I THE OMAHA DAILY BK.E , TUESDAY , APJHL 22 , 1800. I TIHJ cnrvi'i tTii'i1 iMMiTTp lllh vSlUlLATUE MARIvhlS , % Visible Supply Figures Show R Decrease in Beyond All Expettation. \Whent , COPN OPENS WEAK AND HEAVY Hut Soon Develops it Stronger Tone Oats ( hi ! Main I-Vatim ; I'ai'ly Only Kali-Trading In C'inr\to. ! April 21. [ Special Ti > lritiain to Tun Ilii.1-Tli'iu : : ( woru.oxcrsil siirprl es In whiiit on cliiiujjo li l y. Tlio iiinrkul was blR- pcr anil liroiulL-r ilinn atiyono mitk'limti'il. Tliu nnrly ttraUnrss wai a miriirlso to all \vlioliflil wlii'at. Tliu rally \vlilcli folloucdcnl lioyoiu ) nil rxpoctatlotis. Tli o vltlblo supply UIIH u NiirprlocIn tin1 Krrittiloi'i-uiiM ) shown. Tlir M. I.III.IH liuyhiKvus u HtirprUu. Tliu iiiarUut npciKil with M.iy iiioiind h o anil .till ) al f""ic. Tlirroitslipitvy ro.tll/liiK In Mny aiul Jiinu , led liy IIiitihlii . Stoji liws unlpi-s won' t"- ( i-nti'il by a iininlii-r of IIIIIISPI. Sciilpcn has- ti'iuil to take pinllts or ln-srx. May nincli- mn fioni ( " ( 'ji- iosi4i > , luiil.hilj fniin 7ll li > l-fi c In u fc\\ iiilnntfx.Vlicn olffrln s KMiM'il fin a few iiiliiiili'4'iilpPH | ii'sii'lul iiml wpnt In tfi'V fur Mn J. anil hTi- fur July. Then a si'rimil Nlltlu liink , July to Hit ! loursl pulntnf theilay. K'lf. Annum this piloo tlieie was iiirli a nihli lo "ell Unit llntcliliiMin tiiriuil hiiyeranil sloppdl the decline. Tlieru Was anntliiT leeoxery for July. Then eaine IheNIIU ) * siippl > Humes , show Ills' the teat ilpiTPHM'iif I.Cll iciOliusliels fur tin. ' ttiekor tli.able what wns e\pei'toil. At'iinl ' the same lime St. l.nnlH sent mill rs tu hii\ July nil Ihe Inul iToiiiiutliMik In Mlsouurl , tney .Hald. On these Inlliieni'es lli < ! prlee went Milling to H"I > 'fin July or a fraetlun o\ei Ihe elnvu S.itiirdny. llefnie. 10 n'elnek them was an eisl < r fiellnx aualii iinil thn prlee iliuppeil hiieU tu H7e. There \\iis siinie newsnn hoth h'des. SloeUs In the northwest deeie.ised I'rt.'i.- HX ) Inishels for the 'trek. Theialiisln ItaKota and I'lsi whole hail a lieurMi finer. The last half Innir In ulieiit was marUed liv > eiy flic M'lllilit and ' nine weakness , July touched No. ! The close was ut Nl'.e ' , 01 l'c ' under i-atiiida } . .May elosnl al hi'.c , June al hT' e Col n still led weak and hea\ . w Ith pi Icis a 11 Hie lower. Afler a sllj-ht ilicllnu nil mound Iheie was u stumper lone de\elopid aid piUesnioxed upeiy decidedly for Ma\ and t-llulitly forotlii'i riilines. The nilMince was led by May on buj Inj : by tlilppliiKl'iiuseThe tnrtit deeteiiseof 2. ( > ilMKiO bushels In lla l-lble Mippl > helped IhebiiyliiK senllment and May went up fioni IC'to to.CI'gC. bill leaded to'r.1c at Iheelose. June touched ICi'jc and eloped at : rv.CP ? , c. July sold ulitl'sc. to.CI'c. to III1c. to Kl' c' at the close. August closed at M\c , July at .Jl'.e. Oats VVIIH the only strons maiket on the lloor foi the Hist half houi and prices showed fair Kalns. Mav sold at 21'jc and up to2ltiic. .Mine and July went to-'IVc. Allliouli themaiki-t kcnt active most of the -e--lon pilccs yielded befoie tin1 elo-e to2l'ie foi Ma > nnd24' < iefor Jiinu and July. Then1 was a fair trade In provisions but the action was mil icnmikablc lu any wa ) . All pioducls weie heavy and prices iiiled lower. At Hie close laid was on" T'iC. libs I2'se and mess pork WK'MiOc. I'ork acted a llltle enatic ( arlj.onenlni ; at tl'-.TI foi May and * it25 : for Jnlv. Theie weie sales as low tl..50and fTJ.tll with a quick icicllnn lo M2'IO for May and'M.1 10 Jnlj. Clo-lu ( IKIIMweie { 121,0 , foi May. f2.T5 ! foi June and tl'.s" . foi Jul ) . Laid v\asinlel | and slowly lost TSc for all fntiiles Hlhs weie mole active , showing fiequent cbaiiKi - . but thenweie no CICMI Hades like lasl weuk and closlni ; pilccs weie ( he lowest of the day. _ cttic.mo i.iri : s CHK * oo. A pi II -Special [ Telegram to Till : lllil : I'MTl.n -i\lioit : and die ed beef Kleeisold about Ihe same as al the elosi1 l'il- day , but HHI onllii.iiy i mi of steelwen - slow ami In some Instance- sliado linvct Thcie vveic only IT loads of Texmis onale , all of vthlch sold about Ihe same as al Ihe clo-e. of la-t week. In olliei windtulid steady. Uiv- ulai bnv els of pilme eoww in belfei- and Ili-t- elass buleheiV siok icporled a scatclly of such with valueluC'i I5c hl hci. Common old cows and eaniilnlock weie about the -aim- as lasl week. l.lttleoi nothing ; was colni ; on In tin stockerand fiedei line , jet thcie wasiiiltc | .i number of new hu.veis looking aiouiiil. ( 'holed to exlia beeves. ft.MMc5.KI ( ; me dium to pied slcei-v. 1'I5) lo 150J Ibfl.lll tii W ; I2IK ) to 1.150 Ibs , flr.KiM.50 ; till to I201) ) Ills. M.MiIUI : stockeis and feudui- . . } .MUni.i5 : ; cows. imlK and mixed. # 1 W . | jri ; bulk. JMO j. 2.i5j ( Texas eoinfed sleei- , t.l.lOSil.15 ; rassers , J.'IKKfl.'MO. IIOs ThiMevvasali.il ht down tnin of f.TfH'i' ' . mostly 10e. and at the decline huslnrs- WHS fairly active. 1'ackeis paid i I.I.V'W 25 , largely f4.20. and at t no elo-e It was dllllcnlt to ( let 11.25 for pi Imi ! heavy. Milppeis of pi hue heavy to eastern markets paid fl'JT'jft ' 4.i5. : laiuelv * l.0. : ! l.lKht soils sold unlfoimlj at JI.2WU.I 25. _ I-'IAM.YCI.IK. NKVV YOIIK. Apill 21. [ Special Telejriam to Tin : llrhl ' TOCKs-Thu bettei feellui ; In i-toeks lodaj waseleaily foie-hadowed b > the hentlment of the slieel afl.-i bn-lne Satur day. The Cummack and Jones Inllueni'e , licietoforo decidedly bcailsh , wasliest Indi cated by the wonK of one of the leadeis , who k. * Mild ho was "walllntf on the fence " Two fea- tuiesof Impoitaiicc have chanced maU-ilallv of late. It Is believed that IcKl-lallon alhct- IIIK the Hlieet will be closed up speedily and that the public Interest will tlun bearou-ed. Acaln the tumble lu the west Is now u-iaiU'l as a htiKbcai without much lealfoiceln the inatkcts. On Ilin whole the change ofeutl - meut has tbiown the hears In a minority. In the mount line. such Micelaltlcsas have sdons Inside Imcklni : have hhown sl iis of a coining htumK advance. The markut this inclining coiitlnned the movement ofr-atuida ) and the opentiiK was veiy active and slioint. followed by a fuithei advance all ovei the ll-t. I'li-t pilcesweu-aeneiallj fiom ' to 'j pi-r cent higher than atnidav 's tin il Jinnies and with thelai eand welldl-tilbiitid biislne lu active slocks pilccs moved up fractional amounts In eaily dealliiKead ! liiB and Cleveland , Cincinnati. Chicago , x St. Louis weie the mo-l piomlm'nt , but the rise lu the fonner wasonl > S percent. Mipar , as usual of late , was the Kieat featiiro of the maiket and on Imptiiiiisacllons moved up fiom till'j lo TO'i. Then1 was some llltle rrcessallon tovrani Ihe end of the hum nnd tart ) cases went a simile below opening llu'iiii-s , lint the strong tone lemalned and at 11 o cluck the maiket was active at about the lies ! prices i eael eil. It was duilmMhc hour to 12 o'clock that tiadlni ; Impioved M > iy Kii'atlv In volume ami a ireneial advanceoc- euiuil tluouKli the entile list. Chlcato ( ins went to M ) and Mi ar Tnists to To1 ! with a slight leactlon al noon. Vandeibllt shales moved uu about 'i all aioiiml. In Coal -locks l.ackavvanua went up to 140 'i and Itead- lni { to 42. Wcstein slocks were veiv liuov- ant Atehlsou moved up to ! * ' , . Iliullngton to IWi , Noilhweslein lo3 \ > * . Itoek 1-lanil to lr"t , a gain of I pet cent fiom the elo-o Salui- dav ; St.l'ailtto lil' ! . Ml ouil I'nclllc to 7' " , . and I'nlon ' I'acllloItolU'i. lle-t pilce-df tliedaj. weie leached In stocksshoitlj after mlddav- when ChlciiKodas went to.Vi4. ) SUKIU lo H 4. Itock Island tote.1. , l.aekiiwanna toltl'i. ' and Heading Io42'i. Other stocks sold small frac tions bettei than duiliiK the mninlng. lit'- foio theolo-i < there vvas a disposition to take iiriill t sou the advance and theie was a jleld- Ing from top Hguics Chicago ( .as and Sugar each elo-cd with a full point net gain and Itock l-land with V Other stocks showed gains of > t to ' pei cent Keneially. Total hales were 2i : > , .Yi , shan-s , The following wcic. thoclo-lng quotattons : I II A W. . . . I'nloit ' I'.ulllo . hun > u A Ti'xai : VW.SI 1. Al' 1S > l ikihore 1074 do preferred 1Sb.1 Mli lilKniiCenlrul . Vi \ \ citcrn L'nlun b.1 Mt'Miinl I'nrllh' MIIMH.isj at lifll't percent. I'IIIVIK McucvMii.i : I' u-iiii .VTt" percent. siH'i.iMi Kxi'iiiMiK Quiet and steady ; bixtj-iluj bills. Jl.S 'i ; dt-niand. Il.bT't. Stooks , Nl.vv YuiiK. Apill 21. [ Special Telegram to Tin. lltr. : ] The follow Inn aio tin ) mining stock iUotatlons : I nli-ilonla l > li > -v * - > I lorn Silver . . s-0 Ion Oil A \ . . IJU xiesleiin . . . . S7A Kl I'rUt.i . I.L' , Onltirlo. . . S7A.UI liwiilil A Curry . ire 1'ljnniulh .UI Hole A N ivri > KU HO llllllll Vlllklt . K'O 1'ittnn'i't : . .i ititurs. CHH-MIO , April21. in : p. m. clo-o. Wheat-- Sieadj ; cafch , bTo ; May , sT iUsTV1 ; July , W.c. Corn StiMiily ; vusli , a2c ; May , aj' oJuly ; , oats Steady ; cash , Slhcj Muy.SISo ; July. i'4'll1. IS > i > - 1'iriii at 4 > Hc. Ilarloy-Mi'iuly. I'lax I'lrm in I..W. I'rliiieTlmiithj-ll.lC. . WhUky * IK. ( 11\"rk " "Hi cuMi , n2.0S > i ; May , Ili.W ; July liard Hull , cash , M.IO ; May , UUO ; July. Hour I ncliaiiKiHl , sprlni : iiaienls , lo Ltiid , liwi jj winter i utcut , I'rovm'onuhoiildi i tixVi'iv' < J..i" . ; , i > siHiri rlli t. i ; i Holler ( I'll ! rr > t > n < i-v lrtirl > < I ilrv P t In r e l.owi-i full < team i-iieililiirK , l"i Ilitl * . U ,1'IIMVonnc \merl jf , Wfolle. KltiTHiliiidj fnh IKMI'jr1 Hides rnrliair.'dl : Kreen No I. I'fc ; hrnvy nnd Ilitlil piccti alti'd. \ * ; < rt , - : saiti-t ) bull , Illfe ; Sieen silli : > d calf , IV1 : ( li v film. OWi" dry alleil hides Ooi dry enlf. .W'tes ilcaooni , 3w ( CM h. Tallow I'licliiiiiui'il : No 1 ollit pucked , 3y ; No S.i : e ; i-akc , 4c ' T * Hi i-elpt" f nlim't . . ' 10'n Plum . . tiau \Vlirul . ' 'T.lril MJ07J Corn . . r.'o.on i.ni-.in ) OnU . IT.1 : . ' ) * ) iY.l.OM Niw ; VOIIK. April UI.- \ VhcitHecelpts. : . C"l.iiO busii | > | s : expolti. l < iilj bushelHi spot lln-etlled ; No. „ ' led. IiTWUT'1 Itl elevator , iwf/.is'ic ' nllo.it. Iimfrin'1 ' f. o. b. : options Weak , lnvvi'i . No. ' 'led April clo-ln at .T.c. Coin llerelpts , . ' . . ' .uVl bu-Oiels ; i-xporls. l.i1)- ) f V ) bulielnot : hltfhcr : No. " . t'Vt\\t \ \ > In elevatoi. 4ITilinllo.il ; 111141 adi-d mixed , lOff Me : opt Ions , higher. Him : April. l.V. Oatslleceliis.l | ; iiiiilu ) ) lii-l- ; expoil IH..MO bu'hclspot ; Hliona : > o. ' ! vrhlte , . i'/il l" > 'ic ; mlxel uc-lcin. ' . ! ' . ' " u < < ' ; uhllc mixed v\ustern , : iVf > lii'.i- : options Muliriprll. ; . IWc. eloedlead ' WIO iioluts ColTee Opllons elo-ed - } down. Sales , r > , : * < n bugs ; April. tl'.i ; > l' )00 ; Mav. tlil.uvniT.bU ; r-pot Itlo dull : fair car- . -Itaw. flnn : eentilfupal" . IV. test , Ti'lc ; lellned. ea y ; off "A" . " ! ) lfif. ( " > y ; confoc- * " " " . - . tlonel s "A , % ( I'etioleum rnlledi-lospil. May. sJU- . l ! KsMcady ; we-tein. I'io , I'orkI'lim. . Laid Ilaslei : western Meani. M.Wj. llutlerchoice Him ; western daliy. Tfti'So ; cicameri , lllf'Isc ; Klgln. I'liV.'jc. ' ChcetAbout slcadi ; vveteiu , UQ.lO'io. Mli.vv M'Ki'K. Apill'I. . -\\lieat ijillot ; No. U Mirtnsr. cash. sl''rs'.cj May. ilc. Corn-cjiilel ; No. : i. ! Hc. fatsirmly ; No.vvhltc , .Ti'Jo. llye-rilm ; No. 1 , , Vic. ) Itarli'i-Qulel ; No. S. 41k1. I'lotlslonsI'.asler : Dork. ? ti.fO. i-T. I.ni'H. Apill ai. Wheat I.owor cash , MII.V , - , ' - ; .Inly , Htm at M > e. Corn -Illxlier ; cash , IlilUe ; .Miiy.WUe. Oils Ill/ber ; cash. M'tV Maj. SPiQ. I'orkQuiet at tll.TI. I. piiil Nominal at i'l.'i'i. \ \ hlskySteady at tl.W. llutterI'mhan cd ; cicamery , Mi.NVhMoi.iApril 'Jl. Wheat HP olpts- for ( wo days. ' 'IS cats ; shipments , "d cars ; maiketlow and lower. Closlnx : No.lhnrd , April and May , si'.c : on track.svJ > si , , , ; No. 1 norlhi-in. April and May , > " > ' < ; on track , Ki1. No. - nortliurn , Apill sv.1 ; May , sji Jj ; on tiai-U. KjpMe. CiNivs\Ti , April 21. Wheat rirm ; Xo. a red , S-c. ' Coin -llasler : No. 2 mixed. i'-iS'lTc' ' . Oats Weaker ; No. Umlxuil.TUMi ? . * Whlsky-tl.iU. KANSAI CITV , Apill 21. Wheat Stonily j No. ' , ' , cash. Tie bid ; No.'red. . cash. M'8o. Corn-Mcady ; No. ' . ' , cash. 2ii'o ' bid. liivi.iii'ooi , . Apill''I. Wheat -Oulct ! holders oiler moduiatcly ; Callfoinla , No. 1 , Ts M per cental. Coin I'll ni ; demand Impiov Ing ; now mixed western , .Is Td per cental. Cill\no. April Sl.-Cattle-ltivelpts , lii.003 ; n.arket steidv to weaker ; hceve- . $4.MKti.-i.OU ! ; steers. l.'Wr,4 TO ; stockeis and feidci- . t..4 ro ; i..tt ; Tex as coin-fed steerJi IQ&4.1. > ; rassurs , } . ' . ' ) rTM.41) ) . ' IloKs-Itecciiits. U'T.llflO ; maiket slow ; 'iHIOc lowei ; mixed and llu'hl. i4.UV'j I.IH ) ; heavy , } i.av i.r > : skips , ji vifi.i.uo. Miepp Uecelpts.jli.dliO ; maikelleady , but veiy slow ; nativeil.W" i..l ; we-terii porn- fiid.5.UOS1i.70Toxiiiis ; , iH.ir-.f. . { " , ; lam'j-f ' , T..OO C.T3. ( ) ST. f.oflApril 21ratlin Hecclpls. 