Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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A Continuation of the Intense Strain in the
Wheat Pit ,
Corn I'rlooH Mine TlirotiKh n AVIdc
ntul Close Higher Tlio
Trade IMioiioinunal
Cuttle and
CMICAOO , April 1 * . Special Tolcgram to
Tin : ll Kl--Tlio Intense strain lu wheat win
coiit limed on Vlmngu today. Tlicro was n
M'ry excited opening , with May selling at thu
first Hush all Hit- way fiom Wo tolflo. Tlio top
point at which then ; was any Important trad
ing was ( rj'ic , and the prlco soon nottleil to Ir.'o
and thenoir to os < 3 at the end of thu hour.
'J'hero ' were a couple of bulges to Oty or better
during the following hour , but before 1 o'clock
May was back to bOUc. Thuro was a , great
change In the relative action In May and July.
Satiudav May went Hying to Oto
on biijlng by shorts , while July held
pretty natural at 81'io ' at the clew.
This inornliu July onciied with llrst
Hale-s atb.V4ffiNi4c. After touchlng81'io thi'io
was u lead Ion toPV i' . It was later that the
teal situation dunned on the trade. In get
ting out of May them was great scllliu of
.Inly Many hold July who were not In May.
Thocountry kept buying July. Thesoordeis
I'liino thlc'x and fast again this morning and
the tradu rciill/pil that July was bound to go
up In a sensational way also. The few oiier-
utorH uhos'iw thesi ! londltlons Mist wild May
and bonghl July. Then the shorts In July be-
eami ! alaimed and the prlco AM'iit fiom H'i'ic
lit 11 o'clock to K o befoio I o'clock
nnd a xpicad of Ro between May and
.July was thus nairowed dov/n to less tlinu 3c.
Trading at all hours was enormous , but the
llrst half hour was far beyond all others nnd
Inilh lilnul transactions were lost In the great
\olnmo lu the pit. Most of the news of the day
was bullish , which added to the fuioto alieady
In pie icss. Ithelpid to Incieasu the bullish
M'lillinont which Is cai tying the market up.
Cold wcathei , which pencilled seeding lu Ihc
noithwest , helped to Inercaso the Inlying
oiders. The visible supply , which It was
thought might decieasn .HXI.I0) ) bushels , showed
a decieasoof nearly 700.IXK ) bushels. At 1 o'clock
July WIIH tit hJ4c , with May nominal at Die.
Wheat did not lly high the last half hour , lu
fact , prices diopped elf on rcall/lng sales ,
( loslngjirlecs were : May , IWo : Juno , OOVio ;
July. NI'BC , with olfcilngs at lower llgurcs Im
mediately after the close.
The corn market was unusually stirred up
today ami pi Ices not only tnotcd through u
\vldo langu , but closed higher. There was a.
great deal of straight buying of May and July
and much changing between these futuics.
The countiy bought early and prices went up.
Now Vork and elevator men sold
hea\lly and prices went ofT sharply.
The ciowd got short and In getting corn
back put prices to thu top for the
day. May-old ut .T.'UQai'ie , closing at : HC :
Juno at .B'tfttWic , closing ufCl'jo ; July at
'AVtWHVii' . closing at Ul'ne ; September Hinged
at .I4il.l" > ' c , closing atlll'.c.
The oats maiket was directed largely by
wheat and corn. There was no outsldo news ,
but prices Veio Husiepllble and acted very
closely with corn. May sold curly up to 2P o
mid clnsed < , ' o lower at 3.l'c , 01 a fiacllon bol-
tei tlian on Satniday. Juno touched 344o and
closed at-l'oc , and July wasup to3l9u uud oil'
to3I ! ' c.
The provision trade was a phenomenal ono
most of the day and the range of pi Ices and
the act ion of the maiket compared with any
thing but the business of S.ituiday. There
vaHgre-it oMltoment at the opening , and a
l > ale of Ma } poik at $1J3. > by Presso caused
lunch comment because. ltwasoIdently made
foi a purposii and at a flguto ontliely below
the range foi thu day. No two houses had the
hamo opening puces fiom the pit , and ae-
cuiato llgiiies were haul logo ) . May started
lit * I3.)0 , sold ui i I i.7'i nnd closed on a decline
nt tlJin. Trades weto only occasional In June ,
going as high as * 1 1.70 and closing at $13.bO.
July sold at $1 15031'1'17'i and to ? I3.'M ' ) at
the close. Aimonr was a Inner of short
ribs , but a seller of pork. Packuis
Mild laid. The maiket at tno close wasde-
ellnlng undoi sales of pork by clhno [ houses.
lud : for May Mild as high as Jii.'iT'j and closed
at f > 47'j , and July touched Ihlij'i ' and clostd
at lOW , . Maj ilns weiu up to $ . " > .70 and otr to
j 00. July touched $ T > bO and closed at i3,70.
. HTitVK ,
Cnic\no. April II. [ Special Tolcgnm to
Tut : Hi.u.l-CAiTl.K The iinprncedeuted inn ,
almost exclusively natives , as thcio woioonly cars of Tcxans , surpilsed the
tiadu , and about the uutlio forenoon was
taken up In llndlng yard room and pla 1 ii the
hlock whcio the s imo could ho dis
played. Many lots had to go
Into ho , ; puns and others were
MMit to any out-of-the-way plaoo where room
foi feeding and watoilng could bo obtained.
A few caily sales of prlmo exp ) rt and dicsscd
beef slecis weio undo at steady pi lews , but
uflei those indent oideis wcio out of thoway
only fair to good mc-llunifltouisdiaggcd along
ut a decline of 10ftIV , the maiket closing
weak with a largo iiumberof this class left un
sold. Thcro being only twenty-seven cms of
TOMIIIS such sold fall ly well , as did also the
best class of biitcheis' stock , In the stocker
und feeder line business was light and prices
unsettled. Cboleo to uxti.i beeves , JI,70i4l.K ! ) ;
medium to good steers. I CO to I" > OJ Ibs , tl. KK
4I ; 1300 to 1 ) Ibs. tl'iiai i'i ; II'O to I.TO Ibs ,
M3.VB4.00. Hlockeis ami feedois. ? J.IOJW80 ;
rows , bulls and mixed , tl. . ' < OT.l 40 ; bulk , i..LMR.
3 ik > . Toxic , coi nfed steuii , 4.13 ( > ti.l.70j gi assort , ,
is ; ni : 30.
lions Ilnslnrss was bilsk , with prices rather
on the uptiiiu than othoiwlso. Mixed and
packing gi.idcs sold largely at JI.IlVi'M.IO and
shipping guides at tl.101 H , twolots atM. \ .
Light sorts sold at f ) 30T&I..K ) and about ovoiy-
thlng was sold at thu close.
\A\ct.ti , .
.N.w YOIIK , April ( ( . -S'poylalTologram [ to
Tin : llii-STOCKS : ] conditions appear to
bo working In favor of moro activity In iiill-
road stocks. This was appiront bufoio the
ohHoof last week. The markut showed moio
animation this uioinlng than on any day for
thu pist wcokaud amen posltlvostiong tone ,
besides Hist piIcos being generally fiom ' , to
? { per cent butter than haluiday's closing Hg-
ures , which was followed by maleilal fnither
( talus In IK Il\o stocks dining the first half
lioui's tinillir- . Union Paclllc.Sngai Itullnuilcs ,
Coloiado Coal aiuUiiangoisweio featuics , but
the entlio list shaicd In Iho ImpioMincnt ,
though moxcinenlM In otheis weio small ,
t'nloii Pacllluwus Ili-st lu point of uuthltv ,
and. opening up \ ut ul , uiso to HP ; , whllo
Itock Island and Sugar rose % each , Coloiado
Coal S and lluillngton ' , purccut , Thu ilso
had the appealauco of co\crlng by Mioits ,
but Itmutwllh consldorablo icststancc , and
when the demand slacked away piessuiu was
put on again and early gains nearly wiped
out The dowuwaid iuo > eiiient did not con
tinue and befoio noon pi lees wtuii again tcud-
liunpiiulto lulskly Loills\IIIo was up to t-i
and Manhattan to in1)1 ) ! , lu the Orauger group
lluilliigton was up fiom 101'j to 10M4 , Noith-
western fiom till' * 10 I10U. Kock Island
fmm.s'i' , to'.HH , , St. Paul to us and Mlssouil
I'aclllc to7l > i. whllo Union Paelltc did not keep
upltxlcad and uiisoir a trlllu lolll'i , but still
' . percent over Sat in day's close. Coal stocks
woiostioug and higher , with Iaukawauna at
1 hi The trade eiedlled the Gould and Cam-
mack Inteiests with buying freely The stock
maikot was fairly uclho and btroug after
noon. Theio were hopeful dispatches fiom
the west In icgiird to thu now association of
Gtangur Hues. Alehlson went up to , M uud
closed allI17S and Iliirllngtou to 111.11 , . closing
with a net gain of V Itock Island touched
l ) ' 4.St. Paul IKS' , and Mlssouil Piolllo 71 ] ( ,
i ach closing on a slight jliild of > i percent
fiom the best points. Union Paelilo held
Mcady aioiiud ( Ci < i , Coloiado Coal climbed
to4'i' ' , and l.aekawauna held llriu at I HI. The
total sales woio the boat for many days ut
17(11)00 ( ) ,
The follow Ing were the closing quotations :
NI.W YOIIK. April ll.-lSpcclalToli-Krain to
1 in : IU.i.l-Tlio followIm uro tlio nilnlni ; slo-U
VHH > l 'CK JI t IlKVTti.
