Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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\ \ MTviin \
.Uj | , > U. ) \M\il \ \ )
It lUrolu In Uio Low of Another Qnu
te tlw MoiintnlnwM.
li ill * Olhi'r NVi'Hirrn ami Amur
n iMilulloit ( Jiiiiii-M Turf
ami DlniiMiiiil Nulim'MlH -
IIN ) : N , Coin. , April H. ( ftMHHnl | Titl
KfHiii to Tun H- ) ' 11m IHH-OIH ! gumo i
ttiDrtiviT Orfwtm imrliw WM pluycd trxli
t > > imwriKMOf 2,000 ixiiplo , tlio wottlli
MiiK I'xrwtllMBlj' Hue. The tfmwi tswulttttl
n \ i' lory f r UIH hmnn ulim liy u m-oro of ID
M 'I'll'OmHliii t 8m iiliiywl n KtroiiK KIIIII
nnil f"f u lliii" It n | > | * Miril in If It would I
Mi t'lfl'ilrt. PHtllllllK , Will ) pllcllLil for tl
\ lilior * . WIIH n trllle wild , which wits tl < ' uf thii I < MM of tlio immo by Oinali
Auilrrw r irrlMlnfT tlio llelilliiKMtintt \ \ \
tilt * \Mtorn. liuliHVliiifiiiniln mi oxtraorill
i itrli nf u lltu > lilt. Tim homo film1 Iwnclii
t'i ' < 'rliit ' < ) . ) | ! In HID I'lKhth liuili
in.iili * tliillrU liniiii niii of tin * Wilson. Aft
tlif ilr-tf iiinliiir tlic visitors Imil llttli' trouli
In MriilliiK IMWH on U'lliMtiivlillo Thuya
tlll'OWlllK III IMN-Ollll l-UUMI'll till ) llOIDU Illlll !
nlli l < i limit to lint , lining mitUlk'il tovn
until tin- ( mil WHS tilt to no to mvoml. Tl
i niiiii' | NM fiilr , HltlxiiiKh tlu'lti wiw tl
livul itliiiiliut of Idi-klliK. Tlio m'im :
, if. t \ I U I Hlrnusn. rf. . ' 1 y 6 U
Tu'.i'l n rf 1 I t u u nnti > iiinii.3b. i i U U
I iirli > rf . U I II 0 II.Koiirns , ill. . . 1 t
ll.w.1 lu . . I I a U D Andrews. lb. . 2 I 7 0
\Millp . U.I I ) I t I Wnlih , . . . . I 1 I 2
Mr. . . 'II Sll . . I I I I liCnmivnn. If. . 0 1 a o
\ \ iuli' : > I (1 ( I ll'.Miirnn. ' it. . . . 0 I a o
XVIIr . . 2 I'Th.iyer , c l ) ( I : i i
| > . I 2 U IU U.Knnnlnii , 0. p 1 U o 4
10HtTW _ I'jTotaln. ' H B 27 IU
iir IN.VI.VOI * .
l "n rr . 0 j n
a u l 2 U U 0 u 2-
l'nrnc.1 rlinetlTcr | n , Oin.ilm I. Tlirpn-tinio III
. , l.i < . nti
> Wliiivln'rtil. Iliiiuii --li.ilrrniplu c.i
I MC | t-n i > r 3 , Ouuilin 7. Dnulmt | > lnr--WII > < m I
MiMI M-Mell In HOHIWiitth t kcnrnn tii.M
ilrrwfl lto * mi h llOrf K < * itm' < ly if , nrr l-'iinnti
X lilt lir ! turnck oiit-llf Ki-nnt-ilr
If tumiliiK 'I. I'runc-d I > ullWlt > ii I , Tlinyur
T mil of uunip--2 liuiiri ami lUiiilnulci. Utuptru
I > i < 4 Muliioi , < ! ; HI. I'niltI. .
I > ri MOI.VIW , Iu. , April IS. [ M | > eclal TcU
gr.un to TIIK Iliiu.J Following is the score c
T > tnl . r 8 T 1.1 Tolnln 4 7 37 1.1
TICK Mnl ni > . o 02
M I'.llll . I I ) I U 0 I 0 1 -
Uunx'iirm'il.Mnim4 ) ! 3. St. I'nul 1. Hicrllli
lilln .Miuiullnr. Clnrn , I'tlr. ' llurk * . Slolun lia ( , "
r.-ilton 2. Tmrtli.y 3 , WnMi ' . ' . .Miirnlliir , HIIWCM
Ilr MUlitnn. Alilr. . Iliiici nil Imlli.-lly ( 'lnn ) 1.1
.MiH-klli ; i Mriirk mit--llr Clnrn 7. l > y Mt-ckln
Wllil all < 'ln" > --l'lnri' I , Mrukln I. Tliuuof icniui > " ! : &
LuiilrvTinl | Kviiinuly.
? lltiiM-aiollH | I 1 , Milwaukee 1.
MINSK UHII.H , Minn. , April IS. [ Spcclu
Telegram to Tin : Hir. : . | Minneapolis won tli
Ri'Ooml Kiuii" wllb Milwaukee with ease. Tli
llrwvcrs pluyiil another loose Holding ijanu
be.iiiliIxint ! ? uniiblo to hit Mitchell , wh
held them down to three hits. Minneapoll
made fourteen hits ort PlmmKnn , with u toti
of twent y-ono bases. The si-oro :
I mini nut on fuul ulrlkii fumtciplniuut | uf bo.t.
Mlmil-itlH.IK . I a 1 0 .1 0 .1 I 0-1
Mllwnuki-u . u II 1 U 0 0 U 0 I
1 lliin i'nnio.l--MlnlHM'iilU | S. Tno-lmno liltK-Car
nil t Urn. Ili'nuli' . llnniu run--\l > cr . l > i > ubl
| i ) r llvn. iiiinni > > il : llt-nclii to O'Dny to llyn
floU-ii hiincH-Kiiili-r. d'Diiy. Illlhy iilti-lipr-L'iirru'i '
1'intiT HIIM-H nn linlllly Mltrliuli S. by nmiiiinii
I I'nxpil liMll --.lniilJ'ii' ' . Ijdt nn IIIIHUS Mlnnu
HixiIKO Milnuukcol. Tlinoof Kiuuu , 1:14. : Uiuplri ]
Sioux City H , KIIIISIIN City 7.
1C \ > \N ( 'ITV , Mo. , April -Spoflul [ Tele
Kiinii toTni : ! lii : . ] HiiKKcil Held work en
allied Sioux City to dufeut ICiinssts City In th
ot > e.iiiii ( > ehiiiiiiIoiiHhlii | KIUIIO of the sensoi
lu-nt tiklny. 1'eai-s and Hiinlluk both pltc-hei
erreotlvely , but the hitter wits given much thi
best iiix | | > rt. The si-oro :
| mui'x crrv.
a In i-o A i : II. Ill 1-0 A I
liutm , if . . .u u u u u Ctlne , rf U U I o I
MnnriK , Ib. . : l 1 H 2 U ( ill.mi. If l Ijo
W Ilinm-r , rf.U I I o u Kuppel , .11 a 1 I 3
I' SiMllh , If. .2 2 & U U I'onell , Hi I a 1.1 u
m. . .U I 2 U I nrosnan-Jb..3 2 t 3
t u H : i lMnnrnliiiiii.s..u | 1 3 : i
Itnlhiinn. . .I II .1 l 3lienlnsei U I 1 U I
/.Immer s .1 I I I 3 I'rossh-y.c 3 043
IVar * P . .U I 0 U 3 llurdlck , | 3 U 3 &
Totals 8 li 37 | |
T iii "in when winning run wna niiulo.
