8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , , WEDNESDAY , APRIL 23 , 1800. THE CITY. All llio toiim owner. * of the city nro ro quoted to inuot lliin ovcniiitf a 8:30 : ( it Mueller's hull , Klgiitcvnlli n Viiitnn. for ort'imizution and mutual protection. Knooho mill .Tolm Hnynor , foi iv Xorlh Twunly-fout'tl Btrei't barber nlioi [ lint night anil carry inu ; away a ilo/on raxoiy , now real in tin city juil. \V. ( ' . Loarv , tlio fount'Il HlulTH lutrk man who IH cfiarjrcdlth robbing M. ( ' Sorcn-on of ? 100 , was put on trial li police court yc.sturday afternoon , buttu account of the alwunco of an Importun wltncHH the ciibu was continued unit Mnj . Tim quuhtion of successor to llio lut < Hev. F. Hoyle , pastor of St. 1'eter'i Catholic church , will probably lie tin first coimidored by Hishop O'O'onnoi Hhoulil ho recover. The consultorrt o the bishop iiuvo decided upon a gentle innn.bi't will not mtiltu known tlio nanu of their Helcetion. DTiiis Hveryincn'H au-ociatlon will hob n. nicotine today at which they wll diM'iiftH a petition which it is proposed U Hiibmit to tlio board of public works a.sk Ing that hereafter asphalt HtreetH be inado inoro round on the biirfiu'o thai they are now. In Ptimo places it is claimed they are M > inclined that hor-c > cannot travel on tliein with safety. C linrlos Uovec , a bluckfunlth at Thir ti-Hixth and 1'arker Htreets , lias not yel found his boy. and offer * ) a reward to an.\ one who will dit-cover him. Tlio lad Htnrted from Kearney for this city about tlnVo weeks ago. lie la described a1 Hixtccn voars of ago , live feet nine iachc * In height ! * , weighing 1071 pounds and dressed in dark clothes and a Derby hut. For a few hours yesterday afternoon "W. II. Alexander , the collector of ens- toniH lit this port , was tlio solo and tin- disputed ewer of a utcamhont , the Abnei O'Nell , cantained by Kichurd Talbot. Tlie boat was on its way from I'ittsburg. PH. . to BKnmrck , N. L ) . , wliere it will engage in the upper river freight and real trade. On account of coming out ol another district , the Abner O'Neil was ( impelled to tie up at tills port until a new license was Issued by Mr. Alexan der , after which she again blurted on her northward voyage. x. n , t'.ut.u ; n. t I'll N. .T H. Huclclcyof titromsbuig is nt the Mil- liu-d. liud.M M M Wellbey of Hluir Is stopping at tin Casey. C A Poitcrot Alliance is stopping at UK Cii'-py. ' A .1 Newimm of York is stopping at the Mlllnnl. C P. Dodge of Fremont is stopping at , the Fnxlnn. K H. Wihlqulst ot Hastings Is at the I'uxtnii. lulm K. Winter of Fremont Is stopping at the { . 'asey. I ) li MeKlrath of Hastings is a guest at the C'nscy. W. fi. Hill of Nebraska City is a guest at the P'\ton. C \V Si-.irff of Grand Island is registered nt the l'a\lim. F H Li'doriimnu of AYcst Point is a guest nt the Mlllanl. .lolia I Underwood of Lincoln is registered nt the Mill.ml. Uieiiteniiiit Governor Meiklojoha was in.Ute citj jesleiiluy. Mis .1 A. I loss wns a guest at the Palmer in Chicago on Monday. Judge Kinkitid of tlio Twelfth district , is u gui'st at tlio Murray. ' Mr .1. A. Smith , editor' of the Wnhoo Wasp , called upon Tin : Uii : : yesterday U. C. Harris , C. U. Buuows and C. A. Mast of Norfolk nrc registered at the Millurd. Mr K. C. Osliom of tilenwood , la , , tlio newly npoiiitcd | inspector of emigration , daughter iiesslo and Mr.V. . II. Gates visited Tin Hi r yestoiday. The Misses ,1. and M. Faiilcigh , M Hosra. and McKinney , and MI MA , H WeaUloy nd II Saxton i'iggott of St. Joseph weio In the oilj lust evening in attendant ! ) nt thn u-- ception given nt the icMdem.0 of Mr. II. W. Yutt-s. . I AWO i ' .v < 'i.u KX ru. The sale of scats for the engagement of Cora Tanner at Hoyd's opera liouso on Wednes day , Thursday and Friday of this week , will I'ommenco at il o'clock tills morn ing. Miss Tinnier will ussumo tlio dual rnlo of Lady Madge Sl.isliton and Churles Marlon" * in Kobert Uiichanan's great comedy drama , "Faseinalion. " The supporting company is from Colonel William 10. Sinn's Park tliea- tie , Uiooklyn , ami Is superb in every icspei t. The piny is Hitehainm's best , and deals with matters that aio of interest to evemmo. Fi.iir pi-rfoi-manees of "Fascination" will bo given ny Miss 'J'anner unit comp.iny. W C1 Coup's great horse show , which is at the Hoyil on Monday and Tuesday next , has tetn doing a phenomenally largo business through Iowa , and will doubtless icpeat its mieeeh.s In Omalni. Mr Geoigo H. Kussell , udvaneo agent for Mr Coup , Is in the city. Woikmen staited this morning to fix the dome of the ( irand opera house for the accom modation of the Vaults Sisters' "Trapezono Itotaire" for their engagement Thursday , 1'Yidiij and Satmday. The Vaidis Sisters' ' ivlltiptl novelty company , which includes home of the Iwst known features in the vaude ville profession , play nothing hut legitimate theatres and given leprcsentativo specialty ] Hrfuinianco patroubed bv the best of tlie.i- tie goois. Kelhir , the phenomenon , K with the compan.v as Is also HeUue. tlu > gieat no- - . Of - the brilliant ci-oinancer. coui-se , feature 5s the exhibition on the trupivo of the Vaidis Kistei-h , premier gymnasts of the world , This Is positively the most wonderful act over seen in tills country anil thohalaricsof theseclovor ladles exceeds any .similar act over Known. United States Court. Fred C. ShnetTer master in chancery , 1ms gone to Arupahoo to appi-also propeity'ln the . .aboo ! Henry W. King & Co..vs. Louis Cluto r"t at. Ho will also visit Hall and lluffnlo . oantlcs to ami.ilsu farm piopeitv in the case > "I , \ \ . Tullo.xs trustee , vs Michael Kvno jt id. Tlu > ChejenneK. 