Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The county Irenittroi1 Is pending out
notice of tnxcs whli'h beooino tlollii-
qiiont May 1. A pcMinUy of 1MV 1 \ cent tv
month Is as-osscd uftor the ditto men
Hlsiett Ilitwlc of the Wlnnnbnffo Irlfoo
tun ) Ci anthill of the Iowa's attracted
runslitr-mbto attention at the St. Paul
depot jostni'day. They nro just returning -
turning from it v lull uilh relatives at the
Pine KfdfTo roKOi'uitioii and arc bound
for Oklahoma. IllacU Hawk is a son of
the noted chief of the HIIIIIO name and is
a very Intelligent Indian.
1'diet * Lursen , the man who filed a
petition in the district court for an injunction -
junction rcHtrnlninj , ' the village of Florence -
once fiom appiopriiititiff a part of his
land for public use , IIIIH HWOI-II out a com
plaint heforo Justice Andercon for the
arrest of Michael Dally , the miirritml of
Floi once , for tearing down his fences ,
and for the arret of ThonmH Rhodes for
helping him. The men \vero arrested
audit-leased on their own recogni/anco
to appear on the 10th lust at 1 o'clock.
A xxo ifxci.n /.vx.v.
ScnU for tlio eiu-MRCinrat of Mr. niiel Mrs.
Kemliil nt the Uc > iil will lie put on .snlo lit
0 o'clock this monilntr. The engagement
promises to bo nn ciioiiiioiis one. The iciior-
toho will be as follows : Thursday evening ,
"A Koiai [ of 1'apcr , " Fiiilay eveiiini ? ami
Baturday nfteniiooti , "Tho Ironmaster , " and
Hntmclny evening , "Tho Queen's HliillliiK "
Mr. iind Mrs Kcndul will bo suppoiteil l > y
tliclr own London company. The pi Ices for
icscivcd .scats aio $1 fXJ and 1 ,
Itluliop O'Connor.
Bishop O'Connor will nnlve in the city to-
daj f i oin 1'ittsbuitf.
Mrs WInslow's Soothing Synip for clill-
dim teething caies wind colic , dltmluiMetc.
" 5 cents u bottle.
Licenses wcio issued to the following
p.utics by Judge Shields jcsteidnys
Name and lesidunio. Ago.
( Ccnrge It l 'iow , Omaha . ! iS
( KlluJJ D.iAidson , Omali.i . ' "J
( MIUo Simla , Omaha . 2S
1 Cuthuni SchlincitOmalia . 20
A rasH Meeting of
The Knights of ! > } thins of this city will
liold u mass meeting at the I'jthiau hall , in
the l'i\ton block , tonight , to listen to an ad-
nddiess liy C'olonel.I U. Powell of Milu.m-
Itce , who will spc.ik on the subject of the en
dowment i. ink The colonel is the
Holii'itor of the endowment i.inlc. and has been
In the clt\ for some time on business con
nected with that i. ink.
Pruts' Soap bccaics a beautiful complexion
Funeral < > ! ' Jolnmy Tlinni.
The funeial cxcuises over the lemiiiis of
Johnny Tiinm , the boy cnishcd to death in the
elevator at thoMuir.iy , occuiicd at the lioniu
of his p.ucnts on Hatncy near Seventeenth at
S3 p in. Ucv Air KM/IT ofllclutcd , condtiLt-
lut ; tlie > ecicist's e in Uciiiiiui , A number of
fncnds and ncl hbois wcio in nltendnice.
The boilj was taken to youth Omaha , where
It was intciml. _
1'rospcct IIIII Cemetery.
Judge C A. Dalduln icpoits that the lot
owners in Piospcct Hill cemetery hnvo 10-
spondedciy liboially to the demand for
Clash needed for imniediato impro\cmcnt of
tlio propelty. The contract has been nwaided
for the constitution of a fcnco around the
lioi > eit > , and a man will bo put nt woik at
oiu o ( Ic'.iiilnic up the lots and plating them in
presentable shape.
District , Court.
.TnPobll MaiUelhascommenccdstlitagainst
Lnrmon P. 1'iitjii to iccovcr $ J,000 on two
* The Oiiuilia moi tgago company bus brought
Biiltn&ilnst John H. Pugh to iceovcr on a
notes for ? IIU W ) seemed livmottpigo on lot
SM , bloi-k 1 , Monmouth Pailc addition.
The Omaha nioilg.ipo Lompanj has bioutht ;
suit in forecIoMUo against U C. Spotsuood.
The clergy , the mediial fncnltvand the pi'o-
plo all endoi-so Huidock lilood liittei-b as tlio
best HJstem lenuviituip , blood pmifjinjj tomes
In the woild. Send foi testimonials.
IJaldi ! < ! ( > OIIIclulljot illeil.
At United States Distiict Attoiney Baker's
oflkoeio iccclved the pipois containing not mention to Mr Haldiigo of his
appointment to the position of assistant
United Slates distiiut nttoiney. Theio was
nUo ic'LOived a eliKUiiiont dhectcil to Mr
Put lick notil.Uiig him of bis dismissal fiom
the sen ice The lauso of Mi. Putuck's to-
ino\al was not mentioned.
