Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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* * y ,
No nilvrrtlxctncntH will l > p taken Cor
these uoliinuiH after 12:110 : | i. HI.
Onuli In ndvimco.
Aflvortl'rtiipnts under this Ill-mi lo renlH tier
line fortln * Hist Insertion , TccntsforriiCh uli-
M-qtii'iil Insertion , nnd Jl.fiOi ] > rllni pormonth.
ISo ndvcrtNt'ini'ntH tnfcrn for lr ithin : IS cents
for first lnitlon. . They must run ( onsecu-
lively mill must be | > ald In An\A\CK. All
advprtl t'iiu'iiltniint be handed In before I2 n
o'clock p in. , nnd unilpr norlrcunntnnrps will
they Intufccii or dlsoontlntit-d by telephone.
Parties iidvertlslnj : In tliio columns nnd
Imv Ink' their nnswcrs addressed In euro of run
HKK will plunso nik for n check tociinlit" ilium
to Ki't tholr letters , nn nnno will bn delivered
pxeenlon presentation of cheek. All answer- )
to not ertlscmentii Hhould be enclosed In envo-
An'nrtvortlsoments In the c > columns nrc
published In both ir.nriilnp niiil cvenlnc rill-
ildiii of Tin : IIKI : . circulation of which as-
pre : ites morn than Sn.WO papers dally , and
Klvrs I In1 advprtNors the benefit , not only of
theeltv rlreiilatlonof TIIR IIKK , but : IM ! > of
Conned HI u IT * , Lincoln and othrr clllt'5 nnd
towns throughout this section of thn country.
Advi-rtlMnc for column * will bp tnkon
nti the above conditions. at the following bus-
nets hollies who aru antborbed to taku special
notices , at tbe BIIIIIO rates us can be had at the
main ollli-i1. _
Oof Twenty-sixth and N stieels. Nebraska
Pnvlnps bank bulhllnir. _
"JOHN \\.lir.ljL. I'himmicLst.KOSoutb Tenth
. . KDDV , Stationers und Printers ,
ll.\Southjnth itrt-iM.
. fAHNHWOUTII. Pharmacist , 2115 ,
Cnmlnjj street.
" "
TV * . ! . lirolIES , Pharmacist , CJI North
. Ifith strcH.
JMEO W. I'7\HK , Pharmacist , 171:1 : Leaven-
VJI worth Hticet.
"l.ft'OHEfa1 PHAHMACV , 21th. and rarimin
\\7"ANTii : > Slttintlon-lly an active , sober
young man ; can turn his hand to any
thing ; wanes not so much an object as steady
rmplnvmcnl. Address M. H. Smith , lillS .liiclt-
Honsl. 1M-11 *
' _
' lly iiilildle-aRed expurlenccd
man as bill or shlpptiu eluik or Inofllcu
work ; good references ; 11118 Jackson HI.
249 11 *
\\rANTni ) riist-clnss blacl.smlth. callable
of fortflnj : cnclno work. Address 1'iemont
Foundry and Mcli.C'o. . Premont , Neb. iMl-11
" \\yANTii : > Munition In elty or country for
llmt class hotel < -cx > k. .bcit references.
Also ! . ' hoiKekuepers. Keith's employ mem of-
lUvr- . : iisir th. _ _ OT-IU *
AA/A TDPosition as IxxikUepDer by a
V > mini of evpeilcwe. ace 4.V best of refer
ences fiinilsbcu. Address C f , Heu cilice.
. 110 12 *
\\r A NTCD- Situation bv experienced book-
keepi'i'.inily portion of time to be de\oted ,
has other business , ( jood references. Salary
reasonable. Address. IM'I. ' lire. flffMl *
\\TAVri , I ) Position as bi.i > l.Keeper < rollleu
\\nrkofnny kind , ( rood refeiem es : nd-
dli-ss I'll ' ! . ' X. V.'iul st. . Omaha. It II *
dies- , ltdTl'.l.Omaha. . 302-11
T" > ( i tn fti'iO.W a month eiTnTMiiile ! : ( woi
for us. Persons preferred ho can furnish a
lior-e and K e their whole time to the business
Hp.iie iiiiimentH mav be prolltably emplojed
also. A few \ac.ineles In towns and cities. II.
P. .liilinson .V Co. . W Main st. . lilt liinond. Va.
\ \ "ANTr.l ) Aseuts tocamass every city In
IT the country for the Automatic Hank
Punch , nvelushe territory Rhcn and a lib
eral commission paid , i nablhiK an energetic.
and Intel I l enl businessman to nut mole than an
aieruiie s.ilaiy. Address the Automatic Hank
Punch Company , fell Koyal Insui.inee Huild-
IIIK niu-a u , ill. _ : ci-i '
AdI'NT wanted will ) about B.V ) ; can ilonblo
his money In a month. Call 1 < . I' . Tebel ,
Globe hotel. IM Uotiglus. KGHI *
\\r\NTKD-tactlvemen with peed icfur-
? cureto go to Lincoln to sell goods on
installments Apply Metropolitan M'f'g Co. .
17H t-t. Mar'save. JftJ-l'l *
SALESMAN-wanted to sell this city linde.
lies ! suspender In the niaiket ; good com-
inlssion Addiess Mllchlcss Sisicnder | | Co. ,
310 and \Vqbash ave. . C'hlcago. JCiii-lS *
" \\rANTED Active man for our goods.
l > " \\oveu Down" dusters , for thlsclty and
Hiirroundlng teriltory. Can easily elear J100
inonthlv. peimanentlv. Must have } i"i to 'iQ
c'.ish. Address Hair. Pu\ton house , Omahaor
rail after Op. in. , O' Sunday all day. : MJ-1U *
" \\rANTI.D-Two tailors and two talloiesses
? t toork on line co.ils ; good pay to light
parties. 510 N. 10th st. 303 I- *
" \\rANTED An experienced coachman , one
' who thoroughly undeistaiids the care of
li > es nml eons ; must have good city refer
ence ; nonobut sober and Inductions peisons
need apply. ItKiulre at loom ' . ' 1 * , riwt Nnllonnl
bank building. 317 12
' \\rANTKD , A good blacksmith to do genera.
> work lloi-so shoeing and plow v\ork
Steady Job } - ' a day.
\\rANTED- I'lvo traveling salesmen ; salary
and expenses ; no e\perlence necessary.
Address with stump Palmer A. Co.Vlnont : ,
Minn. ! ca-13 *
" \\7"ANTKD Canvassers at PIngcr sowing
ninehlne olllee , 151S Douglas st. lt-'J-in9 '
\\fANTED -Ht y of 14 or 10 years accustomed
IT to stole work ( dry goods ) . 1 09 N. " 4th si.
iyiill *
rpHAVELlNO MEN-That have room for a
-L MuiivluSxfl Inches , those Hint visit the gro
cers or o.rugglsts , can leuiii of a side llmi which
Is making expenses ami morn for a good many
of tin ) boyH. Write K , E. Lyday & Co. , New ton ,
Iowa. ' ' "
"I VANTED-A Hist class pattern maker. Ap-
Tt jily It. Sanderson , pattern and model
maker , eoinor 1'ith nud Jaeksou. LW-ll *
A ( J'OD ( , Meady , first class baiber. none
other need apply. Ed Uolns ,
Nub. _ _
\\rA.NTr.D-Hcllabli' local and tiavclhiK
' salesmen ; positions permanent ;
Imliiei'mi'iils now ; fast M > | | | IIK hpeclaltU's.
Don't drhi.v ; salary fiom btait , lliown Itios. ,
nuisi-ij in..n. rbli-ano. 111. _ _ _ 17J--V
\\r ANTED- plastercis at onei > Jl per day
IT shout's. 1'u ) and Hj rues , Morse building.
C1MI icwaids will bo paid lo agents In nd-
dltlon to icxulur commission to sell seeds
on installment for the next H ) dnjs Only peed
wiuUi-rs v\llh sutlsfni'tory icfcrcnru need ap-
jil ) Metropolltun Mfg. Co. , 171s St. Mary save.
