TUB CBIAHA DAILY BEE , .TUESDAY , 'APHID 22 , 1890. SPEGIHL NOTICES , OMAIt \ . Mo iidviTlUi'iiK'nlH ! > < taken for * coliiiiuiH nl'lor liJiO : p. in. Torinn CnHli In nilvnnuo. " " "AdveniwrnentH under this head HI cents p < r line for ( he Hint Insertion , 'oontsforonohHiib" M > tiH'Nt | IriHcrttorr , nnd I I.VI per 1 1 IIP per moil th. NoMdvortl-o.inentH taken for loss than " " rents for II Ml Insertion. TJii'y must run consecu tively nnd limit lie palil In ADVAXCK. All iiilvi'itlM'nienlK must lie handed In before I2n : : o'clock | > . m. , null under iio"lrouinstnriocs will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. I'nttli'H advertising In thi'mi columns : and linvtti/ their nn worHiiddrn s < 'd In caroofTrrK JHi : : will plna o auk for 11 chock tocnnhlc. 1)11111 ) to Koltholr letters. as norm will be delivered exrent nit pn" < eiitatlnn of chock. All answers to advert IneinontM should be enclosed III cnvu- lopes All ndvorttsornpnf" ( In thc o columns nre jmhllHlicd In iHith tr.nrnlrrt | unit overling edi tions of TUB HRK. tint Plrrulntlon of vvhlohnit- jrn Bali's more than LUUO papers dully , mid > : lvi" the fidvoitlsers tlm hi'nt'fll , tint only of theoHV circulation of TlIK IlKK. liut also of Council Illnlft. Lincoln mid other cities mill towns throughout this Kcctlon of tlio country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for those columns win be taken on the above conditions , at the following bua- ness I olives who nre nuthorl/ed to tnku special not U es , nt the same rates ns cnn be had nt tliu n aln ollh-e. Q ( il fjM\H"iriUlAN \ \ ( ] lTfM' J' I CiCo : rn o r Oof Tvveiity-slvlh and N streets , Nebraska Hav Ings bank building. "lOIIX W.IIKLL , Phnrninelst.fcWSouthTenth J Hired. CillASK.l KliliY , Mntlonors nnd Printers , ' III. South inth street. < J II. rAUXs.\V < ) HTII. PhnrmncNt , Sill. f firming slreej. \\T J. lirollrfs , Phnrmnolst , G2I Xorlh > T inib HI root. _ / . . W I'AKH. I'harmaclst. J7I3 I.eaveu- V J worth Street. VT _ T J I Olll > ' I'll A Yy 21th. nnd rnrnani HITUATIOXSVAXTH1) . * \rorN ( lady stenographer would like sltu- 1 at Ion In olllce where work Is light. T'.xpe- rlcncc main object. Address V 15 , TheJIce. 3/iXPrillKXCKD travelhrg snlesmnn ; largo ll nniiinlntnnce | ; wholesale groceries or hpeclnllles. Address C I ! ) . Hoe olllcc. 7is : 21 * SITI ATIUX wanted Hyn boy 17 years old. . can tnKo good enreof hoisoxniid do dellver- Ing.gioecry preferred. Address LJM lleo. \ \ r.XTEIPosition by young man 22 years TT of ago. who has had thieo Veins expeil- pnee > 4isnHsl. time keeper. Quick and correct ulllguics. Uefeience.sgiven. AddiessJ'rd. llee. TIIOItoriilll.Y experienced booKUeopor with good icforonoos wants a position ; rnodeiate halarj. Address u.Vi , Itee OMIee. \\TAXTKII-i < liiiitlorr ( by n rolinble. steady TT young man.coloK'd. as potter or Janitor. Onouelty teforcnce. Address C 33 , Ijoe olllce , "lA AXri.D lly an export accoiintniit. a set TT ofhooKs that will Ieililte | it or I hotlls Inlior pet day. Addiess C'M ) . Hoc. 'Is- ' . ' ! * T \ AXTl'D lly n middle-aged man a posit loir TT of trust In business house or hotel , ilaj oriiluht. L-ood pcnmnn : lellahle ; no objections lo leaving the cltj ; cltj icfeiyiue. AddiossC ; ; ' ) . lice w -i-'i * _ \\r.\NTKI ) lly middle aged man position a < s T T eleiU orbooUUoepor In hanU or wholesale house K'-ferto Mereliants haul. . Utle.i , Neb. Adilioss I ox lie. ftlen. Nob. ( ( 21 * AVANTHI ) MAliK II HI.I' . ft 1 > OYS wauled to v\orl < In shoe factory. W.V. 'X ' J ) MOIS\ . , nth ami Douglas , fll-21 "IX AN'IT.D- active man for each section T T s.il.uy * 7"i to JUKI , to locally represent . < successful X. Y. company , Ineoipoialed. to | ) ] ) > dry goods , clothing , shoes. Jewelry , etc. to consumcts at cost. Also a lady of tuel salatv till , lo enroll mombets ( so.iwi ) now enrolled. fllXX ) ) ( ) paid In. ) lioforenoos ex- eli.inu'ed. Kmplre Co-Opciatlvn association ( credit well rated ) loci : box lilt ) . N. Y. \\rAVIT.H-Agents to ell the Lincoln T T dollies drv or ; best thing out ; agents are limiting > to $1IM ncr vrcck. Addiess "The Lincoln Clothes Dryer Co. , " Nos. "tlM Doar- , liorn si. . ( hlc.igo. 111. Hlil-21 * : \\r.\XTiH-liv : .May 1st a bookl.cener In a TT wholesale house. Must furnish A. 1 icf- ervnei's. Stnto nge and snlniy expeoled. Ad diess C 47 , llee , 7I'I "IXTAVlTD'--A htqiioginphcr ; none nut lltst TT chins need apply. Aiiltman. Miller .V Co. , CoiinclUllulTb. 712-21 \\r\ffTi : - voting nan for olllce vvoik In > V Dun \or. Address C fitHeii _ olllce. 7(17-33 ( - A thoroitghlv reliable lining man to hnnille hojs In u 1st ilbu ting clicu- Ini to v l.slt the Itade. ile. ! Answer , stating a rc and snjiuv c\pected. Addiess Hlbbatil Heilt 1 Ml act Co. . 3 > Wnbash ave , Chicago. III. 751-31 'AN'JTD1'list class solicitor and oigan- T i/ci. one acquainted with Insurance hnsl- 'ss picfoiml ; lefoiences leuultcd. II. W. Jllnder. < .ounojlniulls.ja. J4I-3D _ TAN'm > . * > 0 men for new nil Iron'1 work In > Wyoming ; hhlpVedncsdny ; free fare , bright s Labor Agency , 1130 I'-unam si. r.\VPKD - At once , one llrst-olass coat malvcr. C1. L. Helling , .MadLson , Neb. 771-2 : . * " \\rANTKD-An energetre soliclloi'to louii T > scut us In Iowa. AddressWl N. Y. Life building. It'j-i'1' ' \\rAX I'lID Llvii men us salesmen and eol- TT loctots.ln Western Xebra ka. Kxpeil- cnce not necessary. The > hrgorow Inj ; .Ma chine Co. , Urnnd Island. Xeb. US't-mH ) " \\rAXTICD-AJobber.onolhnthas had llor TT 4 year's' experience. Address "Plumber. " box C. 42 llee olllce , stating where last em- plo > oo and wngescxpootcd. UU 21 * "XX ANTKI- llrst-elass solicitor for adver- tlslng mailer. Address M. P. , P. O llox fllli , to make nn appointment. 701-31 * " \\rANTiD ; Salesmen on salary or eommls- i' siou to handle the now patent chemical Jnlferaslns pencil. The gioalcsl selling nov elty evei pioduccd. Kr.ises Ink Ihoionghly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper. 300 to 500 lioi nt profit. One agent's sales amounted to J < > 30 in sl\ days ; another ? . ! : . ' In two hours. We Want one oner gi tie genera I agent for each state nml Iciiltoiv. Sample by mull U" els. 1'or ti i ins and full paitleulars address the Mont oo 1 i as.i Slf.-Co. . LaCrosse. WIs. ( , T,33 * lr\N'rii : ) A good man cook. Iminlre at > iiks' : cllib. Continental block. .VvV rpAIW l.f WHitted Two good coatni.iUcrs 1 wanted at once , /.crnhelmer , McCooK , Neb. fiTU 2:1 : * AV rANTiD- : Canvassers at Hingor Hewing i machine olllct ) . ISln Douglas st. 20-111 ! ) " \\r.\N nn--Uellnble local and traveling IT sah > smen ; positions permanent ; special Inducements now ; fast soiling specialties. Don't delnj ; salnrj fiom stall , llrovvn Urns. , rintsoi v men , Chicago. 111. 171-3(1 ( * ' \\rANTfiO-AgeiTfs" " Mli ie tTgiilr lighter , T i < MTV smoker buys ; llglitx In wind or rain ; lasts a lifetime : samples l.vtwo for'.IV , do/on il by mall , stamps taken. Mavncr > V i ' 11. Prov Idonce. U.L _ ? ; 1 > ! l'LL \\'ANTiD-.V)0 : ) laborers forl'aeltfe coast ev- T T tension of l ; . I1. U.K. In Nevndn and t tub. Rood v\ages nnd steady woi k. Albright's Ln- hoi Agouov. H30J\iruam si fi.HI "V\T.