Kaiii.t * Clly . 0 31010300- '
fUnul'llr o U U U 3 0 3 1 3-I
K rni il run --KiiM.ii niy n. Tlirnn-bnuo hlls-
IVnrn , Sl l r. Iliiiitiilinn. llnxin mi lmllnOlt I'onr' '
I eft llurilli'kX Struck nut Sniltli. i ; . HIMITIT , w
I Inner Mum. , Slrnnn. CliMin , llunllrk , Cllno , llros
jrmt , l ni.M. | , li.Milnv lilt \y plirlii > r-lli'tbniiu
JACJ HculilU llimri-rMnti > r. Iliiiirnlmii.Criialay
T nut nt luino--l ; hour iiiul X > mlnutui. Uiuplru-
ii ANNoelatlou GIIIIICH.
AT loi'i.ivn.i.i ' : .
SL Louis U.
I , Toledo ! l.
AT riin.Aiiri.riiu.
A" 1 , Uoohi'nter l > .
II 'M , SyniouHo ! > 1.
Oilier ( I'uiiicH ,
V.wk . fl BKtio ) 9 , Newark ( Atluutlo ) 'J.
: iWWtiwlKNxl ) 11 , Croat-out U.
( AUttHttc ) 4 , I'hllttdolphla ,
HMTMI 8 , Jkwfcm ( tK'H > ) 7.
> . i. T , IMwuit *
AT Alt VH4. .
.IU LCblaww il.
IHttMt Will I'nilt Wullaou.
v April U. - lwilHl | T t - < t < uw la
' U uryv DUuu , UM uwUH d oitum-
* . t4MU- r t Al ) Ml ilt , IhM UIK i t J
' ' .r U * I'aUotttt oiuU ot * l tuiMt U >
* \ lMW Ul JlMM Mt U I l MUMl , X4WIO
i41UU ) Ui UM > tuner , XUW tu DUou
wilt M U for
I'll ' it Ht' ttixn.
MI . IB. tiuiuMwry
tta M U MMit , U'Or ' UilrU.
MM ! * oiiliU "ftouniw KU wou , Al
| ilii. ! > < ( u . id. HoiipiiK ? Udnl Time tKi
Dun mil" llniu wmi , riillhowlo .iccoi
Mminliilti thli-d. Tlmo--
KII/.itlH > ttt
X. J. , April 1 * . The wontl
IVM iiliiiminl and thn truck fust , Siunnmi
Thi-w-foiirtlw of a tulip Fonllwm won , !
.Inlin Mi < rind. f.lnlinniiy 'thh-il. TlmoI iH
PIT * Imiiillcnp , inlk' nnd onc-elnhth K
won , Iliiinlrt wwnd , ,11m McCormick thli
Mlle and mir .nl ! tivntli ( Joldpii Heel wi
I itlun seiiind , Vatidogrlft third. Ttim
w stain * , throA-fourths of a mill
limn Ii wwii , aumnrla seirond , llellndn thi :
Thrc fotirtht of a mncHnotdcn Hod w <
( Jnn't Toll Aocoad , Tlinoru thltil. Tlim
lo KinKllrId o won. Minuet s <
end , LwjIJJirKty Ililnl-Tlmo lli : ( ? , ' .
LUVIIO.V , April IS.Mi [ ! elal Cablegram
'I'm : llKij.'l The derby liprlnif mi'eUnjjopeti
today. The r.ieoor the fcfndbury stakes i
two-year-oldi , iitHtut 'llvo furlong , stral l
was won by Lord Hartlns's .Icssamy , 1 :
Kllt-Hinero'a Sabra Roeond , and Arthur.Iaini
I'oleidtk thhil. There were nlile startew. T
principal event of tlnvdnyym the nice I
llio Wllluet'k handli-np of M.i soveivlgns. J
P. H. Ci'iiibc'N Iniojri'itc won , Mr. U. J. Ci
ninidiimfn MoiNhattle seiiuid. Mr. A. O. Bi
Miir'H Hitttonthird. . Thens were nlno sUi
ers. -
Thi > Hill MeOiuw benefit took place befo
the date City athletic. club last evening. T
nttendunre was good and the progranni
conxbtltift solfily of set-tos , was u fall
good 0110.
DI-IIMD Igiiorauee In Ni\v Vork.
N'p.w YOIIK , April IS. Chauneoy Dope
presided at Rio iviulnr mcctiiiR of the Nc
S'ork association fit Yale Alumni tonight ni
nmilo an iinprohiptu speec'U upon the sout
tonrhing ujion some things ha had seen di
Intr his recent trip. Ulscu.ishiR the ra
pliililetn , bo : said that education and necilin
liitlon would solve it as It would remedy Nc
Yitrk City's bad government. There nro
New Yorlf , ho thought , 100XX ( ) persons
ignorant and Illiterate as any negroes in t
A ntlKe'n fviro CrltlelMin.
Nnw YOIIK , Mnreh IS. The general term
the supreme court has afllrmed the deeisli
of the six-i-ial term setting aside certain co
fcssed Judgment of Sehwub St Son , lim n\i \
chanUt. Judge Harrctt's opinion is voi-y f
vcro in critfcLsm o.t methods of the sherlfl
ofllce. He says : "The sheriff's sale was
shnnt. The preferred creditors pretended
purchase the bulk of the goods , but nev
paid u penny nor received n penny's worth
the goods. The pretended partnership I
tween the brothers was . transput-cut at t !
sale and all that preceded It. "
IHolhrr nnd Two Children Ilm-ncd.
KAT.AMA/OO , - Miehi , April 18. A sni :
house occupjed by E. L. Tells , colored ,
Herlainolit , burned this morning. The II
was discovered by K. .1. Post , who burst
the door and discovered Mrs. Tells lying i
the lloor with her two daughters , aged fo
years and eighteen months , clasped in h
arms. ] ! o failed to her to come out , but i
stead she ran and jumped for the bed. leavii
the children burning on the lloor. lie cou
not enter because of the beat. Mrs. Tells h
been sliuhtly denu-ntcd for some time , and
is probable that she set the house on lire uft
killing' the children.
Satisfactorily Art-aliped.
NuwIlAVux , Conn. , April IS. Thotroubl
of the postal card factory have been sati
factorily ' arranged. George E. Lemon ,
Wasljlngtpn capitalist , has , it Is said , come
Daggett's relief. It is alleged that a flue
1 1) cents per 1,000 on 3,000,000 cards irnposi
by the governmnnt for defective work causi
IJaiructt'a trouble , 03 the line equalled tl
\Vlro AVorms Destroying ICuiimm AVIiei
ATCIIISOX , Kan. , April 18. Farmers Hvii
in the eastern half of this county report tin
a sort of wire worm is doing great damage
whout. Whether it Is further west than th
county Is not known. It resembles close !
the wire worm common in Ireland.
New York Test in u IMokle.