" \V A NTiiAgents.Mnplo : C'luiir lighter ,
ever ) Mnoker buys ; llKhts In wind or
rain ; last < u lifetime : samples l.V , tvvo for Vi ,
dozen H by mull , stamps iStavner .t
Co. , I'rovliU'iictNjl. 1 7 _ l-u.ll
M7 ANTKD-t-.ilcsmcn to sell our new MI-'O-
I'Uttes ' to inereluinlH only ; Ktmplcs fur-
nlshi-d ; iivcluslvo torrltorv ; paying and pcr-
nriiient situation , Slmlcl Lcilaur Oo , Ninth
lUuiil. Ind. *
( > Sft" _
\\rANTED M laborers forl > arlfu > rohst c\
> > tension of II. P. In Nevada and finh
OIK | wiiRi-s and steady work. Albright's Lu-
bor ARCIICV. lUllI'nrnnm st. r , . ! '
IHiTriii : a i-nlb and photocruplit'rs s.-rvul
with elegant eraons. water coloi-s and
iistels. : l-'lne bromide prints made foi nrtlsts
) ti'ducrd pi Ices. .Mynster Portrait Sttnllo. isii
J > U'lli st Omalm. OT-als *
' \\'AN IT.D Mifcsini-ii at * 7. > per month salary -
' ' ary and expenses to sell u Hue of sjllvor-
platcd VTare. vvutfhcs , etc. , by Mimplo only ;
norsi and team furnished free : write .it once
for full paitlculais and sample ease of ( roods
free .standard Mlvervuirc lo. . lloston. M.'
\V.\XTKD KK.M.lilUK : I
X ANTKD An encrKctle ) ouns lady deslr-
' ' In profitable eniploj nient lo cull ut SIX !
New York ItuIIdlnu. 2 : j 11'
X ANTKD-Clooil KlrlforKencrulhoust'vvork.
' Apply : ! ! 3 Hainuy. USMl *
ID lOhiilesludlen at once , Milynt
the More. Ml 11
"WANTEDrook and laundrc > .s. Mrs. 1' . W.
M Uru.v. r'l Douglas. UUJ-ll *
\"ANTKD-Uood nuriTo giri , ICL'I DoujIaZ"
Y\T A NNTlil-Typcvvrltcr ; vtlllKlvu to lady or
. * ' Kent tym-vvrllerdciiU and nxnii In nicely
furnished oltlcu and accept hcrvh-c * n Jiay-
inent forsanio. luqulre loom 1U , Continental
block. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "SO
\\rANTKlT-A\ldoH or hlnslo lady to'bhmr
11 our "Woven Dovvn" duster * to the ladles
In thulr liome-s. Can cn > lly earn J12 to J15
weekly. Pcrmanunt. AUUiv Mr. Hulr. 1'ux-
ton house , city. iCb-Cl *
\\r A NT E D Lady cook for Wyo. . $10. fare pdT
2 for ColumbiiH.V ) ; piintry Blrl ; youn
ludy to wutt on lunch counter. * iO ; luuiulros- ,
for nrlvutu fmull ) , | S ; cook for ( .mall fnmlly ,
ri ; 2sills , iiurMi fur G-months-oM elilhl. tM ;
4 noiisekeipersTiiltn M'fs l.llchen nnil wrub
BlrU. iwforieiu > rul work In nnd out of elty.
Mr , linji uiii , siith all
" \\TANniv Tir t clash waUt Imiuls
II Tcrr'l ' , Ilckhfiuu block.
\\T-ANTED nirl 13 lo U years of age. n. W.
KniHTinnn , 719 S 17th. 'JS5-I2 *
\\r ANTED- ( tlstnnt forelndy In our orer
T > nl ) factory , ono vv holia * had experience
n ueh or who known factory work thoroughly.
J. T. Hoblnson Notion Co. , l-'th and llowanl.
. _ . _ _ .
" \\rANTED-A good girl for general lmu c-
> work ; small family ; goi l wagi-s ; for
further Information call al otllce 0. W. Keith ,
_ e. between 2 and 4 p. in , _
" \\rANTEI ) A good tflrl for general housework -
work ; xmall family : good wages ; for
further Information calf at ofliec. of C. W.
Keith. 714 1'nelllc. bet. 2 and 4 n. m , <
\\rANTED-A oecnnd girl. Call nt .Tt2
' i Latuyuttu avenun ( formerly Puitlst.
Kt-ferenrea : required. Mrs. J. H. Dnniont.
A I'MIST class sirl for ( rcnr-ral housowoikj
German prefeired. Ml iMth. aw
uic.vr nousis.
room house close to motor and cable.
Kvery e < nni'iihMice. 70s N. 1'iMi. ' "r-l * _
KKNT llou e of 10 looms , K2I lnnia < t
st. ; miMtern lonvt'lilenees and \ery handy
to business. Inquire of I ) . T..Mount13..llHisu <
IfOH HUNT Dwalllnson Capitol avenue. 9
rooms , nnd all modern con\enlenees. In
cluding laundrv and larx * ' ' table. I'o-sesslon
April 1. I ) . J. O'Donahoe , HiOl I'arnum SL
J' TlOU IlKNT Houses a nd slotvs ; property
cared for , taxes paid. Midland Uuar.inteo
& TriisM'o. . IfiH rariiamst. Ab tract.s. KM _
. . . . KEXT--Hrlek duelling , flno location.
- :2II : rartuim st. , lUrooms , kitchen , dlnlna-
loom , pailois on the llr t lloor. with nil mod
ern Impni einents. Inquire ne\t door. j.47
rpKN loom house , all convenlenes.rane < v.11"iS
1. Sherman live. . * IU. llulchlnson & Weud ,
ISM Douglas ; tel. 1M ) . 210
S-KOilM house near 20th and Ohio ; all the
modern Improvements. J2j per month.
Drover Stevens , 1.115 Km mini. fc 4J5
JjlOK ilENT Two tun-n > oni houses , ono lillil
DodKC. one block West of postolllcp. One
'Jin I Ilarncv st. , both united for rooming houses.
James Neville. 117-13
IJEXT A tlupo room house. Rood location ,
linear to sehool , M per month. Jlead In-
\cstnicnt C'o. . lice building. 17'i
HOL' E for rent and futnlturc for sale
_ phcap.lT09 _ N. 20th 170 M *
IfOK HEN'I' II2 Cifpltol live. , 7-roonfcottaee1
-i ? VTlth bath. IiiniilruBliCiiillola\u. ! ( | 2IS-11 *
" 171OU HENT Two 10-room modern houses , nil
i-1 conveniences. I'IIMM ! streets , cable cars.
1'lvu minutes' walk of pustonicc. Hcfcrcnces
required. Nathan tihclton. Itill rarnam st.
t HEN'F-Cottuse , 411 S 34th ave.
I HKNT Two cottages , one seven rooms.
Thos. Swift , 403 N 15th M. III.I W *
"ITIOK HENT Heuiitlful residence , barn , cast
J- front , modem Improvements. ( Jeorcla ave.
Hh inrd t ; . Pallet-on. HU7 N. Y. Life. : t.'M'-
ITlOlt KENT In convenient locations , suites
Jof 2 , ! l and 4 rooms , at ranged forhouseUeep-
Inff , also lar e and Mnall houses. Pi lees rea-
souable. Units HeiitliiK u eney , 1000 rarnam.
JTIOH KENT 10-rof > m house , No. l-'l Dodsc.
-1- All modem Improvements. Enijulre Sam'l
Hums. iti8 ; I'm nam. ! I14 1'J
IT1OH KENT 2 Hals on the Si I story. 0 rooms
Jeaeh. . Lintnn block , on the corner of Kith
and Mason. rentJ27 eiu'h ; also , * > stiue rooms.
Due store loom on llth st. . near I'limum. J20
per month. John llamlln , t > 17 Linton bloek.
IP\OH \ HENT in-ioom brick house , with mod
ern conveniences , No. 811 Is 2Utb st. Apyly
ut No. 1-27.s 201 list. U2
11- ' YOU wish to rent a house or btorc see
_ J1Drillt' - Continental bloek. ( tgi
KENT ElcKiint 0-room house , all mod
ern conveniences. 2lill bt. Jlaiy'savenue.
a i If. *
"ITtOK HENT Elegant nlne-nxim lnli-k resl-
-l dcnec. filli licorwla avo. , onu block north of
Lcavcnwoith. Iniiuliv at the house. S7G 13 *
8-HOO.M flat , with steam heat , IGth st. . near
Jones. Thos. 1' . Hall. Ull Paxton block.
( OT
VJl'ITand 1 slnjiluiooiu hanusuinely furnished
Omodeni eonvience ; refeience. 118 N. 1Mb st.
" " " "
HENT Nicely furnished rooms."wiTli
boat d , In private family ; icfciences ; ± W7
raruam. IDs.-14 *
O ItOOMthouselieephiK' , Sv-XiSt. > Iarv'-nvo.
ilUll *
s , ism Dodge. _
" "
11AVHU or 4 rooiua ut 104 b TlTsl.TTfniFben
_ aj ios. _ J ? ' il ! _
M US. t'hurehlll has newly fuinished rooms
ono front aleove , 2 pallors on Hist floor :
other desirable rooms. _ M NJOtjh st _ . _ 1JL1 *
1 > LKAs > ANT looms , fuinished ; modern eou-
> enlenees. Her blk. 524 S. IGth. I'lat 1) .
