THE OMAHA , DAILY BifiB , 'UJJESDAY , APHlIi 13 , 1890. 8PEOIRL NOTICES. OMAHA. No itilvortlMMiionlrt will ho taken lor cnliitmiM utter 1 UJO : ! | > . in. Terms ( 'HHI ! In nilvnncc. Advertl-emr-nli under HiUTiond 10 conta p"r line for t liivjlnt Insert Ion. Tcrtiti fori'iich Mile tircttiPiil ln4lTtlon , : iml I.MJ ) > t'rllhi'permimih No ndvrrtlfiomenis taken for Ir-nlhan ITirenti for first Inwrllon. They loujtriin consecu tively and mint 1)0 ) paid In _ \J J > \ AM 'K. Al ml voi t hcmcntH must lie linn ded In before 1S.M : o'clock p , in. , anil under iioclrcuiii tniicc i will they IntiiMii or discontinued by tolophoiic. 1'iirtlM ndvprtlilnic In thc-o columns nnd ImvliiK t del r answers add reeled In can ? of I UK llr.R will pleiino nsk for u clieok loanable tlieni to Rc.'tlliolr letters. in none will bo delivered nxcpjit mi iMMcntullon of cheek. . All answers to an tortlM-ments should bo enclosed In cnve- "AH nlUf-rtlsrinonts In tliow column * are publhln'il In linth inornlnx and ovenlriK edi tions of TlK Itr.K , thB clrculntlon of which as- prepalt'stiioro than SO.OUO pipers dally , and elves the advert Ivors thn brnt'llt , not only of thooltv Hreiilatlnnof TUB HKK. but also of Council lllulT.s , Mneoln and other cities and towns throiiKhoiilthlHHectlon of tlio country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advcrtlslnc for these column * will bo taken on the about rondltlotis. at the following bus- 1111 houses who am authorl/rd lo take Mx-clal notices , tit tlio smio : rales us can be had at the main ( illlco , KOrTffmhiVfA'iWANV'ilbrr'l'UB Cornpr of Twonty-sl.xth and N slrocls , Nebraska Savings bank bulldlnir. JOHN W. ItKLL , l > harmac [ lfc.'JSoiilhTciilh slri'Ot. . : ) , f-tatlonurs and Printers , " IIX Hoolh 1RtJi .tLI ± li II. KAHNHWOHTll. Pharmacist , ' . ' 115 , S. ut , S.wT J HUOIIK3 , Pharmacist , < Kl North Kith Htroet. TO. W. I'AHH , 1'harmaelsl , 1713 Leavon- G worlh Hlieot , 'PIIAUMAOV,2Hli. and l > 'arnum SITUATIONS \VAXTI' : . ANTEJA posit Ion to travel by a thor ough salesman of good address and nianv vcars oxporlcnec. Rufcicnccs. Address O 12 , llco. - : WI H \\rANTED-Poslthm In olllco by a man of : , Vi well educateda good penman , and strict ly temperate. References glvon. II. . bov 172 , South Omaha. Jffl-ir. * WANTED Position In photograph gallery by a lady who Is a good icloucher. Rec ommend finiii lie ) ent cmployurs. Aildress P. O. box Dili York , Nub. -ir.t-17 * ArOI'Nfl mini wnnts situation ; dry goods or 1 olllcc woik ; would go west ; city rcforunco. I ) . A. lluldwln , 2o22 Charles St. , Oniuha. IftS-18 * " \ , \ ANTED A boy lo work In shoo factory at VW. . V. Moise.V Co.'s Itth an l Douglas. -IfiSJ 4 " \\rANTED-A boy about Ifi to w ork In drug V > store- Call at J. A. Kuller & Co. . 1402 Dotighisst. 4ii7 1\I ANCIKIt8 Wiintud everywhere lo lake .ill fh.nao of our business. Advertise , tlls- tilbiitiM-liculai-saud employ help. Wapos t"D lol" " > per month. Hxpeu ts advnneed. State ovpurieiice , wapes expected ; also your prefer- < MIC'I < for home \\orK or tr.ivellnp. Shian Ac Co. , IMaiiiifai'luii'is , aI ) tieor uht. , ( Jlncliniatl. O. ' . - , ten llrst-ulass mat Mo and granltu retail ou liberal t is In Omaha and tiininitliont lite west. None but men of ovperlenee Iu this Him need apply. Addiesswlth refi.'icuco , Dunning Murblc A ; ( Ininlto Co. , Krle. Pa 4'IO-1S WANTii-10J : men for \Vyomlui ; . Good waui's , steady work ami fieo transporta- jUoo. abor axcncv , lln rarnain. 417 " \\rA\TKI Two hoaidhnr bosses. Apply at > > Albi IglitV labor agcnriy , 11-t ) rarnam _ st. \A iiiiiiii Aw NV.V.J Ifob _ lldjni ? . Ji'ii1.1 ! r\\TANTni > Live loan lo sell our poods to > > thu trade ; liberal Inducements. Address Puiiiat ra I 'Inn-Co. , Chicago. 111. 'Ml l.'i * \\7ANTKI-Ilovs. , ) Apply Wcdnc5ilay from > ' 'tori p.m. Now Yoi k Be and lUc llargaln Ploie , 'JISN. Ifithot. Ilfi'i ' 14 * : i > .Man ttisidl Hoe of cliruis ; sal ary anil o.vpeithi'.s paid. Addicss with stamp lilolio Cigar comp.iiiy. St. Louis. Mo. 11011'T "V\7"ANTKO 5 good hroom makers ; steady t worU ami good prlcus paid. No. I''ll llulu ! Hi , Denver , Col. AV Hhoo salesman , who has had ox- pcrlelico at the Boston sloio. 4 , > j 14 AV ANTIID An experienced hotel man to build and maiiago a $10,000 house In a lliiivlug tmtn wliuro a uood holol Is very ncc- ussary ; n bonus of $2,000 can bu obtafned ; ruf- cience.s must be furnished with applications. * Aiidiess A > ! , lleoolllcu. _ ! Mitl7 ) \ \ ' ANTKD - Caiivas < tirs at hlnscr sowing ii machine olllce. ISIS Dotigjas t ttiU-iiii ) \\rANTii : ) A Ill-it class pattern maker. Ap- Vi ply 1 ! . Hamlersou , patleru and modul maker , comer l.'ilh ami JaeUsou. StXl-H * N I'KD Hellnblo local and traveling ii salesmen ; positions permanent ; special Inducements now ; fast hulling specialties. Don't delay ; salary fiom start , lliown Ilios. , nursery men , t'hlcago. 111. _ ' ! ' : ' ' ' * _ nO Sali'siucn on salary or commls- T slim to liiimllu Ihn New Patent Chemical Ink Kiahlug Pencil. The greatest selling nov elty ever produced , Krase.s Ink thoroughly Iu two. seconds ; no iibraslou of paper. : .1M ) to MO imreeiii ptollt. Ouoageiit's sales amounted to JiRW Iu sl\ days : aiuthurt. ) ' In two hours.V waul ono ouergellu general agent for each Rlato nml territory , bamplo by mall : i"c' . 1'or terms ami full particulars , address The Mou- roe Ilntscr .Mauufaulurliig Co. , ha Crosse , \ \ Is. " \\rANTiD : S-ovcral good boaidlug bosses ii with outllts , ou the Clieyenno Hlver A : DeaduotHl oxlensloit of the llurlliigtou & .Mis souri Hl\cr H. H. Apply at. olllco of John ritz- ge t-idd , J U N 'Jlh si. . Lincoln. Xob. 4111111 _ " \ \ rANTiiAn : | oxpcrleoccd canvasser to > T t.H.o orders for "II. H. Secrol Scrvlcu , " by 1 1. U. Jlakor. AdtlicssWlN _ Y. l < lfu lildg. \ \ rANTKD-Ageiits .Maale Cigar lighter , 1 every NmoUnr buys ; lights Iu wind or rain ; lasts tl lifetime : samples l , " > c , two forS.'ie , dozen JI by mall , slumps taken. Slimier & Co. . Prmldonee. H.J. _ _ _ d-L ; ! s.\\7 ANTKDyalosmcii tosoll our ltiw | sjlec- ii laities to morehaiits only ; samples fur nished ; uM'liKlvo tnirltory ; paylnz anil per- maiieut situation. Modul Ludgur Co , , South lldinl. hid. IVsS-il * i ) awl rahoier.s for Paul lie coast c\- tension Of 17. P. H.IE.lii Nevada ami IH.ih. Ciootl wagits and steady work. Albright's La bor Agency. l2iruiiimifit. ) _ { _ _ KK ) _ 1)l"ri'Kn ( agents anil photograpliers served with elegant oiayons , watur colors and mislcls. I'lim bromide prints mailo for in lists. Hed uceil prices. Jlynstcr Portrait Htutilo. Js23 S 121)1 ) St. . Oieaha _ at7-lll ! > * _ " \ \ 7"ANTniHalcsmun ) at $7.ri per mouth sal- i i nry and expenses to sell a line of silver- plated ware , watches , etc. . by sample only ! IiorMt and learn furnished fieuullo ; at oiico for full particulars ami sample ca c of goods ficc. Btaiularil blt > crwaru Co. , lloston. .Mass. _ _ fiK \ \r it pi-lit tyiHiwrllerdesk anil loom Iu nluely fnriilshed olllco anil accept services as pay ment for bame. Imnilro loom II ) , Continental block. : t\ > \\rANTii : ) Corset inukuni and corOer. > > Semi ruf. to Ii. llox 101 , Logan , IlarrUou Co. . Iowa. 4.VI-I1" A\rAITI'D-ICnergollo latlles or goiitlumcn. > Wages f.fiO pur tiny gnarantccit. Call at fiOl l.lUluUuUhht.cor. live. I * . \ \ f.NTnirirstclass > took and laundress ii for fiiinllj of Unco , tiood wages. 