New YOIIK , April IS. Bernard S. Martii
ileputy commissioner of public works , gi
mother warrant today for the arrest of Editi
CJodkin of the Post on another ohargo of lib
growing out of the recent corruption storie
LSodkin gave bail.
Tlio Southern Flood .Situation.
Niw : OIII.F.AXS , La. . April IS. DIspulrhc
from various points in Mlssissipplnud Loui
innit i-oport the river situation practically in
hanged today. From Arkansas points con
reports that the river Is falling quite rapid !
nnd the outlook Is more encouraging.
United States Mat-sluil Killed.
Ki. PASO , Tox. , April IS. In a tight in
iiountuln pass eight miles from here betwee
Mexican outlaws , who hnd stolen twenti
it'\en hnt-MCs , and u posse , United Stuti
Marshal Fiu/leman was shot dead. Thu oui
laws escaped ,
Hours a Uay'H AVork.
KAKSAH CITV , April 1 $ . Doth houses ot tli
: lty i-oniu-il have passed nn ordinance p
, -lding that eight hours shall constitute
lay's work on all city contracts and for n
: ity employes.
A Soliooui't- and Crow Lout.
Qriiin-r , April 1 . A dispatcli ivcelved till
nornlng from Capo Hay says the schoone
\nniii May was lost Wednesday at < Jodro
mil the captain und three men lost.
Arrested for ItolibliiK tlie Stalls.
KociiR-mcii , N. Y. , April 18. Abrahaii
Jogardns , supcriutondcut of mails nt th
lastoftli'O hei-e-was arrested today clmi-iiei
vlth i-obblng the inalh.
The Pni-ty ut the Pn\ton.
A select socjul iiiul dance was given at th
'axtoa li t night. About sovcnty-tlv
ouples fl'om this city , Council Bluffs
Jncoln arid other towns. participated in th
estlvitlt > 3. - CJooil nnmlu was furnlslivd nni
ho elegant i-opast was highly enjoyable
'hu i-ostunifti of the evening were modest
ml the yoiiiiu' luuies with gt-acefnl mien am
lit ) adornment nt the u.iuul llowci-s , laces am
ruamonUs weiv n plea.MiinT-1-ompiiuv. All en
jyed themselves aiftl the party did not breul
p until Jong after midnight.
At'tpr ArUtooratlo Ciuiiiblei-H.
Judyu Ityland of tbo Missouri cin-iii
ourt bomowpeUs ago charged the jri-ani
ir.v to take ajiecinl notice of in-ogressiv.
uchro nnd such social' games , says i
jti aH crty dispatoll to tin- Now Yorli
iei dd. . TJiO judfju then wi-nt to Pottb
; > ut y and onlut-Kod upon his fornioi
isti ctioim and Included In hla donun
Intli IH the tftuno of "high llvo" and
hiiref riilllcs. . -
Tli. > j. > opl of Sedairng ! [ \ \ \ \ over the
idK' 'i ncUmi , iartlfufirly ! the inombor.s
t tht ; UlKl > Five cluh , ono of the tonlest
M-iul oruanl/Ktli'H of. tho.ijUy. IJut to-
| iy Ihtt' lautdi Imi boon turned into ox-
iuirutiouK n ( K'CVoiv The yrand jury
nt iilHj.mat out BUbpiunns for the
ui t. m-uiniin-nt iiioinlwi-H of the club and
ui K l llw yuuiiff lmll w who were nub-
K > ( . ' to tin tm-dblo liu ulfiUlou of tluit
iy ] ui-tt Uiri-ui * strlcUen , for in addition
) tUa fuot Unit thuy 1-avo boon coinixilled
> t ll tlm naiiioii of tloau | who ] ) artlcl-
ntwl in tlic KUIHOS , they have Iwon
vuru not tu rovoul any of the Boi-rot.i of
it xuinluatlon. The hid I us ut whoso
OUMM thu dub hu hold UK niudtln x
r lu duubl whether they will bo hangud
f just sent to the iHJiiltontlury , und boino
thoin hxvo fono no ti\v tw to inuko
wttttt-NUaiu tu luuv j \\\i \ \ \ uiy. (
A lbeVH * * u notubto rallla at u
nUu4k cluyuh fidr lu t Jiuuntry It id
MMigkt Ui * grand jury will ludiiH souio
th churc r
Arrangements Being Made to Organize
Oadct Battalion at Beatrice.
Anil IM Tlirvn on Her I fond mid S
rlously Injured Kit II m-t ; ot'n 'I
rice Auction Store cither
Stnto News. .
HiUTittcn , Neb. , April IS. ISpSplnl Tel
Bruin to Tun HnK.l-Colonol O-U. I'lillll
1ms nbout completed rtvranjreiilt'nls for the c
pinlzntlim of a cadet Intltiillun In UiU cit
which hi ; Intend * sliiill 1 > t > tlu > crnck inllltii
battalion nf Nebraska. The iiH-nilwrsli
coinprlsi'ii youths from twclro to sovente
years of age.
A Ilniictiwmiinii'ff Kail.
Goitttox , Neb. , April 18. [ Spei-laV Tel
pram to TUB Uni : . ] Whlo ! , alighting fni
the passenger ti-aln lit Hilshvll.o this cyenli
Mrs. A. Li. Gall , piomhient ranclwomi
of our county , fell f com the elevated 'platfoi
four feet striking mwu her head. Her 1
Juries are very serious.
An Auction House ( Joes Uiulnr.
IJn.vTutri : , Nub. , April JS. [ Special Tel
Ki-ain to TIIK IlKii. ] The Beatrice.uuctii .
housie , a cheap John affair In the Lcpoidev
block , gave a chattel mortgage for $ l,350 (
its stock this nftcrnoon. Tlio mortgage
payable on demand ami Is In favor of .T. Nik
Klmball & Co. , , Kansas City. It has ue <
predicted for some tlmo past that the eonce :
would go under.
HASTINGS , Neb. , April 15. [ Special to Tl
Hm : . ] The itcoplo of this city uvu beh
aroused to the Importance of the sowerai
proposition to be voted upon April 30. Six' '
prominent citizens and taxpayers huvo pel
tioned Mayor Clarke to call a mass mcetii
at the opera house Monday evening to Intel
gently discuss the feasibility of such n men
tire at this time. The move is timely , as tl
special election to vote ? ! ! 0,0 < )0 ) sewer bonds
drawing near. There is no doubt that ovci
taxpayer in the city is anxious to sco tl
se-.verago proposition carry , but they want :
be enlightened on the subject , and know win
they nro voting for. The ordinance contei
plates tlio establishment of three district
embracing the following territoryDistrii ;
No. I takes in that portion of the city boumli
by I ] street on the south , the li. .It M. ml
road on the north , St. Joe/ avenue on the ea :
and Ilurlington avenue on the west , " Distrii
No. 'J is bounded on tlio west by Bellovt
avenue , on the eas't bv Colorado avenue ,
the smith by the B. & M. rullroutt and on tl
north by Second street. District No. ! J
bounded on the west by Bellorue avenue ,
tlio south by Second street , on 'the east b
Colorado avenue and on the north by Fourt
street. This territory includes the 'heart c
business portion of the city ! - '
Mayor Clarke has appointed thu followin
named gentlemen to solicit aid for the Chej
enne count } ' sufferers : P. J. Benedict , C. I
Paul , A. II. Cramer and J. P. Ballinjrer.
