Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    TT-IR OMAHA DAITjY JHfiR SATTTRBAV. API ? ! T , 19. 1.900.
Honkclonriiigt ywtcrtlny , 7SO,3H.M.
Mr * . Fniiii'of ) A. Moore , mutron of tlio
Chlld'n hospital , 1st very Mick with an
iitftfravatetl cao of la KrlpiKj.
Tin ; muoUiiK of the Fourth wnnl republican -
publican club willeil for hist evening at
Just lee Antler-son's oillco fulled to uni
te nil (7.0. (
A colored boy mimed JainoH Stark , in
tin ; employ of Dog Catchup I'ulaskl , WBH
arrested yelenlny on the charge of
Htcaliiitf a < < > , when the fact was ho
hiinply ( li'ovu the aninml to the pound.
Tliu 'Vomit"caino around and putting
up $7. " > 0 mewed the Irul's release.
JWHNOXA 1. 1'A It.t < -/M I'llH.
'f K. Chnppoll of Lincoln is nt the Cnscy
Ir Illcancr IJiilley tins returned from tlio
Miss Add Smith left Thursday for Chi
Jaincx N. Cliirho of Hustlnfrs Is nt the Mll-
H. C. llubbcll of Lincoln is a guest at tlio
W. H. Chapman of Grand Island is nt the
.1 H Adams of JJIalr is registered nt the
W CV Dnmhnrt of Central City is nt the
C H. Paul of Hastings Is n guest at the
O M. Druse of Lincoln is stopping nt the
A S. McICny of Friend is n guest as tlio
F K. Valentine of Aurora is n guest nt the
\V It. Thompson of Albion Is registered at
the C'uscy.
K I' Wentherhy of Norfolk Is stopping at
the I'axtou.
( } W. 1) . Heynolds of Fremont Is stopping
nt the Casey.
Mr K. H. Havdcn has gene cast , accompa
nied by Ills wife.
Mli'liai-1 Klinoro of Nonpareil Is registered
at the I'axtou.
Miss Alice Snnford has gene to visit friends
nt HlooinliiL'ton , 111.
James \V. Tanner , editor and proprietor or
the Fullerton 1'ost , is in the city.
C'ailT. Set-Icy , editor of the Madison Chron-
rli' . is in town today purchasing u new dress
for his paper.
Mr Alois Obcrlnnu of Manltou. Wis. , is the
truest of Mr. John Kosibcky , editor of the
J'okrok pail u.
TIC K. Leonard , wife and sou , Mrs. W. P.
Downing and Mrs. ( i. IJ. Colton of David
City were at the I'.ixton.
Miss Agnes Orady of Sioux City , la. , is
visiting Miss Hosa Martin at 1U10 South
Twenty .second street.
lion John Hprlck of "Washington county
railed at Tin : 1)1:1 ) : : onico yesterday. Mr.
KjirlcK was a member of the state bonato of
li r.
Ijinnan Allen of Fullerton arrived in Omaha
ycsterilnv to accept a iiosition in tlio gen
eral freight agent's oflleo of the Union 1'a-
H. Stevenson of the Stevenson lumber com
pany of this city returned from Fullerton
yesterday , wliero lie clu.sed a sale of the com-
jmnj'.s yards at that place to E. M. La
Ituck ! 'ittic-k ! Ituuk !
The celohrifled buck beer from Fred
Knitf'H brewery will be on draught Sit- :
urdny , April lL' , and Monday , April M ,
by all his customers.
Mr Frederick Warde , the distingulslicd
tr.igcdian , opens at Uoyd's opera liouso on
Tuesday evening next with a grand produc
tion of D'Ennery's powerful romantic drama ,
"The Mountebank. " Wednesday night
"HIchiml III. " will bo given. In the charac
ter of Uclphegor , n wandering mountebank ,
Mr AVardo lias a grand opportunity of dis
playing his great versatility. The piny Is a.
combination of comedy , drama and tragedy ,
mid touches the whole gamut of human feel
ing Mr.Vurdo will bo suppoited by a most
excellent company including ladies and
tlemen well known in tliedramatic profession.
The sale of scats opens Saturday morning.
Tlio announcement that the accomplished
nctorand actress , Mr. and Mrs. Kendal , and
their talented company are about to visit this
city and present a number of their leading
comedies , Avill be received with unusual inter
est by our theater-going population. They
make their appearance in "ASerapof Paper.1
The present generation of theater-goers has
scarcely seen unite the equal of this dim lit
elegance and refinement of comedy represen
tation IJoth ara highly skilled artists , and
in the work of each there is an undctinable
grace of detail and chaiiietcri/ation.
Licenses worn issued to the following
tk-s by .ludfiu Shields yesterday :
NIIIIIC nnd Hesidcnco. Afro
I ( 'Imrlt-s Voss , ( , 'alhoun _ ' "
J Mary Stottcnborir , Calhouu. . , . . . ' . 1
Henry Oswald , Omaha. ,
General Aljjor Coining.
