Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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to Dr. Miller bolnp sick there
( VIIH no mooting of the park
W. WulbridRo is in jail clmt-god with
RtenliriL' a coat from K. 1) . Miller of 1210
Mapgio Siuir plcmled guilty to u
charge of theft from her oinplover and
was given twenty-live duyu in jail.
Ollleer I'ool , who IUIH been confined to
hln homo for th pant wsven weeks with
Inllaminatory rheumatism , Is able to be
Tha Omaha , street , railway company
IH substituted bolted and riveted cross-
ingH at the intni-HOutlons of Twelfth and
Thirteenth Blreets on Farnam and
Douglas * .
Itebocka Blumqucst , for throwing ! a
brick through u neighbor's window ,
wan lined . * lo and costs by Judge Hulxloy
yesterday afternoon. The ciihO will bo
Mollie Ryim of 120 Hast Gray street ,
Louisville , ICy. , writes to Postmaster
Gallagher earnestly t-eeking informa
tion concerning Michael Kyan , who
came hero noino time ago.
Permission has been granted the
Omaha street railway company by the
chairman of the board of public works to
open ( 'inning street from Twenty-eighth
to Thirtieth street for the purpose of
laying an additional ear truck.
Captain M. .F. Carter of No. 2 engine
company , who has just returned from his
wedding trip , was made the recipient of
an elegant center table and chamber set ,
the compliments and congratulations of
the boys of No. 1.
The ground about the county hospital
In the immediate vicinity of the build
ing has been graded in order to carry
oil the wutor from the eaves , which col-
lectgd about the foundation and soaked
through. A ditch was dug around the
ontU'o building and the wutor from the
cave troughs will bo led into it.
Mr. J. M. Rogers , the motorman on
the car Unit crushed the foot of Charles
11. Patrick , bays that ho was not tiwnro
that Patrick wished to get on" the car
until that gentleman came tumbling
through the door. Ho opened the gate
for Patrick and ho fell oil' intothostrcut.
Kogers says it was hard to stop the car ,
as it is down grade at the point where
the accident happened.
The board of public works will open
bids ut noon on the 25th inst. for the
construction of a eowor running on
Eleventh street from Vinlon to Pacific ,
thence to Tenth and on Tenth to the
main sewer on Jones street. The sewer
will bo ten inches in diameter at Vintou
street and increase gradually until it
becomes twenty-four inches in diameter
nt Pierce. This size continues the re
maining length.
I'KKHOXAI , r'lll.tGIt.t 1'JIS.
W. O. IlistiriR ! < of Wilbcr is nt the Pnxton.
Frank M. Cook of Lincoln is at the I'uxton.
W. II. Duffett of Beatrice is ut the Murray.
David ISutlor of Pawnee City is at the Pax-
ton.O. . F. Burke of Blue Springs Is at tlio Mil-
William Bryant of Chndrou Is a guest at
the Casey.
D. B. Mnrston of Kearney is stopping at
the 1'axton.
.T. M. Marsh of Grand Island Is stopping at
the Milliml.
.1. W. I'lvoringhouso of Hastings is a guest
at the Millanl.
Sam M. Chapman of Flnttsmouth is regis
tered ut the Millard.
Charles Watmer of Grand Island is stop
ping nt the 1'axton.
It. S. Xorval anil wife of Scwartl were nt
the 1'oxton yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. .T. .1. Sullivan of Columbus
arc among the guests at the Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector and Miss Minnie
Ilawlio of Nebraska City are at tlio 1'axton.
II. A. Clifford , II. Chamberlin and .T. A.
Martin bf Wood Klver are topping at the
Gem-go A. Kingshiro of tlio Grand Opera
house , has returned from Milwaukee , where
ho went to visit his parents. His father is
hopelessly ill , and his deatli may bo expected
any day.
Cora Tanner will on Thursday evening next
commence u three nights' engagement at
Boyd's opera house , when slio will again present -
sent her charming play , "Fascination , " in
Which she iiuulo a posljivo success hero last
senson. Miss Tanner has retained the same
excellent company seen hero last season , and
which was so well revolved. Now and ap
propriate scenery will bo seen , and Miss
Tannin- will undoubtedly duplicate her suc
cess of last season. The ladies , with whom
Miss Tanner is a great favorite , will have an
opportunity to see her. She appears nt u
matlnco on Saturday.
The great laughing event of the season Is
promised at the ( irand on Sunday and Mon
day evenings , the amusing farce comedy , "A
I'alrof Kids , " and Uzni Kendall being the
attraction. For llvo years it has been played
in nil the principal cities of the country to
"stand room only. " Its phenomenal success
lies In Its keen , natural humor , quick action
nnd attractive musical features in the hands
of llrst class comedy artists. Mr. Kendall's
"J lies Button" Is a creation as natural ami
amusing ns ho is thoroughly original a
"Solon Rhlnglo , "Undo IJan'l" and "Josh
Whltcomb" boiled into one. The musical
specialties arc always new each season , only
the old " " his
"hayseed" preserving identity ,
hut growing funnier year by year.