Sentenced to Death.
A dog with a clothes line tied around bis
neck , e.ncfully gu.aded by a man named
Peterson , was suitentcd to death in the po-
Hcocouit jestetdny. The tanino hnd. bit
ten the daughter of Mis. .Tncksoa and the hitter -
tor s\\oie out an infot million agidiist Peter
son , chni ( diif ? liha with keeping a vicious dog.
The com t gave Peterson the choliu hctwi-ca
bcint ' , lined or having his qiimhiipcil killed.
IIo accepted the latter pioposition and the
Ocuth sentence ? wns solemnly passed.
The thud ttisselill be. between Cinibago-
imislor Ufiinett and Poundmaster Puhiski.
Dr. Hlrnoy. practice limited to catarrh
oh disciibes ot nose and throat. Boo bldg.
Called Him "Arelile. "
" .loha Uoo Xo. 1 , " ealled out .Tudgo Heh-
loy , but no answer was iveeUed. The demand
was icpeuted , and was again Ignored. Finally
couitoUkoi Ko bor soiled out u man with
whislteis , whtihuld his nnino was "Aichlo. "
IIo didn't Unow whether theio was a handle
or ovteaslon to his cognomen , but oeiy per
son called him Aieldc.
'Whew do jou livo"1 asked the court.
"No whi'ic , jet , " i-cspomled the piisoner.
" \ \ hat do jou mean bv > et ( "
"I'\o only been In Omaha u few months
end haeu't caught on. "
"Do jouant to woikl"
"Thai depends on Iho soil of a snap I catch
on to
"Tcndajs. Kc\t. "
lotor-4 Took tlio I5oly. (
It bus been ascci tained bojond a p.utlclo
ol u doubt that the body of Hairy Adams ,
who died at St. Joseph's hospital in this
city on robumry IS , was sovcml
dajs ago gl\cu to u medical
Institution hero in Omaha for the purpose of
dissection The modkal folks , so it is stated
on Koocinutumity , secured pos'-essiou ' of the
remains under 11 clause of the statutes
providing that when a body is unclaimed
it naiy , upon the filing of a bond for & 00 , bo
bccuivd for the puiposo mentioned. This
bond , the statute saj-s , must bo lllod
with the county eloik. Whoa
a ivpoiter asked County Cleik
O'Malloy If Adams' body hud IWPII given
away and a bond tiled , that oftlrhl nuulo
evasive ansuei'h , made a show at Hading
"tho papers concerning some such case , " as
lie expressed It. Alter seaichlunr about
the office a minute or two Mr. O'AIidloy 10-
imuked "I don't caw to do unj thing moio
about this until I see u ccttala paity , who
V 111 bo hi this attcrnooii "
A Necessity of Health.
It Is n pilmo necessity of health that the
nttton of the bow els should bo Kept regular ,
lint the \\ay too\crcomo a tcmpoitiiy tit of
constipation , or to remedy chroulo costlvenoss
Is not to deluge the htomnch and drench the
bowels v 1th purgatives of violent and painful
action The huppj medium bci\\ con million-
erativo anillolcal catUuitlo is Hostetter'H
titomiuh bitters , \\hUh nets Just Miftlcicntly
ujtou the lxi\\eK to relax them , without pain ,
uudhlfh Ix'Ing n wholesome tonic , as uell
us tipcilcnt , has the cftcct of strengthening
both them and the stomach , and promoting
the will being of the whole inteiiud economy
The lomoval of bllo from the blood , increased
nctlv itv of the liver , usually dormant la cases
of uHtlu'noss. and sound digestion follous
the use of this bciu-llccnt medicine , as thor
ough and genial la Its effects as it Is safe and
pure la composition. Hhcmtiatlsm , fever and
iiguc , kldnoy troubles and debility aw also
ixmcdk'd by it.
Why Hie llllllurd Palaoo DOOM Not
Open It * DOOM.
About sixty days since Messrs. Q. B Hen-
pen mid I [ any T. Warner lea ed from the
MtCoimlck estate the piopcity known ns the
Nella Klnir homestead on C'apltol avenue near
Sixteenth street , and with \Iiions of gient
profits contnietcd to have it couvcitcd into a
goigcous bar and billiard room with quiet
nooks above , where , pciiliance , four kings
and four queens might bo pitted against ono
another with the gi cater p.ut of the pot to go
to Iho backer of the masculine phalanx.
The cost of making the transformation was
estimated at fiom ? < ttKH ) to * * ( IK ) Mr. Hen-
gen , who is Iho capitalist of the
concern , nprecd in the nttlile-t of co paitner-
shlp to put up ducats to that amount , to
meet the demands of the caipentcis , bilck-
lajcn , painters and plasteicrs and the job
uas let.
As the woik progressed a number of altera
tions ltno\\n to mechanics as "exlias" were
nccess.irv and these "extras1' made the cost
of icpalts the sum of aiiHMiw : ( hlch was
neatly iloublo the oilglual cstini ite. Then
Mr. Hcngen wcakenedj and having paid oat
but * V)0 ) to ? W ) on iiccount , dei lined to put
up any moic. Winner had been supoi intend
ing the woik ami perceiving that be , asa
joint paitner , would bo left In the hole , do-
tided uiwii uggicsslvo mciisuies mid begun
suit Friday against Itcugeii for bieach of
contiiict , claiming iU.OOO. 'J'ho coatr.ii.tois
Will piobably also go to the c oiuls for ivlief
and lilo liens to secuio tliemsfh es.
