AIL.Y . BEE , SUNDAY , APRIL 13 , 1890.-TWENTY PAGES. lER Oils item WQ advertise for Monday , Dr. Warner's Celebrated Coraline 333 Corset , should draw a crowd. We closed from the manufacturers about 300 dozen of lliis one brand nin low price , and will give our friends and customers a benefit Monday , Don't miss our great Curtain and Carpet Sale Monday. 'Brass trimmed Cur- l.iin Puleffgo Lrccj with every pair of curtains. Mail orders filled on the Corsets , DM. WAKM'K'S Cor.iline M Corset f > 8c pn rt h Dr.Viicn ( ' ! ' ' ( Ii-Draleil 1 'i | > iin | | 1'iihii I. kniiun nil i-l 'he wniltj , . , . i ( r lii're ill M , Mmiiliiv > 'iiine ' In mill , .ncil | V nl il > ' ii pair. Mull onlcr * filled. I'Vcnch Mulls ISc. " | i'i'r < t fiilii'jr < ittlM' | mill clii'i-k * , I'rnneli M In li'd. I . . liliirb. | ilnl ( . i'li' . Coliin nitnil iHNl.inily lAoynril ; v , nrlli ; i..i- . I'rench Sntines 25c. 1 " 'ii'iii'itu ' One iiiiiliii'"allin" > . Stoiiiliiy "V a I . . .I rii'giinl llnu I'lilom null put ti-rin. cost * 333 Corset 68c. /m&ti&f - tVtt liAt < < i1n- " Invl ' ( r [ ! fr ; li i.J7PM IS to HO i : ' llM'in Mm.rlii . ) | * piiii ; \u-ltli tl. CIIIRCII PASTORS AND PILLARS Rovmv of the Local Religious Events of the Post YA ; k. OATilBRIHGS OF ClOD'S ' BLEOT. ( ii'iinlli of'tin ; Klrut ( 'lilted Pi-osliy- li'i'lnn ( 'hni < 'li l > M > Hliyti'i-lcs I'IIM ! null I < 'iiiiii-o other Ni ws mill Notes. Hov .1. M ! French bus just closed his tli-st yearns pastor of the First 1'rcsbytcr- lan chui'ch , ami hlsiidiiilnlstratloubus proved n plnmint. and pnilltublu one to the church. The addition of members during the year has IH-CII iV ) | H-r cent , making u net Increased of 'M iH'rcenl Ono your ago the Snbbath cchool liail liri Ncholiirs ; now It has Htl scholars with llflivn touchers mid llvoonirors. The woman's liiliHlomiry widely has donbleil Its number of membcr-t. Thni'i' Is u nourishing mission band with Iwo department * thu junior mid the m-ulor. Thu mission band has rul.iiil Mduring \ the live months dlnci' Its oi'Kiinl/atlou. The young people's itix-li'tv IH In gixid comlltlon. The congn'ga- tlon bin pild Its iiiota | to the lioai'il and to all titlu'i' runil.s of the chui-i'h. It has paid the pailorx mikiry In full and still has n little moiir * In the IniiMiry. The total amount liilvil itnriiiir the yenr IH alKiut f'.TIH ) , making im iivermr < > nf ' , o IMT meiuher , nlliely being tlin incinlMM hlp tiio Ih-jtt of the year. These lvMHtt | wen , ninile al ItH late iiiinmil meeting. Dining tln p.isl ten yicu-H this congicguiion tni'i done exi-i'llent work In the citv. In INS.1 , II octranUed the CII.IK street mls.ifon Sabbath Kili" > l , In uhlch excelli'iit work has been il n" e\er xlnce , and also mmlhcr mUslou Sabbath m-liinil , which , with incml > crs from llu l''tiNr church , noon becmuii the Park uv iiao ciMiKivKiition , In ISS7 Urn rcn- i-liurt'h WHS organised of niemlH'rs nln.i-,1 1'ltlln'ly from the First church. These r , \ "ii \ " M show u greater rate of Increase of mint" In Onmliii limn liny other In it liNtory. MiitttlUiMtmdhiK nmiiigb of membei-s within il vi ar withdrew to form ttie two other i lull i IIIM. yt't I lie First church did not mx-in I IN \ \ ' 'likened hi tlio Um t. but Immediately f'i'h , MI * ! time announced ithelf ius imle- IK - Iul uf iho iHiurd of homo missions ami nlmwd il mircttMful work. Tin1 congrc- ( iJ'i'in wiw IU > VIT before wi well organized nor i i-rc ImniMHiliMis than al present. Tlmcon- K ' -fulhui ( > xK | < t'tM to miivu to the uorthern IMI < > f th > city diirbiK Iho summer. It will i' ' < it IIIIYI * im cxit'lloiit Held for missionary u nk. ami a buildliiK moiii cunvcnlunt to U lit' ' ' diimlxT of HID uimllltM und In u rapidly ( i ' \ ' 'tur | mrt of the city. oiimlia ( ) i < r\t Tuiiuluy the chunltcs of the 0 i ! M m'litbvlwry of the 1'n-xbyterlan iUtT i < MrUl uwt In coiiVMitlon at I'apllllon. ' ( IMMV ur : 'u t\ two cluilxhtK in the nrtcunlza- li m Tlu m ltiMtf ( inutiUn's to bo nu luixirt- | nii' 'tic UK the nuwlUm of the revinliin of the 1 I fnHfc'H of ftdth will be dUciiH.Heil at length. t > iv iiiliii lfr piiNiviit will bo permitted to llf. I , ' Ills vh'WHIHI tllll HllbjtVt. ! ! v .1 M.VII * < in of the Ciuitollar Street I'n'sli , loilHii i-hurch , In Uil city , will act iw n > < * | . twlor ami I'ltwldont Daniel U. Kerf , III * , of IWIuo it > lli > K ' , WH-tf t ry. Hi" < > | 'iiliijr M iwlim will Ui on Tuesday ut which time the mtxl niter , Hov. J M \ \ il.iu , vsill dnllvtT an uddiVMt. On \ \ , .1'ii-ndnv tiiuruliitC thi ) biiHlnewt MiMlon v i > i oiiitm-iiiv , und will prolwbly continue tint 1 1 Thurtlujr Hfteriuxm. I'nMliylnrluii Missionary Hoi'lcty. 