PLI TMJ0 O31AJ1A JDAiJjY APJULi 181)0. ) THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Lively Interest in WLeat All Day and July ( Hosts a Triflu Higlier. TRADING IN CORN lltijhcr nml CIo o nt .SIinrt Hills ( ti i'cdttiro lit I'io Ihltjns Cut tic nml CniC'Vno ' , April IP. fpcrlal Telegram to Tin ; lliiKl-Tlieio vtns a llvoly Inteicst In all tiny anil prices moved easily up mid n , but till vUthln rangoof iiboiil 1 cent In Jiilj. tliu now heavy future. There was a IniKO grltlof iiiilinportniit now * anil but few Items vvlilrli Imil any effect on tliu market Tlio action In July vms WC , to 65'ii' ' . to SOUc , to 8.1'tf , to Wi'ic. ' to STi' e , to fefic , to SVie , and u | : nRtiln ( o flie ( bcforo 1 o'cltxk. May opened at Wf and sold up to Ss'jonml olT toHt'to. .linn a friictlon over May , as It lias been foi sevcnl daj'H. Kiirly In tliodny ilia vvrntlici vviisiiulle favorable over llio wheat belt cxcepl complaints nf lee little tain In Oakotii. Hit- liu lii'tn u us loll liv loziiii A. di.V allier f , ( n and fiultli \ Co 1'ardildge Mild -Omit i-irly nnd eovered on tliu advanceliitri lliileliln < ioii Kin i lid lliu ilccllim v. lien .Inly u ( nt In Its low- old pi > rliii | I'liHW.'nxi ' IjiiHlids for Jill } under HV > . I.lnd- lildin nnd ciiiud Kuld nn tin1 bieal < also Tin leaetlon fiom sy.ii'toMi'iP InJuly wns n.nlcl < nml "tinnK and tnosi'who Mild short on the break vu-ro Iho llrst lo sci.unlili ) for vvheal AdvU-is fioin vuilons ipiiirti is nidlealo lluil the spiln , ; nlii'itt nere.iire ma > Ii" lissth.mlasi JPIII- . This when verlllfil vUll be u Kli'.il jiliioof bull neus I'llvale eabh-s toporleil both Russian and Indian \vheit up about 1 NhlllliiK per ( in.iiler. The't was.iellvr find Htioiutotln'oliiHO If all thu bull ncui of Iliedav had In en veillled pi li'i" , would have ilosi d ' 'u higher. Iliiteblnvon. II VMIS tliinmlit Mild iMi'iiiuh to eieiite an Impic-slon he h uitalnst the niaiKet , In hopes of Im'ii'iisliitlic > , liorl Inlen st Ho Is a bull In disguise. n dnnbt. < Inslni ; pilros \\i'ie : Apill ht fe , May * * . , .InneUh'.e , , lulyMiiti > ot lie hlghor foi the dav S'liti mlier spTS'o ( si Her. Tiade In i-nrii vvtis not as vigorous as for man ) davs The opened on a bnlseand Muy sold atlKVe and oil to.rj'Jat ' the close. Juno sold at , r.ito : c" e , to.KJi ( < nt tlie ilo'iJuly ; at.'ll'o ' , to iU i- . lo .M'3e ' at UK elose September rloM'd a hhadu bnttiii iltlll'jf Tliiiioiiiiliy Mild coin frtely on the bnlKe llutehlnson Mild also IliofnK VMIH Kenenil Closing pi Ices vvuro less tban ; { e bet lei than hiRt nlulit. Miorls In o.its weie nervous again todav ami that 111,11 Ui t not only stai led higher bntclo-ed at about best prices of the day. with gains ol ' 4 lo V > for leading futures Ma > sold at "lo , to - ! ' ( . to ' 'lc , lo -I1 , ! ' at Ihe elose. .liini touched SI'IP and eloM-d atLM c. Julj sold al 24i and elosed atiKI'iC. The piov Islou tiudo did not li.ivo to follow any manipulated maiUeln today. Thn < 'lliin | did nothing In pork to m.itci lallv dlslnil : Pilcefl. The leiidlng Interest VMIS In short ribs ll.ildwln In ill.e the maiket e.uly on s lies s.ild to bo for lliiti'hlnMin. The biolteis of this op < ei.itor later bought veiv fieely of ilb < and put pi lei s to the top points of tin morning. Tin' pee | at jester' din's prices , f.'iSTH for.May , i'llU'l ' for June , 1170 for Jnlv. July up tofiTJ'i and oil Ii : Jlfl1. " , vvlUI Maj l.u ' to I'M-Iovvei nil day I.aiil oened | TH- loner , sold To over and " ' 50 undei Ili sl HKIIICS .mil i-lo-ed as It onenul nt tli.10 foi Mayd.Vi for lune , WMI for .11 ill May porl , eliimd attll''U June il I'tJ1 } , , lnv ( Jl 141 To ] prill's HCIO { IL'.i'i , IU'l"i and 41 ! 15 for b.imi montbs. do i , 11 / ; s TO cif. CnirAno , Airll ) 18 [ Special Telegram t ( Tun Iln I-O\TTI.K Ituslne-s was falilyact- l\o wltli a strong dcmai.d foi mpoit sltei' either foi shipment alive or diissed mid inosi of , the salesmen called thu tuiui ithcrstionKei on aiijlhlng at all useful. Tlioro wen UKiilii only ' .S eais of Te\ans In sl ht all of which sold at tiiually a' L'ood prlics as foi iny day during Iho wccK llilUheis' stock was also In good demand am steady. Deuleis. especially speculators Ii MoeUeis anil feeder- , , inputted .1 slightly lietti i demand and .1 slUbt advance I holce to extia beincs. tWX183 ! ! ; me dlum lo irooil sleets. I'tV ) to IV ) ) lb < s. ? t t ft ? 1 .7) ) , 12,1(1 ( to I IV ) Ibs , 1 1 IJIViil.lOj ! ' "iO to U'lX ) Ills niOftlOi ; hloel.eis and fcedeis. t-MHWM cows , bulls and mixed , tl.VniUMI ; liulK , f.2.Ti 2.70 ! I'exiiH coinfod steel's , , - . . . Hods1 Itnslniss \\.is active , with price1 about lliu Mime as 31 hteulay , closing stead ) and neatly nil Mild. 1'iicKi is iiald all thu vva > f nun IM.31 in t4 10. laigcly tl.,0161 ! , and hl | ) peispild Jllil,0 Klght soits sold Nr\v VOIIK. Apill -Special [ t < Tllh Hi K.I SlOl'US TIlC stock llllllKljl up ll noun was a disappointment to the street am ti nlo geneially. Thu expulsions of Ihc lead1 ers at nUlil vveio veiy hopeful and mine bull ish than foi weeks. Tim C.immack follouIn' bad suicly covcied sboit slucKs anilen manof bile Indlllennt bad taken a deeldei t-land on lliu bull side along with h. VVhlti and olhci veleians. Sage eltculated the Idei that. .Mr. ( iould had little Interest In Iho mm kel , but talked bullish In the next Ineath Tin tone \vasci rlalnlv on ( he sldo of a stiongei niaiUel. When the opening came this motn- Ing tlieiu was a geneial taking of iiiollts 01 blight gains of the wick. London was i heller of Union I'ailllc. causing tlisl h'lles to be at mm esslons fioin lusi evening's llguiesof 'H to ' pi i i cut. Tin ) In ' heient stiength of the maiKet soon .ISMMlei' 11 self , how n vi i , and while Ihogcnt'ial list w.t' xci > dull II dlsplaved a III m lone , v\llh semi appicclatlon of values , Sugar icllneilcs am I.aekawanna. howevei , weiu still thu aetlvi features of the 111,11 kel and the foimei con tinued Us icmiiikable ilso of ycsleidnv. mov Ing up with a bleak to us against llPn last eviv nlng , and afli i a slight u action It icachei Kttllbighei llgmes. Lackawanna moved onlj Mltli the lest of the list , but Manhattan agali liieamestiong and shot up i.ipldly on light dealhigsto 112 agalnsl IHP , last night. I.ati In Iho hour Chicago gas and Richmond am West Point became mine active and sttong the foimei mov Ing up to Is' ' , , but the matl.el piest nted nootbei fealuiis , liming Ihe linn to noon such Mocks UH l.onlsv Ille and Nev I'ngland held their uiul > gains , but wcstcn stocks In ( ' ,11110 weaker and dioppcil belov closing llgmes of last night , l.aekawanm went oil' fioin 1 i'l'j lo 1 M The. situation wa' ' without Inlmcst at 12o'clock. The following weio tlm closing iinotatloii * . " StOltkN. NrvvYoiiK , Apill iN-lspoi'liil'lYlesiam K Tim lll.v.Tio ] | following aio the inlulug stool , notations : Alln' . . . I.'O IVfiixluiii . . . . . . Jill t'alt'diiiiln till I JO Vlt Dlnlilil . . . .1 > l iVI N CtiininciiiMeiiltli liu Di-nilniiud , T. , . 