Winner is making an tfloit to secuio other
capital to pay the claims and open tlio iil.u o
which was intended to bo magiiillcant in its
appointment * and sumptuous in its linings ,
exceeding in display unj similar pluco west
of Now Voik , but the outcome is still uiucr-
Thin and impuio blood is made lich and
healthful by talcing Hood's Snrsnpailllii It
cuics sciofida , salt ihcum , all blood disorders.
Don't 1)0 11 Clam.
Hobcrt P. Poiter , supcnintciulcnt of census
of the United States , has forwaided to the
county oflleeis of every county in the country
schedules to bo lllled hi with the amount of
wealth , debt and taxation of the county for a
pcilod coveting the past tea , for the
purpose of census investigation.
In older that the ictiiuis of the eleventh
census may bo complete nud pi.ietically use
ful , the statistics called for aio absolutely
nccessniy. Much labor
and icse.nch nmst bo peifoimcd In outer to
collect and enter the facts and llguicsic-
As servants of the county residents , the
count ) oflltois will , by making n special cf-
foitnow in bch.ilf of the census ofllce , gain
for Douglas count } acicditableshowlng , as it
deseives. If tliejneglett the oppoitunitv ,
or pi u o obstacles in the \\a\- , the iccoid will ,
as a matter of ionise , bo impel feet and con-
ti ast unfavorably with that ot other coun
If the needed statements aio not foithcom-
ing , that fact must bo insetted opposite the
name of the county in the ( cnsiib letuuis ,
thus making a most unfavoiablo showing ns
coinp.iicd with other similar divisions whoso
accounts have boon icadily and chcci fully
submitted without delay and without ob
The pic = cnt inquiry was stalled on the
assumption that tlioso who wcic to bobciic-
lHted by a complete lin.UKial exhibit would
make unusual ofloits to aid in tlio investiga
tions , so far , it would seem fiom infoimation
coming fiom the icnsns olllcc , that Douglas
count- still delinquent.
It is icpoi ted Unit at least nine-tenths of
tlio counties m eveij state and tcuitoij luiv o
sent in excellent icpoits.
New Coates Jloiihc , Kan. City.
Absolutely Jho iiioof. Finest and largest
hotel in Kansas Uity. Unexcelled in its ap
from the Diary of uf nu Old
CouiitjAssessor. .
In going ov or some old county assessors'
iccoids jesteulay Prank Ximnier found in ono
of the mustiest volumes these cntiies :
Miiich 4,1S.V. ) : Good stage of water in the
i ivcr and fico from ice. Steamer Floi Ida in
at the lower landing.
Mauh. > : The Floiidacamo up and as bhe
passed the foot of \iiii.un sticct she was
gieeted with the tiling ot cannon and Iho
licaity cheeisof the people of Omaha. She
had veibttlo lieight
AIiucli li : Floiula left this morning. A
haul w.iv to servo tlio Lout.
Miacli 10 The Omaha aiiivcd abiutnooa
with n hcavv f i eight. Few passengers , hho
lelt the same day.
Match \ : Steamboat Kniigiaat ariived
at 7 , left at 10 a. m , AYilliaiiiThujcr , II.
Johnson go dow n.
MaichUi : Steamboat Sioux Citj' ariivcd
about 7 i > in.
Alaich ' . ' ( > : Steamboats Ilcspeii.m and K.
M IJeihmd.
Minch 'M : Steamboats Asa Wilges and
Spicad I igle.
AptII 1 : Steamboat White Cloud ; loft
Apid t : Steamboat Hannibal ; leftApull.
Apid . "i Steamboat Omaha ; loft Apul 5 for
Sioux City. Fu t ol the season.
A pi Hi ) : Iiigitau ; lelt Apiil'J.
ApiillU : Omaha.
Sleeplessness , neivous prostration , nervous
dvspepsia , dullness , blues , cuted bjDr. .
Miles' Nervine. Samples fico at ICuliii iSc
Co 's , liith and Douglas.
Kosolut ions of Condolence.
The dhcctoiate ol the Young Men's Chris
tian association has , tluougli a committee ,
taken the lollowing iiitlon conceining the
death of the lute I * C. Himebiugh , ono of
the most liboial patrons of the us.odatioii :
Hod In Ills wisdom has soon lUlltlri'- call
oiu liclovod luollier and filcnd. I'll let ) t' .
lllmobaiiKli. to Ills oloi home It SIMMIIS to
us p.tillculaih 1'iilkil foi In illness and in .ip-
lobatlon of a uolilu and aasillKli llfo that VMI
ulio hmo boon near to htm and hino onlo\od
Iho apiiieelatlou of such an uuo shoulil testify
to It.
