun- holdv stuble , U. S. AVInd Eusluts and Pump Co. till ) JlMifh Ht. lift-it PAIITIES looking for fine driving or Huddle horses , would do well to cull on , or corres pond with T J. Plomlngj manager AV. IE. Mil- lurri's fnnn. Culhoun , Neb , He has for sale some ilr 1-olus& single drivers , currlugu tcums , uud saddle iiurst-s , ut reusouuUlu prices. 232 CALL und sou the great bargain iu u piano , (105 ( N Kith st , uou 24 * Ii OIl SALE Sods fountain very chcup. Inquire - quire Oley Peterson , lilb S. 13th. 240 Ft'HNlTCUEuuctlonrvrrr AVoduesdny uud Saturday , 317 s 13thVells. . tJ43 _ FOll KALE A 35-hor tiower Porter engine in good condition , weight B.ioo pounds , cyl inder 1H.1G ; for particulars apply Ui The Ilee ufllce. t tlrst clusii pluno tuning and repairing leuve order ut A * AVeuor , Jr. , rt-palr moms. COS K. 10th btreet. WW-S4 * T7IOII SALE S-oiiir cimd watches and dlu- -L mondb uheup. It r. Muiters , ruoin 4 , With- neil block. oa _ MCS1C. EPO11E buj-inc u pluun examine thi urw cu'e ' Uluibull pluuo ul A Hokiie 1MJ b42 fELLINHEnS.t flicr f thebUTOo , Iftlii llowiird st Srtl EA.TFIIN tmuipv * w loan on furniture , homes , Jewelry , etc , ' , room 2 , 1417 famum. > r > W2M2- T OANP City and fartt ? loans , mortgage pa- JL per bought. McCairnd Imostmeiit Oo. ' C70 /1HOICE small lounsWJinU-a. C. I' . Harrison , \J PUN. Y. Life. . . ; . , 17D , MMEHCIAl. paper bought , A. K. Jtlley , lUximll C < intliieUtablock. l.ty * H E. OOLL , U nairt-i U Continental oloclc. , f' ( CIS ) T OANP on Improved hnftierty at close rules , JU A. K. lliley , Uooiu l ! Continental block. 1IRI /"tUATTEL loan" at lowest rates ; removed \J to 617 and MB Paxton blk. J. It , Eniluper. ( KM . Loan und Trunt Co. . 1205 1 uriiaui Choice city lounx ut low est ruU-s- _ real estate loans made byV. . M Harris , nn > in 20 , Treuzcr block , opp. P. O C54 MONEY loaned at lowest rates , long time on improved Oluiiliu nul esime , no "extas. " no dchiv. Globe Loan & Trust Co. , 307 S. llith. 703 "Tr'EYr.TONEMortgage Co. Loans of 110 to JX 11,000 ; pet our rutesbefoie borrowinp nnd save money ; loun on horses' furniture or any upproved security , without publicity ; notes houpht. for now loan , renewal of old und low est rates. Cull , H 20 * , Sheely blk , 15th St. How- 11 rd sjs. C50 M ONEY to loan George J Puul.lGO1. ) Turnum IHJ2 MMONEY MONEY to loan on uny security for short time ut low rates. Lowest rates on personul property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com- pany. Iloom 400,1'aMiin block. C5S EATEIIN MON1.Y CHEAP Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. . always ready to loan und pav promptly ; 1st mortgages wanted. Gco. W. P. Couts , njirt senlulh e. 7 Hoard Trude. 45 , T7UIlT mortgage louns ut low- rates una no JG delay. D. V. riholcs Co. . 210 First Natl biijik. LOANS made on any available security Central Investment Co , Koom 25 , Chum- In-rof C < immerce. Nil MONET to loan by H. T. Masters in any amount from 910 to 110,000 for uny time , from one tu six months. I make loans on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. In uny amount utthe lowest possible rate , with out publicity or removal of pi operty. My loai.s are BO arranged thai you can make u puj-mpnt ut IIIIT time und reduce your In terest pro rat a , Voujmy Interest only for the time you use the monev. If vou owe u balance on your property I will take It up und curry It for you , ut the lowest rate couslstaut Kith the risk. risk.Monev Monev always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. B. P. Musters , Iloon \Vithnell \ block , 15th and llurney sts. CiU3 < JM.000.000 to loan on Improved or uulnproved Pcitj-property. No delu.\s. llest rates. AV. I'urnum Smith , room 1C , Continental lilfieli. 373-mil SECOND 1'iortgage loans. Second mortgages bought. Louns on vucunt lots. Heed i- Selby. room 13. Hoard Trade 4-J2 SHOUT time loans made. A. K. Uiley. Iloom 11 Continental block 13i ! MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and wupons ; rules reasonable. City Loun Co. . removed to llf Slii-rmdh. Ave. _ IJK IOANS mude ou unimproved icul estate. A. J K. lliley , Ilooui llTOo-iitiiiental block. j . ig : > _ _ _ _ _ BEEOIIE nepotlutliiff'Hlfian to imjirovc your jeul estate getUjniiHJroin The Odell Investment Co. . 301 N.T. Life Wdgj Thos. S. Iloyd representative. ! Ktf ) loans BUILDING Choice elf ) property At lowest rules. Private tunds to loun ou brick resldeuce und business'pruperty ' upon ery f uvorable tonns , Kimball. Chan'ip & Ilyan , _ 121)5 ) rariialn St. KIT-mlS ANTED rirst class Inslde loans. 