\NTiD-salismen : at K5 per month salT - T 1 nrv and expenses to sell a line of silver- pi ' ( oil wan1 , watches , etc . bj sample only ; I i'isi ; nml team furnished free ; write at once fn full particulars and sample ease of goods fit i standard Sllvervvniu Co , llo.tun. Mass. lils \V \ \ l- : HUM * . \ \ r ANTKIn-Mrst-i'Iass tiliumerln millinery ( lepaitmeut. Apply ut llosjon tiiii' . \\rANTii : > Young Indy to travel with n TT I'lrcus ; nice position ; previous experl- enMMtmivcssiiry. , . Call on 11. M. Anderson , i . * , N luth si. 77ti-33 * V \NTF.D-'I'list class eoou nnd dlnlngrooni f ( TT slil. hist of vv iih'ca paid , lit S 17th st ' * , 4 , ttB-S'i 1 * ET\VI t l * II. . . .1 _ . _ i I . . .a. . . . . ANI'KD Chambermaid , one with expert * c.iuo. not afrnhl toorl ; . No. IT. N.tMh at. . , . "V\TAN riirnily ; M > | ioltor > i. aoml pay. Onil T Tiresil&yof ji\4rvt \ IOUC.i | > ltol avenue , OiiKihrr. X'eb.v 75i ' 'I * \\f . .VM'KUiiKMl wltl for general housework J > nli'i'l .North aoth. 770-St Y /CNTKH-.TwoTTrlK veooiiTl "l\ / - for llrst nnd TT vforK Itefvrencei. leinilrcd. Cull at Uilli 1 ) . ( i > vite livenuetfuin.cily Paul bt I Mrn. J Ii I II Diilntiiit i I niltcsano > ODIU i it ut , rcci vc TT InsiriK-ii. , , uinl u.-t | > intoUs. H ! M uii , t" Jtu UJU , Xcw iulk Lift builuio 01 't \\TAXTRO rxperloncTil tnllorcssi mil nt once 1 ! J rnrinim t. 7il-2l Tl ANTRlTAVnlst'ilnlHhers iirid skirt nnik" * T T erf. McCitbe , modiste , 1712 Douglas. GIIU. for general housework 2i.fi llnrney. . 701 a * _ rjlltl. Wnrrtrll-A rthnd itlrl lit imntl family , V 'Iminlre at ' 'Ul Dodifost. 4n A \ X'nilrfor Kenernl liouscwork nt : ! n " ' " ' it'ft ' "VP- tin _ . _ _ _ V\rA\TT'.l-Tvvo euentetli- lady solicitors > > Addles 101 X. Y. Life InrlUllrnt. 7DJ-21 * \\rAXT lT-A ! Klrl In small rnmllTTcermnu TT or i-vvode preferrCil. " . ' ! t'nrk nveiiue. 7i < l-'i- A\rAXTt'l ) An experienced lady book- Keeper. Address 1217 Howard st. flfll-'JI AUKMKXTS lnih > dro i making In fnrn- llles. Miss Muidv. iii'tS. i"th nvo. tma t * nHK-"MAIIXO-\t { home or ln Families" JAMlss.l. Hay , ll.V * X. Ilith st. lVil-m2 * KOU HUNT 110US ! : . FOIt HKXT A n-nxHii house. 2013 Charles st. Imi : prlre nt 2ill ) Clmrlcs st. ( HI 22 * "TTlOIt KENT - ! ? ' ! Dodu-e st. , in rooms with all J- ' the conveniences. N. II. Apple , It ) Ware blk. HnNT-KIezant new S-room house , 22nd and ( Mllfoinlat all modern conven iences ; JV ) per month. A. 0. Wakely , N. V. Mfu " I Mill KJJN'T House ; ton looms , all modern Impi-oveml'lits ; largu yard , { 10 per month. Pi'Mer IThomas. . 7Jli "fjiOK KINT : TI-IOOIII cotta o on motor line. J1 l ) l . ( xJllOoM House , city wnlor , bath , gas , motor , < 2M. II. C. Colo. 7ISS3. I/1OH HKXT 7-ioom house : modern 1m- L piovements. Apply J12 X. 2Gth sliect. 720-2i > * I71OU KKNT-nifrtnnt ll-room house , all modern - ern eonM'iileiires M Miuy' < ave. 7"JI 27 * 171OK FlKNT 6-rooi Tcottago , J- _ _ I71OH KKM' Houses and store.s ; property * caied for , taxes paid. Midland ( iiiaranteu & Triint Co. . Kill 1'arnain si. Abstracts. ( V > U TPKN loom house , fill conveniences. ranso.l.'t.'VS 1 Hherman uve. , ? IU. Hutchliiaon & Wead , ISS4 PoiiKlns : tel. | S2ii. 2)0 ) LilOlt iiNT T oin-room modern houses , all con\enlcnoiM. I'nvcil stieets , eablo cars. I'lve minutes' ' walk of postolllco. ItefurenceM reiiilred. | Nathan Shulton , 1011 I'arnam st. _ : > i7 FOH KHNT ? l\ room Hat with modern con veniences at 211 ! ) 1'arnam st. Potter & Ueorgu Co. , hoiithwebt cor. Kith and I'.miam. ( HU-21 0-ItOOMbilck liorudlns house , two blocks fitnii P. ) . , 'J.V ) ; fiiinlliiro , WiU ; fax ) cash and balance f. . " > per montli21-ioom hotel nc.ir U. I'di'pol ; iriil.fTT ; fiiinltuieon time. Also III- i ooni lint nl'ar court house ; tent , * .Vi per monle ; pileo of furniture , is * ) . Co-oieiatlvo | I..IIH ! and Lot Co. . 2 'i N. li.tli st. _ i > s'l-'l ' IT1OK UHNT I'or thesummer months , ( i-ionm 1 ciilla-'i1. with all mudcin Imiiiovement- . ne'irSI Mn rv's avenue , luquliu at Mover& Kaiipke. 14lVi ll.uney. 7U-2" ( > rpo KINT : A t.land u len loom house , all J mullein conveniences In < > ach , ne ; located on Istli st.jctvnHii-Onllforiilii. ) urid Cas , rent le.isiinablu. jlnciulro UHJ , First Nul'l bank liulldliig. , „ / ' . ' * . 01 10 loiim hjubi''ull iiwdijfit lOiivenlences ; best locution In.Olty ; cheap to diislrablu ten-nit. II. i : . Cole. 7s--J2 | "I OIJ IlKNT a > room coltum ! ; fuinittiio for i sale. Hunt Jl.'i ] ) er month. l'J2t ' Dnnulas , . 'i)7-2l ! I710IJ KKNT Kcsldpncis In all paitTof clly. I [ .1st too laiK lee publish. Ulobe I.o in & Tins ! compniii , : u > 7tIdtlihl. . 7(12 ( ITIOIt HiXT : DnellliiKon Ciipltol avenue , ! ) i looms , and nil modern conveniences. In cluding laiindiv nnd lingo stable. I ) . .1. O'Piin.iliOf. 1I J l''aiiiam st. Ml f S 21th ave. _ 17C. IjlOK KiNTroom : ' boiiso III the most do- JL slrable ie > ldence iioitlon of Hie city. In quire at Mi'ycriN : Hanpke , HOTi Ilarnev . " - " \IOpniJN house , nine rooms , linth. hoi and i.'l cold Hiitur. Viiimipo and pus , on Dodnesi. , MO pel month. 1'lud J. HorlhwloK , 21.1 South llth .i ? ' JIUNi : ten loom house , all modern Impiov-e- menls , furnished ; II vo blocks from ixistof- llco ; icfeiences iciiultcd. Inqnlro 17l'i ' P.iveu- p.il st. : i7. > -2.'i * Itr.XT In convenient locations , suites of 2 , ! l and 4 looms , a l ranged f or housekeep ing , also laigc ami small houses. I'licen ren- sonable. Itutts Iteming ngeney , I'M I'm nam. Uiili-mt * AXICK o'ottago of 5-rooms , sii Virginia avo. Apyly on the premNos. IJ 21 * ITUMl IlKNT-A I story brick house with alt -1 inodein Improvements , No. 115s. 30th. In- iliiiie of .ludgo Amlcson. | 513-31 JTIOIt IlKNT Nicely furnls'iod ' rooms with boaid. 3307 rnrnani st. Itofuieneos. 7l'-37 ' ) * TriOIl KKN'T ! l nlrre-r-oom hrlck houses. All - model n eonvcnli'iicos , 35.U t < t35.17 J't. Maiy's ave. Inqtiliuat Collateial hank , 1 1113 SlMh _ st. 55i ( TjlOll HKNT Tlrreu beautiful residences with " liu us , easf flouts on ( leoighl avonilo , 1'ar- nam and Chicago sis. modern Imiuovcmcnts. Illchaid C. Patterson , ( ,07 N. V. Life. 575-3:1 : 711)11 HKNT M'vm-ioom himso. IIIS S. 7lh J : ive. , city unit cistern vvatei.good location. T7" ' . - , 1T1O1C HKXT- About .luinv 1. those elegant 1 stone residences on lioorirla avenue. S U tli st. , between Mason ami Pacific sts. t-eo owner for long time lease. H. H. Ilcndoi-on. loom IUO , Pavtonblk. 4jsi O'13 ' Capitol ave , seven loom cottage with , bath. 1110.11 lient351SCap. jiv. BIB-SI 17IOI ! UENfL'MO-loom houhv. > . .cl < ise to motor and ejiblu't uvory convenience. 70S N itith. 1J1OH IJI'.NT Neat l-room cottage , 1 mile n. I1 w. D. C. I'altci'soii. N. Y. Life. 50D * JjlOIt KI"NT--IO-rotim bilek'honso , with rnod- 1 eniconvl-nlDiices , No , Sll > 30tb st. Apyly nt No. 837t3a < list. ' ' . * ; ! i3l I/1OI ! ItHNT seveial good houses In need lo cal Ion ; Ki and ntvvaids. | The O. 1' Davis Compan ) , ' " ' " ' ' I'm num. Sll-31 / " < AllDl'.N fnTnTttt rent. T. Muiray. II' YOl' wish to lent n h niso or store see II. R Cole , Continental block. ( ; ; ) 8-llOOM lint , with steam lient , luth st. , near Jones. Tboi. 1' . Hall. Illl PaMon block. KOIl UIJXT' 11OOMS I'TUXISIIKI ) . TJ1OH HKXT To ono or t wo single gentlemen , i I a room having south exposure. In n new cottngu on Cnplt.il five. Addiess C 20 , llee. OH iTnvF nxtrn largo suite of riMims , ImndsomelV fiiinlshed. suitable for man and wife. No. IH N l thj-t. i > 2s _ ArAXTiiTonauls for a itoslrabltt fur- T > riishoil frontrotirnSoiS. _ _ 'IIh st. VsQ 21 AXY kind of furnished or unfurnished rooms. IllTii > . p.tii | st. Wo hnve.ll rixmis , roUmHi * "t CU linXT-l'urnTshed rooms , IMI Daven- 1' ' * RU-'Jl pcirj _ _ T FliNISlinD r-ooiiHW lib board nt Wi N. I'Hh ' L'st. . . In t'aul . ' " bloojj. _ g'J-- , . , . ITlltUMSllKD front room for rent , ( XII f. Jith L1 St. . JV. _ . cor. Jackoun. All ! . CIH'tOlin.l. has handsomely fur- -t'l nlshed riHims , .slnu'lo or en suite ; one suite in ranged for Juentlemeii ; also lio.tid. 411 X lUlhst. 