Wanted A good appetite. Vou can have It
easy enough by taking Hood's Sarsapudlla.
It tones the digestion and cures sick headache.
Kent Kstato Kvolinncic.
Only one sale was reported at the renl es-
tnto exchange ye.iterday , beinglots 14 and 13 ,
block 13 , Kountro & Hutu's addition , $1 1,000.
The only listing was : Lot 111 , block 7 , ,1'at-
aick'a addition , -ISxl O , J-J.IHX ) .
Tlio Ciirw of Ciliililtvu.
Too much , care cannot boised In the selec-
tlou-ot a medlcino for small children , espec
ially uno Tor colds or croup , as those diseases
often require largo doses. Chamberlain's
cough remedy contains no injurious sub
stance. A tablespoon fnll of it at ouo ilcuo
would innkou baby vomit , but would not In
jure it In the least ; besides , it is a certain
euro for colds and croup. Tlieso facts have
IH.VII fully established many times during the
Vast fifteen years and may bo depended upon.
AiUl-l'rolillillloii at Scrlliucr.
Philip Andres leaves today for Seribncr in
this state , where ho will inaugurate n cam
paign against prohibition under the auspices
of the Farmers' alliance. Tlio campaign will
he continued with the energy and enthusiasm
for which Mr. Andres Is well known and
will doubtless bo attended with most satis
factory results , _
Inelitile Omalin.
The 10 per cent reduction In the salaries of
nil employes of the United States express
company , ordered to take effect May 1 , will
not affect any ono in Omaha. The business
of the corporation hero is controlled by the
Pncillo express company , which pays its own
salaries , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Try Cook's extra dry Imperial champagne.
There is no foreign whio that has its boqiiet
or any that is us pure.
Not lee to 1'iiKlors.
Tuc Bin : Is about to change its church di
rectory for tha season. The directory Is put
in small tyjx ) and stereotyped , and cannot bo
changed , when once set , during the season.
Pastors tire requested to send in their an
nouncements at their curliest convenience. '
Civil Service. KxumhuUlonH.
On the 91th nml SMh of this month aroto
bo held civil ecrvico examinations In the Unit
ed States court room in this city. 'I ho llrst
day applicants for positions in the depart
mental service will bo considered. Tim second
end day will bo devoted to persons wishing
jiositlous us postal clerks ,
II. A. Stone of Del roll , Looking for nn
iil ; il > le Site.
II. Arthur Stmie , treasurer of the Noycs
cart factory at Detroit , has arrived In the
city.Mr. . Stone will bo remembered ns the gen
tleman referred to some thno ago as expected
with a view to establishing works In Omaha.
Ho expresses himself as very favorably im
pressed with the city both ns n manufactur
ing and shipping point. The purpose of his
visit ho says is to ilnd out dellnltoly
Just what Inducements Omaha will offer
to tlio chtnbllshlng of a cart factory.
The amount of capital that would bo cm-
ployed would IKJ nm.sidombly more than
* IOOtWO , and the number of men about seven-
' Tlio Jinst Omaha land company has offered
Mr. Stone . * KMKK ) in cash and all the ground
necessary for his plant , if ho will locate on
East Omaha land.
Mr. Stotw will spfml sin-oral days in the
i-lty and look Into the situation from every
point of view. Ho also knows of n lint factory
which will como here. The capital Is $ W ) , < )00 ) ,
and the turtles want Omaha people to sub
scribe for half that amount of stock.
The Siiine Old Story.
The old , old story Is plainly but aptly told
in a few words by Messrs. II. U. & C ! . W.
Brown , of Pcllvillo , Ky. , as follows : "Cham-
berlaln'S cough remedy has given the best
satisfaction of any cough inodlclno wo over
had In the houso. "
A Land NnvlK tor's I0\perenee ! In the
Ktlilli-s ol' Hie Missouri.
PoundmasterPulaski's assistant , Sol Van
1 lorn , went on a very perilous search for Mo-
Glnty yesterday. A gentleman had left
a line rowboat near the lloating dog prison on
the river. Sol took a notion to have a pull ,
Jumped into the boat and was soon in the
toils of the treacherous mid-stream currrcnt
of the Missouri. Then came a hard tussle to
row back to shore.
Van Is not a Harvard graduate , neither has
lie ever taken a colleginto course at Yale or
Oxford. As a result of his early education
having been so sorely neglected , the boat
upset and the lot went down.
After n desperate tlmo with the catfish ,
mud , lloating logs and sewage , the would-bo
rider of the waves got to tlio surface and
nearly a half hour later succeeded in getting
to shore , almost dead with fright and eold.
