THE O3IAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY- APRIL 12 , 1SOO. TWEXTY PAGES THE CONDITION OF 'TRADE. Honey Continues Easy Bat Eatci are Steady at Eight Per Cent COLLECTIONS EEFOETED BETTEB. A IJrlsk Ruine In Jobbing Lines Since the rinrt of tlio Month A Ilu y nuililiiiK Sea t-on Predicted. Mr. Ihiffbe * report * th * elenrincs for the week / ! f KHlne ft.753.40l.-l8 an lnotav ; > of IT I-KI j > or cent , lUlmwe * were ITflS.7H.til ; Money i > ntlnoeeiK > y , batr t re sUmdy at frpcrrf nt for prime pdjier. As Mtinmer Bic pr.srties money usually prow- * cheaper In this market and the prtiK < e1 < i Hre that the supply tii' jenr will be lurscr thnn u u l and that firs' elitvi jmper wfll b In ( itronp dernmid. Our iU'd , bovrerei. for their conserva- icy on the Miliject of loans snd dU- co.c.t atHl U trimly the pllt odrwl variety of p per tliMt imnses lli"ir soruttny at bottom r.Mcs. There hM tioen qallc an Influx of new banks within the p t three motillii and scv- c-alofthe older Institutions have lncn' s"d tuii n-sourrt and display renewed enerpy In t ii pursuit of bunlno * . The IHme ? Hvlnpi. tje Oetrunn American , the German Savings a .dtlieOlobe Ixmn and Tru l eompany sat- liilt are all new croatlont , while theltarikof f'onn.ietTB. . V'Clns Monday as the National Hank of Ooirtmcree under what is vir tually new inariazHnent , nnd the L"nku'i < . .ni olldalt > ( l with the Douglas County 1ink w nil n new and nspifsMve ciishlrr. They will ull w < .li for trade and necessarily tlie pn a' C..M , iH'tltion thuscniendeied will force down rit : < - for uionev and thereby enable our t rauirto pmrure the sinews of war at lesser est than lixrclofoie. and undoubtedly nolli- p -t'n.iiii.f so much to make business lively a * < > > ' HP mriii'y. CXiUwtions by bunkers are. n'jN-rivrl as fnltly ea y to ma I.e. and city llrms hay i . i'iii i po-xl and eollwtlons gunerally an' brtior than for some time past. JoMicrs luivo had a brisk trade Mnee the flr.t uf the month nnd the amount of business done to date inconsiderably in excess of last yeai * f-n the snme iKirlod. Buyers are cau- iio'is and buv for llieir needs onlr. but the ex tent of terrlKiry tributary to this ( .jty has preatly Inrreawd In jKipulntlon and uoalth utirlns the past yearnnu the demands ur Jobbers for supplies ha\e pitiwn proior- | tionately and there are no complaints to be heard in tlie jobbing districts nor frsm matiu- factuiers ; nil exjin-ssinp themselves as well content with the outlook. Collections have Improved , und with the openlns of nnv- Jcatlun when the craln which has been stored jit lake ports Iwcliis to move to tide water nnd farmers market the surplus now In their pranarles : i Rtili further improvement In this respect Is looked fnr , ns uioney will then be more plentiful In the country. < < mtracl n and builders are preparing for the iery busy season which they plainly per- rt Ive i * coin Inc. am ] all indications jiolnt to a active season in Omaha in all mes of irude. 1'nr-es ate fairly steady , the advance In dried fruit * is Dimly held and eeps ure lower . ilid the supply in Cice-s of the clemiind. Live > ponitiy is Miintc l , while dressed is nejrlectod. < 'itiilei- butter is in active recinest , but there Is it ' 1 niii'-li call for the poorer quiilltlts nnd a iarce portion of tlie receipts poesUi packers tit ruinous ptiees. Butter Mild In Chleapo on the inii In-t at the lowest flpures touched this jear ami it i predicted that It will continue to co l > wei tili. Uie moral to which is to make puul l.niier and ship in clean , neat packages and iibtalii the best prices to be had. 1'lax-'0 ifdull and uiiclianped. Choice potatoes U'eiijfair ' niiiest. | but the maiKct east Is iiartinllr supplier ! with imported Scotch nnd I'-iMti tulxTs. and pi Ices are held clown then t.r < heese is steady , with a brisk demand i . -i ins fur choice makes. Tin- receipts and exports of butter nt New V irk slne Way 1 ( the beginning of the trade 3 ee r compare & . & follow s ; Kecelpts , Exports , jikps. Itis. r week ondln ? April ' . . . ' . . ' iK)9 ( 2i" > .0n5 San > week 1-sji . 23 , . " " . 2iri724 Cnm-e May i. ! Ss . l.fctU'.n llue l Hue last year . 1J12,709 And of eheesu as follows : Receipts , Exports. pkcs. His. 1 werV endlnp April 7. . . . 1I.-SII7 r.75.343 r- i-eklh4i . 32.rsT | fl < i.2 ( 4 i. .il-iv 1. ISMI . .14LM.141 74.srri7 tan , , t.n'ie last year . 1IV.I,7T ! 71.7C7.7S9 .supurs are somewhat lower and coffees are hictii r und active. "J'lie New Yoik . hlpplnp List and Price I'ur- eotfee : Very little frush liusinesh lias been transacted Mucelast Tliurs- daii nd the market 1ms ruled quiet but with ittIui-.M < > iidlIy maintained and the feeling firmer in sympathy with the advaneo in op- tiiin Jobbeih are pent rally eurrj'lnp pretty fui. stocks , and as tlie country demand ha's biH-n slncl : , ibere has been but little dl-piisl- iton t < . Iniy. and hence but little opportunity f..r . 1 , icjl inulin : amiinp dealers , e poclnll3' in mull-scribed invoices atloiit , uliicli buyeis'oli- Jci-i to on account of uncertainty as to prad- nu1 unrl ijiiulity. The advance In ojitlons aji- TII i. rte lie a retltn'tlon of stroiip ndvii-esifitnn 1"r > fic and a disixisttinn ou tlie part of } > ! , iincnt traders toei-tahl'.Kli hither juices JT tin * Uistunt months and thei-eby diminish 1 ' sip hetvtofiireexlxtjiic between the near ii . . .i liMatit oiii.ns ] j > o-Mhv ! for the jiurpovo of ii'iloudlnz. Firm oTei-s ! to sell small In- \ -i > nte tUll .received fnuji London , nut c'i.ish. however. todMtnli the juaikel. and 0 , i-i. mill ofi'ers fitna Brazil IKOC been made ( nine market. In both inatuiu'cs atjirlres iu.ii , ncnrthe parity of current rules h ore , but in bolh Ini-tuueeshavc attracted butlittlu nil. , ution for the miMin noted above , und the ! , sine transacted of thi character has been , , , : . if silent * the New York Shlpjiinp List and J'nee l"urrent sajt. : The maikel has ruled jtio'Irrutely actl\e mill steadv. iviltiers ha > iuc hln.mi n wllllnirness to tnke allofle.rinpsof iatirur > Kluet available at the prices luM paid , 1. in tin ) hu > t > stubbornly refused to pay any iidVHiii'i-s whatever. Tnere is a stninp undei tone which Induces some holders to look for lupiier prices , and heneo a few cargoes re- oi'iitij arrived are belnc placed In stoiv. but tmxterato outlet for rellned together with jin tty fn-e direct importations do not encour- ace reliners to buy freely beyond their cur rent requirements , nor to pay hipher prices. The sales reported In-low have been made on the liasof : , > \ cents for HI test Centrlfqcal. 4 33-10 cents for ri test Mu.scovado and 4 ? , oeijts for b7 test , and at the-.o price * tluTC has been a peed de- luani ) for Hilton and l'lilli ; < lelt > hlj.o its well s in iOncost und fn'lpht terms a carso of 1 itnlHf ucnl lias been placed at 3 cents basis 1KJ test i-ui holders penerallv usk 'J l-HHWi cents x m. ti , unobtainable. Musuovnilo bus liecn ,0 ril m 2cunt.s for 59 H > st , but the best bids have not exceeded 2 11-lfl cents. Tlien > has 1 > e < * n not bins dolnsiu Beet , which has been liru.iv iii-ld and offurtHl for prompt shipment lit ! ' - > - iij. i n t ami fi lKht , but thU price has > K-H. i KI much above buvers xiews m make 1. i , . , . | N > s Ilile , The situation in the prliicl- jiul iir.nlin.ini ; ftiuntrUK has nnderpone no tuanp , . nor duveloH ] < d new feature. London fi' > i.- n tleet u firmer feellnp. and there is u tin. undertime here but it is to a prcat extent , t r : i7e < l by the unsatisfactory condition of ie irjdc in tvtliiiHl. The notation's for refined supars when ex- on..ti les drawbacks are : Cut loaf , 3UO Ibs , 44. . cubes , f.i.if ; crushed , f4.43 ; poudcrvd. -i.f. > . t raiiuluted , AVcokly Ilaiik Statement. NrwYiiiiK. April IS. ( Hjiwial Toloprnm to Tin ltur.