Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1890, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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uiTK HI NO. u I'KAiivi'itr.irr. / .
Dcllvrrnl by carrier In nny pail of Ilio City.
II.V TM/l'bN . MANAtJKU. No.No. . < ) .
KniTOH. No.
.111X011 JIKXTIO.V.
N. V I Co.
Cotinrll UliiffH Lumber t"o. , coal.
Nine transfers were Hied for record yrstrr-
day A RWitrtnnan named Lincoln lost a linger In
the Northwestern yards yesterday.
The Koulbwesterii alliance held u mcctliif , '
In the V M t : . A. rooms lust nl ht.
1'ostmiiMcr Troynor gives nut this Inforimi-
tlon that Council Hluffu Is to have two addi
tional lottcr carriers on July I. .
A farmer named Oray has part of his
WBKOII left Ills team imUhw frighted scat
tered the rest of It on Main street.
The pollen night ciiptureil .lohn Meyers ,
one of the men who committed the bold theft
at the Colorado houses Friday night.
HubjHi'iiaHvoro served yesterday In the
Kvans Motor Company ease , which Is on the
district court docket for the comlnj , ' week.
A quartette ! comx > scd of Messrs. Maxwell ,
TerwIlllKer , Clllnon and Amy has been organ-
l/eit for Hinging at hake Manawa this sum
mer.Chief Carev has been notllled that KOMI
Hcasloy , aired thirteen , has run away from
her home In Lincoln. Xeb. , and Is thought to
lx > In the IllnlTs.
Willie Morris , the thirteen-year-old son of
T I1 Morrliof tlil.H eltv , has been missing
from his lidine Hlneo Thursday and Is sup-
l > osed to have run away.
In the police court yesterday morning John
Elders , Flunk .lone.s and 1'lea.santVarner
were lined $ t : > .IO for vagrancy , and < ! etii'gc-
Mack M5.IO for Intoxication.
Marshal Tcniplcton found Louis Hauna last
night , for whom a warrant had been Issued
charging him with the seduction of Mangle
IIi'iiMHi. and he was put under arrest.
New boards and fresh shingles are showing
upon the bottoms. It looks as If the build
ing boom was to continue another year at
least. It starts In early this season , anyway.
J Uutterlleld , for Indecent expoauro of his
iK'rsnu , was put iwhind the bars last night.
lie will upend Sunday In the sewer and feel
the weight of .ludge Mafjee's displeasure to
morrow morning.
The little girls known as Trinity Sunbeams
hold forth at Lucy's ball next Friday evening.
The.v will render a line literary and musical
programme , and afterward sell ice. cream and
lancy articles they liavo made.
For the accommodation of those that desire.
lots 01 to rent locations on the Chautamiua
grounds , the manager , ,1. 1C. , will ,
until further notice , be upon the grounds
Tue.sdays , Thursdays and .Saturday fore
The ladies of Unity ( ! ulld contemplate
giving a sociable and dance in Hughes'
hull , Friday evening , April SSth , at which
time they will rafllo olT the silk quilt , ami car
pet on which they Imvu been .selling chances
for some time.
Sa > .s the Cedar Kaplds ( Jazette : "Council
Ulull's has an alderman named Wind. Oh ,
Lord , how we wish there was a man by that
name in the Cedar Itapids council.Ve have
a man in the council here , however , named
"I'auts. " That is enough for once. "
Mrs. M. Molvln , whose husband is an engi
neer on the Union I'acillc , died at the resi
dence corner of Seventh avenue ami
Kiglitecnth .street at S o'clock yesterday
moruiug from heart disease' She was
twenty-nine years of age. The remains will
be taken to Nebraska on Monday for inter
St. Paul's Hplscopal church of this city
gave a very generous Easter offering this
year , i' ' amounting to over ? t'iKi ( , of which * 'i ( > ( )
was from the Sunday -school. It is the largest
and most prosperous parish in Iowa , and
hasn't reached its growth yet. It is ( lie in
tention to start .soon this erection of another
new church , in the eastern part of the city.
The securing of a 5 cent rate between
Council Uluffs and Omaha for the accommo
dation of these who cross regularly moiniug
and evening , is the next essential which
Hlullltcs are determined upon. The new
hotel Is being built , the new union depot Is
practically secured , and the nicklo motor rate
must como next , bol'oro the people are at all
The Nonpareil says It "does not like to re
fer to Itsell. It seldom docs. " An examina
tion of its editorial page on which this state-
ni"nt appears shows that in a little less than
two columns It prints its own name in capital
letters twenty-seven times. "It seldom does. "
No , the lied Oak young man with the high
collar is modest , if lie is anything. The only
doubt is as to his being anything.
-liulge Mitgco is doing more for the city than
has been done in tilt ! administration of the po
lice court for many years. Ho never lets a
vag escape a few days' work on the streets ,
and the result is that that armv of unfortun
ates is larger and more useful than It has
ever been before. This work on the streets
is very noticeable and the territory they cover
embraces all the paving iu the city.
A number of conllicting announcements
have. been made concerning the coming of
Dr. Henson of Chicago. Sickness and other
unavoidable ciivumstances liuvo combined
most unfortunately to prevent his meeting
his engagements to lecture here. Dr. Hen-
bon is determinvd to keep his word though ,
and it is now settled that ho will lecture here
in the First Haptist church Thursday even
ing , May 1. Ills subject will bo "The Other
Half. "
ICvery vagrant who runs the gauntlet be
fore Police Judge Magee gets a line of from
MO to $ 15. A plain drunk gets $1(1 ( with costs
instead of the old regulation $ * .tx ) , and a
dniuk with the usual frills and ornaments
gets $1.1 and costs. The best of it Is these ,
Hues are either worked out or paid in. The
new deal is proiluctivo of several verv desir
able results. The police court characters
hlivc something to dread besides a night in
the sewer anil the city treasury Is
to the extent of a very handsome amount.
The ( Jospel Temperance Ueform Union is
arranging for a series of free entertainments ,
to be given iu llughe.s hall , which has been
leased for a year. The lirst of these will bo
glen Monday evening. It will bo u repro
duction of ttu < one given by the young people
at Hroadway Methodist church last Monday
evening. The entertainment that evening
was so enthusiastically received that numer
ous retiuesUs were made for its repetition ,
and In compliance with what seems the gen
eral desire , It will thus be repeated Monday
evening. Kverybody welcome. Five tor nit.