! 4-I4
IJ1OK ItKNT Two looms for housekeeping. 11
L1 .South 17th .street. aU *
Ijlolt KKN.TMilto . of r < ) nis for : i Kentleinen :
-1 modem convenlenees , and board If desired ;
also'parlors. : SA rarmimst. 2W II *
"VTIC'K room'and boaid foi ' ; private family.
i > JMN. let list. ins-ia *
I OK HKNT-ltenntifiilly fuinished looms
with or without hoard ; all eomenlenees ;
lefeiunees o.\chaiiKed. Addiess II M. llee.
1K5-1-J *
FOHHKNT Two pleasant rooms with board.
model iiyonv'ciilencm. COT NOth st. KO-ia *
"IjlOU HKNT I'mnlshed looms ; gas , bath
J- and steum : 1'iP.i How aril , n 7
171OH ItKNT rumlshod rooms , 1O/J DoiiKlas.
: _ KT.
I71OK KENT rront rooms. ailO Davenport.
JJ 018
KKNT Pleasant furnished looms with
all eonveiilcnces , 511) ) S aith st. I J1
ST. C'LAIK Kuropean hotel , eor. lllth and
Dodge , special rat-es by week or month.
I71OK HENT One larsu front room with
JL l > oard. IHHi Ouliltnl avu. TO
"I7IOK KENT 4 unfurnished rooms near Lake
Jst ; lirst class ncighbotluKid ; a car lines. Ad-
dres.sC 7 Hee. . jiLL-L ! !
\ TANTED Suite unftifulshcd looms Dan
\ iels , tcfr. N Y , Life. : ilfl 12 *
T TWO unfurnished rooms Nt iloorl''i ! Cumins
H.s IS *
? T rNrrilNIsIIED chambers for househeep-
ing for mini and wife ; no child ren. 'IPJ N 17th.
I71OK KENT Pull of 4 unfurnished rooms
JL suitable for housekeeping. I'mnlly without
ehllilren. Price 117 ; ITlB \ \ ebsler HU Wl _
l OK KENT Koomssiiltnble for light manu-
ifacturlng. . Including powei and heat. Kees
Printing C'o. . llth andjjoward sj s. TIC. '
X L'NU'KNISHEDehiimbers for housekeep-
< . 'lng for man and vrlfe ; uochlldrcn. Ji'J.N ' 17th.
D ESK loom , attornev preferred. Hutcliliison
DUTOKES . IM4 Douglas ; tel. l.V.1. 211 ,
UTOKES nt TWrTtlfi , 711 f. Kith , i'vO ) each ,
k 'Iiirjtt1 show windows , steam heat fuinishcU.
This.J' . Hall. : ilM'a toiiblH'k. _ ( ( Vt7
1J10K HENT-Thc 4-story brick bulldlni ; with
I or wit bout POVVIT , formerly occuplvd by
the lice PuhllshlUKCo. . tU ) ! rarnam bt. Tin )
bulldliiKhas a lire proof cement basement ,
comnleto steam heating IIMuie.s. water on all
thu floors Kits , etc. Apply ul the ulltco of The
Hi p. tl ) *
KENT 'Wstory brick building. 1110
Douglas st. , suitable for wholesale or ware
house PIIIIMKCS. ANo brick store 1U7 S. Uth st.
Inquire of Chus. Kaufman , 1:102 : Douglas st.
UENT--otoie , Ull S. 10th.
A \rANTEI > lloaril tiiiil ( rnfuinlsheirriKiin III
i' pilvate family , man and wife , man away
most time ; leinisinust be reasonable. 1'efer-
ences exchunxed. Address T , SS South M l.
" \\7"ANTr.D--Tpn'nt iinleo cottiise of Oor T
it nxmis. elty vvuti-r , Pte . i-onvenli-nt to , i
stn-et ear line , ut iii'iof HO. Addn > ss J. II. , sia
llomu-dst. CTt t.j
_ _
ItKXTAIi : .
_ _ _ _
"V\7K I1AVK n first elass jiarty lioHKltc.s to
i ' rent n f urnUhed house of from seven lo
nine rooms with modern conveniences. Must
be Kooil residence port Ion of iho elty. Hurt-
man & Hohhlnsrs. \ l.KuMihj. LM
N'h n-iital ascucy , 517 I'uxton blk.
G KOYKIl STEVKXS. 151. % rurimm bt.
HK. CHILE , rental Bk'ent , Continental hlk.
BO AUD und Unlultnj by three ludle ( mother
ami iluuxhturhi In house Ith inodvrn 1m-
Iirovinieula near car line Uneteeiitloualref.
rrt-nuLS furuULctl and required Addrt'K.4 U
il , lieo. 107
KS--1 or lOccnK wp pnd 1
. . . IlclpH. postage frppj thU U to Introduee
our goods. Alilhctml'o.,7CHUthst. ( , New Vork ,
rpo LAtHES Mrs , Pnpn' ' famous remedy
1. for nil female coniplnlnU. One month
treatment securely sealed sent by mall on re
ceipt of price. Jl. Lady agents wanted. Lib
eral terms. Manufactun-d bv the ( lardenl'lty
Specific Co. . 1G1 La alli' St. . riilcago. : ci7-lif
E LEE'ti laundry has removed to.'liftN.
Iflth. Kd-mC *
K. IIILEV. notary public , Itoom ll.ron-
tlnental block. Vn
( TAoEMENTS toiTo dress making In fam
ilies. Mls-tJJturilv. fci-.S. Siili live. tH7-mV
"Ij Olt first class plnno tunlm ; and repairing
Jleave. orders ut A. Weber. Jr. , repair nxMu .
( A"i N. Ifith street. 11-15
rplNVOHK , roofing , gtitlerln ? . spoutlni ; .
J- good work low prices. > avngu. lMi ! * Cumlng
"I.I UT i-prliiR Water Huths Given In Unmliu !
I liavp onpiiptl nnd rlpgantly fitted up rooms
In Douglas block , cor. Kith and Dodge , nnd s < > -
eiiri-d the services of ono of the best chemists
In the elty. I can give n bath the water belli ) ;
chemically , precisely thn same , that Is M >
abundantly supplied by tint lire at those justly
celebrated cptlnu-s. And to those of
limited means .suffering from blood | x > l-
sons , rheumatism , malarial pot.son , deep-
seated organic disease , neuralgia ,
paralysis , sciatica , etc. , etc. would. Bay to
Hiich sutTcrcrs that I can give from one to two
months'treatment for what It would cost for
railroad faro to Hot Springs. lalsoplvpthu
hot-air bath , teniperaturo If required 2I23 I * . ,
I'ltherdryor moist , with or wit bout electric
ity. Correspondence ; solicited : send stamp.
Trained lad ) help for ludy patients : charges
moderate for single bath , week or mouth. Take
elevator on IGth. l.ooms M and 54. Douglas
block. Mrs. Dr. Day. Omaha. Neb. Xa 1.V
\ \ O.-T wonderful advertising machine the
Ail world has ever known ; sells to every mer
chant ; paitlculars'-e. Aru Mfg. Co. . Hiiclnc ,
BAHN for rent In rear of I'rosl A. Harris' car
riage factory. ls" >
rpo suit the convenience of clients engaged
I- during the day we open evenings , 7 to Ssao.
II. E. Cole , room II Continental blk. KU
I Insurance George J. Paul. KVH ) rarnim ;
W.J represents rclluble companies only. li !
" \\TANTED-Aclrl baby for adoption. Ad-
drcs-iA : . . Heo otllce. 1411
AUCTION sales every Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday morning ut 1114 Douglas st.
Omalm Auction i btornge Co. 040
nLfNCJTEXTS Please Head This-
Pei'ons holding contracts for lotsjiur-
cha5cd from the Omnhn Heal Estate fi Trust
Co. , on which payments have become delin
quent , arc. requested to call antl arrange nn
early settlement nnd save trouble and costs.
Oinahu Heal Estate and Trust Co ,
ir < 04 I'arnam ? t.
S.V )
HE. COLE , icllahle Uie insurance.
I.I E.COLE , notary public and conveyancer.
I ( llii
VKudolpli on gold plate on handle. Suitable
lew.ird. ltd inn to lieo oil lee. 'M' > 12 *
reward to unv oiu > gl\lng Infoimation
leading lo i ecot eiy of my pug dog. lost April
1 : last seen near Park axe. and Lca > enwoitli
st. J. C. Sclirol\or , at Morse Dry Goods Co.
