SPEG1RL NOTICES. OMAHA. Ko luhcrtlHcincnt.H ulll lie taken for tllt'HO COlHIIIIIH IlDOF liiIO ! p. III. TITIIIH C'auli III nilviinep. Adviiit l-emcnts tinder this head 10 cents per IlnofoFthc flirt IIIMTIlo ,7centforcnrJi null- M-ntirtit liiM'rtlon , niiililjnO perllw pcrmonth. Nn'advertisements tnkrn for Icssthati 2ftcent * for lint Jn eitlon. Ilicy mtiM HIM rnnwii ; thclynnd iniistbn paid In AI\ANCK. All nUi rlNemcnts must lie handed In before ! ' - ' : . o'clock p nt , , and iindcrnoelri'iimslnnccs will they In ) taken or discontinued Iiy telephone. Parties advertising In lliefe. columns nnil Imvlng their answers addressed In eineof I lit ; llKKwltl plcni-oiifik for n cheek tociwble them to get their letters , no rionu Mill In-delivered except on preccntatlonof cheek. All answers to nil vertlfcinentHHhoiild be enclosed In emu- All advertisements In tlirfn columns tire published In liolh morning nnd evening edi tions of Tin : IH-K , the circulation of which ag gregates more limn KO.MJO papers dfilly. and glvcithcadv enters llin benellt , not only of the clly circulation of Tut : HKK. but al o of Council ItlnlTH , Lincoln nnd oilier cities nnd towns throughout tills section of tliu country. " "BRAN'CH"OFFiCEST" Advertising for these columns win ho taken on the above eomlllloiiM. at the following bus- ni'HS houses who are. authorised to take special notlccH. at the name rates as can bit Imd nt the main olllcc. n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ tJoTi'fl OMAHA nUANfUorrirlVViritr ! VJof Twenty-sixth ami N utieets. Nebraska Savlnif > bank bnlhHnir IO1IN \ \ HULL , PharmacistSJSouihTcntli ) ) street f 111 V > r , V KDDY. .Stationers unil 1'rlnters , V' ll.l smith li.tb street. I AltNSWOItTII. I'harniaelst , 'Jits , Sll umng * Mlieet , ,1 lirTinT : ? , Pharmacist , R.M North AV llt h sit eel. ( ' \ PO U I'A UK. Pharmacist. 1718 Leavcn- v > worth Slteot. I I I Olli.S' : I'llAUJlACV , 2llh. ami I'arnam AAN i'l Ii A poslonto trael by a thor- i > oiih N.ilesmaii of good addressaiid many years \puilence. . Uufeiences. AddiessClU , \TIOV wanted as a boolckeepi'ielnrk SITI olllee work , by an edneale < l young Ilolio- mlaii a gradnalo from business college. ( Jood penman , quick at figured. Address It 1,8 Itee. 107-111 * 'V7 "or NTs man wants situation ; dry goods or I olllee ttoilcj would go west ; city refuience. II A Ilaldw In , li'iIU Charles Ht. , Omaha. IMS-18 * \VANTIOI ) K II KM' . I" ! ) A young man of neat addicss , . . well posted In figuring on Job pi luting , to 1 ike i b.i i uo of Hie prln t Ing department ot the ( ipM ill It j Coinler.it Lincoln , Xi'l ) . Olveief- eien es name of List emplojci. wages expect- i'd and when von can start. Addiess , Wcssel 1 lolling ( o . Lincoln. Neb. ilTiO I.I "V\r\riD Immediately , ten llrst-class t > ininbli and giaiilte retail Halesnien on llbcril d tins In Omaha and thiongboiit the west None but men of expellence In this line need ipplv Addiess with icfeienue , Dunning Maihlc&UuinltoCo. , Kile , Pa 410-13 'A A'S IM D-ltesponslliIe man of good address - > dress lo take management of Itraneh Of fice and solicit business finin Manns.ictuiers Bin ! .lobbcis , Addicss .Managei of Metcanlllc Dcpaitmcnt Hoom II , 11. ) Dcaiborn. st. , Cht- L igo 4J-.I-1I * s ilcsman wanted , on salary or commission - (1OOD * mission to sell a new line of olnce dev Ices and sfitloneis' specialties to business men nnd the tiade ( leeds are In constant demand and e.i-Hv sold. Pemianent posliloiis and good s ilailcs paid to encigellc woikers. No linmbiig St Joe .Mfg. Co. , otith Hend , [ nil. ' I' wanted withal ) nil W > n ; can double AUI'N motiev In a'liidiitli. Call L. T. Tebel , ( < lobeholi-l , llilS Dniiglas. ar-i ; * \\rAM'r.l ) lactUemen with peed refer- > ' em es to go to Lincoln to sell goods on Installments. Apply Muliopolltau M'f'g Co. . Itisst Mai > 'Him * . IMM , ! * _ \ \ \NTr.D Aft tiu man for our goods. i ' \\o\en Down" dnsten , for thUelty and Niiiroumllng territory Can easily clear $ IW ) niDiillih pcimancntly. Musi hue ! ' . ' " > to t.'fl i' mil Addtcss Hair. I'axton house , Omaha , or call iifti'i C , p. m. . or S . la > aljhlav. _ M "f\T"ANTni > Iilvo iitlSlI"W > the tiadc ; llbotal Inducements. Addiess Snmatia I'lgarCo. C'lilcago , III. _ UWJ.V _ \VANTr.D-llo\s Apply \\cdnesdayfiom ' 'to " p. m. New Yen koc and lOe llargaln Ptoie. 2IJN Kith si. _ WJ 14 TA \ I'T' I ) lTimd palntoisat I'li'inotit , Neb. T > Iniinlre at avil Douglas bunday moinlng ' ' ' ' " - " \\rANTI.D Man to sell line of elgais ; H.il- ' an and expenses paid. Addiess with Rtump Olobe Cigar company. St. Loul * . ' Mo rANTLD good bioom makeis ; ste-idy woik and good pilces i laid. No. KM lllako HI , Denver , Col. : ri-ts : \ \ \Vrr.I ) An expeilcnced hotel man to ' build nnd manage a f 10 OIK ) house In a tin Iv Ing town wliere a good hotel Is vciv nee- essai } , u bonus of t..OOi ) can bo obtained , icf- erem.cs must bo fin nlslied with applications. Addiess \ , fl. lleeolllce. IS'l-nlT \\rAVrr.D- Plvo tiavellng salesmensalary ; ' and expenses ; no expcilcncd necessary. Addiess Avltli stamp Palmer .x , Co. , Wlnona , Minn 'CB-l.t * " \\rANTI'.I ) Canvassers at Singer sewing ' machlno olllee , I. > IS Douglas st. SS'l-ml ) \\'r\N l'ii : ) 7Hist class paltern maker. Ai | Ti ply U Sandeison , paltem and model miiKi i comer 1Mb andjlaekson. aid-It * \\rANTiil-llfllabli : < local and traveling ' silesinen ; positions peimanent ; ( pedal Induccmentrt now ; fast selling specialties Don't dclaj ; salaiy fiom stall , Hiown Itros , utirscrv men , Chicago , III. 174-S.1i * C1AMI icwards will be paid to agenlslii ad dition to icgular commission to sell goods on lustallmeat for the next ' .HldiivH Only good woikeiswltb sntlHfactory lefcrence need tip- id } Mctiopolltiiii Mfg. Co. , Ills M Marj'save. \\rAN ri'D llov about II j ears old. Singer 'I sc w Ing machine olllcc , l.'ds Douglas. AOTNTS wanted , light woik , good pay. .Ml Sheelv block. _ _ _ _ _ ' 41U-U * \\rVN I'l I ) .Agents MagleClgn'r lighter , i evei ) smoker buys ; llglits In wind or lain lasts a Jtfetlme : samples i'v , two for'Wc , do/en il by mall , stamps taken. Slimier & Co. ' , Piovldence. IE. 1. T73-a.ll \\rAN 1 I Salesmen to sell our new spoc- ' ' lultUs to mctcbaiits only ; samples fur nished , exiliislvn territory ; pav Ing and per manent situation , .Model Ledger Co. , South Html I nil u\s-ll " \ \ I I ! > - M l laboiers for Pacific coast o\- > > tension of r. P. U.It. In Nevada and Utah flood wages and steady work. Albright's Iu- bor Agencv. llil ) riiiniini st fthl ' I It ! ) agents and pholograpberM served IJIC'I elegant orajons , water color * and pastels. I'lne biomlde prints made for artists. Itcduccd pilces Mvuster Poitialt Studio. I'd SU'tbst jOmalm. 