"The town Is full of counterfeit silver dollars
lars , " said Cashier Haumin of the CltUens'
bank. "They are white metal plated with
silver ami aro. very dangerous. Four of
them were thrown out by our paying teller
today and 1 have heard of several 'others that
worn passed on business men. The best
means of detection is to compare them with
others , whlsh will show that they are lighter
ami have not the ring of the genuine. The
new counterfeit $10 bill of which so much
has IHVII said in the east , has not reached
hero yet. It Is reported to be verv danger
ous and it will certainly be In circulation
hero before long "
Among the social features tills week Is the
Hoyal Arcanum muslcalo. This popular
organi/atlon 1ms always boon to the front Iu
lurnlshing enjoyable parties and entertain
ments The coming concert and sociable on
Friday evening next is entirely a new de-
parturo. The object Is to give something
whereby all the mcml > ors of the order may
como together socially and enjoy an evening
of song , and to this end a pleasing programme
is being prepared consisting of music and
recitations by popular talent of the city. Ad
mission Is entirely by Invitation , ami mem
bers wishing to Invite their friends are re
quested to call uM | > n any ono of the following
committee : Messrs.V.V. . Sherman. J.T.
Tidd , T. K , Cavln andlMV. McDcrmld.
.l I. I'lIf.U./M I'H.V.
K. L. Hnvdon severed his connection with
thoCloho last ovenimr. Ho Inii not fully
determined what ho will engage iu next. *
Conductor Inlow of the brldgo run hcuvrv.ii
the transfer and Omah.i , bus IHVII laid oil bv
bickucss for u week ; but is again on duty. '
'I'lio I , cullers
nf line watches and Jewelry In the city , and
tlie place to buy the best goods at the lowest
primIs the establishment without rivals ,
the moil reliable linn of
J. t ) . Tlpton , ivul estate , 5''T Broadway.
What ! the Now York Haricot steivi It is
the cheapest plaeo In lowu to buy KOods , Uu
lo aw Uroudwuy aud sea.
Mr , Evans Add * ft Strengthening Link to
His Injunction.
The Hiilcliers Combine for .Shorter
lloiiiH-Ilmlly .Mixed HiiKK ) '
Case Alderman Casper Co
Sue the Nonpareil.
T. , T. Kvans , who Is plaintiff In the motor
pans Injunction suit against the tinkers of the
Klectrlc motor company , tiled an amendment
to his petition In the district court yesterday
forenoon. The chief change from the orig
inal petition Is the Insertion of a clause de
claring that the action complained of was
done with the connivance end consent of the
defendants , the ofllccrs and directors of the
company. Anotherpar.igraph is added , which
is as follows :
"That said Omaha ft Council Bluffs rail
way and bridge company Is a common carrier
engaged in the transportation of passengers
bv mil between the states of Kebraska and
Iowa , and engaged In Interstate commerce
within the meaning of the net of conirross of
the United States of America , approved l-'oli-
ruarv I. ISM7. and now in force , and subject
to all the provisions and regulations of such
act. That It is made unlawful by section : i
of said act for said railway bridge company
to make and give In any respect whatsoever ,
any undue or unroiisoiiiihlo. piefereneo or ad
vantage to any particular person , company ,
linn , coporatlon or locality or to any particu
lar description of traffic.
"That it is further provided in section S of
said act. thai In case any common carrier ,
subject to its provisions , shall do , or cause to
be done , or jK'rinlt to be done , any act , matter
or thing , in this net prohibited or declared to
be unlawful , such carrier shall bo liable to
the person or persons injured thereby to the
full amount of damages sustained in consequence
quence of any such violations of Its pro
visions , together with a reasonable counselor
attorney's fco to bo llxed by the court in every
case of recovery , which attorney's fee shall
be taxed and collected as part of the costs of
the ease.
"Plaintiff alleges that the issuance of free.
passes , as aforesaid , is in and pal
pable violation of the aforesaid provisions of
said act of congress , ami is unlawful : that It
subjects said coi'iHir.ition to a liability for
suits for damages , for attorney's fees and
costs as provided In said section s , and that
any damages , attorney's fees and costs which
might and can bo recovered and assessed
against said railway and bridge company for
and by reason of the violation of the pro
visions of said act. by the unlawful issuance
of free passes , as hereinbefore set forth , will
operate to the diminution of the dividends on
bis shares of stock which this plaintiff might
otherwise receive , as also to the diminution
in value of said shares themselves , against
which nets , us aforesaid , prejudiced to this
plaintiff , ho has no adequate remedy at law.
and being iu the minority of the directors and
of the stockholder's of said corporation , can
only protect his Interests by the exercise by
this court of the preventive remedy herein
after prayed for. "
The case has boon assigned for trial next
Wednesday , ami the oflloers of the court were
b isy yesterday serving subpu'ims on the wit
nesses who will bo wanted in the trial. The
outlook is encouraging for a light on the mat
ter after all , and it may also be noticed that
the introduction of the fact into the plead
ings that the company docs an interstate
business is ominous of a possible motion to
transfer the case to the United States couit
if the plaintiff does not succeed in the pres
ent effort to shut oft' passes altogether.
l\\K \ Bargain * at the Carpet Store * .
Tills week will bo tilled with important
o\ cuts for the housekeepers. It \yl\\ \ \ be the
commencement of the bouse cleaning season ,
when people will realize that they need new
eaii/ots , curtains and drapery. At the Coun
cil Bluffs Carpet Company's low prices and
big discounts wllr bo the rule. ' Look at these
prices : All wool ingrains , tit ) cents a yard ;
other grades , . .VID ) , , ill ) and J5 cents it yard ;
Bnissells. fromlU ) cents to $ l. i ; Moquettos ,
jfl.iVi and Chenille curtains. $7 , former
price * ! I ; lace curtains cheaper than ever.
Five foot polo with brass trimmings , : . ' . " > cents.
Important to Horsemen : Large line borso
and turf goods. Probstle , .V/J li y , C. 1) .
The Manhattan sporting heado.'rsIIS . 13-
Coed Union Depot News.
The clouds that have been lowering over
the little patch of blue sky above the Union
depot wore dispelled to a very grejt extent
yesterday by the positive assurance that the
Milwaukee milroad company would come for
ward and fiilllll the pledges that had been
made for it by it friends. Word was re
ceived that President Miller of the road
would como to Council HlalTs the tirst of
next week and look over the ground himself
and take hold of t lie project In earnest. Mr.
Miller having signified his willingness to do
all that was necessary the really last serious
obstacle has been removed from the path of
the projectors of the enterprise , and it is now
certain but a short time will elapse until all
the fussing and fuming will bo over and the
work on the building itself commenced.
What is the New York racket store !
It is the cheapest place in town to buy
goods. itlW lliiiadway.
A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of
hose purchased at Uixby's.
Mr. II. Lee is now at No. 17 South Madi
son street and Is prepared to do strawwork ,
pressing huts , etc. , also dressmaking.
No Meat A Her Supper.