'I u. ' annual ms.iUnK of the Woman's homo M il f m-uru mto tum ry MH'tuty of the prvMhy- I T > . 'f O Mht will INI Iwld In tlw Firat l'l\vt- II.I.IUM ttiun'h , S ) v iit MiiUi and tnvu , on 4\prl | 41 , utl ; 0pm. i < . . 'tinrf wdl twU Wut7ilA p. HI. , Kov. W. J. IUi > > 4 v * MA aiUliMU will t kjr Dr. Ci pf 'i . i IH fW M Wttn , t :50 : p. IH. , It ItovwlJoual LADIEXS' $4.98 121 Ladies' Bended Wraps. This is a Minmifiu'turor'H Kiimplo line ; no two nllko ; worth at wholoHalo 38 to12each. Wo bought thoin cheap nnd will give you the benefit Monday , only $ -1.08 each. $2.78 "S ( lo'/on Ladies' French Flannel Ulouso Wai'ds , in fancy stripes and llgures , beautiful colors , in light and dark shades , $ -.70 each ; worth S-l. Children's Bonnets , lUdo/.cn Children's Lace Bonnets , in rill the new shapes , jijst arrived , on sale Monday at "oc each beautio * . Also another lot al lOc each ; .such as is usually sold at tioc. Children's HOSE , 19c fiO dmen Children's Ribbed IIoso , in tans nnd browns , all si/es , formerly sold at ! ! oc to f > fle ; choice Monday lUe pair. word1 * of welcome , reply , president's address , secretary's report , roj > orts of vice presidents , treasurer's report ; address , "Missionary Lit erature , " Mrs. Crcigli : address , "Utah"Miss Kiiimio I'nelcy ; business question , roll rail , delegate's report , electiou of olllccrs ; discus sion of baud work , Mrs. Wilson. CtMitral West. The Ccntml West , well named , a bravy p.ix.'r ] for busy Presbyterians , has been again enlarged and improved , having now seven in stead of six columns as formerly on each page. It has bacu Ipitglhcncd in proportion. It is now the size of the Interior nnd other high-priced Presbyterian papeis in the cast. Among Iho now features is the Denver de partment , nn cntiro page being devoted lo Iho church IIPW.S of that city. Another is the column entitled "Things of Today , " being a condensation of Iho latest secular news up lethe the hour of going to press. Hev. 3Ii- . , | ( .MOM Callnil. Hev. J. W. .fonos , the Methodist minister who has been lining the pulpit of the South west church for sevei-al months , has been offered the pastor ihip of that society at a salary of ? JlKh ) pyr annum. Mr. .lories is nu able and conscientious man. lie has Ih'on'a Methodist minister for a mini- In-rof ycai-s , but a .study of theolojjy and church methods has i-ausod him to Iwouw u Pivsbyterian. Ho has ncconlingjy given up the pastorate of a lloiirishtg Methodist church in Iowa to como to Omaha. THIopKN : oocm. iVnd so they'd clo-so the "Open Door'1 Aguhiftl the weary , wayward feet ; The beacon light must shine no moro To guide them to its safe retreat I O. loving Christ , can this IK ) t > o , Where hundred thousand Christians dwell , "Who , to their temple : ; constant How , That shiners may be saved from belli Where church spbvs glisten in the skies , And golden crosses iniint nbove , The sin-sick wumlcrur fainting dies l'i \vunt of bi-o.ul unit human love ! O no : for Thou didst tnuuh the heart Of those an icy world disdains , That tlmy who'vn felt sin's blighting smart Themselves might ease thoirsistors' pains. That when the mighty day shall como. When all earth's millions .shall bo there , For Judgment , bused on deed that's done And not on word , or rite , or prayer. Their Christ with piercing glance divine Will see these on the farther shore ; l'iuin each breast a light doth t-hlno That cmno there through tho"Oi > on Door. " When lo ; with accent pure and mild llo'Il s | \ik those thrilling words to thee , "Since tliou dhlsi lieu ! my wounded child , Thou surely diilsl il uulo mo. " "To thco shall opo the gates ot pjace , l-'or thco the sun of bliss will shiuo ; Thy iHinds shall all llnd swei't release In hoaven'.s awakening love divine. " In tli < - \ I'siry. Uov. P. II. Drounun , of Into the publisher of a Piwbytoi'ian pcriudlcnl , will become a member of the Omaha presbytery. I cv. Q. It. Shlnn , of the Unlvorsallst church , has ivcclvcil Invitations from places In Ixith Vermont and Maine to spcaknn Mom- orlal day but 1ms dccliuctl. lie will bo thu orator at the Ktmnicy exurclses. Kov. Morgan Morgans , tlie noted revivalist , ImslHvn i-uiiducting n serliw of