, V' > ' 'K. ' April 14 Whom lleui-lpts ,
( W busliclii cuiorls , W.SOO bushels ;
No 2 rod. OlfWIUi In fli-vator ,
niloat. Wi 'rt'ii' f. o. 1) ) ! option * -
liiiliu ) < lurKPHt ovi-r Uiiown , olosliiK lilglicr ,
No 3 red. April , vlo lnx nt OIUi- .
torn ltcc-i'lpl , ! TirA ) liimlmlij export' , n-
D ( ) bnihi'U ; pot liluhnrj No. L , 40'i'ftll'io In
I olcvntor. ll'tHU'iiniloat ; iin rndud mixed ,
JTftlJ'ic ' : optloiiM ttcady ; April. 40 'ic.
Oiiti-llcei'lplM , ; 0iJlllflirls ( ) ; export tt.T.'O
bmlu'ls ; opol lilxlirri No 1 ! whlto , EUU - IOi
tnlxt'J wcttprii. ' "ifttloj whlto wi'stcrit , XKb
UT'ii'i ' options tinner , April doMim nt OUc.
ColTccOptloni rlosud stpiidy ut 10'iItfO polnti
dottli.Hiilrs.'Kl.'iiWb.-Kr * , April. fl7.r 7ll".r ,1i May ,
117 iV'ili.Ti ! "pot Klo easy ; fair cargoes ,
ViijrnrHaw. . hlKhnr ; f.ilr n-nnlnir. 4 IJ-KV * ;
rclliu d. higher ; stiindard "A , " O ; ; cut loaf , To ;
Craiiuliitcd. ' ( - .
I'l'trolt'iiin I'nltcil ' closrd for May nt84c.
I'iriri I'll in i ( MMti-rn. IJ'40. '
I'orUltonit ! inos't , 114 Oj.
1-ird f\cllcd : mid hljthor , western steam
closing at ( IM.
lliutiT Stcnilyt woslorn dairy , 7O13a ;
cri-iincry , loui c ; niulii , l'JVT7.c. ' )
Cliccio-rirni : wcKlnrn. OVlllH'iC. '
C'liirtrio , April II. lil'i p. in. clmo. Whonl
Unsetllid ; caih , suHKWUci May , b'JUtt'JOo ' ; July
Cli'it * .
forn-rirms cash , 35icj ! May , Kits ! July , 31 ®
O.Vts-Ptrady ; e.ish , 21'io ; May , Wic ; July ,
2.1 ' i' .
Hyu rirni at 47c.
llai Icy Steady.
I'rliuo Tliiiolliy Plrm at JI.SJ.
rinx-S-tciidy uttl.l'Jlj. ' ! .
I'orU-l'nsctllid ! oash. ! l2.0IS.CJi ! ' May ,
tl.'nVf.i37.'ii , ! .Inly. ft2.W3l'.tn. (
Liird--tcadj ; cash , KMSKI. ! ' ) ! : May , W4Ji
Qd , Vi.
1'loiir HlroiiK and hlxhor ; sprlnj ? patent" ,
soft to haul , tl. : > ) 'ii > - > ; wlntur p.ilonts , $ ir > J < i
© l.7" > .
l'ro\l lonshonldcr . tl.sotJI.OO ; short clear ,
& > ! > % > " > ; short tllis. f > .fiO. il _
Jtiittur-Diill ; criMinury , HUIDoj-dalry , 105
Clicc-n rinni full orcani cheildars , lO'i ©
lO t-i llut'i , 10" < ailc ! Voiins Americas , HiS
1 l'c. '
i:2imloady : : frosh. lOH'ff ' in'jc.
lllili-i t'ncli.iiiKcd ; prpcn No. 1. 4'ihcay ;
nnd light Kiri'M s.illril. lUftJ- ; silted hull ,
a'4i' ! uitciih.illcilLMlf , ( : dry Hint , Uiific ; dry
salted hides , Go ; dry calf , rVBOo ; du.icons , ! ! 0o
Tallow UnehiiiiKcd ; No. 1 solid , 3ni
Qle ; No. 2 , 3'icj u.ikv , lo.
Kceelpts. fchlpin'ts.
rinur . .M.noo
Win-lit . 4r. ( iO
Corn . li.iow . 2''JUO ( )
OatM . 100000 U'00,000
Miss ) < i > oi.t < 4. April Receipt' ! ,
for twoilayi , 1ST HIM ; shipments 70 cars ; best
Kiiuli's cash , slo ; low Kriulcs. dull and
iliiiCKliii ; . cinslni ; ipioiatlons : No. 1 hard ,
AprlF. and May , Hie : on truuk , S7'j-iSc ; No.
J norUiftii , Apill , and -May , 7c ; on track ,
CINCINV\TI , April 14. Wheat Higher ! No.
2 red , fcsc.
Corn -Lower ; No. 2 ml\pd , 3 < V7M7c.
Oats -Kttnni ; ; No. " mixed , 27 ! > c.
PT. Lot-is Apill II. Whpat n\cltcd and
liUhcr ; clostd , cash , fc3o ; Jlay , fcSJic ; July ,
Coin-lllchcr ; caslim ie ; May , .TOc' .
Oats -HlKliei ; casb , 2lo ; May , Sl.'iu. '
I'url. Mionsat SHOO.
I/inl Nomln.illy at $020.
WblsKy Steady at ill,1. .
IlntteiWc.iU ; cruatnory , HSI'e ; dairy , 13ffi
I\\N < AS CITV , Ajirll II. Wheat Higher ;
No. ' . ' ted. 70c ; No. 2 , hard , cash , 71c.
C'oin-Stc.iily : No. 2 , April , 2i'io. '
Oats-I'Irin ; .Inly , : i"c bid.
Liviiti-ooi.AprlI : 14. Wheat -riim ; demiina
pooi ; holdt-is oirui sparlnKly ; California , No.
1 , 7s Id pei cental ; led western , ds lliid ,
Coin I'll in , demand pool ; new mixed
wi".tcni , Us 7(1 poicental.
MIMVUIKIUApill ll.-Whcat-n\cItcd ;
No 2 spilnp , cash , Sic ; May , HI'ic.
( orn-Unli 1 ; No. ,1 , .U't't&.LV.
Oati r.asii'i ; No. 2 , white , 2 , " >
Ityu-llU'hu , No. 1. lbTMS'o. '
Hurley luadlcn No. _ ' , ITfc
1'ioxlbloiis ' 'icadlur : poik ,
Cllic\0. Apill II Cattle l < erclpt , 21,000 ;
murl.i-t autlM-aiid ItKUthilouor ; bcoM.s. ? 4 70 ®
I'Kl ; steei-- , 4l.2Vt ( ui ; htoi-kcis mid feedeis
* . ' Ulii-IM ) , co s. bulls and mlxid , fM.Wii.HO ,
Tencoinfed stceis , $ J.20SW70 ; gi.issi-it ,
J , ' MU 120.
HoiItccelpts 21.000 ; mill Let stron ; ; to a
.hadchlsliei ; mixed , * l.l.vai.4"i ; heavy , $ l.l.Vtc
4 HI , llRht. * l 11IW.IO ; sl.lps , $ .1 W3l no. -
' deep -IteeelptM , 4iuu ( ; market steadrf
nathes , tl.WHtnQI ; we tein corn-fed , JTiVQ )
IM ; Tux.ins , M.TMb.'ilx ) ; lamb- . . J.100SO.V ) .
K"\\s s CITV. Apill H. C.ittlo Keeelpts ,
4,100 ; shipments 400 ; hteady , but lower ;
steels , tUOifJ-l'KJ ' : coua , $ I.OOfe.l40 ; stuckeis
and feuler- . .40' ii : .
lliiKs Ueeelnts , 4OW ; shlpincuU , 1,000 ; all
Ktadi-s , JI 12'ijiift ' 20.
Pr. Loi'ii. Apill 11.-CattlJ-ItccoIpts , 1,000 ;
shljiments , 2JII ; steady ; T.ur to fanuy nitUu
slicis , $ . ( 403l.bO ; btoukuia and feedeis. 4J.40 ®
, IN ) .