And a Horse Is to Death In
the Itiirn.
A bam , belonging to James Montgomery ,
located in the rear of : ilir Hurt street , caught
fire in some mysterious way about half-past 1
o'clock yesterday , and was totally consumed ,
together with u horse , buggy and harness
sheltered therein.
The alarm was given and the apparatus at
No. " truck house responded , but before they
could reach the scene the barn was burned to
the ground and a frame house adjoining , also
owned by Montgomery , but occupied by n
tenant named John Bom , had become ignited
and was burning like tinder. It was three-
fourths consumed before the fll-o was ar
rested. Bern saved nearly all his household
goods. Montgomery's loss will amount to
$1,000 , less $300 insurance.
Pierre , South Dakota.
A stranger visiting this enterprising city
for the llrst time is most favorably impressed
with the push and thrift of her citizens , as
shown by their line school buildings , hotels ,
street car lines , and gas and electric light
plants , all of which would do credit to a city
of twenty thousand inhabitants.
jivuox HIII : ; > KUKUSKS.
lie "Will Xot Pay 11 Is Share of the Post-
OlliCK Itollll.
Byron Kccd says ho has received notice to
immediately put up his percentage of the
$ (1,000 ( asked of the bondsmen of the new post-
oflico by the treasury department to pay the
expenses of condemnation.
"I do not propose to do so , however , " said
Mr. Heed. "It looks very strange to endorse
certain persons as bondsmen and before the
matter is settled to fall back on them and de
mand them to put up some money. "
Mr , John I * . McCaguo was closeted very
closely with United States District Attorney
Baker . yesterday and the former made
somo1 arrangements concerning the paying in
of the money asked for. When approached
concerning tlio matter Mr. McCaguo posi
tively refused to say anything.
"VelU Xo. "
"John'Argloff , " said Judge Hcl.sley , "you
are charged with carrying a , concealed
weapon. Arc you guilty J"
"Veil , I don't know. "
"Do you know what n concealed weapon
is ? "
John shook Ids head.
"Do you know what n pistol is ! "
"Veil , no. "
"Do you understand English } "
"Veil , no. "
And then , an Interpreter was called and
John plnaded guilty and was fined. The
weapon he had wijs a houic-mndo slnng-shot.
Ho understood tlio English language thor
oughly when the court Informed him Hiat his
bill was S7.00. _
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address wo will
send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt
and Appliances on trial. They will quickly
restore you to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC BCI.T Co. . Marshall ,
I57.rn Kendall Tomorrow Ni * lit.
Theater-goers who enjoy comedy want to
Inugh so that they can hear themselves laugh
and know that they are laughing. Good ,
solid , unabridged , sido-acho laughter is the
proper thing in these days and it is pleasing
to announce that lovers of laughter will have
a cbauco to cut loose and langh to their
hearts' content nt the Grand next Sunday
nnd Monday evenings , when Ezra Kendall ,
the ablest of all eccentrics , and his capable
company will desport themselves in the
laughable pantomime farce "A Pair of Kids , "
There will lie no 'alt and 'alf laughter or "I
guess 1 think 1 laugh. " but the genuine "get
thero" right back to llrst principles laughter ,
with bend thrown back and mouth nnd lungs
wldo open. It will bo n case of "pull the
throttlu-wldo open , off brakes , " and a laugh a
minute dash of fun.
HflVots of Si
"I'm nfrald its doubtful about our making n
go of the board of trade excursion , " said Sec
retary Nnson yesterday. ' "Wo hnvo been
doing lots of hard talking but have only suc
ceeded In gutting about thirty to say they
will go. "
"How many do you need ! " was asked.
"Wo should have forty or llfty forty any-
"Vviwt will It cost ! "
"Ono hundred dollars for each pel-son , or
twice that for a man and his wife ! "
"Who are pushing itl"
"President Martin , Max Meyer and I. "
"How much longer uro you going to keep
"Untilitbout tlio qith of this month. Vou
see the fact Is that spring has opened up In
Omaha In such line shnpo that business men
feel like pegging into work and attending
closely to their money-making. "
Discoveries 3lm- Valuable than Ciolil.
nro SANTA ABIE , the California discovery
for consumption nnd diseases of the throat ,
chest and lungs , and CALIFORNIA CAT-U-
CyKK , the only guaranteed euro for catarrh ,
oeM in the head and kindred complaints.
U hey are sold at * 1 per package , or thrco for
J' . ' . ) , and are recommended and used bv the
leading physicians of the Paeillo coast. ' Not
secret compounds. Guaranteed by Goodman
Drug Co.
In Mouinry of Ahi-ahain Lincoln.
The German Turners of this city will com
memorate the twenty-llth anniversary of
Abraham Lincoln's death with appropriate
exorcises ut Gormanla hall at ! 1 p. m. , Sun
day , All patriotlo citizens uro invited to
bo present und do honor to tlio mem.
nry of him who died a martyr to the cause of
freedom. Ono of the Interesting features of
the occasion will bo a spetvh by General J.