'Jegardlng the dispatch fmm Fort Hobiuson M-liIch appears In another column about the incnrm-o of some half-starving Clioyenno In- tlltinsat that place , Colonel Sheildan , adju tant general of the depaitment of the Pintle , bald that hi * hud no Information. , Ho said , however , that eiders had gouo from Washington to keep la theiupioper places two bodies of Che.ciuies , one of which was ut Tongue river and the other at Pine Hidge. * " \VIy They Were Hold. Chcaf Seavy says in explanation of thonetlon of the police ivgiuiliiib' O'lJrien and the other Iowa crooks , tliat the Iowa oftlccr was not hero ut the time of the tlrst arivstj that they liae the best of grounds for hclluvt-Ing that tlio prisoners were thugs ami desperadoes ; that InforinatUm hud como to him that they luid stolen uumoy secix-teil in Council HlulTs , uiul tlio release of tlio inisonei-s would mean the loss of the nwmo.v ; Unit anlowa man had Sdcntitlctl the prisoners and property In their jKssesslon as stolen from him , and that ho was in recoint of telcgi-ams and toilers from Iowa authoiltles urging him at all Im/imis to held U > e inc-n until u remiisitlon can bo ob tained. The application for tlio second writ of habeas corpus was dented Monday after noon AVIinopIng Cough. This dihcnno Is likely to bo nulto prevalent this HiiHuif , tut It lias alrondy appo.uvd In sev- < -rul plHrtsi In Iowa. Patents of small dill- ilrt-n are uf c-inn > e Interested In knowhiK the Ix-st treutmcnt Piut exK | > rlence has fully ilriiiiinxtruiitl thai there Is no danger from th di cu-i whcn I'litunbcrlaln Cough Kcm- < I , n fin l ) given It was used in thou ku > 'In rf i as ! s liuit year without a singU1 fflll- iir < J hr I * ii'it thi * least danger In glIng U > < ti'i."ty. us U toutaius no Injurious eUi. ; , ( SHALL AVI ; iITI ; TIIKM ? OpInloiM ol * tin * Medical .Meeting. Or. A. W. EMmumtou - 1 think It would ben "pHi'lId i'iea to invite the American medical ( VMoclutlon toliold It * annual convention in this city In 1 OI. In iss ; it met In St. Paul. It numbered something like VXK ! ( ) . It was entertained royally and I eo no reason why we cannot accord thorn fully us nice trout- ment. We would have Council Hluffs to as sist us. It would surely be of incalculable benefit to the profession as well as the public nt largo. St. Paul , mid In fact the whole surrounding country. ii"vcr received such an advertisement as It did through lids conven tion. tion.Dr. . J. H. Summers It would most cej-taln- ly IM > n grand good thing if It could IMJ brought u'bout. I saw an nitlele In the IJi.i. recently comparing Omaha with Nashville. I think as a city we arc far ahead of the southern me tropolis. Nnshvlllc , however , It must be ac knowledged has been ijulte a medical and surgical center , old Paul F. i'.ro lived and died thete , and his sou , an able mun , is there jet. They have many prominent sui goons In their mnks , and therels a vast ilcul of meiit among their medical men This fact was one of the potent reasons for telecting Nashville. Omaha hasn't the ayt\ nor the medical men. Hcrix-putiitliiii w.is nrobabl.s another in ductile that worked in Xasnt file's fa\or. Dr. V. F. Coffman I do not think It at nil advisable. H would umpuMtlonably bo a nice thlng'for Omaha to havesuihii body of icpie- sentalivo mun meet here , but I do not think it possible for our physicians to entertain them us they are ac customed to being entoi Mined. It cost St. Paul over ? s" > ( ) , ii)0. ) ) Our physicians are notable to contribute sunk lent funds to en- teituln them with any degree of respectabil ity , eonsc < | ucntly , this would devolve upon our citi/ens , and tiioj would not respond in a way that would bo necessary. Wo haven't the accommodations is another thing. Wo have four hotels and if there is one of them which would agieo to table one hundred men I don't know which ono it is Tbeso icprc- scntutlvo phjsieians would not put up with second-rate accommodations , and llio schema Is anything but feasible now. Then we have uo auditorium of Mifllctont dimensions to ac commodate these sessions , unless it I < the coliseum and that is too far away. There would bo from two thousand to twenty-five hundred in attendance heif * . -,0'H ' ) ut the very lowest