Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' * M THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , 3IOXDAY. APRIL 14. 1800.
\T /iri rrn I T\T'
Cofltinuea Easy Bat Eatos are
Steady at Hgbt Per Cent.
A Brisk IJiif-lneisH In .loblilnc IJnc *
hlnf - the I'ttt-t of the Month
- A IIusj HiillilltiKSea -
MMI rrcdlctcil.
Mr Huglif * rrport the clearings fur the
we i , us footing H.WMlM.Vi an Inrsiiaso of
JT 1-in | n-r cent. Il.ilfttici ) weto ttlll.86.M. !
M"in y continues pa y , but rates are steady at
r IK r rent for prlmo paper. Al rammer up-
jiruai bet. money usually prows cheaper In thin
iraiket mid the pro i'cts arc that the Mipply
tlii > eai will be larger than usual nnd that
fir-t class jiaiH-r will be In strong demand. Our
banker * arc noti-d , howeter.for their uonsprva-
t i | > olieyon the Mibject of loans and dis
counts and It Is only the gilt rdced variety of
PIXT : | that passes tholr scrutiny at l > ottoin
r.iKs. There has been quite an Influx of now
banks within the pnat threw months and sev
eral of the older institutions hate. Increarud
the li resource * and display renewed energy in
the pursuit of business. The Dime sax Ings ,
the l > i nnnn Amerlcnn , the German Savings
ni U tin Globe Loan nnd Trust company snv-
Ii gs ure all new creations , wblln the Ita-nk of
( miimeifc. begin * Monday < the National
Hank of Commerce under what Is vir-
t unity ii'-w management , and the t'nlon
Null.mal . consolidated wllhlhc DoiislasCotinty
bant wlih n new and aggressive cashier. Tliey
MUi all seek for trade nnd neepsMiiIly lin
gua' ' limpet It Ion thus engendcicd will force
( u wn rates for money and therehy enable our
t niil. rs topiocurc theslnewsnf war nl lesser
o-i i In. . n heretofore , und iindoiilit < < dly noth-
ii E r-r.i.d wis so much lo innl.p liuslni ssll\cly
- " in lip money. Collections' bv bHiikt-rs are
ii piiMi'd us fiilrly ciisy to make , and city firms
MI > ir.idr is giHid and collections generally
an hcm-i than for some tlinti pii'l.
, lni IM p-lia e had a brisk trade since the
tlrst of the month and the amount of business
( ) .n . < to diite Is considerably In excess of last
} f .ii s foi the same period. Hu.M-is aie ciiu-
'i"Us and buy for their needs only , but the e\-
tr-tit of territory ulhulaty to this city has
puntIj tncretiseil In potiuliitii'ii and wealth
o n ng tli < - past i ear und the demands upon
i'irjobbei foi supplieshaM- grown propoi-
tlunatflv and their are no complaints to be
heaid In the Jobbing dlstilcts nor fi-Mn innnu-
fiK-tuiers : nil e\iiiessirig thcmsehes as veil
efiiteiit with the outlook. Collections have
Improved , and with the opening of ni\- :
Igallon when the grain which ha * , been stoied
at lake potts bcgli.s to muve to tide watei und
fanneri market the hutplus now In tlu-lr
Kianaiies a still furthei improvement in this
resjiei't | s lonked for , us money will then be
mine plentiful In the count ty.
Conttactors and builders arc preparing for
the verj busy season which they plainly pei-
rrlvf is coming , and all indications point to u
tihenomenally actlte season iu Omaha in all
lines of trade.
Prices arc falily steady , the advance In
dried fiulls Is llimly held and i-jrgs aie lower
and the supply In excess of the demand. Live
ponltrj Is wanted , while dressed Is neglected.
Chniei liutter Is In ctl\e ii-quest. hut theieis
nut mil'h call for the pcxirei qualities and a
large pi > rtIon of the iiicelpls cs ( to packci-s
lit iiilm us jirices. lluttn sold In Chicago on
tin nih lust lit the lowest IIcures touched this
> eai and It Is piedlcled that It wl'l ' continue
1. . 'linii-i ' still , the moiiil to which i.stomake
pied In.tin and ship in clean , neat packages
und olitiin the best pi Ices to be had. ria\-
he < d is < jull and unchanged. I'holce potatoes
an m fun reiuiest. hut the market east Is
paitiallt supplied with Imported Scotch arfd
Irisl. . tubers , and pilces aie held down thete-
V\ i hei-sc is stt iidy. with a brisk demand
\isfiig for choice makes.
Th'1 receipts mill e\ports of butter at New
* i < nk sini-e May 1 ( the heglnnlns of the trade
jeai compute as follows ;
Receipts EMIO.US ,
Pur vcek ending April 7. .
Si mi w e < I ; Iss ! ) UV
Sin. ( Miivl. IPX ) . .l.ftrilin !
{ -.line time last year li2,7UO 10401.820
And of vhffou as follows :
Itecelpt.s , Expnits.
pkgs. V- " :
Tor wee ) ending Apill 7 . . jl.407 VJi'l'llw (
Siin-c May 1.1M > 1.IC.I.I45
Same time last year . I)5l,7ri4 ! ) ! 71To77s | ! )
Migiirs artsomewhut lower and coffees are
lugher and iictho.
Tin New Yoik Shipping LNl and Pilce ( ur-
Ti-nt sajsof Iliaill colU-e : .Very little fresh
business 1ms been transacted slniH-IiistThuis.-
( hiv uud the market lias ruled quiet but with
\alnessteadlly maintained und the feeling
Iliiner in sjmpalhy with the advance in op
tion Jobbers are generally cariylng pretty
full stocks , mid us the ciiuntry demand has
bet n slack , there has hecn hut little disposj-
tiuii to buv. and hence but little opportunlty
fi-i lo'-al tiading iimong dealcis , especially In
iindesi-ribeil ln\olccs which twyeis ob-
ii"-t tn nn necoiint of nnceitiilnty as to grad-
ittf : ind ( lutility. The ad\ante in options ap-
ins in be a lellectlon of sliong adxlci-s from
) and a disposition on the part of
piiimiiieiit liadcis t < i establish higher prices
T .t Ha distjint miinths und theieby diminish
tin giiji heictofnie exlstinp between the near
nnd distiint options possibly foi the purpose
of unloading. 1'inn oilers to sell small In-
Mii'-es are still leeched from London , not
enough , bowewi. to dlsluib the market , and
oci-aslnnal uiViTs from Itiarll IIIIM > hecn made
en the niiiikct , in bull. Instances at pi Ices
iiuiie neni the purity of current rules here ,
but in both instances himattiucted hut little
nt tent inn foi the leason noted ubo\e. and the
business transacted of this character has been
Of sugars the New Yoik Shipping List nnd
Pilce Cm rent s ys : The marl.ct has ruled
nmdei-atclv iirtlvu und steady , leilneis htn Ing
shown u willingness to tuko allonerliiKs of
1 anp pi-oducts available at the pi Ices last paid ,
but they have stubbornly icfuseil to pay uny
iidtiinceshatrer. . There Is u strong under
tone which Induces somt > holders to look fur
h---hi r pi ices , and hence a few cargoes ic-
ccntlj aiilvcd are being placed in stole , but
the moderate outlet for refined together with
jni-ilj freedni-ct Importations do not pncoui-
uge letim-rs lo buy freely beyond tliuir eur-
i-t ui ii-qtilicnicnt.s. nor to pay higher pi Ires.
Tinsulis rejiiirted below litue been made on
tin b si of fi % cents for .n test Centrifugal.
< 13-ld cents for SI test Museovndu and4\
ci nis for e7 lest , and at these
PT'I-CS ' there has been a good dc-
nuind fur lloston and Philadelphiaas will
henOn cost and freight terms n cai-po of
i cm i ifui.ul has been placed at II cents lin > ls li ; .
test but huldcrsgciicially ask 'J 1-inWt cents
xl.uli . is iinolitalnuble MiiscoMido bus been
oflerttl al 2 * cents , for 8 ! ) test , but the best bills
bun nut exceeded 2 11-lfi cents. Theie lias
licen niithlng doing In licet , which has been
In n h held and oflcrnd for prompt shipment
in is : ( HI. cost and freight , but this price 1ms
been too much ubovn hmeis views to make
tnis.ness possible. The situation In the pilucl-
pal piiidiicltii ; cotintrlcj. has undergone no
< -liiingi-imr deieloped new feature. London
cables reflect a firmer feeling , and them Is a
in u. nuclei time hcte but It Is to a great extent
iieui i ulln-d b > the unsatisfactory condition of
tin trade In ruHned.
The quotations for rcflm il sugars when ex-
JH.i led less draw backs are : l\it louf. 1IKI Ihs ,
H 4:1 : cutics. tUi-s ; ciiished , W.4J ; iiowdeied ,
fj.l' . ciauuluted , t3.4'.liti.4 ; ! ) .
AVc-eklj Ilauk Stutcnit-iit.
NlwYoi.k. April 12. [ Special Tuleginm to
Tin llci : ] The weekly bank stalement hhows
ttu following changes ;
li'si-rve. ! decirase t ( R .075
Loans , decrease 1.441UKM
t-jH-cie diK-ieas 1.7'i.VHKI
Legal tenders. Increate 4.'ki.KiO :
Deposit * decrease . lai'iiio ;
l 'iTulatkm. ' lucreuse 47,1K ( )
Tin bankb now hold 11.12,4(10 ( In excess of the
S > pi i cent rule. Theiupoit of i-peele fiotu
the port of New York during tlie week
in. Hunted toil.llM , a. of which f.Vi7,7iis was In
gi-ld und J.V4IU1T3 silver. The Imports of sj ) ( . .
u d urine the week uniounte l to MsT.sfkX of
\ > ii I ) f.JUi.ti74 ! was in cold uud tlMill blh er.
N -w York Dry Goods Market.
NiMluiiK. April 12. tfpeeial Telegram to
Tin Hi r. 1 There wai > a light trade in dry
t : > HKts induy , s usual on Saturdays , but the
Inn weuthi r and the nournOss of the full dc-
n unit uei-e ivullred with KIKK ] tiflt > et umin thu
nf tin market , the undnrtone of which
iMtisn than u little while ugo.
nturilay. April 12.
of cattltS.UM. . oomimtt > a
A ill , . ' J..4 } ist.i-auv und i.dio iH t Saturday.