O -T PocKet book containing money le- !
J tuin to 19 i Dodge st. ; iuuud In return.
American gentleman. , * > ! . desires the ac'
uualntanee of a nice Swedish girl Obluet ,
matrimony. Addiess C'd Hee. : JI2 11 *
STOKAOE at lowest rates , llranch A. Co. ,
1'Jll Hovvuid st. aviu21
rpHE cleanest and licst storage In the city at
1 low rates at 1114 Douglas st. Omaha Auc
tion i. Storage Co. C40
rpllACKACIKi storage at lowest rates. W. M.
-1 IIii-.liTii.Mi. Till Leavenwoith. 041
" \\rK WANTiinlee. eleun st < K-k of gioceries
inolclngfrom J.VKI to Jl..ixi. will pay all
cash. H. li. Cole , Itoom 0 , Continental block.
! 107 13
CiKNTLT'MAN'S. diUIng horse , sound and
'not o\er 7 years , weight 10M. Cull after G
p. m. JI212 Uhlo-,1. Silll
" \ \ rANTKD ruinlture. carpets , household
i I goods for casli. Wells' Auction i. Storage
c' ° - . _
\ \rANTKD-Seeond hand type wilier , either
i i ICemlngteii or Callgnipli. State price and
ondition. Addles , C 1. lleeolllce. IN ) 12
AYTAXTED Household goods foreash.fiiinl-
ii ture. carpet , etc. Pleiitj rHrnltuiv ( 'o.,5ts
i-o. l lh st. M)4 ) 12 *
" \ \TANTm A llrst class phaeton ponj ;
II weight about 1.000 ; must be gentle and
sound. W. C ) . Deld. lOsS. 2oth st. 1SW-IU *
" \\rANTED Good commercial paper. Ne-
11 braska Mortgage Loan Co.,51U Paxlonblk.
CASH for all Kinds of household goods at 1114
Douglas st. Omaha Auction & Storage Co.
( 40
\\7ANTKD To buy for spot cash , city or
I i country , parts 01 whole stocks of dry and
fancy goods , clothing , boots nnd shoes , milli
nery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc.
Call on or address J. L. Itrandels A. bons. cor
ner Kith and Howard , Omaha. 045
l'-01t K
FOR SALI" Tor t5-A 14-K gold open face
bo\ case watch with AppletonTracy & Co.
anti-magnetic nickel movement. Address C a.
Hee olllee. IWl-12 *
IvlOH SALENo. . 1 family or business horsc.7
-L years old. buggy anrl harness , for cash only
Uils week. Address P. t ) . lto7. . " > - ' . Ml IX"
I 4\Oll \ SALK-Carlond fresh milk cows at .les-
ter'syuids. 2.1th and Hint st. U2a-12 *
Foil \LE-Lease and fiiiulturc of 10-room
house. Location choice. Everything flue
nnd at half pi lee. Good icasons for selling.
Addiess en , Hcc. : tsi-ii :
Ij OH S\LE New furnltiiie , carpet- , and
ever ) thing complete for housekeeping In 5-
loom house. House for lent. Addiess H 72 ,
llee olllee. y.11-12 *
IJ1OH SALE Or trade for gioccrlei. iiycar
J old mate , harness and wagon. Inquire ut
; U 1' ' r.irnam st. . at fl ; : _ rill' *
1)AHTM > UNiklne for llnu driving or saddle
horses , would do well to call on , or r-onvs-
iHind with T..I. I'lcmlng. malinger W. H. iilll-
lard's farm , Culhoun , Neb , Ho has for sale
sonic th-st-eliiss single drivers , earrlage teams ,
and saddle horses , ut reasonable pi lees. 2X
TpOH PALE Or Trade. 1 span mule ; . , 4 good
-1- young mares , ; i spring wagons , l set double
harness. 1 gioccry delivery outfit. 1 sol single
ha i ness. Itoom l.'l. Hoard of Trade.1711
JIANO purchasers sen that bargain In the
piano at liU'i NjlUlh street. ai-l.'i
"IjlOH SALE A first class conK | > carriage and
Jteam : stiletly lli > t eluss and btyllsh. C. L.
EI icksotiji3 ! N. ititii. aru
l HESll cow . SW.OO , 2121 South Eleventh bt reel.
J _ 'JIS
rpEAM , hat ness and wagon , cheap : very easy
JL teims. 11. K. Cole , Continental block.
OA LL und see the great bargain lu 4 piano ,
_ Hfi N. IfiHjj-Ueet. " 211.15
SALE or trade-Trotting horM- , price
* 1.WIO , will take pan lu good piuperty. llox
lN > , _ sjienainhial , la. lKji-14'
1TATKK bpanlets , 22H Leavenworth st.
i 302 a WJ _
" 1I1OH SALE Soda fountain very cheap. In-
JL qulre Olc-y Pelersou. lila S. liltfi. | M (
" ] / > OH SALE Onoof the finest driving teams
-L lu Omalirt , afraid of nothing , stylish and
prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring
ciirriugo almost new. Address X 22 Heo olllee.
r > 47
IJ'l'KXITl'KE ' auction every Wednesday and
d _ ilt"rIll > ' -JiTtfJiil ! ! _ Wi'A1.ifcl '
I71OK SALE A 'ti-horse power Porter engine
-L In giHid condition , w eight r > , l J ] x > umU , cyl
inder ILxlQ ; for iiartiuulantupply to The llee
olllee. _ | _ _ _ _ 7IH _
IJIOIt SALE-Somn goiMl watches and illa-
I iiiiindh cheap. 11 F. Masters , room l , Wlth
nell block. OU
31 US 1C.
1JEKOKE buying n piano examine the new
I 'sca'e ' Kimbull piano ut A. Hospc. 1513
Douglas st. CJ3
GEO.r.fiEI.I.ENHECK. teacher of the banjo.
_ room 2IJ Douglas blk. or Hee olUeo. 2I'J
' " " 'AX')1 ! In vestment Co.'it > ouiX4 > iiTllctibuild-
Ing. loan on chattels In amounts from $10
to 110,0(10 ; lowest ratos. Loans on household
gfxxls , horsu * , parsonal property of all kind *
and other article of vuluu without removal.
Payments arranged to stop Intvreat. 110-m3
HE. COLK , kun agent , Contlnentiil blo k
. KM
OENTKAL Ix > an aud Trust Co. , IW5 Farnam
t Choice city lojus ut lowest r tt > -
/"IIIOC'EUY for sale "ANnap. " Party tnun
V tsell. All new giKHl.t. llJolns cixxl butiness ,
InTolceMOO. Call at 1 M North Sltli street. J.
M. Ward , 0)1 ) N , Y. I.Hc. _ 843.
rOANS-Cttynnd fiu-in loans , mortgagu pa-
Jlier bought. McCtfRrto1 Investment Co ,
_ _ _ 070
/"IIIOICE small loansj\.antcd. \ 0. T. Harrison ,
\J Ull N. V. Life. 170
TSOMMEHCIAI. liaiw _ . A. K. Klley ,
\J Itoom 11 , ContlneiUal block. I'M
LOANS on Improved jiropeity nt close Rites.
A. K. Klley. Itrtonfll/ / Continental block.
_ il-i , _ 1W | _
LOANS of tlO.000 tO4a | > 3 on choice Insldo
property wanted Imme'dlately. Kates very
low. Central Loan ArOust Co. , 1'JUt Karnaiu.
sn 20
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
/-IIIATTELIoamat Towejt rates ; tvmoveJ
\J to 517 and 510 Paxton blk. J. 11. Knilngcr.
' , _ _ _ _ &
L'llllTiTAL real estate loans made by \ \ . M
Hurrls'rotini2lt , I'roiuer block , opp. P. O
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f L
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of ! IO to
Jl.iKiO : get our nites before borrow Ing and
saxe money ; loan on horses' furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
Ixiught. for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates. Call , K ! * * , Sheely blk. l.lth & How
ard sts. avj
U1LDINU loans made on
B Choice city property
At lowest rates.
Private funds to
loan on brick
resilience and
business propeily
upon very faiorablo
Klmbnll , Champ .1 Kyun.
Kiwi arnaml. . iW a 12
[ "ONEV tdloan-GeorgeJ. Paul.lttMrariiaiu.
SHOUT time loans made. A. K. Itllcy. Koom
II , Continental bloeK. l.'r.i
MONEV to loan on any security
for .short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
pany , ilooia 4W ( , Paxton block. tVW
FIRST mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay. 1) . V. Sholes Co. . ' IrstNatl bank.