HOKS lieeelpts , 4 , 00 ; shipments , n200 ;
hlKlii-i : hfiivv. Ji.2iifl JJi packing , 4 20l./ : ) ;
SiouvCm , la. . Apill II. Cattle llecelpts ,
200 : shipments , 121 ; mat Lot slow.
llo s Hocelpts , XX ) ; maiket opened strong
with satuiday and closed 2r ! * hltfhu at > l.l5i5
Monday , Apill 14.
Intimated receipts , of cattle 1.400 comp.ucd
with 2,011 Satniday and I.Olil lust Momla > . Thu
111,11 ki-t on steei-s opened a nickel liiwci on the
most ( li sliable lots and fully lOc loner on ineiy
IhliiB else , with qullo a niimbei- sales le-
linitid at iOc and Ilo lower than Katuiday's
lilh es. Thu marki-tdr.iKKol slow Ivnloiu al Ida v
without KioxerliiK and closi dlth neaily all
sold. ( July half a do/en loads of common
cons wcreon miiikel , Consldeiliiff the qimllty
cows sold well , all chaiiKlns handseaily , liity-
eis ililnklnK thai juices weio fully up to Sat-
uidaj'b pilccs. whllo selleis ci'nui.illy lepoit-
ul them a shade lowei. boinii nltu , \ ( innt ; hrlf-
ers weiu on Ihu maikot , selling lit $ J I.V3.1 20.
Hulls weiu steady and feedeis were falily
lilenty and wilhinit cli.uw , The btandaid
eattluciimpany had two lots of western steeis
on maiket , getlln thu top pi lee. JI.JO.
Intimated leeelpts of hess 2.701 compared
with 2,211 baluidiiy and 2,111 last .Monday
The maiket opened stronfjei at an advance of
a shade lo.rn- . and lemalned linn and was ac-
tl\o till all eliiuiKid hands. Tho.i\eia u piUu
wasabuut Jl.lll'i comiiiied with fl.l.l'j ' sat in -
day and $112 last Moml.ij.
Kstlmaled icorlpts ot sheep ftM. eoni-
n tied with I , UK Siliiiilay and V)7 1-ist
iloiulay. I'ho maiket icmalns niiuhangt.d ,
with oiid muttons In demand ,
The following Is a table of prices p ltd In
this muinct foi thoKiadcsof st ock mentioned :
I'l line steers , 1100 to ll > 0) ) lb * . . . { .1U1
Coed stcor < U > ) to 1T > ) Ihs . 'iiVi
( iuiiil sti ois. I IB ) to UK ) tt > s . ,1.1-1
Cdinimin 1000 to 1IV ) tb stceiu . 2 00
Common canneis , . 1 00
Oidlnao to fair cows lliO
I'alr tOK' ) d eows l.'k )
( iiKd toiliiileo cons
I'holcu to fancy i on3 . .
I'ali tOKOod bulls
Choice to fancy bulls
Uuht stoi'keis and feedeis . .
IVedeis. 11V ) to ninths. . . .
I'all toehold ) lliht lui-s . .
Tali tocholeo heavy h nS . . .
I'ali to cholcu inlM'il lie s .
Ciiiiu-ati\c ) | T
The. following tables show thn lanso In
pi Ices on lion's il ml UK this and last week :
Kani o ol' I'rioe
Tlio follow Inj ; tublo shows tlio r.inst ! of prices
paid fin lioi- > ,
I.lKlit anil iiit'illiini lies . . . . .
( iooil Hi I'huk'O iiiUcil Mo s . , . . -in fll.lT'J
Uooil tuulioluu liua\ } liii s
Onl ( oT llo s.
Tlio fiillouln.luliluKlxiM thn a\iiM2O 0Ht (
( it lie s on llu < iluti'iiioiitloniMl , luuliiillii thu
i'o > i tiluay , u1 * li i- i'il unuii h iles runurtcd.
D.Uf. I'lk'D.uo. . l > ilcc.
April I . . . . tl 07' ' , ApillS . J | li
Apill i' . . . . 4 a- , > . Apt II H . l Ui ,
Aptllll . .101' } Apill 10 . . . . l ( ttf |
Apill I . . . . I Ih' , Apill 11 . 4 01' ,
Apill ft .1 lO'j Apill 1. . . . 4 Ull ,
Apill 7 . .41. AIH ill ! . 1 lo > i
Highest and liiivi--.t Sales of
foil.iy i < aturiluy
IllBlio-t . II ' 'J Hlitlipst . . . .tl U
I U"i lo\\ust . 4 ID
Onii-lul P ituitliiy INtlin i toil Today
fatllt' . . .UK ) iars.Mil Pattlu ( , - > CUM llOO
llo s . . . . : cai-s . " 'M Ilo0-a 41 cars uruu
i'i | . . tl on l < 1S > J sliuup. U cais XM
. 1 car 1
A > oi-atii 1'i'lco of
ir tHoiuuiiU'o inti'o p-ild f r loads of
thu ( lu ) tt Indicated I n losT , b , ItsjJ nnd
Disposition o
ehowlnu the number of c-itllp. lion nnd
lippp boimlit by thepiekers and lundlnx bu > -
CM on today t market.
Iliiycn No.
Swift A Co . . , . wil
( Ior2ult llnmmiitiii ft Co 211
Tim Armmtr-Cndahy l'i"l < ltig compnny . 61
Omaha I'aekln ? company H
I.oo Kothchlhl , , . 6 < l
llonton X I'nderwoud 33
Shippers nnd feeders 2-.1
llcekcr A. DOJPII 1.1J
Urono A. Viiu3.ini . . . . Id
The Armonr-rndahy 1'ael.lnj Co . . . . I"ill
Oinihii Piitiklnit Co OIS
swift A , Co :
Uuoiju II. Hammond .V Co , . 200
No. Av. I'r. No. AI'r. . No. Av. Pr.
2 .18.11 a 4' ' ) I2"i loJi : i i ; " > 20 I."JO 'I tt )
I'l ' 1IK.2 II Ul M I UK ) ay
i r I2.W : i no II 114' . .1 71 r.1227 4 00
4 107 * ' 1 fifl ; : 71 22 1211 i 0.1
11) 1121 3fi ) 7.1 22 1170 4 10
10 into 3 no 40 1211 111 l.l.M 4 10
11 .HIS 30-1 ! ) 1-1 ! ? 14 ir > ! 4 n
3o loss ; i ( ft 111. I IN ) .IN ) IH 1417 4 II
I . 1270 3 ( V ) 21 II" ' . .1 .1n \ 11 I.IIO 4M
20 1110 3 024 18 .1J72 utw 13..IIS1 4 3.1
22. . uio aw
.72.1 2 00 .tXH ( 241 0 1027 2 70
. sjo 2 00 . .s-1 2 .V ) 1 .1210 2 71
n20 2 00 lffl.1 2 50 10 1110 271
10II ) 2 0) ) lll.V ) „ , v > 1 . sntj 2 M
UV 2 21 1021 sa ( 21 0(11 ( 2 !
2 2.1 II lkS.7 2 li ( ) 1 II n 2 IB
" 2.1 2 OS.1 2 IK ) 1117 2 IB
2 III si . 7.u a ni IIM 2 111
10 I'll 2 40 18. . 002 2 W C3 03
2 1011 2 10
I-IX ) 3 00 2 I'Kl 2 21 2. IVO 'I 00
. KID 3 IK ) I .I1IJ 2 , VJ I..KSJ : i 10
110. ) 1 .110) ) 2 .10 2 Mi' : i ID
KM 1 .1270 2 bO i. itro 3 10
fl . MS 2 SI 1 . 570 3 11 1 . 4t > a 2.1
.11 ,170 : i oo 2 . 440 3 11 . - > . . .vsj a 40
XI Ii2b 3 12' ' 11. . .Vll 3 11 ; ; i . OM a M
IKUIl.Ks- .
SO , ) 3 30 27 . 711 .1 40 2 wo a 41
NV1 .1 .11 ' . ' . H10 .1 4'J ' i , tu7 a .10
M7 .1 3.1 40 . M8 3 40 SO. . 6.-J J 33
tM 3 10
' 570 2 .10 10 .VIC 2 fcO 4 . 70S a 1,1
017 2 Ul 1 . 740 3 10 41. . 530 a 30
1. . CM 1 . 070 1 70 1. . 830 1 75
10 . 7W
W Kill GUN \11I.K
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
Standaid Cattle Co ,
30 steers ,1SW JI 30
U ) stieis .1111 4 0
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Pr.