Jin itHN ijns for tlitttwU hintIxtm lS,4fB
rpiiilianil ultli lu.asi JKM tt-k. a eulil of i-li * .
Dm UIIMlll ) of lilttlttlpts tlHlajWHS Vl'M-
PIKKI. iH-rliuKtliflK | t UurluK uny d y wltnlii
u nuiiitb Tlie luuiki't ou ktffr * iUM-m'd
i-low with HUUU suit's at aliout
Miudjprlick. . Tow arils midday IIIIM-I >
utti inpit-vt to UUA at loucr ilrurt'k but t-i-Ilt-rs
In Id fur tlni. jirU-ws. alt wt > rtiimst > qu > utly
i-l" with jirk-us iyiuii.tlililiis ) wim Olitoaeo
inti i * . teiutlne toward lout-rtlpuii . Hurluif
ti t n laaunf the day jirk K , on i-veri tuine iu
tli > tttnr Hutevifiit ] Krua ) . tlienvbt - t
urn ) 1,1.114 dmlrable lot . were lont-r.
J' ring nw utniiKin MIIUH of tUe bu\i'r
< in fir llitluarkft litlctli .t. tk lie iviualut < d
Mtiiii-u ludillt-rt'iit alKMit buying and iu dt
tu rl ds5 t , , juo Jovit-r tfian '
at > Imt- jj ttu yrar wl.'le '
.a u tr kl.Tt ) fobi. t./ .
Ii ftw lnart > "f HW Ju'-stly ( -f
a i-ot. . tnonish ciulii ) ' rc rtwf.tpd
Tlie tii rki-t w wltli 'ut fe t r -
nil rluiiiclnt : Iiaiu1 cutl } ' nt iiliout vtiady
i > ru ci Hunedf tliclstp nrrl aU aft -r nrd r
hud Irt-fn Hlli-d. were rlthrr * lotf or li drd off.
Th < - upnljof f fHler w llrnlt d unrt Hit-
nmikcl urn-hunted. IlulM and calrr tcinklii
Mlth a fair supply
T : t Iron ted rnrrlptoof boc * S sno. co np n-d
wltba.TifcTiMtrnlNj' and * M : lat K tu Jay.
The m-flit | dtirlnz the wci U we-rp 16. sun pom-
imr - < l vrltli Ifl.ird ! ii t wrn'k. a dm-llnp nf 2.J14
for tlip vpok Tlip niatkct oin-ni-d T' < ? to lOc
lilrlicr mifl w s arUir. all ixtdlljcliRiirltii :
liNiids ut tlie nd\anri' . clcxint : tlim. The hulk
< if tbf fcHlcvifn - at t4 1 ( B4 1X. _ Tuepk
cIoM'owlih tht' market IWOK lwfl > t wbprp It
M attlic ( iM'ntne | of tinwptk. . The bocs
wild Mond.-i- J4.KK84 15 : bulk. J4.1S' < . On
Tni'sdnjJl.lOt'4 IT Ixiusht thtbos * wllhil IS'i
the jiiiul | r prlro.fdni' duv' . tnnrlid was
raslpi. the rHiire lii'lnc M.ooa.4.134Tliur . -
daj's inurkct "till lowt-r. the bulk roUir at
14.85. with thp i-xtn-i ii' rnnce WfH OTS. 1'rl-
dny t lit bo-h Mid mostly at I4.W. with u top ut
ipcclpti of h 'pp LIB'S ' , potn-
pHifd nlth M < \fsftdiiy | und , v.C lust
Mitimlny. Tin1 ma'tket rt-ninln without ft-a-
luit-s. UiKXl muttons bi-lns in demand.
Pricc .
Thr follonlnc ij a tahlp of price * puld In
this niarkut foi tht-snidosof stock niptitlpnc-d :
Pi imp stcprs. 1 -
Good steers. 1250 to 14'i9 Bis
Good -teerv. KM to J8W &
Common 11)00 ) lo 115.1 & steers
Common rainier *
Ordinary to fair cows
1'nlr to good cows .
Good to choice cows
Choice to fancy cows
1'alr to good hulls. .
Choice- fMticy bulls-
Light Morkeift und
I'ccdr l-v. 1150 to llK ( ) It * .
Pall to choice light In.
1'ulr tot-bolee heavj hogs 4.12ls < |
I'ult to choice ml.\cd hogs 4.10
Comparative Tnlk" < .
The following tables show the range in
pt ices on hogs Out ing tills and last week :
Days. This i > ei'k. I Last wt-tk.
Mondn- . . . . . . ; I 1i.f ( 4 li . 4 ar >
Tiii-Mlnr . I I in4 1TV II 75 144
- ' 4 u-i @ 4 in
' X WJI 07' , 8 < 4I UTS
Frldnj | . . U 4 in 4 ' - si ivi
salurUny i I IQiJ 11 4 10 ftl 15
icc of PriorIes .
The follow lug table shows the raiigc of prices
paid for hoes :
Light nnd tnedlmn her < . ! 4.I2S < E4-- >
( iiKid to choice mixed li'iss . f'4.1"1 :
O'tujd to choice heavy ho s . . . . 4.10 4:4.12
Avpragc Co-t of Hos-
Thpfollottlnr table ijlvea the averaio poit
of hops on the dates mentioned , including the
< -ost todaj' , as b.-isi-d upon sales reported :
Datn. Price. Date. . Price.
Apill 1 .M 074 April * . 4 12
Aprll-2. 4a-.U'AprllD . 4 llf ,
April 8 . 4 014 Apill 10 4 ( O =
Apill 4 . 4 Os > , Aplil 11 4
Apiil : > 4 10' , April 12 . 4
Aplil 4 li
and Lowest Sali-t of HOK- .
Today Yesterday
Highest . 4 Hlchest 07'J
Lowest. . 4 10 Lowest 4 00
Stock llccrlpth.
Ofllelal Yesterday Estlmatfd Todnv
Cattle. Ill cars IT > 4 Cixttle . . .100 ears liiiOO
I Iocs. . . t"ifi cai > UTl.'i lloRs , . . . "M cais KCiO
llltlp . . 1 CUM hl 'p. . . . J cars I'M !
I > isposiiioti ul' Stock.
Phowlnp : the number of cattlu. bo s and
sheep biui hl by the packers und leading buy
ers on today's maiket.
itiij pr Xo.
wlrt A. Co . > o
( > corf II. lluinimind i Oo . 403
The Aimoui-Cuduhv I'uckinR company. . . 213
Uinaha Pitcklnj ; c-onipany . 5
Lee Hothchlld . ' . 4V
Hamilton -Icpliun . 1C
Henton \ Unclei wood . , . Ill
Ni-ls Morris . 45'
-hlppeis and feedeis . . . . . . 100
llecUer A Dcpuu . 84
Ci-oue i. Yaii aut . (0
\rmour-Cudahy Packing Oo . . . . Ml
Omaha. Parkin ? Oo. . . . : . HOT
> wift .V Oo . . 1152
C'firscli. Hammond & Uo . fnS
Hoc * , yustciday a\e.i aged 252 pounds and ( > C
to the eur.
PwiftAPo . 224
The Aimoui-Cndahv Taekliig Co . 147
liporce II. Hammond A Co . 141
Omaha Pucklne company . M
Ilec-ker A. Degeu , . K
Avrrajjo Price of Hoijs.
Show Ins the arerase price paid for loads of
hoes on the days Indicated In is.37. isss , Iti'J and
II.IT. April
Disposition of Slock.
Tor the week end ins Saturday April 12 , KO.
Ituveis. No.3..VI9
Mvlft A. Co 3..VI9
( Seoige 1 } . Hammond A. Co l.Wll
The Armoui-Cudahy Packing Co .
Omaha Pucklng ( Jo
Milppers and feeders C.KH
The Aimour-rnduhy Packing Co. . . . n.7flo
Omaha Packing do , D.032
Mvlfl t. Co . .
( ii-o. 11. liammond Packing Co.- . . . .
J. 1' . MI Ires i. Co 1.1S1
? wlftA.-Co WO
The Ariiiour-t'iidiihv PucklngCo 147
( ieorgo H. liainmond Packing Co 14l
HcekerA. Degan 1 > 7
Omaha Packing Co 64
Itepi-esciitutivc Sulos.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
i 1270 a oa . 1151 3 ffl 12 11.V 300
i icro 825 If 1114 3 W M 122ft 4 00
1 1010 8 40 10 1140 3 PI ) 4D * : rr > 4 00
80 127B 3 S9 22 121 ! ) 4 05
K IU2 II 58'i ' 40 11.V 3 SO 1275 4 05
' 8 ! ) iinii 3 u 21 124s 4 10
21 K2s 8 ( U ) tS 1145 3 tt 1MU 4 10
i. . MO 8(15 ( 45 .111(1 8 h5 .12Ti2 4 15
10 10-'iO 8 ( ! 5 34 rra 4 20
12 1044 8 70 42 1IM 8 17 121M 4 25
11 1107 8 70 21 12IB 3 HO JS IMrt 4 25
] s 1178 8 70 87 Ils2 a M 14 lillO 4 80
2 12ti3 8 70 28 1377 3K ! ) HI 1412 4 IK
1 141KI 8 75 'HI 1240 ! U I'M : 4 X >
82 .101 8 75 CI 12h : 3 ! K ) 20 IIKI 4 : tr
21) ) IDs" 3 75 1 > 1157 3 ! K ) 2 ir 5 4 ( ' )
14 114s y75 M 1210 3 ! 0 4S14t4 4 M
1 IM ) 2 00 2 .1045 2 M 4 10sO 2 75
2 P40 2 00 11 I01K 2M 11 .1I34 2 75
1 . 770 2 (10 ( 2 855 2 50 10 b25
1. . MO 220 1 1120 2 .VI 1 new 2 S5
11 01 ! ) 2 1KI
1 ! l210 225 24 .10s > 2 75 KKiO 2 ! W
I. ! K ) 225 B 1120 2 05 a ior,7 210
1 f-IIO ' . ' 8(1 ( 2 1040 2 ftl 5 l'fis 3 00
fi 1027 2 85 S. 1123 2 115 17 l > 71 U ( XI
11 * ! l > 7 2 40 2 1040 2 ir > r. 11:10 8 00
Ih . Ms , 8 40 C 112U 2 m 7 1111 11 W
8 . 018 2 70 2 .1WJ 275
1 .1510 i" 35 1 1740 270
1210 5 5 > 1 1B70 ' . ' 40 1. 1HO 175
HsO 2 Si 1. . 14TO 2 40 IB. . 1570 2 Ki
1 .1TM 2.V ) aw
2 iicj ; m 1..14W 250
2 . 788 2 50 14 . V,1 S 00 1123 S2S
1 avj 2 ir > 25. 7117 300 1149 3 25
4. . 571 275 U . MD 8 10 1165 3 43
2 . G a 00 1. Kfl a 25
1 . TO 5 W 1 200 4 53 8 73
S . IK ) 3 IK ) 1 . 200 4 09 S30
0 . jos a 50
S . 510 a 25 7. . flK ( ! 3 20 IB. . 123
1. . 420 S 7.1 4 . r.VJ 8 80
1. . 770 380 3. . ICW 9 33 E . 837 3 M
1 . 500 835
j. . or ; ITS 7. . tSl 1 T3 1. . K'O l f&
i..ia aw ; ; I..1109 3W
no .nsi s K >
2. .816 S S5
1 .1809 2 CO
Oivnur uuj No. Av. Pr.