-The ] weekly Imuk staUimuut shows following chanpe. ; jtesi-rxi < . deereuse . T lufl.OTS IMIIIIIS < teelvHM * . . . . . 3.44tN ) > a hjHM-ie. iliK-n-Hse . l.TTCOMI lx-pai tenilejs. ' l .r.-uiatloii. . liK'nwst ? . 47 , UK ) 1 he hanks now hold I45S.WO in excess of the ! ' ' pet cent rule. The exportof specie tmui tti" port of New Vork durlus the week ' 'iinted to 51.1l . 'Kl , of which f V > 7.K wus lu nnd fWWi75 cllver. Theliuimrts - . dut-'ni the wwls amounted to OSI.NCV. of wit. i li goiiii74 ! | MUS In pold uud il7.tUl tellvur. Ni-w Vork Dry Good * Market. Nrw YtiKK. April IS. l > | xwlal Te ograw to Tin : IlKi-TlH : ) < it ) was u light trade In dry K * HS today , as usual on > at unlays , luit the tnc weal her awl the n Brne s of t lie fallde- c.and Mere tvuluwtl with PIKK ! etfii't uiK > n'tH kpirlt of tiie market , th umleiumw of whlMj UTiiieJ ktivu er thuu a little whllu ago. OMAHA LIVE STOOK. Cattle. MiiurJuy. April IS. retvlpt * nf cattle ittM , tHMiiimnxl w iii-f > 4 y..ij. iNluv and l.f. ) ln t atunl y , lii * rvcelpts fur lUe wik bate ! H ) M lfc S ! j nipmvd with i.W U.I ww-k. a Zulu of S.1 S. Tin- quality of thi * rtxx-iins U4ay i as tery peed peiUau-.telH-t ) auriiiK auy 4ay w tWn a mouth. TliB market on l irOIM > IHHI cl'.w . with some wile * m wUmt Meady | u-l * . ToHardi. lulilduy buvers nut i. . pled to buy at lower Spur * * i > ut linj > or firm prices. ; > al werv fyinstx blow with prln syui | tiil7tfic wttU ndvicif. , UinlliiL- toward Umrra utTs. Huriuc t m middle of the day prir * on eTervtlilup lu Ibe tt > er Hue raovut - ) the | H-riaK > erv , butt aul nio > t iie i ruble lots , were lower. I > arne ) the afteniCK > n sotu * of tbe buyer * vtm . .ff Hi * market wkl > rtiu > M < wlio reumlowd H r.4 lu.i.rt.-reiit about l > uylnj ; aud luudu t'tt r tniis ; * ifj jy , . ji , ( r than yubKniuy'k j'i s. * wmotji.if ite rswld at M. i , ashlgh as ! Ji vt ) bvld tl.i * yi ar. whila nmre t'aa lia.f kt or kU > T * Ouly I a few loali of cow * . mn tly of a rutu'i inii qua l\ w. re r" fU 1 The ntaikct was without fiatnre * i nil chanting band * earlr at about steady price * , . some < if the late arrival * , 'tfler order * bad Icfri flllfld. were either Klxw or * haded off. Thtt supply of feeder * wa * limited and the market uttrhanced. Bulli and calves remsln with a HOB * . T > ttinnt l reeelpt * of bnTTO. ! . ewnpared with 8.715 yestenJttr und 2.M7 lat fatuntay. Therwedpt iloriiietbe wek were 16. W ema- iiared with HU7X ln t wrrW. a d'x-lm < - of Sjni for tl week. Tli tuarke4 ititemit 74c to loc hlthfr and wa acllie. all .pr dily rhanrKuit hands at the advance , ckxlng Hrm. The bdlk of tlie isles Wenat M.1WS4.1S. The week flos with the market bacK almt't where It was at the oix-nlni ; of the week. The liors sold Mtmday at ! 4.K . .irbulk. ; . H.12' , . On TueMljiy ( I.1Q7M.17 IK .11 flit the ltor wltii'l.UH the iMipalRr price.V t1neMlav > maiket wa * eiMci. : thn raueH lielne H W&U2S. Thurs. < ln > A market still lower , tlte Imlk colm at ! .aR. with the extreiw ranee tu ft.l.071i. . Hri- duy the bogs Mild monUy at M.U6 with a top at Slieep. H'timalfd receipts of Miep 1UB2. wn- IvaKtl with C9 yestertlay and W7 last ? atur iav. The market remains without fea tures. Good muttons belli ? in demand. I'rerallins Price * . The followinc is at able of price * piM : In this market foi the grade * of stork mentioned : Prime steer * . i : W to irao S . M > * a.l.6 * > OtKKl steer * . KM to HV ) P. . XOS W " CJood steers. KCTt to l.'KW S * . S-T. ( Vdiiinon l ( l t < i 1 153 steers . 2.10 ( Viinmcm canners . l.M drdltiary to fwlr eow > . Pair to peed < -ows . Ox > d tochol'-eoows . SJO Cliolce to fancy row * . 2sS I'alrtoptKKl bulls . 1.75 Choice to fancy bulls . 2JW Light fetor-kerb and feeders . 2X 1 Peeders. OTMolHuais . 2.R3 PairUtcbok-e. lisht hops . 4.10 Pair to choice heavy liop . 4.12 Pair to choice mixed bors . 4.10 Cowjwrative Tnlile * . The following tables show the ranpe In prk-eson hogs during tlJs and last week : Days. This week. Last week. Mutidaj . I 4 lluL4 K 4 OS 4 121 Tn < lcir . I 4 lOAl 17 > \ S 75 04 1SH . I * 7.vs4 i : > 1 4 ( U 14 3ri Tliur < l 7 . 1 B Jil rndoj- . ' S.V 4 ir. .ti IH bHturrtar . 4 1U4 16 4 in at K llance of I'rloe The followlnp table show s the raue of prices paid for lings ! LIcht and medium hogs J4.12SSM.15 Oood to choice mixed lioz < 4.10 M.12V > Good to choice heavy hogs . . . . . . . 4.10 ( & 4.12 A r era jte Cost of Hog * . The following table gives the average co t of hogs on the dates mentioned. Including the co t today , as luised upon -sales reported : Date. Price. Date. Price. April 1 J4 O7'i April ? . . . . . M 12 April 2. 4 ( CiV April 4 OS' , ' Aprils 4 Ol'i April 30 4 m i April 4 4 l , April II 4 01H April 5 4 10' , April 32 4 13 April 7 412 Highest ami Ijowest Sales of HOJJS. Todaj- Yesterday Hlghevt. tl 35 Highest W 07VJ Lowest , 4 30 Lowest. 4 I > i I osiuon of Stock. Showing the nnmber of cattle. hog and slieep bought by the packers and leading buy- era on today's market. Buyers No. ? wlft Ado . rise George II. Hammond .t Co . 4W The Armour-t'uUahy Pal-kins company. . . 2W Omaha. Packing company . f > Lee ICotheliild . . , . 4HT. HamllUm& Stephen . 16 llenton & Uudenvoud . 'M Nel- , Morris . , . . 45 Shippers and feeders . 30G Becker i I > epcn . , . W Crone & Vuu ant . 8T > IIOOs. The Armour-Cndahy Packing Co . Ml Omaha Packing Co . : iH7 swift & Co . ; ra George H. Hammond it Oo . fi. l Hogs yesterday averaged 252 pounds and COte to the car. Swift & Co . 224 Tlie Aniimir-Cuclali.v Packing Oo . 147 George H. llnmmond i Oo . 341 Omiiliii Packing compauv . M Becknr i Dcgeu . 1)7 ) Averajie Price of Hosts. Showing the avenge price paid for load * of hogs on the days , indicated in lsi7 , lSJb , 13:0 and ISM : Disposition of Stock. For the week eudlns Saturday April 12,139D. . . , CATTJ.I : . nnvers. No. Swift .t Co 3..VJ9 Oeorce H. Hammond & l > o 1.7J ; ) The Armout-rudiiby Pac-Uin ; Co 1.325 Omaha Paddns lo ! 257 Shippers and feeders 0,033 iior.s. The Arinour-Cnanhy Packing Oo .r .7fi9 Omaha Piickiii ? Co fi.0-12 Swift .t Co „ 2.3GS (5eo. H. Hauimoud Packing lo ! 2,733 J. P. Sqire.3 AUo 1.1B1 WlXtll. 2. . o xra QiUX. i .mod 8co M 261 i 413 w rrr 40 115 M -4i j o 4 u r.i ar ; 40 4 r. < C V. l-.HJ 4 in W 2U9 - 4 15 .V IV-n 40 4 10 r * 24 ] 43 4 ! . * > V , . -r-4 ] * > 4 10 > 383 40 4 IS S . 