Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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THE OMAHA i _ ? ? ivj , ,
ly-tTy *
TUT' onrri't ITIIP iini't Tr'
Tilt MulLAinE JlARKETb ,
Wheat Very Nervous All Day With But
Little Change in Prices.
Oats Open Loner niul After n
Adiiuic-c Clcc-c nt n I * ! * * News
I'ar From Inciting In
J'rtn Nlons.
April S2. ( ? | ielnl Telegram to
lnr. Tlic wheat market WH * not * oie-
in.irk.iblo today for either stiengtli or weak-
lies * ax for norvotiMiMs. What * ttcngtli theio
vus Mirprlsed c\cn the bull * . It was felt on
the cuil ) that tlic market was ready for it loin-
jmrary reaction , whatcter the ie ult nny bo
later Hn tills feeling July wheat opened 'Sc
off ut in ? InMcicl of n further 'lido tlic price
went toNJ'ic nt once. There WIIK a little easier
fi cling before 11 o'clock , with July off tojJi'ic.
Then oiiine a burst of MrontHli Mmllm to
of yp terday before midday and the price.
Mint tiptoST' r and n-HCled'0 to MV- . Mill
icmalnlng a f ruction ovei the close lat night.
Thl * M'cmod to purrle the trade. The market
opened easier on the expectation of : t reaction
and on lower cables and general
ralni In the northwoM. This new *
was followed by bullMi dl patebe from
Mmncaiiolls regarding acceptances uf Hour
for i x-f.oit by Hcortxihtn. Usurps gUlu ? a Hli-
(1H ( > bushel * uocrcH .o on ocean passage and by
the dally batch uf damaged riop reports from
M Loul * Un tliK ncns the advance. was
made. llutchltiMin Ixitight wheat eaily nnd
baiumeied the mailel at time-on the advance.
Trade feats lit-axj ollerliigs ftuin this somcp
orthr bnll sentiment might haxe been
Mlunger 1'nlted Kingdom Imports- for the
wickatt Ifi7. ( < ii0 quarters of wheat and 17-.000
biiticlsuf Hour. Three Atlantic | mtts eleaied
less than : ) . ) tuisliplmif wheat and buttery
little llmir today. The out In jieetlon hcie
a G.Ki bushi Is and receipts Siieais.
Corn was Influenced ery much as on Mon-
daj lluylnp of cash cotn WHS a stronc feaUne.
} " ! ( 'latur men and shippers iKiiiebt Slay finely
nciiiiist coin In transit , and this caused the
hhurts In this nxuitji to bid pi Ices up. Theie
was Mime selling of July by this sumc element
and the premium of .Inly was leducixl at
one time to , e whenIt was l'o
t < > da\H npo. May sold at iStv
to.Ci > 4e. clnslnc at 'Cl'o > iij. .Iiine touched
; Cpc. closinc with May. July wld at : ci'e
carl.v and nil to ; : i'c. eh sins at ID fe-ClV
Septcmlier closed at .H'ic.
Oats opened weak and lower , made a fair
adiuncciaily and closed at or belnw last
nlpht's prices. May sold : it 24VC , to 2414e , to
24Sc at the close June and July acted to-
pether. helling at 23.c , to "l'tc , to 2aiC al the
The provision trade wftsbiilinoderatetodny.
There was no preat ransv In values and while
lard and ilhs were weak , mess jiork was quite
firm andelitscd with a fall advance. Packers
were sellers of laid. In short ribs stilus wen *
led b > Haldwln and 1'owler and Merlin ; ; and
crowd crowded the business to lluteblnson
and Arminir. Itvan bought ribs. > lay ribs
went olTtoJ.Vi'i. eloslup at J.iO. JulV went to
J."i.40 , closing at & . " > 4 * ' , , . Laid was off ? ' $ . for
Maj and 5c for July , fork advaiiced to JU'.sO
for .May. closed at 18.73 , and to SlU.Oj foi July ,
closlni ; at } ia.K ( ) .
C'I//tVI O 1,11'K STOCK.
Ciiiroo. April 2T.-Hpeclal [ Teles ram to
Tun ltii.l : CATTM ; The market opened with
lathera "sluenlsh"demand andtradedrajrsed
at weak prices , eommon thin steers and
nuishest llcshy medium weight giade * belne
quotable by some salesmen at 5SIOO lowc'i.
As the day passed , however , a steadier tei'llng
was developed and fair clearances ellected at
prices not materially dllTeient from those
quoted yesterday. Cows and the general inn
( if butchers cattle sold freely at steady fls-
UIK Hulls wena little slow of sale , but
underwint no material change. Tim calf
branch ruled weak , the bulk of the
otloilnps beliiR unattiacthe. Neatly 3.KK )
TCMUIS niihed. prlnclpallv prasser * . and
w here the quality w as jioor . " ) < ji.ltif concejitslons
pie > ailed but socvd prassers and fed stock Mild
Mead ) . The stocker and feeder tiadewasin
a "Hat" condition. A libel al number of ordeis
weie in hand , but the ) can led with them In
structions , as a inle. to purchase at figures MI
much below yesterday's quotations that but
little was done. Choice to extra beexes. M.WTj
5K : : medium to peed stetr * . lIEiO to l.VK ) His ,
M.UKM.sO : laiO to 1.1VJ lb = , MMKir 4.40 ; ' .rotor-Mil
Ills. M. : XTl.dO ; stoi-Keis and feedeis. fc'i.V53.i1 : ! ;
cows bulls and mtxed. tl. : > usiiiM : ; bulk , J--'O ®
y.CO ; slop fed steers. il iTi l.TU : Te\as grass
bteers. 4..t.Vf 'J.7.coin ; fed. f.l.nrtf.'l.s- ( , .
lloos- The tnaiket opened and I tiledr c
lower In the Hock Island and Iuillntondivls- !
lon . but steady In tlie mnthwoht. Tin * latter
dixisioii. howeer. was lowest vesterday ,
lieni-e the penural basis of pi Ices toda > was on
an equal footlnp throiiphont all parts of the
yards. Su\eral lots ofery jirlmo heavy
hhapes sold atft.iO. ; oneextra fancy upto J4-'C."j.
but the bulk of peed to pi line heavy sold at
ttMOffH S , and the packing dro\ers larpulv at
8-1 llKi(4.12 for fair to best. Mixed boss moved
ini\eiily froml.iritol. .around $4.1'j licinc
a popular basis , ported llpht butchers'and
M iectcd medium welphts sold from 41.2(1 ( to
J-4 - ' > . largely at iM.221 . and wore made in line
at that. Maps were a drup at { J.UtKU lOJ ,
eluetlv aitmiKl J-.W. Tail end and cull lots
told genurally around it.W.
F1XACl.tL. .
Nnw YOHK. April 2i. [ Special Telegram to
THE Itui : . ] STOCKS Tut * characteristic of the
Mock market was less activity , strenpth e\-
tendlnp t < ia Miiallcr number of stocks and al
together there was. force than yestei-day
nu'rnlnp. There was some well dl-ulbuud
business but Coal stocks were dull and other
leadeis like Sugar Itellnerles , Ioulsvlllu A :
Nashville and Chicago Gas showed maiked re
ductions in the volume of trading. Opening
prices were generally higher than last night's
figures though displaying considerable iiregu-
lailty. but the market seceded Immediately
and concessions followed all over the
list. Au especially weak Pjiot was Chicago
cage Gas , which dropped suddenly from
Htto48s4e , a portion of which was af tern arc ]
reco\ered. Colorado Coal lost J4 to .11. Sugar
moved o\er a email range with stocks of the
icgularllst but head Trust wasa marked t\-
eeptlon to the rest of the markcu de > eloplug
considerable actlvlt ) and strength and In the
faceof the weakness of the icmalnder ad
vanced fiactlonally. The entire market
showed a tinner tout' toward tlie end of tin )
hour and sllgnt fractional gains were made ,
the market at 11 o'clock being fairly nctl\t >
and til in but generally at small fractions
under first prices. Among low pi Iced shares
I'lint and 1'ere Marquctt was the fcat-
uie , rising I'i to CJClj. As was
the case yc.sterday the market
became stronger toward noon , the gains being
up to72' or l' per cent oxer the close ) cster-
dav. I/oulsvllleA Nasi\lll | ( * was up to t > s , .
New Kngland and I'acllle Mall each ruled
higher. Noithern 1'acltic counnon and pie-
ferred slioweda fair gain , the latter touching
T.v , In the Ciranger group stocks simply re-
eoiered early losses excetit i = t. Paul , which
was up'o\er the close of yesteiila ) ' to tiiiV-
In the lioulcl stocks Missouri I'acllle was weak
and \\istern I'nlon stning. It Is e < meede < | now
that most of the sluirt Interest Is eliminated
and that the temporary hesitation of the mar
ket Is due to tlie haste of hulls to take
prollts Tin' Mock market took even more of
a Mump before the close than on Slonday.