JO Mit-rs , .li7b ! W
SUiidanl I'uttlc I'o ,
.W7C 4 m
No. Av. Sb. Pr. No. Av. Sli. Pr.
" 40 tt IM 0 ! . 256Ml ? -
"sno 4 ( * 8 ss > Jmt * u < Jri
" 4 Ml 78 . * 4 13U 4 12' ;
is" 1'JO 4 ( ft IB ITJ 12v 4 15
- 4 05 ( f , 24 < > 4U 4 15
i'47 - 4 Ml N ) 4 n
.T UV 4 IU i"7 - 4 IS
t UV i 1\ \ >
Mnrkct Mention.
M. Mackey sent Iu a car of cattle from
S. A , Myers of Benedict had In three cars of
cut tie.
W. T. Klcklcy maiktted u car Of lies from
Hiutt marketed a car of hogs from
M.V. . Cochrane came In ft out Wllberwlth
cattle and hogs.
.1. K. Hunt A. Co. of Pnpillion had ti car of
cattle ou the market *
Johnson & Ilodlt-y marketed two cars of cat
tle from Hamburg. la.
Wheeler A , C'hlttenden of I'cnder hail a car
of hogson the market.
Peter Mangold , a prominent shipper of IJen-
nlngton , sent In a cui of hogs.
James I'ummlngs of Talmage was hfic with
two car * of cattle from ( . > ole.
George Vnin . the will known MUsouil val
ley shipper. sent o\er a cm of cattle
] ' . M. Wolfer. n heavy shipper of rndlcott.
had two cms of cattle on the inmkct.
1) . Mcl'hec. the well known Kdlson stock
man , was on the market w Ith a car of cattle.
Thomas Pilce. the extensive Thnyt-r stock
man. had thiee cms of cattle on tlie market.
Harwlck A. Wusley of Moorlielfl maiketcd
twocaia of hogs. Mr. Uuiwlek cnlue hi with
llcnrvsiilnsto.-k. the every-dny West 1'olnt
shipper , was on the market with three cars of
? . Dryfoos of the firm of Jlryfoos ft Hen-
dilxcame in from Oconee with two cats of
lioynolds A Pavls. the well known shipping
nnd feeding firm of Raymond , maiketedtwo
cars of cattle.
Thomas Mreteh. of the firm of stretch A
Hammond , was on the maiket with foui cais
of cattle shipped from Yalpaial-o.
O. H. Ilabbltt. of llabbltt A : Evans. Asblaml
was on the rnnrket with n car of cattle from
Ashland und nnutlici of hogs li-otn > outh llcnd.
L. II. ( iorhnm. the well known Mock agent of
the Hock Island , was a xNitor nt the jaids
chaillelson the load all the- time and is lookIng -
Ing well iu spite of hard woik.
J. Hastie and several of his buyers were at
the yards. The ) bout lit In ti\e cars of cuttle
and three < if bogs Tlnee loads of the cattle
sold ut H.OO , tht top of the maiket.
.1.11. Duller , the genial supcilnlendi nt of
the Nebiaska City stock j ards. wa' umonc t he
visitors at the \ aids. Ml. Untie ! leports busi
ness of all kinds In good -niiv ! in his eity and
is.eiy confident of Its coming gieatiiess. j
A. H. TiKld. for jears county commissioner i |
of Cuss county , was In with a load of cattle of I
his own fecdinc. lie n'ports quite n number i |
of cuttle still feeding in hl i ounty. Hogfi aie ]
petting scarce iu soini paitsof the county.
Er.o = ? trlctlj fu-sh. ! iS.l'-t < - : cold storage ,
pickled , limed , iilu-c ! not wanted ut any-
pi ice.
PoL'i.TKV Tuikevs , die'sfd. funcv dry
picked. 12iiS3c : turkeys. Ihc. per 11) . sc : chick
ens , fancy. 10 < iil2c ; chickens , choice. ! Kcrlic ;
chickens , live. doz. . tJ.OO'5'l..ri ' : ) ; g.-cs < - . drc-scd ,
funcv.lOi&llc ; ceesc. diessfii , choice. UfilOe ;
geese , live. doz. . KWH'Mf. ducks , dies-ed.
fancy , lie : ducks. , choice. iKVilOc ; ducks , live ,
doz. . $2.50A'iK ( > : pigeons , do ? . . l.uS 1.25.
U \ME-Juck snipe. tl.OK91.25 : coldcn plover ,
S1.05K3.1.25 : n.ullaid ducks. t2.M&2.25 ; canvasback -
back ducks. WHk-ViO ( ( ; icd-head ducks dor. .
J.VKTU.'S : teal ducks , dor. . 51i-(5l.C5 ( ; mixed
ducks , doi. . 5'hif > , H.i'.i ( : get-se , Canada , $2.5 " 3.
© . UiU ; geese , small. tl.OiKt'1.50.
MAI-LI. r < .AH I'ei Hi. lift 12'-p.
CiiCESn Pei lb. full cieam \ ouug Amrr'.ca.
ll'tc : full cream twins 10'c : full cieara Ohio
Swiss. Ific : full rream Wisconsin swlss. ] 4Iil.c ( ;
full cream brick , 13c- ; full cream limlmrger
Swls ? , iric.
Hci-VEV LVlinp tierlb : sirulncd. Oc.
OllASGns Per IKI'loilda hrlghts. J3.75 ;
Messina , Kl 25 : Callfoinlu fum-y nai-als. 5.00 :
Los-Angeles , $2.75 ; seedlings. llhilde. . M.253.
8.j'J ; mountain. 13.00 ; In tncho.lots 25c jiei
box less.
PJN E\rri.f Per do ? . $1KWi4.0D. (
s > T * wiiiiiKins : Pei qf .Vi-fi .V- .
CIIILK Pei bbl. icllncd. i.i.n' ) : half bbl. J.VO ;
bald elder , pure * , per bbl. t.'UKi : orangi elder ,
half bbls. J7.00 ; pi-ai cider , half bbls. * 7.0U.
MJ.M c MLM .Vane pei lb.
Ln > ios Pei box. .Messina fancy , SJ.CKi.4.59 ;
Yctdelll , ciKid. f.-do.
liuTTrn Cii-iimery. fancv mils , prints. 24 ®
2"ic : cicumeiy , fancy , solid packed. 22&2.1C :
creniiieM , cliiilce. lli/j.2Jr ; dairv. fancy rolls
and prints , l i'jic ; duiiy. fanc.v solid packed
17iHlkdiliy. ( : . choice. l.'iTfino ; eountiy mil ,
fancy. IfiiflSc ; choice. 12tU.V : country lull.
gooa-lS10c ! ; country ioll.fuii,7 < &se ; poorstock.
HOSES iQuotntIons are for deliverv In Chicago
cage ) . Dry bufitiln. pei ton. iinxoaiP-O1. ) : div
eountry , bleached. ilD.O ( 313.00 ; dry country ,
damp und meaty. ti.liflQHUX ) .
VLfiiMAl > LC > Old Sweet potato" , fancy-
Muscatlne , pel hbl. li.w onions. eMi'u fancv.
W.5'j ; onions , fait. J2..V ) : rutabagas. J2.UO : c-ar-
l-ots , J .OO : pai-snlps Ji5 ! > : beets. ! J.03 ; borst-
radish roots , per bbl. $1.50 ; per lb. 7c ; celery
roots , per bbl. fl.OO : celeiy loots , per doz , We.
PituscnvKs West- per lb ,
.TnuLic1 8'a4c ' ( per Ih.
DiicssKp VrtL Choice medium , 7Sj light.
5sMic ; heavv.W4c. :
Ari'LK-J-Per bbl. Cenitons. H.OVWillow
Twig , J4.5U ; lien Davis , J1.5U ; IlomUuite , Jl-5'J.
Lrs-KEi ) OtL-Mc.
Cocot > a'T-s Per bundled. 51.73.
PlCKur. ! Medium , pii bbl. 45.5J ; suinll. K.V ) ;
glieikins , $7.50 ; C. i. U. chow chow , < Hs , ;
Ills. 81.35.
POTATOC * Per bu , funey. 85c ; choice.IVt'-Tlt'-
1111-l-'resh frozen white trout , pike and
pickerel , pel 4b. 7c ; stui-geon. 7c.