'Ji7-aiv : " \lrANriCD Salesmen at 7A per month hiil- ' ' ai } and expenses to sell a line of silver- plated ware , watches , etc. . by sample only ; noise and leant furnished free ; write at once for full pal llculars and sample case of goods free. Standaid Sllvetwaro Co. , Boston. HIS Muss. _ _ gent tynevv tiler desk and loom In nicely fuinlshed olllee and accept scivlces as pa > - incnl foi Mime. Inqulio I-IHIIII IP , Continental block | tti "IJ ASY work all or part of the time , ( iood .lUpav tolOOmaha ladles. I'or teims send j'e stamp to J. 11. Tson. box 713. Chicago. \\TANTnil-Tnoladles , three jonngmen to iciclve Instructions and keep hooks. J.ll. Smith , loom IMO , Now York Life building. "V\rANTii : > Widow or single lady to show ' ' our "Woven Down" dusters to the ludlivs In their IIOIIICH , Can easily cam fl'J to ll.'i xveekb Permani'iit , Addicss Ml. Hair. Paxton - ton house , olty. ich"ll _ " \\rANTKD -A girl for general housework , > > 610N 1Mb st. 4I1-U- X ANTP-D-'J lady cooks for Wyoming. ! ) , ft i for Kivmont , f l.t ; ! l hoarding houses In rlt v. ft to K , cook and t-ccond gill In family of II , fo inulfl ; nurse girls ; laundress for Oxford , * IS | laundiessln private family. l i pastry lunch countergliN for Hunlngton. Ore. . r\li 2 wnltn-ises furOrd , Neb. ; houxokctiper for 3 Kentlemen , I.M ; 1 for wldowor with U'lilldiPii ; Ion a sheep ranuh. no objection to a eblld : nleoulrlfor an old oouplo ; It ) waitress ; Km clrls for general housework Airs , llicga. J1IH ht" ' ' " I- ' * B. 15th . . . - - "Ar ANTim-Kxporlfiiecd salesladies. Apply \\iidncMlayfroinaio5p. m. New \urL6o mid lOo llaririlln btoro.'I' ' North loth street. uTU I * * \\rANn:0-A : eooil Rlrl for Bcnutnl liouso- work ; mnaH fainllj ; F' LV'KV-'m' . . Keith , further Information oull atofllio C. W. 711 1'iiclllc. between 3 and 4 p. in. uJXJ ArANTlU ) Olrl for cencr.il housework VV oinnan.uicfcrrcd , iitlSlI "W ANTKI ) A uotnl Rlrl for neneral liotisc- Tt work ; -sinall family ; RIMH ) wagcn ; for further Information call at olllco of C. W. Keith , TH I'nellle. twt S and 4 l > . m , nn \\rAN TKU-A girl to take care of Imliy : must Hleep at homo. Mrs. halm , WIG _ _ \\fANTKI- A good Fecund "girl , with goi T rofcronco. .Mrs. 1 * . K. Her , r/K H. Illth t. pntkNl'ICBand stock girl wanted at I'.M. Sc-lindell A C-o/n , IV. . Donslas. 4 < > M.i | : \\'AXTir : > A c"ompetent girl for general botisenork , good wages paid ; apply UM Potttb anli t-t. - - _ _ AriltvF class plrl ( or general housework ; ( leiinnn pi cferrett. ffll M gutli. _ JH I/Olt IlENTi-Two of the best nnd most mod- 1 cm In Ink hoiKcs In Oiniiliii. Clndco loca- llon. convcnlcnl lo btiHlliess. Hints llcnllng Agency , I.ViO rarnam st. "iriOK ItlINT 7 loom house , S.W. Apply II'.1 N. J1 aith. 4ii-ri * rpo ItK.NT-IO room house , with all modern J InipcovomcnlR , No , 2)1.1 ) Leavcnworth st It. K. Sloive , HIO N. Y. Life bldg. 401-1.1 * rpKX loom lioumi close to motor and cable. J Kvcry ionvenleiKisVUS N. IJitf. _ _ _ 'i.T-H * _ lipOU ItKNT lloiiMiof 10 rooms , I.M Douglas J st. ; modem uinveiilences and very handy to business. Inquire ol D. T.Mounl13H.lllhst. "I/'Olt lti\T-teHldences : of 10 to IJ looms ; J. I'aul block ; Noi \ , 'M\\ \ \ and llarney ; icady soon ; low icntal and the very latest Impiove- ments ; fine local Ion. Jtrj-i : ! IjlOK Itl'.NT-One Ti-ioom fitnilshcd cottage Jl neai Leavenwoith and i."d. Address ( is , llce-otlice. 4i'-W * ITTOK HiNT : I'lne O-tnnm house In north J part of i'lty ; coin onlent to cars , etc. II. K. Cole , COnllneiital block. 110-15 'ITIOII ItKNTSrnnm cottnt-'o nnd "metes of JL' land foi ? . " > per month. II. K. Cole , Contt- nenlal block. If Ml. I IU loom honso In good location , rentfVi.pt Ice I of fnmlttirefsoo , also 21 loom hotel , rout t77. fnmlttiiv 91,000 , on time. Co-op. I , , .t L. Co. . N. Kit h st . 4.C.M1 _ "I71OIC KiNT-I\vclllngon : Capltt ) ! avenue , 0 JU rooms , and all modern conveniences , In cluding laundiv and large stable , rossesslon April 1. 1 > . J. O'Donahoe , 1IX)1 ) ramam st. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SS1 _ TjlOIl KHNT llottVcs and stores ; property 1 cared for , taxes paid. Midland ( iimninlco \T _ nstCo _ , Hill l-'iumini Kl. Abstracts. ( Jll ItKNT-llrlck dwelling , line location , 1TJ14 ramam at , . 12 looms , kitchen , dlnlng- loom , pallors on the first lloor , with all mod ern linpiovements. Inquire next door. " 47 rpKX loom house , all eonvenleticcsrange.ij.VS ; JL Sherman live. , $10. lltitchluson & Wead , 15S4IoilKlns ) ; ti'l. 1'iW. SIO _ ' OKN'T A thteu room lu > u o , good location , XI near to school , fi per month. Jlead In vestment Co. . lice building. 175 HOL'SB for rent and furniture for sale _ cheapITO'l _ IsYBOth 170 13 * rpo A desliable pint } I will give the use of a 1 furnished elght-rocim bonso and bam and pay $ . ! ! > pel montli for board for three adult persons , ( i. . I.MIt rarnam si. iti'l ' 1.1 * 17IOII ItKXTTwo 10-ioom modern houses , all conveniences. Paved stieets , cable cars. I'lve minutes'walk of poslolllce. ' liefi'ieiices iciiulicd. Nathan Shclton. 1014 rarnam st. U-ItOOM house. No. 11',7 N 17th st. , } ' . . Oil-mom house , coiner ! nd and California.10. 5-ioom cottage. No. lOls.Iaekson f23. h-ioom bouse. No. fil'.IS llth bt , ? .Ci. l > -iooni cottage , comei 24th and .loncs , fJ. r-iodin cottage , coi nci "lib and .loncs , { IS. Itr.N 'I' Two cottages , one seven looms. .ra . Thus. sN if t. 4m N irth st. : in n * \\7H WANT a few moie desirable houses to > > lent. Can rent them at once. Star Imnd and Loan C'o. . JIAri's ' rarnam st. IlVi-U MODHHN house , nine rooms , bath , hot and cold watet. fiunace and gas , on Dodges ) . , $10 pei month. Pied J. Ioitliwlck,21'lbontb ! llth : m _ _ 911OOM lioiisoanil nil modoin conveniences near -lilli and Davciipott , WTi per month , ( iiovet Stuvcn.s , l.'il , " , rarnnm st. ( ii'ti 1.1 1711 MI ten room house , all modem Impiove- inents , fninlshed ; live blocks fiom postof- lleo ; lefercnecs required. Imiulio 171' ' ) Daven- | ioi t bt. y7.V2.1 * IjllTICNISHCD iMms , now house , modem Im- JL' ptovcments , motor line. Jl.ui N. 17th st. .w-n * _ Ili1 YOU want to rent a desli able house , fur nished or iinf in nlshcd rooms at a reasonable llgnte call on thu btar Land and J.oan Co. , li.il1 ! ' . 1'aiiiam Hi. _ .Tii i-ll "IjlOlt 11KNT In convenient locations suites .1 of 2 , II and 4 looms , ananged forhonsekrep- Ing , also large and small honsos. I'rlces rea sonable. Jluttb llentlng agency , lVii rarnam. _ _ _ _ LilOK Itl'NT 2 Hats on the 2d Moiy , ( i looms each , Ilnloii block , on tin ) corner of Kith and lason , lent f.7 each ; also 5 trtoio looms. Onostoretcom on llth bt. , near I'ainami20 pur mouth. John llamlln , 'J17 I.Inton block. _ : ns I71OK lir.NT ID-room Inlck house , with inod- 1. ' ern eonvenlenceb , No. 811 3 20tb at. Apyly at No. K.-7S 201 list. X'l JT YOU wish to rent a honso or store bco IM : . Cole-J-'ihiJIiMMiJaJJilock. _ ( M _ IJIOU ItKNT I'.legant U-ioom IIOIIMS nil inod- 1- urn coincidences. 2UI4 bt. Mary's ai enne. _ L li | Id" S -HOOM | lat , with hteam beat , Kith St. , near Jones. 'J bus. 1' . Hall , : ill 1'axlon bloek. l-'Oll 111-3XT UOOMH VUIIXISIIKI ) . CJUl'I'and 1 single mom bandsomidy furnished ( Jmodern convlenco ; icfcience. lit * N. l"th * st. | J 1 l-ir _ > * . - . 