122 S 17 1 ll st. _ _ 4J O-i ; | " \ \ ANTKH-A Bond clrl for general housu- ? > . ' ' , * work. SOtW I'ariiiim , _ 4'U-11 " \\rANTKU-A gootl girl for Kenural houso- f i works timall family ; gootl wages ; for further Information call at olllco of O.V. . Kollli. 7U Puulllc. bet. 2 and 4 t ) . in. COO Al'lHST class girl fur general house-work ; lii'riimn pvufcrivd. WlS2Uth. a S \ \ rANTKUTwoladhv , throu young men to * tviflru liiotriictlons and keep books. J.II. Smith , roonU'H' ' , Nu\v \ York I.lfo building. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; tr > u * \\rANTEU i\pvrtiMiivil : salesliulles. Apply l \\ediu > iliiy from ' . ' to.l ii. m. New Yortfio anil I0 < i Hargtilii btorc. ' . ' [ ; North ICth street. U7U li * for genural hoiuowork Ooiiuaii preferred , ntlbll Capitol avt'iiuo _ _ _ _ rANTiU- : compotcnt girl for general , > 8U ! . paid ; uply \ \ TrANTKIl A good Hcctmd gM. with good T icfcruuv'c. Mrs , P. K. U rWWS Ititlii. ! . 110-11' it ItKXT IIOUHKH. _ T Two of thi ! i bciriind inost mod- JL' crn brlek liousi" ! In Oinalm. Choice Iwa- llon. cotivenlrnt to business. I Hi Its Iteming Agency. J.Vfl I'armim st. _ IBI-ll * f PEN nioiii house close lo motor anil caljlo. JL Kvcryconeiiletici' _ _ . 7W N. UHli. 'J27-I4 * TrToH ItKNT-HniiiPOf 10 rooms , tr.'l DoughH JL . * t.l modern convviilenees anilery handy to business. Imjillruot D. T. Mount , l.'lH.tltlist. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7M _ _ _ 10 room homo In good location , rentt.Vi.prlcn of furniture } < < < iO , also 21 room hotel , rein. { 77. furniture Jl.twO , on tlmo. Co-op. l Ac L , Co. . ar. N. iiitiist. _ rci-u 'I71OH HKNT Dwelling on Capitol avenue , 0 J nioins. and nil liKxIcrn convcnlcncus. In cluding laundry ami lingo stable. D. J. ( TIMnnliun. HOI rnrnam t. _ fig I 'IJIOH HrfXT House : * und slores ; properly JL' parcel for , taxes inlil. Midland Guar.intco * -Tr ' ' L l ' " * l61 * l'nri" " _ M. Absl racls. IK < ) _ _ | I1OIlTtKNT Hrlck dwelling , line location , Ji. 2211 1'armini Ht , . 13 runini. kllclion , dining- room , parlor * on thn llr t lloor. with nil mode - . ' . ' . 'I7 e tHmpjiivcineuH. _ Inquire iii'Xtjdoor. _ rpIlNroom house , nil couvciiIeiice9.raiiee.IS.VS 1 ! < lieiiiian avc. , $10. lltilclilnsoii Ac Wead , 1 ! Douglas ; lel.jr.VJ. _ 2 < _ KENT-A Ihreo room houso. good locallon , near lo school , f" > pnr mouth. Mead In- \rstinciit Co. . lleo building. _ ITS "T71OU HENT TwolO-roomniodcrnhouse. " , all JU coiivcnlcncc.s. Paved Htrocl.s , cahlo cars. Klvo minutes' walk of postolllco. Hufcrenccs rciiulietl. Nathan Shclton. 1011 farnaiii st.S17 S17 1710H KEM'-Cotlagc , 411 S2ltli n > o. JL ? 170 TjlOlt IlKNT Now 5-ioom cottage , south J- front , city tiliter , gnotl iielghborhoo < l , con venient li ) ears ami stotus ; reiuly for occu pancy May IS. on Ohio si. , bet. ' . th and fflth. * I7 lofls per moulh.or will.sell ou easy lurms. 1'lrsl come , first .served. Dan 11. Wheeler. Jr. , Insuiaiice , Douglamuid l.'ith sts. 41,1 10 jtn 'I7IOH HF.NT-0-n > om , bath. etc. . cable and J- electric motor , $20. U. I ) . Cole , Continental , 452 10 MODEHN house , nlno rooms , bath , hot and cold water , furnacn and gas , on Dodirost. , $10 per month. Ficd J. lloithwlck , L'nSouth llth ,172 17MNE luu loom house , all modern Improvn- JL1 incuts , furnished ; Hvo blocks from iiostof- llco ; refurcucus required. Inquire 171 ! ) p.tvcti- port St. _ U75-U."i * "I71UHNISIIED rooms , new hoiis/ ' . modern 1m- JL1 pro\cmciits. motor line. 1W1 If. 17th st. " FOIt KENT In convenient locations , suites of 1 ! , . ' 1 and I rooms , arranged for housekeep ing , also laige and small houses. Pilcus ieu- sonablu. llutla Henllug agency , 130(1 ( I-'aruam. UM-int * "IT1OII HUNT 2 Hats on the 2d story , 0 rooms JL each , l.inton block , on the corner of 1'Hli and Mason , rent $27 each ; also fi store rooms. Ono store loom ou llth St. . near I'limam , $20 per month. John llamlln , 1)17 ) Llnton block. 1T1OU HENT-10-rOom brick house , wllh mod- J ? ern coitveiileucc ! ) , No. 811 S 20lb st. Apyly at No. fc27 S ' 'Oth st. Kl Foil HKNT Will lease for one year at Jio per mouth , 7-ioom cottngn and plve option to purchase any llmo durlmr lease for & ! , M > , on easy lerms. Kent paid to count on pa > incut. WilKht A. Lasbury , Arlington blk. 411 IB 1710H ItHNT-Tno ten-room houses , one 1(110 ( -I ? Dodge , one block we t of postolllce. Otto ! Xtl ) llaiuey st.bolhbulled for loominghouses. .lames Neville. 117-1- . Tl' YOr wish to rent a house or Moio see II. K Coje. Couljlieiilal bloek. ( W ) ltlCNTiiujritnlroom : ' Iion e , all mod- cunvunlcnces."Oil St. Mary's > a\enue. ' . " .HI Hi * 8-IIOOM flat , with steam heat. Kith st. . near .loucs. Thos. I' . Hall , oil PaMon block. 11:17 : 1'OU ItKXT ItOOiHS KUHN1SII10O. tJl'ITand lblnsler < xm haiid oinely fuiiilshed Omodein convlfiicu ; rcfeiciico. llbN. lMhst. _ II1UK KKNT To one or twosliisloKeiitleineii. J2 a mom having south CXIIOMIIC. In a new cottaKo on Capital avu. Ailiucss C 'JO , lleo. O KOOMS housekeeping , -W.St. Mary's avc. " - KENT i-'iont and back pat lor. to- Kelher or sepal att > . on 1st lloor , also f lout sulto of rooms. J707 Dod J.'il 10 TilOU HUNT Unnsuiilly pleasant fttriils-lied J front room for one or two gentlemen at IDl.'i Chicago at. Every convenience , Dodgostcablu _ I71OH KENT Pleasant fuiiilshed room , use of JL1 parlor , now cottagu , motor passes thu door , glO ; KIMf. llth st. HI"1 ! ! FOH HKNT Hack parlor , south windows , nicely furnished. UttI Dotltro. 4li ltl "VTIt'E room , every convenience , 171U Daveii- 1 > port. aai * HA 'ISO.Ml ) : ftout loom , with llrst-class boaitl : also fuw select day boaiders. ISZ ! .Farnam M. jj.l-10 : * window room , south front entrance. BAY _ NM N. ItJtlucJiriicrJUirt. _ i-t'Ii ! _ "IjlllH HKNT Two fuint rooms. 117 S..Vith st. , JL ; bet. 1 ) O < | KO anil I'ariuim. 4'jri-l.V 171 OK HKNT I'liiulslicd rooms , quiet loc.i- JL1 tlon 101.1 S , 'i'll st. 4 1-i : > fiout furnished mom , 2I1S Dodeo. * SOUTH 'H9 Jti' rp\VO furnished rooms for liou-suKeephiK , also J- one largo loom for I gentlemen , 11.1 S. ITtli , HI'N'T Viirnlslied 1-001113 with or without FSli out board. 1011 Douglas si. ; foO IS * Lid Dodt'u &t. , nicely and comfortably fur- nlhheu rooms , with or without ' - * ijlOK IH.NT-Nlcidy furiil hed KMIIIIS , with JL' boaitl , In private family ; refeienres ; tt07 ! I'ainam. , lis-li ! * XTICIILY fiiinlslied room , all modern con- 1 > \enleiiecs. Nu. 'CS N. IStliM. : aw-14 * "OLKASANT looms , fuiiilshed : modem eou- - Leiiienceb. . Her blk , Ml b. Utli. Kbit I ) . _ _ _ wi-ai * TTunriTllNT Suite of rooms forltpi'ntlemim ; JJ modern Conveniences and board If desired ; also S parlors. i.VJ I'aimtm i4. aid 11 * t UI'NT L'tirnUliod looms ; gas , bath tl i.leaml.'il ; ! ) llumird. 