Postmaster Heartwell will retain the clcr
cal force at the postufllcit .for ' . .the"preseni
There has been something "oyor 100 applies
tions received for positions ns "carriers , etc.
Dr. Miller and A. J. Shep.ird were in Hasl
ings yesterday working up thVsfat'o baseba :
Eli N. Crane , the famous Kenesaw bigf
mist , was in the city yesterday , but rcfusei
to be interviewed otv lusKenesiiw escapade.
Two promising republicans wei-e Imrn n
the homes of A , F. Boston and Depufy Sheri :
11. A. Bovd yesterday morning.
The ladies of the Hastings hospital will giv
a grand calico ball at Gcrmama hall April III
Ono hundred and ilfty invitationd have bee
issued , and the affair promises to bo the chai
liable event of the Season.
King Corn Is worth"L'O cents lii Hastings
and the price is steadily maintaining an ui :
wu-d tendency.
Granilma lIaniillal'N Olsciuic.s.
DANNKIIIIOG , Nob. , April 18. ' [ S > i > ecial t
TIIK But : . ] The remains of Graiiilni'a Ilanni
bal , who died Monday morning- , were buriei
at Oak Hidge cemetery yesterdayafternooi
with imposing services , the Hev. L. Johnsui
of the Lutheran church. , oflleiating. The at
tendance at the funeral was the largest eve
witnessed here and .nuiribi'ml nil the old set
tiers of all nationalities. Deceased was thi
widow of the late Lars 'Hannibal , win
planted tlio first Danish colony in Howun
county in 1871 , and mi .such her'namo will til
ways bo an integer in Dano-American his
tory. She and a Mrs. Sorensen were the lirs
white women to cross the Loup , She was i
.stop-mother to .ludgo Hannibal and I'oU-
Hannibal , and leaves a daughter nud fou
sons to mourn her loss , all of whom wen
present except one son , who resides on tin
1'iiclfle coast. During life the deseased wa :
popular with everyone. She wus gcneriui !
and public spirited and took an active part ii
everything pertaining to the up-builmngol
Danncbrog. Although she had readied he :
seventieth year , she was-vivaeious ami brigh
as a person of Ilfty.
Hnllouk Idiiuolit Ueh-aseil.
Fur.MOXT , Neb. , April IS. fSpschil Tele
grem to TIIK Br.i : . ] Hullock Lincoln , whc
was lined $100 a few days ago and sentenced
to seventy days imprisonment in the citj
lockup for disturbing the peace of the famllj
of Harvey Richards , was pardoned todnr bj
Mayor Shervinanil ho is now uMlberty , Lin
coin was taken from Jail last Sunday .urn'
innrrled to Kiehards daughter Minnie , nftei
which bo was led buck and placed In bis eel
again. Mayor Shervin's tender heart was
touched today at the thought of his having tc
servo out his honeymoon in jail and so re
stored him to his waiting bride.
Kavor Iti'vlslon.
WAKIU-IKMI , Neb. , April 18. [ Special Tele-
? rnm to Tun Bin : , ] The presbytery of Nlo-
In-.ira opened in session at - p. in. today. He-
rislon was favored In open session. Five-
' .nlnuto . speeches were made by wtch mlnlstei
invsent. The eommittee ivixirtcd in favor ol
revision. The vote was us follows : Minis
ters , 0 for revision and ( i against ; elders , i ;
tor and 'J against ; total , 1U for and 8 ngalnst ,
llov.V. . K. Klmball , who voted against ro-
rislon , was chosen deleguto to the genenil as-
leinbly , also HlderV. . Woods , another con-
icrvatlvo man.
at Krcmniit. . ' . . .
FIIKMONT , Neb. , April IS. [ Special to Tun
; iKK.J Burglars entered the .tullor shop ol
'atrick Hlckey last night , through n rear
vlndow , from which they removed n pnno ol
class. They stele two overcoats and a ( inan
ity of piece goods , altogether valued ut about
\M. \ ( Two men Imvo been anx-st'il mi RUS-
ilclon , and arc lodged In the county Jail.
I'horo Is very llttlu evlilonco of their guilt In
ho matter.
V. M. O. A. ConlVrtMioo.
CITV , Neb. , April IS. [ Special
to TIIK HRI.J : The llrst annual
onferenco of the
.ssochition for.tho Second _ dlntri6tj,'i , > ioseil
f the counties of Sarpy , Ciissf 6lw.iui < \ Lun-
aster , mut hui-u this nftoriioon. * "About
uveiity-llvo dek'jratou wore ' iiC'Ttttefiflaiico.
'ho conference will conUimri bturjiujiilay.
i rv-vi * *
VOIIIIK IjlttlOf Sgiitnnoeil. . t- "
NKIIIISKCITT , Nobj4Vin:11 .18I t ? 'nl '
'elPsnim to TUB UKK.JjLjiui'str Liitlor , the
ountf mui-Ueixu' of Kins , wits tbjJaygofKejiccd
y JndKn CJliupniuii to llfteeu'niontus In the
cnltonttary fur his crlmo.
Tom and Fred Jones , fop . .conn1ttlhf , sov-
nil burglurles , % vcro scn d ) . ' ( Uo"voforin
. liool. * .
NelirnHku City Distillery CJIRO.
NKIIHASKA CITV , Neb , , April } 8.t [ Spodal
Tim BKB. ] Judb'Q S. B. Pound this after-
Don llnlahcxl taking testimony In tliH ' city In
10 ilUtlllery eiiso and with the nt'tontovs In
10 ouo will go to I'oorlix next YWk to.'liear
m trust slilo of tU.o case.
Ciiiimoil Her Own Dentil ,
SII.VBH CIIKKK , Nob. , Aptll 18 , ISpcclnl to
HU BBB. ] a'ln ooronor'n Jury In the Churl-
m cu o ruiuruod u vuiitlut ot death from pol-
son , ndmlnlstorctli by her own hnnd. Tl
clears the boss from the suspicion of bo !
the enuso of '
IMItor Grndj IIiul n I\\K \ Hcnrt mill
StrottK .S'OIIHO of Humor.
Porhnpa 116" , Jmo Incident could Ith :
truto more sti\iloly ) ) or inoro oXqtsitol
Mr. Orndy'fl Inrnoness of henrt tuul Ii
wonderful combination of humor ni
imthotie oiuolio.M thiin the ono whii
follows , Hny Ln writer iu the Atlnn
Constitution t > > '
On that JArtlculnr Chrlstmns ov
there wits llyJln'H.iu ' Atlanta an old jjo
tlcnmn who hiMl at ono time been one
the lending eittzoiiH of the town. Ho hi
in fact boon a powerful inllttonoo in tl
politics of the state , hut the war swo ]
away his po oaslotis , and aloiiK wit
them all the conditions and tuiiTOUin
in'n ; that had enabled him to mnintal
liiniHulf eomfortabjy. Hit ) mlnfortuiu
came on him when"ho was too old 1
begin the Htrugglo with lifo * nnow wit
any reasonable hope of success. U
gave way to a dlsixisltion that had bee
only convivial in hishottoi1 dnyH when Ii
had hope and pride to sustain him , an
ho Hank lower until ho hud nuarl
reached the gutter.