'ItKNT To one or twoslnglegentlenieiiT a room luivlng south exposiiie. In a new cottageou Capital ave. Audi ess O-O , Hen. " JK'K room , evoiy convciilcnco , 1710 D.ivcn- 1N port. : ai-.li' ! ) HAMsOMi : fiont loom , with first-class boaid ; also fovv select day boardeis. InlXl 1'amam si. 4 Cl-lli * T JAY window loom , smith fiont entrance. I > M)1X. ) l"lh. comer Hint. 4rr-Jl _ . ItKNTTwo fiont rooms. HTS.SAtli St. , > t.Dodg _ _ _ and I'amain. ' 4.'il-IV ItKNT rnrnlsbcd rooms , quiet loe.i- _ LJOL'TH ' fiont furnished loom , L'lll ! Dodgo. ; 5 illl ) U. ' 1\\ ( ) furnished looms for housekeeping , also T ono large room for 4 gentlemen , 11,1 s. 11th , I71OI I KKNT I'm nlslied rooms with or with J-1 out boaid. Hill llotigUsst. , Su'V _ _ ; _ l ! C1 Dodge st. , nlcelv and uomfortably fur- JL nlsbcil looms , with or without boaid. 4 m-ia * "iTIOlt ItKNT Mivly furnished looms , with 1 iNi.ird , In private famll } ; icfcicnccH ; 'iW 1'arnnm. llh-H' "VJ HT.LY furnished room , all modrrn con- _ vjMilcnces.No. Itei X. 1'iUi st , IHiO-ll * rpWO pleasant fuintshid looms In pilvato L famll } , wlth or w Ithout board. ' 'Il.l ( ir.tiil st. : BH LI * pit ItNIsllKD rooms , ! i.VJ Dodge. _ _ rpo UKNT-Tvvo good furnished rooms with I or without boaid , IsiS ( iiace , handy to inotorjoi ji'iihlei rejisinialile pi Ice. jIU-l.i * "Jl I US. Churchill has newly furnished rooms lil one fiont alcove , - parlors on III tit lloor ; other desliable looms. 411 N I'Jlh st. 173-11 * IlLKAHAtvT IIHIIIIS , fuinlshed ; modem cou- vi'iilciK'c.s , Her blk , &J1S. ICth. I'lat D. ' tun Ml * I/KU ) ItKNTSnlle of nxims for3 gi-iitlcnien ; 1- modem conveniences , and board If desired ; also'-'p.uloi-s. U'.U > rarnnm i t. SM 14 * " \T1CK room and board for" ; private family. li il.l N.jsth hi. ti'ft-1'l' I/1OH Itr.NT Two pleasant itHiins with Ixiard , J _ _ intidurn conveniences. U)7 ) N aithhl. U'O-l.l * "I71OU ItKNT I'm nlshcd rooma ; a , bath iJi"lih'eam ' : IMU HouiiiU. ,1.s7 1OH ! UKNT-rurnlshi'd rooms , IfiVJ Douglas. l ItKNT-Tront room7. SOW Davenport. _ _ _ bis _ 1/IOU KKNT-l'leiisant furnished rooms u 1th -L1 all convcnU'iicoa , Mil S .Mth hi. C.CI ST. CLAllt lUiropean hotel , cor. 1,1th and Dodgu. special rules byveuk or month. _ _ tM IJ1OU ItiNT : Onn largo front room with -1 board. 1H41 Capitol ave. ( VUl FOK IIKXT-UOOMH UX1''UUXISI1UI ) PSx"l ! > iurKo I'linit ' rooni. $1 * . and nxim for light vJboii ukceplnif. No. UW X. 17th st. - - - HK.NT Bull of 4 unfurnlslipd rooms HUll.ible for housekeeping. I'lunll ) without chlldivn _ I'rlco * I7 , 17UJ Webster st ffil ft I SI HSMSllKDehiimbers for hoiiKekcen. "Ini , ' . 'or msinand wife , noohlldrvu , Ul'JN irtb. 701 KOll ilKXT HTOIIKH AXI ) OKKlCliH. nioni , nltorney prrferred. Hillchlnstm AWo.id. . IV. loiittlas : tel. 1XU 210 _ _ rpo ft F : XT' , In VltlineTTTilocTf , moat rcaona- 1 hie and lH < st oil Ices In tba city. Looatlon first class. W. rarnam Smith , Continental bid. : r74-18 rpWO uiifurnl.tlicd roomsjst lloor HriJOittnlnff JL KiS- | | * TOmlS a 17077711' . 711 y. Ifltji , ! XM ) each , large Hbow windows , steam beat furnished. Thos.T llall.ill : Paxton blin-k. ( ! I7 _ ItKNT Hooms suitable for light iniinu- fnctiirlng. Including power nnd heat. Ilccs Printing Co. , llth nmUlownrd .sts , _ TK : _ _ 171OIS HKNT-Tlic4-story brick building with J or without power , formerly occupied by the lire Publishing Co. , UIO rarnam Ht. The building has li lire proof cement basement. complete steam heating llxtuic's , water on alt the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The lit e. _ Ul' I/ION UKNT-i-story ; brick building , 1110 JL DoitglusHl. , Niiltable for wbolesaleorware- liottse puriioses. A No brluk Ktoro 107 H. l.'ith st. Inquire of Chaa. Kaufman'Ml Douglas st. ( VIS JOlt KiNT--Slore : , till S. 10th. 17(1 ( WAXTI'JD TO JIHXT. \\fANTED To tent , for six months. ! 1 or 4 ' fuinlshed iixmis for light housekeeping. .State leims and addicss , U 10 , lice Olllee. : 8 U * I _ > Y"niaii and w Ife , Ii room cottage In good lo- location ; state tent. Addrcta P. O. llox 'J07 , Omaha. Neb. HW-IJl * \\7"ANTii-To : rents room house ; nnisl be within walking distance of iiostotllce ; flit must be modeiate. Adtlicss A , Lock lto\ , , ! I7 , Suiilli Omaha. 4'S-15 * " \ \ 7"ANTiDItonid : am ) tinfumlshed IDOIII In ' ' private fimll > , man and wife ; man away most time ; terms must be icasonahle , Itefei- unces exchanged. Addiess T , . " ) South 'd st. JEM I.I * \V"ANTii : > - ! the Hrst or middle of May , a ' i cottage of live or six rooms in a good loca tion , bv a gentleman nnd wife ; no children ; rent not to exceed O per month. Addtess S. r. . , avD.IV enpot t st. M-U * WAM'KD To tent a nice collage of Oor7 rooms , city water , etc. . convenient ton street cai line , at $23or * .W. Addiess .1. It , , 810 How aril st , ITU 13 * AOKXCY. LIST your pioperty for tent with the Star Land and Loan Co , , KXrJ'j Tainani st. :151.1 : \\Tr. IIAVli a first class party whowlshes to > rcnta fninlshed house of from seven to nine looms with modern conveniences. Must be good icsldeiice portion of the city , llart- inan & Itobblns , N. Y. Life ' bldp. 2S1 _ blk. 107 H i : , CO Li : , rental agent , Continental blk. KM MKN Do not know how to court and girls aio dcceptlve-Di. Potts. Hear thu Iccttiroou " " ' VM 1.1 "Love" at lloyd's tomoirow night. fUZI Dodge st. , coiner -Jib , M. I' . Maglnii. JL dressmaker , late litter and designer for Stem lliotheisof New Yoik. : ; vi-l5 * NTKD A horsu for Its "keep ; " work about two botns per day. 807 Ilowaid. ll'l-H * OMPKTKNT seamstiess would like to do sewing In families. 1511 California. _ ) Houses built and lots taken as pait pay. W. .1. Paul , IIAJ'J ' r.im.im. 40M.I le to know that 1) . W. C. Smith has removed hlsdmg stoic fiom 20th and Yin- ton to 2I.M S. llith St. , just south of Castollai. 40.1-1- ) * BOAllD and lodging by three ladles ( mother and daughteis ) in house with modern lin piovements near ear line. I'nexceptlimalK f- ercnces furnished and icmilicd. Addiess It 51. Hce. 107 'AV'ANTKD Mond'iy , three pel-sons lo In- ' stmct In bookkeeping ; good situations. J. H. Smith , room 1)10 ) , New Yoik Life building. 417-III * VASfAltRliI desciibes Dr. Potts' Icctuie on "Love , Couiitshlp and Marriage" as "Moiefun than a box of monkes. " lloston P.nlletln. At liod's tomonow night at U o'clock. ; a I. ) laundry has removed 10th. ITS-mii * K. HILKY. not.uy public , Hoom 11 , Con tinental block , l.W EXOAOKMKNTS tododiess making In fam- llles. Miss Stuidv. 5'r. S. 2T > th inc. IWT-m.l * LADIES deblilng their hair shainpooned or bleached , either at their homes or at my loonib will please addiCbsJlrb. J. It. , Omaha. Neb. : U1-II * FOU fiist class piano tuning and icpaliing leave eiders at A. Weber , Jr. , iciriii moms. MXSN. H.th ntlfi't. 'JII-15 _ TPIN WOItlC. loollng , guttering , spouting , -Lgood ivoik low pilces. Savage , 11IIK Ciimlng J K , CO I , I. , icllablu lite Insurance. mo .lOL'bpibig U atcr Itaths Oh en In Omaha ! 