revival nn.t t- IngH at the Kit'st ChriHtian church Iho | > , Lst wet'k and Invt been doing some IIKMI effective work. The ladle * of the St. Mary's Avonna Con- givgatlotxil church with tholr usual fertility of Inu'iitlon g-avo unique entertainment Friday evening which consisted of booths wprtwunllng tin ) various days of the week. In eut'ti iKxith were sold appropriuto nrtlclus and the ladlun rvalUtsl u snug sum for tholr enttirprliu ) . St. Mary's Avenue CongruKutlonnl church , corner of Twenty-sevunlh stnvt , Hov. Wll- la 111 Scott | xuUir. Public servicon on Sunday ut 10 : * ) a. m. and 8 p , lit , Sunday schinil ut Mixm. Yiviing [ H-ople'si MX-i ty of Chi'lstlan mtdtMvor one hour bofon ) uvwdng survico. Chuivh pmyer mw.itIng ouVtNlnui > duy eveu- lutf ut S l > . ui. Ludlca' society ou Friday Infants' Cloaks , 14 Infants' Long1 Cashtnoro Cloaks , in one color ( red ) only. As wo Irnvo only ono color loft wo will offer en tire lot Monday at ! Wc each ; fot'inorly sold at SI ! ,'l ) , 3 1 and $5 each , W eel Serge CO pieces -10-inch All Wool Serges , an elegant quality , beautiful line of colors , only OOc yard ; worth 7oc. Ladies' Fast Black HOSE , 35c. 100 dozen Ladies' Fa-it Hlaul : IIoo. our own importation , every pair war ranted fast black , cheip at oOu , on sale Monday : > oc pair. Black Brocade irilliantines /t-r r * lo pieces Tllnel ; Urocado Brilliantinos , elegant quality , beautiful lustre , hand some patterns , formerly sold at 41 , now Too vard. nfternnnn at 'J : 'X ) . Bethlelvm chnpel Sunday school , corner of South Sixteenth an'd Hickory str.vts , ut : i p. in. Parkvulo chapel Sunday school , corner of South Twenty ninth und Dupont slivels , ul.'l p. m. Pastor's resi dence IK- ) ) South Twenty-seventh street. At homo ou Tuesday evenings. C'astcHnr Street Presbyterian church , Six- tcmilh and Ciistellar streets , Uov. .1. M. Wilson - son pastor. Subjects , "The Original Dignity of Man , " and "Tho Life Producing Spirit. " Trinity M. K church , corner Twonlr-lirst nnd Binney. Kc-v. W. 1C. Beans pastor. Preaching 10 : : > 0 a. m. nml7ui : : p. m. Morning subject , "Tho Fruit of the Spirit" ; evening , "Eye Service. " Sunday school 13 m. , .1. T. Hobinsoit .suponntomlcnt. Young people's mooting 7 p. m. Seats free. The people made welcome. At the Southwestern ILaitheran church. Twenty-sixth street , between Popploton and Woolwortb avenues , Jtov. Luther M. Kuhiis will preach at 11 a. m. oa "Accoptublo Suffer ing. " and al7u : : ) p. m. , "Seeking the Good. " Plymouth Congrrgational church , comer Twentieth and Spencer .streets. Dr. A. K. Thuiu jKistor. Services at IDiIiOn. in. and 7 : ! ) p. m. Sunday school at IS m. V. P. S. C. E. at I ! :30. : Trinity cathedral. Capitol nvcnue and Eighteenth street , Very Kov. C. II. UarJuor dean. Holy communion S a. m. , morning prayer , litany und sermon lla.m. Sunday school Hl"i : p. m. ; children's service ; 1-I5 : p. m. ; evening prayer inid sermon 7 : ! H ( p. m. Dean ( iiu-duer will preach morning and even ing.At At Welsh Prosbytoriun church services will bo held as follows : Preaching tit 10W : a. in. and 7 : : lp. m. Sunday school afJlD : ! p. m. Pastor , Kov. .1. K. Johns. Subjects- Morning , "Thai Which was Uont ; " evening , "The Necessity and EtTcctj of the Kesnrrec- tion. " A cordial welcome to all. Kov. Morgan Morgans will preach in the First Christian church morning and evening. Morning subject : "Monumental Evidences of Christiaui'v. " livening : "I'lio Coining of Christ and the End of the World ; the Year Events Will Occur. " Newman M. E. church. Kov. J. E. Ensign , pastor. Morning subject , "For What U Your Life. " Sabbath school ati \ \ m. Epworlh league prayer meeting iitli : ! . " ) p. m. Plal- form temperance meeting ul 7iO : ! p. m. Addresses by I ! . . .J. J. Heedy , Charles Walts Cail Ifohnumson and the pastors. Ciood music. EvoryUxly welcome. People's church ut the Iloyd , every Sunday morning and evening. Subject morning at II. "Tw. Steps , " evening at H , "To Men only. " Music by chorus and orche.str.jr Mr. Franklin S. Smith , director. Uov. C. W. Savidgo , pastor. You uro invited. All Saints church , Twentv-sixtli and How ard streets. The music for the Sunday after Eustcr will l > o that sung oil Easier day as follows : At the II o'clock service , proces sional-O/ion , Ulesl Cily-IIiies ; to deum and jubihilo dee in F-lilies : anthem , Now Is Christ Klsen BacJi , to bo sung u'cajiolla. At the -I o'clock