I joined Mr. Gradv as ho left the olllt
and wo walked wlowly down the stree
enjoying the Icaloidoscoplc view of tli
over-rthlfting , over-hurrying crowd as :
Hwopt nlong'tho pavemonts. In all tin
rodtlosa and haHlening tlu-ong thei
Deemed to bo but ono. man bent on n
message of enjoyment or pleanuro , an
he was old turn seedy-looking. lie wn
gazing about him in an ahjont-mindo
way. The weather was not cold , but
disagreeable drizzle wan falling.
'Vonder is the judge , " said Mi
Grtuly , pointing to tlio seedy-looking ol
man. "Let's go and BCO what ho is goin
to have for Christmas. "
I found out long afterwards that th
old man had long been a pensioner o
Mr. Grady'a bounty , but there wu
nothing to suggest this in the way i
which the young editor approached th
judge. Hiy manner was the very pel
fection of cordiality and eonsidoratloi :
though there was just n touch of gontli
humor in his bright eyes.
"It Isn't too early to wish you a morr
Christinas , I hope , " said Air. Gmdj
shaking hands -with the old man.
"No , no , ' . ' replied tlio judge , straightening
oning himself up with dignity ; "not a
all. The name to you , mv ' bin.
"Well , " remarked Mr. 'Grndy lightly
"you ought to bo fixing up for it. I'll
not as old as you are , and I've got lots
stirring around and shopping to do if
have any fun at home. "
The eyes of the judge sought th
ground. "No. I was ah just con
sidoring. " Then ho looked up into tin
laughing but sympathetic eyes of tin
boyish young fellow , and his dignity
sensibly relaxed. "I was onlv ah
* '
Gradylot me see you a moment , '
The two wulkvil to- the edge of tin
pavement and talked together some little
tlo time. I dill npt overhear the con
versation , but learned afterwards tlm
the judge told Air. Grady that ho'hnd nc
provisions at hop e , and no money to bin *
thorn with , anil asked for a small loan.
"I'll do better than that , " said Mr.
Grady. "I'll gp with you and buy then
myself. Come 'With us , " he remarked
liuno with a quizzical smile. "Thojudgi.
liere lias found , jv family in distress am
we are going to send them something
substantial fopOliristmus. "
We went to a grocery store near ul
[ land , and 1 sa-w , as we entered , that tin.
judge had not'oni'y ' ' recovered his nativi
dignity , but hnd'irddcd ' a little to suit tin.
) ccasion. I obwiyed that his hearing
was oven haughty , ilr. Grady had ob
served it too , humor of the situ-
: ion so delighted him that ho coulil
hardly control the laughter in his voice.
"Now , judge , " said Air. Grady , as wt
ipproached the counter , "wo must bo
discreet as well as liberal. We must get
what you think this Buffering family
nest needs. You call off the articles ,
, ho clerk hero will check them olT , and J
will have them sent to tlio house. "
The judge leaned against the counter
with a careless dignity quite inimitable
mil glanced at the well lilted shelves.
"Well , " said ho , thruining on a paper
box and smacking his lips thoughtfully ,
"wo will put down lirst a bottle of chow
. 'how piekles. "
"Why , of course , " exclaimed Mr.
rJrady'his face radiant with mirth , "it
is the very thing. What noxtV
"Lot mo see , " said the judge , closing
iiis eyes rellectively "two tumblers of
strawberry jolly , three pounds of mince
neat , and two pounds of dates , if you
: mvo some real good ones , and yes two
jans of deviled ham. "
Every article the judge ordered was
something he had been used to in his
nippier days. The whole episode was
iko u scone from ono of Dickon's novel ,
i ml I Imvo never soon Mr. Grndy more
lolighted. Ho was delighted at the
minor of it , and appreciated in his own
( uaint and charming way and to the
idlest extent the pathos of it. Ho
Iwolt on It then and afterwards , and
jftc'ii said that ho envied the broken-
lown old man the enjoyment of the lux-
iries of which ho had so long been do-
Fined i'or Hooking Horses' Tails.
President John . P. Haines of the
Joeloty for the Prevention of Cruelty to
yiiiiiials caused llio arrest and prosecu-
ion of Michael Sheohnn , Martin Ityan
mil James Smith for docking the tails
if twenty ponies at Woodsburg , L. I. ,
tlaroli 18 , says a Now York dispatch to
ho Chicago Tribune. The horses be-
eng to John D. Cheovor of the Kocka-
niy Hunt club , and wore to bo used as
mlo ponies. The prosecution produced
ho tail of a horse and showed that the
iperation , no matter how skillfully done ,
nust necessarily cause great physical
min and sulYoring , and when supple-
iionted by burning the stump with a red
lot Iron the agony must have boon ox-
ruciating , , ltid o Hewlett Imposed a
ino of $40 each iVi Uyan and Smith and
ontoncod Shoolmuito pay a line of ffoO
.nil bo Imprisoned in jail for twenty
ays , ho being tie , iio who actually per-
Drmed the opoi'iitum. In the case of
ilr. Uhcover iknJislon will bo rendered in
fowdnyn. ;
t(1) |
Living on a clahh eight miles north of
toekv Ford , Coloiy.iH lOmma Alkon nnd
or tnroo ( lutigntorirf < All three Mullen
ro widows. Thomiothor Is ninety yotira
f ago , the olde { ; ' ; haughtor sixty-oiglit
ml the youngest sixtyifour. ( Not a man
as over been employed nbout the place ,
nd during tholjj .i\vo \ years' rosldonco
ley have done svit ; of their own work
nd truck
. -
A Imwycr8 I'lniiillnr Will.
Tlio will of n promlnont attorney in
incinnati is u peculiar document , and
vo of the provisions have attracted
jiwldorablo oominont. "I doslro that
a bar mooting bo hold for mo , for such
jcnsions are utilized by lawyers to ox-
lode their eloquence without causo. I
3oiro that no ornpo bo worn by my fam-
y for mo , but if any mcmbor chooses to
j BO the same shall bu charged to his
: count. "
The grip had a novel .effect upon Port-
nator Ilniro of Lo.xlngton , Ga. Since
is attack ho ling been unable to take a
low of tobacco , though ho has been n
ior of the weed for many years. The
nst crumb in his mouth now will give
m Hueh a spell of coughing that ho has
; on forced to eschew It altogothor.
Hardln County , Kentucky , Again the Sccr
of a Sanguinary Battle.
The Desperadoes Pot-tilled In n IJnr
nnd Surrounded liy Troop * Kclit *
fVireeiiicntH I lurry Ing to the
Scene of Conflict.
LOULSVII.U : , Ky. , April 13. A special t
the Times from Harlan Court House says
deadly % ht occurred this morning at 1 : ' . '
o'clock , seventeen miles east of there , in th
Black mountains , between n detail of stat
troops , consisting of sixteen privates , am
about thirty outlaws who wer
fortified In an old barn. Five o
the soldiers wcro wounded. It I
not known how many of the outlaws wen
killed , as they still have possession of tin
burn. A corporal win sent In after reinforce
monks and knows but little , us ho loft linmu
dlately after the tiring.bcpin. The troop :
have the barn surrounded , and It will bo 1m
possible for those on the tnsldo ti
make their escapennd the only twi
roads which lead from the place of actioi
mv cut oil by pickets , who nro Instructed U
allow no ono to pass toward town , as it was
thought best to keep the news of the conllid
from the people about there until after rein
forcemeats had reached the place.