11V ( intarHi . . . liio KI 1-rMo . . UO ll'liiinutli ) . > , . . .iT.'i lldllK'H Ikll . N'O siiturl'ri'ok IW llurt llver M'HOIUH'K JI.I ItlCr.TS. rnu-tcn. April H. Ill's p in. eloso Wheat- ri iinii iMhh , hi'itt i' ; M.i } , NS > , C ; .Inly , si'.e Com SliMilj i ' ei May , UiiuJuly * ; ' ' riim ; cash , ai 4oi May , Sl ' . ' . . . Jill } . .P.O. U > iv-Pirm lit 42 isiie. Italic ) -Ktisi. PilinoTlmotliyI'lrm nt } \Mil.2i. . riaIjnlot at ILK' ' . \VhlsUy . Pork Oiiiiiiu-ashoi May , IMSJi July. Jia.41 Lanl Mnmis ; cash. WM ; .Majt.V.V.a357' , . . . rlonr ririn. unchiinKeili sprlnKpatentx , sof to html. tlJKVtr.tiH ; nlnlcr pnti'iilN Jl M3.W 7 , " ) ProIslons Mionlders , M nuiU. l ; .short clear | short rllis. fftAMiiLUO. llutter l.o\\ivr ; crcaiucilU217c ; ilulry , M ISO Cheesn Meiulv : full cream cheildars. IOC 10'ci tints , lU tlOVi Young . \niiTleai , 10 > 44i U'io I.CKS \ hliniKi llrmer : fto-Ii , lO'iOHo. Hides rnohaiiKetl : irnen No. 1. 4 e ! heavv anil Unlit KIVCII s.iliol , 4 % I.V > : saftisl hull UVo , ervt'iiMilu-tU'iiK , r - : ilrv tllnt.iiilTc ; do k.tliiM hhlct , ik < ; ilry calf , iftik'i deacons , L1X vm-li. Tallon I'liohanKeili No. 1 solid iiaoked,3V me. .No.J'4C ! cuUo , 4c. Ui'i-ellits. Shlpm'ts , lloui . . I MIX ) KIM Wheat . UUAl .v 1'iirn . IM.OUO OTI.wK Oats . lll.oot ) UOiKX Nnv YIIIIK , April Kheat llecelpts 41 tw Imshcls ; cNports. tO.l > > \ liushi-N ; npoi oloM'tl Mrmn ; ; No - . ' rtsl , uVitm > 4o Int'lmmor & 7HO. options clo > cil fevcrUh am hlghci , .Ntstnnl , April , clotlnv ut W4o , Com KiMlytb , i'j,400 bu UaUi sport * , 27V | ut tron rNo ' . ' 4lJ4 l2rt In MrMitor , nimiiidctl nilxcu , i'ji1 , options tltini'r \jirll 40Ui' O its Iteei-lptx. rm lwsiol | i t' 5i.KX ) ) iiiiln l sxit | hUhrr ! s < " 'J while , MiHcil western ; vc < ? Ck" nhllo ucstern. .i'-ii 'ic : options troiii'r ! , April. C' p. ColTee-Optlonsi-liisfd liari ly Mo.iily. Palps .lt.7VJ , h.iax. April. tl7 anaU SSi Mnv . tl , ( IOHT.10 ; sHit | Klo limit fnlr I'nr ocat t.MIO .UrJ'f Susar-It uv. Him ; iiiii > "o\ndo. ft' ' ) tost.i'oi ri'tlned. steady ; slamlaid A. , M-lM' ; pondured , o7-ir - ; eraiiulati'il C'l-IOe. Potroh'iitn Cnlteil elosi-il foi Mnynt& > o. IjttpH-rirnipri western. IJiHV. PoikMronjn nnw mess , | i i.t.i. Lulll.onei aiuldulli we'lern slcnm closing nl ! tiX ! ) ; May elosliiK at * rt 77blil. Iliitlcr-Sle.nly ; western daliy , " ( anc'.otcam- PIV. loftlie : ii : ln , inn ; ' . " ) . ' . cI.asj ! western , WlIO'xc. nK. April -\Vheit-steady : No. 2 spring , crtsh. * iWsij | | MaV , M'e. ' Cornte.ily ( : No. II , IHc. Oats Quiet ; No ! ! . uhltc , 'JViUl'ic. ' > ririn ; No ' . ' . 4'l'jo. ' Ilarley-Qtllet ; No 'i , 11 io. ProvisionsI'lnns porU. ! ' i. ST. LOUIH. April ls-Wlieil-IIIlier ! | ! cash , We ; May. HJ'ie. Corn Lowur : cash , SOUo ; May , C0' c. Oats -HlHlicr ; i'a h. 2001 May , ' . ' 4i4c. Porlt-riini atll7. * > . Lard Nominally at W.U. " ) . \\hlsky Stpady ' . Iliittei-Urcamery. liQIIc. MlNNmi'OMK , April If * WliPiitHpcelptf , III ears ; Hhlpmcnts , II i-iiis ; ilemtlndKoodj _ Closliiit. No. I hard , April and May. s.c : on track. 10 : No. 1 nor ! hern. Apill aim .May. Mle : on ti.iek , fcf'i ) ' < aftc : No. i noriliein , April and May. t'c ; on tlaek. MKSslo. I.iv i iii'ooi , , April W. Wheat - ' loiiily : ilo- manil pooi ; holders iitTVi modei.itely ; ( > all- fornln , S'o I. 7s I'/idffiTsL'd pel cental. Corn -Qnlul ; new mixed csiernisOUd : l > or i cntal Ui\ iNN r , April 13 , Wheat I'liui ; No , J red , s"e. Corn -I'lrm ; No 2 mlveil. Il' ir'So. ( ) its 1'lrmer ; No. 2 mixed , X'ilJ''U > J'ie. \ \ hlsky-JI.W. Kvvsvs CITV. Ant II lf.-\Vhpal Steady ; No 2 , haul , eash. TJoj April , Wo ; No. 2 led , cash. Aprll.hlo bid. . „ Corn -btu.idv ; No. 2 , cash , 2ii > 4o bid ; April , 'M'to Oats No. 3. cash. Sic. ii srovif. ClIli'Acin , Apill \ * -C'.iHle-Hpcolnts. jl.OOO ; nrirkut sleulvto HllonKt bn-ves , J.L.'iJUV.i'i !'i' ! \ i ; stockets and feeders. t.i.Y3 : IMjeons , bulls and mixed , il r > > 2 l 50 ; Texas steers. ! . ' VX l so. . , llo.'s-IUeelpts. 17.000 : market steady ; mixed and lln'ht. * l lYttl.K } he.ivy , t Li-Mil. 10 ; skips , t .HOG 4 IK ) . Sheep Iteeelpts , lO.non ; lOo lower : natives , H''Vitfliit ) : vvesti-in coin-fed. WWK3 \ WTexans. . * l ivr ' .l ) ; lambs. $3lKjai.70. ; ST. Louis. April IS. Cattle -llecelpts 400 ; shipments , MM ; Moidy ; tali to fancy native stems , 41. Mitt W ; Htoukuis and feuduis. * .VJ. > a JJ TjJJ ilo s Unrelpts , 4,10) ; shlpmonts , 4.200 ; in.iiket Htroiii ; : heavv. II ' 'Otol.10 ; jiaeklns , 4.1Ufil M ; lU'ht , Sl.mtK ' . ' ) . K\NUS ( CITV. April I'-Cattlo Keeelpts. S.41W ; shipments. ,1.100 ; mtuliet ste uly Ic strim ; ; ; steers , ! IIOBM,0 : eons , JI.83Si.WO ; stookeisand feedeis. tiMlT/il in. Ilo''s-Ueeulpts , 7-M ) ; shipments , IOM ; mar- liet hlKhur ; all grades. * l < riH 2d. Siowx : CITV. Apill ! . - ( ' ittlo-ltecelpts , 8,000 ; shliimeiits,2VI ; miirket slioni ; and active. llon' ltetelpts,2ouo ; mm Ket steady at ! I.OO OMAHA LIVE ST03K. Cattle. 1'ild.iy , April 1" . nstlmated lerelptsof i.itthI.WK ) . coinpaied ' . and 1-M last I'lldav , with lr)7'J jestenl.iy - Theio vvoie no le.ilh line e.illlo on thu market , altlioiiKh the nntiiberof n.iles nt ana nbovt UOJ heln mom than half , v\as veiy laipe , The lop prke leaehed today \ $ l. " > ; The m.nket on steets opened acllvo am stionnoi , most of the sales belli , ; lepoilMl & hl hei ullli some up , is luiic'li as lOe. llii eovv iimrl.Lt v\as h.itillj as bnoj ant as the mar ket on stcois. vet It v\as nellvo and In most e.isesstion'4. Thu iccelptsof lows vvno < tultc llbeial. Tlio best y\ \ . ides of cims sold hlionir , \\lillelliolessdisliablc lots weie slow wltli pilous unehaiiKtil nstlmaled reieliits of hos I ' 20) ) . eomp ued ivllh 2.IKI jesteiil.iy and l.7l'i last Ptlday. The m 11 Kel onlio solioneilstioiuei-anil falily active Thu iiinxeor pilics was f is'ifjl 10. A few loads at the openliiK of the nun Kel sold at JI.OOTU oji , but pi lees at once stlllcii'-d up anil t he balance of the s lies vven'iii iile at an nvei- use of lo hliihei th'in vesleidav's I'lionver- aKU piliu palil was 107 , einiipaied v\itliI.Mivj jebteida } and $4 01' , last 1'ildaj. "nstliiinteil loi'L'Iplsof MiLM'p L3J7. eompaied with K" > > lsteid.i > and Si | last I'llilav. > iinpi- lli/lnK ! with Chicago ailv lees pi lies aio easier , l'i-li-i-- The follow lug Is a t.ililu of pi leos p.ild In this market foi lliogr tdt'iof Moi' 'K ' inenllimcd : I'l linu steui > , I ) W lo Kit ) ) Itis . © I V ) ( iood stccis 1- ' " > I to IIV ) Bis .lVi ( ( iTil 15 Coodsteois lOVMo 1 IK ) In- , . . .IT , , Common 1UOO to H > ) R > stems , -VO ( ! I V Common eauneis . . , i.oo < f'oo Oidln 113 to fall tows \M \ < fM.r : l'ali I o good ( ow-t . . I ( HI ® J 4'i ( iood to choice cows . . . . . , LV. ) SilUJ Choice ID f.ine.v eo\\s \ J.s'i 0' I V > l'ali logout ! bulls. ' ' Cliolei ) io f.iiu-y bulls , . / } ] f'ftivj lilght stocUeis .mil fei'dm- . ' ' ' IVideis15.1 ' to IKIJIbs. . . . 