Hums , PJLTS : AND TALLOW Gieen nailed
hides , 4'Bc ; diy halted lildei , 5& : flint
hides 7c ; calf hides , fls. Damaged limes , 2c
Jess , oep pells , nccn. eacb. l i" } l ! 5 : sheen
pelts , dry , pel lb. IVgllc ; tallow. No. 1 , y'tttlc ;
N'o. L' . U'l'tiS' ' , ? ; grease , white , U'.Qlc ' ; yellow
i" , < a.'tc.
llr.ANS Hand picked navy. Jl.ri'ijJl.fiO ; hand
picked navy , medium. Sl.4i-o.UV ; ) ; hand pliked
country. il.tltlrl.4U : ; good clean , HM < llfK >
Ari-Li ; HUTTI ; ! ! 1'ei lb. O jTc.
Groocrics- ,
kDlttEl ) I'nriT Currants , new , G'e < 3'ic :
pi tines , casks , l.niO ; & > . IKpiunes ; , bbl or
hugs , esc : cltion peel , drums , so Itis. fie ;
lemon peel , drums. IMfaid ; date boxes , 12
ds , lie ; apilcotb. choice evapoiated. l.V ; apil-
cots jcllv cured. " EI boxes. KK- ; apricots ,
fancy.-0 B'boxes. lf.c ; apples , choice evapor
ated , lk- ; apples , prime new , P'-CJ tigs , la\er ,
10 percent tare. III'jc : in sacks "c. IVrslan
dates. TCI salt Lake tipples , V ; blackbciiles ,
e\apornted , 5u Hi bcnes. f > ' 4c ; chenles , pitted ,
dry cuied. iic : : peifhCN puted. fnncv.
1st- : choice , KKralt ; Lake. Tc ; pitted plums.
Cal.-J lb bo\eb. c'jfijli'jf ' ; rat-pbenles. e\np. .
N. Y. . new. > ' . ( . prunes. It f. GlvTd , Uirli'-c :
orange peel , l.V ; ralslris. C'allfornla London
citip ls u. K."iU ; Cul. l < Kise muscatels , ciop Ibill ,
12.11) ) ; Valeiielas , I-is. G'tc : Valenclns. new ,
b' c ; Pal. seedless hks. . T 4cj Unduru lujer ,
new , Ui c ; dried grapes. . 45 c ; prunelles , new ,
12'ic ' ,
I'AX.VKII Goop * rrults. California standard
brands.i"c-lb. per doz Apricots , flTiMat. ;
iiprlcots. pie fiuft. } l..Vi ; gallons. * 4M > ; blnck-
bellies , K.'Si : chenles , bluck. f-.tKiiIu. ' . . ' . " , cher-
lies white. J2i" > B- > li. grapes , ( Ltri LM ) ; jiearsi.
liartlett. S-MOui' 'i : peaches , j ellow , 12.1
, leiiuin rllng. J240plvnib. . egg , tl ( iTiS.
, ! * 0 ; plums , golden diops. tl.Mi ; jilums. gieen
gages , ; peaches , with jilts In. JI.MI ;
currants , f..25 : Koosi-hcriies , JJj , " ' ; ciulnccs ,
J2.IO ; lat-plK-riies. ; Mruttherrlci. 1-4U ;
IH uchess 3-H > eastern tundurds. tl.s5Hi iile ,
ll.lOi C-lbile. S2.U5 : gullon jilc. ri.l : > : upplt > ,
high standards , ( ; const berries ( Mi- ;
2-Hi ttrawberries , luiritiv2lb _ _ „ ,
JI.W ; 2-lb bluebt-iries. Miftlkk2lb ; bluekber-
rie . ( i.Vu75c ; 2-lb strawbenles pii-si-iM-d.Sl.sli ; ' i
2-lh ruspbt-rrli-K , pii-M-Med. 2-lb black- I
berries , preser * ed. fl.2ii ; plm-upplcs. lluhuina '
chopped , fc'U. ! ' 2-lb llahuma grated. J2.75 : 2-lb
Itahama sliced. fiSd : 2-lbMundui-d sllci d. J1.25 , :
iil.5'J ; cherries. 2-lb led , Italtlmote. N' lOc ; j
pearh. 2-1 h. fl.3 . ;
VKCBTAIILI.S. Tomatoes 3 R. e\tia. | i.u > : 3
& standard western brands , ( Xiii' . ' > ; gallons , :
Mrlctly standanl. ti.W. ! Corn-rint-st cmwn , .
fl.dO ; pllt-edged sugar corn.erj line. ll-VJ ;
t-lioice 2 ! t > sugar corn ll.-V , 2C > t-Mra uestern
brHiid ) . , fk'.iitl 00 : 2 t' standard uesti-rn biunds , <
HrtiTIKMushnKins - 1 V l'r < m-h. extra line. 2 * i
9l'S > e : 1 B' ' rreu > 'h. tine. iMi-iic : 1 It Krencli. 01- '
rtlimry. K uls < - . Peas-Ties , line , per can. 2.V- ; '
dt'iul tiue , per run. UK ; 2 . . sifted. H.u > ; 2 fc 1
curly J innJ i LV > ci i . : t.V 2 lt < M rr. > w. Mundard . ) ; 2 B. soaked 57c. Mring lleuns-2 '
B' high grade. Kefugec. 6.V : 2 tt' ' ( iolden wax
beaiik , T&ei 2 string lit-aiis. ; IKl.liuu llcuns
S B. Mmked. 75 < v lloston llaked lle.an3 B.
J 'wls. M. 5 ; crown hruud , I l.V ) . f-weet i'ota- I .
toeh-a ft NVw Jersey. U.dO Pumpkin-3 B. new '
pumpkin , ( l.tu. Okra and tomattn-m tl W ; l 1
okra , ll.ii ( > : Ku < t itash II.MI. .
ribH-C'iidlikb. fiira OIITCO. uiw. 5'ci '
pruud bunk. new. 4 1siiM.r. . : ' . ] | , l.U > i-Ls. '
CViMiow vihlt .2 luhrukk. uv , w ; Turkey 1
liliU t-urg - i-p.-t-d . hirni.j"i if liuM-iaii kul- ,
dines fr iJufcaa an3 nes | ik i f.V .n -
IM teu ll > u/ul'.rri-F l \n r-i.rj - d < '
IJ.t.J U. ikt1 > , W .h B.U .ktr j , "Si i , LU f 1
IMsf ] Of * 1 , atm Laif/Mf * . liknr i. . tr-
h l. 1 ii.f . ! ' ? ' r < jfi'flm „ MM. , t5..v
fun . > ' wh tefis ! , KIO ( * Vi i i f , v 1 , h
n.urktrr'herring ! ' fllM-flu i It fln.Hii hml-
dles17.- II li' * . i-l.V- ' . ' r , til , \ lHka
luluon. Aleut tl.HO _ 2 ft . ' .Vstf-rs li or. tl.tti
1 Ibt'ittin * . llt'th iiw-ks"ISS.TtHi clVulX little
H tll. i * ! * W : ' * Ibmrdliie- . Imported , IK
! ruse. HIIK itu ifc3ii.W ; ' ) ' < Imported l mi-K-
I M Klines , Mr : > , lb sardines. AmerlcAU. per
lH-re r. KW * . rn-hch style _
MiO : Ih Ht llies. | iniistuKl. jwr e st % 50s
} < i.75134 W : ImiKHted kej sardlnei. HiUK ) .
MipPkgs. . w Itn to txiuHi < a.'lio.
NfTs Almonds. 1.Vllr6 ; lT . 14 < - ; 1'llbertv
IJ'fC ; p'-cBtis. lie : walnuts J ? ' c : pcmiut
LetK-ks. i-c ; nmsti-d. lie : Ten neee pea nuts. 7c.
f DHI-O iiiwerPer 111-ltomv.Me ; cop-
I pern * , 24e : liny leaves. 14ei glue. Ifiot epsotn
i salts. 4c : glaubei salt -ulphui.2'ie ; blue
I Mtrol. IV : alum , 4c : tBrtarlc acid. 43c : rosin
2e : saltpeter , absolute ! } putt0c ; gum cam
phor. 2 Ibs In box. 1 en cakes , sic ; hops , i4 and
't lb packages. 21Ksnpe. ; . ' , and 't Ih packagci.
l.V : iimdder. lilc : Indlrm S Ih and 5 lb IK > XCS. t
I' . , tkH > 70r ; Indigo. 8 Ih and 5 lb IKIMMadms.
7V ; scaling wax. 25 lb boxes , red , 3'ic ; sealing
w25 Hi lioxeo. white. 4c.
( . 'A.v.sKt ) MEAT 1 lb lunch tongue. KM : 2 lb
lunch tongue. N.75 ; 1 11) eorm-d beef. H.20 ; 2
I lb corned beef. KJfi : C lb corned beef. K.VI ; 14
lb corned beef. JH.imt 21h boneles ? pigs feet.
12.30 ; 1 10 English llruwn , U li ; 2 lb Kngll h
I bntwn.S2.05nib Kngltsh lliawn. K..W ; 1 lb
compressed hum. fl.75 ; 2 Hi eompiesst-d ham
J2.75 ; I lb chlptH'd beff. K.UO.
cl fnnllr , mottled , per lb. 010ej do
while , perlh. 12c.
Illinois Parlor. 4 tic. J2.75 : 3 tlu , J2.25 ; sta
bles. JJ.SS ; common. ll.Vxai.75.
Cocot 't ' lb tin. 4l e per lb
CIKKOU TL 224j85c perlb ; Getiuun chicory
red. s'jc.
j 1 .sALsoiK-llbK , 1 granulated ; , l\e ; kpgs
l p.
p.M'On Cut loaf. 7" c ; cut loaf cube * . 7ltc ;
MHitdtii-d. pfiwdcied. 74C , \ \ \ \ . powdcwt.
r-c : gtanulatcd. standaid. ( .vff < ti ( > ac : conferIon- !
els , A. dwhite : extra , C , ( * ; extra C , Neb ,
r " 4c : iimlier. 5'c. '
COHT.I.-l'ou ted Arbucklc Ailosn , 25Se , :
McLaughlln's X.\\\ . S5Se : Ueimun. 25 , ci
Dilw-ortn. 25'c ' ; Alaroma. 25Sc : hulk , 25'jp.
Con 1:1 : : Ureen I'micy old golden Klo. 2.V :
fancv old pcaboiry , 25c ; IIlo. choice to fancv ,
24c ; lllo , prime , 2UrT- ; IMo gmid. 22c ; Mocha.