The butchers of Council HlutTs have n
strong association , that includes about every.
butcher in the city , and they have deter
mined to run their own business in the man
ner best suited to their own interests and the
trade. They nearly all run five deliveries all
over the city , and customers can Had no ex
cuse for not getting their breakfast f teaks
without compelling the butchers to keep their
shops open half the night. They have deter
mined upon an early closing movement for
the summer , and at their meeting last night
adopted the following resolution :
IteMihcd. That we. Ibe butrheit nf ( lie clly
of I 'on in' 11 Itliilts. agiee amoim oniM-hcs Hm'i
\\c will mil lilu' cicdlt to any one who Kowlni ;
another butcher of tills city , after receiving
notice of the same until niii'h account Is sot-
The early closing hour during the summer
months was then taken up and nearly every
pei-sou present favored its adoption. Ail
agreement to this effect was then presented
and signed by all. The document is as fol
lows :
We. the nnili'rsljriicil butchers of the city of
Cimm-ll ItlulN. aciro ioch > i < our maiKcts at
, : 'M p. in. , after May I , 'during the \varm
weather :
M. WelUcr. II. IVIhybrlduo , K. Mnlta ? , N. ( ) .
Mcl.yimm , John r.oi,1. . Wardlnc. ( icoruc | | .
Mc i'henilorf. Kd Wll-im , I' . I , . .Ncuims. Itolion
ItmlnU. . .1.V. . Leal. . John Mlllci. Louis ( iicll ,
.1 , M. Scanhin , C , l.anzoiulort < r , AY. . llauUor ,
J. II. I'ace.
Wo have special machinery for table ami
bed linen. Cascade laundry company. Telephone -
phone aw.
Steve your stoves with Cole llros. Llttlo
( ihint Safety bicycle for boys , ladies mid men
Is the best. Uei our prices. The wonderful
"New Process" vapor stove ; no generator ;
no small pipes to clog ; no smoUo or soot ;
lights at once with u blue llatuo. Cole
Cole , II Main street.
A llnilly Mlxeil
The attention of Justice Ilemlrlcks' court
was occupied yesterday afternoon by an ef
fort to unravel u very much tangled case In
\\hlch thcro wore two separate plaintiffs and
one defendant. Some time ago ono Mason of
Omaha sold a bugiry to lius Schultor , for
merly of Schultor & Uoloy , liverymen of
this city. After the sale was nitulo and the
property was transferred , there arose numer
ous claimants for U on the other side of the
river. A. F. Allen was the lirat of them who
took letral stojis to oattiblUh his claims , which
ho attempted to do In a suit In replevin.
When he got possession of the vehicle the
Don I'arlo * L imbor company took the s.umi
course to establish the claims they set up ,
TUo ciiiO occupied all ihu aftcruoou , uud thciu
was a small army of witnesses on loth ) sides.
The new defendants att'inptod a coup by
seeking to show tlntt the Don Carlos company
was n nonentity and never had existed , but
President Davis of the company prevented It
by Introducing the articles of Incorporation
anil swearing that the company was a lively
The probability Is that the costs of the case
will exceed two or throe times the value ol
the buggy , and when It Is all over the vehicle
will still remain in Council Uluffs. Attorney
( Jroen of Omaha represents both the jilaln-
tiffs , mid W. I ) . Klmer Is looking after the In
terests of Mr. Si-hulter.
AttrnetlniiH mi Our Second Floor for
Motidny anil the Week ,
iW ) pair sample corsets , Including French
sateen , coutll , Jeans and summer corsets ,
goods sold from tide to ? 1. ' , ' . > . all to go at l.'e.
sizes from IU to ' . ' 7 In ecru , white , crcmo ami
In three lots for Monday and the week.
LOT 1 AT 'J.c.
A full line of corset covers , plain embroidered
and lace trimmed In all sl/.c.s , : ; . " each.
Night gowns , full size , nifllo trimmed , " . " > o
Chemise and drawers , lace and embroid
ered , trimmed , tile each.
Misses' and ladles * white skirts 2."o each.
Children's and infant's whlto dresses , 'J."e
to Jl.ti'.i ' , a bargain.
LOT 'J AT iV. ) ! .
Corset covers , V shape and square neck ,
Nightgowns , trimmed with feather edge
braid and ruflled. il''c. '
Chemise and drawers , embroidered and
tucksd , ilOc.
LOT ! 1 AT .MV.
Collet covers , with full yoke of em
broidery ami torchon lace , " > 0c.
Mother Ilubbard night dresses , beautifully
trimmed , We. )
Cliemlso and drawers , trimmed with em
broidery and torchon lace and tinished iu
leather stitch braid , .W.
All the above goods will compare with
goods sold at 7ic and $1.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
Council Uliirfs.
AVill Sue the Nonpareil. .
Alderman Casper has retained the ser
vices of an attorney and is preparing to bring
suit against the Nonpareil for slander and
damages for its recent attack upon him iu
connection with the city printing. It Is re
ported that the attorney llrst retained was a
little too friendly with the other side ami
had political aspirations that mlttht be In
jured , and ho was willing to relinquish his
retainer. It is said that a democratic lawyer
will bo given the case , one who has no en
tangling alliances , and the case will bo
pushed , despite the lame apologies offered
since the offensive matter was published.
Send your soiled clothes to the Cascade
laundry company. Prompt delivery. Tele
phone 200.
Have your family wasli rough dried and
starched , ! 1. > cents a.dozen. Cascade laundry
company. Telephone f > ! X ) .
Hotter I'oslolllcc Servloo.
Postmaster Treynor has been earnestly at
work endeavoring to secure additional letter
carriers. George F. Smith , the special free
delivery inspector of the postollice depart
ment , after examining the situation in the
Hluft's , has decided that at least two more
carriers should bo allowed. This increase
will be made July 1 , Thh will make it pos
sible to furnish better delivery service espec
ially in the evening. Council Bluffs is pe
culiarly sltuat'-'d. The mail trains come and
go in a bunch in the morning , and again in
the evening. The law requires the carriers
to work simply on the eight hour system , so
that it is not practical to meet the demands
of both daytime and evening with the pres
ent force. There has necessarily been a crip
pling of facilities for evening distribution of
mail among the business houses. By an in
crease of the force this will bo remedied.
The postollice department is very strict
about having the eight hour law obeyed. At
different points In the country some carriers
have been working overtime. Some who
ehancp to be discharged have put In a claim
for this overtime , ami the government has
been obliged to allow them the extra pay. Of
course a carrier would make no trouble about
overtime , so long as he is retained iu service ,
for fear of losing his position , but if "let out"
he would bo liable to make the claim. For
this reason the department has strictly for
bidden the extending of a day's labor
beyond the eight hours.
Scott house , 22. 24 Main street , Council
Bluffs , newly furnished , . * ! a day ; meals 2Rc.
Several desirable dwellings with modern
improvements for rent In vicinity of the
Presbyterian church. K. 11. Sheafo & , Co. ,
rental agents.