1,0 west rates. Cull und see us Mutual Investment - ment do. . 1.V14 rurnum. , _ K > 7 _ HAND Investment < it < room 44H. Ilee build ing. loan on < ; Uuttllu amounts from J10 to 810,000 ; lowest rules. Loans on household goods , hordes , personal property of all "kinds , and other articles of value without removal. Payments iwrungi'd to stop Interest. 110-iii5 OPEU CENT residence loans * . ; , oooiof 10,000. lluildlng loans ut spcuiul rates , The Mead liivestiiiont Co. . Ilee building BT 5 MONEY : , ( H ) or lie days on fumitiire. Iiliinos. horses , houses , etc. J. J. AVilkin- son. liltPuxlon blk. BK5 T7'AsTEHN ' ! money to loan on eity property : JL-Jmortgage paper 'bought. H. Il.lrey , ojipPO. 120 BI'ILDING Loans C to 7 per cent ; no ud- dltionul charges for commission or uttor- ney'B fees. W.U. Melkle , Tirst Nut'l bunk tildg. M\ \ _ MONEY to loan. C ) . r. Davis Co. . real estate _ and loan agents 1303 I'limam st. IMH TONEY to loan on horses. , wagons , mules , Jl household poods , plaiiob.orpuiis.diumoiids , ut lowest rates. The lirt-t organised loan otlioo in the city. Makes 1'iuns from 30 to : H5 ! days , which can lie puid lu'purt or whole at uny time , thus lowerinptho princijialuiid interest. Cull n nd see us when you want money. AVe can assist vou pi omptly and to your advantage without removul of property or publicity. Mono ) ulwavs on dund. Nodelav in mukiiig louns. C I" "Heed & Co. , 311) ) S 1'lth st : over Itlnph'im i. sons. OT > SHOIITHAJfU AX1) _ TYi'IS'iyiUTlXG. T\"r ANTED Educutcd young ladies und geu- * tlemcn to leum fihortliund und type writing ; good suluries : students assisted to positions , stundard Shorthand Business Col- lege. lYunk E. Hell. Instructor Mil PIIOP. Lerec. the renowned phrenologist , medium and palmist who lias been Jiublk-lj tested und cliullenges the world iu rt-tcullng mysteries , dlsiei-et. ] jeulousv. evil mllu- enees , gl\es full uumes of present 01 future husbund or wife , ulso tells you ! funlts und qualities , trade , business or piofe-sion to make a success. Ilesidcncellll N. 14lli J. Con- sullutUm $1. sutlsfuet ion given 01 no pay. _ 7II5-H121 * MHS. Dr. Eddy , the distinguished trance elulnovuiit , lute of IliMon. AVhlle en- Iranced will I e veal c ery hidden mystery of life. Prepares Egyptian talisman which will overcome ) our enemies , remove family trou bles. restore lost affections , unites the sepurut- ed. helps In all trouble , etc. 1'oe $1 and up wards. N , II. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed by mall. Send stamp for illustrated cutu- logue. Mrs. Di . Eddy. 31n N 15th St. . Omaha &eo Sunduy puper for special announcement. 57I.-23 * MADAM JELXIER from Chicago , the youup but celebrated massage and magnoilxi. Plirlors over ( UP South lillli street. lifi.U24 * FOHTl'NE TelleiMrs. . .Lenormun can be consulted on ull ullulrs of life. Sutisfuc- tion giiiiranteed. No. iilll N. 15tb st. 4.i2-u2i : * DU. NANNIE A * . AVAIIHEN , clairvoyant modlcul und business medium. I"emalc dlscuscb u siwciulty. Ill * N llith st , rooms 2 i. 3 CKl _ _ _ AUKTlt A CrVoii' TI TliE. , _ _ IDLAND GuuraiitVp \ Trust"Oo. . , N.'v.Llfp blclp. complete ulntructs furnUhed and titles tu real cstult ) ciaiiUned , perfected uud puurunleed. * C71 sil.VKSSCHAXC12S. . ur u general stock of merchandise In volWnp * I1.IX0 ! Stock con- sIxtR of clothing , gents'ifUrnthiitnp goods , dry goods , boots , slioos. grtiKttrles. etc. . etc. Lo cated In a country towjijiear Nebraska City. Will nell ut u bargain. Addiebb Hux 5(4. Ne . braska City Nob. " KJi-2fl ! it i i PUH SALE Chop hl'irce and restuurunt ; doing good busliie rln n good locution Ilcuson , owner wishing uLrctlrc Good burguin to right parties. Inquire- MO South Tenth street or room 1)22 ) Now Yitt-k Lite. b44-30 FOH SALE A 2-chulrMiurlierhhop. lu good locution. Address U/0 , Hoc. 74U-25 * 1DUSINESS opportunity O ing to docllnlng Jboulth of th uctbu jiurtner , an estul - llshed und growing leglumutp btiblncss in Omuhu is now offered for sale. The business roqiilreH bul litllf cupltul. und with energy und luunugemeiit can IHI largely int-reusea i Anyone meuulus business can uddreiis C Ml , Iteti otlli * . b08-2i. ; IO 11 SALE Lumber und ooul vurd * . Throe I 1 yards ut pcxid points on the ! ' „ E. i M. \ . ' It. It. in Wyoming ; will sell together or sepu- rutely. I'or funlier particulars uddrrstK J E. Ilugg. Douglas , AVyo , 75jt.25 * SALOON men attention' For Bule feaitKiu - eor. 14th and Dodge ; ( me of tlie best puyliis bullions tu city ; sutl&fuctory reasons for sell- ing. Doty A-l > urnt. 7if27 ( * 1 "IJIOlt SALE On uoeouut of the dumb of my J-1 partner , Mr Terry , 1 have flocldud to re tire from the livery buUnfss , uiid 1 thprt-fore oDcr for bull1 ull uur Unellvurj btucUincluding hort-at , uarriUKtMh hnurnnb , buggiuk uud liur- nets PurUiH , wishing tide drlvlug hui > Cb or anything In our lint will rti. wi-il tnU und tiiuuuit tbt ! bargains ntTerfd This stu < u mubflif < -i.tnil out 1 > Muy l&th Hetiry A. lloinuu , pf lluuiuu iTurr ) t2i > KAl-OON Men MU-ntlcn. first cms * bur room out tit. cost R "Oil run IH bought for lew than H Its original cost. Inquire nt II. Trostler JI05 rnrnain . ! CiHEAP for rash , more buildlnc. small stock groceries , lunch eountes , close to depot Enquire of l . \ \ . Iteyiuer , Norfolk , Neb. CVR SALE A splendid paying millinery JL ; nnd dressmaking establishment ; good lo- eatlon David Cole. IfilO Howard si 711 FOH SALE-The lease , furnlt urp anfl fix- tureiof thp Hrudley housp. at Tooumseh , Neb , y ( Mfi 34 * FOK PALE Half interest lu first class rest aurant In Lincoln. Address li. A. , Omahu Hep. Ijncoln. N p h. C > 47 SALOON for salp Central locution In Omuhn f 1,400 for stock llctures aud license Some push bulunce real i-stato on good security splendid chance must go ut once , C. E. Meiipher. 725 Now Yorfc Life Hulldllig. MjKM. OK SALE-Or will pxetiangn. aliotlt W.OOO stock of general nierchundlse for clear real estate aud cash , Address llox 154 , Tliiirinun. Iowa. KU-22 FOll KENT Checkered livery burn uiilHtU St. , S of Hurr'-y. Call or address Neb. MortgigcLoanCo-rilO ; I'uxton bll : . eon FOU KXCiT/VXGK. TTIOK PALE and Expliiinge Otie 8500 , one * iiw. JU line turn , one tlMM and one (2.000 stocks of groceries ; no fixtures. Daniels , S3sN.Y. Life. JC-5-24 * /"CHOICE farming lands for sale or exeliango v-'for stork of goods or city projiorty. Vnlou Ituuktnpeuniiiany.Aboideen. b. D. KE-2G TjAOll EXCHANGE G < iod Omaha lots , clear JL uud slight- encumbered , for exchange for western farms , at lloom its. N. Y. Life. 811 23 FOK EXCHANGE 2 100 acre tracts of Ne braska lunds partly under cultivation , in peed localities. r < " . It. Apple , room 10. AVure blocU KK 25 * ; "CxJll EXCHANGE 1,20 lie.clear lund.1ti.400 ; JL1 want md-o. or clear city property , lllscley , yiieiiandoah. la. Ci'4 ' 2.s- * T71OII EXCHANGE 1 Improved farm for gro- JL ccryjilmprovpfl farms lor general merchun- dlsp. , 1 improxed farm foi peed woik horses and 12 improved farms foi houses und lots. Koom IP22. IS. Y. Life. Ml S ( FOK EXrilANGE-A line lot , MslM feet , right ( in prude ; elegant locHtlon ; one mile fro'm postofliee ; room for two houses. AV11I CM'huugo foi clearer lightly encumbered Iowa farm AddressC Jii , Itee. 135-24 * . . . D ruruiuire lonanas , iioom I TJ. N. Y. Life. Ml 23 IKi-ACICC farm 2W mllr * from Dunlup. la. , to trudefoi Omuhn projicrty. E. K. Jtrudley. Iloom L0 , Coullnenlul lllock. KJT. > AriiOPEIlTytlmticnts fortSSpcr month for stocL of ponds. Addiess H. , earn I' , M , Cnitrul City. Neb. K1U 24 * \\7ANTED-To trade forufurni or tmlm- II proted lands ; will piv trude equal to cush. L. Ooner.sii , Frankfort , Ind. WO 24 * IWlLLtmde a peed clear lot iu So Omuliu for piano or horne und buggy. Address C 4 Itee onicc"i ; ) FOK EXCHANGE 2 lots in South Omalia or 1 lot Hour A'iiitou St. . for horses or mulus , Iloom 13. Hoard Trade U73 IT vou have unvthlng to exchunpe cull on or address H. E Cole. 11. li. Continental block Office open evenings 7to _ b:3ll. : B3 ! ) FOK EXcilANGrPchoiee improved No"- brusku farmsV 111 assume light iiicum- br&noo. If you have anything to ofler ad dress or call on Geo. .1. Sternsaorf room ! U7- 31S Plrst Nutumul bunk building. Telephone 4IU. 072 FOI ! SAI.IS REAL , KSTATI5. FOK SALE Lot 25. rail-mount Place. ( XK132. fieefrom debt ; will sell cheap. J.M Davit , , ' ! 2I ) N. Kith St. 622-27 DO YOU want to buy a good western lin- pioved farm for investment. Then , if you do. call ul llooinlrj" , N. Y. Life. till 2.1 "OW is the lime to stay by Omaha real J- > estate. Tal.e care of buck payments on improt ed or unimproved property und got your money of A. K. lliley , 11 , Uoutlneutul block. S23 cash and $12 pei month , for 4-room . bouse lot 50x127 , fl.125 ; very cheup Also bouse of 4 rooms. 15 cash nnaf. per lunnlh ; very easy ternib. at lowest prices. Lei us show vou the Louses. AV. J. Paul. lfiO ! > Turnum. 