'i > i7 _ _ "l OH KiNT : l-'nrnlsliod rooms , ICtW Doujjlas , i\\OH 1 \ \ IJKNT Front looms. .1)10 ) Uavenpoiu HIS KI'NT I'lcuMint furnished rooms with ST. CLA I H European hotel , cor. t : > th and Dodge , t-pcclal rates by week or month. HENT Onu laigo front loom w Fill hoanl. irwi Capitol ave. O.M > l-'OK UIONT--KOO.MH /"TNlTHrrgiTTi oiiCToom. * I2. and loom for light V-Mioiist'keeplng. No. Otis N. 17th st. ; tV-U ) * 771OU HENTSuit of 4 unfurnished rooms -L Htiltahle for housekeeuliig. 1'amlly wllhoiU chllilrcii. _ J'i Ice * rrJ7lt ! \ \ eJis Hrj ( C'l L'NUIHNIi-HEDohambei-s for housekeen- lng for man and wife ; imclilldicii. UltN17tli. ) _ KOU UliXT STUItKS AND OI''KIO10S. rl"STll ? K i ooirCii I till m y prT1 fci rediTuTcliliis < 7u -I-/ A Wead. ISSi Douglas ; tel. l.XU ' . ' 40 rpo HI-.S'T. ! In Wlllmell bhK7k. most rea'sona- -t-ble aiiti best olllco.s Iu the cltv. Location Ilrst class. W. rarnam Smith , Continental bid. Wl-ltt rpWO uufuiiiishcd rooms 1st lloor liesi 'inning L * _ lus-it V'TOHE al707. 7 ) . 711 S. Kith. 22MV ) each , k 'largo show whitlows , sleam heat furnished. Thos. I' . Hull.Jill I'axlou Jdnck. Iff ? "IJIOH HE.NT Hoomssiilt.ible for light iiiiuili- Jfaelui lug. Including power and heat. Itces lrlntliig _ ( 'o..jHth ami Howard sis. _ _ _ 7X' _ IIIOH HENTThestoiy brleK building wllh -I.'or without imncr. formerly occiilcil | by thu llee Publishing Co. , OKI I'limam st. The building hits a llro proof cement ImscmtMit. complele steam healing llxluics , water on all the lloois , gas , etc. Apply al thu olllcc of The .leu. 1)1.1 ) iru > H HENT 'J-slory brl.-k hulltllng , 1110 .V Douglas .si. , suitable for wholesaleorware- housu puiposi-s. Also brlek stoio 107 S. l.ltli st. liitulrcof | Chas , Kuiifiuan , 1UU2 Douglas st. HENT-btoiv , OltS. 10th. 170 W AXTK Il TO 111JXT. \\7ANTKD toltent-A small fiirulsltcdhmiso i i or nxmis for hoiisekeeiiliig In Omaha or Council illulfa. Address b , U1S Leavennorth. 41U-H ' \\rANTED 1'or a few months by voting Ii couple , 11 small furnUhed cottage , I'luase mention terms and locution. Satisfactory ref erences. Address U 22. lluo olllce. 411-1.1 \\rANTED To rent 8 room house ; must bo i > within walUIng dUtanco of poatolllce ; rent must boinuilcratu , Address A , Lock llox Jin , South Omaha. 42S-1.V T\rANTED Hy the first or mlddlo ofllay. n ' > cottage of live or six nxmis In u good loca tion , by u gentleman and wife. ; no children ; lent not to ex'-cetl (20 per month. Aildru-s H. i : vur ; Davenport t. asi-u * AOK.VCY. \\7l- HA VB a nrst clans party whowWies lo rentn ftiinlsln-d hou o of from woven to nlnn rooms with modern conveniences. .Must be Rood rexltlence portion of the city , mull iV Hoblilns , N. Y. Llfrbldjr. uitTONrTrcntniriTkeircy ! , 617 II K. C'UIjK , tontal nuent , Contlnontaj lilk. -l tKl Dodjso St. , corner 3)th. ) JI. 1. Mnslnn. I. dressmaker , lat litter and designer for Stern llrothersof Now Vork. ; 5-ir. * \\rANTKh-A horse for Its "kreli ! " work > T about tnohouis pur day. 807 nward. I3J-II * jitibllcto know that IV. . O. Philth hns I. ivinovcd hl lltic .stole from LMtli and Vlu- ton to . ' < : ! H. IGth .St.Just south of Castcllnr. 403-15' ATEI' MilVS laumUy has removed toal.'iN. .1 iiitli , ITii-iaG' Alv.ltfliKV , notary jiublle , Uoom II , Oon- . tlnental block. KM IJlNOAdKMKNTd todixIre'ssmakliiR In fam- Jli Illes. Mlsshturdy. ; > i" > y. UTithavc. Hfi7-mri * IAIMKS desiring their hair shampooncd or I bleached , either lit their homes or at my rooms will please address Mrs. J. 1C. , Omaha , Neb. 3W-H * 171OU first class piano tunliiz and rvpnlrlng JJ leave onlors at A. Weber , Jr. , icpalr rooms. 'JtXi ' X. 16th stlfut. "U-15 INVOItIC , roollng , gutterlni ; , H | > otitlnc. good work low prices. Savage , 101s Coining H K. COIilC , rullablo llro Insurance. , K19 TTOT Spilns Water llaths Given In Omahal Thavo opened and elcKantly fitted up rooms In Doiiclas block , cor. 10th and Dodge , and se cured tlio services of one of the best chemists Intheclty. lean give a bath tlio water being chemically , precisely tlio same , that Is so abundantly supplied by nature at those Justly celebrated xjirbifrs. And to Ihoso of limited means sufl'erlng from blood poi sons , rheumatism , malailal poison , deep- seated organic disease , neuralgia , paralysis , sciatica , etc. , etc. would say to such sulTerors that f can glvo from ono to two months'treatment for what It would cost for railroad faro to Hot Spt Iocs. I nlsoglve tlm hot-air bath , temperature If required \ ° 1' . , cither dry or moist , with or without electric- Itv. Correspondence solicited ; send stamp. Trained lady help for lady patient ! ) ; charges moderate for single bath , \vcck or month. Take elevator on IGth. KoomsKl and M , DonRlus block. Mrs. Or. Day. Omaha , Neb , 85015' MOST wonderful advertising machine the world has over known ; soils to ovorv mer chant : particulars 2e. Are ilfg. Co. , Undue. WIs. 200-20 * BAHN for rent Iu rear of Frost & Han Is' car- rhipe factory. 1S > rpo suit the eoiivenlencoof clients enpapcd -L during the day wo open evenings , 7 toft'JO. : II. K. Cole , room fi Continental blk. KK ) IfllllK Insurance OcorRO .1. Paul,1609 riirnnni St. , icuiesenlH rcllallocdiiipiinlt1"5'0nly. WW " \\rANTKD-A Bill liaoy for adoption. AdV - V > diossA yti. Hue olllce. Mft. \\rANTKD-Ily vouns ; latjy ; a respectable lady rooiii-iniite. ItOoin free. Adilrvx&U 72. lieu olllcc. -Ita-lu * A UCTION sales oxery TtU".day.Thurxlay -cV.Ind Halunlay inornliif ! at lyi Douglas t > t. Oiaalia Auction & .Storii o Co. i > 40 DKLINQI'KNTS I'leaso Head Till- 1'ersons holdltis contracts for lots pur chased from the Omaha Heal Estate & Trust Co. , on which payments have become delin quent , aio leqiiested to call ami arrange an caily settlement and have tumble and cosls. Omaha Heal Estatuliiid Trust Co. , 1304 ITaruam Pt. HK.COLE , notary public and conveyancer. ti.'iO " JjOST. $ , " > reward to any one finding a red Morocco iiccount book. Losl 1'rlday aflcinoim be tween Kouul7o 1'Iaee ami llaitscom far ] ; . He- Itlru lo Dr. Campbell , ISiG I'aik avo. 41II-14 * $10 reward to any ono KlvIiifT'lnforimition leailliiR to recovery of my puciln lobtApill ] ; latt seen near 1'arlc a\ < > . and Loavctiwiutlt st. J. U. fc'chrelvcr , at Jlorso Dry Goods Co. 1S1 SXOUAGK. S TOHAOK at lowest rates. Itranch & ; Co. , ' 1211 Howard bt. aaa2t SHUIITX , no ? S IQlh st. , stoics stoves in dry place for the .summer. 4X1 niKI rplin cleanest and best sloraso Iu the city at J low rates at 1114 Douglas st. Omaha Auc tion & Storage Co. C40 rpltAT'TfAOlTstoriiKi' at lowest rates.V73I7 JL llushmaii , Kill l.eavenworth. G41 AVANTl'M ) TO 11UV , \\rANTni-To buy houses south of IT. 1' . > t liaek lobe inuxcd. Wrlpht & . l isbtiry , Aillngloii blouk. 4I. > IB ATtnENnitP The uiulerslgneiK "wants to puicliasu a collection , ! -ay WX ) specimens , laipu cactus plauls. I'lease ncitlfv nheie they can be seen. 11. II. Gates , IIOva,47l N. Yi V. O. " \ \rANTKD-'lo miysK or cl ht-iiKtii hotise with lot ; Wc-t Knil , wltliln half mile north 01-.south of Kariiam ; be cheap. Ad dress C 17. llee olHcc. U'17-14 ' * _ 7ANTED A horse and buspv fora square piano. H. P. Williams , iM3 N. IGth st. 4XJ-11 " \X7"ANTrD : I'liriilture , carpets , household V ? goods for cash. Wells' Auction Jb storage Co. , III7S. Klthst. 