B. Huwloy , a nivmhor of Lincoln's cabinet ,
and a man who was brought , hi to intimate re
lations with the great emancipator. Mr.
Hawley will relate. t > ouio personal experiences
with Liiutfltvbhqwing Uo simplicity of his
chin-actor Mild lh J nobility of his spirit.
Among tbc.fctucriiigakcrs who will deliver
addresses nro Judge Savage , E. Hoscwatei
and other well known citizens.
She IliiHtlcatcs In ChluiiKo While Her
Stoek OOCH All Around ,
In the telegraph columns of Tun Bii : yes-
t onlay was n paragraph relating to the disap
pearance of Mrs. Heed , In whoso house , near
Elkhorn , Peddler Chronistcr was killed soy-
oral weeks ngo. In it is the statement that
the woman had sold some stock on which she
had given a mortgage to a loan agent named
Alexander of this city.
The sale In question took place on the llth
of this month and wtis nunount-ed in 'these
columns. The property comprised a bay
marc , a span of gray ponies , nlno head of
cows , eight head of shoats , basldes n miscel
laneous assortment of household goods.
Mr. Alexander , as soon us ho had read Tin :
Bun's announcement of thosalo rushed to the
farm to prevent the transfer of the stock to
the purcliii'ors , because It was upon that he
held Ids mortgage. But It was too Into. The
sale had taken place. Ho returned to the place
Thursday and again yesterday , accompanied
by a constable. The stock , however , has
been so scattered now that it is thought It
cannot bo recovered.
Mrs. Heed Is said to bo In Chicago , though
she Is under WOO to appear at the next term
of the district court.
There are minors alloat in the vicinity of
the Heed house and in Elkhorn which , If true ,
will make the trial of Tony Frank ono of the
most interesting ever held in this county.
Pears' Soap isthoinosielcganttollctndjunct
Arhor Day
Superintendent James met the principals
of tlio city public schools yesterday in scmt-
occasionnl meeting. School work in general
was discussed nnd questions asked and an
swered. Then the superintendent read to the
teachers a circular from George B. Lano.
state superintendent of Instruction , request
ing that this year ofllcors , teachers , patrons
and pupils of the public schools of Nebraska
should inako Arbor day the occasion for a
decoration of the school grounds , lie would
suggest that tlio forenoon of the day bo spent
by teachers In talks and by tlio pupils in read
ing compositions or selections nbout trees ,
and the afternoon , in his opinion , should bo
dorotcil to the practical work of planting
trees , and. as a sum total , to Interest school
children should bo the prominent aim of
Arbor day.
Superintendent James fully concurred In
the ideas advanced in the circular and in
structed the teachers to prepare such pro
grammes for the day as they should see lit.
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn &
Co.'s , 13th and Douglas.
Annie's Trunk.
Annie Johnson caused n search war
rant to bo issued for -Kill Douglas street. She
is a domestic. Six weeks ago she -was taken
sick while in the employ of Mrs. Hornity ,
who then lived at the above number. During
her sickness Annie lived with friends. When
she called for her trunk today she learned
that Mrs. Hornity had moved and the people
now occupying the house said they knew
nothing of the trunk. Mrs. Hornity says she
loft it there when she moved away. Tlio
trunk was Tilled with female wearing apparel.
Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous
ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhu &
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
A 1'i-aotieal Teacher.
Miss Leila Mitchell , a teacher in the Glen-
wood , la. , schools gave some of her pupils quite
a treat yesterday , bringing some * twenty or
more of them to Omaha to see the sights. Hav
ing recently completed a course , in history , the
battle of Gettysburg was onb of the objec
tive points. Tun BKI : building and how to
make a newspaper was another chief point of
interest. The Muscc , ] rtiblic buildings and
street car riding made. Jt a .day pt pleasure
and practical instruction. , ,
An Absolute Cum. .
is only put up in largo two-q nce. tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for all .sores , burns.
wounds , chapped hands mid all skin eruptions
Will positively euro sill kinds of piles. Ask
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
' 5 cents per box by mall ! iO cents.
Marriage Ij
Licenses were issued to the following
parties by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name and residence. ' Age.
j Donald Smith , Omaha . 'X\ \
( Rosle Wcmhau , Omaha . 'JL
j Augustus Bui-din , Omaha. . E-J
| Kittio Hnmlicok , Omaha . is
j John Short , Burlington Junction , Mo _ 24
| Dollio Grooms , Burlington Junction , Mo..l ! )
Hi Ktipcrlor oxrellcnon proven In nillllonsnf liomos
for more tlmii n ipiurtcr of n century. It li u eil by
tliu I'nlteil Suites ( joverninent I'lnilorseil liy tliu
lieadt of tliu ( irent l'nlversllli" < us tli StroiiLMit ,
1'uieit iuiiliiio t llenltliful , lr 1'rlco's Cream ll.ik-
IIIK I'owdcr does not contain Aiumouln , l.luiu 04
Alum. Solil only In cans.