General Kussell A. Alger , eonimander-ln-
chlef of the Grand Army of the Hepublie , ac
companied by Mrs. Wblttcnmeycr , national
iiresldent of the Women's Kellef corps , and
Mrs John A. Logan , will arrive in the city
next Tue.sdavi The visitors will bo escorted
to Felt Omaha in the morning , where they
will ix-viiw the troops , and in the afternoon
the\ will lie given a reception. A camp nro
will be held at thi ) ( Iraiui opera house , at
which tlie visltoi-s will speak. Mayor Cnsh-
Ing will deliver the address of welcome. A
chorus of 1K ( ) voices , under the direction of
Prof R S. Smith , will furnish the music.
Grand Army posts from many of the sur
rounding towns will be in attendance , and a
rousing tlmu Is expected.
The Park Commission.
At the meeting of the park commission yes-
lenbu afternoon Messrs. Bell , Iluflbert and
Wily , three of the donors of the Leaven-
winth street park , were given tlio use of a
portion oC it for garden purposes until July 1 ,
as the board will not be able to do anything
in the way of improving It before that time.
A pioposition from Mr. Paul Horbaeh to
make a preliminary survey of the projioseit
North boulevard fur a consideration uf jo for
mve.ssary exm'iise.s was accepted.
Onl > one hid was received for tlio cord
wood and platform in Hanscom park and it
was rejected. The .superintendent was in-
Htructed to sell the wood fur SI per cord , if
IKisslble , and If that pi leu could not bo ob
tained to hold it.'Tho platform was sold to
W K Admin for $ . ' 5 on condition that it be
removed at once.
Mr. MllUml uf the committee to which wan
referred the matter of the proposed route for
the Noath boulevard reported that the com
mittee had gene ever the entire iimto from
Commercial street on the south to the water
works at Florence on the north , ami thought
that very little dilMculty would bo encount
ered until the northern cud was reached , mid
hiiggested that the board visit the ground in a
btxl.\ , but it was decided to await the result cf
Mr Hoi bach's survey.
The superintendent was given authority to
purchase a wagon and harness at a cost no't to
exceed fSO. _
The Only One.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway Is the only line ruiinhitf solid
vcbtibuled , olcetrlo lighted and hteam
lientfd trains between Chicago , Council
lilulTti and Omaha.
The lujrth reading lamp feature In the
Pullman gluuplng cars run on Hues
is patented and cannot IHJ need by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and bo
Sleeping ears leave the Union I'licillu
depot , Omaha , at tl p. m. daily , arriving
at Chicago at 0:30 : a. in. I'asMMigcrs
taking this train are not "compelled to
get out of the cars at Council liluir.s ami
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Get
tlclii'U and Nleoping car berths at Union
ticket olllco , IWl Farnam nt.
F. A. NAMI , Gen , Agt.
1. E. I'llKSTON I'us * . Agt.
The Anilrosen-Miiurer Case
at I'liilntlir'H Id-ipti-Nt.
Tlio suit of Kosle Andresen ngrtlnst Edward
Maurcr to recover about $ . ' , i)0 ) < ) which she
claliDSil belonged to her , was dismissed yesterday -
terday at the tuques t of tlio plaintiff's attor
neys. The girl was not In court.
It will bo remembered that Miss Andresen
was arrested and tried on the charge of stealIng -
Ing the above amount from Mr. Maurer , by
whom she was.employed. . She claimed
that tlio money had been sent to her by two 1
aunts and n Jury acquitted her , hut Mr.
Mnurerhad Iho money In hU possession and 1
refused to give it up. Suit was then brought
to recover the money and the case was set for
trial yesterday. An nflldavit hud been Hied
by the pliilntflT , asking for n continuance on
thcrground that depositions from tlio girl's
aunts hud not arrived , and stating that these
allldavits would prove the fact that the money
had been sent by the girl's aunts , as claimed.
After this iillldavltliad been llled , however ,
the attorneys for Miss Andresen learned that
Mr. Mnurer's attorneys had an affidavit from
John Dressmerof Springfield , 111 , whom tlio
girl had claimed as her uncle , seating that
she had been employed by him as a servant
gitl , but was not related to him.
More than this , the attorneys also had in
their possession several letters from Mrs.
Flora Teclo of Chicago , telling how Hosle had
solicited her aid in finding a couple of women
who could net in the capacity of aunts of Miss
Andresen , for n consideration , and testify
that they had sent her large sums of money.
Mrs. Teelo was evidently up to the little
game and wrote to Mr. Maurer's attorneys
explaining the whole thing.
Miss Amlresen's attorneys pot wind of the
matter and at once refused to have anything
further to do with the case , and moved a dis
The Hiclmrdson drug company has com
menced suit against Theodore . Spafatd. ot
al to recover en three notes aggregating
$501."M secured by a mortgage on lot M , block
I ) , Ambler Place.
Mrs. Emma Robins has appealed from the
action of the viaduct appraisers in awarding
her # ! . * > damages to lier property at 017 and
Dili South Tenth street.
William Collmrn , assignee of the Hank of
Omaha , has commenced suit against J. G.
Salisbury to recover $ ' , ! , < ) ( ) U on a note.
A. Meyer has brought suit in foreclosure
against C. C. Spotswood to recover on a note
of SliO , secured by mortgage.