Theie was free selling of long stock. Trust
Mocks which were so strong uaily closed w Ith
a shaip decline. Money was run up to t > per
cent and this helped tlie selling feeling alon-
'hlcago lias dropped oil to 4U and fngar to
li ! ! ' , . closing l' lower for the day. Lake Miore
and Iouls\llleeach lost ' . Alchtson dropped
back toCis'i. llurllngton to ia'i'4. cadi clii-lnc
lower for the day. North is > torn and Itock
Island were Mead ) . M. 1'auldld not lose all
Itsearly adwmcc. roilst : cU , weHkeneU with
tin-otliers. Total sales , 175,000 slum's.
The following were thocloslnp quotations :
Northern 1'ni'ttic . ai5.
I s. 49 couponi , . do preferred . . . . 7i
I s 4Si rrirulnr. C. A NV . . . lilt ,
I' h < sj cou | jn . . tin | irt'frrr < sl XI
1'urlNc Co ut > 'i .110 X. V. iVutral lu:1
( cntral 1'udnc . . . SIS : l' . . . Alt 304 ,
Ililcnito A Alton. .131 lltK-k Hlniul Vi
Clitcoin , llurllii toi O. , M. .V M. I' . . . tile
ilo iMcli'rrtHl . . . .tint ,
11.1. AW : M. I'uul \ Omnlm. . . . ; il
llllm. . I. Central . . : ! T , Uo rri'Irrnnl in
1,11 AW I'nlun I'lii-ltlo r.lX
Htmtaft . * . Tcxa * . \V. , S-t. K A I' . . . . ISVi
) Jkf sir | , , do iircfrrriHl . V7
Mli liltran Central Wrstcrn t'nluu. . . . ) ; ,
> lli * t > urt Pacific .
MONMKasy at S&4 percent.
I'liiMt MI.IH.OTII.K IMrEU-.m ? per cent.
1-TLin.iMi KxciiAMil. CJulet and steady ;
aj bilU , t4.s0 ; demand. M.s7't.
Stock * .
NEW YOHK , April a. [ s'lnvlal Telegram to
TIIK HKK. 1-The follow Ing arc the mining stock
quotations :
IV > lluiuf.lalf . . . , hffl
Colt KinU Hi : iu illoinMlTiv .
( 'In.liar * TU N OnitmiMirtsiltu. . Wi
CXm. ( 'al A Va Is6 Ml. DUttki .Ml
t'tiiuBii'il ' < wltb ISO Ontario 4UM
m iloH-d , T UU l'lUiuulli m
Kl Crlttu 130 1' 0
Utiuld A Currr ISO ; ierrRevnJa . . . .III
llate A SyntGH - . . 3M ! ? ttwCr * k . . . . IM
Tim Wool Market.
HOM-OV April a.-fipiHlal [ ! TuluKram to Tin :
111.1 : ] Tlici-u Ims ln-t'ii a jrixxl dfinuiul for
wiK-l here aud will' * to iiiunufucturvn IIHM-
bttu lurft. but nut uiuvk iu cicvat uf thulr
u-tui'ncci's the rs'ixlsnai ns run l wnt' <
si > .il itiorniit. , i s TI , ' tiarsct s steady aijJ
iir'i'i * nriiiii' ' li.inen ) In ( lhli > flrp'-cs tbi re
liiivo Ix'f n ilp nf X at , i 'Ml < % ntid XX t .t < lie
: io , - X lnKbtPn sold tin ty | at 29c
' nnililng' inn ! delaine flfU'c , ntf in tnnll 1o.-k
and Ilrtn K tcrn ( rpc < m otil lime brrn
SM Hlnr quite well , with the IH I brlncinif !
IPr nnd fnmi Hint down to He. Territory
wool * artIn fteiidy dpinkiid nt previous price * .
California und Tcitn arc nnk't und In ftnull
stock. No now vrool * linve DU II received hi re
iH'j'ond > iiie siniiplc * I'ulled wouls ate qtilcl
nnd Mcftdy. IVirclsn wool * contlnuL fjulet
Mini stoailv. and thrrr I * no trouble about dls *
jm lnsof the upillcsof | Autntlluu here and
tORnlvo. _
I'ltoiH'CR .w.i I//I/T.S' .
CHICAOO. April 29. ll.i : p. m. rlo p. Wheat
rirnii cash. fesi4pMny. ; s Jc ; Juty.t-THe.
Com Stenrty ; easti , Xk'i May , ia't&R'je ;
Jnly.xi > i : n\r.
Oats stcmlys cah. SI4c ; May , ! lfc ; July ,
Itye-rirm at W
I > rliiiuTliiiolhytL'idy :
rinx-riiiiiat IUV ) .
I'ork-Vliinercali ; , S1J.T3 ; May. II2.SO ; July
fi : < . i.
Lird-Su : > ady ; cash. tG/JOao.nj ; May , IC.35 :
July. M.4V
riour rirm : , prlns patent * , * oft to
linrd. H-'idlt-VTi ! wlntt-r patent * . M..VI&4.75.
' - slioulder. ! ' 0' iei.vr sijort clear ,
l'i- < nloii | , > > ;
f5.7i S.75 ; sbort rlbs. W.noe..40.
Iluttci Uull ; c'icuiiiery , lO&IT'tc ' ; dairy , > S
Cheese Quiet : full cream Cheddars , and
flats , ( taintYounc ; Americas. IDSllc ,
Kcp-Klrm : frc h. llfelic. .
Hide * Uiiclimieedi pieon No. 1. 4ijO ! heavy
end llcht crucn nltwl , i'tO e' salted bull ,
8 4c ; iin-en salted i-alf , Co : dry llmt.O&ic ; dry
sallt-d hideGo ; dry calf , 5 < iGc ; deacon * , 2uu
'Tallow Unclianjed ; No. 1 olld packed , 3U
© 4c ; No. " , 3U . - ; cake , 4c.
lcccltt ? * . Shlpm't. * .
Hour . W.W0 M.nw
Wheat . I7.1WO 1 ( > . ( KW
Corn . 2W.OOO .T7.I.OW (
Ojts . 2O.OJO 4 1.WO (
Ni\v : YOHK. April SJ. Wlioat Itecelpt * .
r.t.lKfl btlshfls ; c\i 3rt" . SI.'BO Uu'hplsspot
closing strons : No. S tod. | i70ii7'ic In elevator ,
th'ifty-1' tilloat. lii ftl'i o f. o. b. ; options
hluht'i , No. Bird April closliif : at 07c.
Coin Ufcelpts. fil.i.X ; ) bushels ; export * . 107.-
700 bushels ; spot | il licr ; No. S , Ji'tfttmc
In I'lvvator. 4"i' ' < ijjnc afluat ; uniiadcd mixed ,
4I04V ; otitlotis , stnmjrer. Hun : April. 424o.
( intIcireluls. . 11 .oiKbiisiels | ; exports 10..VIO
buslii'lhi spot elft cl i-isyNo. | : Bwliltv.Xi&ntap ;
mixed wi'stfi n. : t9 ! l.V ; white inl.\cd wc-toin.
; ii ( 4Uc ; options clo-rd'Uini ; Aplll , closing at
CpITce Ojitlons clo'ed steady r3 points
down. Unit's .MrK ) ba s : April , $17.03 ; Hay ,
rin.7.VitlC..N'i ; > pot Itlo nominal ; fair cargoes ,
.siisai Ilnw. firm ; centilfugais , 00 test ,
5'4r ; icllned , diilrt.
IVtrnli'iiin Culled closed. May , SJHc.
KsgsKnslcr ; uustern , liaii'-c.
Luril Hsisfcr ; western steam , fS.G"1' ; May
closing W.d.
Iliiltcr Choice ftesh. firm ; western dairy ,
: f ISo ; cieamerv. lOftlS'ic ; Klln. luaije.
Cheesf Steady : Western. OiilO' c.
K\M > AS CITV. April -i Wheat Steady.
No. - . hard cash. Tic bid ; No. y haul casb , 7Io
bid ; NeB red. cash. s t > bid.
Coin S-tcady ; No. ' - ' , cash , April , 27cbld ; no
Oats -No trading.
LivEiiroou ApiII 22. Wheat -Quiet ; holders
offei iiHideiately ; California. No. 1. 7s ljd } per
cental ; nil westeiu. winter. 7sin.7c 'Jd.
Coin Quiet and lower ; mixed western , 3s
GVI per cental.
MlXNKAroi.ts. April 22. Wheat Receipt- .
2.M curs ; shipments. M ears ; market fairly
active ; tow ciades dull. Closlna : No. 1 haid.
April and May. 7c ; on ( > ; > o. 1
noitheril. April and May. si3t. | ; an track.
fGls4-s c ; No. 2 iioithcin , April and May , b2c ;
on Hack. Ms.ise. |
ST. Louis. April 22. Wheat Irregular ;
cash. KVe : May. ' ( i' e.
Coin-Higher : ea-h. 'WV ; May , SO'WMOJie.
Oats Higher ; cash. 20SjC.
1'oik Li > wor at illi--O.
Lard Nominally lower at 5.5.20.
lluttei rirm ; creamery. ISttlTc ; dairy , II
ClxcixxtTi , April 22.-Wheat Strong ; No.
2 icd. sjfW'O ' , ' .
Corn No. 2 mixed. IfTQ Clie ,
Oats Ka lcn No. 2mi\cd , 27275c. !