1OANS made on any available security
-J Central Investment C'o. . Koom Si , Cham
ber of Commerce. 001
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons : rates reasonable. City Loan Co. .
iemoved to 11122 Sherman A e. COS
T71ASTEHN money to loan on furniture ,
J- horses , je.wclry , etc. , loom 2 , 1417 rarnam.
RS2 1C'
LOAN'S made on unimprov ed real estate. A.
K. Hlley , Hoom II , Continental bloek.
MONKV to loan by 11. r. Masters In any
niimunt from $10 to JiO.OOO for any time ,
from ono to HV | months.
I make loans on household goods , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In
an ) amount at the lowest possible rate , with
out publicity or icmoval of nnpurty.
My loai.s aie so arranged that \ou can make
a payment at anv time and reduce your In
terest pro rata. You pay luteiest only for the
tlmejou use the money. If .um owe a balance
on your property 1 will take It up and entry It
for you. at the lowest rate lonslstant with the
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. "Lowest latcs. II. I' . Masters ,
Hoon 4 , Wlthnell block , l.'ithand Hiirnuy sts.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\\rANTii : ) rfrst class Inside loans. lx > wesi
i' rates , fall -ind sen us. Mutual Invest-
meit Co. , 1.101 1'arnnin.r fi.17
G I'KU CKNT icsidem f loans 43,000 to IO. M
Hnildlng loans at special rates , The Mead
Ilitostinont Co. . Itee lilllhling. IA'I
\IONiV : 'in. 00 or j > ) . days on furniture.
I'l pianos , horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkin
son. Ois Paxton blk. Oil
money to.Inau on city property ;
ht. II. U.I ray , ojip PO.
Bl'lLDINO Loans CV4 to7 percent : nnad-
dltlonal charges for commission or attor
ney's fees. W.It. Melklivl'lrst Naflbank bids ; .
I ONEV to loan. O. V. Da vis C'o. . real estate
I and loan agentx , 1VO J-ariani st. irts
BEl'OHE negotiating a'loan to Impiovc your
real estate , get terms fiom
The Odell In vestment I.'o.01 ; ! N.V. Life blilgj
Thos. S. Hoyd lepiesuutHtlvc. WJ
" ] \1 ONEV to loan on ) v > rs's. wagons , mules ,
all household goods , plnno.organsdiamond.- . ,
at lowest intc- . The first organized loan otllce
In tin ; city. Makes loans from : to 'JCi > days ,
which can he paid In pail or whole -it any
time , thus lowcringthe principal mid Interest.
Call and see us when you wantrnoney.Vecan
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of nioperty or publicity.
Motley alwavs on da ml. Nodelav In making
loans. C. r.'Iteed&ro. , Hill S. iSth t : over
Hlngham & Sons. GGI !
S H O UTI j A X1) A XI > T Y I'K W11 IT IXU. _
" \\TANTED Kduented yound ladles and pen-
> tlemen to le.irn lOiorthand and type-
wrltlii ! ; ; ciMKl salailes ; stiulents assisted to
jHisltlous. Standard Hhoillijind Iliislness t'ol-
lefie , rr.iuk K. Hell. Instiuelor. Nil
ARHIVAL c.xtiaordlilary of Mrs. Dr. Edtlv.
the dlstlngulsheil norld-famed and only
real natural tiunce clairvoyant and splilt me
dium In this country : seventh daughter of tin'
seventh daughter , born with veil and gieatcst
prophetic gift of second sight. While en
tranced will icvcal every hidden myster ) In
life. lias long been pronounced In Europe and
America the greatest living wonder of the
pit-sent age. rndcrstands the science of the
"Persian und Illiitloomaslc. " or ancient charm
working , and prcpaies Egyptian talismans
which will ovcicoinc your enemies , removes
family troubles , restores lost affections , makes
marriage with the one > ou love no falluic -
icniovi-s pvll influences , bad hanlts , cures
witchery , fits and all long-staudlng und mys
terious diseases ; will give correct infoima-
tlnn on lawsuit , sickness , death , divorce , ab
sent fi lends , everything ; never falling advice
to young men on marriage and how to cln > ese
a wlfo for happiness , and what business best
adopted for speedy itches. Mock speculation
a specialty. Also givesIndlspenslble advice to
young ladles on love , cotutshlp and maiilagc.
and if your lover Is trim or false , and gives
picture of fututc husband with , name , age and
date of marriage. Hours U a.m. to H p. m. ,
strict. N. H. Tor the iMMiellt of those who are
unable to call upon Mis. Dr. Eddy , shu would
icsucctfullv announce that she gives perfect
satisfaction by letter. Vour entire life will
hi < written In u clear aud plain manner. Letters
with stamps promptly ansueii'd. Send for
huge Illustrated circular with special terms.
Mrs. Di Eddy.illSN lith st. . Omaha. Neb.
Iff HI- ! . * * _ _
FOKTl'XE Teller Mrs. 1.'norman can bo
consulted on all affairs of life. Satisfac
tion g iaiuiitei > ( K _ No.Jil X. lath st. 4.Y.-a2i : *
DII. NANNIE V. WAHHEN. clairvoyant
medleal and business medium , remain
diseases u specialty , llll N Ibtli bt , room * 3 & &
IDI/A N D ti mi ni n U-e Trust Co. . NVYl f o
bldg , complete abstracts furnished and
titles lo real estate examined , pcifcctcd and
guaranteed. 071
Al'IltsT-elass. well-estahllsned boot and
shoe business In one of the most prosperous
towns of .1.000 Inhabitants In northwestern Nc-
biaska. S'tock well selected nnd complete.
OKiierNa practical limn iiind shoe man. with
Jj years' o\jcilenee anil , * vanis to retire fiom
business. 1 or p.irtlcuJaiS address A. ( i .lohn-
son , Chadron. Neb.i ' 322-17
t _
"I7MJK SALE Half Inttul'st In a confectlonerv
-L business ; thriving city. Terms easy. Call
on Cook \ Sljie , South J/inaha. / 274-12 *
OHANCE for hiiteber to get splendid biisl-
ness ; little money veuulred. Addrtss C 5 ,
Hee. ' " : ii'-ia ) *
_ _
rpo LET or for sale Ag od hotel. HI rooms ,
JIn South Omaha , cenlrally located , doing a
good business. Lense bv the vein mid fuinl-
tuie for sale. Iiuiulro o , 2tUl N st. 210 20
AY - ) ) want to. hay out established dry
goods business ( KSW ) > In glowing Illack
Hills town. Write for Information to -.Mice. .
> a- X'l li ) *
_ _
YjUMt SALE Lease iinM'fnriilttiro of n ll'rut-
JL' class hotel In n live ( own In South Dakota
furniture new and worth about tl.M ) . lent J. > il
per month. Address HsJI/euru The Hee.
uri n
TTUWSALE-SIO.OOO. half interest in general
-L merchandise business of Jrtl.UOO per year ,
net pitillt ( lu.imo per year. In western count rv ;
owner not well und wishing partial rest ; ivf-
urencomiiot bo furnished with letters of in
quiry. Address A ay , Hoe otllce. lt-aJ7
OTOCKof drugs forsnloor tradn , one-third
Ooaau. Willis Cudnell , llrokcn How. Neb.
_ _ _ Ig-al7 *
ITIOH KENT-Cheekered livery barn on 18th
J' fct. , S of Harney. Call or address Neb.
Mortgage Loan Co. . M9 Paxton blk. ftiS
I WILL trade a good clear lot lu K < i. Omaha
for piano or liorso aud buggy. Address O 4
Heootlice. ' 'M ,
_ _ _
IjlOK EXCHANOK 2 loin In south Omuhu or
J- 1 lot near \ Inlou st. , for horse or mules
Hoom 13. Uoanl T rado. t ) l
i ; < 01t KXCHANCiE 2 clear lots for u good
V horse , bugsy anil hariifii. N. H Apple
room 10 , Ware block , W7-11"
171OU F.Xf HAXOK C'holeo ' Improved Nc-
JLJ bra ka farms. \ \ 111 nssum < < light Incunt-
branco If you Imre anything to offer ad-
dreMoreall on tleo , , L Mornxiurf , room 317-
HIS rirst National bank building. Telephone
Montana , located In Ihn .1 ml Ith basin ,
tween 1'ort Itenlou nnd Hillings , with ; tVM
henlof gtKxl , voitng cnttlc. nlKiiit tvro-thlnls
IK-IIIR two nnd three yenr old steer * Wltti eor-
rnN , IH-IIS , anil U one of the In'si ranches In
Montana. Price. tTO.i'Xlll exchange this
for clear Omaha property. ANo a good flrst
mortgage of J7..V ) on a line piece of Iowa prop
erty for n hou e and lot or a good lot. and will
assume some Ineumbranee. What have you to
offer ? D. Y. bluiles Co. . 213 1'lrst Natloniil hnnk.