The llrni of Hamilton Uros. erected a buildIng -
Ing on propel ty in South Omaha owned by
Patrick MiMJonnld , .lames and .Michael JJon-
nelly , costing 11-Ui.Ylti , and an agreement was
entered into by which Hamilton Uros were
to collect the rents from tencnts of the build
ing and apply it on their bill for work. This
nrrangemeitt was earned out until the first of
the present month , when the owners notified
the tenants not to pay the contractors any
more rent. The latter therefore tiled a peti
tion in the courts asking for an injunction to
restrain the owners from transferring the
building 3f lollectlng the rent. They allege
that the owners are insolvent and the only
way the plaintllts can satisfy their claims is
by collecting the rent as agreed.
Antonio Sachsso lias commenced suit for
WKJO ( against the city for damages sustained
by reason of the change in tlio grade of Saun-
dcrs street , which was raised four feet above
the level of her lot. She states that she will
bo compelled to raise tlio level of her lot and
raise her house , barn , etc. , correspondingly ,
at a cost of WX ( ) .
John Gabler has brought , suit against
Ursula Springer to compel the defendant to
comply with the terms of a real estate con
Henry E. Bolliver has llled a petition ask
ing for the division of 1M acres of land lying
southwest of the city in township 11 , range
12. The property was owned by George
liolliver , who willed it to his four minor chil
dren. The children live in Orungeburg ,
South Carolina , and me now come of ago.
Jane Thomas has applied fora divorce from
Charles \V. Thomas on the ground of deser
tion. The parties were married in St Louis ,
November 1,1 , 1S.1S , and the husband aban
doned the wife in IbSO.
Ellen A. Davis was given a verdict award
ing her $ . "iTO for her services in caring for an
old lady , which John H. Davis , as adminis
trator of the estate , will linve to pay. ,
The United States National bankwab given
a judgment against Levy Kaufman , E. I' . Davis
mid Samuel lee { in the sum of . ' , i.S-l. ; !
County Court.
Tlio linn of Colpct/er & Union has brought
suit against Edward C. Erfiiiig to recover
$811,23 on two notes.
Lovlnston Brothers have commenced suit
against Solem Bunion to recover $ . * > 23.15 for
goods sold and delivered.
Mitchell Brothers company received a Judg
ment against G. H. Gratiot in the sum of
fr'HCUM ) .
In the case < f G. W. Cody ct nl. against W.
J. Austin et al. , Judgment was rendered tlio
plaintiff ill the .sum of 6Tls.5'J.
M. G. Green et al. recovered n Judgment
against J. M. Hieo et al. in the sum of Wi l.fM.
W. J. Applegate was given Judgment
against K. W. Day in the sum of $ tar.'J3.
In the case of tlio Gate.s iron works against
liegaii ct al. Judgment was rendered in favor
There is dimmer in impure blood. There Is
safely in taking Hood's Sarsaparillatho great
blood purifier. 100 doses one dollar.
Tlio County Hospital.
The heating apparatus at the new hospital
building was llrcd up yesterday and u low
pressure kept on all day. A high pressure
will bo put on today , and tho. entire plant will
ho gene over and leaks , etc. , repaired. It wlH
require about ten days , in the estimation of
( ho contractors , before the work is completed
nnd ready for aeceptaneo. No other work is
being done about the building at present ,
Tlio slight delleieneies nbout tlio building , to
which Architect Meyers called attention ,
liuvo not yet been made good ,
The arbitral Ion matter is almost at a stand
still. Tlio emit nit-tors express great anxiety
to have thu matter speedily adjusted nnd say
they are only waiting for the commissioners
tonnino n man and they will nnmo the second
arbitrator. The commissioners , on the other
hand , say that they have proposed three
men to tlio contractors , but the hitter have
objected to all of them.
Jerry Kyan , of the firm of Ryan . * c Welsh ,
claims that the contractors are prop.ired to
prove the correctness of every Item In their
bill for extras. Ho states that they have
written orders from the superintendents , or
some of the commissioners , lor a number of
the Items , and have competent witnesses who
will testify that they were present when the
contractors were given verbal orders by sonio
of the commissioners , or by the superintend
ents , to do certalit things which have been
stricken out by the superintendents , Coots
and Shane.
When asked why these orders had not been
presented 111 tlio bill , Mr. Kyan answered
that tlio contractors knew the matter would
eventually get Into court and they withheld
their evidence until It would bo necessary to
produce It In order to provo their claim.
Justli'H Dalton on Pllln.
I. S. Doten , Justice of the peace and mer
chant of Bristol , 111. , says he can recommend
St. Patrick's Pills. "I have used them , " ho
says , and know whereof I speak. " Any one
troubled uith constipation or biliousness will
find them a friend. They are prompt and
certain in their action and promico u pleasant
cathartic effect.
of DayH.
The Indies of the St. Mary's Avcnuo Con
gregational church gave a unique entertain
ment hi the parlors of the church last even
ing , consisting of booths representing the
various days of the week. Tlio ladles man
aged to sell nearly all their articles. The fol
lowing is a description of the booths , with
the mottoes on each and the ladlc.s In charge :
Monday- Washing Day : "Tho Chinese
Must ( io. " Hero were fonnu all articles nec
essary for this day's work. A washer
woman's lunch was served. Mrs. G. A. Nat-
tlnger , Mrs. C. 11 , Horton , Mrs. Kcaslor.