2.401 ; shipments , none ; stiouz : tail lo fancj natlvi1 steels , tl.i.'iUI.-KJ ; stotkeiand fi edci- , } . ' .IUQ > .1 ID. lions Itecelpt- . 4.4nlhlpments. ; . none ; maikel slack ; he-ivy. M.t.'Oi/.l.'jO ; packing 1 IWjJSi ; llght.i .liKEl ( ) . | VASS\ C'ITV. April 21.Cattle liecisliitt , 4-.IHKI ; - blpminttMUl ; m-iikel loweiteeis , f I liKu I -II ; cowJ I. S"J3 , ! . " > : > ; -locker- and fecd- cij..stufCl.Vl. . IIo' < - - Kccelpts. .VttO ; shlpniPiit- 1. 10) ; mar ket lower ; all mades. jl.otn 1. 10. Siorx CITV. Api H''I.-c ill le Kcr-elpts , ; MO ; shlpmenl- ; maiketlemlv. . llojrv-liiicelpt- . l.tl : ) ; maikil opened steady and closed .r.c lower , at f \ . ' > Y < t\.l \ > . OMAHA'LIVE SPOOK. Cattle. MOMIV.prll 21. nsllmated n > plptif eallle 1.'U. i-ompaiod with : i.0s'iatnidav and l.fii ) la-t .Monday. The bc-,1 lieavv steelopi mil -lead.v with thu topsalealfl.il ) . Only Ihe veiy he-l of thu stecj- and ju-t such asnilid liujeismaln- t , lined Satniilay1maiket. . vvhll all otheis . vvilh sales v ailou-ly vveiilow ) .mil s.mnln " ' " " . .Trlfl.1 under quoted "lower. " . ) lowei. and Satnrdav'h pilce . " Onlv live loadof cow- , weie ou thu nrirui't. all bi-lii ) ; picked up eaily at iinchaiue.l pilcc- Ni-llhoi e nvs noi stecu K-celvid Satindaj' . wen1 aKIIHI ! ns Iho-e IVedcr- and -to - keriMe : - Mice , with s.ilci liidlentliiitiioi-li.ini1 In pi lei1The market wit-slow and diamilnj : Ihrxizhout thed-iy , but clo-ud with praclh-allj eveij tliliis sold. , 2nO : , eompirc.l -'s- , | last Monda.v. aluiila ) and rl.li'i last Monday. The sheep were mostly all billed Ihtoirjb to eastuin p ilnt- and c'inid baldly be said to have been otlcicd on ihlm ukel. TlieiewcK1 two double-decks of fall westein lamb > and one dimble of we-tein ewi . INtlinated leccipl-lu.1. com pnod with 111 sat- nidayand , f0 la-l Mondaj.shicp aio lower. The follow-hu Is a table of prlci1pilcl In thlsmaiki1 ! for tin'i.uli1-of ; s to -K mentioned : I'l line steel.I.BM M ItJU On . .s | OJ (3.1.1" ( ( iood steei-t. li'.l to tril Ir > - . ; nr > 0.t.i5 [ : ( iood steetIll'i ) to I.I ) ) It- . . ; i. n ft I it" . Common 1001) ) to ll.'i ) Ib sleur- . 2.'IJ ' < Tr l5 Common caiinei- . 1.00 ffi..OO Oidlnaiy to fair cows . . . I.HO toiM I.'U 6,2.1" Tall to good co\v- . ) Hood lo choice cow- . 2.21 < T&i.i,1 : Choice to fancj cows . . . . 2.s"i dJ't.V. 1'alr to good hull- . I.T1 < & . ' 'IK' . Choice to fancy bulls . . . 2. " ) I ft l.V ) Light slockei- and fecdoi > . 2.V ) Si.2.i TcedorRVlto tldom- . . 2.I T ( if'Kfl 1'alr to choice light hogs . . . UHI ft.10 ) j'ali to choice heavy hugs . 1'alr to eholcu mixed hog- . . . 4U1 ( ai.10 Ciini | ) . rativo Ta The followln-j tablesho.v the laii In prlceson ho s durhitf this and last week C ol' I'rioos llo s. The fell table shows the ran e of pi leos paid for h l.lKbt and medium liiv.'s . .fl.OO HH.\0 \ ( lood to cbolcii mixed hojis 405 < t [ I HI Ciood to choice heavy Invs Avora o O.nt ( if Ho ; ; * . The following table gives the aveiavo cost of hog-on the datementioned. . Including thu cost today , us based upon sale * luporled : Date. " Trice. Dale. 1'rloo. April 1 . * l 07- \pill II . 4 HIM Apill 2 4 05 \pill 12 . I l.li 4 ApilUI Apt 111 I 4 ll''i ' April I 1 0- ' A pi 11 la 4 UM'i April 5 4 I0 . Apill II ! 4 O2'j Apill T 4 I' . ' Apill IT .1 AplllS 1 I'.1 April Is ,4 07 Apill U 4 as Apill 111 , \plll ID tl HI' April 21 4 OT' AxoraKis H - ! . Showing the uvor.iso prloi * paid for huds of houson thu dayInilloatud In Isif , 1333 , l JJ and April ' . ) I April'SI j Alirll ' 87 4 * \ "a w f. 'j 4 .VJ S2T 40J 4 10 AO ; & : io 4 Al T. is & .M Similar 4 M r , : ! : . so A a ) 614 t anil ( j.ivvuit S.ilos of IIn 4 , TiUay v Miturdny 'it tt 15 lliuhPii $115 Lowcit 40 } Lowest il M HtiU ! Oilli'lal Saturday I'-tlnmtel To lay Cattle . .l.M ears .rw. % . fettle IV ) car1SOJ llon-es. . , m cars .lTvN Ilo-1- . . . . M cars 21iil Shcel 1 car 10 sheep . U caiIIVJ ISIIS1O11 | | of SlOl.-k. K thu uumtittr of cattle. li. > -s and die.ui | puteliasiMl on this market by thu ( lit- fv'ivnt buyers during the past vvuuk ; c VITI.I. . , . . No. Swfft.VCo 3.5'CJ ticorgo II. II immond fi tin 1.5.11 I'aukliv . HI" The Armoiir-Cudahy ; coiiipuny ' Omaha I'acklng company 1't ) Milppuriiund feeder.- , T.4H1 Total WJWS unn-i. ThoArinour-Otiilixhy I'aulilnj Co ll.ROT Omaha Packing Co IC.T14 swift A. Co . 2.iru tlisirgo II. llammund.x , Co 2.CI1) Anivrlcuu Meat cunipauy 171 ToUl I'J.iiX ) "IIKKP s'wlft.V Co l KII Armonr-Ciidaliy Packing rmiipnnV " lluminond A.I o No. Ai. 1'r. Middlesex' Live Stock Co. I'tot'kor 4'0 t 0) J bolter r.IO J TS 1 canner. lf-M 15 L'eows tf.M - ' 155 I hull 2.1SO 100 fisteers 41(1 I 25 ISsleeis ,2SU I m Ll-tiers ) , 'CIS ITT 1'Jsteel-- ' .A" . ITS Ilssteeis , . ! SI ITS IS-tUMS 'Cll I Nl Icillf 210 J TS IShlcers 1,051 ICS lions. No. Av. Shk. I'l Ice. No. Av. Shit. Price. 4. . . . 44" 4 00 Tl. . . .250 Kfl t Ki HM 4 ( W Cil . . .255 405 14 2il - 4 IM ( , T . . . . .2M0 40T'i rfvi i mi re ir ii\ t ni- i Markt't Mention. Itcst stcc.- ! , steady , olhci-slow and lower. llojs niu'iicd steady and clo-ed loner. Itaiiklu Itiothcis of Cainlii ld--c ; niiiikuted u car of lie s. II. ( iiind & . Co , sunt lu a car of lie s from Aj r. llppI..iiulcrt marketed ho.'s from lluni- phii-i- . .lame- , Mono came up fiom N'uhavvka with a carof his ovvn fitillu . Aiijr.lolins MI camu In fioni Grand Island vvlili a car of ho- ! . . Itolicit MfQiillken runic In from U.ivld City v\lth tvvoouisof cattle. .1. II. Iliiscriiian of Sunailor was ou the mar ket nlth a cat of liu - . C'liai Ics Welch of I'apllllnu was ou tin ) mar ket with t wo cms of cattle. t' I' . Waj hioucrht In Iheeaisof entllu and one of linjfunn Old. .1. W Hammond of Cliejemii ! was amons the % Isliois at the yards. llcuni'll ' Iliotlioti \ . I' , had two car < of r'olo- tailoIn i > ] i on the market , from Port Collins. C'liamlicis & lluidlck had two cars of c.itttu and one of hos ontlicmaikct from Ilciman. W. N" . Itichaid-oii of Itc-d Cloud cumo down with -Iiiiu ; of clKht cais of cattle. 1)V. . 