_ Jll
N'ICEeonfectlonery business for sale with
counters , tixturco. etc. , fJW. II. E. Cole ,
Koom 0 , Continental bhH-k. _ _ : > 17 Jjl _
rJM ) EXCHANiE-Wo have ! drug stH > k.
J- store building anil dwelling In a live Neb.
town to exchange for good South Oninlut pro
perty. Hnitman.l Hobbln.s , N. Y. Llfchhix ,
"VX HEN you waul to trade your piopertv
ijulek call nl our olllee. Danlols , NN N V
Life. UIO 12 *
2 1W ) ncro tracts of No-
-L' hraska lands partly under ciiltlvalton. In
good localities. N. It , Apple , room IDuro
b'ock. for11 *
rpo EXCHANOE-I'lue city or farm pi-op-
.L erty and cash for clean stock merehun-
dlse. Can close deed on shoit notice. Address
H 111 , llee. CI4-1S
rpo EXCHANOE-Houses and lots for farms
J-IIT civilities. DanlcN.SH N VJ.lfe.iiq : 12 *
IT you have anvthing to exchange cak on or
address H n. role. H.ft , fontlnuntal block.
Olllee open evenings 7 tot lO. Kt )
'TT'XCII ANtiE Tor clear lots or land , li-rooiii
.III cottage and lot. Ohio nnd 2C th sts. . within
1 bliK'k of n good cai lines1. Address Hex 147 ,
Ashland. Neb. KU-12 *
HfliAniC--11 KArl"K'.STATK.
"I7KHI SALE rino lot and 7 room house on
-I- Hint near Xith street. Address P. I' . .Ills
Hurt st. IMI-12 *
$2. < cash.and J12 per month , for 4-n > om
house. Jot W\I27 ) , II.I2. ' > ; verv cheap. Also
house of 4 moms , ( IS ea h andS tier month ,
very nasy terms , at lowest prices. Let us show
you the houses. W. J. Paul , 1GOJ I'arnam.
STOP ! Heal I ! A choice piece of trac K a giT
on l.'tth st. . 'Ml ft. front , only i''MI ; cash
M.Wi , balance In trade. A col ner COvKBun IGlb.
tvro blocks from I'm nam. MO.OOO ; a snap. Also
Hue list of proH | > rty iHith for sale and ex
change. Come and eo us. It. J. Kendall. . ' ( Mi
Hrown hulldlng. ? > -J-i ] :
K EEP your e ) e on Ogalalla , Neb.
27-21 *
BHAt'Tirt'L' resldenco corner , 100 feet
square , southeast corner Popplcton ave.
and 2Blh sts. J.1.000 , one-half Jcash. Innulte
price of other propcity In this neighborhood
and you will appreciate this bargain. C. A.
Starr , 1205 J.'iirnniiist. 2:11 : 1 : )
T OOlv ut This House and full lot In linker
1-JPlaec. Walnut Hill , lo trade for llrst-clasi
horse , or for sale. JI.1" > J. cash ft-MO. balance
ea-y. I' . CJ. .Merrill , ownei , 40th and scward sts.
'KM 12 *
FOH HALK Why pavrent when you can buy
nlee seven room lioii-e , with modem Im-
pmvdmentH. near Kith and Luke sts. . with only
a small cash payment , balance monthly ? In-
iiulie , Wilght & .Lurbury , Arlington block.
l.v.-ii :
A TINE little home , "jith st.near Woolwortli.
full lot , east fiont. 7 iiioms and bath , MTV
little cash required. T. K. Darling. 4J darker
block. _ _ S7i
IjlOl ! . " "ALK Or exchungo foi uuimproNcd
Omaha proicrlv. | good tf.1) ) acre faun In
Iowa , with li\e stock , implements , etc ( iixxl
ItiU-aere faini in C'umlng count } . Nebraska.
Impiined outli Omaha propeity. pa > lnglO
percent. ArldressJI 47. Hee. 101-nili *
\\T-ANTEi-To seller trade , my ? lrst-7iass
TI pn > pertv In center of good railroad town
and well adiipted for ding store , etc. , and
dwelling4 ftirNo. I farm land call nt bo10 ,
Carleton. Thaj ercounty. _ Jt'b. y-ti-ll *
" "
F01J s"\LK-Tlie"lieutitlfTir residence. No. 820
( ieoigla uventie. w ith full lot. i-room ) house ,
blieh and oak finish t'onn Malrs , uuk slde-
Ixitrd. ; labiatory , 4 mantels , .soap stone tubs In
laumliy. elstein and city water , gas and sewer
connections , gas flxtntes , house handsomely
dfcointed. good furnace and range anil u\cry
j > sslhle coii\enlcnce. Tills pioperty Is elear
of Incunihrancc. and ow ner can give any terms
tosult. No trade. An\ one wishing to pur
chase can Call nt No. tell ( Jcorgla axe. and bo
shown the property , or call at my otllce and be
driven out to see It. I ) , V. i-holes Co. . solo
agent , 2ii : Tli-st National bank. ' .CO
\yAfCSII i Westeitleld.real estatc.S Omaha
ilOK > ALK-A line Improved propel ty. 7.1 \ 120
feet of ground , with .l-story Inluk and stone
buildings , rented at J2I70 ! per year to good ten
ants , well leased and best property In the clt v
of ilaquoketa. la. , to trade , clear , for good
Omaha improtcd or unimproved propel ty.
( Jood chance for someone to got good Invest
ment for non-product ho property. I ) . V.
Sholes Co. , 2it : I' Nat'l bank. 070
SPKCIALHargaln Host 0-room house with
full lot west of Lowe ave. . cltv water , cellar
under the entire house , one block from Walnut
.11111 school , price tJ.HX ) . small payment down ,
balance easy. n. U. Merrill , owner. 40th und
toward sts. OOP 12"
HIXTV-FIVK acres s. w. of p. o , suitable for
platting or gardening , foi sale at a bargain.
1K. . Darling. 4i ; Harker blk bl.l
I 1ST your pioperty with 11. K. Cole.
SPKC1AL bargain > ' room house with full
lot. beautiful location. tSlli and Charles sts.
Pi Ice t2uoo. only J.HJO cash bnlanco voiy eisy. :
K. ( . Merrill owner , 40th and heward sts.
$ I,5iiO buys4irrii ! : : with good 5-ionni house ;
well , clb-turn. Will sell 40M27VJ fortsfld Apply -
ply on i\if \ premises. : i4in Decatui st. S4'l-nlli *
FOUSALE-liOliyl.Vft.eor. ( ) 30th and Web :
ster sts. , also a number of good lots $ .10 and
jlOiidown und monthly payments for balance.
N. II. Apple room 10. Ware block. _ 117-11 *
IJAOUSALH and exchange- have quit : i
number uf bni-gulns. Call uud see. N. H.
Apple , room \Vurebhiek. _ . _ 1KJ7-11' _
IjfOKSAljK Veiy cheap , no trade , farm of
1 : 5K1.70 aeies. scc..1 , 12 , NO W. Hamilton
county , Neb. ; 2 miles from Marquette , small
house , stable , IKK ) acres of pasture fenced , II v-
ing water , price Mily $10 per acre , $ .1.4:17.00. :
Terms JJ.-MO cash , halaneo (5 ( per cent Intore-itf
I' . K. Atkins on ner , railroau building , Denver
Col. _ t _ 7fi _
COTTAiK ( hem < > s In most any addition for
sale at from { 1. ( X ) up , on easy monthly
paymeiits. _ 1K Darling 411 llarker block. ( vVl
"IjlOU S-ALF. M-riMim bouse , must be moved for
JImprotement.s. . Homes built oneasypaj-
ments In ull putsof : the city. ( Jood farm for
trade. . I ) . . I. O'Donahoe. Idol I'm nam st. tttt
TjlOK SALE-One tileeoof Impioved business
Jnropeity that will pay 1.1 percent. Howard
L. k T.Co. , 10th and llowaid sts. 4sO
"IJ1OK HALT CJr exchange for drugs and real
-P estate , JJIUKIO liiwk stock. lloSIK. . _ 70
TI WO choice lots on small cash payment , bal-
-1 ancesocond mortgage to responsible par
ties who will hulld. 11. i : . Cole , Continental
blk. uiul2.10lN _ _ 2 11 h. _ TiUll
1711 VK room cottages , Jl.fiOO each. * liw cash
J- down , biilanco 113 per month. Thos. IMIall ,
1(11 ( Paxton block , ; _ G.77 _
IjlOH SALK-S.OOO acres best farming lands In
-I Nebiasku and .10x1.10 feet on bouth l.lth St. ,
at a gieat sacrifice. Inquire Ola South Kith Bt.
