8 THE OMAHA DA FLY RUE , : TUESDAY , APRIL 22 , 1896. THE CITY. Bunk rlenringft yeftmlny $ fl fl)70. 11. Horn April 21 , 1MH ) , to .Mr. and Mm Martin Culm , ii boy. A broii Ic in the plumbing closed the Dodgit M-liool ycHtufdny tnornllig , ll w giving thu children a Imlltlity. UttlH for BWwpIng and ( 'loaning tlio Btrot'N for tlio toriii of two , three or live vonrtt from July J , Ih'JO , will bo opened tony IB. Tim roi'clnts nt tlio ciiHtoms house yes- tardily poUHistc-d of seven raw of silver from Mexico , consigned to the Bineltlng works. Tlio ivinnlim of Mrs. A. W. Hancock , who died at her residence. 242(1 ( Indiana nvciiiu' , will bo taken to I'aplllloti for Intt'nnent today. The body of 10. A. Duncan was turned over to thi ) count v yi'Hturdny for burial , nHohls rich brother-in-law , who Is now bomewhero in Utah , cannot bo found. Arbor day will bo celebrated by a pnuio of ball at ! ) : ! ! ( ) a. m. , between a nine from the Flrnt and Nebraska Na tional banks , at Ctimlng and Fortieth htrectH. A bla/ing bundle of rags on Webster fell-eel between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , called out the department yesterday. The lliiitii'H were boon extinguished and no damage done. William Dill , ono of the suspect burg lars , was put on trial in police court yes terday afternoon on thu charge of rob bing a North Nineteenth street house , but being able to prove an alibi ho was discharged , The Bohemian Turners arc making preparations for a memorial celebration of the birthday of .Ian Hus on July ( i. There will bo u procession , several ad dresses and a number of visitors from Crete and adjoining towns. Mrs. Dug Davis denies the statement which was made the other day to the circot that she had been forbidden by the courts to visit her children who were in the custody of their father. No business of any kind was done by the real estate exchange yesterday. The fcei-rclary has received plans of the cart works which the exchange is trying to fcccuro for Omaha , as previously do- bcribcd. Charles Loveer , John O'Brien and fjeorge Feus , the three men who several days ! if.'o were arrested on suspicion of being the parties who have been impli cated in .tho numerous burglaries com mitted in tlio city during the past few weeks , were last night taken to Lucas , la. , by Olllcer Mumfus , where they are wanted for robbing a jewelry store. Articles of incorporation were filed yes- tcrdaj by the Omaha Luces-co company. The huiiness is the erection of derricks , houses , machinery , tiinksand otherstruc- tures , and mining , drilling and boring and otherwise excavating for natural gas , petroleum , coal , etc. Tlio author ized capital stock isiloO.OOO , with shares of $100 each. Joseph W. Barnsdell , John T. I'n thurs and John B. Finlay are the in corporators. J'iitSO.\A I. I'.l II. I ( . ' It A i'HS. H. F Wayne is ut thu Millurd. IIt'hniiiK of Lincoln is at the Casey. Kay Nju ol Fivmont Is at tlio .Murray. I. K. Doty of Diivitl City is at the 1'uxton. "William Hr.v nut of Clnulmn is at the Casey. 11..I1. liulriusim of KimUall is at the Pax- ton. ton.F F M Ci-ow of Hastings is a guest nt the Casey. T H. riliives of Ponder Is n guest nt the Cuscy. Juiia Uoylo ot Kearney is stopping at the 1'axton. C ! S. Uiizeletof. O'Neill is icgistcrcd nt the Milliard. Mrs. H. Wilson of O.iUdalo is registered at the Casey. G L. Horn , jr. , of Lincoln , Is stopping nt the Millard. 11 S. Harrington of Oakland is a guest at the Millanl. K H. hclineidor ot Fremont is : t guest at the .Murray. Frank Heisloy and wife of Gibbon are ( ? w > ( . - > at the Millurd. ( i W. LnmbertMm and L. C , Uurr of Lin coln aie guests nt the I'.ixton. Mrs W. H. Oslioru of Knnsas City is nmimn the pucst.s nt the Millnid. Mrs H .1. Ivllpatrk-k and Miss Nicely of Beatrice are guests nt the I'.ixton. John L Webster and wife registered at the Grand 1'aellle in Chicago on Sunday. Hov W. F. Woods and wife were among the Sunday guest.s at the Lack-do in St. Louis , L. P. Alhiight , W. N. Hlehardson , I. II. Kalex and A. Higley of Ked Cloud are regis tered nt tlio Murray. Charles C. Snblnx , C. 1) . IMbDins and W. Meii'li'llsiilm were guests of the 1'aliner in Chicago un Sunday last. Miss Lilian