278 4 4124 .Vi . . . .SIC 4 15 r. . . vr un 4 'i 67 ST. 46 4 is M . . . at' ' 4 ItS ! * 48 4 16 67 3 7 S40 4 mi HJX i * 415 'rt 2S1 4 * 4 l i M . . . . ! -41 * J4 ; tw - 4 1 H 55 v * 1S 57 . . . . SW 4 WH 1C . . . . - ITS 1 * 3M 1 1 S44 Itt Ill rt 300 U 129 3 09 MtEEP. No. Ar. Price M w Mprns. pwe < 1W W sfl W5 wc-icrn. ewe < fC 4 H/I / 7 trM < Tn. e Mi 10t 4 0 H neMerHs. mixed 110 5 BX im He tni t k. mlxexl .1 113 S'RS W ) westerns , ratted 104 Z X > § 4 wotrrns , mixed OS 5 SS P7 lamt VS 5 W 3Iarkct Mention. M. Msckey sent la A car of cattle from rust Is. ? . A. Myr < , of Benedict ImJ In three cutof cuttle. W. T. IJIckley marketed a car oJ hojsfrom Columbus. Wilsev k lllntt marketed a ear Of lies from MwiretTeld. M. W. Cochranc came In from Wilber with .cattle and lioirs. J. K. Hunt A. Co. of Tapllllon had a car of cattle on the market , Johnson A : Bodley markeled two cars of cat tle from Hatuburc. la. Wheeler & Oilttendenof Tender had a oar of liozson the market. I'eterManrold. n prominent shipper of Ben- nln ton , sent In u car of lios. .Tames l umminst of Titlmiicc was here with two cars of cattle from Cooke. Georce Yarns , the well known Missouri val ley shipper , sent over ear of cattle. I * . M.Wolfer. H heavy shipper of Endleott , had two ? ars. of cattle on the mnrket. I ) . McPliee. the well known F.dion stock man , was on the market with n car of cattle. Thomas I'ricU. the extensive Thayer stock man. had three cm > of cattle on the maiket- Horwick ft Wii 1ey of Moorfield maiketed t wo O8rs of hogs. . . Mr. Harwich came in with them. Henry PhlnMock. the overy-day West Point f-hlpiHT , v as > on the market with three cars Of cattle. S. Drvfoos of the firm of Dryfoo * k Hen- drlx came in from Oeouee vlth two cars of cattle. Reynold * Ar Pavls. the well known shlpplne and feedinc 11 rm of llaymond , marketed two car * of cattle. Thomas Stretch , of the firm of Stretch & Hammond , was on themirlet ! with four cars of cattle shlp ] > ed from Valparaiso. G. H. Babbitt , of B.libltt & Evans. Ashland was on the market with a car of cattle from Ashland and another of boss from South Bend. L. B. Gorham. the well known stock upeiit of the Hock Island , wao a visitor at the yards. Charlie is on the road all the time and Is look- ins well in frplte of hard work. J. Hanle and several of hl buyers were nt the. yards. TIicv boucht In five carof : cattle and thieeof lies * . Three loads of the cattle sold at $1.00. the top of the market. .1. U. Butler , the cental superintendent of the Nebraska City stock yards , was amouethc visitors at the vur s. Mr. Butler reports busi ness of all kind in c"Od snape in his city and is very confident of Its coming creatness. A.B. Todd. for years county commissioner of Cass county , wa in with u load of cattle of hisoivn feedinz. Ho reports quite a number of cattle still feeding in his enmity. Hess are getting scarce in some parts of the county. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAEZET3. I 'rod u OP. Eoo.s StriPtly fresh. ! & ! " . p ; cold storage , pickled , limed , salted not wanted at any price. PofLTHV Turkeys , dres-ed. fnnry dry picked. 12inic : : ttiripv . live , per Ib. Sc ; chick ens. fancy. ] ( tftl2c ; chickens , choice. l 3-10r : chickens , live. doz. . S3.fKl.ij .r > D ; pet-se dressed , fancy , lOiille ; cees" . dressed , choice. ! > ( ilip ( ; ceese , live , duz. , iC.KVS7.K ( ( ) : ducks , dressed. faucv. lie : ducks , choice. Uii-lOc ; duck ? , live , dor- . gnnIO.i' ! ( > ; plceons. doz. . Sl.tvLS . GAMK .lack snipe , Jl.i/ > a3.2."i ; coldcn plover , f. mallard ducks. t2.W& ; canva-- back ducks. J4.1KK6-YUO : red-head dnck.s.doz. . $ l.r > ; ft..7r. ; teal ducks , do * . . Mrtcfl.25 ; mixed ducks , doz , . Ve(3 ( 1.Ki ( ; cecse. Canada , J2.5 a ® .i.Ki ( ; cet-se. small. tl.OOSl.M. MAPLI : 'DCAJI 1'er Ib. lirc/li"c. CHEESE Per Ib. full cream } ounc America. USe ; full cream twins. lOHc : full cream Ohio Swiss. lOe : full cream Wisconsin rrwiss. 14U10c ; full cream brick , Uc ; full cream limburger Swiss. ik : : UHXEV 1S3.10C per Ib : strained , fle. UUAN I > ivr IHIX. Florida briphtB. 83.75 ; Musslnh. J.'t.2T ; Cnlifnrnia fanev navals. S.VOO ; Los Angeles. ! f2.7j ; seodliri s. Hiver.-ide. | 3.2. > S ; : . : mouutuiu , EtW ; in iivc-box lots li'.c jK'i box lesi. PtKEAl-l'LEs Per dor , $ .T.KWt4.00. ( STIIAWIIEKUIF- : , Per qr TiOfiTTw. CIIIEII Per bbl. r"fin d , Ki. " > 0 ; half bbl , $3JiO ; hard older , pure , per bbl , M.CK ) ; orauce elder , half bbls. f M ; m-ar cider , half bbls , * 7.00. MI.NCI : MEAT , i < a.0c per Ib. LEJION * Perl i\ . Messina fancy , W.OO:2J-O : ; Verdelll. sood. f.K ( ) . U\KANA.S Per buch. ilJOn SM. Burrrn Creamery , fancy rolls , prints , 54 ® 2TKcivamery. . fancy , solid pucked , 2aa2Tlc ; creamery , clioice I' L io : dairy , fancy rolls and proii.s. l-tfc'Oc : daliy. fancjolid pricked ITSilfic : dairy , choice. ] > i/.10c ; country roll. fancy. in.ttltc . : choice. 12A1.V : country roll. cooa.ttaiBc ; country roll.f air,7&ac ; poorstock. \siii- \ . siiiBUNKS BUNKS ( Quotations are for delivery in Clil- casoi. Dry buffalo , per ton. S16.0 31s.O'J ; dry country , bleached. SlO.O ; > rUi.OO : ; dry country , damp and meat v. nJcliLiw. VnairrABLi : * Old Sweet potatoes , fancy Mtiscatine. per bbl. W.W ; onions , extra fancy , J4.KJ : onions , fair. KM ; rutabatras. J2.CW ; car rots. K. ( I : pars-nips. f20 : bi'ots. K.ft ( ; horse radish roots , per bbl , fr4VI ; per Ib , 7e : celerv rtKits. per bbl. * 0.00 ; celery roots , per doz , OJc. PHE.SEKVCS per Ib. .Tiu.ns : : i43i4c jier Hi. DUESSKII VEL Choice medium , 7 < 3oc ; light , Mi-fa' : heavv. Vu4c. AlTLr.s-1'er bbl. Genitons. S4.00 : Willow Twls. W.rt ; Ben I > uvls , J4.V ) ; llomanite , $4..rD. LIN KEI > OIL C4e. CXicoAXCvr * Per hundred. W.75. PifM.r.s Medium , per bbl. Ki ' > ' : small. Sf.JiO ; gherkins , it.M ; U ti B. chow chow , qts , pts , fi"i. ! ; PITATOE Perliu , fancy. : rc : choice , Si FISH Fi-esh frozen while trout , pike and pickerel , per Ib. 7e : sturceon. 7c. Hiur.s. 1'r.LTS AVI ) TALLOW Green salted hides , 4' , c : drv salted hides.r 3fic ; drv flint bide * 7f ; calf hides , f * . Damaged hide * . 2c less. Sheep perts. creeu. each. 23c4ril.23 : sheep pelts , dry. ) ) erlb. r llc ; tallow. No. 1 , yi4e ; X < i. 2. U &u'jc ; pruuse , white , jii&4c ; yellow i4V. < . Br.ANS Hand picked navy , tl.W&l.C.1) ) ; hand plckinl iiai y. medium. ll.4tko.lA ) : hand picked country. tlM&lM : eooii clean. ! liV21,3U AITLL BCTTKU Per Ib. ( lS7c. Clroeerie * . PRIED FRUIT Curnints. new , O'ie < it74p : prunes , casks , l.iiK ; ) BIS. ( W ; prunes , bbls or bars , 04 < - : citron in > el. drums. 20 B.S , 22c : lemon p el. drums. lv ; fard dates , boxes , 32 E..S . , llr ; aprleot.s. choice evaporated. ! . " ; apri cots. jelly cured. 2. > a holes. 30c ; apricots. fancy. 2i B boxe * . 10p ; apples , choice evapor ated. 'A- ; apple * , prime new , S4c : llRs. layer , 10 per cent lure , 13'ip ; in sacks. 7c : Pei > lan dates , 7csalt : Lake apples. v. blackberries. evaporated. W & boves. 51ie ; cherrieN pitied. dry cured. ITtc ; peaches , pared , fancy. Isc ; cbolce. 111.1 : Salt Lake. 7c : pitted plum's , Cul. . 25 Hi boxes. t4S-'lsC. ; raspberries , evup. , N. Y. . new. 21.ic ; prunes. 1L C. 00-70 , ( kflin'tc : oninie pet-l , l.V1 ; riiisius. California London crop l"fj. { 2..V > ; Cal. loose mUM-atel ; > . eioji Is-O , 12.10 ; Vaieiiclns I * " . C'-jc ' ; Valcncias. new , 1-e ; 'al. hi-e < iless sks. , 7 c ; Ondura layer , now , iu4c ! ; dried grapes , 4\e ; pruuelles , new , CAVSWI Coops Fruits , California standard bninils. 2'ic-lb. ' per dozAprleots , ilTujt-l.iS ; nptioots. pie fruit , JI-VI ; gallons , H.Vi ; blaek- berrU-s. i. < : cherriors llaok ) , fti.OOilt' : . ; cher- iles , white. rJ.2Ti2.riO ; cr l > es , 13 0 > l.l. | < < i : pears. , If ; n t let 1 , * 2.10i2.23 ; peaehe < i yfllow , 2.1Uii2Ji'i : I jifaclic . li iiidii rlia ? . (2.4U : plwms. , M. < l-"ii ! l l.sit ; plums , golden drops , JI.M : plumv preen paces. il.O-V' ; pf aches , wjth pits in. M.ffl ; currauts. 62.2.'i ; punM-lH-rries. KJfi ; quinces. J2.HI : rut-plicrrles , ; straw tierrles. f2.4 ; Jicaches. a-lb eastern Miittdnrdm $ l.s."i ; ; j-lb pie , H.10 : 0-lti pie. 2.U5 ; palkm pie , PUK ) ; appies , high stundai-ds tf ( : l'-i ! ) poosflierrli-s. itic ; 2-lb strawberrlt . W : . , - : 2-lb raspberries , JUKI ; 2-lb blueberries KtflJKic : 2-lb blackber- rlit * . U" T' 7T > c ; 2-lb nt ru v U'i rie s. pivserx ; 2-lb raspberries , pi\.st'r\tKt. H.sO ; 2-lb lilack- Iterrles. pieser til , tl.2. ' ; pineapples , Ituliainn rliopped. K.W ; 2-lb itahuina prated , * 2.75 ; 2-lb Bahama .licedt2.Vi ; 2-lbMandurd Mictwi , M.2ft Stl-M : cherries. s-JL rod. Baltimore , aiiiOe ; jioars. 