New VOIIK. cnii'Aiio , HAMTIIAMISI-U , ST. i.ouis.
_ KNUMSII llhltrtsflft ,
KIIV All Illlfllll-
IIIK euro for Sein-
IniilVeuUne9H ,
S pernuitorrhu'ii ,
liupoteney , nml
all 4llcuNef Hint
follow us a i e-
iiiieiico of Hclf-
Abu e , us I
I'uln In tlio Hack , Dliuncsi of Vlslun. I'reinnturuOlil
AKI > . mill ninny other illscnso * that leail to Insanity or
consumption mill n premiitliro unive.
fif Full particular ! * In our p.imptct , whfcli wotlo-
flre In semi frcu liy mall to every one. ; r"rho Specl-
IIc nicillclno la toldnt > 1 per packuite , or six ; nukik'OH
for > 5. ur will to Kent free by mail on the receipt ot
tliu money , hy nililreaalni ;
THE ( JtOmiAN ) DRUG CO. ,
1110 FAUNA M STIIEBT , - - OMAHA , Nun ,
Oo account of coiinterfelU , WQ have mlu | liil
Yellow Wrapper : thu unly uenulnu.
BuncilrfQOt Pnnno
DludKidol UUbUd
Ja ubtolutrltf iiuro emit
No Chciuictjf
re utcil In tti preparation. It hti intitt
Han Mm ttmn III nnnytof'QKoa
iniinl with fitarth , Arruwrowt orSu r ,
> nii U Ihcrcfure far nioro tconahilctl ,
ruulu ; In I lioi OIK ctnl a tup. ' It It
dcllrloui , itouriihlo , trenslltl lnirt 1U *
m.Y Iliarsi rn , iml ulinlnbly uliptcil
far lu AlUi it Villii pcrioui in l.catUu
Sold bfflroccm curjuhorc ,
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorqijoster , Mass.
FKESlfl ! DGUCIOUS ! ! !
Order * br JI II unit IJjprmwill rcttlvo 1'rumpt
ud Carrect Altcullan.
JS a complnintiftom which many stiffcr
1 nml low are ntltoly free. Its cause
Is Ituligcatlon oiitl a sluggish liver , tlio
euro for which is readily found hi the
use of Aycr's L'lllg.
" I have found itlmt fof sick hcmlncho ,
cnusctl by a dlsonioroil condition of tlio
Htonmch , Ayer's 1'ills are thn most to-
liable rcmcily. " , Stuuuul 0. llrudburn ,
Worthlticton , lltias.
"After the URO of Aycr'fl Tills for
nmtiy years , In any itractlco and family ,
I am Instilled In sayiiiK that they nre an
cxcollent cathartic and llvur incdli'lno
Biisluliilnp all the claims nmilo for them. "
W. A. Westfall , M. 1) . , V. P. Austin
& if. W. Kallway Co. , Uurnet , Texas.
"Ayer's Tills are the best medlcino
known to me for repuhitluK the bowels ,
and for nil Ulsoases caused by a ills-
ordered stomach nnd liver. I snlTcreil
for over tlin-o years from hcailaeliu , indigestion -
digestion , and constipation. I had no
npp tlto and wa.H weak ami nervous
most of thu tlmo. Iy usiiiK three boxes
of Ayer's Tills , and at the same tlinu
dieting mvself , I was comiileli-ly cured. "
Philip hockwoodToiieka , Kansas.
" I was troubled for years with Indl-
ccstion , constipation , and headache. A
few boxes of Ayur'.t Tills , used in small
daily doses , restored mo to health.
They arc prompt and effective. " \ \ . II.
Strout , Meadvillo , Pa.
Ayer's Piils ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Sold by all UruggleU and Dealers In Medicine.
Imported Millinery.
123 North IBth Street.
Of Pure God Liver Oil with
Of Lime and Soda.
There arc tmnlsinns and eitnitsian.i ,
ini/l there is itltl initch sJiinimvil mtllc
which tntistiHfi'uilt's tta t-ivicifi. Xt'if tia
then will tmiuy tiiiiniifarlinvra t-ninmt
so < lisiliilfn their rmt Unroll na to mii/-n
It imlulnMe lasrusl/in ! Kloinurlu. Sfntl's
KiiiultlonofXIttltK NOItn'KaiAX VOI >
Jtll'lilt OITctnnMiti' < l with. I/t/iiojilio-i-
] > hltc.i is almost un pttltiliililr < is mill ; .