Help Hie Chiiutiiiiiiiit. |
The Chautauquu executive committee re
quest that all persons who are pledged to the
fund required for payment of Chautauqua ob
ligations , etc. , will without delay make set
tlement , take deeds if they wish lots , and so
enable the committee to relieve the linaneial
needs of the association , to tlnish the build
ings and make Improvements on the ground
that are needed for the session that is to open
in July uc.xt. Kverv day's delay now will detract -
tract Irom the excellence of tlio programme.
Everyone that can help should now prompt
ly come to the front. Walks mid drives are
needed on the grounds. Any contributions
lor this purpose will be placet ! whore they
will do the most good. The people of Council
Blurt's have already done much , and yet
something more is necessary to perfect the
work already done.
The programme for this year will bo equal
to last year and In some respects will bo su
perior , and it is very desirable that the re
quisite means be provided to make it Inviting
and in every way presentable.
,1. C1. Bixbv , steam heating , sanitary engi
neer , ! Ht ! Life building , Omaha ; 20' > Merriam
block , Council Bluffs.
Klegant gold center pieces , full M.ifor 10
cents , farmer price fl. Three band border
only 1 cent u yard at II. P. NilcslOli Broad
A Hnsy .Man.
"Say , have the ! i h worms como up to the
surface of the ground so that a fellow can
dig bait ( Do you think the tisb will bitof"
asked County Supervisor Andy Graham yes
terday. "I'm going to knock off work and go
a llshlng if I don't get a bite , I've been doing
from two to llvo men's work all spring , and
now since the board has adjourned fora week
I'm going to have some fun and some llsb.
Busy I Why , I'm building ten bridges be
sides doing my share of the other Ihtard work ,
trying to run my own business , lighting the
park and doing a do/en other things besides.
I hear the boys aw catching lots of tlsh at
Manawa , ami that seme very line strings
were brought up from there yesterday. A
fellow can't do three men's work all the time
without going a tlshiug once in a while , and
now If nnyliody wants to know whoie 1 am
please tell them I've gene to dig bait. "
C'hoico residence property centrally located
for salu by K. 11. Sheafo t Co.
Drs. Woodlmry have removed their dental
olllco to 101 Pearl street , up stairs.
AIIIOIIK the SaiH'tiiarloM ,
The following announcements are made by
the church folks :
Fifth Avenue M. K. church , corner Fifth
avenue and Kightcentli street Preaching by
the pastor , George II. Bennett , at IOU : : ) a.
m. An Old time Methodist lovorfoiust will bo
observed atlhiU ) , followed by communion ser
vices at 7tO : ! p. in. , conducted by the Key. W.
T. Smith , I ) D. Sabbath school convenes at
II : l"i a. m. . Immediately after preaching. The
regular weekly prayer meeting Wednesday ,
at 7 : 'M p. m. All and esi ; elallv young people
and strangers are cordially invited.
Kpworth M. K. church , corner nvenuo B
and Twenny-llfth street Preaching services
every Sabbath at : i : 'l < ) and T : 'M p. m. Sunday
school at 2 : ! iO p. m . conducted by A. A.
Hurt , superintendent. Kcgnlur weekly class
meeting Sunday evening at 7:00 and prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7-U : ) p. m. AH are
earnestly invited to attend.
St. Paul's church Divine service today at
10HO ; a. m. and 7 'to p. m Sunday bchool
12,15. The rector wmofllclato and preach
morning nnd evening Younj. men and
stranger * always Tonfinllv welcome to the o
M-nices. T J. .Nmelfiv , rector.
Trinity Methodistl'Church South Main
street , opposite KljrhOi itveutto. S. Alexan
der , pastor. Kcslilpiico 712 South Klghth
street. Preaching at uis'Wii. m. am ! at 7W : !
ji. m. Voting people's meeting at 7 p. m.
Sunday school , 2lo : ! p. m. Class meeting ,
(1:1.1 ( : a. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday at
7.TOp. : m. Bible .tudy Tliiir duy at "sittlp.
m. "Sunbeams' entertainment on Friday at
7 : 0p. m. J f
. First Presbterliin I Corner of Willow avenue -
nuo and Seventh' Street. Kcv. Stephen
Pholps. pastor. Preaching bv the pastor at
10 : . ' ] < ) n. m. and 7ll : : ! p. m. Sabbath school at
12m. Young people's meeting at HiHp. ; ) in.
Strangers and others cordially invited.
Broadway Methodist Kplseopul Church-
Comer of Broadwav mid South First street.1
Do Witt C. Franklin , pastor. Key. Dr. W. O.
Allen of Missouri Valley will preach at UlsW
a. m. At7'H : ) p. m. a mass meeting will ho
held , L. W. Til Hoys presiding , addressed by
Dr. Allen and Churles M. Hart. Sunday
school at 12 m. Kpworth leairue and class
meeting ati > : iH ) p. m , A cordial Invitation to
the public.
First Baptist Church -Near postofllec. D.
H. Cooley. pastor. Preaching at HlsMOu. m.
by Key. N. H. Wheeler of Orange , N. J. , ami
at 7(0 : ! ( p. m. by the pastor. Baptism in con
nection with evening service. Sunday school
at 12 m. Christl'in ' lOmlcavor , 0 : : ) p. m. All
cordially welcomed.
A Sunday school will bo organized at it p.
m. in Mission chapel on Twenty-ninth street
and Avenue C. Preaching service at S p. m.
All in that neighborhood cordially invited.
Services in the Congregational church
morning and evening. In the morning the
iiaslor will preach. Subject"Tho Mother
hood of God. " In the evening Hoy. N. .1.
Wheeler of Orange. N. J. . will preach. Young
People's Society of Christian Kmlcavortut
(1:15. ( : Allure Invited.
Pilgrim Sunday school at , ii p. m. , corner of
Ninth street and Avenue A.
Services at the Young Men's Christian
association rooms this afternoon atI o'clock
will bo conducted bv.l. II. Carruthors. Sub
ject : "Unity. "The'meeting is open to all and
a cordial invitation is extended to bo present
and help in the meeting. Members of the
Blue Ribbon club arc especially Invited to
Join iu this meeting. Como and bring your
bibles and help to have a rousing meeting.
Berean Baptist church Preaching morn
ing and evening by the pastor. Sunday
school at 11 : ) . * > a. m. All will bo very wel
Second Presbyterian church , corner Lagan
and Harmony streets Preaching at it p. in. bv
the pastor , Hev. F. W. Grossman. Sabbath
school atI p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
at 7:110 : p. m.
Presbyterian services , No.2Vl ( ! Avenue B
Preaching by tin ? pastor , Hev. F. W. Gross
man , at 11 a. m. Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
The gasoline stove is more dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save life and property by
.using the C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co..s :
gas stove.
We want you to list your rental property
with us and we will secure you good , reliable
tenants. Hents collected aiid special atten
tion given to euro of property. E. H. Sheafo
& Co. , Broadway and Main s't. , up stairs.
Card ol'ThaiiUs.