2-lb. tl-B. YHflETAHi.Bfs Toinatoos 3 B. evtra. fl.W ; S E. sUmUMl uesteru brands. ( a o.iri : pallons , Ctrictiy btatidurU. fc'.DU. C-orji Finest prown , SLOW ; Rlllfdjred Mipur eoru. very tine. IU ; choice S fc sugar > > uru. 51 l' ' ; 2 B > extra veleru br ni , a'wj.jl.Ki ; 2 standurd i > iei-ii brands. tt > .7lk' . MushnKPU l & French , extra tine. , 22 4ar - ; 1 E. Freuett. flue. iMiih- ; E. Hreuolt , or- | illimrv. litaiso. ] Vas Tres. tine , per CUB. SV" Ueml li'je.r ] can. Ihc : 2 tt. , slf teJ. J1.W ; 2 fc tmrlyJuue. ! l "Mil.'t5 ; 2 & > Marrow. smudHrd limud. II. in ; 2 ; MHiktid. & 7c. Mrinr Beans : K. high prvde. Kffupi-e. * vV ; 2 E > Golden wax l > t ans.7T : 2 & htriui ; beam * . 7ic. ( Lltua ltean S Bi soaked. TCx.Booton llakt-d Benns-S & Lewis , tliTi ; crown brand. tl.M. .SWCH-I Pottt- t < * " a tt Nt-w Jersey. UM. I'uiupklu-3 B > new pumpkin , tl.Uu. Okru and tontatvtia , H.W ; , il.M : . . H Citdiish. fxtm GiHirges. new , SWc ; pr nd Iwuk. new , 4 c ; wiver , 2-lb bkx-ks , 6i4e ; IKIW white. 2-lb bricks. n w , 8cj Turkey ood. larse lulddk-k. brick * . & * c ; snow wblle crutm. 12-511) ) . boxfk. 7c : ! ( < Uud hklil.ut. He : scaleil herring. KNo ; 1 st-ult * ! her- ring. 2Sidcim.stie : ir.llaud Hamburg * pi"ed herrii.g il.fiO ; lluulnu diuek. T.V ) ( , is : ai ) harJ ' 't'S plain. & "x l-iti j lUi.v ! , l > .ic , r-u'mTt. N < 1 k ) , re M . fuW blaster * hat bbl . " ' > , . * . ! ( > wh'te- B .h ha ( ' . ' r t' t ha' , ' M.I , . - , „ , > tare r vhtteil-'i B-W. n'lB'.ti K 1 iti raa'-ki-rvl * UP\1 1' ' 1 iij finnan hud dles. l llbl.itw.tvrs ; iv > ita ; i | h Matka -.alni'ti Aleut. Sl.w. Sj § < > rMe-- . w.t , fl < r , ; 1 Ib nyMervS"t tl.l.VflUrr' selc-cu 12ur. . 6fJR ; llb lanK.lltUrnecWirilJ. ' . . sib clams. little neck * . K.W : U H > * anttne . imported. JHT eww. mN.fIl.rM9IS.Oi > : > i ! l > ! - i/Uities. . liittxirteU' . tier OHM10H ri3.P r'tai.Ot. Xlli ilujKirted iH.nilWi xnntlw * . y < ; ' Ib * > < . AtnTh-aii. her HUH. French ! t.\le. - . - . w ; ' , it , sardines. American. J > erca e. 1 K. J retieh .U le. * 7.r ji s.dO : 'tH > ardlne . mustard. jr easH - J3.7MM.tW ; linportifl krv MrulBfs. Jl SoiiA-l'kss. 0 lt > toi * > yx. * s * . " > Sr. NtTs Almond * . l.VrUlru-Jis. 14e ; . 1JVpecans. : . lie : Mounts. ! $ < : jteanut cocks. i * : miKtetf. lie : 'p-ntu-s-ee ) > eaiiiils. 7r. iUmwer > ' > Ifr lt > llnrax. ISr : jieras. S'i - : lt y leaves ] clue. Ific ; ep-om MiU-s4p : elaulK-r salt * * . * : suipliur , i'jr ; blue vltml , I * ; alum , 4r ; tarlhrlc arid. i9e ; rmln. Jr : saltpet r. absolutely pure. KH < : cum cam phor. - llw In IK" * . 1 oz cakes. ; - vhops. . and it Iti jtarlcBses. .Mo : tare. > * and V. ] b pack-ape * . 1W ! : madder. I3c ; imllco. ; t lh autf 5 Ib boxes. . P. . OT.fcTttrludteo.aiuaiiU jlbboxev Madras. TV : salinc RSS : Ib luxes. nd,3l e ; .sealln ? V ax. 25 Ib F > o\es. \ > hlte. 4r. { ANMII MKATS-I Ib lum-ti * oncue. tictt : 5 ] b hiiu-li luiuiieW.75 : 1 lh cnrued beef. II ill : 2 Ib corned beef. > : 6 Ib ivrued bfof. &UV ) ; 14 1 boomed Ueef. M4.W : 21b oonelewi piss fecu ti.'JO : 1 Ib r.ncil-lt It raw 11. Jlii ; 2 Ib I ticll > h brawn. IS. ; Sib KuglUh Urawn. MM ; I Ib coiDliri wU ham. f ! . < . ' : -r Ib uuiopi-uasoa ham , li.75 ; 1 Ib elilpJH'd beef. 2.M. ( sktAifa .t lie. ntottli-d. per Ib. 9810o ; do trhltv. per Ib. 12c. BmKil ! > Brlor.4tle.K.r. : 3 tie. fcL25 : sta bles. tS. 5 ; conynoii. Sl-1.7o. COCOA 4 Ib tin , 4 o ir Ib Ciiocot.ATE-sae.'tr.c' pui Ibj Gerniun chicory , red , * ms. ? At. oiA llbls. 1 3- ? : f ranulated , iyc ; liegs PlO. PlO.MT.Alts Cut loaf.c : eut loaf cnlx-K. T'/ie : standai-d. povdtred. 7'rc. XXX.V , powdrrwJ. So : granulated , standard , f > S@61icKxinfertlon- ; eis , A.OSiwhltu ; extra , C , t-c ; ejitru C , Neb , . . CorrEE Kea > -toa Aronrkle < = Arlo a. 2Ti ic : McLfcuehlln' * XXXX. r-Sc : German. 25Hc ; IJllwortn.I'je ; AUrouia , 25 , r ; bulk. 2Tii e. I'urrri ; Oreeti I'miey old pctldtm Kio , S5r ; { HDCV old peatierry. 2.Vliio. . eholoo to { HIIO.V , 24c : Hlo. pi-line. 2 Se : lo. cooci. 23c ; Mocim. 2 ! r : JaMi. cenulne. O. G. , > LJura ; , Rood lu- terlor. i'ie : African , o. Kurt Hasls ManilluTope. I.TC : sisal rope , 12'sp ; cotton rope. 10 < - ; ue process. t'e. t'OTTON TWINE lllbli , v.srv line , U or 4 ply , 22c ; flue , aio : DaNy. 1 ; * : candle wick. SSc. OLIVE * Quarts , per dot , 3.73 ; pints , per dot , ? 2.2Ti : bulk , per pal , RV. ViMXJAH 'JO gr. elder , Scj peed , 12c ; white , wine. ISe. fTOVEroLlMi K.OOSfc.'T per cross. HAQSAm. . , perlWJ , fl7.0y ; Lewlston. ppr 100 , f7.K ! ( ) . > lOLA = FE ? BWs. X. O. . fanry , t > pr 3.1. ! > " . > & 57r : choice. 4 : > ft4'c ; ; pf od. . ' jniV ; Cuba baking. 2s5j.TiK ; ; black slrap.a A = 'c. KAi'i'iNO I'Ai'Eii ttraw. per Ib , i"sc ; inunilla. It , r 3c : N\i.I.7c. V'niou Square. i > if.T > per cent off list. T l > airy. 2sO lb < In bW. liulk , K.10 ; best Crude 00. f > s. KJKi ; best wade. 100 , 3i. S2.JO : Ix-st grade , 2s , IDs. tMX ) : roct salt , crushed , Sl.SO ; common , bids , $1 .25 I'AnisACEOrs Ooon.e Bailey , 3y4c : farlnl. f * ' ; peas. He : oatmeal , l wJc ; macaroni. lOc ; lermk-elll. 10c : rlcc.4&C > te ; sago and tapioca , & 3-7C ; lima beans , Oc. / OIL ; Kero-ene P. VT. . 10o ; W. " ( Vn lllic ; headlight , lUc ; gasoline , 1-r ; salad oil , . ' . ( * . > & U.K ( ) jcr dor. . MT.ATS Hams. No. 1. 1G& . avcrace.ic ! ' ; 20 to 22 111Mie : 12 to 14 Ibs. i c ; bhoulders. Oc ; breakfast baeon. No. 1 sp ; hatn sausace , fk1 ; dried beef hauis. OUfeTj.c ; beef toncues. M.K ( ) jwrdo ? : dry salt meats. ri-ifUJSe per Ib ; ham roulette , G'sc ; bonele = haiu , 74cj picnic ham , Co. I'/sj.vT1 Martha Wasblncton. flc : American. C'iC Arnold. G > c ; Arnold It. ioni : cloth. 10o ; Amcilcan. 30" : Stifel'A. 1-c : Amann A. l"r ; Jlerrlmack.10C4 Gold Leaf KH- : Gold Ticket , 10c : Hamilton , f.'je ; Allej PinUs , C'-c ; Allen Ciiumliray. Oc ; Gloucester. 3Wc : l ddrstone OSc ; Windsor. 040 : lUai'iilton. OSc ; Meel Klver. Ce : Kamapo. 4'J ; -t. Leeer. 54e ; Mar tha Washincton. 434eJ Allen. 5cMerrhnack. ; . r.4c ; Fountain , OHc ; Glraer , 7c ; Crefield , t-hc ; Berlin. G'c. 1 I'IHIITINO. ' CHECKS Invincible. S'-o ; Invlncl- hle XX. GSc : Crawford ! w : OtK s c : Econ omy. Mjc : Park. KiO's , l * r Caledonia X l > itc ; Caledonia XX 3n.c. ( CllKVjOT Wlnncounet. 74c : 7 ? c ; Stnter.M ; ; AmoskcaR'.stripes , s' c ; . keac. plaids , 9'ic ; MJII island , bookfold , lUrc ; tea isle liookfoldj 12ltc ; Edlnhurs-9f. Tu'KiKo ? Oakland. X C-- ; Oakland , O. 7c ; Anioskeac. A f A. 33'ai ; flerwick. bookfold sateen. 3 ? > e ; Hannah , h.xikfold sateen. 14c ; Warren , bookfold satern llir ; Norwood , bouk- fold sateen. 11'sC ; Cordis No. 5 , Se : Cordls No.4.10'ic ; Cordls. ACE. 13'-e ; Oordls , t F fancv. 5Sc : Cordls 120 fancv. U1 tc. COTTONAIH : ? Yoric Nuukln. ICPje : Everett , Soz , Isc ; ElRln , B oz , Jv : Flat l.'ock. oz , 3scLewiston. ; . 10 oz. { SJie : Workincinan's. 34c : Tradesman's , 14o\-orkscrew ; Cashniero * lRAFH--tevens > B. IGln. 5 Jc : Stevens'D. 13 in. Oc : Mevens'A. 30 in , 7oteneus' ; P. 3S in , 7' c ; Stevens'M. Is lu.sio. . Stevens'N. 20 in , Siic : Stevens' NN. 22 in. yijcStevens' ; s.KT. 20 in. ll'sc : bleached. 3c e\tra. UKSIMS AiiiO'keap.ti oz. 3CKc ; Vorl ; . camlet. IScs Everett , standard. 12te ! ; Andover , 12c ; rore tr. . B C , 32vc ; Haymaker's , 7Se : Old York. XX. 30"c ; Old York. XXX , 12c : rence , 250 , 11 " . , r ; Lawrence , M , W c , Law rence , 9 oz , 15i ; fancy stripes and checks , 13iic. Dry Gooils. Bnowy COTTOJT Atlantic A. THc : Atlantic i 13,7c : Atlantic I ) . 6V : Atlantic P. Oc : Aurora C. 4c : Buck's Head. G e ; CalKitW. 