2V ! > : Java , genuine. U. G. , 2N3uu ; , good III-
lei ioi. 24iAfl ; lean. 22c.
liol'l. Hiisls Munllla rope. l.V ; ! val rope.
12'c ; cotton rope , Idc : new process , c.
COTTON TWIM ; lllhb. A r > tine , a or 4 ply ,
22c ; Hue. 2i'c : llal-y. Ibc : candle wick. 22c ,
OL1VL' yuuits pel doz , { 8.7J ; pints , per doz ,
J2.25 ; bulk , pel ga1 UV.
Vixi r.Aii 30 gr. elder. ( ( : good , 12c ; white ,
wine. 1.V- . ,
-TOVL POLtstt 2.HI T--i.s7 jer , its < i.
lH s Am.perlOii , J17.W ; Lewiston , per 100 ,
. .
Minser. HbK N. O. . fancy , per gal. V > S.
"c : ihoice. 4" > S4Tc ; pood.ty2c : ( , Cuba * aklnp.
S ' 5i4V | ( ; black slrap.2kSr23c. !
MIUDM.NO I'Ai'fcit Htraw. per lb , I'seS'rc :
rag 2' c ; manilla , H. 53Cc : Xo.l , Tc.
lIAOs--l'nion Mjuaic. ; ! tIi.'L'i pei cent off list.
s-ALT-Dairy. 2-s'llbsinbhl. ' bulk. $2.10 ; be-t
grade. 00. : > * , 2JW ; best giade. Km. Jls. J2.4U : licst
grade , 2s. 10s. J2.2Ht rock- tall , ciushed , Sl.sO ;
common , bbls , ; l.2."i
. - GOOIK : llhiley. 3'(54c ( : fnrlni.
.V ; peas. ; tc ; oatmeal. lsii.c ( ! ; macaionl. lk- ( ;
i nnlcclll , lOc ; lice , l&G'jc ; tape and tapioca.
( S-Tc : lima beans , fie.
On.s-Kenisene-l' . W. . lOtAV. . \V. . 12'4c :
headlight. Ilk- ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil. S2.WI&
U.IKI pel doz.
MiAT' ' Hams , JCo. 1. 10 B > . average. HSc : 20 to
23 Ibs. t' c ; 12 to 14 Ibs , ] 0c ; shoulders. ( Ic :
breakfast bacon , No. 1 f > c : ham smisage. t > c ;
diled beef hams. ® ? * . beef tongues. Jfi.IKi
pei do/ ; diy salt meats , .VjCJGV perlb ; ham
joulctte , O'sc ; bonele-is ham. T'4c ; picnic ham.
O.rjitXT = Martha Washington , fie ; Ameilcan.
f > ! 4C A mold. d'4c ; Arnold H. long cloth. lOc :
American. lic ( ; Mifel A. 12c ; Aiiiana A. 12c ;
Jlerrimack VJOc ; Gold Leaf. Idc ; Gold Ticket.
Idc ; Hamilton. 5'ic ' : Allej I'lnks r..c : Allen
< 'hambraj\ l > c ; Gloucester. r > 't'Ktldystoiie. ' ; .
( i'sc : Windsoi. C'jc : Hamilton. O'sc : Meel
Hlver. Cc : liamapo. 4'tc ; Ht. Leger. 5'tc : Mai-
tha Washinrton.4J4c : Allen. .V : Meirimnck.
' 'a'- ; Fountain , C'-c ; Ganitr , Tc ; Cielield , s'sc ;
llerlin. ( i'-c. '
MiinTi.vq , CHICK : InxincJble. r.-c : linlncl-
ble XX. C'rc ' ; Cuwfoid. he ; Otis , svtKcon -
on.y. h' < " . I'm k. llB's IfK * ; ( . aledouia X , U'tc ;
Caledonia XX. 10' ' , c.
CiiiiviOT Wlnnconiiet. Ti AVhlttenton.
T"ac ; ? tnt ( ; Anioskeiig.stiipes. , s' c ; Amos-
keag. plaids , ti , c ; sea Island , book-fold ,
ll'-c : sea isle bookfold , I2'tc : Kdinburg. ! lo.
TH KIMISOakland. . A.'C.'ic : Oakland. O. ' < :
Amoskcac. A C A. lll'tcl llerwlck. book fold
sateen. lt-c ; Hannah , IxKikfold sateen. 14c :
M'arien. bookfold sntet-n. Ifx : Norwood , book-
fold sateen. ll'-e ; Conlis X i. fi. ( i'tc ; Coidls
No. 4. lO'.c ; Couiis. ACK. ia'Tc ; Cordls , K T
fancv. s'jcCoidls 120 fant'r ! i'se. '
COITOiito - - York Nankin. ID'-c ; K eiett ,
for. Isc ; Elgin , h oz , Ise ; J'lnt Kock. t or
IMLewiston. : . 10 oz.c ; Woiklncman' * .
14c ; Tradesman's. 14c ; Curk cien Cashmtie
22' tc.
CHAsIlte ens' II. 10 in. 5'-c ; ? t evens' II. If
In. dc : Me\ent.'A. 10 in. Tc ; Menens" 1' . if In.
T4c ; ? t"xeiisM , liln. P.Itevt us' N. M In.
s'rc ' : Met ens' NX. 22 in. ! ) ' } c ; Stevens' HT , 2ir
in. HSc ; bleached. le extra-
DU.VJM Amoskeag. lloz. Ifi'tc ; Yolk , camlet ,
12e ; Kieji'it. standard. * 2'c , ; AndOM-i. 12r :
1'orcMei. 11 C' . I2'-c ' : Ha ) ma lai's , T'tc : Old
Yoik. .XX. ] ( i' c : Old York. XXX. 12e : Law-
it nee. 2.VI. Jl > .fc ; Lawrence. 2.U USLaw -
lence , Ooz , J.Vfancy ; stripes and checks , 11" , e.
Dry CcxxN.
Iliiowv COTTON Atlantic A. ? > * < ? : Atlantic
H.Tc ; Atlant'cl ) C c : Atlantic 1' . dc : Auiora
I . 434c ; ilu'-k's Head. 05. c- Cabot W. fUc ; Dai-
llnston. ( > 34 " 'arnicrsi * No. 1. "j.-J'ii ; AtlHiitlc
LL.Cc : Auiina K. ( i'4 ( : Aurora 11. d c ; Alitiw
biand. f.4c : Atlas. OX It. T'-c ; Chicasaw A 11
0'ic : cheese cloth. 4c : Clitton IT. .V. c : 1'eo
pei ell It. 03ac ; IVppercll E. 40-inch , Tl4c ; Lant ;
lion G H. lc ) : Cast Inin , TV' .
HM.ACIIIH C mo > s Htikeley cambric No.
fiU. ( kllet : Yet. C.4c ; lllackstoiie A A. Tjc :
butter cloth XX. 4'.c ' ; Cabot , T' ' < - ; llnight
Anchor , dc ; Diamond XV. shrunk. H' ' c : Elleiton
\ \ ' f"'tc ; rarmci's c'holce , ( ! 4jc : rir > t Call.
li'rc ; 1 ltch > Ille. T'4c ; 1'iult of the Loom , f'.c :
tiolden Wedding , MHill : elllp l Idem , h-- :
HaiM'st. n"c ; Hotic. T-ic : Housclieeper. f'4c ' :
King I'liillip camliilc. Idc , Laugdon U U ! " : ;
Lonsdalc s'rtLonsdale ' ; cambric , lOc ; Nuw
York mills lie.
. - IlCl.TINOsAND rit.tOW-CA I > OS HroWll
I'eppeiell , 45-in. Idc ; reppeiell. .s-4. Ice : 1'ep-
peiell.4. ! ) . 2ilc : 1'cppciell. Jfl-4. 22c : Jtoston 5-4
12'c ; lloston. sj. 2iilioslon ; , IM. 2.i : Itos-
tifn. 10-1. 2o : Vtlea , 4s-in , i.V ; Vtlca.5sin. .
1TVnica. ; . Tt-ln. 24c : ftlcn. fln. . 2fic : Utlca.
( O-ln , 2s'-c. illeachcd rcppeiell. 42-io. lOc ;
I'ejipeiell. 4li-n. ] llc-reppeiell. : fi-4. S'fc ; 1'ep-
perell. f-4. 20c ; 1'epperell. 0-1 , 22c ; IVppeiell.
1U-4. 24c : lloston , 5-4 , 14c ; IJostou. h-4 , 22c ; llos
ton. l4. > . 2.V ; IJosion , 10-4. 2T'sc ; Utlca , t-4 , 24c ,
I'tica. l > t. SOc : I'tlca. 10-4 , 2s'c.
( > l > aiiA > t Aliio-keag. C'c ' : Arnoskcag.
dieas. f'.e ' ; Hates. O'T-C ; Warwick , diess. h'c ;
Lancaster , li'jc : Gienalrf , Cs4c ; M'hltenton.
dicss s"c ; Yolk I'avoilta , diess. t' e ; Cnl-
cuttiu diiis. he ; Noimandle , diets , be ; Leleeb-
ter , dic.-a , iiu. _
HLOCU Tis Small pig , LV- per lb ; bar SOc pei
Cni'i-nit Planished boiler size * . ! ! 2c perlb :
cold rolled , 2sc per lb ; sheathing 2Tc ptl JD !
pittt- and flats -M. ' pei lb.
GALVAMZIUI IIKI.T lisox Illse't W-lO per
cent , pat. plan , iron , No24 < sj27 , A , 10'c ' ; 11.
! ' -rC.
JtOfiriNO-Charcoal , I. C. , 14J.M , 11 ! , f\T5 ; 1
X. . $7.25. >
Mir.i.T Ino.v No % , ja.T5 ; No. 27 , W.B5.
-OLtlFn-HQ.f > ' , C.
Tl.v l'j.ATK-1. C. , 10.225 , 57.75 ; I. X. , 10x14 ,
225. KMB.
Tts I'HTB Coke-I. C. . 10x14 , 22) , K.'JL.
r-TF.Er. NAILS Haw , Sl.M.