7.'l-J.'i * _ _ _ _ _ "V'lcKI.Y fuinlshed room w lib hoard ; also -L > tiny bonnlers. 1.'I01 l.favenvvorth st , . ) CDXXKCTlXtl pnrloiN on Hist Moor , to- gelliororsepnrnle. IM7 DIM I go nt. Oil-21 T ritMr-IIKD nml uufurnlahod rooms with J- good board at , > . ' ! South UMlh nt. 711 27 * SOUTH front funilahed room , 2U2 Dotlgol ui : . T OK UUM'-Tvvorooms.lllOX 10th ht.cheap. I.1 7M- _ IJ1OH HKXT rnrnlshcd nnd nnfurnUhed .1' rooms , also n lint. 1X1) ) Cnpltol nve. Til-il" TH'ICI.Y furnUhed nmnr with bonrd : aUo > tiny bonrU ' ' " I > Q IKO M. tti a * _ V7ICK room , uvcrj convenience , 171'J Dnvon- . > port. ato.i.tl' HKXT furnished rtwiiiH with or with out Inlaid. 1UM Douglas t. : S8J 2j * rpt ) HKXT-Klotfiintly furnished roams n It h t llrst ela-istalilo boanl ; tnblu boanl K pur vvt'cl. . ut Ills 171 list. UK 1 * l/UMt HKNT I'liriiMioU rooms. , huth I1 und iti.uu. IM'i lU'vvnrd , M I.AuK UKNT1'uruiahcd ruumu , 1WJ Dou-lui L1 ic. JjlOH KENT t'lcatanl furnlihcrt roonn with all conveniences , fill ) S 2Mb st C.CI < JT.riAI II Kuroponir JiotciTertr. intll and ODodgo. Special rotes' by week or month , liUU ) HKXT Onn Inrge frorrt room wrth JL1 boanl. lEOO Cnprtol nve. KK rou KIXT : UOOMH UXI-'UIIXIHHKD "IJIOIt HKXT r. unfurnished room" , ono block -I from motor car , modern Improvements , ) K KKXT-2ori : uiifurnNhed room * . plciH nut ynrd , near car lines , wo N Sld jt. > HOOMS In n lint , s. w. eor Kith nnd I.cnv- 'enwortli sis. ( HI 21 * _ TrUW HKXT--3 unfurnlslieir rooms. ! SW N. P l.ltlist. Price IIP. IHt'i ItMNT J unfurnished rooms to family , without ehlldrcn ; miHleru lmiiovemonts. | I7 < Webster st , Price jl."i. IM \KBIx room , attorney preferred. Ilutclilnson IJ _ AJV'end. ir..MDoii las ; U-I. I.V.U _ .M'i < JTJIUS : at 7il7 , 7DI. ! 711 S. llltli. SJAW ) each , Olnrtfoshow windows , steam bent furnished. Thos. ! ' . 1 1 n 1 1.JII I I'nx I on J ) lock. _ 0.17 I7IOK HKNT Itoorns suitable for llRjit manil- JfnetirrlrrK. . Ineludlns power and bent. Itco * Prlirtlni ; Co. . llth nml llovvnrd st.s. T.ti I7UJU HI'.XT The l-stci ry brick bulldliiR with J or without troner , formerly occupied by the lieu l'ublMilnjCo. , ( Ml ! I'arnam st. The bttlldlm ; has n lire proof cement basement. complete -team heatlm ; llxtures , water on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the otllce of The lice. Ol.'i HKXT-a-tlory brick building , JI10 Doiujlnsst. , suitable for wholesaleorwnro- honse purposes. Also hi lek store lt)7 ) H. Illth sU Imiulroof Chns. Kuufninn , l.tt/J Douijlnn st. roil HUNT a B AHN for lent In rear of I'unt A. Hnri Is' car riage factory. 15 s \VA.vrs. \VANTii : ) A hoi-e or team of horses , : i TT light wagon , n top buggy orphnolob. will evehange Hlgn or house painting , wall P'tper- Ing , etc. Inquire Jay Ureon , N. K. cor. llith and Don gins. ( Kl-ai * _ " \\rANTKI ) A Miinll hall to accommodate. )0 men twice u month. Addiess , Mating teims. CIO , Hoc. W3'I * " \ VTANTniHores to pastuio at * -0 n > ' month on farm near Irvlngton ; hor'ses called for and dc'Ilveied.V. . 1 ! . Homnnrl'oom U , I'ren/or blk. 47(1 ( \\rANTii-A : girl baby for ndoptlou. Ad- diossA . llee olllcc. Ill ! AVAXTKD TO JIKXT. " \\rAXTKD To rent for smairfamlly ( .1 or 4 T T furnished moms for light hou el.coplng. Address C.VI , Iteuoillue. 7.7J-2 i * " \\rAXTKD Two rooms with lin-ird for I weT T T gentlemen , near .south Omahn motoi lino. Good boanl Indispensable. Address 1 ! . loom III ! IIn lidhotel. . 7.7-2:1 : * \\rAXTKD-A barn tbatwlll hold fourorslx T T horses. Co-opeiatlve Land & . Lot Co. Ittl-'ll KKXTAIi AUKNOV. A\/T. HAVHullrstelass party vv ho wishes to lent a fin nl lied house of from seven to nine rooms with modem convonloiifes. Must be good residence portion of the city. Hurt- man k Itobblns. N. V. Llfcbldg. 3SI TroUTON's rental ngency , B17 l'.u\ton lluT" | _ II K. CULi : , lentiii ngent , Continental blk. L. uxi \"KK I.KK'a laundry has removed to313 X. llith. ITs-mti * "OAHAMlsi and umbiollas covered and re- ' . palled. It. llalor , 1. > 1" > Douglas ; basement. otw II K. COLK , iclliiblo Iho Insuinuee. 1 ( VK ) ' A 1C. HILKY. notary public , Koom 11 , Con- . llnental block. II' ' ) HKMOVKD to 1122 x. nith st. not springs baths. I have opened a suit of elegantly fuinlshed looms with nil the very latest Im- piovcmenls. I'lom oxtonslvo oxperlence under superior advantages I am piepaied to give scientific baths ( chemleal ) the .same as produced nt the Hot sprlngs. Hot till , moister or dry , Turkish , Russian or plunge.lllguar - nuteo satisfaction to the most fastidious. Single bath or treatment per week or month. Charges icasonuhlo. Special rates to lady clerks for regular ablution. Mrs. . | ) r. nay. : t22 X _ . Hilh sU HoonisII. 12 mid 13. "M-lnilf 1711 Hi : Insurance ticorgc.L Paul.M \ J'linrim -L st. , represents reliable companies only. flilj \ j AP of Omaha , just out , showing eveiy nel- -I'l dltlon wltliln five miles of coin t house , also stioets ti.ivthd by hoise cms. and by cable and electric lines , Send 25cents forone , postage stamps accepted. Alexander Moore. Itcnl Kstato , Loans and Kxcmnigos. Ml Shoelv Hlock. -.10-21 * AUCTION sales every Tuesday. Tlniisday nnd Saturday morning at 1114 Douglas1 st. ( Jriiaha Auction -linage Co. l/l'l rp ( ) suit the convenience clients engaged I during the day v\e ouen evenings , 7 lo S : ; ) . U. K. Cole , ioimi li Continental blk. CK ) riTIX WOHK. roofing , gutter Inc. spontlns. L good work low prices. * > uvngc , llMSCumliig 2.i'J-niS ' OAt'l. PAt'L KX , Hot 1st nnd landscape gnr- I dener. successor lo jleniy Khreniifort , 172s South llth st. , telephone , 1.117. All kinds of bedding plants from SDe to. $ l.fl ( jierdoCut - tlowers and Moral designs a specialty. The most rensorrablo pi Ices In town. The last I yc.ns have been employed by Mr. II. Konnt/e , .south ltt st. Ills 21 * HK.COLK , notary publle and convoyxneer. ( l t J.OST. JOST-flU in cash , between Cuming nml -J Twenty fifth nvcnuo and the I' . P , car shops. Ketnin to the lleo ollico nnd lecolve lew a id. 701-22 * 1U.VP Hold bowed spectacles on Douglas J st. . hotiveeu 13th and Ifith sts. , or on red st. car. I'lndei please leave nt Snxe's thug s oiejnjd lecolve ijownriL y'JtJQI ' STOKA i " TOHAfiK at lowest rates. Hrnnch & Co. , --12lt _ Howard st. XVu 21 SIM'HI X , W S inth st. , stores stoves hi dry . plneiifor _ the summer. 4V ) rnlI | rpllE cleanest nnd best slornge'ln the city at 1 low rates at 111) ) Douglas st. Omnha Aitp- tlonMtiuigejji , t'4fl rpHACKALili storage at lowest rates , W , M. J llushman. Kill Lenvcnworth. Oil l lrAXTI'D- I nraltuio. cntpots , household T T uoods for ciittlr. Wells' Auction X btorngu Co , : tl7 S.jili : ] st. ivi.l AA AXTKH T i Inry n sot of second hnnii TT tlnnoi's tools. Address stntlng pilce and condition , ( ieorge Li lay. Care Hector S : \\ll- helniyt'o. 7.VI-2 ! ! AY AXTKI ) To buy nnd move ono or two T T houses near Marilm nnd Twentlolh. "C. 4H. lleeolllce. " 71)7-2' ) AA AXTKD Ooi d commercial impor. Xe- T T brusUa Mortgage Loan Co.'ill ) Paxton blk. \\r.