Tuesday- Ironing Day : "We smooth out
all wrinkles save these of time.1 Flat-Irons ,
lintel's , holders , bees-wax , btarch , i > ollsb ,
lioboia Ihiuni.s , apruns , etc. Mrs. George W.
Hull , Mrs , Nettle McCarty , Miss Nellie Ben
nett , Mrs. George Patterson , Miss Hitchcock.
Wednesday Mending Day : "A stitch in
llmosuvoh nine. " Needles , pins , scissors ,
pcn-kiilvtti , darning-balls and cottons.
' 'Bachelors' Uelli-'hts. " Also Mrs. Eugene
geneShevor , Mrs. J W Griulth ,
Mrs. A C Troupv Mrs. . Tucker. Airs. Delong ,
Mrs. McGillun , Airs , Aioiten , Airs. Evans ,
Airs. Juhn Eyuiw , Mi s DcC'ou , Alls : } llumm.
1 Thursday Keccptlou day "Cheer the
coming. Sieed | the Parting Guest " This
booth was very attractive. A reception lunch
was served and novel fancy articles' Sold ,
Airs. J. H. Hamilton , Airs. D. V. Shales.
Airs. W. C. Ives , Airs. F. N' . Connor. Airs.
KUgenoA. AIllls. Airs. N. H. miss , Airs. G.
H. Payne , Airs. Petiboue. Messrs. Frank
Fiistbenuer and Ed Stigcr , with u lllwi-ul
| coating of burnt cork , acted as colored
j Filday Sweeping Day : "A now broom
sweeps clean. " Brooms.'dusters , dust bags ,
and other things that lighten the labor of the
housekeeper. Mrs. Al. U. Kisdoti , Airs. C. F.
Stoutenborotigb , Aliss Alexander. AIM. E. E.
Bryson , Airs. George Clouscr , Airs. James
Fo-syth. Airs. W. J. Welslmns.
Saturday Unking day : "Tho turnpike
road to people's hearts , I find , lle.s through
their mouths , or I mistake mankind. " For
Sale Cooked food and novelties In tinware
attractive to the cook. Airs. B. F. Burton ,
Airs. I. B. AIlx. All's. W. F. Alanulng. Airs. J.
Northrup , Airs. C. S. Bell , Airs. E. H. Hol
land , Aliss Lillian Wilbur.
SundayAirs. . Wlllurd Scott improvised a
table for the Sabbath day , where she had
bibles and religious literature for sale.
Sli > Is AinhltloiiH.
The pi-ogress of the wonderful little city of
Pierre , Soutli Dakota , is Indeed surprising.
At least lOOresidenceslmvebcenorccted there
since October last , which Is certainly doing
well for n wintergrowth. HIestimated that
not less than ( MX ) houses will bo erected In
Pierre during IMh ) . Eleven business blocks
are already under way.
Mrs. Longshore-Polls' Lrelure.
Airs. Dr. Anna Longshore-Potts addressed
another large audience at the Boyd last even
ing' . .She talked about nerves , neuralgia , tlio
stomach , dieting , etc. , in the same common
sense and instructive manner as on the even
ing previous. Speaking of nerves , the Qua
keress advised the weakening of tea and cof-
fco as an excellent remedy for their present
nlmost universally disordered condition. For
the large amount of neuralgia she would see
less sudden changing of heavy for light
wraps , and high for low collars. Men were
advised to let their moustaches and whiskers
flourish. As to the stomach , an organ which
Airs. Longshore-Potts said that a lady patient
of hers ouco described as hanging up and
down like a stocking , s'lio told about man-cl
ous ndiscoveries regarding food which were
brought about by a young man who recovered
from a gunshot wound in his stomach and
ever afterward had a flap to It which was
lifted up for observation by the celebrated
surgeon who effected tlio cure. The young
man would eat a heaitv meal and then the
surgeon would come around , lift up the flap
and observe the food digest. This was the
way it became known that pork gave the
stomach employment longer than any other
kind of meat ; that one side dish of cabbage
was nil that any stomach could comfortably
handle in one day , and that eggs boiled for
two bom's were much more easily digested
than tlioso boiled but live minutes.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up In largo two-onnco tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for all sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin eruptions !
AVill positively cure nil kinds of piles. Ask
AIENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
23 cents per box by mail HO cents.
Ohioaus Awake.
Thursday night the Ohio club met at 010
and KO New York Life building to further
arrange for the club reception to bo held at
Washington hull the eveningofrAIay S.
The management holds that the.eoming re
ception will far surpass In members , enter
tainment and general enjoyment the meeting
of last year.
All members wbo wish to obtain their
certificates or all who wish to Join the club
may do so bv calling on the clerk , W. W.
Slubaugh , at rooms above mentioned. The
next meeting will bo held at the same place
April 24 , at 8 p. m. All members and nil who
wish to become members nro urgently re
quested to bo present at that time. None but
members and their families and immediate
guests and those who come with the Intention
of Joining the club will bo admitted to the re
I like my wife to use Po/zoni's Complexion
Powder because it improves her looks and is
as fragrant as violets.
Ttui'iieil to ( ho ( round.
The grocery store and stock of A. Dow , on
Franklin street , betweeen Thirty-fifth and
Thirty-sixth , was destroyed by lire Thursday
night , involving a lossof $ ! ,0M ( ) .