1'cilcy , the extensive Mead sl.inpcr , was heru with two cais of cattle fiom Aica- dla. Itoth mcmlicr * of the llrm of I'oid , Son ncicin fiom Idadshaw with cattle and IIDJIS. John \Vldup , the well known Milppiir of Coulova , was on the maikul with two cms of caltlc. The Mlddliscx llvp stock company had sx | caisof tholr coin-fed vviMutu catlli' on mai- kct fioni Wood Itlvcr W.I' . Nail Infoi IMS i he CVululhi. Tom mil that lit lost foul head of cattli1 out of sIMcon lie di'lioincd. and thinks stock ralscis cannot hit too caicfut In ( U'horntn ; ; their cattle. ( ! us Wcldi man , an extensive farmer and fccdir of ( Jiccinvood , was looking ovi'i Hie maikct. Hi. W. Is fccdlii ) : aluiut ono hundicd and seventy-live lit-ad of cuttlu which .110 fust Ki'ttln Into shape foi maikct. The uillioad commltti'i1 of thu llvo stock c\- chan c Is Mill al wink upon the disciImlna- tlonsln rallioad nitcs against -mull ( .iniaha. Last wci > k they olitalncd a conci'sslon of > 200 pel eai at two utnVicnl points on thu II. A. M. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. I'ruiliiCP. rno 'ttletly fiesh , Oo ; cold storage , pleK- led , limed , salted not wanted at any price. Pon.Tiiv Tin keys , dusked , fancy dry lilckcd. rXiltv ; tuikcjs , live pel II ) . . | lllc : chickens , fancv. KKiiU'e ; chickens , choice , D ® lOc ; chickens , live , iiei dojt. , Jl.50 , I.T5 ; jieese , dievsed. fancy , lO vtlc ; Kce-e. diced , choice. ! ii.lOe : Kee-e. live , do/ . . $ < l WW5.T.110 ! ( luck- , dies-ed , fancy , He ; ducks , choice , IKiilOi1 ; ducks , live , do ? . , J2.f > OQj.iiUj pigeons , doil.OO < fl 1.2V ( Jvvii : Jack < uilpe. * 1.00 ® 1.25 ; coldeii plover , $ lKKiljri ( : mallaid ducks , JI.Vi ,2.03 ; I'anvas- li.ick ducks iKKr..iO \ ( ; uiUhead ( lucks , i\m \ , JI.2VTrl.50 ; leal duckdo / . . riOc Jf.25i | mixed duckdo / . ft0e < n0il | ! uee-e. Canada , i. ' . . ' ) } .l l i ; nee-e. -iniill. ? I IKK" 1.10. ' ' II . lift I2' . M UM.K M'li Mt-l'er ) i l'lli.K-i- : I'ei Hi , full IM ( Mm Voiins Ameilca , ll'jc ; full cream twins. I0'3c ' ; full cioam Ohio f-wi . Ilk" fnllcieam Wisconsin MM , full cieam bilck , Die ; full eieam l swl l.lc. - YitUtf Hi strained. IK.1. lloM-v- per ; . . . Onsiirs 1'er hox. 1'lorlda liilKhts , $ ) .OC < a 4..V ) ; Messina , HT.VfClOU ; Callfoinla fancy navals. $ " > ( K ) ; los AiiKeles , J.1.00 ; seedlings. Klver-lde , * l 250.1. VI ; nioiintaln , $ J.25 ; In live- box lots , 25e per box Ic . I MM ! U'l'l.hsI'd do ? , tUKV57,4.00. STIlAWUBKlllts I'ur case , 24 qts. , ( T.OOij , iio.oo. Ciuru1'cr libl , rellned. M.M ; half bbl. $1.10 ; haul elder , pure , per bbl , J500 : nraimii elder , halt blN. ) K.io ) ; pearcldiM. half bbls. i .M. Ml.M r. M I'AT 5lie per 11) ) . I.KVIONS I'erbox , Slcs-lna fancy , H-OO VOO ; Venlelll. iood. tt.fio. HAN VN \ s1'cr bunch. SI .5003.00. Ill'TTl.u C leamery , fancy lolls , prints , 22iljt. 24c ; ereamerj . fancy , solid packed. 2l > 322o ; ereamiirv , choice , IhiCAioi daliy. funey rolls and pi Ints , IV JDU ; dull v , fanoy solid puckid , ITfff.l'ic ; daliy , chiilce , l.v llm ; vouuliy loll , fancy , fWitUs choice , ! 2Kl4e ; country roll , poil ) , iCiluvi eountiy roll , fair , ' { tsc ; poor stock. 'I4V. ( DOMQuotations : ( me for dellverv lu C'lil- ciiKoi. Diy biillalo. per ton. fKidOQ.lc.00 ; dry eountiy. bleached. llOOOS'ri,00 ; drycountty , damp and mealy. * < mnuu.uu. Vi.dhTiu.i' ' Did Mvict potatoes , fancy Muscatlne , per bbl. fl 00 ; onion- , extra fancy , M.50 ; onionfair. . il.M : rutabagas , JJ.K ( ) ; ciu- lols.f.MHi. paisulpj. t.5) ) ; beds , $21HI ; hort-u r.iillfh iiHith. per bbl , tl.V ) ; perlb , Te ; eelvry lo.itpel bbl. JO.OO ; per doWe. . I'lll snivi-s 1/iOcperlb. .ll.l.l llh : i'tl&lc per 11) . lliithst.n Vi.Ai.-Choleu medium , HiOei light , .vaiK' ; heavv , : io Ic. Ai'l'i.K.-IVr bbl , Renttoiis. SI 00 ; Willow Tulu. fl..J : lien Davis , { | , ,10 ; Komanlte. (1,50. . - . o(4i\M'Tn I'ei hundied , $ I.T5. I'll HI. l- Medium , ) ier bbl. J5.VI ; - . cherklns , ( T.50 ; C. A II. chow chow , ( its , JVM ; pis , M.I5. roT\Tois 1'cr bii , fancy , : i.viH5o ; choice , 80 < ttlV. I'l-u I'lc-li frozen while trout , pike and plckeii'l. per Ib , To ; bturueon , Te. lliins. : 1'n.T.s AMI Tu.i ovvr.reoii malted hides. 4't ( " . dry -allid hldi.VU7c ; diy Hint liidei. li'iMOc ; calf hides. VTin'i' Damaged hides 2o less Mieep peltKlien , oaeli , ' 'V fi tl.25 ; sheep pelth , dry. per II ) , IHe ; tallow , No. 1. .I'Titlc ' ; No. 2 , ! ll4iuJ'ie ' ; Kifase , white , 3Yif le ; velli > .2l , ( ac. IlKtNh Hand ntekid navy , ll.5iWll.flO ; hand ) ) leked navy , niedlum. fl.tKil .V ) ; hand picked ciiiinlij. ll.tmfM 40 ; KIMM ! ileun. tl.20 < iil..lO. Al'ri.t ; lli'TTtll 1'er Ib , Git" . i I'lne unwashed. lt M7c ; niedliiin un- U. Jsii.'lc ; eoan.ii unwu litil , ( ruuvrleu. riHirn KiifiT-Currants , new , CSOTMoi iiriint s , ca k , i..iO ) Ibii'4c. . prune- , bbl or li.iirs , O'i'i/T'iOt ' ultron peel , drum ! * , 20 Hit. . 2V ; lemon peel , drums. lkfaril ! dates , IMIXCS. 12 lli , lie ; iiprlcotb. cUulco inapmuted. l.V ; aprl- cols , jelly cured , 25 Ib lmxe , IGu ; aprlrolK faiuj 25lbbuM's , llVit apples , chulco I < VIIHII- atcd lUc upplux ( iriiub nt w ' ) ' , o ; llgs li : > ir. lVpi.rt.uui ( an , ion , lu bdt-ks , Tc'i 1'crsimi ilnti' T.1Salt Iiiiku iippliv. h > , blaokberrli1" evaporated V ) It ) tioxe . 5 > rt eherrle * . pitted , dr > eiitt'd 1.1 i | ieaehe . jiareil. fnliey llx1 plioli e. UV < alt Iukc. Tei Dltted plillns. Cal. llliboxi1" , v'.i'JOiii1 ! ni | > OPM1e evajiorated. N. Y. . new. 'mes prunes It I. . ( W-T. . l > i i'fe ' , oranite peel. t.V , ral'lii11. , > Cnllfornlii. London , crop l * i. 5. 40i Cal. loo-O liuiovatelH. crop | s-'i. t..IOValonchis , IKV < O'tc ; Vulenctao. new. tk1 ; Cal. eedless k . So ; Umlura. Injer. ne lie : dried Krapi" . iVi pruiiflli' . m-w. 12' , e. CANSKII ( ioiilis rrnlt" , I'ullforiila staiidnrd hinmK 2'4-lb. ' lier dot Artrleot" , Jl ' ( M l.M ; aptlcot . | ile fiilll. it-Mi uullons. { 1.50 ; black berries ? i 25 : chei rlcs , lil'k , K rti ) | J.ii'is cher ries. white , . ' S.Vff3 50 ; guin | < . * IIW ! > IM ; peai . llarUett. t.MOii2.25 : peaches , yellow. t..liU'.25 : ; lieaclii's , lemon < Unit. J.MO ; plninv , i-Kit. f l.lVVft I.sO ; pliini" . jrolden drol ) " . tl.si ; plums , preen traires. l.iVVd l.sO ; jieaehi's. wIlli jilts In. tl. ) ; euiiaut- . ? . ' .0 ; noosebei rh-K , * . ' .2" > ; iiulnces f..IO ; iu libcrrle . i-.sO ; ( .tiavvlierrles. } 7.50 ; peiielie'H : ( ) eastern standards , | .Kt ; : i-Ili pic. ? l.tiiii-Ili : pie. t.MO : irallonno \ , * l.l ) ; apples , tfli siandiirds. 