1000 BAKGA1NS 5-ioom house , 3 uoors , west of 2Mthst on Chuilcs lot 40x127. Price fl.UOO. ttttO cash li-room honstt. full lot 1 block frotr Kelt Linp bridge -on llumlluin st. Price , S2GOJ ; 41.000 wish or trade. Nice home in "Baker Place."liousp 20xMx24 , lot 44x140. only f50 cash , bulunce of SU50 easy ; will trade foi hoisc. Inquire of owner. E. G. Men-ill , one "block north fit \ \ alniit Hill school. 7iU-2S * fWU ALI > -Or irudti , nice residence lot.tk ! ) iK : , 1' : blocks S. E. ofIHli und ViuKm , south front , city water , on pnide : for suitor tiade foi coed iumily hor.se and buppy and iiliueion , 81,25(1. ( encumbrance e-400 ; C 24. lice ofllec. 7S4-2" ' TJ1OK SALE 0-room Hat ; all moms rented ; a -C burpain : 47 S llth. 017-2T , * r\7ACGH i. Westerfleld.rcul cstato.S Ouiahu > > C74 T7\OIl \ SALE-A line improved property. ISxliO J- feet of ground , w Ith Il-story brick and stone bulldlncs. rented ut 12,1)70 ) per year to peed tenants - ants , well leased und l > est property lu the city of MuquoKctu. lu. , to tnulti. clear , for peed Omaha Improved or unimproved property bood chance for some < me to pet pooa invest ment for non-productive property. D V b'holes Clo. , SU rlrst Nufl bunk. il7d A SMALL payment down nnd H5 , will buy u 4-room house and lot on llith , two blocks from motor : Iirst-cluss chance to ucqiiIre u home on easv terms. ApplytoII E Cole Coiitlnentul bloclc. Kt ! ) T INCOLN place and Carthage lots prlue JLJJ1.UOO. J.W down , balunue 615 monthly AV. L. Solliy. Koom lit. bead ; of trude. . (7T7 ( FOK HALE Or trade. Platte valley rum-h 3 miles west of Valley station , on I" P 11 y contulnlng overl.100 nores ; set with blue pi uss clover and rwi top , divided Into 25 holds and puddouks. lurpo barns , paddocks , cuttle uud hog burns and sheds , tine irsidenco bounhnf : bouse , machine shop , curriuge liouse. oflices. Ice hoiihO. tine proxes. and splendid half mile t ruck. Tills is the best Improved ranch tu the country. O. P. Davis Co. , 1505 Turuum st. POIl SALE A flue new .l-room cottage near electric cur line ou N. 27th Kt. AVlll take us part of cash payment a good horse or hort.0 uud phaeton. P l.MM Farnum st. t > 77 /COTTAGE homes In most uny addition for \J sale at fiom fl.OOO up. on easy iinintlilv payments. T. K. Darling 43 llarkor block. li. ll T7UIK SALE 100 by 150 ft. cor. : uiUi and AVeb- JT ster sts. ; also u number of good lots. iT > o und 1100 down and monthlv ] iuymeiits for balance. N. It. Apple , room \Vureblock. . IJIJ2 25 * $1,450 buys iieut 4-room cottage , sin ull lot 1' , , miles-n-tv P.O. I ) . O. PutlersunMb N. Y. Life. 52 ; . $200 ciisb , balance JS.Miier moiitn , will tmy uu elegant s-ioom house with full corner lot A burguiii ; 42,200. Goo. J. Paul , 100U Parnam st. rp\VO choice lotf. on small cush payment , hal- JL unco siicond mortgage to responsible pur- tics who will build. 11. E. Cole , Coiitlncntul blk. und 2504 N24th. fKlll FOll SALE and Exchange I huve quite u numboi of burgulns Uull unQ see N. 1) ) . Apple , room 10. Wute block. C.J2 25 * $2,0,10 buys now 5 loom cottage. , lot 33U32 ! Utb iitin Joins. Easy torms. D. 0. Patterson , r,18 N. Y. Life. fC's FIVE room cottages , tljsua euch. Hoe eui.li down , balance 115 per month. Thos. F.Hall , 311 I'uxton block. d37 FOK SALE Orcxchunpe for drugs und real estate. t2 ( > OOU book stock. Hex 51s ( i'C T la'T your jiroperty witlTlI. E. Cole. GOCJD | ) loom house and lol north"77f Cumlng , on 25th ave. ; easy tenus , Klnou. 40 foot front on Oumlng. west of 2Nlii , at Sloe foot. R-rooni pollupc near I'.ith , south of vuuiitzoPlace , in good locullly , easy terms. Hn ! : i. i-riim ; cottage in Poppletou Purk. Just ofl C'uming u hulf block , eusy terms , i-,350 Colseth. Johnson i : Luvgreu , room U , Chamber of Commerce. IJ74-23 SLXTY-riVE ucres s w. of p. o , .suituble for pluttlng 01 gardening , foi suleutu burpuln. P. K. DaTflng. 43 ItarUer blk. H13 _ INfil DE lot with H. U. truckage ut u burgaln. Cull on us und linestlgnte Also propeny forsulp in ull the suburbs ( JoUoUi , Jolnixou W-Zt FOll BALE One piece of improved litihtneHs iiropcrty Ibut wlllliuy 15 pel cent. , iiowurd L. A. T Co , Idth and Howard HIS. _ 4 % Foil llENT Wi1m vtHI ucres iidjolninp lien- son und n5 ucit-H udjiiiiiinp our Highland Purl , addition thut we will lent fer season of mint at u reusonuhle price. Omubu lluul Esiute und Trust. OP1MH rarnum si UU _ T7IOK SALE -room housa eusi front : city J-1 and clBte-rn water ; u w part of city. James Sl' > okdalf. room 4 rrenmr blk. Kb FOll sALE 6.0M uerei. lipst farming lunds m Nebrunka und Duxiiw fnut on South iith : st. , at u prut wuorilU'ii. Inquire 1J1 south Win ut. Gmi. li , Peterson , owner. _ AU5ml7 TCTOU SALE Very oheup , no trade , farm of 1T M3.70 ucres. see. 5 , 1Z , N B AV , Humllton county , Nub. ; 2 mllott f roiu Mumuelte. Ninu.ll house. Muble , UOO uares of pasluro Jmictid. llv- IIIB water , prlue ruly tU ! par acr , tt,4'KM. Terms 12.2(10 cubh , bulanoe 0 per inmt iuturuslf I' IL AtLlus owner , railrube building , Denver Col _ _ HT AriNE little Imnif > thnt neurWool orth , full J it i ant front 1 room * und buth iirj lnUr ruku rotjuirud. i K Durituc , 1J Iturker biocl. 