64e ; Dar- linpton , fiyo : Farmers' No. i , "B.4Sc : Atlantic LL , Oo : Aurora B , O jc : Aurora II. 6 ? < ; c ; Arrow brand. C'ic ; Atlas , O N It , 7'ic ; Chlcus.-nv A B 6 te ; Cheese cloth. 4c : C'llfKin IT. 5'4c : Pen perell K. r-v < * - . Pejiperell E.40-inch , 7f c ; l.aup non O B. ! KCast ; Irmi. 7' c. IlLEACHED CO7Ti > s Berkeley cambric No. 00. f > c : Best Yet , G ? e : Blacks-tone - A A , 734C : butler cloth XX. ' 4'Cabot ; , 7fc ; Ilwisht Anchor , ! k- : Diamond , shrunk , OJ.c : ELlert'in W = 7'c ; Farmer's Choice. O e : Tir-t Call. G4c : 1 Itelivllle. 7ic ; Fruil of tlie Loom , bife ; Golden Woddlnc. 6c ; Hill Senipei Idem , he ; Hurve-t.CJiC ; Uoiie 7'ic ; Housekeeper , K'4c ; Kin ? Plillllp cambric. 3 ( c ; Lanadon U B ! > ' ; Lou dale. b4c ; Lonsdalo caiubrlc , 10c ; New York milllie. . MIEETINOS AND PILLOW-CASINGS BrOWn I'epju-rell. 45-ln. lOcj PepjH-rell. s-4 , JRJ ; Pep. peix-11. ! i-4.20c ; FenpeivlL. 10-4 , 22c ; Boston 5-4 , 32'.c ; Boston , s-4. 2Hc ; Boston. SM. 224c ; Bos ton. 10-4. 2.V : ftloa. 4s-m. l.Vj Utlca. fis-m , 17'.c ; Utiea , 7h-ln , 24e : Utlca. MMn. 20c : Utica. , 2s'iC. ' Bleached Peppercll , 42-lu , lOc ; 1'epperell , 4Wn. UP ; I'eppej-eU , 0-4 , ] 4Hc ; I'en- perell. t-4. 2iV' : 1'eppi'rell. > , 22c ; 1'epperell. 10-4. 24'IU ; > -t n. .V4. Uc ; Boston.4. . 22c ; Bo. ton. JM.2.V : Itoston. M-4. 27Uo ; Utica , 6-4 , 24c ; Utlca. 11. 1 . 2ic ( ; Utica. 10-4 , 2s'-e. GINCHAMO Amoskeus. CVjc : AaiOskcac. dress , sHc ; Bates. Oijc ; Warwick , dress , h4 : Laneasu-r. Ci c : , Glenatre. C c ; Whltenton. dress ft'ic ; York Favorlta , dress , flic ; Cal cutta , dress , fee ; Noriuandie , dress. So ; Leices ter , dress , ( < o. BLOCK TIN Small pi ? , to per Ib ; bar Me per Ib. Ib.Coi'pcn Coi'pcn Planls-hed bo'.ler size . :2c : wrlb : cold rolled. eperlb ; sheathing 27o per ID ; pitts and Hals , 2se IRT Ib. GALVAMZEK siitcr 1 ISON Dlso't ro-io per cent , pat , plan , iron , Nos. 24JUI7 , A , I04c ; B , lc. l ! . . c..BOOKING Charcoal , L C 14x20 , 112 , J5.75 ; L " SlIlXT Ino.v No. 20 , 5,175 ; No. 27 , 13.53. . TiN l'LATE-1. C. , 10il4 , 22T. , 17.75 ; L X. , 10x14 , Tl.v 1'LATK Coke I. C. . 10x14 , 2H , STUEL NAILS Base , fc..oo. STEEL Wine NAILS Bu e. Kuo. Wine Jap. barb. EJ.OO ; calv. , 14.20. Uppers in. 14 and 2 , In. ; J43.00 ; A select , lVj and 1 * , in'l.WB : belect , lit and 1H in. : KI.VOO ; A httick boards , 12 to Ifi ft. , 12 in. , H.l.iW ; B Mock boards. 12 to IB ft. . 12 in. . Kw.dO ; G stock lioards , 12 u > lu ft. . 12 in. , KJ7.0J , 1) SUK'U boai-ds. 15 to 16 ft. . 12 in. . K7.K > ; A IKH. lain , and upwards , Hii.OO ; B luii. . ia in. and upwards. HJM ; C box. 13ln. nnd upwards. fl . ( V ) ; A floating , C lnM KM.dO ; B floorlnc. C In. . f.Ejib ; C liooriuc , 0 in. , tZsJW ; select fencing. ? Jtt. t ; sldlnc , lit und 2d clear , t'l HO : A sldinp. tuai ; B bldlnj. 1IMK ) ; C sidlnc. firuu ; c < inniioii lioardA. HU.\i ; No. 2 Uiards. all lengths , 15.(0t ( feni-ius. 1st , 12 to 20 fwt.ns.Ofl ; ( cncliip. No,2u ,12. 14. Is und 2i ) feet , } 14.mJolst. ( ; arid waiitlni , ; \4.14 to 10 It , . J1J.IM ; timlH-r. 4X4 to s.vs. IS to 38 fwt. tlO.iO ( : pickets. Hut , oommon. jl-.W : pickets , fancy , head and drrssiwi. selt-i-itxj. t . ( * ) ; t.hlncles. ehok-e A to extra A. f2.r > ji.75 : ( .Mush's , Mmiditrd. * 2.2T 1i 2.4i ( : fchlnclps. eedar. IS.WaaV > ; lath. drv. 12.75. fcot'TinKS : YELLOW 1'tkii-cifar. fi-iu coll- ins. Jls.dii. star S-ln ceiJIns , IWMisttiudSd cloar. 2-iii tlourin ; . - ! qf ; t numua 4-in floor- Inc. fl4.1i ! ; Mar4-ln tloiiiitrr. JlH.iiO ; clwirin partition. rVj ; clritr Mul'-li. ' No. 1. lU-in b 2 , KM W : clear. wirrugaK-d celling , 4-in , tS&M , LtME Best , ST > o. , / CtMC.VT S1.4S. f , . , HAllt-2r.c. SIKAW ItotKn fl.40. VtASTCK-K t. ' TAK BoAiti > flJV ) . ' BriLtiiNn BKtrK-Per.lLItn.OO to M. X EWEH BRICK 1'or M. I'KLS.sCU UltlCK I'er Tbc following building p nniu wew ifitudd yeKterday : C. K. Shaw , two-story frame residence and l > arn. Lake View . | . ,7)0 ) I'Mer Fee iuiid.une-i.tory frame octtage. I Lot-Uft und Twenly-Srst . T. . 009 JoMipU liurueau. Jr. twiiu > rr and HttJo brk'k jy-idenc . CUU38Z.1 anfl ThlrtiwUi 14,090 Kruttet Mlndlteiin , wie-k.uny frame kilc-b n uud parcb , 17W South Nlue- . , . M.HyB k. onfN-uorr fr * addition to dwellinc , uth nit eotl. 4 > Y11- . , John LWdcll , ] t-T. .North Tw BU : r , aidlllouto dtmlUuz . T . . 109 A. G. lHihl > 4nM . frmwklutwa. . * htory fi-a.1 * kitchen. SMO fiiicazo . 900 Nliluiluit 1'tes. < Mit-ki4irr fr mt- collude , > i ter nd i".iiclitMllj UX Gun Nt-lwiu < . > neklur.frt. . 2il" S.uih Tt ntii T oa. 1 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Traattctions in the Wheat Fit Again 03 * a Large Stale. AIDED BY OOUNTBT BUYKG OEDEES. Corn Active and Viwltleil A AVIht Day In I i\rl lens , 1'ork Ailvanc * Ing Over Kour I > ollnr in One Hour. CHICAOO. April 12. { Special Telefirsm to THE llEtl TLe wheat market was routine one aeHln today. There wa not a crent de l of exti-eme bull news but the nmrket acted as if it iiid Meet rprlnfcs under It. It helped eACffdlnply by outside orders , which were on the Iniyliis stde- The country usu lly pets In Its benvle t work on that side lifter the uiorket Is under befldway , and such WHS the case today. The advance in prices today was not neatly equal to ycsterJuy , but eomliip on top of an Advance of nearly IV- , the action was equally remarkable. In the first few minutes the pit WR n repular pHndemonulm und Mny sold from Wc toMi O Indifferent parts of the pit nt the sumo moment. Then there was n bound to 85Sc. the top nrlcc yesterday , a re action to M4c on lieavv realizln : : and a second bulce to SrfUc. Mil In the first hour. I > urlnp the next hour there asn third bulee toKi c , and a setback to KiS.V e on further taklne of profits. It was about noon that the second pn-at wavpof strenpth rne nd on this May went toMH' . oa" tos'i caud to < < the second time in n few minute * . This was followed a few mluute Inter by another bound to S73c for May. At the saiue moment ,1une was to sso. The feuture of the day w - the wldeninc of the cap licrween May and June. July openi-d nt KtHesi > ld at SJ c and up toMoearly. then eastnl off to Kio before noon , nnd when Slaj' passed 7c , luly was up onlv toMiorllcdlscHiunt. . whereas the discount 01 vestcrdav was but Jo or n little over. Thl-state of thincs metins simply that theMrcmrth In May and .Tune came largely from the shorts , who ai-e vlrluallv cornered on old crop futures , while .lulv. which Is a new cropfutute , as Icfss-trnnp on natural condi tions. Such news as rutue in during the day was bullish. Dakota VMS oold. with hlph winds uncoverlnc the seed sown. Kansas was dry with hlch winds aisn. Crop ExjK'rt Prime sent bullish reports. The wild wheat market continued to the clo > e. During the last half hour there was a further advance in prices on buyinc by shorts. May touched WJje Junel'1'.iO and July & 7c. The closing wus : May. fcfSc : Jnnc.w ; > c ; July. M' c. Another larpe day's business was transacted in the corn market , which was uctlveatid rather unsettled most of the session. The foelinp on the whole was firm.tbemarket eym- phatizinp with the advance in wheat and pork. There was no new outside feature presented in speculation.which was coverned by by local influence , the chief of which H mentioned above. The speculative market opened stronc with other articles and there was fair buyinp. but the advance did not bold well.and reached Vi"fC. reeoveied. ruled stronp and clo'd ? PC hlRher than yesterday. Cash corn met with a fair demand , with lizbt ofleriucs. and prices were firm at yesterday'- extreme tip- uivs. I\o. - was in fair demand and sold at 314 1'ir aud closed at 3JSe. Xu. 2 yellow was quotable nominallly at . " /jc. Xo. U stild at : i Ti'Uc and closi-d ut : ilc. There was a fair business transacted In oats , but nn unsettled ft-elinz prevailed nnd price chanies were confined to a " , c ranee. The opeulnp was steady , but the strenpth in wheat and corn had H slhnulatin ? elleet ou values and prices advanced Sf'c. . Later buyers failed to take bold , an easierfeelins deviOoped and prices yielded sllrhtly to fair oflerinps. but the market acain developed strength and prlo > advanced U'S-Vc and closed at a pain or itW c. Tlie slilpniiig demand was for round lots of No. 2 whlth ( clipped' Mid sale ? were niudo at C7Sc free on Iioard. Car lots of Xo. t" in stoiv were slow and quotable at ZJUNo. . 