-TI.CL XVlllE N 4U. * Itase , i.t.10.
Wiltt-Jap. baib. f.UKl ; gal > . . tl.20.
I'pprrs l > 4 , l'f and 2 in , JJs.OO : A n-lect , 1'4
and 1' , In. . i4i.HiH : ( : select ] i4 and 14 In. : VKiM ;
A stock boards. 12 to 1(1 ( fu. 12 In . Hr .lf.i ; II stock
boai-ds. 12 to 1G ft. . 12 In. . J.'fMiO ; ( . ' stock boards ,
12 to 10 ft. . 12 In. . KIT.OO : D i-toek boards. 12 to 1C
ft. , 12 inJ27.00 ; A l i . JUin. and Upwards
HIMH.I ; U box. l.'I In. and upu aids. i-4.'i.ia ( ; i' box
lain , and upwaids , KWJKI ; A lliioilnp. C in. .
KH.BO ; Htlooiinp. filn. 1'B.OO : I1 liooifiig. C In. .
} 2s.0u. st lect fencing. KL'i-OO : siding , in and 2d
cleai. J2I Kisldlng ; , ( f2W ( ; II hiding , llli.wi ; C
Udlng. U5.00 ; eoninion bourdh. Jii..Vi. : No. 2
boards , all lengths. 115.00 ; fencing , lit , 12 to 20
feet. ilMKi ; fencing. No. 2 , 12 , 14. ] b uud 20 feet.
I14.HO ; Joists and sfaiitllnr.V\4 , 14 toll. ft. H5.W ;
tlmbir. 4x4 tobxh , 12toir feet , tlfl.dd : pickets
tint , c.immon. f2.Kiplckots. ] . fancy , head and
dre-sed. selected. J22.00 ; .shingles , choice A to
extra A. :2-VkJU'.T5 : shiuiilis. standard. K.2.VQ
2.40 ; shingles cedar. KilfaaJO ; lath , diy. S2.75.
I'lretric Currc'iilt. in ihf Skin.
An intcrcftini ; study hiifc been lately
inude by Herr Tareiiwiofl of elwotric
ouiTt-iUb in the s-IJn from mental exi-ita-
tion , MIJ > the IZloi'trleian. Unjiolarized
clay elwtridi-.s.eonut'CleUwitua dflieiite
palvanomf'ter , wore Hppliod to various
parts hands flntrern , feet , toe- .
nose , t-ar and back , and ,
after com ] > cnsatipn of anv currents
thht ( K-curred during ret-l. t ie elTec-ts of
mental stimulation were noted. Lit'ht
ix-ith a after a few
s' period of latencva ( fi-.tdually in-
j ? .slronf : deflection. Hot water
lias a like effect , eold or jwin from a
needle-jirk-k a Ions. Sound , litfht. t ste
and Mnell btirauli net cimilnrly. If the
eje haxo btnui closwl homo time ,
mere ojHjnlnjj of them causes a
cont-idf nible deflet-tion from the t-ktn of
the hand. It Is remarkable that these
hkin currents also arise when the fceiihii-
lions re merely imagined. Mental cflort
produce < ) currents varying with itb
amount. If H pen-on itin tense i-xpex-la-
tion the pilx-HHOineter mirror makes
irregular oM-iilationn. In all the experi
ments it appeared that with equal nerve
excitation the strength of the t-kin rur-
JtLth dt-jKUdi-il on th' derive in M tiii U
it , part t'f ' the Kin UHr.fjj tht ti < -
irouexvitt f rnisLtJtih nxtut
; Tramaotions in the Wheat Pit Again , on a
i Large Scale.
Corn Act Itr nml VMMM tied A Wild
. lt\\n \ 1'ixn Isloiis , Pork A ill nti o
Injj O cr Four Dollars
in Out Hour.
. I Ctiir.Ao.0. April IS. [ Spc-rliil Teh-grain to
, Tin : Hi.i.1-Tlie : xxheat markpt was n rouslnc
. om > again today. Tin-re wai not a ereat deal
if extreme bull ncw , but thu market acted
as. If It bud Mei'l spi'l'iF" under It. It WHS. .
helped exceedingly by outside order * , which
vere on the buying Mde. Tin1 country usually
. pet In lt heaviest work on that side after the
maikcl Is under headway , and Mich wns the
, case todtiy. The advance In prices Unlay vtis
not nearly equal to yesterday , but coming on
top of HII uclniKc of ncuily Ik- , the act Ion was.
equally remarkable. In the ( list few minutes
the pit was a regular paiidetnoiiuliu nnd May
sold from M'jc to MV In diflerent part of the
, pit nt the Kumo inuiuent Then there was a
buiind tosV-e. the top price yesterday , a rc-
ni'tloii to MVc ou hoavv realizingand a second
bulge to S.V4p. all In the first hour. During
the ne\t lioui there s a third bulge tofu'tc.
nnd a setback to .s.V3.s. > V on further taking
of profits. It was nlKHit noon thut the si-cond
great WBM-of strength eanie mid on this .May
went toWW-.oir toC , > 4e and to MK- the second
time In a few minutes. This was followed
a few minutes later by another
bound to P7V for May. At HIP same
moment .lune was elo-e to 80. The feature of
thctlax was the wldenini of the cap between
May and .lune. July opi-ned at M' ' c. sold at
Kt' c and up to Me early , then eased oil to Klc
befoie noon , and when May passed ! > 7c July
wit * up only toMe , 01 3v discount , whereas the
discount uf jestei-ilay was lint le or a little
o er. Thl Mate of things iiit-aii * . simply that
the strength In May and .liine came largely
fi-om the shot Is. whoaie virtually coinercd on
old cixii futuies. while .Inly , which Is a new
el-op fuluic. was less strong on natural condi
tions. Mich news as came in during. UK-
day was bullish. Dakota was cold , with
. high winds iini-oterlng the seed SUHII. Kansas
was dry with high winds also. Crop Expert
Prime sent bullish report t. The wild wheat
maiU't ontlnucd to the close. During the
last half bout theie was a further advance in
prices on Imj Inc by shorts. May touched Iti e.
.lunr HI V und July b7\c. The closing was :
Ma } , Hsic : June.s'ic : July. M'4c.
Another lu ire daj 's business was transacted
In the coin market , which was net hound
i-athei unsettled most of the session. The
feeling on the whole watfiriu.tlic niuikel svui-
iiliali/.iiiR with the ad > anceinwheat
There wus no new outside feature piesented
In speculatlon.whlfh was coicrncd bj bj local
Inlluence. the chief of which is mentioned
uhoiv. The t-peculatUe market opened s-tronR
w Illi other articles and there was fair buying.
but the adance did not hold well.and reached
14 < ( J"i'C. recovered , ruled strone and closed
'Vehlfhei ' than jesterdav. Cash corn met
with a fall demand , with lllit : otleiltics. and
pilces wele tlim at jesterdayV extieme lic-
uies. No. i was In fall demand and wild at
: > I'-'II'.c ' and closed at Ill'jc. No. ' ! Jellow
was quotable nomlnalllv at IC.c. No. 3 sold
at : w * < < tJlc i.nd closed at 'lie.
' Theie was afaii business transacted In oats ,
but an unsettled feellnc jire\ailed and prl''c
chances were confined to ae lance. The
ojienlnc was steady , but the Miencth in wheat
and corn had a sttiiiulatiiic cllect on tallies
and in Ires adxan cd H14 < ' . Later bujei-s
failed to lake hold , an easlei feclinc developed
and prices j lelded bllputly to fair oflVilugs ,
but thcmaiket .ipiiln developed strength and
jirlees advanced < ii' c and closed at a
train of 14 < u. ' , c. The shipping demand
was for i-ound lots of N'o. 2 whlth
icllpped ) and sales weie made at 27'iC
five on board. Cai lots of No. t'in stoic weie
slow and < | uotable at LVJ1 , . No. 2 white for
May was steady atT.Uc. .
The iimt Islon trade cave a rocket poifor-
mance today. I'Hce-foi jiork started but ido
ovei last niptit. but whea the bhorts becan
blddlncthe.x could could cet no jioik. This
ca\e immediate alarm and the shorts cot
wild. The } bid foi Mufl. The clique houses
it'fusnd to sell , but helped to keep juices out
of the learh of the shorts. In one hour Muy
was up from $ M.V > to il.VTri. June about the
same fiRine- and .lul } went from JI17. > to
Hn.TTi also. MeCoimick & Co. . Italdwin A. 1'ai-
num. and I'onle and llutchinson appealed to
be llftlnc the piiccs on the shoits. It Is
claimed that Cndah } Is the lieat icst short and
that and others are in the same boat.
May later sold ofT to I12.K and closed at tUSS.
July sold ofl to &KM and closed at $ iL. : > 3
Cnictoo. April 12. [ Special Telezram to
THE Hr.ii.-TTi.c The niaiket was slow and
a stiwip itie lowei than Friday , sjme salesmen
< | UotiiiK a IV de-line. The beef trade
was piactlcally out of the maiket and e.\-
poi tors only wanted a few . The advance ovei
l"j Ida } 's close has been lost. No Texans In
sight. Itutchersi' stuff was steady and there
was little 01 no business In the storker and
feedei llm . Oiolce to extra beeves. J4.fin'i. . " > . (13 ( ;
medium to eood steers. iiv : tol.VK ) Ibs. 5J.2MJ..ri' ( ) :
1200 to 1"M Ibs. SUKva.4.10 ; ttV ) to 12Jlllis ( $ : t.ita : )
4.10. MKkn. . and feeders J2.'ifVrr.'UM ;
cowsv , bulls and mixed , fl.UK&i..T > ;
bulk. 52t.VM.7a Texas eoinfed steciA , 1:1.00.3
y.70 ; cnisseis , . j2..v > aa.wi.
] ! ( > ( | -The maiKet was active , with an up
turn of . ' > c all round. lEouch and comnion sold
at il.-'i > > and pilme mixed at } 4.iKH.n. : ( ;
Itest heavy and prime butcher welchts made
teM a-4M. l.lcht assuitud suld at : ; !
and light ut
-T/X1 .VC'/.I / . .