Cieo. II. Peterson , owner. _ I'BalT ' _
A SMALL payment down and } ! . " > pur month
will buy a 4-room house and lot on 10th ,
two blocks from motor ; llrst-elass chance to
ncniilre a home on easy terms. Apply lo H. K.
Cole. Continental block. _ fi.ll )
1JIOU SA IX A line new .1-ronm cottage near
1eleetrlo ear line on K. 27th st. Will lake us
purl of cush payment a good horsu or hot-so
and phaeton. _ P , IfiOl I'arnam si. t > 77
TINC'OIA place and Carthage lots , price
Jl.dOO , ITO down , halunee 11.1 monthly.
W. L. Bi'lby. llooin 13. bo.iid ' of tiadu. C77 _
IIAUcAIN-Dodgon.ti sts. . louxlls
feut. with 2 new U-mom housus A. 5-room
cottage , cheap for customer with money on
line of cable , rental } llu per month. Audreys
3710IC SALH A flat at 12 rooms well fur
nished. tilled with good paying roomers ,
202-1 N 10th , ov er Moody's china store.
_ : la30 *
"VJO'/'lt'K-lf / you are going ; to build in thu
1 > wast part of Omaha don't fall toseel" O
Merrill , the contractor , IGth and be ward sis.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! * > ) 12 *
Heal Estate. *
Loans '
Kcntal. i
Von ii ml In oiirolllcoat all times ,
A choice list of elegant residence property , i
A choice list of acre pioperty.
A largu list of houses und lots on easy '
terms. i
Our rental list Is the largest and moat com
plete of any In the city. '
I'or making loans our fiifllltlc'd are unsur
Special attention given to oxchnnglni ; .
11. K. Cole , room 0. Continental block. liO
"VTOW Is the. tlmu to stay by Omaha real
X > tuttate. Take care of back payments on
Improved or iinlmprov ed propel ty and get your
money uf A. K. Itlley , 11 , Oontmcntal block.
" 171OH SALE G-room house , east front , lotXix
-L1 127ii , city aud clbtem wHtcr. ull In good m-
iialr , 1 inllo N. W. of po.stolllcn ; price t-l.SOOj
h cubh , balance to null. Addru * 11 U , Hee.
HALE- Two well biillt houses ; all mod
t-rn convt-nlencei , ou paved ntroi't. water.
Bewcr. gas. street cars ; walk's , ; dlstnnco of
pontutlli-f. will ba Hold cheap and on easy
101 IMS us ownrr U leaving thocltr Nathan
aheltou , 1U4 t'vraaui st. Ml
With your name and ntldrcas , mailed to
the Swift SoccWc Co. ! , Atlantn , Go.'U
necessary to obtain on Interesting trcAU
be on the blood nnd the diseases Incidout
Skin Eruptiou Oured.
Ono o.'rny castonori , A hlfihlmpwtcd and
Ic9ucntl&l citltcn , b'.it who l. nuvr atw ut from
thccltj , ha u cvl8wlft'fl Spcclflcwlth excellent
retail. He KAJ it cum ! him of a ckln eruption
that ho hud In-cn tonurntrd with for thirty yean ,
nod had restated the cnrotlvo qualltlci of tnvy
ItoAKcr CLEOO , Drr-He' " ' - "tj , M b.
Good Cooking
All who desire coed cooking In their houses
should use
A slight addition git csgieat strength nnd
fla\or tot'oiins. Sauces and Made Dishes ,
One ixiiind is eipial to fortv pounds of lean
beef , or the value of about fM.
( ienulneonly with fac-slmllo f J von Lie-
big's signature in bluu ink across the label
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the lx-il hitnre. f < ir miirntliiniil
nud chnrltnblo purpo < o < , iinil UM frnnchNit madr n
part of the promt ntntt * mnitllutlun , In IKil , by nn
ovcrwlH'linlun I'opular vote.
Seml-Annunlly ( Juno nnd Docombur ) nnd Its
Grant ! Single Number Drawings talco place
in each of the other ten months of the year ,
and are all drawn in public , at the Academy
of Music , New Orleans , Li.
For Integrity of Its Drawings ,
and Prompt Pnymcnt of Prizes.
Attc.ilctl 8 fulloirs *
"Wo < 1o hereby certify timt wo suvervl | e tlie nr
rnnccini'iili for till tin ) inuiitlily unit nenil-nnmml
( IrawlnKi of the I.oul9lnnn htatu Lottery t'ompimy ,
antl In pcpiun iTKinnirc nni ] ( Mintnil Iho (1niwliiis
thcni clTit > . and that the sanu * are conducted with
lumpM ) . fnlrne" " nnil In piuil fnllli tonard nil p ir-
tles.nnil eaiitli'irljL'llu' tonipiin ) to u otlil'certl-
llcatewllli fac-inillfs of our slcnaturc" atlniliuil , In
Us uJrcrtlcaicnl9 '
Wt1 , tlir > undersl neil bnnksand Imnkcrn will pay nit
prlriM ilrnwn In the I/iul lnnn suite Luttuilo * wlikli
ma > tiu j'rcM'iitod nt our counter
K. M WALM.--I.EV. Pres. Louislanu Nat. Hank
P1EHUK LA.NAI'X. Pivs. Mate Nat'l Hank.
A. HALDWIN , Pivs. New Oilcans Nnl'l Hank.
CAUL KOIIN. Pres. I'nlon National Hank.
Grand Monthly Drawing
At the Acatlemy of Music , Now Orleans ,
Tuesday , April 15 , 1890.
CAPITAL PRIZE , - - $300,000.
100.UOO Ticket sat $20 each ; Halves , 410 ; Quai-
teis , { 3 ; Tenths , J2 ; Twentieths , tl.
i ntizK oFr ) u MK .
1 I'HI/.K ( IK IIUHOOM . 1UIKK ) ( )
1 I'lll/.K Of WIUOUIl
i riti/K OK aiowii
: I'lii/.KS OK luwiUHrc .
5 1'HIZKS OK 5 < l re . Si.OUU
M 1'KIZKh OK Il arc . M.OHU
100 1'HIZK * OK ) arc . frtixil
JOO t' : OK 'Ml are. . IIUO )
Ml l'UlXi : & OK 'JUt ure . 100,000
100 1'rlics uf J50U nre . Wt.OOO
100 do .Wore. . W.UU
100 do SlWare . 2U.OUO
Tiu.MI\'Al. : 1'HUKs.
W.I I'rlres of IKXI lire . tn.WW
Jjn ilo lOOaro . W.WO
3,134 Pi Ires amounting to . . $1,054,800
NOTK Ticket * ilra IIIK Capital Prizes uro uot entitled -
titled Uj terminal rrlzos.
tifFoii Oi.rn HATES , or anj- further Information
deslre'l , vrrlto lewlhly to the unilcrHlKnC'l , rlearly
KUtliikoiir resilience , with stiit . county. Mreet und
number. Mom rapid return mall ifollvory will IK )
"urcd U ) your cnclodluK on cnvclopu bearing your
Address JI. A. DAUPHIN.
Now Oilcans , Lu-
Washington , I ) . C.
lly ordinary letter , containing MONEV Ouncii. Is.
nucdliyall viprcm coiiipanlei , Now \ ork Kicliuut'C ,
draft ur postal note
Address Hegistoroil Letters containing Cur
rency to
New Orleans. La.
.t , tlmt the payment of prliei I'
Tkriiliv poi'lt .NATIONAL HANKS of Now Orlenin ,
and llm tltketunre lune < l by the iin'aliloul of nn In-
Htltutlon Mhomi chartered rights lire reroKnUotl la
tliu hlKhest eouitx. theiufore , benaro of ull Imita
tion or nnnnynioUH sclieiiies
O.NK lei I VII Is the. prim of the. pmnllc t pnitor
fnictlon of n ticket l.--rri ) in is In nny draHlni ;
AiilhlnK In our naaio oilerod lor loai lliaa u dollar Is
swindle _ _ _ _
nnd thirst foOpleHHUrn. The nillnu" I > HMOII |
of Iho linniin family. In Krraplna't : rrl < li-
cthn liruli : l taxed , thn miriouH 8jntein
ntralned. Ir lliejinrsnlt ofil | Mnurti tlioboily
Is tortured by fiwhlon'H ilcHpotio nuuy ; tlio
liours ilcslgned fiirrfpo niiriiilntutrit tonx-
lintLHlInp revtilrj ; the nlomiicli U rttthlmsly
JiiiiinsiHi upon ; pnro vutur , the natural
drink for all ci-cnled Iichi s , N Ignorcil , unil
lliiild llrtiij RUbstlliitril until , irun nre
UMuru of It , dlsettiio hut * Hrd Hit iron Knifp
upon us. Then ivit look f < ir th "remedy. "
To tint ilclllo of thcsofolllc.s , Hoxiioniend
Dr. Tutt's I.lverplllH. They htlinulnlo the
llvur , strengthen the nerves , rrxtoru tlioin > -
t > ctlte aud build up the dcbHitutril Ixxly.