estimate , as Omaha is . out rally lo cated. I would like to ask plijsieians who nro proposing to invite this association lieu * Whether they arc willing to give WO toward the entertainment. Thine is not ono able to do it. Jn three \ears from now Omaha will b.1 abundantly able to meet this august body of men \ \ , they ought to bo met , now , any attempt must only icsult In dUcicdit and failure. Every tissue of the body , every bone , must do mid organ is made stronger ami more healthful by the use ot Hood's TO AKKisT : A .Move to Secure a Special Policeman I'oi1 Prospect Hill Cemetery. Judge Baldwin has asked the lite and po lice loinmissioncis to give the sexton of Prospcit Hill cemetery special police powers Tin * request is \\illithehopoth.itho may bo able to ariest some of the \andals who are in the Iribit of sU-aling lluweis from the graves In the cemeleiy. On Sunday Mi- > . Alt Soieiison and her sister visited the ceinoti-rj anil lett two bunches of Mowers on their mother's grave. Before they left the place they saw a woman t.iko the lloral oilcungs .mil cairy them uway. The ladies infoimed llio sexton , who caught the wom.m and compelled h e - to icplaco the. stolen tributes. Judge Baldwin sa.\s that if the llio and police cominissioneis will not grant his 10- quest he will adopt heioic measures to stop this speciosof giave-iobbing. A 15OM ) TllMir. He Captures a Morse and Ituggy and Hujotsat an Ollli-ci' . D. Bennison of the tlrm of Bennison Bios. , was visited by a hoiscthief Monday. Mr. Bennison had been out diivimr , mid returning about S o'clock hitched his horse in fiont of his icsidenco at li.'O South Twentieth stitct A few minutes later a well dressed man un hitched the animal , Jumped into the buggy and drove inpidlyaway. The police were notified ' ' tified and Olllcer'Ha/o'of tlio mounted force stalled in pnisnit of the thiel , o\eitaking him near the fair grounds on Sherman ave nue As the officer approached , the man stood up in tlio buggy and filed U\o shots at film , ono of which struck and crippled his horse. The thief then jumped from the bug gy and ran towards Cut Oft hike island , and owing to llio daikneis escaped. They Slay Hire the Hall. OM vn \ , Neb. , April L'J.To the editor of Tin ; IU.i : : On account of iemaiksmado.it the ministers' gathering yestoiday in regaid to the meetings which me to be held in this city by Francis Murphy , I wish to make a few statements that theio may ho no inisuii- understanding in icgard to the matter. Mr. Muiphy is such a whole-souled Chiis- tain gentleman and has sneh a great icputu- tion , that any statement in regard to him is unnecessary. He comes to this cit.v without the guarantee of a dollar In the way or remuneration for his services , and accepth as his pay the free will oftei ings of the people taken in tluwuy of contributions at the meetings. His liiends onteitain him ami provide the Grand opoia house , in which ho is to hold his meetings. The icmarks of some of tlio ministers were very unkind and en tirely uncalled for. At the very thno these lemarks were made , iirraniyMiionts had been completed for Mr. Murphy to occupy the Grand opera house , mm the exposition hall was for icnt , and it was onlv necessarv for ' the people now using it to call mid icnt'it as wo did , when wo found it for iciit some weeks ago , and continue their meetings un disturbed. C. A. SMIUI. Nut a California I { ear. Anybody can catch a cold this ] < iml of weather. The trouble ih to lot go , liKe the man who caught the bear. Wo advise our loader * , to purchase of the Goodman Uiug company a bottle of SANTA ABIIO , the Cull- foima King of Consumption. Asthma , Bron chitis , Coughs and Croup Cures , and keep it handy. "I'is pleasing to the taste and death to the above conrplaints. Sold at fcl.OO u bottle tle or ! ) for f. W ) . CALIFORNIA CAH-U CUKE gives immediate relief. ThoCutar- rhul virus is soon displaced bv its healing and penetrating nature. Give it a trial. i\ months tioatment , jl.OO ; sent by mail , John 3lc.Shanc'N Illjj lllook. Hon. John A. McShano has returned from Chicago. When asked what action would now bo taken icgarding the proposed Ne braska Central bridge scheme ho said ho did not know. The iccent nmv oment on the part of the Milwaukee and Kook Island roads In enteiing into mi agree ment with the Union Pacific would ho thought soiiously interfere with tlio plans of the corporutioii Ilo still hoped , however , to bo uulu to Induce some other road to Join in the enterprise. Mr McShauo sio s that while In Chicago ho made a deal which gives him the owner ship of an oulco building ono bundled foot sipiaro mid MJVOII stories high opposite the ladies' enti moo to the Grand Pacific hotel. Miles * Nerve and Mvor Pllln. An imixn-tant discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A now principle. They speedily euro bllllousness , bad taste , torpid llvor , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. M doses for li' . eonts. Samples free at Kuhn & Co.'s , ir.th and Douglas. Permits. The following permit- ) were issued by the building linpector yesterdays fiporco N. IIU-U. lun-htorr brlt-k rc-M lU'iuv , I hlrtlfth and Pai-lnestiiMtn.S,500 ) K. A.hiinlTuri . cuu > uiul omshalf-story trunui dwelllnif , I'orlleth and HurUur stroi'ts. | ixx ) .Mrs. M.It. Wiilneute. one and ono-lwlf- story fraiaii duellliiK , Twoiity-olghth and I'uldwelUtnotK. ' ' lV 0 W , II. .Mutliur. ( rain ? barn. Thirtieth u'nVl I'aolllohtroets . f v ) 1'lv o minor porialtit . 