MiL\VAfKiK. : April 22. Wheat finn ; No. 2
spline , cash , tfic ; Maj , s2" c.
Corn No. II. : cfe'4c.
Oat * I'lrm ; No. 2 while , SOQSTe.
ISjc I'll m : No. I. .Vi'jc. '
Harley-ia-y ; No. ' . ' . 4le.
Tioxlslons Kasy : pork. J14.50.
CHICAGO , April 22. Cattle IJecelpt * . A.VX ) ;
n.arKet .steady to 10i > lower ; beeves. 4.0D/BV.Vi ;
stoei * . s'i.Oi/4.sO : ! ; nocKers and fet-deis , } jyTi3
a.UO ; c-ow-i , bulls and mixed , Jl.riOjia.30 ; Te.xus
stccra. JJ fi.VS.S. ) .
lloss ISoceluts. 22.000 : mailiCtloWDi ; rnlied
and llcht , j4.KH3.4.27iliea ( \ > , It.m&iXj ; skips ,
? y..W'U-'l W.
Hieep Receipts..r > .0X ( ) : market teady to
MronK ; natlM-s , Jl.2.njJ.CiO ; western corn-
fed. tVOtta-Vsj ; Texans , H.Wit > .lJ ; lambs , $5.00
The Drovers' Journal London cablegram
quotes good to choice American steeis at
K"sO3Uc , with a few fancy tops as high as
ST. Lotus. April -Cattle Receipt * . 2,000 ;
shipments. 100 ; steady ; fair to fancy imtive
sti > ei > , KUiOSI..K ) : sto 'kers und feedei-s. S2.iU35 :
. .
HORS Itecelpt * , 0,703 ; shipments , COO ;
hemy. N.ioai.20 ; packing 4.U,1.13 ; llsht ,
t4.kK34.12'5 ; matket lower.
KANSAS CITV. April 22. Cattle Iteeeipts.
7,000 : shipments , l.lfli : market stoadv and
lower ; steers , ei.404.7r > ; cows , | Jl.7Slt3.40 ;
stockers and feeders. iK.niity..Vi.
Hos * Itccelpt * . 10'JOO ; sliipmetits , none ;
murket lower ; all grades. JJUnKU.4.10.
Siocx CITV , April 22. Cattle Iteeeipts , GOO ;
shipments , : ; maikot strung.
Hogs Iteculpts , -.WO ; maiKct lower ; JU.97 ©
Tt'u < ! l > vv. April 22.
Hstlmated receipts of cattle Il.i.n : , compared
with 1.2s."i yesterday and 2.1110 last Monday.
The market opened * -lo\v with a few sales of
the xeiy best heavy steers at barely steady
price- , . Late lecelpts , together with disc-on r-
aliirT advices , caused a drop betoiu much
tiadini ; had been < loiie , Tliu market con
tinued slow and sa in" nt the decline , with
sale * of best beeves ui a simile to .V ? lower , peed
but cherV steers .V und lOclowei and soiuceom-
monlsh stiK'U reported as much as 1UIV lower.
The cow marUot. with twenty-live loads in , did
not drop w It li t lie > ! eer mat ill It w as low or ,
the best sr.idrs cllnc ! f ullv .V- lower tluin yes
terday , others as much as 3U' ( lowei. IVedcrs
were In supply nlth considerable tiafllcin on
a maiket without a change of quotations.
Hulls icmatned about steady.
Estlmiited receipts of Jiogs 5.2TO. compared
with 8UI'.i yi'stenlay and rCisfl last Tuesday.
The luv market opened fto lower.was slow and
sagglni ; . At midday some ten loads lemalncd
uiiMild. The iiinseof prices uiui Uuai.07 > s ,
the bulk s-ellliiK at f.l.U7li. Tlio aveniKu of the
price * P'lld was fi..ls1. , compared with S4.07S
yesterdav and } 4.W last Tuesday. This U
the first day thlbiuonlli when tlie a\eiage fell
below M.OO. _
Prevailing Price * .
Thoftillowlne Is a table of prices paid In
till * 111:11 : Uct for the grades of stock men tlonod :
1'rlme steerWJO to 1WJ ttis . t.'l.M " ' "
Hood steers. I'iiJ to 14V ) lt , . II.G5
( Jood steers. 3033 to 3:11 : tt > . a 15
Common 1HOO to Il.vjtt steers . .VJJ
( minion can tiers . 1.00
Onllnury to fair cows . 1.00
1'alr to KIKH ! cows . l..U
Coed to choice cows . 2.2J
Cliolco to fancy cows . * . " >
1'alr to KOOI ! bull * . 1.7."i
choice to fancy bulls . 2. " > J
Light stockers and ( eeU' . ' - ' - > 3
IVedei * . ( CiOtollWffis1 . 2.03
Pair to choice light hos * . : i. <
I'alr to choice heavy hogs . 4.W
1'ulr to choice ml.xcd hops . W5
Coiupurativi ) TalIe < .
The follow Ing tables show the range In
prices on bogs during this nnd last week :
Days. i This week. Last week.
Jf ! > ' ' r uu ili
Tuesday S W 4 UiW US 84 IS
WfNliiriiar 370 < st Id
Tliurs'tar ' KU ( n 10
Irlilar < j | , W4 iu
.saturda ) . . i 3 w g4 15
IRC of PiIceIIojjs. .
roof prices
I.lcht und " medium hogs ftffio1' \ ;
( IIKH ! to choice mixed hogs 3 H7',4WU.
Uootl to choice heavy hogs 4.00 51o7'i !
Avorn | ; Price of Hojc .
Showing tlie a veraso price pild for loads of
j"'ior ° " tlie llar" " 'llositoa ' In 1 ; J. JMJ , is j aml
null Lutvenl Hale-j of
Today Yo t rday
Hlclii-t . M 07" , IUKhe t. . . . . . / n
3 bS lxj cl . 4
Average Co t of
The folluwlus table sire * tUa > crajc coit
tf In XIL n the ( latent < > rit. incJ mMud n ? the
n t touay as I c-J up > n , iles rcp
Datr I'rice Date Tr. T
April I ( I It'i April 12 4 3. . i
AK I - 4 ( April 14 4 3 < -
April t . . . . J OP , April n . . 4 m .
April 4 . . 4 Id , April 16 . 4 024
April . " . 410SAirlll7 | . . . . 4 004
April 7 . 4 IS April l ! < . 4 07
AprllS . 412 April 10 . 4 f *
AprllP . 4 { April n . 4 CC H
April 10 . 14 IBV April 21. . . . . . 8 Vi
April II . . .4 04sj _
Stock JU'cclpl" .
onk-lal Vwtculrty r. , tlm ( oil Tojuy
Celtic. . . . CI ear * r > ' r ttl ( ? . . . IW cnr : t 00
Ilt iJs . . . < curs 3349 HURL' ? . . . bO curs KOO
ihcep 3 cars MB
STtcns A > 'n iictrnus.
Hogs lower.
Cattle slow-and lower.
M. Mackcy ent In a car of hogs fioin Ktistl * .
.lilmcs Miller hunt in u car of hogs frum
AMel ,
Downey i Toot maiketed cattle from Mui-
11. r. Downer sent In a car of hogs from
Alliert Dexterof lllalrhada carof hoes , on
the maiket ,
Petcison Hrossentoer near of cattlefrom
iVeston. la ,
\ \ ' . A. I'lnlaj- Oieenw'ood had hogs in from
J. J. HotK'rts brought In thieo ears of cattle
from M'hulH'rt.
W. C. Gilflln hrought In thrto cars of cattle
from I'aj mond.
\V. II.Volir brought In two cars o cattle
from \ \ ray , I'ol.
t * . L. sleekehad near of cattle ou the mat-
kot from Wlsiicr.
The Nye & Schneider Co. sent In a car of
logs f Mini I'reston.
.1. G. Oldham. Jr. . was up from PInttsmoutli
with a car of cattle.
George llenner of Onpp & Henner , Mcl'aul.
la. , was over with a cat of cattle.
Lobcmann A : Tiaucrman bought n dozen
loadhof cattle to boihlppod to New York city
; for export.
rons Strictly fresJi.Oe ; cold storage , pick
led , limed , salted not wanted at any price.
Ptll'I.TIlY Turkeys dlesseil. fituey dry
picked. 13r > ! 3c ; turkeys , ll\e per Ib. , ( > ailc :
chickens , fancv. liKftr.'c ; chickens , choice. Mi
Jdo ; chlckt'li.s , fi\e , tier doz , , fLM l.TS : geese ,
diesM'd , fancv , llViJllc : SPI-M' . ilr ' sed , choice.
Ktllv ; geese live , doz. . | 4UW < t,7.iO ( ( : ducks ,
dressed , fancy , lie ; diu-ks , eholce. I'iHOc ;
ihu'ks , Ihe , doz. , I..riiit3.00i ( pigeons , doz. , tl.OO
dlui : Jack nlpc. Jl.003.1.25 ; zolden plover.
ll.do4H.25 : mallard ducks , } l.7Vft2.03 : cantus-
baek ducks. t4.tWfo5.W ( ; red-head ducks , doz. ,
f 1.25ft I..V ) ; teal ducks , dor. . V c'l.25 ; mlxod
ducks , doz. , Mvft l.tW : geese , Cutiadu , rJ.r J ®
J.W ( ; jrc-eM , small. H.n ai.M.