\XTKl ) Oood short time paper In small TT amounts. _ _ P. 1.V11 rmnam _ st , _ _ _ _ C IASIJ for all kinds of househohl goods at fill Douglas st , Omahn Auction A storage Co. y ° _ _ " \\TANTr.n To buy for spot cns.li.elty or > > country , parts or whole stocks of diy nnd fanoy goods , clothing , boots nnd shoes , milli nery , stationery. gents' furnishing goods , etc. Call on or address ,1. L. HrandeU & bens , cor ner l.lth nud Howard. Omnhn. Ol > KOH 1j IOltSALK-A hoiNo nnd buggy cheup/or . cuslt or Instalments. Address C ll.Jlec. I. Olt S < AI.K ltl. ( > M. Louis pressed biick by L1 Lineal stllht , lUUtMilltl ) llth st. r V2l * OH SAI.K Clionn. A gootl second hand sodn fountain. Kuirilrunt | Mo. Pnclllcnill . ! : .ainin 1 turo for cash. 01 will l ratio for homes. X. \V. Cor. IlllLnjriUjiekwin. 77J-Jl * TTlOlt SAI.i-A : 10-horso power Xevr York I. tiafcty upright engine In llrst-etnts condi tion. I'l'stiici' * 1'ilnlln Ulllee , I'JD" llovvnrit Mri'i t , omnhn iiin-vM I AIJXUItY l.envtriK tuwn ( must V ll at 1 J once ; hoi > e. wa on , tools , utc. j prl < * e f KX ) ; positively worth t > V II. n. C'ole. 2i' > : il II KAVY vvnguii nnd coal bed , 13 It'll Trade. I. _ ; w liK M.Ktcntn of hooci and hurm ss , chtap , tiuribweal cur ISthund Vlntonnis 771OH SALE-My ro I'Mor ' , ono of the Irnnd- JL somost nnd most MlUble horses In the city Safe for Indies to drive. Offers received for ono week. IJnn II. Wheeler , Jr. , Instirnnce , DougliH and 1Mb sts. CH-21 II Alt ! ) lWICK--WWrXwor and hard brick IL for .sale. Apply.nj brick yard , 22ud nnd Hickory. 1C. \\lthtwU8 Cltt 21 * SAI.K-IIand'MHiiu dmiiiln yellow head - parrot ; line tulkor. 1318 Douglas t. _ \ji \ _ mi-it * OIAXO purchasers see. thnt bargain In tlio JL piano ntttn X UUIl MT 000-24 * _ A LOON for sale , ci4itt'rof Utimlin. C-H. Hoc. f LilOH HAI.K Pair of juiylcs. seven years old , welsh nine ; hundrcci pound * each. Also dray and harncs.s. Tirl&h M'IMI tit lleo. Can- field's stable. U. 9. Wind Krrglno and 1'iiinp Co. 1)1(1 ) ( Jones st. r - ftH-'Jl _ _ P\\TtTtiSlooUncc : for line driving or saddle hor-os. would do well toonll on , or corres pond with T. .1 , rioinlrrtf , nmnagcr W. II. Iilll- Iind's farm. Callioun , Neb. Ilo Ims for sale soinu Hrst-elas.s slniilo drleroarrltiRO tennis , and saddle horses at reasonable pric . OAF. I. and see tliu great bargain In u piano , wv > N iiithst , ran si I7IOH SAI.n-Sodn foimlnln xory cheapIn - JL1 quirt' Uley Peterson. CIS t > . 13th. JI9 "IJMTItXITt'KRnnctlou every Wednesday and JL1 Miturduy , JI17 S tilth , WelU. _ Otil WOll { AI.K AJfi-horHi ) power Porter enRlno .1 In Rood condition , vvolnlit 5,1011 pounds , cvl- Inder 11x11) ; for particulars apply to The lleo olllcu. TW _ _ _ _ _ IfloU Hist elnss plauo tuning and repairing 1 leave eiders at A. Weber , Jr. , tepalr rooms. CDS N. llllh street. I- ' . ' ! * "I71OH SAI.TJ Some treed watches and ilia- Jimmds cheap. It r. Mnstois , tooni I , With- neil liluul. . UW AIUSIC. , K buying plnno examine the new > scn'o ' Ivlmball piano at A. Hospe , 13U Douglas st 612 KO.l'TtJKLLKXIIKCK. tenclieTof the bnnjo , liar ) Howard st. 3rd lloor. 24 ! ) : TO I.AX. "I7 < ASTiiN : ! money to loan on furniture , .111horses , jewelry , etc. , loom 3 , 111" I'arnam. Ss : . ' m- LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa per bought. MeCaguo Investment Co. 070 0HOICK small loans wanted. U. 1' . Harrison , ' .111 N. V. . , OOMMKHCIAI. paper bought. A. 1C. lllley , Itooni II Continental block. I'M IF n. COLK. Icun agent , Conllncntnl block. li f ) LOAXS on Improved properly nt close rates. A. 1C. Klley , Koom 11. Continental block. l.T. ) . loans ut lowest rates ; removed CIIATTKI. to517 nnd Ml ! Paxtou blk. J. II. Kmlngor. $ IUHM ( ( ) to loan on real estate secuilty. liooni I' . ' , llaiker . ' Loan and Trust Co. , 120,1 I nrirrirn CKXTHAL st. Choice clly loans at lowest rates. rates.H7m ! ( Illtr.HAL real estate loans made byV. . M J Harris , room 20 , Krun/er block , opp. P. O "j\OXKV loaned at lo.wust rates , long time on -l.il impiov oil Omaha lojil estate , no "exlas. " no delay. Globe Loan X Ti list Co. , IW7 S. Kith. Tin KKYSTOXK Mortgage Co.-Loans of J10 to $1,000 ; ; ; ot our nrtrvbcforo hollowing and save money ; loan on horses' furniture or any approved security , without pnbllcltv ; notes bought , for now lo in , roliowal of old and low est rates. Call , K 20S , Mrvul * blk , lath JL How ard sts. ( M \fOXKY lolo.in ticorse.l. Pnul.ltKW I'm mini M1 ONKY to loan on : lny security forslioii lime at low rates. Lowest rates on pcisuunli ptopcity , The Henderson .MoitgaAo Investment Ci > in- pnny. Hoom 4PO. 1'aton block. i : . \ i iATijNioN.Y I'hlladelphln MoHgage and Trust Co. , alvvavs ready to 1o.ru 'anil pay promptly ; 1st moitgages wanted. ( ! K ) . W. 1' . Coats , lepie- s | lloar l 'I' adji. , 15 * " FIKST mortgaio loinm nt low latos and no delay. I ) . V. Mioles Co. , 3101'lrst Natl bank. LOANS made on nny available security Central Investment Co. . Koom 35 , Cham ber of Commeico. M\ \ MONKY to loan by 11. ! ' . M.islois in any amount from } in to J10.000 for any time , from one to Mmouths. . I make lo ins on household goods , pianos. organs , horses , mules , houses , lo.isos , etc. . In any amount at the lowest possible late , with out publicity or removal of property. My loni.s are so at ranged tli.U you can mnko n payment at any Him ) and icdiice your In- toiost pie rata. Yon pay Interest only for the time joii Use the money. If j oil OHO a balance on voui piopoitj I will take It up and mrry It for you. at the lowest into conslstant with tliu l isk. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. U. T. Masters , Uoon4 , Wlthitell block , 15th and llainoysts. u > t $ ) OTO to loan on Hist idass. Impiovcd Inside i piopeity. Iniinlie of btou'ait. Hotel "Derby. " 733-3 1 * _ _ _ $ IINIO.IH ) ' ) ( o loan on Improved or uulnpioved city property. No delays. Host rates. W. I'm nam Smith , loom 111 , Continental block. SHCONI ) l loitgngo loans. Second moil gages bought. Loans on vacant lots. I teed > V Solhy , loom 1,1 , lloaid Tiado -IS. SI ! . TIIOMI'SON , looms IHI and : K3 Omaha National bank , has plenty of money to loan on Improved city propeiiy ; low rates ; no delnj ; loans closed promptly. | ss-3t" S HOUT time loans made. A. K. ICiley , Koom 11 Continental block. I'M. MONI'Y loaned on furniture , horses ami wagons ; rates icasonahlo. City Loan Co. . removed to Hrj3 shciman Ave. Mi : L made on unimproved ion ! esinte. A. 1C. Klley , Itooni 11. Continental block. IS ! ) HKl'Olti : negotiating n loan lo Imptove your renl estnto get terms from The Oiloll Investment Co.al ; ) N.V. Llfobldgj Thos. S. lloyd lepiesciilntlve. IWJ B UII.DlXtl loans rnndoon Choice eltv property Al lowest rates. Pilvnte funds to loan on brlek residence and business property upon very fnvoinmo terms. ICImball. Champ A. Kyan , T.Ui I'nmum St. f > 'l5-iiil5 " \\rANTPD-rirst class Insldo loam. Lowest Ti rates. Call and see. us. Mutual Invest- rnent Co. . IV)1 ) r.irnnm. ( J57 I.I AND Investment Co. . loom HS. llcobulld- II Ing , loan on chattels In amounts from 111) ) to { 10,000 ; lowest rates. Lonns on household goods , hoises , personal properly of nil kinds and other articles otwtlne without removal. Payments in-ranged l sip | | Interest. 