5'i'i ( iiiwi I'.ilr to oholiu lU'lit I"-- ' . . . l on Chi " ) Pull loebolcii lii'avv l us . . nr ( TO io P.ili to choice mixed I HUM . . . lOJ'iSil ' 07'5 CiniiiU'.iliv | ( ! Tables. The following la'iles ' sliovs thu i nuo III pikes on lull's d at in' . : this and last wceK : -Ol' I'llliUS ! I ( ) S. Tliu follow I us I ililu shuns lliu iin { 0 of pi Ice' ii , lid foi lnus : lilulit and ini'illnin lui-'s . . . ,1 1 0(1 ( ffl 01 Coed loi'lioli'imixed lio.'s . I liS'llfcl ' OT'i Good til eliolt'u ho , ivy ho s . . . . 10) ttLlO Avcra o Omt ol' llo s . The following t.ililDKUi's tlio iivur.uu cost of ho son the ilatos iiu'iilldni'd , ln"hidln ; thu rust today , as basi-d upon s lies mpurtixl : Ilito. Pi Ice. l.Uj ) > . Piieo. April I . il UT'i ' Apill 10 . fl Ul Apill - ' . . . . I O.V4 Apill II . I 01' . Aplll.l . . .till1 ! Apill U . 411'i April I . . .I Oti , Apill 11 . 4 II" , Apill r > . . .4 lO'j Apill l" > . . . I W , Apill T . . . . I IJ Apill 111 . 4 ( f. . ApillS . . .1 U Apill IT . 4 ICi' . Apill U . I "s'j Apill Ii . I OT lll lirst anil Ion Mt Salrs of llo s. Tod.iy Vi-sior lay llUln-st. . . tl 10 Hl.-hesl . M 10 l.UUCat . y N" IO\\Osl . IW Stoulc itouclpts. Ollk'lal Ypsti'rday K-itlnialod To.lay Cattle . . T7 i-uis ITC Cuttle .sii ears l o ; llon's. . . . 41) ) e.irs U'V'il lld.'s lit eais 4.W blitep . . . 3 ears IsS fcheep . b oars li'J " 1 Avoi-iiKft I'rioo ol' Ifojjs. Shnvvliiethu avor.isu prli'i ) pild for lo.uls of IMIL'SOII the ila > s Indicated I n iss" , Isij , IsJ ) anil WM : Dlxpohltiou of Stook. Showing the niimbor of o.ittle , luus and sbeep bought bi IbopauKurs and leading buy- ei-son today's maiUut. cvrri.e. lluvers No i > wflCo ( < u. lleouo 11. Hammond & , Co UK The Armour-Cudaby I'acUliu compiny. . . ' .v ( imah.i I'ai'UIng company . i Lee Itothehlld . . . . . . . 14' llenton UnderwiHHl 101 Nels Morris ft Milpper > and feeders IIM IteoUer . Degen 1,1 Ciono A. Vaiif'.iiit n : Jacob I.obmau iu. lions. Tlio Armom-.Cudahy I'aoUlajCo l.T.VI Omaha I'.ii-klng Co li ( ? Swift A. Co 4V lii-oigu II. llamuioiid X Co 40 ! Swift A Co JH ; Arinour-Cuilahy PauUln company ! ( > llaniinonil PacUliiK comp.iny av Id 'liri'M'iitutlvo Salt' ! ) . bTLLIIS. No. Av , I'r. No. Av Pr. No. Av. I'r. 10 lltrj { .i u ) IS 10YiMNt T..ISA II W 4'J ' ti-M i ( > wri a .s7)i ) .M it'i 4 in ' i ) < r.14 a no iu nci 4 n. ii'i lirts uiaM ; \ 15 i in 4 15 : i tMi a ro a t 4 M u. tci : i70 iu im 1(1 ( 14'U ' 4 'JO IIS HM7 4 IK ) 17 4 25 iff ii in il7S 4 M 10 1W1 4 25 a > 111,1 15 4 00 CO IJlKI 4 Si s ma a 75 10 IJI7 lo' ' M 1170 4 'J5 ao uwi a sea isIS 13W 4 " 4 li' . M 1140 4 10 Itt"l3 4 ! 21 lONl a sea ISIi HIT 4 10U 1 UV ) 4 in lit. HIM a MI Ii U : u Ujy tli it..1121 1 .DID 223 1..1MO 2 61 i. . sso i no VTKSTini.V CATTI.K. No. Av. I'r Mention. Sheep lower. StocKi'is and ftedcis slow. Common cattle onli steady. Medium cattle quoted stiong , llcst heavy beeves.'iffilOc higher. H. r. . Undeiwood of lanbui > sent In a carol bogs , W. A. Klnsot Hooper was hero with font cais of cattle. It. .1. Tli rney of Ansley had a car of hogs on the maiket. C. Itndat.lho well known Noifolk shlpjier , maiKctcd hogs. ,1. Andeison of Deealnr bad a earoCcatllc on Ihe maiket from Ljons. T. Magnlieof llr.idshaw had a catofcattlo on the maiket. The untie of planking the new cattle pens Is j > rogicssln lapldly and will bo completed In ashoit lime. William Hammond of Slieteh & Hammond , extensive dciliii of Cejcsco , was beio with two ems of cattle. OMAHA WHOLESALE MABKBTS. Product * . n < nw'tili'lly fiosli , Oi-j iMilil storage , plok- leil , llnu'd , salttil not \\antiil at anv pilui ) , rot'i.Titv TuiKi > > s , dii'isuil , fancy dry pIcKoil. I' ' Ko ; tuiUi'js , Iho pet Hi. ivaile ; ilili'Ki'iis. faiu'j , KKtl-V ; ililcKoniholco , ! * il 10 ' ! L'llll'kl'llS , fl\0 | llt llo/ . , tl "lllil.T'lJ Rl'I'Sl' , ilii'ssuil , faiii'v. W" Hi' ! ei'pso. ilii"-scd , I'luilio , plde ; isi-i'M * . Iht1. ilo/ . , iiJOt7.0ilni'Us ( : ( ! , ilii' s- id. f.inoy. lie ; iluoKs , tliolei1 , l i ! > llV ; ilurks , ihiMlo/ . . ii.nn&'ini ) ; piccoiw , do ? . , $ i ooffi . ' > . ( iMK Jucl. MllH' | . ll.lKlBl.i'i ; Ulllllt'll ptOM'r , Jl.WHI - " > ; ni.ill u < l iliteKs i.'uo'f ' a ; caiiMis- liai'lf ilni'Us , tl rtlffl ( HI ; tiil-lii' id iliit'Ks , ( In/ . . JISyitl.Tl ! ( lucks , iloMli'WM ' , ' > ! inlM'il diuUs dorikT'ioi : L'ci" > i > , c.iii tiiti , i..vxa $ I O1) ) ; Ki'i'sn. sin ill. Jl.OOrt I.VI. M\l'l.hMTU\ll I'l'l 11) ) , lrli'c. \ ' . Curl sr i'i'i II ) , full oitainOIIIIK Aineilca , ll'.c ; full I'li'.im ttt Ins. l'l'i' ' ' ; full I'li-iun Ulilo k- l- IIR- ; fiilUii'.iiiilscdiisln bv\lss , ll'y.liio ; full rii-aui luluK , llo ; full ein.iiii llinliuiKor SH ls , 1 lo. HuM.1VTlk'porll ? > : Mitlni'il.Oc. Oil \ MIISI'rr box , I'luililti lirlslits. $1.T" > ; Messina , J1'J.'i'allfoi nl.i faiuu n mils. fidO ; lns Aiui'li-s , t..T.'i ; --ii'illlius , Hhorslilu. tl JMA .TiU : iiKiiint.ilii , fli)0 ) ; In Iho-bux lot- ) , " > o per IOIt' ) - , , . I'lM Vl'l'Ms IVnl fun -IVi blil , ii'llni'il. f i'ii ; half bbl $ TiO ; linid i'ldi'1. pun1 , pel 1)1)1 , J'l.mi : oiuiisu oliloi. half bills , ft DO ; pi'.n olili't. li.ilf UbK , iT.OO. MlM I' Ml 11 Win' Ill'l II ) . l.i.Mov-t IVi liuMcsiliui fancy , JHO I , )3 ; Vi'icltlll , Kiioil.t.'lW. < l\\ ) INV& IVi biiiii Ii. Jl.OTSS.TO. Iluni.ii-Cii'.inici.x. fancy lolls , pi into , 'j-j © Jk'i iMi'.iiiiei } . fanuy , Milld , 1)K."Jcj cn'.imciy , i-liolco , Isn'Jlc ; daliy , fancy lolls and pi lilts , Is'T. tic ; dally , fancy solid packed , ITfi'llH. ' ! diliy , chnk'i' . | ' > CIL | ; loiuitiy mil , fancy , rxi.lin.1 ; cluilci > , l.VMlc ; cuiintiy loll , KINK ) , l > Tiltcimntty ( ) ; roll , fall , TftiM ; ; poui hll > l'k.tfl. > C. I1OM s ) ( iiiiititlciis aiitfoi di'lhciy In Cht- I'liuo ) . Diy lillir.ilii , pel ion. JllidOTi | 5 01 ; iiniiitrj , Iik'noliuil. JloiKKTfll 100 ; diy , , 1'llt si HVI.Sriw c per Ib. .h i.i.iis , ! ' ( TMo pet Ib. Dm sst D Vi , ii , ( . 