Ktndolmann , ono of Oamha's Bprightliest jouuc ladies , left yesterday for a two weeks' visit with friends in thostato capital. .ludgo Dandy , Marshal Slaughter and Clerk ICliner Frank lonvo today for Norfolk , where they will hold a term of the United States court. Arthur Uehan , the well known dramatic malinger , was in Omaha n few hears yester day , en route to Sau Francisco. Ho is tak ing Oliver Pond Ilyron there for a lour weeks' engagement. Captain W. 1 { . Tibbets , the traveling pus- Rciunr agent of the len\er A : Itlo Crando road , is in the city. The genial captain is just leeovering from a severe slego of bron chial trouble , hut ib us jolly as over. On Thursday evening at Hoyd's opera lioiiso , the versatile and ehnrinlng font Tan ner heghibit thivonights'engagement , appenr- nn. in "KnsdnnUon , " the play in which KIO nehiei'd great success hero lust season. Miss Tiinii'T's work in her role , espcclallv the chnr.ii tor of tlio hey "t'lmrlo.s Marlowe' " lu.s won furhc'i'ii very high place ; she lias been be-in in thc.so two chaiactois over COO times nml her MIITOSS hits boon phenomenal. Tlio biiiiic mbcrb company , with ono o.\coptiou , that supported Miss Tanner In her last en- i-.it * mi-lit in this elty , will again ho seen. Ms > Tanner appears at the matlneo Satur- ilin her engagement Is sure to ho a Mieeess- ful innus bho is a favorite with theater gi.ian iH-oplu of this city. The biilo of seats ( > l .iib uiilncsday. \iitleo to Travel I UK Jli < n. Tin- traveling men of Omaha are requested to liuld themselves in readiness to answer u c.ill ii.r . a meeting at the board of tr.ulo bnihl- lut ; In meet In u body n delegation of business ii.i u In'iii ' ( liiuiil Island on Tuesday or iiliii-siliiy. . The eall Will bo Issued as 'boon us ihe time of arrival is dellnitely known. C , O. l.uiuxi ; , I'lvbldi-nt. Cost of HH | liliiior. | 1'at Condon imblbeil n lot of lighting fiiusii\ Sunday and the exuberance of his binnis found vent In divers abuses of his \\if- ' lie pleaded guilty before the Jwliro hint turnto je.id theehurge , and was awarded tv\i nt\ live du.\h in Hio eotinty Jull , the lint luul imi live on bivud and water. Sir. l-'ahMiiK-riinil the Ailiisti , | < i-H. Mr raleonerand thotiuunineo men hnvo Ihuillv ilNtigrecd on the amount of loss sustained In the late lire and nrrangenicnts uif being matlo to arbitrate. The adjustment of damiiKes wan concluded Saturday e\enlng and after receiving their llgiires the cQinp.iny agents protested against | iyliilf Mr. l-'ali-oiier the amount which ho chllliK'iUo luivo been daimiKed. liotli bldi-H deellno to state what the differ- cneo between them amounts to , but It U > ald to bo seveiid thousand doll.irs. _ _ k Dr. Hlrnoy. jiructico Uinittnl toeatarrli Oh discuses of note and throat. LJyu xiuii \vnmrAV. . It IH NouANtprlrd Ho Wn * Hurry Hill I'M Murderer. The murder of old Mr. and Mr * . .Tones nt thn Plancy farm lust February and the arrest of E. D. Ncul for thprnminliilnnof the crime , led loan invoitlgatlon of the hitter's record In ninny parts of this country. Among the mine * charged to him was Hint of the murder of Harry Hull , a saloonkeeper at Whitman , In Nebraska , about three years ago. ago.Some people out in that vicinity claimed to identify him through n picture of the noted character which had reached thoin. They however failed to take any steps to fasten the crime Upon the suspected p.uty. It now transpires Unit there Is a section hand In the employ of the Missouri Paclllc road ut Walton , n station eight miles from Lincoln , who asserts positively that N'oal now In the comity Jail is the man who committed the Whitman murder. His tinmo Is .lolm Chirk and works under n section foreman named Kane. He claims that he had been In the vicinity of Whitman several months prior to tho'murder and that during that time he had slept with Xenl and , further , that ho had also slept with Ncal the night the murder was committed. Clark is said to be n pretty bright man mid will not conceal the facts of the case : has spoken of them only to bill- mate friends. It was from ono ot these that Tin : Hr.is reporter received this information. The In formant was formerly a member of the po lice force of this city