110-m5 ( . PiitC'iNT : : resldenoe'loans fj.ooo to JIll.nM. v'lliilldlng loans at similnl rates , Tliu Mend Investment Co. . lleo buthllng UV > " \IONHY , . ( JO or ' ( ) ' 'days on fuinlture , i'l pianos , horses , lioiin'fi , etc. J.J. Wilkin son , ( ilt P.ivtoii blk EASTKHX money to loan on city ptopoity ; niortgngo paper bcwMlit. II. H.Irey , opp PO. _ _ , i , BriLDIXO Loans ( I 4,0 T per cunt ; no ad ditional charges forfnmniisslon or attor ney's feed. W.H. Molkliiil/lrst Xnl'l bnnk hldg. . . Ll | [ ( fa MOXKYIolonn. O. I' . Davis Co. . realestato nnd loan agents. 1.VI3 Knrnnm si. ls MO.N KY to loan on horses , vvngous , mules , household giKids , til.inosorgansdiamonds , nt lowest rnten. The lir t organl/ed loan ollh'o In the city. Makes loans from UO to ! Ki3 days , which cnn he paid In ) tnit or whole nt nny time , thus lowering thu-pilnolpn 1 nnd Interest. Call nnd see us whenyiyi want money. We cnn nsslst you promptly and to your ndvnutago without removal of property or publicity. 1 Money always on ( land. Xo delay In ma Mug loans. C. I' . Heed A. Co , Ulu s. 13th St. ; over Illngham A Sons. I/ ' . ) KIIOIITMT\\I ) A XT ) "TYI K\VIUTIX'ST i " \"AXTI"1 * I'duonted VOUIIK ladles and Ken- TT tleiueii to learn slioith.ind and typewriting - , writing ; ginxl salaries ; ntudonts insisted ID > iHisltlons. Mnmlnrd Shorthand llilslm > ss ( 'ol- lege. Frank K. Hell. . " \rtih. Dr. Kddy , the distinguished iraneo iTlfhilrvovnnt , Into of Huston , While en tranced will revenl every hidden nryhlnry of life. I'repuriw Kxyptlan tnllstnun vrhleh will overcome your enemies rornovo fnmlly trou bles , rcxtoio hint uli"ectlon > , unlteN the feparat- cd. lii'lps In all troubht. etc I'eo it nud up wards N ( I Perfect H illsfni-tloii K'laiau- H'fd bj mail senItump , for illti-tiutt d cata logue Mn Dr l.ddy , lri | N I nh tl Unmlm bee . -und , . } paper fur kpuvlul jiinuun < fluent 070-XJt MADAM DKL/.IKU from Chleiigo. the young but celebrated mnxiuge and magnetic PurloM over nio Hout inth street oi-2i * TSoHTt'XK Teller MS * . l.onorman can bo JL consulted on nil nlTnlrs of life. Satisfac tion gttaMntccd. XL. 310 X. l.Mhst. IX'-aSI * U7 XA J < X nTvTwAHliKX. eln frvoy n lit" medical nnd builness rurdlurn. I'cmnlo diseases u speclnlty. Ill ) X 10th st , rooms u 3c3. C.V1 A HST11ACTH O I'1 TIT I j3. ! MIDLAND llunrnntce t Trust Co. , X.Y.LIfe hldg , complete abstracts furnished nud titles to renl cstnte examined , perfected nnd guaranteed. li'l lJt.rsfXKNS OIIAXOKS. r SAI.K A U-chalr bnrbershop. In peed location. Address l' ; c' , lice. TJfi-iv .W will buy established meat market wllli llxtures. leu box , etc. II. U. Colo. 7111-21 lilDK HAI.K Iiiimber nnd eo.il vard < . Three ! vards at gtwd points on the r. , \ ' , .t M. V. HI. It. \\yoinliiK : will sell together or sepa rately. 1'or further paitleulars addrevs J. K. s , \\yo. ? , V-a ( > OA"lOON men uttentlon : Tor S.ileSaloon V.'cor. Hlh and Dodce ; one of the best paylni ; saloons In eltv ; . ' atlsfactoiy icasons for sell- Ing. Doty Alart.t. ) ' _ . _ AODOI ) payliiK eonimlssloii buslnoss cen- tially loealo for Halo cheap. UIMM ! rc.i- hens lor belllns- Address , C " 0 , lleo Dlllce. r.ui y. ' * SALOON Men attention , first enm bar _ room outfit , cost * . ' .MHl.'can be bouKht for less than 'i Its original cost. Inquire at II. Trustier. HO'i I'arnam st. OVi-BI iriOlt SAM' On neconnt of tin ) death of my 1 pnrlner , Mr. Terrv , 1 have decided to ic- tlrc fiom the livery business , aiid I thercfoto offer for sale all our line ll\ cry stoclc.lneludlnu horse.s , earil.'ues , hear-es , biiRBles nnd hai- ncss. Parties uNlilup line driving holies or anj tliliij ; In our line \\lll do well to call and examine the baipalns olleied. This stock must bo I'losi'd out by May l.'ith. Henry A. llonian. of I Ionian .1 Tony. UTi : of the best restaurants In the city. ONi I'r ce J'HM ) , p'lit cash : al o a nice restaurant for 100. fl.W ) lll buy half Interest In whole sale fruit business , IneludliiK brick warehouse , In line fiull country. Co-Opuratl\u l.aml & Lot fo. . af > N. tOth Hi. ( Wl-21 _ _ G HKAl * for cash ; store bnlldliiR , small stock groceries , lunch colinlcs : eloso to depot. Enquire of O.W. Heymer. Norfolk. Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ r1i"it ! ! ! _ IJ1O1C HAMI-A splendid paylns mminery unil dressmakliiK establishment ; KOOI ! lo cation. Dm Id Cole , 1310 Howard st. 711 JjlOH HAI.K Tliu lease , furnltuiv nnd llx- -1 turua of the Hrndley house nt Tecumseh , Xeb. l > lti 24 * SAI.Kotd ( running rostauianl cheap nml cigar store. Inqulio 121 X llth st. 17IOHSALK Hnlf Interest In first class test- I. nur-nnt In Llnroln. Address It. A. , Omahn lleo , Lincoln. .Neb. OJ7 FOHSALH-Or will cYclrnrrge. nbout J-I.OtK ) stock of general merchnndlse forclonr icnl estate nud cash. Addiess llox 151 , Thurmnii , lown. ' ' KU-22 ITIOU KKNT-Checkered llveiy bam on ISth -L st. . of lluriiuy. Call or addiess Neb. Morlgjigi ! tonn.Co. . 519 l'a\tonblk. ( AS KOll I710K iCIIMir.3 lliO acre tracts of Ne- 1 braska lamls partly under cultivation. In good localities. N. H. Apple , loom 10nie block. O.K 35' _ _ In IliiirOak add to Omaha for OLHAKlot house ami lot ; also ; i houses and lots In northwest pail of city to trade for vacant piopcrty. Slock of furniture and good will of business , In good location In city , pileo W.ooi ) . ulll tnuie for house nnd lot centrally located ; will assume small mortgage or puditlorcncu In ciish. I'oi othei tunics call on Co-opciatlvo Land and Lot Co. , an N Hit h st. b.s' ' ) 31 _ POK SAI.K or trade -A line driving team. fast and slvllsh. with good side spiing top buggy , H.n.Cole. 711) 31 _ I71OK r.NCHAXrsr l.3si nc.clear land. 1(1.100 ( ; JL ? vvnnt nnlsi > . orele.u city property. Itlsoloy , Shenandoah , la. nut-3s- * _ L-A line lot. 5l\ir. : feet , light on giade ; elegant location ; one mile fiom postollh-e ; loom foi two hoilsiM. Will e\ebnnge for clear or lightly eneumbercd Iowa farm. AddiessC4s. llee. 1.15-31 * TpOR TIIADI1 3 good hoisos. wagon and liai- ncss for lot ir house nnd lot this side fair grounds , between loth nml 31th sts. David Cote. HID Howard st. 710-31 _ OK KXCIIAXliH Hotel of * i.i looms In one of the host towns In Nebraska. lUcgantly furnished thionglioiit. A splendid chance for I ho right ptuty. I'aite.isli , balance clear real estate 01 thno. 11. I' . Cole , room ti , Continental block. 