04il \\fANTKD-Oood commercial paper. Ne- i i braska Mortgage Loan Co.,513 I'aMon blk. GASH for all kinds of household goods al UU Douglas st. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. lilO " \\TANTED-To buy for npot cash , city or T i country , jiarts or whole slocks of diy and fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , mllll- norv , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc. Call ou or addre-s J. L. Iliandcis Jb Sous , cor ner Kith ami Howaitl , Omaha. lilJ KOU JIOlt SALE A horse ami buggv ohcjp for cash or Instalments. Address C 14. Ituu. TfjIOH S A LCAt a barpalii. for cash ornn t line , 1. Hhoixcs. luu ness and I wavioii. New llus- laud l' 4u-i ; ) : > l/IUItNlTlTtirof'oia ; -1 plete. Hooms all rented ami brliiplnp over $1V ) tier mouth above the Ihe rent. The build- lup for lease. Call between S and 5 p. m. at i''O K. 10th ht. , room 1. : vu-li > "IT1O11 SALE Or trade for procerles , Oyear J old mare , harness and wagon. Imiulro at lUI'J ' raiuam St. , at (1:1(0 ( : ; ( p. ! ' m. u'S4 10 * TIKS looking for line driving or middle horses , would do well to call on , or corres- ixind wlth'T. .L r"leViiiiisf."iii"aiiai'r"W. ) li.'Mll- lardV fiiria. Calhouu. Neb. Ho has for .sale some lirsi-nlass slnple drivers' , carriage teiiin.- . , anil biuldlo hoiae.s , tit reasonable prices. -v ! ! "lilANO piirchusers see that bargain In the X plam > at ( iir > NjICth Mreel. ggl.i.'i IilOH SALE A Ilrst class coupe cairlago ami 1 team ; strictly llrst class and atyllsh. O. L. ErluKsoiK 212 N. Itith. 24.-I-I4 rpEAM. harness ami wagon , cheap : very easy Jturuw. . H. E. Cole , Continental block. liw-in C ALL ami see the givat bargain In a piano. _ an N. lUthj.trect _ 22i.iri IflOH.SALE or trade Trolling horse , prlco ' II.IW ) , will take part In gooil property. Ito.x Owl , Shenaiiiloah , la. Ib'J-ll * v LTATHH hpaulcis , 221U Leuvonworth st. st.VOJ 171OH SALK-So < la fonnluln very Iu- a : miiro oie i'oiei-yon. man. iiih : , TTll'HNlTL'Hi : aiiollonevery Wednesday and -L1 ijatuiday. : i7 ! S l.llh Wells. m * 17UH SA lT.A : -hor < o power Portoronulno .1. ' In iootl coiullllon , wel hl r > , | ( X ) poiintlo , uyl- Indur Il.\lti ; for ii.irtlciiliiib apply lo The lleo olll ce. , 7UH "I710H SALH A pool tiiblo as good as now , 1on IKH for It. l/'ull 7IU . - - on ner no use / at N. Ititli ht. jtVt-ll "IJIOH PALE Some peed watches and dla- J.1 uioiitls cheap. It r. Masters , room 4 , W nell block. K Musm , BKI'OKK buyliiK n piano uxanilnii the new bonk ) Klmbull platio ut A. Iloapt * . I51U CIS G KO.l'.pELLKNllKOIC , teacher of tlio banjo , UM ) Howard st. IfrU lloor. 'J4U TO I < OAX. HANI ) Investment Co. , room 41 * , llee bullil- liii ; . loan on chattels In iimouuLi from (10 lo } 10UUO ; lowest ruu-s. Ixans on KOixla. hordes , personnl property of nil kinds and other articles of valiin without rvuuivitl. I'ayuivuls urraiii'eU to klop lutgri-.U JlV-ui5 HK. COI.K , Icon nuciil , Conllnental block. _ _ \ _ KW riKNTltAl. T ianniKVTnul i'n. . ia\1 Knrnnm V > t. Cholco city loaiiH nt lowest ratci. , _ _ _ _ PiTiiil ( iHOt'KHV for sale. "A nap".T' T'nrty innn VJwIl. All new itomKJOolim irtwxl hn lncs4. Invoice V < w. Oallnt liWNortli Sttli street. J. M. Want , CU1 N. Y. l.jftf gfM.l * $ lot ) , ooo to loan onTmnroved or iiiilnproM-il city iimpcrty. No ifi-myn. Heat rate * . W. rarnam Smith , room I'tv1'f ' > iiitliit'iital block , AIT" ; i73 mll _ _ LOANS-rityand farm loans mortuaKe pa per bought. McCiiRuu Investment Cn. _ jir , ! _ 7U CllOlCOmall loaiisrrapted. U. K. Hiirrlaon , DUN. Y. Life. 17U pOMMKHflMT paper 'iHinisht. A. K. ey , \J HHin ) II. CoillTnt'iiYhl bltick. 1W _ LOANS on Improved property at clo < > ratei. A. K. It I ley , Itoom II , ConUnental block. OANS of $ IOXX ( ) to . , nn choice Insldo Jpniporty wanted Immcdlatoly. Hates very low. Central Loan & Trust Co. , 1205 I'ainam. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ir M O T\ATTKli \ loans nt loweit rates ; removed lo M7 anil Cltl 1'axton blk. J , H. Ktnlnccr. _ CM _ Y IIU'.HAL real e tnto loaim mailo liy \\T. M JJ Harris , room iW , I'renzur block , opp. 1' . O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G.M 17" EYKTONKMortKaRoCo.-LoaiH of JIO to JLV f 1,000 ; pet our rati * before borrowlnpaml save money ; loan on' furniture or any approved cecnrlty , without pnhlli'lty ; notO'j boupht , for now loan , renewal of old and low est ratcH. Call , H 2U8 , Sheely blk , 15th & How ard sis. _ CM _ _ M ONKY ( loloan-OcorgoJ.l'aul.lWW rarnam. SHOUT time loan" made. A. K. Ulley , Uoom _ 11. Continental blook. _ vn MONEY to loan on any security for short tlnio at low rates , Lo\\ust rates on personal properly. The Henderson MortRiiKO Inu-slmcnt Com pany , Uoom 400 , I'lltirn block. KM i IKAP KASTEK'N j Philadelphia MottgaEO and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; 1st mortgages wanted. Uco.v. . r. Coats , repre- eiitiitlve7 _ _ _ Hoard Jl'rndo. _ 4.H "rniUST innrteaKu loans at low rates and no , i-1 delay. I ) . V. SliolcsUo. , 210 First Nntl bank. _ CM LOANS tnnilo on any avallatiln security Central Investment Co. . Uoom " , C'liiini- borof Coiiiinorce. liUl MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and wagons ; rates reasonable. Cltr Loan Co. . removed to 1022 Sherman Avu. _ ( fa EASTERN money to loan on furniture , horses , jewelry , etc. , room 2 , 1117 I'urnam , " LOANS niadoon unlinpro\cdrcal citato. A. K. Itllcy , Uoom ll , Continental block.J30 J30 JjlONEY to loan by. U. K. Jlnsters In any Jjl amount from * IO to JlO.OOO for any time , from ono to six months , I make loans on household eoods , pianos , organs , horses , limit's , houses , leases , etc. . In any amount at the lowest possible rate , with out publicity or removal of property. My loai.s are so arranged that you can make a payment at any tlmo and rediico your In terest pro rata. You pay Interest only for the tlmo von use the money. If you ewe a balance on your property 1 wllltaku It up and carry It for you , at the lowest rftto consUtant with the lisle. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. II. ! ' . Masters , Uoon4 , Wlthnull block , luthund llurnny sts. ' " fifrt _ _ _ \\rANTEO First class Insldo loans. I.iTwest IT rates. Call and . Mutual Invest ment Co. . l.VH KanuiiihT1 _ fi')7 / I'KK CKNT rosldenei loans fl.wn to SIH.OOII. V'llnilillnir loans at special rates , The Mead Invcstinoiit Co. . Pro bulldlnn _ CV ( > MONEY 'Kl , GO or W'days on furniture , pianos , horses , houses , uto. J. J. Wilkin son , GIB Paxton blk. . GG EASTERN money to loan on city iiroperty ; mortgage paper bought. , opp i'O. _ ' I l-'il BtniniNOI.oans- Js'lo7 percent ; no nd- dltlonal charges foV-VOniinlsslon or attor ney's fees. W.ll. Mclkloi First Nat'l bunk lildg. i liG7 MONEYlo loan. O. P. tlavls Co. , icalestate a ndj oan aKcnts. ISK Variiain st. IXVS BEFORE nefjotlalliiBaioan to Improve your real estate gptterms' ' from The Odcll Investment Co.Kl : ) N.Y. Mfo bldgj Thos. S. lloyd ii-piu-j-iilatUe. liuil MONEY to loan on ItSjVso * , wagons , mules , household giMxIs , 'iilnnos' , at lowest rates. The Ilrst organized loan olllco In thn city. Makes loans from 'JO to Ui. > days , , which can ho paid In pdit or whole at any tlmo , thus low crliiR the principal and Interest. Call and sea us whcnyoii wantmonuy. Wocan assist yon piomptly and to your advantage without lumovnl of property or publicity. Money always on d.tiiu. No delay In making loans. C. ! ' . Ilcud & Co. , U19 S. l3th St. ; over lllnu'liaiii & Sons. GO ! ) SI 1 OUT 1 1 A Ml AX 0 TY I'K Wit I T I . NO . - Educated young ladles and gon- tlcmcn to Ic'.irn snoithand and type writing ; good salaries ; students assisted to positions. Stamlaid Shorthand lluslncss Col lege , l.'rnnk E. Hell. Instructor. NH \1KVOYANT. . FORTUNE Tullor .Mrs. l.unorioan can bo consulted on all all airs of life. Satisfac- tlon puiiiantecd. No. Bill N. Kith st. I.VJ-q2t : * " DR. NANNIE V. WARREN , clairvoyant medical and business iiiudliiin. Fcnmlo diseases a specialty. Ill ) N. IGth st , IOOSB 3 A 'J. Kit ARRIVAL cxtiaordluary of JIis. Or. Eddv , the distinguished uorld-famcd and only real natural trarico clairvoyant and Sjlrlt mc- dlinn In this country ; sovcnth daughter of the seventh daughter , horn with veil and cicatcst prophcllo plft of second slirht. Whllo en tranced will reveal every hidden mystery In life. lias long been pronounced In Europe anil America the greatest Jlvlii wonder of the present ase. I'ndnrstands the science of the "Persian and Hindoo ma 'lr. " or ancient charm working , and prepares Egyptian talismans which will overcome your onoriilcs , removes family troublus , rcsloies lost affections , makes murrmRo with the ono you love no fallinc removes ovll Inllucnccs , had haolts. cures witchery. Ills and all lotix-standlng and mys terious discuses ; will glvti correct Informa tion on lawsuit , sickness , death , divorce , ab sent friends , everything ; never railing advice to young men on marrlago and how to cheese a wlfo for happiness , and what business best adopted for sjteedy i lohes. Stock speculation a specialty. Also gives Imllspcnslhlo advice to young ladles on love , couitshlp and niarilage , and If your lover Is nun or false , and gives picture of fnlino husband with , name , age and date of marriage. Hours 0 a.m. to b p. in. , strict. N. II. Per tlio benefit of those n ho aio unable to cull upon Mrs. Dr. Eddy , she would icsiiectfully announce that she gives perfect satisfaction by loltur. Your entire llfo will bo written In a clear and plain manner. Letters with stamps promptly answered. Bund for large Illustrated cltcnliir with special terms. Mrs. Dr. Eddy , 'HS N. 15th St. , Omaha , Neb. 1000-14 * AltSTUAOTS OI-1 TITfjlO. nLANn'Omuiimco Triist Co. . N YLfo bldg , complctu abstracts furnished and titles to real estate examined , perfected and guaranteed. G71 IIUSIMK4S CIIAXOKS. " 1I1OR SALE An o\cnllunt icstaurant. two J- good MOIO rooms Jfor rent. Co-opwratlvo Land & Lot eonipanyi2 > kf N. IGth st. i'.ti-H FOlfPA LE-Or traiKv'li ' nlco paying nieat market , all comjilDIo , Ice house and leu. Will trade for good htin'U caltlu or peed feed ers. J.V. . Long , Eiiicrvsyli ( | la. 4G.'MO * FOR UENT-A good h'oiel In tlm lively town of Arapahoe , on thejlimlii line of the Omaha t Denver It. It. Apply to A. U. Lock box. No. 274 , Arapahov. Neb. J.V. ) 20 | IjlOU SALE-rirst-cl .boarding house with - - finnltuin ; U looms. , . , J\ell located for day boaidhiK. PilcoMOU. 'IIE. , Cole Continental block. _ 'JV ' 4lli-i : > A SMALL and neat i'iVur ' dud confeotloiioiy" store for sale cbeaji. Address C to. lice. > r ' ' ritO LET or for sale Agond hotel. : tl rooms , J. In South OnuiluC cejiUrally lucutcd , doing u Rood business. Lepcotiy Iho year and fund- tuiu foi balo. Iimulrjgjjio. g N si. aic0 AVIHfcT-class , itollnttitabllgncd' bool and hhoe business In onouf Ihe most prosperous towns of ' Inhabitants In northwestern Ne braska. Stock well holecten and complete. Owner Is u practical boot ami shoo man , with 21 yciiiVuxiiurlcncuiinil wants to retire from business. For particulars address A. 11. Johu- hou , Uhatlroii , Neb. 'fi-17 ; " AY lo ) you want lo buy oiitostnbllhiicd dry poods business ( Joou ) In growing lllaok HIIU town. Wilto for Informutlon toi\i.Mllue. a.'i iti" STOOKofdriiBsforbalaor trailn. onn-ihlrd > . > ubh. Wlllhi cud well , Ilrokon How. Neb. "T71OR RENT Checkered livery burn onlStli J st. , S of Harnoy. Cull or address Neb. Mortgage Loan Co. . 510 I'ltxlnn blk. ( M l Tt X DI 1 AXO I ; . r WILL trade a gfHMl clcur lot In So , Oianlni foriilunoorhorso and buggy AddroBU I' t Uco onli-e. 1105 TpO IU.X UI AM TT M oHniTd rTKootTaiuT ncH A ' , tloas , $ l .MO want 4 cash , oalunce cleur property UUcluy , bhcnundoah , la , 4S. > -22'Q IpOU rxt'HANOE 2 lots In South Oninim or 1 lot near Vlnton st , . for hones or mules , UooinJ.lJloard Trade. _ fi7t : l iTu EXrTTANuPf'a ice acre tracts of No- Jt braska lands partly under cultivation , In Rood localities. N. II , Apple , room 10aro lock. W7-IS * _ TmOR EXOHANOE-Cholcc Improved Nc- X' braska farm * . Will aasunio light locum- brancc. If you lia\o anything' olTcr ad- drc sorcall on Uco. J. Slern dorf. room ! II7- Itl.H Hrst National bank hulldtiiK. Telephone _ _ _ _ " H'Evoufectloncry business for sale with JL > counter * . \tures ; etc. , iM. JI. E. Cole , liooniO. Contlneiitnl blm-k. : )7 Kt city or fan prop. . urty and cash for clean stock inarcliiiii- dlse. Oan close deed on short notice. Address It I'A ' llefe. GII-IS _ IT yotVbave anything to exchange call on or address H. E. cole. U. fl. Continental block. Olllcnopen evenings 7 111 > ! ; : . ( > fl i-xi i irsAiji'V it K Air IKSTATI- _ 1710U SA LE cheap , u lot on l iwe I'nN JL1 num st. Apply at room 2J tf. W. corner of 10th and Dodge. : iv.-is _ 1/1OK SAM/ Kino lot and 7 room bouse on JLMIuitncar IL'ith street. Address P. C. IUIS Hurt st. _ 2iKl-l' " _ $2. " ) cash and } ! ' - ' tier month , for 4-rootn housp , lot Mvl27. l,12. " > ; verv cheap. Also house of 4 rooms , il.l cash and&S per nionth ; > ery easy tcrnid , at lowest prlces . _ Let us show you the nouses. W. J. Paul , 1009 rurnuni. ' 'lOOO " * E. COLE , . Real Estate. Loans Rental. Insurance You find In our olllco at all times. A choice list of elegant residence property , A choice list of aero property. A largo list of houses and lots on easy terms. Our rental list Is the largest and most com * pletoof an } ' In the city. 1'or making loans our facilities are unsur passed , i Special attention given to exchanging. If. E. Cole , room fl. Continental block. 120 TT1OU SALE A line new 5-room cottage nenr X1 electric car line on N. 27th st. Will take as part of cash pavmont a good horsu or horse auijjiliooton. P. KM I'arnainst. K77 " HOU SALE 109Jjy ISO ft. cor. I th and Web : 1 filer sis. , also a number of good lots * -V ) and SlOOdown and monthly payments for balance. N. U. Apple room 10. Ware block. IK)7-1S ) * TVTOW Is thn tlmo to stay by Omaha real JL.1 estate. Takocaro of back payments on Improved or unimproved property and get your money of A. K. Rllcy , 11 , Continental block. KPJ FOR SALE C-room house , east front. lot IIJx VXy , city and cistern wutnr. all In goo < l r - palr , J , ' mlle N. W. of postolllco ; prlco SI.MO ; yt cash , balance to suit. Address li 15 , lieu. IilOR BALE Two well built houses ; all mod- 1 crn conveniences ; on paved street ; water , sewer , gas , street cars ; walking distance of postolllco ; will bo sold cheap and on easy terms as owner Is leaving the city. Nathan Shclton.UlU Fiinuiin st. IIG7 /COTTAGE homes In most any addition for \J snlu at from Jl.WK ) up , on easy monthly payments. 