It.Wo Imvc , asa VOIIHK Meii'nChilstlan nsso-
olatlon , Iho cioalist IOIIM > II to ui'UmmlidKii
liu\liir touiiit In him a Him , uiifaltoilng and
line friend and in inaiiv IhliiKS a pcifcct n\-
aiaplu. IIo labored faithfull } and untliliiKl ) ,
in on to a fault , foi the \\elCuui oC our usioclii-
tlou and foi the \ OIIIM men of out city.
Among imttK'iihiily coiiMilrinms iiualllli's In
him \\rii ) these , vlThai : hoas an
Inti llluvut. hjnloiiiatli , I'hcmfnl and
lllioial giM'i , and that In busl-
IU"-S llfo III ) OlsHI\Cd doll's lil\\H Ulll'll
Indlic'ot c'OiillU'tMlthgnlii.coiiiitliu ; it aploas-
urotoboai puctinlaiy loss lathni limn touor
the lil 'h i hrlitluu hluiulaid oflilsllfi' . C'om-
nion testimony ontsldo of his ebrlstlnii nsso-
nlntt's Is that ho ll\od an upright , consistent
life , a suppoitorof \eij i gooil woik In not u
btuilKhu nod 01 limited s ( nso.
W'oilosliotoaoKiioHlidgo In heartfelt cr.itl-
tudt ) tlio p.uthich oiu bolo\od biothui and
long time puslilt ut bout In the oioctloa of llio
line now liulldliig no\\ owned and ocouplid by
inirnssiK'latlonofoi'l It would not now ho
in oxlstonco but for bis olloit and faithful
piosocatlou. Wo extoud oin NX mpatb ) to his
tiioa\t ) > d ones In tlio lossot ifi\liiK liiisbind
and faihur , and in ay Oed may bless them for
\Vll.l 1AM I'll MINO , )
J O. rini.i.ii'i , M.'imumttcc' .
0. A Uoss , )
A fiood Iteporl.
Owing to the cxaggeiatcd newspaper re-
poiIs , Bomo persons have the idea that leal
estate In Pieuu , S. D , has become too high
for u consoivatho Investment. This Is a
great mistake. The lacieaso la values slnco
last August bus been nol over , on an average.
! ) per cent. Hood huslncis lots can bo hud
for W.OOO to f 1,000 and residence lots from ,0
to $100.
It.MiatOAD \i\ATis. : .
The } Throng the Union Pauillu Ilcad-
( inarters I'mItnslncss. .
H. H. Cable , president of Iho Hock Island
load ; KOMVell Miller , president nnd general
manager of the Milwaukee , accompanied by
several other ofllciuls , ivadicd this city caily
} osteidny monilng. 't'liouus T Wltluow , M.
A Low and T I. IClmb ill are with Cable , while
Miller I ins w ith him hU general supci intend-
cut. A. J Hurling. Tlio real object of their
visit Is not announced , though Mr , Ciiblo
has been exacted for buvorul days
to consult Vice Pivsldcat Holcomb
tvffiu-dlng an iigivemcut for Joint
tuick privileges bctwcvn his road ami the
Union Pacific Helms IM.VII out on u tourof in
spection and c.imo in Mmiday nighl fixiu Ucn-
vor , by way of HcutiUo nud Lincoln , pix-i > uiii-
ably to liiform hluuclf uboutthtnhjhv-of-way ,
tenntmil fnelllties , etc , for the proposed cut
off thtoiiRh whiih the main line now termi
nating at Council Illuffs is to bo connected
with tlio Denver system cither nt IJentilco or
Fiihhiiry. . . . -
As heretofore tepoited exclusively in Tin !
HI.I , Mr. Cable can save several million dollars
lars for bis corporation by entering Into an
alllnmowlth the Union Paclllo wheivby Its
trains will have clear use of the
truck of the latter from Council
muffs across the btidgo tluougli this city ,
South Omaha and to Uilmore , in exchange
for a lease to the Union Pacific of the new
line from Ollmoro to Lincoln. An agreement
of this kind was made sovetal weeks ago in
Boston Mr Cable w-as closeted all day with
Union Pud He officials at heiulquatters and It
was Impossible to speak with him upon the
Mr. Cable was seen at the Mlllard nnd said
that ho was hero looking the situation over ,
but could not tell liovv soon his conip.inj would
commence operations
Ho continued the repot t of an agtcoined be
tween the Koch Island and Ulilon Piicille
for Joint use of tracks from Omaha to
Lincoln "I am satisfied the people of this
city will bo glad to see us conio across the
liver and ills our Intention to come How
ever , wo ate not asking anything of them.
"As to our using the proposed union depot ,
that matter remains to bo settled hereafter.
Thei e is nothing compulsory about it. "
Ho had hcaid that Mr. Miller was in town ,
but know of no pioarranged agreement for
them to bo bore at the sumo time.
Mr Miller was closeted with pnities who
aio negotiating for the building of another
hiIdgo and who want his road to use it , also
looking Into the matter of terminal facilities
in e.iso ho should decide to bring his load
netoss the liver. Ho also had a conference
with Union Pacific and 15 .t M. officials rel.i-
llvo lo coming inlo Iho union depot when tlio
latter Is completed.
AVnut More Crews.