service proccssi'inal , Jesus Christ Ulscn Today--Cmyy ; ma/jnilicat / and nuiii ! dlmittis In F Ililc * ) ; anthem , Ciod Hath Apimintcd u Day Tours , Free sit- ' HUMS for strangers. Firsl M. E. church , Davenport near Seven teenth street. Morning service 10 : . ' ) , sub ject , "Abruham'u Plea for Sodom. " Evening service 7:45 : p.m. . subject , "Wliolo-Hoartcd Seeking. " Sahhath school at StO : : p. in. Young People's Society of Christian Entleavor meeting at ii-5 : ! p.m. All scuts free und all cordially invited to the above services. Kov. P. S. Merrill , pastor , ! M I Chicago street. At homo Wednesdays. First Unlvorsulisl church , Q. II. Shlnn , po-stor. Servlivrt 10 : ( ft a. m. nnd 7W : ) p. in. Sunday school at IS. Meetings ut ( ioixlrich hull , Twenty-fourth stivot , three blocks north of Cniniug. Side entrance. Church of Iho CJood Shepherd , corner Nineteenth mid Lukn stivcts , IJov. .1. P. I ) . Lloyd , rector. Sunday borvlces April lllth. Holy communion ut t > a. m. Sunday school , 10 u. m. , service. * and sermon by the rector at M u. m. and 7:110 : n. m. All pel-sons uro cor dially Invited and inadu welcome to all bcr- vlciM. Seats free. Y. M. C. A. building comer Sixteenth nnd Douglas streets. Open dally except Sundays from g n. m. to 10 p. m. Sundays from 1 ! to i ) p. m. A cordial wulcouut to all , cMn-dully travelers und strangers. Song sorvfco Sat urday uvi'ning Hi S.'IW o'clock , led by E. E. Thomas , osij. A special uddrues to young men hy Kttv. Wilhml Scott on Sunday ut 4 p. m. Subject/'Juhn , the Baptist. " All uro invited. At the Central United 1'robbyterian church ARM JRE. SILK $ .1OO fiO jilccos [ ino rjitnlity colored Armuro Silks , nil the new spring shades , cheap nt $1.05. You can got thorn till next week ut $1 ti yard. Mail orders lilled. Children's Bonnets 76e. Monday doxqn f'hildren'ri Bonnets made of the lines Vandyke point em broidery , bamd at ? cut above. Ibis bon net is a bcaiitv.Viiid would be cheap at 8l.2"j. On silt"Mnday : ; al S-'ic each. Get one. ( BE AD ib WRAPS Only about HO' 'in this lot , formerly sold n't $3 to M. Monday $ l.ii each. nn Seventeenth iti-eet between Capitol ave nue and Dodge street , preaching by the pas tor , Kov. John Williamson , D.D , , at liJMa. : : ) m. Subject : "KoniemboringOur Ilodeemcr. " At TuUp. : m. , "Holding Fast Our Profes sion. " JtKT.TKlOVS. The Salvation army Inw already followed the drum boat of Giouli Britain round the world. Mr. Spurgeon' . " . church received 'tlO new members on their baptism lust year. The tolal membership is now set down 11,571. The Coivun ulphabet is jihonotic and so simple that uiijono can learn to road in a day. Nearly all the women in Corcu can read. The Itu'ptis your book , just issued , show.- , Unit the number of I5aptistu in the United States la : ii)7i ) > .0ir. During 1SW , H4, members wci-e buptizod. A bill t'lxing church pi-oiwrty bus pissed the Manitoba logiuluture. The buildings and the land to the amount of two-acres on which they nro situated will be exempt. The great revival which has taken place in connection with the Turco-Amerieaii mission at. Aintub in Armenia has resulted in the ad dition of .W members to the church. Hev. F. T. Whitman of the Brighton ave nue church. Hoston , Mass. . luw sullod for Hangonn , Burma , where ho is to become- pas tor of the English spo.iking Baptist church in that city. The Baptist denomination in Liberia is the only self-supporting religions body in that country , There are thirty-one churches with II.IUO mo.mbcM's. They have u mission umong tlio aborigines. The Baltimore con- foivncj h is ndopt-j I a iihin for the insur nice of the ehurehos of the"coafrence. . and Kov. II. > riiia luw been appointed treasurer of the fund , Seventeen Koliles were bapti/ed by Uev. K. Petrick in Assam .lanuary Ti. Thousind.s of Iheso pjoplo are lab iriuin the tea gardens of Assam and thuy ofi r one of the llnost Holds for missionary labor. Bishop Hurst of the Methodist Kpiscopil church bos made the ill-it piymont of SS > , U > M for the trad of ninety ucrcs of laud near Washington , D. C. , lo b-t used as the site of the proposed now Methodist university. It was claimed In the meetings attending the celebration of the fourly-sccoud iinniver- scry of modern spiritualism ivcontly thai thei-e are SO.IMX ) spirtitunllfi-n In Boston alone , many of whom are scatter * * ! among the vari ous churchus. The other day a Minnesota clergyman traveled thirty