1' . K. Darling -l.'Hliirkur block. t'M "IjlOR SALIC S-room house , must bo moved for -A : Improvements. Homes built on easy pay ments In all parts of the city. Good faun for trade. 1) . , L O'Donahoo , llxil Farniim st. ( ) FOR SALE Onuplccoof Improved iislness properly that will pay 15per cent. II oward L. & T. C'o. , IGth and Howard sts , 'iriOR PALE 2 secllons elegant school land In -I ? northwestern Kansas from fl.85 to 1 > " > .2 , " > per acre ; ( jum'tcc section or whole half cash , bal ance riyeaisft per cent. Address P. Sommor- lad , Gornavllle , In. 4W 15 * FOR PALE Orcxchango for drugs and real esliilc.UOUO book slock. lto518. . fi7fi _ rpWO choice lots on small cash payment , bal- JL unco second morlgago to responsible par ties who will build. II. E. Cole , Continental blk. and ffiOt N 24th. [ * * ! _ _ IJHVE room cottages , tlM > each , JIlM cash JL1 down , balance $15 per month. Thos. I .Hall , : ilI Vn\tonblock. _ KfT FOlfS A LE f ,000 acres best farming lands In Nebraska and fiOxI.W feut on Soutb l.'llh si. , at a great sacilllce. Imiulro G13 South Illth st. Gco. li. Pcturson. owner. l-jlll A S5IALLpayment down and sl. > per month will buy it4-room hoiisiyand lot on IGth , two blocks fiom motor ; Ilist-cluss cliancu to acoulro a homo on easy terms. Apply to II. E. Cote. Continental block. KM LINCOLN place and Carthage lots , prlco 1,0(10 ( , J.V ) down , balance if 15 monthly. W. L. Selbv. Room 111. bead ; of trade. G77 AltAUGATN-Dodgo and 20th sts. , 100\I43 'feet ' , with 2 new 0-iOom' houses fc 5-rooni cottage , cheap for customer'with nionoy. on line of cable , rental J110 per inoiilh. Address 20.-I N. Y. Life. 2talB > OLAINVIEW Add. Wo huvo the cheapest J- lot In the market for salu on easy terms. II. E. Cole. D.V. II KE your eye ou Ogalalla , Nub. 'AUG1I & Wohterfield.rcal cslale.S Omaha C74 IflOH SALE A Hue Improved properly. . .IxlSO 1 feel > of ground , with It-story In Ick and stone buildings rented at J'J70 per year to good leu- anU. well leased and best propuity In'lhe city of Maquokcta , la. , to tratle , clear , for peed Omaha improved or unimproved property. Oood ehailco for some ono to gel good iiixest- meiit for noii-prodiiellvo property. I ) . V. Wholes Co.J.'Ul rirat Nat'l hank. U7U SIXTY-PI VE acres .s. w. of p. o , suitable for platting or Baldening , for sale at a bargain. r. K. Darling. 4il Hilrkor bllf. 81.1 LIST your piopurty with H. E. Colo. KM $ two buys 40\127'/i with gootl B-room house ; well , cistern. Will.sell 4KI27JJ ( for&W Apply - ply on I he premises/.HIS Dccalursl. * . ' > 'l-alil * F OH SALE Very cheap , no Irade. farm of MII.76 acres , .sou. fi , 12 , N 0 W , Hamilton county , Neb. ; 2 miles from Marijiiette , small house , stableI00 ! acres of pasltiie fenced , liv ing water , piico'lily $10 per acre , &i,4i7.l : > 0. TCI msfcVJiK ) cash , balance b per cent Iiitoreslf ! > ' . K. Atklus owner , rallioae butltlliig , Denver Col. fi7.- > TTIOK PAhE An ( ixeellent Improved fnrin ad- JL1 joining Stuarl. Neb , , ami within V/t blocks of $10.000 brick school house. 1'or a genuine bargain addtcas boxKI , Atkinson , Neb. HOI-U * FOHHAIiE ami o.xcbaiigc I have quite a number ef bargains. Call and see. N. II , Apple , room 10 Ware block. _ 007-1S * _ AN o-xcollmit cheap homo on west Tai'mim -TV. si. , full lot , ou grade , 8 rooms ; only ( M.iHW , Itl-room house ami lot , U blocks west from couit house ; $ .1,000. Some more Orchard Hill lots. Wu have sold 17 to nearly as many persons since January. us fihou- von thatwe hanille bargains , both In O re 1 1 aril Hill and elsewheie. Colselh , John- sou & Lovgiun , loom I ) , Chamburot Commerce. 414 1C A I.OTW\iBor : HKxlIK , with H. H. trackage In the very heart of the whotcsaletllstilct , at a very reasonable price ; less than * 100 pur foot Colsuth. Johnson JL Lovgrcu , loom U , Chamber of Commerce. 41.1-10 AriNEIIUIo home. 2Sth sl.ncarWoolworth , full lot , cast front. 7 rooms ami batli , very little cash icqulied , R K. Darling , 4i ; Itarker liloek , 278 POH SALE Or oxclmiiBO for unimproved Omaha property , gootl . ' 120 acre faim Iu Iowa , with live Block , Implements , etc. ( iootl ira-acie farm In Coming county , Nobsasl.a. Improved South Omaha piopurty , paying IU purccnl. J\dress II 17. lieu. liil-inli * "IT1OH HALE The heautlftil residence , No. R'W I1 Georgia avenue , w 1th full lot. D-room house , birch and oak tlulsh riowu stairs , oak Mdo- boanl. labratory , 4 mantels , soap stone lulu In laundry , cistern anil city water , gas aim se er connections , gas ll.xttires , house handsomely decorated , good f urn ( ice ami range anil uvnry possible convenience. This pioperly Is clear of Inciimhrancc , and owner can glvo any tel ms to suit. No trade. Any one wishing to pur chase can call at No. 82i ) Georgia avu. and bo shown the property , or call al my olllce and bo diiven out to see It. D. V. Sholes Co. . solo agent. 21.1 First National bank. 1 > 70 FOR SALE A flat of 12 looms well fur nished , tilled with good paying roomers , 204 N ItJtli , ever Moody'ti china utoie. A Hot of Safety Matchts t'rte to Smo/.cw / of Notion. Illds will ho received by the state board of printing tit the olllce of tlio Hvcrutary of stuto ut any tlmo before April 25th at 2 o clock p. m. . for printing and binding one thousand copies of the report of the buieau of labor and Industrliil stallsllea for the year of IH.VJ anil Ih'W , of SOU pages each more or less. Sample * of work may ht > scurt at t he olllce of secretary of state. Right reserved lo reject any and all bids , IIKN. H. COWUKIIV , Secretary of Stulo , Lincoln. Nebraska , April llth , Is'JO. Is'JO.ulSdlOt ulSdlOt | TYPEWRITER3 | FOR RENT' I'EXCHANCE'I -FOR SAUE * KJf . JfKMnuTHr < | lStffcfe&l BETTEB. THAN GOLD. HESTOIIKD HER I1KALTII. For 85 years I Mffcrrd from bolk , cryjlriclai nod other blond nUcctlont , Inking during tbct tlmo crcat qaantltlcs of different medicines with- outgiving mo any perceptible rtllcf , Frlcnda Induced ino to try S. t ) . S. It Improved me from the etort , nnil after taking cc > cral bottles , re- ctorcd my health as far ns I could liopo for tti mj ago , which Is now fcrciily-flvo yeara. Miis. 8. M. LUCAS , lion ling Green , Ity. Trcilbc on lllixxl nml Skin Il enffimnll t froo. BWHT HUKdKlO CO. . Atlintn.Oo. ESTABLISHED IN I J3 7 O DY THC EXICA NATIONAt GOVERNMENT , [ LOTTERY OF THE PUBLIC CHARITY. Oi'Ornleil under tironty ycnr'.i contrnct by llio Mcxlcnn lntcrnntlonid Improvement Coiiipnur Cirnml Monllily ilravtliiKi lit'M In tlin .Murc'qim 1'nvlllnii In tlm Alnuird.i 1'arlc , Cltr of Jloxlco , nml publicly ctiniliictoil by KOTurnmeiit tilllrlnlsnppolnteil lur tlioHiriMi | oljy the jecrt'tary of thu Intcilor unit tlio Treasury. Treasury.LOTTERY LOTTERY OF THE BenefioiBnola PUblica , . THK NEXT MONTHLY DRAWING Will bo liclil In tlio UlTV OP M1I.X1CO , MAY 0 , 189O , Which is tlio OHAND KKMI-AN.VL-.U. KXTIIAOIUIIX- AIIV niiAwixo , thn OAl'ITAI , I'lll/.n buliiu Ouo Hundred anil Twony Thousand Dollars. PllICE OP TICKETS-Amorlcali Moncy.ll , Wholes IS ! Halves , $1 ; Quarters , $2 ; Eighth Club llat'os : f.Vi worth of tlckota furtoO. MST < ! ' rUlZKS. 