'I idle D medium , S to ; llh'lil , ftfiilk' ; heav.l li' . Ai'i'i.i--ViT : bbl , fli-nllons $ ( .00 ; Willow Tn Ij ; . JI.V ) ; Hen laIs ) , $1 SO ; Uomanltc , $ l..rKI. - ro ( o\M'is-iVrhuiiri'd , tlT" > . 1'ii'M.l.s Medium , per libl , $ . " > r > 1 ; small , M Wj ) Klii'iKliis JT.JJ ; O. X II , cliou clmu , ( its , Ki.i\i ; pts , i i.n. I'OTVUH.S I'erbu , fancy , IISo ; cliolci * . S 'IOi1 , 1'isii 1'iosh frozen ulilto tiout , plko and plclvi'iul , per Ib , 7c ; sturKron.To. HIDI.S , I'ri/rs AMI Tti io Oieen saltril ' ' salted hides MJ-Te Hint lililt'S-IV' ; dry , - ; diy hldi's , Tc ; calf hides , , . llamaci'd lihlesn less. Sheep pelts , ifri'i'ti , u.u | I"M < % ( ! . 35 ; sheep pelts , ilrv. pel 11) , ixiillc ; tallnw. No. I , : i < eiisloi No u'.y'iQJ'ji'j cruusc , white , Il'tittlu ; ifllow , U'i/t.o. ! Ili'ANS Hand plol.od na\y , fl.Vi7il.i < a ; hand pleked navy , medium , $1 llttcl. ' * ) ; hand pk-Ueil connliy , $ U IUI.tU ! uood clean , tl.'i > ai.JO. Al'l'l.i : ItL'iTl- i'rr Ib , tKIiTi ) . ( ii'iiucrlLri > Illll.n I'lilTiT-l'iirrants , ninv , flJiOT'ic ' ; pniiiex. casks , imo ; lls ) , il' c ; pi tines , bids or U.IRS , li'tf'T'ti' ' ; eltion peel , driinis. 'jo Ibs , SKi-s leinon peel , diums. lllo ; find datci , lio\es , rj His , I U ; apilcoth. i > lioleui\aporated,15u ; npil- lotx , Jells euied , ' - " Ib bo\i > s , lilc ; apricots , fam'j.1 Ib boxes , loV ; apples , eholeo mapor- atid , lOc ; apples , pi line nuH/OltO ; H M. lajer , 10 pel cent luic , l.l'n' ! In ! > .iel < t. "a , IVislan dates. 7c ; Silt l.aUe apples , fie ; blueUicn les , inapoiatod , M Hi boxes , s > 4e ; iheiilcs , pitted , dry euri'd , 1 lej peaches , p.ued , fancj , Ibcj f > slot * , UK. * , salt I , like , TCI pltti'd plums , ral , 1 blioxes , b'l'ii.U'so ' ; i.ispborrlcs , oxapoiated , N. V. , now , Ha.piuiiL'i ; , K. t' . , U.7U ) , UQD'ii * ; oriinso peel , iSo' lalslns , California , London , own IM I , { J 10 : L'al. loose musealiilh , erop 1SKI , f , ' lo : Valenclas , | K , ti'te ' ; Valenclas , ne , IK.On ; I hi'villi's bkri , K < ; Uiiiluia lajor , now , lie ; ill lud Krapes , 5y ; | ii init'lles , now , IS'io. CAvsKitOooDS1'riilts t'allforiila standard brands , ' . " , e.b | , per doz Aiirlcoln , tl ' , WSO \ ; apricots , pie fiiill. tl.'iil ; ualloas , J.I-V ) ; lilaek- berrles , tJ ! iV. plierrles. blaoU , t ! ODiW.iM ; clu-r- rlex , \ lito. | JJ-lC--V ( ) ; Kiapes.JI UVai.NI ; poai'S , llartlott. li > if' ! ! pDiielies , yitllo , * , ' KvVwi , peaches , lemon clliu. i..40 ; plums , vyy. Sl.iUiO l.K ) , plums uoldeii dnips , ifl , ( > n ! plums , rn'en KilKt'f , Jl ikViil.K ) , pea * . hcs , w Ith pits In. J | IO ; cuirantfS , t2.'Mgooselieriles \ , J..a ; iiiilnces , tJ 10 ; r siborrles , t.Ns ) Htiawberrles- . tiM ; tie.ielic-J .Mb oasturn tandurds , JI.NV 'l-lb pie , II. ID ; 0-lb pie , t..OS ; nallon plo. * J W : tipples lilKlintandards. t7SII ) KOdsolierrli'ri , ivi ) > ; ' . ' | b htrauln > rrliluKTlllVr L'-ll ) raspberries , Jl.uOiIb blueberrlec , NW.Xk' ; Mb blnokbur- rles , u'xi'.Vlb btra tvrles , prescrMd. tl Hi ; --111 rusibt'rrles | , urcsurxcil. H.NI ; L'-ll ) blaek- licnles , prosorM'd , tl.'Mi plnuapples , llahamu ehupptsl , i.MKJ ; 'Mb Iliilnuiia icratcd t..73 , : . | h llaliama sliced , t.MjIb Standartl hllced , lUSfitlM ; cherilos. S-\\i \ \ red , llultlinure , biU- lOo-piMM , U-lb , HM. VKOI TAIII.LH TomatcH'N B > extra , ( I 00 : 3 Ib standard western triuuls , Gftii'.iVj KUllui > < htrlctly ht.iiuluid , I..IO Corn Tlnest Krowu 11.00 ; lillt-vtlKcd kiiur | ; curn , > t.ry lliu ; , olioli'o2n > iln r ciirn | | .0 : imcxtia \ c t > in brnnd , ( . " " ' iMl.OJ ! Utbntnnitntd wi tonibi.uil . nnn.TOo. MuslinKUis I tr > Kreueh , nxtm line , 2 ! < f/i. / ! I rrcnoli. mif , Hf Juf I Ib I'ruiR'h. or- dlnary. UVjcfo. I'cay Trp ? Ain * . per t'lin , SV , denil line , per can , UVt ; > . Hlftt-d , tl.tvi : ' - ' early .Mint' . fl.2.VtAI..Ti ! ! 2 ft narrtin , slamliiid brand , tl.10 ! i m noaked , .ri' . StrltiK ; lleani Ib IdKli tfiadi' . Iti'fURi'i' , fii * Ib ( loldi'ti wax IIOIIK , ' .V : 2 Ibttrlntt IICMIK itv. I , linn ItoiiiK - J m so.iked , 7.V. lloslim l iked lleani , ' 1 I , i , tl.iVi : eiovMi brand , .fl-JO. hwi't't I'otalne' - ; i ih New Jor oy. ll.iii ) . J'liiniiklii ; i rc > now pumpkin , tl W , Okrn and toinaloes , M.iiO ; ukra , I'lsii Cmlllsh , pxtrn Ooorso , now , B'lei KII ml bank , new , 4Je ; lt > blocks , oUit now white. s-lh bricks new. sc ; Turkey cod , IIIIBU nilililli1' . lirliJK . ( " 41 * : MIIOW whlto crater U'-i Ib boxes , 7 11 Iccliind liallbnt.tV1 ! mrdlnni i-milcil herrlinr , 2. " > q ! scaled horrlnit. V.Vi domostlo Holland liorrlint , .V > o ; llambtirx spiced hrrilnj ; , II.Vji ItiHxhin sardines , 7'x" Idtislan v.trdlncs plain , iV ; Impoilrd Hoi' land herring. Crown lirntul , Mo ; do. fancy milkers , uoo ; mackerel. No. : i iboic. half bbls , frilit ) ; bloalors , half bbls. fls.uo : whltn ti h , half DbN. 7.00 ! trout , halt bills. fiM ; famllv whlli'llsli. t.1.00 ; salmon , fS.V ) ; I Hi mack rel ( McrrhiK ) . Tl.iHXirl.10 ; I Ih nnnaii liaddlcs , (1,75 ; lib lobsliMs , J.V | .vri ; i ) b Alaska silmon , Aleut , Jl.liO ; 'J Ib oyRtors. 1(1 ( nr. $1.1X1 : 1 Hi o > Mcrs. r > i)7 , fl.l.'ii 2 Ib select. IS oz , JJ l5s I Hi clams , llttln necks , l.'ri ; 2 llf clams , little necks , | . ' . ( X ) : 'i III sardines. Imported , pur case , 100-i Jll.iWttliUHl ; < { Ibsaidliies , lnioited ] , pel case. 100s. i.-ooijaHX ) ; > , Ib Imported boni'less sardines , K ; ; < 4 In ardlnes , Aineilcaii , pel lKs ( ) , riencliRljIo , M.SUffU no ; ] ' , Ib saidlnes , American , per case , lKs ( ) , 1'i-eiicli stjlc , I7.VK5J HTO : U Ib saidlnes , miiitatd , per ease , TiOs , Jl.7Sg4.00 ; Inipoi tfil kev sardines. } | KHI. SOAi'S-Castllc , mottled , per Ib , MtlOo ; dc \\lille. peril ) , lie. lliioiiMS-l'arlor , 4 lie. t-7-i ! n tic. U'i'i ; hta- hies , I..N'I ; eotiimon , tl.'tO l.Tit. Cociu "i Ib tin. 40o per Ib. L'nntorTi - Kg.'iViur | Ib ; Herman chicory , icd.S'tC. SM.SOIK llbls , Ut'o ; granulated , So ; kegs , so'i > \ 1'kRs. GO Ibs1 to1m\.fi'4 ' < R.Vtc. ; NUTS Almonds , ! " ) ; lli.uils , Ue ; fllbcrls , 12'ie ; pecans , lie ; walnuts , IS'ie ! peannl cooks. Si * i misted , lie ; Tennessee peanuts 7e < Dlifiis ( llroeeis1) ) Per Ib Itorax , IJt'j cop peras , 2'ii'j ' Hay leaxes , lie ; slue , HV ; cpsoin salts. 4c ; t-l.iuber salts , lie ; sulphur , 'JlSc ; blue \ltrol , lie ; alum , ) ; tait.ulo add , 4''c ; rosin , Jo ; saltpeter , absolutely puio , lUo ; gum cam phor , 2 Ibs In box. 1 oz cakes , Itlo ; hops , H anil ' Ib packases. 