ml'j.'jS nindo six calls , visited I wo ; schools , gave an afternoon lecture and shot seven jackKibmU , all Ix-twecn sunrise und sunset and he said it wasn't a good day for work either. Kov. Theodora S. Cnyler , Dl ) . , completed thirty years of service- piistor of Lafayette avenue Presbyterian church. Brooklyn , and terminated his pasimate on Sunday lost. The church prosenU'd , hm ( wltli 91,000 for every year of Ids p Two nil : > sionar.iiis , ono in service on the Mojiplito const , ( . ' Amorlca , the other in Labruilor , are j-op.vaciiliilviu | of a family who for six gonuratiousfiom 17Iiii down wmil have been laboring in ono oranother- of the Moravian mission Holds. Probably the greatest stickler for church law in the Kplscnpal' ' church is Bishop Whit tle of Virginia. The other day ho marched out of a Uichmond iihurch because the choir sang u hymn at ) of Iho service. The singing of such a hymn Is not prescribed in the pruyer-bixik. The Lutheran church of America has grown from a inert ) handful in livis to bo ono of the strongest and most numerous religious bodies In the Intnl. or has increased from ono minis ter , ono congregation and lifty niomUu's in 11Kb to llfty synods , -l.llia ministers , 7.IH con gregations , and t.USO.OI1) muinbors in IH 'J. Its most rupld growth bus been within the lust twcnty-llvo yau-s from ISiM to l\s'J , 17 synods , l.MU ndnlstoi-s , .I.Oil. ) congivgutiuns , ami 7 l.- if.T mombei's. As LuthcranUm is strong In the United States , so U it throughout the world , havingis.uoi niinlstorsvs-'V5clmrches ; , und 50Or.lNJ buptizod moinbers. Itis unreasonable for a woman to expect her walking Jacket or long cloak to lit when she si Us down. The garment Is u rogulur .standing nttair , und she b hi grout luck If it holds when she is ou her foot. BASEMENT 10,000 Rolls Wall Taper , . " , o roll. 10.000 Uolls Gilt Paper , 80 roll. 10,000 Rolls Fine Gold Paper , lOc and 15. . : roll. 110.000ards Fine Borders , Icyarcl. Genuine Superior Clothes Wrinjjers , $1.00. Novelty Clothes Wringers ) , SI.93. Toilet Paner , 5o roll. ( > dozen Clothes Pins , 5c. Decorated Chamber Sots. 0 pieces , $2. 1.000 Pie Tins , Ic each. liOO "White Chambers , o'o ! ' each. filK ) Small Pudding Pans , Uc each. A Good Washboard , l < ie. J5o t Broom on earth , 19o. Hard Wood Toothpicks , oc for 1,000. Medium Sine llnlcliets , lOc. i Larjre Si/.o-IIatchels . ISO-foot Clothes Lines , 5e. ( iO-foot Clothes Lines , lOc. Maeliino Oil , fie bottle. Cut Crlnsa Salts and I'oppors , oc. Gold Paint. lOc bottle. Patent Doves VlZK Heaters. lOc. Boys' Velocipedes. $1.7" > . Lamps , complete , 1-jc , 1'Jc ' and Uoc. Hanging1 Lamp. # ! . ! . Ansoi'iia Nickel Clocks , flitc. Scrub Brushed at Hie and loc , worth 12-jc and . " > c. 1:2 : marbles for Ic. Boys' Base Balls at oo , lOc , loc. 2oc and , r > 0e. Boys' Bas-o Ball Hats , oc. lOc. loc. 'Joe. White Wash Brushes. lOc , ISe , 2-3u. Decorated Slop Pails , : ! ! tc. Solid ( "oppor Boilers , S'.Uo. Two-quart Tin ail& . with cover , 8c. Key Uinjis with ivory tablets , lecach. Larpc Clothes Baskets , 4Sc. Clothes Kncks. f > 0c. Two-Hoop J'ails , lOc. 1'aper Pails. IVc. 100 Children's High Chairs , SOe. Wash Tubs , . " ! 'e. ' Good Garden Hake. iMc. Gcod Gnruen Hoe. 2oc. Ladders' fla. 5-foot Step , OniTIJAUY. Mils. M VKV I'OIITIMI r.VUUVXI ) 1SORKIH. The recent death of Mrs. Mary Porter Far- rand KOMI'Swhose life spanned nearly a cen tury , is an event witivh invites a fuller notice 'than it has yet received. 1 know hot-quite inti mately during her twenty years' residence in Omaha , and her character was one of the strongest and most attractive and lovable that I have ever met. No account of her life would lie complete , however , which did not include the character anil eaivor of lior hus band , the late X. P. Honors , who died some yours ago at tUu ugj of llfty-lwo. Mr. Itogor.4 win a man of genius , with a keen wit and n warm heart , possessing both dignity and grace of character and beating , and animated with the fortitude and courage of a inavtyr. To give his anti-slavery record would ho to tell nil. lie was identified with the movement from its earliest beginning to the end of his life ; was a trusted counsellor in all deliberations , and served in the most humble capacity , as well as in the most re sponsible undertakings. He belonged ton fumilv in which there hud been eight Congre gational clergymen , whoso leaning hud al ways boon toward u liberal