The ladles of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union dcslro to express publicly
throuu'h the columuHj of Tin : IJr.K their ap
preciation of the very cordial reception ten
dered the ' 'CrowniiiBT of the Queen of Fame. "
That there is such u ] general demand to have
it repeated is imleed gr.itifying. It would be
their pleasure to do 'so if other engagements
permitted. It is decided to have instead a
lecture by the eminent * national ofllcer.
Mrs. Carrie. l mo Chapman. Tills
lecture will be free ti ) ladies and gentlemen
at the Baptist church Thursday evening.
April 17. If the Crh'wniug of the Queen of
Fame was good , this lecture promises to be
unite as taking. Please accept the cordial
thanks for all favors. To TIIB HII : and press
n general arc we especially indebted.
Pni-ii'.isT : : W. C. T. U.
If you waul the best Wall paper go to J. D.
S. B Wadsworth .t Co. , 207 Pearl -street ,
loan money for Lombard luvestmcntconiimny.
- -
Komi , but not Wise.
Maggie Hensen , a good looking Swede girl
of nineteen , has been applying to the various
courts of the city for the past few days for
means to compel Louis Hanson , a Scandi
navian youth of her own age , to fiilllll the
promises and pledgehe made her some time
ago. She loved him fondly , but not , wisely ,
and when she asked him to redeem his ploilgo
to marry her , ho asked for a little time to
make the necessary arrangements. The girl
granted it , and ho went away and up to the
present has not returned , anil Maggie's con
dition is pitiable. Ho was located iu Omaha ,
but before the ofllcer with a warrant for his
arrest for seduction could llnil him ho had
gone again. The girl was disconsolate yes
terday , but she was also desperately deter
mined to lind the man who had ruined her.
Finest photo gallery in the west Sherrn-
den's new place , -lil and -15 Main street.
Dr. H. S. West , porcelain crown and bridge
work , No. 12 Pearl.
A Family Iteiinion.
Mrs. Judge Clinton is enjoying the pleas
ure ot n family reunion at her homo on Wil
low avenue and BlulV street , and the living
members of her father's family are present
and together for perhaps the flist time in this
world. Her father and mother , Mr. and Mi's.
Wheeler , have recently removed from Nora
Springs , In. , and taken 'up their abode with
her. The other members present are the
Hev. N. J. W heeler of Omugo , N. J. , Daniel
Wheeler of California and Mrs. Stone of Nora
Springs ! . The gathering is a very happy one ,
and Mrs. Clinton's friends will rejoice in her
If you wish to sell your property call on the
Judil .t Wells Co. , C. B. Juiid president , tXHl
Good paper hangers at CrockwoH's.
A ) ) | > lit
The residence of General Agent Alworlh
of the Northwestern was burglarimt Friday
afternoon while the family were nearly all in
the house. The thief forced an entrance
through the kitchen window and was making
a general raid when ho was interrupted by
thoservant girl. She raised the alarm anil
ho escaped.
Hoguhir meeting of Kxoolsior lodge , No.
2.V.I , A. F. and A. M. , Monday evening , April
II. Visiting brethren cordially invited , llv
order of the W. M ,
Very Low.
Without doubt theiVi are many persons now
building houses hero who want to use the city
water , but are unable to pay the usual price
for introducing the water Into their promises.
Appreciating this fact , the New York PlumbIng -
Ing company will lociiio a yard hydrant six
teen foot from the curb line , and connect the
same with waJjT iiinin , with everything com
plete and the water ix'ady to use forflil. Cash
with order. This odor applies to unpaved
streets where mains are laid.
A llacfiiu I'rojtu't.
It would bo singular Indeed if tlio llrst
longiliHtunco loulrii1 road should bo i > s-
tabltslicd in far-iiuuv Uussla. Wo liwo
in Aiiuiricn nro iwihliitft'leetrie. traction
so rapidly anil sinnyssfullv that it l hero
wo would naturtiliy look for Miqji nil Im
portant ttxU'iihiim'of the matter.
Tli ore is , howuvur , an intoivstiii } , ' pro
ject hoiiij , ' pushed nt ptvsont in St. I'o-
tci'sltui'tr. This [ tt nothing less than mi
electric rnilwnv , connect ing St. IVtws-
bui'K with Arohnngx'l , simmiing u wide
strutcli of country that lies hotwoon the
Hnltic mid Wliito * < ? n. The project is
backed by Aivlnuitful inlorosts , and tlio
nameof Sloinons \ Co. is connected with
the entiH'prlco.
The plan is to furnish tlie-eiim-nt from
n series of gonorulliit , ' ftalioas dis
tributed ulonjj the line. The dlxtaiu-o is
something over live hundred inih-H , and
the estimated cost u little over W.WO
per mile. Including rolling stoclc.
The M-honii- I * certainly n daring one ,
and while It may never reach wvom-
plihhincnt , further progress would be
waited nith interest on this bide of the
Queer Electrical Devices Evolved From a
Young Philatlelphiau's ' Brain.
An Inlo-rr-stlnjt Ijputurc on the Sub
ject In New York lilKhtnlitjf
Flashes UN Weapons of Wat *
Klcutrlunl Sparks.
There Is iiyountf Yankee In this town
who hns disjilnyed such powers of
thought nnd invention in the electrical
line that his friend * hallevo limy tire
safe in predicting Unit ho will not only
turn out to ho a second Kdlsou. bill will
in some branehei of the seioneo outdo
oven the fitinotH wixaivl himself , writes
a I'hilntlelph'ui eorre pjiulent of the
New York World. The yottti } , ' nuin'M
name Id.himM V. MdVuijjhUn. ITo isti
native of Wulorbury , , but lias
lived here tlio tfroitor : puri , of hln life ,
lie ih now twonty-.xjvon yearn of ago , and
for the last ten yeaty hus been kept
undercover through the jjivad and wol-
lishneiH of certain capitalists who have
ti.sul his brains to 1111 their own purees
nnd keep liin empty.
Mci.iUU'hllii's } inventive fnetilty is ap
parently inexhaustible , and the rapidity
with which ho evolves now ideas day
after day is simply phenomenal. He-
t ween 1S7S and the jnvsent tiiiu ho has
devised and made witli his own hands
the apparatus for no less than four thou
sand separate and distinct applications
of electrical force. It would ttiko a vol
ume to recount them , even with the
iiHMt meagre description of each.
They include a system of coast de
fenses for seaboard cities , whereby
one operator can defy the Heels of the
world and blow navies into kingdom
como by merely touchingbutton ! ; a sys
tem of flight signallingr fol. ui-mies which
will defy detection and sharpshooters ,
and which may bo adopted by the Hus
sion or CJoriimn government ; _ a motor
by which a man could , ho claims , ele
vate himself in the air and remain
stationary at any height ho desired
without visible moans of support.