71S-33 _ OilOCniiiS ( ( : : I bilekvnid and horse phae- , ton. Hlltchlnsonead , 1534 Douglas , tel. It'll. ' 70H 31 _ TWILL tiade a good clear lot In So. Omaha foi piano or horse and buggy , Addiess C I lice olllcy. : " ' _ _ iriOIl KXC'HANUK-Stockof dry good and no- 1 t foils , JI.'MIwant 'i cash , balance cleai proiierly. Itlsyley , i-liemindoali. la. IVi-33 * - i : 3 lots in South Omaha or 1 lot near Vlnton si. , foi hoises or mules. lioorn M , Hoard Trade liTI ! II' von have anvthlng lo oNchange call on or address II. I ) . Colo. K. 0. Continental block. Olllce open evenings 7 to hliO. ; BE ) 1/IOK ifACIlANCir-Choleo Imnroved Ne- J braska farms. Will assume light Ineurii- briiiiet. If you have nnj thing to olfer nd- drcssoreall on ( ieo. .1. htoinsdorf , loom 1117- 'IH I'lisc National bank hulldlng. Telephone lid , l'T3 KO U S.VI .I- N\\ Is the lime to stay by Omahn leal ostnto. Take care of back payments on Improved op n nlmpioved pioportv and get your money of A. K. Klley , 11 , Coiitliiental block. ig : ) _ ctihh and ? I2 tier month , for 4-room $ house , lot f,0\137. ? l,13."i ; very cheap. Also house of I looms , 15 cash and'f.S ' tier month ; veiv easy teims , at lowest prices. Let us show joii the homes , W. J. 1'aul , ICO ! ) I'lirnarn. IjlOlt HAI.KA line new 5-ioom cottage near I1 eloclilcenr llnuoii N. 3thst ? , Will take us part of cash pnv merit n giKtd hoi- or horsu nud plinelon. V. I'M I'm nam st _ h ( homes In most nny addition for GOTTAiE fiom Jl.trxi up , on easy monthly payments. I' . 1C. Darling I.I llaiker block. ( LVJ SA LI"Sroom house , must bo moved for - Impiovements. Homes built on easy pay ments In all paitsof Dm clly. Oood farm for tiade. D. ,1. O'Donnhoc , IIWI I'lirnnra st. irji I OIIS. A fli HH ) ItyTS ft. cor. IWtn nml Web- J htel sts. ; also a number of good lots.fV ) and f 100 down nnd monthly payments for Imlnnco. N. II. Apple , room 1U.Vnro block. CJ ' 35 * $1V ! ) bujs neat 1-ioom cottage , small lotl'i mllcan-tr 1' . O. D. O. I'.itterson 51s N. Y. Life. _ 53S CjjilK ) ciish. balance fM.ci : | ier montn , will buy nil PelegnntH-ioom horrsii with full comer lot. A bnigniu ; * 3OU. Uuo. .1. I'nulWJ \ Kainam st. Mil choice lots on small cash payment , bal- 1 mice second mortgage to respons par ties who will build. H. K. Cole , ontinental blk. nud 3501 N 31th. Wl _ _ I/IOIt ri.VI.E nnd i\ehangn-l : have iiulto n I number of btirgnlns Call nnd see. N. II. Apple , room 10 , Ware block. _ tt.fi 35 * $3.KitbuyH ) new 5 room cottage , lot : I\irj : Illtlt anil .loin's. Kasy terms , 1) . C. Patterson , 5lh N. V. Life. Kfti irtlVH room cottages , * l,1iio each. IllX ) ensh 1 down , bnlnnco $15 per month. Thod. I'.Hall , : ni I'axton block. ( i.17 I/1OK SA LK-Or o\change for di ugs and renl I estate. f.tlUOO book htonk. lo\5s. ! | G70 IjlOll SAI.K Or trade , nice reshlenco lot , 1. south Hunt , city water , on grade ; for halo or trade for good family hoise and buggy and phaeton ; ? I.5Q , encunibianco $100 ; addiess U 31. I Ice olllce. 4ft ( 31 * BAliAINs ! ( ( V-itMim house. ; i uoors west of 3sth t on Charles , lot 4t\137. ) Trice , f3,000 ; J.vocash n-room house , full lot. 1 block from Holt Line bridge on Hamilton t > t. Price , f-.biK ) ; easy In rins. Nice homo in "linker Place , " hotiso 20x30x31 , lot 4txllo , only i,1K ) cash , balnnco of KkV ) will tradu forhorsos. Inuulioof owner. K. 0. Merrill , ono block north of Walnut Hill school. 4s.'l-21t . I I.Vl' your property with II. K. Cole. J J KX > A HOOD U mom house arid lot north of { i Cumiiig , on 2Mb live. ; ens/ ( onus , $ .1.00. I I 40 foot fronton Cuming. west of-Mb. in { KM | tier foot. ( J-rooin collate near lurh , south of KountzoPluco , In good locality , easy teims , 1J. : > 0. rroom eottngii In Poppleton Park. Just oil' Cuming u half block , easy terms , j J , IV ) Cosctb | , Johnson & Lovgrerr , roorrr U , Chnmlu ref of Cominercu. tTI-Jli SIXTY-I'IVK acres s. w.of p. o. suitable fr . iilnttlng or gardening , for sale ut a burgniii' 1' u. Darling. 1j HarUer blk. sla I N-IDT lotwltb H H trui-U Irfu nt a harg iin 1 I all on us nnd liivesiiniiti- Also pr-i" rty fur unit ) ( n itll lUu buuurua. lyulbulh , Jui > nsiu , V Luvgrtiu. Cii - I T/lOUSAl.K-n-rooru Hal , all rooms rent oil ; n 1. barifnlni 417 S llth. W7-35 * & WeMeillcld.ri'al Ostnte.S Uniithn lT4 ! "iroil SAI.K-A Him Improved propcflyt'SttW 1 feet of , < rimnd. ltb : l-story nrlck and stone bulldliifrs , rented itt $ M > ; o per year to good ten ants , uell loascd nnd best property In the city nf Miuiiioketn. la. , to Undo , clear , for iiond Omaha Improved or unimproved property , ( lood chaneo for some one to ot Rood lnvi < l- nient for non-produi'tlxi ) limpuily. I ) . V Wholes To. , aiJ Plrst Nufl bank. OTU ASMAI.l , payment down tuid il'i per month will buy a l-room housp and lot on Kith. IHO blocks from motors llrst-elass chaneo to aeiiutte a home on easy terms. Apply to II. 13. Cole , ( . 'ontlneiltal block. ( VU riN'OOl.N plaen anil Uarlhaito lots , prloo JJUni , f.Vdo\Mi ) , biilttncofl.'V monthly. W. I. . Selby. liooni l.'l , bun id of ttade. OT7 R iii'your eyeonOgalnlla , Neb. 287-2I * 171OII SAMJ Or trade , Platlo Millev laneli , 3 miles west of Valley station , on C. P. It'y. , containing ovorl.UH aeies ; set with blue crass , clover and red top , divided Into 2."i Holds and p.idihv'ks. larce luirns. pnddoclts , eattlo and IIOK barns and Hheds. line residence boarding house , machine .shop , carriage house , olllcos , lee house , line gloves , and .splendid half mill ) truck. This Is the best improved ranch In the country , O. 1' . Pi\l3 Co. , IjOTi I'arnum st. f.'VI-m7 _ $ ( TiO will buy NVI acres 2 mlliM southeast of Long Pine , IU ) acres level , C. ) lolling , no buildings , no encumbrance ; actuallv vvoith l.iido. Hound to sell. Come and yen llorau- diess the lliovvn County lltnilc. 7i0-20 ! IJ A l.'l' lAIviclTV : A few of the choicest r > lolsat the pi Ice on the market. Pi lee f.Ci1 Iol7. > : lei ins one-fouith cash , balance to suit. Look this up ; thev won't last long. H. K. Cole , room ( ! , Continental block. 7IS-22 $ , ) T > U cash , balance to suit , bujs 10 loom house ; all modern conveniences , U.K. Colo. 7Is-22 TjlOK y A MWe : have one of the nicest scv eu 1 room cottages and full lot , south fiont , on Lake between V-'d nnd Sannders , only half cash. Cheapest piopeitv city. Cinm& Illshop , loom Til , hoard of Trade. f < l > il-20 OI..AINVIi\V : Knsl front 11.073. Now 10- 1 room house , both hot and Cold water ; els- tern ; 'list st. , north of II. Paik , fi'xW uash , bal ance monthly , ji. : ; K ) New cottage , ' do/ . blocks from -'Hi ' and I , LM von worth , lot ; u\l-'D ; easy teims , i..oiH ) . Kount/e Place , full lot on 21th St. ; 6-rooin house and b.irn. $ .VOeash ; II.2.V ) . Klegnnt east fiont loton.T > th nvo at ? IROO and will build house to suit on cash payment of &OU , llutchlnson & , Wcad , l.V'l Douglas , tel. 1520. 70S 21 "I71OK SAM : Onu plocoof Improved business Aiirupeity that will pay IS pur cent. Howard L. i T. Co. . llith nnd Howard sts. 4si AfiOOD coltago homp. Corby , nonr IIMh.only $2,000. easy monthly tinynients , u bargain. ! ' . K. Daillng , 4.1 llnrkor block. Oil 20 I/IOH HKXT WoTiaveDI noiosndiolnlng llon- > son nnd 33 actcs adjoining our Highland Paik addition that we will rent fersonsonof IS'.K ' ) nt n reasonable pi Ice. Omaha Heal I'state and Trust Co. . l.Vit I'm minist. ttl'J _ IjlOU SAI.K 0-room hoirsc , east front ; clly and cistern water ; n w part of city , .lames StocUdnle. room 4. 1'rcn/er blk. fiiS ) _ J/IOHSALr Cofloneres best farming hinds In Xebrnska and nix ( At ) foot on South 1.1th st. , at u gie.it sacrifice. lmiilio | UI& South nth st. tico. li. I'otcrsmK owner. TiM'tial" I71OH S'ALK Very die ip. no tiade. farm of 1 MI.70 acres , sec. r. . 12 , X I ! W. Hamilton AriNCllttlo homo. 2sth st.ne.u Wool worth , full lot , east fiont. 7 looms and bath , very llttlocnbh reiiuiied. 