20o ; iaxo , U and ' Hi packages Tic ; nniddcr , I.Jo ; IndlKo. 'l Ib and 5 Ib boxes , S , P. , UVS70c ; IndlKo. . ' 1 11) and 5 Hi boxes , Madras , Ii5c ; hcallni ? wax , 2. > Ib boxes , led , , I'ic ' ; sealing ; w 11 x , 2 , " > II ) boxes , whl lo. 4c. CA.N.NI.II .Mtms-1 Ib Inneh lonsiie , JJ.7.'i ; 211) ) lunclr toiiKue. Jl.'i ; 1 Ib coined beef , tl .II ; 2 Hi corned heef , W.USi. II ) cornill beef. tti.V ) ; 14 Hi coined beef , til : 2 Ib boneless plj-s1 feet. J..20 ; 1 Ib tlM ; 2 II ) rncllsli biann , t.M'i ; lllb laiKllsh lia\\n ) , fi'i.T.'i ; 1 Ib compiessed ham , 11,7. ) ; 2 Ib compiesscu ham , JU'i ; 1 11 chipped beef. J- . srdAits Cut loaf. So ; cut loaf cubes , 7lne , standanl , powdeied , 7' e ; AXX.V. powdered , So ; Krannlated , standanl , tl'iftfl c ; eonfto- lionets. A , b'jc ; wlilto extra , U,5' e ; extiaU , Nrli , fi'c ; amlCi.11 ) o. COFH.K Koasted Arliuckle's Arlosa , Ifl'oc ; Mel.auirhlln's XXXX , 2J'Bo ; nerman. 2T > ' , c ; Dllwoith.V.'rto ; Alaroina , 2'i'ic ; bulk , 2" ' 4c. Con-iK-Gieen I'linci old polden Km , Mo ; fancy old peaboiiy , 2 , ' > o ; Klo. choice to fitnoy , 24'4e ; Klo , prime , 23'c ( ; lllo , Rood , 22'jc ; Moelni , Uvo ) ; JIIML , Konulne , O. O. , 2io ! ; Java , Kood lnteior.24e ! ; African , 22'5e. PAULS \ tbouHOoonsillarloi , a'iQ-lo ; failnl , 50 ; peas. He : oatmeal , l iri-io ; macaroni , lOe ; M'imli'i'lll , lOe ; rice , 4'itb ' < 1o ; fcago and tapioca , 6T7o ( ; lliiiiiliu.ins , Co. Oii.s-ICerosene-1" . W. , lOo ; W. W. . U'4c ; headllKht , 13o ; gasoline , r.'o ; salad oil , f-,0 ! < > S IKK ) per do/ . Mt tTS Hams , No : 1. ICIh , aveiaije , 0'o ' ; 20tu 22 Ibs. Do ; 12 to 14 Ibs , Hie ; shouldeis , Go ; breakfast bacon , No , 1.8'ic ; ham onusuKi * . So ; dried beef hams , b'4 < ; t71ie ; beef tongues , to 00 per do/ ; diy salt meats , .VSlSd'tO pui Ib ; ham touleUo , OHc ; boneless ham , 7'ic ; plcnloham , C'.c. Itoi'i : Itasls Manilla rope , lie ; lope , 12.4c ! ; cotton iope , l ( > o ; now piocess , 8'.o. ' UOITON Tw IM ; Hlbb , tcrv line , , ' 1 or 4 ply , 22c ; line , SOo ; Daisy , la : vandlo wick , 22e. Oi.i VFS Qini ts , pel doz , Sl.7. > ; pints , pet do/ , } J.25 ; bulk , per pit , "We. " VIMOAH J ) KI. elder , So ; Rooil , Uo ; whltu wine , IV. STOM : POLISHKOOfflSs7jpriioss. . lUos Am. , per 100 , J17.00 ; Lewlston , per 100 , $ I7.W. ( .Monssi.s Hbls , N. 0. , fancy , per Rnl , WTO 27c ; fliok'p , 4Vf > > 7o ; trooil. IlnQ.'c.'o ; Cuba baking , r * .IJc ; black sliup.Suffj.-.V. \ \ mi'i'iMl Pu'i.u Siiaw. per Ib , lJiia 'ic ' ; r.iir. 2'sc. manllla U , , * > Qiij : No. I , To. Pnloii Sqiiaie , . sOi ti percent oil list. SALT Dairy , 2 > 0 Ibs In bid , bulk , tJ.IO ; liest Krade , M ) , fls t'M ! ; best Krade. 100 , Us , t2.40 ; best jlinde , 2d , 10s. $ . ' .20 ; rock salt , ciiishtd , Jl.bO ; common , bbls , Jl.'JJ. Dry Goods. Hitow COTTON Atl.inlU * . A , 7'ic ; Atlantic II , 7c ; Atlantic D , On c : Atlantic 1' . do : AIIIOI.I C , Pic ; Ituok's lle.ul.Ti'ic ; Cabot \V , d'pc : Dar- llnRlon , fi'e ; rurnicis1 STo. 1 , ' , 4'ic ; Atlantlo 1,1Auioia ; I ) , UUoVuroru H , ( ,3do ; Allow biand , ti'io ; Atlas O N Ii , 7'to ; Clilcknsaw All , W.c ; Cheese cloth , 4o ; Clifton IT , fl'to ; Pep- rorell K. ( IV ! Popperell E , 40-lnoh , 7'4o ; I-aiiB- dim Oil. Uc ; Oust li-on.TUc. Hi K\riii4i > COTTONS llcikoley eambilo Jfo. ( fl , lie : Hest Yel. tPjc ; lllnckstono A A.7J4'o ; butter cloth XX , 4"i ! ; Cabot , 7 > io ; DwlRht Anchoi.'Jc ; Diamond W , shrunk , D'ic ' : nileiton \VS , 7'fC ; Tanners' Choice , d'.if ; 1'lrst Call , ( "jiv. rfteli\lllc. 7Vio ; I'rnlt of the Loom , 8 0 ; ( tiilileii VVi'iUlInc , So ; Hill Semper Idem , he ; Han est.iiV ; Hope , 7so ; HouscKeeper , H'ic ' ; Kill } ; Plillllii eambile , 10o ; lanidon ( i II , 'I'sc ' ' ; I.onsdale. ( ' , ( ; I.onsdalo camhilo , lee ; I\ow Voik mills. He. He.AMI AMI l'oppriell,41 In. IDo ; I'enperoll , b-l , Ibe ; 1'ep- peiell. ll-l , Slle ; 1'eppeiell , 10 4 , SSe ; Boston. .1-4 , l"jc : Hoston , 84.801lloston. } . 0-4 , SS'se ' ; llos ton. 10-4.23e ; I'tloii , 4s-ln , He ; Utle.i , fiR-ln , 17'se ; I'llea , 7s-ln,84e ; I'tlua. Sl In , Silo : Utle.i , DO-lii , 2-i'e. Illeaehed I'eppeioll , 4. in , lOej IVppeull,4'i-in ( lie ; I'eppeiell , ( i-l , ll'ie ' ; I'ep- puioll , vl. 20i > ; I'eppeiell. U-4. 88c ; I'eppeiell , 10-4 , S4o ; lloslon , ri I , I le ; Hoston. S-l , S2c ; Hos- ton , U-l. 81n ; Hoston , 10 4 , 2.o ; Utle.i , b-4 , 84u ; Utli'.i.lM , Siie ; I'tle.i , 10-4Ss'e. ( iiMiu -AmosUeag. . ti' e ; Amo-Keag , ilioss , s'ji ' > ; ll.itcs , dliojVaivlek \ , dii"-s. s'ii- ; l.aneaslei , ii'o ; ( lloimlic , O'ie ; Wliltentoii , die-s. h so ; VorU I'.ivOrite , die s , h'ji ' ; Cal- eutt.i , diess , be ; Noimamllu , dress , be ; I.ekes- lei , dress , DL- . I'liiNTs Mitillia Washington. Co ; Amerlean , O' e ; Ainolil , dUe ; Arnold H , long eloth , ll > e. Ameilean. lOe ; Mlfel A. 12e ; Aiiiana A , 12e ; Meiilmaek ' , lOe , ( Sold U-.if , me ; ( Sold Tleltet. lOe ; Hamilton , fi' e : Alley I'lnKs , d'je ' : Allen Cliambiii } , lie ; ( ilouee-.ter. .I'.u ; Kdilistone. d'e ; Windsor. li'Je ; Hamilton. d'e ; Meel Klver. IM" Itamapo , 4'Je ; St. I.eger. fi'ic ; Jlar- tha Washington. 4\u ; Allen , fie ; .Merilmaelc , IU" } rount.iln , G'jo ; u.uner , 7o ; Cielluld , bvau ! Heilln. ( , ' ; < . SIIIIITIMI Cm cics Tnvliu-llilc , fi'Se ; Tin Incl- blo X.N.b'je ; ( 'r.iwfoid.Si ; ; Otis , b'so ; IX'on- omy , s'je ' ; I'.ul , , KlO's , llo ; Ualedonhi , X , U'lUj ' CalulonlaXX. lO'ic , Cm vioi Wliini-oiuiutt , 7'Jo ; Wlilttenton , 7'ic ; Statei , be ; AmosKeai ; , stilnes , b'ji1 ; Amos- Ke.ig , plaids , ll'n' : sea Island , booKfold , ll'jei si a Isle , liooltfold , l-'jc ; rdliiliiug , tie. Tu kiMis Oakland. A , ( me ; O.tUland , O , 7e : AmosKeag , A O A , l.l'e ; lli'iulelc , bookfold sateen , IM' ; Hannah , bookfold sateen , 1 ! ; U alien , bookfold sateen , Hie : Noiwood , book- fold s.iteen , ll'je ; Coulls No.ri.D'Jc1 ; Coulls No. 4. lll'ti" Cordls A C K. ri' o ; Coulls , K 1' faney , b'je ' ; Coulls 120 fancvll'e. . COTTON\IIHH Voi-li Nankin , in'Je ' ; Kveielt , S 07 , IMKlgin ; , 807. I CD ; Plat ItooU , H ( ) / , | su ; I.ewlslon , 10 o22'ie ; Wotklngman's , 14e ; Tiadesmati . 