1 have oncned nnd elegantly fitted up rooms In Douglas block , coi. ICth and Dodge , and se em cd the sei vices of one of the best chemists in the city. I can give a bath the watei being chemically , pieclscly the same , that Is MI abundant ! } supplied by natiiioat those justly celebrated spilngs. And to those of limited means buffering fiom blood poi sons , iheumatlsin , malarial poison , deep- seated oiganle disease , neuralgia , p.ualysls , sciatica , etc. , etc. would say to such sulleieis that lean glvo fiom one to two months'treatment for what It would cost for i.'illroad faio to Hot Springs. 1 also give tliu hot-air batli , tempeiatuio If requited 212 = I' . , either di } or moist , with or without electric ity. Cotrespondenco solicited ; 'send stamp. Trained lady help for lady patients ; chaigcs modeiate foi single bath , week or month. Take elevator on Kith. KoonisM and fit , Douglas block. Mis. Dr. Day , Omaha , Neb. MO tfi * MOST wonderful adveitislng machine the vvoild has ever known ; sells to eveiymci- clmnt ; pattlculais2c. Aiu Mfg. Co. . Itaclnc , WIs , 'JtsJ-IW * BAIIN foi rent In icarof 1'iost X Ilairls'e.ir- liago faetoiy. Iho rpo suit the convenience of clients engaged Jl dining the day we open evenings , 7 toh:30. : H. K. Cole , loom tl Continental blk. ( WO r iHH Insuiance fieoign J. Paul , lliff ) rarnam st. , leniescntH lellable companies only. ! ' > , ' A \ TANTr.D A girl bany for adoption , Ad- ill ess A Ml. lice otlice. 14 ! ) AUC'TION sales every Tuesday , Thuisday and Saluiday morning at lilt Douglas st. Omaha Auction & Moiago Co. | > IO T\ i : iTl N Q r i : NTS IMuaso Head This- JI'ersons holding contracts for lots pur chased from the Omaha Keal Hstate tx. Trust Co . nn which payments have become delln- iiuent , ate requested to call andaiiangean curly settlement and Have tionbln and costs. Omaha Itcul Kutato and Tinst Co. , 1MI 1'ainamSt , _ KM I.r r.COIiK , notary publlo and conveyancer. I it ; * ) moi row night sure. The lady doctor will tell you all alMint courting. Don't use that hoirld mustache wax , hurali. Ill' , ' IU AVOl'NO man , stranger in tbo city , desires the acquaintance of a lady who would be willing to make her home on the coast In Cali fornia ; object , matrimony. Addicts C. 11. lice. _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ iNt-12 * " \r.\ItHV Wanted , all tinmartled ladles and i'l gentlemen to adiettlse for eonespond- ents In Ihe Chicago Matrimonial News , which will be Issued wiekl ) and Mild b > all leading newsdealer and hotels In the United Slates and Canada. Tor liui llciiluis uddiess H. C' . Morton , room 515 , Kookcry building , cblcngo , 111. H1U1.P _ _ _ _ _ _ I/CMr.8 IIAlfuV WOODS , who lived nt I7S t ) Commeielal toad. Liverpool , England , nnd was In business as a bo.udlng IIOIIMI kcepei In Diiluth. St I'uiil. Is wanted to vultooi come home Immediately to hl mother totlie abovu addtess. Am Information will be thankfully iccelvcd. : fi.i | : ! LOST. reuard to any one finding a red Moioeco $ account book. Lobt 1'rldny afleinoon be tween Koiintzo I'lacoattd Han cnni I'ark. Itu- ttini to Dr. Campbell. 1S1U I'utk ave. 11.1-14 * rewind tn any one giving Information $10 leading to recovery of my pug dot ; , lost April 1 ; last keen near I'ark ave. and Lcuvcnwoitli tt. J. U. tioluelvur , at .Morao Dry Cloodi Co. Isl KOUNl ) . _ _ I71O17ND " gold iv atch i 6vvnof can hav o 1 same by proving pioperty. W. A. t'opcland , 207 Cedar st' wl-ia' HTUltAOIJ. TOUAdi : at lovrot ratui. Ilranch , v Co. , S&V Howard nt. ft" u 21 rnilE cleanest at' ' d best Morage In the city nt -t low rates at li I Douglas st. Omaha Auu- tlon A Storage C in rpltAClAUK stor/jeTa hrwesti.ites , " W . Mt X. Hushtiiaii. Mil igi.muiiwortli. Ml AVANTHD-.TO 1 UV. A \rAXTKD-A No. 1rimi-c. intist be kind. ' gentle and afraid , f nothing , and safe for lady lodrive. Addnss with full particulars. J. It. 11. . 81.11st Nat bank. 317-MIB \VANTKD-fo buy horse nnd rig for clear TT lot. W. J. 1'iiui. 1COU I'arnam st. 40J-13 \\7AXTKH-A good residence lot between ' Davenport and I , ike sis. , not over llnvo inlle-i from the ixHiolllce : will pay pirt cash Mid giHMl city property lor balance. tMO N. Yt Life bhlg. ' 4IXV1.1 * \\7ANTKD-A lio'rsi ) and buggy for a square T > plnito. It. I' . Williams , 20. . N. Illth st. VV"ANTKD-A lltst-ctiiBs.saddle lioi o. Ail- > > dicssC2l. lice 415-1.1 * " \\7ANTKD-To buy six or elghl room honso' with lot ; Wen Knd. within half mile north or south of I'limam ; must bo cheap ; ad dress lice olllee. JBI7-I3 * "V\TK WANT a nice , clean stools of groceries > Invoicing from Woo tol.2tio. will pay all i. 11. K. Cole , Itoom G , Continental block. 1:1 : \\TA.\Tlll ) rnrnlture , carpets hoiiM'hoiil TT Roods for ensh. Wells' Auction A , bloraKO Co Ilir S. lathjtt. f > U AyANTKD-dood commercial paper. Ne- > > br.iska MoitgagoLoan Co.,51 ! ) Paxtonblk. forall klndsof household goods nt till ; lasst. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. CM \ \VAXTKD "buy for spot cash , elty or T > country , paitsor whole stocks of dry and fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , milli nery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , ete. Call on or add less,1 L. Hrandels & Sous , cor ner Illth and Howard , Omaha. GO Foit SAM ; MISCIIJIJANKULS. : IJIOHSAIiK A Imrso and btiKKJ' ebeap for J- cash or Instalments. Addiess U II. Itee. " 1I1OK SAljK A nlio family cnnhise. ehe-ip JL ? foi cash. Address C la. llec. : 17 l.t * HOUSi : and phaeton for sale at u uatgHlii , nlco ll ht plmcton and yoiinu lioise. aro\L > rhli'M > iis l.'il'i Kiiiiiiiin. IfiO III "ijToTTSAlTilor tTiid AiTnMirtli of li6TuT fur JL1 nltiire. Kooni IBB N. V. Life. ' -J.ll-l.l TjlOK SAi iAt \ iiharRaln , fureash oren I line , X' I ! horses , hainess and 1 wajion. New KIIK- lamlFninltniu'o.,710ind711N.litliHt. ! ; 4UO-1.V "I71OU SATiIV-I.i > iisi > nnd furniture of 10-room Jhouse. . Location choice , i\ervthliif : : line and at half pi lee. Good reasoiib for selllni ; . Address UU , llec. WWII FUUNITIMtK of a Si-room flat for sale , com plete. lEooms all routed and lulimltiR oxer J150 iicr month aliove the the rent. The bnlld- Inj ; 'or Ic.iM1. Call between Sand 0 p. MI. at ' H N. ICth st. , room 1. Ml-ltl' FOR SATiB-r ) tiado for Kiocerles , Uycar old mate , hainess and njgon. Inqulto at atl'll'niiiam.st. . at liiOp. in. _ isl H > * _ ] JAKTI lib UxiKliiK for line drl\Inj ; or lioises. would do well to unil on , or eoiics- nond MlthT. .1. riemlnfMii.inngci . It. > lll- ) . nil's r. ii in. Calhiiiin , Neb. He has fin sale MIII 1 11 Hist-cliissHliiKle cither- . < ' .inln t ) teams , and saddle hoises. a I jjLcasonalilo pi lee'JiJ Foil SA UCheap ! n siniiid "i-ye.u-old lioi e. Call at meal nniiUet , J.ea\en\Mith and I'aiUa\e. : w.n.l * PA NO | iiurliii < ers' ' .i < i" tint bai aln In the piano at Wtt Niih ( ( slu-el. _ yfl-l'i IflOlt SA JjK A tfttlt1 class tonpe eat i lace and team : sti let Iv liistelahs and stylish. C. L. KilckMin.'I'JX. . lliH i.j _ 4" > - It , TIM'AM , haine , 'and ' wa on , cheap ; \i > iy easy -L teims. II. i : . C-nln , Conllncntal block. _ _ _ ' Hi.