ami hum mo in terpretation of Christian theology. Ho inherited from his mother her most interesting tr.ills sweatiuw. of temper , sagacity of intellect , warmth of heart and musical gifts. Ho was from childhood the companion and lover of all woodland ex istences ; ho knew by he-art the suiu of every bird ; each mountain psuk and hillside , mid every 1 ik and winding river was familiar to him , and for lives iia.l water h' ' . % Irid a dis- tingatohhig love. H , % was indeed always nl- unit a wjrshipiK'r of water. In his lost j .sickness they lu\ia.'ht brimming p ills from lib ) favorite "spring , ono of the most beautiful in Now H' . which ho wouU pat his face and drink deeply. "It is a v-irtne , " lie said , "ft > set out lives ; it is loving our neighbor as we love ours -Ivos. " He wielili-d axe , scythe ml sp id < > , on well as p.-n and bow of violin. In social lift-nothing could exceed Ills grace. Whittier tells of the delightful day * which ho und Corn-go Thomp son spent with thoUogors at their homo ; they both fi'lt that thov WJi-o in converse with "miinLstiikeiiblo genius. " Kogors embraced the. idea of Innnodlato emancipation in IS ) ' , ' . From that time to his death ho was treated with coldness , and Jinullv with uiimlty , in place of the inpathy and love to which his life had been accustomed. At length ho ubaml'inod his largo and growing law prac tice ; lw became editor of the "Herald of Freedom , " which unJor his charge wiu the open advocate not only of unti-fduvery , but of all the kindred reforms- temperance and peace , of prison discipline and the care of the Insane , of the condition of wom-in and th" protection of the dumb beasts by law. HU style of writing was of great purity , force and eloipiourc , and had in it a "Slnike-ipwaa terseness anil vitality , " and 1m p wsessod "all the genial humor of Lamb. " As a nowipapi'i- writer , his contcm- poraries thought him "iimiiuullod by any Hir ing man. " His language was us transparent IIM the uir , and was nriinly of the beautiful words. Ho dii-d - and strong Anglo-Saxon pio- matmx'ly fi-om exhaustion b.ICUMUI . of over work , which he continued to the last. All-s. Uogors wit ! n lining companion for such a man. She was a woman of ivmurkablo natural gifts. Sim had u womlerful memory. When live years old shu co-aid repeat I'opu's "Messiah , " nnd after ivading a poem u few times she would romemlior every line of it , and it was alwaysat her command. Hercon- voi-sation nhoumleU in the most unoxpuctfd poolic ullnsloiis , ami in ( luolations from the widest range , which wore n-s-pat' ' as they wore original. Of liUtory slid wiw nut only a ivudcr. but a profound student. She kept up her knowledge of the Latin language by ivad ing and revived her liking for Fwueh liters tnro after ho was seventy years old , reading and writing It with facility. With Scott's works slit ) iHx-amo familiar as they wem ono by ono published , ami she retained her admir ation and liking for them , both prose nnd iwiitry to thu end. Her sisters , eight in num ber , weiv all gifted women , mid ono was an mitlionws of note. Her relations with chil dren wore always most beautiful. She was delighted whenever u bevy of them cumo round her and she bcc-aine Hku a child among them. She was uritucinod as a friend by all thu children In her part of the town and by many us u Ix-nefactor , for whenever she houivt of any In want she always divided her DEPARTMENT. On Monday and during the cntiro week we will oiler some spcoial values in Carpets and Curtains. Road every item carefully. 6C rolls of 30 in. cxttn. heavy Hemp Carpet , Monday only , l < ic yard. I0 ! rolls of good " -ply Ingrain Carpel at 2"jc yard ; you cannot buy it elsewhere less than ! ! oc yard.10 rolls 2-ply Ingrain Carpet , oxtr.i heavy ut lOc and COc yr.rd , worth i30 and COc. Monday wo will ofi'er U ! ) rolls of tapes- try.Brussols Carpal atoOo and 5oc yard. Great values. Wo have another lot bought for spot cnsti at awny below mill value. Wo will urivo you choice of lot Monday , IMC yard. This is a titniinor and very cheap. IS rolls straw matting at loc , "Oc. IMe , I0c , I'jc ! and oOc yard. Kvery one ti real bargain at prices quoted. 