and is perfectly reliable lu everv respect. Clielf Seavey has been notified and will Im mediately investigate the matter. NYnlV Trial Set. County Attorney Mahoney said yesterday It had been dellnitely settled that Ncal's trial would bo commenced on May ID , being the second day of the May term. Ho also stated that lib would lilo tlio information against Shellenbergciami Shorimtn to- Tlio fart that .Too Shollcnberper's name Is on the list of witnesses endorsed upon the Information against Ncal would seem to com plete the bcnsntlomil programme for the trial of the latter. _ COOK IN JKOI'AHDV. He AwnltM a Ileaniif ; Ild'oi-c Commis sioner ItogiM-M ill Wiolilln. Tin : I5in : n few days ago published an ac count of the arrest of H. II. Cook , who some months ago deserted his wife and who it was thought had committed suicide in the Millard hotel In this city. Cook , It seems has , since his desertion , been living on a claimilvo miles southwest of Kingfisher , I. T. , under the name of Charles Dhisdale. The World of the hitter place , speaking of Cook's arrest ns also that of his alleged paramour , Miss Nickorsoa of IClkhorn in this stale , s-ays that Cook's wife arrived at Kingfisher a couple of weeks ago and stopped at the Monitor house , where she quietly awaited her guilty husband's ar rival in town. Tuesday of last week when the drilling rain was making everything dis agreeable there came to the city tiio long looked for husband and with him the snmo Miss Xiclicrson that had c.ist the Jlrstshadow across the sunshine of his oaco happy home. This was too much for the heart-broken wife to endure. She swore out a warrant for the arrest of her unfaithful Harry and his para mour. The husband was taken to Wichita Thurs day last bv Deputy United States Marshal Krwin ami Miss Nickerson was confined as a pilsonor under the charge of Marshal Christy until the bearing before Commissioner IJog- ers , which will take place this week. After interviewing lioth husband and wife , the edi tor of the. local paper has come to the conclu sion that Cook is either cra/y or a scoundrel and that Mrs. Cook is nearly broken down by the disgrace and shnmo brought upon her by her irresponsible or heartless husband. AVhat il Costs must be carefully consldeied by the great ma jority ot people in buying even necessities of life. Hood's SarsupnrilU commends itself with special force to the great middle classes ; because it combines positive economy with great medicinal power. It is the only medi cine of which can truly be said " 100 doses one dollar , " and a bottle taken according to directions will average to hist a month. TIIOSIO IOWA SUSIM1CT.S. Tlio Merry Dance Tlicy Have Led Ollioers and AltorucyH. Messrs.Gannon and She.t have a tale to un fold of what they consider the peculiar meth ods of the Omaha police force. On the ir.th inst. Fuc and O'Brien , the Iowa suspects , were arrested as suspicious clmr.ictcrs , and on the 17th , after they had been incarcerated a dny and n-luilf , the attor neys named were called into tlio case. The llrst step was the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus lor the bodies of the prisoners. The ollicers got wind of this and Iernvos ! llled an information against the suspects for resist ing an oftlcor. When the habeas corpus-camo to bo heard before .ludgo Chirkson County Attorney Mahoney told the court that Chief Seavoy wits in reiejpt of a telegram stating that a requisition from Iowa for the prisoners would bo hero on Sunday. Time the resist ance case was tried before Police Judge Ilel- sley and dismissed without any cross-examin ation. The attorneys next got out anothcrs writ of habeas corpus and shortly afterward the prisoners bad llled against them an in formation charging them with grand Inrcenv .in Chnriton , la. , and they were held as fugi tives from justice. It was necessary to servo the writ of habeas corpus on some ono and Deputy Sheriff Grebe undertook the task. Ho went to the city jail on Saturday night for that purpose , ami waited , it is asserted , from fii : : ( till II : : ) o'clock , mid during that tiino there wis not to be found in the city building either ebiuf , captain , sergeant or lailor. Tlio station , it is claimed , was running itself. This is in effect the story of the attorneys who claim that if the charge of fugitive from justice had been placed against the prisoners m the llrst place they would have had nothing to do with the iu.se ; and that , inasmuch as the Iowa olllcors were here at tlio time of the original arrest , there was no reason why that charge should not have been made. An Absolute Cure. Tlio OHIGIXAL AMM'.TIXK O1XTMKXT Is only put up lu large two-ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cine fur all sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands nud all skin eruptions Will positively eutv all kinds of piles. Ask for the OUIG1NAL AHICT1XK OIXT- AIKXT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at ' 'a cents per box bv mail ; tci cents. COOTS' HOSPITAL IMJPOKT. Itynii At Walsh .Must Do Some More riMlKliliiWork. . The construction committee of the county board did not meet Superintendent Coots on tlio hospital matter , as was programmed last Saturday , owing to the fact that the latter had not completed the report for which ho had been nshcd. It was ascertained , however , that Mr. Coots will rci > ort that Sl.OtiO worth of work yet re mains to bo done on the original contract. Commissioners Derlln and Anderson snv they luivo no doubt at all but that Hyim t Walslt will accept Mr. Coots' finding In the matter and go ahead immediately and com plete the work. Still There Is Hooui. Probably 10H)0 ( ) people have gone Into the Sioux Reservation since it was opt'iicd for settlementand yet so vast is the territory that not one-fourth of the best land Is taken. The purl of this great reservation which has been thrown open to the white man will make TU.UOO farms of 100 acres each. .Marriage liieenset. Only ono licence was issued by Judge Shields ' yesterday , the following being the pat tic's i Nainoand residence. Ago. t John J. Palmer , Omaha , -jd I Kiln Cttlhdnin , Oianhu -j-j Tlio .Merchants' Illvci- Line , Articles of Incorporation of the Merchants' river line were 11 led with the county clerk yoMorday. The capital stock of the concern Is given lu > ,000.ix > o in shares of It00 each. liiihlncbS shall commence us soon as t.MMXiO are subsu-ibtxl. Tin nature of the business to be tnmbactcd is the lualuuimiiij ; vi n packet line of sto.unboats and barges to con vey freight from place to plaeoon the rivers between Plttsbnn ; iff id Omahii and Inter veiling iHiIntH. The oftlwrs of the company lire. I. K. Phillips , New Yorkcltv. president , K. G. Hlackley , New York city , llrst vice president ; W. A. Pnxton , Omaha , second vice president : Kdwln Howe. New ork city , treasurer ; W. F. Crnry , Omaha , secretary. HKMOVIXO OLD HKTTLIMIH. The Work of llottom KJooiment to Commoiiee Totlny. The people who have been squatting along the line of the Union Paclllc on the bottoms , It would seem , must ut length abandon the site and establish themselves elsewhere. The summons of ejectment has been Issued and served bv Deputy Marshal Lyoti upon all the parties interested. The removal of them ) long-time dwellers was to have. taken place on Saturday last , but was pi-evented by the absence of Knpinccr Hansom , who has made the survey of the ground anil Is familiar with the case of all the people who have been living on the laud of the company. Mr. Kansoin , It Is expected , will leturn today , when It Is thought the ground will bo vacated. Two of the families affected by the decision of the United States court moved ycstcrdnv. It has been rumored that some of the others would object to vacating their old premises , but it is not thought they will unwisely con test the decree of the court. Tito territory hi which the people live is bounded by the track on the west , Locust sticet an tlie north and extends thence south about one-half mile. The parties affected are ns follows : . ) . Gardner , Sam Heed , Owen Walsh , George Forbes , U. S. Town , John Dlllntt , J. Colbore , Nels Petei-son , U. Sorensen , W. M. Crouse , David Hill. Herd McCabc , John Chess. Fred Hyor , Mrs. C. L. llower , J. Clondl , A. M'arkroft , John Masick , J. Kochar , John Huslck , Lee Foster. Richard Gathright , David Vcrnnn , R. H. Kirk. W. Hledso. J. A. Kirk , K. A. Maish , William Kirk , D. McCullom. KOIXorvoiiH Debility. - Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. H. T. Turner , Kasson , Minn. , says : "I have found it very bonollcial in nervous de bility , from any cause , and for indigestion. " OMAHA VS XASHVILLIC , II * the Lallei- Can Accommodate the Doctors Why Xot Omaha ? City Physician Gapen , speaking on the sub ject of holding the American Medical associa tion hero , says : "I was appointed on a com mittee to look up the matter of holding the convention hero and have done some thor ough work. I llnd that the ' move ment meets with very hearty sup port not only among the physicians of Nebraska but those of several adjacent states , particularly Iowa. There are but four or live who seem to doubt that the move will bo a success. Such ones think that Omaha could not handle the crowds that would come This is most completely answered , it seems to me , in the fact that Nashville , Tenn. , only half as big as Omaha , is taking care of the convention this year. "The holding of the gathering here would bcnelit Omaha in a very special manner for this reason , viThat : tin eo or four thousand of the men who would comu leprcsent the cream of the profession. When they would return homo and revisit their wealthy pa tients the llrst question put to them would be. 'What do you think of Omahaf Is it a nice placei1 Are there nice people there ! ' 'Would you think it a good place to invest money ini' etc. etc. It would give Omaha such a vast amount of choice and effective advertis ing as wo have never before had in the history of our city. " _ Miles' Xerve and LivoiPills. . An important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speedily euro billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. ! ! 0 doses for ii.'i cents. Samples free at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas. NKIUSASKA COIt.V SUPPLY. Intei'vlewH with Karmers nnil Stoelc Shippers on ihc Suh.jt'd. Every day a largo number of farmers and stock shippers reach South Oinnlm with stock from all points tributary to Omaha. They are in touch with the stock and grain markets or prices in the loeMities in which they live. A reporter has been assigned to question these Men as to the prices of grain , the amount of grain on hand , and the amount of grain being fed in various localities , as compared with last year. Interviews on this subject will ap pear from day to day. John Uratt , residing near North Platte , Lincoln county , who has largo farming in terests in Lincoln , Keith , Logan and McPherson - Pherson counties , and who last , year raised IL',000 bushels of corn , says ; "We have no trouble in getting cars over the Union Pneillc road. Indeed , the Union Pacific officials are very good to us , but wo do not need many cars now , for our corn has all been marketed. About ( M ) per cent of last year's corn crop of the counties of Lincoln , Kteth , Logan and MePherson 1ms been marketed , and practi cally all of the balance will be necessary for homo consumption and homo purposes There are some lots held for higher prices , but alt that has been for sale at market prices has been disposed of. 1 have bought consider able corn , getting some at Gothenburg as low as I'J and in cents per bushel , and I under stand some has been sold as low as II cents per bushel. The prices lust year were , ' ' to -J. ) cents and this year 15 to 'M cents. " G. W. Coral of Culbertson , Hitchcock county , on the H. v M. , says that there is not sufllcient corn in that county to supply the wants for feeding and seeding. Corn ( s be ing shipped in from the east. The price is L'O cents per bushel. g.l. II. ICrford of Heaver Crossing , Seward county , says : "About 70llWO ( bushels of corn were raised last year , about one-third iK-ing yet In the hands of the prodmers , inaiiy of whom will not sell at present prices. We had trouble only for about twenty d.i\s in getting car * . The Fremont , Klkhiirn kC Mis souri Valley road now furnishes all the car- , needed. The average price so far this year for corn has been 1C , cents , wild it was 2i cents last year , The" freight i.iU.s to Chicago cage last year and until February 11 of this year were -'I cents , since which