Nebriska and AVjomlng division conduc-
tois of the Union Pacific ai-o again petition
ing managing officials for moio eiews , less
mllcago nnd better pay. They hnvo been
granted n healing , which will take place next
Thursday , nt which time the matter will bo
laid before Vice Picsident Holcomb. Three
or four weeks ago the grievance committee
called on Mr. Dickcnson and their confeicncc
resulted in his ordering ono extra crew on the
Nebiaskn div isioii. On the two divisions four
moio ciows aio demanded. i
Only a ltljIitrVny. .
A dispatch from Tiiconu saj-s the
Union Pacific has obtained control by pur
chase of tl c Tuioma & Lake Citj' road , but a
denial that any such deal vyas ever consum
mated is made by the officials at headqu ir-
tcis. Mr. Holcomb sujs theio Is no such load
in I'xistoncc except on paper
"Somo paities out in that countiy own a
wanted toiuKe elf their
ligbt-of-wii } they us
hands , but wo hav e not posltiv ely decided to
do so. "
On a Tour of Inspection.
Division Superintendent Jaynes of the St
Paul load loft Monday for-Sioux Cit } wheio
ho will meet Mr Scott , the general superin
tendent of the load. 'J'ho two gentlemen go
to Norfolk on a tour of inspection and icUiin
to Omaha tonight.
1C jou suffer piii King pains on mov ing the
eves , or cannot bear blight lightand find ji.ur
sight weak and failing , jou should piomptly
use Dr J. II. McLean's sliungthcning Kje
Salvo. ! . ' . > cents a box.
Itcal Kstatc is Selling anil Dealers
Don't Attend the i\i ; > lian i' .
"Somebody or something ought to stir the
boj sup inn way that would icniiiid them
that the } 'ic sadl } neglecting the best and
most valuable engagement of the day , " aid a
dealer at the real estate ox < hnugo jcsteiilay
"That's just right , " icmaikcd another ot
the niembcis , "audit wouldn't be a bad ideate
to giv o the boj s n stir or tw o. The dally tall
hasn't been changed siuco tlio lUtli. Suih
neglect shows up in bad shape to v isitors. It
makes them think wc'voallgoiiesnoomig. ' '
"President Cluis Ilaitiann hasn't iitteudcd
n meeting fora week , and Murk Upton , the
first vice president , has not boon seen on the
floor for tin eo or four dajs. "
This latter talker was n gentleman who
hasn't missed but ono meeting s'lice ' the ex
change stalled.
After this soi f of kicking had been going cm
for twenty minutes Second Vice Piesidint
Peuine flew in and rapping thoiall to older
called upon the sceietmy to pioceed. The
1 itter lead the following salts :
Lot n , block 1 , Hedlotd place , to r T.
Pajne , by Mead inv c'stincnt companj , SiOO.
Lot 11 , block 1-2- , Sc/utli Omaha.
Lot 1 . bleek 115 , South Omaha.
The follow ing list ingsoio lotul :
Lot lit. block ; . Kllby place- , Mix I',1" , M.100
l.ot ! > , bloclvS Kilbv phue , . .MIxl'H1,1011. .
Lcit.l , block 10 , citv , L'ixli ! ( ; s'i100. !
Lot' . ' , block U' , Fust addition to South
Omaha , dOxl.VI ; S.,5Ull )
Lot 7 , block 1 , Park place , 31 feet fiojit ;
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If jou will send us vour iidduss we v\ill
sciidvouDr Dje's Cclebiatc'd Voltaic Uc'lt
and Appliances cm trial. They will quickly
tc'stoio jou to vigor , manhood and hcallli.
Pamphlet free. You uo BI.I i Co. , Mai shall ,
Adjusting the Losx ,
Captain Wlliov , manager of Biowning ,
King & Co 's establishment , is busj w ith the
insurance adjusters lixing the oec.isioiicd
by the Hie of Mondiij inoining.
The woik will consume cajs. ]
Only n vciv small poition ofllio slock can
bo used and the loss will exceed the full
amount of tlio insmam o.
Mr. L' . 12. Wood i u ft ot Chicago , n member
of the Him , in rived in the citj * jesteidny
and is engaged with the insurance adjusters
Ho s.ijs the Him will continue in business
be-to and will secuio tcmpoiaij qauitors at
OUCH" , having nhe.uly seemed the iclusul ot a
stoic on Paranm street near Thirteenth
Adjnstcis aio also settling with the other
sullei-ei-s fiom the Hie.
The dc'licious fragrance , leficshing cool
ness , and soft beaut } impaitod to the skin bj'
L'o//oni's ! Powder comiucnds it to all ludicj
Si-11 the County.
The firms who have be t n avv urded coati.iets
Tor supplying the poor farm and w hose bonds
fordoing Iho same weio uppuned li } the
county conmilssioncrs last Satuulaj , wc-ie ns
follows : Paxton tx , ( JalhiKher , 'grocvuo ,
Van Gilder & Co , meats , Maish , x. Smith ,
lour ; James Conollj , boots and shoes , P .1 ,
Quealy .S : Co , soap
IS a complaint from which many Buffer
and few uro untiruly free. Us cause
Is indigestion and n sluggish liver , tlio
euro for vvhith is rcudil } found In the
use of Acr's Pills.