/ ' ! thin reason as tffll ni for lh fitct
of tint stiiniilitlitui jnnlltli'x of lh < - llyi > o-
lihoa/ihltrs , 1'lijislelitim iivijtientty l > re-
scrllie it ill coses of
CONSUMPTION , lIKOXfiirmti anil
CHHOXIO coaauorswjiuii cor.n.
All HriiaulslMfell itt but bo sura j/on net
tlio gcnitlncoaturaarapooi- * .
"For yearn T have been nflllctfil irlth bad
nicrrstion. CointlpnJion uiul I'ilcs. 1 Imve
tried nil medicines I culilil get bold of ,
but nil In vain. Kveii my physicians could
not rrlluvjiuy cottlvcni-ss. In tlio menu-
tlina iKtriiKKlccl under Kri-iitimlii. I-IIV wu
n burden. Two \vechsuo 1 him tbn C'ltlciiKU
"Times , " nnd my i-vo full on : tti niv rtl < ie.
inent of Tutt's I'llli. i derided to try tliom.
Tlwy hnvf worlml wonderfully. They kri'p
mu roKiiliir , don't inil > mo hick , Rlvo uui un
appi'tito nnd are uurini ; my piles. I am
Mronjj nnd run walk any dlntiinci1. Ifl lind
liuil tlicsii pills flvo . .cars nco they umild
lm8nvcd me S IO,00 ( ) ; but they lmvo ax't ]
my life. l.ut tb'o ullllctfd c\crj v.licro know
their value , which It beyond rxpi-enhlon. "
THKItALI ) I.UJ.I > . SpiIiiBlli-liI. O.
vyn m i ' i * ff o * B"Sik * "a * s
Tutt's JLnrer Palis
ARSIMIJ.AT ! ' , . FO ) I > .
TUesclaij , Kpril 22 ,
On Tuesday. April 22 , nil nillrond slallons In
llioVot si > llhiK i-Diipon ilcki'ts will .sull
llclit'ts to Tallunoosti , ( ! a , , ( rood for UOduys ,
ruiMiiic faro for I IK ; iiiiind trip.
Tills will h'lvo un oppoiltinlty fur partk'.s to
ittencl tliu
Great Auction Sale of City Lots
In Tiillaponsa , Oa. . April SS and at. nnd to In-
vcslluatitlui nioi-lts of llio VANKKK C1TV In
Ha1 Now Smith.
TAI.I.AI'UOSA , OA. , hlis II.CCO poniliitlin ) ,
iili'i'ti-li llKlils , wtitorworUs , nioiiiualn clova-
tlon , iniro wuti-r , perfect ollnuitis and liassu-
L'liroil 1" inaniifiii'titrlnjj I'stalillslnni'iits rin-
ployliiKovor l.-iHliunls ) ; in tlio lust-0 weulis.
1'ioporty In Tallapoosa will iloulilo durliiK
llio yi'ur. anil these drMrlnu prolltalilu sinith-
i'1'ii Invi'sliiicMtsMliiHiliI visit Tnllapousa dur-
tllB till ) AllftroilHil : : ( .
Firr. lihoilu Ulaiul C'lani llalto durliiK tliu
ilnysof thosalo. Ki'iiiumbKitlu datu of HID
i > \ c.'iiihlinAinil'ii. . ' . Onci farn for thu round
trip , Kood for InnvliiK April 'J-J only and isrmil
In riiturn for no days. On sali > atovury station
brlllni ; L-ouiion tlnfcts In HID North und West.
Hoiid for Plat lif City , 1'rlcu Llbl of Lots , mill ,
ileborlptlvo niattur ,
Tallapoosa Land , Mining and 3lfg , Co' , ,
To the many of our patrons who could not get waited on in our store last Saturday. Thoug.
we have a large force of extra salesmen the rush has been so great that it was impossible to wait
on all customers. We arc thankful to those who showed indulgence , and we are sure they find
themselves well repaid for the time they spent in waiting. We shall have a larger force of sales
men next Saturday , and will be prepared for bigger crowds.Ve will also be prepared with new
bargains. Some of the lots advertised last week arc completely sold out but we are opening
every day new invoices and every day we have some new and fresh attractions.
Our this week's special is the grandest offer ever made in the line of ready made clothing.
We place on sale about 500 very fine Cassimcre and Cheviot Suits , all sacks , each of them
worth at least $15.00 ; at the unprecedented low price of $9.00. The material in these suits is
the product of one of the best mills in the country. The shades are dark and li ht gray , and a
neat brown plaid. They are wcll trimmed with the best of Farmer Satin or Serge lining- . The
cheapest suit in this lot wo'uld bring in any other establishment $15.00. We offer them this
week at $9.00.
Our piles of Spring- Overcoats arc getting- low , and in some of the finest lots the si/.cs are
already badly broken up. These have been marked clown , as we make it a point to sell these
goods quick. If you want to secure a fine Spring Overcoat at a bargain , better come this , week
and see if we can fit you.