time the rates have been , ' ! ' , cents. " Its Huporlor ox.'ollonre proven In mllllonHnf lionio formoro llinn a iiinrlor | of a roiiiury It Ii u eil hy jlio I nlted Milton ( io\ornniont Kmlomeil b > the heiuli of tlio lireut I niviTnUkes an the Slromroni , I'lirnHlniiilniiKt llenllhliil | ir 1'rli-o 9 1'ro.ini II ik- Ink1'owilor duos not CMI.UHI . Animonlii , JJiuo oj Alum. Solil .mly incnii < < 1'itK i : n u ; i M ; ruwnnii i < > VfcVollK I Illi li.o n\S ll\MIMo si IOI'M Imported Millinery , 123 Not th 10th Street. OJNT15 Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tnsto , mid nets cc itly yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and JJowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and lovers mid cures hnhittml constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing- the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in Us action mid truly hcnclicial m its cfl'ects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and luivo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in fiOc ami $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one % vho wishes to try it. Do iiot accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. IOUISVIUE , KY. NEW YOflK. ti.Y. The Cod That Helps to Cure The disagreeable /tasle of the COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in or Pure Cod Liv r Oil viith HYPOPHOSPHITES OU1 TjIEl -A ISTD SO1D.A. . The patient sufTe.rin ; from CONSUMPTION , \CIIITIS curcu , coi.ii. WAVI'IMJ I > ISEA U j'ta , may take tlio ) ( reineily nllh r.H much xntlsfniHlon na ho ) j would lalto milk , riiyylclnusmo lircpL-rlb- ' t Inn It cvorywlirro. It is al-rrlrrtrinulilnn. ' Tnlif no other "It Disaei-ees witli A common rruii rU. If you ti Uc Till ! . VlllsMiii can c-atnnjlliliiK yon like , nml feel Tin had cfTcetn. They at-t speclllcully on thu Iher , Rtonmeli anil howels , nuisliiff n frc ilnwuf giutrle Juice , which is rsienlial to good illfieslloa niul rcRiiIiir liowcl * . li'ea.r Now. llev. 15 , Hurts , 3rin lu , JUn. , M > s : "Tutt'i Pills nrc held in JilRh Tcju-lii on n I.Her KI-K- Iilntor. I hiirilly know how ivo roulil Kel liloiiK-irltliont them. Chills ami fo er hmo lost t heir drenil. Our jiropln tnKo omMir t\\tt iloipK of the IMlli , nml follow It with fifteen Kmhis of quinine , ilh lili-rt In llnx-e II > M-S duj > IriK the < liiy. i'liti hlll ua iir rt-tnrm. " Tntt's Liver Pills CURE CHILLS AND FEVER. CALIFORNIA TUT r.M > or DISCOVERIES. * po Vte > w m\ \ Santvi : Abie : and : Cat : R : Cure ' hy Ciiiuilinaii Di in ; CD GRATEFU1 COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "lly n thnrnnch knowlcilcc of tlio natural laiy nlildi tovi'nilhcioiMuiilluiiHot illfi'sllon anil niitrt- llun. nml liy a carolul pplloatlon of tlio line pr'ipor- Itosut neil roloilvil'ic < iii..Mr iim : | | liaipruvliloil our liroaUatt lalilon nlliiiilellrnli | > l > flavored | iovouito wliU-hiiia > MI\O ii IIMU > lioav ) ilmiors' lillN. It li Ii ) tlio juilli'loiiH n > o n | i-lie 11 urtli'loa of ilk'l ( hat n ci > n < > tUiitloii ma ) tiowmlimll ) tmllt nn uiitll mronit eniiuiili to rosl t wart tomli'iiey tn ilUenni Iliin- ilredH of siihllo nialmlk-iarit flonllnk'aroiimliin ro lily to attaik ttlii'iiiM'r IlK'io In n noak point Wo may o oapo inanj a talal > ! i ri b > Keeplm : onrm'lii" , well furlllloil with iiiiro iil < HMl anil u | ire | > oil > nonrlslioil friinio " I'U H Sorli * i i.a/elto Mailn iimiili null li.'llinf water or milk Solil only In half poiiml Him hv UKILVIK Iniit-leil tlin IUIKS F PIN \ 10 ii"'i'-"i'v ' ' ' i" ' i'-'x JnJlI. . ) I.I 1 o Cv tu I..IMI II I UK .inti DUOGY TOPS Of Al L KIM'S , ! CUSHIONS , RACIS. 