" I have found that for sick hcadaoho ,
caused b } a di.soiili'ivil condition of the
Ktomach , Ajci' * Pills nro thn most 10.-
llublo reined } " Sutuuol U. llindlmin ,
Worthingtoii , Muss.
"After the use of Aycr'H Pills for
ninny jears , in my prartico and familj' ,
1 nm tustillc d in saj ing that they are an
pxc'c'lloiit uithnitlo ami liver iiirdirino
ttiistuiiiing all the c lalnis iiindc > for them. "
W. A Wohtfall , M. D , V 1' . Austin
& N. W. llaihva } Co. , Dm nut , Texas.
"Aycr's 1'llls are the best medic Ino
known to mo for regulating tli bowels ,
nnd for all diseases inusucl bj' u clis.
nrdurrd htoiiuuh and liver. I slilUied
for emir tluco jcars fiom hcadac he , lu-
dlgetstion , and ( onsllpntion. 1 had no
appctlio nnd was weak and ncrvoni
most of the tlmo. Ity using Unco boxes
of Ajor's Pills , nuil at the sumo tlmo
eliciting mvsulf , I w ns completely c nrcd. "
Philip LockvvoodTopci.ti , Kansas ,
"I was troubled for ycnra with indi
gestion , constipation , and liriulm he. A
fciw boxes of Ajcr's Pills , used in Miiall
daily closes , restored inn to health.
Tliu } are prompt and effective. " W. II.
Htiuut , Mcadvllic , Pa.
Ayer's Pills ,
rnsrAiicD UT
Dr. J. C , Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Gold ty H PruggUU c < l Dt l ID Medicine.
It'superior cxrclpir | | ( iroviMi In nilllloinoftioincs
fnrnitiri1 tlnm iii | iirturiir iiconliliv U I * a i-il by
HIK Unlloil stnlu llincTnnionl incIor : iMl liy the
hciiilinr Iho ( ircnt 1'nlvorsltli.M in Iho atroiui-st ,
I'lirp'tntiilinmt llcnllhfiil tr I'rlcoN Crpnni Hick-
IHK 1'OHilir ilocM not contain Ammonia , J.lmo 04
Alum Huh ) onlv In rim
I'lllt'K MAKl.Sd I'OWDlIll CO.
Kabo is for women who
break their corsets. Kabo
can't be broken. The store
guarantees it not to break
for a year ; and the maker
behind the store.
And Kabo doesn't kink.
To kink is almost as bad as
to break. The store guar
antees it not to kink for a
year ; and the maker behind
the store.
If a single "bone" ( we call
it "bone , " it isn't bone ) of
Kabo breaks or kinks in a
year , take your corset back
to the store and get your
money. And , if the corset
don't suit you after wearing
a week or two or three , go
back for your money.
There is a primer on Corsets -
sets for you at the store.
CHICAGO COASST Co. , Chicago and Now York
, A I'.are Clmicc to Visit
tliu IitlliliMt ! ! of the Aim > of the Icnncsic.
puilni ; Siltsnt
rxtr.iorillnniy l.u It ! . . good for thirty
di\s loli'uc CliluKO , April 2Mh , IHO
I or mt'inlioislilp iip [ > l ) not l.iti i Hi in April 21 to Mi.lliiHlili | VKPIIIS nrC'"M A M I" It II Agents
at St. I'm ! , Mlnmun IU Ui Cros i. M Hilton , Mll-
\\.lllki r. Dubinins DJi Mnlnrs mil Cni ) ill i , 01
I'AUl.SI'.N .t ! NlMICICi : . IlllllliCl ,
, IH I.iiNullo Sllfet , C'lllcllffO.
beu.lfor descilDlhciio.ks nnd cliculaiii.
Imported Millinery.
123 North 15th Street.
i IIP i\Mi cir
'Send for Ci.rcuZ.jr- . ? !
. , .
r n
Santa : Abie : and : Cat : R : Cure
Toi sale hyliocxlinuii DIIIK ( o.
II M Trinheart , iJulmilrlanoo , l.uchn Minor
H , M. Tfucheart & Co.
KttnlilUla'il lii ISJ7
ti.ihc'stoii In IlioM'.tpoit that IN mill Is ID bo
'ur tlio icat Xoitli\\c-ht. Infoimatlmt uncl
uiips fillnlsliucl , 'Vilsllnis Invlli'il to cull at
PUNK ! Fran minors m
Orilrm Iijr Hull unit I'lprit * n III rc'tclte I'rumitt
nuil torrcit .Itliiitlun.
" c i.j.lGI . State St.Chicago ,
I > r eitt t-x IHttiuor'l llruti Ji i rid iut llla
U i t , jpelr I * UU 11 uo riLlon 1 uU * * no uJtrr ( >
hp { ] l | % * syfrr pnlctiUri 1 "Hrller for
J HitUkf ir * Itit fi > j rtturti mutt.4wi / \ r
To the many of our patrons who could not get waited on in our store last Saturday. Though'
we have a large force of extra salesmen the rush has been so great that it was impossible to wait
on all customers. We arc thankful to those who showed indulgence , and we arc sure they find
themselves well repaid for the time they spent in waiting. We shall have a larger force of sales
men next Saturday , and will be prepared for bigger crowds. Wo will also be prepared with new
bargains. Some of the lots advertised last week are completely sold out but we are opening
every day new invoices and every clay we have some new and fresh attractions.