12.T5 ; 2-lb uoo-lioriles. IKK' ; ' . ' III st l aw b.1 ! lies. WiJlXV ; 2-lb laspbcrrles } I.OO2-1I ; ) hlueberilcs. NVe ; 2-lb blackber ries. ( VVflTSo : 2-lbstiawlcrrIes. preserved , II.so ; 2-lb laspberiles , ineserved. il.N ) ; 2-11) ) tilack- berrles. pre-ervid. fl..M ; ( ilneapples. llaliama chopped. J..W ; 2-11) ) Iliihniini Kraled , J2.T5 ; 2-lb ' llaliama sliced , W..V ; 2-11) Standard sliced , V.2. . S.I..V ) ; cheirlc1" . 2-11) red , llaltltuoie , pears. 2-lb. ! . : . VMIKTAIII.KS Tonmtoci- ; i ibextra.tl.OO. a lh standard vve-ilern Inaiids , HV lCu1 ; pillions , sti Icily standard , JJ.IK ) . Coin I'lnest prown. * ! . ) ; trllt-rdircd s unr corn , very line , $1.50 ; choice 2 11) suinu corn. Jl 20 ; 2 Ib extra vvestt'i n brands , fi5cfflfl.OO ; 2 II ) standard western In amis. iiOTr.7iU > . Miishiooms-l Ib I'leiieh.extia llm''a-'fiVi I lh Trench , line. lsa.2V ; 1 Ib , riench. oullnarv. 101.lsc. I'eas Tie-i line , per can. 2V ; delnl line , percan le ( ! ; 2 Ib.If led , Jl.liO ; 2 Ib early .lime. tl.-Vf I .IS : 2 It ) Mm inn , standard brands. { ( .10 : 2 Ibs 'itnvtitirii . Mrltu : -tlllllVllilil > fl tllcsi l be.uis-2 Ib hls-'h Krade , Itefimce , HV- ; Sib llolil- cn waheaiis , T.V ; 2 Ib stiif \ beans , Tlio. l.lnui lleaiH-2 Ib soaked. T.V. Ilii-Uin ItaKcd lleans 'I Ib Lewis , tl.ii" . ; eiown hi ind.JI.5i ) . Sweet Potatoes lib New , lerse > . tl.w ) . ruinpkln- Illl ) new piiinpliln. tl.ic ) . okia and toin.itoes , tl.dO ; okia. il.U ) ; succotash , tl.20. I'lsn-Codllsh. extra l.eonjex , new. r. ' i' : crand hank , new. 5itdli'i ; , 2-lb blocks , fi ej snow white. 2-lb bricks , new , DC ; Tiukeyeod , liiiirp middleliilolts.lie : snow white dates , 12-5 II ) biie73ie ; Iceland linlllnil. ' .K' ; niedliiin sealed hcrilnir. 25c ; No. 1 scaled heiihi.22c ; domestle llollmid hnrlnj , 5V ; llanihiiiK silced ) liel rlnir , JI.V ) ; Hussiaii satdlncs. T5e : Kusslan s.iidlnes. plain. 5V ; linpoited Holland heiiln . ciown hi.ind , NIC ; do fancy mllkcf , ! Ke ) ; niaekeiel , No. 1 t-hoie. lialf bbls. ? IIIK : ) ; bloaters , half bbN $ lhOl : white IMi. half bills , $ T.OI ; trout , half bbls. J3TO ; ; family white llsh. tll'O ' ; salmon. .K.V ) ; lib niaekeiel ( heuliiK ) . M.OJal.Hl ; I Ib llnnaii haddles , } | .T5 ; 1 Ib lob- -teis. tJ.I.VU.2r ! I 11) ) Alaska salmon , Aluiit , * U > 0 ; 2 II ) o\sti > t * > . 10 oJI.II5 ; lib ovsteis , 5 o/ , SI. P. ; 2 II ) select. I2o7. * J.i5 : ; lib clanellttli ! necUs.iI.25 ; 211) clams , little necks , t..wi ; i4 Ib s.ndlneImpiiiteil , per cu-p. 10K. il..lHW/.M.DO ; ' 5 Ib linpoited honele-s sardines. 2iie ; M Ib MM- dine- . American , perea-e. lOfls. ricnch stj le , } I..Mhr.lK > ; > > Ibsaidlnes. Anieilcan , per ease , lOHs. I'lpneti style. } T. " > pjHfHI ; > 4 Hi saidlnes , mustard , iier ease , 50- , $ J.T5UI.OOj Imlioited key saidlneiHIHl. . MIM1--Castile , mottled , peril ) , JiBlOe ; do white , peril ) . 14c. IlitooMSI'mlor , 4 He. JJ.T5 ; II tic , } J25ta ; - 4.v" Al .VH7V.I T.'i. l.t. . . : common , ? i..iuiii.ii. ( v 'j Ib tin. 40c pai Ib. 1'nocoi.\TI : 22ai5o : pci Ib ; Geiman clileory , iod. S'je. Su.soov llbl , i'io ; graiinlated , 2o ; Kcps 1' ( . ' . SODA l'kis , CO Ibs to box. .ViQi'iC. Nt'T---Almond- ; llra/lls , I4o ; filberts 12'5e ; pecanllewalnuts ; , 1'J'jc ; peanutcocks , to : lonsted. Ilo ; Tennessee peanuts , To. lHfis-iClioeeis' ) ) 1'er lh llorav. I''c : cop- peias , 2'.c : llav leaves He ; clue , Hie ; ejisom -alts , 4c ; ilauber salts , Ik1 ; sulphur , 2le ; blue \ Itiol. 1'c ' ; alum. 4c : tartailc acid. 42o ; lo-ln 2c ; valtpetei , ah-olutely pine , lee ; cum camphor. 2 Ibs In bo1 oO'ikes , .tic ; hop- , ! < and ' 3 Ib package20o ; sa 'e. 'i and ' In jiackaKt's. l.V1 ; maddci. Ilk1 ; Indlsw , : t 11) ) and 5 Ib bo\e , tP. . , WT'-Tlii1 : Indliio. : i Ib mid 5 Ib boxes Mndiasu5o ; -eallnK wax. 25 Ib boxes , ltd , 'I'lC'.suallns wax. 25 III boxe- . white , 4c. C'VNM li MfcAi1II ) lunch tonpiie. 52.T5 ; 2 Ib lunch tonsno. f4 T5 ; 1 11) coined beef. H.20 ; 2 Ib corned beef , W.H5 ; fi II ) ciunt'd beof. $ li. . " > 0 ; 14 II ) corned beef. H4 ; 2 In bonelespics' feel , i..20 ; 1 lh KimlMi biawn , Jl. : l ; 2 Ib I.nulMi biawn. $ . ' .15 ; ( p Hi Kncllsh braw n. i.75 ; J Ib coiniire ed chipped beef. f.MKJ. M'Ulis Cut loaf. So ; rut loaf cubes T' e ; standaid. powdeied. T'ac ; XXXX , powdeied , he ; cianulated , standaid , l.Vo ; confectloneis , \ . liVc ; white exti.i.C , r..c ; eMl.i ( ' . Neb. . . " . 'jc ; amber. 5 % o ; I Ib oompies-ed ham. il.T5 ; 2 Ib eomplessi d liani. * 2.K ( > . I'ortH'lioastedibuokle's Ailosn , 2i'.IB-1 : Mel.uiiKlillu's XX.XX , .Wio ; lioriumi. 25' o ; Illnorth,2l ) > c ; Alaioma , ! i'io ; bulk , 25'-o , C'oi KFK lireen1'aney old colden llo,20o ! ; fanoj old pe.iheiry , 250 ; Hlo , eholcu lo fancy , 21' ic ; Klo , pi line. il , o : Hlo. food. 22'je ; hanlos and common Hlo , l'Ki2l ; Mocha , 2l'c ; JaMi , cenulne O. . , 2soj Ja\.i , Booil Interior , 21c ; Afilean. yj'io. ' r\iti.s tenors Goon1" Ilarley , : i'4(24o ; farlnl , . " ; no.is. He ; oatmeal. Uito-'lo ; iiiiio.aionl.10o ; M-imlcelll. Iflc ; lice , 4 < iiUiJe'.1(50 ( and tapioca , ( V-iTe ; lima heans. ( k1. Ou.s ICt'iOM'iiP 1'f. . . 10 ? ; \V. W. 12'ic ; headlight. Ilk1 ; jra-ollne. 12o ; salad oil , $2 HO ® U.IHI per do/ . Linseed Haw , die ; boiled , U'lo. MIIATS Hams. No. 1.10-lb avoiace , 034o ; 20 to 2J Ibs. il'io ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 10o ; siuinhleiBo ; bieakfasi biicon. No. 1.8'jo ; ham s.ui-ace. be ; dilid beef hams. ( JVTJie ; beef toncues. $ ( ioi ; per dodiysalt ; meat- , 5'sU'io per Ib ; ham louletle , O'jc ; bonuleii ham , T'jc ; picnic ham , 05ic. HOPK Ilasls Manilla iopo , l.V : Msal rope , IS'to ; collon iopo. Hii1 : new process , S'jc. ' Corro.N TWISKIllbb , \ory line. : t or 4 ply , 22c ; line , 20c ; Oal-v , l c ; candle wick. 2.V. ti.ivr.s-uaits. ) pel ilo1.75 ; plnls per do/ , J.'J.'i : bulk , pel t-'ul. IIV. ViMjiAii U ) sir. elder So ; good. 12o ; whlto wine , IV1. t > TVK I'oi.l1 ! ! ! W-WiJl'i sT per cro- . IUiS-Ai.i. . pel 105 , * 17.00 ; I.ewlslon , per 100 , ? 1T.OO. Moi.tss-FS HillN. . O. , fancy , per pil. . ' .VJi STo ; choice. 45iITipK ; > d. 'l > ) | Qi'l2oOubi ; ! baklnc , UsTHJiij black strap , SlH > 22o. WiiAi-i'i.sd I'trhii Stiuw. per Ib , I'j 'iOj i air. 2'8c ; manllla U. 55 ? 