8AIU , SEATSANOTRIMMINOS. ' f jm SI C.intjt O H To the many of our patrons who could not get waited on in our store List Saturday. Though/ we have a large force of extra salesmen the rush has been so great that it was impossible to wait on all customers. We arc thankful to those who showed indulgence , and we are sure they find themselves well repaid for the time they spcntin waiting. We shall have a larger force of sales men next Saturday , and will be prepared for bigger crowds. We will also be prepared with new bargains. Some of the lots advertised last week arc completely sold out but we are opening every day new invoices and every day we have some new and fresh attractions. Our this week's special is the grandest ofi'erever made in the line of ready made clothing. We place on sale about 500 very fine Cassimere and Cheviot Suits , ' all sacks , each of them worth at least $15.00 ; at the unprecedented low price of $9.00. The material in these suits is the product of one of the best mills in the country. The shades are dark and light gray , and a neat brown plaid. They arc well trimmed with the best of Farmer Satin or Serge lining. The cheapest suit in this lot would bring in any other establishment $15.00.Vejffcr them this weck at $ " 9.00. 3 Our piles of Spring Overcoats arc getting- low , and in some of the finest lots the sixes are already badly broken up. These have been marked down , as we make it a point to sell these goods quick. If you want to secure a fine Spring Overcoat at a bargain , better come this week and sec if we can lit you. 1'URNISllIXG GOODS .Our spring selections in fancy flannel shirts arc the most ex tensive and varied ever shown by any house'in the city , we have a full assortment of the most elegant novelties of the present season , in all wool , silk and wool mixtures and all silk. On all these goods we quote the lowest prices. Fresh Lines of Shoes Every Week. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Gentle-men if you are ous of bc-in.u ; well dre ed you [ Cannot improve your time more ! profitably than by looking'over ' our stork of clothing , which we will take pleasure in showing j you. We call your attention es pecially to our sack and cuta way suits. You mii/lit look at * the spring' ovei coats the line is still very complete. Oils Tin ; riciuui : < . " The flK'irc 0 In our il'iion will mnlo n lonp ttny. Ko inin or woman now Ilvlni ; will over ilale a Jocumcnt without u'lilR tlio IV uro 9. It elamla In the third pl".ce In 1S90vlmro it will reniMn ten years nnil then move up to sc'coml place In IPX/0 / , ivlicro It will rest forouu hundroil jrar . Then-1 Is niiothi'r " 9" w liich Ims nli-ocoiiie tostay Ills unliliu tinHiiro ( 0 in our il.ilcs in the re&pn-t that It Ims itla'aily mo\vil up In flrit place , wlii'rf It will permanently iciimln. It Is culloJ tin' ' N" 0" Illiilt Arm Wlifclvr A. Wilson Setting Miirliine The "No. U" was cmlor oil fur first jilncu l.y tlig experts of l.uropu nt the Paris Imposition uf I'v'J. where , uflcrixsevvrcconliat with tinloiUuiL' tn'i' chliK'fl of thu uuilil , it was ii\\ur > U'U the c < uly Grand 1'rlzc given to family scum in.iuliiiunil othvrion c\lilbit having reci'iveil IOUIT nwunli of RoM inoclals , etc. Tlio Kieuch ( Jnvvriiinent nLio rocogni/cil its.iix | < rlorlty lij llicilccor itli'ii of Mr , Kuthanicl Wlici'K'r , 1'roblili'iitof Ilieuuinpany , with the Cross of thu Li'clon of Honor. Too "No. 9" Is not tin olJ nmutilmi ImprovJ Dion , but is an entirely riutv iiiucliuio. utnl the firnncl rUe r.t Paris ns auarcl.'d it ai the raiul- rstaJvuiu'oln tovuiiKuiacliliio mecliuiiMii ofllie DRC. Thow ) ho huy It can rest asurud , tliero. lore , of liaviui ; tlioery latest imJ test. \VIinKLKH & WILSON JIT'O CO. , Ib. " ) anil 187 Wuhnsli Avc. , Oliicouo. 1 > . K. Kl.ODM AN & ( .0 , 0 N'orlh Kith Street. GILBERT BROTHERS , TAXIDERMISTS hpoi lUteits tan i btud for t > rt\.v NMU au. Mttft "TIME IS MONEY. " \Vf must sell out the remainder ot our retail stock without further deHy , ns our wholesale business demands our entire time , attention and capital. Kos the next few days wo iuvito you to a feast of bargains hiich as you will never again enjoy. Wo are llablo to rent s > toro and sell our fixtures now any day , sj come nt once before it th too l.tte. All our genuine Diamonds now GO at importar's prices and thamountlnsi thrown in. $50,000 worth of Diamonds to select from , priooj rangin-j from $2.50 up to $3,000 , for Rings , Pins , Ear-rings , i-c. Solid Gold Watches from $15 upward. Solid Silver "Watches from $5 up. Nickel Watches from $2.50 up. Solid Gold Chains from $7.60. Best Rolled Plato Chains from $2. Charm ? and Lockets , $1 and upward. Solid Gold Rings , $1 and $2 ; worth $3 to $5. A lot of Solid Sterling Silver Collar Buttons and Scarf Pins at 25o and 50c each woith $1. Heavy Solid M-karat Gold Collar Buttons , wet th $2.50 to $5 o.ic-h now , choice for only $1. One lot assorted CuirButtons at OOc p.iir ; worth $1 to $2. Solid Gold Spiral Back Studs , GOc and $1 each ; worth four times the money. 