- 1 ft CALL and se Hie iieut bai ala In a plrno. _ dO'i N. Kllh st ivct. _ . T-IL-.L. ' FOIl SA LI' or tiade-TioltliiK horsOpilen * 1KU ( ) , will l.ikti part In good piopeity. lto\ W Loa\unnortli st. FOUHAl.n Soda r6iintaln \ cry cheap. In- tinliu Uley rcU-r-on , 018 S. l.llfi. a)0 ) TJ1OJI SALi : Dim of the finest onIIIK teams JlIn Omaha ; affulU. of nothing , htyllsh and prompt drl\ers ; aKo n full platform pilng carriage almost new Addic&sX Kllcoolllcc. 11 ( V47 FUKNITUUn anetlmunciy Wednesday and Saturday , ill" SI tth Wells. ( il.l "TT1OK HAIjH A .Ti-horso power I'ditereiiRlno X1 In gciod condition , welht.r ; , lW ponnilH , cj 1- IndcrUxKi ; for partlcnlai-s apply to Tlio lice olllee. 71H I71OU SA LH A pee ] table as good as new , JL ow nor has no use for It. Call at 7JII N. Kith bt. HVI-U * Foil KALI/ Some peed watches and dia mends cheap. 11 V. Master * , , loom I , Wlth- nell block , ( v"i , ; MUSIC. BKI'OIIK buying a piano examine the new scale Klmball piano at A. Hospe , 151.1 Gio.r.iiLLKNltKOIv : ( : , teacher of Ihobaujo , 100J Ilowaidst.Ilid lloor. . 240 ' M ON 13V TO 1,0 AX. HAND Investment Co. , ioom4H , Hoe build ing , loan on chattels In amounts fiom $10 to $10,000 ; lowest iat.es. Loans on household goods , horses , personal propeity of all kinds and other in tides of value without temoval. P.iymentsjiirangi'd lostopjnteiest _ 1 ID-nil HK. COLE , Hun agent , Continental block. _ ( , W G NTIt A L Loan and Ti list Co. , 1205 rarnam t st. Choice city loans at lowest i.ites. ! 7in4 GUOCKIlY for sale. "A snap. " Party must sell. All new goods Doing peed business. liivolcefc.00 Call lit 1008 Ninth 24th slicet. J. M. Wind , Wl ) N , Y. Life. 2U-13 * $1.000,000 to loan on Impioved or unliipioved city piopeily. Xo ill-Ill } . llcst lutes. W. ramam Smith , loom 10 , Continental block. CT-nilt _ LOANS City and farm loans , moitgagepa- pei bought. McUaguo Iiiventment Co. CHOICKsmall loins wanted. C. I' . Harilum , 1)11 ) N. Y. Life. 170 COMMKIU'IAL paper iMiughT. A. K. Itlley , l oonULContliiciital block. 13U _ LOANS on Impioved propeity at close tales , A. K. lltley , Uoom 11 , Continental block. T OANH of JIO.OOO toj.10,000 on choice Inside -LJpioperty wanted Immediately. Kates veiy low. Ccntial Loan tx , Tiust Co. , 12a" > ramam. G IIATTKL loans at lowest tales ; icmoved to DI7 and 510 Paxtou blk. J. II. Kmlnger. Ilir.ltATTii-nl cstattt loairs made by W. " M' Harris , loom 20,1'ieiucr block , opp. P. O KKYbTONK Mortgage Co. Loans of JIO to f 1,000 ; get our rates before borrow Ing and save money ; loan on horses' fumltineor any approved scotnlly , without publicity , notes nought , for now loin , renewal of old and low est latos. Call , K 2tf , bheely blk , 15th & How ard Ms. i t I'M \ rONIJV to loan-Qcorgo J. I'auI.lUW rarnam. HOUT time loaiiH made. A. K. Hlloj , Uoom 11 , Contlnenjal Wock l. MONiV ; to loin ; on any bceurity forhhott time at low into * . , , J.owcst rates _ , , on pnr.sonal piopeily. The Hendeison .Me/rtgago / Investment Company - _ _ pany , Uouin HWl'ilXtoii ' block. ti.S [ jTIIlbTinorlgagq Uiilis at low rates and no -L1 delay. 1) . V. bhglujCo.101'lrbt Null bank. ! 52 _ LOANS nm < le on jjuy available t-ccuilty Central Invcktinent Co. . Hoom ! 15 , Uhain- berof C'niniiii'ri'u./ , . Wl MONIIV loancib furniture , horses and wagons ; rates wiiNinuible. yity Loan Co. . reinovfdlojltg Sh | iinjji Avo. 'l ' ! _ _ E A STi : UN nionu i'to loan on fiirnlturt. , horses , Jewelry , etc. , loom' ' . 111 ? I'arnam. LOANh made on ntllmprovcd ical Chtatc. A. K. Itlley , ItcKiin n , C'ontlnintal block.M _ _ MONiV ; to loan by Tl ! ' . Masters In any amount from (10 to (10,0W ( for any time , from ono totdx montliH. 1 make IO.IIH un boiiKcliold goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , bouses , li'iiso-i , etc . In any amount at the lowest possible rate , with out publicity or removal of jit iM'rty. | My loans are HO arranged that YOU can make a payment at any time and reduce jour In- torcit pro rata. You pay Interest only for the t line j on use thumomiy. If you owe a balanci ) on your property 1 wllltiilco It up and carry It for > on , at thu lowest ratu coiuUtant with the ilsk. Money always on Imnd. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates H , T. .Musters , Ucion I , Wlllinvll block , 1Mb und llarney kts fAI \\7ANTUl I irst < Tik < iTii ! > ldu Team Lownt nirs ( 'all and fire ui Mutual Invest ment C'o , 1501 I arnaiu. UT Ol'KU rr.NT residence * loans MAM to Jio.tn ) . llulldlng loans at upccuil rates , The Mend Investment C'o. . lieu building. nn MONKY , ft ) or PO dnvs oii furnlturo. pianos , horses. hou = > otlc. . J. J. Wllkln- con , CIS Paxton blk. nvi icy to loan on eliv propertv ! ier bought. II. ll.Iiey , opp Po. 13riMINO ) lKnns ( Pi.to * per cent i nn ml- J 'dllliimil ehnrgcs fnrcoiiitnfMlon or nttor- ! ney's fees.V.I \ > . .MulUle , 1'list Nat'lbatik bldtt , ! _ < ' * i "ITONKVloloan. O. I' . HavlsCo. . realetiato -i'i and loan agentM.M \ rarnnm s | . KH Bn'OItK neffolliitlnga loiin to Improve jour real estate net terms from The Odcll Investment Co. . Ml N.Y. l.lfebldgj Thin. S. llo > d rt'ine-entatlre. _ W > "iVJONKY to loan on horses wagons , mules. J'l household goods , iiln nos.organs.il lainonils. at lowest tales. The nrstorganl/iMl loan olllco In the elty. Makes loans fiom to ! t" > da > s , vvhlclu'an he irild In part or whole at any time , thus lowerlngthe pilnelpatand Interest. Call and see us when > ou want money , \\ceait assist you ptomptly and to > otir advantngo without removal of property or piibllclt.v. Money always on ( land. Nodel.iv In making loans , c 1' . HeciKt Co. , am y. iltth st. ; over lllngbain , V SHIS WUlTIXc ; . "cijAII I VO YA XT. " | /KKTt'NI2 Teller -Mrs. l.iMiiHi7uTn7ai7 lM consilllfd on all nlTnlrs of life , catlsfac- tlon BUiiratitt > i'd.Nii. _ " .Ill ) N l.'itbst , 4V.-aai _ * _ BK. NANMH \\AIM5EN , elalivoyant medical nnd business medium , female illscascj. a specially. 11U N 10th st , looms U' .V.,1. _ _ _ _ _ _ K , 1 _ AUKIVAI , evlraordlnary of Mrs , Dr Kddy. the dlstlugulslii'd wet Id-famed and only icalnattti il 1 1 unco clairvoyant and spirit me dium In this country ; seventh daugbtei of the seventh daughter , born with veil and givaUst plophctlo gift of second sight While en- lianied will reveal every hidden nivslcryln life. Has long been ptonniinccd In Kuiope and America the gieatest living womb-r of the piesent age. Understands the scleneeof the "I'crslan and Illndooinagle , " or ancient charm working , and prcpaics Kg > ptlan talismans which will oveteomo your enemies , lemoves family tumbles , lesloreslost allectlons. makes marriage with the one you love no falluic lemoves evil Inlltiences , bad hatilts , cities witchery. Ills and all long-standing and mjs- terlotis diseases ; will glvo correct Infotma- tlon on law sillt , sickness , death , divorce , ab- fent friends , ev nothing ; never falling advice to young men on mat i lagu and how to choose avvlfe forh'ipplness , and what business best adopted foi speedy riches , block speculation n specialty. Also gives Indlspenslble adv Ice to joutig laiih s on love , courtship and man l.'ige , and lf > our loverls line or false , and gives plot me of fill ui o husband with , name , age and ilaleof inarilaire. Hours 1) a.m. lo 8 p. m. , Htriet. N. H. I'ortbe benelll of those who inn unable local ! upon Mrs. Dr. Kddy. she would icsiicctfitlly annoiinco that him gives peifect satisfaction by letter. Your entile life will be wiltlcu In a clearand plain maunei. Letters with stamps promptly answeicd. cnd for large Illiistiated choiilar with special teims. Mrs. Dr. Kddj , 318 X. 15th st. , Omaha , Neb. Himi-14 * AltSTIt ACTS OK MiriLAMXiuaiantee ATiust Co. N.Y Life bid if , complete abstracts furnlshi d and titlestoie.il estate examined , perfected and guaianteed. 