1 Capital I'rliuof $ ? ) , ) Is (120,000 1 Cnpltal 1'rltouf 4U,000 H JII.IXI 1 fnpltnt I'rlieof SO.DOIJ In so.UK ) t ( Irnnil 1'rUoeif 5,000 It MUM S I'rlrotof f. , ( lO nro 4.IKK. ft I'rl/psof liiO ( . . . . .an ; MID , ' - 0 I'rl/ps ( if cm nro lU.lnM I ( HI Trices of ZOO nro a SM ) l'rl e of lt ) nro 6"J 1'rlzuaof 40 nro ZIIIU AITIIOMMATION J'lllZHS. 150 Vrl/oi of ir.lnpprinluintV tcI I ) UK ) prl/c , f I'.OdO l. ' l I'il7c of nviiippruxIniat'Ktn 40.0IKI prlo , 1. ' . H l.V ) I'rlre. of lOnpproxImnt'Kto SUMU prize , i'.IXKI W. ) Terniln.ils of * IO decldud by 120,000 prltu , SI..Hfl 2.W.I Prizes Ainniintlnic to ) All 1'rln'i nold la tlio UulU'J Sl.itt 3 fully p.ild In U. b. Cmtcncy. AC.ENTri WANTED. rJft'ouCl.ra HATE. " , or nny furtlmr Inforniatlon do.tlii'il , wrlto ICKlbly to the iindernluiiiM , clently Hinting > unrn > Hlilenpu , tilth Rtnlp. county , Htrcut nml nninbnr. Moro rapid return innll dclltcry % > 1I1 bo nH iired by ) oiir cncloahig nn envelope bourlni ; } uur lull uUJrc33. . IMPORTANT. Address , U. HASSETTL CITV OF Mexico. Mnxico. Hy ordinary Ictlor , conlnlnlns SIOXKV OHDllll I * < ! 4ued liy nil K.vprcs * roinpanlus. New Vork Kx- chnngo , Draft or t'ostal 'cte. SI'KCIAI. Pl.'ATUI'.KS. liy terms of rontrnrl the company nni t deposit the mini ol all prlros liicludud In the xebiMiie lu > Iorc.Mell- Ing n idnglo ticket , and recelvo the folloHhiK otllclal permit : CEiniPicATi : I hereby certify that the Itnnkof l ridon and Moxlco has on deposit the noccinry fundi to guarantee the payment of all prlzua drawn by the l.ulerla do la ISencllrencl.i I'ubllca. AI-OUNAII t'Asrii.ui , Inlprvcnor. Further , the company Mrpcjtiliod todlstrlbutolllty- dlv percent ( if the \nliio of all the tickets In prizes- it larsor portion tluin I * clveii b > uny otbor lottery. I'lnally , the number of tickets U limited to 80,10)- ) 20,000 le i than uro sold by other lotteries lialiiK the oamu scheme. Tbe Larircut * FuAtent nml Fluent In iTin World * JNirm'jiper ncooiHoditloiia uiifxcellctJ , HEW YORK , LONDONDERRY AND OLASGDW. KIJllNKbSlA , April I'.l. I CIKCAtWIA , Mny 3. DKVONIA , " JM. I AM'IIUIllA , " 10. Now Yorlr/Qucciibtown and Liverpool. The Celebrated I .MuySd. Jlny.'llat Cl'l'V OF HOMIJ. I Juno''Sill. July Stilli. SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE ratcHon lowest terms tuaiul from tint principal SCOTCH , EBGLISH , IRISH AND ALL COflTlflENTAL POINTS. Excursion tickets reduced , miulo arnilaUIn to return by eithert nplrturc iuoClydBjtlverWerecy Nortli or ttouth of Ireland KipleaoiMlIlirallar. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND DRAFTS at JoHust current rates. Apply to any of uur local agents , ur to HENDERSON BROS. , Chicago. Tincnl AKuntH utOmnlm : Hurry K. MIIUIM , Clmrloi Alnrtis , W F Vulll , li 1' Doucl , CltUun'H Hank , Olio Wolf. Passage to andlrom Great Britain and ari parts ol Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the waters ol St. Lawrence , shorted olnll. Cilanraw to Ilostoii , to PhllmU-lphln. Liverpool to and from llnltltaoro. Thirty Slenm r . Cla o oicclalor. AccuininotlatluiiB muturpaBfcil. Weekly sailings. AM.AX & < : O. . on. We t.Ag'lB. C. J. Sundell. u > n.i . 112La.Sallo at. , Clilcnjo , 111. State" Line. To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin and Liverpool. FHOM NEW YOHK EYEHY TIIUHPDAY. Cabin passage & ! . > tofV ) , according to locallon of stale room. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Hates. AUSTIN IIALDWIN S. CO. , ( ienoral Agents , fi.'lllioadway , New Yoik. Jno. lllegon , General Western Agent. 101 Handolpli Stieet. Harry E. .Mooted , Thoj , Caiine. ERRORS OF YOUTH. BUWEHEKS FHOJt Arrrom DrMlllv , Voiilhftil lnJI crclluu , Lout Mniihoiiil. Do Your Own Physician I i ( M&njr men , from the rfTocU of youthful , ImprtidfcOco , lifkw brought about u vlaUi of [ weaknen that liafl n-Juci-d tlteirrtiernl tyt- > turn to much At tt > Induca almokt evury [ other illnooko. &nd thu itul catiito of trounlo ncmrelr tiver Itvlna nui ptctnl , they , are clorwjfp- rylhn liut the rl _ . . . ; une. NulKUhklamllni ; tliu many Tulimlilo miicdlrt thiit niKllcal clenro ha prniluci-d fi > r ttio relief of ItiUcIojui uf jiAilfiitn. none o ( thofinllimry mult-nof trfatmvlit vtffctn rlt l tirartlrawo hATO exiHTlnit'iiti t with ami dl uvtirfil new mid conc ntraud rrmo- illiThe acoompanjllnf prajcripllon U ut- fernl al a rcrlnlu nnd uperdy cure , M hundred * or ranri Iu uur iiritrlli u ho > o li en mtoml tu | 'ifc .t liiauhtylti ux > after all other rvmcdloQ fulli d. I'erfectlytrtireln. i Kmdlontiiuuillia uwdlntuui > rvi > arMloiio ( t InUrruierlptlun. It-Krjlliroijloii coca , 11 drachm , JcruU'bln. 1 V drat hut llclonlairilolct. 1 ! ' < I ljuinf ) n , 8 gralnt. Kit. tzmllai m rii ( lcohollcl ) irrnliu Kit. loiitanilra , 3 Btru ki. Oljrcnrw. ri a , Vtr. MikuM | .lll . Take t pill at In. m , * nd an other on ( rolntf CAbvd. Jnaomtf out-alt will tu norruary far the indent to talie two plIU at lidlliii .maklnK IhenumUrtlimmdar. every condition of 1 tynndwfaknoulnelllierwt. ' and c In thoKi ram rvnuklnic from < ! Imprudence. Tha riruperallv K > v er of J ; thu rtMtonuIra are truly antonUnin7anuK > UM eonllnUMl for a f hurt ttniu chanyr * ( h UnirufddcbJlllAt duervpefi | condition to | oneof rcneord llfoand , A < wo am cnnttantlr In rvceli t of l tler of Inquiry relttlTe to thu remedy , wo would ' tay tolhOMwhowouldprTfrrbinlilalnlt f ' ui , by remitting tl a. wrurely K' | C. | ick- ' containing M pllle. carefully com- . r.Adfdwlll t e 'nt by return niallfrom \ ; onrprlrato lalxiralory , or wo will f umlih I Ad Jrow or call ou Hew EnglanB Medical Inslitulo , 31 Treinont Itiiir. Iloilon , .Mae , ! it. lisa , by V. JI. I LIKE A THIEF IN THE NOT Tire Tieud Walks Off With $100,000 , in Goods. BROWNING , KINO & CO.'S GREAT LOSS. N" . It. l-'alcoiir , MM. Itrimoit nntj Others HiiflVr In Proportion * The Iioss Partially Covered liy Insurance. Tlio most illwstrousflro experienced In Dili city the past six ye.iw nccurtvtl yesterday niornliiK' i tlio iK'-stnii'tlou of the In two cloth- lnjj ivttiilillslimcnt of HrownlntJ , ICluj ? it Co. , corner Fifteenth mid Douglas .sttvet.s. Knl- Conor's dry goods house , adjoining UoiitfliH street , also 8tift'civil evtonslvo danmije , as did tlio fancy dry goods stow of Mrs. Ht'iison , to the south on Fifteenth .street , and the oftlces of tlio Omaha Loader , n prohibition orgun , N' . O. Talbot'.s Douglas County Koinu'tur , A. Li. Slonoo.vpltor'.s Job printing rooms and tlm unices of lr . Dudlong , Itllcy , WIlcox and Wlilnnery on tlio second lloor of the building proi > or The value of the property destroyed will approximate $110,000 , over one half of which 14 covered by Insurance. The lli-st Indication of the flro was