FURNISHING GOODS Our spring- selections in fancy flannel shirts are the most ex
tensive and varied ever shown by any house In the city , we have a full assortment of the most
elegant novelties of the present season , in all wool , silk and wool mixtures and all silk. On all
these goods we quote the lowest prices.
Fresh Lilies of Shoes Every Week.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
"They alwaysgivc you good
value. "
"I never fail to find some
thing that fits my boy. "
"Such lovely kilt suits. "
These are the pleasant
things that we hear every day
about our clothintr.
We in dte your
inspection of the
Children's Suits of-
feredat $ 5.00.
Dinner Set Sale
j5i4 Farnam St. ,
Pattern Bldg i6th & Farnam-sts
IKI Sols ii'iliR-i'il froinflH toJII.7.1.
'M Hi'ts ri'iliiwil from Ki to * | H.
I.nrgo linn m w suls * ! ' ) , forininlirleo W ) .
\Vo will oll'ttr ( ivcry Illnnur , ( iaino anil I rnlt
Set In ouraiiH.- ! ; . Ini-Inillnt ; line llavllanu Sut.s
Without rcsurvu , lit spuolul pncea.
Tlio Well Kno\v n
of i ( f .rms r I'm
id urmlniii"In ' ! llm treatment
- . liinbAbBM uiul stricture * a ciiru utiamuteud
\\-tt. Loss of . und ainliiliuii hturilly
' cured M-nil for liookH
- - nlwxluti'ly
or Tlio llan-ennt-nt l.lfufic'i-rcl. foi Man , .r \ \ < > iuun. rauh lUi-eiita
- Kemnlu IllscufC'i curt'il fjulekly
taiul > i > Sefvou-t
nml pi'rinniieiilly Tr utuiiMit l.y iiirrvtiiuiiiluiicn.
rlanip > 'for reply ( 'on uitatii'ii fri-u ti. t. .
t.ur ISIIi and Jackkoi. trfi-l , liuialiu. tivli.
-SBii ftfvlj - . wmiauipmsanv
'crHKH' U'v i- ' * ' U IT , Mile for Diliij IO pur
, Tin l i > 4llf < WtikMM , 111 l ( ftt.lj , BIIJ , HoeU ;
Kit I..H..O. . Urrxli of II lMtli ; ibrouih ill WIAIC .
. .
. itimlo limLTII > 4 tll.llUOl * hlllX.IOTII.
. . . . , lolftll IVIUI In cub ,
Iltetrll lu.r | If.ll IxUillf cf .
BJCLT 8 > ip Mr > C | , U1. t. < f. Wotil c.m . r r >
> Cw.4 la lkn moDlb. . i l < 4 cimcbUI rre
' We must sell out the remainder ot our rotall Btocl : without furthnr ilolny ,
ns our wholesnlo business demands our entire tlmo , attention and capital. For
the next Tow days wo invite you to a feast of bargains such as you will never
again enjoy. 'Wo are liable to rent s.toro and sell our lixtures now any day , si
como at once before it is too late. s
All our genuine Diamonds now go at importer's prices and the mountings
thrown In. $50,000 worth of Diamonds to select from , prices ranging from
$2.00 up to $3,000 , for Rings , Pins , Ear-rings , .tec.
Solid Gold Watches from $15 upward. Solid Silver Watches from $5 up.
Nickel Watches from $2.00 up.
Solid Gold Chains from $7.00. Best Rolled Pl.ito Chains from $2. Charms
and Lockets , $1 and upyrard. Solid Gold Rings , $1 and $2 ; worth $3 to $5. A
lot of Solid Sterling Silver Collar Buttons and Scarf Pins at 25c and 50c each
worth $1. Heavy Solid 14-liarnt Gold Collar Buttons , woi ill $2.50 to $5 each
now , choice for only $1. One lot assorted CuiTButtons at 50c pair ; worth $1 to
$2. Solid Gold Spiral Back Studs , OOc and $1 each ; worth four times the
money. 1,000 tine Broaches and Lnco Pins from OOc up.
Fine French style Mantel Clocks , 8-day , half-hour strike , cathedral gongs ,
at $0 , $0.00 , $8 and $10 ; worth $10 to $20.
Elegant Silver Lamps , with silk umbrella shades , from $0 up.
Hundreds of other equally good bargains. Open Saturday evening until 0
o'clock. Store for rent and fixtures for sale.