1170 Tutal. " . The Council. The council ugi coil last night to observe Arbor day. The solons met at h o iilock , up- wlutcd II. J. Miller us a iuiKrvbor of regis In tlio second precinct of the Sixth ward , Andrew Bevlns in the ice mil prwln'l of the Fourth , roinst lied C. W Ttiomis mid H. L. Howard in the .Seventh ami Ninth wards , respectively ) and mljoarnod until " :30 : o'clock this evening. PItOM IjAKK TO .M OUNTAIN. Speoiilntlon as to tlie fotlve of the It. M.'M KlyhiK Train. The proposed sweeping change in Burling ton train-lime , namely , twenty-eight hours between Chicago mid Denver , which goes Into effect next Sunday , Is creating a stir among railroad men generally. That there appears to be u well defined scheme with some other object In view than to merely shorten the time is conceded. At General Manager Hoi- drego's office it was understood that tlio move was the result of competition of rival roads. "Isn't 'the gieat Burlington route' getting Its share of business1' ! "Undoubted wo nro holding our own with cither of the other roads , but. under oui old schedule , wo simply had what you might call a 'puddcn ; ' therefore , the chief- desire em bodied in this change is to get that luck " "It is understood you Intend to leave Omuhn out and go straight through from Pa cific Junction. Is that a fact I" "Ono way , jos ; the otherway.no. Here are our plans : Wo virtually put on a new train to be known as "tho liver , ' or * Bui ling- ton No. 1. ' That will bo an exclusive Chi cago-Denver tr.lin , leaving Chicago at 1 o'clock p. m. and reaching Denver about ( i U o'clock the following evening. In other words , we expect to reduce the running time west-bound between these two points from thirty-six to twenty-eight hours. In order to do that we are compelled to go straight ahead after leaving Pacific Junction instead of coming by way of Omaha. But this will bo nothing against Omaha -nothing for anyone ono to complain of. " "And why not ! " "Well , for two reasons. First , by leaving Chicago at 1 o'clock the train vv ill pass Plaits- mouth at 4 o'clock a. m. , theroloio , should Omaha bo taken in , the arriving here hour would bo 5 o'clock , Just the unseemly time when passengers tucked away In comfoitablo berths glow ! If compelled to turn out. "Fuithermoro , tlie Omaha travel would bo accommodated as at present with the through vestibule train that leav cs Chicago at " > o'clock p. m , and m rives hero nt 10 o'clock the next morning. That wo consider a imuli mmv convenient tiuln for till poisons except these whoso destination is Denver than the other. Omaha people prefer leaving Chicago at . " > o'clock , mid the time of arrival hero suits thorn mueh better. "The corresponding train to Xo. 1 , going east , will pass through this city at 4 : ! UI p. m. Instead of 3 : t. ) p. m. as now and reach Chicago cage lit S o'clock the next moining. This change is made solely to accommodate Omaha people and tiuveling men. By making the time of dopartuio ueuily an liour later than at present it will give them a better opportu nity to get through with their dav 's business ithout being rushed , befoio leaving. ' "What effect is this revolution , as you term it , going to have on tlie rate situation'1 "None that I know of. However , that lomains to bo seen 1 notice in Tin. BII.'S Chicago dispatihos that this move is considered there a diiect drive at the Mis- .souti Pacific as a letaliation lor its lute eut- ting policy. Th.it inuv be so and it mav nut. Our main object is to hold llio edge on Colorado rado business. " In other unices , this matter formed the principal topic. The only corporation hoie scrionslv effected , ho > vover , is the t'niou Pa cific. Vlco Picsidont Holcomb was asked what ho thought about it but prefeiivd nut to give an opinion until Author developments should ho made. "Can the Cnloii Pacilic-Noithwcstern put in u twent.veight hour .schedule ! " " 1 think they can , though I don't Know as yet whether or not thej want to. I can't say anything until I hear from the Noith western people.1 A Kose-Cohirod Wisli. Lincoln people have been congr.ilnlalfng themselves over since it became known thai the Union Pacific had formed some time age an alliance with the Kock Island to use it proposed line , when completed , between Omaha and the capital , on what seems tr them a change of train service through Xc- biaskn. They argue that when f ho Lincoln it Western