Yesterday afternoon Captain Gulthcr , wlu
Is the commandliiB ofllcer , was in
formed that a body of lawless men
some of whom had been Indlclei
for various offenses , wore fortllled againsl
the law at the above mentioned locality nnc
had refused to surrender to the civil author !
ties. Ho was asked for a detail of his men tc
go out with some of the civil ofllccirs for the
purpose of arresting them , and ho at onct
sent sixteen privates in charge ol
Sergeant 1'ullian and Corporal Buintin ,
They expected to llnd the men in
n house near the barn , but Instead were flreil
UIMJII from the barn. The attack wis not
looked for from that point and came so unex
pectedly that It demoralized the soldiers fora
mlnuto or two. but thov soon rallied and snr-
rounded the bam nnd began llring into it
from every direction. Then It was thought
best to cease action and hold the fort until re-
Inforccmcnts'OiTivod with moreammunition.
It is believed that a severe light will take
place as soon as the additional troops reach
the place , for the outlaws nro well armed with
Winchester rilles and swear that they will
not surrender. The soldiers nro determined
and want revenge for those who have been
shot down. No further particulars are ob
Up to n late l.our tonight no further news
lias been received from the scene of the
lighting. Adjutant General Hill says the
fight may have been between n posse and
Willis Howard's gang or it mav have been an
Htompt on the part of the friends of Will
tannings to rescue him. Ho was to have
lecn taken to 1'inovillo under guard of troops
in his way to Missouri and it may bo the
light resulted from an attempt of his friends
; o release him.
Henry AV. Grady's Idea , us to JIoiv It
Should He Guided.
Of Into years Mr. Grady became more
ierious , and it has been truly said that
10ma developing faster in the last year
) f his lifo than at any previous period ,
iiiys a writer in the Atlanta Constitu-
.ion. With the consecration to his
iniriotic mission came an overwhelming
.enso . of responsibility which left less
oem for the youthful effervescence of
lis overflowing spirits. All the line
minor and all the elasticity were there ,
> ut lie was sobered and at times sad-
lem/d'byVome'ilt-o'iiiened phases of the
rrotit problem ho had sot himself to
It is worth while in this connection to
eproduoo u letter which shows the scri
ms side of his nature , which yet seemed
lover to bo wholly lacking in the sunny
minor with which ho brightened overy-
hing. It is a letter written to Air. Clark
Iowelllho ; present managing editor of
ho Constitution , on his twenty-first
( irthday :
ATIAXTA , Ga. , Sept. 20 , 1SS4 My Dear
'lark : I that just about the time I
mto this to you a litttle after midnight-
ou are twenty-one years old. If you were
lorn a little later than this hour it is your
lothcr's fault ( or your father's ) , and I am
ot to blame for it , I assume , therefore , that
Ids is vour birthday , and I send you u small
gmcmbranco. I send you a pen ( that you
my weur ns a cravat pin ) for several reasons ,
n the first place , 1 have no money , my dear
oy , with which U ) buy you something new.
n the next place , it is u symbol ot the pro-
-ssion to which wo both belong , in which
uch has done some good work , and will , ( ! od
eing willing , do much more. Take the pen ,
rear it , and let it stand as a sign of the an"ee-
on I have for you.
Somehow or other ( as the present Is a
neat ono I have the right to bore you n littlo'
1 look upon you as my my own Iwy , My sot
will bo just nlwnt your ago when yon an
about in t no and ho will enter the paper whei
you nro nbout where I am. I have got t <
looking at you as n sort of prcllgurlng o
what my son may be , nnd of looking over yet
nnd rejoicing in your RUCCOSS , as I shall want
you to feel toward him. Let mo write to von
what 1 would bo willing for you to write U
Never Gambliv-Of all the vices that civ
thrall men this U the worst , the strongest
nnd the most Insidious. Outnljo of the
morality of It It Is the poorest investment ,
the poorest business and the poorest fun. Nc
man Is snfo who plays nt all. It Is easier
never to play , I never know a mini , n gen.
tlcman and a man of business , who did not
regret the tlmo and money be had wasted in
It. A man who plays poker Is unlit for every
other business.
Never Drink. I love liquor nnd tlovotho
fellowship Involved In drinking. My safety
has been that T never drink at all. It is much
iMsler not to drink at all than to drink n little.
If I had to contribute what 1 Imvo done In mv
llfo to any ono thing , I should contribute it to
the fact Unit I am a teetotaler. Assuroas
you uroborn , It Is the pleiisuntet , the easiest
and the safest way.
Marry Karly. "There In nothing that
steadies a young fellow llko marrying a good
girl and raising u family. By marrying young
your children grow up when they nro a
pleasure to you. You feel the responsibility
of life , the sweetness of life , and you avoid
bad habits.
If you never drink , never gamble and
marry early , there Is no limit to the useful
and distinguished life you may live. You
will bo the pride of your father's heart , and
the ] oy of your mother's.
I don't know that them is any happiness on
earth worth having outside of 'tho happiness
of knowing that yon have done your duty nnd
that you have tried to do good. You try to
build up- there nro always plenty of others
who will do till the tearing down Unit Is nec
essary. You try to live In the sunshine men
who stay la the shade always get mildewed.
1 will not toll you how much I think of you
or how proud I tun of you. We will let that
develop gradually. There Is only one thing I
am a little disappointed in , You don't seem
to care quite enough about baseball and
other sports. Don't mnko the mistake of
standing aloof from these things and trying
to get old too soon. Don't underrate out-door
ithletlo sports as an element of American
civilization and American journalism. 1 am
ifrnld you Inherit this disposition from your
rather , who 1ms never been quite right on
this subject , but who Is getting belter , and
will soon bo all right , I think.
Well , I will quit. May God bless you , my
toy , and keep you Inipiiy and wholesome n't
icart , and In health. It' He does this wo will
try und do the rest. Your friend ,
II. W. Gitinr ,
V Preacher's Account ol' tlie False
CliHst of Illinois.
The Rev. J. P. Brushinghnm's sermon
it the /ttla , Street Methodist church hist
light was a description of Hchwcinfurth ,
lie Rockford pretended Christ , and a
mrrntlvoof the rise of the sect of tlio
Jhureh Triumphant , as the Schwein-
urthians call themselves.
It was a praise service , too , and the
oluntecr choir , under the direction of
William Davis , sung the Snnctus nnd
ho Gloria in Kxcelsis from Farmer's
nass , LumbiloUo's Uonediotua , Allen's
'Now is Christ Uison"and the Sanctum
2rgo of Itossi , whoso catching martiul
nelody has roused up many a Konian
Catholic boy at vespers on a warm Sun-
lay afternoon , says the Chicago Tri-
> une. The text was : "Many false
> ropholH and false Christs shall arise. "
Said Air. Ilrushinghain : "Kriekson of
California has announced that today is
, ho last Sunday Chicago shall have to
icar the gospel in , for according to
lim , the city will bo destroyed April 14.
f this bo true wo couldn't bo in hotter
business than in praising God in hymns
and anthems as wo are this evening. I
was glad this last week to have the op
portunity of seeing Air. Schwoiiifurth of
Kookford , who claims to be Christ come
[ ) ii earth for the second time. First , bo-
uauso it gave mo an opportunity to re
new the acquaintance I had with him at
Evanston in the fall of 187o , and second ,
becauho I believe in applying the gos-
[ > el to our own times. But are yon going
to advertise such a monstrous h
you ask. lie w welcome to all tljo ad
vertising I'll give him.