The snocmakcr shop of Al. Oleson adjoining
was also destroyed. , Onl > a few tools being
The lire department made heroic efforts to
reach the .scene but with the exception of a
chemical succeeded only after the lire had
burned out.
The property owners in the neighborhood
are indignant. They have no streets cut
through to reach them ami no means of pro
tecting themselves. A.s it was the depart
ment bad to run all around the hills before it
could reach tlio flames ,
Airs Winslow's Soothing Sysup for chil
dren teething is the family benefactor. 23
cents a bottle.
Hohcminn Turners.
* The Bohemian Turners held u meeting Thnrs
day evening relating to the great tournament
to take place in Omaha in August. It was
recommended that it be held at the Coliseum
August 17. A committee was appointed
to see if tlio Coliseum could bo secured for
that date. Among the cities in tlui western
bcv.irk which will .send athletes to the con
test are Chicago , St. Louis , Cedar Kaplds ,
Wilbur..Crete , Sehuylerand Soutli Omaha.
The Turner.- , decided to give their animal
excursion and picnic in June , and Schuvler
was recommended as n most desirable place
for the event.
J. K. Dodds , editor of the dally and weekly
Arbor State of Wymore , Nob" . , says : "I
have seen the magic effect of Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy in cases of croup and.cold.s
among my grand-children. Wo would not
think of going to bed lit night without a bottle
of this remedy in tlio house. Chamberlain's
medicines are growing more popular every
day. " _
IIiul ol' Hit * .Jewish Passover.
Yesterday was the last of the seven days
of the Jewish Passover feast , and the event
was celebrated at the various Jewish churches
in the city. At the Temple of Israel there
were services both morning and evening , th °
usual devotions and singing on both occa
sions being followed with words of counsel
from the rabbi.
IS not only n distressing compl/ilnt / , of
* Itself , but , by cnusliiK the blood to
become tlcnrnvcil and the Rystrni on-
fpcblcd , Is thu parent of Inniunurnblo
ninlndlos. That Aycr's Sarsapurllia
la the best euro for Indigestion , uvon
when complicated u itli Liver Complaint ,
la proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph I.nko , of ItrocUwuy
Centre , Mich. :
"Liver complaint nnil Indigestion
nmdi ) my llfo n burden and cnmo near
ending jny uxlstonco. For moro thuu
four years I snffurcd untold ngonv , was
reduced nlmost to a skuluton , nnd inirdly
bad Ktriii.rtli ! ( to drng myself about. All
Ulnds of food distressed mo , and only
the most delicate , could bo digested at
nil. Within the tiino mentioned several
physicians trentcd mu wit hout giving r .
ller. Nothing that I took seomo.l to do
liny porimuiunt good until I commenced
the use of Aycr's Sarsupaillla , which
has produced wonderful rt'sul.ct. Soon
nfter commnnvlng to tnko thu Sarsapa-
rllla I could sro nn Improvement In my
condition. My appetite begun to return
and with It eaiiio tlm ability to digest
nil thu food taken , my strength lm *
proved eacli day , and nfter n few
montlm of fitlthfiil n't'Uitlou to your
directions , I found myself a well
woman , able to attend to all household
Unties. Thu medicine lion given uiu u
now lease of life. "
Aycr's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
li iUtottlc , * J. Woiib 3it ottle.
u I'onilcr inpi nut runtnln , Auiiuunlii , l.lmo
Alum. SuMnnly In pann.
NKWVOIIK. fllllMOU. ( ANIMA.M'li'l'O. fT I.Ol'IM.
DPS , Beits & Belts
( Opiioslto I'nxton Hotel. )
Onico hours , 9 n , in. to p. m. Sundays , 10 n. m. to
Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , Skin nnil lllood
IZTConsultatlon nt onico or by mall free. Medi
cines sent by mall or express , tccun-ly packnd , free
from observation , ( .uaiantecs to cure quickly , cafe-
ly ami permanently.
V/ii..f/Mip IViKIlifiT Spormatorrho ' > a. fpnil-
AC1 VOUS ) , . , , iml : -
flmis. Physical decay , arlsln from Indiscretion , ox-
ie s or Indulgence , producing sleeplessness , ilu | ion-
ili-ncy , pimples on tliu faceaversion to soclcl > .i'nslly
dUcouraKPd , lack of cotldence , dull , unlit forMudy
orbii-lness , and llnds life n bunion. Safely , perma
nently and privately uurod. Consult lira , Hells A
Holts , UU3 rarnani btroot. Omalia , Neb.
Blood and Skin ( Diseases , to
terrible In Its rpsultsi completely cradlc.ited without
the alii of iiicn-ury. Scnifula. cr ) lpvla , fever sores ,
blotchi-s , nice , pains In the head nnd bones , iiyplill-
Itlr sere thront , mutitli nnd tongue , catarrh , etc ,
permanently cured whuro otlmrs have failed.
I'iflnmr I'rinnvjr "n(1 Uliiddi-rConipliilnts
rvKiiiey , unnaiypainful , nmicuu. too
frequent biirnliiKor.bloody . urine , nrlne hluli colored
01 with milky sedlmcjiton standlni , ' , eakbaok , iron-
( rrrhcr.'i , Klcct , cjstltli , rtc. Promptly nnd nafel )
cured. CharKCS reasongablc- .