1,000 curtain shades , all made up on best scring fixtures , all complete , only "Oc each. Monday we will offer four numbers in lace curtains , every ono a hummer. The prices at SI.50 , $ : > . , r > 0 , Si'.OG and S.'t.oO pair nnd brass trimmed curtain poles go free with every pair you buy. If you cannot got in Monday don't delay longer thrill Tuesday , sure. purse with them. She called often for the ivading of books that were now. Among the old books , the new testament ami Shakes peare stood lirst with her , after which came Scott anil the pools , while among contempor aries John Fisko hold the tlrst place. Within a few weeks she desired to learn how educa tional matters in Omaha wore progressing and inquired in regard to the condition of the ch iritable institutions. It was in 1S.I3 that she entered into the movement , in which her husband was en gaged. She then went to an anti-slavery c invention in Hoston and llrst saw Wendell Phillips , Douglas and others and heard the Hiitcliiiisoas sing their inspiring strains. The llntchinson family which numbered twelve often c.imu together thereafter to visit the Rogers. Ablw and John are still alive , ami sing remarkably well. Abbe is a white haired woman who in lior face shows few signs of age. From this linn ; on , Mrs. Hogers entertained at her house all Hie leaders of the progressive movement. In more recent times she has known all the noted man and women of the day. Among Uiese , she most admired Susan 15. Anthony for her richness of spirit , her oneness and sincerity of purpose , hersim- plicity of character ami the directness of her appeals. Mrs. linger. * had a large and nrdoiit love of the beautiful In faces ami pic tures , in accncry and in noddy and events. Her nature shrank from all that was low and vulgar ; she koptlieralleiiUonlixod on Ihings Unit were above a certain moral lino. Yetsho sought mining thu humble and poor for con genial spirits , wht-rj .sho found some of her sweetest and most sacred companionships. She had a great love for simplicity of charac ter. She was never above the most menial otllcos of the house and farmand she brought to thorn Iho same high spirit which over con trolled lior thoughts and lusUw. She liked elegant things ; her mind was awake to nil that was Ivantiful , at the same time the en thusiasm of her nature was bestowed upon urnil subjects. It wu u tjrriblo sink to her when t-iking Up reform , she found herself compelled , along with her husband , to give up all her early as sociations , of church and society , not only , but of family uswell. . Ono of her sisters went with her iie-irt and soul , and another symp.ithl.fed with her deeply , but nil the oth ers w.'iv slioelfd mid at last hostile , through fear of low of position and rank. Hut while courageous in support of her husband , she was equally courageous in opposing him whenever she felt Unit he was going too fasl or lee far. It was oxiwctcd that the Congii1- gatlonal chuivh would e > cpel thu Kogerses , but Mr. ItagoM lirst wrote them a lotlor in which ho said that he could not loii''r partake of thu sacrament with them. Mrs. U-igeis had n k"en memory alike of books , events and conversations. She re tained a distinct and vivid imiirossion of the great events that transpired early in the . . . , , , ii , , . , . _ ir \jiii.iii > mi-s iliMt.h mid of JelTer- sou's iKilillc.d career , ami she recalled the In cidents of the battle of Ivako Ch.mipluin , whnut guns she heard from the distant shore- . Slu > hud always a womlerful p iwer of appro- ciatiou of HIM ivniilivm'.MiU. of the ptxMcnt , Whittier wmle in her , In celebration of her eightv-llltli birthduv.aml on the poet's eighty- third birthday in D.-eombor last , she bugim a lotlor to him , which , however , was never llnlshed. Whlttlur wrote his poem , "In Memorlam , " while viaiting her lionsu , induc ing one of her daughters to divys in ( Quaker costiimo iu an Inspiration. The happiest event in her whole life , ami the ono most fraught with consolation to UKKIO who remain , was Iho foarlo-isnoss concerning thu fiHiuu that dawned upon her during recent months. She origin-lily embraced Calvinism with all thu anlorof a dovoU'o , ami ivinaincd almost through life a bolltwer of bo- Hovers ; with her Holf-ubnegutioii she IIOVIT lotk much comfort in lliu promises of Chrls- tlanttv , and she was atmoU driven mad over the future condition of thu sinner under the Calvanlslic ciivd. Death was a lorriblo thing to her , of which she oftou hpjko with a greul deal of apprehension. Hul hitlorly bur attiluilu happily became ono of curiosity , mingled with u ivgrul Unit ulio did not know a llttlo more about the future , nnd llnally she came to contcmphito death