. . . . 'HO 120 f I 01 21 tl 1.1
no . . . .210 1JO 4 I2'i , 218 I'M 4 II
. .2(11 ( 40 4 12'i ' ni . .MS 1M ) 4 1.1
. . .M 4 U'j .au 40 4 M
.2H ! 60 4 11 bl .2 ( 1 40 4 11
. .3 < M 120 4 1,1 blUl 21.1 M 4 11
.207 4 1.1 dl 2hl 2H ) 4 1.1
3111 100 4 II lt.1 2.17 I)0 ( 4 15
. . . 3UI 4 . . b' ' ) 214 120 4 174
bl. . . .2IS t 1.1 70 SIS SO 4 17'5
311 . . 312 4 b' ' ) .247 U'O 4 17i |
SO. . . . .2:11 : 40 4 .Mi .310 200
M. . .2M 4 71. 24'J ' M ) 4 17-i
.13 . . 200 SO 4 .11 211 M 4 17' ' i
60. . . 278 240 4 1.1 bO . 2 ( > .1 4 17'4
W . . 21' ) 320 4 II 01 2A ( ) KO 4 17'5
14) ) . .374 r > ( > o 4 II Ul .2sl N ) 4 17"
VJ . . INI luU 4 11 71. 2iS ( ( fcO 4 17'i
70 348 4 1.1 5 : uo
.XU 4 II 11
2-W 1 11 Irffcs sis 4 I7S
. : c > o I 11 fcs 2 ( > t H-d 4 17' ,
4 II b7 . 2\1 40 4 17' ,
4 11 217 - 4 17'2
2.S ( 1 11 2l > l 40 4 20
! f 40 4 1.1 2M M )
. .27.1 4 11 ni 4 SO
. 211 40 4 11 en 317 1JO 4 20
Market Mention ,
" J. Pusdcu sent In uoai of utittlo fioni syni-
Thonuis Powci-i of Sntton li.ul a cm of liogs
Woodgatc A. Co. of Utlca sent In two caib of
( JnlTi-y V Tnyloi scut In a c.u of cattle froiff
Jainct D.uiloy of Memphis \\.is looking o\e >
tint > aids.
ri.inklln n\eietl bionglit In a cu of c.ittlo
fioni I , j mis.
Adam Giuliani of Spiln \\.isliiullha
0,11 of lidt' .
Thoinas 1'jnlanuf UiuKun How nuiikcted a
cm of cattle.
K II K\oictt ciiiiu1 In fioni Ljons lth t o
cars of e.ittlc.
l.ilrMcConibi ! had In two cars of cattlu
from Milieus.
J. II. Ne- Icy ( .Mine In fioni VIllKe.i , Ia.\Nith
a fin of uattlu.
Inspector Hou.ud eoiulenincd and shot onu
lump j.iw steer.
1' . b. Wllcox of AloCook had t o c.iis of cat
tle on the maiket.
WaulclcA. Allloibnueh of Ulen\Illo mai-
Keted a car of IIOK- .
Klpp & lini'i : ] ( t of lluinphie\s had a cat of
hoKi in the maiket.
Thi'Pnpi i lor rattle company sent In a of
cattlu fiom upoilor.
Kiuloy Hinthoi- . , n-stil.ii Wlbiior shlppui t
maiUetcd u c.ti of hoKt ,
( ' . llookmaii canii ; donn fiom Wuttui\lllu
with thieo cari of c.ittlo.
The Pcoplub' fctate hank of Gothcnhnig mar
keted two IMIS of cattle.
HMii > ICoeh of .Mlili'r V Co. , HiUKlii\\cnuo ;
lu with tuocars of cattle.
O. 1' . Gldden of ru'inont ason the maikot
with thu'u ems of cattle.
.John P. Cle.iry of the .T.imes II. rampbell
commission Him went to l.IiKoln on business.
Joseph f ! lies , a piomlnuntstocKmaiiof Cedai
liapldh , was on thu m.ukut with a e.u of
H. II. Atwoodof Plattsmoiith was : \lslloi
at thoynids. looking afti r the Inteiests of the
stockholdcis of the Amui lean l.h u block com
1S. . Mehln , iA > npltallM of fienesoo , Ilk , ac
companied by Ite\ . Albeit Itnshncll of St.
.losoph , Mo. , wns at the jauls the guest of C.
H. Hick of thu htocUman.
Cicorge S. Hi own , long thn popiiku ho ; sales
man for the commission Him of ( Jeoise IlurUo
& I'l.i/li'r , and thu pioneer commission m.iu at
thu South Omaha yaids , who c unc fiom ( hl-
ciiKoand sold thellisl lo'idsot cattle and lion's
th it u\ci ( 'ain o'itho ( I nlon I'aclllc load ,
hassuM'icd his connections with his former
implojei-sto iiicipt a inoio luciatlM ) jiosl-
tlou with the Anu'ilcan Iil\e lock company.
Mr. lliown Is not only onu of thu most pO ] > nlai
and tiiiily men atthu i.uds , but Is one of the
best Juili ; < Mt ) ho s and ono of the best ho , :
salesmen In thu Jiuils as he was iceoKiil/id
when In Chicago ono of thu best salesmen
flesh , Mr , cold sloi.ijic lilck-
led , limed , sallid not wanted at any pi Ice ,
I'ni'i.iin ruiki > s , diessed , faney diy
plel > ed , U'llo ; luikejIhe pel Hi. 0 < 31lc ,
chlckuu * . liini'V , IlKiol.V ; ehk'Ui'ns , ehoh'e 056
11V chickens , Ihc pci doI.HKclsl ; iscesi ,
diessi'il , fnu > \ , lil < 6ii'j | ei'sidussed , iholcc ,
I'tflOoj geese , live. ( Id/ , t IUOft > 7.0J ; ducks , dicss-
ed. f.inci , lie ; dinks , choice , litOlOo ; diicl.h ,
llciu. > \ . , J.V > 2 ) ( Xj ) plKcoiis , doJI lHr.l.J.l ,
(5MiJack ( : snipe , Jl.oOiil 31 : golden nlnxur ,
} 1 OO JI 31 : mallaid illicit. $ . ' Wit ! . ' ,1 ; imiMis-
biink ducks , iltsoa , ! 00 ; icd-lie id iluoKs do/ .
1 1 .1031.73 , ducks , ild"Oi4rJi.i ; mixed
iliickf , do50i < ? tl 01 ; geese , Canada , J..SOQ ,
JI ( Hi ; geese , small , il.oojl V.
Ml'I.KM'n\ll I'ei II ) , lfisl2'C. |
CililsiPn Ib. full cieam Voiing Amcilca ,
ll'ji ' ; full cream twins , Iii'jc , fnllcieain ( Jlilo
Swiss , lilc , full cieam Wisconsin sulss , Hffliie :
full cieam bilck , lie , full cieam llmlmiuur
SH Us , lie.
l.Wtlle per Hi ; strained , no.
Oil \M S I'ci linrioilda blights , ifl.71 ;
Messina , * , l''l : Callfoinla fancy mmiN JUKI ,
I.osiudes , T. ' 71 , M ceilings , ItlMnsldu , il'ilTO
a ilj ; mountain , i 100 ; In lho-ho < c lolb , S5o pel
boloss. .
I'iNh * i'i'i.rlVi dor , JlOOffl.OO.
\WIII.UIIII.s I'd iit..HKr,7.V.
Cini.u-l'ei hlil. n > llmilfl3l ; half bill. J.I50 ;
luiidcldci , pure. p i lhl ) , Mix ) : iiiutmo cldoi.
half bbls n.OO , pi .11 elder , half bhls , J7.00.
MI.NCB MIATitw iiei Ib.
la MONS-l'ei buMussina fancy , f I W&t Wj
Verdelll , peed J.'W.
lUvt.NsIVr bunch , il O'vn .io.
IIUTTHi t'reainciy. fancj lolls , pilnti" , 33 ®
34o ; creamery , fine > , sulfd iiacked , 30 ' . ' ;
crermery , choice. IMCIJO ; daliy , fancy rolls
and pilnu. Ivii'-oc ! dairy , fancy Milld paoked ,
17 ( fillici daliy , choiceft \ Umcountiy \ mil ,
fanoy , 13Tr.lbc ; chohe , l'-VtM < 'i tonntiy loll ,
good , IViiU'c ' ; uountiy lull , fall , 7&sc ; puor
bliH.'l < . : k'uV.
HONKjynotatlciis me for dell\er > lu Chicago
cage ) . Diy bullulo , per Ion , tlUOOftlS.00 ; diy
cotintiy. bleached , tiou.kii.1 1 00 ; diy country ,
damp and meat ) KtK > i'rloiK.i.
Vhdi.i MII.I s Old -Sweet potatoes , fancy ,
Muscatlne , per bbl , f4 DO ; onions extra fancy ,
tl.V ) ; unldiis , fall , J..V ) : riitabagas U.oo : cain -
n > ts. ( . > ( Mi parsnips , i..V ) ; bents. tiW ; horbo
hhnKitN , perhbl , tlM ; per Ib , 7 i celery
, per bbl , M 00 ; ct-lerj loots , put doU ) .
hht HVKS il7i per Ib.
l'ftlo pel Ib.