New VOIIK. Apill 12. { Special Telejiam to
THU HUE. ] STOCKS. There was much dis-
couraeemenl 011 all sidto last nlsht at the un
favorable action In western railroad shares
} csterday. Today there was little of yester
day's animation left In anything but Gran-
cers , but those shares , especially Kocl : Island.
Hurllnctoii and St. Paul , xverr quiet at doelln-
lii ! ; fisuies . riit pricL-s were penetally
sllchtly lower than yesterday and further
* llsht losses were sustained incaily duallu s ,
llurllugton and Uo-l ; Island each retlrlus
tier cent to IKl'i and fefl i-e-
spcfthely and St. Paul and I'nlon I'acilic
S uaeli. t-'hanses In other leading shares were
entirely InsicnllUiuiit , but Tennessee C'oal
dropped to 47. a loss of 1' per cent front Its last
ntcht's pilce. l.atci In the Imur the market
became M'i > dull acain. but a better tone pie-
lulled and a port ion of tineaily loss wus 10-
ooxcied , Missouri Pacilic acaln ci-oaslns the 70
line. The maiket at 11 o'clock was \eiydull.
Their was a material impnnemeiit through
out the list aftei the ( list liotit and befoie I ho
i lose a nunibei of moreactUe st < icls iccoveied
some. Iturllncton i-eached to IMS. Hock Island
toM > ? 4 and Mlssouii 1'aclflc to 70S. milking a
cain foi the da } of " , per cent. The bank
statement was disappointing , but had little
etleet on llif maiket.
The follow inc were the closing quotations :
f s 41. rcculur" Til's Nortlicrn I'acinc. li&H
I S U < HmHJlii. l' ! I flo jprcferri'il. . . TiH !
T . 4V.neKUlur Mis , C AN W . 110'4
I' S. t , f niuii'in llliUj dn preferred Hll *
I'nHHciiMif ' 115 lll > | N. V. Central . 1U7
tVntrul 1'arltlo WUil'-U A K . - X
riilcnBn A Alum .1:10 : Uork intend " -1
rilk-HIM , HurllllCtUD A 1C. . M AM 1 > . . .
gular.v . . .1M' ( ' < dn iiicicrred .
li.I. A W . . . 1S. ' ) ' < tt. I'uul AOnmliu. .
lllliHilh ( Vnirul . . .114 I do preferred. . . . ! 'a '
I. . H A\V . rnluii I'uelHr . . . . ( SX
Knaiiih A 'lciu . . 7 W. . M U A 1' . . 11V ,
Ijikc hhurc . 1U7 i do | ireferri d . . 2j4f.
MIclilKun Central UTVencrn Union . fclsj
Ml uurl 1'uuim1 '
_ 7JJ _ |
MO.NUV Kasy with no loans.
PIUMI. MKHt tNTiLt PAI-EII 5S7H percent.
T : lI.I a KXCIIA-NOI : Quiet and barely
steady ; slity-daj bills. H > 5'4j demand. N.i-f.
NEW VOIIK. April 12. [ Special Tclezram to
Tilt IlbBi ] Tliti following arc the. luluhi ; stock
iuotatlons ] :
. 110 I Hi , Mlrur . . . Si
! oin toct TWU.MI ) 'Iron ' r-llrer HIS
L'OIUSUlflfcrlll . . . ' 'SHU MeXiCUn jki
riili'dnnln lib. 176 Ontario iuo l i
Oun Cul A Yn.Yi an , ' .V ) 1'dUiiil . K5 i
' ' '
HI Crlno lib , sutler Cri-tk . 150 ! I
UllllH-Mlilf KX ) | I
New Voiik. April 12.-Wheat IteceipiR ,
l.sK ( ) hushi is ; exports. tU.-'Kl-J buthcls : hpot
closed t-tuudy : No. 2 rod , I'l' c In elevator ,
ICk < &U2ic atluat. 01"l.l'K'-l'i ' < ' Io. . b. ; options
lowei : No 2 red. April. Hie.
I oru Ki'i-clpts. 11.05U bushels ; exports. 214.-
-MO btislu-lM t-pot higher ; Nu. 2. Jjia&40r in
rle\utor. 40544l'iutliidt ; ungradod ii.iied.
8Hft41'je ; options mm ; April , ; wc.
Oats-ltwelpts. 7li Otto bushels ; ci ports H.4M
bushels ; spot ilrmcr : No. 2 wlilto , IISStUTj.- ;
m I Mid Htnttern. i" ' * ' ; white i tcrn , 'fl *
; tT't < - ; options tirnici ; April. : Hk- .
SUgulItaw , ijulet ; inn n-iiniii
Cnu ; conftH-t loners. "A. " 513-ldc
Petroleum I'nlted cloM d for Ms1 ut t\\ \ <
r.VK * Mt'iMly ' ; western. Ilil2' r.
Pork Strong uud t-xcltud.Muv kulei. ui 111 4 (
@ IC. ' o
l.urd Illghrr ; pilcefc b < - < -&ukf of MIU > > n n
pnrk ut tin west dull , wi-stt-iu ktt-un. H ' >
Sla\ - > . , s i.tat tt , U
II i'i' " --tad ) wt'i ( < ; u fj Ttiii-
i rt it > fr j I tth I i , ( ! tf „ "i
U tttiitr tlI li u WCitCM. , C. O.
ntli * r.o \piU ! ' 1' I. . t. . i.r i \\l-
l n t tiled mli fcs < MM\ > . * isv , ,
. . - ,
! } rirm : < 7c.
lUrleyI'lnn. .
I'rlnif Tlmotlir ! l.SX
Pin v-lM rut M. .
Wlil'kv l. t
1'oifc-rr.svtttt . : rmh. S ; .M v. MJUIB.
ljird-l'lr npnsh. ? fi.4t > : M y. W .
! To irirni ; winter , M.H'ft'lAn
l itu l loti I > iy suit tin-lit * , f.
in moderate it q t' i ; | HIII tlb * . ( XV9 !
llilttfi Bsc | r ; rifftlnrty. UttllV ; dully , inij.
ritroso SlfMIr ; full rtvutit chodillltJOfl. .
If'iC ; tints , ln ( , < 4l ( > . - ; Voiihc AmeilcR-
. . .
llkle1 t'neliHliced : CM'en Nil. 1 , l'4Ci
nnd llcht preen suited. 4 , > : s iti > < 1 bull.
3 < ne : pntui sniti i cult. OP : flu Hlnt.OHTc : dry
salted hides , o ? ! dry culf , 5i6r ; dtwiwiis , Stfc
Tallow UnoliRtipcrt : No. 1 solid ( mckiVt. fl'i
® 4c ; No. t , ; i'4c : cuke , 4e.
. .
riout . iu : w I4.t iy
. . .
Oats . lin.O. D
l.Jvr.iii'ooi.Aprll 11 Wheal 1'lnn ; demana
fair ; holder * oiler sp tlncly : fall-
fornla. No. 1. ' - itd j 'r cental.
Corn rirm. dciiiHtid fair ; new mixed
western , 'is ? o percental.
KA.S.SAS CITV. April 12. - \ VhenlHlsher :
No. 2. hard. cash. 7ic : Ajitll , i' c : No. 2 , red.
cash , 7sc bid : April. 77'tc.
Corn lllehcr : No. 2. cash. 2t' c. \plil 2C'c.
Oats No. 2 cash. 23V' .
ST. Lot-is. A pi 11 12. - WlitfttHigher ; rush
uml May. MHP : July. K.V.
Com I'll mt cash. . " . , : May. 20c.
Oats rirm ; eiish. ' ; Mny. 23Sc ,
I'orkNominally hlcfici at Jl
. .
Whisky- Stead } at U.U2.
Hutter UnellaiiEed.
'KiiC. April 12.Vhnal Exrlloflj
No. 2 sprlnc , on track. 7lc ; May , 7 ! > 'sc.
Coin rinn ; No. II. ; ic. -
Oats-1'ltm : Nn. "white. X >
lt\e-lllchei : No , 1. 47'tc. '
Harlcy Lowei : No. -t'ffl'S
j MiNMiAPOt.ts. Apill 12.- Wheat Kreelpt-i.
, IsX ) curs ; shipment * 25 cur * ; cash rut'iei
I slow. Closing quotationsNo. : . 1 hard.
I April. K'te : May. M > 'se : on tr.ick. ST'ii-t No.
1 northern. April. * . > > < ; May. n5iet on track.
Migs4ic ; Xo. 2 northern. April and May. Me ;
on track , -
CivrlNNATi. April 12.- Wheat -Strong ; No.
2 red. hTiCTsV.
Ikirn-Meady : No. 2 mi\ed. : t2c.
Oats-l'lrm ; No. 2 ml\ed , 27'4B250. (
. .
l.ll'K STttVK.
CHICAGO. Aptll 12. Cattle-neretpt * . MM ;
muiket slow ; beeves , H.Om.'i.lW : stueis. 53.80
i CM 75 : Mocker * nnd fi-edi-i-s. KI.VrJftl.lni ; cow * .
I bulls and m\cd. ! ! ltiOM.t5 : : Te\as corn-fed
steers. HM&l 70 ; grasscis. S2..VKW'MKI.
, Hogs lIccclptx.lMi.iO : market tli-m and 5310c
hlgWi ; mixed. i-l.-H i-I.W : hcaxy , H.\ * < til.4 ' , ;
. . - . . . . - . .
i UglifTW.r JlUskips. ! : $ 1..VITM.O-.I.
| > heep Herelpts. 4.0 M : maiket steady :
nathi-s , H.iK Wi.i" > : et < in coin-fed , t5.00.a
5.7d ; Tenns , 'l.iT 7Ci.W ; lambs. t5.S * > 97.XI.
! ? T. Louis. Apiil 12. - CattleItecelpl * . 100 :
shlptiicnts. 1.2.H ) ; strong ; fuirto finn-y nutlio
i su-i-r * , $8.40ii4.S5 ; stockei * und feeders. I2.25U
i "li'ogs Receipts. dm : shipments. JUOO ;
Ftaongei ; hcuvv. t4.2iij4.8i ( ( ; ) > ackllig. 4.1' j
4.25 ; light. H.avg4.20.