1e ; N'ol.To. lUdt'nlon Siiaie | , : i > ! f. II per cent off list. , MTDalrv , 2s ) Ibslnbbl , bulk , ( . ' .10 ; best Kiade , Mi. 5s. toil ) ; biit pinilo , 100. .Is , f J4D : best Ci.ide , 2s , ids jj.20 ; IOCK halt , oriiihed , ll.sO ; common , bbls , tl.15 , Dry Goods. Hiiow-.s roTTOVllantlc A , TMo ; Atlantic H. To ; Atlantic I ) , f.'ic ; Atlantlo 1' , dc ; Auiora ' ' CabotV B'.o ' D.u- C. 4"4o ; lluck'sllead. li'4c ; Cabot , ; llncton , tl'io : I'armcis' No. 1 , 't , 4'ie ' ; Atlantlo. LI. , Oc ; Auroia 11. d'jouioia ; It. li'io ; Anew brand , 0'4e ; Atlas O N II. T' ' o ; Chloasaw A II. 4o Clifton IT , .V4o 1'i'p- li'-io ; chee-o cloth , ; ; peiell It. 1P40 ! I'epjierell i : , 40-Inch , TUo ; LaiiK- don li II , Co ; Cast lion , T'4o. HI.KAI 111:0 : COTTONS-llerkeloy cumin to No. 00 , He : Host Yet. 0'8o ; Hlaekstone A A , T"4e ; butter cloth XX. 4'so ; Cabot , T'.c ; Dnlght Ani'hor.'k'l ' Dl.tmondVsluunk , U'jc : r.lleiton W s. 7'e ' ; 1'aimers1 Choice. ( i'1c ; Tlist < all , O'ic ; ritch\llle , 7'ic ; Trnlt of tbo Loom , t > V ; ( ioldcn Weddlni ; . KHill ; . ' emper Idem. K < ; llm\e-l , ( PiO ; Hope , T' e ; Housekeeper , 1le ; Klntr rhllllpeambilo. Idc ; Lancdon ( i ll.U'ic ; I.onwlalo , b'icj Lonsdalo cambilc , lOo ; Now V.nk milllie. . Sill l.TIV.S tMI I'lI.WlW-CA'-INfi1 HlOWII 1'eppniell. 4'i-ln. lOe ; I'onpuiell , h-4. ISc ; I'ep- peiell. ll-l , 20e ; 1'eppeiell , 10-1 , 2'c ; llo-ton. .1-1 , l'"ie ; Itoslon. S-4 20c ; llo-ton. ! l-4. 22'jc ; Ilos- ton. 10-1 , 2V ; I'tlca , 4i-ln , l.V ; I'tlca , . .s-ln , IT'jc ; I'llca , Ts-ln , 24o ; I'tloa , SO-In , 2iic : I'tlca , IM-ln , 2s1o. Itleaehod-l'eppeiell , 4.-ln , Ilk1 ; I't'iipeiell , 4l-ln. ! lie ; 1'epnerell , n-4 , I4'sc ; l'e- | peiell.b-l.2Uc ; 1'eppeiell. ll-l. 22e ; 1'eppeiell , 10-4 , ' .Me : Huston. 5-4 , 14c ; Hi ston4. ( * . 'J2o : llos- ton.U-4.2So : Itoston. 10-4. 27' jo ; I'tlca , b-4 , 24c ; I'tlea. y-l , 20c ; I'tloa. 10-4 , 2s'o. CliMintMs Amoskeac , fi'o ; Anioskeac , dless , ( ,1,0 ; llates.d c ; WaiwIoK , diess. h'iej Lancaster , fi'ic ; ( .lenalio , C'4e ; \\lilteiiloii , dress , Mjo ; \ ork riiMirlte , diess , b'je ; I'al- cutta. dress , be ; Noimandle , ill ess , bo ; Lulucv tet , diehs , lie. 1'niNT.s-Murtha Washington. 60 ; Ameiloan. fi'tc ; Ainold,0'4e ; A mold H. lone cloth , lOc ; American , lOe ; Mlllel A. 12e : Amana A. 12o Meirlmaek ' , . lle. ) ( Sold Leaf. lOc ; ( iold Ticket. Ilk1 : Hamilton , r.-o ; Allen Pinks < 'l4e ; Allen Chambiay , flc ; liloiicet > ter , ft'ic ; Kddyslono li'ic ; \\tiulsnr , il'ti' llmnllton , 0'8e ( teel ltl\ei , do ; Uamapo , 4'jc ; St. Loser. 5'ic : Martha Washington. 434e ; Allen , So ; Merrlmak , .1'4 ; rountain , li'ie ; dmnoi , 7c ; Crelluld , b' ' o ; Ilei- Illl , ll'tC. MIIIITIMI CillTKiJ Tnvlnolble , S'Jo ; In % Inol- ble XX. H'to ; Ctuwforil , Co ; Dtls b'to ' : Keon- omj.b e ; I'aik. Ido's , I.V ; Cnlcdonla X , U'jo ; Cakdoiila XX. 10'c. Ciu.voir Wlnneonnett 7'c , Whltlenton , TJ4o ; slater , be ; Amoskeat ; , htrlpesh'o ' ; Amos- ke c. plaids , m , ; sea Island , Ixiokfold , Il'io ' ; sea ll-e. hooklold , r.o ; Kdlnciiii ; , IK1. Tu KiMi.s-Oaklmul. A. fi'.c ; Oakland , O. To : Amoskeac. A C A , Il'io : llerwlok. bookfold sateen. JHC ; llannnh , liootfold Miteeii. 14o ; Warren , hookfold sateen , liio ; Not wood , hook - fold sateen , IIV , CoidlsXo. 5 , O' e ; CoidU No 4. 10'e ; Cordls A C K. l.i'io ' ; Cordls K I' fiinoy , b'o ' ; Cord Is 120 fancy , U'to. I'orro.Ntiit'S York Nnnkln. 1011 ; n\eiett , Roz , lee ; r.lKln , obo ; flat Hook , b 07 , li-c : Luwlslon , 10 ( > / . 22' > e ; Woiklncmuii's 14o ; Tiadesnjan's , He ; Corkserow Cashmere. 22' , p. Cn.t n i-te\ens' II , 10 In , 5' , c ; Stevens' 1) ) , 18 In. IV ; Stevens' A. 10 In. .0 ; MeM'iis' I' . Ib In , 7Jto ; Mo\cns' M. If In , SSoj Stevens' N. 20 In , ii'Jc ; Stevens' NN. 22 In , U'to ; htevens' hUT. 20 In. ll'tc ; tileaehed , Icextia. DKMUh-Amoskeai ; . oz lil'io ; York , camlet , I2c ; Kveiett. htandiird. 12 > Ie ; Andover , 12j ; Torester. It C. I'.H.C ; Haymakiii's , 7'to ; Uld York. XX , li'ioOld ) ; Yolk , XXX. 1''e ; Law- lenoe. 250. ll'ic ; Lanience. 220. I'l jo ; Lawrence - ronce , Uo1V ; fancy jtrlpts and oheuKs , lljo ) MetalH. 1U.OCK TI.N Small plK , 2o pur Ib ; bar 30o per Cori'Ell 1'lanlshed lioller hl/es , ! Co porlb ; oohl rolled. 2so per lh ; ulieatlilni , ' , 2"o | ier 11) ; pills mid Halts , ' .NO per Ib. .v.tNUUi SIIIIT ! : IIION Dlso't M-IO per cent , put. plan , lieu , Nos. 2ICVT , A , lUVjc ; II. . JiomiMi-i'lmicoul , I C. , Hx'JO , IIS , 5T5 ; I , ' ' I HON -No. Sit , : i.T5 ; No. S7 , . TN ri.iTKC. . . 10M4 , L-A T.T5 ; I. X. , JOvU , ( > " " ' "TIN I'l'.tTK -Coke-I. O. IOM4. SB. 10.25. Km i. Nli.s Hast , ti.lin. ' TLKl Wllil. Ntll.s ILiki110. . \ \ J1ILJui > . burb , U.Cu , gulv , tl.JQ. lrni > N. Quinine , per o 1' A. \ \ I'V Oertuan 40i' In- illRO perlb , , .k' ln eot powder , powd . 4no oplllln * 4 ( > i ninrphlno per ortlvi ; hops , per Ib. .Hk-i Bljeerlne per Ib. 21e. dextrine , pel Ib. lie , eultleboni . per Ib. IT > , oroiiin tartai pure. ; I"H' . commi-iclal. iv : eaniphoi.lile. Am. carl ) . I4c : blue v Itrlol. T' ' e ; carnollc acid. 4 < KrOllo ; citric acid , JV'f ITc : tartiirlo , : K < j.lo ) ; sulphuric , : i'4o ; speim oil , 5I.H' ; whale oil. Ifc : castor oil. J 1 .25 1 ncatsfoot. .M'3.'i'V : turpentine , . " 'lo ; Tonka beans , { l.T.Vftl li' ; hiiNam tolu , : is t-UVoaloiiiel. : KViMiTc ; omitharldos. ii.'inAl.n : Ca sn | lniil . 2l > 22oi ehloiiiform , 51ift5c ! ; CIROI , arable , s Hond \ VsiniToAiu'll'JI. . [ SiH.rliil 'J'olopnnn to Tin : JJri : . ] Uoiuh offered : iOl.twO nt * ' ' " ' 4h'lii Pitiful Conilltlon of a NVIir kii Itll//.uril llci-oliu * In Chicago. There Is n younir ( firl lyltij * In one of the wmils \Vosloy hospital ut Xo. a"i Ohio htroet , says the Cliioiijjo Tribune n slight , whlto ilrl with yellow hair. She is only ' 'I , but her e\es mo fuillntr , and the physlohnis say that the end will bo blindness. Of coui o then.1 is u ehuiu-o. There nhvnys Is. The simple fact that u young girl els losing her eyesight Is not of much Importance ; the world is too busy to pay much attention to commonplace thlnirs of this ort. There Is one clement in this story that lifts It above the commonplace. This young Kris \ \ is of the same tough , true liber that old he roes mtil heroines were miule of People out lu the far west remember Janu ary 12 , isss. That was the day of the great blizzard. It crept over the plains , gathering sucngth , until it swept through Nebraska u whirling avalanche of wind mid ice and daikncss. Something of the sort. The morning came up clear nnd warm ; thciv were patches of snow on the roadsides and the Holds were half whits. Hut it seemed as though winter were over and done with. Sixteen children gathered that morning at n little school out on the Nebraska prairie. The teacher was Sarah Hill , u young western girl of nineteen. A \ ear before , with true westeui grit , she determined to nnkehorown way in the world , and this little district school house on the pi-aiiio was the llrst mile stone on her way. She t.uight the three It's and the rule of three nnd all other thlmrs that have to bo pounded into the heads of the rising genera tion. About noon the wind ro e nnd the air crew suddenly dark In less than ten minutes the bll7/ard is sweeping over the little school house. The snow Jiiles up sullenly mid it is icy cold. The Hro 11 , dj ing out ; the coal-bj.