( Juro. re-
mOTnl complete wllhont cuttlnj ; . raustle or ( llllnllnir
Curei I'Hectcd at home by pttlcnts nltliuut 11 mo-
ment'a pnln orannoyunce.
Young Men and Middle-Aged Men.
A Q1TPK PIIP1 ? ! Tlio awful offpcfi of
A OU1\U WU1X.L. rly vice , which lirliiRs
organic wcakncsi , dcitroyliiK both mind and body ,
with all UK UreurtJllIJllJ , pt-nnHncntly cured.
UK'rrC Ai dres < these who have Im-
. iJlsl IO paired thenisplvt-s by im
proper Indulgences nnd Military hablti , wliU.h ruin
both body and mind , untlttlu them for business ,
study or marriage.
MAIUIU : ] ) MKX , or these entering An that happy
life , aware of physical debility , quickly assisted.
Islinjod upon facts , Hrst , practical eipcrlenco : second
end , every cnso Is especially studied , thus i-tartlnu
nrlKht ; Ihlrd , medicines are prepnied In our own la
boratory exactly to suit each case , thus eni'Ulnn
cures without Injury.
JfT'Send 0 cents postaso for celebrated works on
Chronic , Norvonn and Delicate Diseases. Thousands
cured , tIf'A friendly letter or call may MITO you
future sutlerlnK and shame , and add nolden years to
life. ITT'No letters answered unless accompanied by
I cents In stamps. Address or call on
As a Flesh Produce/ there can bo
> no question bat that
Of Pure Cod llm Oil and liypophospliltes
Of Llmo nnd Soda
is without a rival. IVTany have
framed a pound a day by too use
of it. Zt cures
EASES. AH I'At.ATllll.K .tSMlLK.
Jto ultra I/in u net the ycnuiiio as tin re ore (
floor Imitations. '
Ai-ruiiiK McMlllv ,
Yetilliliil IndUrrvllons ,
IiHt Mnnlinnil.
fflo Your Own Physician 1
Many mcni from tlio flfwti of youthful
, Jiaprud nci * . lu-io humjzht aliout n statu of
vrraknuu tlnLJian mliicvil Ihoirninnl > y -
J tor thenll fof.lhl i-ln uf pallentii , nunu ;
J nf the ordinary.mcHltn of tri-iumrnl elffcr
; pltAl lirarllcxwu Imvo t > in'rliiiriilfd | wllil !
I nad dl-tcovLi-txipewnndciiiict'ntratC'd rpnie- i
> 'Ik's. Tha&ctuurpanylaurpri' ; rlpllunl < or. ;
; frrul as a mrinln nnil upri-d ) euro , t ;
, ' ivitorvd to tmfirt hmltlUiy lit use after '
i irri'illciil. mull to u J In the luvpui atlua of
I lhliivwrlpUau. |
Il-Erythroxykm rnoa , 1 3 dmchin.
Ji'ruli/lu / , 11 diurliin
llrlonlu IMalcn , 1 idractmi.
Jut , Iffnulv aiimnr falrohollc ) , ? ralnj
it. lout--uiilrn,2n.iu'k' | ' .
lilycfrlno.ii n. ' ' ! *
, . .akeCillUu | Til , el pi 11 at 3 p. m. . "dan- ,
nlluron k-oliMfto licnl. InsomoraiHilt will i
ta niwi > iiinry f or the ( ulknt to lnl.0 two pllU
i ThUrnni"dyl iul pUdtooicrycondillonuf !
ncrrou < dcbllltyiinducAkni > iulnrllhcrH > i , :
> a'i < lcstHTlallylathoMirantsn'nultlairfrom <
linpruilcacv. Thu nTiiiwrnlliu iwurn of ]
I llihrektcirallvDurolnilyutonUhlait.andllii ;
> UM > contliiuii.1 for avliort tliuochan/rdi tlfu <
! lin ulil , detillllAtril , iiprvi'lertf condltluu to |
onoof rrniiKril llfuitnil lior. <
I Aiwn > iiieiiii > tanllvliiiiftlitofKtteraof | ;
[ Inquiry ulatlvu to thl * remitly , o would j
t My lotho&AVhowould prtfrrtoiil'tainltof <
u , by riudltlnK ( I a wearily . alnl tack- )
WJ oonUlnlnw M rllU. canfully com- i
tioiindiHl , wll | IK * cent by rrturn mill from ;
. < iurirhato | l l" > ratory or no trill furnlih >
; norkniru.4whlfhwlllcuromo tc M , forJJ. < S
! AilUrcw or call tin ft
Hew England Modlcal Institute , |
21 Trriuunl Ilotv , Ilonlnii , > ln . 'A
Copyright. ll , by K. a HUM * .
iVl 8 0 0
U U U , , f uiWul | In.lin . , Ti >
rautlaic lirniAturo lnav N' rroin IHblul >
< y ll df.rmiifVit > llli | > l liii lniiffilfiiilv wbiih
bi lllwii.l f " .l. . II Kllr'l10 liU Wlo r mirriTtii.
idilrvw , J II , UL1.VIJ. J' o. . , Nvw I
In our slore has contributed to make our display of spring goods that of any previous sea- '
son. In each department we will offer every week during the entire season Sonic remarkable specials ,
whereby we expect to make our establishment the busiest place in town.