is completed to some point on llio main line nl or near Keainoy it will make a Union Paeitio line between Omaha and Kearney by way ol Lincoln forty miles shorter than the piesent main line Consequently all through trains mid traffic will naturaih be turned in that direction. According to ofli < nil statement' . , however , this icpoit is onl.v father to Lin- i ola's wish. Tlioro is no thought ot doing moio than is suggested in the joint arrange ment which gives a shorter line to Kansas City. "If the Lincoln & Western ever is built.1' said an official , "we weald not change the cou i so of a single mam line train. Tlio Kiiek Island Iti'aitlie IScrord. Tlio quickest time over nnulo from New- York city to Omaha , by freight service , was accomplished on a rcoint shipment of coffee via tlio Kmniic line and Uock Island road The ear which was assigned to the Consoli dated coffee companv loft Now York April U ) and was doliveiod in Omaha April 'M. An Kxcursloii Party. Traveling Passenger Agent ( irecvey of the Union Pacific will roieh Omaha Thursday morning with a dclee.itIon of L'lemont Odd fellows , ' 2UO strong , who aio coming to attend the Iowa ( clebralion at Council Blnlls. Ho brings them on a special train and proposes tote to make the inn in ono hour. Kcdiiccd Slock Hates. The now stock rates , cast bound , went into cflcct yesterday. A reduction of * T..lr > per car- loal is made from South Omaha to Chicago. The old i.tto was \ } : > icnts per lutlorIT.oO u car. The new rate is > 1U. ( " , . Notes and Personal * . A Ha.vmond excursion party of ninety-six New Knglaiid people came in from Denver on Jie Union ] Puclilc jesteulay and left im mediately lor Chicago over tlio Kock Island. 1C. 1C. Palmer , traveling agent for the Uock Island , went west yesterday. John Uwyer , commercml agent of the B. & M. at Beatrice , was In town jesterday. Juo Lomav , ticket agent at Cedur li.lpnls , la.of the Burllnuton , Cedar Uuplds & North ern road , is visiting Omaha fiiends. Hnrr.v Gllmoro , supeiintendent of the Belt line , is In Kimsas City nrrangins ; a now time tublo to take off eel next Sunday. Pears' Is the best 'and purest soap ever made. Hidden FlntneH. The Davenpoit sheet garbage clump has been binning since March 1 , but has been used till Monday , when its condition bo- cumo dangerous and work was abandoned. On Saturday u consldeiiiblo portion of the lofugo composing the dump sunk uway under the dead animal vvugnn ex-posing the smoul dering flumes beneath from which both driver und horses hud a nuiiow oseapo. The smelting works people huvo now offered to oxtlnguUh llio flames if the llio depaitment will famish llio hose lUmporlorcici'lU-ncu projcn In unlllonsof lionir * ( c'enlurv ' II In u l M furmoro than a quarter t < n Itio In' t nlifit WtiiU1 * iimernniKiil Kiuiiirnnl uy licad f thu Uivat t iiltcr ltln nt < lm MII iiiff't 1'uri-ii ami mo t lU'nuhful llr I'rUit C ream ll'ik- IIIK I'owilrr iliw < not cunialn AOIC.KHIU , J.nus i Alum Buldonly Incnni . , , . I'MK'K 1IAK1NQ 1-OWDKH ( O MWVOllJi. ClUVAOy. JiX rUA CUVV. 81 Catarrh IS n blood diwnsc. Until tnc poison la ex polled rfihm tlio sjstom , there con bo no curoMor this lontlisoir.e ami dangerous malady. Therefore , tlio only effective trcntmcnt U n thorough course of Aycr's Snt nparllla the best of nil blood purlflorst Tlio nooncr you begin the better ; ( Ulny Is dangerous. " I was troubled vv 1th catarrh for over two years. 11 tried various remedies , find was treated by n number of phvsl- rluiH , but ranched no benefit until I began to talui Ayer's Sarsaparllln. A few hottbft of this medicine cured mo of this troublesome complaint and com * plutely rcstoiud my health. " Jesse M. Iloggs , Ilolman's Mills , N. C. "When Ayer's Sarsnparilia wns rec ommended to me for catarib , 1 was In clined to doubt its efficacy. Hixving tried no many remedies , with little ben efit , I had no faith that anything would euro inc. 1 became emaciated from loss of appetite and Impnliud digest' < ii. I had nrtuly lost tlie HCIISO of smull , and my system was badly delimited. I was about dlscomaged , when a friend urged mo to try Ayei's Saisaparllla , mid re ferred mo to person ? whom It bud cured of catarrh. After taking half a do7un bottles of this medicine , I am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease Is through the bjoodj' CJmrlcs H. Maloney , 113 Ulver at. , Lowell , Mass. arsaparilla ; l BY Or. ' . C. Aycr tt Co. , Lowell , Mass. 1'rlco ! jl ; ell loltlcf , $5. Worth $5 a bottlo. GOOD COOKING All who del-lie need tonkin ) ; In their houses liould use LIEBIG COMPANY EXTRACT of BEEF. A < -llnht addition gives cieat stienjith and Iliivoi to Stuns. Caucus and .Made Dishes. One pound Is eiiiil | to foity pounds of lean beef. 01 tlie xnlne of uboiit K.MI. ( ii'iiulniMJiiiy nlih fatImllrof .T von Me- lilt's ilKiuitnie In bine Ink ueioss tlie luliel. A woman who once puts on Ball's corset will wear that make as long as she lives. That is why the makers do as they do. What do they do ? They tell every store in the United States to take Ball's corset back ! and return the money paid for it any time within three weeks , if the woman that buys it don't like it. Do the stores do that ? They do if they have Ball's corset. They are glad to ; it costs them nothing. Your store has a primer on Corsets for you. CIIICIQO COMET Co. . CWcago and New York. T TNPKECEDENT.ED'ATTRACTION ! u OVKlt A MILLION IH-I'ltl Itf I'KI ) , ouiiina : State Lottcn Company. lmiirH | > r tp < l b > the l.rylslntun' ! < > i piUK.itlon.il unit < h-iiItuhlu ( imposes ami Its tiunt hHc ininlo n purl of Uip ] > ri'M > nt Mnto iontltullon In IbTU , 1'J : ni uicrnlii'lmliii : poiuil.irott' . Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take plncr Semi-Annually ( June and necemb'Tj anil it" > Grant ! Single Number Drawings t.Ute place In each of the other ton months of the year , and are all drawn in public , at the Academy of Music , New Orleaiib , Li. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS For Integrity of Its Drawings , and Prompt Payment of Prices. AltrMcil nt follow "Wo do ) ic'nil > v ( t'ltlfv tli it we Mipprv1B < tlio nr ijinei muit * I'm all tin * iiiontlilj mid l > ( < inl-.iiiiiiinl ilr.iH IIIJJH ot Hit lotiM inn btnto I.ott * * ) } < oniian\ | . niul In imiiou in-inni.-1 Mini ( iniliul the ( Iniulnt'i Hii'iiic'Urunit tint tlio Hnino me < oinliitiil with hotil ) , falrm's * . mid In KOOI ! fitllli timnrit ! illim- | tli1 * mill we niilhoiUt. tlio toini'iiitn | mothHicrti- I'uilp wltli r.ic-luiUi t ol urn circuitnt > .ill.lUiL'il , In Us .iilrertlscmeiitt ' V\V. tlio undcrMcnOft t > niikgnnd tinnltoi * will pit all . ' l.ottLTiCij wlik'li 1'rlics drawn In the Louisiana Mali. ma ) lui pri rnti'd at oar intuit1) ) * . It. M. WAI.MSI.KY. I'M" ! . Louisiana Nut. li.ink IMIMMli : LA.NAI'X. 1'u-s ftato Nat'l llanli. A. 1IAI.I > \ \ IN. I'MNow Ciloans ) .Nat'l Hank. CAKI. KOIIN. I'irs. I'nlnn Nalldiial llanU Grand Monthly Drawing At the Academy of Music , New Orleans , Tuesday , May 13 , 1800. C UMTAI. PRIZE , SoOO.OOO. Tli'U is nt tX > I'.ich : Halve- . . ill ) ; Quar ters to ; Ti'iiths f. ' , TiM'iitlutlis. f I. LIST OF I'lll/.O. 'iii/.i : ( Hxiunis 3,11M I'll/csuiiinilntlllKto $1,004,800 ial I'lUrs aio not t'li- Null Tkkols ilraidni ; C | | | Illlt'd In Icrnilnul antes. AGENTS "WANTED. ITfKoiin.rii ItATrs. or any further Information ili-lrcil. ntlte lo U'lr to llio , iinl ( ri-lfiil'd. i li'iirl ) ntaltnir JTOIII rLiliknrr. with l.itt > loiint ) Mlcct and iminl'cr. More rnpld' ' ri'tiirn mall di'llvcn will l > i < u i. n r I'd liy > oiir I'noloslDL' on cmi'lopo bi'.irlni ! > uui lull Jildii'js. IMPORTANT. AdilrPhhM. A. IIAI'IMIIN. Nun Oi Ivans , I.a. OrM. A. DAIM'IIIN , \Viinliiimlon. 1 > i' . llr nrdliinrj leitcr.iruntnliiiiii ! MOM v omii.ii l - MU'dliyiili o\iu' | d i.tiiii.uilc ] | . Nutvuik i ; > i.liiiiik-r , Urnlt ur postal nutv. Addrosa Roglsteii.Hl Letters contalnlus Cur- jonoy to M\V : OIl.i\NS ( : NATIONAL ItANIC , Nt'tt UiltMiit. 1-1 KrMl'Miii it. iimtllinimjiiirnt i'f prl/i Uni1 AIUS- II.KII IU HIl'UM1USM llMt nl New OrlcnlK. nnd I hi' llckru IITLlUucil hy Hu > | 'ri'jlilnit of un In- ntUiillon ithiix. rli irli-rcd rUlni nn > irrovnlicd In llio liluliol i.iiuu. lluTcl.iii' , ben. 1 10 uf ull Imita tion ur anuiDiiiniu iiliunuis OSI llun AH In iliu | iilio of Hn' mnlle t part or frai'tlon uf n iliki'l i i n > ni i K in , iny druMlni ; Anyllilnk' In uiu imne ulluii'd lur ! < . Hum it ilulliu l kvtlndlo. POKE ! FRESH ! ! DEMCIOl'S ! ! ! BONBONS AND CHOCOLATES. Order * \ty Mull ami Kiproi will rculir Prumpl Hud i'orrc * t Altcnllou , " Stale StnCMcai 161 "fiSKW. . , N.V.CM , "A oooDiucn , i , i.-i i i runi m -i" J\-t lliluipu uii i-aiv biui,1 ( pin ' AilMi'o fiL-t'i nuiiuulivlty. tia'i .ai f.n.i..litr > in uiuuy itatt . WE"APOLOGIZ To the many of our patrons who could not get wailed on in our store last Saturday. Thoiu ; we have a large force of extra salesmen the rush has been so great that it was impossible to wait on all customers. We are thankful to those who showed indulgence , and we arc sure they find , themselves well repaid for the time they spentin waiting. We shall have a larger force of sales men next Saturday , and will be prepared for bigger crowds. We will also be prepared with new bargains. Some of the lots advertised last week arc completely sold out but we are opening every day new invoices and every day we have some new and fresh attractions. Our this week's special is the grandest offer ever made in the line of ready made clothing. We place on sale about 500 very fine Cassimere and Cheviot Suits , all sacks' , each of them worth at least $15.00 ; at the unprecedented low price of $9.00. . The material in these suits is the product of one of the best mills in the country. The shades are dark and light gray , and a neat brown plaid. They are well trimmed with the best of Farmer Satin or Serge lining. The cheapest suit in this lot would bring in any other establishment $15.00. We "offer tlie m this week at $9.00. Our piles of Spring Overcoats arc getting low. and in 'some of the finest lots the si/es are already badly broken up. These have been marked down , as we make it a point to sell these goods quick. If you want to secure a fine Spring Overcoat at a bargain , better come this week and see if we can fit you. MJRNISHING GOODS Our spring selections in fancy flannel shirts arc the most ex tensive and varied ever shown by any house'in the city , we have a full assortment of the most elegant novelties of the present season , in all wool , silk and wool mixtures and all silk. On all these goods we quote the lowest prices. Fresh Lines of Shoes Every Week. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , i\ Gentlemen if von are desir ous of bein well dressed yon cannot improve your time more profitably than by looking over our stock of clothing , which we will take pleasure in showing yon. We call your attention es pecially to our sack and cuta way suits. Yon might look at the spring oveicoats the line is still very complete. IOU tlllU'MTIRM , 'IINSTII'VTION , tll.llll's.SKSS' , KlIIM. COMI'I \ .L'Nd DlhKASI'.S , iMl'I'lli : Hl.DOII I'liopiiii.Ton.s AMI MILi : M\NLI u minis , UM MIA. MII. : MANHOOD RESTORED. "SAXATIVO , " Iho AViiinlrrfill Spnnlcll Hrnicily , le iiolit itU 11 WrlttfiidiiHrnn- Ire to emu all Mm- ii is Dlmairegdicli aa WVaU Memory , I.uea , nclii1Vnlcfulnc , Joforo''A'fforVo. I'01" itmiiiuoil. " > - ? PliotoSriiiVIitil ( rum Ufe. iiiisiucc. I.nBelllldtf , .11 . ilmiuii uiul lorn of power ol the ( icucrBtiveUr- ; nn , ln either eexciiniclby ! ovcr-cxcrlloti , youth- ul luUltcretlnnt , or thu dctpclve ii o of touacco , iiltlmuU'ly K'nU to iiilum , or BtlmnlantiP , which iifirmlty , Oonmimntlnn m ( I Itifnnll ) ' ,1'ut "I1 , " ' ' . I'rlcu onvctiluiil furm to cairy In tliu vc t pocket. SlftPBcUnire. nrCfoi 81Mtliffry f oriltr o " ' " r"r' ' " r " / ' ' " " Ivo H irrUlcn u" < 'r" > > , hti iiKinry. bui > t b ) mail lo any luri , tlr- Mfnttou thin iiBiiSr. Aiiari-M ulnr fric MADRID CHEMICAL CO , liranthomcefor U.8.A ( lll ( AdU , 1I.L. 417 I'U horn StrtMt V/'ic B"U : is- " \i MIA sni .in .ulnvA. ( " , ( < " 15'11 ' * H"UKi ) Mnetii A 1'nllrr Aio I ur Ittn .1 IIOUKIHH .Slrcils. aim i. l ) . rosier A. Cu . cuuiiia lilullt , lunn. The Well Kno\\ S iiniiirpaiX'd in llio IrintiiK-nt uf all form * of I'll ! ATI , IlihbANts ami ' trtcluri'ii a urnniiarniui'cU . ami unililtum "li-r in liiiK'lcnt ) ! * < f Manli.Hiil i'0 t-enil for hik I lliirrt'liMt'i * au > ' l t" > H < 'Ihrl ( uci'irvt fur Mun r Woman each li > rerui Si-ciuui rcmaitt ln m f curoil iiuukir itHinpi nil pfruiniitutiy Trcnlini'iil Ui' Ufipondi-iiii' tainp > fur reply loniullatu n Ire * ( ) Blc H h , , vr HtU aud Jacki a lUvnti , U The Omaha Medical-and Surgical Institute. fortlio treatment nfnll CHIIOVIC ANII SimCKUT. DISKASKS Ilnir i , App.nneai for ilofornilllot nncl Truiii" ! lluat l-acHinc" , Apparatus iiml IliMiioillui for suiTi' iful Tn-ntiiipnc of im > r > form of ill t-tio rfl- ' 1'VTIJ.NIN , Ho and Atli'inlaiii > llu > ( ( iilrlni ; Vtcdlcnl or iir lPiirrrtuitiiii'iit NINIII'V 11OOMS KOU ird t 6 Accuiiiinoilntloii' < VV'vst Wrlti'forclriMil.trfon Deforinlllus and Itraun , Tnm < . I'lali IVut ( urtaturi' of Splni > . I'lli'-i. Tiiinnri Ciiiioi-r. Oitarrli MIIIIKliltN Inhalation lilrclrlclt ) , I'.ir ilyin CpUi-pM Kidnct III 11 diT , i : > i' , Ilnr , Skin and lllood anil all " -nrclcal Opfr.ttloni DISi\-is : : orVI.Mi.N ( n | K < I lnl < ] rtiHik ct Illn-n-cs of VVoniuii Krco VVV h m1 lately addivl .v l.jlnIn lui ) | irtiiiL-nt for Women Iliirliu I onllia-inuiit. . ( i-trldly 1'rlvati- I Only llcllalilo Vti'dUnl Iiiitltntn Mnklnit n \ > w [ ilty of I'llt V ATI ! DIII.AMN _ A11 lllood Dhfa'i'i Binci"Hfiilly ireafil Sriihllltlc poloon rcmiiruil Iroin the system without nip curr. Now Jleitoratlve trtMtmer t for I.fH , if V'ltftl INjrtor I'artliM iin-ibl lo visit us mi ) lit1 troatud at liu.uu Ujr coir"sponiUMirD All ronimiinlcatloni lonllili'ntlnl Jlt'dltlnc or I'litrtinu'iitu xciit by mall 01 i \ | ) ryH - enrol ) ( urkiMl , no marks to Imllc.iti' rjiitonH ol m-nder Ono imrnon il Inlorrluw pri-li'rri'd Call nml i'uniil | us or-ond history or yoiire.iic , and iru "III lund In plain wrniipjr oiu HOOK I'O MUN I ltli : ; tin i I'rivnta Special or .Venous DlMeaso-t , Imiotoncy , byplilll * tllcut andV'arlL'oi.vMt . with ititflion lift Ail'liu f Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner Oth nnd Harnoy Sts. , Omnhn , Nob. "TIME IS MONEY. " Wo must sell out the remainder ot our retail stock without further tloliv , ns our wholesale business demands our entire time , attention And capital. For the next few days we invite you to a feast of bargains such .is you will never again enjoy. We are liable to rent btoro and bell our fi.