27t FOK BVLrOr cxchancp for Omutm propertr , peed ffiu ern farm tn Iowa , with live stock. ) inih'iuOiits | , rUUood KKWai-rt' rnrnj tu I uinliic rouuty , > pln Hk Improved South Oninhn prvporty paying 10 percent. Addrvi 47 Her Ifil-mtc POIl SALK-TliPbonuttful rrnldt-npe. No. K GiMirgln KVenun. with full lot. | k-rtx tu hoiisfi , birch und ouk Mulsh riovru suUrs oak uliip- iKiant. Inbrutory.4 inHiitcK mmpstone tulx in laundry. clMprn nnd city water , gun and oewrr eonnt Uous. gun fixtures. hoiiMe handonmelv ( li MrHt ( < d , ptHKl furnure nnd rnncr und every pooitblp ponvrnlenco. This pnipertv Is clewr f lucumbrancu , nnd ownxr can give ntiy ti > rm to cult Notrnde Any one wishing to pur chase run call nt No , KA ) Georgia nve. and lie shorn n the projHirty , or eall at my odlre and bp driven out to welt. D. V Sholes Co. . sole npent , 21J rirst National bonk. tin CTfiTIf" VuarterninsteTsOtHcp UniHha.Nelin April 1 , l lKl.-Sealed jironosals In tripli cate , will bo reephcd al this tifllcp until 2 o'clock | > . in. , central time , M y 1. IflK ) , and t lien opened , lor furnishing at Umulm ( , 'iiur- tprmastei's Depot , or ut ether points sppclllon by bidder. M.IMU pillons of mineral nil. I' . K teservcH right to reject any ( ir all bids. Pref erence gltcn to article of domentlo prortup- tlon. Dominions of quiillty nnd price ( Inrlud- Ing In the prleptif forelpnproductlonthpduty thereniu being equal. All Information fiu- nlKhi-d on upplleallou to thlH ottlci1. Envelopes contiiinlnp iiroposulB to be Jimrkeil " 1'roposalt ! for oil , " and BddrpMsnd toXl. . 11. lircHIls. Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy QuarU-rinaH- tcr Genernl , I' . S. A. , Chief Quarti-rmuster. Uprl4t-upr22-2a I > 1COI'IWA1.5 for Indmn supplies and Trans portation Department of the Interior. Ofllucof Indian AfiHJrs.Viishtncrton. . April 13 , ItUO. Scaled proposals , Indorsed "Pixiposals for Hcef. ( liltlH forlleef niii f IIP submitted In Hcpatuto envelojie i. linenu , 1'lour. Clothing or TransmiilutUm , eld. . " < u thp eusp m y be ) , und directed to the Commthslonui of Indian Affairs. Ai * fi..aiid ( f. ll'txwtrr stnct. Knv J'lir/ , . will bo recelvtul untlllp. m of Turntlaii , May iw , IS'H , for rurnlshlnp for the Indian service tibout IXKI.lKiO pounds Itaeon. IM.liiiMAH ) pounds licet on the ho < if , l.tHKUHH ) piniiid1- net Ueef , 270.KH ) pounds Iteiins , KI.HK ( ) Jioutlds ItuklliR Powdoi. Ml.uuO iioiinds Uorn , JMI.WKI pounds C6iree S.MD.lillO pounds Tlour. KUWO Jiounds I'ecd. l.Vi.uiKi jiouncls Hard llread. r.'i.om ) ponnd.s Hominy. IM.OW ) pounds Lard 7 U barrels Mess Pork. 17o < ni jHiuiuls Ontmeul , 4.VUKIO pounds Outs. 1STMW iioundn nice. It.tilX ) poundH Ten. IMIMXX ) pounds t-alt , 2nO.IKKI pound * tfoup , U20.IKW Supar. and 70.000 pounds AVheal Also , Itlunkets.ooIiMi and Cotton Goods , ( consisting In part of ' 1 ickinp. ji.oiM : yards , Stundurd Calico. IHO.IKKi yards ; Drllllnp. 14KK ( ) j urdpDm k. free from all sizing. 2S.DOO yuids. Denims. J.-.OIKI jurds , Ginphum. XHUKlOjiircU , Ivciltllcltv .Iriltis. 11.000 vnfits : Clinrlol. JT.OIIt ) yai-ds ; ItiovnHieeHnp.iHUHKlvurds ; Itleacbed t-heetlnp. 2.-.IKX ) yurds : Hickory Shtrtlnc. 15.UOO j-jirds ; Clullco Shirting , 7.1100 yuids : AVInsey , 2.000 yards ) . Clothing. Groceries. Notions , Hardware. Medical hupplies , School Hooks. & .C. , und a lonp list of mlscelluneous urticlcs. such us HurnesH. Plows , llukcs , I > orks , < Ve _ und for about SliU Wagons inquired foi the service , to be delivered ut Chlcupo Kunsus City und Sioux City. Also for Biieh Wagons as may IK- lequlied , adapted to tliecllmate of the Pacific Uoitst , w 1th Cullforniu brakes , deliered ut Hun 1'ranclsco. Also traimpnrtatton for such of the articles , poods and supplies that nmv not be contracted for lo be delivered ut the Agencies. lllII JIirfcTllCiIAllKOUTOJ > aorBKKMUSTHLAKKS Schedules showing the Irindniind quantities of subsistenceBtipplichrequlied foreucb Apen- cy and School , ana tbeklmlH and quantities In press of all other