\ is nearly empty. Clearly hoinothing must be done. It is impossible to stay in that ramshackle linildlng , without tire or fuel ; it seems almost impossible to face the bliz/tird in the attempt to reach u secure shelter. Not for n moment does the young to.ieher think of the ease with which she might save herself. She calls the youngsters about her and divides their wraps among them. Then they set out. Miis Hill held the smallest girl a tot of six by the hand The other children joined hands ami formed an Indian tile , all clinging together ; in this manner the little band stalled out to light u 'way through the driv ing wind and snow. "The thin snow , " snys Miss Hilu ! "sifting into the eyes and ears and nose blinded and choked us. The wind toio our wraps open and our clothing was no protection against the cold ami the snow. The snow lio/c on our faces us fast as it foil , it glu."l our eye-lids down. "The only way 1 could tell if nil the little ones were there was to turn my back to the wind and pry my eyes open. " So they went on ; the bravo girl leading the way ; the tirei frightened children stumbling after her with their heads down. Miss Hill picks her way as host she can The snow grows deeper , piles up along the road in drifts through which they huvo to beat thoii way. All this was hard cno igh. Hut it was Inudcv btill to keep that little band together The smaller childicn were cr.v ing with cold and fear ; the older one-s givw tired and hopeless. Now one fell ; had to bo coaxed and threatened out of fatal lethargy Then the line was formed again and straggled on. ' My only fear was that one of the children should be lost , " said Miss Hill. "They were all bravo little things-praiiie-born but it was hard to drag them along and give them courage. " "And did not you lese heaiti" "No , " said the girl , simply. "I prayed. " For one hour they fought the hlizrard. Once they strayed from the road and wan- dcied tor a long time before they found it again. It is odd they over found it. Men died that dny within a few j arils of their own doors , lost in the daiknessund snow. But these helpless youngsters had a brave guide. She found the load again. It was time The wee child she hold by the hand fell and could not bo roused. Miss Hill took the little one in her arms and staggered on The child ne\t in line clung to her skirts. And then ! A dark blotch ugalnst the sky ; one Hush of icd in it. The half-blinded gitl thanked God , for house and hearth were reached. That is all. Thoyoungteachcrhad saved sixteen stnrdv little Nebraskans embiyo senators , prcsl dents , oni > knows what not. "What were your thoughts during tin. Journey i'1 she was asked. "I thought of the children , " and then she added after a moment , "once when I felt I could not keep up I thought of their mothers Yes , there was onn other thought 1 knew It was inv duty. I could not bet my the con lldence the people had put in me I knew God would bring us through it all safely " Miss Sarah Hill Is a patient in the \\Vslej hospital. Her eves gave way under th strain of that bli//ai\l day A number of operations have been performed on them , many more must be undergone. The result is in doubt. It mav bo that after weeks of suffeiing the end will bo blindness. Heioism is an o.xpensive luxury. Y JMAUKKT. placed on iccoid dining 1. yesteidav : O > Ambler and wife toM L Aithui , lots IT and in. blk 5 , Ambler I'laco , w d . 1.000 Ci W Loomls and wife to M H Soicnson , lot 15. Oaklllll. w d ' . 400 Minis Nelson to H llennetl , lot 15 , blk 20 , I'oppleton I'aik. w d „ . | , ooo C' K I'utteivoN and wife to S AJ'iim- mln h lot , blk II , West Side , w d . . too 11.1 Hitter and wife to ( i S Amhlei , lots IT anil IN blk 5 , Amblei I'lnce. w d . . 1,000 C .1 Samuelson and wlfo to I'N llei-s , nln lot 7 , blk 0. Lowe's add , w d . . . J.MK ) A Saundeis el al tiustee , to II Plctscn , lot to , blk 111. Dmaha Heights . . ; ir : > 1) L Thomas and wife to V. K Mnlek , lot 2 , blk SI , Oichaid Hill , w d . . . TOO William Nev Ille ct al to I' K \ \ hlto et al , pail blk C , Shlnn'n add. u c d . 1 WOAlhrlKht and wife lo A L Mi-Wil liams , lot II , blk 1 , sub blk UT , Albright's Choice , w d . . MO A Siiundci ! . et al. tiustee , to Wllllum rilersen , lot H. blk 10 , Omaha Heights , vv d . . . . . UTS 1'Itonehner and hush.md to K V I'un- fellk. lot ii : , blk li , lltown I'aik.vd 000 (1 It T/-ebuck to I' Stnbblelleld , lot to , blk 7. Kekeiman I'hil'e. w il . . . " . Ci It 'IVschnek to L Holmes , lot 25 , blk 4 , Cotncr \ Aichei'sadd , d . 2 A I'Tnkeyand wife lot'M Slier , lot 14 , blk 4 , ( irammeicy I'aik. w d TV ) ( iV i Ames and wife to ( "Kaufman , pt lot I'l. Kount7e2nd add , w d . 5,000 South Omaha Land Co. to .1 I' MK m thy , lot 10. hlk in. Smith Omaha , w d 1,000 Anna Coriluan to W .1 Wauoner. lots 7 to | 0. hlk a. Missouri Aveiiui ) I'aik. u ed . 1 J II Dumont and wlfo to 1C M Wiley , parts of various hits hi blk A , Kesoi- volr add , < | c d 1 J W Cooper and wife to H J Clew , lei : i , blk 1. Italph I'litce. w d . 5,000 John McDonald and wife to \ \ C I'at- ti'iMin. lot 24. blk .1 , llmiscom I'l.ice.w d 11,200 W L I llsh el al to K A Lalseh , lot 12 , blk Id , Ccntial Pink , w d KKi H O Dev Ins to .1 C .lacohson , lot 0 , blk 2 , Arbor I'l.ue. n o d ics Twt ntj-thiee tiansfers . $ .11,217 ' 8HROBDER & GRAIN. Provisions and Stocks. Basement First National Bank. UO3 Simih lUth Stieet , Oinalin. 3 RRILWHY TIME CARD , * r > t < < cmrifliy.nu nnsiVMN A Omvh Depot IPIti uml M > OII ttf i > t 3.1s ? ni fhlrnru Vo'tlMiliKiptro ! t't3 "niii 1' ' 45 n ra l MCIU.