"A friend in ] took ford took mo out to
the Weldon farm , about eight miles from
Uockford. There is a colony of Hivk-
manites. The house is beautifully lilted
up with modern improvements , has about
forty rooms , and about one hundred can
assemble in the parlors to hoar tlio sor-
mons. There is no chapel. Rev. Air.
Whitney , ono of tlio chief apostles , in
troduced mo to a little spare man about
live iieet six inches high , weighing about
ono hundred and fifteen pounds and
wearing a full auburn beard. Ho was
exceedingly gracious and remembered
me quite well. I said to him : "You
cannot say as the Savior did : "i'ho foxes
have holes and the birds of the air Imvo
nests , but the son of man hath not whore
Absolutely Pure.
A croixm of tartar linking powder ,
of lenvpiiliiQMroiigth.-i ; . S.Government Uo-
dort. Aug. 17 , I8SU.
to lav his head , ' in vlmv of the Bplondid
building you have. " Then 1 thought , b'ut
I did not say it : "Are you a conscious
fraud or a solf-dcceiverV Ho told mo
how ho had gone to preaching in the
Methodist church at Alpena , where ho
was expelled from the conference by a
committee , of which ho who is now
Bishop Nindo and at one time pastor of
this church was chairman. Air. Schwoln-
furth professed to bo able to lu-nl the
sick and to raise tlio dead , but ho does
not do tills of ten. llonskodVhiitdotho :
ministers think of mo ? ' I didn't answer ,
but if I had I should have said : 'That
you are tlio rankest impostor on earth. '
lie denied that ho had * SOO,000 worth of
property , and said that the newspapers
had done him great injustice in saying
so."Said ho : 'Aly people would lay down
their lives for mo , ' and Apostle Whttnoy
chimed in with , 'O , yes. Lifo would no't
bo worth tlio living without you. ' I was
Illlcd with nn indescribable sadness as I
wont uway thinking of the presumption
of a man , a piece of common clay , en
deavoring to iiltick the crown from tho-
brow of tlio dlvlno Son of God , but ho
was perfectly calm and composed as if
ho were sincere. False prophets tire
arising. The dooinsealor.i have Jlxed
Alonday as the date of the destruction of
Chicago and Alilwankee. I was in thu
Chicago Tribune ofllo the other day
when a man came In saying that hiH
wife was almost enr/.y about tlio destruc
tion of Chicago , but she didn't know .tlio
Into. A'newspaper man suggested that
lie toll his wife that the date was April
20 , and then show her the morning pa
per the Mtli to prove Hint Chicago was
un hand just tlio same as ever.
"Tlio Alillorits oil mod on ice houses
jlnd in ascension robes , and had to conio
lown when the world did not como to an
Mid. A Minneapolis false Christ tried
o ascend into heaven and fell and broke
lis neck. .Countless oilier pretenders
lave arisen. Sometimes I think wu have
oo much religious liberty. Tliorois too
nuch obtaining money by false pro-
oiihi's ; This God-man 'Teed has prop-
irty in Wlionlon given him by HOIIID
. Tlio Scliwi-in-V
veak-minded persons. - -
urtli heresy originated willi Dora
. { cokman , the wife of a Con-
: ivgationalist minister. She imagined
lint in her were the nttribuU-H
f llio risen Christ. Schwoiiifurth bo-
nine a bishop in tlio Beoknmriitf church.
Irs. Bookman died after having prom-
-.ed . to rise again and her body was kept
ntll the authorities compelled its
urial. Schweinfurth claimed to havu
lood by her as she died , to have etiuglit
glimpse of heaven , and to have heard
or voice , saying : Thou art the Holy
'no ' and my spirit passes into thine. Go
irth and conquer.
Mr. Brushingham spokoof thodnngor-
ns nature of such frauds and declared
mt all would know for a certainty whim
10 real Christ came. There would bo no
listnking the second advent.
Mrs. Winslow's Hoothlng Syrup for chil
dren teething cures wind colic , diurrhiuu , etc.
y , " > cents a bottle.
A Curious Implement.
Charles Law , of I'ittston , I'n. , has a
peculiar bron/.o iinplenuiiit that was
found near the M'c-no of the famous \Vy- '
oiniiif , ' valley mas.sacre , .below undi's-
turbcd alluvial soil. It is ton im-hcs
and two inches in diameter , resoni-
an ordinary rolling pin. in.oai-li
end are llio ru tie reiimiiiH of an iron or
Kteel npiko. Through the body of thu
implement in an eye two inches lontf for
the iittiichmiMit of a handle. His ident
ical with Uic hronxos in the Hrilish
inusouili , and will be given to llio Smith
sonian Inslilulion.
Statements From
Is Asked to tbo Following
Gives Universal Satifuctiou.
PEOPLE of NEBRASKA " 1 have t < nd ] Hood's arHaicullln Tor t lie | iu < tt nnvea
year * In this elly. and llnd that In nil niMoi It p\i-i
universal Matlvfacllon. It \ \ pleasant to taVu and
WHO KNOW ABOUT when oneo used you nionmn of nelllnK Hood's Sir- ;
na | > arlUa to the tiamo party attain , Mid Hometlmes to
' of ndoii-n friends. In my mind It Is n very supmlor
Hood's Sarsaparilla and are Worthy nrllcle , and onn tlrtt no dru rulst need bo afraid to re
commend to his customers. I sell moro uf Hoods
S'lrxaparllla than of nil others combined " 0. .M.
Confidence. CI.AIIIC , Drucvlst , Fnlrtnoni , Nebratka.
HUQ Suporaodod Othora.
' ECZEMA to ntiito tlioso fncM , nn I f ol that too much pralio
MALIGNANT cannnt bo liotnirwt upon llood'M HarmilMirllla. " " ] IiHiil' Hnr < np.irllli : Inn suiierpedcd other blood
CHAUI.KS F. 1IUKXKI. , Deputy CUy Treasurer , purlllers In this Ino.nlity. We sell moru of It than of
The Terrible Sufferings of an Omaha Boy. Omaha , Nebraska. any other two SarsapaillliH. Wo mm > r hud u ennu- |
mer speak III of U and w lake pleasure li | ix'lllni ; It ,
Ailults nlin miner from unit rlioum or pcteuin , Hnd Rheumatism. knonlUK that It nlwnya Klvun Kcneial iiallnfui'lliiii ' '
IniiKuneo Innilpqiinto to ilpsorlbu tlio nniinUliit ( Itvh "I wrllo thoio llnc.i lo tell of Iho benefit I havn received Tlit-KKH \ IIIIIIWN , DriiHUlsls , eorncr Third anil Locust
thh illaenac. la It nny *
nnil inlii by
| Hood's Sarnapiirllln. I hnvo been n sufferer cust streets , ( irand Island , Nebraska ,
uf- ceived from
for -
tlion , tlmt when parents finnlljr llntl rellof a
faring clilM , tlit'jr feel nnxlous to lot oilier * know ferer from rhouinntlMii for over llvo yenrs , bolnent . Tliroo Strong Points.