with out a'shudcwof four or doubt. She thought that the doctrino.1 of Jomis weii' titled to free the world from sin , but she did not wish to have thorn Interpreted from the ixilnt of view of the old teiilament. She was groutly intorwiitod In the tvi-eut dlscuvaon among the Presbyterians over the dogmas of foix'urdhmtion and election , and quite re cently she unclaimed : "Tho Weitnilnster caUt'hisImntxMUiwislon ! IhopBtollvo toseo the work done. " Uuuuntly she wild uftor loni ; WAKMiK'S Celebrated 333 Corset 68c Don.t totss this cliniicp. rverv luilv 1 > n > iv < Dr. Warner's eeleliriileilnirilliie I-OIM-I > mid \slll certainly apliieciuto this price on same , only ( Wo pulr. LADIES' Jersey Ribbed Vests 8c IOOdo7Pii hidlos' Jersey'llllilicd VesN. ono day only , tic eiicli. Ladies' Silk Hose 68c Wt ilo/i n bi'lles' Hill ; Itose Monilny. In l > . - , -mil coloi > . only ( Apair. . You can't imil-li them auywliotu li'sslhun sc. Coraline 333 Corset 6Sc The ceimln" Tr. AVimin-'s Ciirollno .K ! Cor el. \\e have ; nt il/c-m toeliHf out , < -onm ui-ly Monday mid moid tinrush. . Only ( We a inIr. worth fl.oo. rellectiou : "I only wish it were a llttlo more tangible. " She was always a timid Christian woman , but her moral cuiinnru wits ever supromo. Shu was afraid of little thing" ; In-r common bcnso l 'pt her from the pitfalls into which most people .stumble. Her judgment of character was nstuntancons , instinctive and true ; she forms her estimate at once and never had occasion to reconsider her judgment. She was at the last confined to her bed only for three days ; so late as February 8 she walked to another room , and unite recently enjoyed riding out inn carriage. Frequently such expressions us this escaped her when receiving attention from mci'ibcm of the housnholil. "I euro not for the food , but O how 1 love those who bring it. " To wards the hist Mini grow demonstrative , and touches of sunny humor irradiated her conn- ' tenaiicoand her conversation. Once towards the end she exclaimed : "What shall wo study : " and her conversation showed that tiho desired to lake up 5,01110 altogether now subject , which could bo continued after death in another state. It was charming , the color of her hair , as she lay in her collln ; still , at ninety-three , a thick mid beautiful mass , which in the sun light showed many gleams of Its golden line among the silvery threads of ago. Peace bo unto her dust und consolation in the hearts of those who , after a long lifo's companionship , now mourn for her. Gone to meet , those whom she has those many year.-i longed to see again , she leaves behind her hearts which , though deeply stricken , uro consoled by the memory of the multitude of bur graces and her virtues , mid not least l > v Iho seivno hope of meeting lioragalu in Iho land to which wo all uro Journeying. D. C. Bitoous. Dr. LJiriiey , catarrh specialist , Heo bldy. A CUT-TIIISOAT ( JA.VO. Organized lor .Murder , Itoblicry and Al'HOII. At , I'osoyvillo , on the nl lil of March 27 , William Trainer , I'eorm , Dccalnr < Ss Kvaiifivillo railroad station age-lit , was knocked down while on his way homo and loft in a ditch dying1 , Kiyn a Martins- villn , Ind. . special to Iho Now York "World. The robbers' were frightened away before Ihoy had time to rillo the victim's pockets. Suspicion full on Al Wallace , because ho was known to have Hlun Hliot similar to the ono found near Trainer , and ho was placed under arrest. Ifo proved an alibi , howovor. The au thorities brought < > "t the fact that 1m Imd loaned his Hliuifjslml to Henry Webb. They then arrested \\Vbb , to- frethi'r with John Wells and Itobort liod. ( Webb and Wallace ) wrrc held foe gn\n\\ \ \ \ jury ncuoii. Tlioy were i-iunnvcu Lo Mount ' u nell for Mifu ltet jilnjf. Hood nnd Wells wnru rulenhcd after their jiroliiiilnnrv hearing on Monday. Mr. Trainer died today. When Webb heard of his death ho made a full con fession , Mating that a tfiuif , ' connlHliii } , ' of liiniMilf , Wnllai'c , Holwrl Hood anil Uichard Owen , had been orfjanl/.i-d , Un > purpose being rolilicry. llo wild that ho and Owen vamllmtficeil Trainer , but that tlioy wore win red away when about to nil ) him. Ifo ntnti'd further that Ihtiy had planned to rob bovoral other * and to burn the I'osi-yvillo Hour mill. Sheriff Ilighiimn arresti-d Hood and Owen and took thorn to Mount Vernon whi'i'ii they uro now lodged in jal ) . Imported Millinery , 123 North 18th Street.