Our this week's special is the grandest offer ever made in the line of ready made clothing.
We place on sale about 500 very fine Cassimcrc and Cheviot Suits , all sacks , each of them
worth at least $15.00 ; at the unprecedented low price of $9.00. The material in these suits is
the product of one of the best mills in the country. The shades are dark and light gray , and a
neat brown plaid. They are well trimmed with the best of Farmer Satin or Serge lining- . The
cheapest suit in this lot would bring in any other establishment $15.00. We offer them this
week at $9.00.
Our piles of Spring Overcoats arc getting low , and in some of the finest lots the si/rs arc
already badly broken up. These have been marked down , as we make it a point to sell these
goods quick. If you want to secure a fine Spring- Overcoat at a bargain , better come this week
and sec if we can fit you.
FURNISHING GOODS Our spring selections in fancy flannel shirts are the most ex
tensive and varied ever shown by any house in the citj' , we have a full assortment of the most
elegant novelties of the present season , in all wool , silk and wool mixtures and all silk. On all
these goods we quote the lowest prices.
Fresh Lines of Shoes Every Week.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
Etchings. Emerson.
Engravings. Hallet & Davis.
Artists' Supplies. Kimball.
Mouldings. Pianos & Organs.
Frames. Sheet Music.
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
GRAND ] Sunday , ) 20th
OPERA HOUSE. ( Monday , fAPni f 21st.
' 'At Last Wo Moot on
2RICHMONDS . MKKTS Equal Ground. "
In his own Laughable Fantomiue Faice , stylcel
"A "PAIR of KTT1R"
Assisted by clever comedians and voc.illstb , including the petite soubrette ,
The FrenchComique , GILBERT SARONY.
The Salibbuiy Troubacloie "Favorite" THOS. JACK ON
Just 482 Solid Lnughs in 3 Hours.
Beat this Score and Take the Belt
"They always give you good
value. "
"I never fail to find some
thing that fits my boy. "
"Such kncly kilt suits. "
These aie the pleasant
things that we hcai cvciy day
about our clothing.
We invite your
inspection of the
Children's Suits of-
fercdat $ 5.00.
All liocluslio Kood * oooKliiK I tlnl lioiibca
hliunlil ciao
A hlluht aclctlllniiKlxc'MKii'ut Mrc'il lli uiul
IliOul t" Snips , Smi'i uiul Maclu lllshtH
One' IIOHIIC ! Isc'cpial to fmH lioiindb of lean
1)1 f Cll tilCI \llllll ) < ( lllllHH * l * " "
litnulnoc.iily with fai'-hliullc uf J MIII I.tcv
) In ll ) 'i ' lnl > a it.sstlio lubol
. . . - . , - - WMM * i tu - " . . . - . , i j " . , . ' .
Kliil ft valuable Iriatlw ) ( wiili'ili lonlBlnliij. IU.
iiartlcuUri for homo icirf , I'.llljh of ih e. A
Miknillil ineilleal > work ' rtonW , , ' , ' jJJJJ
l f ; . % 'lo'\VlliItV ! vauiCuuiU
' Opera
Tun Nights Oiil > , I t . . . . : ] I
r.i'ilililiiblen\ent of llie > SMSOII.
nng.i enicnt of tlio elKliiiKiilsliul Mr
Frederick Wards
Sniipoite-d bj an nMi-llriil i omp my In tlio
folloKlni ; ie > ] ioi lohi > .
ust , llp.iiitlful I'lc'tdM qnu Coi-
tuincs. loinplctc Ai ic --oili - . ,
Itc' nlai prices , balu uf iCMtsliCtjIii'i Mcjiiclny
Qp > cra
lien D , V II \ M = "Mimnneri
nnl > ! ipoarincc | ) ! In
Thursday GUI illi uf
Friday , Mr. and Mrs.
17 , 18 , 19 , And tliolroiMi
iiiicloi tlio clln c'tlonof Daniel
7V/r/f.S/ir I 11 A , , "
Cp ln of Pniim-
I\IIXL\G. \ \ A vXiap 01 lapel.
r' ' , ; } ! ± K.i/ , t [ " ' ! lie Ironmaster. "
i-/ / /A } ) , f "The Queen's Shilling"
I'lloc's : Hcsoin'il < oats , { 1 W iincUlOO , Acl-
lilKslini * l UU .mil ' , " > < .
balu uf so , its Woiliicsclny n
Ono Week Only.
H Z J Two Headed
A A O Baby.
Z N The Climax of
E E Natures
L L Wonders
2 Great Stage Shows.
One Dime Admits to All.
A Perfect Ait Album eonljlnlng 24
Ueiullful Pholographl repreiontlng
T and Coffee culture , will b sent
01 receipt of your addren.
CHASE li SANBORN , 136 Broad St. , Botton ,
W jt rn Dept. 80 Franklin St. , Chicago. III.