MAI-I.E M'O vit-Per III. Iiai24o.
rilia.SE Per U > . full crvam Young America ,
It4c ; full cream twins , 10 , c ; full eivani ( Ihlo
Swiss , 3 < V ; full creiim Wisconsin > wlss , 14ftdo ] :
full cream brick , IJc ; full cream llmburger
* "
HONEV-i : ai4c per Ib : strained. ( V- .
OitANOKh- Per box. Florida brights , W.OO ®
4. ' : Moslna , } 3.7.a5.0U ; t'allfoinla fancy
iiHMils.W ) ; Lo Angelfs. t'100eJ'dllng : * .
Kher lili' . fJ.2.Vft'I.W ; momituln , } VJ4 ; lu tixc-
box lots 2v ; per l oless. .
Pi.Miti'1'i.Ki.-lVrdoz. fJ-UOiiM.OO.
SnuwiiLiiiiitb-Per cai > e , 24 uts. , fT.OO ®
fniKH Per bbl , reflnwl. tyi.50 ; liiilf bbl. ! 33 ;
hard elder , pure , per bbl , KM : orange elder ,
half bblK. 17.00 ; peur elder , half bbls , * 7.00.
JIlM k. Mt\T-'ia c- per Ib.
lLiioNbPcr Uii , M Iua fuo y ,
Vcrddli , pood. KM
I'cr buui-h ,
tit rrri. ( cry fa'r'v i > prUst " , '
1 n .tint ry fnri' r Wl.J t.i ki < i , * -
i in I I'si'-Su ' ? ' l.Ur ) fiincy n < \ \
Bud | * 3 > " 2"r , dnir.r fun y < i > lid p.ukrd.
. . da.ry. ctmlcc , ( l. | ( ic i-nuutry ivll.
fanl.vrioi btik'c , Iji tic. cuiintry n > ll.
0' > loc , country i"uU. " fair , 7(58oi (
took. - ' * .
llosL ! < iQuot llon RI f r delivery In Chi-
cagi'i. Dry bttlTalo. P r.iQn. I16.0ils.00 ( ( : dry
foimtry. meaehcd. flOaWJ < | .nOj dry countrj- ,
dump nnd meaty , f ' .BJBHM * . J
Yl-xiCTAiit-K" Old StTWt potatoes , fsacy
MitMTBtlne. per tiW. * 4 < 00f ivnlmis , oxtrn fiincy ,
W.W : onions fair. t W : rutnbnirno. fJ.OO ; cur-
ruts 2.W , pntsnlps J2.'Vj beets , JJ.OO } hoisp
i r6of . tier bbl. JI/Aj perlb , 7cj celery
per Mil. Js.W : per do * . 00e.
. ! | Per Ib.
VEAL Choice medium , S30e ; light ,
c ; t-a. .
Al'l't.KtVr bbl. Gt-hltone. Jl.OO ; Willow
Twig. HAi : lien Davis , ilM ; itomanlte , flM.
I.lN f.Et ) OllJI tCSc.
CocoAM'TS-Tcr Imndrxrt. 4.7 : > .
I'ICKLKS .Medium , p-r bbl. .VVi ; smnll. M .V > :
gherkins t'M ; C. A. It. ehon chow , qtj. ! i. < > :
pt . M.B. :
I'dTATotS-I'cr bu. fancy , : , vg,4V' ; choice , 30
1'icii 1'ivsli froren white trout , pike and
pickerel , per Ib. 7c ! sturgeon , 7c.
linn : * . 1'r.l.TS A > D TAl.Low-Grecii salted
hides 4J4i- : dry stlted hides r a7c : dry Hint
hides fittHV : ciilf hides 4' ( iiiO'ic. Damaged
hide * 2c loss. S-hccp pells ciren. oHch. 2V-C
fl.SS : heep pelts dry. IMT Ib. r Kllc ! tallow.
No. 1. 3S4e ( ; No. 2. 3 > ; Q3 jc ; grease , white ,
3'ij.4c : iellow. 2'tlUic.
Ill.\N Hand picked navy. ll.VXAI.Mt hand
picked ini\.v. iiu'dluiii. } 1.4 * I.V ) ; hand picked
count rj . f l. : i.l 40 ; gtuMl elean. } 1.2 ( > S1. ; .
Al'I'LK llt'TTLIt-t'er III. ( Wf 7.
Wool. Tine iinwK"lieil. 14i917c : rnedlum tin-
wnslied. Isfi-'JIc : coarse unuaulied , It-aiW.
Dnirti riiriT-t'urraiits. new. OH'i7l8e ' ;
priinci. casks 1 : W. ) His. o e : prunes bl > N r
hags. O't6i'p ; eitron peil. diiims 20 Ibs 22c ;
li-mon peel , dm m * . Ifard ! ; dates , lio\es 12
Ihs. lie : 'apricots , choice evaporated. l.V ; apri
cots , Jcllv cutvd , 25 Ib l i\es > . Ific ; itptlcot > .
fancy. 2T > llbo\es. ) IRc ; apples , cliulcu evapor
ated. Iflr : tipples inline new. O'.f ' : ligs layer ,
10 per cent tan' . 13'tc ; in sm-ks. 7c : IVrsiatl
dates 7e : Sal ! I.aku apples. , vhlnekburiles. ; .
evapoiated. "iO Ib bitM's. r. fj cherries pitted ,
dry filled. KL- : peaches , paied. fancy , l-f
choice. Ilk1 : .llt Lake. r. pitted plums , ( . 'at ,
I Id boxes .s't(3ii'ie ' ( ' : lasplK'nies. o\aporated.
N. Y . iH-w. 30ci prunes , it. < „ m-7u ittfii'tc :
orance peel. l. > c : nllslns. Cullfocnla , Linidon.
cmp issi. jj.40 : I'al. lixi-c nuisc-atels prop IWi.
Ji'.luValnnclas If * * . ( > ' ; Ytili'tielns ne .
IV1 : Cal. seedless sks , . : Ondiirn. layer , new
lie ; dtlcd crape * , . , V ; piiinelles. new , 12'ic.
( .SMUI Oodtis 1'rults. California standard
brands. 2' Ib , per doApricots. . 8.7v ! ( ! . > " ;
npllcots liic fruit. ilJ.i'lons J4-VI ; lil.irk-
bei rles TJ Si ; Hierrli's. Ma. U. 52. ( ' ) ' . ' .2. . : cher
ries , white. J. ! 2.Vf ! . " 0 ; giapes' ) ; | tears
Ilartlett. S-Moa2.2J : pearlies. yellon.ti.10tjS.23 ;
pcaclies. lemon clintr. f4t > ; plums ogn. ilXtft
l.sO ; pltims. ( : iiilcii | dliips. | .rti ; plums. | : ieeli
cases Jl.037fI.sO ; peaelifs ivlth pits In. ;
curt nuts. 42..fl ; goo el.crm s. t..2i : quinces ,
fc.10 ! ; raspbciries , J..NI , strnnheriies SJ. . " ;
peaches. 3-11) eastcin stmidards. ! I.s3 ; 3-lb pie ,
* I.10 ; 0-11) ) pie. JJ.03 : gallon pie. * I.OJ : apples.
high stamlaids , S2.75 ; 2-lb iroo bei i ics. l V ;
2-lli sttawlfrrles l ) < Hl"c ; 2-lb rasplieriles ,
( 1.00 ; 2-lb bliicbenles. Mf.cilc ; 2-lb blackuet-
Hes < Vi37.V2Ib.str.nvlifriepreserved. ; ; . H > i ;
2-lb i-ispberrlcs , priMcrxc'l. ; 2-lb black-
berrles preserved. J1 'J ; pineapples. Ilahama
choniii'd. S.MK ) : 2-lb Hah.tma cr.iK-d. fJ.7. > : 2-lb
Ilabama sliced. t--V ) ; 2-llitandard sliced. * ! . 'r.
( ( .1..VI ; cheirles.lo trd , llaltlmore , s'l Cic ;
pears. 2-lb. Jl.x : > .
YiiCT4.m.K : Toinatofs 3 3 Ib
standard western bran Is. ( ulS-IV ; gallons ,
stilctjv standard. W.SX ) ( orn I'lnest grown.
} ! . ) ; gilt-edged stijrat < nrnery fine. fl-M ;
choice 2 Ib suar col n. Jl 2 ' ; 2 Ib extra western
btands. aVUiLO'1 : - Ib stiindaid western
brands. fifr370c. Mushronins l Ib riench.eMrii
line. i.'jWK. ' ; 1 11) rrench. line. Is.i2.'c ; 1 lit.
Pieiicli. ordinary. IdTilv. I'cas Tie line.
per can. 2V ; deml Hue. | u-i can. Idc ; 2 Ib. sifted.