1' . K. Palling , 4J llaiker bhn'k. 27S I71OU SALi-Or : e\chaiuc for unimproved t- Omaha jiroperty , good H20 acre farm In Iowa , with live slock. Implements , etc. ( inod KiO-iiero farm 111 ( Jiimlng county , Ncbsaska. Impioved South Omaha propeiiy , paying 10 percent. Addiess II 47. llec. lld-mli' ] ! \ll \ ( SALi-The : beaiillfnl residence. No. H20 ( icorgla .ivenue. with full lot , ! i-room house , blich and oak tlnlsh down stairs , oak side board , labnilory , 4 mantels , soap stone tubs In laundry , cistei n and clly w.itei , gas and sewer connections , gas llstnies , house handsomely decoiated , good furnace nnd inngo and eveiy possible convenience. This pioperty Is clear of Inciimbiancc. and owner can give any terms to suit. No I lade Anv one wishing to pur chase can call at No. h20 ( ieorgla ave. and bo shown the piopcily. or call at my olllee and ho dilven out to see It. P. V. Mioles Co , , solo agent , -III I'll-it National bank. 'JTii ' Nulioc. State of Nebraska ss. In the matter of the application of the Omaha I'nlon Depot Company to condemn cot lain lots , hindstind premises for Its use for light of way. Hacks , sldo lincks , luinouts , vvvv llclies. omces and si i uoluiesi To Phochc It. i : . Llnton : You are linieby nolllled that the Omaha Union Depot Company , n uorpointlun oigan- l/ed and existing under and by virtue of the lawsof theslatoof Nebiaska , Ims located Its union passenger station and Us inllwny tracks , turnouts , swlli'hes. olllced , stiuclure.s and nppiirlenances , hcieafler to be eon- Htincled , In the const ruction , malnti mince nnd oiiciatlon of Its passenger depot In the city of Omaha , Ponglus county. Nebraska , In and upon the following descilbed trad of land : \parl of lot number six ( G > , In block num ber two bundled and twenty (220) ( ) , In the city of Omaha , descilhed as follows , to-wll : lleglnnlng In the east line of sold lot slat n point llfly-two nnd nlnetj-hnmliedths ( . " 2 00-100) ) feel south of the norlheastcoinerof said lot : 1 hence lull I h hi theenst line of said lot six , llfty-two nnd " nlnot v-hiindiodths (32-IK1-IOO ( ) feet ; thencnwosl In the north llneof said lot sl.x , sixty-six iOfi ) feet , them e south in the west llneof said lot six , six teen and foil ) - llvo-humlicdths (111 ( 4.1-liO ( ) feet : thence in n soulhonstoily course .seventy-live nnd four- tenths (73.1) ( ) feet to the place of beginning , containing nn area of tvvctr-two hundred nml eighty eight and Ilfly-llvc-liund"cdths C..ShS fCi-lOO ) siuaio | feel. Alfon part of lot number seven (7) ( ) In block unmbortwo hundred nnd ( went ) C-'J'ii In I lie city of Omnha , and ( Csoilbcd us follows , to- vvlt : lleglnnlng at n point In the east line of said lot , eight-nine and thlrty-tlvii hiirrdrcdllr- ( S.D..I3 I feet south of the muth-enst coinorof said lot seven ; thoncu running north In said cast line elghtv-nlno mid Ihlily-llve linn- dtcdlhs < sii..l3.i fi'et ' to the nor th-errsf corner of the lot ; thence west In Hie ninth line of salil lot sixty-six ( ( Hi ) feet ; thence south on I he west line of said lot llfty-two and nlno-tcnths i3. . ' ) . ) feet j theneo In n south-oasteily com so soven- tv-llvenml four-tunths 173 I I feet to the point of beginning , containing nn aria of forty-six hundiod and nlnety-foui nnd one-fourth (1''H. ( ) senate foot. You are furl her notllleil Hint on the llth day of June , Is'li ' ) , unless soonoi i-nllm ! for by von. tliu commissioners hurntofoio appointed in the above proceeding , will profited lo assess the dnmngos If necessary , net i ulng lo you by reason of the npplOptlatoi | of said lands by said Omnha I'nlon Depot Company for such purposes In the manner proscribed by law. TlIK OMAHA I'NIO.N llKI'Or O'OVri'ANV. 0. J. OIIUBNK , Attornoy. " Xotieo. Illds will be received by the state board of III luting at the olllce of the Ncoretary of stale at any time before April 2'ith nt 2 o'clock p. m. , for printing and binding ono thousand eopii's nf tliu report of the huionit of labor and Industilal statistics for the year of liVi and 1MX ) , offiOO pages end ) mole or loss. Humpies of woik may bo seen nl tlm ollleoof seoitttai v of state. Hlght reserved to inject nny nnd all bids. HKN. it. COWIH'.KV , Heerctnry of State. Lincoln. Nebraska. April lUh. ISO ! . nl-Mloi Mattel of Aiipllcatlon of W. llaue-r for liquor Notice Is htuohy glvuii that W. llaiier did ii/on | the .Mb day of April. 1HK ) . lilo his ap- nlleatlon to tlio mayor and city council of South Omaha , Neb . ( W Ilcenso to Kelt malt , Hiililtuoiis and vinous liquors , nt 2111 Nxtleet , I list ward , hotilh Omaha. Neb , , from the 1st dav of Jlay. INM , to thulstday of May , IH'II. ' If thiuo bu no objuutlon. lunionstianco or protest Hied within two weokK fiom llils nth day of Apill , A. P. H > . the bald llcoiisu will bo boKinnted. W. UAUKII , Appllvnnt. Notice. Matter of Application nf 1) . W. 0. .Smith for permit lo tiansfur from ono location to another. Notice Is hnroby given that P. W. C. Smith dldimon the 12th day of April A. P. IMlO.lllo his application to the Hoard of I'lio nnd Police Commlssloneis nf Omnha , foi permission to transfer his druggist pnrnill fnim No. 2002 Vln- lonHlicel , to No. 2121 South JOtll lUieut , In the same ward , If then ) be no objection , n monstrance or plotent tilled within two ui-ekn from Airll | U'lli A P IM , the s.i 111 iieruill will be gnnili d _ H- . ' | 1) W C hMITII AppHi'unt _ TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT- EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- JoS.RMEOEATH , IC FABHAM STS + OMAHA , + Not loo. ' STATi : of NK1U1ASK A I „ H Douglas County i In ( he mutter of the application of the Omaha t'ulon Depot company tocnndcnm certain - tain lots , lands and premises for Its use for right of way. trucks , sidetrack * . turmiViH , KVTltehes , ollfees and Mriielures : To Samuel 0. Damon nnd Cll.i liertrudu Damon : You are hereby nolllled thai IlieOmahn De pot company , n i-orixirntlon organl/ed nnd > x- Istlntr under and hv v Irlue of the taws of the state of Nebraska , bus located Its unlxn pas senger station , and Its nitlvtav irnks tuin- outs. swliches. olllees sirtu'turos nml nppnr- lences , hereafter to be COIHI ui.-ted Jn the const t net Ion. mnlntalnance and oper t'l MI f Its passenger depot In Hie city of Piuolm. Douglas County. Nebraska , hi and iixn | tlm following described tract of land. A part of lots one , two. three and four in block number two hundred and twcntv. lit tlm rll v of Omaha , described us follows. tivit lleglnnliu : at the nnrth'Vvcsi corner > if salil block number two hundred ami tweniv run ning thence sou th on the east Hue of Tie veil Hi ctieet twenty-eight and eight lenth 1S" < ) tv < .i thence south stvseven | degiees1 nml llfiy- .sl\ minutes , east two hundred and thirteen ninlsIMsix hundiedth feet lo the went Him of to ) one In said block ; Ihcnce suiilh In the west line of said lot one. live ami four tenth ( \4) ) feet ; thence south sIMy-seveu degrees and llfty-sl\ minutes , east foitv-six unit seventy two hundredth ( Id.rJifeet tothei > i > ulli line of said lot one ; thence east In the south line of lot one , twenty-two ami seven tenth (22.71 ( feet to the south enst corner of lot one , thence uottli In the west line of tenth street. seventy wo feet t hence not Hi si xljsevende - gieesnml foil } -eight minutes , west "lie him dJeil and llflveight and eight tenth .fw feet to the south line of Mnre\ street ; ihem-e west In the south line of Muicy street om