goods uud articles , tocetbei with blank proposals conditions to be ob- sorxed by bidders , time and place of delivery , terms of cunt met und payment , transport u t Ion routes , und ull other necessary Instruc tions will lip furnished upon application to the Indian Olllee in Wushington or JV ( . liTi anil t \ \ ' < nn < tnrt > ttcct. Keif Yuri , : the Commissaries of Mibslftence. V S. A. , ut Cheyenne. Chicago. Leaveiiv.orUi. Omuhn alll1 Louis. Halnt Paul nnd San Kranelsco : the Postmuslers ut Sioux City. Iowa ; Yunkuin. S. Dakota- : Arkansas City. Culdwell , Topeka und Wichita , Kansas , und Tucson. Arizona The right is reserved by the Government to reject liny und all bids , or any pint of any bid. iind the-e pmpnsuls are Invited under proviso Unit Hppiopriutloii shall bo made for the sup- plie-by Coupicss. Hlds will lie opened at the hour und day above stilted , and bidders are invited to be present at the opening. ccKTinnn cur.cKS. All bids must be accompanied bv certified cbuckBoi drafts upon some Pulled states De pository or the Tirst National Ituiik of rian rranclsco , Cul- for ut least Jive poi cent of the amount of the proposal. T. J. MORGAN , Comminsiimcr. aiilM2.-.t-in | Not iff. Hlds will be received by the state board of prlntinp at the olllee of the secretuiy of state ut any time before April 2.Hh ut 2 o'clock p iu. , f or printing und biiidinp one thousand copies of the report of vhe bureau of labor and ilia list rial statistics foi the ynai uf lh ! ) and Ih'iO. of 500 pugcx each moieorlCHS. Sumjiles uf work may lie seen ut the office of sccroturv of state , llight reserved to iflect any and ull bids. IIN. ! : 11. Cowiiintr , Secretary of rituto. Lincoln. Nebraska , AjirJl llth , 1 UJ. UJ.alSdlOt Notice. Notice i.sh rcbv given 1 hut sidewalks have been constructed and laid to the temporary grade of the struct In front of and udjolnliip the following described picmincs In the city of Florence , Nebraska , to-wit : Lot ( i , block 25 ; lot 2. block 2K : lot 2 , block IK ; lot il. block Ti ; Jot h , block li. . ; lot 4 , block 43 ; lot f > . block 4i : ; lot h , block 411lot 2. block 45 ; lota , htoel. 45. lot ( I. block 4' ; lot 7. block 4f > ; lot 1 , block .V > : lot ft. bliicl. Wl : lot h. block Wi ; lot 2. bloel , : > ' . lot : i. block 53 , lot 7 , block 45 , lot S. bloi-k 4i : , lot ' , , block 4C , lot b. blti'-l. 4 ( , Thut u siieciul meetiiip of tlie connell of the cltA of 1 Uu once will tie held May 24 WM. ut H o clock iu the ciciilnp for the purpose of levying u special tax lupnv for the c < mslrtic- tion of Hie sidewalks laid in liont of anil ud- juininp the lots of real c.stute ubobu named 11 HAM * Ma ) 01 J AVLIILII , J . , Clerk u2i-si-m7-14 : FOR RENT- EXCHANGE FOR SALE- 16' . &FARNAM * OV\AH A. THE IlKALTY SIAHK1ST. TNSTIU'MENTa placed on record during JL vesterdav M Tibke und wife to , T H riulny , trustee , so sc .Ii.-jli-l2 und ne no 1-J5-J2 , w U. f17,000 AV Iun liMiing to A HucKlund , uudj ! lot 4 bll , 15. Puik 1'oiesl , w d . . . 200 AJ AVuponoi and wife to A J Hunt , lot s. bll , L' . Van lluM'ii Heights , w d 350 A M bchnmuker null w Ife Ui Charles Mc- Meiieui ) , lot 20 , blk ! ( , , Hunscom Purk , w d 2,71)0 ) T H Mart Into A E Shaw , lot 12 , blk 14 , Central Park , q o d , 0 E 1' Delllplit to J 1' linker , lots 1 uud 2 , blkl , Oklahoma Park , wd 13,000 AV L f-elby , trust en to Hetty Fwiinson , lot 12. blk 1. W L feelby'b 1st udd to houth Omuhu. u d . . , . . . , 350 AV It Potter und wife to fc T i'otloi , s ' , i n it lots 13 uud 14 , bll. E , Prospect Pluce. . w d . . . . 3,000 Itaibuiu Pottcrct ul to A il and K Pot ter , pt n w n w s-15-i ; ! , w d 3.500 G \ \ huott und wife to Clark Gapln , s30 feet lot li , blk 1 , Henry A. Mielton'sudd , w d 3,750 C L Hurt und wife to J L Kuley. lot ; ; l , Hurt's subdl\ . und part of lot 3 , blk (1 ( , Purk Pluce. wd _ 4,7f.O E J llogors and htisbund lo Hunter Mll- HUn , lols 23 und 24 , llunsc-imi Pluyo , . w d . 0,000 AV L Selliy , tiusice , to M S tturgcon.lots 25. 2li 2 ; . 35 und 31 , . blk 3 , lols 21) ) and 21 , blk 5 , AV L i-olby's lirst udd to South Omuhu , w d . . 200 AV L feolbj und wife to Al S Murgeon. lot 4. Mottei s subdlv. w d . . . 2.000 Anulo Donuey to A It Miller , lot 11. blk IX. itrlggs' Place , w d 4,000 G E Huri.cr und wife to Edwuid John son , lot 11 , blk 17. Urcliurd Hill , wd. . . fiOO E A llciison , trustee , to A illudbery , lot 3. bll.40. lleiihdii. w d SCO G \ \ llutlerlicld to Ci 3 Paul , lot 5 , blk D , AVIso & Purim U' * udd , QC d 1 A M Cuse > to John E McElroy , lol 0 , blk 47. riorcnce , w d 1,000 E T Duke , triiotou , U > L E Jumos. Iols21 und 22 blouk li .socund uUd to llodfoid pi. w U . 