Jl.C/J ; 2 II ) curl ) .Iunp.i.2Vtf.l.i3 : : 2 Ib Marrow.
standard brands M.l'i ' ; ' - ' lbViaked..r > 7c. Mrlng 2 Jb high grade Itcfugee. KV2 : Hi ( iold-
fii wax lioaiis. ; . " > ; : 2 Ib stilus beans. Tor. Ilma
Iteaiis 2 Ib siialpd. 7.V. Huston linked lleans
' 1 Ih l.cnK Jl.C' , ; cii > wn brand. JI..VJ. J-weet
I'otatoes 3 Ib New Jersey. J1.SJ. I'umpkln-
3 Ib new pumpkin. JUU. Ukia and tom. < t < > e = . > ) ; okra. * l. ( > 0 ; tu-c t j-b Tl.20.
PISH Codh-h , exlia lii'orgt-s new. . " > 'jc ' ;
grand bank. nen. V ; sllvij ; , 2-lb bliieks. ( i'4e ;
SHUN white. 2-lb bricks n n\.ie ; Turkey tod.
large middles , luleks ! ' < : no white crates.
12- . " > llibo\i's. 73j < - ; Icr-lamlhullbnt. flniedlnm ;
s < -aled heirlng. 2V : X . 1 scaled liorrlmr. Ue ;
domestic Holland heruiig. Vllamliurj
spiced herring , SLY ) ; Uiis ian snidiin-s. TTn' :
I'lisslnii-saivlliieh. plaln. ' , " > 5c ; Impoited Holland
heirlng. crown brand , NIC ; do. fiincr mllki rs.
HOc : mackerel. No. 1 slon , > halfbbls. fiadfl ;
bloatei-s. half bbls. > | . ( W : wb-le li-h. half Mils ,
( 7.01 ; trout , half bbK j.VJ : family whlU'tish.
iWfl : salmon. Js.n ; 1 Ui marKetcl 'heiiingi. '
il.Oifel.lO : 1 Hi tliiiun luuldk-s. : l.r. : llbloli-
steis , S2laU2.3.i : lib Alu.sUa s.ilmon. Aletlt.
? 1. 0 : 2 Ib Oi st.i > in 07. Jl ti"t ; l IN njtirs. . ft o/ .
$1.15 ; 2 Ib "elect. 12oz. t2C7lib clnms little
necks. $1.23 ; 21b clain" . little necks. ? . ' .00 : ' , Ib
sardines , iuipoi ted. pei case. 3Ws. Jl.VintfM.OO :
! s Ib linpoiled bonelos sardines. 2Bc : Ilisar- -
illnes Ameilcan. pel cu e. ] UOs , 1'ieni'h style.
fi.r > 9Tf.00 ; ' % Ib siiidliu" ! ' , ' American , per case. .
lOJs. rrencb st\Ie. * A'a < . (6) ; > 4 It ) saidincs.
inn-laid , iiercase , Ms. fl.7.Vlf4.00 ; Imported ktjy
aiiliiics 433.00. '
-HAPS Castile , mottled , per Ib. s lOc ; do
nhlte. perlb. 14c.
HltoiiM I'ailoi 4 tic. ii.73 ; 3 tie , M 2T ; sui-
liles. j..s'i ; coniiiion Jl."iKl'1.73. (
Ccom 't Ib tin. 40 , ' perlb.
CIIOIOLAIL 22 . " > per Ib ; German chicory.
led. s'.c. '
> AI OIIA Itbls , ISc ; granulated , 2e ; kegs ,
fOIn i'kgs. ( iO Ills to box. "iV .Vje.
Nl-T Almonds IV ; Hiu/.lK I4iniberts. ; .
IS'ic ; pecans. llcuuliitils.l2'ic ; peanut cock * .
sc ; roasted , lie ; Tennessee peanuts. 7c.
IJnrns iGroeei-'i IVr Ib Iloiax. lv ; enp-
peias. 2'tc ; Hay leaxes. 34c : glue. Kkepsum
salts. 4c ; glauber salts. : ' ; sulphur. 2'rc ' : blue
vltrol , Oc ; alum. 4c : tarlatlcacid. 42o ; losln 2c ;
saltpelei. absuliitelv pine. 10c ; gum camphor.
J His In ho1 ocaul's. . Jie ; hups U and 'i Ib
packages. 2'c ) : sage. \ jnd ' Ib pn kairel.V ;
madder. 13e ; Indigo. J Ib and 3 Ib boxes. > . ) ' . ,
fi.VTE.70c ; indigo. 3 Ib and . ' > Ib boxes. MadnislV ;
scaling wax' . 2" > Ib boxes , ted. 3'ic sealing wax.
S > 111 boxes , w bite. 4e.
CANNED MKATI 1 Ib lunch tongue. i2.73 ; 21b
lunch tongue. 81 " , ' ; 1 Ib coined bet-f. il.-M ; 2 Hi
col ned beef. J..a'i : ( I Ib coined bif fiV ) : 14 Jb
corned boef. ! 14 ; 2 In boneless jilgs' feet. WAS ) :
1 Ib EnclMi brawn. Jl.'iO ; 2 11) ) tZiislNh brawn.
UM3 ; 0 Hi Kngllsb buiHn. K7."i ; 1 Ib compiess-ed
chipped beef. . ( .
> C ( ; .HS Cut loaf , si" cut loaf cubus. 7' c ;
siandaid. powdered. 7'c : XX.XX , iHiwdcred ,
MS granulated , staiidnid. ( > 'ic ; confut'iloncis
A. O e ; while t-Mia. 1. i * i' ; extra C , Neb. .
314'c ; amber. ric ; lib eompicsscd ham. $1.73 ;
2 Ib cnmpr * s cti . ' .f/i.
IViiTBB ltoast"d Arhuckle's Ailosa , 25l c ;
MchaushllirXXXX. . ; n' e : ( 23'cc ;
Dilnorth. Alarnma.&Vic ; ; bulk. 2'i'se. '
Coi'Fr.K GieenI'anry old golden Ilo. ! 2.1r ;
fancy old peaberi \ . ' V ; I tin. cholee * i fancy.
ii' c ; Itlo. piline. l94c ; Illo , good. 22 tc ; .s.intos
and common I'lo. l2lc ! ; Mocha. Ltk1 ; Java.
genuine o. C.2sc ! ; Jiivn , good Inteilur. 24e ;
African , 22' ' c.
r\Iitxrcou * GOODS Hailej' , 3'4(3,4c ( ; farlu ! .
3c ; lU.oatmeal. ; . l 4'j.'le ! ; macaroni. lOc :
ici iul ( fill , lOc ; ilce , 4ftli'sc ' ; sago and tapioca ,
( ! j7c ; lima boans. Cc.
Oil. ' Keitisene 1' . W. . lOc ; W. W. 12'4c ;
headlight. Klo ; gHsuline. 12c ; salad oil. i2.K3 ( ,
O.iiO per doz. Linseed Haw , ( lie : boiled. ( I3e.
MKVTI Hams. No. 1 , ir-lb axerage. ! lJ4c ; 20 to
22 Ills. .Ii4c ; 12 in 14 lb . 30c : sbotildeis. Oc ;
bicakfast bacon. No. I. e'ii' ; ham sausage. N- ;
dried beef hams. C'4rj.7J4e ; beef toi.gues
per doz ; dry salt meats , 5'/ii4c per Ib : ham
iinilette , C'jc ; boneless ham , T4c ; jilcnlc ham.
0'4c.Hni'K Ilasls Manilla rep < > . l.V ; sisal itpe ,
12lc ; cot ( tin rope. ! ( . ; now process s'tc.
I'oTTO.N THISB Hlbb.very One. 3 or 4 ply ,
22c ; line. .Me ; Palsy , Isc ; eandli ) wick. 2-'e.
Ui.tvr. ! Quarts perdu * . SU.75 ; pints , jiei doz ,
K.23 ; bulk , IM.T gal , ( lie.
YIMUIH 30 Er. elder fee ; good. lchltu ;
wine. IV' .
fTovt : rouisii K. i ( < W.K per gross.
HAO.S Am. , perlOJ , H7.fti ; Lunlsion , per 100 ,
Moi.ASsis : Hbls. . N. O ftinev , per gnl , V > U
fi7c : choice. 43JM7c ; good , , ' > & 32e ; Cuba baking.
tKk' ; black strap. 21'ft .V ,
WliM'i'isn 1'Ai'KH Straw
Drj f.'uinls.
Illiowx CIITTON Atluiitlo A , 7'4c ; Atlantic
H , 7e ; Atlantic H.GV : Atlantic P. Cc : Auror.i
C' . 4'4c ; Itiiek'sllead. OVo ; ( 'allot W. G'.e ; Dar
lington , ( IV. rarmers' No. 1. 'i. 44c : Atlniillc
I.I , , , r * ' ; Aurora It. fil r : Aurora H. G 4r ; Airow
brand , C' c ; Allah O N II. 7' e ; Chlcasaw A II ,
Hie : cln-1-secloth , 4e : L'lifion IT. .Vte ; Pep-
peiell U , CJ4e : IVpjieiell K. 40-Inch. 7Uc ; I.ang-
don G II. Ik- ; Cast Iron , T V-
llt.i\-iiiii : t'OTTO.vs-dnrkeley cambrle No.