071 sixnss CMAXCKS. Aril.'ST-cIass , well-eslabllsncd boot and shoe business In oneof the most prosperous towns of ; ilHK ) Inhabitants In noithwcstcin Ne braska. Stock well selected and complete. Owner Is a piaellc'il hoot and shoe man , with - " > J ears'cvpetlenee and wants to icthefiom business. I 01 patllculais addicss A..Iohn- ( ! son , Cliadron , Neb. ISiM * AfcIMTlNII ; ) I ) oncnlng for a piactlcal pllnter a line 1ob oltlce located in Omaha and div ing a good business , foi salo'on easy teims ; would aKo exchange for good pioperty. Ad- chcss C Id lice. .t.Vi-1.1 H AHlT\VAln { Tor s'ile-MociTlibourr.HHi ( ) wsldence J..OOI ) All cash 01 pait cish and balance seemed paper. Ciood icasonfor selling. In good county seat town In westein Iov\a and doing a piospcums business , Ad diessV. . Hedge , . " . I'axton block. Ifx ) Kl * FOR SALIJ An ovcellent restaurant , two good stoio looms for lent. Co-opeintlvo Land A. Lot company , MBX. Jlitli st. I U-ll A SMALL and neat cigar and eonfeetlonety btoro foi sale cheap. Addiess C I'l ' , llec. 401-111 * TlftT your fai ins and merchandise with us ' and wo will find yon fiance , at louin ItSJ N Y. Life. lll-t ! 1" > AHTNiit : wanted ; ono who can fiunlsh $ .l,0ii01o J,000 cash. In nn old established business ; piollts jeaily f-.OOO toJ. . > oi ) ; lefeicn- ces given and expected , with slgnatuie. P. M. Jones , Knoxvllle , la , Ite.1-1'1 * IjlilltA Ijl , A good tiirntture business and -L lease on Ogden , Utah , town of LUOOO Inhab itants , the best town of the west ; l.ooodwell- Ingi going up this se-ison. Host location In the city. ( Jood icasoiih for belling. Address box 1R4 , OgdenClty , Utah. I',1)-I1 ) * POll HA LK A well assorted stock of general h.udwaie. tbiwaie , stoves , wagon timber. lion , Held and gaiden seed. etc .Invoicing , with tinner tools and flxtnics , about fT.IHX ) , moicoi less. Is a well pav Ing business , being estab lished 1,1 j ears ago and Is In oneof Nebi.iska'H life towns. Good reasons given for selling. Mould sell or icnt stoic. Also line dwelling house and - ' lots behind More foi sj | ( > , valued at J'.Smi. Would bo willing to lake some Omaha piopcity ( tcsldcnec ) In trade , vunc not lobe much higher than JTi.UOO. Addicss 11 4G , Omaha Dec. ; , ' ) -I-KI OIIANCK for butcher to get Hplendld busi ness ; little money leiiuhed Address Ufl , llee. Illll-l.l * fPO LKTor for Kale A good hotel. : il rooms , J in Ninth Omaha , centrally located , doing a good biisinesH. Lease by the v ear and fninl- ttiru forsale. Imiulie No. " ( til N st. i'K ! SAY Do j on want to buy outestalilNhei Idiy goods business ( fc'.tiui ) ) In glowing IllacU Hills town. Wilte foi Infoimatlon to A L"iIlce. if'.l 1 ! ) * ' _ TTioltSALIi Lense ami fill nltiire of a timt- JL class liolul in a live town in Sontli Dakota I'liinltuio new and woitb about Tl,5iK ) , rent { 50 per month , Addiess 1 ! UI , care The lice. iai Kl _ ITlOHSALi : L'lrst-class boarding house wllli -U fuinltuio ; 11 moms. Well located for day boarding. I'llceSJOO. II. i : . Cole Continental block. 4lli-j : > _ Ahl'Lr.NDir.LY Improved UV actefaimln Iowa , elcai. to CM hange for a vacant lot or u desbable lioiiao and let In Omaha foi a bo. .ic. A business ptonerty In a thriving town , clear , will pay 1ft percent on the Investment to exchange for pioperly In Omaha. If j on have anything to exchange call on us we can get \ on a deal. Star Land and Loan C'o. , IliMHj ramam st. KVi-Ul ' of drugs for sale or trade , one-third STOC'IC \\llllb Cadwell , llioken How. Nob. IKI-alT * _ _ "IjlOll KHNT Ohcokored Iherybarn on IRtli J st. , S of Ilaincy. Call or address Neb. Mortgage Loan C'o. . 510 I'axlon Idle. tita WILL trade a goiHl clear lot In So Omaha for nlano or horse and buggy. Addiess C 4 lloebdlcV'l rpo THAHK-IU ) acres of Crawford Co . Iowa , i. Imp. fat m for Omaha property. Itoom ItTJ N. Y. Life. _ 411-1.1 STOCK If you have horses or callle to trade and want to heeiiro your children homes we can shoitly get Jim a good faun. llo.ini . tta Y.JI , If u/ _ 4.II-1.I ( KS of merchandise wanted for good land ! , 01 city property. KOUIII V i N Y. .Life Ul-ja _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "l7ANTiiOmaha : > town propeity In n < c- ' change for fauns. UoomO'J'J J . Y. Life. 4.IM3 I .r.-y lots In South Omaha or I 1 1 lot near Ylnton t. , for hor.sca or mules. UiHin 1.1 , Hoard Trade. fa l IjlUirnXcTlANlJi : a Idi ) acre tracts of "Si ? J Inaska lamls pailly under culllvallon , In peed localities. N. II. Apple , room ID.Saio l 7-lh blooltj _ _ _ _ TI1OU TXCIIANlii : Choice Imnnived Me- t1 braska ( IIIIIIH. \\lll iiwiuno light Ineiiiij- branie. If jou IIIIMI mi ) thing to olfcr nd- dressorcall on ( ico. .1. hteinsdorf. room .11- ; ilS 1 lr t National bank bnlldliiK. 'J'ulephonu _ _ _ _ _ ICE confectionery business for sale with 1 > counters , llvtuiis. etc. , t-VXJ. II. I ! . Cole , block. SO , IJ Itixini ( I , Continental _ _ _ mCniXClTA'rs'lTir Wo huvo a ding utoelT , Ifctore linlldlnz and dwelling In a live Neb. town to \ubiinge for good South Omaha pro perty. Hartman & . Uobblns , N. ) . Life blilnf , rpo KXCIIANOi : riiia city or fiirm ptop- 1 crty and ( uikli for clean block mer , han- dlse. Can clonu deed on short notluu Athlrooi II lU.JIeo _ _ . _ J'li-H _ Tl' v on luivc anvthliiirio exchanxc call on or nddros II r Cole It 0. Continental bliH-k , OIllciMipi n evcnliui 7 In h , Jl. M' ' roll HAli : KUAIi J'bT.VTK. I/Ujll BALK < l' < ji lt ini un L w , : i'i .ill .r- 1 nmn st. Apply at room 23 f W corner of IQlu uml Dod.u. Oj. 13 * $3.1 . cash ainl IU in r m-inlli for I loiini . lHiiiHi\loiiO\i/r frUit ti > rr ilii'.ii | . \l u liotfeof I nxin . ( I'l cnslt nnd h jier nninthi very easy ti > rin , nl lowest lirb es lel us mlniwr j on dm houses. W .1 I'nuf , IW ( I'miium liii til J" Head' A'cholce piece of liielMe | Mill l . 