2 white for May waMeady at . ' < c. The provision trade pave a rocket perfor mance tiKiay. I'rires for pork started but lOe over last nicht. but when the shorts bcznn biddin : thev could could pet no pork. This pave Immediate alarm and the shorts pot wild. They bid foi stuff. The clique houses refused to sell , but helped to keep prices out of the reach of the snorts. In one hour May was up from ill-V. to J1S.7. ) . June about Ui'e .same tlpure- and ,1ulv went from fll.TTi to n.VTD alsn. McOormlck A Co. . Baldwin A ; Far- nuin. and PiKile and Huti-hlnson appeared to be lifting the prices on the shorts. It is claimed that Cuaahv is the heavie.-t i-hnrt and that Iteanj mid oibenr aj-e in the same boat. . May lat < > r sold off to (12.25 and closed at July sold oil to ? 12.V ) and closed at JW.rv CllJCA OO 1.1 YE STOCK. OHICAOO. April 12. [ Special Tflepram to THE BnE. ] CATTLE The market was alow and a tronp llic lower than Friday , some salesmen quotlnc a irv decline. The dressed beef trade was practically out of the maiket and ex porters only wanted n few. The advance over Friday's close has been lost. No Texans In siclit. liut hers' stuff was steady and there wns little or no business in the stoclier nnd f wdei line. Cbnipe to ext ra boeves. W.H'Kfl.'i.TO ; mtidium to co. > d steers. 3.TiU t il.VKillis , J4.2Vs4.r ! 'l ; law to itvi : n > s. ta.d'i.M.3i ( ; avi to KM ib33.3011 4.30. Mdflers : and feedta- - ( X > ws. bulls and njl'.nd. bulk. S2.i"ii.7n. : . TexiiS coruled steers , HIMJS Thr market was active , with an up turn of V all round. Kouzh and common sold at M. twin .25 und jirime mixed at W.yiffljA'i. 1 test heavy and prime buu-her welphts made W.J'VM.-fri. ' LIcht assorted sold at SJ.kjQJ.a : : aud light at * Uli-Bl.-tl. _ FIXA .Vt'/.l L. . NEIT YoniO April 12. [ Special Telegram to THE Bcc. ] STOCKS. There was much dis- courarement on all sides las-t nlsht nt the uur favorable action in western railroad shares yesterday. Today there was little of yener- day's animation left in anytlunc but Grau- pers , but those shares , especially Rock Island , Burlington and St. Paul , were qu'.et at declin- ins figures. First prices were penerally sllsbtly lower than yesterday and further slight losses were sustained ; in early dealings , Burlinpton and Uock Island each retiring S per eeut to 303"i und SO j-e- spectively nnd St- Paul and Union Pacific 'i each. Cnnnpes in other leading phare were cntlrclv tn-ipntfirunt , but Tennessee Coal dropped to 47 , a lo s of 2 per cent from its last uight'h price. Later In the hour the market became very dull uirnln. but a better umo pre vailed and a portion of the early loss as re covered. Missouri Pacific aculu crosslus the 70 line. The market nt 11 o'clock was \en dull. There was a material improvement through out the list after the first hour and before the close n nuniberof mure act I e sUn-l ; * recovered some. . Burllnpton reached toKU'i , , IlorU Inland to bl ? 4 and Missouri Pacific to 70S , making a pain lor the day of H per cent. Tlie tmiiU statement was disappointing , but had little effect ou the market , The followinc were the closln ; quotations : f. M. 4 regular . 1 ! , Nonbi > rn' U. S. 4 ( HiuiKin * . US i du prcferrea . , f. s. S.k reiruiar . NCHt'r.AN. ' W . ] ! ( H L' . s. m ci > ni > i > n . VWt On prcfeiTod _ U'.C 1'iicllic d of .C . 116 'N. V. Central . 1U7 Central I'aolnc . Wi'f'n. \ B . y i Chli'ttco i Alum . ISO I flock luliioa . KU , Cblrnvo. Uurllnrtim A 1C. . M AM J1 . KI sMilwjr . KMW fl preterred . : is I ) . . L. 4 W . IXi'i St I'aul AOmalm. . . . MW Illlm > ! Central . lit , dn iireftowl . Ma 1..K.W. . . . ? . . . ' Union 1'Bciiic . 024 Kiinran .V Texai . TH W. St. L. del * . llj Lal.e liurc . li > 7 flu prelerrod . yj\ MlPhlcnn Central . H7 ! Wentern L'uiua . 61H Mi > .uurl J'winr . . . . fl MOMJT Easy with no loans. 1'MME MKIIOAXTILE I'AI-EH 5371J percent. bruiiMita KxcilAXOK Quiet und barclv steady ; sixty-day blllx tt.sT.1 * ; diiuutid. { l.St. Stock.1 : . NEW TURK. April 12. ( Special Telegram to Tilt. IlEr. . ] The follow ing tire the wluiug block quotHtUms : ' in Horn surer . MS ftol Itrun Sil ' CulfJunla lib . Ku " > iiuiriii . siu CUB. CtlA YiLtzdlr W ) I'm , , . ! . . . K6 IKttilKiHid , T . 1Mot Norada . ya in tri to . 140 'Suuwt'rwt ' . Ija lloi i iiil.e . UO I j'Htun'ct : .TJ NEW YUIIK , April 12. Wheat 1 _ . . , 3.SW bu&heU : exports. m , > 0 bukhels ; pal oitKed M irtl > : Nu. 2 reti. tU c in eluvaUtr. ( KtiiAWic alioat. l l'ift'.i'l-ii. ' f o. b. ; options lower ; No. 2 r d. Ajn-il. Hie. ( lure Kwelpts. 11.0.VI liush 'B ; exports. ? I4 , 000 busht-U ; Kp.'t itlk'her : Nu. 2. 'CiVd-Uk- elevator. U CWPilitlout : unsraduJ julied , 3 > f l > 41Sc : optt > Hii > tiriu : April. : ' - L- . Uats Itixf ipt . Tx.uiiu l > u Uel ; exports S1.4.W bushels : HHJ ! tlrna-r : No. 3 whlu- . & ! > , & & ; mixed weteri. . JO.'iCUc : "Ult wuteru , "Oft XV" ! ojitlon * Snnert April. 3Be , CWjffee C ; itiouk elosMJ kteadj atlOfidO point * down. &ala&,9 oha i > April. $ I7.0Uftn7.7l ) May. U7.50 : kpt > t Rio kleudy ; fain-ur oe * . { SU..VI. bwfar Haw. quiet : fair renmuz , 4\c leiluud finu ; i-onfeclioiier * . "A. " fili-J ( ( > c- . Pttttuleau L'nli d ciuM < d for May utfclc. Hepfc- steady ; ! < > ro. lUff-UHr. IWk iinm- ; and tielt d ; May wiU st HI.40 Lanl Hlsher , pri' < M lK tiiii > e of fcqueer.In i. . , r\ i i t. 1 , .I- . * l. . tt - , C CiurAon. April 1 : 1 15 p in. CI.HVlient t nst-'t ; .1 i , s ) Ss M.iy , * , t-w , Com Miiidr. i-asli. .U-tc : Miiy. n t rinti.vJi. : . : a , < ; M J. x Ilji'-Viriu ; 47.- . Hurley rirni Prime ThnntlirI1.S1 Fl x-l'lr : ? f.48. WhUVv-H.tC Potk'i ttle ; e * U. $ O. : My. H3.19. Lnnl-rirtn ; cit h. W.41 : M v. * . ! # > + . ITowr-Flrtn ; winter. f2.W ' 49j sprint , Jt.30 I'ruvUlotis-Drv salt metit . flrin. ) ilch r niid in nindemte rpqueM : hort rttt * . WJM Butter Killer : creamery. 14AI c ; Iw. Cheese-5t < 8dv : full crwtm rtiediliirs. Jflfe ] ( < : flat * . M 4 fcle ! : Yvnttf Ainerieas , life f " * lO\c. H Je * riiphmir.-di tiwti No. 1. 4 ( e : bwiv.T id lieht cn < rn Mlted. 4VW.V : xnlKol bull , c ; etven nlicd r If , ta ; drv Hint. fl * 5e : lrv hides , to ; drr cuff , % ftto ; de tv saoc TMJow t 4p ; No. S , 3 * e ; ike , 4o. Reeelptt. Shlpm'U. Hoar . 3XAM ] 4.K ( . . . Corn . IN.IKKJ 4M.Kk ( Oati LtvEKPOot.Aprll 12. Wliwit-KIrm : Oemaixl fnlr ; holders offer p rlncly : Cali- fornlR , No. 1. 7 * 4d per ccntMl. Corn I Inti. demand fuir ; new luUod western. 3s d percent Hi. KA > AS CITV. April 11-Whent Higher : No. 2. lurd. cash. 7tc : April , ft' ' c ; No. 2 , red , cash. 7y bid : ApriU774c. Com Higher : No. Z cash. 20 ic ; April 2S je. Oau-No. 2 cash , 2tSc- : ST. Lorts. April 32--Whcat Illjrherj cash and May. S4V : Jttlj. Kc. ! IViiti Finn ; cash. a te : MHV. 29Sc , Oats-rirm : cash , 23'c : May. MSo. Pi'rk-Nomlnallv higher at iH.W. Lurd ptiimg at Jvl2' , . M'hlsky steady ? it tl.02. Butter Vnehanged. MtLWAfKEli AprH No. 2 spring , on track. 