This , too , is intended for army use and
is-iiitimalely connected with the signal
ling device , which in itself is a marvel of
ingenuity. A soldier is armed with jin
ordinary knnpsnck , on the side of which
are four button. * , one blue , one red , one
purple and ono yellow. Carried inside
the knapsack , in a separate compartment
from the storage batteries that furnish
the electricity , are four incan
descent globes , the glass corresponding
spending in color with the buttons
on the knapsack. To each globe is at
tached a .small motor , something like
the propeller blade of a steamship , and
from the motor runs a delicate pair of
wire.- . , which are connected with the
batteries. When it is desired to signal ,
the globes are elevated into the air by
means of llio motors to a height of 100
or 1")0 feet. Then by pressing the but
tons , according to a code previously
agreed upon , the signaller Hashes out
difl'orent colored lights with such rapid
ity that the most expert marksman
would be nimble to lind a target.
The elevation of a ni'in in to the air by
a motorattaclied to a siirill platform on
which he stands is intended for taking
observations in hilly countries at night.
The aerial ohscrviitionist has a powerful
search light either under his feet or over
his head , which ho can Hash in any
direction and with a powerful pair of
Held glasses learn many of the secrets of
the enemy. It is only fair to say that
this last named device lias not yet been
proved to bs of practical utility , but the
electrical knapsack is an accomplished
fact. Mefore lie was seventeen years old
young MeL'.iughlin hud a work-shop and
built with his own hands a Hrst-class
lathe , three or four bench-vises , a ma
chine to punch holes in zinc plates , and ,
In fact , all the coarser tools used by the
working electrician. Then lie built a
phonograph with a wooden cylinder ,
which took the spiral impressions from
the vibrating needle in lead foil. Ho
had not reached his eighteenth year
when lie constructed a telephone , to
which he added a sounding board , a de
vice that ho will not make public until
after the existing telephone patents have
expired. Many valuable improvements
in the telephone he disposed of for
song to men who have made fortunes for
themselves lind have not rewarded him
with an extra dollar.
Hetwoen the years 1SSO and 1SH2 Me-
Laughlin devised several new ideas for
the Morse system of telegraphy , in key
boards , switches and the like , and in the
latter year ho invented the pneumatic
tube for the transmission of packages ,
out of which several men have grown
wealthy , although the tube , while per
fect , is not yet in operation. Then came
the electrical type writer , and after that
the invention o'f an ingenious system b.v
which street car companies using tlio
endless cable as a mean < of propulsion
could abandon it and turn the cable con
duit into an electric conduit.
While these and thousands of other
ideas were talcing shape , the inventor
was pressing steadily toward the goal to
which nil other inventors were made
subservient , and that was the perfect
storage of electricity , just us Kdison
made the incandescent light his hobby
while his active brain was engaged in
studying out countless other problems.
Mellnughlin lind made out of his earlier
inventions something like $2.K(0. ) ( ( nnd
after some three years of experience
was so confident that he had mastered
the secret that ho invested every dollar
he had In the world in propiring : for a
practical demonstration. lie was prom
ised linaneial support by the manage
ment of a street railway company if ho
could prove- beyond the shadow of a
doubt that it was possible to get as much
electricity out of a charged jar as was
put in it. Ho completed the task
about four weeks ago , and tier-
formed not only more than he had
promised , hut a feat that will in all prob
ability revolutioni/e all existing motor
powern used on street and steam rail
ways , lly an entirely now process of
"pinto" making , the machinery for
which ho built himself , lie hiicceodo.l in
accomplishing what has never been done
bnforo in tlio history of electricity , and
that was to charge n jar at the rate of
100 amperes for live hours and obtain a
discharge of lifty amperes per hour for
ten consecutive ampere hours without
A street car on the Fourth and Klghth
street line was Htted up with ninety
cells , and linproveni'mts were made In
the motor of a well known system to
meet the new conditions. Tlio cur was
run for nine nnd one-half ooncocutlvo
hours at about half the cost of homo
power. McLaughlin showed the hold-
lies.of his fertile mind by abolishing al
together the generally accepted switch
board and Btibstltutlng two lovers and in
troducing an entirely new idea to prevent -
vent the creation of sparks at the point
of contact between the drum and the
brushes , which has heretofore resulted
in the quick destruction of the latter.
So thoroughly sucei'ssful was the test
thiit the inventor has since been Invited
b\ four New York street railway com-
ilium s to iniiKe a similar kt in that city.
It u not improbable that \uUiln u few
weeks an effort will bo mailo to run a eat
from Philadelphia to Now York \vltli
stored electricity , at n high rate ol
speed. This if done will he the Initial
movement tit the promised .revolution.
Another inventien which the younu
man has just brought to perfection is the
automatic placing of torpedoes on the
track In the rear of a railwav train whllt
running at full speed. The presenl
method of placing tills explosive signal
on the trade to warn 'an approaching
train Is for the llrst train to como to n
standstill until a hrukomun hit ?
placed the torpedoes on the
rail by hand. McLaughlin's device
vice is operated electrically ant :
puts the torpedoes in po.-dlion at any
required Interval , even when the snou'd
is sixty miles an hour or more. lie U
now engaged in Improving on the ln <
genlous idea of telegraphing from a rap
idly running train , which lias been sue'
cessfully demounttiled ) , but is not yet it
practical operation , lie believes ho will
be able to arrange a plan so that tin
exact position of any train can be ascot-
tallied in a moment from any part of tin.
road without vcference t'o telegraph
The Wonders ol' Induction.
I'rofessor Kliliu Thomson , president of
the American Institute of Kteclrical Hn-
ginoers , delivered a lecture before the
society at Columbia college hist evening ,
says the New York World , on tho"l'he-
nomonn of Alternating Current Induc
tion , " and exhibited some experiments
showing a knowledge so far in advance
of that of the average electrician
a-i to astonish the large crowd of'ex
ports and other scientists. In
introducing the lecturer President Seth
Low , of the college , called attention to
what Columbia bus done and propo.-i's to
do in electrical science. I'rof. Thomson portrayed the advantage of keeping
the telegraph wires away from electric
jiglit lines and the attendant aggravat
ing hum thai disturbs talkers , by explaining -
plaining the effects of induction from
both continuous and alternating cur
rents. Ho also showed that the dif
ference in the propelling force of
the retardation of induction is much
greater from alteriiatinglhaii from con
tinuous currents. ! ! incidentally dem
onstrated the advantages of the con
verter system in u o on tlio alternating
currents in this city by handling a cur
rent four times as intense as is taken
into the hou-es , it having been reduced
lo 200 voltsfrom a 1,000-volf street cur
rent. IJy the induction from an induction
coil fed by the UIO-volt ( alternating
current he showed how easily electric
light may bo regulated to any' degree of
intensity as gradually and surely as gas
can. lie accomplished thiby connect
ing tin incandescent lamp to a small in
duction coil and placing this coil near
the large coil fed by the wires ruiinin" '
from the converter. The lamp glowed
as brightly from this second induction as
though in the main circuit , and lie grad
uated the glow by iii-erting a copper
plate between the two coils.