GO. do ; llfst Vet , ti'.c ; Hlapkstone A A. 7i.c ;
butter clotli XX. 4'ici Citbot , 74c ; Dwlgtit
Anchor. IV : HUiiioiul W.fhrunk , O'ic ; Kllerton
\V N74c1 rarmeis' Cholpo. ( i44e ; Tlrst Call ,
fi'tc ; ritehvllle , 7'ic ; J'rult of the Lnoin , s > 4e ;
Goldt-n Wedding , K'j Hill J-emptT Idem , N > ;
HarM'st , flV'j Hope. 7Sc ; Iloui-ekceper. 'jc ;
King Phillip caiufirlc. 10 ? ; hangdon (5 H. l'4c ' ;
Ixinsdalc , b'i' " , Ivonsdulo cambric , luc ; New
York mills , lie.
AMI riM.owC'Asi.nsTlrown
reppcnll.45-ln.10c ; I'cpperell , fc-l. Ibe ; 1'ep-
IKTell. IM.'Jk' ; IVpperell. 10-4'iV ; Ho Uin. 5-4 ,
iS'te ; Hostun. b-4 We ; Hnston 0-4. ' . " "jc ; llos-
ton. 10-4. ar ; t'tlca , * s-ln , 15o ; I'tlca. v-in.
17-c ; rtlca. 7S-ln. l'4c ; I'llea , w.-lii , S-V ; I'llca.
lU-fn , 2Me. HleaehiMl-t'i'ppert'U. 4'Mn. 10i' :
I'epptrell , 40-in. lie ; IVpjic'rell , 0-4,14Lc ; rei -
peiell , t-4..IV ; I'eppert II. 0-4. yje ; I't-ppeiell.
10-4 , S4c : Hoston. 5-1,14c ; Il.Mon. 4. : & : Ilih-
ton,0-4 , SSc ; Huston. 10-4. 27c | ; Utlca , fe-1. ! 4e ;
t'tlca , 1M. We ; L'tlca , 18-4 , S 'ic.
OtsniiAMS AmoskfAF.He ( ; Amofkvair.
druss , blic ; Had * . Cvo ; Warwick , dr , fe c ;
l.ancustor , C' c ; lllenaire , 6 * \Vhlttnton. ; .
dress , fHoork ; ravorite , ( Jre s , b jf C l-
cutta. dni , be ; Jiuriuandlc , drt t > , bcj Leleon-
ter , dress , Oc.
Pitt.VTS-Martliii WaUlncton. 60 ; American ,
C' c ; Arnold , C c : Arnold H , lung cloth. IMP ;
American , lOc ; fUHel A. 13c ; Aui&na A lie
Merrlmuck S. I0i\ Gold I/eaJ lOc : UuJd Tlcktt.
Itt , llaiulltou , & iCi A.lta 1'iolu , C > - , AIKu
G'K , AMntisfr I. | , > linn. lit m. Cv Steel lllvcr
r < i Knmapo. 4jc't Ieccr. 5 i i Murtlm
Washlnsioii 4' ' i Allen. f > Cj Mrrrlmak 5'4. '
1 ountain. C'n' Garner. 7 < ? j ( rtflrld.'n' . Her-
Hn. CjC
Militti < aCiii.rK-Invin < 'llilp , S'io : Iitvlnpl-
XJv , C fc. C rawfohl , K % UtK
omv. t"i < > : Park , IOOX 15c ; Caledonia X , 9'ie ;
rafixloiilnXX. 10'ie.
CiluvoiT-Winnconnctl 7 < c. Whlttenton ,
? Vc ; PlHler. Je ; Aino'kpag. Mrlpe , s4e : Amo < -
kcae. plaids , U'i : . ( > n Mnnci , book-fold , 134C ;
sea ll o. booklold. 124c : Kdlneurg. Ik- .
TtCNiMisi Oakland. A. C'ic ; Oakland , O. 7c :
Aimnkeap. A C A , I34c : Itcrwlck , bookfold
sHieen. Ises Hannah. tKxikfold tcen , 14c ;
( Varren , bookfold < atocn. I'V" ' Norwood. Ixxik-
fold sateen. I14c. C' < ird Is No. fi. l'ic ) ; t'onll No
4. I04c : Cordlx A C K. l.'t'ic ; Cord Is E 1' fancy ,
SHc : Oordl * . 120 fancv. ( > HC.
CofTONAlir York Nankin. lOHc ; nverelt.
8o7lv ; Elgin. * o/ , l o ; Pint Itock. fr oz.
lc : I.ewlstoti. 10 oz. 224c ; Worklngtnnn'
34e ; TrHdesinati's lie ; Corkscrew Cashmeie.
" "
"cnVsit-PtcvcnV II , 36 In. 5 > ie ; Steven ' I ) . IS
In Gcj Mexeits-A. 10 In. 7c ; Stevens'P. Is in ,
7 > c ; < te > ens'M. lsn. | ! "jc ; Stevens' N , 20 In ,
* tc : l-tevctis1 NN.22ln. H'c ' ; Steu-iis' MIT , 'A
in. 114c : bleached , 3c cxtia.
lnMM3-Amo ) kcig. : Oo/ l 'ic ; York , camlet ,
32c ; K\erctt. standard , l jc : Andoxer , 33c :
Torcstcr. I ) C. 15' C ; Haymaker's 7'tc ; Old
York. XX. lU < ic ; Old York. XXX. 12c ; Law
rence. 2.V ) . 31'ic ; I.awience. 2.U inie ; I.att-
rvnce , f or , l.V ; fancy stripes- and check * , ll'ic '
HLOCK Tix Small pig , > c per Ib ; bar 30o per
Coi'PEn rianlslusl Intller l e . tic iK rlli :
cold rolled. > c per Hi : sheathing.7e per ' .
pltts and ilalN. fee per Ib.
G ILVAMZGIi SlIKKT IltoX DKr't .VMf > per
cent , pat. plan. Iron. Not&r . A" , l > 'n. ' H
l-c. )
Itnnn. > o Charcoal , I. C. . 14\20. ill $ .V7 > ; 1
x. . J7.-r. .
MICl.T IltONNo. . 2S , $3 75 ; No. 17 , II.S3.
Soi.itil ! > 4 < f.VC.
TIN ri.WiI.l1014,22S. . J7.73 : I. X. , 10M4 ,
2Ti W.OO.
TIN I'tATC-Cok-c-I. f. . 10M4.'Ji- . , W.2
J-TKFI , Nlt.o HaT. $ i.(10. (
tTiit. : Wmn NAII.S Hiise. M.IO.
WlllE Jap. barb , ja.TO ; salv.l..U
Quinine , perez , 1' . A W. , l k * ; Orrman 40c ; In-
dl o. per Hi. T-ti" Insect pnuder. pond. . 4'A- :
opium , Jl.OO ; morphine , per oz. ? , ! . . : hop * , per
lu. 4ic ( ; slycorine. pel Ih. ale : dextrine , per Hi.
I''c ; cuttlebnne. p-i Ib , ! IV ; cream t.i rial. pun * .
: > < ; commercial. IT ; camphoi. B4c : Am. call ) .
14c : blue \ Itilol. 7'fc ; c.ulioltc acid. ( ;
cllilc aclil. 4.W47c ; tartarlc. : i ; ' - IVsulphuric. ; .
: i'4e : siptm oil , tl.lO : hale oil. IN' ; castor oil ,
Sl.aneatf < tot. .Mf THc ; tuipentlne. , " > lc ; Tonka
beans. } 1.7.Vy.l.M ! : balsam tdlu. .Isfl | 0c : calomel.
liVcfiT.e : e.intliarides. tl.'n&l.'ft ; I'assla buds ,
W" ! v ; ehlorofoim. jlftlic ; erjot , 473 VSc ; pum
arable , .Yt
They Seem to He L'nalilt * to Choose Tit-
tlnjlVIis. .
The question has recently been dis-
cu.ssc'd. ' 'Do ulile men make 'wiser innr-
riiijfC'b tlian other people ? " and llie iin-
preesion seeiiis to be that the question
r-houhl be answered in the negative. Mijh
Chatter. Instances are piven of rulers
who had the fai-ulty of choosing1 men by
thu eye who hud made bad blunder * in
the choice of wives. For instance : Jiis-
tiiiHii lia < l thekeoiiestcyeforubleuKvnts ;
witness his choice of Belisarius and Nar-
sus a choice whicli the palace must
have regarded as a mere caprice of des
potism and the men who codified Ro
man law : yet Justinian picked Theodora
out of the whole world , and that lady.
even if. as is probable. Procopius libeled
her. can hardly have been a success.
cither as a wife or empress.
Henry VIII. . who must have had
wonderful eyes for men fitted to carry
oul his will , who picked out Wolsey and
made t'ranmer. and jfavc a start to tin-
first Cecil and the lirst Ru eH. and used
exactly the ripht parliamentary agents.
made ti complete muddle in choo iiir !
wives , even if we deduct Katherine of
Arrajron as imposed on him and con
sider tlie divorce of Anne of Cleves only
a brutal expression of personal repug
nance. Charles II. .who knew thoroughly
every man about him. from his hrother
dowil to his valet , and whose jiuljTments
history has never reversed , never se
cured even a faithful mistress , unless
it were Kelt G Wynne , and once admitted
lot hut lofty post n paid spy and agent
of the foreigners.