71c ; May. 794c. Com linn : No. 3. "Me. Oats Firm : No. 2. white , S 4OSSVio. Kyi Ulehi-r : No. 1 , 47Hc. Barley Lower ; No. 2 , 47Ji33e. Pro visions Hlcher : poi Ml.v.NEAPOLtR. April 12. Wheat Receipts. 1SS cais. ; shipments 25 curs : cash rather slow. Closing quotations : No. 1hard. . April. m'4c : May , f.G' c : on track. J74c ; Xo. 1 northern. April. fv.i e ; May. HM c : on truck. Mfrs4'c ; No. 2 uonhern , Ajiril and MHJUc ; on track. CixrissATi , April 12.-Whcit-Strong : ; No. 2 red. Corn Meady : No. 2 mixed. H2r. Oats I'irm : No. 2 lulled , 274 ! < < fc25e. Whisky $1.112. LII'X STO 'K. CHICAGO. April 32. Cattle-Receipts , n..VO ; market 5-low ; lx > eves. tt.WilAMi steers , KL'M < TM.75 ; Mocker * and feeders. ? L'.508.n.ii ! > ; cows , bulls and mixed. fLlKkft-'UC. : Texas corn-fed steers , 8J.W4i3.70 : prassers , S2.50ir-3.00. Hop Kecelpts. IUKO ; market tlrm and M > 10o higher : mixed. J4.2Ort4.tO : heavy , $1.2lt&4.474 ; lipht , rt4Jt5 : fkips. K.rxKB.4.oi. ! : Shi-ep Ue4.'elpti , 4.kK ( ) ; market steady ; natives , f4.o 'W.0.25 : xestem curn-fpd. KiMsi. 5.70 ; Texans , 53.75 VOO ; lamlis , f5.25Q.7.HO. ST. LoriS. April 12. Cattk' Kecelpts. 100 : shipments , 3.2K ; ) ; Mron ? : fair Ui fancy native , Ei.4034.s5 ; Mockers , aud feeders. K " & 3-Vl. 3Vl.Hoes Kecelpts. IfK ) ; shipments , K.4M : staoncer ; lieavv. M Mir4.30 ; paclclui ; , 4.152. 4.25 ; liphU f4.OT44.20. KANSAS Ctrr. April 12. Cattle Receipts. 4..VIO : shipments. l..Ki ! ; stronp and bisher ; steers , El.4dfl ! .i ; iws. il. : > 'a M ; btockcn > and feeders. lloss lIivelpt-uXMiu : shipments. 500 ; higher ; ull inides. f4. ( 34.i. SiorxCiTV. la. . April 12. Cattle Receipts , 700 ; shipments , 500 : unelianged. Hess Kecclpts , 3,4W ; market strong ; 4.0.V2 THE IMPKOVEMEXT IIECOKD. .V Resume of the " \Vcek < < Husini's * in Realty and Itmlilines. The week in realty circles ivas tnarlred by a brisk business , ivhifh included several large sales and the commencement of negotiations for many more. One of the Inr o deals of the week was the sa ] < ? to J. B. Finla.v , representing senting- . F. Linton of Bripnton , Eiiplanii , of the lot iaj feet square at the corner of Eleventh r.nd Jackson streets. The propertj- was purchased for improvement and will soon bs adorned by a handsome brick block , As an indication of the increase of values in inside property it may be mentioned that ludpe ICerille vc > tcrday refused an offer of 4.12.VKX ) for his jvnjpeny , ( VixlSO f ct , at tlio corner of Sixteenth and Dodpe streets. The general inurkct is active and prices steadily on tlie advance. The following lipures show the volume of business in real estate transfers , bnildinc permit5 : and bank clearings for the past week compared with the corresponding : week of last year : REAL ESTATE TKAXFFr.ltS. I > av. J8S.4. mio. Monday . $20,152 J 3G.SOO Tuesday . O.V270 140.WC Wedncsdny . KUHi 1111.821 Thursday . : .4sfl 320.704 Friday . 40.2.Y ) 12 W Satuiday . 11,172 20,173 Totals , . $2-12.120 S 44r..M7 Day. 3S3n. lt ! > o. Monday . $12,77.0 J 6.MO Tuesday . iUfKK ) 32..s5 Wodnedjiy . Ktfi ! 0 G.C75 Thursday . 2 sO ii.4.'n Friday . 17,470 2.0W ! Saturday . 11.500 liUKfl Totals . U10.1SO S 52,100 THE BJLNT : CLCAWSGS. Monday . J ( iftr..t4r. 04 Tuesday . HKi.M 5i : Wednesday . . . , . 72iui2fl 40 Thursday . 7n4,2e : ( t ! Friday . TMUIU 29 Saturday . 7tti.2j3 05 Total . W.TO.434 80 Increase over tlio corresponding week of last year 17.1 per cent. TUB RI3AI/TV MARKET. INSTOF-MENTa placed on record duriti ; yesterday : Suite of Nebraska to F. Stabrei , ne nv and s ' , few. a > i-ii-ll. d f 3,453 IIKUogle l 3 M > wetnam. lots 12.1 ± 10 , 20 , 21 and 22. blk 1. aitd lots 1. 2. 5. C. 7. 10. 11 nnd 12 , blk 2. nr.t addition to Central Pink , qcd 1 Executors of the estate of I > .ra Millanl toKSohl. lot : iblkR Millurd. d 75 V Bena and wife to FrankIlworak. und .j of w ' , ! ot a blk 17 and 35xa : adj In Credit Foniler audition , w d COO Frank Ilworak und wife to V Henri , nnd ' of e't , same , w d COO Ileurv Hempen 'iud wife to A A Frarer , lut h. blk 4. Mayni-'s addition , w d 203 5 Hiiliiu.son and wife to C E Herring , lot : ; . bit ; 4. Shuir addition , wd 2.SD3 South Omaha Land company to C A Tubbs , lot II , blk X South Omaha , w d. . KK ) Samuel Cortner and wife to Goore Uradenburg. lot 4. blk 2 , Cotner ft A n-her1 ! ! addit Ion. w d 450 FN Kennedy to J It Webster. MU7C Inlet lot 7.Capitol addition. ( | e d 1 T It Ward and wife to A B Uibsou , lot 4 , blkft. Kountie I'lune. n e d 1 ThomaK TutHeld ui L Wlturdick , n Mot 4 < ) . Nelson's addition , w d 2.033 A E Koder and husband to W H Duty. lot 5 , blk 3 , Wisu & Paruielce's add , wd 2,500 Bessie Campbell to William Tllford. lot fi. till ; 2. ilrst add 1 < | Mount IKiugliis . . . Marv Dworuk to John 1'uiae. lot U. blk 2 , liworak ° > add to South Oinnha. vr d. . Xf ) OliHilos stttibel and wife to 1'red Seliro- dcr. Jot B , blk 2. Elkhnrn. w d S53 A P Tukey et nl to O II Wyatu lot 5 , blk lit. Clifton Hill , w d T30 nui.n.Uti PcK-i-Hrn und wife to Henrjr Mlt-t k 24 feet of lot 4. blk 7s , ttiutU OmaliN , w d , . 3,060 L S IliHvt and wife u > M. 11. Davenport , lot IL blk \ Alamo Plaz * . w d 2.W3 L prank uud wife t1) A Lynn , lot li , UlkT.Ums.eom Place , w d S.S03 Twc-nty-three transfers fcSi.173 A Conscleni-C'Strickcn Dos. There WHS a snd case of branch of trust in Atlttnia the other day. bays the Atlanta Constitution. An old blind man was beinfr led down Murietta a roet by dog just HI the time whn the udowHlks wer < a inept crowded and tha roadway full of vehicles. Lon oxperienoa had tftught the blind innu to trut > t his four- footed ( fuide , and he vtsnt nlonp feeling certain that he would b led into no dan ger. Suddenly a t mpting bone a few feet from the sidewalk attrtu-ted the doattention. . He looked atit whtt- fully fern moment , and then , unable to wilh Und the tamjtUttUm , he went after It , uuoouccioun ) of danger , the blind man followed the do ; ; , and before any one could put out a hand to * .ave him Jte w ! > under the fe&i of H j.s injhortn. . The driver pulled up bis team ju t in time , and the blind man ewajifid with Lit , hat kriOv'ktvl off. H'-rmn-w muat havi < w.-/i ! J the < lof. fur InJtxl the blind man liiu-k totiur.ikWali. . uU tvuk-U { tu " > k a * t ij. ' > . 'U' .1 ' j..j TOOK TIIE DOWNWARD ROAD , Sad Story of a Convict at the Lincoln Penite&tiarj. STOLU HIS EOOM-MATE'S MONEY A AVI Id Mfc nt Il.trvnnln * tlio I'lrst St 'i > In n Crlnilmil ( "n Moi-c n 1'roo Man. jscots. Neb. , April 12. fSi .vin' t > Tni Bnc.J "Le , 1 caanot b 4p yov is- t'-ls tronbte , " "FHther. " jijcudefl a bey ninetiec yt-m-s of iipv and tin only son , "this ismy lift of apnlnst the law , nnd 1 prowiine a iK-tier k r > . if you will only help me out. The sun. of > uey I nsk root for is Imt n little mie to > . < u "Two thousand dollars Imt n little sum to me ! My boy , 1 could not help you to tl.nt sum to Mi\v my life I ain a jwi ] K-r At noon today I tnnile on n sipnmrot for tlio iKaieflt of my creditors and it will 1 X0 t-vt. ; y dollar of tny iwssslim * to settle up ir. ' Nf fairs and save my name. " This ititelliimiix' not only ast.n.U b t nppHlled the boy. On lenvinc tnnuf a * ivr njonlUs before his father wn B rcp-uJ millionaire nnd ho lied not di > - mcj < if his inverses in fortune. lnd-vl t'-o name of .lustin Howard is reinemu- . t > ( „ , * dsy In the oil tvtrions of I'ennvj 1\ i m a t Of un old-time oil Iciup , who cnvi- | > u f To to snvc his credit , little an-unun , ' i j' u pxsrtcr bliirht , if