1,100 I & Huscull to Emit llering , lot 5 , Hus- cull'h subdlv , w d 450 John lliukey and wife lu I' . A. Sharp , lot 3i > , blk 1.V. . L. bolby's lirst udd to South Omaha , d 1,000 ( j W Loonild und wife to N. J. aud A. Nelson , lot 22 , block b. West law n. w d. . 400 E and John McElroy to A , M. Casey , tot 0. til k 47. rtorunre. w d ' . . . . . . * . . 1,500 H L McWilllumh und wife to .1 h McWil- liunih , lot li. blk 1. subdlv uf 1)1 U,2r , Al- btlphlV Choice , w ( I . . . 1 C E Muyne Keul ljtuUi mid Transfer Company to J M lioxc , louUund lO.blk 10.uliiut I1I1I wd . . . . . 2,000 S and Murv Huso to T F Halfe , lol 1 > und 10ilklUAkluut Hilt , w d , . . . 2 , < WO L A Ileod und w ife u > 11C Nelson , h W u ! W lols 10 and 11 , blk JU , AViksix'b sooond udd , wd DO rrunic llogers uud wife to Charlet > Men , s 3S ft lot U , blL2 , subtuJ 1 KfUluU's udd J E huhumukur und husband to Ohurluf MuMttnumy , lol 15 ; blk d , Huii.swini Plueti , w d 2,700 Tubernuulo Huptlst ohurch tn llnurd of Cliu ifli Extension uf Culled Hutufc , lol b , blk IS. Otuuhtt , w U OOP Thirty-one transfers , . . IW.01" Tor Nttrvoiis Debility. Use Hot-Hford's Acid Ptutcphate Dr H T Tunier. Kas on Miut"I , huvr lound n ver > tioucileiat : n nerr'His d < bilitj from uwy cuuse , and lor indices.u > t. NAVIGATING THE MISSOURI , Like Kutming a Locomotive on the Sands of the Sahara , EXPERIENCE OF OLD BOATMEN , How tlip Run IVm .Hade Met worn St , lw anil Oninlin When IMluts Wore Paid Only n Thou- eiuiiil a Month. Men who have hnd considerable rxjwnonro In river navigation , my that the proposed as- Uibli.shniont of a Hue of Kteamers bptiveou Omaha and Pittsburp Is impracticable Charles B. Kustin , Captain Marsh , G , W. Copelund , Harry DiMit'l , who were in the curly day * cupaped in this packet buMno.ss on tuo raging MisHouri. toll ( Treat stories of the troublesome times they hud. They think fhut the clumped condition of thlupt would make U much inoiv diOictilt sailing now Awiiy back iu J'MKMVi , Mr. Copelundvas rounetted in an nflloial t'apjoit. . with the Uimnlhul At St .loe stcamlioat line , whkh worked the Missouri nnd the Mississippi "Let me look over the bookn mid accounts , then 1 can it'll you won1 about it IJut there is no use talking of river navigation nowii duy above St. Louis Vou run't inuki it pnj Kailroad rates on such freight as would bo carried , llfth and sixth ehis.ses , arc lit oents tier 100 pounds from East St Louis ti > Oinuhn Put oil a Hue of barges and let them under take to reduce that schedule , which they would hove U > do in order to pet business , and how quickly would the railroads , make a 10- cent rate "No sir. In my opinion there is nothing- practical about the scheme. Missouri river navigation is very dangerous , and uxpoosivr The elmmicns there lor light trufllc but I have seen the licst boats wo had pet badly stuck trying to pull two liarrvs up stream Very elton we were eoiujxillttd to > ro iwhoro und tie up for throe and four hours ut u "Fi-equoutly , we ixnild make the round trip lietween Ouianu and St .Uwph lu lifty-olpht hours , then npralu it would take w. lourteen days. At that time wo used to receive what \vould now bo considered enormous rates. The Union Pitcille eoinpauy puid us IC > cents n hundred for material , f 1IKKI to briiiK a loco motive and fcVK ) for transporting a ear from St. .losejih to Omu- ha AVe have pot as high ni $1.50 and us low as ii'i ix-ntfe. Pusscngtir fares from Omaha to St Joe were f 1U and we had a monopoly of the ImsitieHi. We therefore nuido BoiiK1 money Our expenses were ulso greater then that ) they would be now , though upt so very much. "VVo puid our pilots , fixiui isilll to $1.0110 a month " Cuptiun Ilustiu jiivferred not to disctiss this matter extensively , though gave u u > > his opinion that the uxjx'nscs of maintaining such an institution would be much larger than the receipts. "No. ] don't think it practicable I know fj-om experience that boats eiinnnt bring two barges up this river witlinut great 'untniyanco and trouble. Years nso we demonstrated that fact 1 remember that once we tried to bring two hargo-lmid * of freight from St Louis with the Elkhoru , a tine boat , and Vrv fivquently struck places where she cihild not make headway with more than one barge ut u time Uuten then -were anything we wnntot ) to charge. They are low now nnd regulated by railroad comimtition Some