Murlborough was not only the greatest
general of his tige. but the moit sucecs--
Jul diplomatist , both ehnrnctors involv
ing rare judgement inmen : and he
married a termagant who was certainly
able , and who may jto-rfbly have loved
him. but who kept'him in constant fear.
Talleyrand , who made it the business of
his life to read men. who never failpd.
reading , as ve believe , even Napoleon
more accurately tluin any other m.ui in
liis court did. cluisc for "his wife a fool !
and Metternieh , who managed tlniv
generations of dillicujt characters , is atid ;
to have been twice mistaken in the
ladies he cho-e for wives at least , il it
is und-jr.stood. us in the last , ise , to
chose a wife who disbelieves in vou.
- * -
Mrs. M. Si'haeiiberj.'vi' . 15c.ivcr Pain , Yis. ,
writes'e : have used Dr. Thomas' Eclcc-
tiie Oil iu our fniuily lor couyli1 * . colds , croup
and rheumatism. It cures every time. "
" \Vrite All This in Kcunaii. "
The following is taken from George
Kennan'b article in the April Century :
"The survivors of the Yakutsk massacre
were tried by court martial , without
benefit of counsel , upon the charge ( if
armed resistance to the authorities , and
all were found guilty. Three of them
were hanged , fourteen , including four
women , were condemed to penal servi
tude for life : five including two women.
were sent to the mines for fifteen . \ears :
four boys and girls less than twenty-one
years o'f age were condemned to penal
servitude for ton years , and two others
tvoroe 1 us forced colonists to the \ retie -
tie villages of Yerhoynn-k and riredi
Kolynsk. in 'the remotest part of
Yakutsk. ' And this sentence , tli" St.
Petersburg ollidals say. is an evidence
of the 'unusual moderation 'of the judge-
who compo-ed the court martial ! A
further proof of this "unusual modera
tion" is furnished by the fact that the
political exile , Kohun-Berustein. after
receiving four severe bullet wounds at
the time of the massacre , and after lying
nearly five months in li prison hosp'ital.
was carried to Die sealTold on a cot bed
and hanged by pulling the 11000 around
his neck and dragging the bed out from
under him : If this is Russian modera
tion one might well pray to bo delivered
from Russian severity.
"One of the executed men , two hours
before the rope wat. put around his , neck ,
scribbled a hasty fat-well note to his
comrades in which he NVtdVe are
not afraid to die , but try jouto make
our deaths count for something write
all this to Kennan. '
"Tho apical to me shall not be in vain
If I live the whole English-speaking
world nt least shall know all the del.iiN
of the inostatrocious crime. "
Kvi-ry Meal Is n Trial
To the dyspeptic- Flatulence , ht'arilurn rip
pro > sive fullae-'s of the stomach , arc the in
evitablc seu.ueJK-e of his use of the Uinff .m < l
fork. To say of him that he pratih-s tu >
cnivitifrs of appetite would be t-'cuuine satire
Ho only appeases them Is tvliof'
CcrUtiuI.v , and by the use of a pleasant us
well us thorough retnexly. HOSU-UCT'S. stoina-
bitters. Will it cure immediately * Ct-rt.iiriH
not H does , not effect miracles But it doc *
t'ive prompt uud unspeakable relief , and will
if iierslsteil in , pr < luct < an Ultimate < un > Not
only ( lees it Impart t < olUb to the fmul bi
pl-omotes its conversion by the stumui h i-.u. .
rich , health nnd strencth-susUiiianc bl. Kl
Suitcrsensitivenesi , of the nerves , im-Di t ! d-
prttesion , and uniiuiet slumber , pi-oduivd b >
interruption of the difrcstive functions , are
also remedicxl by it. His the tinctst preventive
ivo and curative of malarial disonlers. and
rolievcs constipation , rheumatism , bidnej
and bladder ailments , and Itver ixjinplaint.
I'owtlor Smoke.
Nature contains coitie of two in-
photographs Ulusti-Rting the
difference between a volluv flred with
ordinary powder and with feinokeJosu
powder. The pictures were taken at the
moment when the commander gave tht
order "l-'iro ! ' lu the Urst u tUu.k , bluc'K
iloud of smoi o Is rcprcschttJ. tlircph
which the i untKrs ntvluiily tvipli -
We. In the second photograph only n
thin hn.70 is obscrvabfi' . which evidently
would totally disappear in n * wend oV
two and which probably would not be
seen nt all from n short distance. The
gunner. * stand out in the background
clearly and shnnilv defined.
New Conic * Hou e , Kan. City.
Absolutely flrc proof Tiuest and
hotel in Knnstis City. lnc.\cellcd In its np-
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National BanK.
3O5 South 13th Street , Omnhn.
Correspondence COMPANESi , CTC.
HW , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
103-105 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO.
7O State Strait. BOSTON.
pcplmpn * rnn bn ont * i nfcr ! t v until or rtjrt
tend for prices M. > Nurtli Ittti Mit'Ol Unmhu
Omfcba I Di'i'QI 10th and Mio TI
3 15 p mi C'lilcar" Vrilfbuli * Krprwus. . . " 5 4S n m
li t.'i n . Clitciico Hiprcs" : ) p m
! M5pn t'hlrsiro Kipre K O n m
C .V ) p in' ' Iowa txtcal except hunilfty . 11 JO a m
l/raves ni'RLI.NUTUN \ Ml ) IlIVHH AriTves
Omaha , Depot lutli nnd Ma un utreets Omaha.
lO.Cij a 111 Denver V ? tltmle 1 .XU ( p in
S M a ni lUsthici A CuncoratD Ix d IS p m
fi & 3 p m . . . . I * nTp U Si n m
K C , ST J A C. II Arrives
Omaha | Depot 10th mid M un ureet. Oinihii
9"Si a ml .Kana * Cllr Dar Kxpre s , l , 4S p m
9 < 5 p la I K. C XUht Exp T ! U. l Trims I ( US * ni
OrotUa. I Depot 10th ana Mnrrj strt < et . I ( Iraaba
! * ii p m Overland Flyer t > W | i m
? .fO p m .Pacific Kxprii s T l.S n ra
1010 n m Denver Kipru j 4 20 p in
4 5 p in Grand lulund Kxp ( except Sun 12 45 p m
* Kansas City Kiprcji 12 Oi a in
I ires I CHICAOO. It 1 A rACIl'K' Arrlres
Oiunlin. | U 1' depot. lUlh and \Urcy 8t I Omaha
B li p m Night KiprcM 10 05 a m
? Si a m Atlantic Eipre' t. 0 p m
415pm . . . Veitlbult * Limited 1(1 45 m
OratLht UT _ depot , 10th maA Mnrc > _ HU Omaha
9 IS a ml . . . Chlciuro Kxpre s 0 p in
430 p m .Vwlltiule Limited . . . 1'.55 H m
fili p m ( LiT ei bat ) Mall < Ar ex Mon > " 40 a m
P.30 p m KarU-rn Klver g 45 p m
IrflTes ICI1ICAOO. Mil. . A ST I'Al'l. Amrpj
Omaha. IU. 1 * depot 10th and Marcr Sf i Omaba.
y li n m . ( 'hlcaco Mall ( except Sm J7i li m
GOO p m . . . .Cblcoeo Kxpri' i c.i 4 i a in
9 SO p m Chlcapo Kxpres * 1 2 V ) p m
"Leave * I OMAHA A fT UIL'IS Arrives
Omnha. ; U I' depot , IQtli nnd Marcv St Omahn-
47lS p ml Mlxiul < L' niK'ii Ball
Leaves . C1TV A 1'ACIKIC. Arrives
Omaha 'tl ' ! depot , loth and Marry St > Omaha.
715 a m' ' . . Sioux Oty ! 'a"enier "ToTlS jTm
C , 15 p mi St 1'aul Kxpress 1100i : u m
Oinslia 3 > 'put I51h nn < l W
< j 45 p m . . . . M 1
leaves F. . K A MO VALLKV
Omaha Depot and Web'ttT
DliU H rat . . lllack lillls KxpreH . ( 520 p m
OUU m . . .Uniitlnc' Exp iEx i-un-'avi . ijo p m
510 p m Wahoc , A Llneoln Iastienjrr 10 3D a m
5 10 p mi .York A Norfolk ( Kx Mindivi 10 a ) m
IIMO a ml. . . St I./ouls A K C Kxpre p . . | j"Wpm
D.15 p ffj SI LuiulyA : K C Kxiiresi _ ( . : ) n lu
" '
Wettward. f | = ? 11 | = j = ' - , = R , ESJ | |
am anijnm pm pm pm am p m.
Web'ter St. . . . 6 M li W 7 M 3 IS 4 IS I , 15 P 36 12 U
Oak Clnthaia. 5 . ' .f 0 Sil" S73 | ( .2 . S 24 n 21 K 45 12 M
Ilruld Hill . . ( ( U 7 Wi" .M.S . ' .J 5 K 0 27 h 47 VI.M
] .ais Street , ( . U3i7 ( U ! 0 ] ' 3 frl 5 35 ( , TO tl 'O 12 SS
wuinut inn . . Id o : 7 oiis oi's ' : & s si c Hi 6 521 1 U2
Iiundee I'Uce. , (1 , : U = i s OJ'l ' (0 ( S si'ii ' .V ) 8 M i 1 ( U
Weft ilde .10 . 10 s ( ITU 02S.iS , : C 40 t M1 I ( H
. | C 1 ,4 01 6 65 1 ( H
Mascot s ll'J.O-il ' ll 01 1 II
biymour Iarh ! lb.4.11 1) ) 05 1.17
rorta ) _ . . . , k 254 20 V 15 1 .O
lam am am > pm p.m.p m n m p m.