In the men's suit department you will find this week :
' 100 fine black corkscrew suits , sacks and 3 button cutaways ; regular price $12.50 ; will be sold this
week at $ S. The material in these suits is all worsted ; they are lined with an excellent quality of farm
er's satin , well made and very dressy.
In the boy's department we will continue the special sale of the several lots of suits , which we start
ed last week. Our boy's department never was so busy , and customers arc delighted with our stuck and
the way they can buy boy's suits of us this season.
In the hat department we have opened and placed on sale today another shipment of our now justly
celebrated 95c fur Dcrbys , the latest spring shapes. Hundreds of our customers who have been waiting' ,
for this "Special" will be pleased to hear this. They wear no other hat no\v \ as they find them as gonil
as any hat they have been paying $2.50 for.
In the shoe department we offer for this week , 20 cases finc.dongola laccshoes , of an excellent
quality at $2.25 a pair. They arc easy and comfortable shoes and well adapted for spring wear. They arc
ot just such quality as shoe stores arc selling for $ - | .
At the neckwear counter you will find an elegant line of silk tccks , in nc\v \ spring shapes and pat
terns at 15c , the regular value for these is at least 50c.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
Woaio now showing our now lines of
SpiIiiK Clothing. Tlioyjaro moio comp
lete and utliaetlvu than ever befoio
lit evented. Men's snrlnvc Milts in both
sucki anil cutaways made from fabiie.s
" elected fiom tlio best manufactures
and lu-t ( if all , at pi Ices within the
loach of oxeryone.
Special department for boys nnd chll-
dicn's clothing.
The inlyafe and painless method of ev
trai'tlm : leelh and the only inntlioil of niseit-
IIIK ti'i'th without plate , irnniinlng cleun und
15GU Douglas st Om tlm.
I lit run
idineral and NEHVODB DiBlilTV |
il'Jy' "fll .1 Wttkntii of Body ted Hind , Etftcts
[ lili'iillUof ' ErroriorEiceiltl In Older Yourir ,
iiuvuil. .iftbl * MOMOOIIfullj Uvtlcrril , How Io taUrrt i d
MHilk > iitfllIl.M'LTtLorifIlllUlitM ' < il'lDTbtlrrOUr.
i lol > lr r > IIUr HOCK THC1TII\T-I1 > 1II ! 4tf.
lltB t llly fraw 40 bl lM < l ttnlgm lo trl i. rlrll * tit .
bttfriiitlt * llottl , * ibUittltna d proofsHftlltilittli lfrM.
Wo must soil out the remainder of our retail ntook without further delay ,
as our wholesale business demands our entlro time , attention and capital. For
the next low dnys wo invite you to a feast of bargains ) huch as you will never
again enjoy. Wo are liable to rent stove and sell our fixtures now any day , no
conio at once before it is too lato.
All our genuine Diamonds now go at Importer's prices and the mountings
thrown In. $50,000 worth of Diamonds to select from , prices ranging trom
$ i.50 ! up to $3,000 , for Rings , Pins , Ear-rings , tec.
Solid Gold Watches from $10 upward. Solid Silver Watchoi from $6 up.
Nickel Watches from $ a.fiO up.
Solid Gold Chains from $7.60. Best Rolled Plato Chains from $ U. Charms
and Lockets , , i l and upward. Solid Gold Rings , $1 and $ i ! ; worth $3 to $5. A
lot of Solid Sterling Silver Collar Buttons nnd Scarf Pins , at S.Oc and fiOe each
worth $1. Heavy Solid 14-karat Gold Collar Buttons , woi th $ t,60 ! to $5 each ,
now , choice for only $1. One lot assorted Cull'Buttons at 50c pair ; worth $1 to
$2. Solid Gold Spiral Back Studs , 60c and $1 each ; worth four times the
money. 1,000 line Broaches and Lace Pins from 50c up.
Fine French style Mantel Clocks , 8-day , half-hour strike , cathedral gen s ,
at $5 , $0.50 , $8 and $10 ; worth $10 to $20.
Elegant Silver Lamps , with silk umbrella sh ules , from $6 up.
Hundreds of other equally good bargain * . Oner. Saturday evening until ! )
o'clock. Store for rent and fixtures Jor sal < \
Corner Sixteenth and Farnam Streets Omaha
, T - , Neb.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
rortliotroitmrntofnllCIIHOXIC' AN'I SUIUiirAIj DISIIASIIS llr.n-i , App nucot fcir cli.fnrn i ninl
' -M Sypnllli. . ,
Ncw'lli-stnratlvotri'ntiiii-iil lor lnss nC Vital Timer I'nrtU-s iinn'ilii ' In visit us nriy lm Iru'il-il al lm
rorrosiMiiiili'iin- riiiiiiiiiinli-iitluns viiiilliluiillnl Meillilnoni iiiilriinu'iiH ( .cut hy null > < r i'\im- i Ml-
ciin-l ) imi-kt-il nn marks tolmllcato tiintuntH or ofinli-r Oninirsiiiinl Intprtliiw ' ( all nnil i , mull
ii orV-inllil ) < . - amlwi'WllUiMiitlniil-ilii wr.iii-i | | mir lloilK Ti ) MIS I KIIK up m r , uitd
tfpcdalni NLTMHIS Ill-i-a-it" ) . IniiioloniT plillN ( ili-ut iimlViiruoc-i li > nlth iiiuillnii | list Aililti-M
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner9th and Hai ney Sts. , Omaho , Neb.