KANSH ; CITY. Apiil 12. Cattle Hivolpt * .
4..VKI ; shlptneiit * . 1.IW : Mrone and higher ;
steer * . * -l.4t&I.IHi ( ; i-ows. sl.T5Jt8.40 ; bloc'kers
, and feeders. EM'/ifiXV ) .
I HogsUeeepts..5)l ! ; ; ) ( ; shipments. 5fl ( ; lilgher ;
all grades. H.Mij/4.2.i. (
I SiocxOirr. la. . April 12 Cattle-Receipts ,
700 : shipments , 5H ( : iiin-huiic-ed.
! Hogs Receipts , 1.40J ; market strong ,
AVliat Iliiiciioil ; | | to a ! ! < ( ! Mini Wlo
Attciulctl a Tlu-atcr.
"You M e it hnppi'iii'd liKe ibis. " saiil
, nn old-timer to the Hflt-nti i.Mout. ) ] uiU -
| ] iondcn1. "It vii > ii l titi. My old
friend Bill Htunilton of Still \\iiter. r-ome-
j time > called " \Vildi-a1 \ Bill , wus n Uniltfd
I SUilcs dejiuty intir.sliul ncl t-ht-rili of
i Chotwiu counly. There had been Mmit'
ilk-pal vhi l.v t-elliiifr Coins' on lu'ouiid
' the Blnckfoot eouiilry. aiitl finally Bill
g-ot after the guilty pui'ties.
| "A younp Indian ntnned Two Wolves-
i pfot mixed up in the ulTair. uud Bill nr-
! rested him iib a wiluess jiudbroujrhthim
[ to Ilelensi. Ho\rey was innr-liil here : tt
that time and 1 wiis. a deputy.
"When Bill arrived hi t-own vith hit-
Indian he culled on Uowey and me to
help talfo care of him. A\rell. on the
nifrht of the dtiy that Bill and bij j rit-
oner arrived there wa i erne --oi-t of a
show goinf ? on in tin old hall up on
Bridge street. We all wanted to 'to.
but we didn't Icnow what to do with the
Inttian. Finally Bill said. 'We'll lake
him along with us , ' which wo agreed
' to do.
I "Neither Bill nor tlie Indian bad ever
seen a show before. Well , we went up
to the hall and iroloats in the gallery.
the Indian beinzr suutod between Bill
, and me. I forget what the play wu.s. but
I it was one of the old-fashioned kind ,
I where the whole company wu killud ol ]
before the s-how was o\er.
"We pot inteix'sti'd in tbe jierform-
ance arid forgot all about the Indian.
He kept quiet until the Killing bog-an.
When the actors beiran lirinff ] ) l iolsund
fchowinp knive-5 the Jndian pot nerxous ,
nnd finally , when the penplc-outhe bttipe
bepan falling thick uud fast he could
stand the show no longrr.
' Suddenly he made a jump from the
f-ent , and before Bill and 1 could Mop
him that Indian bad jumped clean
through a window near btx and out onto
a t.ort of platform. He pot down lo the
I ground , stole a horr-e omewliere and
i rode twenty-five miles barebuck down lei
i the valley. There he stole a saddle and
i went homo again to bis frieudo iu the
, tribo.
1 "Bill never caught him. but we heard
' afterward that the Indian said the reu-
{ : t-on ho loft was because ho was afrsiid of
' Tieing killed. He said the white folks in
| Helena were killing each other on a
i platform in one end of the room , and the
rest of the people were silting around
laughing at the business. ' '
Adolyili Lallor. . chrrinpp mnnufncturpr. 119
Carroll struct , Bullulo , N. Y. . states : 1 was
troubled with unused of the htoiiiuch , diulc
hcadacho und general debility. Uurdock
Blood Bittei-s cuied me.
Iloston ICIoetrlc' I 'ur Service.
According to the chief electrician , Mr.
C. R Pcarcon of the \Vert llnd Mreot
j i railway , the company will haxo O.oOO additional -
ditional hoi > e-power before November 1.
Then tlio feeder * will be put under
ground , which will obviate tlie dillicul-
i ties arising froiu their coming in con
tact with other xvircs. I-'cir three months
i ho has been working on and has JKT-
i feclcd a switch for cut-outs , * 1hat is ,
where ono section of tht- line * refuses to
, work because of a short circuit the
switch will cut ofl this suction and the
cars will be sent over tome other route.
An Alisdluti"ui - ( ! .
is onlT put up iu lai-fi1 twimiiiice tin IIOXL-S ,
I und is un absolute < -iuv for all son-s. , burns , j
wounds rUumu'd tiuiuli- aim ull skin cruptinnb
Will I)0 itlVl l. < -iir < u'l ' Kinds n ( jiiu-s. Asl :
for the ORIGINAL AlllKTINi : OINT-
MENT. Sold lij ( idoiliiiuii Unip i-omjianj ut
1 ccutb pt-r box biimi 11 tvuts
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National Bank.
3OB South 13th Sueet. Omaha.
H.W. HARRIS & COMPANY , B&nters ,
I61-IO8 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
70 Gtlt * SUODt. BOSTON.
National Bank
, Cnpltal , . . . S4OO.OOO
1 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1SPO , - 07.BOO
! OBnrr nn < l Itr storllrnr5 W Viitr * r rt ilrrtl
Inl ! i Hs-rt. ( Tlcrrtrrtlitoiit : J mr ' sjtnrr V.
V'Mortr John S. ColMn . K C. Ontlnnir j N U.
I'Mrlck ; W. H h llutlir * . rufhlpr
Corner Itth itd I'ottinm ytrrrtr
A Grurral Itankln : Hu lnrTrnnmi led.
National Bank
Capital , S4OU.OOO
Surplus , 40.OOO
OfBc T iinfl I > lrrrtnrii-r. M Mor rm n ( i M.
llltrliox'k. Jn rih ( l rn iiu Jr . A Hrnn K M ,
AnrtrrnonVllllain ( i Mntil. ririir 1i > ut 1. 11 ,
XVUtlumi A I * lln | > kn ! ) irr lli-nt A M i..fJ.
rnJiilor r It Itrtnnt nmlntnnl cnhli-r
Hoots' nnil Shoes.
Wholesale .Manufacturers of HoolsA-Snocs
Apriiltfur llimtim Kiihl'or sii.-ro | 11W iituino < M
llnrin" sttct-t iiiimlin .Srti
Lager Beer Brewers ,
I.Wl Niith Isili Ftrert , Omnl Nrv
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window rap urn ) niitallr lrliclitii J ln l.ii"i | r ,
'r liisaiut IJtistuili KUti M ( * t i
Artist > ' Mute-Hills.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials. Pianos and Organ * ,
151. I slrci-t Oninhn Nrli
Conl. ( ' ( ike , ICto.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
S i : Cor IC.tli niiit li.iticlm Slici-lB , Omnhtt VcU
Snippers of Coal and Coke ,
111 Snutli l.itti 'r ( et. Oniulm N > U
Wholesale Cigars.
40 ? N ! i.tli-llt-i-t "Hi-lUi1" l .l
I ) r A nnd .VotioiiK.
M. E. J5MITH A : CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Noli' ' ns
Corner lltlimil lltinuid stioi-u
Importers and Jobbers in Drj Goads ,
Cfn TurnliihlnBii' ' " ' ! ' < urni-r lllli uml liumtj
S ii-i-.s niiiulin Neb
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
< Jieries. .
Wluilesdle Grocers ,
ir.thnnd Ix-uvriiwi'ish Mtvott , Oinnhu Nc
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc.
ImjiortoJ nti'l an I'nrtl'inil Cemcni sim
uircut fur Mt H > tlrHulif Cciueut oi > J
Inie c.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood curjicti * nnil jMiMiii'i n < inrtnc tuh and I *
Sticrtu < iuiiili'i Ni'brasLa
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime ,
Itoort , Utc Vitrilii ( nrni-i 7tli ntifl Huurlni
li > int'r lUtti nuil llutilrUH
Lumlier , Lime. Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Corner 1'lb ' t'i < J I ) IIB' ' ! > V Mrcrln Otuulin
Millinci'\ and N < itlotiH.
Importers and Jobbers in Millintrv ,
2U1L'0 ! anil I- ! '
Notions ) .
Wholesale Notions and Furnishinii ( oofls ,
12J llurni't ntn-K ( irnuliH
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailotrcai-o ct < Ou.alin A H ll ! ln > | i Munagcr
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Cnrrj nice tork nf iiriniiiiK. wruiiptns ur.rt w'tlni
fcjieclal utlruilun clrcu to euro | iuicr
H , lite.
AL. . DEANE i : CO. ,
( icnrrHl Api'nti ' * fur
Halls' Safes ,
Ci nnd . ' - ' Snutli lOtli St Ornt
Toys , Kit : .
JI. HARDY i : CO. ,
, l"lti r > of
Toys , Dolls , Aibnfns , Fancy Goods ,
Ill-lite rumlnliiHK 'ii" l i hlldit-n Cun nil-en
1 nrimiu mi-el CmiLha. Nrb
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilalllduj wind mil ! " 'ils unit l'Ju.l < iiuu Oajuii
( j 1 It' " " , Acunp Maunder
Engines , Boilers and General MaiWncry ,
kbi-cl-truii neil , kii-inu PUIUIIII ml i 1218 t'lli
! * ( ! ) jrtli tru"t , Ouulit
Iron , * iV < irUs.
Wronghl and last Iron lltiildinu Work ,
Irnn .nk Kttuurul foundr ; luai-lniif kud
kckmuitli k unii-e milt Ktirkt L f
Hj nuil ! th iiei-l , umulik
Manf'rs o ! Tire and Burglar Prool bales ,
I'KUlti Jill work ii-m tutlir unfl Bitr
Ci Andreou | ptjir cur litb ktiu Jnk "i ;
i , Door * , Kto.
Wliolvule mauufai-turert t f
Sasn , Doors , lilinds and Moulding.
lizard Hrt'M * ( 'it Ktib Ki * i
o T. i tli 0m f
S ! r K K VA.KDS co.t
01 biuiu Omaba , Limited.