'JiU ft fnttit. o nv | } r.l > l ; I'Hih i , baliince In itade. A cornel iH\I.Won lAtli. btiH'ks fiiim latniim. tui.innii n Kimp , Aim line list of ptopcity bulb for wile and i < \ - clniinte. Come ami co us , II ,1. Kendall , l llrowti Inilldlim im-l.l 1 1 K cLTi.i : . I ! li ! al r.slale. I.IHIIIS llentnl. v on II nil In our olllee at all times , A choice list of eleitiinl ri'sldenci1 property. A choice list of iicni pioperlv. A large list of hou n anil loin on easy terms. Out tenlnl list U tlm lurxiwt and mint com- lileleof any In the elty. I'm niul , Ing loans our facilities nre unsiir- passed. Siieelal nl tent Ion given lo I'U'lintiKlnit. _ IL 1 Cole , mom II. Coiitlncnlal btoeU I'.ll IjlOH ALI' A line in * 5-iiioni cottnKc near electric car Huron N . ' , 'lhst. Will take n < pait of cash pav menl a good hurso ot borne and phaeton. V , l.Vil I'm limn si. ST7 iriOltPALi : Inn by I.V ) fl cor. Ilulinlnl \ \ 'b- .1 ster sts. . also a iiumbei of good lots f.'m nnd t KM ) ( low n and month h pament for balanee N. II. Apple loom III. \ \ ate blouk. IM7-lh % " "XTOW Is the time by Omaha uml -k- ' estate. Take earn of buck pavments on Impioved or nnlin proved ptopcrl ) nnd get vour money of A K Itllcv , II , ( oiitlnental blo < k. _ _ _ IB ) I/1OK tvXLIv 1-toom houTe. eist fiont. lot .Ux L I'.TI , , cltv and elstein watei. all In good le- p.ilr. > t mile N. n. of poslolllee ; ptlec fl. : < "U ; 'j cash , balance to suit. Addiess 11 l.'i. lice. _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ fi , ' , . ' JjlOH SALi : "Two well built h7m esall ; mod- 1 em conveniences , on paved Htiect. walci. sewer , gas , stieel cars ; walking distance of postoflh c ; will be sold cheap and on e'isv teims as ownei Is leaving thoelly. Nathan Shelton. hill Pariiam st : ; GO 1' I'Alil. homes In most anv addition for sale nl fioiii tl.noniip , nn ensv monthlv pavments 1\ | \ Hailing II It.u ker block IAI IIOHlr. s-iiHim house , must be moved for X Improvements Homes built on eas } pav- menls Iu all pailsof the eltv ( iood farm for tiade D. .1. o'liouahoe. Hiiit rarnam si. ttM I/Ull SALK- One niece of Improved business propeity that will pav r > poiccut. llowaid L. .t T Co , li.th alidllinv'irdsts. _ _ _ | SL ! IJ1OK SALI'-Orexchatige for drugs and ical J. estate. Wl.OOti book Htock. llox MS 1,70 , rp\\O choice lots on small cash pament , bal- X niieesoi'ond mortgage to lesponslbb ) par- tics who will build. II. K. Cole , Continental blk. and 2501 N 21th. Ml IjHVh room cottnjes. JI.5UO inch , ill * ) cash X down , balance il' , per month. Thou. IMIall , Hll Paxton block. ii.17 _ _ _ ! sAI.K # , HM acres best fanning lands In Nebtaska and Wxl50 feet on South l.lth st. , at a great saci Ilicc. Inquire Old South llth st. lieu. II Peterson , ownei. Ilt'al" A S.MA LL payment down and tl't per month will buy a l-rooni bouse and lot on Kith , twy blocks from motor ; first-class chance to aconite a home on e.isv teims Appl } to 11. K. Cole , Continental block. nn IINCOLN place nnd i .11 thage lots.pilci ) -JJI.IXH ) , J.IOdown , linlani e $15 monthly. W. L. Sclbv. Itoom 13. bead ; of li.ldc _ G77 A ItMtliAINDodge and Jltli sts , IIKIxlH feet with''new tl-ioom houses , V rtoom cottage , cheap for cnstomei with nionev. on line of cable , icntalJtPJ per mouth Address 2U ( N. Y Life. ' 'I a IS * 3LAINYIKW Add'e have Ihe i hcapest J lot lii the maikct for sale on easy lei ins. II. Cole. .155 14 LKP } out ej e oiTof ilaTlarNeb. \\esu-illeldleal estate.s Onriha 1,71 , IjlOIl SAIjIV-A line Impnived piopeiti , 7"i\IJl J- feet of gioiind , with ,1-sloii lirlek and stone buildings , icnted at W'i70 ' pel jeai to good ten ants , well leased and hest propi'it } In the city of MaqnoUcta , la. , to tiade , cleat , for good Omaha Improved 01 niibiipintcd piopi'il\ . Oiuxl chance foi some one to get gond Invest ment foi iioii-piodncthc piopetty. .1) ) . V. hlmles Co . 21.1 rlist _ XiCl _ bniik. _ Orij _ SIXTV-I lT acres s. w.of p o , suitable fur pi ittlng or gaidenlng. foi sale at u bargain. I' . 1C Dai miu'.jt.niarker bl k. su I IbTjoiu inoperty with II. K. Colo. I _ _ _ _ ' _ _ fi.'f ) _ $ l.'XHl buys Hlxl'T't with good A-iooin house ; well , clstein. \ \ 111 selUOxl''S for Miii Ap ply im tln _ iirenilsi JIHii _ Ieeatu ) _ r st _ LMI-al'i ' * IjlOK SAI.n Veiy cheap , no Hade , film of JL1 f.l l.7 ( ; acies , st , n , 12 , N fiV. . Hamilton county Neb. ; 2 miles from M.iniuette sin ill house , sfiblc , 'MX ) acies of pasture fenceilT ll\ - Ing water , pilcn : nly SIO per acre , Jlll'li ) . TCI ms 5J.-1K ) easli , balance I , per cent Inleieslf I1 K. Atklnbownei , lallioae bnlldlnnr. Denver Col. _ H7" > _ IjlOIC AI.K Anexcellontlmprovcd farm ad- JL lolnlng.Stiiait. Neb. , and within l' ' blocks of JlO.miO Illicit school house. I'm u genuine ba i K.I In addicss box .IM , Atkinson , Neb .lfM , l ] jMSALK ! and exchange I have unite a niimbci ef baigalns. Call and see N II. Apple , room ItVaio ) bhjck. lli7-IV _ _ ! - > i\UTirjJL : lesldenco comer , ice feet J siii | nc , southeast corner Poppletoti ave. and ' 'stli sts. iKiO1 * ) , one-half Ccash. Innulie pilcc ot other piopeit.v In this nelghboiliood andon will appieelate this b.ngaln C A Starr. 1--05 ramam s | . - " _ ' ! \NT lots , bonnes and lots , and business VACNT pioporty for sale. If vou contemplate hnj Ing. don't fall to call on the Star I. mil .x. Loan ( o. lliOM' ' , ramam st. _ : s5ii-l t Ijr.lii pay lent when jon can liny nlecseven loom lionsc , with modem Im- piovoments. near Kithand I.akests. wlthonly asmallnish pavmenl , balance monthlv / In- < inheiight . .I.tiibniy , Aillngton block , _ IX'-l.l _ excellent cheap homo on west I'M i mini AN . , full lot , on glade , S looms : only .CiOO. 10-room boiisn and lot , 11 blocks west fiom conn bouse ; it.t.OiX ) . Home mine Oi.'haid III1I lots. We Ii'ive sold IT lo neatly as mum pcisons slme .lanu.iiv. Let n-inliou MIII that we handle bargains , both In Oiclmid Hill and clscuhcic. Colsulh , John son ix , hovgicn , room' ) , Clmmbei of Commeiie I1I-1U _ I.OTUixl.l'Jor KKxl.e , with It. H liaekage In the very heart of the wholesaledlstilct , iti \i-ry reasonable pi Ice ; less than fKKI per Colseth , Johnson .x , Ijovgien , loom 1 > , C hambcr ) f Commeiie. ll'i-lli AI'INi : little home 2stb st. ne.ir Woolworth , full lot , east front. 7 looms and bath , very little cash iciinlied. r. K. Daillng , II Ilatker block. _ _ _ _ _ 27" IjlOll SAI.K-Or exchange foi iinlmpiovcd J Omaha piojieilv. good .C.1) ) ai r < > faun In [ owa. vvlth llM' stock. Implements , etc ( mini 1,0-acic f n nn In ( inning ruiuilj , Nebsahka Impiovcil South Omaha piopeity , paj Ing 10 teicenl. Addiess 1147. Ill e. _ llil-liH , r look nt this. A 10 loom bom eon S. list JU . only 11.000 , C.IH > teims , will bo woilli ; , , IH I In le s than. ) v eats , A vacant lot In Vlnlon Place , only { " "O. A beautiful 7-ioom lioiibu and lot on ( IcorgH iv u. , iM.t )0. A barunln. Tor quick sales list jour projiertv with the "tar Land ,1 Loan Co. JUKI' , ramam sl.ivi-ii _ : : ITIOK.xVM. The beautiful lesldem'e , No. KJ I litoigla aviMine , with full lot. u-ioom house ilrcli and oak llnlsh rlown hlalis , oak sldc- jonixl. lalnatory , I mantels , soap simiu tubs In aiindiy , i islern and city watei , as and .si'urr connections , gas fixtures , house handsoiiii l > leeoiatul , goixl fnrnaeo and range and every losslblo convenience. This property Is clear if Incnmbiame , and owner can uhe any ti nns osnit No trade. An\ one whlilng to pin- chase i an call at .No ,1) ) ( .corgla ave und bo ( , hewn HIM propel ly. 01 call l mv ullli e and lie lilven mil to sic II. D V SboliH Co. wile iKunt.2ll _ l'lrst _ Nalloiiij liank _ I'1' ' TTIOK SAM' A Hat of U riMinii uoll fnr- II nlslied. Illlfd with good paying looinum , JlC-4 N lOtli , ovei Muodj'n china -lot e. 1jTnrn AI < l. i-oiuellne To t , " "ban 1 1 pavim lit , bill , HIM' SIM mid mortgage , can ItmiUli noney to build Call and ui t list lluve - < il < l i number la t week and must have mmc \anant lots M'lid i aril tvlth dcsirlplloi nlculo \\iilena.