Etchings. Emei ban.
Engrnvmo1 * ' Hnllet c&
Artists'Supplies. Kimbnll.
Mouldings. Pinnos & Orgnns.
Frames. Sheet Music.
1B13 Doitglns Street , Omaha ,
Ill n Itinrmipli Vnm\lr < lKii nf Ilin nntural III" '
which piM'in iipcrallinimif illciiHil. . in ami niilil-
Ih. n. uncl li > 11 cari'lul iippllialliin nf llm Him pr" | ' < 'r-
llc nf tu'll n'kM'K'ilConia Mr. llpp" ! inipni liU < il < iiir
liri'iiklurt liililfK ullliailolli-aloly fln\"iiMl liu\i-iuia
Hl > lihiii > MIu lit man ) licat ) III | ( | < IIH' lillln. It Ii
l > > tlm Juilliliiini IKIM.I Mull aillili'i > 'f ' < lli'l that u
ciiiiiiliulitin ma ) iM'uriichinll ) Imllt IIP until kironu
cniuiiili In 11'nlH c\or > ti mli-ni'y to Hun-
( hfilKol iil.tli' iiiiilnillcBiiri' Iliinlliiuiirniiiiil IK romly
In nllaik Mhcri'MT ihi'ri1 I" a weak | 'lnl Wi-nnir
1'hi-niifi ilium n lulii ! uliiili i > > kiM'pliiK imrni'lic * ni > ll
fiirlllliMl llli IIHIU hlinid ami u ptuivil | > imuiliiliiMl
Iliillii' IJMlft'
Muilii liii | < lt wllli Ii Illim nnli'ri I mlU mily
III half pnniiii Hun l. > K MIT Inix lil l Ih
' ' CO I. . .
33 FI.
i CJUJt. lit 17 ai.Ni
" ' _ " llt'lf for tl > u irtelDf | > ur-
( ir l Gfitfrill f tlY k Klrloi > rfl ; . IU. Hoolk *
! > . tniill uaui tgrrf U of lt"trfelir itf uf n ! ! U kAK
Wjit" } f.f"b"mUlir4UIU 4MI. MlllHMKfclril.
fcl lri lurrrM t II U umlj or fcrfcit t uu ID e-ub
111 ! r * ! utptnvrf Cw | Utt f ( < tnd Mp. Uon raieil'fr *
tire * moDtb * H ' t | i miblrt trf <
RnoHflt * for II ) h-ria , PunnoKH 1-ltn Xi"n > iiin Whhn *
( nineM ittnl liipu kioi > Hum uitur "f tin Ikiaut ut-
rtiltliiff In liimmrv mi' I It-nlInK tu int i y tinnv uml
ilfidi 1'nnuiuitT ( ji I AKO , Uiiiri'iini H ion it | ' < wt-r
litiMhu HO * . ln * lMiiimy I rjmkUM. ami SJKIJI.U' . iiua
t uuiO't li > nvi'tOHM liuii of in | ) l > run | , tt t ( ii UM ! or
ti t i 1 nl'tltf' ! " i h ic ti IM X ron mint otii < imliV \ liint
intnt 01 a I r. < M U fcr 81 , * intimu | i \ rtaid ( *
Uith i \ > li utilfi ( or fix iHiit'Mill Mini | in l.nn-e
pti ti init o t.i . i iiiu > | in my If tlio iit'Jitux ni lui a t >
lit iUtl ttultlet * IH' I 1 Ull'lULtlUIJiU ' 1 < I t i.iy IJJT
Itl'l ' r.u mi MI SliM t , Ouiiil .1 v b
1 lm \ \ t 11 Ktiou M ' "i 11 l.lli-l.
Is uiiMiii finnftnil "i Mif trcauiii-itt f
Inn Inn I i tliinh "il ii'iil , in "in llf.
i . kt
I III' I ilf - i Man . 1 fiifin i li.i-uU
ii ! > | ji | . V.'i riMimlr Ilkt , ! * ! ! " ! ' ! *
ami pi'riiitii i > t v I ri ntiui'iit l > ) * II
HlnmiiM f 'i iuilv | i fiinuilati'ii fri t > llll.l J. ,
I r 111)1 ) iiJul Jj kn -an-i'l * iimahu
fiiilli-riii. . fnini thi > i itn'Unl v > illliful riri'iB , inrlr
H ii'i u Mitualjii irt'AtiwT iM'iiinl ii iiiaiiitnit full
l.iriii uiiir ' r ihinii' , up. | 'llii : ; < l IIUD.I A
Hihn'iid n.filr al'rk tliiiulil Ixi n ml l > i > i ry
limn uli" is urrv n unil lU'Mlllnliil Aih nnr
1'rof. I' , t , I'OU'l.IIIl louUun.Cuuu.