Vh\i.-lhutiu uicdliiin , KJOc ; light ,
lieu\ , , > B.4i .
MS-lVr bbl , Oenltonv II W ; Willow
Twig , j.W | ; llenliu\U , JI.50 ; lluiimiiliu , t\M. \
\SKPDOltr-lHV. .
'oco\.Nt"ih Pei hiinred , ( I 71 ,
Pli Ki.ts-Mcdliuii per bbl. 13 50 ; small MM ;
gherkins , $ ; ,30 , 1 A. 11 vhuw chuir , ( its , $3 b3 ,
N , , ,
POTATOES Perbu fnioy.a.V. choice. S&a.)0t ) >
I isii 1'rt'bh fmzcu wlillo tiuut , plku uud
pickerel , per Ib , 7k , turc uu,7u.
IIinr < . PF.ITSvn TAMQW rirfeu alti-d
hides , 4 ' 41dry tilted li rtyX .li'U'i diy Hint
lildi" * , 7c ; calf hldr-i , > V' . llnmnjied hides 2o
le , Hliroy pelts grci'ii , toPV.'V- ) Hhecp
peltdrv. . per Ib , Wtl tot tMWi * . No I , a' ' , lej
No , 5a'4S'l'4t'i grcii c , wlit ) , a's-glcj ' icllow ,
3'jSJ.lO. '
IlK\s-Hiind picked navy , ; hand
picked nny. medliitn , tt 407)1. vi ; hand picked
country. tl2vKitl.4U | UIKX ! , tt.3Jl.Jj. ,
Ai'ri.i. IlLTrni I'cr Ib , u/7c. / [
Diunn rnciT-CurrniiK now , C'iU7'ie ' :
prunes , casks , 1 , : K ) lbs.vO\ic : priiniM. tibls or
haps , fi'Ki7'4ci ' citron peel , druini , 30 lit * , 2.V :
lemon pool , drums IDc ; f.lrd dates boxes I-
Ibs He : apricots eeolcu cnporated. . I.V ; apri
cots Jelly cnrcd , 25 11) hotrs Ibc ; apilcots
fiincy. 21 Ib boxes IBo ! npplcs eholco oxapot-
ated. Iflci apples prlmo mu > , ) ' , < ; tigs. la > er ,
10 per cent talc , 11'iC ! In SUCKS. 7c ; Tcrslau
d.ites'c ; Halt l.ako npple5 , , V ; blackberries
i'V IIIMII ated , M Ib boxes , 5'4e ; cherries pitted ,
dry cuied , Ties peaches , pared , fancy , IHcs
choice , 13u : Salt Lake , 7c ; pitted plums , Cat. ,
2.111) ) boxes , S'jliO'iC ' ' ! raspberries , uMiporated.
N. Y , , new , JKicj iirunus , It. C , bo-70 , l > ilti - ;
orangn peel , IV : ral lus Callforulii , London ,
eiop ISM i , } j,4 . Cat. IIHISO miiscalels , ci-op ISM ) ,
W.lU ! Valencias , isss , G-C ; Valeuclas , new ,
Oi1 ; Cal , seedless xks , Co ! Ondiira lajer. now ,
lie ; dried grapes , r > c ; priinelles , new , 13' , c.
tUNM.ii ( loons I'mll * , Callfoinla standard
biands , 3'ic-lb ' , per ( tor AurlvotH , $ . ' 70tl.S3 ;
apricots , nlc fruit , tlM : gallons , f I .V ) ; bl.tck-
bcrrlcs * j 3.1 ; chcriles bl'ick , i > 00113.31 ; choi-
i les w hlto , 3.lW..Vl : giapcs. l uvai.v ) ; pears ,
llartlett , $ J.10B2.3.1 ; pe.iuhes , yellow , I J.I 0(43.3.1 ;
penches , lemon cling. t..40 ; plums , egg , Jt.iVVpl
l.Sfl ; plums golden ( Imps , tl.N'j ' ; plums , giecn ) ; peaches , with pits In , JI iiO ;
fin rant" , U..10 ! gnosoborrles , iS.'JO ; onlnees ,
i10 ; , t..SOi strawbenles , J..V ) ;
peaches , l-lb o-isti'in standards , f I.S3 ; a-lb pie.
11 10 ; Ci-lb ph > . J.Mll ; gallon pie. * I 00 ; apples ,
high staudaids t..71i 3-lb pooseberrles , IKK- ;
2-llJ st i aw ben les , ; 3-lb laspberrles ,
11.00 ; I-lb bliiebcn les WVJMKV ; 3-lb blackbci-
ries , illUT'V 3-lb stiaw belles , iiresened , ft N ) ;
3-lb raspberries , pieserved , if M ) ; 2-lb black-
beirlcs , ( neseived , fl.-M ; pineapples , llahama
chopped. ? J.OO ; 2-lli llahama giated , W.71 ; 2-Ib
llahama sliced , J..V ) : 2-lb Standaid sliced ,
tl3V5Jl..l ( ) ; cherries , 2-ld led , llaltlmorc , 8,1-
ltlope.ifs,3-lb ; , fl..W
VUH.T viu.i.HTomaloes3 Ib e\t rn. $1 00 : a If >
vtandaid western brands , twine ; gallons ,
stilctly Htalidaid , f.VK ) . Coin I'lnest grown ,
flX ( ) ; gilt-edged sugar corn , \ciy line , tl..V ) ;
cholco3 ft siigar corn , il,30 ; 3 tt > extra westcin
liaudsli.lciIil.OJ ) ( ; 3R > standard wesiei u brands.
fiKr70c. ( Mushiouns 1 Ih rroneh , extra tine. 32
© 2" > c. ; I Ib rionch. fine , lyiteiV ; 1 Ib I'lcnch. 01-
dlnaiy , IdtllMc. 1'cas Tics , line , pel can , 31c ;
deml line , pel can , Ibc ; 3 Ib. slftul , * I.M ) ; 3 lh
ally .Mine , tl.3V I.5 ! ; 2 fti Miiuow , standaid
biand , $1.10 : 2 Ib soaked , ,17c Stilng Ileans 3
Ib high giade. Itcfugcc , K > c ; 2 Ib ( ioldeii wax
beans , 7lc ; 3 Ib string beans. 70c. lilma llcans
3 Ib soaked , 7.1c. lloston llaked Ilc.iiis ,1 Ih
Iowls fl.bfl ; crow n brand , JI.V ) . Sweet Potatoes
J Ib Now Jersuy , JI M ) . Pumpkin a Ib now
pumpkin , $1.00 , Ol < raaud tomatoes , Jl.uOj okr.i ,
Jlui ; succotash , tl.20.
1'isiiCodllsh , extia Georges now , 5'c :
grand bank , new. 4I4c ; sll\ei , 3-lb blocks , O' c ;
snow white. 3-lb bricks , new , he ; TuiUey cod ,
Im o middles. In leks , 8Uc ; snow white crates ,
13-5 Ib boxes , 734'c ; led'and halllmt. tic ; medium
scaled hen Ing. 25c ; No. 1 scaleu heiilng , 22i' ;
domestlu Holland lien In , ; , , V > c ; Ilambnig
siilccd herilng , { 1..19 ; linsslait sardines , 7.1c ;
Kusslau sardines , plain. , ' > . > ; Impoited Hol
land herring , Crown brand , bOc ; do. fancy
milkers. HOu ; macketel , No 1 shore , half bbls ,
$1100 ; bhuturs , half bbls. flhOO : whlto llsh.
half nbls. $700 ; tiout. half bids , KM ; family
whlto llsh. $100 ; salmon , $8 V ) ; 1 Ib mackerel
( herring ) , $ I.XX3H.10 ( : 1 Ib llnnau baddies , tl.71 ;
1 Ib lobsteis , tJ.I.V33.3.1 ; 1 Ib Alaska salmon ,
Aleut , $ lbO ; 2 Ib oysteis. 10 o/ , $1.11.1 ; lib
ovsteis , r. o$1.1 ; Slbsflcct. 12 o/ . $ . ' .2,1 ; 1 H )
cl.ims , llttlo necks. $1.25 ; 2 Ib clams , llttlu
necks , $ JO ) ; ' < Ib s iidtncs. Impoitrd , purcnsi1 ,
100sll.ooHioO : > , Ibsardlnes , Impoited , per
case. UKs ) , I.I.OOSJJOOO ; 'i Ib Imported boneless
s.udlnes , 25c ; ' 4 Ib saidlnes , Ameilcan. pot
100s , rreneh style , } 4.riOft.lOO ! ' 4 Ib saidlnes ,
Amerlc. in , pel case , lOJs , I'lench stjle , $ " . .10 ®
s(0 ( ; 'i Ib saidlnes. must , nil , pei case , 30s ,
M75g40J ; Impoited key saidlnes , f 1,1 00.