Hoi o/id/i'u ' MatihH'V 6 to , Sm .f. 8ci/
W. JttAKEIl & CO.'S
J.i aliinlntcltt jxite mill
It li .iiilnlili' .
ti nl lit 1M iirc nralt in It ) > nn nortf
II ttrte litntt the ttititft tl C.UCOA
uc < l with liinlin u IH.I t r iiRar ,
id N tturcftre Itr nioro c uiioiulral ,
tttiiy Itxi than one Cfi t up It I
UcloiM lu > tirl hln ? , tnu t ; -
M DldlHTl l , anil oilinlliil v ntn | tcj
ur in alldi m M Ilm pcrrt.i v in lualOu
Sulil liy ( irincr ( urjnlitrc.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
Kill 1 < MTsU | , l\-l'l ) I"-IA ,
I'ONs I 1 \IICIN , i-l III S 1 V1U III1- ! \SI-4 ,
Illl III ! s\l v , IvIPM \ ( OMIT MNf ,
J.I M. Dlill - , IMI'I III III > < ) ! )
II.KH OC ) . .
I'UOI'IMI Hills AMI " "OM M VM I AC I I I'l 1
OMAHA , Mill.
Special 10 Day
Dinner Set
Commencing Siituulciy , Apiil I2lli ,
1.0 t-uts ic iliac'd fioin fin to } ll 7"i.
ic ilucocl from iti toIS.
1. ugc > line' iiuw hPtsSli founc'i pile of 11
\ \ \\lllollvi uvc i \ Illiini'i , ( ! HIM' .Hid Print
Sc't In out slock , IIH luclliu llni ) \ n llicncl beta
u II lion t u.M'Hf , alsjicolal pike > ,
ir.ii ruiNAM sr.
MW l'\X10N 111 II DINO.
. , for IljutcrlftplnlnoM HisNournlKln , Wnko.
fulne1 * ! * , Mintnl Jpic8Bioiih iftPMlnw < f tln Hinlntro *
inltlnu In llnnnlty nut leii'llnx lo mlteiy ill , nv nuil
ilciilh , Primaliiro Old AnHanuimiM , I u iuf J'owir
Inulllior toi , Involiintniy lu c , ami h | .imaliirih
ciumit liv ovcr-cicrlloii 'it llio liinlii , irlfnlnite ur
ut er Indulgence t acli box conCultmine , tniiiiiliS Ireau
inrnt Slul'Ot , in it fur t ) , ti nt liy mull | in piilil.
\Yllli mcli nrdcr fur m Imni , xlll > < n < l imn lnu > er
iruaranteu In lefinul iu < nny I' elm ( ri-xiini uc l ! la ( a
CUIC IJunlitlllei > 4t > . utMlnmtul'lulmH ! > lil JMIJ Ijy
lllOF.uimniyticL-t , Oiiiulni Nub.
"SAVA'I I\O , " |
ninly , IH mfe | with
iVrlll < 'H < ; iiinin-
111 tu cine u ! | Ne.r\-
iii DlnnnH.nich OH
Weak Mi iniiry , l.ntH
ncltc , Wnkeifu jnoti' .
Before & After Uso. Lcintilaiiliciiicl , "
l'lluliiHWlnel | Ilulll Wit , , . - .
Iliei ( JuiitrntlveOr-
allclrttlim inll"MicfpoHfrcil -
L'aun.lii titlar tax , rniistel by ovtr edition , joum-
nil li'illtcrttlnni. orlliocxcecBlve nro nf leuiacci ) ,
nnlini. cir tlmiilnnl , wlilrli iiltlmntely Itucl to
lull i 'IH , ( 'oiivumptlou ami Iimnnlty rut up iu
co vuuciitf iiintm-airy lullmvcBt jmclect 1'rlcu
l npackne ! cirulurg'i \\itli every S cireli r wrt
t \oHitiltlin tiuinitiitrn to cum ur itfitnil
Ilin iiiiini i/ . hti t by mull tu ai.y nililntu , tlc-
ciiiur tiLte Mention thin | initr. Aililn-id
MADHID fJHEMICAL CO , Jlr.neh Offlc. lor U S.A
417 Tl U < l > ' > nhit'i I , I lilt AliO ,
I CiltbM.I. IS' OMMIM II Ili
Kiilm A. C t Cur IStli & | l.uilw Miitca
J \ Hi irr A. (11 ( ur nil A , HiiuKimi acj
A II roatci a tu. CUMULI , lliuIN , luv * i.
The Well K'iif\vn
> iiii nrui | cil In llio Irdiiinc'iiluf nil fiiimx ut I'm-
\AII ; IIIHI\HH unit Hicuiiiitu uuiroMiiirimltfeif.
nipulc'iicy I < i3 uf Maiiln.iiil uiul nuilillin Kiirllty ,
ur Iliirrc'fiia'SJ ab * < luti'ly i.urcl HCIH ) for Ixiuki
1 lyi ) I.iluui'.rLt fur Miin < \\UIIIIHI tncli JViunt *
( lnniii | .Svrvuuii > iiniilu Illtcniii ( iirui ) iimikly
unit | .uriuuiiciillr . ) 'Iruulraunt liy cuircnimiiiluncut
tttimia fur rc | > ! y ( kjniultutliin tn-ii Uliku ti U <
tor Lttt auU Javkiuu tliLVU , Uiu Ua , tuili.