-U K pr < ' cm | > lu 0 li P in ChlenfO Kupri1" ' . , . S.H i ni ( | _ WPnii _ _ _ owa Lprnl Mcejit ( < iimli\7 _ . . \l\M \ \ ft m Xc ca iU'nT.lNtl FO.V A MO T v"Kll. | Aitirci Omaha i txput lutli nml Maon Mrtft * "J1) " ' " fdoi a ni1 .Ik-nv-pr VcKtitiiiTe'Htpri1" , slu * ft ) n nil llRStliiR * A Cunrorilln Uictl kli p lit AaUjiju „ . iK-nter ixt : > ro VMnm hoivfej 1 K , t' . > T .1 ft OTt " OambA l > ypi > t 10th ami Minim ilrytt , Ti a CUjr l > i7 KT'te . 9 li p m K C MuMj : p l I' l ; Trnn , f. i c7 ( Jnnlm. IH-pot 10th ami Maror utrniit , 2 ( i i > ra . OrorUnd Hyer 1 M p m . r fine Kiprn" lOlOnni Denver K pf < " 4 4i p m ( Imml Isl m1 Kip ( eieept sun ) 114V p j . iui | _ K n ivi City Kii'ret" HlXS n _ iTsVes "l " OfiHJATfoj"U T'ST'ACTriT ? ' . I Arrlren Om lm | U t' ileiHil , lOtli mill Miii-oy fn Oiimhn rtlJpm . . . Night Ktprrtf . , llltt n m IMium AlUntlo r.Mtrr" . . . . | I' m ' l.linlleil . . IOIiBm ilU' Bl _ 'e'lllnilP _ _ t * 7e TCHlCATlOA SOUTHWKSI'KKN I AnTfpV Omaha | U I' d pol , IDlti nn.l Mnrcr * ; I Onmlm n IJ n , I'lileajo ci.31 p i 410 p m Ve tltml < I.ilntlc.l ( > ftV n m t ! I.S p m ( I.T. ex H t > Mill lAr ex Mam 7 4J n in Klver -1 4.V p m i' ' a ) p m K.ftMern nic. . sr | U l' ilepot , 10th anil Mnrcr PI' i Otmrm blrnuo Malt leicrpt sTiiuimj' | ft 4S p in Chicago I'lpres' . . . . ' .Hi n m . . . I'lilumu Kipn1 , , . , J.W p in > ' lA-iife' I OMAHA AST U > 1 l < l ArrtTi's ' . lOlliinil Mnri'j''St ' Oiiuli-i Om-th , 'IT I1 depot. _ _ 415 p ml M I/miT Cannon UnlT il'tM p m Ixvive' I HtOl'X. C1TA I'VC'tl-'IC j ArrlTeif Oiimlin I IT. 1' dtpot. ! Jlh mul Xlnrojr MF I Omnlin 7isnnSlum Otjr Pm'eniteT 'UHC ' , p m li H p nil HI I'AUI K pre < < .JIOITinju leave * 1 SlOt'S I'TrV.V l'\l'inr I Arrive , Omaha I Depot IMIi iimlYelxtrr "t _ I Omulm " . . ' .i.Uum ' M Paul l.'mlUd li 4S p in I _ " " * > * A MO VAI.IiKV"I I ArrUu l.ecs | , K Oniithn I Depot I.MIi imdVelntor } it < I Oiimlm V m n m . Illnck lllll , Kipri'n . f.'AI p m HI ) n ni . naming Hxp ( i Kv fundnyi .1 oi p in 610 p in Wnliuii i I.lneoln I'lu'rniccr 11)20 ) n m ( 'Kr SiimlnjrI'J2U ) | n ni ftJOp in jirkjjiNorfilk _ C. ST 1' . M AO"I I ArrlTtYt Omaha I Depot _ 1Mb ; nml _ _ WeliMer CM [ liiiinlin H u ) a nil . Sioux illy Aitouiinoiliiton . 11 li p m Bloux ntr Kxpren iKx Sun 1 .n p ni 1 UU p m " ' C4.S p m ii'Viml Umlleil . . . . 91611111 B V a m Florence TiU'criKer l Kt Hun ) . 8 45 n in t'lnreuec l'nscntcer 11.x Sun ) d.X ) p ru laver i MISHOI 111 I'ACIHC | ArrlTti * Oinalia. I Depot rithrnilVeliMer _ ts _ _ | Omilm id"iua ni\ \ . . M I.OUI * A K C Kxpie i 4 W p in 'J IS p ml. St I .mi I _ A K C Kxpre"1 ' ni St'llimilAN ' TIIA1NS L'XION I'ACIMr-bflll'UIIAN TUVISS. Thto train * nl o HH nt 1Hi. Kill , juth nml 51tli trcfl , Sunm'lt nml nvlilRp C'russlnK. VVorklnv- nen'i traindo not l.eives I CIllUAliU. H 1 A I'ACIHU. I Arrlvei Transfer I Union Depot , Council HlulK I'l'ruiiBfer fi.J p m .7..Mflit Impress I 1H4 u in I1 id n ni Atlnntle Kipress I ' 4 5i p m 500J.JO . . . _ Vestibule I.tuilteil 10 Al am _ Lo av < s 1 ( T ) IKfAVi ( ) " " * . NOHTflWKVTEIlN I Arrives Transfer ! tTilon Depot , Council lllul ? * , ( Transfer ' . ) 40 it m ( ' ) nrnvo I > UU p 111 SOU p m . Vi'-tlblllil I.linllud 1I4UIIIU lo on p m . Kn U-rn HUT 'UUpin . Atlnutlo Mull 7 .10 m Leaves ICHICAUO , Mil , A bT 1'At'l. ' I Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot Council llhiIT iTr : ufc-r PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 13O2 Fnrnnm Street HARRY P. DEUEL Oily Pnasongor and Tiokot Agent , GALVESTON TEXAS II. M. Triiclicart , John AdrUiiuu. lairlnn Mlnur. H. M. Trueheurt & Co. REAL ESTATE AGENTS At G ALVESTON , TEX\S. l"Mnlilliliril In lh i7 rialveston Is the -eapoit that Is and is to bo for tin ) pnat Nuitbwest Informaliini and Invited to call ut maps fiiinl-hcd \ l<ois oui ofllcu. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PE6MS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS DXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEN8 , _ _ TO WEAK WEfA Bulrrrnu from tlio trriMut > oullifulrrn > m , fnrly U ( cay wivitiliiif wi-AktieN * , lost initiiliutHl , i tr , 1 w III lu-nd a vnluunle Ir. AtlMt valrih cuntalnliiK full rmrtlrulunt fur hiimo euro I'ltHK "f ilinruiA rplciullil rurillFnl v\iirk ihnulil U' nail li > oiry man who U nortoiiH anil ililillltutiil AiMris , , 1'rof V , < . I'OU'MCIl.11001111.Conn. RESTORED. Manhood of ) outlful ) . cau ntf reniHilr * ifCAV. N.rvuii * I'flidll ' ) . I ofct MunliMi.1 Ae , h * viliKlrlritfii 4in . r > known r. mi. ily , lia UfMH > Tcr 'd Atlinpl * mrnnMiif i If rurr , MhUU ho will utml liralvll Mill. In lil > fellow luillrri m. iddrrw.J ll.llrt.VUi. I'O llui AH ) , Sew Vutl. City , 1'ult I. MIIIS DM v Dr IxMlui IVrtnillr.il I'lll" , thu rrciiiliri-mcil ) , uilun tlie iiifintriiMl nymi-iii unit ( iirviiupiirviiiiluiiiriiiiinliiiteveri.iuiiu I'miiiutuiiien- MrinitUui 'llii-iH pllli > liinili | nut IK , lukeii nurlni : lirvunani-r Am I'lll ( u Hiiyulty.rniii | , | n-ni cr 1 Iny I In In deuuliiubv MieruiHii \ Mil < .nn < > ll li ln > l 1 luinrl'n Oiiintia < A Vleli lit-r N Uiualiu , M 1 * . hint , I VULLII lliuCa t.1 , ui , tutj. . National Bank U. S. DKl'OSITOUY OMAHA , NEH Cnpltnl , - $ ' 'iOO.OOt > Surplus Jnn. 1st , 180O , - 57.BOO Onifcr mi , ) llrprtnr < tlenrjV Vail" | ire ul < > ny i wl s Hoi-it. ili'iiilivulMt. . .InrmMV Siunin1T. . V SlorJO. JolinS Collliiv It C. ClHlilMU J H U. Tatriik , W. II. liutflic , c.iihler. THM IKON' BANK. Cornrr I'llli nml Knriinm Strfi-t A General llankln ; IHulin'-i Trninai-l enirvA 5if > pJsj4oiNn n c > o'uip mo ' ) OOJH pji-i | pu iirt | O.MUO ipinuil uc spnnii 'sjoofl ' 'ijsvs jo ( jojiii ujnuian o0i.ioi | | | ' 'DO ? . ' AVOJIUSKI 'V 'W 'OKI 'h.UIOI ( ' ' . . f.ntvjuj lull I'll ' * fJOUii'li ' noJI ) | Ji > u Ili-l llli A 'sajrs ' joo.ii ( JBIJII pv o.ua 10 SJJUVH 'PMMOAV KO5U = V tMVS VHV11O iii.mo 'I.MIK mil run < , \ T'kjjou \ pnu i > iiio | iJi'u iiiuiti.ivia | | . pun ntiiJiiu | jtjpun. j | uj.iui.i X" ' " "J'l ' t > > iuii.r ' ! M ASnjl'HMii \ ' HO.II ) svj pin1 jiiitooJAV 'SMHOAV NOHI ONnHMIA ft NOJ.XV.1 tlf.l rifl flll'u 'ulinii'l iuu.'l 1J" ii ' .UauupVK iwatw1. ) PUB SHHOH ' 4 < OO t T13NAVOHII itmn MuiPV " "II .1 II iu'OW I'll" 811' . Mil" ! I1" ! * 51'PUH'II s JJiBAl puv uivojs I-OO dnd 3NIOM3 QNIAV S fl q.l.M llll > tllO ' | i > OJl mu.UU I fOtt rt.s | jjuj n.u-'it'tl'l. ) tpn.ijl KUil | | iuii I nuiio 'spoo : ) . 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