Corner Sixteenth and Farnam Streets , - - Omaha , Neb.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Knrtho Irentmeiit of nil CIIHON'IO AND KUItlllCAIi D1SMAHKS. lirac" , App.iinoei for ilornniilllui mid
Tiiiioe * . licit Kudlltli1. * , Apparatus nml Iti'inuillcM for niii-ruHsful Troiium-nt ot ovi'i-y form of ilHi'.tiu requiring
I'ATIJNTS , llnnril nml Attviiilinit-u. llu'
quiring .MiMlli-nl or SiirKlcnlTrci.itiiuMit NI.VKTV IUIOMS ttll
Accommodations Wost. Wrl ( forrlrculfir.sou Dafonnltln- * unit HruciH , Trm-M' * , Cluh l''iut ( 'urviitiiiOH of
Hpllic. I'lli'i , TuinorH. Cnnecr , Ciit'trrh , llroiic'lillH , Inhalation. Klrrlrlrlty , 1'anilyxK K | > llt'pif. kidney Iliad-
ler , Kyi' , K r. HMii ami llloihl. ami nil Hiirijlcnl Operation * . IHHKAHKH OI'1 ' WO.MIIN a npwlilij llookot
Dlscnues of Wonit'ii Kroti. Wit liavn lately nililoil a Lyliu-lu DfjKirtinunl for Women Dining I'ontlniMimnt
ISIrli'tly I'rlrntu. ) Only Ilollnlilii Mi-ill-ul Inttlliitii .MnklnK a Spec-laity of I'lllVATI ! DIHKASKS
All nlocMl PHeasct succesifiilly treated. SrphllUlo poison lemoveil Hum Iliu 8ynlniii without mercury.
Nt-w Hestorutlvu treatment for Loss of Vital I'ower. I'artlei nnahlti to vlilt us may he tre.'iteil at homo by
correspondence. All communications confidential. Medicine or Instrument1 * * ent hy mall or e\jiicti BO-
cnrcly packed , no marks to Indicate content * or nender. One personal Interview preferred Call ami insilll
us or send libtory of yourcaii * . ami we. will icnd In plain wrapper our 1UK ) ( ) TO MK.M KUKK. ui > > n 1'rlviitt
Hpcclnl or Nervuu Diseases , Impotimcy , Syphllh. ( ileut nndVarlciR-ijIe , with iiuuiUoii Hit. Aililirn
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 0Ui nncl Hnrney Sis. , Omnhu , Nob.
Etcliinas. Ernei'bon.
Engravings. HnllotA Dnvls.
Artists' Supplies. Klmbnll.
Mouldings. Piniifjb & Organs.
Frames. Sheet Music.
1518 Douglas Street , Omahn , Nebiaska.
"Ily n tlMTniiifh knnwlc'ltfn ' of tlio nnttirnl Inw ,
uli leu K < 'V4'rji tliu npuratlons cf fllui.-ttliiii it in ) "titi
tun , anil lif n tituUiil Miilli'iillini ut Iliu llnu i'i'u-i ' |
ins of well HrliH-tod Cocoa , Mr. IIpm | has pi ov tiled < * r
jri'iikfnnt tnljk' nllli clcllnili'Iy fliivort'il IH'HM , uu
wliii-limii ) HIIVHUI iniiny hi-avy ilui-liir * ' Mlln It n
U ; till' jiulli-luiiii 111.001 Midi nrtlrlt" ) of illut Unit u
ruiKtllulli'ii may tiuitrailually liullt up until ir. n
'noiiKli t" ii' l t livery tumli'iity tu ill.i'iiso llun
IruiUof Niilitlu iiiiilailleiiiru lloiitliifnniiiiHl u lumiy
.o ( itlnck wlicrevi'r Ilicro H n weak point. Wo inny
cn'iiixi imuiy u luluUlialt | j ) kft'pluu oiir > cl\u > < ! >
furtlili'il Hllh iiuru hlooil unit u prupcily nourishud
frainu. " Civil SiTVIco liiui'tto.
Slailo nlmply HitliLolllnK wnii-rornillk. S" > M onlr
n halt iiuiiml linn. lroiern l , labulcil tlni .
' ' llOIIIO'llilllll. ! l-IU-II.l-.tS .
IIVI'N ; I'l'IK A" . tll.oniloii , IIIR-IIII ( | .
All' V Hnffi'il'iK froni Piri'i-ts
T /
n TT
1 t
\Al \ U' IA \ 'll"'of ' l.uit .Mnnli.M.d.
Krio liiijioli-u.-y
VV LArVlA Youthful ,
1 * * A il ami | ) Ui-uM > siif Ali-n oiin ho
liy "iir Ce\uul Hpu-
curcil iit-rniuncnllr " ' "I rrivalnlj
IUc bunt l.y mail lor tl llouk put im-nlfil ; lor
tntup. lleiuun Medical tumpany , 167 Washington
trect lluttoii , Ma
Mil. 101 H.M i , KlllNI V CllUI'l
.MAMJAL'UlliitS : ,
OMAHA. Mill.
AGOpDUIf'H , I.-myi-r ISi Dearborn Ht ,
. ( liUa.r. . \ i-aiV si. . piuotluo
tuuuy blatca.