Hiindied nnd seventeen feel to the place nf beginning containing In all an area of seventeen thous and live bundled nnd seven ! ) -f ur and sovent.v-llve hundreth il7i7l,7A ) feet n > "r "T less , ( lot one. live thousand two hundred and slxtj-lwo and llflcon humliedth siutn | > feet lot two , live thousand and twenty-foul mid ( wentv-llve hundiedth siimre | feet , lot thive. four thousand live hiindied and foul nnd forty seven hundiedlh sonaie feet : lot four two thous'ind si > v en humlred and eight \ -thiee and elghtveight li'indiedth siuari | > feet.i Yon arc fnrlhei notllleil that on the llth day of June. IS'H ' ) . unless sooner called foi bj v , i > the commissioners heretofore appointed In the above pioceedlng. will pioeoeu to IISM'SS the damages If ncoossniy. accruing to v oil by reason of the appropriation of said lands by said Omnhn Union Depot company for sin h purposes. In the manner prescribed by Inw TMKOVUIIA I'MON Dir : iT Covii'AN bv n-l4-21-2Sm.V12-10-2ii ji-IO : C. J. tilliKM. . Ally I ) | UPO ) > < ALS for Indian Supplies' and Trans I. porlatlon Depaitmeiit of the Interior oniceof Indian Allnlis , Washington April 15 , ISM ) . Sealed proposals , Indoised Ptoposaln for lleef , ( bids for Itcef unift be submitted III sepai ate envelopes ) , llacon. I'lour. Clothing or Tiansnortallon , etc. , " ( us the ease may bo ) , nml directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affalis , A . 'iiiniii ' d7 ll'ooiffr flnet. Xttf I'oih will be iccelved until I p. m. of 7'ifwfii.Wnj / | / 3) ) , IKM , tar furnishing for the Indian serVIce nbonl 110.000 pounds llacon. : 'l.iM ) 1,000 pounds lleef on the hoof. I.IKKUNKI pounds net Ileef , 270OiX ) pounds ( loans. U'l.lHM pounds linking Powder , WO.OOO miunds Corn , 4 < fl.noo pounds Collee. H. . K,000 ) pounds I'lour , rv > . ( KX ) pounds I'ecd. IVOIM pounds Haiti llicad , ( Vi.XX ( ) jxuinds lloniliiy. lULtcx ) pounds Laid. 700 ban IMS Mess Poll , . 17.000 pounds Oatmeal. l.Vt.iHH ) iiounds Oats. lxr > .UlO ( pounds Klce , U.iMO pounds Ten : i0 | 000 pounds Salt. LNI.OOO pounds Soap , 'tV.OOU ' Sugar , nnd 70.000 pounds Wheat. Also. Illankels.ooleii and Cotton ( mods , ( consisting hi purl of Tleklni ; . M.0 < )0 ) v arils , Stamlnia Calico. UHMitH \ aid.sPillllm ; I4.01K ) vauls ; Duck , fiee from all sluing. I's.ooo viuils , Denims , l.'i.ooo yaids ; ( jlngham , fctoooo j aids , Kentucky Joints , II.IHX ) v mils ; Cheviot 17HI , ( ) vnnls ; llrovvn Sheeting. Slo.Hi ( ) ) > anls llleaehed S'hoctlng. 2.'i.000.vaids ; Hickory Slilrl In'I500J yaids ; Calico Slihtlng. 7.000 > aids VMn-ty L'.OOO vaids ) ; Clothing , ( Jrocciies. IS itions , llnrdware , Medical Supplies , heel Hooks , Ac. , and it long llsl of miscellaneous iiitioh s , such as Hntncss , Plows. Uakes. I'oiksc and for about sivi Wagons requited for the sei v loo. to he delivered at Chicago. Knns'is ( Hv anil Sou\Clly. | Also forsneh U agons as m iy bo iciUlteil | , adapted to tliccllmale of the I'll , III" Coast , with Callfoinlabiakes , dellvciedal San I'lanclsco. Also tiansporlatlon foi such of the nticlis , goods anil supplies ( hat m.iv not b < . nil iclcd foi lo be dellveiod at the Agencies iiiiisvifsriii : vi\iuiUTi.Niiiviuv.vifSTiiuvvKs : ) : Schedules shonlng the kinds 'ind < | ii mill > oi of snlislslencesnpillosiequlii'il | furen , h Agen cy and M'hool. ami the kinds nnd uuuntllU In giossof all other goods and aitlolos , together with blank piojiosals , conditions to ho ob- sei veil by bidden , time and place of delivery tcimsof contract and p.i.vminl tiansportO ( Ion ionics , and all oilier ncccssaiv ins tui tions will be f mulshed npon.ippl'i' itlon t i tlio Indian OIIIcc In Washlnglon 01 V > ' " ini'li ' ) . ll'i.o-i/i'i / * l > < it. Ai'tc I'dift ; the Comtnissailos of Sub.lstonoo , I" . * . A. , at Chevenne Chicago. I , i'ii ven worth. Omaha. Saint l.onK.vilnl ; Paul and San I'nuielseo ; the Poslmasieis at snnx | Clly. Iowa ; Yanktoii. S. D.ikotu : Aiktiris.H Cltv. Caldwell , Topekn nnd Wlehltn. Kansas , and Tucson. Ail/onii. The right is reserved by the ( Joveinment lei i o lent nni and all bids , oranv nut t of un\ bid , and these piopos.ils aie inv lied iiudci piov Iso that nppiopii.itlon shall ho made for ( lie sup plies by Congress. Illds will be opened at the hour and dny above st ited. and blddeis are Invited to be present at the opening. CKIUIH'IKII CIIKCUS. AH bids must he iiccouip'inlcd by eoilllh" ! checksordrafls upon some I'nitcd Slates Do pnsltory or the ( list Niilloiml Hank of San I'ranclsi o , C.il . foi at least tii'c pel eenl.it the amount of the pinposal T J. MOIIO AN , ( ( I'Uiritin ' npi -in GOLD MEDAL. PARIS. 1070. IV. JUKKlt & UO.'S t l bUblld Pnnnn Jn ittntiliitflt/ tintt it It No CJtctnicalf m u * < l ill itf piniaralt m It lin * itiirii ( Am ( hi e tnntt tfig ttttitylti yt C it , u inxcrtl with Stjn ' ) , ArrxHn t or Supir , anil la tlu-rrfir. ' far mure crononili nl , titling let * than cnn cttit a a ; It H dt * iciaui , i i < * u r i lil MI * , tri > nnlH umf * I A BIM l > iu > HrrntttiMl niltniniMy oJa | > l"l fir invai tit at H til a * pi riorn lit in alth , Sold by ( ' TOUTS cu'ryuhcrc. W. fiAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. j A Itioo C Inncu to VI It CHICAGO , LOUISVILLE , NASHVILLE CINCINNATTI , LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN anil tha Halt. . . lli-UK r tinAnnv of iln > ' 1 tiiiiu.,0 * All , inline the ( i | 'iiliit | .salisit NORTH CHATTANOOGA. FORTUNES FOR INVESTORS IN THE REVIVING SOUTH. Rvtrnntillimry l.im ICatVM * KHOO for llurty d.1 > s. t'llravt tillIK" Apill > lll ls 1 ir iili'iiiitt'lshlp , lt > | il > ix'T Iit * i ttitn Aplt M tt lni.ll sii'.uiiliti | Agt'iils "ii M .V. .si I' lull V ili nt St j'aul. MlniiiMiiiliH | I t i in si M t , | M.l \\nnkiMi hiiliiniiii- Moiiii'Miinl ) , ( ili i. , > r /7.l'AUI.Si.V .V NI'AKICr. , rintil.- . , ' I H i.ii Siiirt * Nii'trr , ciitcngik Sci l rordfscrliiivi' | iiuok * jml tirniui > t. OTATEMi'S ELECTRIC BELT PATEhUDAUO. IG , 1887 , lMPaOVEOJm.Y30.inS9. . .t. My.-/1 . . ! , ' ' OAtVAKJO&iDY ? ELT - T bUBI'EHKORY lir All HUoumatlit Com tiu.voui ieblllt/ ) , Coitlvenm , Kli ( ; . ey Cltenaes , Hervoutin'K TremMH f Bexual Eic * hiuitlon. Waiting of ' i cii > cavted by IndUcretiom la oK'S ELECTRIC INSOLES.i ! % > . AlBonn El-ctrlo Truin nnd Bolt Combined. Hrtt he t'oilize for rmit illuit Itook 3U | > grs , wtach l > ) > cutTnnfn pltlQteKlf letttciip Mintlauuilii i , r Ail'e.a ' OWEN EI.EOTRIO BELT & APPI.IAMOK CO , aou Notllt llioMtwny UT l.OUU ) , StO. 020 Uroaaway. KCW YOUK OITV. DR. SAJMJ3EWS ER FGTR1C BELT [ LaEja B U.BXM' IU > niiCiK Mo'.t/J' . " " * ' DIMiiKimxNorkXUmdi HF ( II * U - _ . A' d i _ . i.4ifKr,0C3 JJ-l3lliy UiliSt * UjCTRC | BUT AnD juSPEHJORf IIIIM'T ' , M > le fur UiHitMldc t > uri - i ii , turr ul ( .rutrlllt * VTfab * i , rtvlux Irrrlf , 31)lili ) tUulli * " * " " " ° " ' * " r"iir.ri."y , 7ii i' i.n"ii.r ( , fii.iium N"rii > > urn. KUrlrlc lunrur ll Imlinllr , or wo furKIt | V i > i la ciiti. WBiivHlli I urr4 in t'irv ' mootlii h lni rtul'll | l Kr . UAHDEK tLEOTIUOCO . UUUM.a.bl. , CHICAQH.IIU - _ . > tt It . , llfl'tel ' , b4ctiei ( lit i ilk 7r ft * Out \tt uinri it wb ( tttf | it ! > * 4 u | O t ) difKl ti lu L I , | i > tfc' > r > v 31 W Milivni SI ft f | ] It h > u I l'i ; , , f , r-w rMk. l itkl Ivt | in Ihs wottj , iJlTiTrnMUdttlAMARCUSHIOIli