He also showed that the glow could be
regulated by increasing or diminishing
the distance intervening between the
two coils , and , moreover , lie illustrated
how the distance could bo regulated by
the mechanical action of the current it
self. This mechanical action could
also be used as a motive power and he
exhibited several style.- ' of motors
run by induction. The' professor gave
another example of the advantages of
induction in showing that it was an in
fallible detector of counterfeit coins and
he amused tins audience by making it
spin copper balls like tops. "lie said the
future development of alternating cur
rent induction promises wonderful re
sults in the production of power as well
its in other directions.
lightning Flashes as u AVeiipnn oI'Wai-
Mr. F. W. Grcnnell of Trenton , N. J. ,
writes to the X. Y. Sun : " 1 have made a
discovery lately which 1 think will have
the effect of changing modern warfare ,
in fact exterminate alt warlike ideas. I
do not propose to go into'details at pres
ent , as my scheme is not yet patented ,
but will give a short statement
of my discovery. In a word ,
my scheme is to produce urtiticinl light
ning. Tints far tlio experiments have
been confined within narrow limits , but
with the use of a small dynamo attached
to my invention a slight shod ; can be
produced , effective enough to kill the
Hies in a OxliO room.
"I claim , with the u e of powerful
dynamos , under my plan , a Hash of
lightning can bo directed against
an army n mile or more away and
without injury to the party
operating the gun , scattering death and
consternation among the troops. With
powerful dynamos thoii-unds of soldiers
can be killed at a Hash , und a number of
Hashes are enough to destroy an army.
It can be Used any time except on rainy
or dam ] ) days. If the effect of giving
this discovery would be , as 1
hope , to put an end to war , I
should feel repaid , but I dread to think
of electricity Iming ti-ed in war under
my plan. 'The consequence would be
enormous. It means nothing less than
extermination to the opposing armv.
Before going any furl her with it I would
ask your opinion as to the effect upon
war. ' of an instrument such as 1 have
hinted at. Would it retard or facilitate
wary "
Very Past Time.
It is not our place , says Scribiier's
Magazine , to cast a glance into tlio fut
ure in order lo ilKcc/m in what direction
electricians are working in the do
main of electric railways , One of their
main objective point * is to obtain
higher speed limn i now reached with
the fiistest expre.-s train , and enough
has 'already been demonstrated to
show that" this is by no means
Impossible , There hns been
for some lime in operation at
Laurel , Mil. , a system of electric railway
' David G.
way , originally' di-igned by
Weoins. When it was recently inspected
by the writer with hit. watch In his hand
h'o noted a speed of the electric locomo-
live of nearly I'JO miles an hour. The
L'leetrie car * there employed is cigar
shaped , pointed at both ends. The
electric motor * are constructed with
11 revolving arnmttiro which is mounted
ilirectly on the axle so that no inter
mediate gearing uhalover is employed.
I'ho curiously pointed ends of the car ,
which might bo considered fantastical ,
liuvo their ralson d'etre in the fact that
it the high spuods at which this cur is
' , 'im the resistance of tlio air is by far the
router retarding inlluoiieo.imioh greater
.n . fact than the resistance due to the
ixle and .rolling friction , which at lower
ipeeds is predominant.
Klei'trli'iil lliui.
There in no accounting for it , the men
ay , but somehow the electric light stn-
ions swarm witli ratsuy ? > the Now
1'ork Star. llig rats and little ones
father in tlio dynamo rooms and holler
ooiiin alike , and have great larkn phiy-
ng about the floor- until the men gut a
Htlo leisure for cciontlHo exporl-
nents. Tlio simplest of these ex purl-
nonts Is to so arrange metal plates
.hat . the rats in scampering about the
IKIIII , complete the circuit through their
jodies. That ends tlio rat's lark in-
itnntly. The current is comutiinos modi-
led bo that it hhockt. without killing the
iruto. it is mild that when ono rat Is
.hocked . and lot go the . -ntiro gang
eaves tinpr < mise * for it du4v < r " . I'Ut
-ithcr tluj fin git iilmut it uud Collie
ja > Iv ur u unv lot 'uln. ' Uti-r ; p ii-f , for
the rat circus begins again \\ithln forty
eight hours.
St. .lame's palace , London , is to lie lif
ted up with electric lights. At the lust
levee In another royal palace a few mus
ago the fog made It M > dark that It 'im
almost impossible to see , and the only
Illumination possible was by n few mti'-
dies stuck here and there * nnd two nr
three lamps.
A further step toward the nrtinYinl
production of the diamond hns been nmdo
liy passing an electric current through
carbon electrodes in a cell containing it
line whlto sand and electrodes , ihu
whole being under considerable pres
sure.U is now proposed to bleach and purify
by electricity not only cotton seed anil
other oils , but drinking water , the cur
rent acting upon common salt , from
which it evolves chlorine.
An r'nglish electrician has been
directing his attention to the purillca-
tlon ofea water and other fluid * , by
electricity. He lias made careful npptl-
catllmofthts principle also toinos
and brandies. Ilellndsthat it has the
effect of softening the asperities of MUIIO
wines by removing the predominant
bitartrate of potash. f
It was decided at a meeting of the di
rectors of the Duluth street railwnx com-
puny not to substitute electricity for
horses on the Diiluth roads.
The La IMuta ( in/otto announces that
on April 1 an electric mail service > vill
bo set In operation hctuccn Hiieuos
Avros and Montevideo' . The two cities ,
which are about one hundred and cijjilv
miles apart , have just boon connected
by a double line of wires. The tinj mail
boxes , containing messages on' tliin
paper , will be slipped along the u in H
with lightning rapidity.
The Xonotuck silk company genei-nirs
ptjwer from a water-wheel at its lowest ,
mill in Leeds. Mass. , ' then turns it into
electricity , conveys it to the new iniM
thirty rods above , where il is converted
into motion by means of a dynnniu. and
thus does the work of a sixty-ll\e liors ( ! .
power engine.
The Use of electric lights is increasing
with great rapidity among the London
shopmen. A walk down the Strand oi >
Oxford street after dark will show I bat
every second or third store Inis now
given up gas , which would have been
entirely superseded some time ago if it ,
were not o cheap. Many of the other
large cities in Hngland are now using
the are light , and at lirighton itisnl-
most universal.
The electric light has made it * appear
ance on the Nile. An elegant new pas
senger steamer , "llliamcscs the ( . , '
is lilted out with incandescent lights ,
electric hells and telephones. '
An Athens , ( fa. , fourteon-yeai'-old liny
has mad'- complete dynamo , capable of
lighting ono large arc 'light , running by
a treadle , lie has also made a eompvfo
telephone with an improvement in I lie
transmitter , which is said by elect ririin.s
to work perfectly and to be much : < iinpn r
than the one now in use.