1'ortai ' . . . . . . . .s su,4 , MI i v : J i ; u
Sejmour I' rk ' . . . . . . . . j' ' ( O I C ti 145
Mascot . . . . | . . . . 42 4 42j ' 47 150
1.1WII . . . ' . . . S4S4.4l ! . . . SI 4' ' I J3
Wcit Side . . .K. 'JO 7 2J B M.4.43 S 4J G 45i i" 51 , 1 i7
Dundee 1'lac" . li 51 7 21.f Sl4 | t 5 41 f , 45 , P .VI ! VJ
Walnut Hill . . b S4 - 24 8 M 4 S3 5 44 C.)9 ! > S'J ! W
MLC ftreet. . . , ( ! 21 , T.Wit 'm 4.'i4 S 41 , Hi Si III 01 2 OJ
Druid Hill .10 31 7 81 8 Ml 4 S7 S 4S > n .V , 10 ( Ll 2 ( Ci
Oak Chatham | 0 1 > 5 7 S.\j 03 4 5J ISM 7.UO 10 07 S 10
.Weunter Street C 45 7 45'H ' 10 5 U5 i 6 'JO 7.10 10 IS 2 M
Tliepf tral3 nmo Flop nt IStli. Kill. a'th nnd lull
rtreeta , hummlt nnd Snvld o Crossing. "Workin-
men'f trains do not run Minrtnr
C.IO B05nl75S7 | 6..W S4S(137i ( . I tl.SO . . . . tSil .
( UD'u.Vi ' 047IG2 : 70J filS 70J BlOi 710 f.OU T2il55 ]
7.45,740 , 7.S2 7 < U 60S , 720 SI ! 7 IS B 2i 7 OS S.3CI , 7 00
SIS 8SS | 'i2 bK PUS BIS. . 07. ' " ' 750
P45 b 3X9 551(1 IT inn'-J . ' SIS , mr . . 'i ' > 60
1'MiPM I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M i I'M PM 'M TM
SOS . . ! ! 12 . . SXSl ' '
40S | 116 4 IS 407 's'ss 3.VJ
44S 53S(4S3 j > 27 605 S IS S 12 S07 S2S' ' 4 5'J
' ( 'CIO 5501 -
S'4S (1SS.S.S2 ( ( i.271 r.Oj CIS G12.C07 G 2i C 30 SS3
C li . . . | G6 ! | 70S' ' 7 IS 17.07 _ . .USSI _ JeW
3 > ave TcmrAtrcTlt I It I'ACIKIO Arrlvei
Tranyfcr I Union Depot , Council HluI < Transfer
"e.3Upni | jfiFht "Kxpircr I V U a"DI
( OO 11 ml Atlantic Expretr & SJi p m
SpOpm'c ' < llbn1e Ucilted ' 10.10 am
I-earci IC1I1CAGO , Mil * k hT PAVI. Arrlv
Tranffcn Union llepot. r < mnrll IlluB. , Trm ( er
& ra Cliloapo Mnll rpirept hunUnv > . S.IIO p m
p in Chlcnco Kiirej | . . . .
UlpO | < m CJIIP IO Kiprc > ' 2UI p m
I-eavoi I K C. , bT JOB i C II I ArrKe
' 3'ran tfr | Un' ' ° 'iJL > ? ' > t.f' " " ° ' 'll llluBn. rrrnn tcr
10V7 u ml Kanim 'lty Dai Kiprem . . . | 0O ( p m
Ix-sve * I OMAHA & ST ,
Trnniter' ' Union Depot. C'ounfll
4 45 p m < > t Ixiult Cnncn lull p m
U'svi'j iTUJOAOO , UUUL'N t Ot'ISCV i Arrived
Tranufcr' ' Union Depot. Council lllufl. ITranster
i4Tn a' ' ( hlcaffo KiprcV * . . . . . t t.10 p m
1000 p in , Chicago Uiprem I F20 u m
o00 ii m rblcac" ! " I Mull . . . i 630 p m
7.M p iu C return 1-ociil IIju n m
i'A ( lrM < Arrlvei
Transfer I'u'on Dcput Council HluITi Transfer
' 4i ml Sioux Ctif Accommodation KM a m
p Q' ' . . tf ; 1'tul l.nircn . . . Hii i p ] m
- AT -
13O2 Farnam Stroot.
Olty Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
National Bank
Cnpitnl , - S4OO.OOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1S9O , - B7.BOO
OIBcrr ml Ilr srtorllnry \V V t p
3 > > r | s. llffd , TliTilllfnti J m # < W * imrc W ,
V Morfr. John S C < illo ! > , H C. CusMllf , J N IL
P.trlcki W. n. $ i. Iluthcv cmhlfr.
Corner llthand Tirntm Stiff t
A Grncial lUnVIn ; llu lnc Tranactc J ,
National Bank
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
OIBrorc nt niredori-K M Mor onnn. O M.
llltrhcock , Jo rih ; Cirnpau .ir A llriirr i : M ,
Amlrr on. William ( ) Maul , tlro-projlrtrnt I. K.
\VllllKm , A 1 * Hopkln * . t > rc idrnt A Milliard ,
rnMilcr. I II Ilryfint. ni'l'lnnt r.Thtcr
Omaha ManjJftotiJrBrs ,
llodts nnd Shoe" .
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
Accntufor Ilonton HnM-er Slme , < 1102 1104 nno i09
_ Harnry sm-i'l Omalin Nyb _
llrev ci" < .
Laser Beer llrewers ,
1M1 Xcrtli l-lli Strrcl Omnlia N b
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window rap unit mrlnllr k llsht .lolin Kpcnctcr ,
| iniirlrtnr KHNIU ! llu South IPtb uri-i-t
Artlits' MalcrlaN.
A. HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Ortians ,
1M 1 Douiilm Slryct. Oninlin. Xcb
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
S K Cur Kith unrt I > oui'l < irect Omnha"ct > ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SH South 1.1th trett Omaha Neb
Wholesale Cigars.
402 N Uth street Hell , , lf >
Dry Goods nnd Notions.
M. if. "SMITHo. . ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner lltli nnd IL'wnnl Street"
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Gents rurtilshlncO > d Corner llth unil Ilnrney
streets. Ouinlin Vet )
'u nil tu re.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
rarnam btreet Omnha Nebriokn
Omahn. Nebrni-ki\
= r = n = = r-r = . . a
Groceries ! .
Wholesale Grocers ,
and I.envenwnrth street' Onintii Nt > 1 rai
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc.
Imported and American I'urtl.iin1 Cement t le
iiteiitforMllwnukei. . Hydraullt Cement and
( Jnlncy White l.ln-e
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
\Too < 3 carpets an.t parquet ! 1" nlng Wi and I > :
htrect . OnmliH > ebra l.a
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doom , Ktc Yiinl , Corner Tlh end n < , uiU uniee ,
Corner 10th and Ilnuela"
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner ' . 'th nnd tHuiRln" Street * nm hn
aiilllnery and Notions.
T 6 E ELDElTSrcrO. ,
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
JOS , 210 nnd J12 south llth street
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1124 llurner Mreet Omaha
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile create , t.p Omaha A II Ili lu , | , Mnnncer
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry a nice dock of prtnttnc. wrupptng mil trltlnj
| mir Special ntteitlon f > : en to rarO | uiit-r
A. L. DEANE A : CO. ,
General A cents fur
Halls' Safes ,
MI and UK South 10th 4t Omihi.
Toys , l'tc.
Jobber ! of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Uour-e Kurnlnlilng ( ioodi , C'lilldron ' nrr tij > i.VJ
Knrnaui itrcct. Ouialia Nfb
Steam and Water Supplies ,
lUHIdar wlml mllli VlSandtKliJ np t > . > uiahk.
U 1" IUi , A Clint Manavrr
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
bbm-Irun work , ncam i mp fa mi is 12-1 , ' . ' 11
lycaTeuwurtli utrurt omalia
Iron \\'orUn.
Wrought and Cast Iron Huilding Work ,
Eotflnen , br ork ( enernl foundry n , , t , nr Ld
blukimlth mt dtUce anil w < rk > , t f
II ) and ITU. itrerl , umaha
Manl'rs of Fire and llurglar I'rool ' Safes ,
Vaulti. jail work. Iron tbullerl antl flre F > cnp .
u Andrveu , pi < ip r Cor lub and Jattx ti wt
HnHli , Doom , Ktf.
Wuoleiaiu uianufaituuri < (
Sash , Doors , lilinds and Mouldings ,
Hraiul ) otlHte , 12iti QJ IjarJ trctti Umati * Nvb
v5.cmt.lT. Qm i
01 Soulh Omaba , Limited ,