14e ; Coiltsciew Ciihlimnro , 22' , e. ClltsnSteens' II , IK In , n > iu ; Sr\i | > iis' D , IS In.uo ; Slo\etis' A. Ill In 7o ; Stnxens' P , IS In , 734c ; stinens' .M. 18ln , fc'.c ; Sti\ens' ) N , 20 In , K'o ; ' ti'M-ns' NN. 22 in , 'I'Jo ; bto\ens' SKT.2IJ In. ll'je ; hloaclied , lo extra , DiMMs-AmoskeaKlloz. : Id'io ; York , camlet , l-'c ; i\cnstt. : standanl , U"ju ; Ando\ei,12o ; Poiesler. H C , 12'je ; Hajniakei's , 7'je : Old York , XX , 10'je ; Old York , XXX , l.'e ; Law rence , 'JM ) , IHio ; Lawrence , 220 , l5c ) ' ; Law- icnce , DoIV ; fancy stilpes and ehecks.H'Sc , DriiKH. Quinine , per oP. . , t W. , 40o ; fierman , 4V ; ImllKO , Pet Ib , ? lo ; lni-eit ; powdir , pltb , 40c ; opium , JHX ) ; nidiphliie. iiorot)0"i. ) . hops , per Hi , .lUo ; Kljcerlne , pi'rlK'jk * ; dextrine , per Ib 12o ; euttlebone. perlU.Viooream ; tailar , pule , : CHI ; eommerulal , l Ci.uiiiiipbor , l > lo ; Am. call ) , 14o ; blnitltrlol , 7liCj ciurhollo acid , Wiillo citric acid , Ixo ; tartarle. 4Wllc ; snlpliurlo : i\e ; spoun oil , tl.10 ; Mhulo oil , Hso ; cas tor oil , H ' > ; neulsfoot , MQliOiH. tiirpentlne.SJc. rppors , 1U , 1'i and 2noh } , 117.00 ; A Roleol , 1'4 and I' , Inch , til 00 ; II Voleot , 1' , and I' ' , Inch , f nix ) ; A stock hoards , 12 to It ) feet , 121mb ; $11.00 ; II Mock boards. U to 10 feet , 12inch , # . 00 ; C stock boauls , 12 to 111 feet , 12 Inch , 3I7UO ; D stock boards , 12 to HI feel , 12 Inch , iX.W Abox.l.llnciiandiiipwards.tlUOO ; H box , M Inch and upwards , ( IMKJ ; U IO1U ) Inch ami upwards , iLS.oo ; A lloollni ; , C Inch , Ml.ixl ; II Mdiii liiK. 0 Ineh , c.K ) | ' ( LltoorliiK , 0 Inch. f.'S (0 ; select fviit'lni ; , tlMO | skllni : . 1st and''d eloai , t.'IOfl : A sldliiK , tMINJ ; Uhkllin ; , ll'I.DO ' ; Csld- In ! ; , tlSOO ; common boards , tlLV ) ; No.2boardH , all htnutlis , } | S 0)1 ; fniolnHI ( , 12 to 20 fent , tlSOU ; fenolni ; . No. 2 , Li. a ) , Iband'.ll feot.tll.lK ) ; jolstb and cantlliiv2xl ! , 14 to 10 feet. tl. > .uii ) limber , 4x4 to * x , U to in fent. tli > ( K ) ; pickets1 Hat. common , { 12 00 ; pickets , fancy , head and dressed , sulected , JJ2.I ) | shingles , ehojco V to oxtia A. ( J.VX03.7AS sliliiKles , htandard. t..2Vi , 2.MH shhiKles , cedar , J..vne.l M ; lath , dry , * , ' 7S , Soi'Tlli II.N YKI.IOW PINK - Clearln cell- liiK , tlSCO ; slarS-lncelllnn. JIO..W ; 1st and ' 'd clear 2-ln lloorlnK , { 21.00 ; Cdjiunoii 4-ln lloorliiK , t4 ! Mi Mnr J-lu HoorliiK. tl'iU ) ; clear ' * -\n \ par tition , Ji''iO ; clear ItriMi , No , I. U-lii s2bJ.UW ; clear , commuted cellln ; ; , 4-lu l.iMi-llest , KV. CUKNT1.43. | . 1UIU-2.V. PrTn T\n HoIID - , , HI-ILIUM ] Hiiic'K - Per M , K. . SK ni Hun -Per si , > i ooaio w. PiikBdUi IlniCK 1'ur SI , 1 dixiilW.W ) . MlMlllH. 1 1 LOCK TIN Small jilg , 2 o per Ib ; barMo per Coi'i'Kii PliuiUbed boiler blio . Wo per tb ; rold rullid. i > o per Ibi nhuuthlinc .to per IDl plttri und Iliuw , ' % per Ib , bUCET IllON DlSQ't W-19 PCI oont , ( lilt plan , Iron , No * . 54i 27 , A , 10'o { ; II , JFoomft ninrooal , I. 0. , 14xW , IIJ , M75 ; 1 " ' ' ' No 2tlt,1.5 > No.27. 11M. OLitru . .c. TIN Pi. wi ! 1. 1' . , 10x11 , ? iV ; 7S ; I. X . 10x11 , S2.V tn ( PL TIN Pi. r Coke -I. C. , 10x14 , 2S.1 , W.2S. S > T rt. NAIr. * llasoi tJ.0) ) . STKFL WIHK N . .u.sHa e. tl.IO. \ \ iiu.lap , barb. MM ; Kiilv. . tl.M. Tifn iiHA'i/rv ai.vuKirrT ' INSntrsiKNTd placed on i-ooortl diiilnij L jesterdav ; HA Hon'on and wlfo to J II I'lnday. lot 2 , blkl.l , HrldKsI'l.Ico , w d f 1 , Joseph darker and wife to K T Crosby ijel nln s Iot2 , blk 177 , Omahn. w ii . . ( V < W. Henry Cobilrn and w Ifo to I" Hlilnroolf , ' lot 0 , blk : t. Sherman AN onnn Park , w il GOC .1 1' I'laek and w Ifo to 1) O'Kcofo. lot 22 , blk I. Hedford Place. . ? IjV Hill to U U Mm ) , lot l ) , blk 2 , Park Port-it . . 37. " 1) M Halt and wife to S D Plko. lots & and fl. blk 2 , CotnOr.V Archer's add , wd . . 000 C SI Noithupand wlfoto I ) W U Smith , lot 21 , blk 117 , Dundee Place , w d . . 1,500 S I ) Plko and ulfc to Samuel Cottier , lots 5 andil , blk 2 , Coiner & Aieher'H add , . . Tia Van Camp and wife to I1 No\ak , lot ft. blk C , Van Camp's add , w tl . . . . f > OC M linNoiI'hiL'O IlnlUlliii ; association to Samuel Kat/ , lot ,11 , Windsor Place , AV d . POO I < ttPit'noli and wlfo to SI H Iilican , lot 1(1 ( , blk ill. Central Park , w d . . . 700 C A lIlombeiKaml wlfo toV I ) Townsend - send , lot Hi. blk "l ! . " Sanndcis & lllmebaiiKb'Mndd. w d . 600 A P Tiikey et al toV I ) Townsend , lot 111 , blk II , Clifton Hill , w d . S.V1 A P Tukivv ot al toV I ) Townsend , lot IMilk ll , t'llflou lllll , * , * , d . MO \ \VHPiii2liandwlfetoO While , lot II , blki , Wakolo'sadd , w d. . . . 000 W Solby , tiustoi * . to J I. Henderson , lot 10. blk 4 , \ \ I. soil's ist , , ,1,1. , , | . ftx ) Henry Holln and wlfo to W l > Mmonson. lot 10.Vav ei ly , vv il 410 O K ItarUer and wlfo to U I ) ( iiuncau , lot II. blk is. On-hard Hill , w d . . . COO J b Mul'oi iiilok leO T Mills , lot 12 , blk 3 , Clatendon , o o d . . 1 School dlsti let No7tol'i : & M V Kv Co , ilgbt of way In sw no ai-ni-12 , < i d 1 GW Vmlirosu to U T Mills 1 HI-ID In nvv nel-11-I.l ! , qed . . . . 1 I' K i : K Union and hush mil to .1 H Hu la ) , trustee , lot 7 , blk SI , lot 7. blk Ilfi , lots 7 and b , blk U > 7 , n ' $ lots 7 and S , blk 173 , lots 5 and d , blk 222 , deed. . . 1,030 C .1 While to W ,1 I'aul , lot 0 , blk ti , Wlso & . I'm melee's add , w d . OCX ! C.I \ \Vhllolo\\ I'niil.lolsSto 17 , 82 and SI , Wlso & . 1'ai melee's add , w d . 10,000 Twenty-four transfers . . $ Siam ) SGHROEDER & DERN | , GRKIJM , Provisions and Stocks , liascmcnt First National Hank. 3OB South 13th Street , Omnha. ISSUED BY STATES. COUNTIES , CITIES , wmiiwom cos. , tic , BOUGHT AND60LD. Heal In flni't I.unil WnrrnnU und Hcrlp. Ilrcclve Account ! anil Kxtcntl all tli : tacllltlts ot a General llnnklngc JJinlnc.i. Correspondent ! ! bolicllcd , S. A. KEAN S CO. , BANKERS 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , ILL. 110 nnOADWAY. NCW TTNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! * - " OVIIK A iMII-MON lM'lI ) ] ! III I'lJI ) Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated Ii } tlio l.ejjt-latme for cdticntloml nail eliiirllnlilo purposes , and lt < tralu.hl-i' inido n pnrtot tlio present nt.itu loiiitltutlon , In 1S7'.I , by uu uvurvvheliulng popul ir vote Itb MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take place Seml-Aimually ( June anil December ) and its Grand Single Number Drawings take place in each of the other ten months of the year , and arc all drawn in public , at the Academy of Music , New Orleans , La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS For Integrity of Its Drawings , and Prompt Payment of Prizes. Attested ni follows. "Wo do liereliy teitlfy tlint w Mipervl n tlieiir raiiRC'iiienti fur nil the monthly und "Cinl-niniinil drawings of tliu I iiitslHtui state Lottery Coiupin > , nnd In person iiiiinno mid control the ilrnniuii tlit'iiDelve and tl ) it the KJIIIO are conducted with honesty lullnei1. , nnd In good fultli toiMird all pai- tlet.nnd wo autliurl < u the company to utotliN < erll- lleiito with f.u-'liiilui [ of our slunuturus attached , In Its ndvcrtlsenicnt'i " COM.MlSslOXUHS Wo , tlic nndcrilcneil Imnlisnnd InnkerBWlll ptynl ! prlii'n ilriiirii In tliu LonMiin i Mutu Lotteries ulikli mil ) lip pre-scntc d nt our counters. It. M. WAMIM.KY. Pics. Lonlslan.iXiit Hank PIKKIti : LANAI'X , Pios. ht.ito Nat'l ll.inlc. A. 1IAI.DWIN , Pics. Now Oilcans Nat'l Hank CAUL KOIIN , Pics. Union National Il.inK Grand jWonthlu Drawing At the Academy of Mu&ic , Now Orleans , Tuesday , May 13,1800. CAPITAL PRIZR , - - $300,000. 