A clerk in the drug store of .1. M.
Oood , at St. Louis. Mo. , his : JIM in
vented a wonderful clock. l\ ! , the iis ( . of
electricity lie makes an arm ( ravel
around back of the clock's face , lie IIIIH
this circle divided Into 111 sections , our.
for every ten minutes in the twentj-four
hour.My pulling out a peg at anv , nf
these place.- the current is clot-oil anil an
alarm bell rings : so that by pulling out
a p.-g for each appointment.'and by t.ving
to il a cord denoting the special tasU to
be done , one can be prevented from for
getting appointments.
[ /Kill HEXT Three unfariilslied i < -to
i. South M\th st.
A\r.\vni : ) InTi-.ide eli-ar faun in Ni -
ii liiasl.a. a elear huslnesslni In Dm.ihu lor
clear or eneiimlieieil lesldenee Ints. The .I mill
, V \Vells company. OH ; llioadnay , ' . II. .Inclil ,
\\rA.VIT.I ) to Trade -Houses and Im * isnii-
In ; ; In pi-Ice fi-nin JltMloKlHM fnr i i-
Iirnvetl pinpeil y. Tin.luilil \ Wells eninp.uiy ,
iiini llroatlua.N. C. II. .liidd , pies.
\\'AVi"iil : Two pind. Ilist-elnss iipliolsii-r.
ti ers and carpel layers Immedlnlelj . ,1 Din
Council Itlnll's Carpel Company.
ITM'liXISIIKII iiinni-i for lent on Ilisi amit c-
1 nnd Ihior : it IIT rniirlh St. . Cm I ICiilN.
/ : On iinmlhlv paviiii-iilsin n III.H
1 Instill by Ihe.lmldVelfs company
7-loom lttn--liiry liou-c. cor klh ave. anil Inlli
st. , lot , Vi by IX1 flint , twti blocks f n i.nloi-
ID-room liimsu on Cth ave. . one hind , from
motor line.
s-rnnm hniisc nn Lincoln ave. , l " "I-11 M
from motor line.
-'l-intim linuses on North Till st. , at , n | msi-
ll-iooni | stories , ave. A ami ' . ' -I.
li-ioom slnry and a half house , a\e. II.
Nnrth 7th si.
i'-room , hmise , also l-room IHMIM' on I lit !
inntor line , lietwcen Llilh ami ' 'lsi sis ,
11 HUM'S a ml lots In all pails of the i-li v. t m >
,1 udil A. Wells company , MM Iliuadnay , c . II.
.liiild. pies.
" \ \ nllave'JI Inlsnn and adjnlnlnil'iiil > a\.c.
\ bi'MM'cn the O ilen linusi- and riiliinnnnt
I'aiU. on which we will liulld heailllful lioim s
Insult the pnichasers. Cu > i llinaih\ii > . c H.
.lildd. pics.
\\r.\XTr.ll MentOM-ll Ihecniiiplele -i I
Tl ehniis..Salary nreiimmlsslnn llhi 1.1 ! .mil
pliimpllv paid. Sn'iall e\pen > es fni n-illll. VI-
iliessni-eallnn C. 11. Smith , . "ilO llr..du..y ,
Cniinell Illnll's , la.
I71OK S\LK At a barjialn : One ilnnbli- saw
1 and slleei ; nne veneer maehlne wllh cc'iu-
liiKcoiapb-li' , all new , suitable fnrlmsl.n fac
tory. Imiulieal Snvder's cinaiiils liiii IIIHISI- ,
: " , ' l i-iiil si. . Council IlliilK
TTUIIt lii.N"l' : llavl.eviinller limn-and Ireil
1. mills. ; -v\an & Cniincll lUnlK la ,
Ijt.Ht S M.i : New f-nxiHi lionso with inticl *
J ? em Imiirnvemenls. larK < > cinve Int. In 1st
i'lass nt-lttliliiiiliiMiil. This Is a bargain. ti. ' > nu.
New 7-loom enltak'e nn Ave. I , nearOaManu
ivi- . . llh Ho" lot. . '
Modern --story hnusn on Mb : i\e. , f..Vi ) ,
New li-rnoi iltanc. $1,111111.
Nc'W l-ioom enttau'c. { 1,1X10.
Cbolct1 ganli-nlm ; land elosu to the city In 3
ir lOacie lots. IIH | per aeie , easy lei ins.
Lots In Hlililic's snli. on monthly | in > mrnls.
T aeies Inside aern pioimrty at a baij-Mln.
I'llie lesldenen hit nn lienton St. , } -'ill.
Clinlce Inls In Mullln's sub. at fiW raeh.
l.nt nn Ave. II. near Mil Nt. , only KIM.
Section nf line land In Lincoln Co. . Neli. , to
raiie for Council llliilfH prnpeity.
Vacant lots In all jiarts of the -'Ity nn easy
I'lrsl mnrtaaBo Iimni. ,
W. C. StaevV SHI , Itooia 4 , Opei.i Him U ,
'ouiicll Illulfs. la.
I 41OU s.\i , | ; , , r lieiil-diilden land , "lib
I 1 hmiscs , by J. It. UlecIftt Main si. , Cni.nell
SAM : My reslilenir. W-'l Wlllnw n\ci-
tf ' iiue.niiMinlli sldcnf llayllss iiaiU : lualnl
.y steam , lluhled liy eleclrh-liy and eniitaln-
ni : all modern Impinvements ; hit lim hy10
'eet. Alsn will hell i'Xi-hiiiii.'i"foi lmpm\ |
Ity pinpeily my farm ntto aeies. li-n miles
> nst ot I'otim-ll IllalVs , N. M. I'liM'j.c-.iiii' II
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
AND iirii.niMi Hri'KiiiNTC.Mir..ri.
! t.oms Oi and 4'C. Hen Hnlldlns. . HI.aha , ,
M < l > . . and Itonms VII uad " 10 Melliin | > Illork
'niinell Ulull's. la. Cnrri-Niiinilenee | solli iti-d
. I ) . niivil'Miso.v , i : . I , . SHI I.AIIP ,
I'ton. Vl'-t-l'ien. HtNNAN , C'aslili'l.
'aid Up Capital $160,000
lurplusaiul Profits 60,000
.lability to DopobltorH 360,000
DHIKCTOIM . A. Mllliir. J' . u. IJIciiMm. i : I- .
IniL'url , I' . I' . Hart , . ) . l > . I'.ilimimlMin. ( im > * .
; . illinium. TruiiHaet u''i Tul liankiiit : ' IIM-
it > ss I.uiKi'il rapltul ami nuiplun nf ituy
unk in Suiittiwi-su-ru l \\u.
ntiu unL on Time Ui-po-il 9.