discov ered by John Swiinsen , the watchman In Falconer's dry goods store , exactly at , it'll ) a. in. Ho was startled by a volume of smoke Which , with remarkable suddenness , welled up the stairway to the basement. Without waiting to inve.stlgate , ho hurriedly turntM in an alarm from box 71 , connected with the es tablishment. Ho then ran buck to stay the progress of the llamas so faros posslblu until the arrival of the lliv department Swaiisen Is locked In the building at nights and Is con sidered a most reliable and efllclout watch man. Ho has novcr been found wanting , and turns in his llro call to the A I ) 'I' every half hoar from the basement mid third lloor , to indlcato that ho is at his post. A few minutes after Swanscn's alarm , Of- licer ( jorniun of the police foreo discovered llamcs and smoke issuing from the mlddlo of the roof , near the Falconer wall , and , run ning to box I' ) , opposite the burning building , pulled the police alarm. The lire department responded with most commendable promptitude , one of the chem icals and truck No. 1 being upon the MCCIIU within two minutes after the first alarm , Chief Calligim being with the former , His practiced eye was not slow in perceiving that a dangerous mid destructive conflagration was unavoidable , and a general iihirm was sounded without delay. Ten minutes later every apparatus belonging to the department , with the single exception of one of the chem icals , was on the spot and in operation. The moment of the lirst alarm Captain Cor- mack and Officer C'ltsiclc boarded the patrol wagon and wore driven with great speed to the scene. Once there the crowds were forced back and rojk'.s stretched around the burning building to prevent the spectator- , interfering with the work of the Jlrcmcn and to keep the venturesome beyond the rench of danger When the general alarm was sent in , Sergeant Sigwart. with Detective Dcinpsoy , ami Ofll ccrs Ciillen and Uuuer were hiimmoned from their beats and went on duty at the lire , sup plemcnting the other foreo and remaining there until 5 o'clock ) when they were relieved by Ofllcors Kirk , Mitchell and lien son under Sergeant Tom Ormsby. The lire-men , under the ringing orders of the chief , jumped into their work with a will , and bent siipeihumaii elforts toward sulrjoet ing the llames , which woio now threatening streaks issuing amidst blinding clouds of smoke , which poured up from the basement Entianco had been effected at the front doors at the very ouUet and several streams were being poured into the lower story , the seat of danger , but so blinding was the smolio and hot and stilling tUe utmost hero that the heroic ilrcmcn weni compelled to work at u great disadvantage and were in no liltlo danger in approaching the entrance , wllch ) by this time was a roaring seething HUIHS , of llames. Notwithstanding the efforts of the department , it was Impossible to control the lire iu the basement , and in order to facilitate ) their work , the chief ordered the inaiimolli plate glass windows on Fifteenth and Doug las streets to bo smashed in. This was done , and several additional lines of hose were passed in to the bravo fellows at work inside , and a vast volume of water was poured on to the burning material. However for fully half an hour this deluge of water was kept descending into the stairway open ing before there wont any evidences that tlu lire was beinpexlinguished. Just its the iiremcn commenced to congratu late themselves upon having it under control the tire began to break out through the walls on the alley in the rear , and in tlio stumuiy of Falconer's building , leading to the base ment. This required a division of the forces , and to make matters the aspect bccuino very threatening in the forward part of the store on Douglas street , ami great volumes of flume mid smoke began also to shoot tip from the middle of the root near the Falconer walls. This menacing outlook created intense ex citement among the crowd which had , by this time , swarmed into the streets , mid the gen eral apprehension wa that the entire block west to .Sixteenth street was doomed. Owing to the mugnicent work of the dis ciplined liremen this calamitous result was averted , and inside half an hour the ravaging flames were checked and the great danger passed. Origin ol'tlu ; Fire. There are of course many rumors as to the origin of the lire , but none that are at all con vincing or satisfactory. That it bi-oke out in the engine room In the basement of Hrown- ing , King & Co.'s there is no doubt , but by what moans , negligence , accident or other wise , it would be presumptive to say * The most plausible story Is that the llro had its commencement In some inexplicable way from the low banked llro in the furnace The lanitor's store room , some thirty feet south of Lho boilers , and which is kept as neat and methodical and free from rubbish of an In- llammable nature as a well regulated house hold , is where the llames Jlrst made any headway , but Just how the lire was commun icated to this point Is u matter yet to bo as certained. _ I/OSHCH ami Insurance. The looses and insurance were us follows : Urownlng , King & Co. , loss between $70,000 and $75,000 , Iii8uraiico- | > ,7vj ) Falconer , Joss $ . 1:1,000 : , fully covered by an Inanranre of * ' .K > , MX ) upon the entire stock , vnlued lit $110.000 ; Liw Hill , loss on building RIKIO to , fK'0 ' , covered by . fr..filto insuianco ; Mrs , T. llenson , loss on stock t'.OI ) ! ! . covered by > ,000 insurance. The ofllcos over Hrewnlng. King & C'o 's were badly burned. The Omaha Leader , tint Douglas County Dally ] { cHrt ] and Mlom-- cyplters' Job printing establishments were badly wrecked. Tholoss Is estimated Load er , WXI. Uoport , S.'OO : Slnnccyphcr. * l.OIK ) , Stonwyplier was Insured for fl'.iKKJO. SOi | m in tin1 Mechanics of Milwaukee andfXKJm the I'hn-nlxuf Hartford. The offices of Dr. Iludlonp and Dr WIlcox were damaged by falling piaster but worn not touched by are or water and the loss Is nominal and covered by Insurance in the Now Hamp-ddro of Manchester. Th'1 Misses Kald & Johnston , whohavo just opened a military parlor over Falconer's stord Imd their stock damaged $7iO ! by smoko. They curried $1,000 Insurance , frsW ) In. tha North Bristol of London nml f TOO in the anhi of I'ldhidolphia. The Only One. Tlio Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway It * the only flue running noliil vestibuled , nluotrlo llghlod anil blcum heated trnlim between Chlcuyo , Council lihilfH and Onmlm. Tlio berth rondliif ; lump fuuturo In the Pullman stooping earn run on thesu llnua IK iiatontud and cannot bo used by uny other railway company. It Iu tlio tfrout improvomunt of the iigo. Try It and bu convinced. Sleeping curs leuvo the Union Pueiflu ilnpnt , Oirmhn , at II p. in. dully , urrlvlnjf ( it ( 'liiciit'o at OiiiU u. in. Passcngord taking tliiH triiln uro not compullcil in gut out of thu euro at Council lilulla and wait for thu train to bit cleaned , Got ticket * and Bleuplng cor berths tit Union ticket olllco , 1501 Fai-nam fit. F. A. NASH , Gen , Aft , J K , PUK-TOU PUSJ. AgU