POM'S Castile , mottled , pet Ib. 810c ; do
white , pei Ib. 14c.
llnooMS-Pailoi. I tic. $ J71 ; a tle.JJ.3J ; sta
bles , $ JM ; common. JI.IOWI 7.1.
Conn ' 2 Ib tin. 40o pot Ib.
CiKMor.MK 22&i5oi > ur Ib ; Gciinnii chlcoiy ,
red , b'jc.
i.bODA. Ilbls , 1'ic ; uranulatcd , 2o ; ken's ,
l' c. _
SODPkg . ( a His to box. Vi@.v < e.
Nurs Almonds , lie : 1.r.l/s | , I4c ; filberts
12'ie ' ; pecans , lie ; walnuts , IJ'c ' ; peanut
cocks. So ; loasttd , lie : Tennc.sce. peanuts 7o.
DllL'ds ( Gioecis' ) Pci Ib .Voiax , 13c ; < op-
pcras , 3'sc ; Hay lca\e . I4c ; glue , ! { : opsnni
salts , 4c ; ghnibci suits , , lc ; sulihui | , 3' c ; blue
\ltiol.0c ; alum , 4c ; l.ulailo acid , l.'c ; losln ,
2o ; saltpeter , absolutely pine. le ( ) ; gum cam-
phot , 3 Ihs In box. 1 07 cakes , : : ic ; hops,1 ! and
' , Ib packages , 30c ; sage , ' and li Ib packages ,
lie : madder , 1 Ic ; Indigo , a II ) and ! i Ib boxes , H.
I1. , b.l@70o ; Indigo , alb and 5 II ) boxes , Madias ,
U5o ; se.illng wav , 351b boxcs , icd.a'ju ' ; hcallns
wax , 3.1 Ib boxes , white , IP ,
C\NMD : MKXTS l Ib lunco tongue , JJ.74 ; Sib
lunch tongue , $4.71 ; 1 111 coined beef , $1,20 ; 2 II )
coined beef , $ . ' 05 ; 11 11) corned beef , M.30 ; 14 Ib
coinedbccf , $14 : 2 11) boneless pigs' feut , . ' .20 ;
1 IbKngllshbiawn. JI.-IO ; 2 Ib Kngltsh bi.iwn.
tJ.1.1 ; 0 Ib English hiawnO.T.T ; 1 Ib comiircssed
ham , $1.75 ; 2 Ib cumpicbscu ham , $ JU1 ; 1 Ib
chipped beef , JJ.
S'wimCut lorf. Sc ; cut loaf cubes. 7'n < i ;
standaid , poudcrcd , 7'ae ; XXX.X , powdund ,
So ; granulated , standaid , b't'i'ac ; confec-
tlonuis. AU3 i" , whlto OYtia , C , 5'jc ; oxtiaC ,
Neb , .life ; amber , 3'tc.
COHKK Ko.isted Arbnckle's Ailosa. Sfi'no ;
Mcliaiighlln's XXXX , 2li'ai' ; Geiman , 3T c ;
Dllworrn , ftlc ; Aliiioiua , 21 * . ( . ; bulk , 2TJe.
Co i H'K lircen I'lincy old golden HIo , SSoj
fancy old peabei ry , 2.1c ; UIo. eholco to fancy ,
2'ic ( ; Klo , pilnie , 2i3 : c ; Itlo , good , 32'jo :
Mocha , 30c ; Ji\j , genuinu , O. G. , 2bc ; Ji\ ; ,
Ifitml lnteiloi,2lc ; Afilciin , Wji * .
rAUlv\tMUrtOooiis llailuy , a'44c ; f.ulnl ,
MS ; peas , ao : oatmeal , IMfJo ; macaionl , lOc ;
xeimleelll , lOc ; lice , 4b'jc ; sago and tapioca ,
( X(47c ( ; lima beans , (5u. (
Oir-s-ICeiosniio-P , W. , lOcjV. . \V. . 12'c ;
headlight , ; H.isolliii ) , l.'c ; salad oil , JWS >
UOOliei doz.
MhArs Mams , No : 1. Ifltti , a\eiage , 1UV ; SO to
32 Ibs , Do ; 1J to 14 Ibs , lOo ; hhouldois , c ;
bieakfast bacon , No , I.RHc ; hum h.iusagu. Se ;
diled beuf hams , ill.i7'io : beef tongues , JO.CO
lici dodti ; salt muats , 5'J'io ' perlb ; ham
toiiluttu , 0c ! ; bonulcss ham , r'ic ; picnic ham ,
Koru-lliisls Manilla lope , lie ; sisal lope ,
IJ'ii'i cotton lope , Idc ; new ) ) iocess , h4e.
Corro.v I'WIM : lllbb , M-ivllne. a or 4 ply ,
23c ; llne,30c ; Dalsj , ISo ; c.indlo wick , 23c.
Oi.ivi s-ynails. per do/ , $1.7,1 ; pints , perdu/ ,
$ . ' 31 ; bulk , per gal , lOe.
ViMruusi. ; . cider , 8c ; good , Uu ; whlto
wine , lie.
STOVI : POI.ITII $ J 00tl ( S7 per gross.
Am. , pel 100 , $17.1)0 ) ; I.ewlston. nor 100.
$17.00. Itbls , N , O. , fancy , per gal , WiJ
,17e ; choice , 4" > Tcl7c ; good , .Uffif.'c ; Cuba baking ,
2siMc ( ) ; black stiap , 3i33c. (
\\u\i'i'i.Mi I'M'hK-Sliaw. per Ib , l' . < 3 , . " < c ;
iiig,2'.c ; manllla II , r > Ttb. . ' ; No. I,7c.
IUS ( L'nlon Sii ( | ue , ; a < jM pel cent oft" list.
s > \l.T Iilrv,2s011n ) III bbl , bulk , J..IO ; best
giade , ui , r.s , ' .10 ; best giade , too , .Is , . ; . | i ) ; best
giade,2S , 10s , tJ.jO ; lock halt , cnibhcd , Jl.bO ;
common , bhls , % l,21.
Dry Ooodo.
Ilnowv Corros Atlantic A , 7'ie ; Atlantic
II. 7 < > ; Atlantic I ) , ( Piictl.intlo ; I' , ( ie : Anioiii
C. l ii ; ( luck's He id , lU c- C.ihptV , li'.e ; Dar
lington , 0Jio ; I'aimuis'No. 1 , ' , ,4'.e ' ; Atiantlu
1,1. , ( ic ; Anioi.i II , lt > 4 ( > ; Anrota It , it' e ; Allow ; At his U INI ; ) . 7'ae ' ; CblekasawAII ,
) ' , ; Cheesu cloth , Ic ; Cllrion 1'P , 5'iO ; Pep-
piMi'll lt.f.4o : IViipouill i : , 10-Inch , 7Ue ; I..inn'-
iioii ( ill. lie ; Cast Iron , 7'ie
Hi.K\ciui : ) COTTONS lleikelcy cambile No.
a. < k < ; llest Yet liJ4c ; Itlaekstono A A , 7V > ;
mtlii cloth XX. 4'e ; Cabot , 7'e ; UnlKlit
l.ondale. o'c ' ; l.onsdalu cambilc , lOc ; New
Voik mills , lie.
blllMI.NflSMI PlI.t.OW-f'AfSINns llronil
_ GINWIA'MS Amosl.eag. ' , ' , : Amo-keag ,
iliuss , h'jc ; Hates , < ! ' , o ; Waiwlek , diess , s'o ' ;
l.ancastor , 'i < ' ; ( ileiialre , UVc ; Wlillenton ,
dix'ss , M.cork ; I axorllc , duns , rf'so ; Cal
cutta. dress , bo ; Normauijlp , dress , gcj l.ulcea-
tul , iliess , lo. ) '
I'lirysMaltha Wiihlilngton. flu ; American ,
0 > 4e ; Ainold , I1U * ; Ainold 11 , long cloth , Ilk. '
Amuileaii. lOojStlfPl A. JJo ; Amana A , I3o ;
Mcrilmack ' , lOo , ( Jold J < eaf , lOc ; Gold Tlckut.
lOc ; llaiiillton , 5'o ' ; Alloy Pinks , H'e ; Allen
Clmmlniiy. Oo ; Glouccsfor , , l'o ; I.'dd } stone.