Tutt's Liver Pills
Price , 25c. _ Olllee. 3D & 41 Park Place. . Y.
Importers ii'l Vholcmlo Dealers la
Watches , Jen dry , Cutlery
MMIons , Aou'ltlc.s , Albums ,
Coat-Collar Springs ,
Fancy ( ioods , Ac.
arlrly of c , ino ami 25r couulrr
. . . Our larao ami fully llluitratcil
catatoinic Iiiallii1 frt tn it < ulrra nnlv.
St. Louis. Mo.
CHIEF Quartermaster's Office. Omaha , Neb. ,
April 10. lbW ! - Sealed proposals , In tripli
cate , will bo received hern until 2 o'clock p. m. ,
central time. May 10th. 10. unil then opened ,
for removing from Chuyennu Depot to , und
placing In positional I'urt I ) A.liussull , Wjo. .
six frame uulldlngH , moro or It'ss , In as gofwl
condition as they \\erohefortircmoval. nald
buildings to bo placed upon good rubble
stone foundations laid In mortur. Itlds
will be considered for the whole orany portion
of the work. Thu U. K reserves the right to
reject any or all blda. I'ull lnform.itlon can
lie obtained from the Post Quurtermaster.
I'ort D. A Itnssull. Wjo Envrlopeiicontaliilng
proposals to lie endorsed "Proposals for mut
ing building * . ' und addressed lo the undur-
hlgned. WM II HL'OIH.S MeutunaiitColonel
und Drputy Qu rU'imaster Uuuurul I' K A
thief Quurtcruimtur. ullUlt-ia2 J
A Horrible I-Viitiir ( if tlio Httmnit
Clinttel Trnllli * .
Desorililnjj nti Afrlonii .sluvo shoil n
writer in the Contttr.v for Ajtrll inj.i : hungry rrentuivs form liulood u
truly pltlnlilo sl ht. After sutTorlnir this
cujitlvity for ti nhort titno llioj Itoooilio
mere skeleton * . All ngo. * . both
arc to bo won : mothers with their
younjj iiu > n niul women ; btiyw mid
antl oven babies who cannot yet walk ,
antl whose mothers have tiled o'f l r\a-
lion , or porliap-j been killed bv the
Lufombe. Ono t-ehlom eoos cither ulii
moil or old women ; they are all killed hi
the raids ; their marketing vnlno iK'lnij
very small , no tronblo Is taken with
\Vitne-ifllnpr pronpi of these poor help- wretches , with tholr omiieiated
forms and sunken eyes , tholr
faces a very pietnre of'widness , it
Is not dlflloult to peivelvo the intense
pi'ief that thr > v are invvimllv snf-
ferliijj ; but they kiuivv too well ( t Is o {
no use to appeal for sympathy to their
moreilesH masters , who have bVeil IIOPIW-
tomed from childhood to witness acts of
cruelty und brutality , so that to satisfy
thuir insatiable fjreed they will commit
thems > elve . or jiermit to lx. % cdmmitted ,
any atrocity , however jjiviit. Even the
jiltiable hijjiit of one thtw slave-shrds
does not half repre.sent theini.ser.v catisul
by this t rattle homes broken up. moth
ers separated from their babies hus
bands from wive * , and brothers from sis
ter * . When last at Masanlatsu 1 saw tv
slave woman who had with her ono
child , whoso starved little body she was
clutching to her nhrnnken breast , t
was attracted by her sad face , which betokened -
tokened prenl MilTorhifj. I tiHkod lu r
the cause of it , and she told me in a low ,
bobbing voice , the following talo.
" 1 wa living with my husband and
three children in an inland village , u
few miles from here. Aly husband was
a hunter. Ten days ago the Lufembu
attacked our settlement ; my husband
defended himself , but was overpowered
and speared to death with several of the
other villagers I was brought herewith
with my three children , two of whom
have already been purchased by the
traders. 1 whall never hoe them any
more. Perhaps they will kill them ou
the death of some chief , or perhaps kill
them for food. My remaining child , you
pee , is ill , dying from starvation ; they
give us nothing to eat. I expect even
this ono will bo taken from rue today , as
the chief , fearing lest it fahould dio"und
become a total lo.s.s , luth offered it for n
very small price. As for myself , " said
she , "they will sell me lo tine of the
neighboring tribes , to toil in tlio plant.t
lions , and when 1 become old and unlit
for worU 1 shall be killed. "
There were certainly five hmulref
slaves exposed for halo in this one \lt
lage alone. Large canoes were constant
ly arriving from down river , \\itlr mer
chandise of all kinds with which tluj
purchased these slaves A large tradn
is carried on between the Ubangi and
Lnlungti rivers. The people inhabiting
the mouth of the Ubangi buy the ISnlolo
slaves at Masaiikusa and the other mar
kets. They then take them up the
Ubangi river and exchange them with
the natives there for ivory. Tla e na
tives buy their slaves solely for fond
Having purchased slaves they feed them
on ripe bananas , lish and oil , and when
they get them in good condition tlu\\
kill them. Hundreds of the Jialofo
slaves are taken into the river and dis
posed of in this way each month. V
great many other slavo-s are sold to thn
largo villages on the Congo , to supply
victims for thu execution ceremonius.
Much life is lost in the capturing of
slaves , and during their captivity maiii
succumb to starvation. Of the remainder
numbers are bold to become victims to
cannibalism and human sacrifice cere
monies. There are few indeed who uro
allowed to live and prosper.
"Hock Island Jtmitr. "
AT 5:00 : P. M. , ARRIVE AT DES
& : < ) . - A. M. THIS TRAIN WILL RUN
ING. LEAVE THERE AT 7lo : I' . M ,
J. S. McNALLY , '
Kcdiiclioii l > y Starvation IK Never Per
manent ill ItOMlltS.
"So many fat women write and a-ik mo
what 1 would do if I were fat. In the
Srst place I would 'lit be fat. " says Mrs ,
( MiiiOMi Miller. "I would reduce' , not by
starvation , for I never knew a woman
who starved olT fifteen pounds that
she did not take oil thirty , but b\ , diet
ing. VThero is no royal road to 'reduc
tion. Dry hot batlm , not Russian bulbs ,
and n vigorous mat-sago rubbing , so vig
orous that your llesh shall fairly bo
squeezed dry , proper exorclbo and the
use of plain , wholesome , nourishing food
and no water. It is the water that you
want to get rid of. AfUu- the bath oil
and salt should bo rubbed into thesMii. .
A thin person takes exactly the opposite
treatment. Thn Russian bath Jirst , the
rubbing with nourishing oil , like cocoanut -
nut oil , especially on tlio liingn. Some
fat women buffer from mal-asHlmiUttion
of food , and some from la/iiu-ss. You
must study into , \our condition , into tlio
chemical properties of dillorcnt foodn
and their otfcct upon your IxxlicK.
"Si-icntilic hygienic must do the rest.
Not simply walking. I don't thinU
much of walking us an uxurcixr , but i x-
orcisob that develop al > duiiinal ! btruu th ,
for that is where womou are woiiki- . So
many forlorn women come to mo with
their hands on the prominent abdomen ,
and say : 'What would you do with
that ? ' and my answer always is I would
take oil m v corn-Is , loonon my dress at
the waist line , raise my chebt , and put
'that' where it
To ( lie Deal.'rrt In Oil.
Tills is to notify you Unit wo have no
further interest in tlio De.s Moinu.- , oil
tank line of Deri Moinus , la.
Owing to u disagreement with Mes ' ' 8.
W. R. Stewart , jr. , and JP. . Pratt , w
decided losoll them our intercut , whli U
wo did January iiO , INK ) .
PartioB desiring to huyfirut clasn mid ,
independent of the Standard Oil com *
puny or consolidated Tank Line cum-
jinny , will please write us direct und wit
will tnko much pleasure in making
lowest prices pohhlblo. Wo can furnish
you ull gradeu of illuminating and lubri
cating oils , gasoline nnd naphtha in
fact , alt products of ] K-troloum.
btOKJKLI ) , SlIL'UJIKU &TliAOLi : ,
Independent Rellnon , ,
CUv eland , U.