100.COO Tk-Kcts al * JO cadi ; Halves , flOi Quai- teis , 15j Tenths , * . ' ; Twcntielhb , Jl. LIST OK i riti/.i : OK twdmis i PHI/I : or niix ! ( < js | 1 I'KI/.i ; OP fiUUXIIs WOOD 1 i'iii/.K or a-iixjijii 2iiio ( ) 2 I'ltl/l.s OP JIM > nro SO ( | fi I'ltl/.I.S OK 6lJOiilo ( ( J-illK ( ) SS l'ltl/.is : OP l.dul nro -'iWII ) 1 ) I'lll/.KS OK l nro Hllnxl un IMII/.KS OK iiui uro loumi MX ) l'lll/5l.a OK 100 ! uio lUO.UU'J ' AI'I'IIIIMMAIIOV I'lll/CM KX ) 1'rlzesof MUlitro MOOO 100 llo .JDnio MWto 100 Jo ajOiiro ' 'U.OXJ ri IIMINAI. PHI/I s , I .i9 Pilzesof JKlOiiro ffl.iTO VM ilo IWaro t'J..iuu 3,134 I > i bos ninninitliii ; to . . $1,054,800 .Vnri : 'lUkitsilinnlni ; Prizes mo not en titled to tc' piUea AGENTS W ANTED. IWFouCl rn Kms , or nny furllior Inforinntlon ilonlred , nrlle Icullily to Iho nndi-rali.'neil , clearly etatlnirour residence , wllli Btnte. count ) htiect mid number. More rnpld rilnra mull ili'lUury nlll liu aaniired hy your cncloslnuon cuiulopu bculni ; jour full iiddruaa , IMPORTANT. AiliIicbsM. A. DAUPIIIN , Nuu Urluans , La. OrM. A. DAVPIIIN' , Wasliliiclon , D. O. Hy ordinary letter , containing ; \losrv Omit it. Is- Fueduyiili express eomiunles , Now \oik lIxcli.inKo draft or postal note. Adilres ? Regiatoreil Letters contalninu Cur rency to NT.W OUhKANS NATIONAL HANIC , NOH Uileans , Ia ItDIMllirn ttmt tlio pa ) mcnt of prUen In ni'Alt l\- Tl.tiun unit NMIOSM , DISKS of Nun Orleans , Mlid tli tlcki U lire sUni'il by lliu pri'ildent of nil lll- ntllnllon nliono clmrlured rlKlit" urn rc'LOcnUi'd In tlio liUlieat count tlicrrfnre , benuio of all Imita tion or iinoiiniHit iclieinei ONI * Dot l \lc Ii tlio prlcii of tlio uniiillcit pnrt or fraction of u ticket issi in in l s In uny drn lnir AintlilM.- our nninu cjITuied lor la * than n itollurU Hnlndlc PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 13O2 Farntun Street , HARRY P. DEUEL Oily PuBBODifor and Ticket Afont , RRILWHY TIME GRRD , "LeaveT rTfifTUATiCr. rtUIiI.lKiVK > N AQ i Arrives Omaha , IH'pot Ida i > ml M on alreef _ j Qmivlia. TlTp m' " t5h1cf o "VMttbuTo "SirreM t > 4S iin 4S r ml Chicago Kiprem . . All p m V lip ml Chlcxvo Ktpro * ) am 850 p ml . lei a I .oca I enx'pl Sunday H 30 a m nfmEIStfroN * MO TTivKit ArriteT Depot loth and * { n < ' n.lUS L'i.I I Omalia . tlhulp'Kipr'i'M I IM P reV , V Concorilla I.ocnl MS p m II3.V m . . . . . . T S Oil --r Arrlvws r OmtUm D < ipot IQtli and MMOO trcnt . 11 Umilia. & 5 it ml. , 7C nfa Cltr Day Kipn" * . . .i U.4J P mm OOP mK | O. Nlnht Kip via II I1. Trani.j 0 45 a - m - , Ltavc.9 I | ; _ . . Arrlvoj Omaha , j Depot 10thandMatcy trfet . Otnalia Til p ni overland Vfjer . . . V M n m T W p m .Torino Riprt-K T 15 r in 10 10 a m . . Denver " 4 JO p in ( Jrnnd ItlnnO Kxp ( cvi > t Sun 1 It 15 u m . .Kntum Cltjr 11 m n m 01ifOAllO , U I A 1 "ACTrnS I Arrltcs UJ. d'poti IMS " " ' M rcrr > t I Onmh ; " . . .Nt lit KiprrM . , IOUli ni Atlantic Ri .Vestibule Limited _ ; jTrillOAliO&MThTIIWK-inciiN. Omalii. | IT r depot , KlUi nml Maroy Ml * Chlonito Kiprrn . . . . . p in Vf'tlbulo Limited . . . V SV a m ( IT. ri. Sal ) Mnll ( Ar. ox Mini ) 7 W n in Kan Urn S 46 pm _ _ TiTCA7lO. Mllj.rAM * T-AUL.I Arrrven U. ! depot , 10th ami Marcy His I Unmht . .Clilcano Mnll ( except Sunday ) 6 4S p in Kxpri'M . . . . 1)43 ) n m K prc 9 . ' .n p in OMAHA APT lAHMS JJraaha | U 1 * depot. lOtnjind MareyKt _ Onmhn I 15 p ml 81 Loiu > I'nnniin IJall US ) tfm " " Loaves i tfioux ciTV A I'Am ic Arrltoi Omaha | t' 1' depot. IQtli nml Marey Hl T 11 n in Hlinix OHr l-ii n-nKt'r 10 0p m 0 li p m . SI I'aul HI ( f < n in I f VPf I r\ciKia Oni nil-V. I lloiHit lith nml Wnbjlrr Hl B 4j"p m | HU I'aul Umltoil C , HT 1' , M A O Atrlvi'i Dmnhn Depot lith BnrtVhiu r SHi Onmlii MM iTm bloux City Aiooiumiultitliin 1' < 1 p in 1 Wl P m Sluux CltT Kvtinus | i : Sun ) I 10 p in ( HA p m . it. I'aul Mniltuil U no n in n m Horonco I'lmuiiKcr < llr ! iin ) H ti n m 6 15 1 > m Flori'iicf r.issrlik'or ( Ki Sun ) G TO p in . . . . . I'Ai'iKir * rrlfei Oninlm I Depot IVtli iiml VVi'lKler M Oniftun lUTO'a nil. StTxniliK I' Hxprcii 4 M p in I ) 15 p ' " | fet Luul3 _ & K ' Kxpri' ' II .10 n in BUIIL'IIIIA.S THAINS UNION I'ACIHC SL'lirilllAN TI1AINS- Tlie u tralni also jlnp ut 1 llli , lth , ! ! Uth und Jltli ftrceti , Hummlt and Snvldca Crossing 'VVorkln.-- nien' Iralni do not run Huiidir leaves I CHR'AllO. II I * I'A 'll 10. I Arrlvei Transfer I Union Depot , Counell lllufli. ITramfer ti 30 p m TTTT. Ntkbt Kxpre I"t5 n in 9 ! J > u m , Atlantic Kipresi 655 p m 5 00 p in Ve tlbnlo Llniltod . . 10 iO n in 'iransfrrj Union Ileput , Ciinni 11 tlnn ! < . I'l rnimrci . , cTil ( txa T ipiiM * . . . iluTp Hi liOOpin \CBllbulc Limited I ) 40 n m 1000 I ) m Kmlorn Hjcr 1 ! 00 p in 8(10 ( p ni Atbnllu Moll 7 U ) n in I CHICAGO , MIL & ST I'AL'I. Arrive * 'Irnnaferl Union Depot. < ouncll llluna 1 rjuiKfer TlO a in "LlTieaitn Mall ( elcieptundny ) 5 .10 p ni OSI p m . Clilcniu Kipri'sJ U15 a in ' 2. ° ° J. ' m . Chicago Ktpri' _ 200 p iu Leaves K C , 81 JOU , V C II I Arrives Union Depot Council HlulM J rrnmfcr 1007 it ml Knnans 1115 Dur I'tprens , I dX ) p in IUJ.5n m1 Kansas City Mtilit i\pn" < 3 I kJO H in Leaves I OMAHA A hi' I Arrives Trauiterl Union Dujiut , Coinifll llluTi i'I ran- * for JU5pni | hi I.onlK fnnon Hall " T1T5 p m lA'aTi'i C'lIIUAl.O , IIUKI/N A Ql'INCV . I AirlveT Trinsfer " _ Unlun lii'pot , Cunncll Hlulla 9 40 a m . . I lilci KO } ' , xpri'i . c so p in 101)0 ) p in 8 20 n m 6 00 p in UilraKO l-n t Mill ) r. io p in 7 JO j > m Creston l ionl . JJ 20 a ni I'At'lKit' fArrlvt-r I H1OUX CITY JL l Union Depot. Ciiiincll Ulnlta [ 'I ifimfer | . .blonz City AOLOinnioilatlon. ill S3 a m | . ' . Si 1'uid Kiprena DOS p in State Line. To Glasgow , Belfost , Dublin encl Liverpool. riiOM xnvYouic iviuYTiiri-ii\v : : : Cabin pass IKO Hr > tot.'iO , : icc.'oiilln0' lo loc-atlon of stain loom , f-tcoiaKo