1,000 fine Broaches and Lace Pins < rom 50c up. Kino French btylo Mantel Clocks , 8-day , half-hour strike , cathedral gen s , at $5 , $0.50 , $8 and $10 ; worth $10 to $20. Elegant Silver Lamps , with silk umbrella shades , from $5 up. Hundreds of other equally good bargains. Open Saturday uveiilng until 0 o'clock. Store for rent and fixtures for sale. MAX MEXYEXR & BRO. , Corner Sixteenth and Farnnm Streets , - - Omahn , Neb. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. : LUJ uoj LtiuuJJ oaiuuUy ( fo SfffiTg ytr rsj flVl TQTT-V lr fe 4:4 : " I in -11 ; . . .t - . . . - - = -r-JJi- , = - ? " = ' - T.i4t3 ILiJ iit . . - - - I -j . % - _ _ ---j- rnrtliolroatmcnt of nil rilllONir AN'll I'lliili'AI. DISi : VSIM. llnicui , Apn.anrei for ilcfm uutioi nnil Tni "o Ik-a I arimii'i. Aiipii.Uiisnnil ItciiiviliKi lor smvciHlui Trc.itmiMit uf r % > ry foi in of I | | IMIMII rii- ilitlrliiKMiMlluil or xiiHilralTiiMlini'Ml NINIItT ItOiiMI'Oll PATDNT-1 , lln.inl ami Atli'iiclmiro llt Aoriiiiiino > lall < iusVit Write for i liriiliiisnu DuinrmilleH nml llriein , Tniiiiin , l'l Hi Ki'i-t t nrvntiiri'i of . ' - Cliviil.Mty , i'nnilynn. Iiilli-pi ) . Milnei. 111.11- Buliif. I'lli'i. Tiiimun CIIII.'IT. I'at.inli. llmm-nUK lull il itlim . ' . DHIJAShh OK U'OMIIN a > i-flnli > . Hunk of | ilt-r i : > i > . Knr. ! > Miiiinl llliuM mnl nil iiinrli.ilOpi'intliiiH. Dlnfiiii'i ol Winiiuii I'li'iWe IIIIMlalui ) niW.'il a l.j liu-tii IJP irtiiii-iit r.jr . Woiuiin n.irliiu i inilliii-iiiuiit C-lrlitlv I'rlMili- i tliil > llell.ililo Mi-illi-al In illuto Ma'dim .1 poul iltv of I'll\ ! 11. I > ISI.tl. . All Illiiiiil ll-ea i'9 Hiieipsifiilly Ucalcil Siplillltle | iniori | reinori > .l Inuii Ihc i/iio.ii wuhnnt nii-n-upr. NcHlli-'tor.illM.'Iri'atiiici t for I.o"si > r Vllil I'nner 1'aiili-i iin.ililo to vlilt tM limy lie tnul-t lit liiiinu Uf ciiii-iponiliMuv Allisiiniiiiiiiii-iiliiiiiiciinlliU-nll.il Mi-ill. Inwui Inilriiin.'iitH . unit liy null 01 i-xiiroii nu- tuicl ) pin tivil. iiDiiruks UiliMlii-iituciinli > nt > ii ii'mU-r DIL- : per nn il Inti-rvlij-v I1"1,1 ! ; ' ' " ami i ' "inull - of yiMirc.ne an I wo will 'ml In plain wra-ipurfiiii HtMlv To MI.N Ull.t UP' ' I'rlvat * Sj'CClului Neiv.nia ) cnti > o , IiiipoH'iii ) sjphllli , lilwl nii'tx ' nrle iii-lu. Uli iianslinn II < t Ail.lrtMi Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor-nerOth nncl Harney bis. , Omnha , Nob. Eniei son. Etchings. Hnllut & Dnvla. Engrav.na- . ' . Kunbnll. Artists' Supplies. Pianos & Orrjnna. Sheet Music. 15lo - S t'f < " . On ml i .1 , ka. m ? TinV'i 'II Kimu 11 j II ( I.ill- I IH tll .i- ' .l m Ilii. lu I . I ull I \ \ > | .MH . . ,1 M.iiiliunil mi.I an.l l-i Till'I.IIUM ' IH-l. ' l"l M.lll 'I Ml'tllllll I'lllll IUll'lll-1 ( utamp'.i NITUIIU I i-male lliM'n f i iiruil iiiinlr | mill iiuimiiiii'iilly Tiralim-nl l. > iotru in > iuli'ii' < ' , Mumiia lur ii-pl ) ( niuUnlli > ii iri-u ( JlUco a 11 ( ui lutli uml Jurkni'ii lri'ut , Diimlia. .Nub. 'ihiK ' friini t-ITi i'i I. Illi MlllllllMKl . . . . . . Illlll IMxI'lthFli of Ml'll 1'IIH 00 Hired permaiiontl > ami pilvnli-l ) t > > ourmi ual * * pe ellle ben ! h > mall lor II llooK runt itculmli l' > r ttanip Menem Mi iHi/ul Cuiupaii ) , 11 , Hreut | lon , .Mann UM.'VTt UMYTI'M i" " H " " ' riM-K18 Alih.Mo.l.Mr.U \ ) CMHiiih I.INI ; imlinl ! lei-i-nlly NMHM | II liiiliNllii < ! 'IIn ' * llli < iiil iln ) ; llniln mil fn i it ! < > M iinil riiiin | > l ! > ! " oil' . Miinpli llii'- iiil l.y ni.ill V > i . Mi-fi il hue liy in ill tl'ib I in i n < iil.u- * in In-INI .IJH ! ( l Ins .Kill H Til' ljllll > " > * CliitlU'S LlllO Co. , 17 IlermHii Kt , Wurn M.T. M iss. * li iluulj rtlulih i ifi.ll - ' MM i | . * . lt rrvulnlorkuunn < * f'jl f ' ' I" 'Jl' ' m ' ' ' * UIUkul , Ali.it . .MlN I I'M. ' ' , ' il V NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment - PEED , Strength , i Sol'l Ui.Uern POSITIVE ANTES. CEO. H. SMITH & CO. , ( ionoral AKi'llts No'irubliu ' anil lovvu S. 10th St. , - - Omnlm