jMssible , wus 1 > . at ti dwr even t hen. A few yeur Biro fortunes were n.ajtr.J lost 3i a UH.I in the oil fields of tha" 'Un ' how it is unnixiessary to the thread i ' mystery story to state. Suftlco it , then. Jti t H > w- ard. who lived in 1'hUadeliihiii ut via1 ' .ttii . aniasseil n fortune by speculatinc u . .1 of d oil lands , and "went to the will' it iue of the panics of the day. On thee > e - ! his only wm , a j-tattnl. i-jiuie tj him in distivss. At HiirruixJ. v > h 'iv drus taking a eoUepiate. tMurs.c , he MS . .i-"i the sum 'of fJXK ( by ttcrsonutini : his r-KUii- mute nnd uscvl it to jiay cff S"ino prc'ssinp debts thnt be hud cxmtrsinod in vta\ wurd hours. Lee knew too wl : that di" oovcrj'wttb liable to potne UJKIH him i .m moment , and to avoid s > ui-li a Minting- . IK * boanied a train , went hotne und bu.vit his Mnil to his f t her. lie told him that o < s p.i tion bad led him to live beyond his u'i < i't > uud be had contracted debts that ' " 'fiiM not moot. He told him tbnt when. p > > . : n--n to desp-'iiitioii by dun-s he went to the i " ' Jttiv liojimi ; iip-aitis't UOJKto fret n letter lr. > " . Home' c-xiuUuniUL' money that would enable tun. to his obligations , b.e had found n l.-tt r < 1- Say > d to his ixiom and clast-inat t'mi ' li' ' kneiv contained u draft Ibeinoni bi -lcU the money that would save hi if'il iui > put n stop to the imporiu * i' i' < f persit-u-nt creditors. Unable to i'- ' rid the leuiptatiun lie confessed IK is father that be bed abstracted thi-lira ! ' , < u > by porsonatinp bis IIOMIUI friend m a b.r u f < \ it ensnod aud used it iis indieAt/nd / Svith toiirful cye > Jlr. Hovviini li-i--- " t , . bis son's painful Morv , nnd alth < > u.'i ' . * i ! to help him , for be felt that Ins in i w , -i keep bis promise- live an honest ii"i ! . .prln life ever after , be knew that he muiii n"1 fl" so. Povcitv for the father nud n prism , , v for the son. lloji-less future. In tin of discovery tbe alternative was avpur"ii ! in n word arrest , criminal proaucuti.iu \ i > - tiou and sentence. Lee Howard tool ? the sltnution n < 1.i . . foramouiL-nt and left his father Mitfii'u ' ; bis oflloe witboutawonl of iro' > < J-t > . H- felt thut he was a criminal aid flight -\\-as the only eoure left f.-t him to pnrMie. Mother and s-ist r- t. , wei-c f orpotten. Indeed , they knew u-1" " ' < of his di.spraee until I lr. Howar.1 um , [ K-lled to toll them the sad Mnr. . , f fortune the father und mother Moml brm .1 . but the stain nj'fn their name result. ] _ fr. i the- public denouncement of Loo's f'1-- ' > un. < tbem toth to thi'ir praves befoiv 1h"ir iitiie During the fall of the year 1 77 Le ' f mud hitnsell in the city of Omaha. lx > th fnen-Ucss und ] ipnuiless. Bydoiup odd j.ili . h.v"i be muniiffixl to eke out a miserable t \ \ - u-it * and for a time it sts-ined that hwouiii suo- ccKxl in bis efforts to lead un bonorahie I fa however menial and sen-lie. Hut. uot s. . . Uo asrain fell in au idle moment. Th < j .siuvi b ' .fe he was luaditip , comjiurod witb hi > fnrin i 'a of luxury und ea- * , proved too nu.rb for bis jrood resolutions. Duriup the cut i soil mer of 1 7s Max Meyer's jewelry ft.-- . v s burplarized and suspii'ion jiaintiiiu 1 IJ--P Howard he wai arrested , tried : nni < > ii > i ' < "d on the cbarjre of burplary and .liidt' Smiiprf seiiteudt-d him U > the htute jK-mt'-ni ' . * * fr five years. June ! . 1 7- . thriinmi't ' tit. . a day lirfore reaebiup bi > majority , he I.ILI " 0 ,1 convict'spurli and under iistru > "i 'P.C , AVurdcn Nobes commencrtl to leani tri- -t-'t.c- cutter's trade. Altboucb be secun- 1 h' -i-u mt'iiths ' 'po ; > d Htne , * " only buviup t . tUree years uud nine months ol the S--M , - of tbe'c-onrt , he bpcame the finest c .r , . .it tbc penitentiary i and the corner sUii.Kn . < - cnpitol buUdlnjr. cut by bis own hdi * \ uf 'si bi * . skill. In Maren , I'.SJ. he ae in i > i-t a citizen's clotlies and wnlkcni into 1 J" ' ; > ur a frt e man. Iut bib good niMiluti > nm.'ii u went for naupht. He commenctvi JIIMV he work of life in Linc-oln , but it sonn bucu.ue laiown that be WHS un ex-eouvift. ana f < where be would orumlertiike wbut h.rmp'.t the flnper of scx > rn poiul < i < l ai timj > u every band. On the coldest nipht nf IVn-fn.- bor lollowinp. havinp been driv < 'ii from sn < " tcr because be hid neither nion'jy n u fru-iids. be became so imbittered that be iviolvcvl to commit bis third crime for the s > ie purjKiMs of Iwtus returned to jirison life. Acvonbup v he brukc into one of the lurpest tailm oiiri's tablishments of the city , anil sucvt : sfu..y contrived to be caught in the art of burplary. Ho was tried on tlio dual cburpe of housebrtakin ? and pranrt Inr- ocny. ontfivd the plea of puilty un.Tudiro < Gaslin of Almu. who hud ext-hanpcd iM-ni-hi" * witb .ludpe 1'ouuil , wiitciii'i'd him t tc-u years in the piiitcntiary at nurd iutx r March 'J. IsSM , be entered ujion tin.err nut of his second sentoni-c. The warden upiuu put him to cnttinp stone , but bis c-hi- -rfi.lm-s. and deportment wen1 such that on r.--u' , -tn.p to be peruiittod to li'urn another t ruiii- h.uan ranslenvd to the tuilor shujis. wb-i" ln pi - tfii'ieni'.v npaiii iKvJime a iiiarvi-l. Hihandi work. indotid , was soupht by Lin < - lii -s al > lisbmeuts that employed eonin-t lu'uir Kutty. full dit s suits , worn by tv > " * < .f N < - braska's povt'niors on IOB rtu > were made by him. But month ! . rap > < H u ulu- plied into years aud Wc-dnosdaj iu"nung April H , at tliecpe of thirtytwoars Lee Howard acain stoppad from liebiud prison walls. This time Lu came forth with new rcsulutioiiis. to a-cfxinn , and bis JuU- --ii-H-p * is ' express the lw licf ttiat h bus the munbood to keep tbem , and thut h < - will nsj alKire his past iu some clime where u < - lian not been known and wbei there is nu daijer ( of the fluper of scorn. Wednesday mormnp a neatly dres.1 aad flue Jnokint ; younp man , aiuompuined by Billy Dortiiu , manuper of the ( . ' -irhis'i iuior * on tlie Western mauufueturiup in i panv entered the Capitol hotel. His ln-ari : . and bis address indicated bim to ba ( . ' . ' . man. and no one uiiiuxjuainlcd ith his si. i ana ovonUVl hUtory would have dreami-.J tbut no hud spent the ricbeat anil l > a t } ' ; ai-s of las life bebiiiil jinwm bars. . The urban D . ! > tn trodooed him to some of bis intnnut < - fn--nds end amoDK the uumlKT I hail the pliisure of mtUnp biia. Hel-'ft on the Burlinpton flyer f"i an cast- era city , & city on the ocean coast , nnere hu ootiflduiitiully assured me be would euirt in life apain unput. "Alv fathi-r and mother , " lie said , wijnnp n tear Jroin * either eye , -are ( Kith < lu.d 1 have a sister lirinp. however , and ut lu'r nnjufst I &hall join her Iwfore tae week closua She n happily itiHrriod and fche HSBUWS me i hi-r busuaud wilt Rive me u < x > rdinl pit < euu > ! und uij if 1 prove myself tu oo a uutu " 1 see that you are much b"tt/-r ar--sei the average oonvirt ) ust fmm th' t > ' ' 'OB , ye * . I worked odd hour * , wu > iuid libermuv for It , and 1 saved my inon < - \ 1 iiui over 1-100 wb n 1 left the i uiU' ! tuts moruitip. While there 1 wus kimi ! > tn atod , even better than I fool 1 dw > < rvfd. mid I was bt le to buy the suit of cloUti * 1 h avron I wi u you would say tbat eouvicts man. their own treatm iut. Mr. iJortstu and Mr lOpmi are kiadlr dUpoAod and i do nut < MIV f > r bet ter frmttiw. If the world would be a HU.o more bumaa toward men whom it Uu aisoov * wnd to have \toftt oouvi < < t it would be tx-t ; " f < > r it and i here would be fewer iv-i \ . tnt MC , Uf - " Ai. L A-fc fji Vua Houtcn a ( .iKja. I * Uc &