to and from I.oui'st Untes. AUSTIN II \ I.DIN & CO. , I.Vni'ial A'nts ( , .M llioadu.ij , Ncu in U , Tno. IlU' cn , dencralV.tcin V 'cnt. HU Itanilolnh blieet. Hany J/ . Moons , I'lio . C. in no. ALLAN LINEOCEAH STEAMERS- Passage la and ( ram Great Britain and all parts ot Europe Montreal-Liverpool louto , fay the waters ol St. Lawrence , shortest ol all. ( la ow to lloston , to Philadelphia. Liverpool In anil from lliiltlmoro. Thirty htnamam. ( Una oicclxlor. Accommodation * unsnumspcd Weekly sailing ! . Aljl lN Jt O.JonVe t. AK'tB. C. I. Sundell. u > n > ier , 112 La Hallo St. , Chicago , 111. World. HEW Yb'RK.'TibNDONDiBnif" "DLASCGW. IlKVOMA , April .U | ASUKlltIA Muy 10 , MnyJ 1 I'lllOPIA 17. New Vorlt , Qiieenstovvn and Mv < rpool 'I lie IVli-lirntpil I Muy lit xiny.llnt ( H'V Ol' llOMi : I .lunoiMh .Inly-Mli SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE riitiicui lowett ti inm luanil frum lliu iirliult A I CtOlCH. tKUSH , IIISH KD til COMIHHIH POIHTS Klcur lunlkki > ( f rrilllinl , Hindu ntalUlilH In return liy i Illif r tlio plrtiirrwiuvl Ivrti- HIv tr Wllity , hortli or hoillh ( if lrrl/ > nil Nnpli > or lllbialtiM CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND DRAFTS t 1'iHitt itirrcnt ratti Aiiidr to arty nf our UHU | Ktnti , ur tu HENDERQON HROB. , CblOQKO. Luiiil AKi'alH iitdiiuilin Hurry l : Alunri * I linrli-i Mure * . VV 1 \ all ) , U P llcuil t iti/cn 3 lliink , mtu \Voir G ALVESTON TEXAS II. Jl 'Multipart , Jolm Ailrlunce , l.nelaii Mlnur , H. M. Tpuoheni-t & Co. REAL ESTATE AGENTS ' At Q ALVESTON , TEXAS. Kxlalillilii'il la IU7. CjiilviMlon Is thebeaporl that In and Is lo be for thu meat Northwest. Information anil maps furnished. VlHltoru invited to cull at our of lieu. I oil I.imtsOM V Ir l.nlni K I'lTluillrol IMIH , lliu rri'iKlirrinrily. art nn tlic ini'nutrunl ) sli in iiiiii ciirc < Mi | > l > rt' nK > n frum wlmtrierinliM' I'rniiintu mi n- Iruiitluu ' 1 hi in iillU uliniilil nut to inkiMi ( lurlnu ITi'giiniic jr Am I'll ! ( o II , ) nlD ; ir < , | i > HnviiK-r' hy io In ( iiuuiiivby-SUvruiuii , V Mil iiiinvli lludunm luurl'o Uiuuliu I A Mi'lchcr b Uinutiu M I' tllli , Cuuacll UluBj { . ' or 3 rot li , NEBRASKA. National Bank U S. DEPOS1TOKV. OMAHA , NKU. Cnpltnl , - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - D7OOO OBIcord nmt Director * Itcnrt W V t " , pri"lilentj I. wl < s llrpit , Tlfpilro'litdit , JMIIPSV Hivnin'V , V'.MornJohnS rollings II I * . C'lKhlnxi J N U. Patrkki VV It S HuiitiCM\T > lilor TMIil IRON LJANIv. Corner IJth nml Vntnotn Hlrpct' A General ll.uikltii ; lliislness Transacted. OOMMKliOIALx National Bank Cnpltnl , - $ AOOOOO Surplus , - 4OOOO Omo > r < nit llrirlnr < K M Morpmnn H M. llllrhrock. , li i > | 'li Uittlii'in Jr , A llonrv K M , AnilirnoaVlllliim II Mini , vice nri ! lilpiit U H , \VllllniiK. A I' lliiklti | . prntliU'iil Atllllnn1 , c.niliK'r. K H llrynnl , n < il lnnt Cinlilcr Omaha ManUfacliJrBrs , Hoots nn ( I Shoes. Wholesale 3lanuficlurcrs of Hoots & Shoes Accntsfor lloMon Itnt.t'cr "liooCo ltd ] 1101 nnt | 110 * Itnrni-y supol Otiiiilia Neb Ilri'Wt'i'H. _ _ _ _ " STOKX Jf ILKK , Ldjlcr Hecr Brcwcis , _ l.Ml Ncrtli IStli hire.Oaiuln , Not ) _ foi-nlew. IAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacturers of Calvanizcd Iron Cornice VVIndnn cnp nml nii > U1li" < kv1lKlil * .liilin Ki'i nc'lcr , rrmirlplor tuanii I IIUBmilli lotli ulrfft Artists' Mati'rliils. . . HOSPE , Jr. , li lists' Malciliils , Pianos and Organs , Slri'1. Uiu ilia , N'i-b Coul , Coke , I2to. OMAHA COAL , COKE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 8 K Cor lijlli nnd Doiitfhi StroeH , Omnliii , Voh , NEBRASKA i'UEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 214 South 1 , lli Mroct , Onitli i Ni'b DEAN , AHMSTRONG i : CO. , Wholesale Cigars. < 05N KUIi'-lrcot "Ili-llol" UP Dry Goods and XotloiiH. * "tl. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner llthnnil Him iril Strict' KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbcis in Dry ( Ms , Gent ) riirulslilitKdoiMl * Corni'r II tli nnd Ihiincy Hlri'L't , Dm ih i , .Ncli I'lirnlt lire. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , I iirinin Mn'i't , Om ilin , Ni'lirntki CHARLES SHIVERIUK , rurnitiiic. Oni ill i Nuhrj'U\ Wholesale Grocers , r > lhnnilI.PBvcnworlh SticiitOiniilm , Nolirrulia , Ijiiiulu-r , Klu. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc. Iniporlod nnil Ami'rli-in I'lirllmil I'nincntlii iiKvat lor ; Mllwntiki'o llrilr mile leinunt , Hint yiiliicj White l.lino CHAS. R. LKE , Dealer in Hard \\ood \ \ Lumber. Wood carpet' nnd | iiir'iiiPttlnnrliii ( ! > tli nml HuiiKl Hreeti , Oinilii Nulirnski LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , I. to Vnrili , Cnrripr itli nnd DOIIK ! Coriu-r Hull nml Douglas FRED \V GREY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Etc. Corner''tli ' nnd lloiul itri'cts i ( Oninlm ' mill VntliuiH. LDEff& O.T' Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 20S , ' 'ID und iloutli \ Dili ktrcct. Nut Ions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , ll.'l lliirnoy lii'i I Oiiiulu . . . - - - - - a Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , AiloBicii'i- Oni ilin A II lllaliiip , MnmiKcr. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Curry n nice utiiok of printing , wrnppliiK unit . wrltlnl pnper bpcilul ultuiithm 1.1. in lo ninl l'llilT ' | | Hlll't'N , lit- . A. L. DEANE , V CO. , lie ni nil Ancnti for Halls' Safes , -321 ntlJ H.I hiiutli lOlli yt Omnh * . KU- . H. HARDY , V ; CO. , .loktii'ri of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Homo I'urnMilnn ( iociiH riilMii-ii tnrrmmWt \ l-ainuni utreet , Uumliii , Null Wnti-r Supplies. U. S. WIND ENGINE tc PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Hnlllclajr wind mills 'JlmindlOIJonm l Uiunlim It IHon , AtUiu .Vliiniiuor I1ROWNELL fe CO. , Engines , Hollers and General Machinery , Elu'U-Ircm vrifrk ulcnin iiiinipt , nw mills lilj Ull 1.1'nTtawurlli utrc'ot Umulin 11 onVorkH. . PAXTON to VIERLING IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Hiiilding Worlf , hnjlni , brnn vrnrk ucncrul foiindrr in iili'iic nu4 blatkmnltli w irk Dllli i ) nnd n rki U 1 * Hy nad Kill ntretM OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manf'rs of Fire and Ilurglar Proof Safes , Vault" . Jnll work Irmi tiliiitlori and Urn i' mi > e . U Anclr u , prui | r lur lltli iiiidJuikmiii titi ' _ , Dour * , nt . M. A. DIBHROW A : CO , VV liolloatu manufacture uf Sash , Doors , lilinds and Mouldings , Uraricli oDIco l.'lliunil liaM iiroetn Oiimlm "iet ) . / Ointilln ' YARDS co" , 01 South Omaha , Limitcl