O'.c ' ; \\liiilsor. tl'jo ; Hunilllnn. tl'.o ; Steul
Ither , ( So ; Itamapo. 4 > , o ; St. I.egei' . .l'ei Mai-
tha Washington. 4'ic ; Allen , .V Meirlmaek ,
r. > 4o ; I ountaln , O'o ; Gurncr , 7oj Ciolleld , b'tc ;
llui ( lu. b
blliUTlMlCiuCKS-IuvInelblo , 5'Je ; In\lnel-
blo.\\.0'oCrawforl..8o ! ; Otis 8'c ' ; ieon- :
oiuy.Hu ) ; Puik , ItM'M , lju ; Calcdonlii X , U > , c ;
Caloilonla \ \ . 10' , c.
CllWOT-Wliinoounett , 7'Jc ; WlilltPnton.
7 > 40 ! h'i'l' ' ' } , 'i Amoskoag , stripes , H'ii ' < ; Amos-
kuag , plaids. IH.c ; son Maiid. bookfold , USu ;
sea ltle , booUfold , IJ'io ' ; Kdluliiug , o.
Tli-KlMls-Oakhind , A. U , o ; Oakland , O , 7ei
Anioskeag , A O A , ll'ic ; llerwlck , bookfold
7J40 ! HtOM'lls' M. 18 lu , H'o ' ; .Stevens' N. 30 In ,
fc'Io.Ste\ens' ' NN.22 111 , U'iUj btuvuns1 bUT , 3(5 (
lu. Use , bleucliid , to extra.
DtNius AiiiOBkciigOoz,10'oi York , camUt ,
ISC , Lvurctt , ktuudard , I2' > o , Andoor , r.'o ,
I'orrnlor. It f. I8' oi Hnvinakor'n , THi'l Old
\nth , XX. 10'ii'i ' Uld VorL XXX. llc\ \ Taw
rencr. 2.V ) , | < i Lawrence , Si ) , I.Tjc :
lencp , Out , iJci fancy stripes and checko , lt ( c.
Oiilnlno , ppr or. 1' . A : W. , 4 > V : Oerman. 4V ;
liulliri ) . ppr ni , 7.V ; Inieel powder , pithy , 40c ;
otillini , il.OO ; morpliltie. pornM0.1. . hopp r
Hi. , ' glycerine ; , pel lh. Sle ; dextrine , per Ih ,
I.V ; cnttlelioiie. perlb.35oen'ain ; tartar , pure ,
'IV ( i-ommerelal , IV ; camphor , Olei Am , curb ,
HiM bluultrlol , 7'ic ' ; carbolic acid ,' !
citric acid , 4 < i * ! tailarlc.4.vaile ! snlpliurtc.
3 < 4o : pei m oil , $1.10 ; w halo oil. i > Hc ; castor oil ,
7I.2JJ neatsfout.1IQiiOo ; turpentineMo.
ITpper * . PI. PS and aimih , t7.00 ! ; A select , 1U
nnd i'i Inch , til ( M ; 11 select. Pi and I1 , Inch ,
* 11.00 ! A stock boards , 12 to M feet. 12 Inch ;
$1100 ; II stock boards , 12 told feet , 12Inch.
* SIOO ; c stock hoards , IS to 111 feet , 12 Inch ,
J 17.00 ; I ) stock hoards. 12 to 1(5 ( ft et. 12 Inch ,
} 27.0J ; A box , I linen and upwards , fl'l.W ' ; It box.
II Inch and upwards. $1100 ; U box , 1,1 Inch and
upwards , tls.dO ; A llonrlnff , 0 Inch , ttl.oOi U
llonilu , 0 Inch , k 12.00 ; L'lloorliiK. Olnch. } 2sco ;
"elect fi'iiclnc , J-MO1) ) ; Hldlntf. 1st and 2d clear ,
JlOi ) ! AsldlliK , JJO.OOJ llHldlnt ? , I10CO ; C Mil-
Ins : . 11100 : common hoard" , f 1)50 ) ; No.2boards
all U'liatli" , tlino ; fenelii ) : , 1st. 12 to20 feet ,
Sis 00 ; fencing. No 2 , 12. U , IS ami SO feet , M4.00 ;
Joists nnd scantllni ; , 2\4 , 14 to 10 feet , $1100 ;
timber , 4\4 tos\s. li to lit feet. JIO 00 : pickets ,
lint , common , $12.00 ; pickets , fancy , la-ad and
dressed , selected. } J2.Kl ( ; shingles , choice A to
i\tin A.fUUtfS.T.V , vhlnRles. standaid , K''iVio
2.50 ; shhiKles , cedar , JJ.Vxif.l 50 ; lath , dry , J2.75.
Siii'Tiiiiiv Vi.i.t/ow PINK Clear , * i-ln cell-
liii ? . * | s 00 ; star VI" cellliiB. JIH.50 ; 1st and 2d
eleai 2-ln Moot ln . $ . ' 1.00 ; common 4-ln flooring ,
$11.50 ; stai-4-ln llooilnK. ill ) IX ) ; clear ' ( -In p-ir-
tltlim. tJ2.TO ; clear Mulsh , No. I. U-ln 32s.UOO ;
clear , coi i njt.itcd ccllliiK , 4-ln J.I ) 00.
I.IMI ; llest , Wo.
Cr.MKM { 1.4,1.
11 vin sv.
SiTIHW llOAIII ) $1.10.
l'l.sri II-J.J21.
TAII notiuti no.
UUII.IIIMI linn K Pur M , I''iOtlS.IO.
M-w iit : llntcK-Per M. t ) 007410 00.
PltKssTl ) IIIIICK-IVl M , $ | S.OS20.00. ( )
Itt.orK TIN Small pig , 23j per Ib ; bar , SOo
per Ib.
l oi-ri it Planished , boiler sizes , per Ib , HJo ;
cold tolled , 39c ; shL.itlilnTo ; pltts and
Hats. 3 c.
II\I.V\M/III : Hin'VT luov Dlso't 50-10 per
cent , pal. plan , lorn , No-i. 31 to 37 , A , I0'c ; H.
Iti'ioilM ! , I. 0 , 11x30 113 , 1573 ; I.
X. J7.3.-1.
SIIKKT IIION No 3fi , W.73 ; No. 37 , W8 * .
Sni.ui u HfAIVgO.
TIN Pi.wi. I. C. . 10x11 , S33 , } 7.73 ; I. X. , 10\14.
J2.'i t'l.OO '
TIN Pl.tTI ! Coko-I. f ) . . 10x14 , 235 , IO.S3.
Srn-i. NMI.S H.ise , ti > 0.
STKKIVlllK \II.S-1I.ISO , H 10.
\Vnu-Jap. b.ub , f.101 ; galv. , $1.30.
TUU iivi/rv ; Ji
JNSrUUMIlNTS placed on iccoid duUng
jestuid.iv :
KAIIousou , trustee , ( o ,1 II Campbell ,
blks 48 ' 71 , 71 , S5. and s ! > lot 0 , llcnson ,
wd . . . $33,000
J I , Miles el al to C \ \Valte , lot 30 , blk 7 ,
Orchard Hill , w d GTO
C A Starr and wife to I. C Weir , lot 4 , blk
II. Itilggs' Place , w d 4,850
Wl'bwaggo to M P I'd win ( Is. o3-5a'/5
lotli , liil 5 , Orchard Hill , w d. .
P llandschiih and wlfo to C Muiphy , lot
8. blk I ) , I.owo's 1st add , w d. 4,000
C A Pinctipllo to N Shulton , pt lots 1 and
3 , blk ! > , ImproNcmentassocIatlim add ,
w d . . . 10.000
J Cotter and wife to II McUlusty , ITMUO
acio lu s u s w 10-15-1,1. w d . 4" ,000
C \V ttaiiei and wlfo tofi K rrciich , lot 7 ,
Itogci'ssiib , w d 1,700
I ) L Thomas and wlfo to MleiiMm , lotlJ ,
blk 11 , llrlggs' Place , w d 1,300
n Phelan amrwlfu to K Swift , lot 3 , blk
I. I'owlci Place , w d . . MO
K M Paik el al to M T Uoys , lot 1 , blk 111 ,
Itedfoid Place , w d . . 1,100
Win Kiskln and wife to C A Dinning , lot
5. blk 11 , Highland Place , w d : t,000
K K riench and wtfo to It II Kobertson ,
lots Hand 10 , blk I'l. Puk , q od 1
Itlch Hogeboom and wife to K II Uolicit-
son , lots 1,3. : i. 4,0 , 10 , II and I J , blk U.
lots 1 to 4 uud U to U , blk 10 , Cential
Paik.qcd . 1
J I Itullek and wife to M Clarkson , 5x10
tods In s o u w s w 33l"l I o c d . . 500
Win SegelUe and wlfo to II s igei , lot 0 ,
blk 5 , llowen Hill. 11 cd . 1
J P Ho ) d. shci in , to W A Coddaid , pi lot
8 , blk 0. ICoiintzo's 4th add. deed . . ] , 'U"
Samuel Kill/ and wlfo to w rbhe.ii , lot
: : i. Wlndsoi Place , w d. . . 1,300
A J Poppleton and wlfo to Popplcton
P.nk llutldlng association , w d . . 000
"lloolc Island Itontc. "
AT 5:00 : P. M. , ARRIVE AT DBS
ING , LEAVE THERE AT 7:1.5 : P. M. ,
I like my wife to use I'ozroni's Completion
I'oivdor because it improves her looks mid. is
us fi.igiMiit asiolots. .