wlmt him wruiiKlit nui-li urutlfyliiu rcsiilti ? The ro- ono tlmo unnblo to leave my bed for three *
nmrknblo power of llooil' Bnrsiiparllla oyor tliu I.n t iprlnit I had n very jovero ntlock nnd decldeil lit 'I am vlad to oxpresn myself In retfard lo llninl'.i
. form of try Hood > Snritapiirllln. I win i-ooii BiirprUed to Hnrsaparllla , and will nay : mutlgimnt rtnd myself Improvlim. I regained my health , and 1st. I consider Hood's arnparllla Iliu tx'it blond
SALT IIIIKI-M know that Ilood'a Sarimparllla has rured me , nil purltler on Iho niniket.
la well Illuslrnleil tiy llio following ntntemcnt , which havu not had rhenmntliim nt all thin winter. I am In -'d. Wonell n niui-ti If nut moro of Hood's S.ini-
nil ptinint * whose chlKlrcii sutler from Impure blooil butler health than 1 Imvo hemi for n I'm * llmo nnd parllla than any other.
Khonlil : my frlomls nro mirprlned at my ImprovadconillUoii. . ' : ld. I have novoral riKtnmers who claim tliov hnvo
" 1 tnko plcniiurn In itntlng Ihnt I hnro been well mit- J. K. IllLl. , IU9 West Khjlillt Avenue , Denver , Color - been ureally benoilled by Hi u oi nntnean bo fur-
l ( lcil of Iho phiiiiomcnnl diiocesa of Ilooil's Sursa- r iv ilo. nlsheil If ilo < lit > il ' 1 ° . A. TliiiMi-sii.v , I'alncn liruu
parllla. About n yeitr nnil n tin If ngn my younk-e t Asthma or Ontnn'h. Sloie , Clay Tenter , Seliraslta.
boy , then about two vonrs olil , wn nnilrloil with n
mint innllKimntI'pjonm. It llr lilcvclopi'il In hl > rlKht "I'or nevornlyenrn I linvoheon troubled with n kind PhyHloiuns Prescribe It.
eye , niul the illKt'lmrne from Iho niiiuo caune.l the of mlhnia or catarrh In my throat , nnd had tried nev- "Ilood'ii Sarnapnrllln Klrps unlTer al sallsfartlnn
that ulilo to bleak out In a nasty run- could Itnd nulhlnit In hi-lp
whole fnco nn pral klmK of medlclno but nour patrons Wo mill morn "f It Hum of any oilier
nine soro. Tlio mo. My wlfo wanted mo to try n boltlo of llnod'a Sar.iaparllla w have In Iliu IIOIIIA. It U fieiiiently
, ' roon FKI.MIW SnntiiparllM. I told IhoitruuKlst of whom I bouitlil crllied by phynlrlans. " WAI.HIN A t'u. , Haul
I liad no fnlth In It bnt would | tlvo It n trial , Nebraska.
It that . Ilioken llow ,
wai InileM pltnblo lo look nt. llo wn nt flr t tn-nlod iilJo Buuaie.
wtili-h I illd. I must say I wua very inueli bent-tiled
' monthi with little
hy ii'ur funllly pliynlclnn forierernl Sponk Highly of It.
It woiili ) by tmliiBlt nnd would reciimmond It very hluhly to
tlo or no success , anyone havlnuiiithma or catarrh. " r. Dr.v- "Itoort'ii Barsaparllli III"1' ec > ftil ntl faclliii , and
henl It wonlil noon ;
nt InlwaU - up nil , bml nn over. It IIIE.H , tlrmof Iiovrlei xrelersnn. OuiKhn , Nebratka , ell more of It than any oilier blood medlclno Thoio
out iik-aln Just "
nt Imt becnmonobiiil thnt even our physicians ev- Doflt In the World. that umitl speak very hlKhly of It" HKUiHKjK Tccumseli \
iiiiil llti'iksellori , ,
presn-il Krnvo fcnra that Iho lioy wouM lee o thor "I have HiilTered wllli catarrh over twelto years , IlKII.MXN Nebraska. , HniKKlsls
r lilpf Hint eye , nnil tlio other wnii becomlim nflee- nnil have doctored ronntantly , hut could net mi relief Will Stand by It.
. Wo then look him to They
teil ) uinnner. until I not n bottle of llood'i Bnrrapurllla. It han
thu twn. muiii eminent ocullsln In Ihn city of llalll- done moro KIIOI ! thnn nil uther medldnei , nnd I ran "Wo recommend Hood' * HnrinparlHn m n Kood
iniiro , hero wo then llvoil. They Irenteil lilui fur nt cheerfully recommend It. I think U tlio best Idoud blood medli'liiP. nnd have mild luoro of II Iliuii ul any
li'nst Iwo miiiillii with notmocens whalovor. It wuii medlclno In the world. " I ) . C. MDTIIWKU , , 51lh and blood lemody on our shel\o > , Woliatonurvat many
nt aliout Dint limn Iiiul my wlfo found i > pntt of 1'ranUHn utreuts , Omaha , Nebraska. i'intniiH'i.1 who nay they will stay by the lemedy ns
lluod's Cnlanilar , lelllnitof Hie mirrow nllnlnod Inn loiiv as inanufai lured "NtuiailK linns , I'allil'lly ,
Imtlnrciuohy tlio use of Ilouil'H t > nr nparllln , nnd A Point for You. Nobraika.
her I buuuht n boltlo of II. lleforo orntroniiUipnlnK medl-
to ncconuuodato If you want n blood purifier The Soiling.
tbo.buttle w s hulf tiiken ho clno. you iliuiilil net Iho b t. Ask for lloml'ii Har- ' .
"Hood's Rarsipatllla U the lp tnellln
I.IIKKI > MKK ASOTIIKIl CIIII.D. inparllla , nnd Insist upon hnvtiu , ' It. ! > < t not let any
{ what Ms kind nnd M nuperlor to nny other In the niaikei I
Wo lined two bottle * , nnd althouiiU that has bynn arKiiment or persuasluii liiHuenco you to buy - sell moro than of ull tin ) rest put luiiulher. " IlLN II.
. hnTOin-Tcrn'un n ulEii of rou do not want U lure lo tfi.'l thu lUenl medklni- , .
motathao yonrniii. ' Ill rr , M. II. , JtiUuUt , Wahuu , Nub.
troubla oil 111 * fnco since. U Hires mo vreat pleasure lluoil'a tiarsnparllla.
' Sold by nil ilrun8l > ti. ll : Ufur . 1'rcpnrod unlr
f ' . Ill ilor 15. I'repared only
all druia'lstn.
alldrugulsls. ll Ufor 3. 1'repareil only Sold by l.owull Mast.
; . AHitliuearlu
Soldby I nrell , Mans. b ) U. ) Hood A IV ) . | > i ,
jy LVl.lloiMl A Co. , Ai thocnrlc-si , I/Jwoll , Mn s. by 0.1. Hood A. Co. , AimlliowirliM ,
IJ&llar. * 1OO D06U Ono Dollar
1OO IJosos Ono Dollar 1OO Doses pao