-in , ir.I'axton ) block - niiiKi' or.\itriitMASTiifH : : nni i : H puitmunt of tliu riatte , Omaha , Nub .Man n i 20 , IK * > . - Nuled prupOMulH , In triplicate , will hi , riuiilVfcl hvra ntnl b > eiirhpoHt ami Dripot l unr tt-rmaitcr in ttilNdnpartiniint niiill Joilmkii I in. , central Hint' , April ' 'Int. 1 . uml tii-n I oK > nttd for fnrniHliIni ; wood , coal anil Hmn i ui. HMiiilrrd Hioruln ( luring uscul yt'iir i omiiinii m - | July l t , is HI , If. st rnr \ "i right to mjiH t itn > or all bhU I'ruferuiiLo given to HIM ! < nf ' denn'stlu ' iirnilnctlon , condition * < > t iiim' | > , Imd price ilili billing In tin. prhu of foi > U" tire I din tlon ihuilnty tln-mon b lng winui. Yil in furnmtlon fnrnlHlitxl on upplli utlo'i IHT. or t tiny of tun I'ost or Dupnt cjiiurtiTinux , is In vufni'ttH i 'iiit.iliiliu ; proKMiilH | to be mink I "I'roponals tor fuel , " ami addri'inoil ui > o i ruti'd nboVH WM. II. Ill'tilllis. l.l.ut- > nt Colonel and Dopni ) uniirteriniuti'i di-n. iai I a. A . Clilur ijiinrturnmiler _ in % ltali | 1 1 i . l.'iliirli ' riniiHler nOlllue. On ill i N' ' Ollll.r III. I"W Bellied ploliosiil- . Inn I' ' nale. will be received here until . ' < ' 1' ' " U P ' I'Oiitial tlinii. M y 10th IrtM. and tin n l ' ' < J . for it'iiiovlng finin I hecnnu Depi't ' li ; i"d plaelni ; In ponltlonat I'ort D A Hnssi II \v t > lx frame linlldlimn moro or Ic-s In as t > l condll Ion n they vvein bufiin removal "n < l biilldlnes lo bn placid upon ti < " d i " ' ; ' " . htono foiindatlomt laid In inoitui llult will bo con-ldcred for tbu whoio in inj I'1.1" " of thnnork Tb < l ? 8 romirv * ilio rulit to riijoot any or all bids Pull Infoim illou in lift obtained from Ihe I'oul ljuiirl.riiia-.lcr Tort 1 ) A UIIKM II , \\ti- 1 i . . - s.i.ni ilnliu proposals ID I" indorsi'l I'lopomli. lur in" * - Ing I ullilliiif- in. . 'I ' m 1n' nl l < ll.iiuudir- III ' .H ' . I " ' ' hln < lVM l U " i in ( I IK Iill'v ' ( , " > " ' " " ol l lJi > iMl I \ ' Chief Quurtuiiiixtor ulUlli m.-J .Notice. IIMs will ) 'rci ehIM | l y ( lit noxi. prlntli'K at Hie ollli cnf tin' i'i retnrv of tain nl nliv lime liefon- April . ' .Hint . ' oilu k p. in. , for prlnlliiK nnd hlndlnc ( me Unit und f HIP M'liiirl of ( be IniiriMI of lath and liil HlullMli' foi ( be ) ( ni' of Iv * . and , of WO | in e * I'lieli monor H of norh nniy be neni at ( ! , . oiih , - , , f of stale. Illxlit tc'teri eil to letc" bids. HKI It " * ' eretn.- I.liieoln , Nebrn ki. : \prl tub , RRILWHY TIME CARD. Omnliit l > rnii | iilli iinl vtnuin ori'i'K < ntn ilix J U i f'hlrnni . I'.u.ttM" . | m Vr lll.iilii . " H IS R in H " it m I lilmgii K | irt > . , it.il n m | ' l'1"1 ' H'uri' " i " ) > - HI'llLlSlllllV .1 Mil Illi'lllvi _ 0mnlm IMpni lilh niul Minim lrrrl ' Ifltii i % in lit liter VcMltnilK rttpri'v , * INI i in P fcl n m ln tlnii < t t'oiHvnlln lwnl I. iv i in A M p in M' i m Lfrtti'i 1C ' si' I Al * j vir , > Dnmlm ) , ' ! U Illlh niul > ln nii I iini hit. i > ni Muhl Kli | tin I- l > ITnli I t in I Arn - > i i llnmliit ot Illlli nniltnii > y uln-ntt I Hum it. ' 1 IA | i 111 ( Hntlnnii Kljn it.Tti 7 AI ) n m 1'm'IHn KipMi-m ni II ) IU n in I 1 } P in ( Irmni lulmul | i > tiii | , | Hii U H p m JJ/J. n ni i t iu i > n < . I C'1llrtl ( ) , II I \ I'VCIKlC. Onmlm | U. I * ili' | nil , tlllll nnil Mnrr > 4 | 'US ' p ml Iipti' " t in I'1.5 ' n m . Allnnlli' ' ' ' l > iu I l > | > in ! \ > ) lllnili. 'Limited' . III I > III A rrl > ii iiimdin 11' P ili'imt , Hull niul Mnrrjr Oiim IK ( in ii in I lilrnifn I'vprei4 . , . , H W i ) in I m p m \i ltlmli , l.linltisl t'jj t in il I. ' , ii in 1-1 Hull Mull ( Ar ei Vlun > 7 M i m v ai p 111 KiKli'rn I Iyer 4 l" , i in II'IIVIM , rni ( .MID , .vii u , A HI PA 111. , I Arn 01 Onmlm. II I' ili-pot , Hull niul Mtli'y HJ1 I i Him < i " t'lf ' , ii in .I'IPHKI | | > Vlnllmuvpt Muinlny ) All 111 HID li in , . I'hlrnito Kiim'M . II 41 i ni 9 TO ji in1 Clili'iiun lltprt'M . 41 ti iu ' * ! TIM MIA A MILiftim i Arrnn ( iniitin 1 * ili'iml , IUh ( niul Mnrrjr Sl > . Ilium n I Is p lit HI l iiilD Cmniiin Hull . " | l..ii „ m i. < .nru < I H10IIX f Atr"iu llninlln It' P ilt'tml Illlli nint Mnrry Htii I Oma in 7 li it HI ' lilO * i m II14 pill ! I'mil Kipro < i . . IlilM i m " U-iivi'i I HIOUX I'm A PACIKIC. j Arrl os I linn hit I Dt-pot I5lh mnl VTili lf l Sin I ( Him.n. ( l 5jiiii "V"si | > unl Uinltoit I I'lV l m lnri > I H'.i ; A MO V Al.l.kv I Arm in DnmhB _ | Ilrpot ISIIi iinil Wi'li'U-r Hts I ( linn ) i Vli ) nm . . . lltm-k Illlli Kiin | i . ii JO i in 9 til it in MintlMK' Kip ll ! > Siiitiliijr ) . A Jl i ai 6 10 p in \Vnlioo A l.lnntlii l'ii < ritKkr . 1071 n at j II ) p in York A Norfolk < Kt Hnii | y } _ 10 al u m ( . .HI1 lr. .MAO " Arrhi Umiilm. llrpot l.'ith niul WI-IMIIT "ti ( ) mn " Hill n m Slum rity Ai . niiuiiilnllini .l 4' . I OH p m Hluux Cltr HipniM ( Hv Hun ) . . I > 0 l.'i p ra St I'mil I. Unit , M | . . . . IU < l fl.i.'Vniii ' Klorpnt'M Pnt tintfcr ( Kx Hnnl . JiJIi p in Flnronco I'AfKPiitH'r | K < " mo ' ' ' ' TArnv ri'iiTiM I MlHMOt'KI I'AI'H'ir Onmlm I Hi-pot llttli mnl Ueh'tiT s | | Out i IU ) n ml st I iiiln , V h C i\iin-H : . . | 4V , Jl II p nil St I.onl'A K C : > . [ il l SUIILItllAN THAINS if i i it ; in UNION 1'ACIl'K HIMIIIUIIAN ' Tli iu trnlni iil .i Btnp nt lllli. Kill , ) ( h nn I etrucli , Hiuunilt mnl siViKo | | Crosslnx' "Work ini-n'H train * iln not run - iiiutny PRINTERS' INK. A JQVRXM. IOKtn'I.Rril.RS. \ . 1:1ael T3eisi ! l > tks rsre : ti'l7e Jjursi tki trale Jwrsil of _ Aaetlci5 airtlt3. ) I IslUitc : tj ths lcicrltsl aiT rtt ! tv , ii:3 ui 7tj hi tbuM il7j.lj ; bv t ) vrl'.s a- al7crtljzt : ' . ; l : to iltpli/ : ; vhit cinipipir ts CM i bJ = ui ! nss ; t j cicl h . ' : ' . , il ; cnri es cer ; p ; ! : ' . tbit ilalt : : ( ; rUil teaulw. AlTtitlJliz 1 : s irt fr : ' . ! : ei i ? = - tut aictMi t ; ( CT. Tii : : l'j : t rilt : i:1 HIS ule.jl It , ui tbr ! iltl'.i I : ii : ea as ipttks ef = : : ttw t es'.7-Tj jsit : ihdSE iiTcrlt : ! : ; : : : ' . : a : ' . : lr : wsy : f ' .5.8 hrj ! ui = : : ' . : - : : : : ( aict'.i : ; : . A ; t : tics ci'.i tst ' . : ilhi : : > = ; ! eti : fr CEO. P. nOW ELLA CO. , New , Jp" Ailf rliiin Hurra . i > pru. KMFfMIOAIUJS , SIRttrMEN AND HEllOtE - . . II f TSrtrl , r , , 1 n I 'V , ti r ; i I , < -r i n id fully lllu " i ) ' trf lo li ill , i. fun i St. l.oulo , rflo. WANTED DISTRICTS , , W VT COMPAMICH , t il.W , HARRIS a COMPANY , Bankc 103-IUS Do-rborn Stroul , CHICAOO. 7O ntaltt 3truat. IIObTOM.