IFoivn I'lot to Kidnap I'resldci
HOIIViiH I-Yiistrati-d. '
Tn the Philadelphia library there is n
dingj pamphlet , brown with ago and
worn mound the edges , entitled , "Tho
confession of Joseph Thompson Iltu-o ,
the highwayman , who win hanged in
Hallimofo April 10 , KS18 , for lobbingtho
mail atTiavrodo Grace , " suys the Phila
delphia Times , llai-Q was the Dick Tur-
pin of his day and an associate
of Murroll and Mason , the
Mississippi haiidilH. The principal Inter
est attached to liis earoor was his con
nection with the alleged plot to kidnap
President Madison and deliver him over
to Admiral Coekburn , tlio commander of
the Hritlhh lleot. When , in Augtibt ,
1811 , the Hritfoh , tmdor General Koss ,
entorcd Washington and Ijitrnc'd tlio
capitol and most of thu public huildings ,
it was evident that they must httvo been
gnidod by men who know the country
well , lliu-o was a soldier in tlio Amer
ican nrnu and had boon released from
jail to enlist in the horico. . In the same
company was an Irishman mimed Far-
len , who was u Brltinh deserter. IIo
hoimded Hare IIH lo the possllillity of
8oi/.ing tlio ] ) i-esident and taking him
down the Potomao to the English
lleot. Two other mon were to ho
secured and the project carried out.
Fan-on wanted and to it
money , got un
dertook lo i oh a man on the road near
\Vimhington , hut his intended victim
was a powerful , resolute follow , and shot
Farron , who died the following day. JIo
had always claimed to Hare that ho had
boon oflorod Xl.OOOforhocuring the pres
ident , and that ( joneral Ko s was in the
Hchomo. Hearing of Fan-en's mishap ,
Hare got apprehensive that the Irish
man hud betrayed him , HO ho atolo his
captain's horne and escaped to Balti
more. After a reckless career in com
pany with his joang brother Louis and
a well known criminal named Alexander , *
ho stopped the mall al Ha\re do Grace
and got 41:1,700 : in specie and notes. The
entire party was captured in Hunt's
clothing store in Uallimorothonextday.
Alexander and Hare were hanged , and
the brother was gh on u tun-year sen-
_ _ _ _
An Ahsoluto Cure.
Is unh put up la lai'h'O two-oimru tin IIOXOH ,
uud Ih un absolute euro fur ull sores , bums ,
wounds , chupm-d Immls inul ull skin eruptions ,
Will iiobttlvcly t-ui-o all kinds of piles Ask
for the ORIGINAL AMinTINlJ ( JlNT- .
MKNT Hold by Goodinuti Urui ; cuiniiany ut I
i.5 ceula icf box- ) wall 'M cculs , |
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement 1'irsl National llanli ,
OOD South 10th Street , Oninhn.
Cnll or Write for Our
APRIL LIST. niul other tecurltles I'Oiulit ' niul oM.
Banking' in nil Branches.
116 Brotulwny. 1OO Washington St
Now York. Chlcngo , III.
100 Per Cent Profit
A Yankee City Under Southern Sun ,
Has nou In onvrntloii'niul nndi-r construc
tion. tuil\u lieu ninnnfiit'tiirliii ; Industilcx.
i-ninlo-flnK nu.uH I'-11" Icinds ami man ) inoiu
iindi'i in-got lilt Ion This means Unit cs-
tate nnd stoct.s u 111 donliln In six months' .
Thf'o trains also ittnp at IJth , 17lh , iOtli nnil 2llh
ttrictx , .Summit and Snvldun dossing. 'Working-
men's trains do not run bunday
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - O
Sui-plustJnn. I'U , 189O , - 07GOO
oniccro niul Director - tlcnr.tV . V to , prcuWimti
IjOwlnS llopil , vl iilri > liK > nt Jmiici W Sntnri'V ,
V Xlum- John x ( ulllin , | | c ( ushlnui J N 11
Patrick. II. y lliiRhos cashier
Corner IStliuml firnnni Strcrti
A Orucriil IlunUln.IlnslnoM TraiuAdcJ.
National Bank
Cnpitnl , $ ' OO.OOO
Surplus , AO.OOO
onioctn unit Dlroclori K M MoMcmut , O M
Illtrhinik , Jo < o | > li ( JnriKMil , Jr A llonrr K JI
AiiiliTiun , Wllllnni I ) MiMit. Mi'-prc llonl , K n
\\llllnui' . A I' llopklin. pn-ililcnt A Milliard ,
cnMili'r , 1' II llrynnt , ii l < liitt i"liler
Omaha ManUfMiJrers ,
Hoots and Shoes' .
Wholesale Maniifactiucrs of Hoots & Slices
Apcntufor Hi ton1liM ( > ( < rSimtr | < > lib : , 1101 iiiullKX )
llnrncy "Iti'el Oninhn Si'li
H ! ( ( I'M.
w „ ' "
Lager llecr llie\\ers \ \ ,
1WI Nil 111 ISIli Mn-ol "Minim N > b
Manufacturers of Cahani/cd Iron Cornice
W'linloiT rn | nnil intnlliky | | lit Jolin Kponctcr ,
pruprlolor lOjunit lid South lUtliIreel
Artists' Materials' .
" " " " ' "
A HOSPK , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 IMiiKln sin-ot Oinnln , Neb
Coal , Colic , itc. ;
Jolioers of Hard and Soft Coal.
S E tor llitli mul Ilinulu strpM , Oninhn Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
KM South I3lliSi | , > d Omilin , Neb.
Wholesale Cigars.
102 N Itth Mr .et "llp | | t" 19
Ir ) ( iooilsi and XotlonH.
* " "
Mi K sMirlFATco ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Comer IIIIi mil llnn.inl
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Gents ruriil < lilni ii > nil < i Conn r lllh anil
Hln-ou , ( INI llui , .Ni'b
Kin nltnrc.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Iniiuoii Stic-ct Oinili ( , NctiiKHkn
Wholesale Grocers ,
I'tlinnd LcnTPiinnrtli Stn-oti , Onialm , Nebrni .
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. , Etc.
Imported nndmerU ui I'urtlind Cement HtnU
iiKonlfor Milwaukee ll > drimlli ( 'uuiuul , and
Ouluiy Wlilto I.hut'
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
W'noil c-irpcli ninl | iaiiii'til.iirlnir | 'Uh
Hticvti Ojintm Ni'brsika
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
Doom , Utc VmTli , Corner "III nnil Duiinl.'i ! Onlcp ,
I'nini'i lUlh ainl Uuunln
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner9th nnit DoiiKln Streets , Oinnhn
anil Notioiin.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
. Ui , .110 .mil ! ! . ! s'otith lllh itrcet.
. .
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1I.M llarncy HtrPot Oinulia
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grease etc Omnhi A II Dhhop , Manager
Pupoi- .
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry a nlcr > toikof printing , vriappliiK and Kilting
paper Sp > ilal iilleiillon uUrn ( o can ! piip < r
SnlV-s , Klo.
A. L. DEANE ic CO. ,
( li'ri ( > r \Kcnti l fur
Halls' Safes ,
871 niul . ; - I sinth , 10th HI , Omalm
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
IIou.ii ) 1 unil'lilnc ( , ' IM ! < ( liil.lron'n Cnrrliifi | > 1209
1 ui mini atii'et Diniiliii , Neb
Water SniillcH. | |
Steam and Water Supplies ,
HalllilaywIiHl nillN 'M inilXMJoiioi t Umalia.
I , J Mini At tintf Mnnuucr
Engines , liojlers and General Machinery.
HlH'tt-lrun work uli'ini iiuinpi xixw inllli 1JIJ l.'li
I.DII vuimiirtli iircot Umalut
Wrought and Cast Iron lluilding'Work ,
Knvlnui , t > rn i worlr. iteiiarul fuiinilrjr nudiloo oud
blaikimlth wink omen jnil nurkt , l1'
H ) anil 1 lh niruel , Onmlm
Manf'rs of Fire and Ilmglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , jail n.irk lr , > n | IUUIT anil fliu cxuncg.
O Amlfufii inupr ( > r l th mlJuiktun tjti
_ Suuli ,
M. A. DIoIIROW it CO ,
Wlioloiulu uuiiufitctiirari of
Sash , Doors , Illinds and Mouldings ,
Ilrundi unite lllh an I Uar < ! jlrcoU , Omalm N b
01 South Ouidhd , Limited ,