of the com mittee interested in working thi1 , eutorpnso wanlxid an opinion from me , but I said -vou had batter ire to someliody else for 1 cannot give you much encouragement. ' " Harry Deuel it , us emphatic in Mi opinion that it would be u rticulcbb undertaking as either of these other gentlemen. Said he "I ran on the river six years and laiow something about its condition There imgut be three months in the year that it would lie navigable. Then , what are you going to du the balance of the time. Bouts can't go up or down when there is lee to contend with and there is no use trying to make it appear that there are no sand burs. Get stuck on them us often as I have been and you'l Und out. "Had I the time and disposition to enumer ate , there are many reasons why I thiulc the suheme not a Jeusible one The most important is that steamboats cannot compete with railroads iu freight rates. These fellows who are interesting themselves in the project may think they can operate a line of boats aud barges cheap enough to haul freight for comparatively nothing , hut let them try it and ilnd out their mistake. " Change of life , backache , monthly irregu larities , hot flashes are cured Uy Dr Miles' Nervine. Free samples , ut Kulin it Co. , 15th and Douglas. Building 1'erniitw. The following penniu were issued by the building inspector yesterday : W. II. lloman. one mid one-half storv frame dwelling. Tnuuty-slxth aud lUiiuliiK htreeth . S 1K)0 : ) W. U IJoniun. one and one-half storv frame awulliriK , Tnentj-sixth and Cum Inn Ht reels 1.IK ( ) E T. Itinsfr. one-htorv frame cnttuRo. Iln.ul and Tlilrlj-fouiih stn-eln 1,1)00 T H Guu , uihlltjon to icsldcwe. Nlni1- teenth und Luke htieeth . . . ' . ' 00 Henry lleinieU , fi-uiuu om story cot- tusc. I'oiiploton avenue IhiO I 1. < 'iK ' < in , ( Hie-stoiy frame ollkf , NiclKiliih und Ilule streets . . . LNlfl 1 our minor penults mill Total $0.100 BInir Municipal Aft'uirc. . i ! , Noh. , April Sit. [ Special to TIIR Bui : . ] The new city council und officers have talicn their Beats. Tlie council nnw con sists of W. D. Haller , mayor , M II B Roseubaum. AV. G. Harmon , C. IV Wads- worth , C. Dunn , P. Quinliu and J MeQuiui rie , us couucilmeu. The city oflluers uix' .loo K Cook , city clerk ; E. C. .luclson , treasure ) , W. H Hill , surveyor ; Dr. Sherman , pnhca judge. Huller , .laekson and Hill were reelected - elected , Quinliu , McQuarrio aud Sherman , holding over Jroin hist year. Thoniuyorup- polnU'd Herb Noble water conwubsiuiier und M. Glouuon street commissioner , und they wow promptly confirmed. The first olliciui act of the new council was to itijieal the dug ordinance Heretofore u tax of is' ) JK-I dog lias beuuiii existence , but It could not be success ful collected ; hence they repealed It No now appointment of chiet of police bus buen made yet , but it is thought Hico Aniold will berouppointcd. The new administration's .motto is for rcttvuchment. Tins u > the issue ou which they wore elected. Dr. Birno.y , prn'-ticehmitod to catarrh ub diseaaes of ncwe and tin-out. ISoo GnrriMni'K Tcmptiiii ; OfTor. Nuw Yoiit , April il.SiKiclal ! ! [ Telegram to THE Bnc. ] An Austrian gentleman now at the Hoffman house , maae the ] oumcy from his own country to temi > t one of the best ol our Jockeys , to go to Austria uud nUo for Prince Esterhasey , the principal turfman n thut country Garrison was upiiniachod by this gentleman , but as neither could spcalr the other'b language , progi-ess was viirjslow. . However , it was leaniod that u most tempting oiler wus made to the "Skapiior , who , though llutf'itid aud perhaps confused bv the glittering bait , said to be us high us fcJO)00 ( ) lor the season , was yet Hluuuch enough to ( It * clare thut America was good enough for him. Tin- Only One. The Chicago , Milwaukee ASt Paul railway ife the only line running .soud vobtiliulod , elot'trio liphtod mid hUiam hoatud trains Ixstwoeu Chicago , t tiuncil BluiTfe and Omaha. TLo borlli reading1 lamp feature in the Pullman Bleeping care run on tht-ho lines ib patented and cannot bo unod by any Other railway company. It IB the great improvement of the ujje. Try it and ba convinced. Sleeping cart leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at 0 p. m. daily , arriving at Chicago at DM : > a. m. Pahnongc-rs taking thin train uro not wminolkiu to got out of the cat-h at Council BlufTa and wait for the train to be cleaned Got ticket ! , and Hlooping car berth * at I'uion ticln-t oliice , liOJ Farnain Ht F A , KAMI , Of u J E. I itBSTON Pa *