\ture-j now any day , aj como at once before it is too late. All our genuine Diamonds now go at importer's prices and the mounting thrown In. $50,000 worth of Diamonds to select from , prices rangina from $2.50 up to $3,000 , for Hiugs , Pins , Ear-rings , Asc. Solid Gold Watches from $15 upward. Solid Silver Watches from $5 up Niclcel Watches from $2.50 up. Solid Gold Chains from $7.50. Host Rolled Plato Chains from $2. Charm ? and Lockets , $1 and upward. Solid Gold Kings , $1 and $2 ; worth $3 to $0. A Scarf Pins "Go and 50o each lot of Solid Sterling Silver Collar Buttons and at worth $1. Heavy Solid 14-k.ir.it Gold Collar Buttons , woi th $2.50 to $5 each now , choice for only $1. One lot assorted Cuff Buttons at 50o pair ; worth $1 to $2. Solid Gold Spiral Back Studs , 50c and $1 each ; worth four tinier the money. 1,000 tiue'Broachos and Lace Pius from 50c up. Kino French btylo Mantel Clocks , 8-day , half-hour btriko , cathedral gongs , at $5 , $0.50 , $8 and $10 ; worth $10 to $20. Elegant Silver Lamps , with bilk umbrella shades , from $5 up. Hundreds of other equally good bargains. Open Saturday evening until 0 o'clock. Ktore lor rent and fixtures for s , le. MAX ME1YELR & 33RO. , Corner Sixteenth nnd Fnrnnm Streets , - - Omnhn , Neb. Emerson. Etchings. Hnllet & Dnvis. Engravings. Kimbnll. . Artists' Supplies. Pianos & Organs. . Mouldings. Sheet Miibic. Frames. 1513 Douglns Street , Omnhn , Nobrnbkn. A Perfect Art Album containing 24 Beiutlful Photographs rtprtionting ' Tea and Coffee culture , will be tent on receipt of your address , ' ' CHASE ti SANHORN , 136 Dread St. , Boston. Western Dept , 80 Franklin St. , Chicago , III. Grand Excursion to f"1 1 cxas. SALE OF TOWN LOTS AT EAST DEL RIO , Val Vorclo County April 30Ui and May 1st. Reduced Ratoa. rn.inallllin principal < IIH' III the I nlloil . MnlPi. , tin Sin .Miti.nla An IrrifDIi'd nuikuliiirnl n.iiiiiry Inuui'iiDU wnlii iujMur ami mil- iuiiunlllii < iiliiprliiK > , il . . li ru Uepu.lt , , , AJ > TAV | _ , A llIMsAK ' MiinaBir iiml Aiiill'iniiT win Aiiliniln ! ' i _ JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAHIJ EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , GRAND LO'ITIiKY OF JUARB I liili'r tlio nianai.nic > nt f the -J Mexican lutornatioiiiil HanUInu Co , , ( i.niiiiKli . nnrliH. Incorporated by tliu alntu uf Ull * Illinium , McJlio , . For Chnrltillo ; Pnrposos. i GUAND MONTHLY HHAWINO ' will take plino In pnlilliuit tliu city uf Juaiu * if < jiut > trli l'ii odi'l Nurlu ) , .Mmliu , WhUNESUAY , APOlt , SBrrt , 1BOO. nndi'rlliu pi'rnonal nupoi luloii uf l.i > ni > ral .luilk 3. MUHIII and .Mr CASIIIO Ainu till" , Iliu funuur u fcnlH'Mliill of Hiali promlnc'iiiu In Hi" t'nlli'd ' hliitcl Unit 111" pn-oi'iiro aloni ) l millrli ) < nt liiiariinltii to tliu pnliiu Unit thodrawlnuH will ho ln-ld uli fiiictlom * csly and fnlrni' to til. ami llio lutli r Him nupcrvl- nr t tin * .Muxknn KuMTiiiiitntj Is ul 0'iual etaiidliitf uiul InlcKrlty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $ OOOUO. OM.V OM.VWholu TlfKiilH. l. llulf Tlokult , , ' . Unaifoi-Tlcl.otN , II. i. is r or I > IU/.IH. : i i'ri/pdf ( mmiij i t I'ri/wiif iuu J is I I'rlinnf M' In ,1 1'ilrmor l.WKlfacli ar . ,1141 ! 10 I'rl/unuf -.iXli'iiihatu . ( l to I'rl/unuf IWloniliiiro . MKJIJ IW I'rl/i'iof Wlwiili nro . f , 101 IttOrn/usof WcMilinro . 7.4UJ APritoMllATION I'llUI. ' * . Ktt 1'tliei tit t Wench arc . I MO ) Jlraiharo . .HIM luu I'rl/i'i of IWl'iliesuf Siuailiaru . 1'JU iiinuv . PIII/M LW 'liTiiiliinlilo ttllUtl I'rUo.il . KMouili arc III 'M ) ' HO II are dun ) tM Tt'imliuU toflO.lWJI'fUuof UK l..HI I'rlrci nmniintliiK to Wrtlh' III.IT | IUIH'I | lict liy iiilil > ilmti , , . : ! Mi- lie In I'lillinaliiiii ( rum Hi" MiMl' HI InH'iiiiillun.il Iliinkliu ' miipany. tlio n < ci' ar ) fiindH to uniiraiitf'U tlio piiini'iit uf all tin' prl/ix dr.i n In IlKiiJiUMi l.orit lit UK .n AIIF/ . \\o luitlii'r lurtlfy that wo "III mipcrtmi' all Uiu arranifi-niuiitii , uiul In iii'ruoii IIIIIIIIIKO ami < < > mri > l ull Iliu druwinK * of UlU liOlttry , mid Hint the naiuoarit LiindiH tml with liunutty , fulrnuia , and In tiuml fultu tuwurd ull i'urtliM. i'urtliM.JOHNS % | oillimiiiiiiiiuiicr. . CAMII.O Alll.l I.I I.I S , hilpi'rvlKur lor tlio ( .ovi'inmi'iit If liny ticket ilninliik- iitUu In > i > nl in tin. nn < l r. tll.-iii > il Hi luio tiilnu will hit tolli'ilvd an I lo iho u nor thvruof Irrimi i KIX.AK II 1'iviidciit Kl I'IKH Nail'inil Hunk hi l'.i fat. . I'fir rlnh r.it * or all ) fnillii'r 111(11111 itl > n w'lo ' In llio iiiiin | l.'iii.'i | itntlnu your addriMii lt > .irlr Hale. iMiinlv nirr-di and muulx-r Mom raind di'llviry will Im iMHiiriil tiy > our cni litiltii ; ua uuvu upo hi'irliu your full addri. * * ill All IS l\1 HIS I nciNAI IINKIM. . < II , ( lljr ul JIIUIIA Mun SI > IM | icinltljiKiM Inr Uiki-li liy nriiiiinr/ letter , iiiilaliiin MI in i inter Inuod liy all K pri' ( uiu- IMIHL I Nrw ) oili KXLhunuri Jlnnlt lirnfl or I'vil&l uiv \ HIM n ull ic'iiliU'red luttrri lo M kill AN iMlll.SAtlu.-sil. 1UM.INO ( II CU vf JuuJUiU-ii 9.